Hgt magazine issue78 nov dec 2016

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Haida Gwaii Eyes…Wide Open

Proactive Ponderings about Common Challenges

More than ever, LET’S SHOP LOCAL! by Shellene Van der Beke

We’ve all heard numerous times how important it is to shop locally. As the season of giving is upon us, this time of year is a very good time to remember a few of the “whys” of this important topic. Challenge: Although some off-island Christmas shopping is often necessary, and online shopping while wearing your fuzzy pajamas and drinking your choice of a hot beverage is rather fun…both expenditure choices do a rather poor job at fueling our local economy.

Photo of Masset Inlet by Benjamin Van der Beke of Lil Whitey’s Aerials Shopping on Haida Gwaii makes good sense because: 

    

We love our home. This place we have chosen to call home is amazing. In order for it to remain amazing, we need it to function economically. What goes around comes around. Very large portions of money spent on Haida Gwaii stay and circulate on Haida Gwaii. That means food on our families’ tables. Power to our people. Every dollar we give to a local business is a dollar less to some distant corporation that has little to no interest in our island communities. Community spirit. Avoid cabin fever by getting out and shopping at local businesses you believe in. Say hello to some of your neighbors you see along the way. Both help to create a sense of unity, belonging and community pride. Vote with your notes. I am sure that for each and every one of us, there are many businesses on Haida Gwaii whose owners, staff, products and services we really appreciate. Choosing to support their business will keep their expenses paid and their doors open. Made on Haida Gwaii Rocks. Spending at least a portion of our Christmas (and year round for that matter) budget on locally made products keeps our artist, handcraft and farming communities alive and well. Giving a gift that is handmade is, much like fuzzy pajamas, extra awesome.

Check out our Shop Local feature in this issue and be sure to drop by one or more of the many Christmas Craft Fairs around Haida Gwaii this season - listed in the Community Calendar section.

Support your local…anything. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have a solution-based topic, thought or project you would like to share? We would love to hear from you!

250-557-2088 / info@haidagwaiitrader.com / PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC V0T1R0



8 Expression Sessions

10 Art & Unification Also: Friends with Four Feet..........................................4 Your Ripple Effect................................................5

12 2003 Tlell Flood

Feathers and Wings.............................................9 Food for Thought...............................................14 Classifieds..................................................... 25 Shop Local this Holiday Season............................ 26 Reader Survey..................................................48

About Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine Editor: Shellene Van der Beke info@haidagwaiitrader.com – 250-557-2088 Assistant Editor: Peter Moore pmoore@haidagwaiitrader.com Administrative Assistant: Jenna Keshavjee HGT Magazine would not be possible withoutour contributors. Please find their stories inside. haidagwaiitrader.com facebook.com/HaidaGwaiiTrader

Subscribe: Get HGT Magazine delivered right to your post box and save 20% off the retail price. $48/year plus GST. Please contact: info@haidagwaiitrader.com Advertise: HGT Magazine is devoted to promoting local business. If you would like to advertise with us, please contact info@haidagwaiitrader.com for our rates. Submit: Do you have a story for us? We would love to hear from you. Please send your pitches to info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Banner photo by Alex Rinfret, taken in 2008. Want your photo as the banner for next issue? Submit to pmoore@haidagwaiitrader.com


Just In Case

A few things to consider before leaving your pet behind while you travel

As much as we all love our time on The Rock, on occasion, many folks find themselves having to leave a beloved critter or critters behind so as to travel off-island. If you are arranging a care team to take care of your pets at your home, here are a few tricks that can help to make for happy pets while you are away: 1. Provide your chosen care team with your pet’s feeding and sleeping protocols. This should include feeding times and quantities, an applicable food sensitivities and any food boundaries you wish your care team to honor, i.e. treat allowances. Knowing what your pet’s sleeping habits are…where they sleep and what makes them most comfortable can help your care team make your pet’s time while you are away feel more like home sweet home.

5. Trust your chosen care team! If a pet emergency occurs while you are away, get information directly from the vet and your care team only. It may be tempting in a moment of panic to involve people other than your chosen team, but this can just end up causing chaos. If involving more people is a necessity then be sure to arrange this through your care team so everyone is on the same page and knows what’s going on.

2. Make sure your care team knows your pet’s commands. For instance, all of my animals are taught to back up with vocal cues and body language. We have similar body language for proper gate/door etiquette (this won’t just save your care team hassle; it will also make the transition from your care, to their care, less confusing for your pet). 3. Introduce your care team to all the equipment your pet or pets might need. For example, for us horse people; you never know when your poor pony is going to need a blanket. It’s a good idea to make sure everyone looking after them knows how to properly put on and remove one. 4. In case of an emergency, for your care team, have a quick, easy to read sheet for each animal in the house, close to the phone. If a call to the vet is in order, this information can be passed along with ease. This sheet should include age, medical history, allergies and important information such as sensitivities to medications or anesthetic.

No one wants to prepare for the worst, but having a firm plan in place will help the worst be more bearable if it ever does happen.

Cyndi Bird is a certified Equine Sports Therapist and is a retired dog groomer. She can be reached via her website at www.opengaits.ca or email opengaits.cyndibird@gmail.com. Cyndi lives in Port Clements with her family, one dog, one cat, four hourses, as well as her bunnies and chickens. 4

The Problem with Smelling Nice! You walk into a room and boom! A wave of perfume, cologne, or scented hair product comes at you. Some people don’t notice it. Some, like me, who are ‘scent sensitive’ immediately feel a headache or have difficulty breathing, or experience nausea and dizziness. These painful symptoms can last a few hours to a day or more. Scent sensitivity is a growing health concern and many places like hospitals, medical clinics, and government offices now have a Scent-Free policy. But do people adhere to this policy? Not always. One Queen Charlotte hospital worker who interacts with the public said sometimes she must leave the room when a patient comes in doused in cologne or perfume or she will have problems breathing. Another worker said she feels nausea and migraines if exposed. Its true some people are not aware of the policy or, as one person admitted, they can’t smell the scented hair spray they have worn for so long, so assume no one else can either. We are attached to our scents. I enjoyed wearing essential oils before this sensitivity hit me a few years ago. A friend said his cologne feels like part of his outfit and the smell of lavender calms him. But isn’t it a personal right to use scented products? By their very nature, these products are shared. Fragrance chemicals vaporize in the air and so are easily inhaled by others. When you stop and think (smell) about it, scents are added to almost everything we use: cosmetics, hair products, sunscreen, body lotion, laundry detergent, fabric softener, air fresheners, cleaning products, candles, kitty litter and plastic garbage bags to name a few. Each product can contain dozens to hundreds of synthetic chemicals that are added to create this smell. In the case of cosmetics, the term ‘parfum’ or fragrance on the ingredient list can represent chemicals in the form of solvents, stabilizers, UV absorbers, and dyes. One study found that 82% of perfumes based on “natural ingredients” contain synthetic chemicals. Even products labelled as unscented and fragrance–free may contain chemicals to hide the odour.

disruption and sperm damage. Breast milk can contain high chemical levels. It seems a healthy choice for anyone-scent sensitive or not, would be to avoid or minimize using scented products. Meanwhile, what advice is there for people who are scent sensitive surrounded by scenty folks? A veteran scent sensitive person said “Own your problem. The allergy is real. Tell people’ I need to make a change here’. It’s not a matter of you being difficult.” To name a few, here are some of the scent-free products available locally:

Skidegate: Dry Idea deodorant, Wellskin Body Lotion and One Step hand sanitizer – The Co-op Queen Charlotte: Vaseline Intensive Care and Lubriderm moisturizing creams – IDA Forbes Pharmacy Phillip Adam shampoo and conditioner – Isabel Creek Moyaa Shea Butter – Charlisle’s Secret deodorant – City Center Silkience hair spray – La Belle Cosmetics Tlell: Routine natural deodorant – Crow’s Nest Sandspit: Alberto Extra Hold hairspray – Super Valu

Companies are not required to provide information to consumers. Many fragrance ingredients have not been assessed for human safety. We inhale these ingredients, or absorb them through our skin. Research shows they accumulate in our bodies and may result in hormone

Liz Wouters is a Certified Coach, and trained in Conflict Management, Psychology, and Adult Education. For individual or group coaching sessions on work, life or interpersonal issues, please contact her at lwoutersca@yahoo.ca


An Outstanding Year for Tourism on Haida Gwaii By Maureen Weddell

Another busy tourist season has mostly come to an end, although at the time of this article there are still plenty of visitors on island. By all accounts this has been an exceptionally busy year all over Haida Gwaii. We have hit the map so to speak in terms of tourism. Tour companies were at near capacity, many accommodations fully booked and restaurants over prescribed. We have heard that all three museums, Port Clements, Dixon Entrance as well as the Haida Gwaii museum were up substantially. Here at the Queen Charlotte visitor centre, our numbers from previous years were already surpassed in early August. It seems Haida Gwaii has reached the top of the list for must do vacations.

While we are located in Queen Charlotte our staff are also required to have local information on our surrounding area as well as having general knowledge of the entire province, and it’s various tourism regions. Destination BC visitor centres marked with the trademark logo “i” are located in many communities in BC and linked into the Hello BC website as well as regional tourism marketing organizations. Visitors travelling the province make it a habit to stop in at centres all along their route looking for local and regional information. Our centre has been noted many times as being one of the best in the province. During tourist season we can see up to 200 parties per day with every range of questions you can imagine. This is when our staff truly shines and we do our best to give them the most current information possible. In addition to our visitor services, we offer a wide selection of giftware, local art work and our very popular saltwater aquarium is truly worth a stop in for visitors and locals alike. Outside the building, along with the breathtaking view, our beautiful interpretive gardens can be enjoyed by all.

Many enquiries for next season have already started. The most common enquiries for information are accommodations, tour options, fishing charters, kayaking rentals, car rentals and any events that might be happening during their visit. We try and give people a number of suggestions for what to see and do in all areas of the island. For many, it is a once in a lifetime trip and they want to see and experience all that Haida Gwaii has to offer, sometimes in as little as four days! As a Destination BC visitor centre our staff are specially trained to find out what people are looking for through a series of questions and then be able to provide a number of options that fit. Each visitor has a different type of experience they are hoping for and we do our best to help them find that experience... you name it and we have likely been asked about it.


If you have any questions regarding what we do at Haida Gwaii’s only year round visitor centre please stop in or call Maureen Weddell, Manager at 250-559-8316. In the spring of 2017 we will be offering a luncheon for all tourism business on Haida Gwaii to showcase the Queen Charlotte visitor centre. Look for details in this publication in the New Year.



How the Haida Gwaii surf scene has come to what it is now

North Beach has always been a top destination on Haida Gwaii. Although visitors and locals alike have long appreciated the place, only in recent years has it really begun to flourish as a surf community. North Beach has primarily bred its surf culture among locals; this is largely thanks to the efforts of Michael McQuade, owner and operator of the North Beach Surf Shop. As a self-proclaimed “smorgasboarder” (one who rides multiple forms of boards), McQuade is a passionate waterman who has now lived on the islands for 11 years. McQuade is one of the many locals who came to Haida Gwaii for a short retreat and just sort of ended up staying. Originally from the east coast, he came to Haida Gwaii looking to live off the grid for a year, but after a year, ended up getting a house in Masset, the town nearest North Beach. “There was lots of people around here that wanted to go out [surfing],” McQuade explains, as he recounts his humble beginnings. “When I first came here there was nothing for beginners, they couldn’t rent a suit or rent a board, and to buy you’re looking at about $2000 to really get yourself started. I just saw the need for beginners.”

By Pete Moore


In the early days of the surf shop’s history, there was a handful of surfers that were catching swells regularly. It was a very small and intimate scene; a bunch of buddies that just enjoyed surfing. “I just had an idea, I was like: ‘we should have a little surf contest’,” McQuade recalls, “I did up 20 t-shirts, and charged everybody 20 bucks and we all got one. We just hung out and drank beer [...] on the beach. There was maybe 30 or 40 of us – some were surfin’, some weren’t.” It was a small event, no more than just a little get-together. But the next year it grew, and the year after that it got even bigger, and so on and so forth.

This year was no exception. Starting the weekend off with an open mic night on Friday, spirits were already high going into Saturday. The day began with some early morning yoga on the beach, and then opened up to free kids lessons at around 10am. The kids lessons are one of the highlights of the festival each year as they complement the spirit of the surf shop. In eight years of the festival, McQuade has now offered kids lessons at six of them. Creating an easy entry point for aspiring surfers on the island has ultimately become the shop’s primary source of business. “It’s mostly kids and women that are getting into it, so that’s mostly what we focus on: entry-level equipment,” McQuade says. This has caused an exponential growth for the surf scene, as more and more kids are getting into it, and more and more are taking lessons from the shop to get better at it. “We’ve taught, over the last 6 years, probably every kid on the island,” McQuade says. This focus of the shop inspires their annual event, the Expression Sessions.


With high tide at around 11:30, surfers and spectators converged for the swells in the early afternoon. The small waves didn’t discourage eager riders from getting in the water and giving it their all, while others just enjoyed hanging out on the beach by the warm fires and good company. Each year the Expression Sessions serves as a reminder of just how well the sport is doing on Haida Gwaii, and how connected people are to the waters that surround us.

The Art of Birdwatching “Follow your bliss” said Joseph Campbell. Being both an artist and a birdwatcher are blissful to me. There are similarities between the two that I enjoy entertaining. The motif (bird) repeated becomes a pattern (flock). By watching a flock move (interaction) we see migration (process). With the years passing (theme) a larger pattern of species wellness emerges (body of work). This reflection on planetary beings (community) informs the artwork (communication). Metaphors come to mind while observing the V-shaped ribbons of geese flying south (teamwork), the clusters of Pine Siskins feeding on fallen grass seed (harvesting), the gulls loosely holding to the shoreline during rough seas (adaption). In the pulsing flickering mass of Sanderlings moving about the tideline there is the single particle and the wave of physics. It is thought that flocks move in those fluid waves by anticipating. As artists, whether musicians (song), poets (voice), dancers (flight), sculptors (nests), painters (footprints), we grow through reflection and are guided by our interactions.

Through the anticipation of our interdependent movement we create artworks both of the moment and of our human adventure. Sitting on a log watching birds (meditation) and painting them in the studio (practice) is…(bliss).

Multidisciplinary artist, Thomas Arnatt specializes in murals inspired by birds, nature & meditation. His studio is located in the beautiful Tow Hill Road community on Haida Gwaii. For commissions and/or more information, Thomas can be reached by email at rayvantric@gmail.com


The Language of

Art &

Robert Davidson’s “Portrait of an Eagle Transforming”

Unification Master of Culture Robert Davidson

By Christy “Conch” Konschuh For several years, Robert Davidson, Guud San Glans (Eagle of The Dawn) has been preparing for a Potlatch. The Davidson family and many friends contributed to the preparations for the October 28-29, 2016 event. “Reg fished last summer to provide the meal of seafood for the first night,” says Davidson, “and Terri-Lynn, my wife was a great support throughout the preparations.” Emcee’s for the event were niece, Leslie Brown, daughter Sara and son Ben.

As if that wasn’t enough, Davidson marked his 20th wedding anniversary with Terri-Lynn Williams Davidson, the legal renegade and song bird, as well as his 70th birthday. As part of the potlatch, several artists including Reg Davidson, Tyson Brown, Ben Davidson, TJ Young, and Cory Savard unveiled Dance Screens illustrating a crest to identify the different Haida Clans. As Sara Davidson received her PhD this year, she thanked and recognized all of the islanders, teachers and schools who contributed to her accomplishment. All of the schools on Haida Gwaii received a banner titled “Portrait of an Eagle Transforming”. This was Robert Davidson’s signature


image for the potlatch. He hopes that it will expose students to the art form and inspire them. “You don’t see enough art. You need the visual to cause a person to think,” he said. Robert treasures his school years, which were spent first in Masset, and then as an adult, in Vancouver. He recalls that he did not see art in his Village and his pursuit to learn from Masters since age 18 has been his way of securing a visual language. “When I first went to Vancouver to study, I

Potlatch panorama by Alexander MacDonald

This collaboration resulted in a monumental celebration. The Old Massett Community Centre was transformed into a gallery for various forms of artistic expression including: singing, drumming, dancing, paintings, photography, and public speaking. In addition to providing the 750 guests with an abundance of food, the talented Davidson family in tradition of the Potlatch presented witnesses with many gifts. 22 banners were given to Haida Clans, every school in District 50 and to others who serve the villages of Haida Gwaii. Mr. Davidson acknowledged the builders, carvers and artists who worked before his time and alongside him. Four apprentices were given a stone Maul, an ancient tool, as well a certificate. Haida boat builders and boat owners from Massett and Skidegate were also revered.

“You don’t see enough art. You need the visual to cause a person to think.”

Banner unveiling at the Port Clements Elementary School library. Photo by L. Waring

– Robert Davidson

was treated like a curio,” he said - but people in the Lower Mainland soon shared his intrigue for the supernatural language of Northwest Coast Art. The language spoken through using images of animals is a metaphor for our relationship to where we came from and thus, how we belong. Being a recipient of an animal crest is an invitation to further understand one’s identity through a language that has become a signature Davidson family dialect. Two days after the Potlatch, Mr. Davidson was still recovering but reflected on his satisfaction with the historic event. “There was great T’saahl [Eagle Clan] support and many supporters from the other Haida clans. I was overwhelmed by how many people contributed.” To witness an event of this magnitude was a unique opportunity to appreciate Haida art and culture. Crests that now belong to Haida Clans deepen our connection to the land and to one another. In receiving these works, Chiefs and Clan Leaders spoke of their heartfelt appreciation for the honor of being acknowledged, for being invited to celebrate their roots and for being a witness to the Davidson legacy. Tina Ooishi received the banner of Portrait of an Eagle Transforming on behalf of the Port Clements Elementary School. During the assembly on Monday November 8, 2016 the Ooishi’s and Oliver Bell unveiled the banner to students. What followed was an enthusiastic dialogue about the discovery of Mr. Davidson’s visual language. Should you be standing next to a young person while taking in the Portrait of an Eagle Transforming banner, consider discussing the T’saahl and hold space for a dialogue about what it is they see.

To see more of Robert Davidson’s works, please check out his website at: http://www.robertdavidson.ca/


The Stormy Christmas Eve The day of the great Christmas flood in Tlell

Photos by Don Richardson Stormy winters are simply the status quo here on Haida Gwaii. If you’ve been on the island for a winter or two, you soon become familiar with the hurricane force winds that blow through. You learn to not rely so much on the ferry. You begin to keep candles and flashlights in an easily accessible place.

and was spilling into the pond in front of my house. That didn’t seem right, especially since high tide was still a couple of hours away,” explains Alex. What started off as an ordinary storm later evolved into a flood-like high tide that threatened many houses in Tlell, and cast driftwood logs all over the highway.

“For many years in Tlell, it seemed our Christmas Eve tradition was to have no power,” says Tlell resident Alex Rinfret. “I can’t remember how many times the wind took the power out on December 23rd or 24th, but enough so that we all joked about it, planned for it even.” Despite always being ready for these kind of situations, sometimes there are still moments that catch us off guard.

“Over the next few hours we watched the water come closer and closer to our house – water that until then had never come anywhere near the highway, never mind anywhere else,” Alex recalls. “It rushed up our driveway and overflowed the pond until it came up to our front door. Behind us the ground was all flooded too, and the wind whipped this floodwater into whitecaps. The water surged into our neighbour’s woodshed and all his firewood floated through our yard.”

2003 has gone down in Haida Gwaii history as the Christmas Eve storm of all Christmas Eve storms. It was a storm like nobody had ever seen, or has seen since. “Sometime in the middle of the morning, I looked out the window. It’s hard to see when heavy rain is hitting the glass, but it looked like the ocean had come up across the highway “The 2003 flood was caused by a huge tidal surge. There was a high tide and the Tlell River rose up and met the ocean that had overflowed the banks of the beach.” - Don Richardson

“The 2003 flood was caused by a huge tidal surge,” explains Dr. Don Richardson of Richardson Ranch in Tlell. “There was a high tide and the Tlell River rose up and met the ocean that had overflowed the banks of the beach.” This had a huge impact on the community. “There was six inches of water covering the clinic floor and it was a foot deep in the shop,” he Dr. Don. “The feed store and barn were fortunately high and dry. At around 3pm, we took all of the cats and dogs that were in the kennel and put them into the barn, all bedded in straw. They were all looking around at each other with ‘what are we doing out here?’ looks on their faces. By 11pm, they were back in their kennels.” Although the 2003 storm has so far remained one of a kind, you know what they say: history repeats itself. Stocking up on candles and flashlights is always a good idea.

Do you have a historical picture and a short story you would like to share?

We would love to hear from you! Call us at 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com





IN PORT CLEMENTS! Soft launched on October 14th, Northern Savings Credit Union (NSCU) is now offering full service, community banking in the Village of Port Clements (VOPC). As it states on their promotional materials, “You asked. We listened.” Services will include withdrawals, deposits, account opening and lending. Loans Officer Micha Graham reports that, thus far, they have received lots of positive feedback regarding this brand new initiative. The first of its kind, the Port Clements initiative may help to pave the way for other remote communities located in the NSCU service area. “We have known for a long time that this is something people wanted and needed,” reports VOPC CAO Kim Mushynsky. The VOPC has generously donated the space for this project; a wonderful example of organizations working together in the name of community service.

NSCU Loans Officer Micha Graham (left) and Assistant Branch Manager Kate Schatz. Photo by Shellene Van der Beke

Whether you live in Port Clements, Tlell or happen to be in Port on the day they are open, NSCU members now have more banking options – great timing with the winter roads now upon us. “I love the fact I did not have to drive to Masset,” says Port Clements resident Dale Lore. “I didn’t have any other plans to go there today, so this is great!” The new NSCU Community Banking service will be offered from 2-6pm on the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month (Friday, December 22nd, the hours are 10-2) and is located in the VOPC Council Chamber (in the Multiplex building). Come out and celebrate their Grand Opening on Friday, November 25th – where you can do your banking and enjoy a refreshment and a treat!


Amaranth - an Ancient Grain that Grows on Haida Gwaii Amaranth is a stunningly beautiful plant that grows up to six feet tall. It would be a welcome addition to any flower garden with huge plumes of red flowers topping the plant. It is actually an ancient grain and a valuable source of protein. As long as 8000 years ago the Aztec people derived most of their protein from these seeds. They would also build statues of their gods with amaranth and honey. After an appropriate time of worship the idols would be broken up, distributed and eaten. When the Christians arrived and converted the Aztecs they forbid the growing of the grain and stiff punishment reinforced the ban. A few small pockets of amaranth survived and in the 1970s it was introduced to North America. Its value as a food source was quickly welcomed. The immature leaves are edible and delicious. They taste like spinach and can be a good substitute for spinach in any recipe. Little leaves make an excellent salad ingredient. I found the best variety to grow here is Burgundy Grain Amaranth. If you want to grow your own Amaranth plant it in the sunniest place in your yard. If we get draught conditions, like we have in the past couple of years, it doesn’t need watering once it is established. It can go forty days without any moisture. Harvest the seeds after we have had frost. Hold the seed heads over a large bowl and beat them gently to release the seeds. If they do not come off easily, wait a week, and try again. Amaranth seeds can be popped like popcorn to release all the goodness inside before cooking. Simply place a tablespoon at a time in a hot pan for 15 to 20 seconds.


Enjoy this fast and simple Coconut Amaranth Pudding: Cook 1/2 cup amaranth in 1 can of light coconut milk and 4 tablespoons of sugar for 20 minutes/cool and pour into serving dishes/sprinkle with cinnamon and top with fresh fruit.

Pat Fricker has Lived on these islands she adores for over 30 years. She loves gardening, green housing, and cooking. She also enjoys the superior flavor of fresh fruit and veggies that are on the table shortly after picking

Reading on the Rock Lots for Kids to Enjoy at your Local Library Parents and caregivers play an important role in developing children’s literacy skills. The library has lots of books and fun activities to help your child get ready to read. We have books for children of all ages – from board books for babies, to picture books for toddlers and stories for beginning readers. We also have literacy kits that contain books, toys, puzzles and games, full of fantastic ideas and activities. Just ask your friendly library staff for more information or to find a literacy kit. Special events in the next few weeks: • Babytime at the Queen Charlotte branch, every Monday at 10 am. • Winter Tales Puppet Show at Sun Studio in Queen Charlotte on Saturday, Dec. 3 at 2 pm. • Children’s Theatre production of Stone Soup in Masset on Dec. 12. Call the Masset branch for details, 250-626-3663.

A crowd of kids savoured a spooky puppet show just before Halloween at Sun Studio in Queen Charlotte. Photo by Kiki van der Heiden

OPEN HOURS Queen Charlotte

Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Wednesday 1-4 and 5-8, Friday 12:30-5 Saturday 10-12 and 1-5


Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Thursday 1-4 and 5-8, Friday 1-5, and Saturday 10-2

Port Clements

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3-8, Saturday 10-12 and 1-5


Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Wednesday 10-2, Thursday 1-4 and 5-8 Saturday 10-2

VOPC Book Club: Giller Gala By T.M. Ooishi

The VOPC Book Club would like to extend their appreciation to the Village of Port Clements, VIRL Librarian Alex Rinfret , Beng Favreau of Literacy Haida Gwaii, Marilyn Bliss, and Chef Jiro Ooishi for collaborating the Giller Gala in Port Clements. Author, Madeleine Thien may have won the $100,000 Giller Prize for Do Not Say We Have Nothing but attendee’s at the Giller Gala in Port Clements were treated as winners as well. Book Club members and their guests dined on an exquisite menu, took home individually carved, maple bookmarks and some won copies of each book that was shortlisted for the Giller Prize. The VOPC Book Club will resume in January 2018. All are welcome to join! For more information, visit the library in Port Clements for a copy of the Book Club’s selection or email tina.ooishi@gmail.com

VOPC Book Club with Chef Jiro Ooishi (third from left). Photo by bystander

VOPC Book Club Quote of the month: “You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.” Dr. Seuss


gwaiitrust.com Old Massett: 1-800-663-2388 | Skidegate: 1-877-559-8883


Nine young people spent a week this summer gaining kayak and wilderness skills, enjoying time outside with friends, and connecting with an elder thanks to an innovative program organized by Skidegate’s Ngystle Society.

“Kayaking for Youth and Elders” took place over a sunny fiveday stretch in August, ending with an overnight camping trip. The youth participants learned about kayaking, responsible camping and fire safety from local guides Luke and Kye Borserio, while the Haida elder shared traditional knowledge through song, a fire circle and quality time. Everyone enjoyed berry picking and pitched in to help clean up garbage from the beaches. Many of the youth said learning how to roll over in the kayak was the

highlight of the week, and answered a wholehearted “yes” when asked if they would like to participate in a program like this again. The Ngystle Society applied for a Gwaii Trust Youth Grant to make the kayaking program possible. Our youth board – which reviews and makes decisions on all youth grants – approved the application, enthusiastic about its potential to create meaningful connections between youth, elders and nature, and intercultural understanding and respect. If you’re interested in learning more about Gwaii Trust Youth Grants, or our other grant programs, please visit our website at gwaiitrust.com

Photos by Colin Richardson


We will be holding FREE grant writing workshops in Port Clements and Old Massett in the coming weeks. Whether you are interested in learning the basics of preparing a Gwaii Trust grant application or you are an experienced grant writer, you will be sure to find tons of useful information to help with your applications. Sessions will be held:

• at the Port Clements village office on Saturday, Nov. 19 from • at the Gwaii Trust office in Old Massett on Saturday, Dec. 10 10 am to noon. Please register for this workshop by Nov. 14. from 10 am to noon. Please register for this workshop by Dec. 5. NOTE: We must have at least five participants signed up for each workshop. Register by calling Megan Dorrington at 250-626-3654 or by emailing megan.dorrington@gwaiitrust.com


celebrating local

independently owned businesses Meet Erica Ryan-Gagne


Erica Ryan-Gagne launched Eri-Cut & Nailed in October of 2010 from her home in Skidegate. In July of 2012 she and her husband built the salon space to accommodate hair and nail services in Haida Gwaii. In December of 2014 they doubled capacity to include tanning services in a lay-down style uva/uvb tanning bed. They also prepared a multipurpose space which is now shared with Winona Olson, Registered Massage Therapist. Kim Racette and Teresa Masch are among some of the talented visiting hairdressers at Eri-Cut & Nailed. Contact Eri-Cut & Nailed at 250 637 1777, or email erica_jean_ryan@hotmail.com By appointment only please.

Meet Winona Olson

Registerd Massage Therapist Winona has been a resident of Haida Gwaii for nearly 23 years and can’t imagine living anywhere else.

Winona left home to complete her training as a Registered Massage Therapist at the West Coast College of Massage Therapy in the fall of 2011. She returned to Haida Gwaii to open her own practice in December 2014. Winona has been operating out of Erica Ryan-Gagne’s studio (Eri-Cut & Nailed) in Skidegate since January 2015 and tells us that “it has been nothing short of a wonderful working relationship as well as a friendship”. Winona offers a wide range of therapeutic modalities for treating both acute and chronic pain. Therapies such as general relaxation massage, myofascial release, trigger point release, contract relax, cranio sacral, joint mobilizations and many other modalities listed under the RMT scope of practice.

Call 250-626- 9224 to book an appointment. winona.rmt@gmail.com

LOVEHAIDAGWAII.COM | LOVENORTHERNBC.COM Love Haida Gwaii showcases locally owned and operated businesses and is funded by Northern Development Initiative Trust & Misty Isles Economic Development Society. To list your business on the Love Haida Gwaii website or for more information call 250-559-8050 or email admin@mieds.ca


Our Healing Journeys: Living with the Seasons By Karen Walhout

As the light and leaves start to fade, we find ourselves needing more rest, more grounding, and introspection. In the fall we can take stock of all that we have accomplished in the busy summer months, reassess and learn. Just like the plants, our vital forces go into the earth after the upward motion of summer. We can honor these seasonal changes in the food we eat and in the activities of our daily lives; spending time with close friends and family, eating root vegetables and keeping the lights low in the evening. And on a larger scale, in the autumn of our lives, we can share our experiences and abundant knowledge with those who are still learning to fly. Ngystle provides several services that promote healthy seasonal changes for body, mind and spirit. At Mindful


Mondays, we explore various meditation and energy healing techniques. Devjeet’s yoga classes (on Wednesday for all and Thursday for men) are a great way of balancing your energy. As well, our crystal healing services are always good on a rainy day. Call to book an appointment, stop in, or volunteer! We are here for you!

Karen Walhout is the Ngystle Society’s Administrator and Coordinator. She first came to Haida Gwaii in 2011 from Ontario and enjoys wild harvesting, yoga and dance. For more information about Ngystle, call Karen (Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri between 9-4:30) at 250-559-4114 or email ngystle@haidagwaii.net



news release

Masset RCMP has reason to believe that there is marijuana IMMEDIATE available for sale inFOR Masset thatDISTRIBUTION is laced with fentanyl, a Masset synthetic Detachment Fileopioid 2016-1368 (painkiller) that is extremely powerful File Number: dangerous even in very small doses. Illegal fentanyl has November 8, 2016: Masset RCMP has reason to believe that there is marijuana available for sale in Masset that is laced with fentanyl, a powerful opioid that is extremely been linked to over 500synthetic deaths in(painkiller) the province of dangerous Britisheven in very small doses. Illegal fentanyl has been linked to over 500 deaths in the province of British Columbia in 2016 Columbia alone. isform, also being alone. Fentanyl isin also2016 being sold in BritishFentanyl Columbia in pill known as 'Fakesold Oxy' orin 'Oxy 80'. It is highly addictive. British Columbia in pill form, known as ‘Fake Oxy’ or ‘Oxy 80’ Ittime, is highly addictive. At .this Masset RCMP would like to warn the public of the dangers of exposure to fentanyl, which is 100 times more powerful than heroin and can be fatal if smoked, swallowed, injected or even absorbed through the skin.

At this time, Masset RCMP would like to warn the public is not safe in any dosage and a person can overdose in seconds. Symptoms of overdose ofIllegal thefentanyl dangers of exposure to fentanyl, which is 100 times include: - shallowpowerful breathing more than heroin and can be fatal if smoked, - slowed heart rate swallowed, injected or even absorbed through the skin. - difficulty walking or standing - trouble breathing - nausea - drowsiness

Illegal fentanyl is not safe in any dosage and a person can overdose in seconds. Symptoms of overdose include: If you suspect that you or someone you know is experiencing a fentanyl overdose, call for medical help

immediately. BC Ambulance is available 24/7 at 1-800-461-9911. If you see a white powdery substance near someone who may have overdosed, do not handle it. Call Masset RCMP at 250-626-3991 and request assistance with its safe removal.

- shallow breathing - slowed heart rate RCMP also encourages the use of CrimeStoppers by calling their anonymous tip line at - Masset difficulty walking or standing 1-800-222-8477 or by accessing their website at www.bccrimestoppers.com and following the links to Northern BC. You could receive a cash reward of up to $2000 upon an arrest and charge. - trouble breathing - nausea Patti Evans - Constable drowsiness Acting Operations Officer Masset Detachment 250-626-3991 Fax 250-626-5138

If you suspect that you or someone you know is experiencing a fentanyl overdose, call for medical help immediately. BC Ambulance is available 24/7 at 1-800-4619911. If you see a white powdery substance near someone who may have overdosed, do not handle it. Call Masset RCMP at 250-626-3991 and request assistance with its safe removal. Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Gendarmerie royale du Canada

RCMP GRC 3616 (2008-01)

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Masset RCMP also encourages the use of CrimeStoppers by calling their anonymous tip line at 1-800-222-8477 or by accessing their website at www. bccrimestoppers.com and following the links to Northern BC. You could receive a cash reward of up to $2000 upon an arrest and charge. 21

With unity and peace in mind, the advice that best aligns with this approach of what to do moving forward is:

Now What? With all of the hoopla surrounding the preand now post-election drama in the United States, many folks are feeling uneasy with what the future holds for North America and the world. Although there are plenty of reasons to revolt against criminal behavior and plenty of times to revere our warriors, the focus of this article, and most of what HG Trader publishes, is on how to maintain and expand unity and peace. There are so many opinions running amok in the media right now. For every stand you will find opinions that are a hallowed case “for” or a venomous diatribe “against”. This is the nature of our world today; a world with widely available, published opinions. If you look for something to support your views, you will, most definitely, find it. But which views are going to ensure our children’s children have a roof over their heads and food in their bellies?


 Stay calm: panic and fear are tools used to keep the “masses” overwhelmed and complacent. With everything you can muster, try to keep an even keel. Easier said than done, for sure, but very worth trying to keep at the forefront of your thinking and living.  Live your life (or maybe it is best said “Get back to living your life”): distraction is yet another implement used to baffle people with, mmm…baloney. One of the greatest contributors to the success of mankind is for people to look after themselves, their families and their communities.

“If you want to change the world, go home and love your family.” Mother Teresa

Puzzle Corner

These puzzles have been re-published with the permission of Joan Hein. They were created in the early 1970’s as a collaboration between Joan and her Mom, Betty Dalzell, cherished historian of See page 50 for the answer. Port Clements.


Horoscopes for Nov 15 to Dec 31, 2016 Aries (March 20-April 19 For some reason, courageous Aries, spooky comes to mind. Not in the traditional ghost sense, but more in the ability to feel an issue deeply. To see the answer without a lick of rational response, to feel the truth in your bones and have no idea how you know what you know. In order to tap into this well of intuition, be sure you devote some time to open-minded learning just because you’ve been curious about a topic. This may free you up to the expansive hope of life. Key Words: Philosophical, Curiosity, Peace Taurus (April 19-May 20) You are staring down death, power struggles or authority figures, dearest Taurus. I know this sounds ominous and some of the issues pressing you are exactly that. But I would suggest to you that you are just now ready to transform your life into what you have imagined it to be for many years. In order to do this, it’s vital that you let go of anyone or anything that is not serving your highest good. As you do this, you make room for the newness that’s bursting onto the scene. Be not afraid of this transformational time, be prepared. Key Words: Confidence, Ability, Purpose Gemini (May 20-June 21) Intimate relationships of all kinds are highlighting you now, dearest Gemini. Be it your family, your friends or your business partners, this is your opportunity to play well with others. It’s not the time to hole up in your room away from the interaction with other human beings. Not the time to go on a meditation retreat alone. Become emotionally involved with your loved ones again and move toward healing those relationships in real time. Key Words: Communicate, Appreciate, Fine-Tune Cancer (June 21-July 22) Dear Cancer, time to get your peas in a row. What does this mean? In order to successfully navigate through the challenging issues of the day, put your head down and do the work it takes to complete your task. You have the energy you need to devote yourself to the cause. Finishing up loose ends will enhance your ability to take on new, exciting work for your future. Complete your mission in order to have enough space to add to your experiences later. Key Words: Strategize, Organize, Passion Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) Creativity is the name of the game, delightful Leo. You are in your happy place right now, or you should be. You have the determination and the drive and you may be receiving a creative download as we speak. The only thing that may block it is if you allow past mistakes or past regrets to get in the way. Go take a walk, listen to inspiring music or do anything else that gets your creative juices flowing. Key Words: Inspiration, Intuition, Forgive

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) Quiet yourself down, dearest Virgo. Now is the time to practice being a homebody. Any issue that relates to your “family”, be it blood relative or deep friendship, is coming to the forefront. Forgive others and try to forgive yourself too. Write a list of everyone that needs your undivided attention, then try and give them your consideration. When loved ones act out, it can be a sign that they feel left out of your life. There’s room for everyone. Prove that to them. Key Words: Believe, Honesty, Home & Hearth


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) There are many forces wanting your attention all at once, diplomatic Libra. Where do I begin? Let’s talk about your confidence in yourself. This is the key to unlocking your door of peace. Without it, nothing will feel like a win; with it, everything will. When you slow down enough to evaluate what’s working in your life and what isn’t, you may realize that you are exactly where you need to be. You are good enough and strong enough, and doggone it people like you. Seriously. Key Words: Trust, Grounded, Clarity Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22 Money issues are lurking below, deep Scorpio. But this does not mean a lack of money or even money directly. It may indicate situations such as this: What has that friendship “cost “ you? How can you recover your self-confidence in time to move toward your life purpose? What goals are left to achieve and what are your plans to achieve them? There are key concepts now that stress determination, perseverance and loyalty to self and others. Use them well in order to build success in your life. Key Words: Stability, Tenacity, Resolve Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) For a delightful sign such as yourself, dearest Sagittarius, it’s hard for me to say this to you, but I will anyway. It’s time to devote your attention to you, and you alone. I don’t like to promote selfishness, but under the circumstances, it’s exactly what you need for yourself. In order to move ahead in your life, you have to be willing to put yourself first in order to prove exactly what you are willing to do for fulfillment and happiness. Key Words: Passionate, Purpose, Self-Interest Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) You are at a crossroads; able to see what you have sowed, determined Capricorn. Are you harvesting the best in relationships, career, friendships and family? Has it all worked out? If not, what improvements need to be made for your future? You don’t need to know those answers right now; you just need to ponder them. Get quiet enough and slow down enough to hear the answers waiting for you. Key Words: Aspirations, Goals, Calm-Down Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Your life is on show for the entire world to see, dearest Aquarius. How will you present yourself in the best light? It’s important that you realize that even though others are watching you, you must still be true to yourself. Many months ago, you planted the seeds of change. How is that working out for you? Because they are about to bloom. If improvements need to be made, then it’s about time to consider how to do this. Key Words: Progress, Intention, Ambition Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) If there were ever a good time to travel and experience other cultures, this would be the .juncture, dearest Pisces. Step out of your comfort zone to learn more about yourself and how you interact with others. This is going to be key for your career and future aspirations. Why not plan a trip overseas or at the very least to your local Thai food restaurant. Take yourself to a vibrant culture even if it’s just down the street. Key Words: Apprentice, Cultivate, Assimilate

Sage Advisor is a professional astrologer and has been since 2007. She is passionate about helping clients develop the tools of awareness and purpose for their lives.


Looking to post a free* classified, event or ride/ship share ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classified ads to appear in the September /October issue is September 10th at noon. *Post your private (except for real estate & rentals), personally owned and non-business postings free of charge! For real estate, rentals or business product/service/employment ads, a small fee will apply.

In the Home & Office

Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/ Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc

Light Fixture. Light fixture - asking $25. Used, but no chips/cracks/damage. $25 Call Kristi at (250) 637-1967 or emailkristi@haidagwaii.ca Pee pads. Full pack of 50 - minus one pad. Price was $37, now asking $20. Call Sonia Rice at (250) 626-9049 or email sonia.rice6058@gmail.com 2 stereos for sale. Sony bookshelf stereo 3 disc CD player: $100. Sony mini stereo with CD player: $40. $140 for the pair. Call Colin at (250) 626-7402 or email cmcsmcdonald9@gmail.com May tag Washer/Dryer. May tag Washer/Dryer set in good condition. 6yrs old. Colour: red. $600 for set obo. Contact Patty at 250-559-4665. Please leave a message with contact info or email pjnday@icloud.com Karaoke. American idol karaoke player. CD player with graphics and microphone! Works great! $30 - Call Regina Williams at (250) 626-9009 or email haidagwaiimk@gmail.com Pioneer M-10X Stereo Power Amp. This is a nice little amplifier. Bought from a clean home a couple years ago and used lightly since. It is in very good shape. Most suitable for bookshelf or efficient speakers. Rated at 70 Watts into 8 Ohms and 100 Watts into 4 Ohms. These ratings seem to be conservative. The pictures are from the internet, but you will be able to see it before you purchase. I sold the speakers I was using it for, which is why I am selling the amp. The highest and lowest prices I found online are $280 and $197, but living on Haida Gwaii one would have to add another $50 for shipping. There is lots of info online if you google. Asking $180. Call Dave Crossley at (250) 559-8208 or email dcrossley@haidagwaii.net Epson Stylus - Photo 1280 Ink Jet Printer. Excellent Photo Premium Printer - Great value Paid over $ 899 Brand New - Never Out of the Box ! Extra Epson ink cartridges included. Check out the links for reviews. $250 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com Girls / ladies jacket. Black leather and grey camo jacket. Size medium, smallish fit. Super cute! $25 Call Regina Williams at (250) 626-9009 or email haidagwaiimk@gmail.com

Gas cook top. 36� 5 burner counter top range. Used 1 year. 300 $300 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@amsltd.ca Electric stove. Standard stove in great condition. $75 Call Shauna at (250) 644-3567 or email shaunahuber@hotmail.com 30-06. Bolt action Remington 30-06. $400 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@amsltd.ca

Musket. Black powder .50 cal. $400 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@amsltd.ca Hot water tank. Used. 40 gallon hot water tank. Currently hooked up and working. Upgrading to a larger one. $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or emailaaron@amsltd.ca Dog supplements. Recovery SA chewable tablets extra strength - 120 and approx. 1/2 of a newly opened bottle, $40. Ultimate strength glycoflex stage 3 tablets - over 1/2 bottle, $25. Three boxes of fortiflora canine probiotic 30 packs per box, $35/box. All have been stored in a cool dry place. Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net


Shop Local This


Holiday Season

“Snowy Firs” from http://freebigpictures.com


In the Home & Office - cont. Dolls - New (no boxes). Collector type dolls. Have been stored with bubble wrap around hands and feet and in boxes but original boxes long gone. Approx 15”-16” tall. Both on stands. Asking $50 for both or $30 each. Call Kristi at (250) 637-1967 or emailkristi@haidagwaii.ca Weider exercise machine. This is the Crossbow model. Very similar to the Bowflex. Easy to use and a great full body workout. $200 Call Susan at (250) 557-8555 or email susan.v.wright@me.com Pre 1990 comics. Over 600 misc spiderman and Marvel /DC comics. I would Prefer to sell them all but if you’re a collector give me a call. Various pics to follow. Call BJ at (250) 5574606 or email badams@qcislands.net Arts and Crafts. New Provo Craft “Cuttle Bug” Embosser and Die Cutter. $60 Call Jaz Cherrier at (250) 559-2349 or email dbpoema@yahoo.ca Vacuum. Like-new Bissell bag less vacuum. It has hepa filter. Only used a couple of times. Canister comes off for vacuuming stairs. $100 Call Dennis at (250) 559-9097 or email ddsgng@haidagwaii.net

Gel Mountain Bike Seat Cover. Raleigh mountain bike gel seat cover, never used. $15 Call karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Table and four chairs. Solid table with four chairs. Removable centre leaf. $350 Call Colin at (250) 626-7402 or email cmcsmcdonald9@gmail.com Men’s adidas runners. Brand new SIZE 10. Paid $80. $25 Call Sonia Rice at (250) 626-9049 or email sonia.rice6058@gmail.com

Kenmore Canister Vacuum Cleaner. Vintage vacuum but it works well (just don’t need it anymore). Newer hose, comes with 4 bags and owner’s manual. Proceeds of sale go to the Masset Animal Helpline. $30 Call Anne Marie at (250) 626-5126 or email dragon@mhtv.ca ACCORDION FOR SALE. Smaller ladies size Scandalli piano accordion in great condition, good brand name, red bellows when spread open, ready to go. Subvert the dominant paradigm, play accordion. $450 Call Dominic at (250) 626-7896 or email visceralorbit@gmail.com House cleaning needed. Looking for a reliable house cleaner for family home in Tlell. Weekly or Bi-weekly basis, flexible dates. Willing to pay up to $25/hr for efficient, reliable service. Call James Nickerson at (250) 557-8515 or email jamesdnickerson@gmail.com Desk lamp. Small desk lamp. Will trade for cash or for a lamp that will fit on my headboard. $20 Call Karen Foerter at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Hockey bag for sale. Hockey bag that was never used as a hockey bag... very good condition! Like new. Paid $120 two years ago. $50 OBO call Deb at (250) 626-5286 or email daisy@mhtv.ca Seagate External Hard Drive 4TB. Barely used, excellent condition, only purchased a week ago. Paid $170 + tax. $160 Call Nikkayla at (250) 637-1912 or email nikkaylaanpgladstone@hotmail.com IPhone 6 like new. IPhone 6 like new – silver. $475 Call Kelly at (604) 910-5771 or email Logger99@live.ca Electric Heater. Well kept, working electric heater for sale. Asking $650 or a reasonable offer. Call Jean at (250) 626-3236 or email workbc-mass@hseds.ca Laser Copy Paper. Two reems of 24 lb bright white Laser print paper for sale $9 Call Pat at (250) 559-4544 or emaildeclark@qcislands.net


In the Home & Office - cont. Large Bird Cage For Sale. Large size Bird cage suitable for Parrots of all kinds. Has four feeding stations that swing out. Is on castors for easy moving Lots of doors for easy access. Bought brand new for 900 dollars plus 300 shipping. Will sell for $500 OBO and will deliver anywhere on Haida Gwaii. Our bird loved it but unfortunately died last year. Call Al or Sian at (250) 637-5754 or emailalgrosve@telus.net Hard to Find Breaker Box For Sale. Stabloc breaker box full of breakers for sale. This is a very hard to find item as they are no longer manufactured. $200 Call Manzanita Snow at (250) 557-8579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Dresser and cabinet. $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@amsltd.ca Electric stove. Older Fridgidaire stove; oven and all burners work, self-cleaning oven. $50 Call Barb at (250) 5598207 or email anvilcove@haidagwaii.net BaseBoard Heaters. Brand New [in box] STELPRO Electric Base Board Heaters. [3] 47” x 1000 Watts & [4] 28’”x 500 Watts. Plus 4 STELPRO thermostats. I changed my plans for the type of heating system I’m going to use. $330 for all, Call Ray Wagstaff at (250) 637-5464 or email ray_dw@hotmail.com Two Woodstoves For Sale. First is a Napolean 1100ML EPA woodstove, black cast door, $1,782. Second is a Napoleon 1450 EPA woodstove, black cast door, $1819. Call Mark at (250) 559-4501 or email baggaley@qcislands.net Technics- 2- 260 Watt speakers. Each speaker has twin woofers with 2 10” mains. Speakers are in excellent condition. Call for viewing. $150 OBO Call John G at (250) 637-1100 or email john@amsltd.ca

Ecko UNLTD Duffle bag on wheels. 26”W x 15”H x 15” D. $75 Call Melinda at (637) 166-0/62 or email Eagleeye.mp@gmail.com Solid oak writing table/bar. FCFS pick up only. Dimensions 51.5”h x 21.5” d x 23.5”w. $275 Call Melinda at (637) 1660 or email Eagleeye.mp@gmail.com


In the Home & Office - cont. Twin-double metal bed frame. $50 Call Melinda at (637) 1660 or email Eagleeye.mp@ gmail.com Astro gaming headphones. Used a couple of times 225 new $140 Call Melinda at (637) 1660 or email Eagleeye.mp@gmail.com 5 String Schecter Bass. Diamond Series ‘Hellraiser’. Brand new with case. List price $1400, asking $800 or best offer. Good deal! $800 Call Ron at (250) 559-8191 or email ronsouza@qcislands.net Vintage Laura Ashley Party Dress. Gorgeous 1980s Laura Ashley strapless party dress. Two tier green taffeta with black velvet top. Size 14, worn once and stored in a garment bag. All proceeds from sale go to the Masset Animal Helpline. $50 Call Anne Marie at (250) 626-5126 or email dragon@mhtv.ca Solid wood hall tree / umbrella stand. FCFS pick up only $375 Call Melinda at (250) 6371660 or email Eagleeye.mp@gmail.com Vacuum. Kirby Vacuum for sale, barely used. Just not used to a cord, used only cordless vacuums before. Call Bev at (778) 260-0059 or email bshannon60@hotmail.com Wireless Door Chime Kit. Wireless Battery Operated Door Chime Kit - choice of 8-note Westminster melody or 2-note melody. Adjustable volume control. Up to 150 ft transmission range between push button and receiver. Brand new in package. Asking $20 Call Kristi at (250) 637-1967 or email kristi@haidagwaii.ca Custom native jacket. Custom made native jacket -- Men’s Medium or Women’s Large $500 Call Robin at (778) 714-7756 or email robinst. amour1956@gmail.com Mountain Board. $200 Call Shelley Sansome at (250) 559-7775 or email 5slomz@gmail.com

Women’s Snowboard & Boots. 5’ snowboard and size 8 women’s boots, but fit a size 7 perfectly snug $250 Call Shelley Sansome at (250) 559-7775 or email 5slomz@gmail.com Suitcase for sale. Like new. $25 Call Deb at (250) 626-5286 or email daisy@mhtv.ca Patagonia dress. Size medium / 6, Margot Patagonia dress, 3/4 length sleeves and falls mid-knee. Great for fall, winter and spring wear! Teal / green with charcoal grey accenting. $20 Call Regina Williams at (250) 626-9009 or email haidagwaiimk@gmail.com Sony DVD player. Sony DVD player with remote control, Still works well but is not Blu Ray. $15 Call Maryanne at (250) 626-7555 or email Maryanne@maryannewettlaufer.com TOYO Laser 73 Stove & Tank. 7 years old, not used for the past three, very good working condition. $800 Call Camille Collinson at (250) 637-1511 or email camille_collinson@hotmail.com Insulated Chimney Pipe. Bought one too many lengths, but too late to return. Brand new 36” long x 8” diameter insulated chimney pipe. Asking $150. (New price $195).Call Kristi at (250) 637-1967 or email kristi@haidagwaii.ca Seeking office space in or around Masset. I would like the space to be clean and comfortable. I am willing to do some small upgrades if necessary. I don’t need much room - 200 square feet would do. I need a private entrance. Thank you. Call Meghan Wallace at (250) 433-7026 or email mwallace@meghanwallacelaw.com Sewing Machine. New Janome Sewing Machine. $150 Call Jaz Cherrier at (250) 559-2349 or email dbpoema@yahoo.ca Dining Table. Wooden Dining Table and 4 matching chairs. $200 Call Jaz Cherrier at (250) 559-2349 or email dbpoema@yahoo.ca


In the Yard & Workshop

Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/ Pet and Pet Supplies

Generator. Champion 5500 watt generator, 6250 surge. New in box, never used. $500 Call Bob at (780) 314-8221 or email Bob.54north@gmail.com Table Saw For Sale - Price Reduced! 10” Craftsman compound mitre cut-off saw. Brand new, still in the box. Was $400, now only $350! Call Ron at (250) 559-7790 or email info@ haidagwaiitrader.com Large Dog House. Beautiful sturdy doghouse 4’ long 39” wide 30” high (not including peak). $175 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net

Particle Board Wanted. Looking for at least one 4’ X 8’ sheet of 3/4” particle board. Please phone before 8:00 pm. Call Matt at (250) 559-8651 or email fungophile@gmail.com Roofing Supplies. 16 packages of IKO Cambridge Ar dual gray architectural roofing shingles, (20 shingles per pack, 33sq’/pack) = $300. 1 - 80foot roll plus partial roll (20-30’) of IKO Ice and Water Protector (36”width) = $100. 5 cases of roofiing nails for air gun nailer, various makes, 7200 nails per case = $100. Or all for $450. Call Chris at (250) 557-4515 or email poschmannc@hotmail.com NOVA DVR XP Lathe. Comes with cast iron stand, Nova Soft Jaw chuck accessory, Talon Chuck 4 jaw scroll chuck, Vicmarc Uni Chuck VM100, and a dozen various tools. Asking $2000 OBO for all. Call or text Kristi for more info at (250) 637-1967 or email kristi@haidagwaii.ca Paint sprayer. NEVER USED. $10 Call Sonia Rice at (250) 626-9049 or email sonia.rice6058@gmail.com Viking Black Tusk Caulk Boots. Size 11. Worn 2 days. Like new. $300 value, asking $200. Call John G at (250) 637-1100 or emailjohn@amsltd.ca

Greenhouse parts. Plastic parts used to connect glass to make a small greenhouse. $20 or best offer. Call Paul at (250) 984-8916 or email pkail@runbox.com Pet carrier. Small pet carrier. 20” l x 15” w x 16” h. $25 Call Alvin at (250) 559-8797 or email acober@qcislands.net

New vinyl siding. 600 square feet. Ocean park ultra color beige 16’ pieces. Resonance foam included. $600 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Tidy tank and pump / cutting torch. Tank $225 torch. Open to offers as I’ve no idea what there worth. If interested, please phone as I don’t ever look at email. Call Jason at (250) 559-7793 or email Jmurphy@qcislands.net Garden Hose/Landscape divider wanted. Do you have any unwanted/used garden hoses that you would like to sell? I am looking for at least 100’ for a watering system. Also looking for some Landscape divider...as much as we can get. Please contact me and I will be happy to pick up; phone before 8:00 pm. Call Matthew Bolton at (250) 559-8651 or email fungophile@gmail.com ENGINE STAND. Napa engine stand with 1250lb capacity. Used once. Excellent condition $180 Call Terry at (250) 637-1758 or email yrretct@gmail.com RADIAL ARM SAW. It works. $40 Call Terry at (250) 637-1758 or email yrretct@gmail.com



On the Road

In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment

Norco 20” Bike. Lightly used, always stored indoors. Very good condition. $200 Call Camille at (250) 637-1511 or email camille_collinson@hotmail.com Ford truck parts. 2005 Ford tailgate, fits 1998 - 2008 good condition $150. 2005 Ford tail lights $60 for pair. 2005 bumper $150 Call Shaun at (250) 626-7208 or email S.mushynsky@mhtv.ca

2014 Mitsubishi Outlander AWD/7 pass/Stk#6091


2012 Nissan Versa Auto/48,000km/Stk#6141


2008 Ford F250 Ext cab/4x4/Stk#6164


Well Maintained Motor Home For Sale. 1993 - 26’ Oakland Motor Home. Runs well. 40,490 km. Good rubber. 460 CID Ford motor. 4 speed. Auto Transmission. Winter Package. Heated year round to keep out the moisture. 3-way domestic fridge. 4 burner stove with oven. Ample storage space (inside and out). Sleeps six. Comes with all utensils, plates, pots, and pans. AM/FM radio with cassette player. His/Hers closets. $12,500 Call Sam at (250) 557-4473 or email sws@qcislands.net New Pair Toyota Rear Leaf Spring Packs. BRAND NEW, still in package, hence the price. Heavier than stock but normal height. Custom made by a spring shop in California. The pair includes all U-bolts and bushings. Fits a variety of Toyota pickups etc, I’m not sure which all. Definitely fits second generation pickups, I got them for an 87. Sag no more! $400 Call Colin at (250) 626-7631 or email colindoane@gmail.com Trailer Tire. Brand new 175/80R13 $80 Call Remi at (250) 637-1326 or email remi.levesque@skidegate.ca

*REDUCED* 2014 Ascend Travel Trailer. 2014 Ascend A171RD Travel Trailer by Evergreen - 20 Feet in length - Sleeps 3/4 - Fiberglass shell - Aluminum construction - Furnace & air conditioning - Queen size bed Storage in the front and in the rear - Convection microwave w/two burner cook-top - Full bathroom (toilet/black water never used) - Double sink - Bluetooth stereo w/outdoor speakers - Power awning - Full size fridge Dual propane tanks/batteries - Weight distribution hitch included Trailer only weighs 3000lbs, can be towed by an SUV. Open to offers. $14,000 Call Remi at (250) 637-1326 or email remi.levesque@skidegate.ca TIRES FOR SALE. 2 x LT225/75R16 M + S BF Goodrich $40 for pair. 2 x 185/65R14 Blizzak winter tires $60 for pair. Call Terry at (250) 559-4595 or email yrretct@gmail.com Rims for sale. Toyota truck rims, used for 6 months. 14” x 7”. $100 for all 4 or $30 each. Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com 1/2 ton chev wheels. A set of 4 wheels with pressure sensing valves installed. Wheels are in boxes. $250 Call Richard Sample at (250) 637-2200 or email lrsample@qcislands.net

2011 Jayco Eagle Very clean/2 tip outs


2006 Jeep Commander. Clean inside and out. 4x4. V8. Automatic. 140,000kms. Seats 7, seats fold down to 6’ bed. Well taken care of, all city mileage except for the last 10,000kms or so. $13,000 Call Captain Stewart-burton at (250) 626-7175 or email Cs-burton@live.ca

No Reasonable Offer Refused!

West End Auto Sales

605 Ocean view Drive, Queen Charlotte

250 559 4641

Or Toll Free 1 877 559 4641 Email:

citires@qcislands.net 32

Dealer #9152

2005 Ford F250 Super Duty 4WD. Well maintained, recent complete brakes front & back, new exhaust including catalyltic converters, new tires, tie rod ends, new fuel pump. $9,900 Call Shaun at (250) 626-7208 or email S.mushynsky@mhtv.ca Only 44,000 km! 2013 Ford Fiesta hatchback for sale. Black. Mint condition. $11,000 Please Call at (250) 559-8936 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Toyota Corolla 2003. Standard transmission. Runs, but needs new transmission and clutch, great for parts, just not those parts! $500 OBO Call Etchi Zaleski at (250) 626-3677 or email etchiz@gmail.com

On the Road - cont. 2012 Harley VRSCF Muscle. Comes with saddlebags, windscreen, back pad, luggage rack, heel rest pegs, K&N air filter, DynoJet Powervision tuner, Tab slip on mufflers with quiet or loud baffles. 34,000k Will consider trade for a Cruiser. $11,000 Call Laurence at (250) 559-4461 or email eagle@haidagwaii.net New Ultra Light Motopeds 2 available. New & very high quality. High performance and Lightweight with perfect center of gravity. Very easy to Ride. Fuel efficient long range 49cc 2 HP gas. Priced below Retail Save Duty freight and US $ exchange. Achieve additional savings by installing the motor in the second one your self (about 8hrs) with sockets and wrenches. Very Motivated and OBO. Trade considered for what have you. 2 units available separate or lets bargain for both. Please phone or text for best response. Many power and accessory upgrades available. Not Street Legal. $2,750 Call Brett at (778) 884-1217 or email brett_mackenzie@owfg.com High Performance LED Light Bars. LIGHT UP THE NIGHT!!! Off road or on the beach looking for scallops. Glass floats or hazards! 14 INCH ($280) and 20 INCH ($390) bars and 30 Inch BAR ($500) that will provide amazing visibility. Perfect solution to bad visibility conditions! Heavy duty units that are easy to install. Phone for appointment to view. Call Peter at (250) 5574646 or email tlell@haidagwaii.net

Snow tires. 15” Michelin snow tires 235/75/15r. $150 Call Tim at (250) 637-1722 or email Divamaid@hotmail.com Winter Tires - 195/70R14 - used. Winterforce studded winter tires 5x100 bolt pattern 2 tires have only 1 winter of use. $225 Call Alvin at (250) 5598797 or email acober@qcislands.net Winter Tires - 195/60R15 - used. Winter Quest studded winter tires 4x108 bolt pattern (off Ford). $175 Call Alvin at (250) 559-8797 or email acober@qcislands.net Warn Winch 12,000 lb. $650, with bumper $750 . Bumper came off 2008 Dodge Ram. Shipping available Call Lee at (250) 228-5000 or email lee.nielsen@shaw.ca Wheel for trailer. Solid wheel. Includes clamp. Capacity 500 lbs. $25 Call Paul at (250) 9848916 or email pkail@runbox.com Kayak Rack. Made of 1” light aluminum square tubing, with Yakima saddles. Built for my 1992 Toyota truck, but it may fit other small trucks. Measure your box size and give me a call or email. The aluminum frame can be sheeted over to make a canopy of it. $100 Call George at (250) 5597899 or email grstein@qcislands.net Pickup ties. 4 Bridgestone P275-55R20 M&S. $50 Call Dana at (250) 637-2271 or email tdl@qcislands.net 8 foot GM Canopy. This Canopy fits the 2010 and 2012 body style fine, but the 2016 Chev it is on has a different body style so I am selling it. Minor scratches on right front side. $400 Call Richard Sample at (250) 637-2200 or email lrsample@qcislands.net 10 &12 Gauge Primary Wire. Belden/NAPA Primary Wire For sale in 25 foot coils, very much below new price. 10 AWG - 2 coils - $20 each. 12 AWG - 4 coils - $15 each. Were used for indoor speaker wire so they are clean and in good condition. The 12 AWG makes good speaker wire up to about 20 feet long, and the same wire is sold as speaker wire but in different colours. I like it because the strands are much bigger than in standard speaker wire. Call Dave Crossley at (250) 559-8208 or email dwcrossley4@yahoo.ca Men’s Mountain Bike For Sale. Great Christmas Gift! One, Norco Katmandu mountain bike. Men’s. Brand new. Only ridden once about 1km! Frame is 22”, is better for a taller man. For more information on options, $500 Call Dale at (250) 557-4235 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com


On the Road - cont. Bucket Truck. 1995 F350 Bucket truck for sale. 4X4, crew cab, single man bucket $7,500. Call Lynda Melney at (250) 559-8667 or email melneyl@qcislands.net 1995 Toyota T100 ***parts truck***. Standard 4wd, 415 000 km, extended cab - 235/75R15 tires in great shape - brand new radiator - replaced in 2016: front brakes, master cylinder, battery - clutch redone in 2015 - leak in the water pump system. $1,000 Call Sarah at (250) 626-7836 or email sarahraggedyanne@gmail.com New 12 foot tandem trailer. Perfect trailer for hauling ATVs, firewood, household goods, whatever you want. Two 3000lb capacity axles, heavy duty steel construction, electric brakes and built in ramps! No mileage except km to bring it on island. Only $3500 (retails for nearly $4000 plus taxes) you get the savings! Won’t take long to sell. 15” tires and I will throw in a free new spare! Has to go before Nov. 2nd or it will be off the market until early February when I get back from off island! Call Peter Vogan at (250) 557-4646 or email tlell@haidagwaii.net

Bike. 21 Speed BMX Nakamura Bike with helmet and gloves. $80 Call Jaz Cherrier at (250) 559-2349 or email dbpoema@yahoo.ca Jeep Liberty 2002. 4x4 Jeep Liberty in good condition $4000. New wheel baring, Tyrod end, starter and caliber. 140 000 kms on engine and 200 000 on the body. $4,000 Call Courtney at (506) 588-6689 or email Courtneylynnryder@gmail.com Volvo Penta Engines & Parts. 3 Inline 6 gas powered engines & parts. 2 four cylinder engines & parts. 3 Volvo 280 legs & parts. Contact me and make me an offer I can’t refuse. Call Archie Bonneau at (250) 559-9055 or email bonneau@qcislands.net

On the Water

In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats

Crabtrap for sale. 4 sq ft, hardly used. $40 Call toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com Lowrance portable fish finder. Great for small boats and large boats. $95 Call Karen Foerter at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net


On the Water - cont. Seaward Kayak. 16.5 foot thermoform mango coloured “Cosma” Seaward Kayak. Purchased in 2011, lightly used and well cared for by one owner. Includes bilge pump, carbon paddle, spray skirt, cockpit cover, rescue flotation and Malone J loader roof carrier. $2,200 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 637-1772 or email robinpozer54@gmail.com Outboard dolly/stand. Bought last year and used about three times. $40 Call Paul at (250) 984-8916 or email pkail@runbox.com


Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate

Wanted Kawasaki ATV 1996. Looking for front end parts (front left mostly) and front drive shaft, I’ll take the whole thing if you have one for parts. full name of unit is “Kawasaki Bayou 400 1996 full time 4x4” Call Bob Botel at (250) 637-5474 or email gwaiibob@haidagwaii.net Toyo Heater Wanted. Looking for a Toyo Laser 56 heater. Call Gracie at (250) 559-4262 or email gracie@qcislands.net House Fire Furniture Replenishment. Wanted: kitchen table and chairs, dressers, recliner, rocking chair and kitchen hutch. Affordable pricing please. Call Jonathan Hershberger at (250) 557-4588 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Chimney cleaner. I am trying to establish a list of people who need their chimneys cleaned or their heat ducts cleaned. Priorty Vac in Smithers comes to the islands. They only come over when they have a list or sufficient customers to make it worth while. Please e-mail me if you are interested and I will compile the list and pass it on. Thanks, Gord. Call Gordon at (250) 637-5755 or email patngord@qcislands.ca Request for Quotation Jewelry Program. REQUEST FOR QUOTATION JEWELRY PROGRAM. The Board of Education of School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii) is requesting quotes for the supply of silver pendants with the district logo carved onto the jewelry. All enquiries and proposals regarding this Request for Quotation must be directed to: Ms. Shelley Sansome, Secretary Treasurer School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii) PO Box 69 Village of Queen Charlotte, BC V0T 1S0 Ph: 250-5598471, extension 103. Fax: 250-559-8849 Email: ssansome@sd50.bc.ca Please visit our website for complete quotation description http://sd50. bc.ca/?s=jewelry Do you have a piano I can play? Looking for a piano I can practice on regularly. I have been playing most of my life, but move a lot and so haven’t been able to move my instrument with me. I am preparing for an audition and so am looking for a quiet space to play. Please call/ text or email me if you or someone you know would be able to provide such a space! I am happy to trade piano lessons or reflexology sessions. Thanks! Call Heidi at (250) 889-9229 or email heidi.l.brown@live.ca WANTED FOR SPARE PARTS. Hi I’m looking for parts for my Husqvarna 2101 and 266 chainsaws. If you have any bits and pieces you no longer require I am interested. Thanks for your time. Have a Happy Autumn. Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com Looking for a place to live. Greetings! I just moved to Haida Gwaii and am looking for a place to live. A cabin, house/farmsite, or a rented room in shared housing would be perfect. I am also not opposed to work trades! I am clean and quiet but love sharing space with friendly folk. If you’re looking for someone to look after your home or farm, rent a room, or share a space, please call/text or email me. Looking forward to hearing from you! Call Heidi at (250) 889-9229 or email heidi.l.brown@live.ca Marine gas tank wanted. Looking for a Medium sized marine Gas tank. Used is fine, so long as the fittings aren’t damaged. Somewhere around 20 liters would be ideal. Thanks, Kieran. Call Kieran at (250) 637-1310 or email riparian.banks@gmail.com


Wanted - cont. Wanted: elk bones or sea mammal bones. Have you recently slayed an elk and are not utilizing the big bones or antlers? Do you have a decaying sea lion carcass lying neglected in the yard? What about whale rib? I am seeking good quality tool grade bones of these creatures. Buy or trade. Call Kieran at (250) 889-7763 or email riparian.banks@gmail.com Looking For Small cabinet & garden shears. Hi Neighbor, I am interested in a small cabinet for the home, two swinging doors if possible. 2-3 shelves is sufficient. Also in need of a pair of gardening/hedge shears with 12 inch blades. For hand trimming of grass in small areas. Thanks in advance Jev & Junex Text or call is okay. Call Jev or Junex at (604) 848-4946 or email jev.june@gmail.com Load of Bricks. Looking for a pile of used bricks, not too concerned about the condition, I will be happy to pick them up. Call before 8:00pm. Call Matt at (250) 559-8651 or email fungophile@gmail.com Do You Have a House for Sale or Rent? Moving to QC - My partner and I are moving to Queen Charlotte and are looking to find a home to Buy or Rent. We would appreciate very much any help or leads! Thanks in advance for your help! We hope to hear from you. Call Jane at (604) 908-5263 or email jlangton@shaw.ca Electric frying pan. I’m looking for an electric frying pan in working condition for melting wax. Will pay. Call Margaret Davies at (250) 557-8547 or email eve4534@yahoo.ca Looking for old 80’s toys. GI Joe, Transformers, Star Wars. Looking to buy mostly toys from the 80’s like GI Joe, Transformers, He Man, Star Wars, Lego and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I will also buy modern toys. Especially Star Wars Lego. Call Berek at (250) 857-2867 or email berekc@hotmail.com Cow share. Just wondering if anyone has a dairy cow share available. I’m looking for some fresh milk. Call Kim at (250) 634-3250 or email HygienistKim@gmail.com 40 to 44 inch tires. I am in need of 40 to 44 inch tires for my ford, I have 17-inch rims. Call me with what you have and price. I do not look at emails. Please phone Call Jason at (250) 559-7793 or email Jmurphy@qcislands.net Looking for a large dog crate. Hello! I am looking for a large dog crate, in good condition, like the one pictured. Preferably collapsible. Call Sarah at (250) 626-9090 or email sarah.aubertin@icloud.com


Anything that just needs a new home!

Free Satellite Dish. Aprroximately 30”. You must take it down. Call Sergius at (250) 5594209 or email mavismark28@gmail.com Xplornet Satellite Dish for free. I am no longer using the Satellite Dish anymore, so come pick it up! There is lots of hook up wire to go with it! Call Stephany at (778) 260-8917 or email egypt319@gmail.com Guitar Donations For Islanders. Since relocating from Vancouver to Haida Gwaii, I have noticed a serious lack of good instruments for islanders and students to begin their musical journeys with. I personally believe that there is no better place in the world to play guitar and want to share that joy with as many islanders as possible. So for every guitar sold at Symphontree Music, a Canadian made guitar will be donated. http:// symphontreemusic.com/one-for-one-guitar-donationshaida/ These guitars are meant to be companions and to be taken to the beach, into the forest or wherever on the islands you see yourself. If you know someone in your area in need then let me know. I currently have one guitar to donate to someone in Tlell. Call Symphontree Music at (250) 637-5601 or email symphontree@gmail.com


Real Estate & Rentals

Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accomodation

For Rent in Queen Charlotte One bedroom cottage, close to hospital. Furnished. No pets or smoking. References required. Lease. $900 per month plus utilities. Call John at 250-559-8944 or email dtd2@myuw.net 35550A Hwy 16, Tlell MLS# N230190 15 semi-oceanfront acres situated south of the Tlell River with easy access to excellent sand & gravel beaches. The property is mostly level, partially cleared with some nice forested areas, some slight rises & ocean views. 1968sqft custom designed 2storey home with 2bedrooms upstairs and living space down featuring exposed wood ceiling beams, large sandstone fireplace, oak flooring, maple counter tops, kitchen island & walk-in pantry. The home could use some TLC & updating. Outbuildings include: storage building, shed and chicken coop. Drilled well. Septic. Price $220,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com Masset House For Sale Three bedrooms, one and a half bathroom house in great circle of Pine Crescent in Masset, BC, Haida Gwaii. Nice size backyard with lots of sunshine. Producing apple tree in front yard. New front door, new stove and hot water heater. Also 6-foot sliding glass door to back yard. Very close to elementary school. Assessed at $ 107,000. Price $100,000 Call 250 559 0069 or 250 327 8322 or email barton_rick@hotmail.com South Beach Dunes “SOUTH BEACH DUNES” is offering three beautiful exclusive oceanfront and seven upland acreage estates on the South Beach, on the north end of Haida Gwaii /Queen Charlottes. These are very special properties with exceptional beach and dune environment. South Beach Dunes offers exceptional value with prices for ocean front land well below anywhere else on the west coast of North America. Acreage sizes range from 4.64 acres and prices are from $40,000. If living in this unique environment appeals to you please contact us - there are a very limited number of properties of this caliber available for sale. For more details visit our Website - www.southbeachdunes.com Price $Various Call 250 631-3055 or email vernonbyberg@gmail.com Yakoun River Inn MLS# N4507475 This local Pub and gathering spot is situated on the oceanfront in Port Clements on Graham Island in Haida Gwaii. Long established, popular with locals and visitors alike. 3,300 sqft building on a corner location, adjacent to government dock facilities, licensed for 100 patrons. Permitted uses also include lodging and adjacent properties can be available for anyone interested in expanding the business MLS# N4507475 Price $337,500 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com SOLD! Grandma needs to move to be with her Grandkids! 2173 Collison Ave., Masset. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, double-wide modular home with a double garage. Newer metal roof, wood flooring, oil furnace and wood stove. Very bright inside. Large front and back yard. Front has a view of Masset Inlet. Less than 5 minutes from all amenities: schools, shopping, and spectacular beaches and only a ten minute walk to the hospital. Rainbow Stairs / 455 Skidegate Heights Climb the Rainbow Stairs to find your pot of gold! 4 Bedrooms, 4 toilets, 2 baths, 4 flat screen TV’s lazy boy chair, couches, table seat 8. 220 power, ¾ Wrap around veranda. No pets and no smoking . Family neighborhood is quiet. Easy access to Coop for shopping. Treat the house with respect, as your own home. Cook your own food, do your own laundry, and limited Internet. Captain Gold’s cell phone: 250-637-1637 or Shirley Wilson 250-559-8212 or email captgold@haidagwaii.net Maude Island Retreat Very special 17.5 acres, over 2,000 ft frontage on Skidegate Inlet - easy access to the west coast thru Skidegate Narrows. Log lodge accommodates 8, has 3 bdrm, 2 bath, lounge, dining room, patio, fire pit, hot tub, caretaker residence. Outbuildings and dock. BC’s ultimate private lodge location. Price $775,000 Call 604-664-7633 or email rich@landquest.com


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Oceanfront Acreage for Sale! 1980 Marwell Rd R2091751 Oceanfront 6+ acres minutes out of Masset. Shed/cabin 12’x24’ on site. Two beautiful ocean view building sites. Very private. Amazing sunsets & beach! Call Brian toll free 866-303-5286 or his cell 604-557-3597. MLS# R2091751 Price $175,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Riverfront Acreage for Sale! Great Buy!! 355 Sangan Dr Masset Rural MLS# R2031108 Riverfront property on 2.018 acres. Partially built home; built to lock up 2010. Tenant live in the cottage on property. Beautiful property, Coho run is awesome in this river. 12x16 power shack, 200 amp service. Chicken coop. Great potential. Perfect place to raise a family. A must-see!! Call to view!! Call Brian to view or for all your Real Estate needs on Haida Gwaii. Toll free 1-866-303-5286 or his cell @ 604-557-3597 Or email him @ brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Home for Sale! 1829 Cedar Cr. Masset MLS# N243672 This home is a great buy! Many recent renovations. Newer metal roof, kitchen cupboards and counters (2011), vinyl plank flooring in the living room and hallway (2011), new vinyl windows (2012), ceiling fan in the master bedroom, oil tank, rug on the stairs, bathtub and enclosure, dehumidifier in the basement. Close to downtown and the marina. Fenced, private backyard. Has long term rental contract in place. Call Brian to view 604-557-3597 or 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca. Your Only Local Realtor! Price $108,000 Home for sale! High End Renos! 1610 Spruce Cr Masset MLS# R2096889 Newer high end renos complete. Bay window in living room. 100 amp service. Newer tile floor upstairs. Newer windows & hot water tank. New fuel tank (painted for weather protection). New lights. Fully furnished. Newer appliances. Kitchen fully equipped. Open concept, lots of cupboard space. New bathrooms. Basement has rec room w/new flooring, laundry room, storage room, and laundry room. Call Brian to view cell 604-557-3597 or home 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $150,000 Home for sale! 2015 Fir Cr, Masset MLS# R2070844 Clean well kept home. Metal roof. Quiet cul-de-sac. Close to town/schools. Great starter home or recreation home...fishing / beachcombing/exploring Haida Gwaii. Call Brian to view for all your on island Realtor needs! Toll free 1-866-303-5286 or on my cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $79,000


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Home for Sale! 1812 Alder Cr, Masset. MLS# R2106422 Reno has been done to open up between kitchen & living room. New furnace in 2015. Nicely landscaped fenced back yard. Newer greenhouse & storage shed. Includes appliances and window coverings. Newer light fixtures, laminate floors & tub surround. Partially finished basement. Clean, very well kept home. Call Brian to view & for all your Realtor needs - Your only on Island Realtor - toll free at 1-866-303-5286 or on my cell 604557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage Price $139,000 Best Value Beach Cabins Secluded oceanfront/rainforest off-grid cabins, furnished and equipped kitchens, private parking. Call/Text Toni at 250626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com Visit our website at www. beachcabins.com Price $90-$120 per night. Vacant Lot For Sale! Fully serviced 60’x 120’ cleared lot located at 2129 Teal Blvd Masset. This lot is ready to build on. It is located close to the Delkatla Bird Sanctuary in a very quiet area of town. It is already fenced in on 1 side and the back and has a buffer tree line on the other side. Great buy!! Ask $29,900.00. OBO Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@mhtv.ca or rollie@bellaliant.net or phone 709-243-2488 or cell phone at 709-458-8811. Newly Renovated Home For Sale! Located at 2135 Teal Blvd, Masset. 5 Beds, 2 Baths, 8 Appliances, Separate Laundry Rm and Family Rm. This furnished house has recent upgrades with Laminate flooring, New Kitchen Cabinets and Countertops, New Bath fixtures and Tub, along with a fully chain link fenced in back yard, two out sheds and more. Recently reduced price and owner is motivated to sell. Adjacent vacant lot also available for sale, either separate or included with house. A must see. Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@bellaliant.net or phone 709-243-2488 or cell phone at 709-458-8811. Price $139,900 DL847A Masset MLS# R2080908 160 acre property on the north-east end of Graham Island within the Naikoon Provincial Park. Mix of indigenous vegetation and water courses which meander throughout the property. This is a remote, rural acreage that is hike-in access only. Walking distance is approximately three miles from the end of Tow Hill Rd. There are no services. The Naikoon Provincial Park is an area of 72,640 hectares that takes in the entire northwest tip of Graham Island. Price $80,000 Call 250-286-3293 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com Ocean view property for sale Five acres with three dwellings: log cabin, deregistered renovated three-bedroom mobile home and older two-storey cottage. Cabin is rented. Located on the corner of Brandt Road and Highway 16. Fenced on two sides, with a stream running through. Cleared but lots of trees for privacy. Ideal for hobby farming. All utilities. Walk to the small general store and Post Office, the Farmers Market or across the highway to the beach. Price $185,000 Call 250-557-4323 or email erc@haidagwaii.net Ocean front home for sale!! 1608 Delkatla St. Masset MLS# R2070936 Ocean front home. The patio off the dining area has a great view of the harbour, and the fisherman wharf ... beautiful view! The sauna is a wonderful feature especially after a day out fishing or crabbing on North Beach. This home has great potential for a B&B or guest home. Both main exterior doors are carved cedar...very nice touch! The main entrance is also done in cedar. Call Brian to view and for all your Real Estate needs - Your Only Local Realtor!! Call 250-626-5286 or Cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $229,000 House For Sale- Queen Charlotte one bedroom house in QCC. Price $105,000 Call 250-637-1255 or email kross1211@hotmail.com


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Ocean front Home w/ acreage for sale! 10909 Tow Hill Rd MLS# R2114391 Oceanfront home on 2.79 acres. Drilled well, good water, newly installed filter system. Newly painted interior. Newer laminate and tile flooring. Hot water boiler recently serviced. Unbelievable view. Your own private beach access. Huge deck . Could not be replaced for asking price. Call Brian to view and for all your Real Estate needs! Toll free 866-3035286 (local 250-626-5286) or his cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Your only on island Realtor! Price $495,000 Riverfront Acreage for sale!! 9226 Tow Hill Rd MLS# R2021211 Beauty Riverfront acreage. 15 minutes from Masset. World-class coho fishing on the Sangan River! 10-minute walk to the beach. Surrounding properties have good water. Property is treed. Hydro at lot line. Good building sites. A must-see!! Call Brian to view or for all your Real Estate needs toll free 866-303-5286 his cell 604-557-3597 or email him @ brianbussiere@royallepage.ca To view all Brian’s listing go to Royal LePage Prince Rupert web site. Price $134,000 Great buy!! Home for sale! 2038 Pintail Cr Masset MLS# N238544 Clean well kept home in a quiet Crescent. Deck & backyard are very private, fenced with lots of trees! Wood stove can heat whole house with 2 yrs wood supply! Carbon monoxide alarm. Bedrooms each have cable, phone and fire alarms. Suite possible. Master bdrm has reading, workout room & large bathroom! 30+yr fiberglass shingles on house & garage 2010. 5 windows upstairs replaced 2010. Recently replaced hot water tank & sliding glass doors to back yard. A must see! Price $199,000 Call Brian to view: 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Ocean front Home for sale! 614-5th Ave Village of Queen Charlotte MLS# R2033372 Oceanfront 4 bdrm home with amazing ocean, mountain views & amazing sunsets! Garage 24’x12’ concrete floor. Wired wood shed 23’6x10, utility shed 6x6. Fruit trees. 26x16 sundeck with ocean view. Both bedrooms on 2nd floor have walk-in closets. Master bedroom has 2 walk-in closets and an 2 pc ensuite bathroom. Perfect family home. A must see!! Call Brian to view toll free 866-3035286 (local 250-626-5286) or his cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $289,000 Ocean view & River front acreage for sale!! Lot 2 Tow Hill Rd MLS# R2081395 Beauty acreage! River on one side of the property and an amazing ocean view on the other side! Coho fishing on your own property. Neighboring acreage has an artisan well with lots of clean good tasting water! Short drive to town (Masset). Treed, very private setting. A must see. To view call Brian toll free 866-303-5286 his cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Your Only Local Realtor! To view all Brian’s listing go to Royal LePage Prince Rupert web site. Price $129,000

DL834A Masset R2090133 Located on the north-east end of Graham Island within the Naikoon Provincial Park, this 160 acre property has a relatively level topography with a mix of indigenous vegetation, a small lake and water courses which meander throughout the property. This is a remote, rural acreage that is hike-in access only. Walking distance is approximately one mile in from Tow Hill Rd, two miles before Tow Hill. Price $80,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com SALE PENDING! Great Starter Home in Port Clements! Do you like to fish, hunt, hike, and/or camp? This might be the perfect home for you! Close to the school, post office, library, Bayview Market and the beach! Large workshop. Quiet and peaceful location in Port Clements, not a far drive to Tlell, Skidegate, Queen Charlotte or Masset. Great starter home for a young family. Lovely neighborhood. Price $SALE PENDING! Call 250-557-2460 or email eaglec@qcislands.net

Sale Pending! Inlet View Heritage Home 205 Bay Street, Queen Charlotte. 2 BR, 1 Bath (with 1918 cast iron bathtub). 2.5 storey home built in 1909. Bright, open concept on ground level. Unsurpassed views throughout home. Close to all amenities in beautiful downtown QC. 50’ x 100’ city lot on very good well water.


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. 374 School Rd Sandspit MLS# R2102368 This offering includes a fully furnished cozy 1050sqft with loft log home with a shake roof, a 560ft garage which includes a 100sqft workshop, and a small smokehouse and woodshed. The 0.5 acre property is fairly level and nicely treed and it is a short 500m walk to the beach. The living space on the main floor is open with a vaulted ceiling and includes a dining area and living room with a stone fireplace. The kitchen, bathroom and one bedroom are also on the main floor. The loft houses the master bedroom. The offering includes all furnishings, most of the appliances and the workshop tools and contents. Price $159,900 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com Income generating Apartment Reduced Price ! Three story apartment with three separate apartments. Two bedroom unit, one bedroom unit and bachelor unit. Steady tenancy with all units. Each unit has full bathroom and kitchen. Panoramic views of Bearskin Bay from 2 bedroom and bachelor units. Shared W/D area for all units to use. Contact seller for income specifics. Price $210,000 Call 778-895-2730 or email bshpak@hotmail.com Lots For Sale in Masset - Blowout sale! Two stunning Sanctuary View properties to choose from, with gorgeous summer sunsets. Priced to sell. Call (250) 668-2578 or email daryl@acdcmechanicalconsulting.ca Home and Acreage For Sale Newly renovated 3 bedroom home with 75 acres of timbered hillside and walking trails. Property also includes newly renovated art studio with napolean stove as well as an ocean front cedar and wood interior cabin available for daily, weekly and monthly rent. The cabin has a small kitchen, loft, shower and bathroom, and uses a rainwater collection system and composting toilet with hydro. There are many beautiful ocean views on this property and private ocean frontage. Price $525,000 Call 778-260-0279 or email sheilakarrow@gmail.com For Sale: 18 Acres - Park and Ocean Property! 18 acres In Port Clements. The west side runs 700 feet along Bayview Drive, the east side borders the Port Clements Community Park. Beautiful greenscape, very private yet close to school, post office, library and grocery store. Minutes away from exceptional hunting, fishing, firewood, and all the wilderness has to offer. Water and sewer available. Subdividable or leave as is. Potential amazing view of the ocean with spectacular sunsets. Some timber. Price $150,000 Call 250-557-4421 or email ccbeachy@gmail.com HAIDA GWAII QCC Whole House Suitable for Family! • 2 story “A” frame split level open concept • 2 decks • 3 bedrooms • 2 bathrooms • Fresh water creek running along north edge of property • Centre of town next to hospital • No pets or smoking. References required • Fantastic views! Price $1300 month Call 604-753-5092 or email davidhuntercreative@gmail.com Duplex for Sale 1200 square feet per side. Situated on two city lots. Built in 1990. Solid Construction. Low maintenance exterior. Sunny southeast exposure. Email bjhowl55@gmail.com for more information. Price $194,900 Beautiful Home in Lawn Hill with 9 Acres 4 acres of privately owned, beautiful, beach frontage located across the highway from where the home and another 5 acres are located. Many recent upgrades. Large, bright kitchen. Lots of cupboard space throughout the home. Separate laundry room. Dining area and living room. Fantastic view. Forest backdrop. Close to amenities and nature. 2 garages. Attached shop and root cellar. Electric and wood stove heat. For more information call 250-559-7786 or 250-559-4637 or email: pescador@live.ca Price $360,000 Skidegate Landing 3 Bedroom rental with a great view! Spacious, partially furnished, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom ground level suite in Skidegate Landing. Amazing view. $1200 per month-includes heat and utilities. Please leave a message at 250-637-1348.


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. One bedroom apartment Queen Charlotte Price $700 Call 250-5574788 or email turkey@haidagwaii.net 1/2 Duplex For Rent In Masset 3 bedrooms, 1.5 bathrooms, updated kitchen, washer, dryer and freezer. Fully furnished with newer stove and side-by-side fridge and it is located on a green space by the courthouse. Utilities not included. Please call 604 812-8699 or email Bfd239@yahoo.com for an appointment. References required. Thank you Price $800 per month-utilities not included Oceanfront Home Quality custom built 2450 sq.ft. Open design waterfront home on 1.58 acres with breathtaking views from every room. Pristine sandy beach front for beach combing, crabbing, clamming and surfing. World class fishing directly out front. Watch the eagles soar, whales breach and wild winter storms from your own covered deck. This west coast property is a stunning testament to all that is the allure of Haida Gwaii. Offered at $629,000 See MLS# X3237909 for photos and full details. Call 250-626-6006 or email bcdqci@gmail.com Well loved Heritage Home in convenient location This well loved home located centrally in Queen Charlotte offers 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms a large garden with a chicken coup, wired shop and wood shed. ALSO AVAILABLE FOR RENT Email for further information Price $240,000 Call 250-631-2215 or email jenndolen@hotmail.com For Rent Unfurnished, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home country setting. $700/mth. Utilities not included. Heat pump with electric baseboard for back up. 20 km south of Masset. Call 250-316-1866 or email zenat@shaw.ca

Queen Charlotte Rancher Zoned Residential/Commercial, this 3-bdrm rancher with double garage provides plenty of opportunities for small business or expansion. Located in center of QC on a double lot with excellent ocean views. Price $269,000 Call 250-637-1486 or email marilyn.wilkins@outlook.com Rental Older home for ren. 521 Beach Rd Sandspit Price $550/mth Call 250-637-5614 or email shiels@qcislands.net 2 BUILDING LOTS For Sale 605 2nd Ave, Queen Charlotte. Includes 4 village services. Also includes 12 wide mobile home (2 bedroom), large work shop, small cabin, and trailer with addition (2 bedroom). Price $130,000 Call 250-559-7866

Rooms For Rent – Queen Charlotte Ocean/Mountain View Private Hotel Style Rooms, central location. Rooms include sitting area, 40inch flatscreen TV’, queen size pillowtop beds, full private bathroom, with shared full kitchen. $250 per week, or $600 per month, plus hydro. For more info email only to bjhowl55@gmail.com Cabin/Waterfront Lots Package Across from Gas Plus …now Angela’s Place on commercial lot is an amazing Lavoie cedar panabode cabin with small kitchen and washroom. Small utility shed behind cabin on concrete slab. Best lot in town on the corner of hwy 16 to Masset. Package deal with 2 waterfront lots on Bayview drive. Amazing deal.! Live in the cabin while you build your waterfront dream home or rent it out. With interest rates and prices low you will be making money instead of paying the bank. Call 604 355-3411 or email tadolen@hotmail.com Own a Piece of Paradise on Haida Gwaii! NIHO invites you to own a piece of paradise in mystical Haida Gwaii (also known as the Queen Charlotte Islands), world famous for its breathtaking beauty, ecological wonder, and abundant sports fishing. Wake up to the sound of waves crashing against the backdrop of the majestic Pacific Ocean, run with your children and explore the natural delights of North Beach, wrestle your trophy catch into your boat or test your rod and reel against the wily Coho in nearby rivers. At the end of the day, nestle up amidst the friendly forests in Naikoon Provincial Park or take a moonlight stroll along miles of sandy beachfront. There is something for everyone on magical Haida Gwaii. Call 604-606-7900 or email sales@niho.com See more at www.niho.com.


Employment & Training

Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/ Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars

Full Time Cook. Required immediately, full time cook. Must have experience and Food Safe. Please send resume via email or fax to 250-5574563 or come by the pub in person. Call Anne Decock at (250) 557-4440 or email adecock@qcislands.ca Creative work/business opportunity. We are looking for a creative and motivated individual with a pronounced attention to detail. Someone wanting to exercise their creativity, but with the prospects of a work from home opportunity. No need to be a confirmed artist- must just have drive, focus and ambition! Call True Shaft Archery at (250) 557-2434 or email info@trueshaftarchery.com

Trauma Basics for teachers and healthcare professionals. This is a FREE training for people who work with adults and children who have suffered from relational and shock trauma. We will discuss: Relational, shock, and complex trauma, Polyvagal Theory, Self- and co-regulation, Attachment Theory, The neurobiology of Trauma. We will learn: What is trauma? How does it heal? How can I help? How can I keep myself safe? Call Shauna Huber at (250) 626-4666 or email tc.hgspeace@mhtv.ca Property Repair Contract. Seeking individual(s) to provide contracted general yard clean up and minor repairs of property in Port Clements November/December 2016. Must be willing to provide a quote for work to be completed. Truck will be required for yard waste removal. Skills with fencing, minor plumbing, and painting would be ideal. Contact via email only please, tgmelney@telus.net. Superior work will be appropriately compensated. Could the new-to Port Clements couple with the truck, please get back to me again. I think I accidentally deleted your message! Sorry! Call Tammy Melney at (250) 787-0000 or email tgmelney@telus.net Casual Custodian at GTNS & TAH. Qualified applicants are being sought for the casual position of Custodian at Gudangaay Tlaats’gaa Naay Secondary School and Tahayghen Elementary Schools. Grade 12 level of education is required. The salary for this position is $23 per hour, plus a shift premium when applicable. A comprehensive job description and application form can be obtained from the District website at www.sd50.bc.ca. Please send complete application package along with three professional references to: Steve Goffic, Maintenance Supervisor School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii) PO Box 69, Village of Queen Charlotte, BC V0T 1S0 Fax: (250) 559-8848; Email: sgoffic@sd50.bc.ca Call Steve Goffic at (250) 559-8471 or email sgoffic@sd50.bc.ca Taaw Naay gas station. Will train new staff to fill in or take regular shifts. Cash handling an asset. Tickets for propane and Lotto will be arranged. Call Alita (Deet) Buxton at (250) 559-4455 or email tneassist@gmail.com Need training? Looking for work? Need an employee? Hecate Strait Employment Development Society received it’s not for profit status and incorporation in May 1995. We work to assist community members in achieving their career goals and aspirations! Do you want to own and operate your own business? Do you need First Aid training to secure employment? What about Serving It Right or FoodSafe? Hecate Strait can assist most community members by way of financial assistance and one on one career counseling. We offer wage subsidy programs, unpaid work experience, as well as job creation partnerships (where jobs can be created to accommodate people with specific hindrances). Come talk with us, and we will do the very best to help you meet your goals! Call Laurie Chisholm at (250) 626-3236 or email workbc-mass@hseds.ca Offering my services. I am looking for work for the winter & spring. I have experience and interest in working casually in the following areas: - home care - assistance in building projects - chair massage - gardening - cooking/catering cleaning - grant writing - office work (including basic accounting) - driving (cars or vans) - translation (English/French/Spanish) - proof reading - nannying - customer service. I will be living in Queen Charlotte but am available to work all over the island. I am equipped to work from home but am flexible to work elsewhere as well. I am fully mobile. Only looking for part-time, casual work contracts. Call Jamie Mcdonald at (514) 238-7953 or email planetjamie@yahoo.ca Teachers Teaching on Call. School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii) requires the services of Teachers Teaching On Call. The district hires both certified teachers and non-certified substitutes to replace regular teachers when they are absent. Individual assignments may last from half days to a few weeks. Individuals with a positive attitude, highly motivated, flexible and able to meet the individual needs of students are encouraged to apply. Please forward applications to: Shelley Sansome, Secretary Treasurer School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii) PO Box 69 Village of Queen Charlotte, BC V0T 1S0 Facsimile: (250) 559-8849; E-mail: ssansome@sd50.bc.ca Call Shelley Sansome at (250) 559-8471 or email ssansome@sd50.bc.ca


Employment & Training - cont. Looking for work! Piano lessons - reflexology treatments - customer service - gardening - babysitting – dog-sitting. Greetings all! I have just moved to Haida Gwaii and am looking for work. Ideally it would be in Queen Charlotte but I am willing to travel. I have many years of customer service, notably in cafes/restaurants as well as experience teaching piano lessons to a wide array of students. I have worked on multiple farms and can find my way around myriad hands-on tasks. I am friendly and a fast learner. I love to work with people but am also self-directed enough to work on a project solo. If you’re looking for a reliable, hard-working employee, please email or call/text me. Looking forward to hearing from you! Call Heidi at (250) 889-9229 or email heidi.l.brown@live.ca Pharmacy Assistants. Forbes Pharmacy is expanding and we are hiring pharmacy assistants both part and full time. These roles require an acute attention to detail and a fun spirit that is eager to help. It is a fast paced environment where assisting patients is our business. There are many duties including: blister packaging, compounding, counting and filling prescriptions, receiving orders, inventory management, answering phones and assisting patients. Training is provided. Oh, and did we mention that we have a fun team of professionals that enjoy getting involved in the community? If you have a great resume and work experience, then please apply here: mforbes@forbespharmacy.ca Executive Director Job Posting. Executive Director Gwaalagaa Naay Corporation (GNC) is the economic development corporation owned by the Skidegate Band Council, and governed by a Board of Directors. This Corporation is located on Haida Gwaii (Queen Charlotte Islands). Under the direction of the GNC Board of Directors the responsibilities and tasks of the Executive Director are: to act as spokesperson for the Corporation; to represent the Corporation at meetings, conferences, seminars and other public functions as well as in its dealings with various agencies and organizations; to supervise GNC staff members and the Managers of all corporate-owned companies; to plan, organize, direct and control the Corporation’s various activities; and to manage the various businesses, Haida Heritage Centre, sports fishing charters, gas station, industrial site, and commercial rental units. GNC is developing businesses opportunities in the tourism, aquaculture and forestry sectors, and is seeking an enthusiastic, experienced and energetic leader who will be responsible for managing existing businesses, and seeking new business opportunities. Reporting to the Board, the Executive Director will provide leadership and direction in enterprise development, establish a vibrant team, formalize marketing strategies, and continue to build on the existing strategic relationships while establishing new ones. Position requirements: Education in the field of management, business administration, human resources or equivalent experience or similar credentials with over five (5) years of proven management experience. Experience with: finance and budgeting; managing personnel & developing and implementing strategic business plans; responding to raising capital in both debt, equity and grant programs; working with or within government environments; building strong community and corporate partnerships and coalitions; excellent writing and communications skills; technology and Mac computer use; proven judgment, tact, discretion and diplomacy; working with Boards of Directors; and knowledge of governance structures on Haida Gwaii. A more complete list of the positions responsibilities available upon request. Salary to be negotiated. Please send resumes including three (3) references to gncorp1@ gmail.com, or fax to 250.55913. Attention: Lin Armstrong. Closing date: November 24, 2016 at 4 p.m. or until the position is filled. Call Lin Armstrong at (250) 559-0014 or email gncop1@gmail.com Pharmacy Merchandisers/Cashiers. Forbes Pharmacy is expanding and we are hiring merchandiser and cashier positions, both part and full time. These roles require an acute attention to detail and a fun spirit that is eager to help. It is a fast paced environment where assisting patients is our business. There are many duties including: merchandising end caps and following planograms, working the point of sale system, assisting patients with their needs, receiving and putting out stock, basic computer skills. We are a team of fun professionals that are in the business of wellness so having an interest in health is an asset. At Forbes Pharmacy, we promote from within and train accordingly. Training is provided; most of our technicians are trained in-house and from scratch. If you are looking for a career in health care, then these are great positions to start with and begin your career path. Please send your excellent resume to michael@forbesgroup.ca Call Michael Forbes at (lea) see-mail or email michael@forbesgroup.ca


Community Service Listings Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies

Hall For Rent. The Port Clements Community Hall is available for rentals. Located mid-island it is a great place to hold your event, be it a meeting, wedding, concert or any other function. Our hall has a full kitchen and Bar area and can host up to 150 persons. For booking please call Brock Storry @ 250-557-4313 and leave us a message or email info@ haidagwaiitrader.com Queen Charlotte Visitor Centre - Fall Hours. Visitor Services, the best selection of gifts and local art on island - open fall hours - Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Call Maureen Weddell at (250) 559-8316, email info@qcinfo.ca or see www.queencharlottevisitorcentre.com Queen Charlotte Community Hall Rentals. Located on Bay Street, the hall has the EA Ross room (meeting room that seats up to 70 people), main hall, stage and kitchen-all available for rent. Also available for rent are: * wooden tables ($5 each per day) * wooden chairs ($1 each per day) * a complete place setting for 225 people * water goblets & wine glasses * cups & cutlery * white & black linen tablecloths, etc. The kitchen is also available to rent on a daily basis for prepping for larger events. For more information, call Reine Pineault at 250-559-4792. or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Saahlinda Naay ~ Saving Things House ~ Haida Gwaii Museum. The Haida Gwaii Museum plays an important role in making arts and heritage more accessible and raising awareness of the importance of heritage and history on Haida Gwaii. Through our collections, the museum acquires, preserves and presents objects, archeological artifacts, art works and settler material culture all connected to the human and natural history of Haida Gwaii. We house a unique and comprehensive collection of historical and post-contact archival materials, made accessible to the public within a setting that evokes the community identities of both Haida and settler communities on Haida Gwaii. Our collection includes ancestral and contemporary Haida works, both utilitarian and ceremonial, settler pieces, audio recordings of Haida songs, histories and stories as given by Haida elders in both Haida and English languages, and a plethora of photographs. Memberships to the Museum are available through the gift shop. Membership allows access to the museum free for one year, 10% discount on regularly priced items in the gift shop, notification of special events and exhibits featured at the Museum. Regular Annual Membership - $30, Senior Annual Membership (65+) - $10, Family Annual Membership - $40, Lifetime Membership - $250. Check us out on Facebook! Please call the museum gift shop at (250) 559 4643 or email museum@haidagwaii.net Pumpkin Shoot. Everyone is welcome! Our next event is the beloved pumpkin shoot on Sunday, November 6th from 2-4pm. Bring your own gun or try one of ours! The Port Clements Rod and Gun Club is a community based club supporting local hunting and fishing interests. Members and guests welcome! Located on Juskatla Road (5 km Southwest of PC). Questions? Comments? Call Ron at (250) 557-4255 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Kay Christmas at the Haida Heritage Centre. The third annual Kay Christmas in the Haida Heritage Centre will be held on Saturday, December 3rd from 12 noon to 5pm. Come one! Come all! Home based businesses with arts, crafts and artists! Tables are $15 each. First come, first serve, call Alix 250-559-7885 or 250-559-0014 to book or email haidaheritagecentre@gmail.com Port Clements Historical Society. Open Sat & Sun 2PM to 4PM including holidays. Admission $4 for adults, seniors & teens; free for members & children 12 & under. Browse the photo albums, admire the gigantic machines, and be amazed by how it was. 45 Bayview Drive, Port Clements. We will open up if you ask - e-mail pcmuseum@qcislands.ca two or three weeks in advance to arrange a special opening, or call 250-557-4576 when the museum is open, 2-4 Sat/Sun or email pcmuseum@qcislands.ca


Community Service Listings - cont. Tai Chi Classes Haida Gwaii. Start a path of training intended to develop a body that is strong & supple, a mind that is clear & calm. www.taoist. org/haidagwaii & haidagwaii@taoist.org & Tlell 250-557-9362 QC 250559-8252 Sandspit 250-637-5463. Our Aims & Objectives assure everyone receives the same quality of instruction and dedicated leadership. They are: To make the Taoist Tai Chi arts available to all, To promote the Taoist Concept of Health through practice of the Taoist arts & To promote cultural exchange, To help others. Call Beatie Maxen at (250) 631-9160 or email wendy@xplornet.com Next Youth Grant deadline December 1st. Gwaii Trust Youth Program Grant Call for Proposals: Deadline December 1st 2016 at 4:00 pm The Gwaii Trust Youth Board welcomes proposals related to youth on Haida Gwaii and expanding their opportunities to access youth gathering places as well as new and existing educational, recreational and sports activities. The Board would like to see these activities reach as many participants as possible on Haida Gwaii. Youth program: $10 000 maximum application, 25% equity requirement, including a minimum of 10% sweat equity, 30 under 30 program: $5000 maximum application, recreation focused. Applicants must be under 30. Please see www.gwaiitrust.com for full criteria and to apply online. Call Carla Lutner at (250) 559-8883 or email carla.lutner@gwaiitrust.com Next Arts Grant deadline December 1st. Gwaii Trust Arts Grant Call for Proposals: Deadline December 1st at 4 PM Maximum application: $10 000 Please see www.gwaiitrust.com for full criteria and to apply online. Applicants are encouraged to contact a member of the Arts Committee prior to applying for assistance. Incomplete applications will not be considered. The Gwaii Trust staff is also available to assist you with the application process, please contact one of the Gwaii Trust offices if you require any assistance Call Carla Lutner at (250) 559-8883 or email carla.lutner@gwaiitrust.com Port Clements Connections & UBC Learning Circle. Join us at the Port Clements Clinic between 7pm -9pm to view the following presentations: Tuesday, November 15 Looking Back at Our traditional Roles in Midwifery Thursday, November 17 Asset Based Community Development Tuesday, November 22 Pharmacist’s Perspective on Managing Multiple Meds Thursday, November 24 Beneath the Surface: Suicide Awareness & Prevention Tuesday, November 29 Community Health & Wellness Resources Thursday, November 30 Making Resilience Happen Through Youth-Adult Partnership Call Conch at (250) 557-4660 or email Portclementsconnections@gmail.com Community School. If you would like to contribute to building a Community School, free education for and by locals, please get in touch. Portclementsconnections@gmail.com Call Conch at (250) 557-4660

Ride & Ship Share

Request a Ride/Offer a Ride/Request a Shipment/Offer a Shipment

Request: Southerly (somewhere near Vancouver Island). Hello! I’m Tomas. Living in Sandspit right now. I was the new boat guide for Moresby Explorers this summer and my girlfriend and I are just figuring out how to get back to Vancouver Island. Please give us a call or send us an email if you have any leads about anyone who is heading that way from the islands or Prince Rupert area. We can share driving and gas and all that jazz. We have a few bags of things and are looking to leave in the next couple weeks, but our timeline is flexible. Call Tomas at (250) 637-5461 or email tcarolsfeld@coa.edu


Ride & Ship Share - cont. Ride Needed from PR to PG. Looking for a ride from Prince Rupert to Prince George or Williams Lake sometime between November 19th to 22nd, 2016. Can pitch in for gas. Alternate phone number: 250-557-2049 Call Pete at (250) 557-4205 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

At Your Service

Business Services/Business Products

Bear Sewing. For all your sewing needs: hemming, mending and customer requests welcome. Centrally located in Port Clements at the Golden Spruce Motel. Closed Oct11-23rd. Call Diana at (250) 626-7059 or email bearsewing@gmail.com Mind Your Business House Keeping. If you’d prefer to be outside instead of always cleaning or if you want support in revitalizing your home, I’m here to help! Reliable Efficient Contentious Flexible Schedule Loyal Bondable Enthusiastic Call Ms. Clean at (250) 557-4660 or email mybkeeping@gmail.com Sun Studio is Open! Fall Yoga Schedule. Sun Studio offers yoga classes and workshops for all levels in kundalini, Hatha, yin and vinyasa lineages. Here is our Fall Schedule (Sept-Dec): Kundalini Gentle: Thursdays / 9-10:15am Kundalini All Levels: Tuesdays & Fridays / 12-1pm Kundalini Intensive: Mondays / 5:30-6:45pm & Saturdays / 9-10:15am Vinyasa Flow: Tuesdays and Thursdays / 6:30-7:30am Yin Fusion: Tuesdays / 7-8:15pm Hatha: Thursdays / 7-8:15pm For more information check us out on Facebook and/or our website at www.sunstudionhaidagwaii.com We look forward to seeing you! Call Kiki van der Heiden at (250) 6371571 or email sunstudiohg@gmail.com WRITING AND PROOFREADING. 25+ years of experience writing letters and preparing documents in government, at churches and for law firms - no job too small - from a one page resume to a 600 page manuscript - research projects - fact-checking - proofreading papers - writing family histories - drafting correspondence - very reasonable rates. Darren Lowe darrenlowe1222@gmail.com “His work is in all respects excellent. Darren is an intelligent person who approaches his work with common sense and initiative. He is extremely diligent and efficient in everything he does and he produces a top quality product. He obviously takes great pride in what he does.”. Email darrenlowe1222@gmail.com


Attention Readers

Haida Gwaii Trader will be undergoing a redesign that will give it a new look and focus. The magazine will continue to be published monthly, but will come out at the beginning of each month rather than mid-month. That means you can look for Issue 79 on the shelves at the beginning of January. While we see the change as a necessary upgrade for HGT, our top priority, as always, is serving you as best we can. Please take a moment to fill out this short reader survey to help us ensure that this transition meets your interests. What do you most enjoy about HGT Magazine? Do you use the classifieds? Website or print? What new features do you think could work with HGT?

Res survpond to cou ey an our subs ld win d you a c HG ription year’s Tm agaz to the ine!

What features do you think HGT could do without? Any final comments?

Survey responses can be mailed to PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC V0T 1R0, emailed via info@haidagwaiitrader.com or even give us a call and let us know what you think at 250-557-2088. Thank you for your time and patronage.

Calendars Christmas

Correction from Issue #77

In our At Your Service piece on the Night Owl U-Brew, we had reported that Jesse Embree took a multi-week course in Terrace. It has been clarified to us that the course was only one day, and was with Robert Broome from Wine N Suds. Broome has won a number of awards for his wine making and brewing. Be sure to check out the Night Owl U-Brew for Plaid Friday on Nov 25th, as they will be offering specials on black beer and red wine. Like them on Facebook at:





Thank You for all of your support over the past year. Cheers to another great year! 1-866-620-7468 sales@advantageprint.ca www.advantageprint.ca

HG Trader Community Calendar Nov 15 to Dec 31, 2016 Do you have an event you want to advertise? Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com and post your event free of charge!

Old Massett/ Masset

37th Annual Lions Christmas Telethon

Sat, Nov 26 / 10am-11:30pm/, Howard Phillips Community Hall/, 1590 Cook St Masset Haida

Lions Club presents the 37th Christmas Telethon November 26th @ Howard Phillips Community Hall, 1590 Cook St. 10am -11:30pm For more information contact Kirt Holland at 250 626 7442 or mhlionsclub@gmail.com

Grant Writing Workshop

Sat, Dec 10 / 10am-12pm / Gwaii Trust Old Massett Office / Raven Avenue Join our qualified staff at a grant writing workshop. Learn about our community grant programs and how to prepare a grant application. Find out which grant is the best fit for your project. Please pre-register by Dec. 5 by calling Megan Dorrington at 250-626-3654 or megan.dorrington@gwaiitrust.com. We need at least five particpants for the workshop to go ahead. For more information contact Megan Dorrington at 250-626-3654 or megan.dorrington@gwaiitrust.com or www.gwaiitrust.com

Masset Christmas Craft Fair

Saturday, December 17th/ 11pm-4pm/ Howard Phillips Community Hall, Main St. Come one, come all! For more information check this event out on Facebook!

Port Clements

Port Clements Connections & UBC Learning Circle Tuesdays & Thursdays until Nov. 30 / 7-9pm / Port Clements Clinic / 12 Park St.Join us at the Port Clements Clinic from 7pm -9pm Tuesdays and Thursdays in November to view the following presentations: -Looking Back at Our traditional Roles in Midwifery -Asset Based Community Development -Pharmacist\'s Perspective on Managing Multiple Meds -Beneath the Surface: Suicide Awareness & Prevention -Community Health & Wellness Resources Making Resilience Happen Through Youth-Adult Partnership For more information contact Conch at 250-557-4660 or portclementsconnections@gmail.com

PC Volunteer Fire Department

Wed, Nov 16/ 7:30pm-9pm / Port Clements Fire Hall / 35 Cedar Ave. West Weekly training meetings. New members are welcome! Come out and join our firefighting team! For more information contact Craig Beachy at 250-557-4421 or ccbeacy@gmail.com

Regular Council Meeting

Mon, Nov 21/ 7pm-9pm/ Multiplex / #36 Cedar Avenue West,

Everyone welcome For more information contact Kim Mushynsky at 250557-4295 or cao@portclements.ca or www.portclements.ca

Port Clements Rod and Gun Club AGM and Potluck Sun, Nov 20 / 6pm-9pm / Port Clements Fire Hall / 35 Cedar Ave. West Everyone

Port Clements – Cont.

Grant Writing Workshop Sat, Nov 19 / 10am-12pm/ Port Clements Village Office / 36 Cedar Avenue West Join our qualified

staff at a grant writing workshop. Participants will gain an overview of the Trust\'s grant programs and a summary of the grant writing process. Find out which grant is the best fit for your project. If you are interested, please pre-register by Nov. 14 by calling Megan Dorrington at 250-626-3654 or megan.dorrington@gwaiitrust.com. We need at least five participants for the workshop to go ahead. For more information contact Megan Dorrington at 250-626-3654 or megan.dorrington@gwaiitrust.com or www.gwaiitrust.com

Tlell Taoist Tai Chi Tuesdays 7-9pm and Thursdays 10:30 am – 12 noon/ Tlell Firehall Meeting room/ 36542 Highway 16 Taoist Tai Chi™ internal arts are specifically aimed at cultivating health and vitality and were developed by Master Moy Lin-shin, a Taoist monk. Everyone welcome! For more info. call 250-557-9362 or haidagwaii@taoist.org

Last Minute Christmas Sale at the Tlell Farmers Market

Sun, Dec 18 / 11am-2pm / Tlell Farmers’ Market / Highway 16 Looking for a locally

made “something special” for Christmas gifts or dinner? This is where to find it. Anyone wanting a table should call Marylynn at 250-559-8282. Music buskers welcome! Make it, Bake it or Harvest it and bring it on down! For more information contact Marylynn Hunt at 250-559-8282 or mhunt@sd50.bc.ca or http:, , lovehaidagwaii.com, businesses, tlell-farmers-market

Skidegate Exhibition "false pretenses" by Pierre Leichner Exhibit runs until Dec 31/ Haida Gwaii Museum / 2 Second Beach Road Pierre Leichner

provides a multi-sensorial experience through which the audience can critically explore, question and debate the underpinnings of the mental health, mining and art industries. For more information contact Nika Collison at 604-837-9947 or nika@skidegate.ca or haidagwaiimuseum.ca.

Raven's Feast book launch

Sat, Nov 19/ 1pm-3pm/ Haida Gwaii Museum Giftshop, Haida Heritage Centre/ Join Massett's

own Kung Jade (Roberta Kennedy) in celebrating her new book, Raven's Feast! For more information contact Valine Crist at 250-559-4643 or haidagwaiimuseum@skidegate.ca

welcome! 6pm for dinner. Meeting to follow. We look forward to sharing a meal with you! For more information contact Ron Haralson at 250557-4255 or rib@qcislands.net


HG Trader Community Calendar-Cont.

Queen Charlotte – Cont. Queen Charlotte Farmers' Market

Skidegate – Cont. Kay Christmas at the Heritage Centre

12pm-5pm/ Haida Heritage Centre / #2 Second Beach Road

Come one! Come all! The third annual Kay Christmas in the Haida Heritage. We have tables for 20 vendors at $15 each. Call 250-559-7885 or 250-559-0014 to book. For more information contact Alix at 250-559-7885 or 0014 or gncasst@gmail.com

Queen Charlotte Babytime Saturday, December 10 /10am-10:30am , Queen th

Charlotte Library / 139 Bay Street Rhyming, bouncing, tickling, dancing fun for caretakers and babies 0-2 years old. Drop in when you can. For more information contact Lorelee Parker at 250-559-4518 or lparker@virl.bc.ca or www.virl.bc.ca

QC Christmas Craft Fair

Saturday, Nov. 26th / 10am-4pm / QC/ Queen Charlotte Community Hall The long running fair is chock full of wonderful gifts made locally. This seasonal event is a must attend! For more information call Reine at 250-559-4792

Saturdays, 11am-2pm, until mid-December Beside the QC Community Hall Locally

produced meats, eggs, cheeses, produce, breads, preserves, crafts, freshly baked treats and warm stews & soups for lunch. Support Made on Haida Gwaii! For more information contact Kay Pringle at 250-559-9093

Taoist Tai Chi

Mon 12-1, Wed 6:30-8:30pm and Sat 9-11am / QC Community Hall/, 134 Bay St. Taoist Tai Chi™ internal arts are specifically aimed at cultivating health and vitality and were developed by Master Moy Lin-shin, a Taoist monk. Everyone welcome! For more info. call 250-631-9160 or haidagwaii@taoist.org

Sun Studio – Fall Schedule:

Sun Studio is located at 403 Oceanview Drive and offers yoga classes and workshops for all levels.

Kundalini Gentle: Thursdays , 9-10:15am Kundalini All Levels: Tuesdays & Fridays , 121pm Kundalini Intensive: Mondays , 5:30-6:45pm & Saturdays , 9-10:15am Vinyasa Flow: Tuesdays and Thursdays , 6:30-7:30 am Yin Fusion: Tuesdays , 7-8:15pm Hatha: Thursdays , 7-8:15pm For more information check out Sun Studio on Facebook, on their website at www.sunstudiohaidagwaii.com or call 250-637-1571.

Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse

Fri, Nov 25/ 7:30pm-10:30pm/ Queen B's 3211A Wharf Street C'mon and strut your stuff

at the monthly Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse. We will love you. This month’s feature: Apples. For more information contact Caroline or Carey at 250-559-8550 or haidagwaiicoffeehouse@yahoo.ca or www.haidagwaiicoffeehouse.com

QC Visitor Centre Christmas Artisan Sale Sat, Nov 26 / 11am-4pm / Queen Charlotte Visitor Centre / 3220 Wharf Street, Annual Fine Art Sale

featuring local artisans and fine art from some of Haida Gwaii's most well know artists. For more information contact Maureen Weddell at 250-559-8316 or manager@qcinfo.ca ____________________________________________________________

Puzzle Corner Answer from page 23: 1. Wood 2. Wild 3. Same 4. Desk


To your family, from ours: May your HOME be warm, your HOLIDAYS grand, and may your HEART be held gently in your loved ones hands. Happy Holidays, Haida Gwaii Trader 51

HAIDA GWAII LOCAL FOODS PROJECT It’s Time to Order Your All Natural, Locally Raised Turkey! Helping to raise free range, chemical free turkeys has been something that Roger Stoltzfus has done ever since he was a boy. At one time, he worked for an establishment in Ontario that raised 22,000 turkeys per batch with 3 batches per year. For over seven years now, Mr. Stoltzfus and his family, who own Island Acres Butcher Shop, have been providing quality, farm raised meat for themselves and the community of Haida Gwaii. In addition to selling turkey, they also offer fresh and frozen beef, pork and chicken (and chicken eggs) year round. Right now, they also have beets and potatoes available for sale from this year’s garden harvest. Their meat is not only raised locally, but is also free of hormones and antibiotics. It is widely known that locally raised meat not only tastes a whole lot better than commercially raised meat, it is also much healthier for you and your loved ones. Island Acres will be taking turkey orders up until the end of December. You can order fresh or frozen. They are $3.75 per pound and as Mr. Stoltzfus reports, “The Hens are around 18-20 pounds while the Toms are 25-40.” You can place your order by calling 250-557-4569 or by dropping by the farm located at 66196 Hwy. 16, which is around 3.5km north of Port Clements. Business hours are Monday through Saturday from 9am-6pm (no Sunday sales please). Island Acres Butcher Shop is a government inspected and licensed facility. You will also find Mr. Stoltzfus at the Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market on Saturdays between 11am and 2pm.

Farmers’ Markets Update

Although the weekly farmers’ markets in Masset, Tlell and Sandspit are closed now until Spring, the Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market is still open every Saturday from 11-2 until mid December. Also, don’t miss the Tlell Farmers’ Market Last Minute Christmas Sale on December 18th from 11-2 located on Hwy. 16 in Tlell (beside the Tlell Fire Hall). If you are looking for a locally made “something special” for Christmas gifts or dinner, this is where to find it! To book a table, call Marylynn Hunt at 250-559-8282. Make it, bake it or harvest it and bring it on down! Music buskers are welcome!






Also: Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market and Moresby Market Thank you HGLFP sponsors! To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

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