Dedicated in loving memory of Aubrey Lee z”l Avraham ben Moshe z”l
Service Times
g n i h t e Som e n o y r e v for E
Parshat Vayishlach
16 Kislev 5777 16 December 2016
Shabbat Kabbalat Shabbat
(Candle Lighting)
Mincha follows Kiddush Shabbat Ends
Weekday Shacharit
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Thought For The Week Family United
“Jacob arrived whole to the city of
or threat of revenge. Peace has at last
descended upon the family. The next scene
Candle Lighting
in the Torah reads: “Jacob arrived whole…”
* Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat
It is an extraordinary description for a
Chayim Arukim
human being, who from the genesis of time,
The message to us seems clear; you may
is characterized by duality, fragmentation
be a wonderful and accomplished individual,
to all those who have Yahrzeit this week as follows
and conflict. What was the secret behind
but as long as you are not on speaking
Irene Varley Sheilah Sheldon
Husband Brother
Jacob’s “wholeness” at this moment?
terms with your own siblings, you will not
Muriel Davies Nina Lee
Mother Father
There is no escaping the preceding scene in
Sharon Ferster
brother Jacob. After decades of hostility and
17 December 17 Kislev
18 December 18 Kislev
19 December 19 Kislev
20 December 20 Kislev
Gary Simon
Ian Knopf Jeff Caplan
Father Father
Jo Hamburger Sonia Lee Jeremy Lee Darryl Lee
Father Husband Father Father
Liz Ward
21 December 21 Kislev 22 December 22 Kislev
24 December 24 Kislev
Kiddushim 17 December Sara & Raymond Crammer 24 December Unsponsored 31 December Unsponsored
the Torah; Esav finally made peace with his fear of outright war between the brothers, they had at last reconciled, even if they would not live together. Twenty-two years earlier Esav vowed to kill Jacob. Upon hearing that Esav is approaching with a force of four hundred men, Jacob is “very afraid
be whole. As long as a family is torn by mistrust and conflict, none of its members can be whole. You may be right or wrong in your arguments, but as long as the conflict lingers, you will remain broken. We cannot make ourselves whole, nor can we influence others, if we lack the courage to create peace within our own families.
and distressed.” He devises an elaborate defence, including a strategy for war.
Rabbi Aharon Bloch
When Esav finally appears, something very different transpires: “Esav ran toward him, embraced him, fell upon his neck, and kissed him. And they wept.” There is no anger
Shabbat Weather AM Partly Cloudy 7o High 3o Overnight Low
First Aliyah - 11 verses After twenty years, Jacob returns to his father. He hears that Esav is approaching with 400 men, possibly to attack him and his family. Jacob divides his family into two groups and prayed to Hashem to save him. Second Aliyah - 11 verses Jacob sends lavish gifts to try and pacify Esav. While crossing a river with his family, he turned back to fetch some items he forgot, and encountered Esav’s angel, who wrestles with him until dawn. The angel injures Jacob’s thigh, and blesses him that his name will be changed to Yisrael. Third Aliyah - 14 verses The Torah informs us that we don’t eat the sciatic nerve of otherwise kosher animals because of the wrestling episode mentioned in the previous section. Esau arrives. Jacob respectfully approaches his brother. They embrace and weep. Fourth Aliyah - 30 verses Jacob gives Esav the gifts and eventually he accepts them. Esav returns to his home in Se’ir, and Jacob proceeds to the city of Sukkot. Eventually Jacob arrives at the outskirts of the city of Shechem, where he purchases a plot of land and erected an altar to Hashem. Fifth Aliyah - 6 verses Jacob’s daughter, Dinah, is violated by the people of Shechem. Shimon and Levi kill those responsible and free Dinah from being taken hostage. Jacob’s name is changed by Hashem to Yisrael. Sixth Aliyah - 17 verses Jacob continues towards Chevron. Rachel passes away while giving birth to her second son, Benjamin. Jacob buries her on the roadside leading to Bethlehem. Isaac dies, and is buried in the Cave of Machpelah alongside his wife and parents. The Torah lists the wives and descendents of Esav. Seventh Aliyah - 23 verses The Torah lists the princes and monarchs who are descendants of Esav.
g his Esav died durin l ria bu ’s er fath at the Cave of Machpela.
Delve into the deeper side of Judaism This week we focus on the importance of the Jewish nation in Hashem’s plan
The Diamond In The Rough The parsha of Vayishlach concludes with the enumeration of the families which descended from Esav. Why should the Torah devote a chapter to telling us about Esav’s offspring? One answer is the chapter is revealing of the immorality and lewdness of Esav’s family. It shows us that all the children were born through incest. Another answer can be explained through the following parable:
the history of mankind, the Torah lists the genealogies of all generations by listing their names wthout giving any details. We learn of the ten generations between Adam until Noach, and the ten generations between Noach and Abraham. However, as soon as we arrive at the period of Abraham, the verse describes it at great length because he was the
The day will arrive when it will be evident for whom the world was created.
to demonstrate that they were the purpose of Creation. During the process of harvesting wheat, one could be tempted to think that any part of the stalk could be the most important. But as the wheat is winnowed, the chaff flies away. The straw is destroyed. The process is finalised when only the precious grain of wheat remains. Similarly, every nation of the world can try to claim that the purpose of Creation was for their existence. However, the day will arrive when it will be evident for whom the world was created, and on that day the greatness of the Nation of Israel will clearly shine.
A prince dropped a precious pearl in the sand. ‘gem’ for which the ‘sand’ A search was initiated to was sifted. Therefore the retrieve it. His servants book of Bereshit describes did not leave a single pebthe histories of Abraham, ble unturned in the hope Isaac and Jacob in greater May we merit to witness of discovering the missing depth, since they were that revelation as soon as jewel. But as soon as the the purpose for which the possible! jewel was discovered, they world was created. discovered all the remaining sand and stones as In the same vein, the worthless, not giving the Torah lists briefly the Based on sand even one further descendants of Esav ‘The Midrash Says’ glance. They concentrated without going into detail by Rabbi M. Weissman only on the pearl, wrapto demonstrate Hashem’s ping it up carefully in order displeasure with them. It to be able to present it to then continues to describe the prince. in full the lives of Jacob’s Thus at the beginning of sons in Parshat Vayeishev, If you would like to share your words of wisdom, please submit your article of no more than 500 words to
Parsha Stats Vayeishev is the 9th of 54 sedras 9th of 12 in Bereshit Written on 190 lines in a Torah (ranks 28th) 112 verses - ranks 24th (joint 8th in Bereshit) 1558 words - ranks 24th (8th in Bereshit) 5972 letters - ranks 24th (8th in Bereshit)
Did You Know The winners of the 100 Club draw are: November - Thea & Jonathan Patoff - £15 December - Jo & Mark Hamburger - £15 Thank you to all of our members, and hope you will all re-join in January when you receive your reminder letter. Please contact us if you have any ideas on how we should spend the money we have in the bank. 100 Club Committee Linda Science, Lynne Attias & Emma Maslin
Tip #8 Amen!
Today is your ‘Amen’ day. The Talmud teaches us that if you say Amen with all your strength, the gates of the Garden of Eden will be opened for you. When we say Amen to a blessing, we are acknowledging our agreement that Hashem is the Source of whatever is being blessed.
Every time the opportunity for saying Amen comes up during davening, pronounce each letter and vowel of Amen clearly. Try and concentrate on what you are saying Amen to; for example, a bracha during the Amidah, someone who is called up to the Torah, a person saying Kaddish, etc.
Only 3 of the 613 Mitzvot are found in the book of Bereshit. The only negative prohibition of these three is found in this week’s parsha. Chapter 32, Verse 15 is one of two verses in the whole Torah that every word ends with a final ‘mem’. The other verse is Bamidbar 29:33. Jacob was punished for hiding Dina from meeting Esav, because she may have been successful in encouraging him to be righteous. The land that Jacob purchased in Shechem was used later on to bury his son, Joseph.
Just For Fun Question: Why did Jacob institute the daily evening prayer? Answer: If you had 12 kids to feed and get to bed, you would also institute the evening prayer!
In The Spotlight
Hannah Crammer & Josh Woolf This week Sara and Raymond Crammer are hosting kiddush in honour of Hannah’s recent engagement to Josh Woolf. Hannah and Josh met seven years ago when they were in Sixth Form together at King David High School, and will be getting married in Israel at the end of June. Josh, who lives in Whitefield, is one of the top salesmen at Virgin Media Business. Hale-grown Hannah is a self-employed makeup artist, with a salon in Handforth. They are looking to settle in Hale after their marriage. We welcome Josh’s parents, Francine and Louis Woolf to Hale this weekend, as well as his grandmother, Adele Ruben. Hannah will be joined by the whole Crammer clan, including her grandmother, Mrs. Shirley Horwich.
If you would like to sponsor an edition of ‘Something For Everyone’, in honour of a simcha or for a yahrzeit, or for any reason, please contact the Shule office on 0161 980 8846 or
We wish Mazaltov to Sara and Raymond, and to all the family, and we thank them for their hospitality.