HGT Magazine #83 May 2017

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GIDANSDA From one to another


HOUSING How Queen Charlotte is tackling the crisis




Moving Forward Together Clam Fritters Building Local Economy Farmers Market Season Four Days on Haida Gwaii


Haida Gwaii Eyes…Wide Open

Proactive Ponderings about Common Challenges by Shellene Van der Beke / photos by Archie Stocker Sr.

Challenge: Incorporating Unity into Everyday Living Well noted by Wikipedia: “people tend to hold positive attitudes towards members of their own groups.” Indeed, a core need for humans is a palpable sense of belonging; to connect with others in feel-good ways. So how then, can we close the gap of “us and them” thinking and living? Proactive Solutions:

The recent Percy Williams mortuary pole raising in Skidegate proved itself to be a fine example of just how possible and powerful working together is. For more in-depth coverage, check out Pete Moore’s article in this issue.

My Husband and I had the honour of attending this wonderful event and the air was electric with the energy of unity, celebration and joy. The sense of community and cultural pride outstanding. People from all walks of life mingled amongst each other, many connecting with hearty embraces, an appreciative hand on the shoulder or a simple, inclusive nod. At one point, the crane truck that helped locate the soon-to-be raised pole, effortlessly backed up through umpteen yielding spectators. When it came time to pull the ropes, people calmly took their places and the pole was righted with elegance and ease. The call for assistance for filling in the hole around the pole with rocks and soil was met with participatory gusto that took my breath away. A fine day for unity, indeed. “Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable.” -Tanzanian Bondei proverb


Do you have solution-based thoughts you would like to share?

Please send us your submission by the 15th of the month for publishing consideration. Questions? Comments? We would love to hear from you! Call us at 250-557-2088 Or email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com or mail: PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC V0T1R0

May 2017



10 Affordable Housing

18 Gidansda Also: Your Ripple Effect................................................6

24 Four Days

The Future of Fibre Optics......................................9 Reconciliation Pole........................................... 13 Outdoor Adventures........................................... 16 Classifieds..................................................... 27 On the Cover: Percy Williams’ Mortuary Pole is raised by many hands. Photo by Pete Moore.

About Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine Editor: Shellene Van der Beke Country bumpkin at heart, Shellene believes in finding the good in people, places and things and reflecting it back to this amazing place we call home. info@haidagwaiitrader.com Assistant Editor: Peter Moore Born and raised on Haida Gwaii, Pete returned home with a degree in Journalism from UVic. pmoore@haidagwaiitrader.com Admin Assistant: Jenna Keshavjee Jenna is a 2016 UVic graduate with a degree in Visual Arts and a Minor in Commerce. Originally from Calgary, now calling the West Coast home.


HGT Magazine would not be possible without our contributors. Please find their stories inside. Subscribe: Get HGT Magazine delivered right to your post box and save 20% off the retail price. $48/year plus GST (local rate). Please contact: info@haidagwaiitrader.com Advertise: HGT Magazine is devoted to promoting local business. If you would like to advertise with us, please contact info@haidagwaiitrader.com for our rates. Submit: Do you have a story for us? We would love to hear from you. Please send your pitches to info@haidagwaiitrader.com Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay in touch!

Banner photo by Archie Stocker Sr. Want your photo as the banner for next issue? Submit to pmoore@haidagwaiitrader.com

Sharp-shinned Hawk

After gardening at the Copper Beech House recently, I watched a Sharp-shinned hawk try to hunt along the tree line by the docks. It had been spotted by a raucous mob of crows that were not letting it get any free air space at all. Despite the manic perseverance of the crows to chase it away, the hawk showed no stress in flight, using its short rounded wings and long barred tail to swiftly and effortlessly outmaneuver the Corvus pursuers. The smallest of the three North American accipiters, the Sharp-shinned hawk has solid grey upperparts and sienna underparts and is a permanent resident on Haida Gwaii. When hunting without company it has the classic flap-flap-glide flight pattern, stealthily taking songbirds and mice with a quick burst of speed. I once heard a large splash in my garden pond only to see a wet hawk fly up with a captured small bird which had been

bathing in the shallows. During breeding it is more elusive and quiet as it nests in the dense thick forest canopy where the parents raise the 4-5 young in a grass-lined stick nest. Dawghatlxhayang is its Haida name given by Tlaajang Quuna (Tom Stevens), Accipiter striatus in Latin, Épervier brun in French, and Gavilán pajarero in Spanish. Its call is a shrill rapid “pew-pew” like a kid imitating a laser. A beautiful moment captured in my memory, no camera at hand, was seeing the bird preening, perched in an alder with the bright spring sun behind it illuminating it’s fully fanned out tail. (For a local sighting, check out Berry Wijdeven’s short video of the hawk on YouTube.) Multidisciplinary artist Thomas Arnatt specializes in murals inspired by birds, nature & meditation. His studio is located in the beautiful Tow Hill Road community on Haida Gwaii. For commissions and/or more information, Thomas can be reached by email at rayvantric@gmail.com

May 2017


Celebrating Resilience Through Art “Where we have stopped dancing, singing, being enchanted by stories, or finding comfort in silence is where we have experienced the loss of soul. Dancing, singing, storytelling, and silence are the four universal healing salves.” - ANGELES ARRIEN Victims and survivors of crime have been through traumatic experiences that may have happened at the hands of family, colleagues or strangers. These experiences have the potential to leave lifelong emotional and physical scars. For example, events in childhood, such as various forms of maltreatment, along with exposure to intimate-partner violence or alcoholism, can result in long-term stress, anxiety, depression and substance use. But many people use their personal resilience to move beyond their victimization and to create positive change. “In my experience, people who have the most traumatic stories and histories are quite often the most resilient. Just coping with daily life and tasks can be like completing a marathon. For some of my clients, being able to show up and reach out shows huge commitment, strength and courage”, said Bonnie Olson, Victim Services/Outreach Coordinator at the Islands Wellness Society (IWS) in Queen Charlotte. “Empowerment, strength, understanding, and the ability to move out of the victim stage are all encompassed in the term resilience”. May 28 to June 3, 2017 is Victims and Survivors of Crime Week. This week raises awareness about issues facing victims and survivors of crime and the services, programs, and laws in place to help them and their families. Those who provide support services understand that any person they encounter may have experienced violence with traumatic effects. They understand that emotional states (such as depression, anxiety, anger, dissociation, difficulty concentrating, fear and distractedness) and behaviours (such as substance use, compulsive and obsessive behaviours, disordered eating, self-harm, high-risk sexual behaviours, suicidal behaviours or isolation) may arise, at least in part, from those experiences.

“Trauma of any sort brings us to our lizard brain, fight, flight or freeze which means until we can process and heal, every time we are working through it we return to the age and state we were in when ‘it’ happened,” explained Bonnie. “The capacity to tell our stories and be aware of our triggers are two very important qualities when we reflect on resilience”. When working with clients, service providers acknowledge their strengths and the ways they have coped with their situation. This may include acknowledging the legacy of intergenerational trauma that many clients are carrying with them and providing support that recognizes, honours, and validates these experiences. Clients are the experts of their own experiences. “During Victims and Survivors of Crime Week, the IWS will bring our community together in a fun and celebratory way to promote awareness around victims of crime and local service providers and resources”, said Bonnie. “We would also like to focus on the positive message of resilience and empowerment through a Community Expressive Arts Show. People of all ages are invited to submit artistic work that is tied to the theme of empowering resiliency and celebrating our communities. Drawings, paintings, poetry, collage, mixed media, photos, spoken word, and performance are all welcome.” The deadline for submission is May 15, 2017. You can call Bonnie at (250) 559-8843 to submit or to for more information on the call for submissions.

Liz Wouters is a Certified Coach, and trained in Conflict Management, Psychology, and Adult Education. For individual or group coaching sessions on work, life or interpersonal issues, please contact her at lwoutersca@yahoo.ca


May 2017


Reading on the Rock National Geographic is now available through our virtual library! Do you love looking through the photos, maps and information in National Geographic magazine? Are you working on a research or school project, or just curious? The Vancouver Island Regional Library now offers access to every magazine, video, image, map or book available in the complete National Geographic archive! The collection is searchable, so you can browse anything from wildebeests to winged beasts (and everything in between). The collection also includes a special section just for kids! You can access the collection throughout our website. All you need is a library card. Get started at virl.bc.ca

OPEN HOURS Queen Charlotte

Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Wednesday 1-4 and 5-8, Friday 12:30-5 Saturday 10-12 and 1-5


Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Thursday 1-4 and 5-8, Friday 1-5, and Saturday 10-2

Port Clements

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3-8, Saturday 10-12 and 1-5


Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Wednesday 10-2, Thursday 1-4 and 5-8 Saturday 10-2 The Vancouver Island Regional Library – Haida Gwaii is now on facebook! Give our page a “like” and get the latest information about library events and services right here on Haida Gwaii.



Future of

Fibre Optics on Haida Gwaii Fibre optics may be the new future for internet users on Haida Gwaii. Gwaii Communications’ ambitious fibre optic network plan aims to eliminate wireless internet in order to secure faster and more reliable connections island-wide. The estimated $5 million dollar project will let customers, if they choose, be physically connected to the state of the art new infrastructure. With the fibre optic cables, Gwaii Communications co-owner Joseph Lavoie hopes to achieve network speeds of 100mbps. Lavoie’s only speed bump lies in securing funding for the project. Without it, the project will either be abandoned or customers could pay up to $8,500, varying by location, to install the fibre optic cables at their homes. However, Lavoie is optimistic about getting the network funded. As soon as funds come in, construction on the network can begin in August, 2017 and “...hopefully the completion would be between December, 2017 and January, 2018,” says Lavoie. Construction would be carried out by certified contractors. “We are certified to operate fibre optics,” he says, but a project of this magnitude requires assistance. Even with funding, customers may have to pay a small installation fee, varying by location. “It all depends on the density of population.” Lavoie mentions a new 500GB data package being offered to customers in Queen Charlotte, Skidegate, Old Massett and Masset as an example. These two communities are easiest to access and have After installation is complete, the highest speeds on Haida Gwaii, reducing the price of fibre optic installation customers will find that having fibre fees per household. Residents of more rural communities, such as Port Clements optics won’t change the cost of the and Sandspit, may be charged higher fees if they want to receive the fibre optic packages Gwaii Communications cables. offers. The new packages allow for more data usage at a lower cost, which may help customers save money. “One of the reasons why we have chosen to expand ... is to try and provide affordable internet,” explains Lavoie. “Previously our costs were based on how much data the customer used.” He More details on says that some customers were the fibre optic frustrated when their monthly network, and bills fluctuated due to overages, on existing data but with new larger data packages plans, can be becoming available, he doubts found at Gwaii overages will be an issue. Communications’ website


Submitted by Sarah Peerless

May 2017


Affordable Housing

Our homes are very important to us, be they humble Facing a Community Crisis or grand. By Pete Moore

A home is something that gives our lives a constant; as our lives change, and as we grow older, maintaining a home (in any sense of the word) is something we all strive for. Our homes are the rock that grounds our lives, and as such, the right to housing is recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Housing subsidy agreements, whether with the Province of BC or federal agencies, are set to expire by the end of 2017, with some already expired; the expiration of the agreements is tied to the completion of the mortgages on the properties. BC Housing has made available some tools and options to assist with the transition, and our local societies are working hard to implement a plan to maintain our ability to continue to provide low cost housing in Queen Charlotte. In Queen Charlotte, there are two sister societies; The QC Heritage Housing Society, and the QC Housing Development Society, which together oversee and maintain the Heritage House, a ten unit, independent-living, subsidized apartment building, Martin Manor, an assisted living facility, and three single family homes. These two non-profit societies have similar mandates, and both have operating agreements with BC Housing to subsidize tenants on a ‘rent geared to income’ basis.

Photo by Benjamin Van der Beke 10

“We feel confident we can maintain providing affordable housing,” says Barb Rowsell, the societies’ administrator, but she expresses concern about the two other off-island-based societies that operate here. Without the subsidies to help them, the cost of maintaining the houses in remote communities away from their headquarters becomes too much, and so they sell the houses to help fund their houses

elsewhere. This can result in houses become private homes or full-market rentals, which are then no longer available for those in need of affordable housing. “This is a crisis,” says Queen Charlotte Mayor Greg Martin, explaining the state of rentals in Queen Charlotte. Martin expressed concern over units being converted into full-market rentals or Airbnb spots, saying, “it’s okay when Airbnb’s are purpose built, but when regular, affordable, units are being diverted, it’s a problem.” “The first step we have decided is to conduct a ‘needs and demands’ study to understand what are the current housing needs in the community,” says Rowsell. “Some funds from BC Housing have been committed to assist with this,” she adds. The study will look at the statistics from the most recent census to analyze the local demographics, and will also do a survey of stakeholders. Stakeholders are not only renters and people searching for housing, but also landlords and others that people turn to in their quest for homes. To achieve this, the societies intend to host a Housing Forum in the fall, when the 2016 housing census figures become available, and bring together all of the housing stakeholders to try to get a complete picture of the local housing needs. “The directors and staff of our two societies work very hard to provide housing for our most vulnerable. There are challenging times ahead but we are tackling it head on, with confidence that we can achieve a positive outcome,” says Rowsell. The Village of Queen Charlotte is also taking measures to ensure that affordable housing options remain in the community, including working with M’akola (a First Nations based affordable housing society, and one of the two mentioned earlier) to put together some houses. “This is a community issue,” says Martin. As with so many volunteer organizations, more help is always needed. Do you feel passionate about safe, affordable housing and are you looking for a new challenge? This is a very exciting time to get involved, give us feedback, or even join the Board. If you are able to offer any input please call the QC Housing Development Society at 250-559-8800 and help shape the future and direction of affordable housing in the Village of Queen Charlotte. May 2017 11


May 2017 13

gwaiitrust.com Old Massett: 1-800-663-2388 | Skidegate: 1-877-559-8883


Gwaii Trust directors and staff have been working for the past 18 months on a strategic plan that will provide direction to the Trust over the next five years, between now


and 2022. We knew we needed a new plan because Haida Gwaii has changed a lot over the past decade. We have a less robust economy, a declining population, and we’ve seen an increase in social needs. We wanted to find a way to focus our programs and funding so that we can continue to offer services that are as relevant as possible to the community.

foundation of healthy individuals, supporting healthy communities, to create a healthy Island.

As we move forward, we will be shifting our organizational structure slightly to address our new “Healthy Individuals, Healthy Communities, Healthy Islands” focus. One of our new structures will be the Haida Gwaii Community Foundation, which was registered in December 2016. The foundation will allow us to receive funds and After extensive issue tax receipts to donors both community local and off-island – something consultations, we haven’t been able to do before. numerous facilitatorThe Gwaii Trust has also committed led discussions, and to matching up to $750,000 in multiple committee donations to the Foundation. We meetings, the board will be sharing more details about has concluded that this exciting new initiative and the basics of a vibrant our new direction in the coming local economy can months. only be built on a

celebrating local

independently owned businesses

Meet Bryce Klee of Green Coast Kayaking in Queen Charlotte

local discounts and exchange opportunities for rentals and guided trips. Green Coast Kayaking’s waterfront lodging - The Floathouse is the perfect way to start or end your GCK tour www.airbnb.ca/rooms/10620078

Green Coast Kayaking is a locally-based company specializing in weeklong expeditions to Gwaii Haanas. Paddlers of all skill levels can fuel their sense of adventure and get a taste of the outdoors from both land and sea, all under the guidance of professional, experienced and certified guides who have an intimate familiarity with Haida Gwaii’s waters and shores. This summer (2017), GCK is expanding! The company will now also offer kayak and bike rentals in downtown Queen Charlotte, along with inlet and van tours to the surrounding areas. If you’re a local to Haida Gwaii, get in touch to talk about

Queen Charlotte Docks, Queen Charlotte, BC 250.637.1948 info@gckayaking.com

LOVEHAIDAGWAII.COM | LOVENORTHERNBC.COM Love Haida Gwaii showcases locally owned and operated businesses and is funded by Northern Development Initiative Trust & Misty Isles Economic Development Society. To list your business on the Love Haida Gwaii website or for more information call 250-559-8050 or email admin@mieds.ca

May 2017 15



Farmers’ Markets Season is Here!

Support your local artisans, farmers, food producers & crafters by coming out to any of our Haida Gwaii markets! Garden produce, meat, eggs, bread, baking, preserves, ready-to-go picnic supplies, Haida carvings and locally made jewelry, handmade soaps and beauty products, pottery, and much more! Warm lunches are available at the QC and Tlell Markets!

Masset Farmers' Market

Fri 11am-2pm (May 5 to Sept) Main St. across from the Credit Union Kyla Mitchell 250-626-3768 islandwise.essentials@gmail.com

Queen Charlotte Farmers' Market

Sat 11am-2pm (mid Jan to mid Dec) Town center beside the Community Hall Kay Pringle 250-559-9093 kathleenpringle@yahoo.ca

Tlell Farmers’ Market

Sun 11am-2pm (May 21 to Oct 8) Hwy# 16. Behind the Tlell Fire Hall. Look for the carrot sign! Marylynn Hunt 250-559-8282 stmarysspring@gmail.com

Moresby Market

11-1pm Sundays (excluding long weekends) Beginning on May 28 ALM School Gazebo Amber Faktor 250-640-4289 afaktor86@gmail.com






Also: Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market and Moresby Market Thank you HGLFP sponsors! To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

May 2017 17


A story of two Chiefs and the walks of life they shared By Pete Moore The George Brown Recreation Centre in Skidegate was literally packed to the rafters, with people seated as low as the basketball court floors and as high as the top row of the upstairs bleachers, and standing audiences filling the inbetween. Others were still outside, making their way around the pole that had just been raised hours earlier.

Before the pole raising, before the end of mourning and the chieftainship potlatch, I sat down with Guujaaw while the pole was still in the works at the carving shed just on the way out of Skidegate.

The mortuary pole was raised in the honour of Percy Williams, the past chief of the Skedans and named Gidansda, a name now being passed on to Guujaaw, the next in line to become chief. It features the moon, the mountain goat, and the grizzly bear, all crests of Skedans, and faces K’uuna Llnagaay (the village of Skedans). The act of raising a pole in honour of the previous chief is traditional to Haida culture.

As Guujaaw chips away at the pole, he tells me in detail some of his early hunting stories with Percy on Burnaby Island. Percy had a certain intuition for the way the animals on Haida Gwaii acted. Guujaaw shares one particular story of geese, that were once native to Haida Gwaii, and how Percy knew where, and in what pattern, they would fly, despite Guujaaw’s skepticism. All his life he lived off the land or the sea. Carl Coffey, a longtime fishing friend of Percy’s, tells stories of Percy docking in time to make it to Skidegate to play music at dances.

Guujaaw honouring his uncle Percy in this way is fitting, so much more than simply carrying on a tradition. Percy was a mentor to Guujaaw for many years, and in many different ways. In his early years growing up on Haida Gwaii, Percy showed Guujaaw hunting tricks and other methods useful for living off the land. As Guujaaw matured, he also followed in Percy’s footsteps politically.

Percy’s commitment to this lifestyle came out of his love for the land. “He logged and fished like many of his generation,” Guujaaw says, fire crackling in the background. But as logging operations grew bigger on Haida Gwaii, so too did union control. This industry continually grew on island until finally people had to make a choice: fishing or logging. Percy chose fishing.


The increased logging operations on Haida Gwaii during the 60’s and 70’s, began to show its impacts. “Suddenly all of the land was supposedly owned by somebody,” explains Guujaaw. This not only impacted the lifestyle of many, but also had environmental impacts, and as a result was starting to radicalize the people. In 1973, while at Vertical Point, Percy had a chance encounter with Thom Henley, better known by his nickname Huck. Huck had been making his way through Gwaii Haanas via kayak for several weeks, and along his trip had come across a dead eagle. The eagle was mysterious, as it showed no clear clues as to how it died. Thinking he could perhaps preserve it and donate it to the museum, Huck took the eagle. When he encountered Percy at Vertical Point, he hadn’t seen another human in weeks. Percy asked him why he had this eagle, and perhaps a little unnaturally, Huck replied, “because there aren’t many left.” Following this, Huck and Percy got to talking, and began discussing the logging operations in Gwaii Haanas, and the destruction they were causing. Percy took this encounter with him, and thought about it over 1973 and 74.

Guujaaw and Huck reunited at Percy’s memorial

to which Guujaaw replies, “this is not enough.” But, eventually Percy and the Skidegate Band Council backed the IPS in opposing the operations that were going on in Gwaii Haanas. Meanwhile, in 1973 and 1974, logging operations were finishing up on Talunkwan Island, and were to be moved to Burnaby Island. Plans had been submitted to the Forest Service for roads through Burnaby Narrows, and clearcuts all over the island. Many people on the islands knew about the terrible landslides and other impacts that had occurred on Talunkwan and were worried that it might also happen again on Burnaby Island. At a meeting in October 1974, Percy and Nathan Young, Tom Greene Sr. and other Skidegate Band councilors spoke in favour of the South Moresby Wilderness Proposal that was presented to them by Guujaaw, Huck, and the IPS, and stated that they were opposed to the logging planned on Burnaby Island. Dave Barrett, the Premier of BC at the time, happened to be coming for a visit to Haida Gwaii. Percy saw this as a chance to take him down to Burnaby Island, the area he knew so well, where he had taught Guujaaw as a young man. In hopes to protect the area, Percy would propose the South Moresby Wilderness Proposal to the Premier. However, Barrett only deferred the project, implementing just a multi-year moratorium on logging operations on Burnaby Island. “This seemed good at the time, it gave a bit of a reprieve, but in reality they just moved to Lyell Island,” explains Guujaaw. Lyell Island wasn’t a solution, and the Skidegate Band Council agreed that the whole south end should be protected, “and in doing that, the campaign started,” says Guujaaw. What happened on Burnaby Island showed that reasoning wouldn’t work, and that they had to move to other methods. From this point forward, the 12-year battle to stop logging on Lyell Island and to save South Moresby began. But both Guujaaw and Huck put importance in the stance that Percy and the Skidegate Band Council took. “The Island Protection Committee, which in itself wouldn’t really establish any credibility, because it was just all young people that weren’t working, or none of us were going logging or anything,” says Guujaaw, “so it was easy to dismiss it... except that the Band Council was on board.” Furthermore, Huck explains, “it gave legitimacy to what we were doing.”

Huck would continue on to eventually meet Guujaaw, who had a shared vision of protecting Gwaii Haanas from logging operations. Together they would form the Island Protection Committee (IPS), and by lamplight in the summer of 1974, they drew a line on a map with the idea that there should be no logging south of the Tangil Peninsula; they called it the South Moresby Wilderness Proposal. That line, which they started a petition to enforce, would eventually become adopted in the Gwaii Haanas Agreement. When this was proposed to Percy Williams, who was Chief Councillor of the Skidegate Band Council at the time, Huck recalls a particular exchange: “This is too much,” Percy says,

“This is too much,” Percy says, to which Guujaaw replies, “this is not enough.” May 2017 19

“The ability to think of the land and water and other people, that’s what Percy left for us.”

- Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas

Others also spoke to this effect at Percy’s memorial on Friday, April 14th, 2017, including Buddy Richardson, another key player in the fight at Lyell Island. Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas said, “the ability to think of the land and water and other people, that’s what Percy left for us.” Percy was a man that cared for the land and people of Haida Gwaii. And so, on April 15th, Percy’s mortuary pole was raised. The pole is outside the George Brown Recreation Centre and beside the ball field, where Percy enjoyed Haida Gwaii basketball and softball, and overlooking the Skidegate Small Hall, where Percy shared his music at countless dances. Throughout the memorial he was remembered and tributed. His loving wife of many years, Verna, his band mates, and the Skidegate Saints, were also acknowledged. Once the pole was standing, people made their way back into the hall. The entire Skedans Clan made their entrance, and then the soon to be Chief entered. At the front of the hall, Guujaaw stood, blindfolded, while his Eagle aunties, daughters, and granddaughters of the opposite clan dressed him in his regalia. A hushed murmur of anticipation filled the hall. Once fully dressed his blindfold was removed, and Terri-Lynn Williams-Davidson introduced him as Gidansda. The applause could have lasted hours.

GwaaGanad (pictured) and others dress Guujaaw


Photo by Tawla Jaad Three raven dancers open the ceremony; a feast of delicious seafood; moving dance performances by Hltaaxuulang Guud ad K’aajuu and Tuul gundlas cyaal xaada; stories; tributes; speeches; Gidansda’s potlatch was an epic event. But the night was not over yet. A mysterious box had been sitting idle in front of the head table all evening. As it is wheeled out into the centre of the floor, Gidansda himself takes the centre. He calls up 7idansuu (Jim Hart), the two have an exchange back and forth, resulting in Gidansda giving 7idansuu the copper shield that was once on the beaver pole in Skidegate. This powerful gesture of goodwill from Gidansda has the hall’s full attention. He then turns to the other chiefs at the head table, and one by one, starts to give each of them copper shields. After all of the chiefs had been given shields, Gidansda gave shields to Bill Holm, for his service to the arts, Robert Davidson, for carving his frontlet, and one to Reg Davidson, for providing 100 pounds of halibut and a mask. All of the coppers were given with ‘no debt’ to the receiver, only a request that they take the copper back to their people, and properly name it at a potlatch of its own. Gidansda’s distribution of coppers was also used to raise the value of his own copper, Tiisquaniia or “Many Ledges”; by giving them out, it put added value into his own, making it now worth 25 coppers. “Guujaaw has that sense of protocol and diplomacy from his uncle,” says Huck. “It’s a continuum here,” he adds. Guujaaw spoke once again about the long journey to the Gwaii Haanas Agreement at the memorial on Friday, and while

speaking about his Uncle Percy, with a grin on his face he said, “once he entered the fight, it was over.” As Guujaaw came to be the new Gidansda for Skedans, many mentioned the big shoes he has to fill. Guujaaw made it very clear, he would not try to fill those shoes.

“I was told by one of our great elders that the chief’s authority is totally dependent upon the respect given, and none of that respect should be assumed or expected – like anyone, a chief has to earn the respect that he gets.” - Gidansda May 2017 21


May 2017 23

Mum’s nursing school graduation photo


Me and Mum May 2017 25

Horoscopes for May, 2017

Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) There’s a fair bit of sensitivity in your nature this month, dearest Libra. You may be able to council a friend or family member through a difficult challenge, as you will “see” what needs to happen without solid evidence. Trust your gut, it’s not lying to you. Key Words: Prophet, Seer, Loyalty

Aries (March 20-April 19) You’ve been speeding down the highway of life, dearest Aries. But as you look ahead, you see a stop sign in the middle of nowhere. Getting closer, you realize that it actually says “Slow.” There’s no reason to change course, just slow down enough to enjoy the view. Key Words: Stable, Stoic, Quiet Taurus (April 19-May 20) Spring is springing and it’s your season to feel alive, dearest Taurus. Renew your vows to yourself by asking deeply, what is it that I truly want? Plant the seed of desire, than water it and stand back patiently to watch it sprout. Be sure to schedule some valuable alone time to continue rejuvenating. Key Words: Shine, Passion, Assert

Gemini (May 20-June 21) Dearest Gemini, you are now awakening from a long sleep. Open your eyes and see that the sun is out, sleepy head. It’s okay to start off slow, as long as you start. For an added bonus, walk to a quiet location and feel the beauty of the world. This will help you continue to feel hopeful and fulfilled. Key Words: Breathe, Ponder, Wake Up!

Cancer (June 21-July 22) As you cruise through this time of added sunlight, dearest Cancer, feel the breeze on your face. There are loved ones that are demanding your love and attention right now. I know you want to be everything to all people, and this is noble, just remember to include yourself. Key Words: Discipline, Generosity, Spotlight Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) The crowd is gathering around you, dearest Leo, looking for a sign. This is nothing new, as your charisma outshines most others. But I ask you to please be sure to open up your heart to creating, just for the sake of making something fresh. You can help the crowd by being yourself, all ways, always. Key Words: Art, Beauty, Glow Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) Career is highlighted for you this month, dear Virgo. And there are some key questions to ask yourself: What do you believe are your strong points and what is it that you can still perfect? You don’t have to be perfect in your mission in life, just striving to be is good enough. Key Words: Hope, Success, Opportunity

Sage Advisor is a professional

astrologer and has been since 2007. She is passionate about helping clients develop the tools of awareness and purpose for their lives. sageadvisor2u@gmail.com


Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) There are issues around what is good for you versus what is good for your spouse or family. This is the balancing act that you are in the middle of, dearest Scorpio. Who gets your attention and who doesn’t? It’s okay to sacrifice some alone time in order to keep them happy. It won’t last forever. This too shall pass. Key Words: Compromise, Diplomatic, Compassionate

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) You are in alignment when it comes to your career and duties this month, dearest Sagittarius. I know it’s not the most exciting thing to say to your adventurous nature. But doing the hard work it requires in order to check a few things off your list is key to opening you up to new possibilities. Clean out your closet so new pieces have room to breathe. Key Words: Occupation, Commitment, Milestone Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) I want to shout out, Par-tay! to you dearest Capricorn, even though I know that you aren’t easily swayed with frivolous relaxing. Nonetheless, it’s important to realize now that you are in need of a good book to read, a beautiful walk to take and a hot bath to indulge in. Treat yourself well, in order to refresh your attitude. Key Words: Gifted, Stimulating, Inventive Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Multitasking is your middle name this month, dearest Aquarius. The question is, can you stay focused to do all the things you seem to have on your bucket list? I vote that, yes you can! Just be conscious that when you move with deliberate actions, things tend to flow smoothly. Key Words: Juggle, Balance, Open Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) I ask you, dearest Pisces, what is it that leaves you feeling confident and alive? And what areas need attention to develop this better? The key this month, is . realizing that you are wiser, stronger and more disciplined than you give yourself credit for. Please pat yourself on the back and know that everything is going fine. Key Words: Steady, Safe, Reliable

Looking to post a free* classified or event ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classified ads is the 25th of each month at noon. *FREE classifieds apply to private personally owned and non-business postings. For real estate, rentals or business product/ service/employment ads, a small fee will apply.

In the Home & Office

Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/ Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc

The Natural World 8 DVD set. Still in original unopened packaging. Produced by the Discovery Channel. PAL *not* NTSC. $25 Call PK at (250) 984-8916 or email pkail@runbox.com Pioneer M-10X Stereo Power Amp. This is a nice little amplifier. Bought from a clean home a couple years ago and used lightly since. It is in very good shape. Most suitable for bookshelf or efficient speakers. Rated at 70 Watts into 8 Ohms and 100 Watts into 4 Ohms. These ratings seem to be conservative. The pictures are from the internet, but you will be able to see it before you purchase. I sold the speakers I was using it for, which is why I am selling the amp. The highest and lowest prices I found online are $280 and $197, but living on Haida Gwaii one would have to add another $50 for shipping. There is lots of info online if you google. Asking $180. Call Dave Crossley at (250) 559-8208 or email dcrossley@haidagwaii.net Low Km Range Hood 30 inch range hood. Used less than 2 years. Works great, have upgraded to stainless. $100 Call Jeff at 250-559-4260 or email wjtrex@yahoo.ca Epson Stylus - Photo 1280 Inkjet Printer. Excellent Photo Premium Printer. Great value; paid over $899. Brand New - never out of the box! $250 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com Dog pack. Snuggle Mutts large dog pack used a few times in the past few years, to help with groceries the odd time. Lots of adjustment room. $45 Call karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Kirby Vacuum. Includes everything in picture, also includes cleaning solutions. If you like Kirby this is for you, selling because I don’t like cords! Barely used! Call Bev at (778) 260-0059 or email bshannon60@hotmail.com Truss joist. 4 truss joists 20’ long and 12” tall. $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Cookie cutters. Mixed 1” to 3” cookie cutters with a canine theme, from the short-lived but wildly popular Pawsitive Spin Dog Treats factory (whose dog can forget Deer Liver Rice Krispy Squares?). Bones, fire hydrant, doghouse, Lab, Schnauzer, paw; turkey, rabbit, duck, cat, owl, pig, deer, cow; six classic petit fours shapes; hearts and a star. For fun, for profit, for love of your dog. All proceeds donated to the HG SPCA. $15 Email Jess at smittygirl@ftml.net Desk lamp. Will trade for cash or for a lamp that will fit on my headboard. $20 Call Karen Foerter at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Electric heater. 500 watt wall mounted heater with built in fan. New. $60 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Unopened boxes of hot rod Pepperonis. Brand new unopened boxes of hot rod Pepperonis. 40 in box. $25/box Call Michelle at (250) 557-8597 or email martyvanderminne@gmail.com Brand New - 4 GB RAM Chips for Sale. 1866 MHz DDR3 Matched and Guaranteed full length DIMM[s] 4 pcs. X 4 GB, DIMMs. 16 GB in total $30.00 each or all 4 for $100.00. Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@ hotmail.com Granite. Various granite pieces. 1” thick. Enough to do a hearth, floor and wall for a wood stove. $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Steeped Tea. Selling steeped tea, call or text if you would like a catalogue. http://www.steepedtea.com/shop/ Here is link to look at the catalogue online. Cash or etransfer only, can also deliver orders to Masset **orders go in on the 18th of every month** Call Carmen at (778) 269-4602 or email carm2276@hotmail.com

May 2017 27

In the Home & Office - cont. YAMAHA Upright Piano. Yamaha Upright Piano and Bench In Excellent Condition Measurements D24” x W58” x H48” $4,000. Call Jessie McKenzie at (250) 637-1091 or email: hilux90@yahoo.ca

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For sale. Ukulele-Kanile’a K-1 tenor in like new condition with hard case,tuner,music stand and many books.Beautiful toned,Hawaiian made instrument, $500. Call John at (250) 557-4523 or email mostlybirds@ haidagwaii.net Sony Mini Stereo with woofer. Sony sound system in great condition with subwoofer. (not included in picture) MHC-EC98Pi CD, Stereo, Aux, Ipod dock. Great old school stereo system Excellent Used Condition Had this connected to TV. $100 Call Cathy Camp at (250) 626-7734 or email gumboot@massett.ca File Cabinet. 4 drawer tall file cabinet. $50 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@ qcislands.net Life 9500HR Elliptical Trainer. Club standard, Elliptical trainer Or best offer. Over 10 years old. New Battery (recharges during use). New Polar Heart Rate receiver. HR monitor pickups not working on handles, but sale includes a Polar HR chest strap. It looks like most online sales go for 1600 - 2000 dollars used for these items. Contact to have a look and have a spin. $875 Call Peter at (506) 371-8773 or email plake@haidagwaii.net Bosch Tankless Electric Water Heater. Brand new, never used, in the box. Bosch Tankless On-Demand electric hot water heater. This unit requires 120 spare amps to run which is too much power for my hydro drop. Nothing wrong with the unit however. This is brand new top of the line unit that I purchased for over $1300 from Sheret in Vancouver (have receipt). I wish I could use it. Over 90% efficient. $800 Call Ross at (250) 626-7669 or email Rufoushb@gmail.com Digital Message Sign. Programmable, digital LED message sign. Different fonts, colours, flashy styles, and scrolling to convey information in an eye-catching way. BigBrite LED Signs - sell for around $200-$300 new Suitable for a head-turning business sign or to share what’s on your mind with the neighbours. Comes with a remote control for programming. Plugs into regular outlet. Approx 1m long x 20cm high $100 Call Chris Ashurst at (250) 626-9463 or email chris.ashurst@gmail.com Vintage Laura Ashley Party Dress. Gorgeous 1980s Laura Ashley strapless party dress. Two tier green taffeta with black velvet top. Size 14, worn once and stored in a garment bag. All proceeds from sale go to the Masset Animal Helpline. $45. Call Anne Marie at (250) 6265126 or email tobeadragon@gmail.com Sony 50” Grand Wega TV Home Theater. KF-50WE620 LCD Projection TV includes a micro satellite channel speaker system consisting of one centre, 2 side and 2 rear surround speakers, subwoofer and cables, receiver, CD/DVD player and grey metallic stand. It supports Sony and Dolby Digital Cinema Sound for great home entertainment. Older model but lightly used in excellent condition. Comes with all installation manuals. $500 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 637-1772 or email robinpozer54@gmail.com Regency Wood Heater. New (still in box) Regency, Model F3100 wood heater with blower. Was $2230 new. Max 80000 BTU. Can be viewed online on Regency web site. $1,600 Call Patrick Taylor at (250) 212-3447 or email macdt1947@gmail.com Wood Carving. Wood Carving $200 Call Bernie or Shari at (250) 5598272 or email howle@qcislands.net Silver Coins for sale. I have some Royal Canadian Mint collector coins for sale. One 200 dollar , six 100 dollar and six 50 dollar. All of them are in mint condition in their original packaging. Got them over the last two years and now need the money more than the coins. They can be exchanged at the bank dollar for dollar but I thought I would give you collectors out there a chance before they disappear.Will sell separately at face value. $1,100 Call Al at (250) 637-5754 or email algrosve@telus.net

In the Home & Office - cont. Table with six chairs for sale. Lovely round, light mahogany colored table with six chairs. Comes with center leaf that makes the table larger. $500. Call Dan at (250) 626-7451 or email dpmatt68@yahoo.ca Freezer. Apartment size freezer $250. Call Shirley Smith at (250) 626-6051 or email Barbara.Sly@northernhealth.ca Kitchen table with four chairs. Kitchen table has an additional leaf with four wooden chairs $250. Call Shirley Smith at (250) 626-6051 or email Barbara.Sly@northernhealth.ca Closet Doors. Two Mahogany bifold doors $30 each. Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Seymour Duncan Rails for Strat - Hot, Cool, Vintage. New in original package, only opened to confirm. Asking $75 each (found online to be approx $130 each) I can provide details on difference between the three on request. Call Kristi at (250) 637-1967 or email kristi@haidagwaii.ca John Pilger 16 DVD set. ‘Heroes’: DVD set of the films of John Pilger between 1970 and 2007. Includes the book “Breaking the Silence” by Anthony Haywood. PAL *not* NTSC. $65 Call PK at (250) 984-8916 or email pkail@runbox.com Electrolux fridge water filter. Brand new EWF01 Electrolux pure advantage water filter. I paid $49.99 plus tax from fridge filters .ca, but I’m selling it selling for $40. If you are interested, please check that this is the correct filter for your fridge. Different Electrolux fridge models require specific water filters. Call Susan at (250) 557-8555 or email Ssnwrt@gmail.com NAPA/Belden Primary Wire. 12 Gauge and 10 Gauge Primary Wire, in 25 Foot / 8 Metre Coils. 12 AWG - $12.50 per coil 4 coils available. 10 AWG - $15 per coil 2 coils available. Less than 1/2 the new price. These were used for indoor speaker wire so they are clean and in good condition. The 12 AWG makes good speaker wire, up to about 20 feet long, and it is sold as speaker wire but in different colours. The 10 AWG can be used as speaker wire but is best used for it’s original auto/marine purposes. Call Dave Crossley at (250) 559-8208 or email dwcrossley4@yahoo.ca Programmable thermostats. Two NOMA programmable thermostats for electric heat (baseboards, etc.) Seven day programming (separate programs for Sat & Sun) 3,500 watt rating, 240 volts AC Save money on your electric bill by automatically turning down the heat when you’re away or asleep. Asking $20 each, or $30 for both. Call George at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@qcislands.net Monty Python. Fourteen DVD set of Monty Python’s Flying Circus. New price is about US$130 + shipping. PAL *not* NTSC. $80 Call PK at (250) 984-8916 or email pkail@runbox.com

May 2017 29

In the Home & Office - cont. Bathroom vanity. 60” x 21” bathroom vanity, Cherry, $200. Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Equipment. Forman crossover, ross rx-155 equalizer, yorkville p2000 balanced sound processor, pv 900w amp, and yamaha 150II powered mixer, also included but not pictured two yorkville elite bass bins. all in good shape, just needs cleaning. $800 Call Bernie at (250) 559-8272 or email howle@qcislands.net Oster Versa BLENDER 1100 Series. Brand new still wrapped in plastic shipping wrap Oster Versa Performance Blender. $160 Call Sonia Rice at (250) 626-9049 or email sonia.rice6058@gmail.com Queen size bed. I have a nearly new, double sided pillow top mattress - which has been flipped regularly and covered all the time - no stains /rips or tears --- comes with bed frame and older box spring (blue) l will throw in a mattress cover dual heaters - a bunch of fitted and top sheets - some comforters - a really nice oak headboard - This mattress is a medium firmness and is perfect for people with back issues - this is a top of the line mattress. $1,500 Call Darlene at (250) 559-9034 or email bondd06@hotmail.com Oak casings. 100 ft of colonial oak casings. $50 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Bowflex Blaze Home Gym Trainer. This is a great gym to mix and match over 60 muscle strengthening exercises while adding in a bit of cardio training. With up to 210 lb of resistance (upgradable to 310 lb and 410 lb), this machine is versatile enough to work your abs, arms, chest, back, shoulders and lower body. This machine includes an angled lat bar, lower pulley/squat station, leg extension/curl attachment, rowing station, triple-function hand grips and ankle cuffs. $500 Call Alex at (250) 6263206 or email singgaalaa@gmail.com Locally Hatched Chicks For Sale. We will have limited quantities of Barred Rock and “Barnyard Mix” straight run chicks available on about April 5th. Barred Rocks are a good sturdy Dual Purpose breed, while the “Barnyard Mix” are from predominantly Ameraucana hens with assorted roosters. All chicks $5 each, straight run. Give us a shout, or email if you are interested! We may be doing more hatches later this spring if there is enough demand. $5 Call Brock & Maryanna at (250) 559-8648 or email magpie@haidagwaii.net Gas Cook Top. 36” 5 burner gas cook top. Used only one year then replaced with full range. $250 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net

In the Yard & Workshop

Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/ Pet and Pet Supplies

Table Saw For Sale - Price Reduced! 10” Craftsman compound mitre cut-off saw. Brand new, still in the box. Was $400, now only $350! Call Ron at (250) 559-7790 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Seed Spreader. Used once - Seed Spreader with 100 lb hopper and rain cover. Fully Functional. Great for seed, lawn fertilizer, lime, etc. I paid $129 plus shipping. $100 Call Brock at (250) 637-1996 or email magpie@ haidagwaii.net Hand Split Shakes for Sale. Hand split 24” red cedar shakes. Bundles ready to roof. Heavys and mediums. Lower grades available. Priced by the bundle with 25 sq Ft Coverage. $75 Call Travis at (250) 637-1011 or email Bigfoot@haidagwaii.net Dust collector hose and access. 2pcs of 4in x 10ft flexible hose. 3 heavy wire clamps. 6 mounting brackets. 2 - 90deg elbows. 1 rubber end plug. All access. fit the 4 inch hose. $60 Call Mike Husband at (250) 559-8047 or email mikehuzz@hotmail.com Electric Service. 200 amp tec cable 21 ft long Weather head Dual meter base. $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net


In the Yard & Workshop - cont. Greenhouse parts. Plastic parts used to connect glass to make a small greenhouse. $20 or best offer. Call Paul at (250) 984-8916 or email pkail@runbox.com Hot tub breaker. 30 amp gfic square d breaker for hot tub. Comes with 2 space subpanel $50 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Electric Panel. 60 amp load. Centre with breakers and main panel breaker Perfect for garage or auxiliary building $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Rod repair items. I purchased these items to repair the eyes on 2 saltwater rods. and 1 extra set if needed 2 bottles of urethane rod finish (glue) 12 eyes thread brushes $60 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@ qcislands.net Exterior Door. 32” exterior door. For 2x4 stud wall. Right hand inswing $200 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Interior doors. 2 doors One 30”, one 34” Both flat panel with jambs. Some casings.$40 each. Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net In Search Of ATV / console cover. Seeking console cover for volunteer marine rescue vessel in Masset. ATV cover will work but open to any workable solution. Call Chris Ashurst at (250) 626-9463 or email chris.ashurst@gmail.com Sand point. Do you need lots of water ? Huge Sand point for Sale. $125 Call Wolfgang at (250) 626-7960 or email chantywolfe@gmail.com Electric Service. Perfect for shop or house 125 amp square d. Full breakers Meter base Mast and weather head Complete $300 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Renovating tools. Saw drills etc. $80 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Craftsman Walk Behind Weedwacker Weed Trimmer. Sears craftsman 22” High Wheel Weed Trimmer Used only two seasons. In very good shape. $200 Call sam at (250) 637-5653 or email purplesolution@gmail. com Culvert. 12” culvert 4 meters long $400 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@ qcislands.net

On the Road

In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment

New Summer Tires. I have a set of 4 brand new General tires. Size-175R6514. $100 Call Al or Sian at (250) 637-5754 or email algrosve@telus.net 1942 Ford. 1942 Ford (Stock/Classic). Ready for Summer cruising. Serious inquires only. $15,000 Call Mimi or Ryan at (250) 637-1473 or email mmpaquette@outlook.com ‘56 Chevy For Sale!. Classic 1956 Chevy Wagon. Runs great. Good tires. Needs a transmission. $15,000 Call Bill at (250) 559-4641 or email citires@qcislands.net

May 2017 31


2009 Chrysler 200 4dr/50,000km/Stk#6191


2007 Jeep Wrangler 4x4/5spd/107,000km/Stk#6180


On the Road - cont. Fiat 500. REDUCED Taking off island for trade in if it doesn’t sell SPECIFICATIONS Engine: 4-Cyl 1.4 Liter MultiAir Transmission: 5 Speed Automatic Trim: Hatchback Class Sport/Coupe Horsepower: 101@6500 Mpg: 31 City / 40 Hwy Body Style: Hatchback Drivetrain: FWD Fuel Type: Unleaded Seating Capacity: Four Test drives are welcome! Perfect driving car, also has bumper to bumper insurance to 120,000km Currently at 75,000km $10,500 Call Shawn Marrs at (778) 873-9411 or email Shawnmarrs99@gmail.com Winter Tires - 195/70R14 - used. Winterforce studded winter tires 5x100 bolt pattern 2 tires have only 1 winter of use $225 Call Alvin at (250) 559-8797 or email acober@qcislands.net Winter Tires - 195/60R15 - used. Winter Quest studded winter tires 4x108 bolt pattern (off Ford) $175 Call Alvin at (250) 559-8797 or email acober@qcislands.net Toyota Hubs For Sale. Set of two Aisin hubs for a Toyota 4x4. Will fit 1989-95. Convert from ADD to freewheeling front wheels. Asking $100 for the set - cheaper than eBay! Call George at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@qcislands.net Wheel for trailer. Solid wheel. Includes clamp. Capacity 500 lbs. $25 Call Paul at (250) 9848916 or email pkail@runbox.com Chevy Cavalier. 2001 Chevy Cavalier for sale. Good tires, super economical to drive. 178,000 km. Needs new front wheel bearing. $750 Call Eleanor Bowman at (250) 559-8595 or email maudeisland@yahoo.ca Toyota air filter. Air filter fits Toyota trucks 1989-95; new in box. $10 Call George at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@qcislands.net Wanted to buy travel trailer. Looking for older travel trailer if you can help please call 250 557 8597 Call Martin at (250) 557-8597 or email martyvanderminne@gmail.com Utility trailer. Older style trailer, well built, great for small farm. $300 Call Mark at (778) 899-5984 or email longhouse@hgqci.org

2013 Smart Car 40,000km/Stk#6189


2015 Hyundai Accent 4dr/30,000km/Stk#6192


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Men’s Mountain Bike For Sale. One, Norco Katmandu mountain bike. Men’s. Brand new. Only ridden once about 1km! Frame is 22”, is better for a taller man. For more information on options, call Dale at 250-5574235 $500 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Saturn For Sale. 2001 Saturn SL1 with 213,000km. 4 new tires, new brakes, brake lines, ball joints, tie rod ends and engine head. $1,800 Call Manzanita at (250) 557-8579 or email info@ haidagwaiitrader.com 1991 isuzu trooper. Engine was at 180k after driving it up here now it’s dead. Everything else was great now looking to sell as is or buy engine for it. Msg me. Email only. $2,000 Jeana, email: jeanapoorman@hotmail.com 2001 Volvo Station Wagon. Heated leather seats, roof rails, fold down back seats 1.9 four cylinder engine, great economy and lots of cargo room. Excellent condition, runs perfect 195,450km’s in the lower mainland - no rust and was factory undercoated. Mechanically maintained, oil change and filters just done this week. $4,950 Call Maryanne at (250) 626-7555 or email Maryanne@maryannewettlaufer.com

On the Water

In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats

Marine LED Lanterns (white). 2 marine LED lanterns (white/clear) Brand new, never used Appropriate for illuminating barges, bridges, or harbours. Model: Maxlumina ML-155 nM range Online prices ~$100$200 per lantern used, up to $700 new. $400 Call Chris Ashurst at (250) 626-9463 or email chris.ashurst@gmail.com

On the Water - cont. 40ft Tollycraft For Sale. Located in Masset, this 40 ft Tollycraft Tri Cabin would make a great charter vessel, rental, air b&b, or live aboard. In the kitchen you will find a double sink, propane stove and oven, and fridge. There are two bedrooms, each have there own head and shower. the vessel sleeps 6, but can carry up to 13 people. Steering controls in two locations: cabin and bridge. Clean engine room, with regularly maintenanced twin 454’s Mercruisers. 15 Gross tonnage. $50,000 Call Laina or Kirt Holland at (250) 626-3277 or email laina.bell31@gmail.com Still for Sale. 16.5 f inflatable boat for Sale. Built in France. $1,200 Call Wolfgang at (250) 626-7960 or email chantywolfe@gmail.com Boat and Trailer for sale. 16 ft. Malibu fibreglass boat with (Shoreline) galvanized trailer including spare tire and wheel. Walk through windshield and fold down vinyl top. Comes with two Downriggers and attachments. Needs a new motor. Both in pretty good shape. Any reasonable offer considered. $2,000 Call Al at (250) 637-5754 or email algrosve@telus.net Thinning the quiver. Various surfboards left to right 7’2x21.25x2.25 tuflite epoxy e4 with gopro mount and good fcs bag. Front and back stomp pads 550 6’x21.75x2.5 mini fun board has been broken 200 6’2x18.25x2 3/3 isle epoxy thruster barely used. Recommend for children or someone small and very good 200 6’6x20x2.5 lots of volume for easy ride catching. it too was broken but fixed 180 6’6x19.5x2.5 thruster. Fast board with good balance of hold and maneuverability. Fixed thruster set up. Has seen good use so expect pressure dings and a repair and reinforcement at back rail. 180 6’8x19x2.5 was pintail mini gun but had leash pull through back rail and shortened and squash tailed it. Good deck. 180 Call Randy at (250) 626-7336 or email randamadee@yahoo.ca Outboard dolly/stand. Outboard dolly/stand. Bought last year and used about three times. $40 Call Paul at (250) 984-8916 or email pkail@runbox.com

May 2017 33

On the Water - cont. Stolen Downriggers and Canon Balls. Electric Downriggers and cannon balls stolen off my brothers boat. If you have any information on these items please contact the RCMP or Leo Abrahams @ 250-626-5030 Call Carol brown at (250) 626-3763 or email carol_brown8@hotmail.com

Kids Zone

From infants to toddlers-Clothing/Toys/Books/Games

Crib Bed Set. Brand New.. It’s all gender neutral White adjustable ruffled crib skirt, fitted sheet and a pretty textured quilt. 2 swaddling Blankets $50 Call Dawn-Ann at (250) 637-1212 or email dawn_ann_s@hotmail.com Magic Cards for Sale. Approximately 2600 cards sold all together in boxes. $200 Call Reuben at (250) 557-2475 or email gerrym@galaxymail.ca Crocheted Cocoons. Crocheted cocoons for newborn baby girl or boy. Nice baby shower gifts. $40 Call Carol Brown at (250) 626-3763 or email carol_brown8@hotmail.com Baby Girl Wardrobe. This is a collection of high end, name brand clothing in immaculate condition. There are just over 100 items, most are from Gap, but it is also includes Tommy Hilfiger, Zara Baby, The Children’s Place, Osh Kosh, Carters, and Child of Mine. SIZE: NB to 9 months old. 19 Suits 15 Pants 20 Shirts 11 Dresses 3 Skirts 2 Jackets 12 Sweaters 3 Pairs of Shoes 1 Bathing Suit 2 Pairs of Sox 13 Hats 1 Pumpkin Halloween Suit (6 month) I have more pictures, email or text me anytime :) $100 Call Dawn-Ann at (250) 637-1212 or email dawn_ann_s@hotmail.com


Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate

ISO - pottery wheel. Hello! I am searching to purchase an electric pottery wheel. I am looking to practice this hobby more frequently and am wondering if anyone on island has one they are maybe not using anymore and/or have one they are up to parting with. I’m willing and able to travel anywhere on island to get one. Any leads would be greatly appreciated! Many thanks. Call nicole at (250) 637-1310 or email nicoleday30@gmail.com Stovepipe Piece Wanted. Looking for a 6” roof collar/jack for a 6” stovepipe. Do you have one kicking around you might sell? Call Pete at (250) 557-4205 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Hobby farm sitter for part of summer. Do you know someone who would like to have a home base while visiting or living in Haida Gwaii for up to a month this summer? We have a small number of goats (milkers), chickens, cats and ducks...and need a reliable and enthusiastic farming type to stay on site...dates negotiable, but maybe most of July or instead the latter part of August. Call Harmonie at (250) 557-9359 or email harmonie@qcislands.net WANTED FOR SPARE PARTS. Hi I’m looking for spare parts for my trusty Husqvarna 2101 and 266 chainsaws. If you have any bits and pieces you no longer require I am interested and have some cash to pay you. Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@ hotmail.com Rental Apartment/House Wanted. We are a reliable, clean and tidy couple looking for a place to rent in Queen Charlotte from the 30 June - 31 October 2017. Within a reasonable distance to the hospital would be ideal, as my husband will be working there as a Physician. Please contact us if you have something available! Call Phoebe at (250) 212-9917 or email phoebe_tonks@hotmail.com Cat Door. Looking to buy a used cat door in good condition for mid-size weight cats. Please email or call me. Thank you. Call Germain at (250) 557-4240 or email germain@qcislands.net


Wanted - cont. Billet Family Wanted. Hi there, my name is Lydia Johnson and I am a 20 year old student looking for a family to billet with for the months of September - December. I am travelling to Haida Gwaii for the HGHES Program to study Natural Resource Science. I am a trustworthy, respectful, and easy-going student. If you are interested and would like some more information do not hesitate to contact me! Call Lydia Johnson at (807) 630-1901 or email lydiajohnsonnn@gmail.com Wooden Desk Wanted. In good shape would be nice, but not a flimsy one. Call Deb at (250) 626-5286 or email daisy@mhtv.ca Outboard Wanted. Wanted: 30 HP Yamaha, 2 stroke, long shaft, outboard, pull start tiller for 16’ skiff. Willing to pay up to $3000 for one with low hours and in good condition. Call Please leave a message at (250) 557-2004 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Woofer wanted. We have a cute space for the right person/couple. Food and accommodation in exchange for yard/farm work. We will ask for a couple references if you are the chosen one. Call Anne at (250) 557-2451 or email abarnes@haidagwaii.net Need Apple 30-pin/HDMI adapter. We are in need of an Apple adapter for iPad 3, Can’t find them in stores anymore, And the aftermarket ones online don’t work with iOS 9 + If anyone has one (used or new) they want to sell pls contact us. We can pick up almost anywhere :) Thank you very much (picture attached is from the internet to show what we are looking for). Jev or June at jev.june@gmail.com Kitchen stove. Regular size kitchen stove needed ASAP Call dawn/Darlene at (250) 6263355 or email onelife@island.net ISO: Place to Rent June 1st to Sept 1st in or around Massett. I’m in search of a rental for the summer of 2017 (June 1st -Sept 1st) in or around the Masset area. I’m a single working individual. I’m looking for anything from a room rental to a house rental. Pet friendly is ideal but not necessary. Call Danny Mathieu at (250) 991-1416 or email mathieud1@cnc.bc.ca Tires. Looking for a set of G78-14 tires. Or something similar. Have rims need rubber. Call mike at (778) 834-6341 or email marabou85@hotmail.com Long-term Accommodation - starting mid-June. I’m looking for a long-term rental from mid June onwards in and around Masset. I’m an RN that will be working at the Masset Hospital full-time starting in May. I’m an outdoorsy, super clean, and quiet person. I’m community-minded and open to shared living arrangements or off-grid living and love to cook, garden, and stay active. Contact me by e-mail or more immediately by phone. Many thanks! Call Emily at (416) 558-7774 or email emilytureck@hotmail.com Looking for a house to buy. I am looking for a moderately priced house to buy.($100,000 or less). I would prefer from Tlell to Charlotte City. Please contact me with any offerings you have. Call Julian at (778) 822-2583 or email julian@bluelinetactical.ca


Anything that just needs a new home!

Seine Net. 20’x40’ of seine net (or sections) to cover my chicken run. Call Christine Pansino at (250) 559-8585 or email crutine@yahoo.ca Baby chair. Free swinging chair. Batteries not included. Will deliver to locations on the North End. Call Meredith at (250) 626-7737 or email meredith@sparkenergy.ca Misty Rose. Our beautiful cat Misty Rose is looking for a new home. She is a longhaired domestic cat and is 8 years old, born and raised on Haida Gwaii. We have to move off island and would like to find her a new home here. She has been cared for at the Queen Charlotte Island Animal Hospital and they have her health records there. She is gentle and loves to be petted and brushed. She is a house cat but does enjoy being outside for a couple of hours each day. She has her own cat tree which will come with her. She is very afraid of dogs and may have some trouble adapting to other cats in the home. With some time and patience she will settle down and become a loving member of your family. 250-637-1785 Call Debra at (250) 637-1785 or email ulianadebra@gmail.com

May 2017 35

Real Estate & Rentals

Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accomodation

South Beach Dunes “SOUTH BEACH DUNES� is offering three beautiful exclusive oceanfront and seven upland acreage estates on the South Beach, on the north end of Haida Gwaii /Queen Charlottes. These are very special properties with exceptional beach and dune environment. South Beach Dunes offers exceptional value with prices for ocean front land well below anywhere else on the west coast of North America. Acreage sizes range from 4.64 acres and prices are from $40,000. If living in this unique environment appeals to you please contact us - there are a very limited number of properties of this caliber available for sale. For more details visit our Website - www.southbeachdunes.com Call 250 631-3055 or email vernonbyberg@gmail.com Yakoun River Inn MLS# N4507475 This local Pub and gathering spot is situated on the oceanfront in Port Clements on Graham Island in Haida Gwaii. Long established, popular with locals and visitors alike. 3,300 sqft building on a corner location, adjacent to government dock facilities, licensed for 100 patrons. Permitted uses also include lodging and adjacent properties can be available for anyone interested in expanding the business. MLS# N4507475 Price $337,500 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com Best Value Beachcabins Secluded oceanfront/rainforest off-grid cabins, furnished and equipped kitchens, private parking. Call/Text Toni at 250-626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com or visit our website at www.beachcabins.com Price $90-120 per night DL847A Masset MLS# R2080908 160 acre property on the north-east end of Graham Island within the Naikoon Provincial Park. Mix of indigenous vegetation and water courses which meander throughout the property. This is a remote, rural acreage that is hike-in access only. Walking distance is approximately three miles from the end of Tow Hill Rd. There are no services. The Naikoon Provincial Park is an area of 72,640 hectares that takes in the entire northwest tip of Graham Island. Price $80,000 Call 2502863293 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com Home for sale! 1829 Cedar Cr Masset MLS#N243672 Recently Reduced to 99,000! This home is a great buy! Many recent renos. Newer metal roof, kitchen cupboards and counters, vinyl plank flooring in the living room and hallway, new vinyl windows (2012), oil tank, rug on the stairs, bathtub and enclosure, dehumidifier in the basement. Close to downtown and the marina. Fenced, private backyard. A must-see! Call Brian to view and for all your Real Estate needs! Toll free 866-303-5286 (local 250-626-5286) or his cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@ royallepage.ca Price $99,000 Home for sale! Great buy! 2038 Pintail Cr Masset MLS#N238544 Clean well kept home in a quiet Crescent. Deck & backyard are very private, fenced with lots of trees! Wood stove can heat whole house with 2 yrs wood supply! Carbon monoxide alarm. Bedrooms each have cable, phone and fire alarms. Suite possible. Master bdrm has reading, workout room & large bathroom! 30+yr fibreglass shingles on house & garage 2010. 5 windows upstairs replaced 2010. Recently replaced hot water tank & sliding glass doors to back yard. A must see! Call Brian to view. Price $199,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca DL834A Masset R2090133 Located on the north-east end of Graham Island within the Naikoon Provincial Park, this 160 acre property has a relatively level topography with a mix of indigenous vegetation, a small lake and water courses which meander throughout the property. This is a remote, rural acreage that is hike-in access only. Walking distance is approximately one mile in from Tow Hill Rd, two miles before Tow Hill. Price $80,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Great Starter Home in Port Clements! Do you like to fish, hunt, hike, and/or camp? This might be the perfect home for you! Close to the school, post office, library, Bayview Market and the beach! Large workshop. Quiet and peaceful location in Port Clements, not a far drive to Tlell, Skidegate, Queen Charlotte or Masset. Great starter home for a young family. Lovely neighborhood. Call 250-557-2460 or email eaglec@qcislands.net Sale Pending! Beautiful Home in Lawn Hill with 9 Acres 4 acres of privately owned, beautiful, beach frontage located across the highway from where the home and another 5 acres are located. Many recent upgrades. Large, bright kitchen. Lots of cupboard space throughout the home. Separate laundry room. Dining area and living room. Fantastic view. Forest backdrop. Close to amenities and nature. 2 garages. Attached shop and root cellar. Electric and wood stove heat. For more information call 250559-7786 or 250-559-4637 or email: pescador@live.ca Call 250 559 4637 or email pescador@live.ca Vacant Lot For Sale! Fully serviced 60’x 120’ cleared lot located at 2129 Teal Blvd Masset. This lot is ready to build on. It is located close to the Delkatla Bird Sanctuary in a very quiet area of town. It is already fenced in on 1 side and the back and has a buffer tree line on the other side. Great buy!! Ask $29,900.00. OBO Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@mhtv.ca or rollie@bellaliant.net or phone 709 243 2488 or cell phone at 709 458 8811 Skidegate Landing 3 Bedroom rental with a great view! Spacious, partially furnished, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom ground level suite in Skidegate Landing. Amazing view. $1200 per month-includes heat and utilities. Please leave a message at 250-637-1348

Do you have any:

Local stories Photos Illustrations Cartoons Poems Letters to the Editor

That you’d like to share with us? We’d love to hear from you. Send your submissions and/or pitches to pmoore@haidagwaiitrader.com May 2017 37

Real Estate & Rentals - cont. 181 Bayview Drive, Port Clements MLS#2127730 This offering is for a residential oceanfront lot overlooking Masset Inlet in Port Clements. Port, as the community is known, is a village of approx. 400 people centrally located on Graham Island, the largest island in Haida Gwaii on BC’s west coast. The community offers most amenities and services, as well as government dock and moorage facilities. It is ideally placed as a gateway to the varied recreational opportunities offered by Haida Gwaii. This 0.25 acre lot is relatively level with 66.27ft of walk-on waterfront. City services are available at the lot line. The property offers sweeping views across the Masset Inlet. Access to the Queen Charlotte Islands is by ferry from Prince Rupert on the BC mainland, by air from Vancouver to Sandspit and by air from Prince Rupert to Sandspit. Chartering of private planes or boats is also an option. Price $69,000 Call 1-800-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com Riverfront Acreage for Sale! Great Buy! 355 Sangan Dr Masset Rural MLS#R2031108 Riverfront property on 2.018 acres. Partially built home; built to lock up 2010. Tenant live in the cottage on property. Beautiful property, Coho run is awesome in this river. 12x16 power shack, 200 amp service. Chicken coop. Great potential. Perfect place to raise a family. A must-see!! Call to view!! Call Brian to view or for all your Real Estate needs on Haida Gwaii. Toll free 1-866-303-5286 or his cell @ 604-5573597 Or email him @ brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Your Only Local Realtor! Price $179,000 Home for sale! 1610 Spruce Cr Masset MLS#R2096889 Newer high end renos complete. Bay window in living room. 100 amp service. Newer tile floor upstairs. Newer windows & hot water tank. New fuel tank (painted for weather protection). New lights. Fully furnished. Newer appliances. Kitchen fully equipped. Open concept, lots of cupboard space. New bathrooms. Basement has rec room w/new flooring, laundry room, storage room, and laundry room. Call Brian to view cell 604-557-3597 or home 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $150,000 Vacant Lot For Sale! Fully serviced 60’x 120’ cleared lot located at 2129 Teal Blvd Masset. This lot is ready to build on. It is located close to the Delkatla Bird Sanctuary in a very quiet area of town. It is already fenced in on 1 side and the back and has a buffer tree line on the other side. Great buy!! Ask $29,900.00. OBO Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@mhtv.ca or rollie@bellaliant.net or phone 709 243 2488 or cell phone at 709 458 8811. Newly Renovated Home For Sale! Located at 2135 Teal Blvd, Masset. 5 Beds, 2 Baths, 8 Appliances, Separate Laundry Rm and Family Rm. This furnished house has recent upgrades with Laminate flooring, New Kitchen Cabinets and Countertops, New Bath fixtures and Tub, along with a fully chain link fenced in back yard, two out sheds and more. Recently reduced price and owner is motivated to sell. Adjacent vacant lot also available for sale, either separate or included with house. A must see. Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@bellaliant.net or phone 709 243 2488 or cell phone at 709 458 8811. Price $139,900 Oceanfront Acreage for Sale! 10909 Tow Hill Rd MLS® R2114391 Ocean front home on 2.799 acres. Unbelievable ocean view! Your own private beach access. Huge deck. Drill well 4yr old, good water. Newer water filter system. Newer painted interior. Newer laminated and tile flooring. Boiler recently serviced. This home could not be replaced for asking price. Call Brian to view toll free 866-303-5286 or his cell 604557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca .Your Only On Island Realtor!! Price $495,000 Masset Inlet Ocean View 3 bedroom house Rare opportunity to buy a home in Masset in a prime location. This home is 2000 square feet. 3 bedroom upstairs. Price $275,000 Call 250-661-5368 or email yabogwaii@yahoo.ca


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Home on Acreage for Sale! 986 Nadu Rd Rural, HWY 16 This is a nice piece of property located between Port Clements & Masset off Hwy 16 on Nadu Rd. Nice quiet secluded area. Great potential for an awesome homestead with open sunny areas perfect for gardens and greenhouses. The house is in need of some TLC. MLS® Number: R2134787 To view all of Brian’s listings go to Royal LePage Prince Rupert web site. Call Brian to view 250-626-5286 or his cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca. Your Only Local Realtor! Price $129,000 Home for Sale! 1818 Alder Cr Masset MLS® Number: R2139476 This is a nicely renovated home on a quiet cul-de-sac. Landscaped yard with a pond with gold fish, 5 raised 11’x3’ flower beds. A large 20’x8’ green house. A covered carport to keep you dry right to the doorway. Plenty of room in the enclosed shop/green room. Furniture and appliances could be included. A must see! View all Brian’s listing go to Brian Bussiere Realtor.ca Call Brian to view & for all you on island Realtor needs! Your Only on Island Real Realtor! Price $145,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Ocean view Home for Sale! 140 Bayview Dr MLS R2140417 Quaint ocean view cottage. Close to shopping, marina and school. Within walking distance of a pub and restaurant. Good starter home. Call Brian to view & for all your Realtor needs - Your only on Island Realtor - toll free at 1-866-303-5286 or on my cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@ royallepage Price $89,000 Hippy Hill Lane 620 2nd Avenue. A 1026 sqft, 1 and 1/2 story house with 2 bedrooms and an open concept living room/kitchen/dining room. New siding, roofing, foundation and a deck have all been added within the last 5-7 years. Bamboo hardwood floors plus ceramic tile. Has a heat pump and baseboard heaters with option of adding wood (chimney already installed). House comes with 5 major appliances all in great shape. Price $165,000 Call 250-637-1567 or email Bobbileechatelaine@trentu.ca Ocean Access Lot for sale! 2255 Marwell Rd MLS® R2027624 3.28 acres of old growth forest, 1 O minutes from Masse!. 10 minute walk to a beautiful secluded beach surrounded by sand dunes ... Lots of level building sites and easy access to the property. This area is called South Beach dunes with all lots being two acres plus. This property is priced to sell. To view all Brian’s listing go to Royal LePage Prince Rupert web site. Your Only Local Realtor! Call Brian to view 250-626-5286 or his cell 604-5573597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $85,000 River Front Acreage for SALE! 8170 Tow Hill Rd MLS® # N238550 River front property with three homes, separate driveways. Each home is private from each other. Short walk to a beach (ocean) across trail. Large wired work shop and separate car garage on a paved driveway. Great Coho fishing in the river right in your back yard! Large smoke house also in the huge back yard. Short drive to downtown Masset. Beautiful property! A must see! Call Brian to view and for all your Real Estate needs. Your Only Local Realtor!! Brian’s Cell 604-557-3597 or 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $360,000 Amazing Business Opportunity! Successful and profitable business for over 40 years, the Cow Bay Pioneer Guesthouse is located in the downtown area of Prince Rupert known as the Cow Bay District. Only 2 blocks from the waterfront, Tourist Info Office and grocery market, the 17 bedroom and 10 bathroom Pioneer Guesthouse is conveniently situated for travelers and a wonderful business opportunity. Price $999,000 Call 250624-2334 or email pioneer@citywest.ca Haida Gwaii Accommodations Now accepting applications for Masset and Port Clements accommodations: updated 2, 3 and 4 bedroom places coming available soon. Call 250-661-9012 or text or email sitkaw@telus. net Please Call 250-661-9012 or email Sitkaw@telus.net

May 2017 39

Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Home for Sale! 1838 Balsam Cr Masset MLS® R2156700 Stylish home w/many upgraded features. Addition with lrg master bdrm , 3 pcs bathroom w/dbl sinks & lrg closet. Dining room has wet bar area w/ water filtration in both wet bar & kitchen. 2 built in dishwashers & ovens. Living room has wood stove. Hardwood & tile floors. 2 laundry rooms. Upgraded windows. Alarm system. Covered decks front & back. Low maintenance landscaping front & back. Huge dbl garage/shop. Many other features...too many to list. Call Brian for more info. Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $279,000 Offices For Rent in Skidegate Two side-by-side offices for rent together or separately located in the Haida Heritage Centre in the ‘Link’ hallway. Call 250-559-0014 or email gncorp1@gmail.com QC OFFICES FOR RENT QUEEN CHARLOTTE OFFICES, 302 2nd Ave. Two story building, 2600 sq feet, 7 offices approximately 12 x 12 feet, $330 each. Rent individual offices or contact to discuss the entire building or offices on 1 floor. Building has high-speed fiber internet. Price $330 Call 250-559-8800 or email seniors@qcislands.net FOR SALE ! 2112 Teal Blvd - Masset - 1050 square foot home, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, large deck overlooking fenced in back yard with 16 x 36 shop/garage. Cozy home, economical to heat. Back yard backs on to park land. 15 minute walk to the beach, 5 minute walk to bird sanctuary. Call Marlene at 250-626-7833 or email marlene_liddle@yahoo.ca Serious inquiries only please! Price $129,500 Home and Acreage For Sale Newly renovated 3 bedroom home with heat pump, 2 bath, hardwood on main floor and also, newly renovated art studio. Situated on 2.4 acres including beautiful and private ocean frontage. Price $370,000 Call 778-260-0279 or email sheilakarrow@gmail.com 2 Houses - Ready to Move in! One property with two residences at 512A/B Copperbay Road, Sandspit. Backed by forest and amazing ocean views in the front. The first house (with the green roof) has 5 bed/2bath, a Fisher wood stove, tons of floor to ceiling storage space and a large deck. Once run as a successful bed and breakfast, this house comes with all furniture and appliances! The second house has 3 bed/2 bath and a huge kitchen. 2 large carports and 3 large sheds. Amazing listing at an amazing price. Price $250,000 Call 778-899-7176 or email juicystellla@yahoo.com.au Business For Sale: La Belle Cosmetics Well established business. Includes all inventory and displays. $55,000 Call Claudette at 250-5598646 or email labellecosmetics@hotmail.com

Employment & Training

Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/ Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars

Casual Custodian. Qualified applicants are being sought for the casual position of Custodian at Gudangaay Tlats’gaa Naay Secondary and Tahayghen Elementary Schools. Grade 12 level of education is required. The salary for this position is $23 per hour, plus a shift premium when applicable. A comprehensive job description and application form can be obtained from the District website at www.sd50.bc.ca. Please send complete application package along with three professional references to: Steve Goffic, Facilities Manager School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii) PO Box 69, Village of Queen Charlotte, BC V0T 1S0 Fax: (250) 559-8848, email: sgoffic@sd50.bc.ca or call Steve Goffic at (250) 559-8848 CORE Course. Required for a BC Number and Hunting License. Course starts Monday, May 15th at the Port Clements Fire Hall and runs May 15, 16, 18, 23, 25 and 26 from 7-10pm. Fee is $180. Call Ron Haralson at (250) 557-4255 or email rib@qcislands.net


Employment & Training - cont. Haida Gwaii Rec – Summer Jobs 2017! Do you like working with children? Do you have an interest in community engagement and leadership? Summer Program Leader The Program Leader designs and instructs children’s camps in communities throughout the islands, and provides children in all programs with an active, fun and educational day camp. The Program Leader is a full-time position totaling forty (40) hours per week, at eighteen ($18) dollars per hour, for a period of ten (10) weeks, June 19 – August 25, 2017. Applicants must: 1) Be enrolled in, or have completed, post-secondary school 2) Have a Social Insurance Number, valid driver’s license and own vehicle 3) Provide a resume detailing the following: experience working with children and/or youth, experience in recreation 4) Provide three [3] professional references 5) Provide a Criminal Record with Vulnerable Sector Check Summer Program Assistant The Program Assistant instructs and supports implementation of children’s camps in communities throughout the islands. The Program Assistant is a full-time position totaling forty (40) hours per week, at thirteen ($13) dollars per hour, for a period of nine (10) weeks, June 19 – August 25th, 2017. Applicants must: 1) Be enrolled in, or just completing, secondary school with the intention of continuing education 2) Have a Social Insurance Number 3) Provide a resume detailing the following: experience working with children and/or youth, experience in recreation 4) Provide three (3) references 5) Provide a Criminal Record with Vulnerable Sector Check Closing date for applications: Monday, May 22nd @ 4 pm. Mail/email resumes to: David Lomax, Haida Gwaii Regional Recreation Coordinator PO Box 187, Masset, V0T 1M0 email: qcirec@gmail.com. Call David Lomax at (250) 626-5652 Casual Custodian. Qualified applicants are being sought for the casual position of Custodian at Gudangaay Tlats’gaa Naay Secondary and Tahayghen Elementary Schools. Grade 12 level of education is required. The salary for this position is $23 per hour, plus a shift premium when applicable. A comprehensive job description and application form can be obtained from the District website at www.sd50.bc.ca. Please send complete application package along with three professional references to: Steve Goffic, Facilities Manager School District No. 50 (Haida Gwaii) PO Box 69, Village of Queen Charlotte, BC V0T 1S0 Fax: (250) 559-8848, email: sgoffic@sd50.bc.ca or call Steve Goffic at (250) 559-8848 Help wanted. Reliable, smart, and energetic gal to clean cabins on north beach this summer. Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com Junior Haida Cultural Ambassador. The Haida Ambassador Jr. position requires a self-motivated secondary student with excellent oral communication skills and a basic knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, social media networks and the ability to conduct internet research. Related work experience and knowledge of Haida Gwaii, Haida history, art and/ or language will be considered assets and qualified Haida Candidates will be given priority. Candidates must be able to work well in a cross-cultural environment. From July 4, 2017 - September 2, 2017 Candidate will be required to submit a cover letter and resume. Deadline : June 27, 2017 at 11:59 pm PT Please send resumes by Fax: 250-559-0013 or email to gncasst@gmail.com Member Services Representative - Masset. Northern Savings Credit Union has an opening for a Permanent Part time Member Services Representative for our Masset branch. This would appeal to an outgoing individual interested in providing excellent customer service and a career in sales. Minimum Qualifications: Education: • Secondary School Diploma required. Experience: • Previous sales and service experience is preferred or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience. Skills: • Excellent written and verbal English communication skills. • Working knowledge in Microsoft Office. For full job description or to apply visit www.northsave.com Call Santa Slubowski at (250) 627-3658 or email santaslubowski@northsave.com

May 2017 41

Employment & Training - cont. Seasonal Summer Position. Seeking an employee to clean boats & vacuum pack fish from late May to early September. Responsible, competent and reliable while maintaining a positive attitude. Perfect job for the right person. Email resume to danny@escottsportfishing.com or info@escottsportfishing.com, or call Dan Escott at (604) 818-5106 or email info@ escottsportfishing.com Seasonal Summer Work. Seeking a competent, responsible, clean, consistent hardworking person for early mornings serving breakfast & preparing lunch in a lodge setting. Preference given to experience and someone able to multi-task, maintain a high level of work ethic while remaining positive in all situations. Also seeking a second position for a high level of detailed cleaning. To apply with resume & references email resume to danny@escottsportfishing.com or info@escottsportfishing.com, or call Dan Escott at (604) 818-5106. Assistant Gift Shop Manager. The Haida Gwaii Museum is looking for an experienced and self-motivated retail professional to assist in managing all aspects of the Gift Shop operation. If you are outgoing, organized, and have a passion for Haida culture, local art and museums, we want to hear from you! This position will start at 30 hours per week and increase to 40 hours per week during the summer months. The ideal candidate will have a long-term vision and commitment to the museum and gift shop. The assistant manager has potential to become the full-time manager. Role and Responsibilities: The Assistant Gift Shop Manager will be responsible for helping to direct operations of the gift shop, including: ordering, receiving, managing finances and financial reporting, and supervising staff. Assisting with general administration is important to this role. Qualifications and Experience: • Knowledge of Haida Art and culture is required • Knowledge of Haida Gwaii history and the Islands’ communities • Competency with Point of Sales systems and standard computer software • Exceptional organizational skills • Excellent customer service and interpersonal skills • Experience working with local artists and craftspeople • Proven experience in financial management and reporting • Demonstrated ability to manage social media and effective marketing • Background in retail management is an important asset • Valid BC Driver’s License and vehicle is mandatory. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to Haida applicants. How to Apply: Please submit a onepage cover letter, resumé and three references to: Scott Marsden, Ph.D. Executive Director Haida Gwaii Museum museum@haidagwaii.net. Part Time/Year Round Janitor Wanted. The Queen Charlotte Harbour Authority seeks a janitor. This is a year-round part-time contract position; hours vary according to the season, with a maximum of six hours per week. Previous janitorial experience is an asset, and applicants must be bondable. Apply in writing to the Harbour Master, at PO Box 68, Queen Charlotte, BC V0T 1S0, or email harbourmaster@qcislands.ca – No telephone calls, please. Closing date for applications is Friday, May 19th.

Community Service Listings Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies

Hall For Rent. The Port Clements Community Hall is available for rentals. Located mid-island it is a great place to hold your event, be it a meeting, wedding, concert or any other function. Our hall has a full kitchen and Bar area and can host up to 150 persons. For booking please call 250-557-4313 and leave us a message. Call Please leave a message at (250) 557-4313 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Do you have furnished room, house, cabin for rent?. Haida Gwaii Higher Education Students arrive in Masset this fall. If you have rental unit in Masset or Old Massett, and would be interested in renting to students from September to December please contact us! Call Jason Thompson / Jana McLeod at (604) 999-9945 or email jthompson@hghes.ca


Community Service Listings - cont. Saahlinda Naay ~ Saving Things House Haida Gwaii Museum. The Haida Gwaii Museum plays an important role in making arts and heritage more accessible and raising awareness of the importance of heritage and history on Haida Gwaii. Through our collections, the museum acquires, preserves and presents objects, archeological artifacts, art works and settler material culture all connected to the human and natural history of Haida Gwaii. New! Check out the museum archives online! Visit www. haidagwaiimuseum.ca, click on “eMuseum” to experience Haida Gwaii through thousands of historical photos. We house a unique and comprehensive collection of historical and post-contact archival materials, made accessible to the public within a setting that evokes the community identities of both Haida and settler communities on Haida Gwaii. Our collection includes ancestral and contemporary Haida works, both utilitarian and ceremonial, settler pieces, audio recordings of Haida songs, histories and stories as given by Haida elders in both Haida and English languages, and a plethora of photographs. Memberships to the Museum are available through the gift shop. Membership allows access to the museum free for one year, 10% discount on regularly priced items in the gift shop, notification of special events and exhibits featured at the Museum. Regular Annual Membership - $30, Senior Annual Membership (65+) - $10, Family Annual Membership - $40, Lifetime Membership - $250. Please call the museum gift shop at (250) 559 4643. Check us out on Facebook! Or email museum@haidagwaii.net Queen Charlotte Community Hall Rentals. The Queen Charlotte Community Hall located on Bay Street, has the EA Ross room (meeting room that seats up to 70 people), mail hall, stage and kitchen-all available for rent. Also available for rent are: * wooden tables ($5 each per day) * wooden chairs ($1 each per day) * a complete place setting for 225 people * water goblets & wine glasses * cups & cutlery * white & black linen tablecloths, etc. The kitchen is also available to rent on a daily basis for prepping for larger events. For more information, call Reine Pineault at 250-559-4792. Call Reine Pineault at (250) 559-4792 or email info@ haidagwaiitrader.com Buck Shoot. Everyone is welcome! Our next event is a Buck Shoot and is on Sunday, May 28th from 2-4pm. Bring your own gun or try one of ours! The Port Clements Rod and Gun Club is a community-based club supporting local hunting and fishing interests. Members and guests welcome! Located on Juskatla Road (5 km Southwest of PC). Questions? Comments? Call Ron Haralson at (250) 557-4255 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Tai Chi Classes Haida Gwaii. Start a path of training intended to develop a body that is strong & supple, a mind that is clear & calm. Village of Queen Charlotte 250-559-8252 ,250-631-9160 Tlell 250-557-9362 Sandspit 250-637-5463 Our Aims and Objectives assure everyone receives the same quality of instruction and dedicated leadership.They are: • To make the Taoist Tai Chi® arts available to all. • To promote the Taoist Concept of Health through practice of the Taoist arts • To promote cultural exchange • To help others. Call Beatie Maxen at (250) 631-9160 or email wendy@xplornet.com Buyer/Seller Beware! If you ever receive an email response to any of your HGT classified ads that look very odd, are written with very poor English or ask you for personal information or prepayment, DO NOT RESPOND and forward the email to HGT at info@haidagwaiitrader.com Gifts, Local Art and More! Along with full visitor services, the Queen Charlotte Visitor Centre has one of the best selections of gifts and local art on island. Open Monday, Thursday, Friday 11-3 and Saturday 12-4. For more information, call Maureen Weddell at (250) 559-8316 or email info@qcinfo.ca Call Maureen Weddell at (250) 559-8316 or email info@qcinfo.ca

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Community Service Listings - cont. Gigantic Garage Sale. HG SPCA Fundraiser, Queen Charlotte Community Club, May 27th, 2017 at 10am-2pm. Donations can be dropped off at the Hall Friday from 4-6pm and Saturday from 8-9am. Concession by the Living & Learning School 2$ boxes at 1pm! Call Lisa at (250) 559-8644 or email lisap@haidagwaii.net Port Clements Museum. Open 2-4 PM Sat & Sun. $4 adult & teen admission, 12 & under & members FREE. Call or fax to arrange a special opening outside of these hours, 250-557-4576. Call Museum Attendant at (250) 557-4576 or email pcmuseum@qcislands.ca Do you knit or crochet?. Do you, or anyone you know, love or want to try your hand at knitting or crocheting? There will be a red and whitethemed afghan yarn bomb, set to happen (secret location) during the July 1st, Canada weekend in Port Clements. If you are interested, we have the wool! Call Anne Logan at (250) 557-8516 or alternate phone number: 250-557-4518 email anne_wells03@hotmail.com Tlell Fall Fair Volunteers Needed. On August 6th is the 35th annual Tlell Fall Fair! Do you enjoy the outdoors? Love farming and gardening? Can you spare a few hours this summer? This year’s “From the Ground Up” Tlell Fall Fair is looking for a few volunteers to help as exhibit coordinators and judges. Come on out and join in on the fun! We look forward to hearing from you! Call Linda Louis at (250) 559-8975 or email sewwhat@qcislands.net

Ride & Ship Share

Rides, car pool, transportation, shipping.

Looking for a ride to PG. Hi, Looking for a ride to get to PG by Saturday May 6th...will be on the May 2 or May 4th ferry... Jamie Call Jamie at (514) 238-7953 or email planetjamie@ yahoo.ca

At Your Service

Business Services/Business Products

WRITING AND PROOFREADING. 25+ years of experience writing letters and preparing documents in government, at churches and for law firms - no job too small - from a one page resume to a 600 page manuscript - research projects - fact-checking - proofreading papers writing family histories - drafting correspondence - very reasonable rates. “His work is in all respects excellent. Darren is an intelligent person who approaches his work with common sense and initiative. He is extremely diligent and efficient in everything he does and he produces a top quality product. He obviously takes great pride in what he does.”. Email Darren Lowe at darrenlowe1222@gmail.com Maude Island Farms Bag-A-Week Program Do you live in Skidegate or Queen Charlotte? If so, for only $33 per week, you can get delicious, certified organic vegetables delivered right to your door! Peas, lettuce, carrots, herbs, beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, arugula, chard, kale, squash, asian greens, broccoli, garlic, potatoes and much, much more! There are a limited amount of spaces available, so contact us soon! We deliver to Skidegate and Queen Charlotte only, sorry. Call Lynda at 250-637-1609 or email l.brassica1960@gmail.com


Last Minute Ads

Too late to fit into their respective categories but squeaked in before we went to print!

Garage Sale. May 7th (Sunday), from 10:00 to 4:00 at 506 1st Ave. Queen Charlotte. Selling Household items, women’s clothes, kitchen, some yard tools. FREE Books and more. Call Debra at 250-637-1785 or email ulianadebra@gmail.com Someone to mow lawns. I live in the town of Queen Charlotte and need weed whacking and lawn mowing during the summer months every 2-3 weeks. Ready to start now, 20/hr. Call Sheila at 778 260 0279 or email skarrow@sd50.bc.ca 2009 Honda Fit 4D Hatchback. I’m the second owner of the vehicle and have had it for 3+ years. I just had 4 brand new summer tires installed (April 29th, 2017), as well as a thorough inspection. It has an anti-rust protection undercoat. I got the 5 back windows tinted last year. It is in excellent running condition with regular oil changes. Some small dents and scratches on the body. While parked at the BC Ferries terminal crew parking lot during a wind storm, a baggage cart was blown into the front drivers side bumper. The car was inspected for damage and the bumper was replaced. I’ve had no problems with the car but, I’d like to buy a truck. Km’s: 202,607; Trim: LX; Transmission: Automatic; Drivetrain: FWD; Gasoline: Regular. $6,700 call Evan at 1-778-260-0205 or email at evangarrett123@gmail.com SOLD! Cassette Tapes. I have a box (About 75 tapes) of Cassette Tapes. Various Artists, a few recorded (tape to tape) but most of them original tape cassette. Selling the whole box for $15.00 great deal if you still have a cassette player. SOLD! Longhouse Lodge- Summer Chef. Longhouse Lodge (formerly Maude Island Retreat) is seeking a chef for the summer. Employment will be from June 2017 to mid August 2017. Wage is negotiable based on previous experience. See attached file for more information and how to apply. Closing date for applications: May 8, 2017. Contact Geoffrey Martynuik at 250-637-1534 or email Looking for a ride to Terrace. I will be walking on the ferry with a back pack on Thursday, looking for a ride from the ferry to Terrace any time in the day (morning would be better). Would greatly appreciate it! Am flexible and can wait in town in PR if you have errands to run before heading out or help you out with your errands too, no problem! Buy you breakfast at Tim’s?! Text me, Jamie Mcdonald, at 514-238-7953 if that could work! Or email planetjamie@yahoo.ca iPad for sale. Brand new i-pad. Never used. 32GB. 9.7”. As shown https://www.apple.com/ca/ipad-9.7/. $450 Call Jennifer at 250-557-2456 or email j.morris.pigeon@gmail.com

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