Issue #66 Mid Nov/Mid Dec 2015
HG Spotlight Diane York
page 10
$2.75 (Incl. GST)
HG Shop Local Holiday Horoscope Gift Guide
page 22-23
page 18
Haida Gwaii Eyes…
Wide Open
Proactive Ponderings about Common Challenges
Dodging the Christmas Dupe by Shellene Van der Beke
Don’t get me wrong, I love the holiday season…especially the lights, good cheer, turkey sandwiches with cranberry sauce and dill pickles. I even dig Christmas songs.
But here is something I have been asking myself over the past couple of years: what is the deal with going into debt over the holidays? Challenge: It’s one thing to shower your loved ones with gifts; it is another thing to still be paying for it a year down the road. (According to many sources, the average Canadian will spend between $1300 to $1800 this holiday and for many folks, it is mostly or all paid for with a credit card.) Oy.
Solutions: Gift giving like “back in the good ol’ days” not only saves a person money, it is actually very much back in style! Here are some gift ideas that will have you debt free (or close to it) come the new year: Christmas is for kids. I am not talking emotional maturity here, I am saying that as far as gifts go, invest your budget towards the children in your life. And one, thoughtful gift, will go a long ways. Find out what they like to do, read, play with. Customize your gift and they will remember it for a long time. I remember purchasing craft supplies one time for my friend’s little brother and years later he said “Remember that time you brought me those sparkly, green fern looking crafty things…that was so cool!” Handmade anything rocks! Whether it is home-baked cookies, a handcrafted bird feeder or even just a handmade card with a letter of what you and yours have been up to this past year…hey, even throw in an actual photo or two (for all ye Facebookers, look up “Hard Copy Photograph” on Google…tee hee). Shop local. If there was ever a time of year that this concept means anything, it is the holiday season. Why? Most local retailers count on the income generated at this time of year to carry them through the dark days of January through March or even into April. You appreciate them being there when you need them, now they need you. Support your local retailers! Let it be plain and simple: just connect with those you love and appreciate. The warm, fuzzy feeling you get when you connect with friends and family will survive just as long, if not longer, as a cherished memory than most gifts given. Whether it is on the phone or in person, just sharing a meal together, “making the circle of love complete,” as my Grandfather used to say, truly is priceless. Happy holidays to you all! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have solution-based thoughts you would like to share?
Please send us your submission by the first of the month for publishing consideration. Email: or mail: PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC V0T1R0 Questions? Comments? Call us at 250-557-2088
Safe Communities/Haida Gwaii
Helpful crime prevention tips brought to you by Sergeant Stephan Drouin, Detachment Commander for Masset RCMP Break and Enter Spike in Masset In recent months, Masset RCMP has experienced an upswing in the number of break and enters, both to residences and businesses in the Masset area. Many of these reports remain under investigation, however several suspects have been identified with the help of vigilant citizens and a number of charges are pending. Masset RCMP would like to thank those people for their assistance. Any time you see a suspicious person or incident, please call your nearest RCMP branch at the numbers listed below. Should you wish to remain anonymous, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS. Use good sense with your property : Lock and remove valuables from vehicles and secure doors and windows to your residences to deter potential thieves.
~Working together for safe communities~ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Masset Branch: 250-626-3991 Queen Charlotte Branch: 250-559-4421 Crime Stoppers:
under “BCRCMP”
Every Season for Fellowship by Shellene Van der Beke
Recently, the inside of the Port Clements Community Hall was adorned with shimmering, ceiling to floor, silver streamers while bunches of balloons delightfully danced with little lights inside some of them. People from all over Haida Gwaii, youth and elder, from many walks of life, gathered to celebrate the life of one of our community’s sparkling young souls. There was beautiful music, heartfelt stories and an incredible array of food, brought by many. For a few hours, time stood still…while the grace and respect of remembrance permeated every being. Fellowship at its finest. The holiday season is once again here and the shining attribute of fellowship will be enjoyed and cherished by many. By far, one of the most noble and worthwhile human conditions, fellowship is defined as a congenial atmosphere on equal terms, the condition of being friends; people having mutual interests on equal terms. Picture from Pixabay
‘Tis indeed the season to celebrate the aspects of life that bring us together and unite our passions for common purposes…I say, why not every season? “The fellowship of true friends who can hear you out, share your joys, help carry your burdens, and correctly counsel you is priceless.” Ezra Taft Benson
Influenza – ’Tis the Season Donna Duffy, RN, BSN, MPH
As we head into flu season, it’s a good time to talk about some things you can do to protect yourself from getting sick. Flu, short for influenza, is caused by a virus. Some viruses are very stable—not so with influenza. The flu virus is continually changing. That’s why a new flu vaccine is needed each year. The Canadian flu season usually starts sometime in November and ends in April. The severity of the flu season varies but every year there are a number of hospitalizations and deaths—usually among the very young or old, or those with certain health conditions.
Every so many years an unusually virulent strain makes the rounds, causing more severe illness and more deaths. And every once in a great while, a whole new strain of influenza makes the jump from animals to humans. When it does, look out. A new flu virus can be very dangerous because our immune systems aren’t ready for it. The virus can kill its host before the immune system is able to mount a defense. A new flu strain can also lead to pandemic, a widespread outbreak of much greater severity. Flu pandemics occur every so many years. The world got hit hard with a flu pandemic in 1918 with the “Spanish Flu”. Some 20% to 40% of the world became ill and an estimated 50 million people died worldwide. Since then, there have been several less severe pandemics. Flu symptoms include high fever (39°C or higher), cough, and muscle aches. There can also be headache, fatigue, sore throat and runny nose. In children especially, there may be stomachache, diarrhea, vomiting. Flu usually lasts about 7 to 10 days but illness can last longer if there are complications like pneumonia.
You can get infected by being in close contact with someone who is ill or by being within 3 feet of someone who is sneezing or coughing. You can also get infected by touching a contaminated object or surface and then touching your mouth, eyes, or nose. You can protect yourself and others by:
Washing hands frequently
Coughing or sneezing into the bend of your arm instead of hands
Avoiding touching your nose, mouth or eyes with your hands
Exercising and eating a healthy diet to boost your immune system
Getting enough rest and sleep, and managing your stress
Getting the flu vaccine can help to prevent the flu or make the illness less severe. It’s recommended for everyone and especially if you have a health condition that puts you at higher risk (heart or lung disease, diabetes, cancer). The vaccine doesn’t always work as well in the elderly so it’s important that those around them get vaccinated so as not to pass the virus on. But don’t rely entirely on the flu vaccine to protect you. Some years the vaccine is less effective (last year for example). There are other things that you can do to give your immune system a better fighting chance. One is to avoid the things that make your immune system weaker: poor diet, sugary foods, overwork, stress, poor sleep. Smoking in particular weakens your immune system and also sets you up for serious respiratory infections like pneumonia. Avoid stress where you can and manage the stress you can’t avoid with exercise or meditation. Hanging out with friends can boost your immune system. So can laughing and just having a positive attitude. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially cabbage, to give your immune system a boost. If you do become ill with the flu, stay home—don’t spread it to others. Also, keep warm and stay hydrated. Research shows that homemade chicken soup really does help you fight a virus. If you tolerate spicy foods, adding hot chillies or cayenne can help clear your lungs, and adding veggies can help strengthen your immune system. If you are a person at high risk of flu-related complications, contact your health care provider. They may prescribe antiviral medicine for you. See a health care provider immediately if you develop very high fever, shortness of breath or trouble breathing, chest pain, or severe vomiting. Also contact a health care provider if you have a sick child that is refusing food or water, is listless or unresponsive or displaying other worrisome behaviours. With a little care, you can come through flu season in good shape.
-By Jay Ooishi, Port Clements
It started when a knife on the counter jumped off and committed a felonious act on my foot. I eyed the wound and thought sadly “No octopus hunt tomorrow.” As my wife gathered a stiff drink to steady her nerves, Alan, a paramedic, and friend, came by and drove me to Masset hospital. The staff provided compassionate care and even gave me a “Good Job” sticker. My calamity however was really insignificant. A beautiful life was lost in Port. I saw in the eyes of our first responders their struggle to cope with the unimaginable. Here on Haida Gwaii we have courageous ladies and gentlemen who work and volunteer their services. They are our parents, neighbors, and friends. They transcend gender, ethnicity, generations, and beliefs. Above all they are our heroes. To our firefighters, paramedics, police, doctors and nurses, with greatest love we say “Thank you for being there in the times of our greatest need.”
Stone Soup‌ An Actual Living Tale By Myriam Rioux
Did you know that one stone soup a day keeps the indifference away? Last Friday, I witnessed a little miracle at Tahayghen Elementary School. I watched a group of talented kids presenting a remarkable theatre play about compassion, collaboration and altruism. The moral of the Stone Soup story is quite simple: Through small caring actions, we have the power to materialize social ideals of collaboration. The school philosophy lives by that premise. A full week of preparation initiates the project, starting with a visit of the greenhouses to harvest the vegetables. The students cooked together all the goods served during the presentation. Delicious! Many thanks to students at Tahayghen and GMD and to teachers: Allison, Amanda, Dan, Candace and Erin for their creative input and for uplifting my heart.
Haida Gwaii’s Steam Logging Railway If you happen to be driving by the Port Clements Museum, it is worth stopping in to see their impressive collection of items from the past. There, until November 30th, you will find an especially delightful wall mural depicting a Haida Gwaii steam logging railway that was created last year by the Port Clements Elementary School. It is truly cute beyond words! One of these enterprising undertakings, the Aero Camp Railway, opened in the mid-1930’s and was in operation for over 20 years! It was located on the north shore of Cumshewa Inlet on Moresby Island and was built in response to the need for aircraft grade spruce during the Second World War. A highly valued commodity, spruce was not only strong but resistant to splintering as well. Building a railway through the swampy terrain was no small feat. In several sections it was necessary to sink 25 foot piles to establish a base for the roadbed. At first, horses were used to drag the logs to the beach, but later on A-frames or log shuts were used to run the timbers down to the inlet where they were then rafted and towed to various coastal mills.
Located at 45 Bayview Drive, the Port Clements Museum is open weekends from 2-4pm. $3 admission for adults, seniors and teens. Free for members and children. If you would like a special opening, call them and they will open up if you ask. Their phone number is 250-557-4576 and email is This article was based on the article written by Robert D. Turner in the March – April, 1997 issue of the Canadian Rail periodical. Photos of the PC Elementary School mural by Shellene Van der Beke
Do you have a historical picture and short story you would like to share? We would love to hear from you! Call us at 250-557-2088 or email
Haida Gwaii Business Walks Results
Question 1: How’s business? This question provided a general status of business across the islands. The responses present a very positive outlook on small When it comes to the economy, everyone has an opinion business. More than half reported growth, on what’s working, what’s not, and what ought to happen. with a total of 88% of businesses either While downtown business closures are a heavy hit to the growing or steady. Many service Someand retail busicommunity, broader trends are more accurate indicators businesses credit this to increased touristrenesses of the economy’s health. After speaking with almost 90 traffic in 2015. Some of the steady q u e and s t e d businesses across Haida Gwaii, MIEDS is pleased to report shrinking businesses do not specific advertise inforthat the vast majority of local enterprises are healthy and consistently, while others are planning toand mation, growing. sell their business. MIEDS will
How’s Business on Haida Gwaii?
What do we do next?
How's Business? 60 50 48
40 30
20 10 0
10 Growing
be following What’s a Business Walk? up to provide An informal way for community leaders to get in touch with that direct assistance. Other issues, such as BC Ferries and the pulse of the business community. Small teams of staff employee will require a coordinated approach inWhat do you like mostretention, Question 2: What do you like most about doing and elected officials visited a number of businesses in each volving many stakeholders on Haida Gwaii. MIEDS plans business in the area? doing community in early October to ask a fewabout questions aboutbusiness in to publish an updated Business Directory in the near futheir business and the local economy. the area?ture, and present Many business owners/managers identified detailed results of the Business Walks to their customers and colleauges as their Village and Band Councils on the islands. We hope to What challenges do local businesses face? the aspect year of doing business organize Businessfavourite Walks every to keep in here. touchOthers with mentioned thework location as a highlight, including BC Ferries and employee recruitment are the most common local businesses and guide the we do. The Final Report 30% 32% Location both their community Haida as a challenges. The frequency, cost, and capacity of the ferry from the 2015 Business Walks can beand found at Gwaii www.mieds. Clientele whole. A number “other”us reasons were also routes affect tourist traffic, supply shipments, and operating ca, and you are always welcome toofcontact with questions, Other mentioned, including being close to family and costs for almost all businesses here. Finding and retaining comments, and suggestions - phone 250-559-8050 or email competent staff is difficult on the islands, while38%finding attachment to home. employees with specific skills is also a significant challenge.
Mayor Andrew Merilees of Masset visiting Driftech Automotive owner Lawrence Lemire
Cameron Bell, MIEDS Economic Development Officer, speaks with artist and carver Jim Hart in Old Massett
• Misty Isles Economic Development Society • Northern Development Initiative Trust • Haida Gwaii Community Futures • Skeena Queen Charlotte Regional District • Village of Queen Charlotte • Village of Port Clements • Village of Masset • Old Massett Economic Development • Skidegate Band Council and Gwaalagaa Naay Corporation
Mark Spoljaric, Kenny Williams and Gwaay Dal Gaay Gins Mark Grinder counting, measuring and tagging coho in Diina Gandlaay.
Down by the river
submitted by Haida Laas/Graham Richard
The water’s surface winks with red and silver cast from below and reflects the wheeling shadows of ts’aag Bald eagles above. Táay.yii Coho salmon are returning to Diina Gandlaay Deena River on the south shore of Xaana Kaahlii Gawgaay Skidegate Inlet. In addition to a myriad of predators, táay. yii must also navigate the perils of rising ocean temperatures, ocean acidification and habitat degradation. These new dangers boost infection rates, erode the ocean food web and diminish the chance of successful spawning. The many táay.yii that return to their birthplace up Diina Gandlaay represent just a fraction of the enormous school of juveniles that left the river years ago. To ensure táay.yii populations are healthy, Haida Fisheries staff Gwaay Dal Gaay Gins Mark Grinder, Taaiixou Robert Russ, Kenny Williams, and Mark Spoljaric set forth to capture, tag, measure and release the returning spawners. Equipped with a long, shallow net,
dive-gear and a hearty lunch, the crew arrives at a bridge over Diina Gandlaay. Down at the river mouth, wind funnels into the long, narrow bay. There, rain concentrates over a grassy estuary, now scattered with the pale, tattered ribbons of táay.yii bodies. Taan Haida Gwaii black bear and sk’in sea gull congregate on the shores to catch and eat these returning travelers. The crew lowers a beach-seine net from the bridge and stretches it out across the river. Taaiixou and Mr Spoljaric swim into the river to haul the net through the current, across the river, and back around to shore. Gwaay Dal Gaay Gins strikes the water with a stick to ‘herd’ the schooling táay.yii into the net. As the crew removes the fish from the net, they come across a lot of siiduu ‘jacks’. These small, energetic males return to spawn when they are still very young. They make up for their small size by sneaking between mating couples and depositing their milt on
the chaay salmon eggs first. Returning early from the ocean also increases their chances of surviving to spawn. Sometimes siiduu can account for up to a quarter of the salmon caught during a survey. The crew releases the siiduu and place forty full-grown táay.yii into water-permeable boxes. The crew then removes the táay.yii one-by-one and note their colour, gender and size. Because fighting and rough waters tatter their tails and bang their noses, adult táay. yii are measured according to their ‘postorbital length’. This is the length from just behind their eye to the end of their spine. The crew then takes three scales from each táay.yii and place them on a sample-sheet. Lab technicians will look at these with a microscope to determine each táay.yii’s age. Finally, they are tagged and released back into the river.
13 Old Massett: 1-800-663-2388 | Skidegate: 1-877-559-8883
School’s new entrance poles reflect cultural pride Standing 8 feet tall, the new poles welcome everyone to the school. Below, QCSS student Jhett Collinson takes part in the pole raising ceremony. Photos & story by Alex Rinfret.
A large crowd assembled outside Queen Charlotte Secondary this spring for an emotional ceremony that saw the school raise an eagle and a raven pole, the first poles erected in Queen Charlotte for a couple of decades.
The eight-foot tall poles, carved by Jimmy Jones and assistant Jason Goetzinger, and by Garner Moody, were carried out by teams of students and staff and fitted into place at the school’s entrance. For many of the witnesses attending the ceremony, the pole raising represented another step forward on the path of reconciliation. The school now has a Haida name, Gidgalang Kuuyas Naay, and has embraced many initiatives to recognize the cultural heritage of its Haida students, who make up more than half the student body. The pole raising ceremony was the culmination of two years of work and planning, and it involved pretty much every student and staff member in the school. Principal Deavlan Bradley said the Raven pole was completed with the help of an ArtStarts grant, but it was a challenge to find funding for the Eagle pole. A community effort raised some money, and Northern Savings Credit Union also contributed, as did the village of Queen Charlotte and the Skidegate Band Council. A $10,000 Gwaii Trust Community Innovation grant provided the final amount. With its goals of promoting culture and education, the project was a natural fit for the Gwaii Trust. And while
the poles are a powerful gesture on their own, Deavlan said incorporating more Haida culture into the curriculum improves outcomes for students. “Research tells us students are going to do better academically if their culture is recognized and honoured,” he explained.
YOUR EFFORT + OUR MONEY = A VITAL COMMUNITY Do you have an idea that would make life on Haida Gwaii even better? The Gwaii Trust has a variety of grants, from small to substantial, that can help individuals and organizations transform their ideas into reality. We have grants that can help with: • Youth programs • Infrastructure • Arts projects • Community events • Post-secondary education • Travel off-island • And more Explore our website at for full details!
a good chance it won’t take much time before the moving bug will bite!
Same Values – Different Interpretations What is it that makes us feel more comfortable in one community than another? For example: a person who has received a promotion with a much bigger salary is required to move to another city but soon after decides to give up their bigger salary and bigger house to return home to their old community? Believe it or not, that situation actually happens fairly frequently. One of the main reasons people become uncomfortable in a different community is that they don’t think that they have anything in common with the people of the new community. They feel ‘out of place’. The foundation of feeling at home or ‘in place’ very much depends on a person sharing the
same interpretations of the community’s values. Even when common values such as a good quality of life, growth, and equality are the same, if one’s interpretations of these values are different than those around them, there is
The key to a stable society is that different interpretations of common values live comfortably in the same state or province without conflicts and wars. What is important to see is that two communities can have different interpretations of those values and live at peace because they share the same common, basic values of life: a good quality of life, growth, and equality. The peace and stability of their shared society, state or province depends on the awareness of citizens of each community to have a shared empathy for the other community; and that if the other community were in distress they would have compassion to reach out and help the community in distress. Why would they do that? They have empathy and compassion because they see that their own community could someday be in distress and need help - in other words they have a love of humanity, as they see each community is an integral part of humanity, wherever in the world that community may be.
Writer, author, publisher and principal of Daniel Ph.D. Consulting, Daniel can be reached @
HAAWA THANK YOU submitted by the Haida Gwaii Museum Board Kay Llnagaay - The Haida Gwaii Museum would like to thank everyone who contributed their time and energy to the 2nd Annual Haida Gwaii Museum Gala & Art Auction that took place on Saturday, September 26th. Through your generous support, the museum raised nearly $5,000.00 for the Museum! These funds will provide much-needed support towards exhibitions and public programming. As part of this fundraising event, we were able to provide an additional $4,000 to Haida Gwaii artists and musicians and $2,000 to local businesses! An especially big haawa goes to the artists who donated their time and original works of art to make this event possible. The Museum is grateful for all that you do and hope we will continue support each other! We thank the talented auctioneer, Dave Wahl, and Kathy Pick for sharing her insights on each artist and
artwork. Haawa to both of you! We also want to thank Nika Collison for being the MC for the evening. Thank you to Tow Town for their delightful melodies and Jaskwaan Amanda Bedard for her beautiful performance, to the Kay Bistro, Edi Szaz and Midori Campos, for creating delicious food and providing high class service. And to our Gala partners, the Haida Heritage Centre! Thank you for the staff support and providing us with inkind use of the Haida Heritage Centre facilities for this evening! Our sponsors made this event possible with their generous contributions: Pacific Coastal Airlines, All About U Arts, Randy Pryce Jr., Haida Gwaii Community Futures, and Northern Savings Credit Union. A big haawa to the Skidegate Haida Immersion Program for providing the Museum with a translation of the Haida Gwaii Museum Vision Statement into Xaayda Kil and to Jaskwaan Amanda Bedard and Naanii June Russ for providing a translation into Xaayd Kil. We sincerely apologize for the spelling mistakes we made in the program and re-print them (corrected) here.
Suuda Gan unsid ad gina ‘waadluxan Gan yahguudang Xaayda Gwaay.yaay iijii. Xaayda Gwaay ‘ahl tl’a Gan unsiideelgang isgyaan yahgudang.gang giigang. To inspire Understanding and Respect for All That Haida Gwaii is. We are grateful for Gwaganad Diane Brown for welcoming us here today and Scott Marsden for sharing an update about the Museum. To the Haida Gwaii Museum Board and their Fundraising Committee: Lindsay Galbraith, Scott Marsden, Jenn Dysart, Angela Ransom, Graham Richard, Emily-Sky Collins, Del Eckstein, and Sheila Karrow as well as all of the volunteers who have helped make this happen Lucy Stefanyk, Norm Sloan, Linnaea Fyles, Caitlyn Blewitt, Valine Crist, Erica Ryan-Gagne, Cal Westbrook, and Rolf Bettner. And, most importantly, the members and patrons of the Haida Gwaii Museum. We hope you enjoyed you evening. We are grateful for your support! For more information about how you can support or get involved with the Haida Gwaii Museum please contact Scott Marsden, Director, The Haida Gwaii Museum at 250-559-4643.
Love Haida Gwaii celebrating local, independently owned business
Haida Gwaii
Raven Ann Potschka/ Ladybird’s Boutique – co-winner of the 2015 Love Haida Gwaii Fall Tradeshow Best Booth Award! Ladybird’s Boutique makes old new again and inspires a love for vintage, the unique and the eclectic. Ladybird’s Boutique carries a variety of both pre-owned and new clothing, jewellery and accessories so you can look stylish for less and feel good about giving new life to a previously-loved garment or accessory. Ladybird’s Boutique is currently working on its own clothing line with the design help of local artists as well as other collaborative creative endeavours. Enjoy Ladybird’s Boutique’s relaxed, casual atmosphere while you browse. You can even get fashion advice 1684 Orr Street, Masset / 778.867.3464 / and help creating your look or outfit.
Kim Goetzinger, RMT – co-winner of the 2015 Love Haida Gwaii Fall Tradeshow Best Booth Award! Kim Goetzinger Massage Therapy Clinic provides hands-on treatment that will get you moving. Kim Goetzinger, RMT graduated from West Coast College of Massage Therapy in April 2007 and has been practicing as a Registered Massage Therapist on Haida Gwaii since then. She has over 3,000 hours of training and 10,000 hours of practical experience, including an internship at Aerie Resort and Spa. Her skilled hands treat a variety of conditions including muscle pain and stiffness and soft-tissue injuries. In addition to professional Registered Massage Therapy, she provides a variety of other services designed to keep your body moving without pain in a full-range of motion, such as gait analysis and chair massage. Pain should not be your “norm,” and Kim Goetzinger Massage Therapy Clinic can help you manage pain and move more freely so you can enjoy an active and healthy lifestyle. 100 Front Street, Skidegate / 250.559.7770 / 250.637.1685 /
Nancy Hett / Moresby Mountain Pottery – runner up of the 2015 Love Haida Gwaii Fall Tradeshow Best Booth Award! Artist Nancy Hett believes that art can be beautiful as well as functional, and this philosophy guides her in all of the work she does at Moresby Mountain Pottery. Inspired by the natural beauty of Haida Gwaii, Nancy creates pieces for the kitchen and the home that are works of art meant to be incorporated into everyday living. She incorporates bright colours and earth tones into all of her plates, bowls, mugs, teapots and other pieces. Her unique works are sold in various venues throughout Haida Gwaii as well as from her Queen Charlotte Studio. 611 Sixth Avenue, Queen Charlotte / 250.559.8234 / Love Haida Gwaii showcases locally owned and operated businesses and is funded by Northern Development Initiative Trust & Misty Isles Economic Development Society. To list your business on the Love Haida Gwaii website or for more information call 250-559-8050 or email
Horoscopes for Nov. 15th to Dec. 15, 2015 Aries (March 20-April 19) The middle of November finds you, dear Aries, in a bit of a quandary. How do you justify what you want out of life and still be able to juggle the desires of your family and friends? The answer to this question will become apparent once December rolls around. Realize that the intensity level may be peaking right now, and you aren’t yet supposed to know the direction to take. It’s ok to feel stuck temporarily. It will all pass by the middle of December. Key Words: Patience, Relationships, Perceptive Taurus (April 19-May 20) Transformation is coming to the forefront of your career, loyal Taurus. What have you been unwilling to look at related to this? Because now is the time to address any issue surrounding your career that you might have swept under the rug for a later viewing. Later is now. Also, your friendships and family members want to understand you but mostly want your energy and time. Give the extra energy that you have but don’t let guilt drive you to give more than you should. Key Words: Shift, Change, Intimacy Gemini (May 20-June 21) It may be time to take one minute and pat yourself on the back for a job well done, dear Gemini. I know you may not feel there is enough time to do even this, but in fact it’s essential to finishing the end of the race stronger than ever. Sometimes meeting friends for lunch, volunteering at your child’s school or sitting down to read a good book is the rejuvenation boost that is needed to start fresh. Consider rebooting yourself as you do to your computer. Key Words: Partnerships, Focus, Recreate Cancer (June 21-July 22) We didn’t come here for smooth sailing 24-7, dear Cancer, although sometimes this would be nice! We came here to follow our dreams and put into place all the little things we need to do to make this happen. Right now, Cancer, you are in the phase of finishing up all those little things that in retrospect are huge things. Because once they are completed, you will have enough free time and energy to invite in the new and exciting passions waiting patiently to enhance your life. Key Words: Loose Ends, Completion, Service Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) This is the stretch of time where you feel more creative, more enthusiastic, more refreshed and more you. People will feel a gravitational pull when they are around you, dear Leo, and will want more of “that” feeling. What is “that?” It’s Leo magic at its finest. Your responsibility in this is to be careful about giving it all away. Be sure that you keep some of that goodness, creative juices and fun loving for yourself. It’s easy to get carried away by the applause. Key Words: Joy, Pleasures, Delight Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) It’s not that you don’t have the energy to go out and play, dear Virgo, it’s just that sometimes it feels right not to. This might be because of family obligations; it might be because you have been so active at work that a good book and a bath are in order. Whatever the reason, decide to stay in and chill. Giving yourself permission to not be all things to all people all the time will enhance the giving that you do. Check it out and see if this works for you. You might be surprised. Key Words: Unwind, Relax, Restart
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) The perceptions that you are receiving are probably correct right now, dear Libra. What meets your eye is the truth. Sometimes the truth hurts. Even so, it is enlightening to know exactly where you stand and what you value. You are being asked to follow your desires no matter what others think or say. Libra’s are not famous for putting themselves first, but first is where you need to be in the upcoming weeks. Know that you have the energy right now to change your world, many thoughts at a time. Key Words: Believe, Perceive, Receive Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) You are finding now, dear Scorpio that it’s time to get your peas in the pod. Or in other words, line up your resources and take a poll. Have I been overusing them or have I been underutilizing them? Resources are any number of things from money, possessions, your emotional and physical security, your self-confidence or the people in your life. Learn to balance them in the next few weeks so that you are standing in the middle of the teeter tooter feeling on top of the world. Key Words: Self-worth, Balance, Determination Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) This is the time of the year when you are finally feeling like yourself, dearest Sagittarius. But with this change of seasons comes a reality check. It’s great to feel so optimistic and hopeful and that all things are possible. Just make sure you don’t overlook the reality of the situation. The Universe cannot provide your greatest manifestation simply by you believing in its possibility. You also need to do the work required to see it flourish. Key Words: Goals, Advancement, Gratitude Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) This is the time to take stock in your life and ask yourself if you are getting all there is to get out of life. What are your future goals and how do you see yourself achieving them? Take some time now to appreciate what you have accomplished. Play a little more, create something you have imagined in your minds eye and enjoy the bounty that is yours. You will be more productive by taking periodic breaks for rejuvenation of your soul. Key Words: Pleasure, Visionary, Breathe Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Your freedom loving independence is hanging out there for all to see, dear Aquarius. How would you like to present yourself? Freedom and independence are great but sometimes they come off as disconnected. In order to role model your unique perspective and teach the world the benefits of thinking outside the box, it’s important to present yourself in a way that people can relate to. Otherwise, it’s just another Aquarian acting out his rebellion. Key Words: Diplomatic, Mission, Goals Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Your tendency to want happiness for all sometimes shadows what is the best choice for .you. What is important to you? Research what you are interested in and have an opinion about it that you are ready to share. Your friends and family will have a chance to love you even more when they know that you are willing to stand up for your opinion and not waver. You benefit from showing the world that you can stand in your own shoes and walk your talk. Key Words: Speak, Hope, Believe Sage Advisor is a professional astrologer and has been since 2007. She is passionate about helping clients develop the tools of awareness and purpose for their lives.
Looking to post a free* classified, event or ride/ship share ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto, click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classified ads to appear in the May/June issue is June 10th at noon. *Post your private (except for real estate & rentals), personally owned and non-business postings free of charge! For real estate, rentals or business product/service/employment ads, a small fee will apply. Please call or email us for more info.
In the Home & Office
Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/ Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc
Great Christmas Gift Idea!
Enterprise Fawcett Oil Heater. NEW. Paid $900 asking $500 Call Kim Abrahams at (250) 626-9532 or email Better Living chrome toilet caddy (I have 2 of them) unused in boxes $25 Email Walking Dead. Season 1 on DVDs, Season 2 on Blu ray, Season 3 on DVDs. $50 Call Lorne at (250) 626-7752 or email Missybell1973@ Pair of EV speakers. A good booster for any stereo. $75 Call Stew at (250) 626-6800 or email Canucks tickets for sale. Most games, sec 327 pair in row 2 and pair in row 4 $85 Call Barry at (250) 626-7768 or email Women’s Size 8 Merrell Shoes. Like new, Ortho Light Air Cushion winter runners. New price $180, selling for $50 Call Debra Uliana at (250) 637-1785 or email Weber Grand Piano. 6’2, perfect in every way. Beautiful action leading to tone and shading of a much larger grand. I have had it since new; 11 years. Only professionally maintained. Cost $24,000. Will sell or trade for around $12,000. I will move it and set it up. Call Andrew at (250) 626-6030 or email M17xR3 Alienware Laptop. Intel Core i7 cpu 4 GB RAM High Def Audio NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460M Killer Wireless N Bluetooth HDMI in and HDMI out. Comes with cooling pad, G13 gaming pad, 16 button WoW Mouse, Razer gaming mouse, an Alienware sleeve, extra power adapter and carrying case. $1,000 Call Justin at (250) 637-1103 or email Epson Stylus Photo 1280 Ink Jet Printer. Great value - brand new - never used! Extra ink included $250 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email Boutique dress (semi-formal or formal). Only worn once for a formal function. It’s made out of satiny, purple material with a blue/indigo sheen and its bodice has black velvet designs. Invisible side-zip. Knee length. Spaghetti straps and back sash that ties. No sure of size, but I’m 5’7” with an athletic build and it fits me perfectly. It has been stored hung, in clean, dry, ventilated area. It was bought new for just over $140. Selling for $85 Call Reina Fennell at (250) 557-2460 or email Fridge for sale. Inglis, 28” wide. Large freezer compartment at the top. I bought this a year ago from a police officer who was leaving the Island. I am upgrading to the black fridge I have wanted all my life. $150 Call Susan Musgrave at (250) 626-5036 or email musgrave.susan@ Phone Tablet. Brand and Model - Cube Talk 9 (U39GT 3G) CPU - MTK8389T Quad Core 1.5GHz OS - Android 4.2.2 Screen - 9inch IPS PLS Retina 1920 x 1280 Memory - 1GB RAM, 16GB ROM Camera - Back camera: 5.0MP, Front camera: 2.0MP Bluetooth - 4.0 WIFI 802.11 b/g/n Phone - 2G, 3G micro Sim, compatible with Telus and Koodo accessories - USB cable, charger, earbuds, protective cover $200 Call Sam at (250) 637-5653 or email Canucks Watch. $50 Call Lorne at (250) 626-7752 or email Appliances for Sale. Doing a reno, need to find new home for older but functioning Fridge (white) 24” wide, Electric range (white) 30”wide, and built in dish washer 24”wide. Make an offer. Call Leslie at (250) 557-4348 or email Antique Treadle Sewing Machine. Beautifully crafted Raymond. Canadian made by the Guelph Manufacturing Co, Ontario. Ornate original painted designs, folds down into a fully restored walnut hutch and it still works! $300 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 559-4282 or email XBOX 360 Kinect. New in box. Kinect Sensor. $75 Email Blank dvds and cds. 25 DVD-Rs, 15 DVD-RWs, 3 CD-Rs & 26 jewel cases never used Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email 32” TV (tube). Excellent working condition. $75 Call Peter at (250) 626-7875 or email 36” Exterior Screen Door. New in box. $200 Call Peter at (250) 626-7875 or email
In the Home & Office - cont. Roll-away cot. Steel frame, c/w foam mattress. Folds up to store. Suitable for 1 person up to 150 lbs. weight. Frame in good condition, mattress okay. Call after 4:00 p.m. or weekends. $135 Call J. Ames at (250) 559-8865 or email 7 x 10 rug & underlay (non-slip pad). Gently used, Colours are burgundy, rose and blue. Pls. call after 4:00 p.m. or on weekends. $70 Call J. Ames at (250) 559-8865 or email jo_ames@ Healthy Juicer for sale. No longer fits in our kitchen. It’s a hand crank, masticating juicer, best for wheatgrass and other greens, but also works well for carrots, apples, beets or whatever you want for a glass of delicious, raw juice. It has all the original parts and a few spares. Shows a little discoloration from use, but otherwise is in good shape. $40 Email Haida Eagle Table. Beautifully hand painted Eagle design by Terry Yeltatzie. Comes with a glass top. Pinewood. $700 Call Sharleen Bellis-Greenwood at (250) 637-2226 or email Insulated chimney sections. 8” x 3’ insulated chimney sections - each $50. Call Debra at (250) 637-1785 or email Fender Strat. Comes with ROSS amp, guitar stand, shoulder strap, guitar case, and cables. Call Stew at (250) 626-6800 or email s. CycloVac Built in Vacuum. Cyclo Vac, built in vacuum, comes with hose, floor nozzle (with wand) and carpet nozzle (with wand). No reasonable offer refused. Price dropped! It’s gotta go! $100 Email Dining room table. Brand new cherry colour, solid wood table with leaf seats 8. Didn’t fit our space, this is only for the table, no chairs included. $450 Call Mike at (250) 626-3377 or email Wood Stove For Sale. 1100 pl Napoleon. $1490.90 includes shipping. We also have heavy wall, welded seam black stove pipe. Call Mark at (250) 559-4501 or email Blaze King Sorocco 30 Wood Stove. Brand new in the crate and boxes. With ash pan, fans, fresh air kit, chimney and all flashing and mounts. It is here, no freight. $4,200 Call Gord at (250) 637-5755 or email New Bluetooth Keyboard (small). Still in the packaging. Dimensions: 8x3 inches Designed for an iPad or iPhone. Brand name: rapoo. Comes with usb cord. Wireless and w/ bluetooth capabilities. $45 OBO Call Reina Fennell at (250) 557-2460 or email Octagon Shaped Game Table. Excellent condition, comes with 2 chairs. $225 Call Sharleen Bellis-Greenwood at (250) 637-2226 or email Cat Carrier. Plastic with metal gate door that locks shut. Has a carrying handle 19” X 12” X 11” high can be disassembled. 25$ or will trade for large dog carrier. Call Dominic at (250) 6267896 or email Gel Mountain Bike Seat Cover. Raleigh brand. $20 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email Recumbent Bike. Ezee-3 trike, fun and easy to ride, stable, great exercise. I have another one so I am looking for a new home for this one. $350 Call Kris Leach at (250) 557-4223 or email rkleach@qcislands. net Professional Kitchen Equipment. Rancillo "Epocha" two-head Cappucino machine. $4500, Hobart 30-quart mixer $2500, Anvil $2000 Call Kris Leach at (250) 557-4223 or email Beautiful Piano-PRICED TO SELL! Strauss upright piano. Very good condition. Purchased brand new and we always took very good care of it. You pick up. Alternate phone number is 250-559-8298. Was $2000, now priced to sell at $1000! Call Shirley at (250) 559-8388 or email Sony 50” LCD Projection TV. Center of screen has an area with slight tint. $200 Call Peter at (250) 626-7875 or email
In the Home & Office - cont. VINTAGE ARMY BACKPACK. Very thick canvas with re-enforced bottom. Medium to Large size - 20” tall extends to 34”. Removable top pocket has large zipper compartment. Small pouch in the front. Good condition. $50 Call Dominic at (250) 626-7896 or email Glass computer desk. Looks good in any room $125 Call Stew at (250) 626-6800 or email Roll of Flooring for Sale. Loose lay installation, roll size: 12 ft. wide x 21.5 ft. in 1 piece. Predominantly brown colour. Gluing is only required on seams, the floor is laid down, seams glued, and you are done. Cost me $1200, I am selling it for $600. Call Stephany Pryce at (250) 5598917 or email Marley redemption headphones. Hardly used original price $200. Comes in original box and carrying case, great sound, great buy! $95 Call Regina Williams at (250) 626-5676 or email Trundle Bed. Solid 3/4” plywood construction - oak veneers and oak trim and laminate panel accents. No mattresses are included. Designed to hold 2 twin sized (39” x 75”) mattresses. Lower roll-out unit can be used for bed or storage. $100 Call Alvin at (250) 559-8797 or email Studio speakers. Two indoor out door speakers 20 watts complete with hardware three way. $50 Call Stew at (250) 626-6800 or email New Wall Mount Mirror. Surround Light dual-sided light, swivel wall mount, 1X & 10X magnification, dual arm extends 14” wide & closes to 9”, 100 watt fluorescent bulb included, dimmable switch in base, polarized wall plug. $50 Call Stephany at (250) 559-8917 or email Sony Bravia 52 inch Flatscreen TV $800 Email Sirius Radio Vehicle Kit.$50 Email Assorted Springform Paraphernalia. Cheesecakes are in my past!! Ten 9-inch pans, two 10-inch pans, one 8-inch pan, one 12-inch pan includes 6 spare 9 inch rings, and ten 10 inch bottoms. $5.00 each, or take the whole lot for $45.00 Will consider offers! $45 Email Klaus Teuber’s Entdecker game. From the ‘Settlers of Catan’ another outstanding game. Unique land-sea tiles make every game of Entdecker a completely new experience. $20 Email Brother MFC-490 CW Colour printer & fax. Includes tons of ink cartridges. Works well. (We could not seem to get the scanner to work, but you might!) $475 new, selling for $200 Call Kay Watson at (250) 559-4114 or email Cat stuff’ for sale. 22 cans salmon dinner ,4 packets of cat treats ,3 boxes of cat litter , 2 litter boxes (used, 1 not shown) $50 Call Alvin at (250) 5598797 or email A Couple of Items For Sale. Pizza oven $50. HP Tricolor ink (for an 825 840 842 845 printer) $25. Call Kalina at (250) 559-0075 or email Clothes. Knitted green sweater Men’s Large, Down vest ladies – XL, Grey jacket Ladies – Large. Call Mary at (250) 626-3533 or email mary.disney@ Large Bird Cage For Sale. Brand new condition, very roomy. Suitable for all large birds such as Parrots, African Greys, Macaws etc. Height 59”, width 45”, depth 28”. Many openings and 4 feeding/water bowls. Easy to clean. On swivel casters for easy movement. Slide out racks and trays. Swing out doors for easy access. Can deliver anywhere on Haida Gwaii. Price Reduced: $650 Call Al or Sian at (250) 637-5754 or email
Baffin Winter Work Boots. Men’s Size 8 steel toe & plate, insulated inner boot, up to -50 degrees **Like New** Only worn for 2 weeks of work. $220 new, selling for $150 Call Sarah at (250) 626-7836 or email GSP Work out DVDs. $50 Call Lorne at (250) 626-7752 or email Missybell1973@gmail. com
Crow’s Nest Country Cafe & Store
• Wool Sweaters 1 • Sheep Skins 2
35770 Hwy. 16, Tlell / 250-557-4593 Hours 10-7 • 7 days per week
Bridgeview Marine
• Lease Return Outboard Motors (15, 75, 90, 115 & 300HP) 3 • Prawn Traps 4 537 Beach Rd., Sandspit / 250-637-5432 / Hours Mon – Fri 8:30-5
Islandwise Essentials
• Salal Scrub Soap 5
• North Beach Mist (Body/Room Spritzer) 6 Available at Green Gaia, Masset, Crow’s Nest, Tlell, Isabel Creek, QC & Sandspit Visitor Centre 250-626-3768
• Carhartt Clothing (hoodies, toques) 31 • Keurig Coffee Maker 32 706 Oceanview Dr., QC / 250-559-4417 / Hours Mon – Sat 9-5
Bayview Market • Wild Hab Itat Socks & Pook Socks, Hats, Gloves 29 • Dave’s Hot Pepper Jellies 30 92 Bayview Drive, Port Clements 250-557-4331 • Hours Mon – Sat 10-6
Delmas Co-op
• Meat, Veggie & Bakery Platters 27 • Christmas Lights 28
Main Street, Masset / 250-626-3933 Winter Hours: Mon – Sun 9-6
Nanaay’s LNT Bakery
• Made to order pizza 25 • Cinnamon Buns 26 472 Skidegate Heights 250-559-4519 or Mobile 250-637-1407
Sitka Studio • Coloring Books 23 • Salt Lamps 24 845 Richardson Rd., Tlell 250-557-4241 Hours Tues-Sat 10-5 Sundays 12-4
Funk It!
Furniture Gallery & Oddities
• Poinsettias 7
• Beeswax Candles 8 3208 Wharf St., QC 250-559-4573 Tues – Sat 10-5
North Coast Supply Co. Ltd. • Big Screen TV
• Fishing Gear 10 1498 Main St., Masset 250-626-5559 Hours Mon-Sat 8:30-6 and Sundays 11-4
Sarah’s Haida
Art & Jewellery
• Circle Scar ves 11 • North Coast First Nations Books 12
387 Eagle Ave., Old Massett 250-626-5560 • Mon – Sat 11-5 Sunday 1-5
QC Liquidation
• Remote Control Monster Truck 13 • MONOPOD Selfie Stick 14
622 Oceanview Drive • 250-559-4749 Hours Mon – Sat 10-5:30
Crystal Cabin
• Northwest Design Blankets 15 • Healing Teas (Chaga, Haida Gwaii Mint, etc.) 16 778A Richardson Ranch Rd, Tlell 250-557-4383 • Hours 12-5 7 days
Made With Love Craft Supplies / Be Crafty! Stop-In! • Knitting 21 • Beads & Jewelry Findings 22 1971 Trumpeter Dr., Masset 250-626-3220 • Open Saturday 1-5 until Dec. 1st then open extended hours...please call
Charlisle Clothiers Ltd.
• Smart Box (world’s smallest speaker for phones) 19 • Ugly Christmas Sweaters 20
104 Causeway, QC 250-559-8444 Mon 2-5:30 Tues-Sat 10-5:30 Xmas Open House Dec. 13th 1-5
Longhouse Gift Shop
• Haida Gwaii Clothing 17 • Haida Gwaii Jewelry 18 107 Front Street, Skidegate 250-559-8013 * Hours 11-5: 30ish
Haida Gwaii Shop Local illustration by Thomas Arnatt
In the Home & Office - cont. For sale. I have a PS vita for sale has 6 games with it hardly played $200 and I also have a jtagged Xbox 360 slim for sale loaded with games $200 Call Dennis Hans at (778) 260-0273 or email Beaulieu Canada Laminate Flooring. 170 sq. ft. (11 boxes) 11mm thick Colour: Java oak (rustic looking) medium/dark brown with greyish lighter wood grain 25year manufacturer warranty Boards roughly 7.25” wide and 50” long. Makes for quick easy install. Sold as a lot. I have 2 part boxes as well, roughly another 18sq ft. I also have 2-in-1 underlay padding/vapour barrier. $50 Each. Call Maryanne at (250) 626-7555 or email Cook N Home Nonstick Ceramic Coating Cookware Set. This is a used set. All pots are in very good shape. Two frying pans have lost most of the non-stick property but can be used as regular pans. Ceramic coating doesn’t emit the poisonous Cadmium vapour that other non-sticks do. 10 Piece Cookware set includes: Covered Dutch oven 5-Quart, covered casserole 3 Quart, covered sauce pan 1 Quart, covered sauce pan 2 Quart, fry pan 8 inch, fry pan 9.5 inch Fry Pan. Cookware uses thick gauge Aluminum, provides super heat conductivity without any hot-spot in bottom. $50 Call Sam at (250) 637-5653 or email Floor Tiles. Four 333 x 333 mm new floor tiles $10 Call Debra Uliana at (250) 637-1785 or email Staples Bubble Cushion Mailers # 4. A pack of 12, self-sealing, inner size 9-1/2 x 13-1/2. $6 Call Sam at (250) 637-5653 or email MediaSonic ProBox - Hard Drive Storage. This is a BRAND NEW unit! Support up to 4 - 3.5” SATA I/II/III hard disk drives up to 4TB per drive. Transfer rate up to 480Mbps via USB 2.0, 3.0Gbps via eSATA Power off in synchronization with PC Switch USB 2.0 or eSATA interface by pressing one button. Smart Fan function with built-in Thermal-Sensor, auto & manual modes, and 3 speed levels. $150 Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail. com Insulated stove pipes. (4) 3 foot, 7 inch, stainless steel, insulated stove pipes (1) 6 inch insulated stainless steel, 1 foot long, tee. All used. $260 Call Tim at (250) 626-3818 or email 2-in-1 Laminate Flooring Underlay One full roll 100 sq. ft. And roughly 50sq ft. odds and sods leftover. $60 Call Maryanne at (250) 626-7555 or email
In the Home & Office - cont. 143,000 BTU oil furnace. Olson Low Boy MF 145(S) in excellent condition. This is a high efficiency unit that achieves up to 85% efficiency and retails new for $2500-3000. I have not used it since I now heat with my wood stove. I can deliver it on island. $500 obo Call Norman at (250) 559-8455 or email Wharfedale Diamond 10.7 Speakers. About 3 years old and in good shape. I replaced the spike feet with rubber feet which are close to the same height. Will include the spikes and they are easy to swap. Nice sounding speakers. I would not try to use them with less than 80 watts. If you google them you will find lots of information. With tax and shipping they would be over $1000 new on Haida Gwaii. Selling for $575 Call Dave Crossley at (250) 559-8208 or email Microsoft Office for Mac 2008. Unopened, brand new. $80 Call Ken at (250) 637-1179 or email Argillite Pendant. Ron Russ, Haida Master Carver “Raven Steals the Light”, 2005. Two abalone inlays, dimensions 2”x11/4”. $75 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 559-4282 or email Ukulele. Beautiful and well crafted, Veelah design. Purchased from Tom Lee Music, Vancouver, 2 years ago. Seldom used and like new. Still in its box and comes with a tuner, teaching method book and CD. $150 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 559-4282 or email Computer Monitor. Used computer monitor $5 Call Debra Uliana at (250) 637-1785 or email Complete pocket door kit. Door width is 24”, all hardware included, with casing and trim. $225 Call Regina Williams at (250) 626-5676 or email Baker’s Counter. 98” long x 33” wide x 33.5” tall. Has made miles of cinnamon buns! Extremely solid, you can dance on this counter and WE HAVE! $800 Call Kris Leach at (250) 557-4223 or email Pellet stove: Quadra-Fire 1000. Good working order. Includes thermostat, video manual, printed installation guide and chimney. Produces a good steady heat and starts automatically. Pellets are available locally, & parts ordered online if necessary. I can put you in touch with a professional installer if needed. Cash sale or *SWAP FOR WOOD STOVE*. $1,500 Email Tile Mah-Jongg set. Case a bit battered, but all tiles intact. $50 Email Diver watch. Paid 775.00 Need fast cash. $200 obo. Call Lorne at (250) 626-7752 or email YAMAHA bass guitar with amp. Comes with an ampeg BA-108 AMP $1,000 Call Stew at (250) 626-6800 or email
In the Yard & Workshop
Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/ Pet and Pet Supplies
Milwalkee Heat Gun (plug in). Adjustable settings $80 Call Maryanne at (250) 626-7555 or email Professional cast iron picture framing vise. Heavy duty precision for joining wooden picture frames. $100 Call Maryanne at (250) 626-7555 or email Husqvarna saw & Alaska mill. 3120XP chainsaw (largest model), 3 blades including a 60”, partial roll of new chain and all sorts of used chain and an Alaska mill $1,500 Call Skye Cantin at (250) 559-8160 or email Brush rake. Near new, to fit 120 size machine. 60 inch wide. $2,800 Call Dave Ellis at (250) 559-4747 or email Automotive Engine Stand. Commercial quality. $50 Call Peter at (250) 626-7875 or email
In the Yard & Workshop - cont. Welsh pony gelding. 7yr old reg welsh pony gelding, needs training. To approved knowledgeable home only. C/w cart, harness, blankets. Ties, trailers, bathes, tethers, good ground manners. $1,500 Call Tammy at (250) 557-4417 or email Chicken/rabbit house. Very solid small house will house 3-4 chickens or rabbits comfortably. Large window on one side, nesting box on other, pull out tray for droppings underneath. Needs new roof. Free! Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email MTD Rototiller for Sale. 5HP BRIGGS&STRATTEN rear tiller. Very good condition and runs great. $800 Call Harold at (250) 626-3305 or email Screen deck. 3 by 6 Kolman double screen deck mounted in frame New eccentric shaft, bearings and seals. Comes with stand. $5,000 For more info or to view call Dave Ellis at (250) 5594747 or email Wine making kit. Glass Carboys, cases of bottles, complete boxes ready to make wine. Snifter samplers, bottle sterilizing station and corks. Great starter kit for sale. Big collection. Moving sale! $150 Call Cory at (250) 626-7035 or email Canvas shop. Brand new still in crate, L85’ x W30’ x H16’ $5,500 Call Phil Shiels at (250) 6375614 or email Kimber .270 rifle for sale. Montana 8400 stainless rifle with carbon fiber stock. Lightweight and very accurate. Asking $850 for rifle with Warne rings and bases. Add $250 for Leupold vari x II c 2-7 X 33 scope. Also have reloading dies and brass if interested. 24 inch barrel, very slick action with 3 position safety and control round feeding. Weighs 7 lbs with scope and sling. Purchaser must have PAL. Call Gerry at (250) 557-2475 or email gerrym@ Roter, Table and Stand. Craftsman router table, fence and stand $100 Call Bret Johnston at (250) 626-7250 or email Exerciser. Flat seat rider, easy to use $75 Call Stew at (250) 626-6800 or email s.gorrill@mhtv. ca Lazerpro Level in plastic case. Laser level tool with plastic carry case $20 Call Maryanne at (250) 626-7555 or email Maryanne@maryannewettlaufer. com Horse bareback pad. Brand new, never used, tags still on. Girth included. $60 Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email
On the Road
Great Christmas Gift Idea!
In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment
1996 CHEVY PICKUP 4X4 1500. Has 3/4 ton rear springs Only 144,478 km. Engine always maintained and runs very well, very limited body rust, front-end needs welding NEVER been on the BEACH. Interior is clean, aftermarket seat covers, heavy duty floor mats 4 heavy duty tires A/T Firestone LT 265/75E16 Minimal tread wear, 1 Brand New - never used as a “Spare”. RAIDER Brand Pickup Cap, industrial plastic truck bed liner and tailgate protector $1,500 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@ Toyota 16inch 6bolt Discoverer M+S 235/75/r16. Hi, I have a set of winter tires for sale; they were on my Toyota Landcruiser. Good life left on them (more than 50%). $400 Call Sebastien Ross at (604) 800-9924 or email TOYOTA RAV 4 All Season Tires. “Open Country” 225/65 R17 2 brand new, 2 used - still in good shape, no rims. $300 Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email Studded winter tires. Beat the black ice this winter. 4 virtually new tires. Radial Trail Cutter, LT 235/75R15. Have only been used for about 3 months (then owner moved). This is a very good deal; do a price compare online. $290 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@
On the Road - cont. 2005 Jeep Rubicon 4x4 2dr Black automatic. 2nd owner, has 102,000km. Aftermarket snorkel, front/ back steel bumpers, winch (needs to be wired in), 3inch lift, engine fan can be turned off/on for crossing rivers. New windshield, starter and battery put in 6 months ago. Out of province safety inspection done 1 yr. ago. Comes with additional 2 sets of used spare tires, one brand new Dick Cepek mud terrain.$14,000 invested into it. Asking $12,000 Email Gravel Truck For Sale. 95 Ford LTLS 9000 Strong 3406 cat 435 hp. Good shape. Certified till end of Feb. 16, 6 high lift gate, steel box. $22,000 Call Dave Ellis at (250) 559-4747 or email Motorhome & Appliances. 1978 GMC 350 V8 with hydromatic transmission in excellent condition – make as offer on the whole motorhome or contact me about purchasing appliances and parts separately. Call G.S. Johnson at (250) 557-4475 or email
2011 Chevy Aveo Auto/4dr/Stk#6023
Toyota Floor Mats (black). Full set in package $50 Email 1999 Ford Contour. Good running condition with leather seats PW and locks. $2,000 Call Richard Matthews at (250) 626-7428 or email RAIDER Brand - Pickup Cap. Fits 1997 Chevy/GMC Standard Box. Fiberglass. Rear is higher Opening windows with bug screens Both locks still work $250 Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email
2012 Ford F150 4x4/SuperCrew/60,000km/Stk#6132
Standard Honda Civic 2001. (REDUCED) Great Car Ultra cheap on gas. Parts that have just been replaced include: all around bearings, brakes, rotors, suspension, ball joints. It is a standard and has 200,000k on it. No engine problems! Runs and drives like a dream! Comes with snow tires on rims and another set of low profile rims. $2800 or best offer. Call Justin at (250) 637-1103 or email All Season Tires - New Set of 4. Set of 4 New All Season Radial Tires 235/55 R 17 99H $500 Call Debra Uliana at (250) 637-1785 or email Fixer upper. 1989 Nissan Pathfinder 2 Door, needs new ignition. Reasonable shape for age. Good project vehicle, great for clam digging or back road hunting. New front brakes spring 2015. Cash or trade. $250 Call J. Ames at (250) 559-8865 or email
2014 Mitsubishi Outlander AWC/7 pass/Stk#6091
2007 Jeep Laredo 4x4/4dr/145,000km/Stk#6133
No Reasonable Offer Refused!
West End Auto Sales
605 Ocean view Drive, Queen Charlotte
250 559 4641
Or Toll Free 1 877 559 4641 Email:
Winter tires 15”. Set of 4 P235/75r15 mud and snow tires Like New!! Just in time for winter! $300 Call Cory at (250) 626-7035 or email Motorcycle. 2000 Suzuki Savage 650. Good running condition. Google the info on this motorcycle. $1,500 Call Dan MacNeil at (250) 637-1546 or email Metal Box for a Truck. Like brand new. $240 Call Sharleen Bellis-Greenwood at (250) 6372226 or email Truck Bed Liner and Tailgate Protector. Heavy Corrugated Industrial Plastic fits standard Box, currently in 1996 Chevy/GMC Protect your investment! $200 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email 1942 Ford - Classic. Picture kind of says it all. Serious inquiries only. Not interested in any “deals” as I’m not in any hurry. Last two summers we haven’t even really driven it and it’s a shame. It deserves people with more time to enjoy it! Contact to view if you’re serious about buying and if you’re qualified to purchase at the price I’m asking. $22,500 Call Mimi Paquette at (250) 637-1233 or email 2004 Chevrolet Impala 4 Dr sedan. V6 240kms. Grey leather interior. Car has only been on island for over a month. No rust. Runs excellent. Seats six. Looking for a 4x4 for the beach. Excellent tires. Great on gas. $3,000 obo Email 5 Heavy Duty Tires A/T (on rims). FIRESTONE LT 265/75E16 Minimal tread wear - still more than 50% tread left, 1 is Brand New - never used except as a “Spare”. $300 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email
Dealer #9152 27
On the Road - cont. 16 Ft Cargo Trailer. 16 Ft. V-nose single axle enclosed trailer with roof racks, year-2010, GW 2990lbs. $3,200 obo. Call Steve at (250) 557-4414 or email 2005 Toyota Sienna CE. 6 passenger van with 4 seats removed, decent shape, 315,000 km, automatic, tinted side & rear windows. Ideal for a small contractor or put your kayak/surfboard on top & an airbed in the back and still have room for your gear. REDUCED in price! $3,500 Call Skye Cantin at (250) 559-8160 or email Van For Sale-Parts? 1995 Pontiac Transport SE Van for sale. New tires. Rusted underneath. Good for parts. $1,000 Call Gracie Flanagan at (250) 559-4262 or email 1999 Subaru Outback. 241,000+ km. Some recent mechanical work includes: New back tires April 2014, new front tires March 2015, new radiator installed with thermostat June 2015, Front ball-joints replaced Feb 2015, front wheel bearings + sway link replaced Feb 2015. I have receipts for all of these and more. Excellent wagon, body and interior in mint shape. Call for more details. PRICE $1,200 obo Call Luke at (250) 683-2843 or email
On the Water
In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats
Zodiac. Alas, I am letting this sweet boat go. I had such dreams! I would be so happy if someone gets as excited as I did and gets it on the water as often as it should be. Comes with motor and trailer, and plexi for the console. For more details call Judy at (250) 626-5192 or email Campion 672 Hardtop Year 2000. See Kijiji for more pictures. Good condition. Includes 2003 15 hp Mercury kicker and Shorelander tandem axel trailer. Mercury 5.7 L stern drive rebuilt 2010. Less than 100 hours on rebuilt engine. All steering and control cables replaced 2011. Regular maintenance and winterizing done by TLC Automotive Masset. Kept in heated Government storage City of Masset. Length: 24’ Beam: 8’- 6” Fuel Tank : 392 liters (103 US Gallons) Shore Power, Galley includes Alcohol Stove & Ice Box, Marine Head and Holding tank, Fish storage compartments. Electronics Raymarine radio and GPS, Zercom marine fish finder. Seats 4-6 comfortably. $14,000 Call John Blasman or Angela Wellstein at (705) 718-8891 or email 2008 Hewescraft Searunner 18’ET (Extended Transom). Soft top 2009 115hp Honda main with 290 hours, 8hp auxiliary, 200L tank. Seats 4 fisherfolk on 2 medium duty suspension front seats, and 2 fixed back seats. Complete with 2 Scotty electric down riggers, GPS/Plotter, and a suite of fishing gear. Soft top still functional, but in need of replacement. EZLoader 2 wheel trailer in generally good condition. Needs brake job. You can get out to Skidegate point and back on less than 50L with this boat, even with both fish wells full of salmon! $28,000 Call Dave at (250) 559-9014 or email River Jet Boat. 16 foot, 40 horsepower Yamaha 4 stroke jet. (72 hours ) EZ trailer loader (no rust). $18,000 Call Diana at (250) 557-4325 or email VHF Marine Transceiver. PRESIDENT by Uniden Radio covers all International and US channels. 5 watt/1 watt selectable power output. Has weather channels programmed in also. Channel 16 priority switch. Also features scan and dual watch options. Included with radio: 2 - 7.2v 600mah batteries, 1 wall wart and a lighter charger will send the manual to you by email $100 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email Custom trailer for hauling large boats. 30 Ft steel trailer made on island in the 70s for launching a 42 ft. fiberglass boat. Was converted to an 8 ton sailboat trailer and now needs a new owner to convert it to something else. Dual airplane landing tires with inner tubes. Needs welding on wheel axle and hemlock timber replaced. $2,000 Call Daniel at (778) 260-1150 or email
On the Water - cont. Anchor & Stabilizers. Anchor with chain and braided rope for 30 to 40 foot boat = $200. Aluminum stabilizer wings for 40 to 60 foot boat = $100. Call Cliff Bell Brown at (778) 884-7297 or email Islander Reels. 2 slightly used Islander LX 3.6 reels black with 250 yds. 20 lb. backing. $ 600.00 each or $ 1,100.00 for both. Pouches, warranty cards included. Please leave message. Call Gary at (250) 957-7747 or email shearh2o@ Two Surfboards. 6’2 wabisabi in like-new condition with a new stomp pad 6’2 X 18 7/9 X 2 ½ = $200 (or $225 with board bag). 6’1 shaped in California with stomp pad and fins lots of ding repair done but it’s water tight 6’1 X 20 1/2 X 2 ½ = $150. Email Scuba gear for sale. Dacor-AER900 Regulator, cold water. C/W octopus, 2lp hoses, gauge console. Sherwood regulator 1st stage plus lp hose. Sherwood BC, size M. 80 cuft &50 cuft Alum tanks-need hydro Wet suit, never used 1/4 inch size 130-145lbs 2pc Weights 2-6lbs 1pr ankle weights Assorted hoods boots gloves, fins, hoses and accessories. Call or text Ralph Lamorie at (250) 626-8919 or email rw.lamorie@gmail. com Marlin-Tuna Rod & Reel. Antique rod, never been used. $600 Call Sharleen Bellis-Greenwood at (250) 637-2226 or email Looking for a Small Dingy to row around. No motor needed. Aluminum, wood, doesn’t matter. Just something that floats. Willing to work trade for it. Will pick it up. Call Mitch at (250) 637-1349 or email Nine meter pleasure boat. 3.5 beam cabin boat. Sleeps two couples. Galley with a steel oil stove, sink with fresh water tank, sounder, GPS, compass, marine radio, 110 volt inverter (will run lap top with charts). 60 series Volvo Diesel engine. All in good working order. Asking $ 13,000 Call Cliff Bell Brown at (778) 884-7297 or email Abel reel with sage rod package. Abel Super 12W solid reel with solid bronze finish and rosewood handle. This was a $1000 reel. Included is a 12 foot Sage SA 4120 rod, built for salmon fishing - a $600 rod. This is an awesome rod and reel combo. All it needs is your choice of line and you’re ready to catch that big one! $850 Email brian. 32 ft. Sailboat: parts for sale. Bought a Ferro cement boat and crushed the hull. Selling entire collection of parts including: aluminum mast, sails, rigging, anchors, rope, radar, winches, diesel stove, fittings and Volvo MD2002 marine diesel including controls and Campbell Sailor prop. $3,000 Email Men’s L wetsuit brand new. O’Neill Epic 5/4, tags on. Ordered it online and it was too big for me. Selling for the price I bought it for including shipping. $270 Call Sarah at (250) 637-1268 or email Board bags for surfboards for sale. I have a few, they’re for shortboards, vary in sizes. $25 Email Hip waders. No leaks, $60 Call Cory at (250) 626-7035 or email
Kids Zone
From infants to toddlers-Clothing/Toys/Books/Games
Kids Bike. Hardly used... Kept in the shed most of the time $50 Call Maria at (250) 626-5236 or email maria_lyn_
Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate
Wanted file cabinet. Letter size 2 drawer file cabinet Call Joan at (250) 557-8503 or email Antlers wanted. Looking to antlers to buy or barter! Call Robin St. Amour at (778) 714-7756 or email robinst.
Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate
Needed ASAP Looking for empty glass jars. Pints, quarts or anything larger. Please call 250557-4696 Lost Fencing - PLEASE HELP! I’m the bonehead who lost a 6’ x 100’ roll of fencing somewhere between Tlell and Masset. You are the kind person who removed it from the highway to avert a disaster. I have no particular sentimental attachment to the fencing but my chickens would be grateful to have it returned. Will trade eggs. Thanks! Call Meredith Adams at (250) 626-7737 or email Wanted: Plasma Cutter. Email Wanted: CD Player. I am looking for a portable music system with a CD player in it, something like the picture, but it does not have to be exact. In good working order please. Call Mavis at (250) 559-4209 or email Sewing Machine Wanted. Senior on a budget looking for an older style, working sewing machine. Not too complicated to sew with. Call Lynn at (250) 637-5703 or email Couple w Dog Looking for 11 Week Rental. My husband and I are looking for a place to rent - the dates are April 18, 2016 to July 1, 2016. We are a professional couple, on the island for work. We have a small (23Lb), welltrained dog that doesn’t bark at all. Please be in touch if you’d like to know more about us and if you think you may have a place available during this time. Email Need office space to rent Feb 2016. I am looking for an office/workshop space to rent starting in either Feb or March 2016. My business is very clean (I make jewelry), with minimal noise (I do hammer metal for less than an hour every day). I like to listen to music, but not too loud. Requirements: less than $400 /month, windows, clean, warm, approx 150 sq. ft., reliable internet, nice view out the window (bonus), private area (not sharing a big room with other businesses). Please contact me with any opportunities! Call Tasha at (250) 920-9679 or email tasha. Firewood truck. Looking for a solid truck for firewood business deliveries. Call Ralph Leach at (250) 557-4223 or email Long-term Rental. Hi. I am a mature professional looking for a long-term rental in QC, Skidegate, or Tlell. A small house or large apartment would be great. I am a non-smoker and have not pets. I can be reached at (250) 637-1272. Thanks. Email Rental home wanted for me and my Dog. I will soon be moving to Queen Charlotte with my very friendly and well trained dog Cleo. I am looking to rent at least a two bedroom house or apartment. I will be working on the islands for at least two years so I would be looking to rent long term. I am looking to move sometime in November. I do have temporary housing for a couple months so if you have something coming up later than November please do give me a call. Call Berek at (250) 857-2867 or email Family Seeking Home ASAP. We are a stable couple with 9yr old. Both employed, non-smoking, no pets. Quiet, tidy & dependable, excellent references. Looking for a 2/3 bedroom house. Prefer non-carpeted with w/d! Skidegate or Charlotte areas. Thank you! Call Tonya at (250) 6269077 or email Looking for House to Rent Feb 2016. Hello! I am a clean, self-employed business owner looking for a house or cabin to rent starting in Feb or March 2016. Looking for: Bachelor, 1 bedroom or 2 bedroom -good internet -storage areas -wood stove heat (in addition to electric) is a bonus -must have plenty of natural light -private outdoor areas. I don’t need anything fancy, but a clean/safe space is necessary. Please email me with opportunities! Call Tasha at (250) 920-9679 or email Wanted to Buy Used deep freeze in good condition. Please call 250-557-4569 Wanted used rear bike wheel. Hi, I am repairing a bicycle for a friend and I need to replace the 26”, 7 speed rear wheel. Thanks Call Ron Gates at (250) 626-9066 or email Wanted. Very comfy arm chair, in great condition. Also, a small dresser. Call Adele at (250) 557-4405 or email Oceanfront Property. Looking to buy oceanfront property in Queen Charlotte or Port Clements. Email
Real Estate & Rentals
Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accomodation
14 Acres For Sale-Just North of Port Clements 14 Acres located 10 minutes north of Port Clements on the inlet side of the highway. Year round stream. Road into property with a bridge over the creek. Low taxes. Motivated sellers. Price $75,000 Call 250-557-4445 or email adecock@qcislands. net Best Value Beachcabins Secluded oceanfront/rainforest off-grid cabins, furnished and equipped kitchens, private parking. Visit our website at www. Price $90-120 per night Call 250-626-5472 or email New Price 16320 Tow Hill Road, Masset MLS#N229942 102 rural acres located east of Masset on Tow Hill Rd. It is a nice, level acreage with a slight rise in elevation on the SE corner from where you can have ocean views over the sand dunes of North Beach & the waters of Hecate Strait. This is the only remaining privately owned substantial acreage in the area. There is a modest older cabin on the property & there is good road access & electrical service. Price $245,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@ **SOLD!** Quality Custom-Built Home Spacious, bright, easy-to-maintain, quality home for single or couple. Architect-designed, solid construction, built with quality craftsmanship. Local wood trims, custom yellow cedar kitchen and dining nook, cedar deck. One bedroom, 1.5 bathrooms, electric heat, HRV, six appliances. In a quiet neighborhood within walking distance of downtown. Half-acre of land, some flat yard for garden or lawn, terraced down to a gulley with trees full of birds. Views overlooking the ocean and the forest. Call 250-559-4254 or email REDUCED!! Oceanfront home for Sale 179 Bayview Rd Port Clements MLS # N240919 Oceanfront property with westerly exposure near downtown Port Clements. The salmon runs go right by in the fall! Amazing sunsets from this property, the inlet and mountain views are forever changing. Migratory birds and plenty of wild life viewing. The shop and house on the property are in need of some repair. They are post and beam cedar-style buildings. MLS# N240919 Call Brian to view toll free at 866-303-5286 or on my cell 604-557-3597. Price $84,900 Call 250-626-5286 or email Unique Home For You (Former Church) Listing is for a former church converted to a home. Features vaulted ceiling on the main floor, lots of potential as a studio/gallery, or a church. Front porch provides view of Masset inlet. Has full kitchen and bathroom. 2nd bathroom plumbed in. Footprint is 1486 sqft (per floor), plus a small attic. Concrete foundation. Steel roof. Lots of potential here. Zoned US1, so you can live in it as well as have a part-time business. No reasonable offer refused. Price $135,000 Call 1-778828-9165 or email Ocean Front Acreage For Sale 35140 Hwy 16 Tlell MLS N248110 17 acre oceanfront property in sunny Tlell boasts the best combo of beach living and sheltered privacy! 1750 sq’ w/18’ ceiling shop attached to a 3 bdrm,3 bath house. Efficient wood-fired boiler heats the floor for rich radiant heat & hot water for all household needs. Great drainage on property! Guest cabin located on private ponds. Utility building w/400 amp service. Deep artesian well provides great tasting reliable water. Call Brian toll free 866-303-5286 or cell 604-557-3597. Price $399,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email Three Bedroom House For Sale Three bedroom, one and a half bathroom, 1440 sq. foot home, with a private back yard. Price $159,000 Call 250-5594217 or email Queen Charlotte View Property Cleared property. Spectacular view of Bearskin Bay. Access from 3rd Ave down to Oceanview Drive. Approx 2/5 of an acre. Within walking distance of downtown core. Partial services to property line. Private and quiet. Price $ Call 2505597716 or email cai@
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. South Beach Dunes “SOUTH BEACH DUNES� is offering three beautiful exclusive oceanfront and seven upland acreage estates on the South Beach, on the north end of Haida Gwaii /Queen Charlottes. These are very special properties with exceptional beach and dune environment. South Beach Dunes offers exceptional value with prices for ocean front land well below anywhere else on the west coast of North America. Acreage sizes range from 4.64 acres and prices are from $40,000. If living in this unique environment appeals to you please contact us - there are a very limited number of properties of this caliber available for sale. For more details visit our Website - Call 250 631-3055 or email NEW PRICE! 35550A Hwy 16, Tlell MLS# N230190 15 semi-oceanfront acres situated south of the Tlell River with easy access to excellent sand & gravel beaches. The property is mostly level, partially cleared with some nice forested areas, some slight rises & ocean views. 1968sqft custom designed 2storey home with 2bedrooms upstairs & living space down featuring exposed wood ceiling beams, large sandstone fireplace, oak flooring, maple counter tops, kitchen island & walk-in pantry. The home could use some TLC & updating. Outbuildings include: storage building, shed & chicken coop. Drilled well. Septic. Price $220,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@ 705 5th QCC - Oceanfront 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on 2 large waterfront lots. Central Queen Charlotte with a private yard. 2 car garage and separate boatshed. Full interior reno in 2009. Well insulated with double paned windows, heated by woodstove, Toyo laser heater (very efficient) or electric baseboards. Launch your own small boat at high tide and fish for pinks and coho from the lawn! This property also gets full sun exposure with sunsets over Sleeping Beauty Mountain. Too much too list, a must see! Price $285,000 Call 250-637-1365 or email New Price - Custom Home w/ Rental Cottage on 4 Acres Ready to move in 4 acre property w/custom home, guest cottage and shop. Private location 3 km from Masset, within 150m of McIntyre Bay and beach/dune complex overlooking Dixon Entrance. Main house is 1,950 sq ft post and beam style home with split levels, constructed with local wood, cedar siding on concrete foundation. Spacious open concept, wood paneled/dry walled interior, wood and laminate floors, 10ft ceilings, exposed beams, vaulted ceiling. Natural light from 5 skylight Price $295,000 Call 916-874-4581 or 916-730-9764 (cell) or email Home and Acreage For Sale Newly renovated 3 bedroom home with 75 acres of timbered hillside and walking trails. Property also includes newly renovated art studio with napolean stove as well as an ocean front cedar and wood interior cabin available for daily, weekly and monthly rent. The cabin has a small kitchen, loft, shower and bathroom, and uses a rainwater collection system and composting toilet with hydro. There are many beautiful ocean views on this property and private ocean frontage. Price $525,000 Call 778260-0279 or email REDUCED PRICE! Partially furnished house for sale, including appliances. Quiet neighborhood in park-like setting. Fenced and landscaped front and back yards with decorative arbor. Berry bushes, fruit trees, terraced flower beds, garden area, waterfall, separate workshop, and more. Custom improvements inside house , including hickory kitchen cabinets. New living room addition with skylights, beautiful wood stove and hardwood floors. Not interested in renting. Serious inquiries and reasonable offers only. NEW PRICE....$106,000. For details contact Jim or Anne Scott at...250-838-0600 email Yakoun River Inn This local Pub and gathering spot is situated on the oceanfront in Port Clements on Graham Island in Haida Gwaii. Long established, popular with locals and visitors alike. 3,300 sqft building on a corner location, adjacent to government dock facilities, licensed for 100 patrons. Permitted uses also include lodging and adjacent properties can be available for anyone interested in expanding the business. MLS# N4507475 Price $375,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. 2293 Harrison, Masset BC New improvement: 5 & 6 foot cedar good neighbor fence with pwf posts and concrete footings going in now! Fully serviced, level building lot in Masset. Ocean view of Masset Harbour is always changing. West facing and fairly protected from most big winds, this lot gets lots of sun and is protected from the cool northerly winds. 65’ x 120’. Tons of potential! Price $47,500 Call 250-637-1365 or email Ocean Front Acreage for Sale. 11039 Tow Hill Rd Beautiful 1.64 acre ocean front property. This home has been running as a B & B able to accommodate 8 people comfortably. 2400 sq ft, 5 bedrooms, floor to ceiling windows and vaulted ceilings. Large full width deck on the ocean side. Newer furnace, hot water tank and heat pump. Gated paved driveway. Fully landscaped with underground sprinklers. Raised beds and two top quality greenhouses.16x40 detached over height shop MLS# N245643 Price $595,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email Ocean Front Acreage for Sale. 10987 Tow Hill Rd Great well kept oceanfront building site. Driveway, electricity, and 286 ft well that delivers good water. Very private with big spruce trees, large mowed lawn, walk onto beach from front yard. Priced to sell, a rare find on a paved road 15 minutes from Masset. MLS# N246579 Price $229,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email 18 Acres-REDUCED PRICE! Park and Ocean Property! 18 acres In Port Clements. The west side runs 700 feet along Bayview Drive, the east side borders the Port Clements Community Park. Beautiful greenscape, very private yet close to school, post office, library and grocery store. Minutes away from exceptional hunting, fishing, firewood, and all the wilderness has to offer. Water and sewer available. Subdividable or leave as is. Potential amazing view of the ocean with spectacular sunsets. Some timber. Price $150,000 Call 250-557-4421 or email Vacant Lot For Sale! Fully serviced 60’x 120’ cleared lot located at 2129 Teal Blvd Masset. This lot is ready to build on. It is located close to the Delkatla Bird Sanctuary in a very quiet area of town. It is already fenced in on 1 side and the back and has a buffer tree line on the other side. Great buy!! Ask $29,900. OBO Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@ or phone 709 243 2488 or cell phone at 709 458 8811. Newly Renovated Home For Sale! Located at 2135 Teal Blvd, Masset. 5 Beds, 2 Baths, 8 Appliances, Separate Laundry Rm and Family Rm. This furnished house has recent upgrades with Laminate flooring, New Kitchen Cabinets and Counter tops, New Bath fixtures and Tub, along with a fully chain link fenced in back yard, two out sheds and more. Recently reduced price and owner is motivated to sell. Adjacent vacant lot also available for sale, either separate or included with house. A must see. Owner is open to serious inquires - email: or phone 709 243 2488 or cell phone at 709 458 8811. Price $139,900 455 Beach Road, Sandspit MLS# C8000624 Established full-service lodging accommodation business in Sandspit. 1.7 acres semi-oceanfront, near airport and harbour, overlooking Shingle Bay. 12,000sqft structure, with 16 two-room suites as well as managers accommodation and catering kitchen. Well suited to many business applications : motel, adventure lodge, B&B, or more! Price $749,000 Call 2502863293 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront. com REDUCED AGAIN From $189,000 down to $169,000.!Seller Motivated! Oceanview Home in quiet neighborhood. 4 bedroom,2 bathroom open concept home with ocean and mountain views, potential in-law or rental unit option. Call Julie 250-637-1815 to view Check out for more info Call 250-637-1815 or email Fully Restored House For Sale #7 Dyson Street, Port Clements. Open Concept. Tile and wood. Everything is brand new inside. Very bright! 4 lots already severed and ready to sell. Heritage oak tree on the property. Price $75,000 Call 250-557-4277 or email
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Lawn Hill Beach Frontage Home Beautiful home on 5 acres. Approx. 4 acres beach frontage. Large, bright kitchen with dining room. Lots of cupboard space throughout home. Separate laundry room. Formal dining and living room. Pergo flooring in living room. Carpet in bedrooms. Fantastic view. Forest backdrop. Close to amenities and nature. 2 garages. Attached shop. Electric and wood stove heat. Price $360,000 Call 250 559 4247 or email Oceanview on Two Lots! 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, fully furnished home in Port Clements. Oceanview on two lots at 39 Yakoun Street. Price $169,000 Call 250-954-7824 or email Home for Sale in QC Cozy, affordable 900 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home. Corner ocean view lot. Vegetable garden, shop, new deck and new roof. Appliances included Price $110,000 Call 250-559-8766 or email jayandjamie50@gmail. com Home for Sale on Acreage 156 Andrew Place Tlell MLS# N247134 Rare find...2 acre parcel with well kept home. Built in 2003. Great water supply. Cleared 1 acre around home with garden. 5 min walk to public beach access, 5 min walk to the Tlell River & world class salmon fishing. Very secluded. Wraparound deck. Concrete slab in crawl space. Home is very well built with 2x6 exterior walls. List your property or wanting to buy on Haida Gwaii? Call Brian at home toll free: 1-866-303-5286 or his cell 604-5573597 Price $199,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email 6 acre Oceanfront for Sale, 2060 Marwell Rd Small oceanfront cabin to stay in while you build. 6 acres. Great building site with ocean view and just feet from the beach. Very good driveway. All 10 min from Masset on sandy, secluded beach. MLS N228599 Call Brian to view or for more info: cell 604-557-3597 Price $209,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@ Amazing Buy! Great Home! Amazing buy for a Great Home! 3000+ sqft Beautifully maintained home on 1 acre fully landscaped lot. Close to all amenities, beaches, golf course & airport. Great neighborhood, quiet & friendly. 5 good sized bedrooms, 3 full bathrooms, tons of storage, new furnace for hot water heat, authentic hardwood floors & tile up, laminate down. Incl. all appliances. Large two level detached garage. Comes with riding lawn mower. Definitely a must see Great Buy. Price $295,000 O.B.O Call 250-626-5436 or email Masset: Well-Kept Family Home with a View 3BR/2bath; lg. kitchen; dining/sunroom; sheltered deck; lg. part finished basement; workshop; garage, paved driveway. Fenced yard with beautiful trees, cherries, berries and room to play + garden in sunny backyard. View of the Delkatla Sanctuary. 20 minute walk across the sanctuary to the beach. New, energy-efficient furnace, washer, dryer, hot water heater; newer steel roof. Spacious living room with bay window, local wood flooring, fireplace w/custom river rock hearth. Can sell furnished. Price $193,000 Call 250.559.4252 or email andrea@ Prime Rural Property Lot 2 District Lot 1349 Highway 16 Tlell 2 bedroom ,1 bath , 950 sq. ft. House plus large shop on 2 acres. Shared access road and well . Very private partially treed acreage. This solidly built Gambrel roofed house has a 15x20 living room addition with new wood stove. Includes all furnishings and appliances. Adjoining this property is a 4 acre parcel ( Lot 1, District Lot 1349) of vacant land ,with a building restriction attached. May be purchased separately or in conjunction with Lot 2 $45,000. Price $145,000 Call 250-557-4428 or email Sheri Disney at RE/MAX Coast Mountains Own your own land and mobile. Currently being rented out. Would be great for your starting out home, or vacation home. Call today to book a viewing. Price $35,888 Call 250641-2154 or email
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Rural acreage Lot 3 District lot 1349 , Highway 16 Tlell. 4 bedroom,1 bath, 1400 sq. ft house on 2 acres. Shared access road and well (artesian well excellent water). Beach access just across the road. This move in ready property comes fully furnished and equipped including beds linen and dishes. Perfect vacation home, rental property or starter home. Price $220,000 Call 250-557-4428 or email Oceanfront Acreage in Tlell Sparrowfart is for sale, Over 6 acres of true oceanfront on one end of the property and the beautiful Tlell river on the other end. The property is beautifully landscaped, has a cabin as well as garage and out buildings. It comes with two riding lawnmowers and power out backup generator. The 2700 sq ft house is 23 years old and has been very well maintained. It has 4 bedrooms 3 bathrooms and fully finished basement. Three heat sources, oil furnace, heat pump, and four zone electric in floor heat in the basement. Includes all appliances. A truly exceptional property. Price $469,000 Call 1-250-557-4423 or email River and Ocean Frontage on Tlell River Beautifully forested, level, 7 acre building lot on Beitush Road, Tlell, with private access to the ocean. Catch salmon and trout in the river at the end of your driveway. The property already has a 12x16 insulated cedar cabin with 16x24 covered carport, hydro and telephone that allows you to live on site while you build. A 20ft wide panhandle provides access to the endless sand beach. Price $111,000 Call 705-286-0216 or email House for rent 3 bedroom duplex for rent in Masset, one and half bathroom. Clean. No smoking, no pets. Reference required. Available Oct 1st 2015. Price $875.00 plus utilities Call 250-600-6637 or email
Employment & Training
Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/ Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars
Occupational First Aid (OFA) Level 3. Just what we need on Haida Gwaii!! With people who are trained and certified in first aid, YOU will help to prevent medical emergencies from becoming more serious. It may even save someone’s life. This course is for you! Pre-requisite: A self-declaring medical form must be filled out, and participants must be 19 year of age for certification. Restrictions apply for those students between 16-18 years of age. Pre-registration and pre-payment is required. Contact Marlene Liddle at 250-626-3670 or 250-626-7833 or email to discuss your funding options! Primary Teacher. The Living and Learning School is a small independent school in the Village of Queen Charlotte, BC. We are looking for a Primary Teacher for our K - 3 class from January to June 2016. If you are a passionate educator certified to teach in BC schools, highly skilled in positive classroom management, experienced in thematic, holistic teaching and successful at working collaboratively with colleagues, parents and students, please apply by emailing your resume and cover letter. Deadline: November 16 at 12:00 pm Call Jody Bissett at (250) 559-8757 or email Children Who Witness Abuse Counsellor Position. Hours: Part-time 17.5 hours per week, to fill in for a Maternity leave (October 26 2015 – November 9 2016, or until return of incumbent) Rate of Pay: $21.28 to 24.80. Job Summary: This program provides individual and/or group counselling for children male or female ages 3 to 18 who have experienced sexual assault, violence or abuse. For complete job description please contact: Or Hecate Strait Employment Development Society www. To be considered, please submit cover letter, resume and 3 current job references by 5pm Friday October 16, 2015 Mail: Haida Gwaii Society for Community Peace; P.O. Box 811, Masset, B.C. V0T 1M0 Hand Deliver: 2132 Collison Avenue, (across from the Library) Call Brenda Byberg at (250) 626-4664
Employment & Training - cont. Harbour Master for the Queen Charlotte Dock Job Description: Reporting directly to the Board of Directors of the Queen Charlotte City Harbour Authority (QCCHA), the Harbour Master works with the Office Manager to manage the day-to-day operations of the Queen Charlotte Dock. The Harbour Master is responsible for the day-to-day running of the harbour and long term infrastructure planning and the regular maintenance and repair cycle, including daily cleaning of the facilities. The Harbour Master should be creative and passionate about delivering high quality customer service, looking to review best practices and implement efficient and cost effective approaches to improve our services and develop new ones. Hours: This position is 7 days a week with seasonal hours. October to May – minimum 1 hour per day, maximum 20 hrs per week. June to September – minimum 4 hours per day, maximum 35 hrs per week. Salary and Benefits: Minimum $20/hour, salary will be commensurate with experience. Qualifications: • 5 years of proven management background. • Computer literate and able to write clear business emails. • General hands-on handyman skills to perform a variety of repairs to equipment and facilities. • Past experience working at a harbour or marina preferred. • Basic knowledge of accounting procedures and cash handling, must be bondable. • Ability to organize sales and provide excellent customer service. • Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with harbour users, the Board of Directors and the general public. • Ability to communicate well in person and in writing. • Ability to enforce the rules of harbour use fairly and consistently as directed by the Board and their formally adopted policies and procedures. • Conflict management skills and the ability to be firm yet polite are essential. • Strong leadership, team building, and organizational skills. To apply, please send your cover letter and resume to harbour@qcislands. net or PO Box 68, Queen Charlotte BC, V0T 1S0, or call the office at 250559-4650 for details. This job posting will remain open until filled. The QCCHA would like to heartily thank Daniel Dixon for his hard work and dedication as the outgoing Harbour Master and wishes him all the best in his future endeavours! HAAWA Harbour Master Dan Access to Early Childhood Education. Have an interest in working with children? This introductory offering of Access to Early Childhood Education will prepare you meet the requirements to take the Early Childhood Education (ECE) program. Please contact Marlene Liddle at 250-626-3670 or 250-626-7833 or email for more information.
Community Service Listings Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies
Historical Stories Wanted! Do you have a historical story to share? History about Haida Gwaii is especially awesome. HG Trader wants to hear from you. 350 words max. Up to three pictures. Email us at or mail to PO Box 222, Port Clements, V0T 1R0 Call Shellene Van der Beke at (250) 557-2088 or email Port Clements Museum. OPEN weekends 2 to 4 p.m. $3 admission adults, seniors & teens; free for members & children. We will open up if you ask. Call to arrange a special opening. Browse the photo albums, admire the gigantic machines, and be amazed by how it was. 45 Bayview Drive, Port Clements. Call Brigid Cumming at (250) 557-4576 or email pcmuseum@
Community Service Listings - cont. Turkey Shoot. Come out and join us for our next event, the famous Turkey Shoot on Sunday, Dec. 13th from 2-4! (No turkeys are actually shot!) The Port Clements Rod and Gun Club is a community based club supporting local hunting and fishing interests. Members and guests welcome! Located on Juskatla Road (5 km Southwest of PC). Call Ron at (250) 557-4255 or email Haida Gwaii Museum Memberships. The Haida Gwaii Museum plays an important role in making arts and heritage more accessible and raising awareness of heritage and history on Haida Gwaii. Through our collections, the museum acquires, preserves and presents objects, archeological artifacts, art works and settler material culture all connected to the human and natural history of Haida Gwaii. The Museum also presents exhibition and public programming including; tours, artist’s talks and workshops, artist residency programs, and demonstrations. Community support is critical in helping maintain the quality programming for which our museum is nationally recognized. By supporting the museum you can help build our collections, encourage and present Haida and All-Island artists, and offer made-in-Haida Gwaii public programming. Membership allows unlimited access to the museum for one year, 10% discount on regularly priced items in the gift shop, notification of special events and exhibits featured at the Museum. Regular Annual Membership - $30, Senior Annual Membership (65+) - $10, Students -$10, Family Annual Membership - $40, Lifetime Membership - $250. Haida members are exempt from membership. Please call the museum gift shop at (250) 559 4643 or by email at EOTW AGM. Come get involved! EOTW AGM will be on November 21st at 10am at the Haida House of Tllaal. DOOR PRIZES. Election of the executive and the board of directors. Snacks and refreshments 2015 Merchandise available for sale - if you missed out on the 2015 merch (because we sold out so fast) we have re-ordered! Get first pick before it goes to some local stores for sale. (Funk It! in Queen Charlotte, Crow’s Nest in Tlell, Ladybird Boutique in Massett) Call Janet Rigg at (250) 557-4242 or email sewnart@ Queen Charlotte Community Hall Rentals. Located on Bay Street, has the EA Ross room (meeting room that seats up to 70 people), mail hall, stage and kitchen-all available for rent. Also available for rent are: * wooden tables ($5 each per day) * wooden chairs ($1 each per day) * a complete place setting for 225 people * water goblets & wine glasses * cups & cutlery * white & black linen tablecloths, etc. The kitchen is also available to rent on a daily basis for prepping for larger events. For more information, call Reine Pineault at 250-559-4792. or email Haw’aa/Thank you from Doña Vicky. A big Haw’aa/Thank you to all who helped out with Doña Vicky’s October Food and Health Tour of Haida Gwaii. The tour was supported by the Skidegate Health Centre and made possible by a grant from the Gwaii Trust. Haw’aa to Lauren Brown, Diane Brown, Vern Williams, Leona Clow, Will Russ, Harvest Cole, Kiku Dhanwant, Amanda Buchan, ‘El Venado,’ Etchi Zaleski, Nick and Zaya , Sarah Stevenson, Kung Jaaday, Sam, Sarah and Caleb, Merlin, Colin Doane, Fisher, Dory Spencer, Barb Sly, John and Mary Disney, Chris Horner, Myrna Bell, Cal Westbrooke, Erin, Susan Musgrave, Tarynn, Lindsay, Sandy and Wendy, Jenny Nelson, Gwaai, Jaalen & Jaskwaan, Guujaaw, Jim and Rosemary Hart, Sanne & Michl Koenig, Lilli and Lotta, Solana Hepburn, Randy, Warren McIntyre and GMD Students, Lola, Meredith, Tidal Elements Whole School Society, Skidegate Health Centre, Skidegate Youth Centre, Old Massett Seniors Centre, Haida Gwaii Local Foods to School, Tahaygen Elementary School, Atwells Family Grocery, National Car Rental, and Haw’aa to the Swanson family. Small skits. We are looking for people or groups to do a small skit for the Masset Christmas Concert, or anybody that would like to volunteer to help out in any way. Please phone Jenny at 250 626 5140 Haawa. Call Jenny Nelson at (250) 626-5140 or email
Community Service Listings - cont. HG Rec Weight Rooms. In order to utilize the Port Clements or Queen Charlotte weight rooms you must first take an orientation through HG Rec. Our orientations normally run once a month at QCSS and by demand in Port Clements, and are free of charge. Port Clements weight room: 35 Cedar Ave. West-southwest, ground level side of the Fire Hall. Hours: 5am-11pm, 7 days per week. Next orientation is on November 19th. Queen Charlotte weight room: West side of QC Secondary School, 107 3rd Ave. Hours: Weekdays from 6-8am and 5-10pm and weekends & stat holidays 6am-10pm. Next orientation TBA. Sandspit weight room: 406 Copper Bay (ALM school). Hours of operation are: Mon/Tues: 5 – 8am & 5-11pm. Wed: 5- 8am & 8-11pm. Thurs: 5– 8am & 5–11pm. Next orientation TBA. Call HG Recreation at (250) 626-5652 or toll free at 1-888-557-4418 or email Call HG Recreation at (250) 626-5652 or email qcirec@gmail. com Daycare Spaces and Waitlist Available. Our Licensed Childcare Facility (1588 McDonald Street, Masset) has several full-time childcare spaces available. Shared-space and casual care are also available. Space in a licensed multi-age daycare facility such as Little Doves Daycare is dependent on the age categories of children needing care. We keep an ongoing waitlist, and encourage any family in need of childcare to fill out a Request for Service form and return to ldd.hgspeace@ Call Donna Douglas, ECE Senior Manager at (626) 326-5or6 or email Express Yourself! The HGT magazine has started a “Poetry Corner”. If you or anyone you know writes short poems, prose, limericks, etc. please submit them via email: or mail to PO Box 222, Port Clements, V0T 1R0 Here are some guidelines: * 200 words max (if you have a piece that is longer and are really keen on publishing it, feel free to send it in for consideration.) * submissions are to be sent either in the body of an email, attached as a Word document or mailed, typed out. * Please include the title for your piece. * Include your full name, the published name you desire (if different from your given name), your phone number, address and email contact if you have one for our files. * If you desire a particular image with your submission, please send this to us as well for consideration. * Of course, not all poems received are guaranteed to be published. Thanks a bunch! Call Shellene Van der Beke at (250) 557-2088 or email Drop-in Basketball. Drop-in Basketball QCSS Gym Fridays 6-8 pm BYOBasketball. Email
Ride & Ship Share
Request a Ride/Offer a Ride/Request a Shipment/Offer a Shipment
Ride to Port from Tlell. Ebin (polite and respectful 15 year old boy) is attending GMD in Masset. Our problem is that the bus runs north from Port and we live in Tlell. Is there anyone heading North weekday mornings? The bus leaves Port at 7:20 so arrival in Port any time from 7-7:20 would be great. If you can even do 1 day a week it would be a big help. I would be willing to chip in for gas money. Call Anne at (250) 557-2451 or email Need to get a few boxes up from Vancouver. I am moving to Haida Gwaii to work at the Copper Beech House in November. I am hoping to stow away a few boxes in somebody’s car if they are driving to Haida Gwaii. I will pitch in gas? Call Faustine at (778) 886-4845 or email iamfaustine@hotmail. com
At Your Service
Business Services/Business Products
Queen Charlotte Visitor Centre. Queen Charlotte Visitor Centre open all year long. Stop by for up to date local info and some great shopping! Enjoy our centre while waiting for your ferry connection Hours 11 to 5 Monday, Thursday, Friday and 12 to 5 on Saturday Closed Tuesday, Wednesday and Sunday Call Maureen Weddell at (250) 559-8613 or email manager@qcinfo. ca Space for Lease. Crow’s Nest is seeking expressions of interest. We are considering offering a space for lease. This space will be approximately 12 X 15 and would have its own entrance. There could also be an adjoining door if wanted. We are keen to talk further with anyone who may be interested. This space would be available Mid-March 2016. Call Jason or Anne at (250) 557-4593 or email Sewing service. For all your sewing needs located in Port Clements. At The Golden Spruce Motel. Just email and I will phone you so no long distance fees to you. Call Diana Kidd at (250) 626-7059 or email Professional Window & Gutter Cleaning. Do you have a beautiful view obscured by salt spray, bird droppings, soot, algae and pollen? Call the Squeegee Girl to help bring some light in your life. Professionally trained with top of the line equipment for great results. We do windows inside and out, clean screens, skylights, and gutters. Call today for a quote. Call Jessica Scaife (The Squeegee Girl) at (778) 260-0258 or email scaifee12@hotmail. com MARY KAY. Simple Customizable Skincare and Natural Glamour, Look and Feel Fabulous! Book an appointment or shop with me and a free gift is yours! I am on Haida Gwaii every 2-3 months. Next Up December 9th. Based out of Charlotte and set up for you to me or me to you. When I am not on Haida Gwaii I live on Bowen Island and am reachable by text, phone, e mail and website: FREE SHIPPING on all mail orders over $50. Please contact me for a free consultation, samples or brochure. Call Donna (Durrance) Bottay at (778) 988-3854 or email dbottay@ Loving Hands Bodywork. Let yourself find relaxation, healing and restoration in my Loving Hands! Offering mobile massage to your home! Available every weekday evening 5-9pm & Weekends 9-9 $60/h Your choice of Swedish Relaxation, Deep Tissue or Acupressure Massage, Eldercare Massage, Prenatal Massage, Traditional Thai Yoga Massage, or Reiki. I am unable to accept MSP billing-- I accept cash or I am always happy to barter/ trade. I look forward to serving you! (Charlotte, Skidegate, Lawn Hill, Sandspit, Tlell) Call Tonya at (250) 626-9077 or email dooly23@hotmail. com
At Your Service - cont. Bark Mulch For Sale! For sale: 1” minus fir bark mulch/ lovely red/brown color/helps suppress weeds. And it looks awesome! Use it 3” thick on weed free soil around trees, shrubs, perennials and annual plantings. Keep 1” away from trunks or stems. 1-4 cubic yard order: $75 per yard, 5-9: $71.25, 10-19: $67.50, 20-plus: $63.75. Plus taxes/delivery fee extra. We will be scheduling a pick up day soon. Call Shellene at (250) 557-2088 or email WRITING AND PROOFREADING. 25+ years of experience writing letters and preparing documents in government, at churches and for law firms - no job too small - from a one page resume to a 600 page manuscript - research projects - fact-checking - proofreading papers writing family histories - drafting correspondence - very reasonable rates. "His work is in all respects excellent. Darren is an intelligent person who approaches his work with common sense and initiative. He is extremely diligent and efficient in everything he does and he produces a top quality product. He obviously takes great pride in what he does.” Email Darren Lowe - First Time Subscribers, Save 30%! Haida Gwaii Trader monthly magazine annual subscriptions are now available! They can now be delivered right to your post box, and if you are a first time subscriber, you will receive a 30% discount off the retail price! ($22 plus GST for the year) Just call (250-557-2088) or email us ( with your full name, mailing address, email and phone number and we will mail or email you an invoice. Thank you all for your awesome patronage! Mary Kay Products. Learn how easy it is to get younger-looking skin. A simple daily program with TimeWise skin care helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Skin looks firmer. And feels softer. You love choices! With the latest shades, age-fighting skin care and great gift ideas, I can show you beautiful products suited just for you. Try TimeWise and others MK products for free! Call me today to find more ways to look good and feel great! Call Regina at (250) 626-9009 or email Loving Hands ~ Mothering the Mama. Gentle, experienced birth support and postpartum doula care. Prenatal massage, private individualized prenatal education, breastfeeding support, bellycastings & blessingways! Call Tonya at (250) 6269077 or email
HG Trader Community Calendar Nov 15 to Dec 15/15 Do you have an event you want to advertise?
Go to and post your event free of charge!
Old Massett/Masset
Port Clements - Cont. Volunteer Fire Department Wednesdays 7:30pm-
Masset Haida Lions Christmas Telethon
9pm / PC Fire Hall / 35 Cedar Ave West
Sat, Nov 28 / 10am-10:30pm / Howard Phillips Community Hall / 1590 Cook St Masset Haida Lions Club presents the 37th Christmas Telethon. For more information contact James Sikora at 250 626 6093 or
Masset Christmas Concert
Tue, Nov 24th / 7 - 9pm / Port Clements Multiplex 14 Park St. For more information contact School District
event of the year comes once again! Come see Masset showcase its talent in \"The Grinch Who Stole Christmas\" and other local acts! For more information contact Etchi Zaleski at 250-626-3677 or
Taoist Tai Chi Tuesdays 7-9pm and Thursdays 10:30 am
Wednesday Women's Open Skate Wednesdays / 5-7:30pm John Lalonde Roller Rink / Behind the Village Office $2 drop-in for
to 12 noon/ Tlell Firehall-Meeting room / 36542 Highway 16 Everyone welcome! Open practice. For more information call 250-559-8458 or or
Ravens Roost Open Mike Night Sun, Nov
skates, safety gear, basic skills training, and skate maintenance. For more information contact Masset Rollergirls at or
Port Clements PC Rod and Gun Club – Turkey Shoot Sun, Dec 13 / 2 -4pm / PC Rod and Gun Club / Juskatla Road Come out and join us for our next th
event, the famous Turkey Shoot, Sunday, Dec 13 from 2-4! (No turkeys are actually shot!) The Port Clements Rod and Gun Club is a community based club supporting local hunting and fishing interests. Members and guests welcome! Located on Juskatla Road (5 km Southwest of PC). For more information contact Ron Haralson at 250-557-4255 or
Regular Council Meeting Mondays, Dec 7th and Dec 21 / 7-9pm / Council Chambers @ PC Multiplex Everyone is welcome to attend a Regular Council Meeting and see what is happening in our community. For more information contact Kim Mushynsky at 250-557-4295 or or
School District 50: Regular Board Meeting No.50 at 250-559-8471 or
Fri, Dec 4 / 7-9pm / Howard Phillips Community Hall / 1590 Cook Street / The fun-filled Christmas
Weekly training meetings. New members are welcome! Come out and join our firefighting team! For more information contact Craig Beachy at 250-557-4421 or
6-11pm/35770 Hwy. 16, Tlell. Our monthly open mike is open to everyone. We encourage musicians, songwriters, artists, comedians, poets, and troubadours to attend. Designated drivers' beverages are on the house. Please don't drink and drive. For more information contact Andre at 250-557-2010 or or check us out on Facebook.
Skidegate A Musing of Manga (in the Museum) Now until Jan 3, 2016/ Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay Come out and enjoy the works of Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas. This exhibition runs rd until January 3 , 2016. Museum is open TuesSaturday from 10am to 5pm. For more information call 250-559-7885 or email
Iraq to Haida Gwaii – a Story of Conflict and Healing by Farah Nosh Now until Jan 9, 2016/ Haida Gwaii Museum at Kay Llnagaay Exhibit in the Haida Gwaii Museum Gallery # 2. For more info contact Nika Collison at
Haala K'aajuu Guu Come Sing All Fridays 10:30am-11:30am / Strong Minds Building / across from the Skidegate Health Centre / Haala K’aajuu Guu is a group experience for parents and their babies and young children. The program introduces adults and children to the pleasures and power of using rhymes, songs, and stories together. Children benefit from enjoyable, healthy early experiences with language and communication. For more information contact Nadine Jones at 250-559-4610
HG Trader Community Calendar-Cont.
Queen Charlotte – Cont.
QC Community Club Annual Craft Fair Sat, Nov 28th 10
Skidegate – Cont. A Very Kay Christmas Sat, Dec 5 / noon - 5pm Haida Heritage Centre at Kay Llnagaay / #2 Second Beach Rd / Come join us for a day of family fun at the Haida Heritage Centre. Pictures with Santa, Christmas crafts, workshops and craft/sweet treat vendors. For more information contact Sara Pryce at 250-559-0014 or or
Come one! Come all! Have tons of fun, eat great food (there will be an especially awesome concession this year) and stock up on your locally made goods, perfect Christmas gifts! This event is a fundraiser for the Queen Charlotte Community Club. Sorry, all tables are sold out for this event. We look forward to seeing you! For more information contact Reine Pineault at 250-559-4792
Taoist Tai Chi Mon 12-1, Wed 7-9pm and Sat 9-11am QC Community Hall/134 Bay St. Taoist Tai Chi™ internal arts are specifically aimed at cultivating health and vitality and were developed by Master Moy Lin-shin, a Taoist monk. Everyone welcome! For more info. call 250-559-8252 or
Queen Charlotte Swap’N’Shop Sat, Nov 21 / 11am-3pm / Q.C. Community Hall / 134 Bay Street Garage Sale, Crafts, Baked Goods, Scentsy, Regal, Tupperware, Plants, Fund Raising Stars, etc. Concession Available. Tables $15. each For more information contact Linda at 250-559-8975 or
Islands Wellness Society AGM and Movie Night Mon, Nov 23 / 4:30pm-8pm / Eric Ross Room / QC Community Hall Doors open at 4:30 AGM Meeting at 5 pm Children welcome after 5:30 for dinner and movie. Showing animated movie - "Inside Out". Childcare available during the meeting time, contact CCRR at 250-559-4711 to arrange. For more information contact Rachel Cameron at 250-559-4743 or or
Annual Fine Artisan Christmas Sale! Sat, Nov 28 / 10am-4pm / QC Visitor Centre / Wharf Street / Featuring the fine art of Betsy Cardell, Penny Richardson, Barb Rowsell, Linda Rowbotham, Debbie Gardiner, Nancy Hett and more! Beautiful Christmas gifts made by local artists abound! Come one! Come all! For more information contact Maureen Weddell at 250-559-8316 or or
School District 50: Regular Board Meeting Tue, Dec 15 / 7-9pm / School District No. 50 Administrative Office / 107 3rd Ave / For more information contact School District No.50 at 250-5598471 or
Ukulele Jam Wednesdays / 5:30-7:30pm / Seniors' Room / QC Community Hall All levels welcome. Informal instruction provided; no experience necessary; extra ukuleles available. Small donation towards photocopying appreciated. Bring your favorite song and let's uke! Please note:. There will be no jams on Wednesday Dec.23rd or 30th. For more information contact Michelle at 250559-8586 or
am-4pm / QC Community Hall / Bay Street , QC
Sandspit Taoist Tai Chi Mondays and Thursdays/78pm/Sandspit Airport / 1 Airport Road Taoist Tai Chi™ internal arts are specifically aimed at cultivating health and vitality and were developed by Master Moy Lin-shin, a Taoist monk. Everyone welcome! For more info. call 250-637-5463 or ___________________________________ ________________________
HG Trader’s Community Calendar Post your event any time, any day. It’s easy fun and free!
Registered Programs Alternate Fitness- Masset A FREE modified fitness class for those at risk for, or living with, chronic conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and arthritis. Tuesdays & Thursdays (until Dec. 17th) 12:00-12:45pm / Masset Legion
Alternate Fitness- Port Clements Thursdays (until Dec. 17th) / 1-2pm Senior’s Room at the Multiplex
Fall into Fitness- Port Clements Get fit, feel great and raise your fitness level with Pilates/Circuit fusion! Instructor: Ruth Bellamy Tuesdays & Thursdays (until Dec. 17th) 7-8pm / Port Clements Elementary Gym, Multiplex / $10 drop-in
Circuit FitnessSandspit Come out and get fit! Open to all fitness levels! Mondays & Thursdays / 6:30-7:30pm ALM Elementary Gym / $5 per class
HGREC’s After School Sports & Arts Initiative Programs Come out, have fun, learn and play! All programs are FREE & include a healthy snack for participants. For more info. contact Laura Bishop at 250.626.9045 or email
MASSET / OLD MASSETT AcroDance Flexibility, strength and balance! For: Ages 9-12 / Thursdays 4:155:30pm (until Dec. 17th) / Tahayghen Primary Gym / REGISTRATION REQUIRED Surf & SUP Club! Learn to Surf & SUP with North Beach Surf Shop! For: Grades 5-7 Wednesdays 3-6pm (until Dec. 16th)/ Leave from Tahayghen at 3:05pm SHARP! For: Grades 8-12 / Fridays 3-6pm (until Dec. 18th) / Leave from Tahayghen at 3:15 SHARP! WEEKLY REGISTRATION REQUIRED
Port Clements SUP Club! Learn to stand-up paddleboard with North Beach Surf Shop! For: Grades 5-7 Thursdays 3-6pm (until Dec. 17th) / Masset Inlet / WEEKLY REGISTRATION REQUIRED Draw and Paint Fundamentals Get creative! For: Grades 3-5 / Tuesdays 56:30pm / PC Multi-Plex Senior’s Room REGISTRATION REQUIRED Also in Port: Holiday Theatre, AcroDance and Badminton…see the HGREC website for details!
ASSAI Programs – Cont. SKIDEGATE Soccer Dribble, Pass, Shoot! For: Grades K-3 / Thursdays 3-4pm (until Dec. 10th) / Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary Soccer Field / Drop-in Multisport Sports, games, fun! For: Grades K-12 / Thursdays snacks & crafts 3-4pm and sports 4-6pm (until Dec. 17th) / Skidegate Youth Center Drop-in
QUEEN CHARLOTTE Archery Bows, arrows, safety, fun! For: Grades K-7/ Wednesdays 3:305pm (until Dec. 2nd) / Living & Learning School REGISTRATION REQUIRED Surf Club! Learn to Surf with North Beach Surf Shop! For: Grades 8-12 Fridays 3-6pm (until Dec. 18th)/ Leave from QCSS at 1pm SHARP! WEEKLY REGISTRATION REQUIRED Also in QC: Elementary and Secondary Kayaking, Modern Dance Improv…see the HGREC website for details!
SANDSPIT Multisport A new sport every week! For: Grades K-7 / Tues & Thurs 3:154:15pm (until Dec. 10th) / ALM Elementary School / Drop-in Also in Sandspit: Youth Dance and Sewing with Lynn …see the HGREC website for details!
Please note: Extenuating circumstances may result in unexpected program cancellations
Box 187, Masset, BC V0T 1M0 Phone: 250-626-5652/1-888-557-4418 Email:
Haida Gwaii Rec
HAIDA GWAII LOCAL FOODS PROJECT and the Graham Island East Coast Farmers’ Institute (GIECFI) have:
Have you seen this logo? Producers, retailers, and food processors across Haida Gwaii have been using the new HG Local Food logo over the past three months. We created the brand as an effort to increase local purchasing and awareness of producers – we want to know if it’s working!
Launched the new brand and distributed 200 tote bags at the Tlell Fall Fair
Distributed materials and information at half a dozen farmers markets and festivals, including the first Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival
Provided signs, stickers, and labels to more than 20 producers; 7 grocery stores; 4 school gardens; 5 local markets and non profit organizations; and, 4 restaurants that use local food.
We are now evaluating the project to identify next steps, and want to know: •
Does seeing the logo change your shopping habits?
How else could we promote the local food brand? Would you buy a t-shirt, apron, or other item featuring the logo?
Eating local on Haida Gwaii is a way of life. While local food may not be the majority of your diet, we want to help connect you • with local food producers, and celebrate the businesses, organizations, and initiatives that nourish us throughout the year. So far, MIEDS
As a producer or retailer, are you interested in buying these materials through MIEDS?
Ruth Wheadon and Cathy Baran at the 2015 Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival
Contact us! or 250-981-6887 Signs, stickers, and labels are still available while supplies last. This project is supported by the BC Government’s Buy Local Program; delivered by the Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC with funding from the BC Ministry of Agriculture.
LOCAL FOOD WISDOM: Harvesting food for a healthy lifestyle Go to the land and waters to find your first foods. Be active in exercising your right to hunt, fish, harvest and gather in your territory. Ask the old people and the traditional and environmental knowledge keepers how to do this in a good way. It will be good for the mind, body and spirit and contribute to a self-reliant future. The copy in this section was used with permission from the First Nations Health Authority. It original appeared in First Nations Traditional Food Factsheets, 2009
Thank You Haida Gwaii Local Food Project Sponsors!
Also: Masset Farmers Market, Queen Charlotte Farmers Market & Moresby Market
To become a sponsor of the Haida Gwaii Local Foods Project or to be added to the Haida Gwaii Producer List, please call 250-557-2088 or email