Hgt magazine sept oct 2016

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Halibut hook, Haida c.1860-80 Dogfish, Yew, hemlock, iron, commercial twine, 27 x 12.8 Haida Gwaii Museum, Gift of the Reif family, NB1.623 Photography: Trevor Mills

Halibut hook, Haida c.1860-80 Dogfish, Yew, hemlock, iron, commercial twine, 27 x 12.8 Haida Gwaii Museum, Gift of the Reif family, NB1.623 Photography: Trevor Mills

Halibut hook, Haida c.1860-80 Halibut hook, Haida c.1860-80 Dogfish, Yew, hemlock, iron, Dogfish, Yew, hemlock, iron, commercial twine, 27 x 12.8 commercial twine, 27 x 12.8 Haida Gwaii Museum,

Gift Gwaii of the ReifMuseum, family, NB1.623 Haida Mills NB1.623 Gift Photography: of the ReifTrevor family,

Photography: Trevor Mills

Haida Gwaii Museum

3rd Annual Gala & Art Auction Fundraiser Date & Location




aii Museum Haida Gwaii Museum Haida Gwaii Museum rd nnual 3 Auction Annual Fundraiser Gala & Art Auction Fun rd Gala & Art 3 Annual Gala & Art Auction Fundraiser


l 2016

Skidegate Community Hall Saturday, September 24, 2016 6:00pm - 2:00am

$40 General Public $30 Contributing Artists & Seniors For sale at Museum Gift Shop 250.559.4643 or haidagwaiimuseum@skidegate.ca

Live auction of original local art With musical guests Tow Town, dj O unincorporated and DJ Jay Food provided by the Kay Bistro Door prizes, including round trip plane tickets to Vancouver

Your support has helped the museum develop our new website, develop the archives and collections and digitization process of Haida audio tapes and the collection of photographs

TicketsSponsored by Skidegate Band DateCouncil & Location Entertainment Tickets Haa’wa Entertainment haidagwaiimuseum.ca/gala $40 General Public Skidegate Community Live auction Hall of original local art $40 General Public Your support has helped the museum Live auction of original local art Date & Location Tickets Entertainment Haaw'a $30 Contributing Artists & Seniors Skidegate Community Hall For sale at Museum Saturday, September 24, 2016 Gift Shop 250.559.4643 or 6:00pm - 2:00am haidagwaiimuseum@skidegate.ca

Sponsored by Skidegate Band Council

With musical 24, 2016 guests Tow Town, dj O Live $30auction Contributing develop Artistslocal our & Seniors new Withsupport musicalhas guests Towthe Town, dj O $40Saturday, GeneralSeptember Public of original art website, develop theYour helped museum 6:00pm 2:00am unincorporated and DJ Jay For sale at Museum archives Gift and Shop collections and digitization unincorporated and DJ Jay $30 Contributing Artists & Seniors With musical guests Tow Town, dj O develop our new website, develop the FoodGift provided 250.559.4643and process or DJ Jay of Haida audio tapes and the archives Food provided by the Kay For sale at Museum Shop by the Kay Bistro unincorporated and collections andBistro digitization Door prizes, including round trip plane haidagwaiimuseum@skidegate.ca collection of photographs Door prizes, including round trip the plane 250.559.4643 or Food provided by the Kay Bistro process of Haida audio tapes and tickets to Vancouver tickets to of Vancouver haidagwaiimuseum@skidegate.ca Door prizes, including round trip plane collection photographs tickets to Vancouver

Sponsored by Skidegate Band Council


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haidagwaiimuseum.ca/gala hai haidagwaiimuseum.ca/gala

Sponsored by Skidegate Band Council

Haida Gwaii Eyes…Wide Open

Proactive Ponderings about Common Challenges

Electoral Reform Town Hall by Shellene Van der Beke

Challenge: By next spring, a new method of electing Members of Parliament will likely be approved by Parliament. This fact (and my unyielding gut feeling for the need for voting reform in Canada) compels me to write on this topic on an ongoing basis. OUR VOTES REPRESENT OUR VOICES. Over time, people’s votes forge change. Minimum Wage? Health insurance? Workers compensation? What protection there is for women, children, elders, animals and the environment (yes we do have a ways to go)? All have been brought into being by the almighty vote.

Do you think your own voice or the voice of your community is being fairly represented by our federal government? If not, please read on.

Proactive Solutions: Over the next few months, those that will decide on electoral reform will be listening to your voice. As I am not an expert on this topic, I turn to the folks who know a mountain more than I do. Enter Fair Vote Canada (FVC), a grassroots, multi-partisan, citizen-run organization for electoral reform. They are supported by over 65,000 Canadians, 35 prominent advisors, 40 regional teams and chapters, and over 500 Canadian academics. Recently, they helped found the “Every Voter Counts Alliance”, which represents millions of Canadians and independent organizations who care deeply about this issue and are calling for equal and effective votes. FVC is striving to achieve respect for voter intentions, equality, diversity, fairness, better voter turnouts and the election of more women and minorities. Check them out at www.fairvote.ca _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ VIRTUAL ELECTORAL REFORM TOWN HALL IS COMING TO HAIDA GWAII!

Hosted by Nathan Cullen on Monday, September 19th from 7-8pm Here is how it works: 1. If you have an up-to-date phone number you will be getting a call the day before as a reminder. There is no charge for this call. Mark it on your calendar. 2. You will receive another call the day of the event at 7pm. Take advantage of the opportunity to learn more about voting reform…even if only to listen to what other people in our region think. 3. If you get disconnected, you may directly dial in to the town hall via the toll-free number 1877-229-8493, ID code 112621 or go to http://nathancullen.ndp.ca/making-every-vote-countequally-telephone-townhall

“Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Martin Luther King Jr. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have a solution-based topic, thought or project you would like to share? We would love to hear from you!

250-557-2088 / info@haidagwaiitrader.com / PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC V0T1R0


”nobrac eulb“ gnitaerc dna gnirotser ,gnitcetorp yhW tenalp eht rof tnatropmi si smetsysoce noskralC ylloM/saaL adiaH yb dettimbuS

a ngised ot srentrap eht stcerid taht ygetarts lliw taht saera detcetorp eniram fo krowten .ecneiliser metsysoce esaercni siht fo noitatnemelpmi eht troppus oT noitaN adiaH eht fo licnuoC eht ,ygetarts krowten APM eht ni degagne yltnecer flehS nrehtroN eht rof ssecorp gninnalp na iiawG adiaH sedulcni hcihw ,noigeroiB enod krow reilraE .sretaw gnidnuorrus sti era eniram yfitnedi ot srentrap gninnalp eht atropmi ekam ot detcepxe si noitcetorp rof eht fo tnempoleved eht ot snoitubirtnoc .krowten noigeroiB flehS nrehtroN APM eht no noitamrofni erom roF nrehtroN eht rof ssecorp gninnalp krowteN ta etisbew eht tuo kcehc noigeroiB flehS ./flehsnrehtroncb/ac.krowtenapm//:ptth lanoitidda na pu sekam sanaaH iiawG* aera nalP eniraM iiawG adiaH eht fo %5.7 lP eniraM eht fo trap sa dedulcni ton si tub uorht desserdda gnieb si aera eht sa gninoz .ssecorp gninnalp etarapes a

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10 The Accidental Bakery

12 #VillageBoys


4 7 9 14 19 24 47

17 Eelgrass

About Haida Gwaii Trader Magazine

Editor: Shellene Van der Beke info@haidagwaiitrader.com 250-557-2088 Assitant Editor: Peter Moore pmoore@haidagwaiitrader.com HGT Magazine would not be possible without the fantastic submissions from our contributors. Please find their stories inside. haidagwaiitrader.com facebook.com/HaidaGwaiiTrader

Subscribe: Get HGT Magazine delivered right to your post box and save 20% off the retail price. $48/year plus GST. Please contact: info@haidagwaiitrader.com Advertise: HGT Magazine is devoted to promoting local business. If you would like to advertise with us, please contact info@haidagwaiitrader.com for our rates. Submit: Do you have a story for us? We would love to hear from you. Please send your pitches to info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Banner photo by Pete Moore. Want your photo as the banner for next issue? Submit to pmoore@haidagwaiitrader.com


Horse Sense for Non-Horse Owners A few tips for horse lovers that do not have a horse of their own

Horses have always been a treasure to behold. They’re beautiful, powerful and majestic animals that seem to spark something deep down inside every person with a love for them. As the world shrinks, and it becomes harder and harder to find enough land to own horses, the cost of keeping them continues to skyrocket. There are still some of us, however, who are crazy enough to make the many personal sacrifices it takes for the honor of sharing our lives with these unbelievably special creatures.

Horses on the road: While we do our very best to make sure our horses handle traffic in a safe and timely fashion, but there are a few things you need to know. Honking at horses is a bad idea. Please do not honk at a horse unless you are asked to (yes some of us are crazy and would like to get our horses used to those sorts of things).

Horse Sense Tips: Hand feeding horses: Yes, even I have been guilty of this one. Hand feeding a horse is not only dangerous for the horse, but for you, and the horse’s handlers as well. First of all, some horses are on very special diets, believe it or not, if certain horses eat fresh grass, carrots or other high sugar foods they can get very sick due to metabolic conditions (think diabetes but the horse version). Also, another reason to never hand feed a horse: horses have an approximately 1000 psi bite - that will remove the tip of a finger very quickly. Sometimes they get a little over excited about being hand fed. Even some very careful people have lost the tips of their fingers to a set of powerful horse jaws. Also, some horses, when hand fed, can become aggressive towards people in attempts to find more cookies. If you would like to feed a horse, please locate the owners and ask for permission. Many of us are happy to show you how to feed a particular horse and what that horse is allowed to eat. Entering fenced areas: Horses are great fun to hang out with and it’s fine to do so from the opposite side of the fence (providing you are not trespassing on private property), please do not enter a fenced area without permission. Horses can be very dangerous and even we as horse owners have been kicked. This can lead to serious liability issues and can become very dangerous for the people who handle the horse on a regular basis.

Bicycles are a horse’s worst nightmare as they often sneak up quietly from behind. If you pass a horse on a bike please announce yourself, again, do not honk a horn, just say something to the effect of “Hey, I’m on a bike behind you and I’m going to pass on your left”. This gives the rider a chance to prepare the horse to know that you are there. If you see a horse dancing and prancing on the road while you are trying to pass, whether in a vehicle or on a bike please pass SLOW and WIDE as that is a sign of a nervous horse. We as horse owners understand why people are drawn to horses, we simply ask for safety sake that you either enjoy watching them from your side of the fence or contact us to make arrangements to visit with them a little closer. Not all horse owners will welcome you into their horse’s lives but most will at least refer you to someone who will.

Cyndi Bird is a certified Equine Sports Therapist and is a retired dog groomer. She can be reached via her website at www.opengaits.ca or email opengaits.cyndibird@gmail.com. Cyndi lives in Port Clements with her family, one dog, one cat, four hourses, as well as her bunnies and chickens. 4


Our Healing Journeys: Ngystle Fall Programs By Karen Walhout

As summer winds down, the Ngystle Society in Skidegate is looking forward to offering a fall program schedule. Devjeet Singh will be offering Kundalini yoga by donation. This is a low impact practice that focuses on dissolving old patterns of behavior through breath work and mantra. Dates and times TBA. We will resume our Monday meditation on September 12th with a slight change: We will alternate every other week between doing a guided meditation and energy healing workshops. Each session we will explore different healing modalities

Rocky Island’s Tufted Puffin

through literature, film and practice. All are welcome, no experience necessary. Don’t forget our relaxing amethyst Bio-Mat and Trinfinity8 are great ways of taking time out of the day for self-care. Call to book an appointment. Stay tuned on our Facebook page and website for more about our fall programing schedule. Namaste! Karen Walhout is the Ngystle Society’s Administrator and Coordinator. She first came to Haida Gwaii in 2011 from Ontario and enjoys wild harvesting, yoga and dance. For more information about Ngystle, call Karen (Mon/Tues/Thurs/ Fri between 9-4:30) at 250-559-4114 or email ngystle@haidagwaii.net

This acrylic on canvas painting named “le dejeuner sur la plage” by Thomas Arnatt of Masset was inspired by the noted encounter with the Puffin.

In the movie “The Big Year”, birdwatchers try to see as many different species of birds in one year as they can. In this search, if an enthusiast can observe a bird that has eluded them in the past, this sighting can become a very memorable event. One such bird for me is the Tufted Puffin which I saw for the first time 5 years ago from a boat off the coast of Kunghit Island, Haida Gwaii, during an “Artists in the Park” adventure. It was buoyant in the dark swells; its white face and large, bright orange bill cemented my gaze. It was breeding season and the bird was in the preferred nesting area of remote, rocky islands. I could imagine its shallow burrow under the turf where a single downy sooty-grey nestling was waiting for its next meal from its parents. As the Tufted Puffin became aware of us, it flapped fast and paddled its orange feet along the top of the water to get enough speed to launch its stocky body into the air. It did not call out, just flew rapidly, zigzagging over the West Coast waves until out of sight. “It does exist; it is real,” I thought. 6

Multidisciplinary artist, Thomas Arnatt, specializes in murals inspired by birds, nature & meditation. His studio is located in the beautiful Tow Hill Road community on Haida Gwaii. For commissions and/or more information, Thomas can be reached by email at rayvantric@gmail.com.

Do You Choose

Love or Fear? In a peaceful garden in Skidegate last June, six people walked, one by one, towards their heart’s greatest desire. For one person, the desire was to actively live her leadership. For another, it was to find a loving partner. For another, it was to claim ease and calm in a stressful job.

changed from blaming people and being cynical to understanding the world reflects your consciousness back to you. For example, when my grandkids were young, they would go into a tantrum. I would look inside myself and find out where I was in a tantrum. Once I worked on that I noticed the kids’ behaviour changed”. This speaks to another PoV principle -The world is our mirror and what is reflected back to us, can be changed. By resolving our inner issues, we automatically resolve the problems in our world.

The first step was to speak of the desire out loud. The next step was to identify the barriers that stood on the path to achieving that desire; and then, to intuitively choose people from the group to represent the heartfelt Psychology of Vision is a path of the heart. “People desire and the accompanying barriers. Once chosen, think they are unlovable or bad” said Babs. “But there each person took their place along the path with the is only love or fear. It is a choice. That is our healing “desire” at the end. And then the walk began. work. One of the biggest POV Leadership Principles is if you’re in pain, there is always someone else in This is the simple yet profound work facilitated by more pain than you. You contact them, help them out Babs Stevens, a trained Psychology of Vision (POV) or simply send them love. This kind act will move you facilitator in Skidegate. With love, respect and and them forward”. refreshing humour, Babs guided the walkers, one by one, toward their desire. It was a walk of steps Babs Stevens is and stops. What is stopping you here? What are you offering a series of 4 feeling? Believing? What do you need to let go of to Psychology of Vision sessions starting in take the next step? Tears came, or laughter, confusion September. Teenagers or hesitation. And then, the next step was taken. 13 yrs/over and And the next, until the walker embraced their heart’s adults are welcome. greatest desire. Much internal shifting and sorting happens on that walk that will carry over into the person’s life. A POV principle states As we change our mistaken beliefs, we change our patterns. POV also reminds us We are always in the perfect place to learn the lesson we most need to learn in order to heal and grow. Our most painful experiences, once they are healed, become the greatest gifts to ourselves and to others. Babs began this work in 1991 when POV founders, Chuck and Lency Spezzano offered a workshop in Skidegate. She was hooked and transformed. “I

The theme of the sessions is ‘Reclaiming Your True Self ’ Session dates: Sept 22 and 27, Oct 6 and 13,

2016. Time: 6:30pm Cost: $20/session or all 4 sessions for $65.00 Location: Babs Stevens, #3 Kay Hill, Skidegate To register, contact Babs at: 604-209-8809 Or Email: babs@haidagwaii.net

Liz Wouters is a Certified Coach, and trained in Conflict Management, Psychology, and Adult Education. For individual or group coaching sessions on work, life or interpersonal issues, please contact her at lwoutersca@yahoo.ca



The SHIP Xaayda Kil Glossary Helping to keep the roots of a culture alive and well By Pete Moore

Photo by Walker Brown At the Unity Pole potlach, Gaagwiis (Jason Alsop), who was representing the Council of the Haida Nation, started his speech with a self introduction and opening words completely in Haida. It was a moving display of the Haida language’s importance to the culture and the necessity for it to live on. Just a few weeks later, on August 23rd, a hard copy of the Skidegate Haida Immersion Program’s (SHIP) glossary was distributed to every house in Skidegate. Sitting at over 1000 pages, HlGaagilda Xaayda Kil K’aalang is a culmination of the years of work SHIP has put into preserving the Haida language. CDs with audio recordings of words and an electronic version of the glossary have been made available in the past, making the new glossary a continuation of SHIP’s efforts. Following the Unity Pole raising, the glossary comes at a time of cultural strength. Whether it be the oral history or the sharing of stories, so much of Haida culture is based

on their language and its preservation plays heavily into maintaining that strength. The choice to distribute the glossary as a gift – a sizeable investment – affirms the awareness and prioritization of its importance, with both SHIP and Gwaii Trust working to make it a reality. In the first section of the book, quite a few pages record the long list of contributors and those that worked with the program to create HlGaagilda Xaayda Kil K’aalang, of which most are Elders. However, there are a few staff from younger generations listed as well. Much in the same way as Gaagwiis’ speech at the Unity Pole potlach, these individuals embody the dedication to preserving their language for future generations. With language being one of the principal foundations of Haida culture, the HlGaagilda Xaayda Kil K’aalang glossary is a substantial contribution. If you are interested in acquiring a copy of HlGaagilda Xaayda Kil K’aalang, please email ship@haidagwaii.net

Do you have a historical picture and a short story you would like to share?

We would love to hear from you! Call us at 250-557-2088 or emaill info@haidagwaiitrader.com


At Your Service: A Q&A with Cyndi Bird of The Accidental Bakery How long have you lived on Haida Gwaii? My husband Brent and I have lived on Haida Gwaii for close to a year. We came here on holidays in 2014. The serenity of the islands touched us in a way we had never been touch by a place before, so we continued to come back and continued to fall in love with the people, the culture and the land. So the only thing left to do was move here, and here we are. What inspired you to become a baker? I absolutely love food. Because of my allergies, finding food that is safe for me to eat is very difficult, not just here on Haida Gwaii but everywhere. For the last 5 years it’s become more and more painful to see fresh baked goods and not be able to enjoy them. Finally I couldn’t take it anymore so I decided to do something about it. I love being able to feed people like myself who have felt the pain and suffering involved with having food related sensitivities and allergies. That look on people’s faces when they learn my food is safe for them to eat. How did you come up with the name “Accidental” Bakery? In the beginning I was baking for myself and a friend. One day I decided to put a post on Facebook to see if anyone else was interested in healthy baked goods, or needed to eat like I do. The response was a bit overwhelming and before I knew it I had accidentally opened a bakery. What kinds of products and services do you offer? I offer almost anything you can dream of and if I don’t already

make what you’ve been missing then let me know and I’ll do my best to make it happen for you. For the most part I offer various breads, muffins, cupcakes, stuffed buns, samosas, pizza crusts, parfaits, homemade chocolate and licorice, and a variety of pastries. You can pre-order products from me and I will bring them to the farmers markets where you can pick them up and during the winter I offer a delivery service to both ends of the island twice a month.

Where can a person purchase your baked goods? The bakery is run out of my home kitchen so the only way to purchase my goods at this point in time is directly from me either via the pre-order system or at the farmers market in either Masset or Queen Charlotte. You can pre-order by phone, Facebook, email or even in person. Currently I post a menu on our Facebook page at the beginning of every week, but if you email us and request to be on an email list I would be happy to email you the weekly menu instead. Any new and exciting things coming down the pipe for The Accidental Bakery? There’s always something new brewing over here. Right now I’m very interested in developing a line of sugar free healthy candy, and I would also like to offer people freezer meals, such as cottage pies and lasagnas. So many of us food-challenged people, find dining out rather terrible so I would like to offer people frozen meals made from locally grown vegetables and meat to have on hand for nights when you want a break from cooking.

Look for The Accidental Bakery at the Masset Farmers’ Market the 1st and 3rd Friday and the QC Farmers’ Market, the 2nd and 4th Saturday of each month. Questions? Comments? Check out The Accidental Bakery Facebook page, send them an email at theaccidentalbakery@gmail.com or give them a call at 250-557-4662


Our Hot


GWAII Summer The summer of 2016 closed out with a hot stretch... an insanely hot stretch. August brought a dayafter-day stream of sunny weather following a rather mild June and July. Despite being a little bit later than most would probably hope for, the hot weather was gladly embraced by locals as it graced island events such as the Tlell Fall Fair, Edge of the World Music Festival, Harbour Days, and more. However, as these events came and went, the hot and dry weather continued. Day after day without substantial rain saw the Fire Danger Rating reach all the way into the “Extreme” range. Level 1 water restrictions were first implemented in Queen Charlotte on August 23rd, a quick turnaround from August 4th when the levels in the Stanley Lake Weir were still within an acceptable range.

their water from wells, and as such, they were not as heavily affected by the drought. Masset’s well is located behind Masset Grocery, and Port Clements has 2 that they draw water from: one right by the Public Works building and another by the gate to the park, which is the one that is more frequently used. In Masset, the level dropped only about a foot from where it normally is in the winter says Sylvan Daugert of the Masset Public Works Department. Similarly, in Port Clements, they were concerned and took precautionary measures, but they found no discernible drop in water levels, explains VOPC Public Works Super Intendent, Sean O’Donoghue. This is because the aquifer is so far down that it is not affected by water levels on the surface.

As August made its way out, however, so did the dry weather. Rain returned in triumphant fashion, and gave the islands several days of sustained rainfall. Water restrictions were lifted, Fire Danger went all the way back down to “Low”, and concerns lessened. Haida Gwaii has always had a fluctuating and unpredictable climate. As this pattern of warmer summers seems to be continuing year after year, and Haida Gwaii is hit with drier and drier summers, it is important for us to be conscious of our water usage. This year may have just been a taste of what is to come. For more information on Haida Gwaii climate history, check out this report by MIEDS: http://www.mieds.ca/images/uploads/docs/ Climate_Report_HAIDA_GWAII_CLIMATE_ ASSESSMENT_092010.pdf

Skidegate was also affected by the drought, as they implemented a total fire ban on August 19th. The rest of the island adhered to a category 2 fire ban implemented by the province, which prohibited open burn piles, fireworks, and other open fires. Despite this, both Masset and Port Clements saw little effect on their water levels. Both communities draw Nick Allen takes his drive. Although well maintained, the Sandspit golf course suffered from the abnormally dry weather. But the greens were still green!



the Basketball, Hashstags, and Activism of the Skidegate Saints

By Pete Moore

Photo by Marie Octaviano “It is a worldly movement,” Desmond Collinson laughs. “Everybody has had something that makes them familiar with the earth, as opposed to the city.” The HaiCo World Indigenous Basketball Challenge took place at Simon Fraser Univeristy this August, and was undoubtedly a resounding success. Sixteen different indigenous teams from all over the world came together for a week of competitive basketball and passionate cultural exchange, with the South Sudan team emerging as the final victor.

Desmond Collinson, one of the organizers of the event, was very active on Facebook during the tournament. Unable to play due to an injury, he devoted himself to engaging with everybody involved, estimating to have given out 10,000 handshakes over the course of the event. On behalf of the Saints, and as an organizer, Collinson was interviewing players from other teams, posting of pictures, and keeping all those that could not attend in the loop. But with each of his posts, he attached the #Villageboys tag.

As the hosts of the tournament, the Skidegate Saints also put together 2 friendly games on their home turf: one with the Lords of the Plains (a team from Oklahoma) before the tournament, and another with the New Zealand Maori team after the tournament.

“A village boy... it’s everybody,” says Collinson, “it’s just about bringing it back to who you really are.” It’s easy to view the #Villageboys tag one dimensionally, but Collinson assures that it is truly something that anybody and everybody can connect to, referring to it as a definite medium. “Everybody belongs to something; everybody is connected to something that’s brought them back to their original state,” he says.

As with any major event these days, it was all over Facebook. Pictures, statuses, videos, news reports... you name it. The global coverage of the event was amazing, and Facebook gave the participating nations a global platform to share their personal experiences.

At its core, #Villageboys is a term that evokes feelings of pride, and so that is why it became a large theme of the tournament; everybody was there to represent who they were and where they were from. “We brought all the #Villageboys from the world to [the tournament]... and they got it,” says Collinson.


Representing the name on your jersey, back or front, has always been perhaps the most important part of the sport, but #Villageboys commands so much more. “We are always searching for inspiration and meaning for why we play the game,” says Captain of the Saints team Jason Alsop. Reflecting on how the past 5 years at the All Native Basketball Tournament in Prince Rupert has inspired this re-evaluation, he mentions “for us, being able to attach basketball to bigger movements and bigger ideas motivates us and adds more meaning to the game, and why we play.”

Collinson says, mimicking the discussion that led to the idea of the tournament, “alright, ‘let’s invite a couple more teams’ and it just snowballs from there.” Once the tournament was established, the cultural exchange came naturally. It is no doubt that this year’s tournament will be the first annual, as pre-planning for next year has already begun. “The players who participated, they want to come back. There’s basketball tournaments everywhere, and you can go anywhere and play against great talent and high competition. But to get the competition, the talent, the camaraderie, and the culture in one place [...] was really awesome,” recalls Alsop.

“For us, being able to attach basketball to bigger movements and bigger ideas It is for these same reasons that the Saints have been so involved in other provincial motivates us and issues, especially environmental But not only did the tournament succeed protection. For Alsop, being part of the Saints is about the community, the nation, adds more meaning on these levels, it was also an amazing for Haida Gwaii as a whole. The and being keepers of the land. This to the game, and event mentality, and the actions of the Saints games we’re live streamed online and gathered an astonishing 100,000 views (specifically at last year’s All Native where why we play” from 25,000 unique IP addresses spread they spearheaded a “No LNG” movement – Jason Alsop

in response to the tournament’s oil and gas company sponsorships) have pushed them into a global spotlight. “It is a proud feeling to have people acknowledge that you’ve contributed something to the world,” says Collinson, as he speaks on having an organization that can make a global impact, and how beautiful a thing that is.

The shifting focuses of Saints’ basketball played a large part in the inspiration of the WIBC. Following their to New Zealand trip in 2015, members of the Saints saw the value in bringing indigenous groups together to play basketball. “All of this just started happening... ‘Let’s invite them back’,”

across 95 different countries. Almost all the advertisements broadcasted on the live stream were from Haida Gwaii businesses, making the steam an expansive piece of publicity for the islands.

Statistics like these, combined with the overall experience that the players, participants, and spectators shared, makes the tournament an exciting prospect for future years. “I believe in this tournament,” says Collinson, “I believe it can gather the world.” Desi is right. The tournament can gather the world because it promotes embracing who you are, being proud of who you are, and defending that on the court, and thats what being #VillageBoys is all about.

The Skidegate Saints and the New Zealand Maori pose for a final photo following their Rumble in the Rainforest game on Haida Gwaii. Taking place after the tournament at SFU, the game marked the end of the experience... until next year.


celebrating local

independently owned businesses Meet Dann Braman & Linda Leitch of

Blue Sky Charters in


Their spacious, 32 foot Oday sailboat “Slide” has all the comforts of home, including a private queen size V-berth for guests. “Travelling by sailboat is a gentle, eco-friendly, low impact way to explore this precious area,” says Linda. “All are invited to come with us and experience crabbing in Naden Harbour or shrimping in Masset inlet during an overnight cruise along the rarely toured North Coast of Graham Island.”

Looking for a higher-paced adventure? Blue Sky Charters also offers fishing charters in Haida Gwaii’s world class waters in their Bayliner Trophy Sport fishing boat.

S/V Slide is a wonderful stage to watch for whales or to simply enjoy the gentle rolling swell of the Pacific as fabulous scenery abounds in every direction. “This winter,” Linda continues, “we’re hoping to give locals a chance to get out on the water and see things a bit differently that are close to home. We welcome all ages and love bringing out families with youngsters.” Blue Sky Charters’ Captain, Dann Braman, has over 30 years fishing and guiding experience in these waters. His stories of life growing up here in a very large family that was heavily involved in the community are as priceless as his amazing talents with safety and boating while sharing the place that he loves.

Contact Dann Braman or Linda Leitch blueskyhaidagwaii@yahoo.ca (250) 626-3724 514 Sangan Drive Masset, BC

LOVEHAIDAGWAII.COM | LOVENORTHERNBC.COM Love Haida Gwaii showcases locally owned and operated businesses and is funded by Northern Development Initiative Trust & Misty Isles Economic Development Society. To list your business on the Love Haida Gwaii website or for more information call 250-559-8050 or email admin@mieds.ca


Reading on the Rock Summer Reading Club Winners! In Port Clements, Evelyn Robinson won a bag of new books in the Adult Summer Reading Challenge, while the grand prize winners in the Summer Reading Club for kids were Allison Beachy, Sequoia Falconbridge and Mina Nyeholt. Congratulations!

October is Love Your Library Month To celebrate, all branches will be offering blind dates with mystery books. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to not judge a book by its cover? Then visit your local branch in October and look for our displays of reader-tested, disguised books. Take one home and then share your opinion!

VOPC Book Club’s First Author Visit!

By T.M. Ooishi Saying goodbye to summer and sweeping into fall, the VOPC Book Club had an exciting evening filled with tasty treats, wonderful conversation and surprise visitors. Sonja Larsen, author of “The Red Star Tattoo” made a guest appearance, graciously signed our novels and shared her thoughts on her ocean themed book. Some of the books discussed by the club included a real life ship sinking, a Scottish murder mystery, a family torn apart by the loss of a child, teenage suicide, a husband dealing with the loss of his wife, the Japanese tsunami, a modern-day life of a lighthouse keeper and seaside poetry! Why we pick nonfiction versus fictional books was also discussed and resulted in an intriguing, insightful and interesting debate. The next book is “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot and our next meeting is on September 26th at 7:00pm in the Port Clements Seniors room. If you have any questions or would like to join the book club please contact Tina through email at tina.ooishi@gmail.com.

OPEN HOURS Queen Charlotte

Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Wednesday 1-4 and 5-8, Friday 12:30-5 and Saturday 10-12 and 1-5


Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Thursday 1-4 and 5-8, Friday 1-5, and Saturday 10-2

Port Clements

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday 3-8, Saturday 10-12 and 1-5


Tuesday 10-12 and 1-5, Wednesday 10-2, Thursday 1-4 and 5-8 and Saturday 10-2

VOPC Book Club Quote of the month: “Those who live by the sea can hardly form a single thought of which the sea would not be part.” Hermann Broch



Eelgrass eats CO


Why protecting, restoring and creating “blue carbon” ecosystems is important for the planet Submitted by Haida Laas/Molly Clarkson

When the tide goes out, we fetch our buckets and shovels and head for the t’aanuu eelgrass meadows, where we hunt for ḵ’ust’an crabs and dig for kyuu clams. In the spring, iinang herring coat the t’aanuu with their eggs, and there are always many creatures to see resting, feeding, and mating between the piles of long green leaves. As well as providing an abundance of seafood, vegetated coastal ecosystems such as t’aanuu meadows help prevent shoreline erosion, improve water quality by trapping and settling sediments, and – as has been recently discovered – capture and store large amounts of carbon dioxide or CO2, the greenhouse gas that is contributing significantly to global climate change. This last characteristic is notable because by storing or “sequestering” CO2, ecosystems such as t’aanuu meadows, saltwater marshes, kelp forests, and mangroves play an underappreciated role in mitigating climate change. Recent research has also concluded that “blue carbon” ecosystems may be even more valuable for long-term climate change mitigation than land-based carbon sequestering ecosystems such as boreal, temperate, or tropical forests. While lush Amazonian rainforests may be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about the sequestration of CO2, it turns of that “blue carbon” ecosystems can be up to ten times more effective at sequestering CO2 than their land-based counterparts. They are also able to capture carbon for far longer – while a forest’s retention of carbon can be measured in centuries, “blue carbon” ecosystems frequently retain massive stores of carbon for millennia. The ability of marine ecosystems to store large amounts of carbon in leaves, roots, and sediments over long time spans has a downside, however. When these ecosystems are degraded or destroyed, they not only stop capturing and storing carbon – they

also release their massive stores of carbon into the atmosphere. And because humans overwhelmingly live by or near the coast, these ecosystems are at high risk of being degraded by coastal development, dredging, draining, road construction, deforestation, agricultural runoff and untreated sewage disposal. Currently, it is estimated that over one third of the area of blue carbon ecosystems has disappeared over the course of the twentieth century, and the current rate of destruction ranges between 0.7 and 7% annually. Global studies have shown that when protected, these ecosystems are able to avoid the loss the blue carbon ecosystems. Today, t’aanuu meadows alone cover 983 km or twenty-one percent of Haida Gwaii’s coastline. The CHN-BC Haida Gwaii Marine Plan recommends the protection of the majority of the archipelago’s coastline.* In addition, the Marine Plan contains objectives and strategies related to the protection of “blue carbon” ecosystems, including a

strategy that directs the partners to design a network of marine protected areas that will increase ecosystem resilience. To support the implementation of this strategy, the Council of the Haida Nation recently engaged in the MPA network planning process for the Northern Shelf Bioregion, which includes Haida Gwaii and its surrounding waters. Earlier work done by the planning partners to identify marine areas for protection is expected to make important contributions to the development of the Northern Shelf Bioregion network. For more information on the MPA Network planning process for the Northern Shelf Bioregion check out the website at http://mpanetwork.ca/bcnorthernshelf/. *Gwaii Haanas makes up an additional 7.5% of the Haida Gwaii Marine Plan area but is not included as part of the Marine Plan zoning as the area is being addressed through a separate planning process.

Protecting “blue carbon” ecosystems such as eelgrass meadows from destruction or degradation prevents the release of significant amounts of carbon dioxide into the earth’s atmosphere.


Whisper of the


by Nathaniel White

I am one with forest, I am one with trees I am one with others, they are one with me I am one with young, I am one with old I am one with wilderness and wilderness’ threshold Solo in the wild, the wild is where I roam Foam forming on the shoreline, solo so far from home I felt the Whisper of the Wind scraping on my bones I felt the transformation of my ribs turning into stone I didn’t think that I’d survive yet I knew I’d stay the night I had a feeling when I saw that I’d stayed ‘til first light But I wasn’t sure that it would be for never has it been Yet I sort of knew from the moment I heard the Whisper of the Wind I am one with the sky, I am one with seas I am on my journey, to Rediscovery How could it possibly be, that they have chosen me? I am one with anything and everything you can see I went out there a boy, and came back home a man I went out there so weak, now I break stones with my hands I felt the Whisper of the Wind scraping on my bones I felt the transformation of my ribs turning into stone I didn’t think that I’d survive yet I knew I’d stay the night I had a feeling when I saw that I’d stayed ‘til first light But I wasn’t sure that it would be for never has it been Yet I sort of knew from the moment I heard the Whisper of the Wind.

Nathaniel (Nano) White is 14 years old and has been writing poems and lyrics for over 1 year. He has lived on Haida Gwaii all of his life and in comparison to the city, he says that living here is a literal breath of fresh air. Nano was inspired to write “Whisper of the Wind” while attending the T’aalan Stl’ang Cultural Camp at Lepus Bay, Haida Gwaii, this summer. While there, Nano was elected as “Stoneribs”, a highly honored designation of the camp.


Although growing corn on Haida Gwaii can and has been done, our climate is not usually suitable for growing crops that fully mature. I was very surprised to see it growing in a green house when I moved here. This and last year’s long, sunny summers did produce some nice harvestable crops! If you have a bumper crop of corn you can enjoy the pleasure of eating super fresh corn straight from the garden to the pot. It also freezes beautifully. It is no surprise that corn is the most utilized and ever so popular cereal grain. There are so many delicious ways to enjoy eating it. You might be eating it on the cob at a summer barbecue or enjoying a slice of cornbread with your stew in the middle of winter. There is an almost endless variety of corn recipes to delight almost everybody. Most plants were found growing wild and adopted into the garden for human use. Corn is an entirely different story. It was developed by people in Mexico over 7000 years ago. It cannot survive unless planted and tended by people. It quickly spread to North and South America and when explorers arrived, it spread worldwide. In Mexico it is popularly planted with a bean and a squash seed. This is called Three Sisters. The bean grows up the corn stalk and the squash protects the roots and helps retain moisture. Corn is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. Here is my favorite Corn Pancake recipe: Stir together 1 cup all purpose flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder and 1/2 teaspoon salt. In another bowl blend 2 well beaten eggs with 3/4 cup milk, 1 can cream corn and 1/4 cup melted butter. Add the flour mixture and stir till just moistened. Cook and serve with bacon and maple syrup. Golden Corn is a good side dish to use for leftover corn: Melt 2 tablespoons butter in a saucepan. Add 3 cups frozen corn or fresh corn cut from the cob, 1/2 cup milk, 2 tablespoons snipped chives, 1 clove of garlic minced, salt and pepper. Cover and simmer 10 to 15 minutes. Top with 1/4 cup grated parmesan. Cover and let the cheese melt. Serve with pride.

Pat Fricker has Lived on these islands she adores for over 30 years. She loves gardening, green housing, and cooking. She also enjoys the superior flavor of fresh fruit and veggies that are on the table shortly after picking


A New Show

Opening at the

Haida Gwaii



Pierre Leichner first chose Science. Eventually, he became a physician specializing in psychiatry. Three+ decades later, Leichner turned to art to explore and express his concerns with what Guy Debord called the Society of the Spectacle: a modern society in which authentic social life has been replaced with representation. Using surprise, paradox and humour, Leichner takes on the nuances of life. In false pretenses, he provides a multi-sensorial experience through which the audience can critically explore, question and debate the industries of mental health, mining and art. Audience participation is invited. Or, like real life, it may be required.

Much like “equity” versus “equality” (a whole other topic), some folk say that the word sustainable no longer represents what truly needs to be said and done. Some folk even say the sustainable development movement is just an obsession, a “key drama” of our time. They say we need to move forward from discussion and debate to more important, truly effectual endeavors. Endeavors such as:

Sustainable…makes you go hmm Haida Gwaii Trader’s tag line is “Homegrown. United. Better for all.” and this monthly article explores attributes in support of that; local things, things that unite us and things we choose for ourselves that in turn are choices for all of mankind.

Is the word, concept, term or process known as “sustainable” an iconic goal for human development or just a meaningless catch phrase for righteous do-gooders? For me, it always starts with a definition.

 moving from complacency to leadership  truly understanding what stories we are living by  knowing what assumptions we must shed to achieve true change  daring to challenge the status quo Whether “sustainable” is a word that continues to inspire change or an outdated term being replaced by a new one, the staying power behind the ideology of thinking about the future of our children is eternal.

According to the repected Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition of the adjective sustainable is:  able to be used without being completely used up or destroyed  involving methods that do not completely use up or destroy natural resources  able to last or continue for a long time 29 years ago, the World Commission on Environment and Development defined “sustainable” as “Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

“Instead of asking who your best allies are, ask yourself if YOU are the right ally for others…” VP of Sustainability, Levi Strauss & Co., Michael Kobori


Horoscopes for Sept 15th to Oct 15th , 2016 Aries (March 20-April 19 You are coming out into the light, courageous Aries. You have had your head down, doing the hard work required, to get where you currently are. Now is the time to understand what that takes and help others to understand it as well. You are good at getting things accomplished with vigor and determination but right now you’re required to get some help from others. And breathe a little bit too. Key Words: Follow-through, Communication, Perseverance Taurus (April 19-May 20) Do you ever feel like a workhorse, determined Taurus? Questioning, is this ever going to end? The work in front of you seems endless but it’s not. Nothing is. Change is inevitable and it will come. Take time, however brief it may be, to meditate on a beautiful flower, appreciate a glorious sunset, or walk in the rain. Nature’s form of rejuvenation is the perfect antidote for a Taurus soul. Key Words: Wonder, Recreate, Meditate Gemini (May 20-June 21) Ideas are flowing through you, curious Gemini. But how do you harness them? You have the ability to think on your feet but sometimes you can be a bit scattered. Take time for yourself even if it’s 5 minutes of deep breathing. If you can swing it, take a hike, meet friends for dinner or do any other number of things that bring you pleasure and give you a smidgen of relaxation. This is the way toward positive purpose. Key Words: Retreat, Stretch, Breathe Cancer (June 21-July 22) Skip down the halls, kick up your feet and do a flip in the air, compassionate Cancer! You may have guessed that I was speaking metaphorically. But seriously, it’s time to play! Play by thoroughly enjoying your 9-5 job or play by backpacking in the mountains; it does not matter what the venue. What matters is that you get a big dose of creative living. Key Words: New Beginnings, New Projects, New World Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) Grand ideas are zipping through your mind now, delightful Leo. What you have been wondering about is starting to become clearer. You have plenty of energy for follow-through. Just remember that the key to your success in the next few weeks is partially determined by how focused and direct you can be. Key Words: Curiosity, Attention, Chill-Out Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) I know what I am about to say may not easily ring true for you, crafty Virgo. But I’m going to say it anyway. Give yourself permission to be itsy bitsy selfish! There! I’ve said it! It’s out in the open. You can be such a giving, responsible person that you forget that you need taking care of too! What movie do YOU want to watch? How do YOU feel about the situation? The answers are your next step forward. Key Words: Grounded, Centered, Resources


Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) Allow yourself the opportunity, creative Libra, to sit still. Just briefly. Chasing after your dreams is in your future, just not in the next 2 weeks. It’s important to get quiet enough to hear what your inner voice has been whispering to you and then follow that to its natural conclusion. Key Words: Vision, Creativity, Passion Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22 Focus on your goals and aspirations now, probing Scorpio. And get your ducks in a row. Because it looks like many ideas and issues need extra time to flourish and grow. You must be willing to juggle a few balls in the air at once in order to arrive at the place where real magic happens. Key Words: Harvest, Focus, Communicate Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) Career is highlighted for you now, successful Sagittarius. And I don’t just mean work hard and bring home the bacon. I mean your mission in life needs to shine, and shine bright. What is it that you have a strong passion about that never feels like “work?” Throw some energy in that direction and watch it flourish and grow. It is time to showcase your beautiful desires that only you know how to do best. Key Words: Community, Highlight, Service Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) You have a tendency, productive Capricorn, to plow through life without stopping long enough to feel what it’s all about. Not in the next few weeks though. I want you to schedule time in your day that’s for nothing. Soon enough you will see what you need this for. Feeling deep issues at the core promotes wisdom beyond what your mind can think. Sometimes it’s appropriate to do this for all of us. Today it’s appropriate for you. Key Words: Understand, Breathe, Detective Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) You’re being asked, unique Aquarius, to choose between materialism or spiritualism. We can all say that, of course you should trust spirituality as a long-term solution to happiness. But sometimes we need to feel grounded in our belief systems. Being a part of a community, surrounding ourselves with likeminded people, feeling secure and safe within our space, are all worth nurturing too. It’s possible to have both material and spiritual issues addressed at once and it’s your job to figure out how. Key Words: Wisdom, Perseverance, Core-Values .

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) The mystic in you, sensitive Pisces, is always looking for an escape route. Escape into your inner world where it feels good to be alive. In these next weeks though, it is beneficial if you allow other people to help you out. You will see that it’s so much easier to let others in. And in doing so, you allow the give and take to flow, creating everlasting peace. Key Words: Networking, Partnership, Friends & Family

Sage Advisor is a professional astrologer and has been since 2007. She is passionate about helping clients develop the tools of awareness and purpose for their lives.



Looking to post a free* classified, event or ride/ship share ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto www.haidagwaiitrader.com, click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classified ads to appear in the September /October issue is September 10th at noon. *Post your private (except for real estate & rentals), personally owned and non-business postings free of charge! For real estate, rentals or business product/service/employment ads, a small fee will apply.

In the Home & Office

Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/ Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc

Big Rug. Ikea rug 5’7” x 7’10”, grey brown colour, mid pile, synthetic. Used only for 1 year. Clean and comfortable. No smoking, no pets. $80 Call or text Tarynn at (250) 626-7686 or email tarynn.lloyd@gmail.com Weight-lifting equipment. Exercise machine and bench. Old, but strong and well-made. Open to offers $100 Email pkail@runbox.com Pioneer M-10X Stereo Power Amp. This is a nice little amplifier. Bought from a clean home a couple years ago and used lightly since. It is in very good shape. Most suitable for bookshelf or efficient speakers. Rated at 70 Watts into 8 Ohms and 100 Watts into 4 Ohms. These ratings seem to be conservative. I sold the speakers I was using it for, which is why I am selling the amp. There is lots of info online if you google. $180 Call Dave Crossley at (250) 559-8208 or email dcrossley@haidagwaii.net Epson Stylus Photo 1280 Ink Jet Printer. Great value - brand new - never used! Extra ink included $250 Call Rolf Bettner at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com Koodo Moto X Play Cellphone. Koodo Moto X Play cellphone - new in box, 16 GB memory, water repellent design, 21 Megapixel camera, long lasting battery. “Incipio” Octane Hard case included ($25 value) Takes a nano-sim card (will need to purchase separately through Koodo if you don’t already have one) More specs: www.motorola.com/we/products/moto-x-play $350 obo Email afaktor86@gmail.com Colour television. Sanyo AVM-3257U Made in USA $70 Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com IPhone 6s plus 128gb. Original and unlocked. Interested buyers email me jessecycooper@gmail.com $500. Solid pine shelves. Two similar hand-crafted solid pine shelves. Can separate. $90 Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com

Gas cook top. 36” 5-burner counter-top range. Used 1 year. $300 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@amsltd.ca Sony Speakers. Three sleek and space saving mini Sony speakers 6”high /4” wide/ 6”deep on custom 36” stands. Includes speaker wire. Silver grey finish. $30 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 559-4282 or email robinpozer54@gmail.com Samsung galaxy s7 edge. Original and unlocked. Interested buyers email me jessecycooper@gmail.com $400 DEEP-FREEZE WANTED. Seeking a working deep freeze. Text or call Dominic at (250) 626-7896 or email visceralorbit@gmail.com Dog supplements. Recovery SA chewable tablets extra strength - 120 and approx. 1/2 of a newly opened bottle, $40. Ultimate strength glycoflex stage 3 tablets - over 1/2 bottle, $25. Three boxes of fortiflora canine probiotic 30 packs per box, $35/box. All have been stored in a cool dry place. Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Freezer for sale. 15 cubic foot Whirlpool chest freezer new still in the box. $500 Call Colin at (250) 626-7402 or email cmcsmcdonald9@gmail.com

Gel Mountain Bike Seat Cover. Raleigh mountain bike gel seat cover, never used. $15 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Kenmore Canister Vacuum Cleaner. Vintage vacuum but it works well (just don’t need it anymore) newer hose, comes with 4 bags and owner’s manual. Proceeds of sale go to the Masset Animal Helpline Call Anne Marie at (250) 626-5126 or email dragon@mhtv.ca IKEA dining table. Barely used, purchased new December 2015. Both sides fold down making it very versatile. $300 Call or text Tarynn at (250) 626-7686 or email tarynn.lloyd@gmail.com Mattress. Queen BeautyRest Recharge Hybrid mattress, box spring and metal frame. Paid $2000 a year ago, selling for $1000 obo. Very comfy. Call Eric Olson at (604) 314-1115 or email ericolson66@yahoo.ca Small freezer for sale. Small white freezer for sale $200 Call Joanne at (250) 301-3271 or email j.perreault@ bouygues-construction.com


In the Home & Office - cont. Small Desk lamp. Cash or will trade for a lamp that will fit on my headboard $20 Call Karen Foerter at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Large Bird Cage For Sale. Large size Bird cage suitable for parrots of all kinds. Has four feeding stations that swing out. Is on castors for easy moving. Lots of doors for easy access. Bought brand new for $900 plus $300 shipping. Will sell for $500 OBO and will deliver anywhere on Haida Gwaii. Our bird loved it but unfortunately died last year. Call Al or Sian at (250) 637-5754 or email algrosve@telus.net New Queen Mattress, never used. Brand new Stearns & Foster queen sized mattress for sale. Memory foam/pillow top over Intellicoil (pocketcoil) design. NEVER USED but showroom model. Purchased new and intended for guest room but a double mattress ended up being a better fit. $850 Call Chris or Jacquie at (250) 557-4515 or email poschmannc@ hotmail.com Venetian blinds. Five sets of blinds, each roughly 5ft x 4ft. I can give you the exact measurements if you need them. New ones are about US $20 each plus shipping. I am selling them all for $40 or best offer. Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com Hard to Find Breaker Box For Sale. Stabloc breaker box full of breakers for sale. This is a very hard to find item as they are no longer manufactured. $200 Call Manzanita Snow at (250) 557-8579 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Ladies Golf Shoes. Never worn Ladies size 7golf shoes, white in colour. Heel dial tension cable tightening for accurate fitting and comfort. Impulse purchase several years ago and would now like to find a great lady to use these shoes. $100 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 559-4282 or email robinpozer54@gmail.com Office chair, electric fireplace. Office chair in good condition $50. Electric fireplace with remote $150 Call Colin at (250) 626-7402 or email cmcsmcdonald9@gmail.com Arm chair. Amazingly comfortable 1940’s arm chair. This thing was built to last. Upholstery is very slightly worn as it was recovered in the 70’s but has been well taken care of. No smoking, no pets. Sad to part with it. Dimensions: 33”h x 36”d x 33”w. $60 Call Tarynn at (250) 626-7686 or email tarynn.lloyd@gmail.com Stelpro Electric Base Board Heaters. Seven Brand New (in box) [3] 47” x 1000 Watts & [4] 28’”x 500 Watts. Plus 4 Stelpro thermostats. I changed my plans for the type of heating system I’m going to use. $330 for all. Call Ray Wagstaff at (250) 637-5464 or email ray_dw@ hotmail.com Building Supplies. 4’X4’ Domed Skylight, 2’X4’ Insulated Concrete Panels, 4’X8’ Gyproc (exterior grade) Pre-Fab Galvanized Ducting, C-Vent, Boots, Takeoffs, etc. Custom Flashing and Ducting, Assorted Plumbing, Residential and Commercial. Please call for pricing. Call Mike at (250) 626-5259 or email georgina@mhtv.ca Sirius Fitness Rower. Purchased 3 years ago from Sears. Ladies size, compact lightweight rowing machine in excellent condition. It features a timer, counts number of repetitions, measures calorie expenditure and has adjustable resistance. A perfect indoor whole body workout for in front of the TV or when plugged into your iPod. $30 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 5594282 or email robinpozer54@gmail.com Bird Cage for sale. Large bird cage for sale, easy clean surface, big enough for parrots, or smaller birds. The condition is new. The stand is a separate piece, and the cage fits on top between the slots made for it. Easy to move with wheels. The catch-all keep messes off the floor. It has a very large door, and easy to change the food dishes as they are situated outside of cage. The opening in the top, folds down to close. Cost $500 new with shipping. The acrylic 2nd floor was made custom for the cage. It is held in place with wooden doweling. This will be separate from the cage, and will sell for $25. Cage is $250 Call Stephany at (778) 260-8917 or email egypt319@gmail.com Xerox Workstation. We are selling a Xerox Workstation 4118 comes with Two Drum Cartridges and Two Toner Cartridges still in their boxes. $250 Call Jordan at (250) 626-5594 or email office@haidagwaiifutures.ca


In the Home & Office - cont. Mini cell phone. Mini android cell phone, does everything a big android cell phone does. This one has speech to text so you don’t have to type to text. Comes with USB charger and wired ear phone. $65, $75 with Koodo or Telus SIM card. Cell phone is black. Call Bev at (778) 260-0059 or email bshannon60@hotmail.com

5 String Schecter Bass. Diamond Series ‘Hellraiser’ Brand new with case list price $1,400 asking $800 or best offer good deal!!! Call Ron at (250) 559-8191 or email ronsouza@qcislands.net Vintage Laura Ashley Party Dress. Gorgeous 1980s strapless party dress. Two tier green taffeta with black velvet top. Size 14, worn once and stored in a garment bag. All proceeds from sale go to the Masset Animal Helpline. $50 Call Anne Marie at (250) 626-5126 or email dragon@mhtv.ca

FOUND! IPod. Found in Masset. Owner will be verified with the iPod’s password! Call Lisa at (250) 626-7733 or email Lisanfroese@gmail.com Vacuum. Kirby Vacuum for sale, barely used, just not used to a cord, used only cordless vacuums before Kirby vac. Call Bev at (778) 2600059 or email bshannon60@hotmail.com Freeze Dried Emergency Food For Sale. Mountain House freeze dried fruit, veggies, meat, crackers, etc., Specific products like beef stew, hamburger patties, ground beef, turkey, chicken, shelf life 10-30 years. Prices vary, ranging from $15, two meal pouches to $125 cans (the size of a coffee can) containing anywhere from 15 to 20 portions. Essential emergency food supplies but also great for camping, boating and hunting! Call Peter at (250) 557-9322 or email p.mccart59@gmail.com

Toyo Laser heater. Toyo Stove Laser clean heating system # 73 Type L. Rated for up to 2000 sq.ft $1,300 Call Leslie at (250) 557-4276 or email rfeeds@qcislands.net


In the Yard & Workshop

Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/ Pet and Pet Supplies

Renovating tools. Circular saw. Drill and bits. Hand saw. Stapler. Power cord $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net Oak casings. Over 100 feet. 7 pcs. 9’ and 8 pcs. 3’ Additional random lengths $100 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net PPE: winter jacket & boots, coverall. Selling some PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) Marv Holland winter jacket, size M; Ultrasoft coverall, size 44; Sorel winter work boots, insulated, steel toed, water proofed, size 11. 50 $ each obo. Call Michael at (604) 202-3831 or email horstkuehle@gmail.com Table Saw For Sale - Price Reduced! 10” Craftsman compound mitre cut-off saw. Brand new, still in the box. Was $400, now only $350! Call Ron at (250) 559-7790 or email info@ haidagwaiitrader.com Jake’s Part-Time Cabin. Beautiful large sturdy doghouse 4’ long 39” wide 30” high (not including peak) the plastic bubble wrap around the door protected Jake’s nose, (he was blind) when he went in to munch on his bones. $175 Call Karen at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net Barbeque for sale. $100 Call Joanne at (250) 301-3271 or email j.perreault@bouygues-construction.com

Dog stuff. Kennel clean-out, all proceeds to Haida Gwaii SPCA. XLarge collars, Outward Hound treat bags, XSmall raincoats, head halters (Haltis and Gentle Leaders, black pink or purple.) Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email pawsitivespin@gmail.com NOVA DVR XP Lathe. Comes with cast iron stand, Nova Soft Jaw chuck accessory, Talon Chuck 4 jaw scroll chuck, Vicmarc Uni Chuck VM100, and a dozen various tools. Asking $2000 OBO for all. Call or text Kristi for more info at (250) 637-1967 or email kristi@haidagwaii.ca Bits for making glass cubes. These might be useful if you are making a greenhouse. $30 or best offer. Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com Vinyl siding. 600 square feet. Ocean Park Ultra, color beige, 16’ pieces. Resonance foam included. $600 Call Aaron at (250) 637-1478 or email aaron@qcislands.net


On the Road

In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment

Nice cheap motor bike. 1986 Yamaha 650 shaft drive. Good tires and breaks. Nice ride, lots of power. Black $600 Call Gavin Hooton at (250) 922-5673 or email Gavin_hooton@yahoo.ca Great truck for sale. 1998 Chev 1500 pickup. Great mechanical shape and excellent condition, automatic, good looking truck with good sound system. $3,500 Call Keith Moore at (778) 260-1188 or email mrm@ qcislands.net 2004 Volkswagen Passat GLS wagon. 110,000 km, 5-speed standard, gas, Silver, sun roof, leather interior, heated seats, powered mirrors and windows, A/C. Well maintained, very good shape, no rust. Runs great, good family car. Good on gas, roomy. $5,600 Call Tracy Morton at (250) 559-8435 or email zenbro@gmail.com 2014 Ascend A171RD Travel Trailer by Evergreen - 20 Feet in length - Sleeps 3/4 - Fiberglass shell - Aluminum construction - Furnace & air conditioning - Queen size bed - Storage in the front and in the rear - Convection microwave w/two burner cook-top - Full bathroom (toilet/black water never used) - Double sink - Bluetooth stereo w/outdoor speakers - Power awning - Full size fridge - Dual propane tanks/batteries - Weight distribution hitch included. Trailer only weighs 3000lbs, can be towed by an SUV. Open to offers. $18,000 Call Remi at (250) 637-1326 or email remi.levesque@skidegate.ca Trailer Tire. Brand new 175/80R13 $80 Call Remi at (250) 637-1326 or email remi.levesque@skidegate.ca

Cheap car. 1986 Honda Civic. Runs, needs brake work and has a muffler hole. Cheap on gas. $600 Call Gavin Hooton at (250) 922-5673 or email Gavin_hooton@yahoo.ca Electric bikes/mopeds. 2 Heavy duty bikes/mopeds with front suspension and large tires for a sure footed ride. 30 km/hr cruising speed and about 30 km range with rear lockable cargo pods and front baskets for groceries etc. Headlights, taillights, horn and key lockable. Legally considered a bicycle so no insurance or driver’s license req’d. $1000 for Red bike with newer $400 battery pack. $700 for Orange bike that needs a new battery pack. Call Norman Wagner at (250) 559-8455 or email normanwagner@ hotmail.com Motorcycle. 1989 Yamaha 535cc. Bought this a year ago as a fixer upper project but never made time to work on it. Selling as is. $100 Call Bobbi-Lee at (250) 637-1567 or email Bobbileechatelaine@trentu.ca 6’ Pick up Box Soft Cover. Truxedo Lo-Pro-QT. Was on a 2013 F150 6ft box for six months. Should fit any 6ft box. Clamp on attachment. No holes to drill. No cutting required. Excellent condition, no cuts, tears or holes. Part Num 598161. Can be installed in minutes, tested for size in less time. $200 Call Alan Hunt at (250) 637-2380 or email yzptech@yahoo.com 1942 F1. This truck is stock; it underwent a frame off restoration 10 years ago. $18,000 Call Mimi or Ryan at (250) 637-1233 or email mmpaquette@outlook.com

2010 Toyota Yaris. 4 door sedan, 5 speed standard transmission, 138000 km, all highway, 1 owner, no accidents, but does have some parking lot bumps & bruises. All season Michelin Defender tires with less than 50% wear, radio and CD player, also plug in for your IPod and Sirius radio, but no contract. $6,500 Call Skye Cantin at (250) 559-8160 or email skye. cantin2011@gmail.com



On the Road - cont. 1 set of 4 tires for sale. 265/65R18 $500 Call Todd Brown at (250) 6263240 or email toddgbrown@hotmail.com 2012 Harley VRSCF Muscle. Comes with saddlebags, windscreen, back pad, luggage rack, heel rest pegs, K&N air filter, DynoJet Powervision tuner, Tab slip on mufflers with quiet or loud baffles. 34,000k Will consider trade for a Cruiser. $11,000 Call Laurence at (250) 559-4461 or email eagle@haidagwaii.net 1999 Ford Contour. Burgundy with Grey leather interior. Automatic. Needs alternator Call or text $650 Call Murray at (250) 626-7998 or email murray_brown7@hotmail.com

2011 32’ Jayco Travel Trailer 2 tip outs/ very clean


2012 Nissan Versa Auto/48,000km/Stk#6141


2013 Chevy Spark Auto/13,000km/Stk#6093


2009 Ford F250 SuperDuty Crew Cab/ 12,000lb winch


No Reasonable Offer Refused!

West End Auto Sales

605 Ocean view Drive, Queen Charlotte

250 559 4641

1985 Ford F-250 XLT Lariat 4x4. Automatic. Rhino lined long box. 4x4 works well. Always well taken care of and covered. Has 230,000kms. Truck is 31 years old so it is eligible for collector’s plates and cheap insurance. Open to offers. Willing to possibly trade for quad or on/off road dirt bike. $6,000 Email only_me23@msn.com Only 44,000 km! 2013 Ford Fiesta hatchback for sale. Black. Mint condition. $11,000 Call Please Call at (250) 559-8936 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Winter Tires 17 Rim. We have four Continental 215 45r17 87t Used for one season only. In excellent condition. We no longer have a vehicle to fit them. $400 for the set OBO. Pictures available upon request. Call Mike Brown at (778) 834-6341 or email marabou85@hotmail. com 1992 Toyota for Sale. SR5 pick up Extended Cab, 500km on new V6-3.0 Litre, New Tires to go with truck. 5 speed. Front end rebuilt 2014 new bushing bearing and tie rod. Asking $3,000 Call Clinton Campbell at (250) 557-8511 or email wida_herawati14@gmail.com Slip tank. 450ltr L shaped, rhino lined slip tank with Great Plains Industries fuel pump. Comes with 2 new water and particulate fuel filters. Also an additional stationary fuel filter with drainable water separator. Over $2000 invested. Asking $1400obo. Will consider trade for gun, kayak etc. Email rhea.bell@hotmail.com 4 used tires 185 60R 14. Steel radial tires. Various brands. Good for spares. Will fit VW golf and other compacts. $5 each. Email sales@tostaba.com Work Canopy. Aluminum canopy for a 6ft box. Rustic but it’s solid and still in good shape. It has an extended rack that goes out over the roof of the truck. Open to trade for building materials. Our current project is building a wood shed. $200 Call Bobbilee Chatelaine at (250) 637-1567 or email Bobbileechatelaine@trentu.ca Yakima KingJoe 3 Bike Rack. Trunk/hatchback mount (fits perfectly on a VW Golf) Excellent Condition - Rarely Used Customizable - Carry 1 to 3 bikes. Anti-sway cradles prevent bikes from banging around. Tool-free install $275 new selling for $140 obo. Call Eliot at (778) 260-0408 or email eliot426@hotmail.com Wheel for trailer. Solid wheel. Includes clamp. Capacity 500 lbs. $30 Call Paul at (250) 9992362 or email pkail@runbox.com 25’ Travel Trailer For Sale. Springdale travel trailer. Slideout. Mint condition. $18,000 Call Kristen Collinson at (250) 557-4479 or email collinsonconstr@xplornet.com Pickup ties. 4 Bridgestone P275-55R20 M&S $50 Call Dana at (250) 6372271 or email tdl@qcislands.net

Or Toll Free 1 877 559 4641 Email:

citires@qcislands.net Dealer #9152


On the Road - cont. Airstream Trailer. Vintage 1970 Airstream Trailer, 27 feet, International model. Good Condition. Kept under cover. Serial No: 127DO-S108. Original equipment, except toilet removed, replaced fridge, all cushions replaced with custom futons, and linoleum on floor. New factory parts, including bathroom fan, mixing faucet for shower, door latch and lock set, front window cover, and window seals. Hot water heater, stove, oven, and furnace in good working order. Baseboard 500 watt heater installed and set at 12 degrees to keep trailer interior warm and dry throughout the year. $9,000 Email hhammond@netidea.com Bike. 21 speed Nakamura BMX bike. Good condition. Helmet and gloves included. $200 Call Doug at (778) 260-4407 or email dbpoema@yahoo.ca QCSS shop program. The QCSS senior shop class wants to go to the Terrace speedway!!! We are looking for a cheap 4 cylinder vehicle preferably standard. We need the frame and body to be in a decent condition. We can give up to a $1000 tax credit for any donation. If interested please text or call me Call James Parker at (778) 260-0174 or email jamesparker099@gmail.com

On the Water

In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats

16’ Double Eagle Hard Top 1977. New Price! With trailer. Powered by E-tec 75 hp (2008) with under 500 hours on it. New Humminbird Helix 5 GPS and down imaging electronics. New 1100gph bilge pump. Also has 2015 9.8hp Evinrude kicker with under an hour on it. Brand new heavy duty kicker mounting bracket. 2 halibut rods and reels, 3 fuel tanks, solar trickle battery chargers, fuel system has filter and water separator. Life jackets, 2 folding shrimp pots and 2 folding crab pots. Short manual down rigger, 2 rod holders, one 10lb round cannon ball, one 10 lb. flat downrigger weight. Seats fold down into sleeper option. Long handled salmon net. Package Reduced to $7,500. Call Denis at (250) 626-9115 or email sebastienbach@outlook.com Trailer needed. In urgent need of a 26’ boat trailer: Can pay up to $2000. Must be double-axle. Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com Seaward Kayak. Built in Chemainus BC and purchased new in 2011 ($2800). This mango coloured, 16-1/2’, 50 lb thermoform kayak has only been used in the local oceans and lakes of Haida Gwaii. It has been well cared for year round and is a stable design built for the smaller framed person. Included is a rescue throw rope and paddle float, bilge pump, carbon paddle, cockpit cover, spray skirt, and roof carry system. All like new. $2,200 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 559-4282 or email robinpozer54@gmail.com LOST at Tow Hill blow hole. I lost my camera’s digital memory card on the rocks on the south side of the blow hole at Tow Hill. It was in its little plastic case and looks as pictured. If by some miracle any beachcomber happens to find it, please contact me. Email dmjones1@telus.net 26 Foot Sailboat for sale. Haida 26 - SRAANA I sailed her up from Vancouver last summer. She’s an amazing first boat. Ready to go and comfortable for 2 or more if you’re really comfortable with each other I’m just looking for something a bit bigger so that I can spend at least half the year aboard. Call me for details. Open to trade/offers. $6,600 Call Kate at (778) 260-0500 or email krsimonot@live.ca Rigid Hull Inflatable NEW PRICE. 17’ 3” center console fibreglass hull with steel beaching shoe, 2011 Highliner bunk trailer, 2012 Merc 60 H.P. 4 stroke s/s prop, Merc 6 H.P. 4 stroke 2014 new hypalon tubes with pressure release valves, 2015 new T-Top and leaning post. Turnkey downriggers/ sounder / GPS / VHF etc included. NEW PRICE $ 15,500. In Sandspit. Call Gary at (250) 637-1150 or email sandspitcoho@gmail.com Trailer needed. In urgent need of a 26’ boat trailer: Can pay up to $2000. Must be double-axle. Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com


On the Water - cont. 18ft Bridgeview welded aluminum fishing boat. Has 2012 90hp 4 stroke outboard with new 9.9 Yamaha kicker. Downriggers, electronics, gear all included plus extras. Hull alone is $40,000 new from Bridgeview. Boat has been personally owned, not an ex lodge boat. Replacement value of boat as is is over $65,000. Open to offers. $40,000 Email only_me23@ msn.com Lowrance portable fish finder. Great for small boats and large boats $95 Call Karen Foerter at (250) 559-4255 or email karefoe@qcislands.net 2155 Bayliner Cierra Sunbridge. 21.5’ Cuddy Cabin Cruiser w/toilet, 1 burner and sink, seating with table or V-berth in bow and 2nd double bed under cockpit. Big landing/swim platform on stern, camperback canvas and low profile canvas. It had a V8-350 Mercruiser but was pulled out; I bought a new 4.3L V6 high output crate motor to replace it. It needs to have a heat exchanger set up and the new motor dropped back in. Deep vee can handle big chop easily and comfortably. Wired and set up for Scotty electric downriggers. Trailer included. Pictures are of sister boat. $7,000 Call Norman at (250) 559-8455 or email normanwagner@hotmail.com Outboard dolly/stand. Outboard dolly/stand. Bought last year and used about three times. $50 Call Paul at (250) 999-2362 or email pkail@runbox.com Sailboat For Sale 42 foot Spencer sailboat, fiberglass hull, full keel design, sails, mast, hull in fair condition, motor needs to be replaced and deck and interior need lots of cosmetic work. Mast is down for transporting! Call for Charles for price at 250-922-4388 or email charlescowpar@gmail.com

Kids Zone

From infants to toddlers-Clothing/Toys/Books/Games

Bike trailer. Single bike trailer with two different stroller attachments. Really easy to attach and detach from the bike. Call or text. $100 Call Tarynn at (250) 626-7686 or email tarynn.lloyd@gmail.com


Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate

WANTED: Looking for clutch for Toyota corolla 4wd wagon. The one I have is a 93 but anything helps. If there is a car like this broke down I’m interested in purchasing it for parts. Cheers. Call Stephen at (867) 689-4200 or email Y0b1g0@yahoo.Com Looking for house to rent for 2 weeks in February 2017. We are looking for a house to rent for two weeks in February for our annual trip to Haida Gwaii, flexible dates. Preferably near Masset, Tlell or Port Clements. 2 or 3 double bedrooms ideally. Very respectful and mellow crew, just looking to enjoy our favorite place in the world. Call Caity at (250) 710-9287 or email caityphoto@gmail.com Wanted: Baby jumper or exersaucer. Looking for baby gear like jumper or excersaucer at reasonable cost. (Doesn’t have to be like the one in pic!) Thanks! Call Gwen at (250) 626-7267 or email gwenedgars@gmail.com Typewriter wanted. I need typewriters for an art project, can be working or broken, (I won’t take them apart if they work), electric or manual. Can give you something for it. Call or text Dominic at (250) 626-7896 or email visceralorbit@gmail.com


Wanted - cont. Truck Driver Available For Hire. Class 1 driver with 26 years’ experience, based in Port Clements seeks work driving a gravel/rock or W.H.Y truck. Or, can pick up or deliver any legal, drivable vehicle anywhere in North America, anytime. Call Peter at (250) 557-9322 or email p.mccart59@gmail.com Wanted cabin/small home in Skidegate. Greetings! My partner and I will be moving to Skidegate on January 1st, 2017. I will be attending the Haida Gwaii Higher Education Society school. We are looking for a cozy cabin or small home, definitely wood heat. We are healthy living, hardworking, fun people! I will be bringing my truck and salmon fishing boat. We like to hunt, fish, garden, gather plants, preserve food, cut firewood (bringing my chainsaw), drink tea and visit. We will be staying on Haida Gwaii from January 1st until the following Fall - about Sept/Oct 2017. If you have a space that could accommodate us please contact me - I can afford up to $1000 month but the cheaper the better!!! Many thanks! Julian Napoleon & Dane-zaa/Cree at (604) 367-9739 or email napoleonjulian@ gmail.com Electric frying pan. I’m looking for an electric frying pan in working condition to use for melting wax. Call Margaret at 250 557 8547 or email eve4534@yahoo.ca Found: Watch. Did you lose a watch on Jungle Beach? Email me an accurate description and it’s yours. Email jondunsmore@yahoo.ca Salmon reel. Looking for a good used salmon reel if you have one lying around that you don’t need give me a call -- Mandy at (250) 559-7793 or email amanda_mid@hotmail.com Wanted: trailer spare wheel and tire. Looking for a spare wheel and tire for a Highliner trailer; 5-bolt 14” Give me a call or email, please. Thanks Call George at (250) 559-7899 or email grstein@qcislands.net Pipe. Aluminum (preferred) or galv pipe, 1 7/8” or 1 3/4”, 6 ft or longer Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.com Winter tires @011 Rav4. Hi if anyone has a set of Rav4 winter tires I’m interested in getting some 225/65R17 Thanks very much! Call Rolf at (250) 559-8877 or email fotogwaii@hotmail.com I’d love to rent your camper trailer! Our family is visiting Haida Gwaii the week of Sept 24-Oct 1 and is looking to rent a camper trailer or RV to us to use in/near Naikoon Park. There are 2 adults and 2 kids; we usually tent but with the colder weather it would be great to find someone wanting to make some cash off their camper/trailer! I would need the owner to transport the trailer and set it up for us at the campground as we won’t be able to pull it with our rental car. We are responsible, careful and respectful. If interested please call Frances Hilderman at (306) 530-5970 or email bennett.frances@gmail.com Wanted: Hibby Gren’s book of Poems. I am looking for a copy of Hibby Gren’s poem book. I can trade for another book or books of possible interest to you. Call or fax Ron at 250-559-8088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Are you a maker? Northern Savings Credit Union is looking for submissions for their Local Purchasing Initiative. Items purchased will be used for corporate giveaways, donations to local organizations and as gifts to our members and staff. Criteria for judging includes items valued between $5 and $50, non-perishable, easily transportable, able to be produced in multiple quantities, produced or created locally and preference will be given to NSCU members. Submission deadline: Sept 30th, 2016 Visit: www.northsave.com/Community/CommunitySupport/LocalPurchasing/ for more information. Call Lareina Grosse at (250) 626-5231 or email lareinagrosse@northsave.com


Wanted - cont. Seeking Housing. Family moving back home to the Islands! We are looking for a 3 bedroom home. Accommodations have been on the tricky side, and we are needing some assistance. I know from experience of being on the island that rentals can be word of mouth. Right now we are in Alberta, and plan to be on Island the first week of October. I was also told that the BC housing units have been sitting empty for some time -- would anyone have any information on them? Any leads on rentals would be greatly appreciated. Call Tanya at (403) 396-0558 or email lavalleetanya@gmail.com 2 Bedroom House, Cabin or Apartment Needed. Looking to rent or lease, long term basis within hopefully Masset. However any properties fitting this description on Haida Gwaii are welcomed. Willing to sign a one year lease as well as pay first month’s rent as deposit and last month’s rent on move in date. I would like to move in before November 1st. Range $850 - $1200 per month for all-inclusive accommodations (not including cable, internet, phone) depending on the quality and landscape of the property and dwelling itself. Current references and landlord information available. Thank you! Call Kristina at (647) 572-9962 or email kristinakennedy1@gmail.com House-sitting wanted! Hi! Jamie here, as in ex-partner of Chris the physio bearded dude! I’m back on island with my dad and we are looking at a house-sitting gig for the fall and winter in the Queen Charlotte or Skidegate area. My dad is retired so any place with animals would be a great fit ‘cause they would never be lonely! We are available from October onwards, so please spread the word and let us know! Call Jamie at (514) 238-7953 or email planetjamie@yahoo.ca Bricks. Looking for at least 12 cinder blocks or more and also bricks - as many as you have please. Thx Email bondd06@hotmail.com Firewood Wanted. Hey I’m planning 2-3 weeks of winter camping. I’ll have a wood stove. Can we cut gather, or buy firewood anywhere on Haida Gwaii? Thx. Email Chandail_@ hotmail.com FOUND. Lisa’s I-Pod. Describe and you can have it back. Email mistybru@qcislands.net Looking for someone to build a horse shelter +/- fencing. Looking for someone to build a 12’ x 20’ minimum 2-or 3-sided horse shelter. Fencing work is also available. In Lawn Hill. Call Andrea at (559) 8807 or 626-7214 or email andrea@haidagwaii.net Wanted: 1 bedroom rental/ Shared Accommodation for October 1st in Queen Charlotte or Tlell. Female, employed (at least 50 hrs a week), clean, quiet, and no pets. Can be reached by email or you can leave a phone message. Call Elissa at (778) 867-8373 or email elissaastorino@hotmail.com Wanted to Rent. Working couple looking to rent one or two bedroom house in Port Clements or close to town. Long term preferred. Call Mike or Darlene at (604) 250-5536 or email DMW70@live.ca Wanted cedar and spruce guitar wood blocks. Hello, looking for a supply of guitar wood (shake) blocks in Sitka spruce, western red cedar and yellow cedar. Any volume; let me know what you have. Thanks. Please leave message for Dave Myers at (250)551-1147 or email dave@bctonewood.com Rental/Shared Accommodation Wanted. Clean, quiet, respectful female moving to the island to work at the hospital in need of a 1-bedroom rental or shared accommodation. Ideally close to the hospital or within a reasonable drive, and have internet connection. Flexible, aiming for move-in November. Call/text at 250-469-4547 or email lana.hooley@gmail.com Wanted: Rental Home in Masset. Working couple looking for long term rental home in Masset (or surrounding area), 2 bedrooms carpet-free preferred. Please call 604-833-6975 or email. Email patrick-robinson@hotmail.com Barbecue. Hi there Looking for a BBQ. Any size but full size for deck would be cool. Thank you Call Jev at (250) 557-4312 or email WLG647@GMAIL.COM


Wanted - cont. Do you have a freezer for sale? Looking for any type of freestanding freezer in good condition. Needed ASAP please! Call Adriene at (250) 557-4622 or email adriene@haidagwaii.net WANTED: Parts Car Hi I’m looking for a parts car - Pontiac Sunrunner, or Geo Tracker or Suzuki Sidekick, any condition, prefer with a hard top, 2-door model. $500 cash for a hard top. Thanks call 250-557-4414 Call Steve at (250) 557-4414 or email mountainremoteyukon@hotmail.com Looking for old 80’s toys. GI Joe, Transformers, Star Wars. Looking to buy mostly toys from the 80’s like GI Joe, Transformers, He Man, Star Wars, Lego and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I will also buy modern toys. Especially Star Wars Lego. Call Berek at (250) 8572867 or email berekc@hotmail.com Old record players. Looking to buy an old record player - working would be preferable. Also interested in records. Call Jason at (250) 626-6026 or email jaygrow@yahoo.com Large dog crate wanted. Wanted a medium to large dog crate/ kennel to fit dog in the 50-70lb range, (minimum 30” height) Call Chris or Jacquie at (250) 557-4515 or email poschmannc@hotmail.com


Anything that just needs a new home!

Free TV and BBQ. Taking up room and not used so take them both away: large stainless steel BBQ with side burner and cover, rusty and unused for a year but it works. So does the 36” TV and will throw in a DVD player. Full package deal. Must take all. Email erc@haidagwaii.net FREE Fender. Yours if you can use it Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email tintintooni@gmail.com

Real Estate & Rentals

Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accomodation

14 Acres For Sale-Just North of Port Clements 14 Acres located 10 minutes north of Port Clements on the inlet side of the highway. Year round stream. Road into property with a bridge over the creek. Low taxes. Motivated sellers. Price $75,000 Call 250 557 4445 or email adecock@qcislands.net

Own a Piece of Paradise on Haida Gwaii! View our premium freehold acreages available within Naikoon Provincial Park! Spectacular oceanfront and Sangan Riverfront lots in Phase II of our Naikoon & Dixon Estates, remote quarter sections and rare Mayer Lake frontage. Wake up to the sound of waves crashixng against the backdrop of the majestic Pacific Ocean, explore the natural delights of North Beach, wrestle your trophy catch into your boat or test your rod and reel on the nearby rivers. See more at www.niho.com. Price $134,250 (Starting at) Call 604-606-7900 or email sales@niho.com Yakoun River Inn MLS# N4507475 This local Pub and gathering spot is situated on the oceanfront in Port Clements on Graham Island in Haida Gwaii. Long established, popular with locals and visitors alike. 3,300 sqft building on a corner location, adjacent to government dock facilities, licensed for 100 patrons. Permitted uses also include lodging and adjacent properties can be available for anyone interested in expanding the business MLS# N4507475 Price $337,500 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. South Beach Dunes “SOUTH BEACH DUNES” is offering three beautiful exclusive oceanfront and seven upland acreage estates on the South Beach, on the north end of Haida Gwaii /Queen Charlottes. These are very special properties with exceptional beach and dune environment. South Beach Dunes offers exceptional value with prices for ocean front land well below anywhere else on the west coast of North America. Acreage sizes range from 4.64 acres and prices are from $40,000. If living in this unique environment appeals to you please contact us - there are a very limited number of properties of this caliber available for sale. For more details visit our Website - www.southbeachdunes.com Call 250 631-3055 or email vernonbyberg@gmail.com 35550A Hwy 16, Tlell MLS# N230190 15 semi-oceanfront acres situated south of the Tlell River with easy access to excellent sand & gravel beaches. The property is mostly level, partially cleared with some nice forested areas, some slight rises & ocean views. 1968sqft custom designed 2storey home with 2bedrooms upstairs and living space down featuring exposed wood ceiling beams, large sandstone fireplace, oak flooring, maple counter tops, kitchen island & walk-in pantry. The home could use some TLC & updating. Outbuildings include: storage building, shed and chicken coop. Drilled well. Septic. Price $220,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com Grandma needs to move to be with her Grandkids! 2173 Collison Ave., Masset. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, double-wide modular home with a double garage. Newer metal roof, wood flooring, oil furnace and wood stove. Very bright inside. Large front and back yard. Front has a view of Masset Inlet. Less than 5 minutes from all amenities: schools, shopping, and spectacular beaches and only a ten minute walk to the hospital. Alternate email: parsonsshawna2@gmail.com Price $122,000 Call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Rainbow Stairs / 455 Skidegate Heights Climb the Rainbow Stairs to find your pot of gold! 4 Bedrooms, 4 toilets, 2 baths, 4 flat screen TVs lazy boy chair, couches, table seat 8. 220 power, ¾ Wrap around veranda. No pets and no smoking . Family neighborhood is quiet. Easy access to Coop for shopping. Treat the house with respect, as your own home. Cook your own food, do your own laundry, and limited Internet. Captain Gold’s cell phone at 250-637-1637 or Shirley Wilson or call 250-559-8582 or email captgold@haidagwaii.net 7 Bedroom Home For Sale in Sandspit Affordable Family Home. 368 Christina Place, Sandspit, B.C. Located on Haida Gwaii / Queen Charlotte Islands off the west coast of British Columbia. A beautiful family home on a quiet street in Sandspit. Close to school, shopping, airport and endless opportunities for outdoor recreation including renowned worldclass fishing, beautiful beaches, sight-seeing tours, hiking, and golfing. This 2500 sqft, 7 bedroom, 3 bath home, on two levels, was once operated as a bed and breakfast. The top floor has a bright kitchen, large living room with fireplace, three bedrooms with a fourth possible bedroom or office, and a large sun room. The lower floor features a separate three bedroom suite that can be rented providing a good source of income. The owner will consider selling the home furnished. The house is situated on a beautiful 0.5 acre lot with a well maintained, landscaped yard featuring numerous flowering shrubs, patio, fish ponds, greenhouse, berry bushes, flower gardens, and is forested in the back for privacy. For more details and photos, please see http://368christinaplace.wordpress.com/ Price $189,000 Call 250 559-2399 or email jbrunsden@gmail.com Office Building for Rent/Lease 304 Second Avenue, Queen Charlotte. Available Jan 2017. 2 Story building, 1584 sq ft per level. Level one - 4 private offices, with large reception area. Level two - 3 private offices, with large meeting area and washroom. Please contact Bernie at 250-559-8800 or email seniors@qcislands.net


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. MAUDE ISLAND RETREAT - HAIDA GWAII Very special 17.5 acres, over 2,000 ft frontage on Skidegate Inlet - easy access to the west coast thru Skidegate Narrows. Log lodge accommodates 8, has 3 bdrm, 2 bath, lounge, dining room, patio, fire pit, hot tub, caretaker residence. Outbuildings and dock. BCs ultimate private lodge location. Price $775,000 Call 604-664-7633 or email rich@landquest.com Masset: Well-Kept Family Home with a View For sale or rent3BR/2bath; lg. kitchen; dining/sunroom; sheltered deck; lg. part.finished basement; workshop; garage, paved driveway. Fenced yard with beautiful trees, cherries, berries, sunny garden, and room to play. View of the Delkatla Sanctuary. 20 minute walk across the sanctuary to the beach. New, energy-efficient furnace, washer, dryer, hot water heater; newer steel roof. Spacious living room with bay window, local wood floor, fireplace w/custom river rock hearth. Available furnished. Price $189,000 Call 250.559.4252 or email andrea@haidagwaii.net Oceanfront Acreage for Sale! 1980 Marwell Rd MLS R2091751 Oceanfront 6+ acres minutes out of Masset. Shed/cabin 12’x24’ on site. Two beautiful ocean view building sites. Very private. Amazing sunsets & beach! Call Brian toll free 866-303-5286 or his cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $175,000 Riverfront Acreage for Sale! Great Buy!! 355 Sangan Dr Masset Rural MLS R2031108 Riverfront property on 2.018 acres. Partially built home; built to lock up 2010. Tenant live in the cottage on property. Beautiful property, Coho run is awesome in this river. 12x16 power shack, 200 amp service. Chicken coop. Great potential. Perfect place to raise a family. A must-see!! Call to view!! Call Brian to view or for all your Real Estate needs on Haida Gwaii. Call Brian, toll free at 1-866-303-5286 or 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Your Only Local Realtor! Price $179,000 Home for Sale!! 1829 Cedar Cr. Masset MLS N243672 This home is a great buy! Many recent renovations. Newer metal roof, kitchen cupboards and counters (2011), vinyl plank flooring in the living room and hallway (2011), new vinyl windows (2012), ceiling fan in the master bedroom, oil tank, rug on the stairs, bathtub and enclosure, dehumidifier in the basement. Close to downtown and the marina. Fenced, private backyard. Has log term rental contract in place. Call Brian to view 604-557-3597 or 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca. Your Only Local Realtor! Price $108,000 18 Acres – Park and Ocean Property! 18 acres In Port Clements. The west side runs 700 feet along Bayview Drive, the east side borders the Port Clements Community Park. Beautiful greenscape, very private yet close to school, post office, library and grocery store. Minutes away from exceptional hunting, fishing, firewood, and all the wilderness has to offer. Water and sewer available. Subdividable or leave as is. Potential amazing view of the ocean with spectacular sunsets. Some timber. Call Craig at 250-557-4421 or email ccbeachy@gmail.com Home for sale! 2015 Fir Cr MLS R2070844 Clean well kept home. Metal roof. Quiet cul-de-sac. Close to town/schools. Great starter home or recreation home...fishing / beachcombing/exploring Haida Gwaii. Call Brian to view for all your on island Realtor needs! Toll free 1-866-3035286 or on my cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca. Price $79,000 Best Value Beachcabins Secluded oceanfront/rainforest off-grid cabins, furnished and equipped kitchens, private parking. Call/Text Toni at 250626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com Visit our website at www. beachcabins.com Price $90-120 per night Call 250-626-5472 or email lotsafun@beachcabins.com


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Home for Sale! 1812 Alsder Cr, Masset. R2106422 Reno has been done to open up between kitchen & living room. New furnace in 2015. Nicely landscaped fenced back yard. Newer greenhouse & storage shed. Includes appliances and window coverings. Newer light fixtures, laminate floors & tub surround. Partially finished basement. Clean, very well kept home. Call Brian to view & for all your Realtor needs - Your only on Island Realtor - toll free at 1-866-303-5286 or on my cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca. Price $139,000 Vacant Lot For Sale! Fully serviced 60’x 120’ cleared lot located at 2129 Teal Blvd Masset. This lot is ready to build on. It is located close to the Delkatla Bird Sanctuary in a very quiet area of town. It is already fenced in on 1 side and the back and has a buffer tree line on the other side. Great buy!! Asking $29,900 OBO. Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@mhtv.ca or rollie@bellaliant.net call H: 709-243-2488 Cell:709-458-8811 Newly Renovated Home For Sale! Located at 2135 Teal Blvd, Masset. 5 Beds, 2 Baths, 8 Appliances, Separate Laundry Rm and Family Rm. This furnished house has recent upgrades with Laminate flooring, New Kitchen Cabinets and Countertops, New Bath fixtures and Tub, along with a fully chain link fenced in back yard, two out sheds and more. Recently reduced price and owner is motivated to sell. Adjacent vacant lot also available for sale, either separate or included with house. A must see. Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@bellaliant.net or phone 709 243 2488 or cell phone at 709 458 8811. Price $139,900 DL847A Masset 160 acre property on the north-east end of Graham Island within the Naikoon Provincial Park. Mix of indigenous vegetation and water courses which meander throughout the property. This is a remote, rural acreage that is hike-in access only. Walking distance is approximately three miles from the end of Tow Hill Rd. There are no services. The Naikoon Provincial Park is an area of 72,640 hectares that takes in the entire northwest tip of Graham Island. $80,000 MLS# R2080908 Call 250 286 3293 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com Pub for Lease Howlers Pub is looking for a Qualified Candidate interested in Leasing the Premises. Great Business Opportunity for the right people/persons! Email only for details and/or more info. Email bjhowl55@gmail.com Rural West Coast Style Home on 5 Acres - Nadu Road 3 bed, 2 bath, 1375 sq.ft. house with additional 565 sq.ft. enclosed Japanese style timber frame, plus a detached 990 sq.ft. shop on 5 acres. Heat pump, private treed acreage with a garden, fenced yard and deck. Open concept living with Hardwood floors throughout, vaulted ceilings and exposed beams. Water is on well system with a 2yr old inline pump. Washer/ dryer/ dishwasher/ stove/fridges included. Reasonable offers considered. Price $190,000 Call 250.922.4437 or email ismaysam@gmail.com Ocean view property for sale Five acres with three dwellings: log cabin, deregistered renovated three-bedroom mobile home and older two-storey cottage. Cabin is rented. Located on the corner of Brandt Road and Highway 16. Fenced on two sides, with a stream running through. Cleared but lots of trees for privacy. Ideal for hobby farming. All utilities. Walk to the small general store and Post Office, the Farmers Market or across the highway to the beach. Price $185,000 Call 250-557-4323 or email erc@ haidagwaii.net Priced to Sell! Health forced sale. Great rental income on two suites. 3 bedroom suite upstairs with a great view and separate 2 bedroom suite downstairs with ground floor, separate entrance. Some fixing up is needed, but will not take too much. Open to offers. Best way to get a hold of seller is to call. Price $75,000 Call 250 557 4654 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Ocean front Home on acreage for sale!! 12983 Tow Hill RD MLS R2093560 Beauty ocean front acreage. Guest cottage. Artesian well with great water and shed. Covered 31’x8’ deck in the rear, ocean side deck 16’ x 12’. Outdoor shower. Located on the much sought after south beach. Go crabbing/ beach combing out the front door. 2 8’ sliding glass doors. Open concept home. A must see! This property won’t last long! Call Brian to view & for all your Real Estate needs!! 250-626-5286 or Cell 604-5573597 5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca. Your ONLY Local Realtor! Price $329,000 SOLD!! 2248 Dogwood Cr Masset MLS R2067876 SOLD!! Beautiful well-kept home with many wonderful features! Addition with hardwood floors, wood stove, vaulted ceiling, skylights and patio doors heading out to the gardens. Kitchen has hickory cabinets. Basement has plenty of shelving. Wonderfully landscaped backyard!! Waterfall/pond, greenhouse, gardens, terraced flower beds, rock walkway, raspberry bushes, apple trees and plumb trees. Heated (wood stove) workshop with 10’x4’ porch. Chicken coop. 100-amp service. Metal roof. SOLD! Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Riverfront Acreage for sale! 9226 Tow Hill Rd MLS R2021211 Beauty Riverfront acreage. 15 minutes from Masset. World-class coho fishing on the Sangan River! 10-minute walk to the beach. Surrounding properties have good water. Property is treed. Hydro at lot line. Good building sites. A must-see!! To view all Brian’s listing go to Royal LePage Prince Rupert web site. Your Only Local Realtor! Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $134,000 Great buy!! Home for sale! 2038 Pintail Cr Masset MLS N238544 Clean well kept home in a quiet Crescent. Deck & backyard are very private, fenced with lots of trees! Wood stove can heat whole house with 2 yrs wood supply! Carbon monoxide alarm. Bedrooms each have cable, phone and fire alarms. Suite possible. Master bdrm has reading, workout room & large bathroom! 30+yr fibreglass shingles on house & garage 2010. 5 windows upstairs replaced 2010. Recently replaced hot water tank & sliding glass doors to back yard. A must see! Call Brian to view. Price $199,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Ocean front Home for sale! 614-5th Ave Village of Queen Charlotte MLS R2033372 Oceanfront 4 bdrm home with amazing ocean, mountain views & amazing sunsets! Garage 24’x12’ concrete floor. Wired wood shed 23’6x10, utility shed 6x6. Fruit trees. 26x16 sundeck with ocean view. Both bedrooms on 2nd floor have walk-in closets. Master bedroom has 2 walk-in closets and an 2 pc ensuite bathroom. Perfect family home. A must see!! Call 250-626-5286 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $289,000 Ocean view & River front acreage for sale!! Lot 2 Tow Hill Rd. MLS R2081395 Beauty acreage! River on one side of the property and an amazing ocean view on the other side! Coho fishing on your own property. Neighboring acreage has an artisan well with lots of clean good tasting water! Short drive to town (Masset). Treed, very private setting. A must see. To view call Brian toll free 866-303-5286 his cell 604-557-3597 or email brianbussiere@royallepage.ca Price $129,000 374 School Rd Sandspit MLS# R2102368 This offering includes a fully furnished cozy 1050sqft with loft log home with a shake roof, a 560ft garage which includes a 100sqft workshop, and a small smokehouse and woodshed. The 0.5 acre property is fairly level and nicely treed and it is a short 500m walk to the beach. The living space on the main floor is open with a vaulted ceiling and includes a dining area and living room with a stone fireplace. The kitchen, bathroom and one bedroom are also on the main floor. The loft houses the master bedroom. The offering includes all furnishings, most of the appliances and the workshop tools and contents. Price $159,900 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. DL834A Masset R2090133 Located on the north-east end of Graham Island within the Naikoon Provincial Park, this 160 acre property has a relatively level topography with a mix of indigenous vegetation, a small lake and water courses which meander throughout the property. This is a remote, rural acreage that is hike-in access only. Walking distance is approximately one mile in from Tow Hill Rd, two miles before Tow Hill. Price $80,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@bcoceanfront.com Solid Investment Opportunity Included is a 3 storey, commercial and residential complex on a view site, centrally located within the commercial core of Queen Charlotte. Three sources of income: (1) residential tenants, (2) commercial tenants and (3) business income. In addition the owners (husband and wife) have their 2000 sq. foot, open plan home on the top floor of the building. The site is a total area of 11,000 square feet. For more information, call Ray @ 250-559-9011 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Sandspit Adventures This is an opportunity you don’t want to miss! This type of operation does not come up often in the beautiful Haida Gwaii. This turn-key operation is currently being run as a profitable fishing and adventure lodge on 6.8 acres in the beautiful town of Sandspit on northeast Moresby Island. The 10,000 sq. ft. lodge has excellent views overlooking Shingle Bay on Skidegate Inlet. Listed with Lynzy McCowan of McCowans Sporting Properties. Call 250-870-3021 or email lynzy@ mccowans.com or check out www.mccowans.com. Price $1,495,000 Log Home For Sale - Masset Spacious classic log home. Panoramic view of the Delkatla Bird Sanctuary, tide changes and Marina. Features include a unique two-storey stone fireplace, cedar stairs with yew railings and burls, master bedroom window bench with storage, modern stainless steel kitchen and three decks. Landscaping includes cherry and lilac trees. Price $185,000 Call 250 626 6075 or email onelife@island.net SALE PENDING! Great Starter Home in Port Clements! Do you like to fish, hunt, hike, and/or camp? This might be the perfect home for you! Close to the school, post office, library, Bayview Market and the beach! Large workshop. Quiet and peaceful location in Port Clements, not a far drive to Tlell, Skidegate, Queen Charlotte or Masset. Great starter home for a young family. Lovely neighborhood. Price Sale Pending Call 250557-2460 or email eaglec@qcislands.net Cozy Log Home For Rent Private and peaceful. Available October 1st. Two storey log home, located five minutes from downtown Masset. Across from Delkatla bird sanctuary with tides and marina view. Price $1200/mth Call between 10 am and 9 pm daily. 250 626-6075 or email onelife@island.net Cabin/Waterfront Lots Package Across from Gas Plus now Angela’s Place on commercial lot is an amazing Lavoie cedar panabode cabin with small kitchen and washroom. Small utility shed behind cabin on concrete slab. Best lot in town on the corner of hwy 16 to Masset. Package deal with 2 waterfront lots on Bayview drive. Amazing deal.!! Live in the cabin while you build your waterfront dream home or rent it out. With interests rates and prices low you will be making money instead of paying the bank. Call 604 355-3411 or email tadolan@hotmail.com Price $59,000 Unique Home For You (Former Church) Listing is for a former church converted to a home. Features vaulted ceiling on the main floor, lots of potential as a studio/gallery, or a church. Front porch provides view of Masset inlet. Has full kitchen and bathroom. 2nd bathroom plumbed in. Footprint is 1486 sqft (per floor), plus a small attic. Concrete foundation. Steel roof. Lots of potential here. Zoned US1, so you can live in it as well as have a part-time business. No reasonable offer refused. Price $135,000 Call 1-778-828-9165 or email oneeyein@gmail.com


Real Estate & Rentals - cont. House For Sale- Queen Charlotte one bedroom house in QC. Price $105,000 Call 250-637-1255 or email kross1211@hotmail.com

Masset House For Sale Three bedrooms, one and a half bathroom house in great circle of Pine Crescent in Masset, BC, Haida Gwaii. Nice size backyard with lots of sunshine. Producing apple tree in front yard. New front door, new stove and hot water heater. Also 6-foot sliding glass door to back yard. Very close to elementary school . Assessed at $ 107,000. Price $100,000 Call 250 559 0069 or 250 327 8322 or email barton_rick@hotmail.com Income generating Apartment Reduced Price ! Three story apartment with three separate apartments. Two bedroom unit, one bedroom unit and bachelor unit. Steady tenancy with all units. Each unit has full bathroom and kitchen. Panoramic views of Bearskin Bay from 2 bedroom and bachelor units. Shared W/D area for all units to use. Contact seller for income specifics. Price $210,000 Call 778-895-2730 or email bshpak@hotmail.com ISO 1 or 2 bedroom apartment or home Looking for a one or two bedroom apartment or home in the southern Graham Island area as soon as possible for my father. Willing to pay between $1000 and $1200 per month. A partially or fully furnished suite would be ideal! Please contact me at 250-637-1226 or email molly.clarkson@gmail.com Lots For Sale in Masset / “Motivated Seller” Must sell ASAP! Two stunning Sanctuary View properties to choose from, with gorgeous summer sunsets. Priced to sell. Price $25,000 each Call (250) 668-2578 or email daryl@acdcmechanicalconsulting.ca Home and Acreage For Sale Newly renovated 3 bedroom home with 75 acres of timbered hillside and walking trails. Property also includes newly renovated art studio with napolean stove as well as an ocean front cedar and wood interior cabin available for daily, weekly and monthly rent. The cabin has a small kitchen, loft, shower and bathroom, and uses a rainwater collection system and composting toilet with hydro. There are many beautiful ocean views on this property and private ocean frontage. Price $525,000 Call 778-260-0279 or email sheilakarrow@gmail.com Rooms For Rent - Queen Charlotte Ocean/Mountain View Private Hotel Style Rooms, central location. Rooms include sitting area, 40inch flatscreen tv’, queen size pillowtop beds, full private bathroom, with shared full kitchen. $250 per week, or $600 per month, plus hydro. Available Oct 1st. for more info email only to bjhowl55@gmail.com Inlet View Heritage Home 205 Bay Street, Queen Charlotte. 2 BR, 1 Bath (with 1918 cast iron bathtub). 2.5 storey home built in 1909. Bright, open concept on ground level. Unsurpassed views throughout home. Close to all amenities in beautiful downtown QC. 50' x 100' city lot on very good well water. Price is negotiable. Price $180,000 Call 250 626 7443 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Skidegate Landing 3 Bedroom Rental with a View! Available for rent for October 1st: spacious, partially furnished, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom ground level suite in Skidegate Landing. Amazing view. $1200 per month-includes heat and utilities. Please leave a message at 250-6371348 or email elliemfraser@yahoo.ca

Employment & Training

Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/ Education/Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars

Seeking Certified Home Construction Contractor. Looking for Certified Contractor to assess, quote and complete renovation work on home. Email harmonywilliams@hotmail.com Chimney Sweeper Needed. Hello, Looking for someone to clean out my chimney. It is over 30ft. Thanks. Call Kevin at (250) 637-5601 or email symphontree@gmail.com


Employment & Training - cont. Maintenance II. Qualified applicants are being sought for the Temporary Maintenance II position for Southern Graham Island. This position will work eight hours per day, five days per week with an hourly wage of $23, effective September 6, 2016. Please see the posted file at www.haidagwaiitrader.com under the Employment & Training section for a complete job posting, or call Shelley Sansome at (559) 8471 ext 103 or email ssansome@sd50.bc.ca Wharfinger for the Queen Charlotte Dock. The QC Harbour Authority is seeking a Wharfinger. Job Description: Reporting to the Harbour Master, the Wharfinger performs duties in support of the day-to-day operations of the Queen Charlotte harbour. The Wharfinger should be creative and passionate about delivering high quality customer service. Hours: This position is 5 days a week with seasonal hours. October to May – minimum 2 hours per day, maximum 20 hrs. per week, June to September – maximum 35 hrs. per week. Salary: Minimum $15/hour (negotiable on experience). Training: Up to two online courses per year from the University of Alaska towards the Harbour Management Certification Program. Qualifications: •Minimum Grade 12 education. •Must have general handyman experience. • Be a people person, looking to establish positive relationships with clients. •Must be physically fit, reliable and punctual. •Previous cash handling experience an asset. •Understanding of computers and data entry an asset. For assistance with certificates, training and computer skills, contact the Queen Charlotte Hecate Strait Employment Development Society office. To apply, please send your cover letter and resume to harbourmaster@qcislands.ca or PO Box 68, Queen Charlotte BC, V0T 1S0, or call the office at (250)559-4650 for details. This job posting will remain open until filled.

Library Clerk. Qualified applicants are being sought for the Continuing Library Clerk position at Agnes L Mathers Elementary School located in Sandspit. This position will work five hours per day, one day per week with an hourly wage of $24.38 effective September 6, 2016. Please see the posted file at www.haidagwaiitrader.com under the Employment & Training section for a complete job posting, or call Shelley Sansome at (559) 8471 ext 103 or email ssansome@sd50.bc.ca Custodian. Qualified applicants are being sought for the Continuing Custodian position at Gidgalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School located in the Village of Queen Charlotte. This position will work seven hours per day, five days per week with an hourly wage of $23, plus a shift premium of $0.60 when applicable effective September 6, 2016. Please see the posted file at www.haidagwaiitrader.com under the Employment & Training section for a complete job posting, or call Shelley Sansome at (559) 8471 ext 103 or email ssansome@sd50.bc.ca Strong Start Facilitator. Qualified applicants are being sought for the Continuing Strong Start Facilitator position at Agnes L Mathers Elementary Jr Secondary School located in Sandspit. This position will work twenty hours per week with an hourly wage of $24.38, effective September 6, 2016. Please see the posted file at www.haidagwaiitrader.com under the Employment & Training section for a complete job posting, or call Shelley Sansome at (559) 8471 ext 103 or email ssansome@sd50.bc.ca


Employment & Training - cont. First Nations Resource Worker. Qualified applicants are being sought for the Continuing First Nations Resource Worker position at Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary School located in Skidegate. This position will work five and one half hours per day, five days per week with an hourly wage of $25.72 effective September 6, 2016. Please see the posted file at www.haidagwaiitrader.com under the Employment & Training section for a complete job posting, or call Shelley Sansome at (559) 8471 ext 103 or email ssansome@sd50.bc.ca 30 weeks to a new career as an RPhT in QC Hospital. Maybe you recently graduated high school, or you’re a stayat-home parent looking to ease back into the workforce, or you’re worried about aging out of your physically demanding job. If you have the prerequisites and can move to Vancouver for 30 weeks for school, there is a well-paying permanent part-time job (3 days/ week) with full benefits waiting for you as a Registered Pharmacy Technician (RPhT) at the new hospital in QC. If you’re organized, detail-oriented to the point of being anal, manually dexterous, reliable, and able to work conscientiously without direct supervision, this might be the job for you. **I am not in charge of hiring** but will gladly answer questions about the work. Email jess.smith@northernhealth.ca Store Clerk. Close to full time, day time Store Clerk Position. Must be willing and able to learn and do Inventory, Freight, Stocking and general day-to-day duties involved in store operation. Additional Management training for the right person. 28 - 35+ hours per week for the right able person, flexibility required. Position requires training, for September starting period. Apply with resume. Email howle@qcislands.net Custodian – Skidegate Office. Salary Range: $18/hour. Position Type: Part-time (4hrs/week) Reporting to the Chief Operations Officer, the custodian cleans and cares for the Gwaii Trust building and facility in order to ensure that it is maintained in a safe and healthy manner. For more information call Carla Lutner at (250) 559-8883 or email carla.lutner@gwaiitrust.com

Community Service Listings Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies

Hall For Rent. The Port Clements Community Hall is available for rentals. Located mid-island it is a great place to hold your event, be it a meeting, wedding, concert or any other function. Our hall has a full kitchen and Bar area and can host up to 150 persons. For booking please call Brock Storry @ 250-557-4313 and leave us a message or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Queen Charlotte Visitor Centre. Visitor Services, the best selection of gifts and local art on island - open fall hours Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Call Maureen Weddell at (250) 559-8316, email info@qcinfo.ca or see www.queencharlottevisitorcentre.com


Community Service Listings - cont. Saahlinda Naay ~ Saving Things House ~ Haida Gwaii Museum. The Haida Gwaii Museum plays an important role in making arts and heritage more accessible and raising awareness of the importance of heritage and history on Haida Gwaii. Through our collections, the museum acquires, preserves and presents objects, archeological artifacts, art works and settler material culture all connected to the human and natural history of Haida Gwaii. We house a unique and comprehensive collection of historical and post-contact archival materials, made accessible to the public within a setting that evokes the community identities of both Haida and settler communities on Haida Gwaii. Our collection includes ancestral and contemporary Haida works, both utilitarian and ceremonial, settler pieces, audio recordings of Haida songs, histories and stories as given by Haida elders in both Haida and English languages, and a plethora of photographs. Memberships to the Museum are available through the gift shop. Membership allows access to the museum free for one year, 10% discount on regularly priced items in the gift shop, notification of special events and exhibits featured at the Museum. Regular Annual Membership - $30, Senior Annual Membership (65+) - $10, Family Annual Membership $40, Lifetime Membership - $250. Check us out on Facebook! Please call the museum gift shop at (250) 559 4643 or email museum@haidagwaii.net HG Rec Weight Rooms. In order to utilize the Port Clements or Queen Charlotte weight rooms you must first take an orientation through HG Rec. Our orientations normally run once a month at QCSS and by demand in Port Clements, and are free of charge. Port Clements weight room: 35 Cedar Ave. West-southwest, ground level side of the Fire Hall. Hours: 5am-11pm, 7 days per week. Next orientation TBA. Queen Charlotte weight room: West side of GK Secondary School (formerly QCSS), 107 3rd Ave. Hours: Weekdays from 6-8am and 5-10pm and weekends & stat holidays 6am-10pm. Next orientation Wed., Sept 14th and Wed. Sept. 28/16. Sandspit weight room: 406 Copper Bay (ALM school). Hours of operation are: Mon/Tues: 5 – 8am & 5-11pm. Wed: 5- 8am & 8-11pm. Thurs: 5– 8am & 5–11pm. Next orientation TBA. Call HG Recreation at (250) 626-5652, email qcirec@gmail.com or see www.hgrec.com/weightroom for more info. Queen Charlotte Community Hall Rentals. Located on Bay Street, the hall has the EA Ross room (meeting room that seats up to 70 people), main hall, stage and kitchen-all available for rent. Also available for rent are: * wooden tables ($5 each per day) * wooden chairs ($1 each per day) * a complete place setting for 225 people * water goblets & wine glasses * cups & cutlery * white & black linen tablecloths, etc. The kitchen is also available to rent on a daily basis for prepping for larger events. For more information, call Reine Pineault at 250-559-4792. or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com Interested in Judo? Hi Everyone, We are new to the island and come from a strong Judo background in Vancouver. I was hoping to get feedback on level of interest from the community in a Judo Program based somewhere near Queen Charlotte. My initial thoughts are Kids 10-17 years old & Adults 17+ 2x week from Sept through June. Judo is a Traditional Japanese Martial Art which focuses on Throwing or taking down your opponent, with a secondary focus on ground control/submission. Look up Judo on Youtube it can be very exciting! It is also an Olympic sport. Please email me with interest/questions. Thanks Tom Email targue@fastmail.fm Drum Circle? Hello all! I come from a place where I was involved in an active Djembe/Drum circle which was held once a week open to anyone who had instruments, wanted to dance, or join in! Usually they were in the evening by a fire. I am hoping to start a circle here on the island if I get enough interest. I have two Djembe’s and lots of percussion stuff like shakers and a tambourine. If you have any drums, or instruments and you like to jam, please let me know by email. Thanks! Email Julia at julessuperstar@gmail.com


At Your Service

Business Services/Business Products

Bear Sewing. Hemming, mending, & custom requests welcome. Centrally located at The Golden Spruce Motel. Pickups available when I travel to your end of the island. Call Diana Kidd at (250) 626-7059 or email Bearsewing@gmail.com WRITING AND PROOFREADING. 25+ years of experience writing letters and preparing documents in government, at churches and for law firms - no job too small - from a one page resume to a 600 page manuscript - research projects - fact-checking - proofreading papers - writing family histories - drafting correspondence - very reasonable rates. “His work is in all respects excellent. Darren is an intelligent person who approaches his work with common sense and initiative. He is extremely diligent and efficient in everything he does and he produces a top quality product. He obviously takes great pride in what he does.” Email darrenlowe1222@gmail.com Sun Studio is Open! Fall Yoga Schedule. Sun Studio offers yoga classes and workshops for all levels in kundalini, Hatha, yin and vinyasa lineages. Here is our Fall Schedule (Sept-Dec): Kundalini Gentle: Thursdays / 9-10:15am Kundalini All Levels: Tuesdays & Fridays / 12-1pm Kundalini Intensive: Mondays / 5:30-6:45pm & Saturdays / 9-10:15am Vinyasa Flow: Tuesdays and Thursdays / 6:30-7:30am Yin Fusion: Tuesdays / 7-8:15pm Hatha: Thursdays / 7-8:15pm Kids Yoga (Sept 10- October 8): Saturdays / 10:45-noon Baby & Me (Sept. 8-Oct 13): Thursdays / 10:45-11:45am. For more information check us out on Facebook or our website at www.sunstudionhaidagwaii.com We look forward to seeing you! Call Kiki van der Heiden at (250) 637-1571 or email sunstudiohg@gmail.com Maude Island Farm organic garlic for sale. Get your winter supply of certified organic garlic, locally grown. We are taking orders now, $10/lb. I also have certified organic locally grown potatoes and carrots in abundance for sale or willing to trade for local wild foods such as fish and deer. Call Maude Island Farm at (250) 637-1609 or email l.brassica1960@gmail.com

Ride & Ship Share Motorcycle to Smithers. I’m looking for someone heading off island with a truck that can put my motorbike in the back and drop off at the Harley dealership in Smithers and possibly pick up and bring back if they are coming back through please call if you can help out and we can figure things out Call Mandy at (250) 559-7793 or email amanda_mid@hotmail.com


HG Trader Community Calendar Sept 15 to Oct 15, 2016 Do you have an event you want to advertise?

Go to www.haidagwaiitrader.com and post your event free of charge!

Old Massett/Masset

Port Clements – Cont.

School District 50: Regular Board Meeting

Tue, Oct 11 / 7pm / Port Clements Museum / 45 Bayview Drive Support local history by joining the

Tue, Sep 27 / 6-7pm / George M. Dawson Secondary 1647 Collison Ave For more information contact Marissa Jones at 250-559-8471 ext. 100 or mjones@sd50.bc.ca or www.sd50.bc.ca

Book Sale Sat Sept 24 / 11am-2pm / Masset Library / 2123 Collison Ave Used books for sale at the library. Paperbacks $0.25, hardcovers $1. For more information contact Etchi at 250-626-3663 or email ms1@virl.bc.ca

Burger Night – Dixon Entrance Golf Course Thursdays / 4:30-6:30pm / Dixon Entrance Golf Course / Tow Hill Road Runs every Thursday night until the end of September. Tee-off between 3pm and 6pm Fee: Members - $11, Non Members - $21. Fees include 9 holes of golf, prizes, plus optional Pot of Gold fee of $9. Dixon Entrance Golf Club is located on Tow Hill Road, 5 kilometres east of Masset. Green fees are $15 for 9 holes or $20 for 18 holes, all day. Club rentals - $5.
Clubhouse from 8am to 8pm. Payment by honour system. For more information contact Clubhouse at 250-626-3500 or www.massetbc.com/visitors/golf-course

Masset Farmers’ Market Fridays / 11am-2pm / Across from the Credit Union / Main Street Every Friday until the end of September. Come check us out! Every Friday across from Northern Savings/Bud's. For more information contact www.facebook.com/ Massetfarmersmarket

Port Clements

PC Historical Society Regular Meeting Port Clements Historical Society. Regular monthly meeting at the museum, all welcome. For more information contact Port Clements Historical Society at 250-557-4576 or pcmuseum@qcislands.ca or www.portclementsmuseum.ca

Port Clements Book Club Mon Sept 26/ 7-9pm / Port Clements Multiplex Seniors’ Room /36 Cedar Ave West This group is open to all and you are welcome to join anytime; we are meeting monthly. For more information contact Tina Ooishi at tina.ooishi@gmail.com

Tlell Taoist Tai Chi Tuesdays 7-9pm and Thursdays 10:30 am – 12 noon/ Tlell Firehall Meeting room, 36542 Highway 16 Everyone welcome! Open practice. For more information call 250-559-8458 or haidagwaii@taoist.org or www.@taoist.org

Tlell Farmer's Market Sundays 11am-2pm / Soccer Field Driveway, Just South of the Fire Hall Every Sunday until Thanksgiving, 11 am to 2 pm at the storage facility on the driveway to the soccer field, just south of the fire hall. Look for the Giant Carrot sign! New vendors are welcome to sell anything you grew or raised, made or baked. Buskers and entertainers are also welcome. There is a cold storage facility on site for vendor convenience. Charge will be $5 per vendor to cover expenses. For more information contact Stevie-Lynn DeGroot at www.facebook.com/Tlell-Farmers-Market

Regular Council Meeting Mon Sept 19, Mon Oct 3 / 7-9pm Council Chambers @ PC Multiplex Everyone is welcome to attend a Regular Council Meeting and see what is happening in our community. For more information contact Kim Mushynsky at 250-557-4295 or cao@portclements.ca or www.portclements.ca

Volunteer Fire Department Wednesdays 7:30-9pm PC Firehall / 35 Cedar Ave West Weekly training meetings. New members are welcome! Come out and join our firefighting team! For more information contact Craig Beachy at 250-557-4421 or ccbeacy@gmail.com


HG Trader Community Calendar-Cont.

Skidegate Exhibition "false pretenses" by Pierre Leichner Opening Reception is Fri, Sep 16 at 7pm, exhibit runs until Dec 31, 2016/ Haida Gwaii Museum / 2 Second Beach Road Pierre Leichner provides a multi-sensorial experience through which the audience can critically explore, question and debate the underpinnings of the mental health, mining and art industries. For more information contact Nika Collison at 604-837-9947 or nika@skidegate.ca or haidagwaiimuseum.ca. Everyone welcome to the opening; refreshments served.

Artist presentation: maladjusted - humanizing mental health Sun, Sep 18 / 7-9pm / Classroom 1 / Haida Heritage Centre Explore the presentation, creation, performance and policy outcomes of "maladjusted", an interactive play about humancentred care with psychiatrist turned artist, Pierre Leichner. For more information contact Nika Collison at 604.837.9947 or nika@skidegate.ca

Queen Charlotte Haida Gwaii Coffeehouse Sat, Oct 1 / 7pm-10:30pm / Queen B's / 3211A Wharf Street Open mic followed by local Punkabilly bad boys, Jason Camp and The Posers. Caution: Might be too much fun for you. For more information contact Caroline or Carey at 250-5598550 or haidagwaiicoffeehouse@yahoo.ca or www.haidagwaiicoffeehouse.com

Queen Charlotte Farmers' Market Saturdays / 11am-2pm Beside the QC Community Hall Locally produced meats, eggs, cheeses, produce, breads, preserves, crafts, freshly baked treats and warm stews & soups for lunch. Support Made on Haida Gwaii! For more information contact Kay Pringle at 250-559-9093

Beginner Class Introduction to Taoist Tai Chi

Sat, Sep 24 / 12:30pm-5pm / Q.C. Youth Centre / 924 3rd Avenue / Start a path of training that can help calm the mind, cultivate the heart and improve balance, flexibility and strength. For more information contact Charlie at 250-559-8252 or haidagwaii@taoist.org or www.taoist.org/haidagwaii

Taoist Tai Chi Mon 12-1, Wed 6:30-8:30pm and Sat 9-11am / QC Community Hall / 134 Bay St. Taoist Tai Chi™ internal arts are specifically aimed at cultivating health and vitality and were developed by Master Moy Lin-shin, a Taoist monk. Everyone welcome! For more info. call 250559-8252 or haidagwaii@taoist.org


Queen Charlotte – Cont. Sun Studio Fall Shchedule: Sun Studio is located at 403 Oceanview Drive and offers yoga classes and workshops for all levels. Kundalini Gentle: Thursdays / 9-10:15am Kundalini All Levels: Tuesdays & Fridays / 12-1pm Kundalini Intensive: Mondays / 5:30-6:45pm & Saturdays / 9-10:15am Vinyasa Flow: Tuesdays and Thursdays / 6:307:30am Yin Fusion: Tuesdays / 7-8:15pm Hatha: Thursdays / 7-8:15pm Kids Yoga (Sept 10- October 8): Saturdays / 10:45-noon Baby & Me (Sept. 8-Oct 13): Thursdays / 10:45-11:45am For more information check out Sun Studio on Facebook, on their website at www.sunstudionhaidagwaii.com or call 250-637-1571

Howlers Boobs n Buns Run-Walk-Bike for the Cure Sun, Oct 2 / 9am-noon / Howlers Pub / 3200 Oceanview Drive This will be a Fun Run, Walk, Bike 5km! (not a race, unless you want to challenge yourself or a friend) All registrants will get a T Shirt, and a Sticky Bun at the end, free coffee/juice as well as be entered into random draws for all participants for various goodies! ALL PROCEEDS from registrations will go directly to Fundraising for the Cause! Howlers will be donating the T's and Buns! Registration deadline of September 11th, to insure that you have your T-Shirt in time for the Event. For more information contact Shari at 250-559-8600 or howle@qcislands.net or www.facebook.com/events/1208394329202990 _____________________________________________________________

HG Trader’s Community Calendar

…where posting your event is fun, easy and free! *Post and/or edit your events any time, any day according to your schedule. (Recurring event updates, send us your info and we will do your update for you) *Do you have an event that occurs every week or month? With our reoccurring event feature, you only have to post your event once! *Events can be posted years in advance-this will help to avoid same-day bookings. *Post tons of details about your event-a full event description (up to 50 words appear in print), a picture or logo, email and website links, etc. All events appear both online and in the monthly HG Trader magazine. Have questions or feedback? Be sure to call us @ 250-557-2088 or email: info@haidagwaiitrader.com

Registered Programs Alternate Fitness - Masset

A FREE modified fitness class for those at risk for, or living with, chronic conditions such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and arthritis. When: Tues & Thurs Where: Masset Legion Time: 12-12:45pm

What programs do YOU want?

We here at HGREC are a community driven organization. Please call or email us if there is a program you want to see happen.

  

Pickel Ball Indoor Soccer Basketball

For time and dates, keep an eye on the HGREC website at www.hgrec.com or call us at 250-626-5652

Come Out, Have Fun, Learn and Play! All programs are FREE & include a healthy snack for participants. General registration and waver for each child must be completed and can be found on the HGREC website. For all ASSAI program times and locations, check out our website at www.hgrec.com

Coming This Fall!

Queen Charlotte’s Gidgalang Kuuyas Naay Secondary School Drop-in Programs are starting up soon!

HGREC’s After School Sports & Arts Initiative Programs

Geo-caching? Disc Golf? Art Camps? Post Natal Fitness? Cooking? Gardening?

____________________________ Shito Ryu Karate is a classical karate taught in the traditional Okinawan style. Come out and learn selfdefense with certified karate instructor Deavlan Bradley! Beginners are welcome!

Starting the first week of October!


We look forward to hearing from you!

Teach What You Love! HG Rec. is growing with you! We have opened our doors to help support you and your community event or program. The question is not what can we do but what do YOU want?


Youth Sponsorship We have at least one spot (and sometimes more) in every HG Rec. Program that we can partially or fully fund. Give us a call and tell us the program your child is interested in and we will help you ease your way into your desired program.

How do you see us helping you assist your program? From insurance to advertising, letters of support, or providing you with an affordable space and handling registration.

Please note: Extenuating circumstances may result in unexpected program cancellations

Box 187, Masset, BC V0T 1M0 Phone: 250-626-5652/1-888-557-4418 Email: qcirec@gmail.com

Haida Gwaii Rec



On September 9th and 10th a bountiful attendance of locals and visitors alike enjoyed the second annual Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival. Just like last year, it was a smashing success!

With the support from countless volunteers, the Sandspit Community Society, Moresby Explorers and MIEDS the SWHF was created in 2015 as a local, grassroots festival that focuses on the sharing of knowledge about the harvesting and varied uses of all things wild here on Haida Gwaii. “We are fortunate to live in a place where harvesting of wild plants, animals and marine life is very common, and practiced by many, in a pristine environment.” states event organizer Flavien Mabit. “We would like to see more people foraging and getting interested in their environment and the nature that surrounds us. This festival is here to promote a healthy, clean environment for all.” This year’s festivities included two days of exhibits, forest walks and, of course, lots and lots of delicious, local food. This year saw the creation of the “Wild Harvest Cafe”, put together for the Festival only, at the Sandspit Community Hall, where people could purchase some delicious creations, made using as many wild ingredients as possible, by guest chef Elizabeth Flegg.

Visitors went on guided forest walks, a cultural walk at Copper Bay led by Jenny Cross, and a mushroom foray at Skidegate Lake. Numerous presentations featuring local guest speakers were enjoyed by many. To name a few, Naturalist Laura Bishop talked about local wild plants, Molly Clarkson who works for the CHN Marine Plan Program talked about her work, local business, Islandwise Essentials co-owner Kyla Mitchell talked about using local and wild ingredients in her soaps and beauty products, Biologist and Botanist Stu Crawford shared some of his awesome knowledge about lichens, wild food harvester, Haida singer and too many other talents to list Jenny Cross talked about traditional harvesting values. A joint presentation by Kiku Dhanwant, Shelly Crack, Jenn Dysart and Sarah Stevenson introduces both the Farm to School Program on island and the Haida Gwaii Food Pantry. Also to be noted was the amazing slide-show by Photographer Laura Sample on the Friday night. There were activities too and visitors went on guided forest walks, a cultural walk at Copper Bay led by Jenny Cross, and a mushroom foray at Skidegate Lake. Both, evening dinner sittings on Saturday at the Sandspit Inn were sold out and Chef Edi Szasz turned out yet another spread of delectable, thoroughly enjoyed food creations.

With each year that passes, this event just gets better and better…and many folk are looking forward to year three! Photos provided by SWHF






Also: Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market and Moresby Market Thank you HGLFP sponsors! To become a sponsor or for more info call 250-557-2088 or email info@haidagwaiitrader.com

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