Haida Gwaii Eyes…Wide Open
Proactive Ponderings about Common Challenges
Voting Reform…What You Think MATTERS
A Common Question: Does the government truly represent us?
According to Fair Vote Canada, federal elections see 7 million of us, nearly 20% of Canada’s current population, casting votes THAT ELECT NO ONE! No wonder there are so many people that don’t bother voting. Under our current “first-past-the-post” voting system, Harper’s government won 100% of the power (majority of seats) with only 39.6% of the vote. Today’s Trudeau government is no different, winning 184 seats with 39.5% of the votes.
If you feel that our natural world, small business, youth, elders, sick, homeless and grieving are all well taken care of now and you feel the future is bright, then stop reading here. If not, this is the most essential time in our nation’s history to read on…
Proactive Solutions:
Education is king. Before any of us can share our two bits with those who decide how our homeland is run, it is worth the time to read up on this important topic. Here are the three main voting systems and a few, brief notes about each of them: Proportional Representation: to get half the seats in Ottawa and control it all, a party would need 50% of our votes (a very lofty goal) or more than one party would have to support any legislation to have it approved. Instead of having one, local MP, we would have a group of MPs serving all of BC or perhaps a region of BC Current, first-past-the-post: whoever is the #1 choice of more voters in a riding than anyone else wins, often with only 30 to 40% of the vote – a government can then have absolute control for 4 years with less than 40% of the national vote Ranked Ballots (also called preferential ballots or alternative vote): whoever is the #1 choice of more voters in a riding than anyone else may not win, they’ll have to be the #2 choice of voters who pick others as #1 – a government can still have absolute control for 4 years with less than 40% of voters making it their #1 choice To learn more about these different systems, visit fairvote.ca Now is the time to tell your government what you think! The new, Liberal government is, as you read this, calling for an all-party study to report to Parliament on multiple issues directly related to electoral reform. As political parties tend to choose systems that work best for them, letting your elected officials know what you think is essential and one of the best legacies you can pass on to future generations. Interestingly, our MP, Nathan Cullen, is the New Democratic Party’s official critic for Democratic Reform. He’ll no doubt be playing a significant role in the public process. You can share your opinions with Nathan’s office through the postage paid feedback cards frequently mailed out to this area, call their toll free number at 1-888-622-0212 or email nathan.cullen@parl.gc.ca Prefer actions to words? Go to fairvote.ca/action where you can sign the declaration of voters’ rights, send their open letter to Justin Trudeau, find a Fair Vote chapter or start your own, request a Fair Vote speaker or become one, learn how to educate our kids, and/or start a petition and learn how to get it read in the House of Commons.
“While it is clear that democracy must guarantee the expression of the popular will through majority rule, it is equally
clear that it must guarantee that the majority will not abuse its power to violate the basic and inalienable rights of the minority” democracyweb.org
Do you have a solution-based topic, thought or project you would like to share? We would love to hear from you! 250-557-2088 / info@haidagwaiitrader.com / PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC V0T1R0
Safe Communities/Haida Gwaii
Helpful crime prevention tips brought to you by your local RCMP
Crime Stoppers
If you become aware of a criminal activity, you can call Crime Stoppers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and report what you know at 1-800-222-8477 or online at www.bccrimestoppers.com where:
you are never identified, you do not have to give your name or phone number, call display is never used with reports sent by phone, you never have to testify in court and a reward of up to $2,000 is offered to anyone providing information which leads to an arrest for a crime.
~Working together for safe communities~ __________________________________________________________________ Masset Branch: 250-626-3991 Queen Charlotte Branch: 250-559-4421 Crime Stoppers: 1-800-222-8477 www.bcrcmp.ca
under “BCRCMP”
An Invigorating Visitation from Promising Pupils by Shellene Van der Beke
2016 Haida Gwaii Semester in Natural Resource Studies class | Photo from HGHES
Recently I was honored with a visit from the current class of Haida Gwaii Semester in Natural Resource Studies students. Defined as a transformative education inspired by Haida Gwaii, this study program is developed and delivered by the Haida Gwaii Higher Education Society.
Transported by bus, a total of 18 bright and energetic young scholars cozied up in and around my paper-strewn desks. Their ages ranged from between 19-30 and most are in their 3rd or 4th year of university. Their youthful energy was palpable and the time spent with them was nothing short of delightful. I asked them to call out some of the places they came from: “West Kootenay, Victoria, Vancouver, Connecticut, California, New York, Toronto, Guelph, Ottawa, Thunder Bay, Portland, Chille-Portugal-Switzerland,” were some of their answers. For sixteen of them, this was their very first time to Haida Gwaii. When asked for short words to describe what they thought of our misty isles, “10 out of 10, friendly, welcoming, beautiful, community strength, active, generous, musical, magical, wet, positive, reciprocity, cool-grassy-surf and genuine human relationships,” were earnestly and rapidly shared. They asked me questions about community, sustainability and what it is like living here on Haida Gwaii and I shared my story of how and why I started Haida Gwaii Trader. When asked for a show of hands of how many would like to come back to this area again, 18 out of 18 arms confidently raised to the sky…a solid reminder of how very blessed anyone is to call Haida Gwaii home.
Thank you Donna Duffy! On a separate topic, I would like to take this opportunity to thank “Health in Your Hands” writer Donna Duffy for the wonderful articles she has shared with Haida Gwaii Trader over the past year and a half. So many HGT readers, myself very much included, have enjoyed Donna’s easy to understand articles covering so many relevant and meaningful health and wellness topics. Donna is moving on to other things and we are excited to announce that the wellness article torch has been passed on to former nurse and Certified Coach, Liz Wouters. We here at HG Trader wish Donna the very best in all of her future endeavors!
Getting a Good Night’s Sleep Donna Duffy, RN, BSN, MPH
It was F. Scott Fitzgerald who said, “the worst thing in the world is to try to sleep and not to.” If you’ve ever lain awake in the middle of the night, the spectre of sleep just beyond your reach, then you know the truth of that statement. Thank your lucky stars if you count yourself a good sleeper, but if you are among the one in five adults that wrestle with chronic insomnia, you know it’s no small matter. Good sleep is crucial to the health of both body and mind. Most adults need a solid 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. Many of us fail to achieve this and end up slogging through our days in a semi sleep-deprived state. Insomnia—difficulty falling and/or staying asleep—doesn’t help matters. Most of us sleep well in youth, but good sleep often becomes increasingly difficult as we age and many people wrestle with insomnia at one time or another in their lives. Chronic insomnia can negatively impact your mood, your productivity at work, your overall quality of life. There are many factors that can contribute to insomnia. Trouble with sleep frequently accompanies chronic health problems like heart disease, chronic pain and depression. People who do shift work are also particularly susceptible to insomnia. If you have trouble sleeping and haven’t had luck with counting sheep, there are some other strategies that may work better for you. One thing crucial to good sleep is a calm nervous system. Our nervous systems are constantly bombarded with noise, stress, caffeine, the list goes on. A ramped-up nervous system is not conducive to good sleep. One effective way to calm the nervous system is meditation of some kind (there are many types). Meditation not only helps insomnia, it can enable you to need fewer hours of sleep. If you’ve tried one type of meditation and it didn’t suit you, try a different type. You might try a moving meditation like Tai Chi. One simple but effective mode of meditation is mindful breathing. You might experiment with this while you are lying in bed. Take a deep breath in, totally focusing on the feel of the breath as you draw it in. Hold the breath as long as you can then slowly let it out. Repeat these slow, deep breaths in and out, focusing your whole attention on your breathing and the sensations in your body. It can also help to reform sleep habits. If your sleep schedule is chaotic, it might be necessary to retrain your brain to a regular sleep routine. Start with setting a fixed bedtime (the earlier the better for good sleep) and stick to it. Create a calming environment in your bedroom. It should be quiet and dark, not too warm. Television, computer, and other electronics should be somewhere other than in the bedroom. Develop a bedtime routine that starts at least an hour before sleep. Signal your brain that bedtime is nearing by slowing your mental and physical activity. Turn off the television, shut down the computer and switch to a relaxing activity. It may be having a cup of chamomile tea, reading a book, doing some gentle stretches—whatever it is that makes you feel relaxed. The important thing is to follow the same routine every night. Once you get into bed, turn out the light and do your mindful breathing. If you find yourself bothered by thoughts or worries at bedtime, write them out on a piece of paper and then put it aside to be dealt with in the morning. It may take an effort at first but it doesn’t take too long to form a new habit. Some other things that can cause wakefulness: Alcohol – it might make you sleepy at first but it disrupts sleep later in the night. Eating too late – allow at least 3-4 hours between eating and going to bed. Caffeine – try avoiding caffeinated beverages after noon. Nicotine – many people report better sleep once they have kicked the habit. Getting regular exercise and eating a healthy diet (low in processed or sugary foods) can also help; so can getting out in the fresh air every day. But if you’ve tried everything and insomnia has become a nightly struggle that compromises your waking life, it’s time to get some outside help. Talk to your doctor—a referral to a sleep clinic may be in order. I have enjoyed writing for Health in Your Hands over this past year and a half. I hope you’ve enjoyed reading it as well. It’s now time for me to move on. Liz Wouters will be taking over as your new wellness writer—welcome Liz! Best of health to you all, Donna
There’s Gold in Them There Hills… …that is…Haida elder, archaeologist, historian, carver, author and visionary: Captain Gold! At a time when fur traders worked with Haida ancestors who knew where to find gold, Captain Gold carries on this name to the present day. He remembers his Dad’s generation who passed onto him many of their treasured, oral Haida histories; a time when both Skidegate and Masset had fishing fleets of over 50 trollers per village and 15 to 20 seiners. His Dad took him onto Excerpts from the 1985 publication titled his troller from the time when Captain Gold was just a toddler up until his mid "Misty Wilderness Gem of the Canadian teens. “ Back then, for many years, I was one of the only young boys who Pacific" | Published by and photos from the accompanied the fisherman,’’ recounts Captain Gold, “and during many a Wilderness Committee. storm bound or overnight anchorage...the locations inspired countless and very exciting story and song memories from the elders.” In 1973, Captain Gold travelled the often perilous 250 kilometer journey by canoe from Skidegate to S’Gang Gwaay Llanagaay (“Red Cod Island”) where he remained there all summer. “I could look 20 miles North and 20 miles South and see no one,” recalls Captain Gold. “No one except the odd commercial fisherman came by and they were few and far between.” Travelling and living in solitude on the land that his ancestors called home for thousands of years before him cultivated his passion for getting a Haida presence back out onto the land. It was this passion that saw Captain Gold as a part of the first group of people who petitioned the Provincial government to set aside South Moresby’s 500 square miles of biologically unsurpassed wilderness as a protected, natural area. In 1980, Captain Gold, along with fellow planners who wanted to know “How I Will Save South Moresby,” began the Haida Gwaii Watchmen program. The entire area of South Moresby is the household that the watchmen look after. From 1980 to 1983, Captain Gold trained many Haida people in this important field. The Haida Watchmen program was so successful it has served as a model for other guardian watchmen groups around BC and beyond. Haida Watchmen Photo from Parks Canada
The 1992 S'Gang Gwaay Llanagaay wedding of Captain Gold and his childhood sweetheart, Bernice Wilson | Photo from Capt. Gold In 2004, combining both oral and archaeological history, Captain Gold published a fictional history book about the Haida titled “Golden Years: Grandfathers & Grandmothers of the Haida.” The story begins between 60,000 BP and 47,000 BP. An excerpt from the book reads: Come with me and look into my window of the past, and walk with me over
my grandmother land, the Haida Gwaii (island of the people), when she was in her golden youth. Greet all my people and be a part for a time as we walk through the glorious pages of my grandmothers (nunais) and my grandfathers (chnais) wonderful life.
Although this book is out of print, a copy is available through any one of the Haida Gwaii library locations. Captain Gold says that this book is the first of four in a series, the other three, are in skeleton form. All, no doubt, are worth their weight in gold! More inspiring stories of the past from Captain Gold to come!
Do you have a historical picture and short story you would like to share? We would love to hear from you! Call us at 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Reimagining our Spirits the Public Crisis of Disconnection by Georgia Wilkins
I’m a student in the Haida Gwaii Higher Education Society’s “Haida Gwaii Semester in Natural Resource Studies” program. I am originally from Thunder Bay, Ontario and have been living in Vancouver for the last 4 years where I study Indigenous studies at UBC. I’m passionate about climate issues, social justice issues (specifically related to land, Indigenous decolonization and equity), spirituality and community. I also love film photography and to surf, hike, snowboard, climb, practice yoga and read. I’ve really been enjoying the program here. The block course format works great for me and the small size allows us to have influence over how we’re learning, what we’re learning and who we’re learning from. We’ve heard so many voices from Haida Gwaii’s communities which has really enriched our experience and allowed us to apply what we learn to this unique and special place.
reconcile with First Nations and build healthier, more respectful and supportive relationships. The course was taught by Satsan who lives in Skidegate and is Wet’suwet’en “Prefigurative politics, the idea to be the change you wish to see in the world… which most of us know from Ghandi, tells us that the means of a struggle will influence the ends, so as a society in a time of reconciliation we must all proceed in a way that is healthy and promotes wellness for ALL… If we proceed through violent or harmful means, that is what our children will be taught and they’ll replicate the violence in their lives because
It’s about taking time. It’s about looking inwards. It’s about looking around.
To give you an idea of some of the things we’re talking about in our classroom, what follows is a copy of a presentation that I shared during a presentation to Haida elders and community members at the end of our course on reconciliation. We collaborated in small student groups to prepare presentations on how First Nations, government, the corporate world and the public could work to
- Georgia Wilkins it’ll be all they know. When we talk about dismantling systems of privilege, it is so that ALL PEOPLE (and the earth) can be safe, secure and well… so that all people can be privileged. We dismantle privilege/ or make privilege available to all so that all non-harmful principles and values are regarded without judgment and questioning and so that all people have access to security, wellness and love. Today, many Indigenous peoples are in a state of hotoquist, as Johny Mack a NuuChah-Nulth scholar says. This means that Indigenous people are stuck in an imperial story and entangled in an imposed framework that makes it hard to live as Haida or Cree or Ojibwa or Heiltsuk or Wet’suwet’en. This is part of why the call for reconciliation is so important. Taiaiake Alfred, a Mohawk scholar, would say that Indigenous people are Learning from Haida Interpreter Linda Tollas at Spirit Lake / Photo by Danika Skye Hammond
facing a spiritual crisis meaning communities, in general, have become disconnected from their languages, cultures and land because of histories of assimilative and genocidal policies. These policies have also left the settler population disoriented about who our people are and how we live in this world. We come to this land with colonization stories, whereas the Haida (speaking to the elders in the room), live on this land with CREATION stories. We need to recognize these differing stories and write new ones of peaceful coexistence and support. Targeting broken spirits is a sustainable way to reconcile and make change because our spiritual wellness is integral to the sustenance of our cultures and nation. I’d like to continue by suggesting that it is not only Indigenous people facing this spiritual crisis, but the broader public as well and when we acknowledge this disconnection, we are addressing a problem that lies at the root of all oppressions - the fact that we feel disconnected from each other and the earth we live on. When I talk about spiritual crisis, I don’t mean that church attendance is lowering; I mean that we are becoming disconnected. This disconnection is fueled by our increased reliance on technology and it is fueled by a globalized, capitalized economy that asks people to be competitive and less community-oriented.
economies but for our families, our communities and our planet. I propose that we, the public, need to recognize this spiritual crisis - a crisis of disconnection. I propose that we choose to respect the lands we’re on, respect our neighbors, our communities, the people and living things around us… and, importantly, that we choose to respect ourselves and see our lives as meaningful and impactful. It’s about taking time. It’s about looking inwards. It’s about looking around. We have the opportunity to uphold the value of spirit and make space for the folks around us to do the same… the spiritual crisis will be overcome in ripples and it will influence our entire society to make better decisions for all. If we are able to reimagine our spiritual selves as neighbors and stewards of the earth this will change our food systems, our politics, our communities and the way we relate to and honor other people.” 2016 HGHES class with current professor David Douglas at Balance Rock / Photo by HGHES Program Coordinator Linnaea Fyles
The way we’ve formed our society allows so many people to eat without knowing where their food comes from and live without knowing whose traditional, ancestral lands they’re on. In many ways, the western society is complacent and many of us lack storied histories to sustain our spirits. We forget that we, humans, are connected to the earth… our bodies, for example, are mostly made up of saltwater. We forget that we’re part of an interconnected planet… I hear that the most powerful moment for astronauts is often when they look down at the earth from space and recognize it as ONE interconnected, inter-reliant system. Our society forgets that we are part of one interconnected earth and humanity that at it’s core yearns for connection and security. Today, our connection is maintained by our globalized economy, not on respect and the recognition that localization is healthier, not just for our
Haida Gwaii Writers: Book Launch
Port Clements author, Clifford Bell Brown, has just published his first in a series of four books titled "Adventures in the Dream State". Classified as a memoir with a history of West Coast logging and ranching, the story covers Cliff’s childhood from ages five to twenty-three. As noted on the cover, “This is a story about a boy whose family blew up in an explosion of anger after the war. He escapes to a West Coast rainforest where he is raised by loggers and begins a quest for personal meaning…” HGT: When did the idea for this book come along and how long did it take? CBB: The idea started around five years ago after I took a trip to what I call “Mystic Mountain” which is up behind Daatlaman Main, west of Juskatla. I came back inspired and began writing the first chapter. Unfortunately, I lost this writing in a house fire! Then, after a session with pneumonia and a near-death experience, I was re-inspired to continue. I wrote all four books in a year’s time. HGT: What was the writing process like for you? CBB: Feverish. Once I got my strength back from getting pneumonia, all four books just flowed out…poured out. After it was all out, I had to organize the first book and then research publishing. I chose the Canadian self publisher, Tellwell in Victoria, who assisted me with editorial reviews, formatting and the cover design. They were a great help in preparing it for release and distribution. Photo taken at the Port Clements Museum showing three types of logging machines Cliff worked on during the 1950’s/60’s on the West Coast.
HGT: Where can a person purchase your writing debut? CBB: Both e-book and paperback versions are now available for sale on Amazon.ca, Chapters.Indigo.ca, and locally, the book can be purchased from me at my float home located at the small craft harbour in Port Clements (behind Bayview Market).
Cliff can be reached at 778-884-7297 or email cliffbellbrown@gmail.com
Reading On The Rock Playing with technology: the Haida Gwaii Hackers Club The Queen Charlotte library has hosted its first meeting of the new Haida Gwaii Hackers Club, designed for teens who want to work on computer projects and build their coding skills.
These hackers have mastered blinking LED lights, created various alarming sounds, and learned how to move a tiny robot arm back and forth. Some have taken the kits home and who knows what they have made happen now! Physical computing promises to be a deeply engaging subject for teens. Regular sessions have not yet been
established, but if you or someone you know that is between the ages of 11-19 is interested in attending the next one, you can email: lparker@virl.bc.ca. The Haida Gwaii Hackers Club will eventually expand. Queen Charlotte is the only branch running the program right now, but we expect to see the idea beep and blink into other branches on Haida Gwaii in the near future.
Port Clements Book Club Review By T.M. Ooishi
The moon was full, the theme was red and the first Port Clements Book Club materialised on Monday, February 22nd with the review of “Red Star Tattoo” by Sonja Larsen. In one evening, we discussed everything from Communism, cults, hitchhiking to the culture of child rearing. Good food, drinks, gifts, and a lively, passionate conversation rallied around this memoir. Journals were handed out from Literacy HG and Molly, a personal friend of the author, offered her realistic insights. The overall review of this novel was varied; some felt it was concise and elegant; others found it elusive and hard to follow. Although opinions were varied, the group reached an overall consensus: the book was powerful, passionate and impactful.
The book club’s next book is “The Cripple and his Talismans,” by Anosh Irani and we meet again on March 28th at 7pm in the Port Clements Seniors’ Room. For more information please email vopcbookclub@gmail.com. “I read books all the time but I don’t have anyone to talk to about them.”- Club Member
Haida Gwaii is home to four branches of the Vancouver Island Regional Library, with libraries in Masset, Port Clements, Queen Charlotte and Sandspit. All residents of Haida Gwaii are eligible to get a library card and use library services – completely free. Our services include free wifi and public access computers, as well as books, DVDs, CDs, large print books, and books on CD.
OPEN HOURS QUEEN CHARLOTTE: Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Wednesday 1-4 and 5-8, Friday 12:30-5 pm and Saturday 10-12 and 1-5 MASSET: Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Thursday 1-4 and 5-8, Friday 1-5, and Saturday 10-2 PORT CLEMENTS: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3-8, Saturday 10-12 and 1-5 SANDSPIT: Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Wednesday 10-2, Thursday 1-4 and 5-8 and Saturday 10-2
Love Haida Gwaii celebrating local, independently owned business
Haida Gwaii
GAIL RUSS, NANAAY’S LNT BAKERY IN SKIDEGATE - a Love Haida Gwaii success story It all began for Nanaay’s LNT Bakery about eight years ago. I was in between jobs for six months with nothing to do. Both my husband and I volunteered for the Food Bank but that didn’t really take up much time. I always made homemade bread for my family but I found myself making it more and more while I was off work just to occupy my time. After giving away a few loaves and using a loaf or two ourselves, I still had at least seven or eight loaves on hand. So I got the idea to put a fresh bread for sale poster up at the Canada Post Kiosk in Skidegate and the rest as they say is history. I found another full time job and just made bread on the weekends. Word got out, my bread apparently is really good. Then I started getting bigger and bigger orders so I would work all day and make bread at night. I invested in a bread machine and a bigger oven
250.559.4519 • 250-637-1407 Mobile Gail.Russ@gov.bc.ca 472 Skidegate Heights, Skidegate
a few years ago (Haawa to my children for helping me buy this bread machine and a bigger oven, you don’t know how much I appreciate your help with these purchases) cooling racks, top of the line bread pans, and my business really took off from there. Today, I still work all day and make bread in the evenings, on weekends and on holidays. I make white, whole wheat, seven grain bread, dinner buns, pizzas, donuts, cinnamon buns, cheezy bread etc. Just give me a call at home with your order at 250-559-4519 or text me at 250-637-1407 or check out my Facebook page. I can also be found at LoveHaidaGwaii.com Since joining Love Haida Gwaii, my business has almost doubled. I have had customers coming to my door from different parts of the world who heard about my business through this page. It is an excellent advertising tool with a very supportive staff. As well, their Trade Shows that are held twice a year, are also a great advertising tool. I have participated in two so far and look forward to the next one. I am happy to say that other than the help from my children, I built my business without any other financial assistance. It was tough at times, with the price of goods going up and up every year, but I did it and I am very proud of myself. I love making bread and everything else and that is the key to success. You have to love what you are doing. My husband is a great help to me as well as my granddaughters. AND I still give the odd loaf of bread away. I truly believe in paying it forward.
Shop ‘til you drop at the semi-annual Love Haida Gwaii tradeshow event! Door prizes, special offers and product/ service demonstrations and more. When: SUNDAY, MAY 1, 2016 Time: 1PM – 4PM Where: MASSET - Howard Phillips Community Hall Love Haida Gwaii vendors, contact Mary Lou to book a table 250 559-8050 or admin@mieds.ca
lovehaidagwaii.com Love Haida Gwaii showcases locally owned and operated businesses and is funded by Northern Development Initiative Trust & Misty Isles Economic Development Society. To list your business on the Love Haida Gwaii website or for more information call 250-559-8050 or email admin@mieds.ca
Photos: Haida Laas/Rhonda Lee McIsaac
Rows of sorted catalogued and archived material piled high in the Skidegate Council of the Haida Nation administration building. Inset: Leah Sankey reviewing historical documents at the Haida Gwaii Museum archive.
Deep storage & untold secrets submitted by Haida Laas/Rhonda Lee McIsaac
Untold stories and even secrets are kept safe within the museum archives at the Haida Gwaii Museum. In the heart of the Haida Heritage Centre at Kay Llnagaay there is a room filled with items that do not often see the light of day because of their fragility or their unknown origin. There are also one of kind art pieces by Haida master artists like Bill Reid or Robert Davidson as well as more contemporary artists who donate their art to be preserved for the future. At the recent open house hosted by the museum’s archive staff, black binders full of historic images and other interesting items were set out illustrating community activities, people and places around Haida Gwaii. Photographs were displayed and could be handled while wearing white gloves in the hope that people in them could be closely viewed and identified by curious visitors.
Museum archivist in training Leah Sankey showed her favorite post card which depicted a futuristic Haida Gwaii with an oil rig drilling in the ocean. There is also a research station set up in the archive room with a large monitor which enables viewers to see small details of the many gigabytes held in the digital collection. In addition, there are rows of storage drawers holding diaries from early residents, unpublished manuscripts, correspondence, and household records that reveal a domestic and isolated Haida Gwaii where many items were ordered from away. There are also larger documents such as maps and art work ready for viewing. “We have a complete library dedicated just to Haida Gwaii,” said archivist, Nathalie McFarlane. “[There are] publications, magazine articles pertinent to
Haida Gwaii that can be used for research and for general interest”. At the Council of the Haida Nation’s Winter Seasonal Session the Executive Committee, announced that the archive rooms at the Skidegate and Massett offices are open to the public. The organizing of the CHN archives has been in the works for the past couple of years and the room has been transformed by archivist Sharon Williams from a congested maze of boxes to an orderly and well organized system with material being catalogued, scanned, and placed in a proper storage . Both the Haida Gwaii Museum and the CHN’s Skidegate archives encourage you to stop by and indulge your interests in local histories and stories.
gwaiitrust.com Old Massett: 1-800-663-2388 | Skidegate: 1-877-559-8883
Gwaii Trust chair Brad Setso reflects on the past three years It’s not always an easy undertaking to work with a board made up of a diverse group of islanders with strong opinions, but Massett resident Brad Setso has welcomed that challenge for the past three years as chair of the Gwaii Trust Society. In his role as chair, he has helped to oversee an in-depth review of the Trust’s operations, taken a close look at board governance, and worked with his fellow board members to reach decisions by consensus. It’s an important role: almost everyone who lives on Haida Gwaii makes use of programs, services or infrastructure associated with the Gwaii Trust. In his day job, Brad works as the manager of the Haida Fisheries Program, a position he has held since 2010. He’s worked for Haida Fisheries for many years, holding positions including crew supervisor, fish guardian, dive team member and assistant manager. It was through his work at Haida Fisheries that Brad first heard about the Gwaii Trust, back in the early 1990s. The fisheries program staff shared an office building with the Council of the Haida Nation, and Brad remembers hearing talk about the Gwaii Trust Interim Planning Society. “I knew it was a bunch of money from the government arising from the actions at Lyell Island,” he said. Back in 1985, Brad had almost joined the protestors at Lyell Island, but his parents asked him to stay home as he was only
a volunteer to represent the community on the Gwaii Trust board, and Brad stepped forward. “I’m not one to sit back and just listen, I’m always active,” he said. “I get bored easily, so I like to find new challenges.” He ended up serving six years as a Gwaii Trust director, including several years as vice chair. During that time, the Gwaii Trust was instrumental in forming the GwaiiTel Society and bringing broadband internet to Haida Gwaii. It also repatriated the $24 million South Moresby Forest Replacement Fund, now known as the Athlii Gwaii Legacy Fund. Passionate about sports, Brad has volunteered for many years to help organize the annual Christmas Classic basketball tournament in Old Massett. He also served one term as the Area D director for the Skeena-Queen Charlotte Regional District, but this was the only elected position he’s held that he did not enjoy, mostly because he found that the SQCRD – which also governs mainland areas of the north coast - does very little that directly benefits islanders. That experience, however, did give him more insights into the need for Haida Gwaii to have its own form of governance. “Being that I am Haida, I obviously see it as differently as some people see it,” he said. “But I think we’re going to have to all work together, it doesn’t matter if we’re Haida or other.”
“It would be good for islanders to see how passionate their directors are and how supportive of their own communities, but also cognizant of how we have to work together.” 15. As a young man, Brad lived with his cousin Ernie Collison, the administrator of the CHN. He learned a lot from Ernie, including some of the history behind the Gwaii Trust and how it was formed by a cooperative effort of Haida and non-Haida community representatives, who convinced the federal government to give islanders control of a $38 million fund that had been earmarked for community development as part of the agreement that created Gwaii Haanas. During the 1990s, Brad devoted himself to his job and family; he and his wife have three girls and a boy who are now young adults and teenagers. Looking for new challenges, he ran for a seat on Old Massett Village Council in 2002 and was elected. Less than six months into the first of his two terms, council asked for
When the CHN was looking for a new chair three years ago, he put his name forward. “It’s been a bit of a passion,” since he first joined the board, he said. “I had some interest and I believe I had some ideas that would help.” Early in his term, he met with executive director Errol Winter to discuss what he wanted to achieve, and decided to tackle board governance, one area that really hadn’t been looked at carefully since the Gwaii Trust was formed in 1994. Another focus, he said, has been trying to develop a way to measure exactly what the Gwaii Trust has accomplished with its grants, and where its programs are making the most difference. “We know Gwaii Trust has done a lot of good over the years, but can that be measured?” he said. “We want to start developing some sort of baseline socioeconomic monitoring to show
Brad Setso, Gwaii Trust Chair
how much of a difference it is making.” Looking over the Gwaii Trust’s accomplishments over the past three years, Brad said he is particularly proud of the board’s decision to hire UBC’s Sauder School of Business to conduct a five-year review of its operations, and how quickly directors agreed to contribute after GwaiiTel requested funding last year to install a fibre optic network. The project should result in significant improvements to internet service here. (The Gwaii Trust contributed $2.4 million, which allowed GwaiiTel to leverage a much larger grant from the federal government.) “I’m very proud of the board. When this GwaiiTel opportunity came, the board was unanimous in supporting that,” he said. “It would be good for islanders to see how passionate their directors are and how supportive of their own communities, but also cognizant of how we have to work together.” Brad’s term as chair will end in April, and he’s now thinking about a whole new challenge: more education. He completed a business administration diploma at NWCC, and is giving serious consideration to pursuing a Masters in Leadership at Royal Roads University. “Since 2008 I’ve been threatening to go back to school,” he said. “I want to get my Bachelor’s or Master’s before my daughter does.”
will likely move to another culture and community that they do support. The second step should answer: 1) What are the intention(s) for the future existence of our community? 2) What is the vision for our community now, and for its future? 3) What is the operational philosophy for our community
The Integrity of the Community
in its history; and do we wish to continue that philosophy for our community into the future? 4) What are the primary and secondary
The integrity of a community is dependent upon its awareness of what makes it whole. Most communities have not identified what it is that makes it “their community.”
mission(s) of our community to fulfill its intentions and vision for the future? 5) What are the goals of our community to continue its unique existence into the future? Here, in #5, we must address
This may sound like a bit of
our children now, as they
double-talk until it becomes
will be the ones who will
clear what is needed for a
comprise our future
community to identify
culture and community.
itself. Until this is
Hint: How will we
completed, there will be
generate our children’s
confusion in council
confidence to become the
meetings and committee
leaders and caretakers of
meetings about how to proceed. The first step is to thoroughly examine the history of your community. This step should clearly answer the following questions. 1) Who are we? 2) What is unique about our community? 3) What are our essential
our future culture and community? Answering and fulfilling the questions in the second step is what will identify any community as unique and sustainable into the far future.
traditions? 4) What do we wish to preserve … and what is it about what we want to preserve that is important to us? 5) What do we want to carry forward into the future? The second step is directed to ensure that a culturally sustainable future is developed in and for future generations. Keep in mind that some individuals will “buy into” the old culture, while some will not. Those who do not integrate the traditional culture into their lives
Writer, author, publisher and principal of Daniel Ph.D. Consulting, Daniel can be reached @ daniel.raphaelphd@gmail.com
A Senior Moment by Manzanita Snow
There was a time when the elderly part of the population was a minority. People died younger, worn out or sickened with no available cures. Old people sat in a corner of the homes of their children and minded grandchildren or peeled the potatoes, or tried to be useful in some other way. Sometimes their advice was needed or wanted – then, they gave from their many experiences; a valued service. Nowadays, elders are often hustled off to a nursing “home” and disposed of…some even with a sigh of relief. Shrinking mental capacities are seldom tolerated for long. First thing to go is the driver’s license – for many older men that is the final blow. Habits are watched. If the habits of an old person change or they no longer wish to take part in once loved activities, it is assumed there is “something wrong” and they are “losing it”. What is more likely is that they’ve simply lost patience with useless pastimes that sap their energy. Exercise is strongly promoted for the elderly person. No matter what aches or hurts, one is supposed to “fling it” around and keep it working. Guilt is heavily laden onto those who won’t comply. Fading eyesight and reduced hearing are often viewed as problems. However, for a senior, it is often noticed that selective hearing can bring peace and poor eyesight can reduce the stress and burden of responsibilities better taken on by those younger than them. Anyone who talks “to” and not “with” the elderly among us soon discovers that there is still a person there, someone who’s “been there” but not longer feels of much value unless they follow the program laid out for them. Someone needing someone. Society today needs to respect the fact that people are living longer. Instead of isolating our elders in specialized, “aged” groups, we need to have a more holistic approach to the blending of our generations because we all have our strengths and knowledge. Including everyone makes for a stronger community family.
On Women’s Day, All Are Welcome by Christy “Conch” Konschuh
ach year on March 8, International Women’s Day events are hosted as a reminder of the work that has been done and the work ahead. This year, Bonnie Olson of the Islands Wellness Society in Queen Charlotte organized a dynamic, divine and decadent day that involved pampering, healing and sharing stories between women ages of 15 – 80. Rachel Lavrisa of the Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace organized a tea event for the North end. These two organizations already offer outreach services to families in the 5 island communities including transportation, school programs, counseling, and access to resources. For these groups to celebrate a place in the International community is truly representative of the resourcefulness and nurturing that exists on Hadia Gwaii. Participants in Port Clements were surprised and delighted to be included in such merriment. On Tuesday at the Multiplex, suddenly, this charming community with neighbours in Tlell, connected to an annual celebration of those before us, and all around us who rise up against oppression. Haida Gwaii
Recreation offered free Yoga for Senior’s. Many stopped in to share lunch with the student of PCES, don purple ribbons, and win prizes. Pet Grooming, Painting, Creative Writing, Herb Garden 101, Belly Dancing and a reading of The Vagina Monologue’s occurred between 10am – 10pm. The efforts of the front line staff and volunteers with equality as a mandate are often overlooked until a day such as International Women’s Day. Ironically, it’s on this day that these women, who serve tirelessly, invest even more of themselves. Perhaps seeds for collaboration have been planted for next year? Thank you to Bonnie Olson, Rachel Lavrisa, Tina Ooishi, Estrella Hepburn, Cyndi Bird, Pasilla, Manzanita Snow, Glenda Saurga, Kim Mushynsky, Marilyn Bliss, Verena Gibbs, Sue Couch, Bev Lore, Beng Favreau, Lucy Neville, Alex Rinfret, Harmonie Rose, Colleen Beachy, and Ruth Bellamy for your contribution to this very important experience in what it means to be a woman in 2016.
Horoscopes for March 15 to April 15, 2016 Aries (March 20-April 19) With the onset of the return of spring, dear Aries, you begin to feel like your old self again. The grass is sprouting, the birds are chirping and the flowers are budding and your soul is soaring. Figure out how to get what you truly want out of life and still allow your family members to be a part of it. It’s not all about you but you may feel like it is. Key Words: Assertive, Perceptive, Reactive Taurus (April 19-May 20) Breathe into your life, dear Taurus. Relax in the knowing that what you don’t know yet, you aren’t ready to learn. You are a caterpillar cocooned, awaiting a butterfly life. But can the caterpillar imagine the beauty that awaits her? Be gentle with yourself and develop the hope that flows from within so when you are ready to process this all, it will come to you at the perfect time. Key Words: Rejuvenate, Receive, Believe Gemini (May 20-June 21) Social interaction is a bonus for you right now, dear Gemini. What you can learn from others about happiness, community service and friendship is key to the success of the upcoming month. Listen carefully to what you hear and do not respond until you are sure that you heard it correctly. At the end of March, be prepared to take what you have learned from your community and digest it fully. Key Words: Create, Communicate, Community Cancer (June 21-July 22) It feels like the time to give back to your community, to become brave enough to step out into the light. What you emotionally planted many months ago is now ripened and ready to pick. What is it that you planted? In the next few weeks, dear Cancer, this may become crystal clear. Key Words: Courage, Determination, Service Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) You find yourself in the public eye right now and cannot escape this, dear Leo. Of course, you are perfectly capable of pulling this off. Just be careful that you don’t give all your energy away to others, leaving you without enough time and space for yourself. You will always need alone time to rejuvenate your spirit, don’t forget to make yourself a priority too. Key Words: Public Persona, Vitality, Passion Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) Power is your key word in the upcoming weeks, dear Virgo. Who’s in charge, how will you keep or give your power away and why do you choose to do so? I know this doesn’t sound like a clear-cut outline for you, but this is what life is bringing you now; the ability to perceive the power struggles around you and the opportunity to make your power known. Take time to get clear on this so that you may reap the rewards of your newfound wisdom. Key Words: Mastery, Potential, Influence
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) Your vitality may be tested in the upcoming weeks, dear Libra. You have always had an innate ability to partner up with people, be it in business, friendship or love. That is one of the key ingredients to Libra after all. Answer these questions for greater clarity: What should I do if my friend or partner is jealous of the alone time I need to recharge myself? Why am I in the middle of a power struggle? Who shall I pick if it comes down to supporting myself or someone else? The question of others versus self is at the forefront. Make decisions based on the highest good for you alone. Then it will all fall into place. Key Words: Personal Power, Contemplate, Self-Confidence Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) You can’t help it right now, dear Scorpio; you just have a soft spot for the plight of others. You might notice that you can feel the pain, the joy, the sorrow, the fear or the resentment in others? The veil between the worlds is thin for you right now and you are able to feel it all. But what to do about it? Of course, you can easily go into those feelings of the world and try to fix it all. And I don’t say this lightly. But I ask that before you give yourself away to all that need your help, remember to give it to yourself too. Key Words: Shaman, Mystical, Magic Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) Your home and family are at the epicenter of your consciousness now, dear Sagittarius. What emotional wounds from the past are making themselves known to you? Now is a valuable time to heal those wounds, perhaps with practicing forgiveness of self or others? Then you will be traveling with a lighter step, able to navigate your ship into unchartered waters with confidence and renewed hope. Key Words: Persona, Healing, Relatives
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) Do you know the saying: Don’t believe everything you think? Now is that time for you, dear Capricorn. You, of any other sign, are capable, dependable and full of endurance to handle all situations to the end game. But now I ask you to research the appropriate answers, stay open minded to listen as well as talk and do not assume that you know the “truth” without careful thoughtfulness. Open-minded thoughts can lead you down a path of awareness that you never knew existed. Let yourself be a little bit distracted. What you find by doing so may be a pleasant surprise. Key Words: Validate, Curiosity, Faith Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Take a good look at your resources and finances in the next few weeks, dear Aquarius. How have you been managing them? You are not typically a sign that needs security in order to feel self-confident. On the contrary, if you take the easy road, like the rest of the sheep, you will start to slowly die inside. Yours is a path of freedom and authenticity. But for now, briefly, I ask you to reign in your free association, and look around at where you are in space. Just for a little while, I promise. Key Words: Grounded, Steady, Rock Solid
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) You may be facing some surprise responsibilities or roadblocks in your career in the upcoming weeks. This sounds challenging but it can be rewarding as well. For example, this would be a perfect time to . start writing that book you have been putting off, or applying for a college education. Anything that you can imagine will take time and discipline is now in the cards to begin. Step forward in your life and begin whatever that is! Key Words: Assertive, Structure, Focus
Sage Advisor is a professional astrologer and has been since 2007. She is passionate about helping clients develop the tools of awareness and purpose for their lives.
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In the Home & Office
Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/ Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc
Flame pellet stove for sale - used once. Purchased from Home hardware in Prince Rupert for $2500. Heats very efficiently just a bit too big for my space. $1,200 Call Lenore at (250) 559-8415 or email premier@qcislands.net SOLO-FLEX Exercise Machine. Has all attachments including leg press. As new condition. $300 Call Raymond Wagstaff at (250) 637-5464 or email ray_dw@hotmail.com Philips 4 cup Coffeemaker. Model HL5284 for sale. Uses cone type filters. $6 Email Fairness4@yahoo.ca Microwave Range hood. NEW! Still in the box. Panasonic 2.0 cu.ft. 1100 watts over the range microwave and range hood. $100 Call Gord at (250) 637-5755 or email patngord@qcislands.ca 4 slice toaster. This Proctor Silex 4 slice toaster is used but works okay. It has extra wide slots and individual temperature controls. $5 Email sales@tostaba.com Woodstove glass for sale. 15.25” x 11.5” ceramic glass, new, never been used. $200 Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@ beachcabins.com Canucks tickets for sale. Most games, sec 327 pair in row 2 and pair in row 4 $85 Call Barry at (250) 626-7768 or email bpages@mhtv.ca Pioneer M-10X Stereo Power Amp. This is a nice little amplifier. Bought from a clean home a couple years ago and used lightly since. It is in very good shape. Most suitable for bookshelf or efficient speakers. Rated at 70 Watts into 8 Ohms and 100 Watts into 4 Ohms. These ratings seem to be conservative. I sold the speakers I was using it for, which is why I am selling the amp. The highest and lowest prices I found online are $280 and $197, but living on Haida Gwaii one would have to add another $50 for shipping. There is lots of info online if you google. $210 Call Dave Crossley at (250) 559-8208 or email dcrossley@haidagwaii.net Epson Stylus Photo 1280 Ink Jet Printer. Great value - brand new - never used! Extra ink included $250 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com Backpack. Used for 6 months, sturdy backpack has adjustable internal frame and well-padded strapping. Can be used as full pack or internal flap zips up to provide a smaller section at the bottom. Bottom section is accessible by outside zipper and top half has side zipper. Top pack section converts into hip pouch. Medium separate zippered pouch on back. Needs water proof cover for real rain. No tears-hasn’t needed repairs. I carried about 45lbs of gear in it. Lots of adjustable exterior strapping and loops for attaching stuff. Empty weight 5.6 lbs. $100 Call Lorrie at (250) 626-5587 or email l.joron@mhtv.ca 8 ft. Oak Dining Table. No leaf. 8 chairs $900 Call Bill or Caroline Galt at (250) 559-4504 or email galt@qcislands. net Stay warm this winter! Heaters For Sale. **1. Oil filled radiator, non-digitized: $50 **2. New, stand up oscillating tower heater, used for only one week: $60. **3. Floor heater encased in wood, new, worth $500: Only $100 Call Manzanita Snow at (250) 557-8579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com 36” Storm door. New in box. Paid $230 before tax and shipping. Asking $200 Call Wayne at (250) 626-7138 or email heatherjacobsen@ hotmail.com Antique books for sale. ‘Humourous Tales’ by Rudyard Kipling, hard cover, 1932. McMillian & Co. $35. Also 1931 edition of same book, illustrated by Reginald Cleaver $45. Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins. com Locally Carved Argillite Art For Sale. The piece is called “Leaders of the Ocean” hand carved by Conrad Collinson, youngest son of Irene Collinson (Moody) and late Chief Skidegate Dempsey Collinson. $6,000 Call Conrad Collinson at (250) 637-1651 or email haida_shadows@live.ca Raleigh Gel Mountain Bike Seat Cover. $20 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net
In the Home & Office - cont. Hardwood flooring. Beautiful solid 3/4 inch sugar white oak hardwood flooring. 22 sq. ft. per box 11 boxes. Please note the price is 75 dollars per box; that works out to$825. Myapologies to those who thought it was $75 for it all. Call Linda Berston at (250) 557-4423 or email lgberston@gmail. com ¾” Top Quality Solid Oak Flooring. 97.5 sq. ft. total. One open box, but the rest is still boxed and brand new. Original cost was $10/sq. ft. $500 Email ssthrd@hotmail.com Near New Women’s Sz 9 Bogs - mid height. Insulated. Approx. 1 month old. These have been worn a handful of times - there is no wear on the sole, but they are a little muddy - selling as is. These are a narrower fit than some of the other bogs - which is why I am selling them - they don’t fit me. These retail for $105 on bogsfootwear.ca $50 Call Bonnie at (250) 626-3311 or email bonniepryde@gmail.com Brand New Ladies Size 8 Kamik Low Rain Boots. Brand New - Still in the box, with tags on. Olive colour, mid height -Sharon model. These boots retail for $69 on kamik.com $50 Call Bonnie at (250) 626-3311 or email bonniepryde@gmail.com Claw foot tub with faucet. 59” fiberglass tub with chrome claw feet and telephone-style brass faucet. New, they cost well over $1500 plus shipping. I’ve found that I seldom use this tub so make me an offer. Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email pawsitivespin@gmail.com Blaze King Classic (king size) woodstove. Brand new- never been used or installed. Call Wayne Nicol at (250) 557-2434 or email mwnicol@qcislands.net Hamilton Beach Home Baker Bread Baking Machine. Brand spanking new, in original box, never been used. Wanted to bake my own whole grain bread, but have no time to worry about it. $75 Call Archie Stocker Sr. at (250) 626-3576 or email archievideo35@hotmail.com Targus shoulder bag. Virtually new; has all weather shoulder strap. Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@qcislands.ca Pure bred champion line Blue nose Pitbull *WITH PAPERS*. Free to a good home. Call Captain S Stewart-Burton at (250) 626-7175 or email Cs-burton@live.ca Large Gerry frame backpack. The aluminum frame is 29” high by 14 ½” wide The pack is 27” high by 14” There are 2 side pockets at the top, 2 on the bottom sides, and one at the bottom center. The main compartment has a zippered divider and a mesh bag for small stuff. It’s made of heavy nylon. It has good adjustments and a padded waistband. There are no rips or tears, but there is a small crack at one end of the tubing. $40. Email sales@ tostaba.com Closet Doors. 2 solid wood louvered closet doors 18” each $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Girls ski jacket. Girl’s large, size 14, ski jacket. Mint condition, worn once. Will fit a ladies small size. Pale blue, 80% down and 20% feather, mid hip length. $35 Call Regina Williams at (250) 626-5676 or email scoutts@ mhtv.ca 34 CD’s of CLIP ART. An amazing companion for anyone doing desktop publishing or graphic design on a Mac. Thousands of images and fonts covering any topic you can imagine. $50 Call Maryanne at (250) 626-7555 or email Maryanne@maryannewettlaufer.com Sony Bravia 52 inch Flat screen TV. $700 Email howle@qcislands.net 10,000 BTU Heater For Sale. Portable, radiant style, kerosene heater for sale. Still in the box -never used. Bought at North Coast Supply store. $295 Call Leonne Lavoie at (250) 626-3682 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Sanyo 32” stereo colour television. With manual and original packaging. Includes remote control. In perfect condition (barely used). Call PK at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com Ladies LL Bean all weather coat, lined, medium, black. Excellent shape. Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@qcislands.ca
In the Home & Office - cont. Large Bird Cage For Sale. Large size Bird cage suitable for parrots of all kinds. Has four feeding stations that swing out. Is on castors for easy moving Lots of doors for easy access. Bought brand new for $900 plus $300 shipping. Will sell for $500 OBO and will deliver anywhere on Haida Gwaii. Our bird loved it but unfortunately died last year. Call Al or Sian at (250) 637-5754 or email algrosve@telus.net Alto Saxophone with case and books. Model: Yamahiro Gs-110. It’s in a great condition and comes with all the necessities such as reeds, cork grease, strap and case. Two saxophone books and Hercules stand are included as well. $650 Call Brandon Rim at (250) 637-1446 or email Beringo123@gmail.com Hard to Find Breaker Box For Sale. Stabloc breaker box full of breakers for sale. This is a very hard to find item as they are no longer manufactured. $200 Call Manzanita Snow at (250) 557-8579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Green Wool Jacket. Ladies Size 10 (fits slightly larger). Worn only a few times, too large for me :) The quality is great and it is fully lined - a comparable jacket from the same company goes for $200USD - Asking $85 Call Keshia Chutter at (250) 626-7339 or email keshia.camp@hotmail.com Large pet kennel. Deluxe Vari Kennel for medium/large pets, 32” long, 22” wide, and 24” high. New this size is selling for $100-150. Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@qcislands.ca GE Over-the-range microwave/range hood. Good working condition, we upgraded so no longer needed $50 Email monica@qcislands.net Jewelry For Sale.**1. Quetzal bird, handmade silver earrings: $30 **2. One of a kind, cast, solid silver pendant with lapis lazuli gem, made by Manzanita Snow: $150 **3. Handmade filigree pendant, pure silver, made by Manzanita Snow: $150 **4. Hand knotted (hangs beautifully) rose quartz beaded necklace: $50 **5. Morgan Bristol knuckle duster ring, silver and brass: $100 **6. Phillip Janze silver ring with hummingbird carving: $100 **7. Silver, heavy duty amethyst ring, for a man or woman: $60 **8. Antique glass and rhinestone necklace: $90 ** 9. Morgan Bristol silver brooch, one of a kind: $100. Call Manzanita Snow at (250) 557-8579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Wall Mount Porcelain Sink. Comes with mounting hardware, chrome waste kit, single lever faucet $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Jupiter Athena water purifier and ionizer. Cure the acidic water problem with this quality water treatment that can make your water more alkaline and more in balance with body chemistry, aiding digestion. A good choice for your health. See new models at gtawater.com to compare. Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@qcislands.ca
In the Home & Office - cont. 4 Harmonicas. Two are Suzuki Bluesmaster A & D M. Two are Hohner Marine Band E & G $10 each. Call Fergus at (250) 626-5015 or email hecatebird@gmail.com Luggage. 2 sets, size 17”x28” each; 1 dark green, 1 black! $10 each. Call Dana at (250) 637-2271 or email tdl@qcislands.net Two George Thorogood tickets. Awesomeseats at CN Centre April 19th. Section Y Row1, Seat 10 and11. $65 each, or both sold as a package $135 Email Sonia.rice6058@gmail.com Computer desk and hutch. Older computer desk with upper cabinets Call Gordon at (250) 637-5755 or email patngord@qcislands.ca High quality Eagle Creek suitcase. On wheels. Check new prices online. They repair any part for free that fails. Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@qcislands.ca Limited edition 1996 Takamine LDT96 guitar. Easy to play, beautiful sound. Many songs have been composed with this guitar. Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@qcislands.ca Surge protector. Liebert Power Proactive, PSA350-120. Surge protector and battery backup for your computer. Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@qcislands.ca High quality SuperSport backpack, very good condition. Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@qcislands.ca Green Matt&Nat Shoulder Bag. Beautiful Green Matt&Nat Shoulder bag - in great condition. Vegan Leather ;) Asking $20 Call Keshia Chutter at (250) 626-7339 or email keshia.camp@hotmail.com Women’s Sweaters. Women’s Sweaters all fit size medium - $10 each In Masset Call Keshia Chutter at (250) 626-7339 or email keshia.camp@ hotmail.com
In the Yard & Workshop
Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/ Pet and Pet Supplies
Backhoe for sale. Case 580 backhoe, old but low engine hours. $11,800 Call Rainer or Marlene at (250) 559-8668 or email Rmspecht@qcislands.net Oak casings. Over 100 feet. 7 pcs. 9’ and 8 pcs. 3’ Additional random lengths $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Canvas Shop for sale. L85’ x W30’ x H16’ $5,000 Call Phil Shiels at (250) 637-5614 or email shiels@qcislands.net English saddle. Like new, hardly used Wintec saddle. $300. Call Tammy Abbott at (250) 557-4417 or email tabbott6@hotmail.com Folding crab trap for sale or trade. About 3’ x 4’; in good condition $50 Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com Power Saw For Sale. 10” Craftsman compound miter power saw. Brand new, still in the box. $400 Call Ron at (250) 559-7790 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Chick Orders. RanchFeeds is the best place to pick up chicks!!! Order by March 7th for March 31st arrival. Order by April 12th for May 5th arrival. Order by May 31st for June 23rd arrival. Call for Leslie for details at (250) 557-4276 or email rfeeds@qcislands.net Bricks. Pallet of used bricks. Good for garden or other projects around the yard $200 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Electric Grass Trimmer. Toro grass trimmer. $40 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Slide. Pvc slide for children’s jungle gym $50 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@ qcislands.net Horse bareback pad. Brand new, never used, tags still on. Girth included. $60 Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email pawsitivespin@gmail.com
In the Yard & Workshop - cont. Framing lumber. Left over concrete forming boards. 22pc 2x6-8 6pc 2x6-16 5pc 2x4-12 2pc 2x4-16 4pc 2x12-16. Also about 15pc 2x6 approx. 10’ Pressure treat salvaged $350 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands. net
On the Road
In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment
2001 Toyota Celica. Best Offer. Runs smoothly, nothing needs fixing at al. Has a really good sound system. Tires are great, good for winter as well. Really easy on gas Automatic. Call Travis at (778) 260-0059 or email travis_shannon91@hotmail.com GPS. Comes with everything. You can even use a microchip in it for more storage. Works on land and water, just have to buy the ocean maps. With the antenna attachment you get within 9 feet of your site or your tag. Works well in the under-bush or the under-the-tree canopy. $280 Call Danny at (250) 626-3336 or email dstewart@massett.ca Motorhome & Appliances. 1978 GMC 350 V8 with hydromatic transmission in excellent condition – make as offer on the whole motorhome or contact me about purchasing appliances and parts separately. Call G.S. Johnson at (250) 557-4475 or email gsj@qcislands.net Ladies motorcycle boots. Powerskin, size 39 (med). Little used in very good shape Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@qcislands.ca Raider Brand - Pickup Cap. Fits 1997 Chevy/GMC Standard Box. Fiberglass. Rear is higher Opening windows with bug screens Both locks still work $250 Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com 2013 Chevy Spark - 5 speed manual. Metallic Lemonade (yellow), air conditioning, power windows, spoiler, touch screen Bluetooth satellite radio, 17, 711 kilometers. Love this little car. Perfect for bombing around town. $10,500 Call Mare Levesque at (250) 637-1009 or email mare.levesque@haidagwaii.net Heavy Equipment Business. Business package for sale: The business has been built up locally for the past 12 years, it is a well-established construction company located in Masset, B.C. Everything is turn-key - ready to go to work, we have many contacts, meaning plenty of work. I am looking to sell this as a package, I don’t want to be splitting it all up and having to sell it all separately. Equipment: 3 T/A Dump Trucks, 3 Excavators, 1 Rubber Tire Hoe, 1 Crane Truck, 2 Concrete Trucks, 2 Trailers.Equipment Details: •1994 Kenworth T-800 T/A gravel truck •Steel box, 425 HP Cat engine, 18 speed, air ride suspension •1991 Kenworth T-800 T/A gravel truck •Steel box, high lift gate, 300 HP Cat engine, 15 speed, Hendrickson suspension •1986 Kenworth W-900 T/A gravel truck -Steel box, high lift gate, 425 HP Cat engine, 18 speed, Hendrickson suspension •2010 Kobelco 210 Excavator w/ Hydraulic thumb •1982 Cat 300 EL Excavator •1997 Komatsu PC 60 Advance Excavator w/ Hydraulic thumb and front blade •2004 John Deere 310 SG Backhoe •4 in 1 bucket, extenda-hoe, pilot controls •1980 Kenworth W-900 T/A Crane truck •20,000 lb. crane, 50’ reach, 300 Cummins engine •1986 International T/A mixer truck •Jimmy engine, 8 cubic yard drum •1982 Mack T/A mixer truck •12 cubic yard drum •20,000 lb. tri-axle trailer •20 feet long w/ ramps •Tandum dually tilt-deck trailer •1995 GMC Work Truck w/ tidy tank. All equipment is well maintained, any problems that come up are fixed ASAP. More pictures can be seen at http://vancouver.craigslist.ca/van/bfs/5482787889.html For more information or photos please contact Ian Edwards at (250) 626-7200 or email Nat_edwards_618@hotmail.com 2005 Honda 650L. One owner, low kms,street legal,upgraded exhaust and tires, spare set of Enduro tires, riding gear negotiable if wanted. This is a very impressive machine that I bought new and have taken very good care of it. $5000 obo.Call Morten at (250) 641-6678 or email mfeddersen@live.com 2003 Jimmy For Sale. 4 door, 4wd, auto, AM-FM plus CD. Air conditioning. Cherry red, runs great. Regular lube and oil and other servicing since new. Never driven on any beach, no river crossing. 173,000 km - full set of summer tires on rims and full set of winter tires on rims. Save $$$ on seasonal tire change-overs! Call Ron at (250) 559-7790 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com VHF Radio. Comes with everything to hookup on truck or car. It has all the channels programmed on it already. $500 OBO Call Danny at (250) 626-3336 or email dstewart@massett.ca Norco Katmandu mountain bike. Men’s, brand new. Only ridden once - about 1km! Frame is 22” - is better for a taller man. $500 Call Dale at (250) 557-4235 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com 2012 Norco 125 dirt jumper. Good condition. Minimal use. Comes with original, red steel pedals and new gel seat cover. Paid $800, selling for $350 Call Captain Stewart-burton at (250) 626-7175 or email Cs-burton@live.ca One Michelin XGT Radial P175/65 R14 Tire, as is, might be suitable as a spare tire. Tread seems good according to the penny test. The tread is deeper than the top of the queen’s head. $15 Email Fairness4@yahoo.ca Truck Bed Liner and Tailgate Protector. Heavy Corrugated Industrial Plastic fits standard Box, currently in 1996 Chevy/GMC Protect your investment! $200 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com 2003 BMW SUV Colour – Titanium. Seats 5, heated leather seats. Tires 1 year old $9,000 Call Mary at (250) 626-3533 or email mary.disney@gmail.com
2008 Ford F350 4x4/Crew Cab/Stk#6144
2011 Chevy Impala Auto/53,000km/Stk#6027
2013 Dodge Caravan 7pass/40,000km/Stk#6131
2008 Jeep Liberty 4x4/70,000km/Stk#6037
No Reasonable Offer Refused!
West End Auto Sales
605 Ocean view Drive, Queen Charlotte
250 559 4641
Or Toll Free 1 877 559 4641 Email:
citires@qcislands.net Dealer #9152 26
On the Road - cont. Motorcycle Helmets. Used helmets $20 each Call Aaron at (250) 6371478 or email aaron@qcislands.net 2003 Volkswagen Jetta TDI. Excellent condition! From off island. No rust. Drives well. Heated seats, automatic transmission. Well maintained. New tires. Very safe. Very fuel efficient! Nice and clean. Only 180,000 kms. This car runs on diesel. $6,500 Call Mark at (250) 557-9333 or email Madcoho@gmail.ca 2003 jeep liberty low kms. Has 200,000 on body and 180,000 on motor. Motor was just replaced. It comes factory with tow package (hitch, 7pin, and heavy duty transmission same as ram 1500 rather than jeep trans) Great Toyo tires. $5,500 Call Adrian at (778) 833-0048 or email ad_ lowther@hotmail.com Ride Rite Air Bags. Firestone Air Bag Kit #2250. Fits Chev Trucks 2001-2010. New Condition. $650 new, asking $400. Call Paul Powers at (250) 626-3330 or email d.andp.powers@ gmail.com 265/40R 22inch 106H, Liquid metal brand rims + tires. 5 Star stud pattern. 10 ply tubeless tires. The rims & tires are a couple years old but have never been driven on; the condition is close to mint. Paid just over $2000 for the set. Asking $1100 OBO. Call Captain Stewart-Burton at (250) 6267175 or email Cs-burton@live.ca 2001-2010 Silverado and Sierra Parts. Complete FirestoneRide Rite Airbag Kit #2250, used one week, $450. Front trailer hitch fits Chev Silverado or Sierra, like new $150. 8-Foot canopy for Chev Truck (white with sliding windows and new locks) $500. 4 New 10-ply Goodyear Wrangler Kevlar LT265/R16 Paid $400 ea, will take $250 ea. Camper brackets for Chev 2001-2010, 2500-3500 truck, like new, used one week $400 for front and back set. Call Paul Powers at (250) 626-3330 or email d.andp.powers@gmail.com Pick up Hold down Anchors. Regular retail $25.99, selling for $10 each. Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com Packasport System 90, It is in great shape! Can be painted to your liking. Comes with hardware to attach to rack. This is the fiberglass kind not the plastic rooftop boxes; much nicer & sturdier. Built for all weather conditions. 21 cu.ft. Measurements: 89x36x12. Retails for $999 plus shipping & taxes What fits in it: Ski/Snowboards for 6, fishing rods, a bicycle and other gear, 4 surfboards, luggage etc.What it fits on: SUVs, mid-sized sedans, vans & station wagons. Call Kenny 778-260-7171 to view $500 Call Kenny Tsang at (778) 260-7171 or email kennytsanglive@yahoo.ca Rudsack ladies black leather motorcycle vest. Excellent shape, like new. Medium. Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@qcislands.ca Heavy Duty Tire A/T. 1 Brand New - never used except as a “Spare” FIRESTONE LT 245/75E16 $100 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com 2001 Dodge quad cab. 4X4 standard, 163000 km, new tires. $4,700 Call Randy at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Digital Trailer Brake Controller. Brand new, never used/installed. Hopkins Agility proportional trailer brake controller with plug in connector (Hopkins part number 47294) $100 Call Les at (250) 637-1890 or email lcooper@qcislands.net 1996 CHEVY PICKUP 4X4 1500. Has 3/4 ton rear springs Only 144,478 km. Engine always maintained and runs very well, very limited body rust, front-end needs welding, never been on the beach. Interior is clean, aftermarket seat covers, heavy duty floor mats 4 heavy duty tires A/T Firestone LT 265/75E16 Minimal tread wear, 1 Brand New - never used as a “Spare”. Raider Brand Pickup Cap, industrial plastic truck bed liner and tailgate protector $1,250 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com
On the Water
In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats
Korkers Wading Boots. Almost new. Used only once! They are a size 7 men’s, but seem to fit one to two sizes smaller. So, possibly a woman’s 7. Come with two interchangeable grips for the bottom of the boots. Felt and rubber. Paid $129, sell for $60. Call Kenny Tsang at (778) 260-7171 or email kennytsanglive@hotmail.com Stohlquist drysuit. Marine drysuit, like new. XL yet I’m medium build and it fit. Used casually for paddling as I realized I didn’t need it. Need it gone. Great deal! $300 Email riparian.banks@gmail.com 27’ bay liner. New rebuilt 454, needs to be installed. Volvo dual prop. Needs a lot of tlc. $15000 obo. Call Bruce Stewart-burton at (250) 6263641 or email Cs-burton@live.ca Rain/wind jacket. Ladies First Gear jacket, excellent shape, label says Small, but likely a medium size. Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@qcislands.ca Stormtech jacket. Large, red/black, light weight. Call Keith at (250) 5574491 or email rka@qcislands.ca
Kids Zone
From infants to toddlers-Clothing/Toys/Books/Games
Beautiful Storkcraft Convertible Crib. Mattress level adjustable for newborn baby, then lowered for older baby, then the side can come off for a toddler bed. It can turn into a single bed if additional parts are ordered. In great condition. Value: $400, selling for $150 Call Severn at (250) 5590076 or email severncullissuzuki@gmail.com LEGO Minecraft The Desert Outpost. Brand new! We bought two for Christmas by accident - miscommunication at its finest! We bought one new at Toysrus for $75 (plus ridiculous shipping fees), and one new on Island for $105. Selling for $65 Call Andrea Barker at (250) 557-8530 or email andreabsmiles@gmail.com Britax Boulevard baby car seat. Excellent adjustable car seat, for newborn to child. Highest safety rating. Clips in to your car or straps in using the seatbelt. Can be rear facing or front facing. Excellent condition. We paid $400, selling for $200 Call Severn Cullis-Suzuki at (250) 559-0076 or email severncullissuzuki@gmail.com Baby Bogs -2 pairs. In good used condition - worn by 1 baby. Purple ones are baby size 4; pink ones are baby size 6. These sell for $55 each on bogsfootwear.ca. Selling both pairs together for $50 Call Bonnie at (250) 626-3311 or email bonniepryde@gmail.com Baby Padraig Slippers - 2 Pairs. In good used condition - worn by 1 baby. Rainbow Pair are size 5 (small baby) Pink-turquoise pair are size 7 (toddler). These retail for $40 each on padraigcottage.com. Both pairs for $30 Call Bonnie at (250) 626-3311 or email bonniepryde@gmail.com Fanny packs. Two good quality and in very good shape fanny packs. Call Keith at (250) 5574491 or email rka@qcislands.ca Britax Roundabout baby car seat. Excellent adjustable car seat. Clips in to your car or straps in using the seatbelt. Can be rear facing (for newborns to young babies) and front facing for babies to children (rated for use up to 55lbs). Great condition. We paid $250, selling for $100 Call Severn Cullis-Suzuki at (250) 559-0076 or email severncullissuzuki@ gmail.com 100 % pure Merino Wool Sleep Sack. Go-go bag for babies aged 0-2 These retail for US$119 new on merinokidsusa.com. In excellent used condition $60 Call Bonnie at (250) 626-3311 or email bonniepryde@ gmail.com Ergo baby carrier. 3 positions, very useful and ergonomic for the back. 100% cotton. Black and tan colour. Value: $130, selling for $30 Call Severn Cullis-Suzuki at (250) 559-0076 or email severncullissuzuki@gmail.com
Kids Zone - cont. Thomas the Tank Engine, Party starter - 2 pkg of invites – costume (toddler size)– Piñata. Great starter kit for any party celebration. $25 Call Mary Disney at (250) 626-3533 or email mary.disney@gmail.com Storkcraft Change Table. Beautiful baby change table for sale. Large drawer and two shelves below allow for storage for all your diapering needs. Value: $250. Matches with our Storkcraft Crib for sale (see other ad). $75 Call Severn Cullis-Suzuki at (250) 559-0076 or email severncullissuzuki@gmail.com Nike Air Jordan - Size 6 Youth. In good used condition $30. Call Bonnie at (250) 626-3311 or email bonniepryde@gmail.com Boys Bogs - Brand New with Tags. Size US Youth 6 Brand New with tags, but no box. Green Camo Print. These boots sell for $85 on bogsfootwear.ca $50 Call Bonnie at (250) 626-3311 or email bonniepryde@gmail. com Assortment of marbles. Large amount of assorted marbles. $35 Call Kyle Marshall at (250) 559-4577 or email kylemarshall1001@gmail.com
Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate
Tin wanted. Roofing tin wanted about 10 ft. by 10 ft. Email Sarahbwoods@gmail.com Windows laptop wanted. I’m looking for a windows laptop. Mine is too obsolete to get the job done anymore. I don’t need anything fancy and don’t have lots of money to throw at this just want something that works to be able to access my hard-drive, update my phone, and play the occasional movie. Maybe someone has upgraded and wants to get rid of their old one? Thanks! Call Tyson at (778) 871-7817 or email Cupofrain@gmail.com Seeking Living Room, Dining Room furniture. Operation Refugees Haida Gwaii is a grassroots group of community members from all walks of life moved by the suffering of refugees. We are actively fundraising to resettle 2 families on Haida Gwaii. We welcome monetary contributions (NSCU account 7392087 is set up), and donations of goods to furnish 2 homes. We have received several beds, thanks to all donors, and are now seeking donations of living and dining room furniture. The items must be in good to excellent condition and clean. Pickup can be arranged. Your donations will be gratefully received. Email refugee.sponsors.hg@ gmail.com Old Stereo system. Hi, Looking for an old stereo system - amp and speakers. Needs to have phono input for record player. thanks Email jaygrow@yahoo.com Looking to buy 1980’s GI Joe action figures and vehicles. I do collect other action figures from the 80’s but GI Joe is the primary focus. Please give me a call if you have any you would like to sell. Thank you and have a great day! Call Berek at (250) 857-2867 or email berekc@ hotmail.com Wanted: Oceanfront Property. Looking to buy oceanfront property in Queen Charlotte or Port Clements. Email sminni@telus.net Wanted: Lawn Mower. Looking for a lawn mower. Hopefully something cheap. Got one lying around you want to get rid of? Let me know! Ha’waa! Email granola@granolaboy.net Wanted to rent in Queen Charlotte/Skidegate/Tlell. Looking for a one bedroom rental starting April. Re-locating back to Haida Gwaii after an 8 year hiatus. Very responsible, employed, single female seeking a peaceful little place to call home. Local references can be provided absolutely! Call Julie Hunter at (506) 425-6400 or email queencharlottechick@ hotmail.com Card table wanted. Simple square card table wanted, with foldable leg. Will pay and pick up. Call Dominic at (250) 626-7896 or email visceralorbit@gmail.com Looking for a night stand/ side table like the one in picture or similar. If you have one you would like to sell please let me know with a price. Thank you. Can be an older one which can be painted. Email bondd06@ hotmail.com
Wanted - cont. Propane bbq burner needed. Similar to one shown. Will pay if in good shape Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com Family looking for home to rent. We are a large family of 7 looking to rent a home in Charlotte/Skidegate. We are planning to buy but need somewhere to call home until we do. We’re moving from the Comox Valley and would like to have something secured by the time the moving trucks show up. We are homeowners and will take care of yours as if it were ours. Please if you have something 4-5 bedrooms (or 3 with another option for a 4th), I’d love to hear from you. Hoping for April, can be pushed if need be. Thanks in advance. Just a local trying to move back home :) Call Nicole Stevenson at (250) 650-6644 or email Nicolepelletier92@ hotmail.com Wanted: Peavey. Do you have an old Peavey sitting around? I would like to trade or purchase one. Thanks. Email Kieran at riparian.banks@gmail.com Wanted - Cloth Pull Up Diapers. Looking to buy or rent or borrow a set of cloth pull up diaper training pants for my approx. 30 pound toddler. Call Bonnie at (250) 626-3311 or email bonniepryde@gmail.com We are looking for a slow cooker. Would anyone out there like to clear space in their cupboard and get rid of a seldom used item? Give us a call any time before 8:30 pm; we look forward to hearing from you. Call Matthew Bolton at (250) 559-8651 or email fungophile@ gmail.com Old Fashioned Electric Toaster. Looking for the type of toaster that opens for the bread to the side, on each side! Email j.morris.pigeon@gmail.com In search of Sony PlayStation 2. Games would be a bonus, as well as controllers. Let me know if you have upgraded and no longer need your older system. Email dawn_ann_s@hotmail.com Wanted: used toilet. Looking for a working, used toilet. Will pay up to $50. Call Jake at (250) 559-0053 or email jakepattison@hotmail.com 22 to 28 foot boat. I’m looking for a cheap fixer upper, no motor, nothing in it. Cheap for a back yard hobby build. Phone with what you have and asking price. No wood or steel boats. No inboards. Call Jason at (250) 559-7793 or email jmurphy@qcislands.net Livestock/ homestead wanted. We are a large family of 9 with one due late May/early June. Looking for a milk cow that is bred. Also looking for heritage chicks/hens - preferably broody ones. We are also looking for reasonable rate transportation to bring in a milk cow, maybe two from either Powell River or Edmonton. If you know of anyone who is selling milk cows closer to home would be excellent. We are also looking to order beef, wild caught seafood or fish at reasonable prices. An herbalist or wild crafter to take us on trips to learn how to find mushrooms, wild herbs and food would be much appreciated. We are still looking for a homestead with few acres or more to set up a small homestead/hobby farm. Thank you Call Steven or Yvonne at (250) 307-8192 or email tsadiyq@hotmail.com Tiles wanted!We are looking for ceramic tiles of various sizes, and are willing to buy them, or simply take them off your hands if they are in the way. Send me an email if you have any tiles you'd like to part with! Thanks! Call Brock at (250) 637-1996 or email magpie@haidagwaii.net Usable motor. Looking for an older 50 to 90 hp outboard motor, prefer 70hp. Needs to have all parts and at least be fixable. Call Ron Waldron at (250) 637-2401 or email rwaldron@ qcislands.net Jars wanted to buy or trade or have! Am interested in half pint jars. Can be canning jars or if you have a collection of jars you want to get rid of, please email or call me! Thanks! Call Gwen at (250) 626-3337 or email gwenedgars@gmail.com House for the summer. Looking to rent a house for the summer. Flexible on dates. Preferably furnished. Call Shawn at (647) 295-7651 or email shawnc6@hotmail.com Ready to Relocate. Are you seeking a congenial, responsible, independent, financially stable, long-term renter for your unfurnished 2-3 bedroom house (in good repair), in the Tlell or Queen Charlotte area, who will treat your house and property with respect and the utmost of care? If so, we need to talk. Please contact me, Debbie, tel#250-849-5693, cell#250-615-8106, or email pebbles_810@hotmail.com. I look forward to speaking with you at your earliest convenience.
Anything that just needs a new home!
FREE Tanning Bed. Tanning Bed you pick it up and it’s free. Email rmcneil@sd50.bc.ca
Real Estate & Rentals
Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accomodation
14 Acres For Sale-Just North of Port Clements 14 Acres located 10 minutes north of Port Clements on the inlet side of the highway. Year round stream. Road into property with a bridge over the creek. Low taxes. Motivated sellers. Price $75,000 Call 250-557-4445 or email adecock@qcislands.net Best Value Beachcabins Secluded oceanfront/rainforest off-grid cabins, furnished and equipped kitchens, private parking. Visit our website at www.beachcabins.com Price $90-120 per night Call 250-626-5472 or email lotsafun@ beachcabins.com Home and Acreage For Sale Newly renovated 3 bedroom home with 75 acres of timbered hillside and walking trails. Property also includes newly renovated art studio with napolean stove as well as an ocean front cedar and wood interior cabin available for daily, weekly and monthly rent. The cabin has a small kitchen, loft, shower and bathroom, and uses a rainwater collection system and composting toilet with hydro. There are many beautiful ocean views on this property and private ocean frontage. Price $525,000 Call 778-260-0279 or email sheilakarrow@gmail.com Reduced Price! Partially Furnished HALF - DUPLEX For Sale - including appliances. Quiet neighborhood in parklike setting. Fenced and landscaped front and back yards with decorative arbor. Berry bushes, fruit trees, terraced flower beds, garden area, waterfall, separate workshop, and more. Custom improvements inside house, including hickory kitchen cabinets. New living room addition with skylights, beautiful wood stove and hardwood floors. Not interested in renting. Serious inquiries and reasonable offers only. NEW PRICE....$106,000. For details contact Jim or Anne Scott at...250-838-0600 email anjimscott@gmail.com Price $106,000 Call 250-838-0600 or email anjimscott@gmail.com Yakoun River Inn This local Pub and gathering spot is situated on the oceanfront in Port Clements on Graham Island in Haida Gwaii. Long established, popular with locals and visitors alike. 3,300 sqft building on a corner location, adjacent to government dock facilities, licensed for 100 patrons. Permitted uses also include lodging and adjacent properties can be available for anyone interested in expanding the business. MLS# N4507475 Price $375,000 Call 1-888-2861932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com 18 Acres-REDUCED PRICE! Park and Ocean Property! 18 acres In Port Clements. The west side runs 700 feet along Bayview Drive, the east side borders the Port Clements Community Park. Beautiful greenscape, very private yet close to school, post office, library and grocery store. Minutes away from exceptional hunting, fishing, firewood, and all the wilderness has to offer. Water and sewer available. Sub dividable or leave as is. Potential amazing view of the ocean with spectacular sunsets. Some timber. Price $150,000 Call 250-557-4421 or email ccbeachy@gmail.com Newly Renovated Home For Sale! Located at 2135 Teal Blvd, Masset. 5 Beds, 2 Baths, 8 Appliances, Separate Laundry Rm and Family Rm. This furnished house has recent upgrades with Laminate flooring, New Kitchen Cabinets and Counter tops, New Bath fixtures and Tub, along with a fully chain link fenced in back yard, two out sheds and more. Recently reduced price and owner is motivated to sell. Adjacent vacant lot also available for sale, either separate or included with house. A must see. Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@mhtv.ca or phone 709 243 2488 or cell phone at 709 458 8811. Price $139,900 455 Beach Road, Sandspit MLS# C8000624 Established full-service lodging accommodation business in Sandspit. 1.7 acres semi-oceanfront, near airport and harbor, overlooking Shingle Bay. 12,000sqft structure, with 16 two-room suites as well as manager’s accommodation and catering kitchen. Well suited to many business applications : motel, adventure lodge, B&B, or more! Price $659,000 Call 2502863293 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com Vacant Lot For Sale! Fully serviced 60’x 120’ cleared lot located at 2129 Teal Blvd Masset. This lot is ready to build on. It is located close to the Delkatla Bird Sanctuary in a very quiet area of town. It is already fenced in on 1 side and the back and has a buffer tree line on the other side. Great buy!! Ask $29,900.00. OBO Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@mhtv.ca or phone 709 243 2488 or cell phone at 709 458 8811. Price $29,900 Queen Charlotte View Property Cleared property. Spectacular view of Bearskin Bay. Access from 3rd Ave down to Oceanview Drive. Approx 2/5 of an acre. Within walking distance of downtown core. Partial services to property line. Private and quiet. Call 250 559 7716 or email cai@islandnet.com
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Unique Home For You (Former Church) Listing is for a former church converted to a home. Features vaulted ceiling on the main floor, lots of potential as a studio/gallery, or a church. Front porch provides view of Masset inlet. Has full kitchen and bathroom. 2nd bathroom plumbed in. Footprint is 1486 sqft (per floor), plus a small attic. Concrete foundation. Steel roof. Lots of potential here. Zoned US1, so you can live in it as well as have a part-time business. No reasonable offer refused. Price $135,000 Call 1-778-828-9165 or email oneeyein@gmail.com Ocean Front Acreage For Sale 35140 Hwy 16 Tlell MLS N248110 17 acre oceanfront property in sunny Tlell boasts the best combo of beach living and sheltered privacy! 1750 sq’ w/18’ ceiling shop attached to a 3 bdrm,3 bath house. Efficient wood-fired boiler heats the floor for rich radiant heat & hot water for all household needs. Great drainage on property! Guest cabin located on private ponds. Utility building w/400 amp service. Deep artesian well provides great tasting reliable water. Call Brian toll free 866-303-5286 or cell 604-557-3597. Price $399,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca House and Shop For Sale Buy a profitable convenience store business with a separate house for your own accommodation or rent it out. Live in the 4 bedroom house and operate your business adjacent to the house. House has 1.5 baths, W/D and F/S. Shop includes deep freezes, commercial fridges, shelves and DVD rental service. Both shop and house sit on a land size of 6,000 square feet. Call for more details about this investment. Price $270,000 Call 250-559-8298 or 1-778-689-8500 or email samshirl@ qcislands.net Own a Piece of Paradise on Haida Gwaii! View our premium freehold acreages available within Naikoon Provincial Park! Spectacular oceanfront and Sangan Riverfront lots in Phase II of our Naikoon & Dixon Estates, remote quarter sections and rare Mayer Lake frontage. Wake up to the sound of waves crashing against the backdrop of the majestic Pacific Ocean, explore the natural delights of North Beach, wrestle your trophy catch into your boat or test your rod and reel on the nearby rivers. See more at www.niho.com. Price $134,250 (Starting at) Call 604-606-7900 or email sales@niho.com “SOUTH BEACH DUNES” is offering three beautiful exclusive oceanfront and seven upland acreage estates on the South Beach, on the north end of Haida Gwaii /Queen Charlottes. These are very special properties with exceptional beach and dune environment. South Beach Dunes offers exceptional value with prices for ocean front land well below anywhere else on the west coast of North America. Acreage sizes range from 4.64 acres and prices are from $40,000. If living in this unique environment appeals to you please contact us - there are a very limited number of properties of this caliber available for sale. For more details visit our Website - www.southbeachdunes.com Call 250 631-3055 or email vernonbyberg@ gmail.com Oceanview Home for Sale! 3502 3RD AVE Queen Charlotte This is a 3000+ sq foot well built home on appr. 1 acre of land. Wrap around glass railed deck to enjoy the spectacular ocean views! Lots of paved parking, also two bay 1500 sq ft garage with a 1500 sq ft insulated upstairs and cold room. Sky light in foyer. Too many features to list! A must see! MLS R2012769 Price $295,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@ royallepage.ca Reduced!! Home for Sale! 1620 Spruce Cr. Masset, BC MLS#: R2016576 Recently reduced from $77,900 to $74,900!! Great starter home for a young family. Quiet cul-de-sac close to elementary school. Large private fenced backyard. Clean and move-in ready. Peek-a-boo ocean view from top floor. MLS#: R2016576 Call Brian to view toll free at 1-866303-5286 or on my cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Home for Sale in QC Cozy, affordable 900 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home. Corner ocean view lot. Vegetable garden, shop, new deck and new roof. Appliances included. Asking $110,000. Contact Jamie and Jay @l 250559-8766 or email jayandjamie50@gmail.com Inlet View Heritage Home 205 Bay Street, Queen Charlotte. 2 BR, 1 Bath (with 1918 cast iron bathtub). 2.5 storey home built in 1909. Bright, open concept on ground level. Unsurpassed views throughout home. Close to all amenities in beautiful downtown QC. 50’ x 100’ city lot on very good well water. Price $200,000 Call 250-626-7443 or email info@ haidagwaiitrader.com Masset Duplex for Sale Two fully furnished three bedroom units with six appliances each - great opportunity for the right persons interested in running accommodations and or fishing charters - for information call 1-855-622-3530 Price $160,000 Call 250-626-3530 or email rosiedogwood@gmail.com Reduced!! House for Sale 1829 Cedar Cr. MLS N243672 This home is a great buy! Many recent renovations. Newer metal roof, kitchen cupboards and counters (2011), vinyl plank flooring in the living room and hallway (2011), new vinyl windows (2012), ceiling fan in the master bedroom, oil tank, rug on the stairs, bathtub and enclosure, dehumidifier in the basement. Close to downtown and the marina. Fenced, private backyard. To view call Brian at home 250-626-5286 or his cell @ 604-557-359 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $119,900 Beautiful Ocean Front Acreage for Sale!! 10987 Tow Hill Rd MLS N246579 Great well kept oceanfront building site. Driveway, electricity, and 286 ft well that delivers good water. Very private with big spruce trees, large mowed lawn, walk onto beach from front yard. Priced to sell, a rare find on a paved road 15 minutes from Masset. To view call Brian at home toll free 1-866-303-5286 or on my cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $229,000 35550A Hwy 16, Tlell MLS# N230190 15 semi-oceanfront acres situated south of the Tlell River with easy access to excellent sand & gravel beaches. The property is mostly level, partially cleared with some nice forested areas, some slight rises & ocean views. 1968sqft custom designed 2storey home with 2bedrooms upstairs and living space down featuring exposed wood ceiling beams, large sandstone fireplace, oak flooring, maple counter tops, kitchen island & walk-in pantry. The home could use some TLC & updating. Outbuildings include: storage building, shed and chicken coop. Drilled well. Septic. Price $220,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com 705 5th QCC - Oceanfront 5 bedroom 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on 2 large waterfront lots. Central Queen Charlotte with a private yard. 2 car garage and separate boatshed. Full interior reno in 2009. Well insulated with double paned windows, heated by woodstove, Toyo laser heater (very efficient) or electric baseboards. Launch your own small boat at high tide and fish for pinks and coho from the lawn! This property also gets full sun exposure with sunsets over Sleeping Beauty Mountain. Too much too list, a must see! Price $269,000 Call 250-637-1365 or email slynnvank@ gmail.com **SOLD!** Quality Custom-Built Home Spacious, bright, easy-to-maintain, quality home for single or couple. Architect-designed, solid construction, built with quality craftsmanship. Local wood trims, custom yellow cedar kitchen and dining nook, cedar deck. One bedroom, 1.5 bathrooms, electric heat, HRV, six appliances. In a quiet neighborhood within walking distance of downtown. Half-acre of land, some flat yard for garden or lawn, terraced down to a gulley with trees full of birds. Views overlooking the ocean and the forest. $SOLD! Call 250-559-4254 or email ljohnson@ spruceroots.org
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. 2293 Harrison, Masset BC New improvement: 5 & 6 foot cedar good neighbor fence with pwf posts and concrete footings going in now! Fully serviced, level building lot in Masset. Ocean view of Masset Harbor is always changing. West facing and fairly protected from most big winds, this lot gets lots of sun and is protected from the cool northerly winds. 65’ x 120’. Tons of potential! Price $47,500 Call 250-637-1365 or email slynnvank@gmail.com 16320 Tow Hill Road, Masset MLS#N229942 102 rural acres located east of Masset on Tow Hill Rd. It is a nice, level acreage with a slight rise in elevation on the SE corner from where you can have ocean views over the sand dunes of North Beach and the waters of Hecate Strait. This is the only remaining privately owned substantial acreage in the area. There is a modest older cabin on the property and there is good road access & electrical service. Price $245,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@ bcoceanfront.com Building with 2 Bachelor Suites For Rent - Skidegate Reserve For Rent: on the Skidegate Reserve, Tanu House, 2 separate bachelor suites are available immediately for rent for $700 each. Fully furnished. Utilities extra. No smoking. No Pets. References required. Available immediately. No emails please. Cal Mike @ 604.984.2847 4 Acres Beach Frontage Beautiful home on 5 acres. Approx. 4 acres beach frontage. Large, bright kitchen with dining room. Lots of cupboard space throughout home. Separate laundry room. Formal dining and living room. Pergo flooring in living room. Carpet in bedrooms. Fantastic view. Forest backdrop. Close to amenities and nature. 2 garages. Attached shop. Electric and wood stove heat. Price $360,000 Call 250 559 4247 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com 2 bedroom secluded home on a quiet hill 2 bedroom mostly furnished house located on a secluded road behind the secondary school in qcc, on the hill. Main floor has a bright foyer, bathroom, kitchen, Livingroom, access to large wired wood shed, and one large deck with access to main bedroom. Small deck off the second bedroom. Large wood stove and electric heat. Storage space under the house. Washer, dryer, fridge, stove. Call Kalina for more information at 250-559-0075 or email kalinagelinas@ hotmail.com. Price $134,000 Priced to Sell! Oceanfront Property for sale! 2255 Marwell Rd MLS R2027624 3.28 acres of old growth forest, 10 minutes from Masset. 10 minute walk to a beautiful secluded beach surrounded by sand dunes. Lots of level building sites and easy access to the property. This area is called South Beach dunes with all lots being two acres plus. This property is priced to sell @ $95,000.00 Call Brian to view cell 604-557-3597 or 250626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca. Price $95,000 Oceanfront property for sale! 2060 Marwell Rd MLS N228599 Small oceanfront cabin to stay in while you build. Great building site with ocean view and just feet from the beach. Very good driveway. All 10 min from Masset. Call Brian to view or for all your Real Estate needs toll free 866-303-5286 his cell 604-557-3597 or 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $209,000 Oceanfront Acreage for sale! 10959 Tow Hill Rd MLS N245814 Oceanfront home on 1.996 acres. Drilled well 2 yrs old, good water, newly installed filter system. Newly painted interior. New laminate and tile flooring. Boiler recently serviced. Unbelievable view. Your own private beach access. Huge deck. Could not be replaced for asking price. To view call Brian toll free 866-303-5286 his cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $495,000 SOLD! Three Bedroom House For Sale Three bedroom, one and a half bathroom, 1440 sq. foot home, with a private back yard. Price $SOLD! Call 250-559-4217 or email cmcguffie@hotmail.com
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Riverfront Acreage for Sale! 355 Sangan Dr Masset Rural MLS# R2031108 Riverfront property on 2.018 acres. Partially built home; built to lock up 2010. Tenant lives in cottage on property. Beautiful property, Coho run is awesome in this river. 12x16 power shack, 200 amp service. Chicken coop. Great potential. Perfect place to raise a family. A must-see!! Call to view!! Call Brian for all your Real Estate needs on Haida Gwaii. Toll free 1-866-303-5286 local (250-626-5286) or his cell @ 604-5573597 Or email him @ brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $189,000 Home for Sale w/Ocean & Mountain views!! 616-5th Ave Village of Queen Charlotte MLS# R2033375 Spacious 4 bedroom home with Ocean & Mountain views & beautiful sunsets! Located on Spruce point peninsula. 3 bdrms up all w/wall to wall carpeting. Kitchen includes all appliances. Laundry room adjacent to the kitchen, includes washer and dryer. Downstairs has 1 bdrm, storage room & family room w/wood stove. Basement is equipped with separate entrance, could be converted to a rental suite. Short walk to down town Charlotte. Call Brian to view or for all your Real Estate needs. Price $169,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Home for sale! 2038 Pintail Cr Masset MLS# N238544 Clean well kept home in a quiet Crescent. Deck & backyard are very private, fenced with lots of trees! Wood stove can heat whole house with 2 yrs wood supply! Carbon monoxide alarm. Bedrooms each have cable, phone and fire alarms. Suite possible. Master bdrm has reading, workout room & large bathroom! 30+yr fiberglass shingles on house & garage 2010. 5 windows upstairs replaced 2010. Recently replaced hot water tank & sliding glass doors to back yard. A must see! Call Brian to view. Price $209,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Ocean front Home for sale! 614-5th Ave Village of Queen Charlotte MLS# R2033372 Oceanfront 4 bdrm home with amazing ocean, mountain views & amazing sunsets! Garage 24’x12’ concrete floor. Wired wood shed 23’6x10, utility shed 6x6. Fruit trees. 26x16 sundeck with ocean view. Both bedrooms on 2nd floor have walk-in closets. Master bedroom has 2 walk-in closets and a 2 pc ensuite bathroom. Perfect family home. A must see!! Call Brian to view toll free 866-303-5286 (local 250-626-5286) or his cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $289,000 Sangan River Upland Acreage Spectacular 160 acres on Haida Gwaii close to the community of Masset. Access to the excellent fly fishing of the Sangan River, moments from the sandy beaches along Tow Hill Road. Excellent recreational retreat property. Price $195,000 Call 604-664-7633 or email rich@landquest.com SOLD! For sale at Skidegate Landing House for sale at Skidegate Landing This house has an extra suite to help with the mortgage. Both suites are self-contained. The downstairs suite has 960 square feet with 2 bedrooms. The upstairs suite has 600 square feet with 1 bedroom. Four lots Well maintained. Quiet location next to the forest. Spring water. SOLD! Call 250 626 8930 or email woodjerks@hotmail.com Rural West Coast Style Home on 5 Acres - Nadu Road 3 bed, 2 bath, 1375 sq.ft. house with additional 565 sq.ft. enclosed Japanese style timber frame, plus a detached 990 sq.ft. shop on 5 acres. Heat pump, private treed acreage with a garden, fenced yard and deck. Open concept living with Hardwood floors throughout, vaulted ceilings and exposed beams. Water is on well system with a 2yr old inline pump. Washer, dryer, dishwasher, stove, fridges included. Priced at $190,000 reasonable offers considered. Contact Sam at ismaysam@gmail.com or 250.922.4437 View property in Queen Charlotte Comfortable trailer, generous sized rooms, good view of Bearskin Bay, FOR SALE in Queen Charlotte. 203 Second Ave. Call Jane 604 733 1253 or email jkinegal@hotmail.com for details and to arrange a viewing. Tenants have agreed to show the place by appointment only. Price $75,000
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Small House For Rent in Port Clements 1 Bedroom house. Fully renovated. References. No Pets. No smoking. $900 per month plus hydro. Call 250-557-4277 or email icepondfarm@gmail.com House for sale in Masset House for sale in Masset Price $134,000 Call 250 626 7926 or email Nicole.harris09@gmail.com Roommate wanted Looking for clean Room mate to share house located in Masset on Pine Crescent. Two Storey House, three bedroom with two bathroom. Fully furnished washer/dryer included. Price $400 Call or email nikolasmidbo@gmail.com For Rent 215 Front St. Skidegate Beachfront, 1200 square foot, 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom house for rent in Skidegate. Furnished. $1000 per month, plus utilities. Available March 1st. For more information, please call Ken at 778-260-0020 or email krbrillon@gmail.com Village of Queen Charlotte House for Rent 2 story frame split level open concept, no internet, fully furnished, 2 decks, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms. Located in the center of town next to the hospital. No pets or smoking. References required. Fantastic views! Price $1300 Call 604 753 5092 or email davidhuntercreative@gmail.com Top/Bottom (separate rentals) of House For Rent - Skidegate Reserve For Rent: upper floor of a beautiful house in Skidegate. 2 bedrooms. $700/month plus utilities. No smoking. No pets. References required. Call Mike at 604.984.2847 *5 Acres for SALE by Owner* (South Beach Dunes) 2195 Marwell Road (Lot 9) 5 Acres Undeveloped Land for SALE (w/ Hydro Access In Place) Price $40,000 Call 250.557.4715 or email jahemm911@gmail.com For Sale - 198 Miller Creek Rd Bright, two-storey home situated on one acre. 1,750 sq ft, 3 bedrooms/2 baths (ensuite master), upstairs family room/4th bedroom. Tasteful interior, laminate flooring throughout. Kenmore Elite stainless steel fridge & dishwasher. Propane furnace, new stainless propane stove. Drilled well, water treatment system + built-in RO-filtered drinking water kitchen tap. Property is mostly cleared with excellent sun exposure, lots of potential for gardens, greenhouses, etc. See online ad for more details! Price $239,000 Call 250 637 1654 or email monica@qcislands.net Hotel For Sale in Queen Charlotte Lucrative, 5 unit hotel plus 3 bedroom residence for sale in beautiful Queen Charlotte, Haida Gwaii. Stunning oceanfront location, center of town, breathtaking view. Business established in 1980, regular, repeat clientele. Turn key operation. Entire building was painted in 2014. Building has been well maintained. Car, van and camper van rental business is available as well. Price $500,000 Call 250-559-4262 or email gracie@qcislands.net Rooms for rent Furnished room for rent in rustic cabin. Include heat, hydro and internet. Available April 1 Price $500 Call 250-637-1179 or email kenuck@qcislands.net Home for Sale in Tlell Unique character home for sale on 2 acres of leased land in sunny Tlell. Very private, naturally landscaped, close to beach and river. Attracts many varieties of birds, excellent water source from sandpoint. 1385 sq ft (1 and a half stories) of living space. Wood/electric heat. 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom. Extensive renovations. Covered carport and wood storage. Recently appraised at $130,000. Asking $110.000. View by private appointment only. Please email blossom1950@gmail.com Price $110,000 Call or email blossom1950@gmail.com Beautiful Family Home for Sale in Queen Charlotte Large family home with ocean and mountain view for sale in the Village of Queen Charlotte boasts 5 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a hot tub on the deck, large garden space with a chicken coup and greenhouse, wired shop, wood shed and a tree lined driveway. Also known as the Blue Dog House, it is well cared for with many renovations and energy efficiencies over the years. Call (250) 631-2215 email jenndolen@hotmail.com for an information package with more details. This home is priced to sell. Price $265,000
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Ocean View Acreage Five pretty acres in central Tlell, treed but mostly cleared. Stream runs through. Log cabin, older cottage and renovated mobile home on property. On the highway, all services. Recent appraisal. Price $185,000 Call 250-557-4323 or email erc@haidagwaii.net SOLD...house for sale Two bedroom home with view of the harbor and Bearskin Bay, within walking distance of shops and restaurants. This home features: *hardwood floors throughout *heated tile floors in the bathroom and entryway *custom cupboards in the kitchen and a pantry *studio or green house attached to south side of house *large windows with lots of light *large soaker tub in the bathroom *newly installed BlazeKing Chinook2 series wood stove *beautiful garden. 250 559 8587 Price $SOLD Call 250 559 8587 or email eve4534@yahoo.ca
Haida Gwaii Trader Rocks! I listed my house for sale late on a Saturday afternoon. By Sunday noon I’d had three phone calls. I showed it three times, got two offers, and accepted at the best offer on Tuesday afternoon. I’ve listed other items at various times over the past year and have sold everything. I commend the HGT team for their hard work in starting up the Haida Gwaii Trader. It’s a valuable service for our islands communities. Haida Gwaii Trader gets results!! I recommend it highly! M. Davies, QC Grandma needs to move to be with her Grandkids! 2173 Collison Ave., Masset. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, double-wide modular home with a double garage. Newer metal roof, wood flooring, oil furnace and wood stove. Very bright inside. Large front and back yard. Front has a view of Masset Inlet. Less than 5 minutes from all amenities: schools, shopping, and spectacular beaches and only a ten minute walk to the hospital. Price $122,000 Call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com ***SOLD!*** 2 bedroom house well located in Queen Charlotte. Well maintained with enclosed garage with new workshop and central heating and air conditioning via 1 year old heat pump system. SOLD! Call 250 637 1456 or email thkile@xplornet.com House with View for rent in Masset Cozy Home for rent with incredible view of the inlet and wildlife sanctuary. 1 Bedroom,1 Bath, Fully Furnished with Leather sectional couch and Lazyboy, Queen Size Bed, TV, Cable Box, Washer/Dryer, Fridge, Stove, Deep Freezer, Pots, Pans, Microwave etc... Electric Baseboard heat with Propane Fireplace Insert. This is a Modern, Clean, Quiet home, with a nice yard in a good neighborhood. 750/ mo. + damage. Avail. Apr. 1/16 Contact: Cory (250) 626-7035, or email cory_millard@hotmail.com Rental Newly renovated small cottage, stone’s throw to the beach. Washer/ dryer, gas stove. Ideal for working single person or couple, non smoker/s, pets negotiable. Rent $850 (hydro not included). Call 250-557-4664 or email ceebysea@qcislands.net 3 Bedroom in Masset - For Rent Pine Cres. 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath duplex for rent. Good clean condition, unfurnished. Non-smoking. References required. Available immediately. $750 month plus utilities. Call 250-226-6886 or email georgedemers@gmail.com to arrange viewing. Rainbow Stairs / 455 Skidegate Heights Climb the Rainbow Stairs to find your pot of gold! FOR RENT: 4 Bedrooms, 4 toilets, 2 baths, 4 flat screen TV lazy boy chair, couches, table seat 8. 220 power, Wrap around veranda. No pets and no smoking . Family neighborhood is quiet. Easy access to Coop for shopping. Treat the house with respect, as your own home. Cook your own food, do your own laundry, and limited Internet. Captain Gold’s cell phone: 250-637-1637, Shirley Wilson 250-559-8212 or June Wakeman 250-559-9067 Call 250-559-8582 or email captgold@haidagwaii.net Large Family /Oceanview home This 5-6 bedroom large home is priced perfectly for an investment, first time purchase or family home. It has beautiful ocean views, and is located directly across from the city walkway and city park area. Price 199,000 Call Rocky Pelletier at 250-637-1306 or email mmpelletier@hotmail.com New Price - Custom Home w/ Rental Cottage on 4 Acres Ready to move in 4 acre property w/custom home, guest cottage and shop. Private location 3 km from Masset, within 150m of McIntyre Bay and beach/dune complex overlooking Dixon Entrance. Main house is 1,950 sq ft post and beam style home with split levels, constructed with local wood, cedar siding on concrete foundation. Spacious open concept, wood paneled/dry walled interior, wood and laminates floors, 10ft ceilings, exposed beams, vaulted ceiling. Natural light from 5 skylights Price $295,000 Call 916-874-4581 or 916-7309764 (cell) or email pefbuck@comcast.net Mobile Home For Rent 605 Second Ave, Queen Charlotte. 2 bedrooms. Partially furnished, washer, dryer, and satellite included. Utilities not included. $550 per month. Available May 1st. Call (after 5pm please) Patsy Murphy at 250-559-7866 or email pmurphy.qcc@hotmail.com
Employment & Training
Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/ Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars
Part Time Cashier. Delmas Co-op in Masset is currently seeking applications for a Part Time cashier to join the Co-op Team. The ideal candidate would have excellent customer service skills and personal initiative. Interested parties are asked to submit a resume and cover letter to Marra Bell, Grocery Manager, PO Box 190,Masset BC, Fax 250-626-3279 or email grocmgr.delmas@mhtv.ca Laborers Needed. I am a local construction contractor who is in immediate need of laborers. Starting rate is $15-25/hour. I have contracts in Queen Charlotte and Tlell. On-the-job training will be provided as required. Call or email today and start earning tomorrow. Call Roeland Denooij at (250) 557-4242 or email roeland@haidagwaii.net
Employment & Training - cont. Working Foreman - Maintenance. Qualified applicants are being sought for the temporary position of Working Foreman at the Haida Gwaii School District effective as soon as possible, through to February 17, 2017. A valid Red Seal endorsement is required. The hourly wage for this position is $32.92 per hour. The hours of work are forty per week. A comprehensive job description and application form can be obtained from the District website at www.sd50.bc.ca. Please send complete application package along with the names and contact information of three professional references to: Selection Committee School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii) PO Box 69, Village of Queen Charlotte, BC V0T 1S0 hr@sd50.bc.ca Fax: 250-559-8849 For more information call Shelley Sansome at (250) 5598471 or email ssansome@sd50.bc.ca Early Childhood Educator Assistant. Position: Early Childhood Educator Assistant for Little Doves Daycare – Casual / Variable Rate of Pay: As per BCGEU Collective Agreement - (Grid level 6) $14.50 - $16.89 Hours: Monday – Friday as needed, to assist the current ECE Senior Manager. QUALIFICATIONS: Current Early Childhood Educator Assistant (or Early Childhood Educator) certification. For complete job description or more information please contact: aa.hgspeace@mhtv.ca To be considered, please submit cover letter, resume and 2 current job references. email: aa.hgspeace@mhtv.ca mail: Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace; P.O. Box 811, Masset, B.C. V0T 1M0 FAX: 250-626-4662 hand deliver: 2132 Collison Avenue, (across from the Library) Call Brenda Byberg at (250) 626-4664 or email aa.hgspeace@mhtv.ca GRASS CUTTING SERVICE NEEDED. From April through September, once a month (residential in Queen Charlotte). Will pay $60 for initial cutting in April (weedwacking may be necessary in some areas), $30 per month for upkeep after that (lawnmower would be sufficient). Call April at (250) 559-9089 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Children Who Witness Abuse Program Coordinator. Hours: Part-time 17.5 hours per week to fill in for a Maternity leave (ASAP until November 9, 2016, or until return of incumbent) Rate of Pay: $21.28 to 24.80 (BCGEU). The employee is NOT required to use her automobile in the performance of her duties. Job Summary: This program provides individual and/or group counselling for children male or female ages 3 to 18 who have experienced sexual assault, violence or abuse. Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in a related human/social service field or equivalent combination of education, training and experience. In-depth and up –todate knowledge of theory/treatment in the field of trauma and feminist counseling. Training and Experience: 2 years counselling experience with a sound knowledge and understanding in the area of violence against women and children from a feminist perspective. To be considered, please submit cover letter, resume and 3 current references from supervisors. Call Brenda Byberg at (250) 626-4664 or email aa.hgspeace@mhtv.ca
Community Service Listings Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies
Historical Stories Wanted! Do you have a historical story to share? History about Haida Gwaii is especially awesome. HG Trader wants to hear from you. 350 words max. Up to three pictures. Email us at info@haidagwaiitrader.com or mail to PO Box 222, Port Clements, V0T 1R0 Call Shellene Van der Beke at (250) 557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Easter Turkey Shoot. Everyone is welcome! Our next event is an Easter Turkey Shoot on Sunday, March 20th from 2-4pm. Bring your own rifle or try one of ours! The Port Clements Rod and Gun Club is a community based club supporting local hunting and fishing interests. Members and guests welcome! Located on Juskatla Road (5 km Southwest of PC). Questions? Comments? Call Ron at (250) 557-4255 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
Community Service Listings - cont. Headliners! BUFFY SAINTE-MARIE! Mob Bounce, Busty and Bass, and so much more! Planning is underway. Contact me to volunteer. This festival is going to be massive! Help celebrate music, arts, land and song! Don’t miss out!!! Call Janet Rigg at (250) 557-4242 or email sewnart@ haidagwaii.net Saahlinda Naay ~ Saving Things House~ Haida Gwaii Museum. The Haida Gwaii Museum plays an important role in making arts and heritage more accessible and raising awareness of the importance of heritage and history on Haida Gwaii. Through our collections, the museum acquires, preserves and presents objects, archeological artifacts, art works and settler material culture all connected to the human and natural history of Haida Gwaii. We house a unique and comprehensive collection of historical and post-contact archival materials, made accessible to the public within a setting that evokes the community identities of both Haida and settler communities on Haida Gwaii. Our collection includes ancestral and contemporary Haida works, both utilitarian and ceremonial, settler pieces, audio recordings of Haida songs, histories and stories as given by Haida elders in both Haida and English languages, and a plethora of photographs. Memberships to the Museum are available through the gift shop. Membership allows access to the museum free for one year, 10% discount on regularly priced items in the gift shop, notification of special events and exhibits featured at the Museum. Regular Annual Membership - $30, Senior Annual Membership (65+) - $10, Family Annual Membership - $40, Lifetime Membership - $250. Please call the museum gift shop at (250) 559 4643 or email museum@haidagwaii.net “It’s a Spring Thing” Flea Market & Loonie Auction. Saturday, March 26th from 11 am to 4 pm at the Port Clements Community Hall. Concession by the PC Elementary Grade 7’s. Tables $15, proceeds go to upgrades to the hall. For more information call Betty Stewart at (250) 557-4760 or email pclementshall2016@gmail.com HG Rec Weight Rooms. In order to utilize the Port Clements or Queen Charlotte weight rooms you must first take an orientation through HG Rec. Our orientations normally run once a month at QCSS and by demand in Port Clements, and are free of charge. Port Clements weight room: 35 Cedar Ave. West-southwest, ground level side of the Fire Hall. Hours: 5am-11pm, 7 days per week. Next orientation TBA. Queen Charlotte weight room: West side of QC Secondary School, 107 3rd Ave. Hours: Weekdays from 6-8am and 5-10pm and weekends & stat holidays 6am10pm. Next orientation TBA. Sandspit weight room: 406 Copper Bay (ALM school). Hours of operation are: Mon/Tues: 5 – 8am & 5-11pm. Wed: 5- 8am & 8-11pm. Thurs: 5– 8am & 5–11pm. Next orientation TBA. Call HG Recreation at (250) 626-5652 or toll free at 1-888-557-4418 or email qcirec@gmail.com Call HG Recreation at (250) 626-5652 or email qcirec@gmail.com Port Clements Museum. OPEN weekends 2 to 4 p.m. Admission $4 for adults, seniors & teens effective March 1, 2016; free for members & children 12 & under. We will open up if you ask. Call or e-mail to arrange a special opening. Browse the photo albums, admire the gigantic machines, be amazed by how it was. 45 Bayview Drive, Port Clements. Call Brigid Cumming at (250) 557-4576 or email pcmuseum@qcislands.ca Port Clements Museum. OPEN weekends 2 to 4 p.m. Admission $4 for adults, seniors & teens effective March 1, 2016; free for members and children 12 & under. We will open up if you ask. Call to arrange a special opening. Browse the photo albums, admire the gigantic machines, and be amazed by how it was. 45 Bayview Drive, Port Clements. Call Brigid Cumming at (250) 557-4576 or email pcmuseum@qcislands.ca Queen Charlotte Visitor Centre. Are you new to Haida Gwaii, just visiting, or need local info or gifts? The Queen Charlotte Visitor Centre is open during the winter months. Monday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Pop in for a visit! Call Maureen Weddell at (250) 559-8316 or email info@ qcinfo.ca
Community Service Listings - cont. Queen Charlotte Community Hall Rentals. Located on Bay Street, has the EA Ross room (meeting room that seats up to 70 people), mail hall, stage and kitchen-all available for rent. Also available for rent are: * wooden tables ($5 each per day) * wooden chairs ($1 each per day) * a complete place setting for 225 people * water goblets & wine glasses * cups & cutlery * white & black linen tablecloths, etc. The kitchen is also available to rent on a daily basis for prepping for larger events. For more information, call Reine Pineault at 250-559-4792. or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Express Yourself! The HGT magazine has started a “Poetry Corner”. If you or anyone you know writes short poems, prose, limericks, etc. please submit them via email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com or mail to PO Box 222, Port Clements, V0T 1R0. Here are some guidelines: * 200 words max (if you have a piece that is longer and are really keen on publishing it, feel free to send it in for consideration.) * Submissions are to be sent either in the body of an email, attached as a Word document or mailed, typed out. * Please include the title for your piece. * Include your full name, the published name you desire (if different from your given name), your phone number, address and email contact if you have one for our files. * If you desire a particular image with your submission, please send this to us as well for consideration. * Of course, not all poems received are guaranteed to be published. Thanks a bunch! Call Shellene Van der Beke at (250) 557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com
At Your Service
Business Services/Business Products
MARY KAY. Contact me today for a brochure and free samples (skin care to suit you with a colour card too) Top Quality products. Fragrance Free. Something for everyone! 100% Satisfaction Guarantee = No Buying Mistakes! I am on Haida Gwaii every 2-3 months, based out of Charlotte. When I am not on Haida Gwaii I live on Bowen Island and am reachable by text, phone, e mail and website: www.marykay.ca/dbottay FREE SHIPPING on all mail orders over $50 *If you don’t already have a Mary Kay consultant please contact me for a free consultation. Call Donna (Durrance) Bottay at (778) 988-3854 or email dbottay@me.com MARY KAY. “Spring Special” free mascara with every $100 purchase! Offer available now to end of March 2016. Ask about my customer loyalty card. To book an appointment, call today and try for free! Call Regina Williams -- Mobile (250)626-9009 or haidagwaiimk@gmail.com WRITING AND PROOFREADING. 25+ years of experience writing letters and preparing documents in government, at churches and for law firms - no job too small - from a one page resume to a 600 page manuscript - research projects - fact-checking - proofreading papers writing family histories - drafting correspondence - very reasonable rates. Darren Lowe - darrenlowe1222@gmail.com “His work is in all respects excellent. Darren is an intelligent person who approaches his work with common sense and initiative. He is extremely diligent and efficient in everything he does and he produces a top quality product. He obviously takes great pride in what he does.” Email darrenlowe1222@gmail.com Medical Equipment Technician Coming to Haida Gwaii. Northcoast Home Medical Equipment is coming to Haida Gwaii the second week of March. Our technician will be available for home assessments, equipment servicing, measurements, installations and sales inquiries. If you are in need of a Lift Chair, Stairlift, Scooter or home assessment now is the perfect time to give us a call. For any of your home medical equipment needs please email or call the store to set up an appointment with the technician while he is in Haida Gwaii. Call Northcoast Home Medical Equipment at (866) 638-1301 or email northcoast@nchme.ca Island Joe’s Produce. Kale available at Isabel Creek Store. Email georgehpattison@gmail.com
Bear Sewing. Centrally located in Port Clements at The Golden Spruce Motel. bearsewing@ hotmail.com Call Diana Kidd at (Cell) 250-626-7059 or email qcidiana@gmail.com
At Your Service - cont. First Time Subscribers, Save 30%! Haida Gwaii Trader monthly magazine annual subscriptions are now available! They can now be delivered right to your post box and...If you are a first time subscriber, you will receive a 30% discount off the retail price! ($22 plus GST for the year) Just call (250-557-2088) or email us (info@haidagwaiitrader.com) with your full name, mailing address, email and phone number and we will mail or email you an invoice. Thank you all for your awesome patronage! Call Shellene Van der Beke at (250) 557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Love Haida Gwaii Spring Tradeshow. It’s tradeshow time - Shop ‘til you drop at the semi-annual Love Haida Gwaii tradeshow event! Door prizes, special offers and product/service demonstrations and more! When: Sunday May 1, 2016 Time: 1pm – 4pm Where: Howard Phillips Community Hall (Masset) Love Haida Gwaii vendors, contact Mary Lou Von Niessen to book a table 250 559-8050 or admin@mieds.ca
HG Trader Community Calendar March 15 to April 15/16 Do you have an event you want to advertise?
Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com and post your event free of charge!
Old Massett/Masset
Port Clements
Masset Lectures Monday, April 4 & April 18 / 7pm-9pm
Port Clements Seniors
Northwest Community College Masset Campus 2151 Tahayghen Dr (east entrance of Tahayghen Elementary School) / Part of an ongoing lecture series. Community members volunteer to present a lecture on a topic of their expertise, or on a topic that they wish to learn more about. This is an opportunity to learn from each other, and to support each other in our own learning. Topics cover anything relevant to life on Haida Gwaii, including natural history, human history, culture, local foods, outdoor activities, and practical skills. For more information contact Stu at 626-3868 or stu.crawford@gmail.com. Topics and presenters to be announced
St. Paul's Anglican Church - Masset Sun, Mar 20 & Sun Mar 27 / 10am / St. Paul's Anglican Church 1604 Millard Street / All are welcome to attend the Palm Sunday service on Mar 20 and the Easter Sunday Service on Mar 27 at St. Paul's Anglican Church. For more information contact Rev. Peter Hamel at 250-626-3585
FREE Webinar - Get Ready for Framers’ Markets, PoUps, and Craft Markets Wed, Apr 13 10:30am -12 noon/ 1585 McLeod/ Just in time for the upcoming market season! Learn how you can sell what you MAKE, BAKE and GROW! Presented by HaidaGwaii Community Futures, live-streamed in our office at 1587 McLeod For more information contact Jayne at 250 626 5594 ext 21 or office@haidagwaiifutures.ca or www.meetup.com/Haida-Gwaii-Community-Futures
Budget and Strategic Planning Presentations Tue, Apr 12 / 7pm-9pm / GMD Secondary / 1647 Collison Ave The Haida Gwaii Board of Education invite the public to get involved in the school district’s budget dialogue to help deepen our collective understanding, and identify the challenges and opportunities. Share your ideas on how we can make the best use of the funds available for our children, employees and communities. For more information contact Shelley Sansome at 250-5598471 ext 103 or ssansome@sd50.bc.ca or www.sd50.bc.ca
Social Afternoons each Monday, 1pm-4pm Senior's Room, Multiplex / 36 Cedar Avenue West / Drop by for cards or board games. Seniors’ Lunch will be Friday April 8th from 11:30 am – 1 pm. For more information contact Bunny Decembrini at 250-557-4336.
Adult Badminton - Port Clements Wednesdays, Mar 16, 23, & 30 – may extend into April (to be announced) / 7:30pm-9pm / Multiplex Gymnasium / 14 Park Street / $2 dropin fee. Participants are responsible for their own racquets. For more information contact Port Clements Recreation Committee at 250-557-4295.
Rec Committee Meeting - CANADA DAYS Tue, Mar 15 / 7pm-8:30pm / Seniors room / Multiplex / We are beginning to plan this year's Canada Days events - join our group if you have any ideas or wish to volunteer. For more information contact Marilyn Bliss at 250-557-8548
PC Historical Society Regular Meeting Tue, Apr 12 / 7pm / Port Clements Museum / 45 Bayview Drive/ Support local history by joining the Port Clements Historical Society. Regular monthly meeting at the museum, all welcome. For more information contact Port Clements Historical Society at 250.557.4576 or pcmuseum@qcislands.ca or www.portclementsmuseum.ca
Port Clements Rod and Gun Club – Easter Turkey Shoot Sun, Mar 20/ 2pm4pm / Port Clements Rod and Gun Club, Juskatla Road / Everyone is welcome! Bring your own rifle or try one of ours! The Port Clements Rod and Gun Club is a community based club supporting local hunting and fishing interests. Members and guests welcome! Located on Juskatla Road (5 km Southwest of PC). For more information contact Ron Haralson at 250-557-4255 or info@haidagwaiitrader.com
"It's A Spring Thing" Indoor Flea Market Sat, Mar 26 / 11am-4pm / Community Hall / 120 Bayview Drive / Hand-crafted & used goods. Concession by the PC Elementary Grade 7’s. Loonie Auction with proceeds split between the Community Hall and the PC Museum. In addition to the Loonie Auction, there will be a Toonie Auction for an old Bingo Machine with hard cards. Tables $15 each. For table rentals or if you have donations for the Loonie Auction, please contact Betty Stewart (250-557-4760) or e-mail keep67stang14@outlook.com or pcchs@outlook.com.
HG Trader Community Calendar-Cont.
Port Clements – Cont. Gwaii Tel AGM Wed, Mar 23 / 7:00pm-9pm / Council Chambers / Multiplex Annual General Meeting. Public is welcome to attend. For more information contact Terry.Walker@gwaiitel.ca
Regular Council Meeting Monday, Mar 21, Apr 4 / 7-9pm Council Chambers @ PC Multiplex Everyone is welcome to attend a Regular Council Meeting and see what is happening in our community. For more information contact Kim Mushynsky at 250-557-4295 or cao@portclements.ca or www.portclements.ca
Volunteer Fire Department Wednesdays 7:30pm-9pm PC Firehall / 35 Cedar Ave West Weekly training meetings. New members are welcome! Come out and join our firefighting team! For more information contact Craig Beachy at 250-557-4421 or ccbeacy@gmail.com
Tlell Taoist Tai Chi Tuesdays 7-9pm and Thursdays 10:30 am – 12 noon/ Tlell FirehallMeeting room / 36542 Highway 16 Everyone welcome! Open practice. For more information call 250-559-8458 or haidagwaii@taoist.org or www.@taoist.org
Lawn Hill Haida Gwaii Branch of the BC SPCA Annual General Meeting Fri, Mar 25 / 1pm / Pawsitive Spin Dog Training & Boarding / 18700 Highway 16 / For more information contact Anna Maria Husband at 250-5598548 or annamariahusband@gmail.com
Skidegate Budget and Strategic Planning Presentations Mon, Apr 11 / 7pm-9pm / Sk'aadgaa Naay Elementary Road D Skidegate Heights / The Haida Gwaii Board of Education invite the public to get involved in the school district’s budget dialogue to help deepen our collective understanding, and identify the challenges and opportunities. Share your ideas on how we can make the best use of the funds available for our children, employees and communities. For more information contact Shelley Sansome at 250-5598471 ext 103 or ssansome@sd50.bc.ca or www.sd50.bc.ca
SICK – New Exhibition Fri, April 1 – Sat, May 21/ Haida Heritage Center / Ḵay Llnagaay /. Please join some talented local
artists in their intimate exploration of illness experiences. Opening reception 7pm on Fri April 1. Everyone welcome, refreshments served. st Exhibition runs until May 21 . For more information contact Nika Collison at 604-837-9947 or 250-559-4643 or email nika@skidegate.ca
Skidegate – Cont. Artists in Gwaii Haanas On now until April 30, 2016/ Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay / Artists spanning three decades in age have brought together three divergent practices from the recent artists residency program. Come out and see the latest collection of works by Kathy Pick (Queen Charlotte), Matthew Eric Miles (Victoria) & Rosa Quintana Lillo (Agassiz), including a collaborative installation. This exhibition is a collaborative effort between the Gwaii Haanas and the Haida Gwaii Museum. This exhibition runs until April 30, 2016. Museum is open Tues-Saturday, 10am - 5pm. For more information call 250-559-7885 or email museum@haidagwaii.net
Queen Charlotte Regular Board Meeting Tue, Mar 22 / 7pm-9pm / School District No. 50 Administration Office / 107 3rd Ave / For more information contact School District No.50 at 250-559-8471 or www.sd50.bc.ca
Queen Charlotte Farmers' Market Saturdays / 11am1pm Beside the QC Community Hall Locally produced meats, eggs, cheeses, produce, breads, preserves, crafts, freshly baked treats and warm stews & soups for lunch. Support Made on Haida Gwaii! For more information contact Kay Pringle at 250-559-9093
Taoist Tai Chi Mon 12-1, Wed 7-9pm and Sat 9-11am / QC Community Hall/134 Bay St. Taoist Tai Chi™ internal arts are specifically aimed at cultivating health and vitality and were developed by Master Moy Lin-shin, a Taoist monk. Everyone welcome! For more info. call 250-559-8252 or haidagwaii@taoist.org
Registered Programs Alternate Fitness A FREE modified fitness class for those at risk for, or living with, chronic conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and arthritis.
Masset When: Tuesdays & Thursdays (until March 17th) Where: Masset Legion Time: 12-12:45pm
Port Clements When: Thursdays (until March 10th) Where: Seniors Room at the Multiplex Time: 1-2pm
Circuit FitnessSandspit Come out and get fit! Modified exercises are available and encouraged, go at your own pace. Open to all fitness levels! When: Mondays & Thursdays (until March 10th) Where: ALM Elementary Gym Time: Monday 7-8pm / Thursday 6:30-7:30pm Cost: $5 per class
Registered Programs-Cont. Shito Ryu Youth & Adult Karate – Skidegate Shito
Ryu Seiki Kai Karate is classical karate taught in the traditional Okinawan style. Come out and learn self-defense with a certified karate instructor! Beginners are welcome! Wear loose, comfortable clothing.
Youth (ages 14 and under): When: Tuesdays & Thursdays until March 17th Where: Sk’aadgaa Naay Gym Time: 6 - 7:15 pm Cost: $30 per month
Adults (Youth age 15 & up) When: Tuesdays & Thursdays until March 17th Where: Sk’aadgaa Naay Gym Time: 7:30 – 8:30 pm Cost: $30 per month
HGREC’s After School Sports & Arts Initiative Programs Come Out, Have Fun, Learn and Play! All programs are FREE & include a healthy snack for participants. General registration and waver for each child must be completed and can be found on the HGREC website.
Masset / Old Massett Acrodance, Textiles and Beadwork, Masset Jr. Rollergirls, Yoga Forest Climb, Surf and SUP Club, Old Masset Theatre, Pottery, Surf Club.
Port Clements Acrodance, Badminton and Surf Club
Skidegate Acrodance, Hoops & Art (grades K-3 and 4-7)
Hatha Yoga – Sandspit Port Clements Sewing, Dance and MultiSport
Learn to respect your body and discover its intelligence as you stretch, strengthen, open and relax. Instructor: Jennifer Pigeon When: Tuesdays (until April 26) Where: Multiplex Seniors Room Time: 1-2 pm Cost: Absolutely FREE
For all ASSAI program times and locations, check out our website at www.hgrec.com For more info. contact Laura Bishop at 250.626.9045 or email hgrecafterschool@gmail.com and identify which program and location you wish to register for.
Please note: Extenuating circumstances may result in unexpected program cancellations
Box 187, Masset, BC V0T 1M0 Phone: 250-626-5652/1-888-557-4418 Email: qcirec@gmail.com
Haida Gwaii Rec
The topic of local food is not complete without giving props to our hard working grocers like Bayview Market in Port Clements. Currently owned and operated by the Lore family, Bayview Market it is truly a good ol’fashioned general store like ones from days gone by and is often
a hub of social chats and heart-felt moments. From hardware and gifts to fresh produce, meat, bulk goods and liquor, it is a one stop shop for many folk, near and far. Built just after WW2, the Bayview Market building has quite a varied history of use…from a clubhouse for veterans, a Chinese food restaurant to its current, grocery store designation, which it has been for over 70 years. Dear, late Ernie Chapman ran it as “E. J. Chapman General Store” for 30 years, and local entrepreneur Linda Berston ran it for around the same amount of years as well. Now in their 8th year of operation, owner/operator Bev Lore says with a smile “We love to hear about new products that people would like us to find and carry for them.”
Bayview Market currently sells a wide array of locally produced products such as eggs, fresh produce, locally-caught seafood, spices, tea and handmade soaps, to name a few. If you are a local producer who would like to sell your items in the store, Bev has some great business success advice: “Price your products competitively, place clearly priced, esthetically appealing labels on each item and be sure to manage your inventory so it is well stocked and top quality.” A value-added service offered by this wonderful business is a no-charge, local delivery of groceries for people in need such as seniors or folks unable to get around well on their own. Every Thursday they also go to Masset and offer this free service as well. (Fees will apply to any special trip, food deliveries outside of Port.) Bayview Market is located at 91 Bayview Drive in Port Clements and is open, rain or shine Mon-Sat from 106. They can be reached a 250-557-4331 or email bayviewm@qcislands.net
Rémi Gauthier of Sandspit has been growing and selling delicious, long lasting garlic on Haida Gwaii for 30 years. Originally from Quebec, he moved to this area back in 1972 and currently harvests over a half an acre of garlic which is available for sale from July to the end of March. Watch for his amazing garlic at the Sandspit (starting up in May) and QC farmers markets as well as at Isabel Creek in Queen Charlotte. He can be reached by calling 250-637-5729.
Thank You Haida Gwaii Local Food Project Sponsors! T
New GIECFI logo was created by local graphic designer, Dominic Legault of Masset. The GIECFI is a supporter of the HG Local Foods Project, Tlell Fall Fair and other farm related events.
Also: Masset Farmers Market, Queen Charlotte Farmers Market & Moresby Market
To become a sponsor of the Haida Gwaii Local Foods Project or to be added to the Haida Gwaii Producer List, please call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com