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Service Times
g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E
Parshat Vayakhel-Shekalim
Shabbat (Mevarchim) Kabbalat Shabbat
(Candle Lighting)
24 Adar I 5776 4 March 2016
Power Kiddush 11:15 followed by Musaph Mincha, Seudah & Ma’ariv
Shabbat terminates
Security team: Red
Page No.s Artscroll Gutnick Hertz
516 584 373
484 554 352
1212 1494 992
Thought For The Week
Ma’ariv Only
Among the items donated for the building
and mirrors. They were rewarded with the
of the Mishkan were the mirrors that the
special women’s holiday of Rosh Chodesh,
Jewish women had used in Egypt. Rashi
which symbolises monthly renewal and
tells us that Moshe was initially unwilling
Candle Lighting
* Rosh Chodesh ** Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat
Mirrors: A Reflection of Devotion
to accept gifts that symbolized vanity to make the copper basin, from which the
Just as any object can be positively used
to all those who have Yarzheit in the coming week as follows
Kohanim would wash their hands. But
or negatively abused, the mirrors from
Hashem told him that these mirrors were
Egypt were donated in the spirit of kedu-
Anne Greibach Tony Crystal Jonathon Lever Miriam Berman
Mother Father Wife Mother
more precious than all the other gifts,
shah – holiness. Hashem does not ask us
because they had helped the women to
to elevate that which is already holy but
8 March 28 Adar I
Marcia Lister
keep their morale high and their families
that which is ordinary. He values most
together under the oppressive Egyptian
highly the commitment of ordinary people
Freda Freedman Norman Bower Judith Gould
Mother Sister Father
regime. These mirrors had played a key
who choose to do extraordinary things
part in the continuation of the Jewish
and remain positive against the odds.
Barbara Rothburn
people and their redemption from Egypt,
Ella Lentin
Chayim Arukim Mon
7 March 27 Adar I
2 March 22 Adar I
11 March 1 Adar II
12 March 2 Adar II
The unveiling for Millicent Radiven will take place on Sunday, 12 noon, at Dunham Massey.
and were an appropriate gift. The mirrors represented the women’s faith in redemption and, after the disas-
Rabbi Joel Portnoy
ter of the Golden Calf, in which they had
5 March Ginni & Jonathan Steinberg
refused to participate, they inspired their husbands to donate to the Mishkan and
Shabbat Weather
12 March Unsponsored
led the way by donating their jewellery
AM Cloudy
19 March Susan & David Sallon
7o High -2o Overnight Low
First Aliyah - 20 verses On the day after Moses descended from Mount Sinai with the Second Tablets, after successfully securing atonement for the sin of the Golden Calf, he gathers all the Jewish people to inform them of G-d’s desire for a Sanctuary to be constructed. He begins, however, with a brief reminder regarding the observance of Shabbat. This is followed by a description of the materials needed to construct the Mishkan, and a list of everything which was to be produced. Second Aliyah - 9 verses The men and women come forward and generously donate all the materials which Moses enumerated. Third Aliyah - 13 verses Moses announces G-d’s choice of Bezalel and Oholiab to serve as foremen of the Mishkan construction project, and he transfers to them all the donated materials. The people continue donating generously, until the craftspeople report to Moses that they have more than enough materials to complete their task, causing Moses to ask everyone to cease donating materials. Fourth Aliyah - 12 verses The craftspeople begin their work. The tapestries which covered the Tabernacle are assembled. Fifth Aliyah - 35 verses The craftspeople construct the Tabernacle wall panels, their sockets, the curtains which covered the entrance to the sanctuary and which separated the Holy of Holies from the rest of the sanctuary, the Ark, and the Showbread Table. Sixth Aliyah - 13 verses The menorah and the Incense Altar are constructed. The anointing oil and the incense are also prepared. Seventh Aliyah - 20 verses Details the construction of the Outer Altar, the copper wash basin, the mesh curtains which surrounded the courtyard, and the beams and hooks which anchored them.
rshat The last time Pa ded Vayakhel coinci ekalim Sh t ha rs with Pa next was 2003. The de ci in co ey time th ! 19 20 will be
Delve into the deeper side of Judaism This week we examine why so many of the verses talk about the Mishkan
Repeat After Me The Torah gives a fivefold account of the Mishkan and its holy vessels: Hashem gave Moshe the detailed commandments in Parshat Terumah. The commandments are explained in a more general manner in Parshat Ki Tissa. Moshe transmitted the general outlines of the instructions to B’nei Yisrael in this week’s parsha, saying that every wise man shoudl participate in the construction.
The Torah reports a fourth time how Hashem’s commands were fulfilled, mentioning separately that each vessel was constructed (36:8-39:2).
Finally, the Torah again enumerates the vessels of the Mishkan after they were completed and brought to Moshe (39:33-43).
Why did Hashem devote so many verses in the Torah to the subject of the Mishkan? The answer is that these repetitions are meant to arouse us in the realisation of the importance of the Mishkan and of its great-
ness in Hashem’s eyes. We find parallel instances in the Torah. For example, Hashem repeats the name of K’lal Yisrael five times in one verse (Bamidbar 8:19). He thereby wishes to make us aware of His great love for His people. After the crown prince returned from his first day in school, he was the object of his father’s unceasing attention. For the remainder
Repetitions are meant to arouse us in the realisation of the importance of the Mishkan and of its greatness. of the day, the king could not refrain from expressing concern for the crown prince who had taken his first steps outside the palace. He continually repeated, “Has my son returned from school already? Has my on eaten lunch yet?” A repeated account of an event in the Torah is an expression of Hashem’s concern and the importance He attributes to the matter. Similarly, the account of Eliezer’s meeting Rivka is
narrated twice in Parshat Chayei Sarah, demonstrating that the conversations of our forefather’s servants are precious to Hashem. Although the commandments concerning the Mishkan do not apply to us today in practice, we are promised immense reward for learning the sections dealing with the Mishkan. We are rewarded for studying the layout of the Mishkan and its vessels and certainly for delving into their inner symbolic significance. Our Sages state that someone who studies the laws pertaining to the sacrifices is considered by Heaven as if he had actually offered a sacrifice. Similarly, one who learns the chapters concerning the Mishkan is equated with one who assisted in its actual construction. With the merit of his study, he will cause the shechina to return to Zion once again!
Based on ‘The Midrash Says’ by Rabbi M. Weissman
If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to
Parsha Stats Vayakhel is is the 22nd of 54 sedras 10th of 11 in Shemot Written on 211 lines in a Torah
GESHER DEADLINE The deadline for our Pesach edition of Gesher is
Wednesday 23rd March.
Please send your contributions and advertisements (including committee and other reports) to as soon as possible. Do you want to help us? There is lots of opportunity to become involved and a definite career ladder for the right candidate! Please drop us a line at Thank you Linda Price, Gillian Rowe and Ivor Lefton
Coming Soon!
1558 words - ranks 24th (6th in Shemot) 6181 letters - ranks 21st (5th in Shemot)
Did You Know
The Hale Trust is delighted to announce the appointment of a new Rabbinic couple for its Director of Education post.
Parshat Vayakhel contains one prohibition: Beit Din are forbidden from issuing the death penalty to a defendant on Shabbat.
Rabbi Aharon & Elisheva Bloch will be joining us with their son Yosef Shalom after Pesach.
The first three verses in this week’s parsha contain 39 words, plus the word “Shabbat”; a symbolic reference to the 39 categories of labour, forbidden on Shabbat.
We look forward to welcoming the Blochs as they set out to further develop Torah Education for the benefit our Community.
122 verses - ranks 17th (3rd in Shemot)
Read through the Parsha in English and find answers to the questions. LOLLIPOPS WILL BE AWARDED TO ANYONE WHO READS THROUGH IT, AND TELLS RABBI NICK THE CORRECT ANSWERS!
Which items of jewellery were donated? Why did Moshe ask the Jews to stop donating towards the Mishkan? How many curtains went on top of the Mishkan? Which type of wood was the Ark made from? How many different utensils were used on the Altar?
The copper used for the washing basin was taken from the women’s mirrors as a reward for their role in the redemption of the people from Egypt. They took care of their beauty in order to endear themselves to their husbands, even throughout the oppressive slavery.
Just For Fun Question:
How many times does the Parsha refer to people’s hearts as wise, motivated or inspired?
Where was Solomon’s temple located? Answer: On the side of his head!
1. Bracelets, Nose rings, RRings, Body Ornaments. 2. Because they had donated more than enough. 4. Acacia. 5. Five. BONUS: Eleven.
3. Eleven.
In The Spotlight
Rabbi Anthony Manning Originally from Leeds, Rabbi Manning has an MA in Law from Oxford University and was a successful commercial lawyer and lecturer in London. He moved to Israel in 2002 in order to pursue a rabbinic career, and currently lives in Alon Shevut with his wife Sarah. They recently celebrated their daughter’s engagement d”sb
8 19
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The Case of Zachary Baumel Missing in Action for 34 years!
Daniel Berke, the lawyer for the Baumel Family, will be sharing new developments of this gripping case, including hidden documents not previously shared by the British Government! Tuesday 15 March - 7.30pm Years 7-13 Hale Shule, WA15 8NZ Hot dinner provided
RSVP to Hannah Salomon OR Rabbi Nick Kett
Tuesday 11 November 7.00 - 8.00pm --Years 9-13 Free Israeli Dinner included 12 Broad Lane, Hale, WA15 0DD Please rsvp to by Monday 10 November
If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or
Rabbi Manning is a Senior Educator and Lecturer at two women’s colleges and a men’s Yeshiva in Jerusalem. He has also taught at a number of other educational institutions in Jerusalem, and lectures worldwide. We will have the opportunity to hear Rabbi Manning speak a number of times over Shabbat, most notably at our Communal Friday Night dinner. He will also be guest speaker at this week’s Power Kiddush on Shabbat morning. We welcome him to Hale, and look forward to hearing his words of wisdom this weekend.
Mazaltov to Jill & Steven Silver on Charlotte’s engagement to David Silver. Risa & Zalman Klyne on the birth of a grandson - a son to Bashy and Sholom.