Hgt janfeb 2016

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Haida Gwaii Eyes…

Wide Open

Proactive Ponderings about Common Challenges

NYR’s – Outside the Box by Shellene Van der Beke

From making more money to losing weight or quitting smoking, new year’s resolutions are commonly broken and often just pies in the sky, yes? And yet, at the end of every year, I inescapably find myself pondering ways to bolster my life’s productivity and efficiency.

According to Wikipedia, a New Year’s resolution is a tradition most common in the Western Hemisphere but also found in the Eastern Hemisphere, in which a person makes a promise to do an act of self-improvement or something slightly nice, such as opening doors for people, beginning from New Year’s Day. Hmph. Once again, I cannot help but think how this definition pales in the inspiration department. In my mind I hear the Charlie Brown teacher’s voice…”Mar rah mrh rah, rah rahhhh”. Challenge: How does one move beyond the NYR cliché and truly make the best of a fresh new year?

Solutions: Perhaps thinking outside the box might give rise to a higher return on our motivational investments. Not a perfect science, but worthy of consideration - instead of:

 More: More money. More toys. More fame. How about less? With each year that passes, minimalist philosophies are making increased sense to more people. Less stress, less clutter and fewer expectations. Less talking, complaining, worrying, doubting and ungratefulness. Instead, may we all listen, encourage, hope, believe and be grateful for each other and all we have.  Fix it: Fix your body. Fix your relationships. Fix the world. Here is an idea to ponder: how about we focus on what is not broken? In the words of author Geneen Roth “It’s hidden in plain sight. The open secret. Every day we are in touch with that which is not broken. But we are so busy paying attention to the million details of day-to-day life that we miss it.” Nature. Music. Art. Joy. Wisdom. Compassion. Kindness. Forgiveness. Simple pleasures. Spirit. None are ever broken and the list is endless.  Faster: Faster food. Faster service. Faster living. Honestly, how fast do we really need to go? Who says a moment to pause and reflect or take in the world is a bad thing? Here on Haida Gwaii, we are especially good at…slowing down…and I think this is one of the best features of living here. Slowing down quiets the mind, improves focus, relationships, communications and health, enhances a sense of calm and perspective and reduces mistakes. “Let our New Year’s resolutions be this: we will be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.” Goran Persson

Photo from Pixabay.com


Do you have solution-based thoughts you would like to share?

Please send us your submission by the first of the month for publishing consideration. Email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com or mail: PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC V0T1R0 Questions? Comments? Call us at 250-557-2088


Safe Communities/Haida Gwaii

Helpful crime prevention tips brought to you by your local RCMP

Safe At Home

Get into the habit of keeping your doors and windows

locked, yes, even here on Haida Gwaii. When moving into a new home, install new locks or rekey the old ones.  Keep a list of emergency numbers near the phone: Ambulance: (all areas) 1-800-461-9911 Fire: Masset and Old Massett: 250-626-5511, Port Clements: 250-557-4355, QC: 250-559-4488, Sandspit: 250-637-2222, Skidegate: 250-559-8300 Police: as per below

~Working together for safe communities~ ________________________________________________________________ Masset Branch: 250-626-3991 Queen Charlotte Branch: 250-559-4421 Crime Stoppers: 1-800-222-8477 www.bcrcmp.ca

under “BCRCMP”

Even-Steven Living by Shellene Van der Beke

When you trade two nickels for a dime, if at the end of a game there is a tied score, you are even-steven. Equal. Harmonious. Balanced. Mahatma Gandhi said happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony. In today’s world, now, more than ever, being mindful of balancing the time spent working with caring for one’s self, family and community, are top shelf. Self care: watching what we eat (this is a biggie for me), quality sleep, moving in ways we enjoy, taking time to relax and recharge, expressing ourselves in healthy ways. Care of family: sharing time with each other that is technology free, listening to each other earnestly while honoring the value of our own expressions, encouraging each other and focusing on what is good about each other. Community care: doing our part to help make our surroundings - in our homes, properties and towns - safe, clean and comfortable, celebrating and sharing common ideas, goals and bonds that make our lives better. Whether it is balancing our time between work/self/home/community, or creating harmony between our mind, body and Spirit, not being pulled in any one direction with too much weight can help us to live more grounded, calm and clear-headed lives. Even-steven living is a worthwhile endeavor indeed. “Balance, peace and joy are the fruit of a successful life. It starts with recognizing your talents and finding ways to serve others by using them.” Thomas Kinkade Picture from Pixabay.com



Taste: Honouring the Gatekeeper By Donna Duffy, RN, BSN, MPH

In the past we’ve discussed avoiding processed foods and eating foods you prepare yourself - good advice for anyone. But what makes food taste good and how do you prepare a tasty meal from scratch? There’s a lot that goes into flavour and what makes us like or dislike foods. Fresher foods tend to be the most flavourful and nutritious. Foods lose nutritional value if they sit on a shelf, and some healthy foods can become unhealthy as they lose freshness. Not coincidentally, the flavour of food can also suffer the longer it’s been since the food was harvested. Flavour is perceived by two kinds of taste sensors. Taste receptors located on the tongue and other parts of the mouth and throat detect the five basic tastes: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and umami (the taste of proteins and amino acids). More complex flavours are detected by odor sensors located in the nasal passages. Without a sense of smell, you might taste the sweetness or sourness of fruit, for example, but you would not taste the distinctive flavour of, say, a strawberry or banana. Taste has contributed to survival by influencing both what we eat and how much we eat. What you allow in your body via your mouth can help nourish you, or it can make you ill or even kill you. Taste sensors are the gatekeepers to what we allow in our mouths. They keep us from ingesting dangerous substances and stimulate our appetite for the fresher, more nutritious foods that provide the nutrients that we need. One important function of taste is to drive appetite. People who have lost their sense of taste often have trouble eating a sufficient amount of food. Without the enjoyment of food provided by flavour, eating can be a chore. Taste sensors are adaptable too. If we taste a food that is unfamiliar, our taste buds may reject it at first. But if we continue to try that food, and it is not harmful, our taste sensors can evolve to accept this new flavour. In this way, you can add new healthy foods to your diet by introducing them a bit at a time. In the natural world, tasty food is generally synonymous with healthy food. Our flavour receptors are designed to guide us to what is healthy and away from what is not safe. At least that’s how it’s supposed to work. In the modern age, scientists working for processed food companies have discovered ways to override these natural protective mechanisms by developing flavour-enhancing chemicals to add to foods. These chemicals have a drug-like effect on taste receptors, making stale, devitalized foods seem delicious. Working on the nervous system, they can create addiction-like cravings for these unhealthy foods. The flavour-enhancers used in most packaged foods provide nothing of nutritional value. Not only that, they may be damaging to our nervous systems as well. (For more on this, look up Russell Blalock - a neurosurgeon who has sounded the alarm on the neurotoxic chemicals used to enhance the flavour of processed foods). In contrast, the natural flavouring agents used by cooks worldwide provide nutritional value and other health benefits. Herbs, spices, garlic, fermented foods—these are just a few of the traditional flavouring agents at your disposal. There are some tricks to making simple foods taste great. Take soup for instance. People have been eating soups and stews almost since fire was tamed, and a good homemade soup can be the healthiest of foods. But a poorly prepared soup is hardly appetizing. One trick to making really tasty soup is to braise meat (bake in covered pot with small amount of water at 350º for one hour) and use the meat and liquid to start your soup. Braising creates complex flavours and tenderizes meat. And don’t remove the fat from your soup. Fat is not only important to health but also plays a strong role in creating flavour. Salt to taste - don’t be afraid of the salt shaker. If you aren’t eating processed foods, you are probably not getting too much salt in your diet. Hard spices like cumin, coriander, cinnamon and pepper should be “cooked off” first (throw them in with your meat before braising). Herbs like oregano, thyme, rosemary, basil or sage can go directly in your soup water. Fill your soup with vegetables and don’t overcook. Garlic or onions are staples for many cooks. Carrots, onions and cabbage will sweeten a soup or stew. There are so many possibilities to play with. One more thing—nothing enhances flavour like being hungry. Get active and work up an appetite!


Queen Charlotte: Of Wharves and Fishermen by Heather Ramsay Before BC Ferries started regular service in 1980, freight and passengers arrived in [then known as] Queen Charlotte City at what is known as the “Government Wharf” on a variety of steamers. Very early settlers, like the Barge family who arrived in May 1908, had no such luxury. They climbed down a ship’s ladder into a bobbing rowboat before heading shoreward and landing on the beach. A long pier in this location is shown in archival photos dated as far back as 1910. Early steamships, like the aristocratic S.S. Prince Charles and Prince John, came from Vancouver taking a circuitous route visiting canneries, mining and logging camps and towns along the way. Everyone in town would come down to the dock when the boats came in. It is reported that Harry Tarlisky, the wharfinger from 1952 to 1961 would drop his fork midmeal if one of the Union Steamships came in. Regular passenger service to the islands has always been intermittent and many times there were periods with no service. Daily flights between Sandspit and Vancouver started after World War II and seaplanes offered service to Prince Rupert. Passenger ships weren’t the only ones to use the wharf. According to Mr. Carmichael, the Kobiashi’s ran a saltery there for many years during the 1920’s and 30’s. Salted chum – and coho salmon along with roe were sent to Japan. Although fishing fleets always used the harbor, in the 1960’s and 70’s commercial fishermen packed the floating docks, sometimes tying their boats 17 abreast.

This article was originally published in the “Village of Queen Charlotte Heritage Walking Tour” published by the Friends of the QC Visitor Centre. 2009. Photos were submitted by Ron Rowan. The QC Visitor Centre’s winter hours are Mon, Thursday& Friday from 11-5 and Saturday from 12-5 and can be reached at 250-559-8316. ________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you have a historical picture and short story you would like to share? We would love to hear from you! Call us at 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com


4 Motivational Quotes for 2016 By Myriam Rioux, Masset The New Year brings new ideas and a fresh start. But it also brings unique challenges to overcome to achieve these new goals. Kick start your own New Year with a little motivation to help you reach your objectives:

'Life is 10 percent what happens to you and 90 percent how you react to it.� -- Charles R. Swindoll Success in life is not about measuring the things that cannot be controlled, but rather about how people handle these situations and what they do in response.

'If you can dream it, you can do it.' -- Walt Disney We are not just actors, we are playwrights. There is nothing that can stop someone from achieving the seemingly impossible, so long as they dream it and truly believe that they can turn that dream into reality.

'Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear -- not absence of fear.' -- Mark Twain Fears cannot be buried - they will always exist. But the most successful people take action in spite of those fears and come out on the other side stronger and better for it.

'Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going.' -- Jim Ryun Bringing an idea to reality requires intensive work, and it’s not always motivating or inspired. But with an established process and patience, the work gets done. Small habits make up the larger goal.


Making Knots a Breeze A guide to weathering the storm By Jay Ooishi, Port Clements It was one during one of those southeasterly winds on a winter night that we watched a coon fly past our window. We passed the storm tucked in snug as a bug in a cozy woolen four point blanket. The fire crackled contentedly and projected a warm glow through the bedroom door. The man on the weather radio warned of hurricane force winds in his post-apocalyptic voice. Maybe it was our radio. My wife, Tina, and I snoozed gently and suddenly the world went dark and quiet. Only the sound of the wind could be heard (and the occasional uprooting of an alder). It was 3 am. I felt a nudge from Tina’s elbow, “Power’s out,” she whispered in a sultry voice. I knew what this meant. We had prepared for this eventuality and headed to the kitchen and lit a candle. She handed me the emergency spoon as one would in a regimented emergency procedure. The meat and the fish in the freezer could be smoked, dried, or canned but the ice cream couldn’t be saved. Once the gallon tub lay empty, we resumed our slumber. 5 am: the freezer comes back to life. “Better safe than sorry,” Tina whispers unremorsefully, “We need another tub of ice cream, what flavor do you want this time?”

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts his sails.” William Arthur Ward We’re new here and for the most part landlubbers. A weather radio comes in handy if you are “off grid” or outside of the largest communities on island. Well, it’s handy if you know what they are saying. Our weather radio has 7 bands for picking up the weather but I have only seen WB-1, 2, 3 broadcast on Graham Island. A mariner I spoke with also stated that commonly it is on WX -1, 2, 3 on marine VHF. Being prairie born, I never really knew what the term Knots meant, or Gale Force for that matter. It’s important on Haida Gwaii to know the weather as well as the tides. Mariners and land residents alike depend on an acute knowledge of their environment for food, safety and livelihood. Especially on the water, the weather can be very dynamic in a relatively short distance. If you are unfamiliar with knots or gale nautical terms, there is a chart available on the Environment Canada website and has been included here (page opposite).


Environment Canada has the Beaufort scale that classifies weather category and a description of the effects on land and sea if you are out of communication range. This chart below allows the user to determine the wind category by land and sea observations or conversely convert Knots to Km/hour or descriptive terms. There is also a math conversion. If you know the knot wind speed it’s as simple as multiplying it by 1.85 to convert to Km/Hour. In a pinch you can double the knots less a sea lion’s sneeze to get a close Km/hour conversion.

Beaufort Wind Scale Table Force

Wind Speed Km/h Knots

Descriptive Term

Effects Observed at Sea

Effects Observed on Land





Sea surface like a mirror, but not necessarily flat.

Smoke rises vertically.




Light air

Ripples with the appearance of scales are formed, but without foam crests.

Direction of wind shown by smoke drift, but not wind vanes.


6 - 11 4 - 6

Light breeze Small wavelets, still short but more pronounced. Crests Wind felt on face. Leaves rustle. do not break. When visibility good, horizon line always Ordinary vane moved by wind. very clear.


12 19

7 - 10

Gentle breeze


20 28

11 - 16 Moderate breeze


29 38

17 - 21 Fresh breeze Moderate waves, taking a more pronounced long form. Small trees with leaves begin to sway. Many whitecaps are formed. Chance of some spray. Crested wavelets form on inland waters.


39 49

22 - 27 Strong breeze

Large waves begin to form. The white foam crests are more extensive everywhere. Probably some spray.

Large branches in motion. Whistling heard in telephone wires. Umbrellas used with difficulty.


50 61

28 - 33 Near gale

Sea heaps up and white foam from breaking waves begins to be blown in streaks along the direction of the wind.

Whole trees in motion. Inconvenience felt in walking against wind.


62 74

34 - 40 Gale

Moderately high waves of greater length. Edges of Breaks twigs off trees. Generally crests begin to break into the spindrift. The foam is impedes progress. Walking into wind blown in well-marked streaks along the direction of the almost impossible. wind.


75 88

41 - 47 Strong gale

High waves. Dense streaks of foam along the direction of the wind. Crests of waves begin to topple, tumble and roll over. Spray may affect visibility.

Slight structural damage occurs, e.g. roofing shingles may become loose or blow off.


89 102

48 - 55 Storm

Very high waves with long overhanging crests. Dense white streaks of foam. Surface of the sea takes a white appearance. The tumbling of the sea becomes heavy and shock-like. Visibility affected.

Trees uprooted. Considerable structural damage occurs.


103 117

56 - 63 Violent storm

Exceptionally high waves. Sea completely covered with long white patches of foam. Visibility affected.

Widespread damage.


118 133

64 - 71 Hurricane

Air filled with foam and spray. Sea entirely white with foam. Visibility seriously impaired.

Rare. Severe widespread damage to vegetation and significant structural damage possible.

Large wavelets. Crests begin to break. Foam of glassy appearance. Perhaps scattered whitecaps.

Leaves and small twigs in constant motion. Wind extends light flag.

Small waves, becoming longer. Fairly frequent whitecaps.

Raises dust and loose paper. Small branches are moved.

This chart is from Environment Canada and is available on their website at https://www.ec.gc.ca/meteoweather/default.asp?lang=En&n=80C039A3-1 Wind icon made by Freepik from www.flaticon.com


Love Haida Gwaii celebrating local, independently owned business

Haida Gwaii

HAIDA GWAII STAYCATIONS Stay at home. Save money. Shop Local

NORTH BEACH CABINS (TOW HILL ROAD) Lisa Schultz of North Beach Cabins has a special offer for your Valentine’s Day celebration Share a romantic candle lit, cozy oceanside cabin to celebrate Valentine’s Day with the one you LOVE. You will receive our complimentary bottle of your choice of alcoholic or non-alcoholic champagne on ice with fluted glasses and a box delicious chocolates. Do expect a very seductive atmosphere and deluxe bedding for this special occasion to show your loved one how much they are adored! Lisa also offers a ‘Local Love Discount’ on her ocean-side cabins (not to be combined with other special offers and some restrictions apply). Book your weekend get-away and ask Lisa about the ‘Local Love Discount.’ 15965 Tow Hill Road, Masset • 250.626.7126 • lschultz@northbeachcabins.com

KIM GOETZINGER MASSAGE THERAPY CLINIC (QUEEN CHARLOTTE) Kim sends this New Year Greeting: “For all of you Staycationers, for the month of January 2016 pricing will be $10.00 off all booked massage therapy appointments. Come in and give your musculoskeletal system a mini vacation as it is one of the biggest energy users of all our human anatomy. Have a Smashing New Year and I hope you have time to give your soul a vacation as well.” 100 Front Street, Skidegate • 250.559.7770 • massagetherapy@haidagwaii.net

lovehaidagwaii.com Love Haida Gwaii showcases locally owned and operated businesses and is funded by Northern Development Initiative Trust & Misty Isles Economic Development Society. To list your business on the Love Haida Gwaii website or for more information call 250-559-8050 or email admin@mieds.ca


This book is hot and it’s the perfect read if you resolved to de-clutter this year! Here’s a book that has been incredibly popular at our local libraries over the past year. Almost everyone who reads The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up wants to talk about it. And yes, it has changed some readers’ lives. Marie Kondo’s dictatorial approach is not for everyone, but it will sure give you some new thoughts to ponder about the stuff that fills our houses and how to deal with it. You can order this book by visiting your local library. Haida Gwaii is home to four branches of the Vancouver Island Regional Library, with libraries in Masset, Port Clements, Queen Charlotte and Sandspit. All residents of Haida Gwaii are eligible to get a library card and use the library services – completely free.

A New Era in Port: The First Ever Port Clements Book Club by T.M. Ooishi

“Life happened because I turned the pages.” Alberto Manguel

There was a huge bustle in the Port Clements library on January 7th, 2016. What was all the excitement about you may ask? Well Conch, Alex and Tina hosted the first ever Port Clements book club! A group of like- minded readers came together to discuss their favorite books, authors, genres and to find out the future possibilities of this venture. What came out of this meeting was a tremendous enthusiasm to meet once a month and discuss our favorite thing… books. Now I’m not going to fib, wine tasting was definitely part of the appeal for future meetings, as well as tasty treats. An interesting observation was the group attendance was all women. Please know that the group is inclusive to all. We are creating a child care fund for parents who want to attend and working with Literacy Haida Gwaii should anyone need support with reading. If you are interested in attending the next book club meeting it will be hosted in the Port Clements Seniors Room on Monday February 22nd from 7:30 to 9pm. Book Club participants are invited to bring snacks or sweets and wine is optional. Our current book of the month is Red Star Tattoo by Sonja Larsen, who is the sister in law of Port Clements librarian Alex Rinfret. If anyone is interested about obtaining this book or has any other questions please drop-in to the library or email vopcbookclub@gmail.com . Also if you would like to review book club sets you can access this through the Vancouver Island Regional library http://virl.bc.ca/. Read about our book club and the group’s review of the book in an up and coming HGT magazine.

Haida Gwaii libraries are open four days a week! Queen Charlotte: Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Wednesday 1-4 and 5-8, Friday 12:30-5 pm and Saturday 10-12 and 1-5 Masset: Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Thursday 1-4 and 5-8, Friday 1-5, and Saturday 10-2 Port Clements: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3-8, Saturday 10-12 and 1-5 Sandspit: Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Wednesday 10-2, Thursday 1-4 and 5-8 and Saturday 10-2



Photo: Siberian Times/Sakhalin Info

Birds of pray Russian oil tanker Nadezhda (Hope) aground off Nevelsk on Sakhalin Island on the east coast of Russia.

submitted by Haida Laas/Graham Richard

Oil-covered k’yaaluu Pelagic cormorants are freezing to death in winter winds and poisoning themselves as they they work to clean themselves; swallowing oil, which inflames their throats, stomachs, and intestines until painful death. This is what it looked like after Russian oil tanker Nadezhda (Hope) ran aground 500 feet off-shore from the port of Nevelsk on Sakhalin Island on the east coast of Russia, Friday, November 27, 2015 at 1020PM UTC. The following morning, local families awoke to the sight of the 124-metre-long tanker grounded in front of their homes. Nadezhda was loaded with 793 tons of fuel, including 360 tons of cargo and bunker oil and 433 tons of diesel fuel. The tanker was underway from Vanino to Korsakov, Russia when stormy winds drove the tanker onto a reef. Water spilled through a breach in Nadezhda’s starboard hull, flooding a cargo tank and the engine room. About 780 tons of spilled oil contaminated 11 kilometres of the fishing port’s shoreline. In response, authorities dispatched salvage tug Rubin from Korsakov, about 110

nautical miles (204 km) away. Onboard the grounded ship crews deployed 150 metres of oil-booms, but they could not contain the oil in the strong weather. After three days, a calm morning allowed them to complete some repairs to the vessel. During this time they managed to divert about 83 tons of unspilled oil to undamaged tanks on-board and holding tanks on-shore. However, low temperatures solidified the remaining bunker oil, while crews waited out the storm, making it impossible to deal with. As of December 28, Nadezhda remains grounded and continues to leak oil, especially in rough weather. The spilled oil covered dozens of k’yaaluu Pelagic cormorants and a stock of gannets. The bird feathers stuck together and they were unable to swim, fly, or keep warm. Oil also affected a nearby Kay Stellar sea lion rookery. Birdlife International officially recognizes the area south of the leaking vessel as a Globally Significant Area and Important Bird Area. Birds in the area include about 20 species including auklet, gull, murre and

cormorant which migrate to the east-Pacific coast via Alaska. At least five of these species migrate to or through Haida Gwaii. Near the spill site, Aniva Bay hosts Long-tailed ducks and Steller’s sea eagles, which are listed as vulnerable, and Spotted greenshanks, listed as endangered. The area is also close to the Spoon-billed sandpiper’s nesting area. With only 100 pairs remaining in the world, the species is critically endangered and during the summer endangered Western Gray whales frequent the waters. So far cleanup crews have disposed of over 105 cubic metres of contaminated sand. A local non-governmental organization reports that crews have yet to reach and clean a remaining 10 kilometres of shoreline. All eight crewmembers survived the disaster, but one was medivaced with head and collarbone injuries. The spill took place close to coordinates 46.68, 141.85. Check out the Council of the Haida Nation Facebook page and LIKE!


gwaiitrust.com Old Massett: 1-800-663-2388 | Skidegate: 1-877-559-8883

Major Contributions Grant $750,000 available! Apply by January 24, 2016 New! Non-profits need only supply 25% equity. Applicants have two years to complete projects. The Major Contributions Grant helps local governments and non-profit organizations build infrastructure, prepare for emergencies and spur economic development. Last year, for example, Masset received a grant for airport fencing and community hall upgrades, Port

Clements received money for fire safety gear, and Queen Charlotte received a grant for boat launch improvements. Full details about how to apply for a Major Contributions Grant are available on our website at gwaiitrust.com. We highly recommend that applicants contact their local director or our chief operating officer, Carla Lutner, to discuss potential projects.

Gwaii Trust Directors: GRAHAM ISLAND CENTRAL (Port Clements and Tlell) Berry Wijdeven berry.wijdeven@gwaiitrust.com

Carla Lutner Chief Operating Officer carla.lutner@gwaiitrust.com 250-559-8883 • 250-626-3654

GRAHAM ISLAND NORTH (Masset and area) Fran Redick fran.redick@gwaiitrust.com

CHN SKIDEGATE Percy Crosby percy.crosby@gwaiitrust.com

OLD MASSETT VILLAGE COUNCIL Lisa Bell lisa.bell@gwaiitrust.com


CHN MASSETT Cynthia Samuels cynthia.samuels@gwaiitrust.com

SKIDEGATE BAND COUNCIL James Cowpar james.cowpar@gwaiitrust.com GRAHAM ISLAND SOUTH (Queen Charlotte and area) Ellen Cranston ellen.cranston@gwaiitrust.com AREA E (Sandspit and Moresby Island) Warren Foster warren.foster@gwaiitrust.com

special to the owner. When everyone starts drumming, the sound of all the drums seems chaotic without unity. But, as the drumming continues, almost magically the drumming begins to take on a wholeness, a unity as one

Emissaries of Peace

drum with simultaneous variations. That is how the whole of humanity lives when it is at peace. Peace has a very good sound to it.

In the last article, “On Being Fully Human,” we drew a

Our group, our clan, is the

distinction between

same as a drumming circle,

individuals and groups who

the same as other clans who

are prejudiced from those

drum together. When our

who are accepting and

groups meet at festival, we

caring. In this article, we

drum together, and we make

will look at that situation

“drumming peace” together.

more closely, so that we

We interpret the sound of our

can be more effective as

drum differently than anyone

emissaries of peace.

else, but when we drum together we join as one.

When we discern this more clearly, we almost always

As emissaries of peace we

find that the prejudiced group has actually rejected others as not being a part

become “musical instructors” Flamingo Bay, Haida Gwaii | Photo by SVdB

of their group. Second, they see themselves as special from all others, and have “pinned” their beliefs for their rejection of others on one or two attributes they believe make them more special than anyone else. In the reality of all humanity, it is they who have withdrawn from the oneness of our species by pushing others away. Separation as this is

who teach others to join the circle of peace and make our

joined drumming circle more powerful and loud. Whether we live on Haida Gwaii, Hawaii, or in Honduras we are drumming together. We see that we are brothers and sisters of the one family of humanity in every nation. Our family, our drum circle, is everywhere and in every nation.

UNsustainable, and works against their eventual harmony and internal peace. If we imagine a dozen or so groups as a drumming circle we see that there is one thing in common with everyone in the circle. Each has a drum. Some are small and make a higher pitch sound, while some are larger and

Writer, author, publisher and principal of Daniel Ph.D. Consulting, Daniel can be reached @ daniel.raphaelphd@gmail.com

make a deeper sound. Everyone’s drum is



Horoscopes for Jan. 15th to Feb. 15, 2016 Aries (March 20-April 19) Now is the time, dear Aries, to validate your feelings around your independence and freedom. How do you stay connected with loved ones without loosing yourself in the process? This is your question of the hour. It may feel confusing along the way but just know that no matter what, you have the ability to do both with balance and intention. Key Words: Meditate, Connection, Community Taurus (April 19-May 20) Career is highlighted for you in the next few weeks, loyal Taurus. What unique spin can you introduce at work? This is the season of the genius so how can you bring this to fruition? You will find happiness at home but enlightenment in the public eye. Try to do both with finesse. Key Words: Honesty, Perceptive, Limelight

Gemini (May 20-June 21) Now you shine for all to see, curious Gemini; in your community, in your career and in your personal life. If your people do not believe that you are acting a little peculiar, you aren’t doing your job properly. You need to value unique kinds of freedom right now, whether that is beating your drum in a community of guitar players or meditating in the midst of turmoil. Key Words: Recharge, Rebel, Realign Cancer (June 21-July 22) Typically a sensitive person, dear Cancer, life has something else in store for you right now. In the next few weeks, it’s important to step outside the box and learn. Learn about other cultures, eat international food and develop a belief system that cultivates your sensitive nature while embracing lots of hope and possibility. It’s ok to dream big; in fact it’s vital for your peace of mind. Key Words: Embrace, Empower, Self-Worth Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) The key to your happiness, dear Leo, lies in your ability to balance your alone time versus family time. How can you recharge your batteries with peace and quiet and still stay responsible to the connection with your family and friends? When you answer this question honestly, there lies the theme of your next few weeks. Key Words: Friendship, Connection, Foresight Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) Now you have the freedom to write your lists and check them off after a job well done. Your favorite pastime, organized Virgo! But what kind of job should you attend to? Unique ones. Jobs that serve others but do it with your individualistic flare. Take on those projects that please you no matter what others may think. This is your time to shine in what you are passionate about. Key Words: Mentor, Structure, Organize

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) Your home and how to make it feel like one is the theme for the next few weeks, artistic Libra. It’s time to go within and ask yourself how you can get to know yourself better, especially through pleasurable means. Snowshoeing in the mountains, playing in the ocean and connecting with nature are keys to getting quiet long enough to hear the messages you are receiving. Enjoy your alone time! Play with joy! Key Words: Retreat, Create, Recreate Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Your unique voice is being asked to step up and speak out. In general, you are a force to be reckoned with and your tendency may be to hold back for fear of being misunderstood. Please realize, you are not always misunderstood and you have a unique perspective worth listening to. This is especially true within your immediate family. View this as a time to listen as well as to be heard. Key Words: Passionate, Home-Life, Understand Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) Money issues, be it lack or abundance, are on your forefront right now, hopeful Sagittarius. How is your self-worth attached to what you think you “make”? It’s time for you to let go of how you view yourself in relationship to money. You have value and meaning no matter what your bank account looks like. It’s time to appreciate yourself for what you contribute to the world without criticism. Love thyself in the next few weeks, you deserve it. Key Words: Resources, Reflection, Trust Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) It’s time to learn how to balance what is best for you and what is best for your loved ones, dear Capricorn. If you give too much of yourself away to others, you will be left feeling resentful. If you appear too selfish, others will resent you. How can you balance it all and still feel like you have enough time alone to feel rejuvenated? This is your question now. Please answer it as wisely as possible. Key Words: Initiative, Connection, Equilibrium Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Receiving the vision for your future is in order now, dear Aquarius. I know you can see it on the horizon….how can you put it into practice? Right now is the time to figure this out. It’s been a little bit confusing lately and a fair amount of frustration has been circulating. Keep your chin up and walk forward into your life with intention. I know you know just what to do, so do it! Key Words: Change, Expand, Determination Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) You must feel right at home, sensitive Pisces. Maybe too much. It might be hard to .focus on the things that need to get “done”. Don’t worry though. This is a time for you to dream big, have a vision quest. It’s ok to feel confused right now. It will all become clear later on. Stay open and creative so when the vision lands, you will be able to see it. Key Words: Daydream, Imagination, Visualize Sage Advisor is a professional astrologer and has been since 2007. She is passionate about helping clients develop the tools of awareness and purpose for their lives.



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In the Home & Office

Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/ Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc

Kenmore Elegance Canister Vacuum Cleaner. Attachments include floor brush, crevice tool, and pet power mate. Other parts and components include hose and handle assembly, telescoping wand, and combination brush. In excellent condition, lightly used. Bought from Sears within last 5 years. Current model MD Elegance is selling for $500. I paid $400 for mine. Will sell for $200. Email eve4534@yahoo.ca Deep sea coral necklace. Adz with 18kt gold pick. The adz pendant and 2 of the beads are made of deep sea coral that came from the Hecate Strait. The coral is very rare and absolutely beautiful; it has a grain similar to wood. The rest of the necklace contains 2 argillite beads, two devils club beads, and 19 various trade beads. Call Captain S Stewart-Burton at (250) 626-7175 or email Cs-burton@live.ca Two George Thorogood tickets. Awesome seats at CN Centre April 19th. Section Y Row 1, Seat 10 and 11. $65 each, or both sold as a package $135 Email Sonia.rice6058@gmail.com Interior mahogany door and frame with hinges and passage set. Painted white. $40 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Bathroom fan. 90 cfm low sonne. Used 4 months. $40 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Hot water tank. Used 40 gallon. 1 year use. I’m upgrading to a 60 gallon. $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands. net King size bed. Mattress box spring and metal frame $200 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Antique books for sale. ‘Humourous Tales’ by Rudyard Kipling, hard cover, 1932. McMillian & Co. $35. Also 1931 edition of same book, illustrated by Reginald Cleaver $45. Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins. com Huawei 4” 3G phone for Telus or Koodo. Uses regular sim (mini sim). With Wi-Fi, blue tooth, GSP functions. In excellent condition. No scratches or dents. Comes with charger and USB cable. And a protective case too. $80 Call Sam at (250) 637-5653 or email purplesolution@gmail.com Assorted wall mount mirrors. Assorted wood framed mirrors. Call Ken at (250) 637-1179 or email kenuck@qcislands.net Enterprise Fawcett Oil Heater. NEW. Paid $900, asking $500. Call Kim Abrahams at (250) 626-9532 or email carol_ brown8@hotmail.com Canucks tickets for sale. Most games, sec 327 pair in row 2 and pair in row 4 $85 Call Barry at (250) 626-7768 or email bpages@mhtv.ca ***Reduced Price! ***Weber Grand Piano. 6'2, perfect in every way. Beautiful action leading to tone and shading of a much larger grand. I have had it since new; 11 years. Only professionally maintained. Cost $24,000. Will sell or trade for $4000 (was $12,000). I will move it and set it up. Call Andrew at (250) 626-6030 or email info@haidagwaiitrader. com Brown Blundstone Boots. Worn once. Size 7 1/2 men’s or 10 women’s. Tube of Nikwax for leather included. $175 Call Kim Larocque at (250) 557-4692 or email Kimmy@qcislands.net Handmade felted purse. Beige. $29 Call Regina Williams at (250) 626-5676 or email scoutts@mhtv.ca Winter’s here - Buy this new baseboard heater. This is a brand new Stelpro commercial grade baseboard heater. It is white, 8 1/2 feet long, and still in the box. It’s rated 2500W at 240 volts. Clean efficient heat and easy to install. Made in Canada. $50 Email sales@tostaba.com Epson Stylus Photo 1280 Ink Jet Printer. Great value - brand new - never used! Extra ink included $250 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com


In the Home & Office - cont. Stay warm this winter! Heaters For Sale. **1. Oil filled radiator, non-digitized: $50 **2. New, stand up oscillating tower heater, used for only one week: $60. **3. Floor heater encased in wood, new, worth $500: Only $100 Call Manzanita Snow at (250) 557-8579 or email info@ haidagwaiitrader.com Two Blanket Frame Looms for Sale. $500 each. Both are approximately 6’ wide and large enough to weave a robe. Call Remi at (250) 637-1326 or email remi.levesque@skidegate.ca Phone Tablet. Brand and Model - Cube Talk 9 (U39GT 3G) CPU - MTK8389T Quad Core 1.5GHz OS - Android 4.2.2 Screen - 9inch IPS PLS Retina 1920 x 1280 Memory - 1GB RAM, 16GB ROM Camera - Back camera: 5.0MP, Front camera: 2.0MP Bluetooth - 4.0 WIFI - 802.11 b/g/n Phone - 2G, 3G micro Sim, compatible with Telus and Koodo Accessories - USB cable, Charger, Earbuds, Protective cover $150 Call Sam at (250) 637-5653 or email purplesolution@gmail.com Hot Tub Heaven. Banish the winter cold away! Excellent condition, and the cover is also (the cover itself is about $600 new). Purchased from Twilight Spas in Terrace. Complete with everything you need to get started. I’m moving and can’t take it with me. Compare this to new prices in B.C. (plus shipping). NOTE: From Friday Dec. 11 to January 4 I’m away, so contact via email. $3,300 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@ qcislands.ca CD Player with tape deck and turntable. Encore Technology 3 CD disc player with tape player and recorder, has 3 speed turntable (record player) This beautiful machine was never used, is brand new, BUT it is too large to fit into my office. Is still in the original box. It cost me $166 plus shipping from Ontario $125 Call Archie Stocker Sr. at (250) 626-3576 or email archievideo35@hotmail.com Antique Treadle Sewing Machine. Beautifully crafted Raymond. Canadian made by the Guelph Manufacturing Co, Ontario. Ornate original painted designs, folds down into a fully restored walnut hutch and it still works! $250 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 559-4282 or email robinpozer54@gmail.com XBOX 360 Kinect Sensor, new in box. $75 Email acober@qcislands.net 19in LCD Widescreen Computer Screen. 19 inch Hanns-G LCD widescreen monitor, VGA connectivity. $50 Call Steve at (250) 637-1232 or email stevequ@gmail.com Handmade felted purse. Beige with green stripe. $30 Call Regina Williams at (250) 626-5676 or email scoutts@mhtv.ca Wood Stove For Sale. 1100 pl Napoleon wood stove $1490.90 includes shipping. We also have heavy wall, welded seam black stove pipe. Call Mark at (250) 559-4501 or email baggaley@qcislands.net New Bluetooth Keyboard (small). Still in the packaging. Dimensions: 8x3 inches Designed for an iPad or iPhone. Brand name: rapoo. Comes with usb cord. Wireless and w/ bluetooth capabilities. $45 OBO Call Reina Fennell at (250) 557-2460 or email reinafennell@gmail. com Expedition Space Heater. Never been used, uses diesel fuel, from 10-30,000 btu. Approx. 1 liter per hour on high. No electricity needed, perfect for shop, cabin, back-up heat, camp etc. New price is $895 plus tax & shipping, I will sell this unit delivered to Haida Gwaii for $650. Call Channing at (778) 884-3483 or email esss@qcislands.net Plastic Cat Carrier with metal gate door that locks shut. Has a carrying handle 19” X 12” X 11” high can be disassembled. 25$ or will trade for large dog carrier. Call Dominic at (250) 626-7896 or email visceralorbit@gmail.com Raleigh Gel Mountain Bike Seat Cover. $20 Call Karen at (250) 5594255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net 32 inch flat screen TV. For sale, or trade for slightly smaller one. $200 Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email pawsitivespin@gmail.com


In the Home & Office - cont. Claw foot tub with faucet. 59” fiberglass tub with chrome claw feet and telephone-style brass faucet. New, they cost well over $1500 plus shipping. I’ve found that I seldom use this tub so make me an offer. Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email pawsitivespin@gmail.com Professional Kitchen Equipment. Rancillo “Epocha” two-head Cappuccino machine. $4500 Hobart 30-quart mixer, $2,500 Anvil $2000 Call Kris Leach at (250) 557-4223 or email rkleach@qcislands.net Beautiful Piano-PRICED TO SELL! Strauss upright piano. Very good condition. Purchased brand new and we always took very good care of it. You pick up. Was $2000, now priced to sell at $1000! Call Shirley at (250) 559-8388 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com. Alternate phone number is 250-559-8298 Sony 50” LCD Projection TV. Center of screen has an area with slight tint. $200 Call Peter at (250) 626-7875 or email pm@mhtv.ca 32” Hitachi Television. Excellent working condition. $75 Call Peter at (250) 626-7875 or email pm@mhtv.ca Hamilton Beach Home Baker Bread Baking Machine. Brand spanking new, in original box, NEVER BEEN USED. Wanted to bake my own whole grain bread, but have no time to worry about it. $75 Call Archie Stocker Sr. at (250) 626-3576 or email archievideo35@hotmail.com New Year’s resolution special. Reduced to half price!!! Body Trac rowing machine, like new, fully assembled and ready to use. $100 Call Shane Windatt at (250) 559-8807 or email pawsitivespin@gmail.com Google Nexus 7 Tablet. A 2012 Wi-Fi version Google flagship tablet. 8GB storage. Runs Android 6.0 (Marshmallow). Unlocked. Rooted with TWRP Recovery. In very good condition. Call Sam at (250) 637-5653 or email purplesolution@gmail.com Sony Bravia 52 inch Flatscreen TV. $700 Email howle@qcislands.net 10,000 BTU Heater For Sale. Portable, radiant style, kerosene heater for sale. Still in the box -never used. Bought at North Coast Supply store. $295 Call Leonne Lavoie at (250) 626-3682 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Men’s Caravelle Watch. Gold Color. $150 value. Sell for $100 Email howle@qcislands.net Ladies Caravelle Watch. Silver and Rhinestones. $150 value, sell for $100 Email howle@qcislands.net Sanyo 32” stereo colour television for sale with manual and original packaging. Includes remote control. In perfect condition (barely used). Call PK at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com


In the Home & Office - cont. Brother MFC-490 CW Colour printer & fax. Includes tons of ink cartridges. Works well. (We could not seem to get the scanner to work, but you might!) $475 new, selling for $200 Call Kay Watson at (250) 5594114 or email ngystle@haidagwaii.net Attention cat owners. Cat ‘stuff’ for sale (updated): - 31 cans salmon dinner - 4 packets of cat treats - 3 boxes of cat litter - 2 litter boxes (used, 1 not shown) - 4 Advantage II Flea Treatments (Adult 6 lb) $100 Call Alvin at (250) 559-8797 or email acober@qcislands.net Hard to Find Breaker Box For Sale. Stabloc breaker box full of breakers for sale. This is a very hard to find item as they are no longer manufactured. $200 Call Manzanita Snow at (250) 557-8579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Green Wool Jacket. Ladies Size 10 (fits slightly larger). Worn only a few times, too large for me :) The quality is great and it is fully lined - a comparable jacket from the same company goes for $200USD - Asking $85 Call Keshia Chutter at (250) 626-7339 or email keshia.camp@hotmail. com Guitars and Cases. 2 guitars (each with hard cases) Fender Squire Strat Bullet - $200 Fender Squire Custom Telecaster - $200 Call Kristi Schmitz at (250) 637-1967 or email kristi@haidagwaii.ca Guitar and Case. Red Strat copy - $200 with soft Fender case. Call Kristi Schmitz at (250) 637-1967 or email kristi@haidagwaii.ca Jewelry For Sale. **1. Quetzal bird, handmade silver earrings: $30 **2. One of a kind, cast, solid silver pendant with lapis lazuli gem, made by Manzanita Snow: $150 **3. Handmade filigree pendant, pure silver, made by Manzanita Snow: $150 **4. Hand knotted (hangs beautifully) rose quartz beaded necklace: $50 **5. Morgan Bristol knuckle duster ring, silver and brass: $100 **6. Phillip Janze silver ring with hummingbird carving: $100 **7. Silver, heavy duty amethyst ring, for a man or woman: $60 **8. Antique glass and rhinestone necklace: $90** 9. Morgan Bristol silver brooch, one of a kind: $100. Call Manzanita Snow at (250) 5578579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Staples Bubble Cushion Mailers # 4. A pack of 12, self-sealing, inner size 9-1/2 x 13-1/2. $6 Call Sam at (250) 637-5653 or email purplesolution@gmail.com MediaSonic ProBox - Hard Drive Storage. This is a BRAND NEW unit! Support up to 4 - 3.5” SATA I/II/III hard disk drives up to 4TB per drive. Transfer rate up to 480Mbps via USB 2.0, 3.0Gbps via eSATA Power off in synchronization with PC Switch USB 2.0 or eSATA interface by pressing one button. Smart Fan function with built-in Thermal-Sensor, auto & manual modes and 3 speed levels. $150 Call Rolf at (250) 5598877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com Fitbit Surge. $300 Call Remi at (250) 637-1326 or email remi.levesque@skidegate.ca Bathtub and tiling insert. Did not fit our space. Deep soaker tub as well as tiling insert. Will sell separated if wanted. $400 Call Dana at (250) 6371257 or email dana.myshrall@hotmail.com Drums & Bass Guitar. One 9 piece set of Westbury percussion drums. Ready to rock, awesome starter kit. Comes complete with extra set of skins and plastic cowbell. $650 One Fender Squire electric bass with hard case. In good condition. $250. Call Jason at (250) 557-2451 or email boxofox@yahoo.ca Commercial range. Commercial Propane Range made by ‘U.S. Range’ 6 burner top putting out plenty of BTU’s. Extra-large oven will fit the biggest turkey you can find...made with commercial grade stainless steel and heavy duty cast iron. Has a new regulator. $800 Call Jason at (250) 557-2451 or email boxofox@yahoo.ca New Year’s resolution special. Reduced to half price!!! Body Trac rowing machine, like new, fully assembled and ready to use. $100 Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email pawsitivespin@gmail.com


In the Home & Office - cont. Green Matt&Nat Shoulder Bag. Beautiful Green Matt&Nat Shoulder bag - in great condition. Vegan Leather ;) Asking $20 Call Keshia Chutter at (250) 626-7339 or email keshia.camp@hotmail.com Women’s Sweaters. Women’s Sweaters all fit size medium - $10 each In Masset Call Keshia Chutter at (250) 6267339 or email keshia.camp@hotmail.com

In the Yard & Workshop

Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/ Pet and Pet Supplies

Circular saw. 7-1/4 Craftsman skill saw with blade and extension cord $50 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Folding crab trap for sale or trade. About 3’ x 4’; in good condition $50 Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com Brush rake. Near new rake to fit 120 size machine. 60 inch wide. $2,800 Call Dave Ellis at (250) 559-4747 or email drellis@qcislands.net Chainsaw. Older 090 Stihl. Not running. 36” bar and chain. Call Gord at (250) 637-5755 or email patngord@qcislands.ca For Sale: Husky Portable Generator. Powered by Yamaha MZ300 motor, 7125 starting watts, 5700 running watts. This used generator has been stored inside and is in good running order. $525 Call Ian MacLean or Sue Newman at (250) 626-7477 or email susanwillanewman@gmail.com SOLD! Gas and Oil Jet Packs. 1 for oil and 2 for gas the tanks are in good condition. $75 Call Danny at (250) 626-3336 or email dstewart@massett.ca Chainsaws. Two Husqvarna saws for sale. One is 390xp. with 33inch bar. 70% on 404 chain. Good condition. $450. Other one is 394 with 36inch bar. 80% on 3/8 milling chain. Minimal use since pot & piston were replaced at Rocky’s. Very good condition. $550 Call Jason at (250) 557-2451 or email boxofox@yahoo.ca Ruger 10/22 Semi-auto. This is the stainless target barrel with laminated stock model. 4X 40mm Bushnell scope included. Very accurate! Price includes everything in the photo. PAL required. $550 Call James Nickerson at (250) 557-8515 or email jamesdnickerson@gmail.com Two pairs of Big Rubber Boots Both size 13. One pair Baffin Steel Toed $30. One pair Deck Paws $45 Call Ken at (250) 637-1179 or email kenuck@qcislands.net Shelving. Three sheets, 2ft x 8ft $30 each $30 Call Bret Johnston at (250) 626-7250 or email fishmasset@gmail.com


In the Yard & Workshop - cont. ISO Foredom. Does anyone have a Foredom, Foredom hand pieces or attachments, or a Foredom kit that needs some love and a good home? :) I’m looking for an SR or a TX, (1/6 or 1/3 HP), for wood/ stone/ and or jewelry carving. Thank you! Call Judy McKinley at (250) 626-5192 or email jmcksisterti@gmail.com 150w solar panel NEW. Never used, still in its box about 5 x 3 feet, start up kit with charge controller. Was made for an RV, I intended to use it on a boat, but it is too large for my needs. The price on this item was $699 pre tax, asking $650 obo. Call or text preferred. Call Kate at (778) 260-0500 or email krsimonot@live.ca Horse bareback pad. Brand new, never used, tags still on. Girth included. $60 Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email pawsitivespin@gmail.com GPS. Comes with everything. You can even use a microchip in it for more storage. Works on land and water just have to buy the ocean maps. With the Antenna attachment you get within 9 feet of your site or your tag. Works well in the under bush or the under the tree canopy. $300 Call Danny at (250) 626-3336 or email dstewart@massett.ca

On the Road

In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment

265/40R 22inch 106H, Liquid metal brand rims + tires. 5 Star stud pattern. 10 ply tubeless tires. The rims & tires are a couple years old but have never been driven on; the condition is close to mint. Paid just over $2000 for the set. Asking $1100 OBO. Call Captain Stewart-Burton at (250) 6267175 or email Cs-burton@live.ca Motorhome & Appliances. 1978 GMC 350 V8 with hydromatic transmission in excellent condition – make as offer on the whole motorhome or contact me about purchasing appliances and parts separately. Call G.S. Johnson at (250) 557-4475 or email gsj@qcislands.net Price drop-Truck Canopy. 63x81 inches. Outside measurement. Small truck. Nice canopy. Lots of windows. A bit dirty. $100 Call Max at (250) 882-5798 or email Wonderous_duck@hotmail.com Raider Brand - Pickup Cap. Fits 1997 Chevy/GMC Standard Box. Fiberglass. Rear is higher Opening windows with bug screens Both locks still work $250 Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail. com Standard Honda Civic 2001. (REDUCED) Ultra cheap on gas. Parts that have just been replaced include: all around bearings, brakes, rotors, suspension, ball joints. It is a standard and has 200,000k on it. No engine problems! Runs and drives like a dream! Comes with snow tires on rims and another set of low profile rims. $2800 firm. Call Justin at (250) 6371103 or email Lanthose@gmail.com 2005 Honda 650L. One owner, low kms, street legal, upgraded exhaust and tires, spare set of Enduro tires, riding gear negotiable if wanted. This is a very impressive machine that I bought new and have taken very good care of it. $5000 obo. Call Morten at (250) 641-6678 or email mfeddersen@live.com 1995 GMC Suburban 4x4 - 6.5L Turbo Diesel with 3/4 ton suspension, in great condition! New starter, alternator, battery, brake calipers and pads, sway bar links etc. Runs and drives great. Also comes with spare set of aluminum rims and tires w/ 90% tread. $4800 obo Call Matt at (250) 6371968 or email mattme71@hotmail.com Jeep Tires. 4 Brand new Cooper A/T all terrain all season tires. Never been mounted and still have the tags on them. Size 225/70R15. Fit Jeep Cherokee and any vehicle with the same wheel pattern. Cost $ 900 new, a great deal at $600 Call Matthew Bolton at (250) 559-8651 or email fungophile@gmail.com 2001 Dodge quad cab. 4X4 standard, 163000 km, new tires. $4,700 Call Randy at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net



On the Road - cont. 2011 Toyota Tacoma TRD Sport package. 88,000 k. Waxed every year. All original parts (except the new tires - Toyo Open Country.) Double cab v6 automatic 5 speed. Speedway Blue colour. 17” alloy wheels, 6’ bed with a rubber bed mat, interior mud mats, matching blue neoprene seat covers, built in 115V 400w ac outlet, D-rings and adjustable tie-downs. Tow hitch with a 7 pin connector, built in 6 cd stereo, Sirius radio and auxiliary jack. Rear view camera, c/w an ARE canopy. Includes he original tires that still have tread left on them & extra filters & brake pads. $30,000 Call Justin at (250) 637-1103 or email Lanthose@gmail.com

2004 Jeep Liberty 4x4/Power Group/Stk#6140


2013 Dodge Caravan 7pass/40,000km/Stk#6131




2007 Ford Ranger 4x4/Auto/107,000km/Stk#6136


Garmin Nuvi 270 GPS. This is a 2007 vintage automotive GPS with installed maps of N. America, Europe and Costa Rica. A fantastic little unit. Downside: no map updates, as they cost a lot. Like new shape. Guided me flawlessly around 9 European countries in 2008, and later through Costa Rica, after an extra map purchase. If you’re worried about missing out on map updates for all of the new roads that haven’t been built, this isn’t for you. $30 Call Greg at (250) 559-8193 or email gmartin@qcislands.net 2004 red Malibu max (hatchback). Not sure about mileage around 190,000. Was running when I parked it, but making clinking grinding noises, not a mechanic so don’t know what’s wrong with it. Battery is also dead from sitting so long. Also has 3 recalls that GM will fix for free, brake light malfunction, electrical power steering assist, and transmission shift cable fracture. As is. Located at 516 Skidegate Properties. $5,000 Email Carmen at carm2276@hotmail. com VHF Base Radio. Comes with everything to hookup on truck or car. It has all the channels programmed on it already. O.B.O $800 Call Danny at (250) 626-3336 or email dstewart@massett.ca Norco Katmandu mountain bike. Men’s, brand new. Only ridden once - about 1km! Frame is 22” - is better for a taller man. $500 Call Dale at (250) 557-4235 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Truck Bed Liner and Tailgate Protector. Heavy Corrugated Industrial Plastic fits standard Box, currently in 1996 Chevy/GMC Protect your investment! $200 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com Red Ruby- 1999 Jeep Cherokee Sport. 4 Litre. 4 x 4. Good condition, it has been well taken care of and is a great truck for Haida Gwaii life. If you have any questions please contact me. $2,500 Call James McGuire at (604) 833-5673 or email jamesdeanmcguire@gmail.com 16 Ft Cargo Trailer. 16 Ft. V-nose single axle enclosed trailer with roof racks, year-2010, GW 2990lbs. $3,200 obo. Call Steve at (250) 557-4414 or email mountainremoteyukon@hotmail.com Yakima Roof Racks with Kayak adapters. Racks originally $100 and the adapter was $135. Both for $100obo. Call Steve at (250) 637-1232 or email stevequ@gmail.com

2012 Toyota Yaris 4dr/46,000km/Stk#4046


Trade Pickup Truck for School Bus. Looking to trade my ‘84 GMC S15 pickup truck for a mid-size school bus. Truck has very fresh: tires, disc & drum brakes, fuel filter, spark plugs, distributer cap & cables, cv joints & wheel bearings. A lot of care and maintenance has been put into it. Comes with matching canopy. Looking for a bus that matches the quality of the vehicle. Low kms, good tires, diesel, mid-size. Call Mitch at (250) 637-1349 or email mitch. pridham@gmail.com

No Reasonable Offer Refused!

14 inch tires & rims for sale. One full set of Bridgestone insignia sl p195/75/R14 on 4-hole steel rims. Balanced & ready to mount, 70+% tread. $300. One full set of Winterforce studded tires. p185/70/R14, 85% tread. $300. Call Jason at (250) 557-2451 or email boxofox@yahoo.ca

605 Ocean view Drive, Queen Charlotte

1990 Chevy Van 20. Only 100k miles on it. Great for camping, back bench seat folds down to bed. Brakes done recently. Must see. Make an offer. $2,900 Call Sidney at (604) 741-7823 or email salishc@gmail.com

West End Auto Sales 250 559 4641

Or Toll Free 1 877 559 4641 Email:

citires@qcislands.net Dealer #9152 24

Heavy Duty Tire A/T. 1 Brand New - never used except as a “Spare”. Firestone LT 245/75E16 $100 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com 4 205/60r16 Roadstone Winguard 231 Winter Tires. In great condition, only used for one season in Nanaimo when I was going to school. Has snowflake on the tire. 205/60r16. $400 $400 Call Tyrone at (778) 260-0217 or email cuzznty@gmail.com

On the Road - cont. 1996 CHEVY PICKUP 4X4 1500. Has 3/4 ton rear springs Only 144,478 km. Engine always maintained and runs very well, very limited body rust, front-end needs welding, never been on the beach. Interior is clean, aftermarket seat covers, heavy duty floor mats 4 heavy duty tires A/T Firestone LT 265/75E16 Minimal tread wear, 1 Brand New - never used as a “Spare”. Raider Brand Pickup Cap, industrial plastic truck bed liner and tailgate protector $1,250 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com

On the Water

In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats

Islander Reels. 2 slightly used Islander LX 3.6 reels, black with 250 yds 20 lb backing. $ 600 each or $ 1,100 for both. Pouches, warranty cards included. Please leave a message. Call Gary at (250) 957-7747 or email shearh2o@telus.net 42 ft. Steel Boat. Ex-fishing boat with 671 diesel, run excellent doesn’t burn oil or smoke, all electronics, roughly 600 gallons of fuel, sleeps 5. Open to offers. Call or e-mail Call Jim at (250) 637-1995 or email amberlee2u@hotmail.com 14 ft. aluminum Lifetimer. In great condition few scratches, Evinrude engine with low hours due to lack of use, both boat and engine are 1994, comes with trailer that just had new tires put on and gas tank $4,500 Email Shelbyharding@live.com Heavy Duty Outboard motor bracket. Garelick OB Mtr Brkt Offshore 7.5-30 hp Rated for 169lbs max. New price is $388 from Steveston Marine. I will deliver to Haida Gwaii. $200 Call Channing at (778) 884-3483 or email esss@qcislands.net Honda 9.9 Motor. Electric start, 10A charging, low hours, extra-long shaft, comes w/ fuel tank. Located in PR but transportation via BCF can be arranged. $1,500 Call Kim Cey at (250) 624-2950 or email kimcey9@ hotmail.com 12 gallon marine hot water tank. Works well, needed to upgrade capacity. Has 120v element and 3/4 NPT inlet/outlet for heat exchanger. Dimensions 12.5” x 12.5” x 28” Horizontal install. $200 Call James Nickerson at (250) 557-8515 or email jamesdnickerson@gmail.com Men’s L wetsuit brand new. O’Neill Epic 5/4, tags on. Ordered it online and it was too big for me. Selling for the price I bought it for including shipping. $270 Call Sarah at (250) 637-1268 or email sarahbwoods@gmail.com Excel rash guard. Never worn! Size 6, xs, uv protection, upf 50+. $19 Call Regina Williams at (250) 636-5676 or email scoutts@mhtv.ca Misc. Marine Parts. VernaLift wet exhaust muffler, 11/2” in/out -$100. Skipper II marine toilet, with spare base and lots of parts. “The Cadillac of marine heads” worth well over $1000 new, selling for $500. 11/2” conical bronze thu-hull, x4- $25 each. 12v water pumps, various prices. Have number of other bits and pieces as well, give me a call. Call James Nickerson at (250) 557-8515 or email jamesdnickerson@gmail.com

Kids Zone

From infants to toddlers-Clothing/Toys/Books/Games

Baby Stuff. Crib Music and Lights player *NEW* - $20. Baby Sleep Sacks - Grobag Brand (pink size 0-6months) (blue size 6-18months) - $10 each. Box of baby clothes 12-18months (lots of fleece and warm clothes!) -$15 In Masset Call Keshia Chutter at (250) 626-7339 or email keshia. camp@hotmail.com

Fisher Price Power Wheels. Hot Wheels Dune Racer. Two Christmas’s old. Bought from Sears for around $400. In very good condition. Kids are too big and our yard doesn’t work well for it. $200 Call Ryder at (250) 626-7929 or email ryderb_1@hotmail.com


Kids Zone - cont. Kids BMX Trick Bike. Great condition. My 13 yr. old son is asking $50 OBO. He does get the money for the bike so make him an offer. Fits an 8-10yr old. Call Amber at (250) 626-9115 or email barefootnorth@gmail. com


Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate

Wanted: Turntable. ISO a record player. Preferably with the phono amp built in. Let me know if you have one that you don’t use anymore. Call Brandon Rim at (250) 566-5438 or email Beringo123@gmail.com Looking for a Leaf Blower. Either gas or cordless. If you have one you aren’t using, let me know. Preferably running! Call Brock at (250) 637-1996 or email Magpie@haidagwaii.net ACREAGE WANTED. Looking for acreage with or without dwelling in the Port Clements - Tow Hill area. Will be in the islands late January, please email me to arrange viewings. Thanks in advance! Email captjosh@mac.com Looking for a house to rent. We are a family of 9. We currently live in the Okanagan area. We are looking to move to the island Feb. 1 of 2016. We hope to find a place that we can garden and have a family milking cow in our back yard. A sustainable little homestead. If you have a place or know of someone who does please email us, text us or call us, as provided. warm regards, Steven and Yvonne Call (250) 307-8192 or email tsadiyq@hotmail.com Looking to buy 1980’s GI Joe action figures and vehicles. I do collect other action figures from the 80’s but GI Joe is the primary focus. Please give me a call if you have any you would like to sell. Thank you and have a great day! Call Berek at (250) 857-2867 or email berekc@hotmail.com DRUMS WANTED. Bongo drums, congo, djembe, etc. Call Robin St.Amour at (778) 714-7756 or email robinst.amour1956@gmail.com Davies pottery (bottle & jug stamp). You know, the classic essential Haida Gwaii pottery. Often has a fish or plant design. Sometimes birds or words or plain. Hoping for any you might be willing to part with in exchange for $ or trades (firewood, yardwork etc.). Usually stamped with a bottle and jug. Phone calls or texts are best. Thanks! Call Max at (250) 882-5798 or email Wonderous_duck@hotmail.com Need a working fridge ASAP. Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins. com Oceanfront Property. Looking to buy oceanfront property in Queen Charlotte or Port Clements. Email sminni@telus.net Propane bbq burner needed. Similar to one shown. Will pay if in good shape Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com Das Kapital. Do you have a copy of Das Kaptal, in English, for sale at a reasonable price? Call Lanny at (250) 559-8065 or email Lannybt@qcislands.net ISO LARGE VINYL WINDOW. ISO of a large vinyl window, preferably with some opening option. Call Elsie at (250) 637-1414 or email haidahuntress@hotmail.com Fridge wanted. Working fridge or stand up freezer wanted. Willing to pay up to $50. Call Pete at (250) 637-1023 or email Katinic@haidagwaii.ca


Queen platform bed w/ mattress wanted. Looking for a queen platform bed or similar with top mattress. Very good condition only! Email daisy@ mhtv.ca Property on Moresby Island. Wanted property on Moresby Island with or without a home. Call Martin at (780) 777-1121 or email ma-trucking@hotmail.com 100 lb. Propane Tank Wanted. Please call or email if you have one for sale. Thanks Call Bev or Terry at (778) 260-0059 or email bshannon60@hotmail.com Panniers Wanted. Looking for panniers and mount for a road bike. Call anytime. Call Matt at (250) 559-8651 or email fungophile@gmail.com

Wanted - cont. Rental Wanted – March to June. Looking for a home in Queen Charlotte! Working at the L&L School until the end of June (possibly longer) and my current sub-let ends end of February. My partner will be joining me in April so we are looking for a place that will house a couple. Clean, responsible, baking and crafting outdoor enthusiasts. We come with a little bike with a sidecar too (i.e. somewhere with sheltered storage would be a huge bonus for us). Semi-furnished small house or room in a house would be ideal. If you have a place for us (or know of a place) please contact call Winnie Tsai at (778)533-6292 or email wtsai1210@gmail.com Wanted: Bell satellite dish. Got one you aren't using? I'll buy it off ya! haaw'a! Call Ross at (250) 736-1855 or email granola@granolaboy.net Armoire Wanted. Looking for a used armoire or wardrobe for clothing. Call Lynda Dixon at (250) 637-1609 or email l.brassica1960@ gmail.com Wanted: Blacksmithing Anvil. I am looking for an anvil in decent shape. I would prefer one 150 pounds or larger. Please give me a call if you have one for sale. Call Peter at (250) 626-7875 or email pm@mhtv.ca Room Rental Wanted. Hello, I am looking for a room to rent 2-3 nights/week (Tues, Wed and Thurs nights) in Queen Charlotte, from April 26th to June30th. I will be living in Masset and commuting to work in Queen Charlotte during this time, and would rather rent a room than commute 3 days a week. I wouldn’t be bringing much with me and wouldn’t be leaving anything during the days I’m not there. I would like to find a place where I could cook some meals in the evening and sleep in a private room. Please contact me with a price and any questions. Thanks, Email mallorytonner@gmail.com Wanted: Drums and Barrels, Large Cylinders and Rainwater Catchment. I need a bunch of these things for a variety of project needs. I am willing to pay 10-20 each depending on size. If larger gallon capacity I can pay more. I am also looking for rainwater catchment and storage. Drop me a line and I’d love to work with you. Call Stevie-Lynn at (250) 626-7128 or email themovingpicturegirls@gmail.com


Anything that just needs a new home!

FREE Wine bottles for bottling your own wine. Mostly 2 Litre. Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email pawsitivespin@gmail.com FREE Washing Machine. Stackable W/D. Washer works fantastic, dryer needs repair. Call Mike Meegan at (250) 559-0691 or email meegan@qcislands.net FREE Auto Tires. Four tires, P185/65 R14 Call David Greenall at (250) 626-8930 or email woodjerks@hotmail.com FREE wooden bed platform. Double sized wooden platform for free, suitable for futon or mattress. Frame is about 9.5 inches above the ground. Email Fairness4@yahoo.ca FREE Bicycle. Needs work Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com FREE Firewood, easy access. Side of road. Come by 21 Jasper Avenue (Port Clements) and help yourself Call (250) 661-9012 or email Dustin@rushworthelectric.ca Homes Found! Thanks to all who responded, but the free geese have found their new homes!

Real Estate & Rentals

Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accomodation

14 Acres For Sale-Just North of Port Clements 14 Acres located 10 minutes north of Port Clements on the inlet side of the highway. Year round stream. Road into property with a bridge over the creek. Low taxes. Motivated sellers. Price $75,000 Call 250-557-4445 or email adecock@qcislands.net Best Value Beachcabins Secluded oceanfront/rainforest off-grid cabins, furnished and equipped kitchens, private parking. Visit our website at www.beachcabins.com Price $90-120 per night Call 250-626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins. com

455 Beach Road, Sandspit MLS# C8000624 Established full-service lodging accommodation business in Sandspit. 1.7 acres semi-oceanfront, near airport and harbor, overlooking Shingle Bay. 12,000sqft structure, with 16 two-room suites as well as manager’s accommodation and catering kitchen. Well suited to many business applications : motel, adventure lodge, B&B, or more! Price $659,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Home and Acreage For Sale Newly renovated 3 bedroom home with 75 acres of timbered hillside and walking trails. Property also includes newly renovated art studio with napolean stove as well as an ocean front cedar and wood interior cabin available for daily, weekly and monthly rent. The cabin has a small kitchen, loft, shower and bathroom, and uses a rainwater collection system and composting toilet with hydro. There are many beautiful ocean views on this property and private ocean frontage. Price $525,000 Call 778-260-0279 or email sheilakarrow@gmail.com Reduced Price! Partially Furnished HALF - DUPLEX For Sale - including appliances. Quiet neighborhood in park-like setting. Fenced and landscaped front and back yards with decorative arbor. Berry bushes, fruit trees, terraced flower beds, garden area, waterfall, separate workshop, and more. Custom improvements inside house, including hickory kitchen cabinets. New living room addition with skylights, beautiful wood stove and hardwood floors. Not interested in renting. Serious inquiries and reasonable offers only. NEW PRICE....$106,000. For details contact Jim or Anne Scott at 250-838-0600 or email anjimscott@gmail.com Yakoun River Inn This local Pub and gathering spot is situated on the oceanfront in Port Clements on Graham Island in Haida Gwaii. Long established, popular with locals and visitors alike. 3,300 sqft building on a corner location, adjacent to government dock facilities, licensed for 100 patrons. Permitted uses also include lodging and adjacent properties can be available for anyone interested in expanding the business. MLS# N4507475 Price $375,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com 18 Acres-REDUCED PRICE! Park and Ocean Property! 18 acres In Port Clements. The west side runs 700 feet along Bayview Drive, the east side borders the Port Clements Community Park. Beautiful greenscape, very private yet close to school, post office, library and grocery store. Minutes away from exceptional hunting, fishing, firewood, and all the wilderness has to offer. Water and sewer available. Sub dividable or leave as is. Potential amazing view of the ocean with spectacular sunsets. Some timber. Price $150,000 Call 250-557-4421 or email ccbeachy@gmail.com Vacant Lot For Sale! Fully serviced 60’x 120’ cleared lot located at 2129 Teal Blvd Masset. This lot is ready to build on. It is located close to the Delkatla Bird Sanctuary in a very quiet area of town. It is already fenced in on 1 side and the back and has a buffer tree line on the other side. Great buy!! Ask $29,900 OBO. Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@ mhtv.ca or phone 709 243 2488 or cell phone at 709 458 8811 Newly Renovated Home For Sale! Located at 2135 Teal Blvd, Masset. 5 Beds, 2 Baths, 8 Applicances, Separate Laundry Rm and Family Rm. This furnished house has recent upgrades with Laminate flooring, New Kitchen Cabinets and Counter tops, New Bath fixtures and Tub, along with a fully chain link fenced in back yard, two out sheds and more. Recently reduced price and owner is motivated to sell. Adjacent vacant lot also available for sale, either separate or included with house. A must see. Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@mhtv.ca or phone 709 243 2488 or cell phone at 709 458 8811. Price $139,900 Queen Charlotte View Property Cleared property. Spectacular view of Bearskin Bay. Access from 3rd Ave down to Oceanview Drive. Approx 2/5 of an acre. Within walking distance of downtown core. Partial services to property line. Private and quiet. Call 250 559 7716 or email cai@islandnet. com Building with 2 Bachelor Suites For Rent - Skidegate Reserve Beautiful Tanu House, 2 separate bachelor suites are available immediately for rent for $700 each. Fully furnished. Utilities extra. No smoking. No Pets. References required. Available immediately. No emails please. Cal Mike @ 604.984.2847


Cabin rental available Tow Hill Community Price $595 Call 250-6263468 or email johanney101@gmail.com

Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Masset: Well-Kept Family Home with a View 3BR/2bath; lg. kitchen; dining/sunroom; sheltered deck; lg. part. Finished basement; workshop; garage, paved driveway. Fenced yard with beautiful trees, cherries, berries and room to play + garden in sunny backyard. View of the Delkatla Sanctuary. 20 minute walk across the sanctuary to the beach. New, energy-efficient furnace, washer, dryer, hot water heater; newer steel roof. Spacious living room with bay window, local wood flooring, fireplace w/custom river rock hearth. Can sell furnished. Price $193,000 Call 250.559.4252 or email andrea@ haidagwaii.net SOLD!!! River and Ocean Frontage on Tlell River Beautifully forested, level, 7 acre building lot on Beitush Road, Tlell, with private access to the ocean. Catch salmon and trout in the river at the end of your driveway. The property already has a 12x16 insulated cedar cabin with 16x24 covered carport, hydro and telephone that allows you to live on site while you build. A 20ft wide panhandle provides access to the endless sand beach. Call 705-286-0216 or email isabel_rob@hotmail.com Unique Home For You (Former Church) Listing is for a former church converted to a home. Features vaulted ceiling on the main floor, lots of potential as a studio/gallery, or a church. Front porch provides view of Masset inlet. Has full kitchen and bathroom. 2nd bathroom plumbed in. Footprint is 1486 sqft (per floor), plus a small attic. Concrete foundation. Steel roof. Lots of potential here. Zoned US1, so you can live in it as well as have a part-time business. No reasonable offer refused. Price $135,000 Call 1-778-828-9165 or email oneeyein@gmail.com Ocean Front Acreage For Sale 35140 Hwy 16 Tlell MLS N248110 17 acre oceanfront property in sunny Tlell boasts the best combo of beach living and sheltered privacy! 1750 sq’ w/18’ ceiling shop attached to a 3 bdrm,3 bath house. Efficient wood-fired boiler heats the floor for rich radiant heat and hot water for all household needs. Great drainage on property! Guest cabin located on private ponds. Utility building w/400 amp service. Deep artesian well provides great tasting reliable water. Price $399,000 Call Brian toll free 866-303-5286 or cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca **SOLD!** Quality Custom-Built Home Spacious, bright, easy-tomaintain, quality home for single or couple. Architect-designed, solid construction, built with quality craftsmanship. Local wood trims, custom yellow cedar kitchen and dining nook, cedar deck. One bedroom, 1.5 bathrooms, electric heat, HRV, six appliances. In a quiet neighborhood within walking distance of downtown. Half-acre of land, some flat yard for garden or lawn, terraced down to a gulley with trees full of birds. Views overlooking the ocean and the forest. SOLD! Call 250-559-4254 or email ljohnson@spruceroots.org House and Shop For Sale Buy a profitable convenience store business with a separate house for your own accommodation or rent it out. Live in the 4 bedroom house and operate your business adjacent to the house. House has 1.5 baths, W/D and F/S. Shop includes deep freezes, commercial fridges, shelves and DVD rental service. Both shop and house sit on a land size of 6,000 square feet. Call for more details about this investment. Price $270,000 Call 250-559-8298 or email samshirl@qcislands.net 705 5th QCC - Oceanfront 5 bedroom 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on 2 large waterfront lots. Central Queen Charlotte with a private yard. 2 car garage and separate boatshed. Full interior reno in 2009. Well insulated with double paned windows, heated by woodstove, Toyo laser heater (very efficient) or electric baseboards. Launch your own small boat at high tide and fish for pinks and coho from the lawn! This property also gets full sun exposure with sunsets over Sleeping Beauty Mountain. Too much too list, a must see! Price $285,000 Call Lynn at 250-637-1365 or email slynnvank@ gmail.com


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Own a Piece of Paradise on Haida Gwaii! View our premium freehold acreages available within Naikoon Provincial Park! Spectacular oceanfront and Sangan Riverfront lots in Phase II of our Naikoon and Dixon Estates, remote quarter sections and rare Mayer Lake frontage. Wake up to the sound of waves crashing against the backdrop of the majestic Pacific Ocean, explore the natural delights of North Beach, wrestle your trophy catch into your boat or test your rod and reel on the nearby rivers. See more at www. niho.com. Price $134,250 (Starting at) Call 604-606-7900 or email sales@ niho.com Rural West Coast Style Home on 5 Acres - Nadu Road 3 bed, 2 bath, 1375 sq.ft. house with additional 565 sq.ft. enclosed Japanese style timber frame, plus a detached 990 sq.ft. shop on 5 acres. Heat pump, private treed acreage with a garden, fenced yard and deck. Open concept living with Hardwood floors throughout, vaulted ceilings and exposed beams. Water is on well system with a 2yr old inline pump. Washer/dryer/dishwasher/stove/fridges included. Priced at $190,000; reasonable offers considered. Call 250.922.4437 or email ismaysam@gmail.com South Beach Dunes “SOUTH BEACH DUNES� is offering three beautiful exclusive oceanfront and seven upland acreage estates on the South Beach, on the north end of Haida Gwaii /Queen Charlottes. These are very special properties with exceptional beach and dune environment. South Beach Dunes offers exceptional value with prices for ocean front land well below anywhere else on the west coast of North America. Acreage sizes range from 4.64 acres and prices are from $40,000. If living in this unique environment appeals to you please contact us - there are a very limited number of properties of this caliber available for sale. For more details visit our Website - www.southbeachdunes.com Call 250 631-3055 or email vernonbyberg@ gmail.com House for Sale! 2038 Pintail Cr Masset MLS# N238544 Clean well kept home in a quiet Crescent with peek a boo view of sanctuary. Deck & backyard are very private, fenced with lots of trees! Wood stove can heat whole house with 2 yrs wood supply! Carbon monoxide alarm. Bedrooms each have cable, phone and fire alarms. Suite possible. Master bdrm has reading, workout room & large bathroom! 30+yr fiberglass shingles on house & garage 2010. 5 windows upstairs replaced 2010. Recently replaced hot water tank & sliding glass doors to back yard. Price $209,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca River Front Property for Sale!! LOT 8 W TOW HILL RD MLS# N248215 The best building acreage on Tow Hill Rd. Good solid driveway into Riverfront property, also solid beautiful building site. Old-growth forest still intact. Park-like setting and only feet from some of the best Co-ho fishing in the world! Approximately 1000 feet to the ocean, but without the wind and still lots of sun. 1.93 Acres. A must-see! Price $279,000 Call 250-6265286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Oceanview Home for Sale! 3502 3RD AVE Queen Charlotte This is a 3000+ sq foot well built home on appr. 1 acre of land. Wrap around glass railed deck to enjoy the spectacular ocean views! Lots of paved parking, also two bay 1500 sq ft garage with a 1500 sq ft insulated upstairs and cold room. Sky light in foyer. Too many features to list! A must see! MLS R2012769 Price $295,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca PRICE REDUCED Home for Sale! 1620 Spruce Cr. Masset, BC MLS#: R2016576 Great starter home for a young family. Quiet cul-de-sac close to elementary school. Large private fenced backyard. Clean and move-in ready. Peek-a-boo ocean view from top floor, Call Brian to view Price $81,900 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Masset Duplex for Sale Two fully furnished three bedroom units with six appliances each - great opportunity for the right persons interested in running accommodations and or fishing charters - for information call 1-855622-3530 Price $160,000 Call 250-626-3530 or email rosiedogwood@ gmail.com


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. For Rent: Whole House A Frame Suitable for Family! 3602 2nd Avenue A Frame “ The a-frame structure opens up the house with a 23 foot ceiling. A wall of windows takes advantage of the open space. Views “ Probably the biggest attraction is the spectacular views. 3 balconies give a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape. three story half A frame half log with split level open concept covered carport storage shed three brand new decks put in last April 5 entrances three bedrooms three bathrooms washer/dryer room with freezer . Price $1300/month Call 604-753-5092 or email davidhuntercreative@gmail.com Top Floor of House For Rent - Skidegate Reserve Upper floor of a beautiful house in Skidegate. 2 bedrooms. $700/month plus utilities. No smoking. No pets. References required. No emails please. Call: Mike at 604.984.2847 Home for Sale in QC Cozy, affordable 900 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home. Corner ocean view lot. Vegetable garden, shop, new deck and new roof. Appliances included. Asking $110,000. Contact Jamie and Jay Price $110,000 Call 250559-8766 or email jayandjamie50@gmail.com Lots for sale in Masset Two stunning Sanctuary View properties to choose from, with gorgeous summer sunsets. Priced to sell. Price $25,000 each Call (250) 668-2578 or email daryl@acdcmechanicalconsulting.ca Inlet View Heritage Home 205 Bay Street, Queen Charlotte. 2 BR, 1 Bath (with 1918 cast iron bathtub). 2.5 storey home built in 1909. Bright, open concept on ground level. Unsurpassed views throughout home. Close to all amenities in beautiful downtown QC. 50’ x 100’ city lot on very good well water. Price $200,000 Call 250-626-7443 or email info@haidagwaiitrader. com For Rent at Skidegate Landing. One bedroom furnished apartment. Quiet location. Nice and clean. $650 per month. Utilities included. No smoking. No pets. Price $650 Call 250-626-8930 or email woodjerks@hotmail.com House For Rent in Masset $875 plus utilities . 3 bedroom duplex for rent in Masset, One and half bathroom. Clean, no smoking, no pets. Reference required. Available immediately. Email coastalp@citytel.net or phone 250 600 6637 View property in Queen Charlotte Comfortable trailer, generous sized rooms, good view of Bearskin Bay, 203 Second Ave. Call Jane 604 733 1253 for details and to arrange a viewing. Tenants have agreed to show the place by appointment only. Price $75,000 Call 604-733-1253 or email jkinegal@hotmail.com 16320 Tow Hill Road, Masset MLS#N229942 102 rural acres located east of Masset on Tow Hill Rd. It is a nice, level acreage with a slight rise in elevation on the SE corner from where you can have ocean views over the sand dunes of North Beach & the waters of Hecate Strait. This is the only remaining privately owned substantial acreage in the area. There is a modest older cabin on the property and there is good road access and electrical service. Price $245,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@ bcoceanfront.com 2293 Harrison, Masset BC Fully serviced, level building lot in Masset. Ocean view of Masset Harbor is always changing. West facing and fairly protected from most big winds, this lot gets lots of sun and is protected from the cool northerly winds. 65’ x 120’. Tons of potential! Price $47,500 Call Lynn at 250-637-1365 or email slynnvank@gmail.com 35550A Hwy 16, Tlell MLS# N230190 15 semi-oceanfront acres situated south of the Tlell River with easy access to excellent sand & gravel beaches. The property is mostly level, partially cleared with some nice forested areas, some slight rises and ocean views. 1968sqft custom designed 2storey home with 2bedrooms upstairs and living space down featuring exposed wood ceiling beams, large sandstone fireplace, oak flooring, maple counter tops, kitchen island & walk-in pantry. The home could use some TLC & updating. Outbuildings include: storage building, shed & chicken coop. Price $220,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Offices For Rent There are two offices for rent in the Haida Heritage Centre at Kay’Llnagaay. For enquiries, please contact the Gwaalagaa Naay office at 250-559-0014 or email gncorp1@ gmail.com

Employment & Training

Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/ Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars

Community Support Worker Position. Permanent Part time: 20 hrs. per week (4 hrs./day, 5 days/week) $16.33 -$19.01 (JJEP Wage Grid Level 10) Use of own automobile is required. This position requires Union membership. JOB SUMMARY: This position is to work with one individual; must be able to work effectively with that individual. This team member enhances and supports the quality of life for individuals by providing the opportunity for full involvement in community living. QUALIFICATIONS: Education and Knowledge: Diploma in a related human/social service field, and Emergency First Aid and CPR Certifications. Training and Experience: One (1) year of training and experience or an equivalent combination of education, training, and experience. Call Brenda Byberg at (250) 626-4664 or email aa.hgspeace@mhtv.ca Early Childhood Educator Assistant. Position: Early Childhood Educator Assistant for Little Doves Daycare – Casual / Variable Rate of Pay: As per BCGEU Collective Agreement - (Grid level 6) $14.50 - $16.89 Hours: Monday – Friday as needed, to assist the current ECE Senior Manager. QUALIFICATIONS: Current Early Childhood Educator Assistant (or Early Childhood Educator) certification. For complete job description or more information please contact: aa.hgspeace@mhtv.ca To be considered, please submit cover letter, resume and 2 current job references. email: aa.hgspeace@mhtv.ca mail: Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace; P.O. Box 811, Masset, B.C. V0T 1M0 FAX: 250-626-4662 hand deliver: 2132 Collison Avenue, (across from the Library) Call Brenda Byberg at (250) 626-4664 or email aa.hgspeace@mhtv.ca Part-time Cashier/Gas Attendant. Taaw Naay Gas Station is looking for people to hire on a part-time or on-call basis for the position of gas station attendant/cashier. You must be willing to work days/evenings during the week or weekends and be willing to report to work with short notice. If you are interested please contact the manager of Taaw Naay at 250-559-4455 or drop your resume at the Taaw Naay Gas Station in Skidegate. Call Waneeta Richardson at (250) 559-0014 or email gncopman@gmail.com Seasonal business. Sandspit Taxi and Charters is a seasonal business from May to October, or you could run the taxi all year long. We are not just a taxi company; we also do charters and tours for other boat tour companies. There are 7 boat tour companies, plus we also do charters for other companies. This is a great business for someone who wants to work part of the year. We are willing to show you the ropes and give you all the help you need to get going. If interested, call for more info. Price $10,000.00 includes 2 Passenger Transportation plates and 1 general license. Call Dan MacNeil at (250) 637-1546 or email doghousedanmac@gmail.com FISHING GUIDE. Fishing guides required for Local fishing Lodge. For upcoming 2016 Season, mid-May to Sept. Jet Boat and mechanical knowledge would be an asset. Must have the following valid certification: Small Vessel Operator Proficiency SVOP, Marine Emergency Duties MED A3, Marine Basic First Aid MBFA and the Radio Operators Card ROC-M. Please forward your resume to: qcsafaris.bev@gmail.com Call Bev at (250) 637-1607 or email qcsafaris.bev@gmail.com

Community Service Listings Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies

Historical Stories Wanted! Do you have a historical story to share? History about Haida Gwaii is especially awesome. HG Trader wants to hear from you. 350 words max. Up to three pictures. Email us at info@haidagwaiitrader.com or mail to PO Box 222, Port Clements, V0T 1R0 Call Shellene Van der Beke at (250) 557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com


Community Service Listings - cont. Tour Packaging Program. Designed for Haida Gwaii business owners and operators in the tourism sector, this two-part program is an opportunity to collaborate islands-wide to develop local tour packages. - Create tailored tour packages - Develop them as a marketing tool for your business - Hands-on opportunities to create unique visitor experiences. Join us and add value to your clients’ Haida Gwaii adventures! Facilitated by Kelly Whitney-Squire. Location: Tlell Fire Hall. Lunch provided Feb. 6th $20 Call Allison at (250) 559-4499 or email business@haidagwaiifutures.ca Social Enterprise Pro-Action Cafe. Join us Tuesday, January 26th from 1-5pm in Tlell for this workshop. Bring your ideas, curiosity and creativity and discover the next steps to move projects and ideas into action. A team of local facilitators and Haida Gwaii Community Futures are hosting this event. Learn about other enterprising activities and support the development of local social enterprises. Don’t miss this opportunity! Register at Haida Gwaii Community Futures Meetup: Meetup.com/Haida-Gwaii-Community-Futures If you have any questions or to register, contact Allison at (250) 559-4499 or email business@haidagwaiifutures.ca Haida Gwaii Museum Memberships. The Haida Gwaii Museum plays an important role in making arts and heritage more accessible and raising awareness of heritage and history on Haida Gwaii. Through our collections the museum acquires, preserves and presents objects, archeological artifacts, art works and settler material culture all connected to the human and natural history of Haida Gwaii. The Museum also presents exhibition and public programming including; tours, artist’s talks and workshops, artist residency programs, and demonstrations. Community support is critical in helping maintain the quality programming for which our museum is nationally recognized. By supporting the museum you can help build our collections, encourage and present Haida and All-Island artists, and offer made-in-Haida Gwaii public programming. Memberships to the Museum are available through the gift shop. Membership allows unlimited access to the museum for one year, 10% discount on regularly priced items in the gift shop, notification of special events and exhibits featured at the Museum. Regular Annual Membership - $30, Senior Annual Membership (65+) - $10, Students -$10, Family Annual Membership - $40, Lifetime Membership - $250. Haida members are exempt from membership. Please call the museum gift shop at (250) 559 4643 or by email at haidagwaiimuseum@skidegate.ca Helping the Helpers. If you are serving your community in a frontline capacity and would like to voice your concerns, observations, or solutions, contact healinghaidagwaii@gmail.com to participate in a gathering of like-minded folks. Email Healinghaidagwaii@gmail.com Great Gift Idea! Visit Funk It! in QCC, Ladybird Boutique in Masset, and Crow’s Nest in Tlell to get your EOTW merchandise should you or a friend have missed it this year! Hoodies, adults and kids, t-shirts, and tank tops all with the amazing logo designed by Rose Williams! We’d like to welcome our new board for the 2016 festival! We have some new faces and good QCC representation! Looking forward to a great festival in 2016! Call Janet Rigg at (250) 557-4242 or email sewnart@haidagwaii.net Daycare Spaces and Waitlist Available. Our Licensed Childcare Facility (1588 McDonald Street, Masset) has several full-time childcare spaces available. Shared-space and casual care are also available. Space in a licensed multi-age daycare facility such as Little Doves Daycare is dependent on the age categories of children needing care. We keep an ongoing waitlist, and encourage any family in need of childcare to fill out a Request for Service form and return to ldd.hgspeace@mhtv.ca. Call Donna Douglas, ECE Senior Manager at 626-3265 or 626-3266 or email ldd.hgspeace@mhtv.ca Port Clements Museum. OPEN weekends 2 to 4 p.m. $3 admission adults, seniors & teens; free for members & children. We will open up if you ask. Call to arrange a special opening. Browse the photo albums, admire the gigantic machines, and be amazed by how it was. 45 Bayview Drive, Port Clements. Call Brigid Cumming at (250) 557-4576 or email pcmuseum@ qcislands.ca


Community Service Listings - cont. Youth-led Initiative. Members of the Port Clements Fire Department have offered to re-open a space that can be used as a Youth Room for a Drop-In Program. Organizers have invited youth and youth workers from the island to participate in a planning session for this program. The first planning meeting will be held on Thursday, January 14th at 1pm. Haida Gwaii Recreation and members of the RCMP have expressed interest in participating in this initiative. If you would like to get involved, please contact healinghaidagwaii@gmail.com HG Rec Weight Rooms. In order to utilize the Port Clements or Queen Charlotte weight rooms you must first take an orientation through HG Rec. Our orientations normally run once a month at QCSS and by demand in Port Clements, and are free of charge. Port Clements weight room: 35 Cedar Ave. West-southwest, ground level side of the Fire Hall. Hours: 5am-11pm, 7 days per week. Next orientation TBA. Queen Charlotte weight room: West side of QC Secondary School, 107 3rd Ave. Hours: Weekdays from 6-8am and 5-10pm and weekends & stat holidays 6am-10pm. Next orientation TBA. Sandspit weight room: 406 Copper Bay (ALM school). Hours of operation are: Mon/Tues: 5 – 8am & 5-11pm. Wed: 5- 8am & 8-11pm. Thurs: 5– 8am & 5–11pm. Next orientation Wed. Jan. 20th. Call HG Recreation at (250) 626-5652 or toll free at 1-888-557-4418 or email qcirec@ gmail.com Call HG Recreation at (250) 626-5652 or email qcirec@gmail. com Queen Charlotte Community Hall Rentals. Located on Bay Street, has the EA Ross room (meeting room that seats up to 70 people), mail hall, stage and kitchen-all available for rent. Also available for rent are: * wooden tables ($5 each per day) * wooden chairs ($1 each per day) * a complete place setting for 225 people * water goblets & wine glasses * cups & cutlery * white & black linen tablecloths, etc. The kitchen is also available to rent on a daily basis for prepping for larger events. For more information, call Reine Pineault at 250-559-4792. or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Port Clements Rod and Gun Club. Thank you everyone for your support and participation for 2015! We look forward to seeing you at the range throughout 2016! The Port Clements Rod and Gun Club is a community based club supporting local hunting and fishing interests. Members and guests welcome! Located on Juskatla Road (5 km Southwest of PC). Questions? Comments? Call Ron at (250) 557-4255 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com FREE Small Business Webinars. Haida Gwaii Community Futures is partnering with Small Business BC to live-stream webinars in our Masset office. Check out our schedule and register today for this opportunity to learn the basics and get new ideas to operate a successful small business. Call Jayne at (250) 626-5594 or email office@haidagwaiifutures.ca Express Yourself! The HGT magazine has started a “Poetry Corner”. If you or anyone you know writes short poems, prose, limericks, etc. please submit them via email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com or mail to PO Box 222, Port Clements, V0T 1R0. Here are some guidelines: * 200 words max (if you have a piece that is longer and are really keen on publishing it, feel free to send it in for consideration.) * Submissions are to be sent either in the body of an email, attached as a Word document or mailed, typed out. * Please include the title for your piece. * Include your full name, the published name you desire (if different from your given name), your phone number, address and email contact if you have one for our files. * If you desire a particular image with your submission, please send this to us as well for consideration. * Of course, not all poems received are guaranteed to be published. Thanks a bunch! Call Shellene Van der Beke at (250) 557-2088 or email info@ haidagwaiitrader.com Haida Gwaii Breastfeeding Mamas Peer Support Group. Support. Connections. Information. Meeting the first Tuesday of the month at the QC Youth Centre. 6-8pm Dinner provided. All are welcome! A peer support group for breastfeeding mamas and those who would like to learn more about breastfeeding. Also join our Facebook page for discussions, support and weekly topics! For more info: Please call Tonya Robitaille at (250) 626 9077 or email dooly23@hotmail.com


Ride & Ship Share

Request a Ride/Offer a Ride/Request a Shipment/Offer a Shipment

Need a ride to ferries from Queen Charlotte. Hello, I am working in Queen Charlotte Monday to Thursday and will be living in Sandspit for the month of February. I was wondering if anyone taking the 6:10pm ferry from Queen Charlotte who would be willing to take me along, or who would just be willing to drive me there? I have a ride on the other side. Thank you! Call Emily at (250) 637-1468 or email emilyxrose7@outlook.com Shipping Space Available! We have a 53’ trailer in Nanaimo coming up through Vancouver all the way to Prince Rupert bound for the Queen Charlottes about mid-January. (We also have storage in Nanaimo if you need storage services.) Please contact us if you have any freight you need transported. Alternate phone number: (250) 323-1718 Call Joanne Ikert at (250) 559-4141 or email jikert@qcislands.net

At Your Service

Business Services/Business Products

Space for Lease. Crow’s Nest is seeking expressions of interest. We are considering offering a space for lease. This space will be approximately 12 X 15 and would have its own entrance. There could also be an adjoining door if wanted. We are keen to talk further with anyone who may be interested. This space would be available Mid-March 2016. Call Jason or Anne at (250) 5574593 or email crowsnest@haidagwaii.ca MARY KAY. With Valentine’s day just around the corner, Mary Kay has great gift ideas just for you or that someone special! From vibrant red lipsticks and romantic scents to flawless mascara. (order by Jan. 26th to receive by Feb. 14th) You love choices! With the latest shades, age-fighting skin care and great gift ideas, I can show you beautiful products suited just for you. Contact me today to try for free! Call Regina Williams at (250) 626-9009 or email haidagwaiimk@gmail.com First Time Subscribers, Save 30%! Haida Gwaii Trader monthly magazine annual subscriptions are now available! They can now be delivered right to your post box and...If you are a first time subscriber, you will receive a 30% discount off the retail price! ($22 plus GST for the year) Just call (250-5572088) or email us (info@haidagwaiitrader.com) with your full name, mailing address, email and phone number and we will mail or email you an invoice. Thank you all for your awesome patronage! Call Shellene Van der Beke at (250) 557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Loving Hands Bodywork. Let yourself find relaxation, healing and restoration in my Loving Hands! Offering mobile massage to your home! Available every weekday evening 5-9pm & Weekends 9-9 $60/h Your choice of Swedish Relaxation, Deep Tissue or Acupressure Massage, Eldercare Massage, Prenatal Massage, Traditional Thai Yoga Massage, or Reiki. I am unable to accept MSP billing-- I accept cash or I am always happy to barter/ trade. I look forward to serving you! (Charlotte, Skidegate, Lawn Hill, Sandspit, Tlell) Call Tonya at (250) 626-9077 or email dooly23@hotmail.com Available for hire-work exchange. I have come to visit the islands and would like to stay, find work, permanent residence. I am from Alberta, capable and multi-talented. -Journeyman steel fabricator (4 yrs.) - Some training in heavy duty mechanics. - I hold an Alberta Class 1 w/air driving license, - private pilot’s license. - Spent 12 years working in oil and gas, operating leases and facilities, learning how to operate and maintain various pieces of mechanical process equipment. I have consulted and managed on facility design and construction, pipeline etc. - Have a pickup truck, will work as a contractor, work exchange for needs met, etc. Thank you Call Brian at (780) 781-7279 or email brian@four32consulting.com WRITING AND PROOFREADING. 25+ years of experience writing letters and preparing documents in government, at churches and for law firms - no job too small - from a one page resume to a 600 page manuscript - research projects - fact-checking - proofreading papers - writing family histories - drafting correspondence - very reasonable rates. Darren Lowe - darrenlowe1222@ gmail.com “His work is in all respects excellent. Darren is an intelligent person who approaches his work with common sense and initiative. He is extremely diligent and efficient in everything he does and he produces a top quality product. He obviously takes great pride in what he does.” Email darrenlowe1222@gmail.com


At Your Service - cont. MARY KAY. Contact me today for a brochure and free samples (skin care to suit you with a colour card too) Top Quality products. Fragrance Free. Something for everyone! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee = No Buying Mistakes! I am on Haida Gwaii every 2-3 months, based out of Charlotte. When I am not on Haida Gwaii I live on Bowen Island and am reachable by text, phone, e mail and website: www.marykay.ca/dbottay FREE SHIPPING on all mail orders over $50 *If you don’t already have a Mary Kay consultant please contact me for a free consultation. Call Donna (Durrance) Bottay at (778) 9883854 or email dbottay@me.com

Loving Hands ~ Mothering the Mama. Gentle, experienced birth support and postpartum doula care. Prenatal massage, private individualized prenatal education, breastfeeding support, bellycastings & blessingways! Call Tonya at (250) 6269077 or email dooly23@hotmail.com Reiki Healing Services. This includes sound therapy, reiki attunement, mediumship and soul retrieval (we lose bits and pieces of “ourselves” through trauma, I simply help to gather the pieces back up again so you feel more “whole”) My rates are 50 dollars a session or will share services for an amazing meal or accommodations for a day or two. I am practitioner of peace and through my four years of learning have shed 150 pounds of weight in one year’s time without a crazy diet. I have been sharing the love I learned with who I meet along the way and I would love to share the love with you. Special Blessings and light and love. Call Trenton Terrance at (250) 526-0016 or email ttratz@telus.net Full Truck Loads of Bark Mulch For Sale! For sale: 1” minus fir bark mulch/ lovely red/brown color/helps suppress weeds. And it looks awesome! Use it 3” thick on weed free soil around trees, shrubs, perennials and annual plantings. Keep 1” away from trunks or stems. 1 truck load (ten yards): $670, 2 or more truck loads: $630 per truck. Taxes/delivery fees are extra. Do call and let me know if you are interested. Call Shellene at (250) 557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com


HG Trader Community Calendar Jan 15 to Feb 15/16 Do you have an event you want to advertise?

Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com and post your event free of charge!

Old Massett/Masset Masset Lectures Mondays, Feb 1 & 15 7pm-9pm / Northwest Community College Masset Campus / 2151 Tahayghen Dr (east entrance of Tahayghen Elementary School) Part of an ongoing lecture series. Community members volunteer to present a lecture on a topic of their expertise, or on a topic that they wish to learn more about. This is an opportunity to learn from each other, and to support each other in our own learning. Topics cover anything relevant to life on Haida Gwaii, including natural history, human history, culture, local foods, outdoor activities, and practical skills. For more st information contact Stu at 626-3868 or stu.crawford@gmail.com. Feb 1 we have “The Co-op Business Model - YOUR road to success” with Vanessa Hammond, & “Intergenerational Trauma, Resiliency, and Me” with Sandlanee Gid Raven Ann. Feb 15th we have “Writing Towards the Light” with Stephen Reid, & “Species at Risk: Where are we at?” with Berry Wijdeven.

Port Clements PC Historical Society Regular Meeting Tue, Feb 9 / 7pm / Port Clements Museum / 45 Bayview Drive/ Support local history by joining the Port Clements Historical Society. Regular monthly meeting at the museum, all welcome. For more information contact Port Clements Historical Society at 250.557.4576 or pcmuseum@qcislands.ca or www.portclementsmuseum.ca

Volunteer Fire Department Wednesdays 7:30pm-9pm / PC Fire Hall / 35 Cedar Ave West Weekly training meetings. New members are welcome! Come out and join our firefighting team! For more information contact Craig Beachy at 250-557-4421 or ccbeacy@gmail.com

Regular Council Meeting Monday, Jan 18, Feb 1 & 15 / 7-9pm Council Chambers @ PC Multiplex Everyone is welcome to attend a Regular Council Meeting and see what is happening in our community. For more information contact Kim Mushynsky at 250-557-4295 or cao@portclements.ca or www.portclements.ca

Tlell Taoist Tai Chi Tuesdays 7-9pm and Thursdays 10:30 am – 12 noon/ Tlell Firehall-Meeting room / 36542 Highway 16 Everyone welcome! Open practice. For more information call 250-559-8458 or haidagwaii@taoist.org or www.@taoist.org

Skidegate Artists in Gwaii Haanas Opens Fri, Jan 22, 2016/ Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay Artists spanning three decades in age have brought together three divergent practices from the recent artists residency program. Come out and see the latest collection of works by Kathy Pick (Queen Charlotte), Matthew Eric Miles (Victoria) & Rosa Quintana Lillo (Agassiz), including a collaborative installation. This exhibition is a collaborative effort between the Gwaii Haanas and the Haida Gwaii Museum. This exhibition runs until April 30, 2016. Museum is open TuesSaturday from 10am to 5pm. For more information call 250-559-7885 or email museum@haidagwaii.net

All Islands’ Art Show Artwork Drop-Off: Fri, Feb 12 from 10am-5pm & Sat Feb 13 from 11am-3pm/ Haida Heritage Center Ḵay Llnagaay / The

All Islands' Art Show is an annual event held to showcase the visual artists of Haida Gwaii. The adjudicated show is held at the Haida Gwaii Museum and welcomes artists working in a variety of media. Amateur and professional artists from all island communities are encouraged to submit artwork for the exhibition. Submission criteria and entry forms can be found on the Haida Gwaii Arts Council website: hgartscouncil.ca Artwork must be submitted during the following times: Friday, February 12th from 10am - 5pm Saturday February 13th from 11am to 3pm Adjudication appointments can be arranged at this time.

Grand Opening: Fri, Feb 19 / 7pm-9pm / Haida Heritage Center / Ḵay Llnagaay /. Come celebrate and appreciate local artists at the All Islands' Art Show Grand Opening on February 19th. All are welcome. Artists are encouraged to donate appetizers. Exhibition runs from Feb 19 to March 19. For more information contact Allison at 250-637-1550 or allislandartshow@gmail.com or hgartscouncil.ca


HG Trader Community Calendar-Cont.

Skidegate – Cont.

HG Trader’s Community Calendar Post your event any

School District 50: Regular Board Meeting Tue, Jan 26 / 7-9pm / Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary /Road D Skidegate Heights / For more information contact School

time, any day. It’s easy fun and free!

District No.50 at 250-559-8471

Haala K\'aajuu Guu Come Sing All Friday, Jan 15 , 29, and Feb 5/10:30am11:30am Strong Minds Building, across from the Skidegate Health Centre / Haala K’aajuu Guu is a group experience for parents and their babies and young children. The program introduces adults and children to the pleasures and power of using rhymes, songs, and stories together. Children benefit from enjoyable, healthy early experiences with language and communication. For more information contact Nadine Jones at 250-559-4610

Queen Charlotte Queen Charlotte Farmers' Market Saturdays / 11am-1pm Beside the QC Community Hall Locally produced meats, eggs, cheeses, produce, breads, preserves, crafts, freshly baked treats and warm stews/soups for lunch. :-) Support Made on Haida Gwaii :-) For more information contact Kay Pringle at 250-5599093

Ukulele Jam Wednesdays / 5:30-7:30pm / Seniors' Room QC Community Hall All levels welcome. Informal instruction provided; noexperience necessary; extra ukuleles available. Small donation towards potocopying appreciated. Bring your favorite song and let's uke! For more information contact Michelle at 250-5598586 or Mlmscott@yahoo.ca

Taoist Tai Chi Mon 12-1, Wed 7-9pm and Sat 9-11am QC Community Hall/134 Bay St. Taoist Tai Chi™ internal arts are specifically aimed at cultivating health and vitality and were developed by Master Moy Lin-shin, a Taoist monk. Everyone welcome! For more info. call 250-559-8252 or haidagwaii@taoist.org \


Answer to the puzzle on page 16:

Registered Programs

Registered Programs-Cont.

Registered Programs-Cont.

The Masset Lecture Series

Alternate Fitness A FREE modified fitness class for those at risk for, or living with, chronic conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and arthritis.

Masset When: Tuesdays & Thursdays (until March 17th) Where: Masset Legion Time: 12-12:45pm

Port Clements th

When: Thursdays (until March 10 ) Where: Seniors Room at the Multiplex Time: 1-2pm

Circuit FitnessSandspit Come out and get fit! Modified exercises are available and encouraged, go at your own pace. Open to all fitness levels! When: Mondays 7-8pm & Thursdays (until March 10th) Where: ALM Elementary Gym Time: 6:30-7:30pm Cost: $5 per class*

Learn from the knowledge in our communities! In partnership with HGREC and Mount Moresby Adventure Camp, NWCC is supporting a biweekly lecture series at the Masset campus. February 1 The Co-op Business Model – YOUR Road to Success with Vanessa Hammond Intergenerational Trauma, Resiliency and Me with Sandlanee Gid Raven Ann Feb 15 Writing Towards the Light with Stephen Reid Species At Risk: Where are we at? with Berry Wijdeven Contact Stu Crawford to contribute your own lecture to the series! Refreshments and captivating discussion provided. When: Monday nights Where: NWCC Campus, Masset (accessed through the east entrance of Tahayghen Elementary School) Time: 7-9pm _________________________________

Questions? Comments? We look forward to hearing from you!

*Please note: there will be no class Jan. 28, Feb. 1st & 4th.

Basketball Fundamentals Coaching Clinic – Old Massett Who is this for? Any (age 16+) basketball enthusiast who works, or wants to work, with athletes aged 6-10 years of age. The 7-hour session includes: *ethical decision-making *modified games approach *LTAD (Long Term Athlete Development) *safety *age appropriate practice planning *skill development Facilitator: Larry Street Location: OMVC Hall Date: January 23rd & 24th Cost: FREE! ($55 fee covered) Schedule: 10 am – 5 pm TO REGISTER: Contact Cal Westbrook at cwestbrook@sd50.bc.ca or 250-6263226 Bring: A lunch, paper, pens/ pencils, shoes, and gear to run in. Snacks will be provide.

Please note: Extenuating circumstances may result in unexpected program cancellations

Box 187, Masset, BC V0T 1M0 Phone: 250-626-5652/1-888-557-4418 Email: qcirec@gmail.com

Haida Gwaii Rec


HAIDA GWAII LOCAL FOODS PROJECT Haida Gwaii Local Food Book Review found a copy to call my own at the Charlisle Clothiers in Queen Charlotte, but you can “A Taste of Haida Gwaii / Food Gathering also find this treasure at the HG Museum and Feasting at the Edge of the World” by Gift Shop in Skidegate and Sitka Studio in Susan Musgrave Tlell. Susan Musgrave’s recent work is a colorful Susan avows “…all the wild foods we pick, and playful read indeed…full of whimsical, harvest, or catch, though not organically local lore and breathtaking images certified, are beyond organic: eating local is from Haida Gwaiilander (Susan’s term) the new organic; foraging is the new eating photographers…and it was the very first local.” cookbook I ever read cover to cover. Even Some of the recipes are surprisingly simple the “For Further Reading” section at the back while others had me saying “Oy” out loud; had me jittery with excitement to order lofty concoctions for an amateur local food more of the recommended, like-minded gal such as myself. Hey, everyone has to publications from our local library. I was one start somewhere, right? of the first people to order “A Taste of Haida Gwaii” from the library in Port Clements. It Susan’s “A Taste of Haida Gwaii” is a keeper arrived so crisp and clean the pages even and a heck of a good gift to any foodies you had a hot off the press smell, giving this might know on or off this magical place we bookworm a delightful shiver or two. After call home. I begrudgingly gave it back to the library, I by Shellene Van der Beke

FEATURED LOCAL PRODUCER SOUTH BEACH GARDENS (SBG), located at Tow Hill in Masset, has been raising chickens and selling farm fresh eggs, meat birds and seasonal herbs for almost 15 years now. The chickens are raised in free range pens and fed a 100% all natural vegetable and flax seed diet. Although there are no farm gate sales, you can find their delicious eggs at Atwell Family Food store in Masset and Bayview Market in Port Clements. The SBG chickens also get fed quality, surplus veggies and fruits left over from both the Delmas Coop in Masset and Bayview Market in Port Clements. During the summer season, SBG sells their home grown herbs to local fishing lodges. For more information, you can reach South Beach Gardens at 250-626-6084 or by emailing jodygrange@gmail.com.

Thank You Haida Gwaii Local Food Project Sponsors!

Also: Masset Farmers Market, Queen Charlotte Farmers Market & Moresby Market

To become a sponsor of the Haida Gwaii Local Foods Project or to be added to the Haida Gwaii Producer List, please call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

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