Sponsored in loving memory of Mavis Goorney z”l Miriam Etka z”l
Service Times
g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E
Parshat Vayeilech 12 Tishrei 5777 14 October 2016
Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat
(Candle Lighting)
Mincha followed by Shabbat Shuvah Seudah
Shabbat Ends
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Thought For The Week
Ma’ariv Only
Come One Come All
See YK Timetable
In this week’s parsha, Moshe instructs the
and show their affiliation to the commu-
entire Jewish People to assemble at the
nity, because of the spiritual boost they
Holy Temple in Jerusalem once every seven
will get by witnessing such a spectacle,
years for the mitzvah of ‘Hakhel’. ‘Hakhel’
and the impact they will have on the con-
* Selichot ** Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat
involves a public reading of the Torah
verts and small children who would not
Chayim Arukim
designed to remind us in a very public way,
have been at the previous ‘Hakhel’.
Candle Lighting
to all those who have Yahrzeit this week as follows
that there is a G-d Who must be listened
This mitzvah also emphasises the necessi-
Anne Cohen Jennie Mond Victor Levenson
Father Father Father
to, and a Torah that must be followed. There are several lessons to be learnt
transmitted from one generation to the
9 October 7 Tishrei
Ronnie Abrahams
from this mitzvah. Firstly, it is striking
next. This has to come from each person
Trevor Duschenes Michael Gould Brenda Kay Barbara Hamburger
Father Mother Mother Father
that Moshe chooses to relay this message
individually, and cannot just be delegated
so close to his end. People discuss many
to others to do for us. A child who sees
important things in their final moments,
a parent take their Judaism seriously will
11 October 9 Tishrei
Mavis Marsh
yet how many show such a concern for
take their Judaism seriously in turn. A child
Colin Gee Gwen Greene Roy Gabbie
Mother Brother Father
the welfare of the community, and the
who sees a detached parent, will struggle
preservation and continuation of tradi-
to validate their own identity among the
Sharon Bentwood Craig Feldman
Father Father
tion and heritage? As in his life, Moshe
Jewish People. It requires consistency
Adrienne Somerfield Sister Michael Paul Mother
emphasised the importance of this to his
and maturity, but the results are richly
very end.
October 86 Tishrei
10 October 8 Tishrei
12 October 10 Tishrei
13 October 11 Tishrei 14 October 12 Tishrei
ty for tradition and heritage to be actively
Rabbi Nick Kett
Additionally, this mitzvah highlights how
8 October Unsponsored
important it is to repeatedly focus on the
15 October Vivienne & Barry Newgrosh
fundamental lessons of Judaism. There
Shabbat Weather
will be people who may clearly remember
AM Rainy
what they had learnt seven years prior.
13o High
However, they must return to Jerusalem,
6o Overnight Low
22 October Sara & Eugene Esterkin
First Aliyah - 3 verses Moses addresses the people, saying that he is 120 years of age, and he is not permitted to cross the Jordan River together with them. Instead, Joshua will lead them, and G-d will go before them and destroy their enemies. Second Aliyah - 3 verses Moses continues: G-d will vanquish the inhabitants of Canaan as He did the Emorites and Bashanites. Moses enjoins the Israelites to be strong and not fear their enemies. Third Aliyah - 3 verses Moses summons Joshua and tells him to be strong and courageous, for G-d will be going before him and will not forsake him. Moses then writes the entire Torah and gave it to the Kohanim and the Israelite elders. Fourth Aliyah - 4 verses Moses gives the commandment of Hakhel (assembly), whereby every seven years, during the holiday of Sukkot after a Sabbatical year, all men, women, and children assemble and the king publicly reads sections of the Torah. Fifth Aliyah - 6 verses G-d commands Moses to enter the Mishkan together with Joshua. G-d informs them that when the Israelites abandon G-d and stray after alien gods, He will hide His face from the nation, and they will be subjected to much evils and troubles. Therefore, G-d says to write the song of ‘Ha’azinu’ and teach it to the Jews. Sixth Aliyah - 5 verses If they will claim that misfortunes are befalling them because G-d has abandoned them, the song which Moses and Joshua write will bear testimony that these events are in fact punishment for their sinful behavior. Seventh Aliyah - 6 verses Moses takes the concluded Torah scroll and gives it to the Levites. He instructs them to place it beside the Ark. Moses then gathers the entire nation to hear the song.
is The Song that is th spoken about y the week is actuall xt contents of ne week’s parsha, Ha’azinu.
Delve into the deeper side of Judaism With Yom Kippur approaching, we delve into Yom Kippur during Temple times
Priestly Privilege The Service in the Holy of Holies was crucial and delicate and was anxiously anticipated by the entire people. The Kohen Gadol had to enter the Holy of Holies to offer incense. His entry into the Holy of Holies was accompanied by the prayers of all the Jews and they nervously awaited his emergence. The Torah warns that if any part of the ceremony were not executed according to the Torah commandments, the Kohen Gadol would incur the Heavenly death penalty. Shimon HaTzaddik officiated for forty years as Kohen Gadol. In the fortieth year, he predicted his death in the coming year. When asked how he knew, he explained that on every Yom Kippur, when entering the Holy of Holies, he would perceive the image of an old man wrapped in white garments who entered with him and left with him. On that year, he was only accompanied in. Rabbi Abbahu taught that this was a vision of Hashem Himself accompanying him for protection.
In the time of the second Temple, most High Priests died within the year after Yom Kippur. In order to be worthy of entering the Holy of Holies, the High Priest previously had to purify himself, achieving detachment from all aspirations. Most Kohanim Gedolim who served in the Second Temple bought their offices with bribery. They never achieved the required spiritual level for
Since we no longer have a Kohen Gadol to achieve atonement for us, we recite the details...in memory entering the Holy of Holies, and thereafter could not survive the encounter with the shechina there. After leaving he would enter the kodesh section to pray for a good year for the Jewish People. He was instructed to keep his prayer short for the sake of the people who were waiting in suspense in the Courtyard, to see him emerge alive from the Holy of Holies.
Nowadays, since we no longer have a Kohen Gadol to achieve atonement for us, we recite the details of the Yom Kippur service during Mussaf. In memory of our ancestor’s prostrating themselves in the Temple, we too prostrate ourselves when we arrive at those sections of the prayer describing that event. At this time, the Rabbis recommend that we try and feel the tremendous loss of not having the Temple, which is caused by our own sins. At the end of the long and strenuous service of Yom Kippur, the Kohen Gadol would wash his hands and feet, remove his golden garments, and get dressed into his own clothes. As he would leave the Temple, the entire populace would accompany him to his house. There was a festive and rejoicing atmosphere amongst the Jewish People at his having completed the avodah successfully. Based on ‘The Midrash Says’, by Rabbi M. Weissman
If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to nick@hale-community.org.uk
Inviting the Ladies of the South Manchester Community to join our new female singing group. Come along to a weekly informal sing-along in the Pearl Suite, Hale Shule, for an hour of fun and stress release! We hope to welcome everyone from beginners to more experienced singers. However, if you’ve ever been told you can’t sing, then this is the group for you! NO AUDITIONS! Covering a wide range of music from light classics to songs from the shows, as well as modern Israeli and traditional Hebrew melodies, led by our very own Marilyn Blank. Starting Thursday 13th October at 8.15pm. Please contact Gillian Cohen on 07785 270 044 or email: voiceconnect1@aol.com to pre-register. No charge - a service to the community.
Parsha Stats Vayeilech is the 52nd of 54 sedras 9th of 11 in Devarim Written on 72 lines in a Torah 30 verses - ranks 54th (11th in Devarim) 553 words - ranks 53rd (10th in Devarim) 2123 letters - ranks 53rd (10th in Devarim)
Did You Know Vayeilech contains 2 mitzvot. Both of them are positive. This week’s parsha contains the concept of ‘hester panim’ - the illusion that Hashem has removed His influence from the world, when really He is merely ‘hiding behind the scenes’.
QA &
The mitzvah of writing a Sefer Torah is broadly understood to include investing in Jewish books and literature to learn from. This is especially relevant nowadays, since Torah scrolls are rarely used to learn from, and spend most of their time inside the Ark. Read through the Parsha in English and find answers to the questions. LOLLIPOPS WILL BE AWARDED TO ANYONE WHO READS THROUGH IT, AND TELLS RABBI NICK THE CORRECT ANSWERS!
Who were the king of the Amorites? What was the purpose of Hakhel? Where does G-d say to place the ‘Song’? Where did Moshe say to place the Torah which he had written? What negative name does Moshe call the Jewish People? How many times does it say to ‘be strong and courageous’?
Just For Fun
Abe: Rabbi. I know tonight is Kol Nidrei, but City are playing! What should I do? Rabbi: That’s what record is for! Abe: So I can tape Kol Nidrei?!
LAST WEEK’S ANSWERS: 1. Woodchoppers and Water Ddrawers. 2. Wood, Stone, Silver, Gold. 3. Admah & Tz’voyim. 4. Three. 5. In Heaven or Across the Sea BONUS: ‘Uvacharta Ba’chayim’ - Choose Life!.
In The Spotlight Daf Yomi In 1923, Rabbi Meir Shapiro from Lublin, Poland, proposed a worldwide learning initiative that has become increasingly popular since its inception. The Talmud contains in excess of 2,700 pages, spread across 37 volumes. By studying one page a day, it is possible to complete it in seven and a half years. His initiative became known as ‘Daf Yomi’ (the Daily Page), and it revolutionised Torah study for thousands of Jews. The primary benefit is that wherever a Jew finds himself in the world, he will be able to find himself a Torah class or a study partner who will be interested in studying the same topic with him. Today, hundreds of thousands of Jews across the world study the ‘Daf ’, including around ten people in Hale! With free classes and resources online, and in every city, including the infamous ‘Rush Hour’ classes on the train route between Long Island and Manhattan, it is possible to pick up the daily study wherever you are.
If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or admin@hale-community.org.uk
Last week marked the beginning of the 22nd book, as well as progressing past the half-way point. Each volume is marked with a ‘siyum’ to celebrate its completion. The final ‘siyum’ is the highlight of the programme, bringing hundreds of thousands of people together