g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E
Hale Shule’s New Look Newsletter
Parshat Vayeira
18 Cheshvan 5776 31 October 2015
Service Times Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat
(Candle Lighting)
Page No.s Artscroll Gutnick Hertz
Mincha follows kiddush Shabbat terminates
Weekday Shacharit
Ma’ariv Only
Leining Haftarah 78 94 63
1134 1379 76
Thought For The Week A ‘Lot’ To Think About I am always keen to accept questions
nessed the annihilation of mankind, and
from the youth, and anyone else for that
they were the sole survivors. Therefore, in
matter. I relish the challenge. Most of the
their eyes, they had only one choice.
Candle Lighting 16:10 *Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat
time, I have a suitable answer close to
Chayim Arukim
to all those who have Yahrtzeit this week as follows Ben Solomons Marie Lewis Susan Kaitcer Helen Morris
Brother Father Mother Mother
Gwen Greene Ruth Abisgold
Mother Husband
Joanna Higson Joe Dwek Lauren Davies Anthony Horne
Sister Mother Father Father
7 November 25 Cheshvan
8 November 26 Cheshvan 10 November 28 Cheshvan
11 November 29 Cheshvan
13 November 1 Kislev
14 November 2 Kislev
David Finestein Father Tony Alex
Jimmy Attias
Unveiling For Adrian Matlow, the father of Nici Wertheim, will take place on Sunday at 2.00pm at Mill Lane Cemetery, Cheadle.
Mazeltov Marilyn and Alan Segal on the occasion of Amy’s forthcoming marriage to David Minc on Sunday.
hand, leaving the questioner disappointed
Secondly, the genealogical descendant
that he hasn’t been able to ‘stump’ me.
of one of the unions is Ruth, the pro-
However, in my second year here in Hale,
genitor of King David, and eventually, the
I was asked a question that I was totally
Moshiach. Hashem wanted to teach us
unprepared for.
a crucial lesson. Our greatest leaders, Moshiach included, were not born with a
The basis for this question was taken from
silver spoon. Even if you have skeletons in
this week’s parsha. We read about Lot and
your closet, and a deep, dark past, you still
his daughters escaping from Sodom and
have the potential to become great. The
taking refuge in a cave. During their time
Moshiach descends from one of the most
in the cave, Lot and his daughters ‘misbe-
tainted taboos imaginable, and yet he will
have’, and as a result of that, two children
lead our people from darkness to light, and
are born.
unite the world in peace.
The question was simple: How could G-d allow for such a forbidden act to take
May we merit to greet him in the very near future. Shabbat Shalom.
Rabbi Nick
place? I told him I would come back with an answer. Six months later, I told him the following two points:
Shabbat Weather AM Showers
Firstly, Lot and his daughters were absolutely convinced that they had just wit-
16o High 7o Overnight Low
First Aliyah - 14 verses While recovering from his recent Brit, G-d pays Avraham a visit. Avraham interrupts the moment to show hospitality to three strangers, who were actually angels. The angels inform Avraham and Sarah that they will give birth to a child one year. Sarah laughs because they are too old for childbirth. Second Aliyah - 19 verses The angels move on to their next mission: to destroy the five cities and rescue Lot. When G-d informs Avraham of the impending destruction, he unsuccessfully barters with G-d to try and spare Sodom on account of the righteous people who live there. Third Aliyah - 20 verses Lot invites the angels into his home. The Sodomites learn that he is hosting guests, and they demand he hands them over. He refuses, and the angels tell him to flee with his wife and daughters, and not to look back. Fourth Aliyah - 40 verses Sodom is destroyed, and Lot’s wife dies from looking behind. Lot and his daughters hide in a cave, where they get him drunk and seduce him. They give birth to sons. Avraham moves to Avimelech’s kingdom. Avimelech is punished with a plague for trying to take Sarah. Sarah gives birth to Yitzchak at 99, and he is circumcised on the 8th day. Fifth Aliyah - 17 verses Sarah demands for Yishmael to be sent away because of his negative influence. G-d agrees, and he leaves with his mother to the desert. Just as she thinks there is no water, an angel reveals with location of a well. Sixth Aliyah - 13 verses Avraham makes a peace pact with Avimelech, and seals ownership of a well he dug in Be’er Sheva. Seventh Aliyah - 24 verses The story of Avraham taking his son, Yitzchak, to sacrifice him. The Torah traces Rebecca’s lineage, who we see next week becomes Yitzchak’s wife.
Hashem had to lie so that Avraham did not get offended.
Delve into the deeper side of Judaism This week we focus on Abraham sacrificing his son, Isaac
Did G-d Really Mean It? Avraham was now a hundred and thirty seven years old. He had successfully passed nine trials of ascending difficulty. Now he was to face the crucial test that was equal to all the nine previous tests combined. These trials were imperative, not in order to reveal Abraham’s righteousness to G-d, but rather to elevate Abraham himself, and to demonstrate to the world how great he is. Even after nine trials, the nations complained, “Why should Hashem distinguish Abraham above all other human beings? Why is it that He delivered Abraham from the burning oven, saved him from the enemy’s army, and performed miracles for him?” Hashem answered, “I will give you proof that Abraham is worthy of My special protection. Even if I tell him to sacrifice his own son, he will obey!” This episode raises many fundamental questions, foremost of which is how G-d can ‘permit’ murder and human sacrifice, when
in every other instance He forbids it? Furthermore, this comman directly contradicts the Divine promise that Isaac would become his heir? These questions, and others, also arose in Abraham’s mind, but he refrained from voicing them. Instead, he unhesitatingly undertook the steps neccessary to fulfill Hashem’s commandment. Ultimately, this was the root of Hashem’s test; will
How can G-d permit murder and human sacrifice? he still commit Himself to serving G-d, even when he is commanded by that G-d to do something which seems to contradict everything he had been told reviously? This is why the tenth test was equal to the others, as it had the potential to completely uproot the accomplishments of the previous nine. There are several basic Torah principles that may be derived from study-
ing the narrative of the Akeidah. It teaches us that someone who loves Hashem must be prepared to give up what is most precious to him, even is his own life or the lives of his children.
Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice Isaac on the basis of Hashem’s word alone demonstrates that a prophet is clearly cognisant of the truth of the prophecy he receives.
It shows that our forefathers presupposed the existence of another world beyond this one. If not for Abraham’s belief in the World to Come, he certainly would not have agreed to sacrifice his only son and continue living a life without hope and without a future. He was ready to listen to G-d’s commandment knowing that for his sacrifice in this world, G-d would repay him well in Olam Habah.
Based on ‘The Midrash Says’ by Rabbi M. Weissman
violate one of his commandments, results in less Divine protection in our lives. This can manifest itself in any number of experiences that would be perceived as negative, or as punishments. If a husband treats his spouse casually and coldly, he can expect a cold shoulder in return.
Shabbat - A Date With The Divine: Part Two Rabbi Nick Kett Last week, we introduced the almost revolutionary idea that Judaism is a relationship. Hashem does not want people following blindly, and certainly does not want people observing out of guilt. An individual’s pain and shame of not succeeding in a relationship can only be measured against the individual, even though there can be collateral damage to others. Only the individual can truly appreciate the consequences of his creating distance between him and his loved one. Perhaps this is why the Torah always refers to consequences as a result of casual input into the relationship. The distance we put between ourselves and our Creator when we
QA &
Therefore, Judaism actively encourages people to know their reasons for observing the Mitzvot. If a person only does something because it is ‘tradition’, then this can result in hollow observance, that is difficult to transmit to others. Tuvya illustrated this perfectly in ‘Fiddler On The Roof’. He did not understand why people did what they did, and most of the film is about his children departing from the faith! There is a plethora of material available to learn about mitzvot in greater depth. Interestingly, the more one learns, the more one can appreciate that everything connects
to the theme of building relationships. One of the reasons that we eat braided Challot on Shabbat is found in the Talmud. We are told that when Hashem created Eve, He braided her hair, in an attempt to make her more attractive to Adam. In order to commemorate this gesture, we eat bread that has been braided. Even the food we eat is there to remind us that Hashem loves us and wants a relationship with us. Among other things, the two Shabbat candles are said to represent us and Hashem. The havdalah candle, which we light at the end of our ‘date’ with Hashem, represents the successful bond we have formed during that time, and represents our embrace. Through a successful Shabbat, we are blessed in many ways for the week ahead, and that is why it is such a special and holy moment. Emphasising these points will enhance our experience, and the love for mitzvot that follows will be much easier to share with others.
Read through the Parsha in English and find answers to the questions. LOLLIPOPS WILL BE AWARDED TO ANYONE WHO READS THROUGH IT, AND TELLS RABBI NICK THE CORRECT ANSWERS!
Where did the angels go to after visiting Abraham? Where was Lot sitting when the angels approached Sodom? What were the names of Lot’s two sons? Who was the king of Gerar? How old was Abraham when Isaac was born? Did Abraham keep kosher?
Parsha Stats Vayeira is the 4th of 54 sedras 4th of 12 in Bereshit Written on 252 lines in a Torah (ranks 5th) 147 verses - ranks 7th (4th in Bereshit) 2085 words - ranks 2nd (1st in Bereshit) 7862 letters - ranks 3rd (2nd in Bereshit)
Did You Know There are 17 Parshiyot in the Torah that do not contain a single mitzvah. Vayeira is one of them. However there are plenty of lessons about developing character. The mitzvah of ‘P’ru U’rvu’ (being fruitful and multiplying) is mentioned three times in this week’s parsha, whereas it was only mentioned once last week. The seventh portion of this week’s Torah reading is the longest in the Torah. The Moshiach is descended from the child born from Lot and his daughter.
Just For Fun When Lot’s wife looked back as she was walking, she turned into a pillar of salt. When I looked back as I was driving, I turned into a lamppost!
YOUTH Tuesday Dinner & Discussion - 7.30pm Years 7-13 Thursday Cholent & Chill - 8.00pm Years 11-13 You choose the topic! The Parent & Children Learning Programme will start next Saturday night after Maariv For more details on all events visit www.halehype.com, or contact youth@hale-community.org.uk
BEYOND HALE Bonei Olam invite you to a Parlour Evening Bonei Olam is an organisation that supports and funds IVF to Jewish couples. At the home of Andrew & Debra Lazare Sunday 1st November - 8.00pm 31 Gorse Bank Road, Hale Barns, WA15 0BE
For further information please contact Jeremy Rubin on 0161 976 1200 Cheshire Friends of ALYN invite you to ‘Shopping, Mooching, Coffee & Catch Up’. Tuesday 10th November - 12.30pm-7.30pm Wednesday 11th November - 9.00am-5.00pm •
Suka Style Fashion Boutique • • Jewellery by Deanne • • Linen Loft • • Funky Readers • • And much more •
Motley Bank, South Downs Rd, Bowdon, WA14 3HB
If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrtzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or admin@hale-community.org.uk
In The Spotlight Amy Segal and David Minc This week Marilyn and Alan Segal celebrate the wedding of their daughter, Amy, to David Minc. David and Amy met seven years ago through a mutual friend. Originally from Los Angeles, David was studying for a Masters in London when he met Amy who was living there at the time. David and Amy will be settling in Los Angeles, where they will continue to work in their families’ businesses; David in cosmetics, and Amy, as a brand manager for dental products. Marilyn and Alan Segal are delighted to be welcoming David’s parents, Laurie and Nate Minc to Hale Shule this week to celebrate the aufruf, as well as family and friends from places far and wide, such as New York, Los Angeles and Israel. We are grateful for your hospitality this morning, and we wish you all Mazeltov, and a happy, healthy and successful future.
Kiddushim 31 October Marilyn & Alan Segal 7 November Unsponsored 14 November Rebecca & David Simon