Edge of the World Music Festival • August 5-7 Tickets and information available at:
Buffy Ste. Marie Busty and the Bass • Mob Bounce The Marwills, George Leach, Samson’s Delilah, Warless, Rococode Kym Gouchie, Jason Camp & the Posers, Karyn Ellis, Terence Jack Sarah Noni, Honey Brown, Dub Jackson Band, Tim Bennett Solo Out of the Blue, Exit Strategy, Faceless Lyn & Stoney, gig, Archie Stocker Sr. & more EOTW is a drug & alcohol free event
Haida Gwaii Eyes…Wide Open
Proactive Ponderings about Common Challenges
Fair Vote – Update by Shellene Van der Beke
Challenge: A timely topic that deeply affects every Canadian citizen: does the current first-past-the-post (FPTP) voting system belong in the past? Is proportional representation, or the single transferable vote (STV), the answer?
First off, what is FPTP? In a nutshell, according to Fair Vote Canada, proportional representation means that the number of seats a party gets is proportional to its share of the popular vote. So, if a party gets 30% of the popular vote, it gets about 30% of the seats in government. Here, on the left, is a graphic comparing our current, single member ridings, FPTP voting system, with what many propose to be a far superior multi-member ridings, STV system, on the right:
In 2004, after looking at electoral systems from all over the world, the Citizens’ Assembly on Electoral Reform (160 randomly chosen citizens from every part of BC) chose STV because it provided: proportionality, local accountability, reduced the influence of parties, and gave more choice to voters.
Powerful, Proactive Solutions: Learn, participate and, for goodness’ sake, vote. Extensively researched, thought-provoking websites like VoteBetter.ca, LeadNow.ca and FairVote.ca, to name a few, are so worth checking out. Via easy to use “voice your opinion” internet campaigns, everyday folk like you and I can and do have power. In the words of Wael Ghonim, the Google executive who helped jumpstart Egypt’s democratic revolution:
“The power of the people is much stronger than the people in power.”
________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have a solution-based topic, thought or project you would like to share? We would love to hear from you!
250-557-2088 / info@haidagwaiitrader.com / PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC V0T1R0
RCMP News Release
Helpful safety tips brought to you by your local RCMP Stiffer Penalties for Distracted Driving Distracted driving contributed to the deaths of 66 people on BC roads in 2014, and seriously injured 630 more people. Distracted driving and inattention is a top contributing factor to motor vehicle crashes, along with drug or alcohol affected driving and speeding. Starting June 1, 2016, a driver found using a hand-held electronic device while driving in BC may face $543 in financial penalties for a first offence: $368 ticket and $175 for four penalty points on their driving record. That increases to $888 for a second offence, and penalties keep increasing for each offence. You do not need to be talking or texting on your device to receive a ticket, simply holding it in your hand is a violation. Your local RCMP would like to remind all drivers to focus on the road, as conditions can change in an instant. There is no message or phone call that is more important than your safety or the safety of others. If you must use your phone while you drive, use a hands-free device. In emergency situations only, you may use your phone while driving to call the police, fire department or ambulance service. Always use caution and if the call can be made after you safely pull over to the side of the road, then wait to do so.
Masset Branch: 250-626-3991 Queen Charlotte Branch: 250-559-4421 Crime Stoppers: 1-800-222-8477 www.bcrcmp.ca
under “BCRCMP�
Losing a Loved One
This month’s column is dedicated to Cookie: the bad, but super snugly, well-loved kitty, that will always have a place in our family’s hearts.
and the first one to console us when we were feeling sad. If we were sick she would lay with us for the entire day. Cookie provided countless hours of comic relief, and for almost 9 years delighted us with her antics. To us she was so much more than just a cat. She was part of the family, she made us feel loved.
When you bring an animal into your home, the last thing you think about is the day you have to say goodbye. Some of us are lucky enough to have many long years with our adored animals, and some of us suffer the loss of a furry friend way too early; sometimes to tragic accidents. No matter how the loss occurs, or how long you’ve had your companion, the pain of losing them is all the same.
If you know someone who has lost a pet and you don’t understand why their so upset, please take time to consider that their furry creature was there for them when no one else could be. That four-legged companion was there every night when they fell asleep and every morning when they woke up. We all feel the loss of and mourn for a loved one differently. Everyone needs compassion in times of suffering even if we ourselves do not understand the pain they are in.
Anyone who has ever lost a pet knows that they all affect you in different ways, and they all seem to leave a hole in your life. The hole they leave is hard to describe, it’s like the place that was filled by the daily joy of your pet is suddenly vacuumed out and an emptiness remains. They leave a hole in the home that seems to fill up with an eery quiet, an uncomfortable quiet that reminds you that even the subtle sound of paws walking across a floor can fill a home with love. At first the quiet is hard. Quiet for me is usually peaceful, but the lack of sound from a loved one no longer sharing my space l find is a painful quiet. However, as the sounds of other pets, family members and the business of life start to fill that quiet, the pain seems to lessen. The hole left by losing a four-legged family member is something people who have never experienced the loss of a pet sometimes cannot understand. All too often l hear stories of hurt pet owners, trying to find some type of compassion in their time of sorrow, from their friends, or family only to be met with disapproving looks and remarks such as “it was only dog” or “your crying over a cat?” To most people, my cat “Cookie” was only a cat. To our family, she was the first one to greet us when we got home,
To anyone out there who is suffering from the loss of a beloved pet, please remember that mourning can take time. And although it may hurt now, it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Cyndi Bird ois a certified Equine Sports Therapist and is a retired dog groomer. She can be reached via her website at www.opengaits.ca or email opengaits.cyndibird@gmai.com. Cyndi lives in Port Clements with her family, one dog, two cats, and four hourses.
Our Healing Journeys: Many Paths
By Karen Walhout
Ngystle looks forward to contributing stories of healing, transformation and awakening to the Haida Gwaii Trader. What better place to start than with myself. “There are many paths up he mountain:” This phrase has been chiming in my mind lately as I observe my relationship with my partner grow. The more vulnerable I become, the more awareness I have of the patterns of fear and selfprotection we all embody. Science is proving that these patterns are etched in our DNA starting in our mothers’ wombs and developing all
through our childhood to make us who we are today. In an attempt to break my pattern of fear, I would like to enter into a contract with the Haida Gwaii Community. It is said that source energy is accessed through creativity. For the next month, I will spend 15 minutes a day in some creative act such as writing, drawing or playing music, and offer it to someone. You may hold me accountable! Namaste!
Karen Walhout is the Ngystle Society’s Administrator and Coordinator. She first came to Haida Gwaii in 2011 from Ontario and enjoys wild harvesting, yoga and dance. For more information about Ngystle, call Karen (Mon/Tues/Thurs/ Fri between 9-4:30) at 250-559-4114 or email ngystle@haidagwaii.net
Remember Your SCARF! You are enjoying a conversation with someone. Out of the blue, that person says something sarcastic or critical. They insist, “I’m only joking!” But it doesn’t feel funny; in fact, it feels like more of an “ouch!” You might tell yourself, “I shouldn’t be so sensitive”. But what if there was a real physiological reason for your hurt response? Research in neuroscience tells us there is. Pain we experience in our work, family and social interactions is processed in the brain in the same way as physical pain! Our brain operates on the principle of minimizing pain or threat and maximizing safety or reward. Its radar will scan our social interactions for threat and reward especially in five categories (think SCARF). These include:
Status: am I as important as others? Certainty: can I predict what the future will be
for me?
Autonomy: do I have control over what happens to me? Relatedness: are you my friend or enemy? Fairness: am I treated in the same respectful
way as others are?
This is powerful stuff. A perceived threat to one’s Status activates similar brain networks as a threat to one’s life! On the flip side – a perceived increase in Fairness activates the same reward circuitry in our brain as when we receive a cash reward!
get it. That is an attack on my Status and Fairness needs. I’ll take some breaths, and then decide how I want to handle this”. Understanding SCARF and naming our triggers can help take us out of our instinctive fight or flight mode where rational thought and problem-solving flies out the window. Remembering SCARF can also help us avoid triggering others. For example, if a workplace change needs to happen, ideally the boss will share information and invite feedback as early as possible. This can help decrease the employees’ triggers to Status, Certainty and Autonomy. Giving everyone a voice, if only to express their anxiety over the change, may help meet Relatedness and Fairness needs. This perceived reward experience can help increase team morale, collaboration, and problem-solving. Another example: if you are a micromanaging type of parent, teacher or boss, know that this can spark the Autonomy trigger – a threat. So let your child, student or staff make some decisions. Listen to their concerns, give them room to experiment and grow. That will activate their internal reward circuitry. Everyone will have different areas of SCARF sensitivity. You may not need as much Certainty (if you like going with the flow), and I may have a stronger need for Fairness (which is true; I grew up in a family of eight children!). So when things get a bit frosty, remember your SCARF! And know there is no right or wrong way to be. What we all want most is to feel that we belong and are accepted. Our brains are simply wired that way!
This article is inspired by the work of neuroscientist, David Rock, author of Your Brain at Work: Strategies for Overcoming Distraction, Regaining Focus and Working Smarter All Day Long.
Knowing our trigger points, and those of others, can help us understand and manage our reactions. For example, I can tell myself when that criticism comes my way, “Oh, I
Liz Wouters is a Certified Coach who is also trained in psychology, conflict management, adult education and nursing. She is available for presentations on SCARF, the neuroscience of leadership and individual and group coaching. Email her at lwoutersca@yahoo.ca
Building Solidarity at Both Ends of the Pipe Caleb Behn reflects on his trip to Haida Gwaii
Photo courtesy of Valine Crist Story by Pete Moore
Earlier this year, Caleb Behn, 34-year-old Eh-Cho Dene and Dunne-Za lawyer and activist, visited Haida Gwaii alongside screenings of the film Fractured Land, a 2015 documentary that he stars in. The film focuses on the damaging nature of fracking in northeastern BC, and uses Behn as a focal point as he internalizes the conflict with an environmentalist father and an oil and gas industry executive mother. Behn himself, although having graduated with a law degree, proudly respects and practices the traditions of his culture. With a story and individual that feels close to home, Haida Gwaii audiences were excited for the film’s arrival to the community. For Behn, however, the visit to the islands was much more than just a showcase of the documentary. “I’ve prioritized indigenous communities, and in particular the Haida people and Haida Gwaii because the Haida refused to take a position on LNG until the people on the other end of the pipeline, my people, made their position known,” says Behn. As Fractured Land demonstrates, the discourse around natural resource extraction is heavily contested, so such an honouring from the Haida made Behn feel as though he “had a real obligation to go to Haida Gwaii and acknowledge [it].”
Behn also came out of inspiration; with prior knowledge of the Watchmen program, he wanted to speak to some of the community members involved to learn more about the program. “There was an ethical component to my trip, but there was actually a very significant logistical side to it as well,” Behn explains. Having only heard about the program in the media and in his studies, Behn wanted to hear some firsthand accounts, speaking to members of the Council of the Haida Nation, the Skidegate Haida Immersion Program elders, and some of the hereditary leaders in Masset.
“I’ve been trying to learn from indigenous communities and how they’ve achieved their victories, and the Haida represent the high watermark of indigenous stewardship of their land.”
“I wanted to ground-truth it. I wanted to talk to people from the island and learn their experience.” With so many passionate motives to Behn’s visit, the movie nights were much more than just screenings. A major take-away for his trip were the question and answer periods that followed the film. Behn presents himself without any sort of guard or vail, no matter who he is talking to. As such, the Q&A’s were very intense. Difficult questions from audience members and forward answers from Behn made the nights stick in audiences’ memory. When Behn travels amongst different indigenous communities, he recognizes the solidarity in the
common experience. With Haida Gwaii put at risk by various oil and gas development proposals, the “before” threat that we face is an experience shared by the lands that are in the “during” and “after” phase – such as Behn’s homeland. For this reason, Behn sees the need to build, as he puts it, solidarity at both ends of the pipe – something he surely worked towards during his time on Haida Gwaii. For more information on the film "Fractured Land" visit www.fracturedland.com
A full house at the Tluu Xaadaa Naay in Masset. Photo by Cynthia Samuels
“WILDE” BARN SWALLOWS This summer, two very small, feathered “Woofer” Barn Swallows have come to work and live with me. They come from Central America in May, signaling warmer days on Haida Gwaii. The open cup nest they built under the eaves is made of mud, gathered one beakfull at a time. In this nest, sparsely lined with feathers, the female incubated seven eggs for two weeks. The young are out of the nest now and could be seen at first being fed by the adults in mid-air! They all work hard catching insects in flight, zig-zagging, twisting, and skimming along the rivers and roadways. So very fast and agile, they look like they are heading straight at you, only to turn at the last moment with a vit-vit-vit. A rarity in the mouth of a cat, the Barn Swallow is an amazing flyer with its long pointed wings and forked tail with white tail spots.
Resting on wires we see their blueblack backs, cinnamon fronts, and rufus throats. They have been spotted, massed together, hanging on dune grasses in September ahead of their long flight South; a Haida Gwaii version of the Reed and the Swallow from Oscar Wilde’s “The Happy Prince”.
Photo by: Thomas Arnatt, Masset
Contact the society at hecate-bird@gmail.com or call 250-626-5015 with your bird questions. We are happy to open the Centre for tours or school-groups.
The Plank Road From Port Clements to Tlell A unique example of the evolution of infastructure on Haida Gwaii By Pete Moore
The first woman to drive the road was Doris Richardson (pictured above). As years passed however, and traffic on the road increased, further development was need. By 1951, the wooden planks had been lifted and a gravel road had been laid. The blacktop highway (the same one that still stands today) was paved in 1967. The historic Mexican Tom trail is, for the most part, is just north of the present road.
For Haida Gwaii, the Plank Road stands as an intriguing example of urban development on the islands. Surveyors started laying out the route in 1920 and largely paralleled the old Mexican Tom Trail. The entire building time was a whopping 8 years because after the intial clearing was complete, six inch planks were laid on the wheel tracks, stretching the entire 12 mile path. This limited traffic to a gross load of 2.5 tons, and resulted in the final building cost reaching $8505.72. Driving the road was nothing short of a daring endeavour. As a one-way road, avoiding on-coming traffic was only possible via turnouts that were spread throughout the road, where one car could pull off, allowing the other to pass.
Do you have a historical picture and a short story you would like to share?
We would love to hear from you! Call us at 250-557-2088 or emaill info@haidagwaiitrader.com
These photos are courtesy of the Port Clements Museum. They are located at 45 Bayview Drive and open every day from 10am-4pm, including holidays. For more information call 250-557-4576 or email pcmuseum@qcislands.ca
Reading On The Rock
Our Adult Summer Reading Challenge is for interested adults to engage in reading activities throughout the summer and enter prize draws at their local library branch. The grand prize is an iPad mini - each branch is also giving away monthly prizes and perhaps smaller ones as well. During the program period, adults reading 15 minutes a day or more can record their activities in a reading log. Reading includes newspapers, magazines, websites, email, and listening to audiobooks. People can, of course, read more than 15 minutes each day! Each week of reading 15 minutes or more per day allows the person to enter a draw slip for a chance to win a prize. Each VIRL library branch has prizes available and a system-wide grand prize will be awarded at the end of the program (the iPad mini). Customers can register at their local branch. The Adult Summer Reading Challenge began July 2 and ends August 31. Our Summer Reading Club for Kids and our Teen Challenge are also on until the end of August with more great prizes. Register at your local library!
The VOPC book club members were festive in 1930’s attire to applaud the era of “The Blind Assassin” by Margaret Atwood. This novel was a tough read for many members. Most did not finish it or hardly started it. Many were disappointed it was not a typical Atwood book and the science fiction element left a few people dumbfounded. As one member elegantly stated “it was a pain in the #%* and as depressing as hell!” The
handful of members who did finish it loved the beautiful imagery, the writing, the layers within the book and how the story stayed with you. The book club’s next book is “The Forgotten Garden” by Kate Morton and we will meet up on July 28th at 7:30pm in the Port Clements Senior Room. If you have any questions or would like to join the book club please contact Tina through email at tina. ooishi@gmail.com
OPEN HOURS QUEEN CHARLOTTE: Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Wednesday 1-4 and 5-8, Friday 12:30-5 pm, Saturday 10-12 and 1-5 MASSET: Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Thursday 1-4 and 5-8, Friday 1-5, Saturday 10-2
PORT CLEMENTS: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3-8, Saturday 10-12 and 1-5 SANDSPIT: Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Wednesday 10-2, Thursday 1-4 and 5-8, Saturday 10-2
Number two in a series of four books, Port Clements author, Cliff Bell Brown recently published “Adventures in the Dream State - A Message from the Dawn”. Following his first book, entitled: “A Seed Sprouts”, continues the story as a young man wishing to help humanity by participating in what he thinks is political activism as a teacher of the Transcendental Meditation Program. His life becomes widely diversified as he juggles a refined spiritual quest with his career of West Coast Logging and various other employers. The third and fourth books are soon to come. Copies are available online at Amazon.com or through Cliff at cliffbellbrown@gmail.com
Love Haida Gwaii celebrating local, independently owned business
Haida Gwaii
MEET NANCY HETT OF SPRUCE POINT LODGE & MORESBY MOUNTAIN POTTERY IN QUEEN CHARLOTTE Last year when people called Nancy Hett and Mary Kellie’s Spruce Point Lodge looking for accommodation, they asked “What is your place like?”, and ”Do you have a website?”. Now, they get calls from potential customers and travel agents saying they found their businesses on Love Haida Gwaii! Customers report that they love the selection of pictures and say it’s a great website. People know what they want and are ready to book. So what are they doing that’s new at Spruce Point Lodge? There are a few new breakfast features such as a breakfast parfait (yogurt, fruit and granola that are to die for) or a mini breakfast crisp right out of the oven that everyone loves. Of course it’s delivered to your room or you can eat at the picnic table while enjoying the ocean view. Revel in the sounds of gently-lapping waves and aquatic birds while enjoying a waterfront view from the expansive deck of the Spruce Point Lodge. Spruce Point Lodge is one of very few accommodations in Queen Charlotte located directly on the waterfront. Nancy, who also runs Moresby Mountain Pottery Studio, even had an email from someone in Terrace wanting to buy her pottery because they saw pictures of her work on Love Haida Gwaii. What’s new in Nancy’s studio? A selection of unique baking and serving ware that will be a hit at your next pot luck, and of course the usual mugs, bowls and tea pots. All are invited to come by the studio and have a look, or view them on Love Haida Gwaii. Nancy specializes in pottery for the kitchen, and many of her plates, mugs, bowls and other items have found their way into kitchens all over BC, Canada and even other parts of the world!
611 Sixth Avenue, Queen Charlotte 250.559.8234 sprpoint@qcislands.net
lovehaidagwaii.com Love Haida Gwaii showcases locally owned and operated businesses and is funded by Northern Development Initiative Trust & Misty Isles Economic Development Society. To list your business on the Love Haida Gwaii website or for more information call 250-559-8050 or email admin@mieds.ca
Expanding Eduaction at the Edge of the World
By Pete Moore
Photo courtesy of the HGHES Since the pilot semester in 2009, the Haida Gwaii Higher Education Society (HGHES) has had over 200 students come to the islands for its unique educational experience. In addition to locals who attend, each year, dozens travel from all over Canada to take part in one of the two natural resource programs that proudly utilize Haida Gwaii’s backyard as a classroom. This influx of people every year has had significant economic benefits, especially for the southern communities as the programs are offered out of the Haida Heritage Centre, and have brought a sense of youthful vibrancy to the islands.
court cases. With student interest in these courses extremely high, it became clear that to fully explore the critical content of these issues, they should be expanded into a full semester of five courses. Given the rising discussion and action around reconciliation in Canada, a semester devoted to such seemed fitting. Not only will this grow the society’s academic calendar, but also expand the program geographically, as the semester will be offered in Masset and Old Massett.
“When the organization was founded, the idea was for [it] to be an all islands postsecondary education institution, offering programs across all the communities here on Haida Gwaii.” – Dr. Carlos Ormond, Executive Director
Moving forward, supported by the culmination of their impressive success story and ambitious growth, the HGHES has begun a major fundraising campaign. The fundraising is to support successful existing programs, but also to fund emerging new programs, namely a Reconciliation Studies semester for 2017. HGHES offers classes covering topics such as Aboriginal history, impacts of policy and legislation for Indigenous people of Canada, as well as examining current indigenous
Gwaii Trust Society has already supported the initiative with a $100,000 grant. The HGHES is still seeking further support, as they aim to keep the program affordable for eager applicants, especially locals. “We are thankful for the support Gwaii Trust Society has given us in order to continue working towards offering a new semester in Masset and Old Massett, but in order to keep our successful programs financially accessible to all potential students we need additional philanthropic support from individuals, small business, corporations, and foundations” says Dr. Ormond. As a registered charity, donations to the HGHES are eligible for tax benefits.
This article was created in conjunction with the Haida Gwaii Higher Education Society. 14
Bidding Farwell to
Sam & Shirley Story by Pete Moore
After 26 years of service on Haida Gwaii, Sam and Shirley are closing the doors to their corner store. The two came to Haida Gwaii in 1990, and Sam started working at an auto mechanic shop. Shortly after this, they began their own business as a half grocery store and half auto shop. Sam and Shirley’s eventually transitioned into just a grocery store, but one that became a beloved business to the entire community.
The two will certainly be missed, as was shown by the many hugs, handshakes, and smiles they received over the last few days of their business. Farewell and good luck Sam and Shirley!
Sam and Shirley expressed a bittersweetness to their departure; although they are excited to be returning to Hong Kong to join their family, they are sad to be leaving Queen Charlotte. Both of them look back at their time on the island with great fondness, and appreciate the way they the community took them in. Coming to the islands with no english, Sam reflected on learning the language through customers. He compared the town to a university, calling all his customers his professors. As one of the longest-standing business in Queen Charlotte, it’s hard to imagine the town without Sam and Shirley’s.
Photo by: Full Moon Photo
AVAILABILITY NOTIFICATION Please note: To keep HGT running efficiently and, most importantly, so we can continue to serve our island communities as best we can, as of August 15th, 2016, the HGT magazine will be available only at the following locations: Masset: HG Co-op, Atwell Family Foods and Masset Grocery Port: Clements: Bayview Market Tlell: Crow’s Nest Café and Country Store Skidegate: HG Co-op and Taaw Naay Enterprises Queen Charlotte: Causeway Convenience Store Sandspit: Super-Valu Prince Rupert: Eddie’s News Stand and Novelties
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We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Your patronage is deeply valued. Feedback? Comments? Call us at 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
gwaiitrust.com Old Massett: 1-800-663-2388 | Skidegate: 1-877-559-8883
SKIDEGATE STUDENTS AWARDED CERTIFICATES FROM UNBC IN HAIDA LANGUAGE A remarkable achievement was celebrated last month at the Haida Heritage Centre, as 14 islanders received their certificate in First Nations Langauge Haida from UNBC. Designed to prepare graduates to teach Haida Lanuage and Culture, it was the first time this program has ever been offered in Skidegate. Instructors included fluent Haida speakers and university professors. The June 21 ceremony marked the completion of four semesters of intensive study. The program continues until Spring 2018, with students now working towards a diploma and an education certificate.
Siing.aay ‘laa (Good day!) In September 2014, I began a journey offered through UNBC, the Haida Language and Culture Certificate Program. On Aboriginal Day - June 21, 2016, after a year and a half of study - I and 13 other Jaa’adaay ‘laa isis (Good women) received our Certificate in First Nations Language-Haida. Along the way we laughed, cried, cheered, rejoiced, supported each other, sang
together, went on field trips, played Haida games and recited our very own Haida skits. Class was offered two to three nights a week from 6-9 pm through the work week. Most weekends - either Friday, Saturday and Sunday or Saturday, Sunday and Monday - we went to school from 9 am to 4 pm, with different times for different teachers. All together we worked hard and accomplished our first step.
Together we will grow and succeed in speaking in our mother tongue with the guidance of our teachers.
Gam guudinaay st’iidang ad xaay nang.nga gang! Live with no regrets! Guudang.ngaay hlgaawjuu! I am excited! I will continue with my classmates in fall 2016 for the Diploma Program! Dalang ‘waadluxan ga dii k’uuga ga! I love you all!
Sah ‘Laana Guu Nang iidhlxaaydaGas. Ah haay.yad siing.ngaay sgaawdagii dang ga hll kil ‘laa gaa. Creator I thank you for the day. Xaayda Kihlgii gam id sda gaaguu, sing.ga hll suu ga. I pray that the Haida Language will never be lost from us. Stlaay hla giijagid ad dii gii tllgad. Hold my hand. Help me. Xaayda kil hll sk’aadga Ga, dii gii hla tllgad. I am wanting to learn the Haida Language. Dii gii hla dlaayiida. Let there be peace (calm) upon me. Haak’wanuu Gid SGwaanang Gas ga. Forever and ever Haaw’a Thank You
OUR EDUCATION GRANTS CAN HELP WITH TUITION COSTS The students in UNBC’s Haida Language & Culture Training Certificate Program received Continuing Education grants from Gwaii Trust to offset their tuition costs. Our education grants are designed to help islanders with the cost of post-secondary education,
including trades programs and online courses as well as university and college studies. Full-time students can receive up to $3,000 a year, or up to $750 per course. Funding is based on the actual cost of your course and materials. Find out more at gwaiitrust.com.
Same Pages A recent Facebook post said “We don’t have to agree on anything to be kind to one another.” Call it whatever you wish, unity, peace, community or just plain getting along…the concepts of social sustainability are, of course, far from new. Let’s not get hung up on this new fangled term but be open to the expansion of any and all ideas that yield positive results. Calm discussions and equitable projects can lead to peaceful and happy people, families, communities and nations. Whatever a person chooses to call it, it is especially worth bringing to light and applying as much as we can muster…to our personal and professional lives. Why bother with talking, learning about and applying social sustainability concepts? The simplicity of the answer is profound: if we can get along, our chances of succeeding are a hundred fold. Future generations are the ones who will truly reap the benefits. Why on earth would we want to bequeath anything else? Let’s leave our children health, happiness, security, hope, peace, nutritious food to eat and a planet to enjoy...to name only a few! OK, stepping down from the soap box now...onto news of a very cool social sustainability gathering this past month.
On Friday, June 24th, a few folks interested in discussing social sustainability (SS) concepts met with Haida elders at the Skidegate Haida Immersion Program (SHIP). Although many SHIP elders were not there as they were winding down for the season, around 14 people attended the session that was chaired by Kevin Boserio. The SS group talked about the six core values, quality of life and growth, equality, empathy, compassion and love and how they related to each of them personally. In return, and very much aligned with what the SS group focuses on, the SHIP elders shared their Haida Ethics and Values that include respect, responsibility, giving & receiving, seeking wise counsel and “The world is as sharp as the edge of a knife” which is defined as: balance is needed in our interactions with the natural world. If we aren’t careful in everything we do, we can easily reach a point of no return. Our practices and those of others must be sustainable. It was wonderful to share such aligned concepts. Afterwards, everyone enjoyed a meal of the most amazing halibut chowder ever! We look forward to future, like-minded endeavors! Howa’a SHIP!
“To be able to build a stalwart character, family, business, community or planet, it is actually required to behave as if everything matters in all things. Turn your ears to the stillness that resides within you. All good results reside there.” Daniel Raphael, PhD Social Sustainability Leadership and Training Consultant
Puzzle Corner
These puzzles have been re-published with the permission of Joan Hein. They were created in the early 1970’s as a collaboration between Joan and her Mom, Betty Dalzell, cherished historian of Port Clements.
Horoscopes for July 15th to Aug 15th, 2016 Aries (March 20-April 19) Dear Aries, you have a new job description for the upcoming weeks. It’s called creative living. Whether you undertake this in your career, in your family life or for your own personal benefit, matters not. What does matter is that you allow yourself enough quiet time to hear the message of creativity, then make it happen. Dance! Write! Paint! Hike! Whatever you choose, let it make your heart sing the song of passion. Key Words: Connect, Inspiration, Play Taurus (April 19-May 20) There may be moments coming up, dearest Taurus, when the best thing you can do for yourself is lay low. A healing is taking place deep in your soul, and it is time for you to heed this call and sometimes say no to social engagements. This may be challenging but it is for your highest good to rejuvenate yourself with alone time. Recharge your battery and choose to heal yourself now. It’s a good insurance policy for your future. Key Words: Quiet, Contemplative, Compassion Gemini (May 20-June 21) There is someone in your family or a valued friend that could use your compassionate caring right now. Focus your energy on helping others to heal, as this is an honorable priority for you right now. Not only will you receive the appreciation you deserve, but also a new passion and joy for living will be allowed to download into your soul. Let yourself soar! Key Words: Serve, Believe, Create Cancer (June 21-July 22) You have the opportunity to prove your allegiance to yourself, dear Cancer. You are typically there for everyone else but not as much for yourself. I ask you to emotionally support yourself now. Do this by feeling grounded. Walk barefoot, practice yoga, get a massage or do anything that allows you to embrace your body. Key Words: Endurance, SelfConfidence, Security Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) You are dawning on the world, dear Leo. This is your season to shine, and shine you do. This all sounds amazing and promising but I want to give you a small piece of advice: When you are shining so bright, it’s hard for others to truly see you. The tendency for them is to assume that you are always hunky dory. So if for some reason you aren’t, you will need to say so. Key Words: Passion, Power, Positivity Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) You have the ability, dear Virgo, to reflect on where you have come from and where you want to go. This little history lesson of your life thus far, will allow you to see off in the distance and determine your next steps. Feel the love you have given and the love you have received and understand that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Key Words: Goals, Aspirations, Community
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) Fishin is the mission, dear Libra. In other words, you will benefit from getting very clear about what your mission in life is and how to better attain that. Define your goals for the next several years, then make a plan on how you will achieve them. One way to manifest your dreams is to write them down. It helps you get crystal clear about them as well as uncover little tidbits that you didn’t even know were there. Key Words: Expertise, Experience, Endurance Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22 I know your tendency, dear Scorpio, is to think deeply to uncover greater meaning in life. Sometimes this can be intense, especially for those around you. In the next few weeks, I invite you to imagine what your life would look like if you decided to trust that hope springs eternal. That everything happening is meant to be without having to psychoanalyze it all. To understand that sometimes the glass actually is half full or all the way full. Come from a place of positive curiosity and see where that leads you. Key Words: Believe, Happiness, Open-minded Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) Don’t be surprised, dear Sagittarius, if you are given an opportunity to bond deeply with someone in your immediate family or a close friend. First this may take the form of a disagreement, but not necessarily. Either way, the end product can be a stronger connection then you had a month ago. Allow yourself to feel your heart opening and heed this call. Key Words: Psychology, Understanding, Caring
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) You may feel torn in the upcoming weeks, dear Capricorn, between what is important for you to devote your energy to and what your family and friends need from you. There’s a fine balance there and it’s your job to determine which direction to go. Take a look at your aspirations for the future and make decisions based on those goals. Key Words: Trust, Determination, Compromise Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Now is the time, dear Aquarius, to reflect on your happiness. Specifically, what brings you joy, gives you passion and feels like it is your path to pursue? A way to discover this is to give back to others. Serve on a board, volunteer at a school or food bank. Or do anything that will take you out of your head and into your heart to help others. The answer to feeding your heart and soul lies in eliminating the dilemma of over-thinking everything. Key Words: Feel, Heal, Self-Worth .
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Your word for the upcoming weeks is perfection. Not in the conventional sense of trying to do everything perfect as we all know that there is no such thing. But striving for perfection, feeling like you are attempting clarity, and sense of purpose is where it’s at for you now, dear Pisces. Try to stay focused and breathe deeply for relaxation of body and soul. Key Words: Earthy, Life Choices, Stability Sage Advisor is a professional astrologer and has been since 2007. She is passionate about helping clients develop the tools of awareness and purpose for their lives.
Looking to post a free* classified, event or ride/ship share ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classified ads to appear in the August/ September issue is August 10th at noon. *Post your private (except for real estate & rentals), personally owned and non-business postings free of charge! For real estate, rentals or business product/service/employment ads, a small fee will apply.
In the Home & Office
Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/ Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc
Wine bottles. 11 dozen green wine bottles. $75 for the lot. Call Clint at (250) 626-6006 or email bcdqci@gmail.com Violin. 2007 Antonio Scarlatti full size violin with bow and accessories including: rosin, humidifier, humidity measurement device, flash cards in case you forgot how to read music (I did), electronic tuner, case (which can be worn as a backpack), foam chin rest and 3 intro books (Suzuki, Muller-Rusch and MelBay). The D string is not on, I have it but have not replaced it yet, the string is included as well. $500 Call Lisa at (250) 626-7733 or email Lisanfroese@gmail. com Century stove glass for sale. 9” x 17.5” replacement glass with gasket, fits most Century wood burning stoves. Brand new, never used. $225 Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com Sony digital video camera recorder. Works great, all attachments and cords and 2 rechargeable batteries, case and manual. $75 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Weight-lifting equipment. Two weight-lifting exercise machines, treadmill and bench. All made in the 1980s but completely functional. $340 Email pkail@runbox.com Barbie House. Lovely used, home-built Barbie/smaller doll house for sale. Three “furnished” floors for your child to play! 49” h x 38.5” w x 16” d. Completely decorated and all handmade plastic canvas furniture included. Slightly worn from lots of play. $125 Call Kim Wylie at (250) 626-5436 or email qcilands@gmail.com Large size dog kennel for sale. Used only a couple times. Good shape. Suitable for medium to large dog. Measures 30” L x 18” W x 26” H. $75 Call Kim Wylie at (250) 626-5436 or email qcilands@gmail.com Pioneer M-10X Stereo Power Amp. This is a nice little amplifier. Bought from a clean home a couple years ago and used lightly since. It is in very good shape. Most suitable for bookshelf or efficient speakers. Rated at 70 Watts into 8 Ohms and 100 Watts into 4 Ohms. These ratings seem to be conservative. I sold the speakers I was using it for, which is why I am selling the amp. There is lots of info online if you google. $180 Call Dave Crossley at (250) 559-8208 or email dcrossley@haidagwaii.net Epson Stylus Photo 1280 Ink Jet Printer. Great value - brand new - never used! Extra ink included $250 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com RV microwave - built in. Brand new, never used removed from our new RV to create more storage space. HighPointe 900W (I like the controls much better than the one I have in my kitchen). Almost 15” high, 20.5” wide. $100 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net IPHONE 4S for sale. 16 Gig, locked to Koodo/Telus. $100, as is. The phone speaker is a bit distorted when you talk on the phone, you can try it out to see for yourself, this is the only issue with this phone. (The music playback speaker is fine.) Hardly used, I’ve been using it as an iPod/2nd phone. Doesn’t come with a charging cable. Call Dominic at (250) 626-7896 or email visceralorbit@gmail.com Colour television. Sanyo AVM-3257U Made in USA $80 Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com Solid pine shelves. Two similar hand-crafted solid pine shelves. Can separate. $90 Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com Telescope. Brand: National Geographic model geo55, focal length 700 mm, diameter 60 mm, coated lens, instruction manual and spare lens in box. $100 Call Pat Parish at (250) 626-6805 or email patparish1860@gmail.com Dog supplements. Recovery SA chewable tablets extra strength - 120 and approx. 1/2 of a newly opened bottle, $40. Ultimate strength glycoflex stage 3 tablets - over 1/2 bottle, $25. Three boxes of fortiflora canine probiotic 30 packs per box, $35/box. All have been stored in a cool dry place. Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net “Great Courses” - University level lectures on DVD. 1) The science of mindfulness. 2) Impossible! Physics beyond the edge. 3) Our night sky. 4) The Iliad of Homer. 5) The Odyssey of Homer $20 each. Call Cliff Bell Brown at (778) 884-7297 or email cliffbellbrown@ gmail.com King hb/fb/rails. Beautiful king bed, bought only 8 months ago (unable to take with). Picture is of what it looked like in store (looks the same as it is nearly brand new). I paid over $1200. This is the bed only, not mattress. $700 Email nicolepelletier92@hotmail.com Compound bow with arrows. $300 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Rifle. 30-06 Remington Enfield $350 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net
In the Home & Office - cont. Cell phone for sale. Just want a phone for calling and texting? This phone is good for the person that just wants to call people and text if necessary. This phone has Bluetooth wireless technology, and a camera. I used it for a trip to Vancouver before a new phone came to me. This phone comes with a manual, charging adapter, and will work with Koodo, and Telus. Koodo has very inexpensive plans. $45 Call Stephany Pryce at (778) 260-8917 or email egypt319@gmail.com Dufferin Pool Table with 3 pool cues/ set of snooker balls/ and set of 8 balls included. Excellent condition. Oak color, selling for $800. Paid $2800. Call Judy Hadcock at (250) 637-2488 or email mommagoo@live.ca Crystal Cold Propane Fridge-Freezer. 15 cu ft. Works perfectly and almost silently. Ideal for off-grid applications. New equivalent model costs about $3,700. Selling for $1,200 Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com Raleigh Gel Mountain Bike Seat Cover. $20 Call Karen at (250) 5594255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Bomber/Flight Jacket. Alpha Industries classic flight jacket (style MA1). Army green outside and bright orange inside. Size large. In very good condition. $75 Call Lisa at (250) 626-7733 or email Lisanfroese@gmail. com Sony Compact Disc Player. Model CDP-CE415 5 Disc CD Changer, Hybrid Pulse D/A Converter, Digital Servo System. Nice unit! $50 Call Scott Wyie at (250) 626-5436 or email qcilands@gmail.com .303 Ross Rifle $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Fine China. Royal Albert -- Memory Lane. Includes: teapot, creamer, sugar bowl, salt and pepper, four place settings. Included in each setting tea cup with saucer, small bowl, dinner plate, lunch plate. Mint condition $350 Call Pat Parish at (250) 626-6805 or email patparish1860@gmail. com Small Desk Lamp. Cash or will trade for a lamp that will fit on my headboard $25 Call Karen Foerter at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Prom Dress. “Flirt” by Maggie Sottero. Size 2. Sleeveless coral floor length gown with rhinestones. Valued at $650. Selling for $300 Call Laura at (250) 626-5443 or email lcprettycharlie38@gmail.com Gun Rack for trade. Fits 8 guns, locks, has glass windows and bottom locking area for ammo. Looking to trade for a locker to store guns into, or trade for something els.Txt, call or email Dominic at (250) 626-7896 or email visceralorbit@gmail.com Slip-on bog boots. Women’s size 9, brand new, still in box. Didn’t fit my wide feet. Too bad, cause they look great. Chocolate in colour. $95 Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email pawsitivespin@gmail.com 4x6 Area rug. 100% Olefin pile; easy to clean, anti-static, colourfast. $50 Call Natalie at (250) 626- 3412 or email natalie.affolter@gmail.com Sirius XM Home Kit. New in box, never been used, need a speaker. Can be used for car or home. $125 Call Danny Stewart at (250) 626-3336 or email d64stewart@gmail.com Sony Bravia 52 inch Flatscreen TV. $700 Email howle@qcislands.net Large Bird Cage For Sale. Large size Bird cage suitable for parrots of all kinds. Has four feeding stations that swing out. Is on castors for easy moving. Lots of doors for easy access. Bought brand new for $900 plus $300 shipping. Will sell for $500 OBO and will deliver anywhere on Haida Gwaii. Our bird loved it but unfortunately died last year. Call Al or Sian at (250) 637-5754 or email algrosve@telus.net Floor Vacuum. Small BAGLESS Floor Vacuum - works great - nice and clean, 1st with cash takes it away. No Holds $50 Email bondd06@hotmail.com Heels. Tuk brand women’s heels, black with white trim, Mary Jane style. 50’s style makes them easy to walk in. Worn very little. Size 9. $30 Call Lisa at (250) 626-7733 or email Lisanfroese@gmail.com
In the Home & Office - cont. Beautiful original design mirror $300. This 28” x 38” mirror is an original hand crafted piece. It features pressed dried flowers sandwiched between glass & acid free matting, with a mirror glass backdrop, and is framed in Roma Italian moulding. $300 Email lighthouse_vista@yahoo.ca Hard to Find Breaker Box For Sale. Stabloc breaker box full of breakers for sale. This is a very hard to find item as they are no longer manufactured. $200 Call Manzanita Snow at (250) 557-8579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Brand New Steel Insulated Galv Door & Frame. Fire Door swings out to left, cannot be broken into. 4’ wide. Includes hardware, hinges, door-knob, and deadbolt, primed & painted Roman Red $700. Door is brand new. $700 firm. Phone calls only to Mike (604) 612-5867. Wall Mount Porcelain Sink. Comes with: Mounting hardware, Chrome waste kit, and Single lever faucet. $100 Call Aaron at (250) 6371478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Seven Brand New (in box) Stelpro Electric Base Board Heaters. [3] 47” x 1000 Watts & [4] 28’”x 500 Watts. Plus 4 Stelpro thermostats. I changed my plans for the type of heating system I’m going to use. $330 for all. Call Ray Wagstaff at (250) 637-5464 or email ray_dw@hotmail.com Three piece lounge suite/bed. Three piece lounge suite includes one armchair and one couch which folds out to make a bed. $400 Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com Bird Cage for sale. Large bird cage for sale, easy clean surface, big enough for parrots, or smaller birds. The condition is new. The stand is a separate piece, and the cage fits on top between the slots made for it. Easy to move with wheels. The catch-all keep messes off the floor. It has a very large door, and easy to change the food dishes as they are situated outside of cage. The opening in the top, folds down to close. Cost $500 new with shipping. The acrylic 2nd floor was made custom for the cage. It is held in place with wooden doweling. This will be separate from the cage, and will sell for $25. Cage is $280 Call Stephany at (778) 260-8917 or email egypt319@gmail.com Blond slab bees wax! In bulk form. Only $8 a lb. First come first served. This is raw bees wax from Alberta hives. Call Peter Vogan at (250) 557-4646 or email tlell@haidagwaii.net Cool Cabinet. Pine two-door cabinet for sale. Suitable for CD/DVD storage, ornaments. Lots of shelves & a sliding front shelf as well. Excellent shape. $100 Call Kim Wylie at (250) 626-5436 or email qcilands@gmail.com Cell signal booster. Wilson cell signal booster for sale. Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email pawsitivespin@gmail.com Ferragamo Italian Leather Shoulder Bag. New, never used. Coffee color. Retails for $725 Canadian. $250 Email sandradanruss@gmail.com
In the Home & Office - cont. Sedona Food Dehydrator. The Sedona BPA free nine tray digital food dehydrator from Tribest accurately and efficiently distributes heated air, drying foods better and much more evenly when compared to other food dehydrators. Additionally, Sedona’s heating compartment can be divided into two drying chambers offering unsurpassed versatility while using less electricity and eliminating excess waste. I have used this dehydrator only a few times, I realize it is larger than I need. It comes with 3 drying sheets, never used, for making jelly rolls and whatnot. $395 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Frigidaire Dehumidifier. Like new, used for one week last year when hot water tank flooded the floor. Surprisingly quiet, and can be hooked up with a hose to run continually if wanted. Super-efficient in removing the damp feel from the air in the house. $200 Call Maryanne at (250) 6267555 or email Maryanne@maryannewettlaufer.com Vintage Laura Ashley Party Dress. Gorgeous 1980s strapless party dress. Two tier green taffeta with black velvet top. Size 14, worn once and stored in a garment bag. All proceeds from sale go to the Masset Animal Helpline. $50 Call Anne Marie at (250) 626-5126 or email dragon@mhtv. ca
In the Yard & Workshop
Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/ Pet and Pet Supplies
Goat and cheese making supplies. Have goats or cows? I have a mastitis kit, vegetable rennet, inoculant, calcium chloride that I don’t need. Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email pawsitivespin@gmail.com Renovating tools. Circular saw. Drill and bits. Hand saw. Stapler. Power cord $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Oak casings. Over 100 feet. 7 pcs. 9’ and 8 pcs. 3’ Additional random lengths $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net PLEASE HELP ME. Did you know Bill Paquette? Then you know for many years we were building a sailboat. I need help moving our boat. I already have a promise of a spot to put it very close by, so that I can finish working on it to get it launched, but the boat needs to be moved. I don’t exactly know how I will do this but if I have some help it can be done. I have a promise of the use of a skid so far. If you think you are willing to help me please contact me. Please also help spread this message around. If you can’t help me move Bill’s boat, perhaps you can help me by letting someone else know. Thank you, Debbie Paquette. Call (604) 3299720 or email dbpaquette6@gmail.com 10x10-20’ Hemlock beam $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Rifle for Sale. Savage model 10 in .243 Winchester. Mossy oak, heavy barrel, accu trigger, custom bolt, and removable mussel brake. Bushnell scope 4.5x18. Brand new. $1,200. Call Martin, home (250) 637-5606 cell (780)777-1121 or email ma-trucking@hotmail.com Two Osprey Belly Boats for sale. One purple, One green. Excellent Condition. Asking $100 for each or buy both for $160. Please phone or text. Call Amber at (250) 626-9115 or email barefootnorth@gmail.com Used lumber. Looking for the following 20pcs 2X6X12’ 20pcs 2X8X8’ Email Bobjwps@ gmail.com Fuel Tank. 100 gallon Tidy Tank and Stand. Used for heating fuel. Great tank, but no longer needed. $175 Call Ernie at (250) 559-8837 or email erniegladstone@hotmail.com Need space to park trailer. Hi folks, I am looking for a place to park one 8x22 ft. travel trailer as of June 25th. If you have an underutilized scrap of land or spacious back yard let me know. Willing to pay a small monthly rental fee or work out a trade. Thanks. Call Frances Bateham at (250) 637-1759 or email Haidagwaiiseasalts@gmail.com New 4’x8’ sheet green Formica. Counter top material. The pattern is called Bayou Dust and the number is 2486-42. It has a sparkle finish. I’m not sure if it is a current pattern. Selling because of design change. $50 Email sales@tostaba.com
In the Yard & Workshop - cont. Power Saw For Sale. 10” Craftsman compound mitre cut off saw. Brand new, still in the box. $400 Call Ron at (250) 559-7790 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Jake’s Part-Time Cabin. Beautiful large sturdy doghouse 4’ long 39” wide 30” high (not including peak) the plastic bubble wrap around the door protected Jake’s nose, (he was blind) when he went in to munch on his bones. $175 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Used interior doors. Misc. used interior doors $10 each Call Phil Shiels at (250) 637-5614 or email shiels@qcislands.net Guttering. Approx. 10 downspouts; 2 pieces of guttering; about 40 connecting pieces. All good quality. $90 Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com Help Wanted. Grass Cutting Service Needed. We are seeking a reliable person to cut and weedwack grass at two locations this summer. Both locations are at Lawn Hill. Please call Colin Davies at (250) 559-4637 if you are interested or email pescador@live.ca Pasture seed. Unopened 20kg bag of Field Star Coastal Horse Pasture. Bought last fall, our field came up faster than we expected. $50 Email rfb@skyscraper.nu GOAT: Purebred Nubian Buck. Born June 15th to purebred Nubian mom and purebred Nubian dad. Disbudded, healthy, give a txt, call or email. Dominic at (250) 626-7896 or email visceralorbit@gmail.com NOVA DVR XP Lathe. Comes with cast iron stand, Nova Soft Jaw chuck accessory, Talon Chuck 4 jaw scroll chuck, Vicmarc Uni Chuck VM100, and a dozen various tools. Call/text 250-637-1967 for more info. Asking $2000 OBO for all. Call Kristi at (250) 637-1967 or email kristi@haidagwaii.ca Furnace ducting wanted. Looking for 6” and 4” round furnace ducting and assorted fittings. Thanks. Call Wayne at (250) 557-2434 or email mwnicol@qcislands.net White aluminum handrail. 40 ft. of used aluminum handrail in good shape. 14 posts, top and bottom rails and pickets. Also an 8 foot section of handrail to match. $200 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Storm doors. Looking for 2 screen storm doors, 36” and 32” -trying to keep the chickens out! Please call Barbara Sly (250) 626-6033 in the evening or (250) 626-5507 during the day, thanks. Or email barbsly@gmail.com Rifles (left handed). Remington model700 bdl custom deluxe with Bushnell 3x9 scope. 270 win. Browning Abolt stainless synthetic with bosh and Lomb 2x7 compact scope. 280 rem. $800 each. Call Bob at (780) 314-8221 or email Bob.54north@gmail.com Nails. Three boxes of Tree Islands nails. All in good condition (c.1997). 1) 3-1/2” 50 lbs. $70 2) 2-1/2” 20 lbs. $35 3) 2-1/4” 50 lbs. $70 These are less than half the current price at AMS. However, I am open to offers. Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com Generator. New BE 1200 Generator for sale less than 10 hours on it. Paid $580 for it. $450 firm. Call Rick at (250) 327-8322 or email barton_rick@hotmail.com Vinyl Soffit. Plastic covering for eaves. 9 pieces x 12’. Open to offers. $40 Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@ runbox.com Vinyl siding. 600 square feet. Ocean Park Ultra, color beige, 16’ pieces. Resonance foam included. $600 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Cement Board Siding. James Hardie Cement board siding. Special ordered from Home Depot (see www.jameshardie.com). 11 sheets (4 feet by 8 feet). Flat finish. Light yellow in color. Individually packaged and stored in heated garage. We ordered them for a job but we did not end up needing them. Cost us $1352 with shipping. $1,100 Call Claire Gauthier at (250) 637-2450 or email claire.childcentre@ hotmail.com MEC Pangea 60 Hiking Pack. This Travel back pack is a 60L with a 10L pack that turtles onto the back, then comes off for shorter trips. Excellent condition, but I need a different pack for my trips. This one’s been used twice. Comes with additional sleeping pad. New these packs are about $200, asking $125 OBO (includes original ThermaRest sleeping pad, it’s the brown and purple one in the photo). Also 2 extra sleeping pads - asking $10 for those. Please call or text Amber at (250) 626-9115 or email barefootnorth@gmail.com
On the Road
In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment
Camper. Fits 8’ box with tailgate closed. Jacks have been removed, so it’ll have to be jacked up by other means or jacks replaced. Propane stove, fridge and heater all in working order. Be a good camper to drop off somewhere, or for the parts. Open to trades. $500 Call Michael at (250) 626-7873 or email mickquade@hotmail.com 1998 Toyota Tacoma. Excellent condition, great on gas; Standard, 4 cylinder, 2 wheel drive, single cab. Canopy, good summer tires, good studded tires mounted on winter rims. $3,200 Call Daysun at (778) 260-0171 or email Leftcoastlad@gmail.com Selling 2013 Honda Fit. Automatic, 4-doors with air conditioning. Keeps its value and delivers a reliable and comfortable ride with power. Perfect car for the islander and off-island traveler. Asking price $12,600. Call Dutes Dutheil at (250) 557-4383 or email stay@haidagwaii.net
On the Road - cont. Chevy Colorado 2007. Superb little truck! Bought from dealership 1 year ago. Well maintained, runs excellent. Zero issues. 108,000 km $15,000 Call Luke at (250) 638-2843 or email borserio@unbc.ca Trailer Tire. Brand new 175/80R13 $80 Call Remi at (250) 637-1326 or email remi.levesque@skidegate.ca
2008 Ford F250 Super Duty Ext cab/4x4/Stk#6164
1990 Dodge Cummins Diesel 2500 4 x 4. 5.9L, Automatic Transmission. 400,000kms. The Good Stuff: Solid Frame, 12,000 lb. winch with bush bumper, boat rack, reliable truck that can pull anything. Lots of work done on the truck maintenance-wise over the past 6 or so years I have owned it. Most recently a new starter, new front end (u joints, etc.), new battery, new locking hubs, oil change. Less Good Stuff: Minor cosmetic rust, dent on rear bumper, crack on windshield (all very easy fixes I have not bothered with because they are purely cosmetic). Reason I am selling it is because I am moving off island for a couple of years and would prefer to sell it than sit there while I am gone. $6,000 OBO Call Genevieve at (778) 231-3632 or email genofeve1@gmail.com 1995 Mitsubishi Pajero. Seats 7, leather, 4x4, 5 good tires, nice vehicle but needs some work. (A transmission switch?) $3,500 Email duger1@ haidagwaii.net 25’ Travel Trailer For Sale. Springdale travel trailer. Slideout. Mint condition. $18,000 Call Kirsten Collinson at (250) 557-4479 or email collinsonconstr@xplornet.com
2012 Nissan Versa Auto/48,000km/Stk#6141
2013 Chevy Spark Auto/13,000km/Stk#6093
2014 Mitsubishi AWD/7 pass/Stk#6091
No Reasonable Offer Refused!
West End Auto Sales
605 Ocean view Drive, Queen Charlotte
250 559 4641
Or Toll Free 1 877 559 4641 Email:
citires@qcislands.net 28
Dealer #9152
For Sale: 2004 Airstream 16’ Bambi Trailer. This travel trailer is in excellent working condition, inside and out. Clean, dry, well cared for. Sleeps 2 adults + 2 children; propane furnace; propane cook top stove with fan; propane fridge with small freezer; dinette area seats 4 with panoramic front windows; pressure water with 85 litre tank; propane hot water heater; toilet/head with shower; air conditioner; awning; LED interior lighting. $23,000 Call Greg at (250) 559-4287 or email g7w@qcislands.net 2012 Harley VRSCF Muscle. Comes with saddlebags, windscreen, backpad, luggage rack, heelrest pegs, K&N air filter, DynoJet Powervision tuner, Tab slip on mufflers with quiet or loud baffles. 34,000k Will consider trade for a Cruiser. $11,000 Call Laurence at (250) 559-4461 or email eagle@haidagwaii.net 4 x 4 Truck for sale. 2014 Toyota Tacoma4 x 4 Double cab dark blue 35,000km, low mileage. All service records. No accidents. TRD sport, colour matched locking canopy. Performance exhaust for better fuel economy. Running boards. Fia front and back seat covers. New floor mats. $35,900 obo. Stock rims and tires with low wear. Not been on beach. More photos upon request. Email Sonia.rice6058@gmail.com 2003 Jeep Grand Cherokee Overlander. 211,000 km; V8, 4x4 all the time, excellent condition. All bells and whistles in working order including sun roof, heated seats, AC etc. and an “old fashioned” 8 CD player. Only on island 2 years. Selling because we are away for a year and don’t want to let it sit. $6,000 Call Dan at (250) 626-3412 or email daniel.schulbeck@gmail.com 2014 Chevy Camaro SS. Custom. Only 8500k! $40,000 Email howle@ qcislands.net Wheel for trailer. Solid wheel. Includes clamp. Capacity 500 lbs. $30 Call Paul at (250) 9992362 or email pkail@runbox.com 1985 4Runner project. Almost finished! Redone frame, rust free body, 4+3” lift fits 38” tires, chev 350 lots of new parts, smittybuilt everything, straight axle front end. $3,500 Call Lynn at (250) 636-1365 or email Slynnvank@gmail.com Only 44,000km! 2013 Ford Fiesta hatchback. Black. Mint condition. $11,000 Call 250559-8936 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
On the Water
In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats
Halibut Rods & Reels. Two Shakespeare “Sturdy Stick” Halibut Rods with PENN 114 6/0 Senator Reels and Braided line. Used only once, like brand new! Price is $225 each. Call Scott Wylie at (250) 626-5436 or email qcilands@gmail.com Remote oil filter setup. For small block Chev. $50 Call Clint at (250) 626-6006 or email bcdqci@gmail.com Oil pan & Oil pump. New small block Chev (GM) oil pan (with gasket) and oil pump. $50 Call Clint at (250) 626-6006 or email bcdqci@gmail.com Rod and Reel. Never been used rod and reel. Call Pat Parish at (250) 626-6805 or email patparish1860@gmail.com Magnificent Cedar Strip Sea Kayak. Red Fish Diamond design, red cedar with two yellow cedar diamond design by master builder. 17’ 8” with two storage chambers. Must be owned by someone who physically fits this wonderful work of art! Purchase price was $3,500 on eBay. Available for $2500 cash. First come, first served. This is not a production model, it is a one-off masterpiece made for an experienced kayaker! Look it up on the internet. Paddles included. For appointment to view call Peter Vogan at (250) 557-4646 or email tlell@haidagwaii.net 2009 Yamaha 150 Four Stroke Engine. Fully serviced ready to go using only Yamaha service parts. I have the Yamaha computer software to plug the engine in and pull hours and codes. The balancer shaft assembly has been upgraded to the newer style like Yamaha says must be done. Compression is right where it should be on all 4 cylinders. Engine runs great. Please email for more information $2,000 Email tinabeka02@outlook. com Lowrance portable fish finder. Great for small boats and large boats $95 Call Karen Foerter at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Boston Whaler for sale. $11,900 Call Matt Ravlic at (250) 219-7790 or email ravlicmatt@ gmail.com Boston Whaler for sale. $24,900 Call Matt Ravlic at (250) 219-7790 or email ravlicmatt@gmail.com Seadoo 3D. Low hours, 110 hp $4,500 Call Lynn at (250) 637-1365 or email slynnvank@ gmail.com 21 Foot Almar (North River). Welded aluminum hull, 8 foot beam, 425 HP with Hamilton 3 stage Jet. Yamaha 9.9 with remote control. Tuff tandem aluminum trailer. Over $2,100 in recent upgrades. Complete with all gear. $25,000 Call Clint at (250) 626-6006 or email bcdqci@gmail.com 2155 Bayliner Cierra Sunbridge. 21.5’ Cuddy Cabin Cruiser w/toilet, 1 burner and sink, seating with table or V-berth in bow and 2nd double bed under cockpit. Big landing/swim platform on stern, camperback canvas and low profile canvas. It had a V8-350 Mercruiser but was pulled out; I bought a new 4.3L V6 high output crate motor to replace it. It needs to have a heat exchanger set up and the new motor dropped back in. Deep vee can handle big chop easily and comfortably. Wired and set up for Scotty electric downriggers. Trailer included. Pictures are of sister boat. $7,000 Call Norman at (250) 559-8455 or email normanwagner@hotmail. com Outboard dolly/stand. Outboard dolly/stand. Bought last year and used about three times. $80 Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com 20 hp Johnson. I have a 20hp long leg 2-stroke, hardly used in very good shape. $500 Call Carl Lund at (250) 559-4474 or email ericolson66@yahoo.ca Humminbird 386ci Combo Fish Finder. New, never out of the box. Features: Brilliant color 240H x 320V 3.5” display with LED backlight, advanced DualBeam sonar with 4000 Watts PTP power output, and GPS Chartplotting with built-in UniMap. Optional: Navionics® Gold/ HotMaps©/LakeMaster® $400 Call Jorden Wolfe at (250) 626-5594 or email office@haidagwaiifutures.ca
Kids Zone
From infants to toddlers-Clothing/Toys/Books/Games
Baby’s Bassinette. Comes with remote for light, vibration, mobile and music. Extra batteries too. $20 Call Owen at (250) 626-3431 or email oj@ massett.ca Xbox 360 for sale, includes one Xbox, one controller, a controller charger, all cords and four games. Cases not included. $130. Call Aubrey at (250) 557-2451 or email foxythecowdrinker@gmail.com Bell Bike trailer. Good condition; slight fading on canvas; one new tire. $50 Call Natalie at (250) 626-3412 or email natalie.affolter@gmail.com Car seat. Looking for a car seat for up to 65 lbs. Would like at least 3 years left before expiry. Call Heather at (250) 626-6074 or email heatherjacobsen@hotmail.com
Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate
Firewood Required. Hemlock/Pine mix. 12-15 cords (128 cu.ft. per cord). Split & delivered to locations in QCC by Sept 1st. Call John at (250) 637-1100 or email john@amsltd.ca Wanted-Small Trailer. Needed to haul water containers. Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email pawsitivespin@gmail.com Missing- iPod Classic 7th generation. Engraved “Music hath charms to soothe a savage breast”; my iPod went missing in February, so if a black classic iPod has suddenly come into your life would you check the back please for the engraving? I can also confirm ownership by serial number. Generous cash reward, no questions asked, or drop it at the QC police station, they have my info. Please! It is my only source of music. Call Jess at (250) 559-8110 or email smittygirl@ftml.net Wanted. Small fridge, about 4 cu. ft., preferably with freezer. Must work well. Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com Washing Machine Wanted. Looking for a small, simple washing machine in good working order. Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com Wanted: Lawn and garden equipment and a freezer. Lawn mower, tiller, weed whacker, splitting maul, etc. Don’t mind doing repairs if needed. Also looking for a freezer. Call Joel at (250) 557-4589 In search of a peaceful place to call home. I am planning to move to Haida Gwaii in mid-July and I need a place to call home. If anyone is in search of a friendly, easy going and tidy roommate please do not hesitate to contact me. Also interested in renting a single room in a home, a small apartment or basement suite. Thank you. Call Aija Konst at (250) 631-3541 or email aijavletcha@hotmail.com Looking to buy 1980’s GI Joe action figures and vehicles. I do collect other action figures from the 80’s but GI Joe is the primary focus. Please give me a call if you have any you would like to sell. Thank you and have a great day! Call Berek at (250) 857-2867 or email berekc@hotmail.com Cleaner wanted. Bright, energetic, reliable gal to work part time cleaning cabins at Rapid Richie’s this summer, between 11 am and 3 pm. Experience preferred, own transportation a must. Text or call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com Looking for a place to rent for the rest of the summer. Hey! I’m a student coming up from the University of Victoria looking for a home for at least July and August in Queen Charlotte. Open to many living arrangements, roommates, with or without pets, or any other suggestions. Also open to places in Skidegate. I’m clean & easy-going, and love outdoor adventures of all kinds. I’m flying up with minimal stuff, so furnished would be a huge bonus. Looking forward to it! Call Steph Korolyk at (250) 891-1098 or email stephaniekorolyk@gmail.com Do you have a chair for Sergius? One of our dearly beloved seniors, Sergius deBucy is looking for a chair that is just like the one he has at home. He would like a 2nd one to bring it down to use in Queen B’s restaurant in Queen Charlotte. The chair he has is a little office chair, it swivels and has arms and it leans back when you lean back on it. It has wheels, but Sergius says if it does not have wheels, this is OK. If you have a chair that fits this description that you are not using, please give Sergius a call and you will make his day! Call Sergius deBucy at (250) 559-4209 or email mavismark28@gmail.com
Wanted - cont. Milled cedar shingles wanted. Does anyone have any leftover milled cedar shingles? I only need about 80 sq. ft. Call Darrell Oike at (250) 557-2444 or email darrell.oike@gmail.com Wanted: Hibby Gren's book of Poems. I am looking for a copy of Hibby Gren's poem book. I can trade for another book or books of possible interest to you. Call or fax Ron at 250-559-8088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Wanted: Duffle Bag. I am looking for an army type duffle bag something like the picture. In good condition, approx. 3 feet long by 12-16 inches wide with a simple rope, cinch enclosure. Can I trade for ?? Call or fax Ron at 250-559-8088, or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Wanted: trailer spare wheel and tire. Looking for a spare wheel and tire for a Highliner trailer; 5-bolt 14” Give me a call or email, please. Thanks. George at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@qcislands.net Long term accommodation. Looking for long term accommodation in the Masset or Tow hill area. Responsible tenant. References available. Text, call or email please. Call Chayne at (250) 508-0998 or email Cbauer.cb10@gmail.com Baby Goat needs a ride to Smithers or Prince George. Make your ride a little more fun! Hours of entertainment for the kids, can travel in a tote or a box, baby goats travel well. Text, call or email me, Call Dominic at (250) 626-7896 or email visceralorbit@gmail.com Looking for a place to rent in Skidegate come September when Kyle and I get back from the lodge, we do have an inside cat who is well trained, she only uses her litter box and does not scratch up anything besides her scratching post. Looking for anything reasonably priced! Please e-mail me as we do not have service out at the lodge. Thank you! Email jennifer.friesen@ hotmail.ca Wanted: Outboard for parts. Looking for older 90hp(or close) Johnson outboard motor for parts also for 85 hp merc for parts Call Ron Waldron at (250) 637-2401 or email rwaldron@ qcislands.net Wanted: Trail-a-bike. Looking to buy a trail a bike for biking adventures with my 4 year old. Will come to any community to pick up. Thank you! Call Chelsea at (250) 637-5335 or email Chelseaebadger@gmail.com Wanted: Bookshelf. Measurements unimportant. So long as sturdy, wooden, in good shape, and with at least 3 shelves. Willing to pay up to $50. Thank you! Call Kali at (250) 626-5169 or email kali_stonehouse@hotmail.com Wanted - Crib and mattress. In good/reasonable condition. Will pick up island-wide. Price negotiable. Needed by the beginning of July. Call Debbie at (250) 559-8303 or email falcon@ qcislands.net QCC Rental starting in August. Looking for a cat friendly rental in QCC starting in August. Hello! I am searching for a cozy little place to call home starting in August for myself and dear little cat named Scraggles. We are moving to Queen Charlotte City in July, and will need accommodation starting in August. Very responsible 30 year old female, working as a nurse. Something furnished would be great as I am not bringing much with me. Thanks so much! Call Cara at (250) 870-3799 or email westerskov.christiansen@gmail.com Wanted house for rent. Looking for house to rent for 4 to 5 months June to end of Sept. Call Bill at (604) 220-6361 or email willyvlh@yahoo.ca Wanted: Kids clothing wardrobe. We’re in search of a vertical clothing wardrobe for our daughter’s bedroom. Nothing too large. Call Katie Greene at (250) 559-8651 or email gadood@ gmail.com Table Wanted. Looking for a small round tall patio table - for outside on my small deck. If you have one you aren’t using please I would appreciate it. Wood or metal is fine, I can refinish it if need be. Also looking for 3 plain bar stools - of course I got rid of mine. Thank you. Email bondd06@hotmail.com Wanted: Turntable and/or cassette deck. Looking for a turntable and/or cassette deck and/or any other interesting audio equipment. Send me a text at (778)679-0989 or email rfb@skyscraper.nu
Wanted - cont. Wanted: Scuba Gear. Looking for some dive gear: dry suit, fins, regulator, BCD, mask. Also in the market for a tour guide for some recreational dives around the island. I have a bit of experience but haven’t done a dive in a couple years. Thanks! Email Lewisefarrell@ yahoo.ca
Anything that just needs a new home!
FREE Hot Tub. 4 person hot tub to give away. Needs new pump and lid. Call Judy Hadcock at (250) 637-2488 or email mommagoo@ live.ca FREE Pack Board. Trapper Nelson pack board. Call Lanny at (250) 559-8065 or email lannybt@qcislands.net FREE Beer Bottle Collection. Misty Islands U-Brew is giving away their Beer Bottle Collection to anyone who wants to come and take them away. Over 100 bottles from all over the world. (No full ones, sorry!) Please email or phone me for a convenient pick up time. Call Jill at (250) 559-7755 or email mistybru@qcislands.net FREE Windows. Used mobile home windows, good for green house. Call Phil Shiels at (250) 637-5614 or email shiels@qcislands.net
Real Estate & Rentals
Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accomodation
14 Acres For Sale-Just North of Port Clements 14 Acres located 10 minutes north of Port Clements on the inlet side of the highway. Year round stream. Road into property with a bridge over the creek. Low taxes. Motivated sellers. Price $75,000 Call 250 557 4445 or email adecock@qcislands.net Own a Piece of Paradise on Haida Gwaii! View our premium freehold acreages available within Naikoon Provincial Park! Spectacular oceanfront and Sangan Riverfront lots in Phase II of our Naikoon & Dixon Estates, remote quarter sections and rare Mayer Lake frontage. Wake up to the sound of waves crashing against the backdrop of the majestic Pacific Ocean, explore the natural delights of North Beach, wrestle your trophy catch into your boat or test your rod and reel on the nearby rivers. See more at www.niho.com. Price $134,250 (Starting at) Call 604-606-7900 or email sales@niho.com South Beach Dunes “SOUTH BEACH DUNES” is offering three beautiful exclusive oceanfront and seven upland acreage estates on the South Beach, on the north end of Haida Gwaii /Queen Charlottes. These are very special properties with exceptional beach and dune environment. South Beach Dunes offers exceptional value with prices for ocean front land well below anywhere else on the west coast of North America. Acreage sizes range from 4.64 acres and prices are from $40,000. If living in this unique environment appeals to you please contact us - there are a very limited number of properties of this caliber available for sale. For more details visit our Website - www.southbeachdunes.com Call 250 6313055 or email vernonbyberg@gmail.com Yakoun River Inn MLS# N4507475 This local Pub and gathering spot is situated on the oceanfront in Port Clements on Graham Island in Haida Gwaii. Long established, popular with locals and visitors alike. 3,300 sqft building on a corner location, adjacent to government dock facilities, licensed for 100 patrons. Permitted uses also include lodging and adjacent properties can be available for anyone interested in expanding the business. Price $337,500 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com 35550A Hwy 16, Tlell MLS# N230190 15 semi-oceanfront acres situated south of the Tlell River with easy access to excellent sand & gravel beaches. The property is mostly level, partially cleared with some nice forested areas, some slight rises & ocean views. 1968sqft custom designed 2storey home with 2bedrooms upstairs and living space down featuring exposed wood ceiling beams, large sandstone fireplace, oak flooring, maple counter tops, kitchen island & walk-in pantry. The home could use some TLC & updating. Outbuildings include: storage building, shed and chicken coop. Drilled well. Septic. Price $220,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com 705 5th QCC - Oceanfront 5 bedroom PRICE REDUCED below last appraisal 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on 2 large waterfront lots. Central Queen Charlotte with a private yard. 2 car garage and separate boatshed. Full interior reno in 2009. Well insulated with double paned windows, heated by woodstove, Toyo laser heater (very efficient) or electric baseboards. Launch your own small boat at high tide and fish front he lawn! Full sun exposure with sunsets over Sleeping Beauty Mountain. Best yard in town. Too much too list, a must see Price $269,000 Call 250-637-1365 or email slynnvank@gmail.com
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. 16320 Tow Hill Road, Masset MLS#N229942 102 rural acres located east of Masset on Tow Hill Rd. It is a nice, level acreage with a slight rise in elevation on the SE corner from where you can have ocean views over the sand dunes of North Beach and the waters of Hecate Strait. This is the only remaining privately owned substantial acreage in the area. There is a modest older cabin on the property and there is good road access & electrical service. Price $245,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@ bcoceanfront.com SOLD! 455 Beach Road, Sandspit MLS# C8000624 Established full-service lodging accommodation business in Sandspit. 1.7 acres semi-oceanfront, near airport and harbor, overlooking Shingle Bay. 12,000sqft structure, with 16 two-room suites as well as managers accommodation and catering kitchen. Well suited to many business applications motel, adventure lodge, BandB, or more! $SOLD! Call 250-286-3293 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com HUGE Price Reduction!! Home for Sale 1807 Cedar Cr, Masset MLS# R2047027 Huge price reduction!! From 65,000 to $59,000!! Priced to sell!!! Close to downtown Masset. Nicely kept, clean home, quiet cul-desac. 1 km from boat launch. Short drive to beaches! Great potential for a B&B or a quiet getaway/fishing/beachcombing/relaxing! Call Brian to view: cell 604-557-3597, or 250-626-5286 or email him brianbussiere@ royallepage.ca Home for sale! 2248 Dogwood Cr Masset MLS# R2067876 Beautiful well-kept home with many wonderful features! Addition with hardwood floors, wood stove, vaulted ceiling, skylights and patio doors heading out to the gardens. Kitchen has hickory cabinets. Basement has plenty of shelving. Wonderfully landscaped backyard!! Waterfall/pond, greenhouse, gardens, terraced flower beds, rock walkway, raspberry bushes, apple trees and plumb trees. Heated (wood stove) workshop with 10’x4’ porch. Chicken coop. 100-amp service. Metal roof. Price $109,000 Call 250-6265286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Acreage for sale & Reduced!! 2255 Marwell Rd MLS# R2027624 3.28 acres of old growth forest, 10 minutes from Masset. Few minute walk to a beautiful secluded beach surrounded by sand dunes... Lots of level building sites and easy access to the property. This area is called South Beach dunes with all lots being two acres plus. This property is priced to sell. Call Brian to view or for all your Real Estate needs, toll free 866-3035286 his cell 604-557-3597 or email him @ brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Recently Reduced!! Home for sale! 2038 Pintail Cr Masset MLS# N238544 Clean well kept home in a quiet Crescent. Deck & backyard are very private, fenced with lots of trees! Wood stove can heat whole house with 2 yrs wood supply! Carbon monoxide alarm. Bedrooms each have cable, phone and fire alarms. Suite possible. Master bdrm has reading, workout room & large bathroom! 30+yr fiberglass shingles on house & garage 2010. 5 windows upstairs replaced 2010. Recently replaced hot water tank & sliding glass doors to back yard. A must see! Call Brian to view. Price $199,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Ocean front Home for sale! 614-5th Ave Village of Queen Charlotte MLS# R2033372 Oceanfront 4 bdrm home with amazing ocean, mountain views & amazing sunsets! Garage 24’x12’ concrete floor. Wired wood shed 23’6x10, utility shed 6x6. Fruit trees. 26x16 sundeck with ocean view. Both bedrooms on 2nd floor have walk-in closets. Master bedroom has 2 walk-in closets and a 2 pc ensuite bathroom. Perfect family home. A must see!! Price $289,000 Call Brian to view toll free 866-303-5286 (local 250-626-5286)or his cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@ royallepage.ca
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Oceanfront home on acreage for sale! 10959 Tow Hill Rd MLS# N245814 Oceanfront home on 1.996 acres. Drilled well 2 yrs old, good water, newly installed filter system. Newly painted interior. New laminate and tile flooring. Boiler recently serviced. Unbelievable view. Your own private beach access. Huge deck . Could not be replaced for asking price. Price $495,000 To view call Brian toll free 866-303-5286 his cell 604557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage. For Sale: 18 Acres - Park and Ocean Property! 18 acres In Port Clements. The west side runs 700 feet along Bayview Drive, the east side borders the Port Clements Community Park. Beautiful greenscape, very private yet close to school, post office, library and grocery store. Minutes away from exceptional hunting, fishing, firewood, and all the wilderness has to offer. Water and sewer available. Subdividable or leave as is. Potential amazing view of the ocean with spectacular sunsets. Some timber. Price $150,000 Call 250-557-4421 or email ccbeachy@gmail.com Home and Acreage For Sale Newly renovated 3 bedroom home with 75 acres of timbered hillside and walking trails. Property also includes newly renovated art studio with napolean stove as well as an ocean front cedar and wood interior cabin available for daily, weekly and monthly rent. The cabin has a small kitchen, loft, shower and bathroom, and uses a rainwater collection system and composting toilet with hydro. There are many beautiful ocean views on this property and private ocean frontage. Price $525,000 Call 778-260-0279 or email sheilakarrow@gmail.com Hotel For Sale in Queen Charlotte Lucrative, 5 unit hotel plus 3 bedroom residence for sale in beautiful Queen Charlotte, Haida Gwaii. Stunning oceanfront location, center of town, breathtaking view. Business established in 1980, regular, repeat clientele. Turn key operation. Entire building was painted in 2014. Building has been well maintained. Car, van and camper van rental business is available as well. Call for more info: 250-559-4262 or email gracie@qcislands.net Grandma needs to move to be with her Grandkids! 2173 Collison Ave., Masset. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, double-wide modular home with a double garage. Newer metal roof, wood flooring, oil furnace and wood stove. Very bright inside. Large front and back yard. Front has a view of Masset Inlet. Less than 5 minutes from all amenities: schools, shopping, and spectacular beaches and only a ten minute walk to the hospital. Alternate email: parsonsshawna2@gmail.com Price $122,000 Call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com New Price - Custom Home w/ Rental Cottage on 4 Acres Ready to move in 4 acre property w/custom home, guest cottage and shop. Private location 3 km from Masset, within 150m of McIntyre Bay and beach/ dune complex overlooking Dixon Entrance. Main house is 1,950 sq ft post and beam style home with split levels, constructed with local wood, cedar siding on concrete foundation. Spacious open concept, wood paneled/dry walled interior, wood and laminate floors, 10ft ceilings, exposed beams, vaulted ceiling. Natural light from 5 skylights Price $295,000 Call 916874-4581 or 916-730-9764 (cell) or email pefbuck@comcast.net SOLD! 2 Bedroom Secluded Home on a Quiet Hill 2 bedroom mostly furnished house located on a secluded road behind the secondary school in QC, on the hill. Main floor has a bright foyer, bathroom, kitchen, Livingroom, access to large wired wood shed, and one large deck with access to main bedroom. Small deck off the second bedroom. Large wood stove and electric heat. Storage space under the house. Washer, dryer, fridge, stove. Call Kalina for more information at 250-559-0075. SOLD! Call 250-5590075 or email kalinagelinas@hotmail.com Lots for sale in Masset Two stunning Sanctuary View properties to choose from, with gorgeous summer sunsets. Priced to sell. Price $25,000 each Call (250) 668-2578 or email daryl@acdcmechanicalconsulting.ca
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Rainbow Stairs / 455 Skidegate Heights Climb the Rainbow Stairs to find your pot of gold! 4 Bedrooms, 4 toilets, 2 baths, 4 flat screen TV lazy boy chair, couches, table seat 8. 220 power, ž Wrap around veranda. No pets and no smoking . Family neighborhood is quiet. Easy access to Coop for shopping. Treat the house with respect, as your own home. Cook your own food, do your own laundry, and limited Internet. Call Captain Gold @ 250-559-8582 or his cell phone: 250-637-1637 or Shirley Wilson @ 250-559-8212 or email captgold@haidagwaii.net 7 Bedroom Home For Sale in Sandspit Affordable Family Home. 368 Christina Place, Sandspit, B.C. Located on Haida Gwaii / Queen Charlotte Islands off the west coast of British Columbia. A beautiful family home on a quiet street in Sandspit. Close to school, shopping, airport and endless opportunities for outdoor recreation including renowned worldclass fishing, beautiful beaches, sight-seeing tours, hiking, and golfing. This 2500 sqft, 7 bedroom, 3 bath home, on two levels, was once operated as a bed and breakfast. The top floor has a bright kitchen, large living room with fireplace, three bedrooms with a fourth possible bedroom or office, and a large sun room. The lower floor features a separate three bedroom suite that can be rented providing a good source of income. The owner will consider selling the home furnished. The house is situated on a beautiful 0.5 acre lot with a well maintained, landscaped yard featuring numerous flowering shrubs, patio, fish ponds, greenhouse, berry bushes, flower gardens, and is forested in the back for privacy. Price has been reduced to $189,000 for quick sale Call Jo or Brad at 250 559-2399 to view or email jbrunsden@gmail.com . For more details and photos, please see http://368christinaplace.wordpress.com/ Maude Island Retreat MAUDE ISLAND RETREAT - HAIDA GWAII Very special 17.5 acres, over 2,000 ft frontage on Skidegate Inlet - easy access to the west coast thru Skidegate Narrows. Log lodge accommodates 8, has 3 bdrm, 2 bath, lounge, dining room, patio, fire pit, hot tub, caretaker residence. Outbuildings and dock. BC’s ultimate private lodge location. Price $775,000 Call 604-664-7633 or email rich@landquest.com Masset Duplex for Sale Two fully furnished three bedroom units with six appliances each - great opportunity for the right persons interested in running accommodations and or fishing charters - for information call 1-855-622-3530 or 250-626-3530 or email rosiedogwood@gmail.com. Price $160,000 Solid Investment Opportunity Included is a 3 storey, commercial and residential complex on a view site, centrally located within the commercial core of Queen Charlotte. Three sources of income: (1) residential tenants, (2) commercial tenants and (3) business income. In addition the owners (husband and wife) have their 2000 sq. foot, open plan home on the top floor of the building. The site is a total area of 11,000 square feet. For more information, call Ray @ 250-559-9011 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Offices For Rent There are two offices for rent in the Haida Heritage Centre at Kay'Llnagaay. For enquiries, please contact the Gwaalagaa Naay office. Call 250-559-0014 or email gncorp1@gmail.com Masset: Well-Kept Family Home with a View For sale or rent3BR/2bath; lg. kitchen; dining/sunroom; sheltered deck; lg. part.finished basement; workshop; garage, paved driveway. Fenced yard with beautiful trees, cherries, berries, sunny garden, and room to play. View of the Delkatla Sanctuary. 20 minute walk across the sanctuary to the beach. New, energy-efficient furnace, washer, dryer, hot water heater; newer steel roof. Spacious living room with bay window, local wood floor, fireplace w/custom river rock hearth. Available furnished. Price $193,000 Call 250.559.4252 or email andrea@ haidagwaii.net
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Skidegate Lodge 215 Front Street, in beautiful Skidegate, Haida Gwaii. Beachfront, 1200 square foot, 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom furnished, short term rental. 3 day minimum. For rates, call Ken at 778-260-0020 or email krbrillon@gmail.com Inlet View Heritage Home 205 Bay Street, Queen Charlotte. 2 BR, 1 Bath (with 1918 cast iron bathtub). 2.5 storey home built in 1909. Bright, open concept on ground level. Unsurpassed views throughout home. Close to all amenities in beautiful downtown QC. 50’ x 100’ city lot on very good well water. Price is negotiable. Price $180,000 Call 250 626 7443 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com House and Large Outbuilding For Sale Live in a 4 bedroom house and use the adjacent building for storage, workshop, art studio or convert into a rental accommodation. The house has 1.5 bathrooms, W/D and F/S. Both house and outbuilding sit on a 6000 square foot lot. Motivated Sellers. Price $250,000 Call 250-559-8298 or 1-778-689-8500 or email samshirl@qcislands.net Tlell Home and Property 2 Acre landscaped property in Tlell. 1252 Sq Ft open concept house, vaulted ceiling. Large kitchen, large bedroom, full bath/laundry combo, 2016 refurbished metal roof. Heat pump, elec. baseboard or wood heating. Backup Gen, new hot water tank. R.O. water system. Appliances. Sat TV & Internet. Separate Guest House with full bath, sleeps 4. Studio/Storage building. 3 year supply of wood with covered storage. Vinyl utility Shed. Cedar Smoke House. Fenced raised bed Garden. Green House. Fish Pond Price $375,000 Call 250-557-2090 or email gords99@gmail.com Beautiful Family Home for Sale in Queen Charlotte Large family home with ocean and mountain view for sale in the Village of Queen Charlotte boasts 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a hot tub on the deck, large garden space with a chicken coup and greenhouse, wired shop, wood shed and a tree lined driveway. Also known as the Blue Dog House, it is well cared for with many renovations and energy efficiencies over the years. Call (250) 631-2215 or email jenndolen@hotmail.com for an information package with more details. This home is priced to sell. Price $265,000 Acreage For Sale (6+ acres) 1955 Marwell Rd MLS# R2067383 Very private acreage. A stroll to the beach. Close to town (Masset). Wonderful opportunity to build a recreational home or homestead...plenty of room for large gardens, etc. A must-see! Call Brian toll free 866-303-5286 or his cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca. Price $164,000 Riverfront Acreage for Sale! 355 Sangan Dr Masset Rural MLS# R2031108 Riverfront property on 2.018 acres. Partially built home; built to lock up 2010. Tenant live in the cottage on property. Beautiful property, Coho run is awesome in this river. 12x16 power shack, 200 amp service. Chicken coop. Great potential. Perfect place to raise a family. A must-see!! Call to view!! Call Brian to view or for all your Real Estate needs on Haida Gwaii. Toll free 1-866-303-5286 or on his cell @ 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $189,000 Great buy!! Home for Sale 1829 Cedar Cr. Masset MLS# N243672 Price Reduced!!! This home is a great buy! Many recent renovations. Newer metal roof, kitchen cupboards and counters (2011), vinyl plank flooring in the living room and hallway (2011), new vinyl windows (2012), ceiling fan in the master bedroom, oil tank, rug on the stairs, bathtub and enclosure, dehumidifier in the basement. Close to downtown and the marina. Fenced, private backyard. To view call Brian at home 250626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $112,000 Small apartment for rent For Rent in Queen Charlotte: small furnished apartment (360 sq, ft) ideal for a single person. Includes utilities, washer/dryer, and TV. Non smoker and no pets. References required. $1000/mnth Contact Robyn at 250-637-1400 or email robynb@ qcislands.net
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Ocean front acreage for sale! 16247 Tow Hill Rd MLS# R2076724 Beautiful property on 1.96 acre parcel. A stroll to the ocean. Main cabin has metal roof, wood stove, built to lock up. Other outbuildings. Located on the much-sought-after South Beach. Call Brian to view and for all your real estate needs: cell 604-557-3597 or home 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $169,000 Home for sale! 2015 Fir Cr MLS# R2070844 Clean well kept home. Metal roof. Quiet cul-de-sac. Close to town/schools. Great starter home or recreation home...fishing / beachcombing/exploring Haida Gwaii. Call Brian to view & for all your on island Realtor needs! Toll free 1-866-3035286 or on my cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca. Price $79,000 Recently Reduced!! Ocean front 17+ acreage Home for sale! 35140 Hwy 16 Tlell MLS# N248110 Recently Reduced!! 17 acre oceanfront property in sunny Tlell boasts the best combo of beach living and privacy! 1750 sq’ w/18’ ceiling shop attached to a 3 bdrm,2 bath house. Efficient wood-fired boiler heats the floor for heat & hot water. Heat pump is alternative for heat. Great drainage! Guest cabin located on a private pond. Utility building w/400 amp service. Deep artesian well provides great tasting reliable water. Oceanfront great picnic/camping area great for cabin. Price $375,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Best Value Beachcabins Secluded oceanfront/rainforest off-grid cabins, furnished and equipped kitchens, private parking. Call/Text Toni at 250626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com Visit our website at www. beachcabins.com Price $90-120 per night. Vacant Lot For Sale! Fully serviced 60’x 120’ cleared lot located at 2129 Teal Blvd Masset. This lot is ready to build on. It is located close to the Delkatla Bird Sanctuary in a very quiet area of town. It is already fenced in on 1 side and the back and has a buffer tree line on the other side. Great buy!! Ask $29,900.00. OBO Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@mhtv.ca or rollie@bellaliant.net or phone 709 243 2488 or cell phone at 709 458 8811. Newly Renovated Home For Sale! Located at 2135 Teal Blvd, Masset. 5 Beds, 2 Baths, 8 Appliances, Separate Laundry Rm and Family Rm. This furnished house has recent upgrades with Laminate flooring, New Kitchen Cabinets and Counter tops, New Bath fixtures and Tub, along with a fully chain link fenced in back yard, two out sheds and more. Recently reduced price and owner is motivated to sell. Adjacent vacant lot also available for sale, either separate or included with house. A must see. Owner is open to serious inquires. Price $139,900 Call H: 709-243-2488 Cell:709-4588811 or email rollie@bellaliant.net One of a Kind in the Queen Charlotte Islands Completely custom private home with endless possibility! Dreaming of owning a B&B, Fishing Lodge? Or just a dream getaway to share with friends? This turn-key FULLY FURNISHED 2400 sq foot home with massive 30x40 garage boasts 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, fully finished basement, Wood burning fireplace, and a Man-Cave above garage, two covered front and back patios. Superior interior designed and all you need to discover the islands included in this home. $475K US Price $605,000 Email SpringtimeLodge@gmail.com Village of Queen Charlotte House for Rent 2 story A frame split level open concept, no internet, fully furnished, 2 decks, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Located in the center of town next to the hospital. No pets or smoking. References required. Fantastic views! Price $1300/mth Call 604 753 5092 or email davidhuntercreative@gmail.com Fully Restored House For Sale #7 Dyson Street, Port Clements. Open Concept. Tile and wood. Everything is brand new inside. Very bright! 4 lots already severed and ready to sell. Heritage oak tree on the property. Price $75,000 Call 250-557-4277 or email icepondfarm@gmail.com
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Business for Sale - Eagle Transit BUSINESS FOR SALE Eagle Transit and charter bus company for sale. Operating year-round, this profitable and turn-key business has been serving Haida Gwaii for 21+ years. Established customer base with flexible licenses to operate anywhere on the islands. Professionally appraised at $199,000 but priced for a quick sale at $125,000; all reasonable offers considered. Marilyn Wilkins 250-559-4461 or eagle@haidagwaii.net DL847A Masset MLS# R2080908 160 acre property on the north-east end of Graham Island within the Naikoon Provincial Park. Mix of indigenous vegetation and water courses which meander throughout the property. This is a remote, rural acreage that is hike-in access only. Walking distance is approximately three miles from the end of Tow Hill Rd. There are no services. The Naikoon Provincial Park is an area of 72,640 hectares that takes in the entire northwest tip of Graham Island. $80,000 Call 2502863293 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com One bedroom Suite for Rent in Queen Charlotte, British Columbia Basement suite. Includes Hydro. References required. Please call 778-260-0334 or 250-626-9075 or email yonkyaline@gmail.com Price $575/month Cabin/waterfront lots package Across from Gas Plus now Angela’s Place on commercial lot is an amazing Lavoie cedar panabode cabin with small kitchen and washroom. Small utility shed behind cabin on concrete slab. Best lot in town on the corner of hwy 16 to Masset. Package deal with 2 waterfront lots on Bayview drive. Amazing deal.!! Live in the cabin while you build your waterfront dream home or rent it out. With interests rates and prices low you will be making money instead of paying the bank. Call 604 355-3411 or email tadolan@hotmail.com Price $75,000 obo Pub for Lease Howlers Pub is looking for a Qualified Candidate interested in Leasing the Premises. Great Business Opportunity for the right people/persons! Email bjhowl55@gmail.com Rural West Coast Style Home on 5 Acres - Nadu Road 3 bed, 2 bath, 1375 sq.ft. house with additional 565 sq.ft. enclosed Japanese style timber frame, plus a detached 990 sq.ft. shop on 5 acres. Heat pump, private treed acreage with a garden, fenced yard and deck. Open concept living with Hardwood floors throughout, vaulted ceilings and exposed beams. Water is on well system with a 2yr old inline pump. Washer/ dryer/ dishwasher/ stove/fridges included. reasonable offers considered. Price $190,000 Call 250.922.4437 or email ismaysam@gmail.com Priced to Sell! Health forced sale. Great rental income on two suites. 3 bedroom suite upstairs with a great view and separate 2 bedroom suite downstairs with ground floor, separate entrance. Some fixing up is needed, but will not take too much. Open to offers. Best way to get a hold of seller is to call 250-557-4654 or email info@haidagwaiitrader. com. Price $75,000
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Ocean view property for sale Five acres with three dwellings: log cabin, deregistered renovated three-bedroom mobile home and older two-storey cottage. Cabin is rented. Located on the corner of Brandt Road and Highway 16. Fenced on two sides, with a stream running through. Cleared but lots of trees for privacy. Ideal for hobby farming. All utilities. Walk to the small general store and Post Office, the Farmers Market or across the highway to the beach. Price $185,000 Call 250-557-4323 or email erc@ haidagwaii.net Office Building for Rent/Lease 304 Second Avenue, Queen Charlotte. Available Jan 2017. 2 Story building, 1584 sq ft per level. Level one - 4 private offices, with large reception area. Level two - 3 private offices, with large meeting area and washroom. Please contact Bernie at 250-559-8800 or email seniors@qcislands.net Student housing in Nanaimo Studying in Nanaimo? We offer a large comfy room and home cooked meals with family that has Haida Gwaii roots. The room is fully furnished with a good double bed, cupboards, desk, closet and sink. Shared bathroom and washer and dryer. One block from a bus route. 10 minute walk to VIU. Quiet atmosphere. No smoking or pets please. Rent includes all utilities, heat, water, Wifi, meals and laundry. Available Aug 1, 2016. $700 per month You will feel at home here. Call Suki Davis and Andres Enrich @ 250 802 6234 or email sukidavis@gmail.com 3 Lots with a Double Wide - Oceanfront in Port Clements 3 Lots, zoned for a commercial business, downtown Port Clements, Haida Gwaii. 2 bedroom, one bathroom double wide with an add on. Toyo Kerosene heat. Many new fixtures, outside of house is newly painted. Medium sized shed on the property. Full sized trees. Close to all amenities. Incredible sunsets nearly every night. Private, quiet and cozy. A must see and owner is motivated to sell. Price $168,000 Call 250-557-4225 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com House for Rent in Masset 2 bedroom, 1 bath, 4 appliances, woodstove and heat pump. Large double lot with garden, fenced dog yard, 2 sheds and woodshed. Long term rental only, no smoking, pets ok. $900/mth plus utilities, available Sept. Contact 250 626 7259 or email eileen. hayles@gmail.com Queen Charlotte View Property Cleared property. Spectacular view of Bearskin Bay. Access from 3rd Ave. Fronts both 3rd Ave and Oceanview Drive. Approx 1/2 of an acre. Within walking distance of downtown core. Private and quiet. For more information call 250-559-7716 or email cai@ islandnet.com 2-3 Bedroom Home For Rent in QC Sweet 2-3 bedroom furnished family house for rent in Queen Charlotte- 2 bathrooms, heat pump, propane stove, hot water on demand, washer, and dryer. Low hydro bills. Great family location across from park and teen centre. Available August/September. $1000/month Call 250-559-4454 for more details or to view or email lexiforbes@hotmail.com
Employment & Training
Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/ Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars
Acupressure Training. Five Elements Acupressure Program LAST CLASSROOM TRAINING ON HAIDA GWAII. Blends the theory of Worsley Five Elements, the acupressure technique of Jin Shin Do, the theory of Chinese acupuncture, along with other related therapies to provide the practitioner with the skills to work with a wide range of symptoms. Dates: (Sept 12 – 22, 2016) #201 and #202 Jin Shin Do Acupressure in Queen Charlotte, Haida Gwaii. Fee: $4,498.50 Haida Gwaii residents may be eligible for financial assistance. Recognized: By NHPC, PCTIA Call today! For an information package from the Canadian Acupressure College, e-mail: cai@islandnet.com, website: www.acupressureshiatsuschool.com, or call Kathy de Bucy at (250) 559-7716
Employment & Training - cont. Early Childhood Educator Assistant. Position: Early Childhood Educator Assistant for Little Doves Daycare – Casual / Variable Rate of Pay: As per BCGEU Collective Agreement - (Grid level 6) $14.50 - $16.89 Hours: Monday – Friday as needed, to assist the current ECE Senior Manager. QUALIFICATIONS: Current Early Childhood Educator Assistant (or Early Childhood Educator) certification. For complete job description or more information please contact: aa.hgspeace@mhtv.ca To be considered, please submit cover letter, resume and 2 current job references. email: aa.hgspeace@mhtv.ca mail: Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace; P.O. Box 811, Masset, B.C. V0T 1M0 FAX: 250-626-4662 hand deliver: 2132 Collison Avenue, (across from the Library) Call Brenda Byberg at (250) 626-4664 or email aa.hgspeace@mhtv.ca Wharfinger for the Queen Charlotte Dock. The QC Harbour Authority is seeking a Wharfinger. Job Description: Reporting to the Harbour Master, the Wharfinger performs duties in support of the day-to-day operations of the Queen Charlotte harbour. The Wharfinger should be creative and passionate about delivering high quality customer service. Hours: This position is 5 days a week with seasonal hours. October to May – minimum 2 hours per day, maximum 20 hrs per week, June to September – maximum 35 hrs per week. Salary: Minimum $15/hour (negotiable on experience). Training: Up to two online courses per year from the University of Alaska towards the Harbour Management Certification Program. Qualifications: •Minimum Grade 12 education. •Must have general handyman experience. • Be a people person, looking to establish positive relationships with clients. •Must be physically fit, reliable and punctual. •Previous cash handling experience an asset. •Understanding of computers and data entry an asset. For assistance with certificates, training and computer skills, contact the Queen Charlotte Hecate Strait Employment Development Society office. To apply, please send your cover letter and resume to harbourmaster@qcislands.ca or PO Box 68, Queen Charlotte BC, V0T 1S0, or call the office at (250)559-4650 for details. This job posting will remain open until filled. Bartender and Servers Needed. Looking for full time bartender and servers to join our team. Must have or be willing to get Serve It Right. Fun atmosphere. Amazing Oceanside location. Please send resumes to 250-557-4563 or call Anne at 250-557-4440 or 250-557-4445. Employment Opportunity. Northern Savings Credit Union has an opening for a full time Member Services Representative for our Masset branch. This would appeal to an outgoing individual interested in providing excellent customer service and a career in sales. Secondary school diploma required. Previous financial service experience is an asset. Call Santa Slubowski at (250) 627-3658 or email info@northsave.com Gift Shop Manager Employment Posting. The Haida Gwaii Museum in Skidegate is seeking an experienced retail professional for the management of all aspects of the Gift Shop operation. Requirements: The Gift Shop Manager will be responsible for directing the day to day operation of the gift shop including wholesale ordering, receiving, financial management and supervision of staff in a busy retail environment. A background that includes retail management experience is required for this position. The successful candidate will have excellent customer service and interpersonal skills and be able to work with the public and with local artisans. Knowledge of Haida Art and culture is an important asset. Must have computer knowledge, experience with POS systems, a good understanding of financial management and reporting as consistent with a retail management position. A full job description is available on request. Additional information: Deadline is Friday July 25, 2016. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Start date is August 8, 2016. Please submit a one page cover letter, résumé and three references to: Dr. Scott Marsden, Ph.D. Executive Director Haida Gwaii Museum, email museum@haidagwaii.net Phone contact (250) 559-4643 ext 245.
Employment & Training - cont. Job Opportunities. Looking for a Heavy Duty Mechanic and an Off Highway Truck Driver for our Logging Company. Call Rodney Schatz at (250) 557-8516 or email office@infinitywest.ca Bartenders, Servers and Store Clerks. Howlers Pub and Howlers Private Liquor Store are accepting resumes for various positions, can be combined for full time hours, and possible management duties for the right person(s). Howlers Pub Positions: Bartenders/Servers/Event Planners. Howlers Private Liquor Store Position: Clerks. Apply with resume, and state position(s) of interest. Email howle@qcislands.net
Community Service Listings Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies
Hall For Rent. The Port Clements Community Hall is available for rentals. Located mid-island it is a great place to hold your event, be it a meeting, wedding, concert or any other function. Our hall has a full kitchen and bar area and can host up to 150 persons. For booking please call Brock Storry @ 250-557-4313 and leave us a message. Call Brock Storry at (250) 557-4313 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Saahlinda Naay ~ Saving Things House ~ Haida Gwaii Museum. The Haida Gwaii Museum plays an important role in making arts and heritage more accessible and raising awareness of the importance of heritage and history on Haida Gwaii. Through our collections, the museum acquires, preserves and presents objects, archeological artifacts, art works and settler material culture all connected to the human and natural history of Haida Gwaii. We house a unique and comprehensive collection of historical and post-contact archival materials, made accessible to the public within a setting that evokes the community identities of both Haida and settler communities on Haida Gwaii. Our collection includes ancestral and contemporary Haida works, both utilitarian and ceremonial, settler pieces, audio recordings of Haida songs, histories and stories as given by Haida elders in both Haida and English languages, and a plethora of photographs. Memberships to the Museum are available through the gift shop. Membership allows access to the museum free for one year, 10% discount on regularly priced items in the gift shop, notification of special events and exhibits featured at the Museum. Regular Annual Membership - $30, Senior Annual Membership (65+) - $10, Family Annual Membership - $40, Lifetime Membership - $250. Please call the museum gift shop at (250) 559 4643 or email museum@haidagwaii.net HG Rec Weight Rooms. In order to utilize the Port Clements or Queen Charlotte weight rooms you must first take an orientation through HG Rec. Our orientations normally run once a month at QCSS and by demand in Port Clements, and are free of charge. Port Clements weight room: 35 Cedar Ave. West-southwest, ground level side of the Fire Hall. Hours: 5am11pm, 7 days per week. Next orientation TBA. Queen Charlotte weight room: West side of QC Secondary School, 107 3rd Ave. Hours: Weekdays from 6-8am and 5-10pm and weekends & stat holidays 6am-10pm. Next orientation TBA. Sandspit weight room: 406 Copper Bay (ALM school). Hours of operation are: Mon/Tues: 5 – 8am & 5-11pm. Wed: 5- 8am & 8-11pm. Thurs: 5– 8am & 5–11pm. Next orientation TBA. Call HG Recreation at (250) 626-5652 or toll free at 1-888-557-4418 or email qcirec@ gmail.com Queen Charlotte Community Hall Rentals. Located on Bay Street, the hall has the EA Ross room (meeting room that seats up to 70 people), main hall, stage and kitchen-all available for rent. Also available for rent are: * wooden tables ($5 each per day) * wooden chairs ($1 each per day) * a complete place setting for 225 people * water goblets & wine glasses * cups & cutlery * white & black linen tablecloths, etc. The kitchen is also available to rent on a daily basis for prepping for larger events. For more information, call Reine Pineault at 250-559-4792. or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Community Service Listings- cont. Daycare Spaces Available. Little Doves Multi Age Daycare’s mission is to enhance the lives of children, their families and the community by providing a safe, caring and supportive environment for young children to learn and grow. We currently have both full-time and shared space child care spaces available. For more information, contact our ECE Senior Manager Donna Douglas at ldd.hgspeace@mhtv.ca or call 626-4664. Trap Shoot. Everyone is welcome! Our next event is a trap shoot on Sunday, Sept 11th from 2-4pm. Bring your own rifle or try one of ours! The Port Clements Rod and Gun Club is a community based club supporting local hunting and fishing interests. Members and guests welcome! Located on Juskatla Road (5 km Southwest of PC). Questions? Comments? Call Ron at (250) 557-4255 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Port Clements Historical Society (Museum). OPEN every day, 10 am to 4 pm including holidays. Admission $4 for adults, seniors & teens; free for members & children 12 & under. Browse the photo albums, admire the gigantic machines, and be amazed by how it was. 45 Bayview Drive, Port Clements. We will open up if you ask - call 250-557-4576 or e-mail pcmuseum@qcislands.ca to arrange a special opening. Summer Hours - Queen Charlotte Visitors Centre. Local Staff providing Visitor Services and Information that will help you make the most of your time on Haida Gwaii. Gallery and Gift shop too! Open every day. Call Maureen Weddell at (250) 559-8316 or email info@qcinfo.ca
At Your Service
Business Services/Business Products
Subsidized Bag-A-Week Available - Maude Island Farm. We have spaces in the bag-a-week veggie home delivery program. We deliver fresh, certified organic vegetables to your door every week for 18 weeks. The cost is $33/week. We have one subsidized bag available for $25/week. This is a great deal. Deliveries start this week! Deliveries to Queen Charlotte and Skidegate only. Call Lynda Dixon at (250) 637-1609 or email l.brassica1960@gmail.com Tomatoes and Cukes. Fresh local tomatoes and cucumbers available! See you at the Farmer’s Market on Saturday in Queen Charlotte from 11am2pm. Email georgehpattison@gmail.com HGT Magazine Subscriptions - Save 20%! Haida Gwaii Trader monthly magazine annual subscriptions are now available! Save 20% off the retail price and get it delivered right to your post box! Annual subscription is only $48 plus GST. Just call or email us with your full name, mailing address, email and phone number and we will mail or email you an invoice. Thank you all for your awesome patronage! Call Shellene Van der Beke at (250) 557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Bird House Accidental Bakery. Gluten free/dairy free, fresh baked goods such as breads, buns, cookies, cakes, pizza crusts and other treats. We also use low glycemic sugars. Bi-weekly delivery available island wide. Call Cyndi Bird at (250) 557-4662 or email cyndifromla@gmail.com WRITING AND PROOFREADING. 25+ years of experience writing letters and preparing documents in government, at churches and for law firms - no job too small - from a one page resume to a 600 page manuscript - research projects - fact-checking - proofreading papers writing family histories - drafting correspondence - very reasonable rates. “His work is in all respects excellent. Darren is an intelligent person who approaches his work with common sense and initiative. He is extremely diligent and efficient in everything he does and he produces a top quality product. He obviously takes great pride in what he does.” Email darrenlowe1222@gmail.com
Last Minute Ads
Too late to fit into their respective categories but squeaked in before we went to print!
Counting the days! The Edge of the World Music Festival is nearly here! August 5th-7th. Check out our amazing line up on our website - www.edgefestival.ca - to see all our amazing local and off island performers. We are so honored to have Buffy Ste. Marie join us on stage, Saturday night only! We are still looking for volunteers and donations. Please visit our website to contribute to this island wide effort. EOTW is a festival for the whole islands, and puts us on the map for those looking to visit. Please contribute time, resources, or money to this valuable effort, so that we can continue to put on a world class festival that is unparalleled in the north! Call Janet Rigg at (250) 557-4242 or email sewnart@haidagwaii.net LOST. Lost between Masset and Skidegate our 10’ inflatable skiff. Silver/gray in colour with a blue stripe down the side. Soft tail style (no hard transom) with flat bottom. If found please contact Highlander Marine Services at 250-637-1111 or hms@haidagwaii.ca Large Dog House. Jake's Part Time Cabin beautiful sturdy doghouse 4' long 39" wide 30" high (not including peak) the plastic bubble wrap around the door protected Jake's nose, (he was blind) when he went in to munch on his bones. $175 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Wood. 10” x 4” x 14.5’ 8” x 1.5” x 12.5’ Open to offers. $150 Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com Cloverdale Paint for sale. 4 pails white primer latex and 4 pails white satin latex has been sitting for awhile $240 obo for all 8 pails. Prefer to sell all rather than individually. Call Joanne Monday to Friday day time 250-301-3271 or email joperr.fineline@gmail.com
HG Trader Community Calendar July 15 to Aug 15, 2016 Do you have an event you want to advertise?
Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com and post your event free of charge!
Old Massett/Masset
Port Clements
Burger Night – Dixon Entrance Golf Course
PC Historical Society Regular Meeting
Runs every Thursday night until the end of September. Tee-off between 3pm and 6pm Fee: Members - $11, Non Members - $21. Fees include 9 holes of golf, prizes, plus optional Pot of Gold fee of $9. Dixon Entrance Golf Club is located on Tow Hill Road, 5 kilometers east of Masset. Green fees are $15 for 9 holes or $20 for 18 holes, all day. Club rentals - $5. Clubhouse from 8am to 8pm. Payment by honour system. For more information contact Clubhouse at 250-626-3500 or www. massetbc.com/visitors/golf-course
Clements Historical Society. Regular monthly meeting at the museum, all welcome. For more information contact Port Clements Historical Society at 250-557-4576 or pcmuseum@qcislands.ca or www.portclementsmuseum.ca
Thursdays / 4:30-6:30pm Dixon Entrance Golf Course / Tow Hill Road
Masset Farmers’ Market
Regular Council Meeting Mon July 18, Tue Aug 2 / 7-9pm Council Chambers @ PC Multiplex Everyone is welcome
to attend a Regular Council Meeting and see what is happening in our community. For more information contact Kim Mushynsky at 250-557-4295 or cao@portclements.ca or www.portclements.ca
Volunteer Fire Department Wednesdays 7:30-9pm
Fridays / 11am-3pm / Across from the Credit Union / Main Street Every Friday until
PC Firehall / 35 Cedar Ave West Weekly training meetings.
New members are welcome! Come out and join our firefighting team! For more information contact Craig Beachy at 250-557-4421 or ccbeacy@gmail.com
September. Come check us out! Every Friday across from Northern Savings/Bud's. For more information contact www.facebook.com/ Massetfarmersmarket
HlGaa k'aats'ii lihllnga: Agate Man Triathlon
Sat, Aug 13 9am-4pm Pure Lake to Masset Fire Hall to Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary
Check in time: 9- 9:45 am. Race Start: 10 am Course: 500m Swim – Pure Lake, 20km Cycle – from Pure Lake Parking lot to Masset Fire Hall, 6km Run – around Delkatla Wildlife Sanctuary. Entry Categories: 1. Triathlon – Solo Swim/Bike/Run 2. Relay of 3 – Swim/Bike/Run 3. Group Fun Event – Enter a relay with as many people as you want placed wherever you want! T-Shirts guaranteed for pre-registered participants only – specify your size! Registration $30/person, $90 for teams of 3+ participants. DON’T FORGET to download the entry & waiver form, complete and sign it, and send it to us! Information www.facebook.com/AgateMan.SprintTriathlon. Want to get involved without the sweat? Register as a volunteer and get a t-shirt! For more information contact HGREC at 250-626-5652 or qcirec@gmail.com or www.hgrec.com
Tue, Aug 9 / 7pm / Port Clements Museum / 45 Bayview Drive Support local history by joining the Port
Tlell Farmer's Market
Sundays 11am-2pm / Soccer Field Driveway Just South of the Fire Hall
Every Sunday until Thanksgiving, 11 AM to 2 PM at the storage facility on the driveway to the soccer field, just south of the fire hall. Look for the Giant Carrot sign! New vendors are welcome to sell anything you grew or raised, made or baked. Buskers and entertainers are also welcome. There is a cold storage facility on site for vendor convenience. Charge will be $5 per vendor to cover expenses. For more information contact Stevie-Lynn DeGroot at www.facebook.com/Tlell-Farmers-Market
HG Trader Community Calendar-Cont.
Queen Charlotte Queen Charlotte Farmers' Market
Tlell – Cont.
Saturdays / 11am-1pm Beside the QC Community Hall Locally produced meats,
Taoist Tai Chi Tuesdays 7-9pm and Thursdays
10:30 am – 12 noon/ Tlell Firehall-Meeting room, 36542 Highway 16 Everyone welcome! Open practice. For more information call 250-559-8458 or haidagwaii@taoist.org or www.@taoist.org
34th Annual Tlell Fall Fair
contact Kay Pringle at 250-559-9093
eggs, cheeses, produce, breads, preserves, crafts, freshly baked treats and warm stews & soups for lunch. Support Made on Haida Gwaii! For more information
Sunday, July 31st / Tlell Fairgrounds Everyone welcome!
The earliest fall fair in BC! Exhibits can be dropped off anytime between 10am and 6pm on Saturday, July 30th. Entertainment this year by Fish and Bird, Nathan Tinkham and much, much more! All individual 2016 members of the Graham Island East Coast Farmers Institute get into the Fair for half price! For more information please call Linda @ 250-559-8975
Taoist Tai Chi Mon 12-1, Wed 7-9pm and Sat 9-11am / QC Community Hall / 134 Bay St. Taoist Tai Chi™ internal arts are specifically aimed at cultivating health and vitality and were developed by Master Moy Lin-shin, a Taoist monk. Everyone welcome! For more info. call 250-559-8252 or haidagwaii@taoist.org
Sandspit Moresby Market Sunday
Skidegate REFLECTIONS- Celebrating 15 years of the Gwaii Trust Arts Program Until Sept 3 /
Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay/#2 Second Beach Road.
Featuring the work of 35 local artists who’ve received an arts grant over the past 15 years. Exhibition runs until Sept 3. For more information contact Nika Collison at 604-837-9947 or email nika@skidegate.ca
11-1 / at the ALM school field (sadly, the last at this location for the summer). New location will hopefully be announced early next week! Seasonal
veggies grown by island farmers, and home-baked treat (like Alvida’s “famous buns”), pick up some hand-crafted natural soap or other hand-made gifts, and learn more about local artisans. For more info call 250-637-5461
Artist Portfolio Workshop with Kathy Pick
Sun, Jul 17 / 10:30am-4:30pm Haida Gwaii Museum Pole Gallery / Haida Heritage Centre at Kay Llnagaay Learn to create a successful
artist portfolio for presentation to galleries or to anyone! Cost: $30 includes materials. For more information contact Debbie Crosby, Gwaii Trust Society at 250-559-8883 or debbie.crosby@gwaiitrust.com
Registered Programs Alternate Fitness Masset
Hlgaa K’aats’ii Iihllnga Agate Man Triathlon 2016
A FREE modified fitness class for those at risk for, or living with, chronic conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and arthritis. When: Tues & Thurs (until July 28th) Where: Masset Legion Time: 12-12:45pm
Get Involved! Recreation is for everyone! Our door is always open to help support you and your community event or program. Looking to develop a program, work towards becoming an instructor, or obtain recreational training? Give us a call! From insurance to advertising, handling registration, training and certification opportunities, letters of support, or providing you with an affordable space, HG Recreation is here to provide and promote recreational opportunities across Haida Gwaii.
All our camps are led by trained and dedicated staff, with an emphasis on active learning and fun! While exploring the camp your children (Ages 5-11) will take part in cooperative games, activities, arts, crafts and much more. Bring a healthy pack lunch, snacks, and weather-appropriate, comfortable clothes and shoes every day!
Intro to Pilates Masset Focus on core strength and stability, alignment and balance! Bring a yoga mat and a towel. Instructor: Debbie Beemer When: Tues & Thurs (until July 21st) Where: Howard Phillips Hall Time: 6-7pm Cost: $10 drop-In
HGREC Summer Programs
Saturday, August 13th, 2016
All camps are for kids ages 5-11, run from 9am to 4pm and cost $70 per week per child or drop-in is $20 per day.
Masset Course: 500m swim in Pure When: July 18-22 Lake, 20km cycle from Pure Lake Where: Tahayghen Elementary School to the Masset Fire Hall and a Gym Port Clements 6km run around the Delkatla When: July 25-29 Wildlife Sanctuary Entry categories: Triathlon - solo swim/bike/run Relay of 3 - swim/bike/run Group Fun Relay – enter relay with as many people as you want placed wherever you want!
Early Registration is Recommended! (and comment your T-shirt size) Register by phone/email or via our website. For more info. check out our Facebook page!
Where: Port Clements Elementary School Gym
Queen Charlotte When: Aug 15-19 and Aug 21-26 Where: QC Community Hall
Sandspit When: Aug 2-5 and Aug 8-12 Where: Sandspit Community Hall
Register online at www.hgrec.com
Please indicate if you are registering for week 1, week 2 or both!
Please note: Extenuating circumstances may result in unexpected program cancellations
Box 187, Masset, BC V0T 1M0 Phone: 250-626-5652/1-888-557-4418 Email: qcirec@gmail.com
Haida Gwaii Rec
JULY 31, 2016 at the TLELL FALL FAIR Island wide community event
Only 3 contestants chosen to beat last years champ Tlell Fall Fair Grounds Showtime July 31, 12:30pm
Winner Takes Home
Cash Prize
We will provide the food and …. a surprise or two Contestants will bring the seasoning and skill and the skill
Proudly Sponsored By
HAIDA GWAII LOCAL FOODS PROJECT Stevie-Lynn DeGroot and her business Daughters of Venus Creations is located in Tlell and strives to make the tastiest, healthiest raw ingredients for the community. Her products are produced on a bio-dynamic farm using organic practices and high quality seeds. They have chicken and quail eggs. She also prepares health, beauty and cleaning concoctions with some of her great ingredients. All are welcome to meet Stevie-Lynn and check out her amazing goods Check out Marylynn Hunt’s amazing me at the Farmers Markets in Tlell on Sundays from 11-2! For more information call strawberries, grown in her St. Mary’s Spring Estate garden in Lawn Hill. 250-626-7128 or check her out on Facebook! These, beautiful and sweet strawberries Schools are out but the Haida Gwaii are available at the Tlell Farmers Market, Local Foods Pantry is continuing to Sundays from 11-2. $6/lb for a snack size get local foods into the youth summer and $5/lb for larger orders. Grown with programs. organic and permaculture practices only.
Kim Goetzinger of Skidegate reports that every branch on their plum tree is ‘plum full’. “The branches are drooping, almost to the breaking point. They are delicious ones too. They will turn purple, yellow-orange when ripe.”
“Planted last November, these beautiful garlic were harvested the last weekend in June. Suitable for braiding, this variety of Asiatic garlic is named ‘Deep Purple’“ Jess Smith of Islands’ Foods Haida Gwaii and an avid Queen Charlotte gardener.
Want to know what to do with your garlic scapes (the shoot & unopened Charlotte’s Ruth Wheadon pickles these up as a tangy, nutty and full of heat treat. They are great chopped up in a potato or bean salad as well as atop pizza, in a hummus or straight out of the jar!
Come one, come all…to the 34th Annual Tlell Fall Fair! Sunday, July 31st at the Tlell 10am and 6pm on Saturday, July 30th. Entertainment this year features Fish and Bird, Nathan Tinkham and much, much more! All individual 2016 members of the Graham Island East Coast Farmers Institute get into the Fair for half price! For more information please call Linda @ 250-559-8975
Thank You Haida Gwaii Local Food Project Sponsors! T
Also: Queen Charlotte Farmers Market & Moresby Market
To become a sponsor of the Haida Gwaii Local Foods Project or to be added to the Haida Gwaii Producer List, please call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com