Issue #63 Mid Aug/Mid Sep 2015
Cedar Waxwing
page 4
$2.75 (Incl. GST)
Hibby Gren
page 6
page 11
Haida Gwaii Eyes…
Wide Open
Proactive Ponderings about Common Challenges
3 Generations
by Shellene Van der Beke
When you were a kid, what did you do for fun?
A recently aired commercial sponsored by has spread like wild fire on Facebook while the YouTube video version, posted on July 7th, is creeping towards 3 million views. (Worth checking out, titled: Nature Valley 3 Generations Photo from the Nature Valley video on YouTube #RediscoverNature). The focus of the commercial is simple: ask three generations what they did for fun when they were a kid: 1st generation / Grandparents: blueberry picking, growing watermelons, fishing & tobogganing… 2nd generation / Parents: hide and seek, baseball & fort building… 3rd generation / Children: video games, text, email…3, 4 or 5 hours a day. “I would die if I don’t have my tablet” says a young interviewee who looks to be around 8 or so years old. Actually, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation Study, kids ages 8-18 spend an average of 7.5 hours per day, 7 days per week plugged into computers, TV, video games, music, cell phones, etc. Maybe this is not the average here on Haida Gwaii, but are we well on our way? Challenge: Technological invasion of our children’s, and our own, minds, bodies and spirits / Disconnection with the natural and in person world. And yes, there is even a term for it: Nature Deficit Disorder. Wow.
Solutions: I know, easier said than done (as I type this sitting at my computer) but the message remains the same: Let’s all take two or more steps away from being “plugged in”, whenever and as often as we can. Get out in nature. Even if it is just a leisurely walk around the block. If you have kids, of course, take them with you. Relax, play or connect with the outside world at least once per day. Revere nature. Why would we not? Nature is so beautiful, wise and awe-inspiring. Every chance you get, look, touch, smell, taste (safely), listen and love the natural world around you. Be well with nature. Now called “Ecotherapy”, it is said that green spaces lessen brain fatigue, ease depression, improve a person’s outlook and focus and strengthen one’s immunity. Bring on the green!
~ One touch of nature makes the whole world kin. William Shakespeare ~
Do you have solution-based thoughts you would like to share?
Please send us your submission by the first of the month for publishing consideration. Email: or mail: PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC V0T1R0 Questions? Comments? Call us at 250-557-2088
Safe Communities/Haida Gwaii
Helpful crime prevention tips brought to you by your local RCMP
How To Get Help Fast
For the quickest response from emergency teams,
follow these instructions:
Do not call 911. (911 service is not available on Haida Gwaii) Have a list of emergency phone numbers handy. It can save precious time when it counts the most. Call your nearest RCMP branch - phone numbers are listed below. Remain calm. Take a deep breath. Compose yourself and you’ll get the help you need much faster. Speak slowly and clearly. State the type of emergency, give the location with as much detail as you can and answer the dispatcher’s questions concisely.
~Working together for safe communities~ _________________________________________________________________ Masset Branch: 250-626-3991 Queen Charlotte Branch: 250-559-4421 Crime Stoppers: 1-800-222-8477
under “BCRCMP”
If You’re Happy And You Know It…
by Shellene Van der Beke
Just clap your hands? If only it was that easy. Happiness has always fascinated me. From my elders I have learned that happiness is indeed a choice. There are a few things on Facebook that I love. Collective Evolution ( is one of them. Created in 2009, CE is a part of a fast growing trend of journalism coined as “alternative media”. Media that, as their mission statement says, “aims to challenge the current status quo by shaking up how we currently think about the world”. Photo from Pixabay
For me, a recent post written by one of CE’s core team members, Mark DeNicola, hit the nail on the head of what happiness means today.
9 Common Traits Of Happy People (That They Don’t Talk About): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Love themselves for who they are. See relationships as an extension to, rather than the basis of, the human experience. Embrace change. Celebrate rather than compare themselves to the accomplishments of others. Never dwell on being a victim. They live in the present. Trust that everything happens for a reason. They don’t let money dictate their lives. Look within for solutions.
Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything that it is. Mandy Hale
Metabolic Syndrome Revisited By Donna Duffy, RN, BSN, MPH
met·a·bol·ic syn·drome: a cluster of biochemical and physiological abnormalities associated with the development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes
This isn’t the first time this subject has been addressed here, but it bears repeating because it’s become so common and it’s placing a huge burden on our health care system. You may be thinking that metabolic syndrome has nothing to do with you and you might be right, but there’s also a good chance that you have the beginnings of metabolic syndrome right now. It can start early in life, the signs manifesting in childhood in some cases. It’s estimated that fully two-thirds of Canadian adults have at least one of the signs of metabolic syndrome. If you have the beginnings of metabolic syndrome you aren’t likely to know it. But if you do, and you make the changes necessary to stop its progress, you can save yourself a lot of grief in the future. So how do you know if you have metabolic syndrome? Why would you want to know anyway? To answer the second question first, you want to know because there is a lot you can do now to reverse the process and avoid some unpleasant things like heart bypass surgery, diabetes, stroke or heart attack, even Alzheimer’s and cancer. A lot of maladies thought to be the price of getting older are really the result of metabolic syndrome. How do you know if you have it? A few routine blood tests and a waist circumference measurement will give your doctor the information necessary to diagnose metabolic syndrome. You can get a lab requisition from your doctor or nurse practitioner for a blood sugar test and a “lipid panel” (a lipid panel provides information about cholesterol and fats in your blood). These are the diagnostic signs of metabolic syndrome. If you have 3 or more of these signs, you have metabolic syndrome—but even one of these signs can spell trouble ahead: Large waist circumference (“apple” shape) indicating abdominal obesity Low HDL (the protective, “good” cholesterol) High triglycerides (a kind of fat that is present in your blood) Higher than normal blood sugar High blood pressure So what’s behind this syndrome? Chronic high insulin levels in the blood are to blame. Insulin is a hormone that helps keep blood sugar levels within a safe range. When you consume carbohydrates, they break down to sugar in digestion. Most whole, unprocessed foods cause a nice, slow rise in blood sugar and don’t require too much insulin. But when you consume foods or drinks that are heavy in sugar or refined carbohydrate, sugar floods your bloodstream very quickly. The body has to respond fast to bring those blood sugar levels down. It does this by releasing a surge of insulin from the pancreas. Over time, high insulin levels trigger the storage of fat in the abdomen, around the internal organs. This “visceral fat” produces its own hormones that keep the insulin levels high, laying the groundwork for metabolic syndrome. What to do about it? Well, you can take medications for blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. This may reduce your risks for heart attack, stroke, and diabetes complications—but it won’t eliminate your risk. If you want to get at the root of the problem, start by avoiding those things that cause the problem to begin with. Frequent intake of processed foods and sugary foods and beverages is a major factor in the start of metabolic syndrome. Chronic high stress levels and poor sleep can also contribute. Avoid these stressors where you can. There are also some things that you can do that help the body get rid of stress and regain balance. Physical activity is an effective tool for reducing stress in the body and lowering insulin levels. Relaxation is important too. Meditative practice can also be effective for ridding the body of stress. Metabolic syndrome tends to affect entire households so changing eating habits can improve the health of every member of the family. Take charge of your health—life is too precious to spend it in poor health.
Hibby Gren Carver, Poet and Philosopher May 17, 1913-Dec. 25, 1982
Article and photos from the Dixon Entrance Maritime Museum
Hibby was a resident of the Islands for over 40 years. Over the years he was a fisherman, logger, built small boats, helped build larger boats, owned a small fishing boat called the ‘Olympic’, carved figures, wrote poetry and “bummed around”. His poetry was written in blank, irregular verse about the people, his friends, his pony and the beaches. He lived the “hippy” life. Hibby carved cork floats into “shrunken heads” using just a thin bladed jack-knife. A head
could be carved in ½ hour, and the “hair”, made from tousled manila line, would take another ½ hour. These unique heads were in demand and would sell for 5 to 10 dollars. His wood carvings made from white pine, alder and yellow cedar are primitive. He preferred to leave broad, bold knife strokes and could create a figurine in about 5 hours. This technique was his personal trade mark and his character and way of life can be summarized in his philosophy of “You are safe as long as you can sing and have a good guitar”.
See Hibby’s carvings and so much more at the Dixon Entrance Maritime Museum. This museum is located in the original Masset hospital building (built in 1914) and is located at 2183 Collison Avenue. Summer Hours: open daily from 1-5pm until September 6th. Their phone number is 250-626-6066 Do you have a piece of Haida Gwaii history you would like to share? We would love to hear from you! Call us at 250-557-2088 or email
Born and bred in Massett: Xuuda, a healthy dog.
Swimming does not make dogs sick Submitted by Haida Laas/Graham Richard
An upset stomach, affectionately dubbed “garbage-can gastroenteritis” in the veterinary community, is a very common problem for the beloved canine. It is caused
by their indiscriminate consumption of “junk-food” like deer hooves, fish guts and other culinary delights. Swimming does not cause gastroenteritis, and so far no dogs
Call for Athlii Gwaii photos & memorabilia November 2015 marks the 30th anniversary of Athlii Gwaii. To mark this event the Council of the Haida Nation will be publishing a book on the movement, its people and legacies to mark this event (publishing date February 2016). We want to commemorate the work done – from "on the ground" to "on the line” and the subsequent negotiations and agreements.
Donors will have their original photos scanned and memorabilia photographed. They will receive a copy of these digital files (as well as retain the originals). Images selected for publishing will be credited to owners/photographers. For further information, please contact Nika Collison at: Facebook: Jisgang Collison 604.837.9947
have contracted anything by swimming in the ocean. Early July in K’il Llnagaay Sandspit and Gaaw, two dogs showed symptoms of gastroenteritis. One owner was coached over the phone to induce vomiting, which revealed the dog had consumed seascraps. By morning the dog recovered. In the other incident the dog was brought in, received treatment, vomited sea-scraps, and recovered by morning. Never the less, rumours began circulating that something deadly was in the seawater. Local veterinarian Dr Don Richardson successfully treats a steady stream of patients struck down by this common ailment. All dogs brought to his clinic with symptoms have recovered with treatment. Not a single dog brought to Dr Richardson for gastroenteritis has died. “A lot of people have blown this completely out of proportion,” explained Dr Richardson. “We get dogs [with gastroenteritis] on a regular basis week in week out. No [dog] died. Every [dog] got better.” To prevent illness, ensure your dog does not consume salt or stagnant water, rotting flesh, or large amounts of seaweeds. Watching your dog’s diet at the beach will also eliminate risk of paralytic shellfish poisoning. Symptoms may include vomiting, diarrhea, bloody excrement, and “neuro-signs” – like shaking, quakes, and tremors. If your dog exhibits these symptoms and does not recover within 24-hours, seek professional help. With time recovery grows more difficult. Dogs brought in very late may require I.V. treatment. Dogs visiting from off-island contract gastroenteritis more frequently because they consume ocean water to quench thirst more often. “No one is getting sick from swimming.. there are not dozens of dogs dying, and these cases are not connected. We see them all the time,” Dr Richardson reassured. “Drinking salt and stagnant water will make you sick. Sometimes your dog will also get what appears to be beaver fever. They respond wonderfully to medication and get better.”
New blog!
Check out our new blog at <> Old Massett: 1-800-663-2388 | Skidegate: 1-877-559-8883
Photo Credit: Haida Gwaii Recreation
Islands kids enjoy fun, friendship and fitness at summer day camps
While school’s out for summer, kids on the islands have been enjoying a series of activity-filled day camps, thanks to the Haida Gwaii Recreation Commission and the Gwaii Trust. The Haida Gwaii Recreation Summer Program day camps have been held in Sandspit, Masset, and Port Clements already this summer, with a final session to be held in Skidegate in the last two weeks of August. The camps are open
to all children from kindergarten to grade 6. Sports skills, healthy snacks, cultural activities, and crafts are features of the popular program, which helps nurture kids’ knowledge and abilities during the school holidays. Camp leader Tianna Grosse and assistant Fergus Wilson organize the schedule, and bring in adult mentors from all islands communities to share their skills and knowledge with the kids. Some of the highlights this summer, Tianna and Fergus said, have
been paddleboarding, archery, rugby and cedar weaving. One day, the day campers went out berry picking and then learned how to make jam. In Masset, they got to visit the fire hall. And in all communities they’ve gone out to explore the beach at low tide and learn about the plants and animals that live there. The Gwaii Trust’s $10,000 contribution helps pay wages and buy craft supplies and healthy, local food for snacks. The rec commission also receives support from Canada Summer Jobs. Spots are still available at the Skidegate camp, which takes place August 17 to 21 and August 24 to 28 at Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary. Campers can register for a whole week, or drop in for a day or two if space permits. Contact Haida Gwaii Rec at 250-626-5652 to register or for more information.
DID YOU KNOW? The Gwaii Trust is providing $60,000 in grants to summer camps on Haida Gwaii this year, including Swan Bay Rediscovery and the Rediscovery camp at T’aalan Stl’ang 9
Families = Communities = Earth When you take on the role of a Planetary Manager, as we suggested in previous articles, you see at once how the material planet can be used, manipulated, and developed for your personal use and the use of your communities. But, to become sustainable, you must also not over-use, misuse, or destroy the plants and animals that Mother Earth has provided to you.
With every day that passes, more and more citizens are becoming Planetary Managers; One with the Earth, and all others. Whether you are a parent or not, we all, by example, teach our children how to respect themselves, their neighbors, and even their neighbors in other countries. The philosophy of Oneness then becomes self-empowering by removing the sense of separation. The philosophy of Oneness is not a shallow commitment, but one that operates in your daily life.
Consider the Oneness you feel with those you are closest to. Now, extend that to all other people. When you see this Oneness, then you
are beginning to see why we teach you about Oneness. Oppositely, separation causes a great deal of dis-ease among people. Unfortunately, separation is often the model that children are taught by their parents or those who raise them.
It is time in the social evolution of Earth’s people that the children begin to seek oneness in their lives, even when there is no oneness in their parent’s family. Children who are known as “Millennials” have already begun to build oneness in their lives, and many have vowed not to repeat the separation that is all around them.
It is time for parents to teach their children to begin thinking of the families and children they will have and to practice Oneness and not separation. The way of Planetary Management and Oneness always has and always will begin in the family. For more information contact Daniel Raphael @
Horoscopes for Aug. 15th to Sept. 15th, 2015 Aries (March 20-April 19) The upcoming weeks might feel like you have a field to plow before you plant, dear Aries. Put your head down to plod on, doing the work that needs to be done. Be sure to remember why the work needs completing, because you have chosen this project for your highest good. Get creative and have fun, and the “job” won’t seem like a job after all. Key Words: Commitment, Responsibility, Playful Taurus (April 19-May 20) You’ve been on a mission Taurus, and not an impossible one. Challenging yes, but you are nearing the end. Soon it will feel like a dream, was that as stressful as it seemed? Relax some in the next few weeks knowing that when push came to shove, you had the endurance to follow through. Now it’s time for a nap and an ice cold drink. Key Words: Successful, Creative, Productive Gemini (May 20-June 21) It’s time to focus on two issues now, dear Gemini. Your favorite! What can you do to help the relationships in your family and how do you do this with joy and pleasure in mind? It may be time to have a date night with one or more family members so they can be sure of the love you feel for them. And in doing so, you just might find that it feeds your soul too. Key Words: Love, Compassionate, Family
Cancer (June 21-July 22) There’s a feeling in the air for you, lovely Cancer. The feeling is of inner peace. How can you achieve this without trying, just by being? Now is the perfect time to answer this. Look within, be present, breathe deeply and meditate. Practice anything that brings you to feeling deeply healed. Why - because you deserve it. Key Words: Contemplate, Deep Psyche, Receive Leo (July 22-Aug. 23) Leo the Lion may feel that it’s time to speak up and be heard. But what exactly do you want to say? Whatever it is, it should leave you with a feeling of self-worth and self-realization. Otherwise it’s just blowing off steam. You are the archetype of the leader. Sometimes a lonely place to be as it’s isolating. My advice to you is this: Speak your truth no matter what, and let everyone else decide how to interpret it. Key Words: Honesty, Confidence, Determination
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep. 22) The next few weeks, dear Virgo may be rewarding as well as challenging. How do you balance your time between what you want and what your family and friends want for you? If you are not appearing a little selfish to others right now, you aren’t doing your job. Step forward in your life! You are entitled to take up some space, moving toward your goals. Key Words: Passion, Desires, Ability
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 23) Step back a little bit for the next couple weeks, artistic Libra. Meditate around what your future goals and aspirations are. You don’t have to 100% know what they are, only begin to ask the questions of yourself. Then get quiet long enough to hear the answers. This is the time to question yourself, not the time to act impulsively. Key Words: Visionary, Reflect, Breathe Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) For sensitive Scorpio’s, thinking about your aspirations for the future is not a natural habitat for you. You’d rather feel them than think them. But the next few weeks give you the ability to shine out in the world in a way that feels natural. You are someone that is an expert in your field, whatever that may be. It’s time to showcase this to the world. Key Words: Accomplishment, Capable, Enduring Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 22) Finally, dear Sagittarian, you feel like yourself. Your hopeful, engaging, bigger than life self. The last few months have been challenging for you to say the least. But you have hung in there and persevered in spite of what’s presented itself. Now it’s time to reap the benefits of what you have endured. Celebrate that it is, in fact, good to be alive! Key Words: Travel, Believe, Succeed
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 20) You’ve been on the go for some time, dear Capricorn. It’s time for your train to stop in the station and refuel. To look at some truths concerning your life and determine if they are still serving your highest good or not. You don’t have to make any drastic changes at this time, just reflect on the general feeling in your body, mind and spirit. Key Words: Reaccess, Truth, Vision Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) There’s a bit of a balancing act going on around you, between what works for you and how to incorporate what works for others. These next several weeks will help you practice this. Now is not the time to isolate yourself. Your greatest lessons and greatest joy will come from connecting with others in a meaningful way. And in doing so, you may find yourself after all. Key Words: Connection, Relationships, Partnership . Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Dear Pisces, it’s time to reflect on how to connect with others without losing yourself in the process. There is a way to put others first and still stay connected to your core values. You are the archetype of the mystic and the dreamer but I ask you now to embrace the archetype of the pioneer and the diplomat. Go forth with courage and passion. Know that when your needs are met, it’s easier to be more thoughtful with others. Key Words: Intention, Leader, Commitment Sage Advisor is a professional astrologer and has been since 2007. She is passionate about helping clients develop the tools of awareness and purpose for their lives.
Looking to post a free* classified, event or ride/ship share ad? It’s super easy! Simply log onto, click on the category tab for the type of ad you wish to place and the site will then guide you each step of the way. Need a hand? Do not hesitate to contact us. Prefer mail? Our mailing address is PO Box 222, Port Clements, BC, V0T 1R0. Please note: The deadline for new and/or updated classified ads to appear in the May/June issue is June 10th at noon. *Post your private (except for real estate & rentals), personally owned and non-business postings free of charge! For real estate, rentals or business product/service/employment ads, a small fee will apply. Please call or email us for more info.
In the Home & Office
Furniture/Appliances/Electronics/Clothing(not kids or baby)/Jewelery/ Collectables/Books/Music/Computers and Computer Accessories/For Sale-Misc
Wanted older model ink cartridge. HP Laserjet5P print cartridge C3903A. Email Hand painted dining room table. Pine Wood dining room table c/w glass fitted top. Hand painted by Terry Yeltatzie, very beautiful! $1,200 Call Sharleen Greenwood at (256) 372-226 or email Golf Clubs. Graphite Golf clubs set with bag - excellent condition. $100 Call Colin Davies at (250) 559-4637 or email Coffee maker. Hello Kitty coffeemaker $15 Call Jaz Cherrier at (250) 559-2349 or email DISHWASHER *Clean & works great*. General Electric Energy Star brand. Clean & good working Dishwasher! Comes with a full large container of dishwasher cleaner packs. $300 Call Captain at (250) 626-7175 or email cs-burton@ Light fixtures for sale. 4 used light fixtures for sale, individually or as a set. $10 each or $30 for set of 4. Call Kim at (250) 626-5169 or email Baby George Rotisserie Cooks a small chicken or pcs/ steaks/chops/hotdogs or just use your imagination to cook delicious juicy meats. Or put veggies in the basket and cook them. In brand new shape. Great for an apartment or rental. $50 Email Grand Piano For Sale. Weber grand piano. 6’2, perfect in every way. Beautiful action... leading to tone and shading of a much larger grand. I have had it since new; 11 years. Only professionally maintained. Cost $24,000. Will sell or trade for around $12,000. I will move it and set it up. Call Andrew at (250) 626-6030 or email Boutique dress (semi-formal or formal). I bought this dress at a specialty boutique in Terrace, B.C. It was worn once for a formal function. It’s made out of satiny, purple material with a blue/indigo sheen and its bodice has black velvet designs. Invisible side-zip. Knee length. Spaghetti straps and back sash that ties. No sure of size, but I’m 5’7” with an athletic build and it fits me perfectly. I would keep it but I’m trying to downsize my wardrobe before I move to university :) It has been stored hung, in clean, dry, ventilated area. It was bought new for just over $140, only $85. Call Reina Fennell at (250) 557-2460 or email Hanging Chandelier. “New” Has 5 up shining lights with frosted glass covers, beautiful wheat shaft design. Hangs down from ceiling, chain adjustable. $60 Email BAS Ultimate fighter training. Like new condition. Learn to fight like a pro with Bas Rutten and his personally designed training system. Comes with new gloves. Paid $500 sell for $250. Call Mark at (250) 557-9333 or email Brown Leather Couch and Recliner. Fold down drink holders, comfortable, great shape! $900 Call James at (250) 5572401 or email Phone Tablet. Brand and Model - Cube Talk 9 (U39GT 3G) CPU - MTK8389T Quad Core 1.5GHz OS - Android 4.2.2 Screen - 9inch IPS PLS Retina 1920 x 1280 Memory - 1GB RAM, 16GB ROM Camera - Back camera: 5.0MP, Front camera: 2.0MP Bluetooth - 4.0 WIFI 802.11 b/g/n Phone - 2G, 3G micro Sim, compatible with Telus and Koodo Accessories - USB cable, Charger, Earbuds, Protective cover $200 Call Sam at (250) 637-5653 or email Digital scales. 2 brand new digital bathroom scales still in the boxes $30 Call Rick at (250) 327-8322 or email Antique Sewing Machine. Beautifully crafted RAYMOND treadle sewing machine. Canadian made by the Guelph Manufacturing Co, Ontario. Ornate original painted designs, folds down into a fully restored walnut hutch and it still works! $300 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 5594282 or email Celestron Sky Master Binoculars. 20 -100 x 70 Zoom Binoculars for sky or landscape gazing and OPTEX multi positional tripod. Online pictures and details at $120 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 559-4282 or email XBOX 360 Kinect. New in box XBOX 360 Kinect Sensor. $75 Email Blank dvds and cds. 25 DVD-Rs and 15 DVD-RWs 3 CD-Rs 26 jewel cases never used. Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email
In the Home & Office - cont. Entrance Door. Entrance Door - Price dropped to $900 Email howle@ Antique Ships Wheel. Nostalgic and very sturdy, oak and bronze hand crafted ships wheel dating back to the 1930’s. 42 “ diameter. Excellent condition and a rare find. $300 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 559-4282 or email Built in Kenmore Altra Wash Dishwasher. Used. Black front. Also have solid wood doors for sale different sizes $150 Call Jeannette Minty at (403) 304-2037 or email jbouvette2@hotmail. com Garmin Forerunner 10 Running Watch. Stylish, Simple GPS Captures Every Mile Tracks distance, pace and calories Start running with the press of a button Identifies personal records Virtual Pacer™ compares current pace to target Plan, review and share runs at Garmin Connect™ Brand new. Unopened, original packaging. Bought as a gift but there already had one! You’re paying list price, but skipping the shipping! $125 Call Evan at (250) 551-4611 or email Pot lights. Brand New....set of seven halogen lights to inset into your ceiling. Beautiful look and light. Complete with bulbs and casings for an insulated attic. Able to move to highlight different areas. $70 Email Bell Satellite Dish and digital HD receiver. Includes 200ft of cable $75 Call Maryanne at (250) 626-7555 or email Maryanne@maryannewettlaufer. com Arborite. 5x12 sheet of white arborite never been unwrapped. Great for new counter top or home project. Text or call $75 Call Scott at (778) 260-0070 or email For Sale. Stationary recumbent exercise bike. $25 Call Tom at (250) 6371456 or email New Bluetooth Keyboard (small). I bought this Bluetooth keyboard 6 months ago and ended up never using or needing it. I did open it once, but it’s still in the packaging. Dimensions: 8x3 inches Designed for an ipad or iphone. Brand name: rapoo Won a product design award in 2012. Comes with usb cord. Wireless and w/ Bluetooth capabilities. I bought it new for $60, would sell for $45 or best offer. Call Reina Fennell at (250) 557-2460 or email Large mirror. 4” by 2 1/2 feet wide handmade mirror with a ledge. Very nice. $250 Call Sharleen Bellis-Greenwood at (250) 637-2226 or email Cat Carrier. Plastic Cat carrier with metal gate door that locks shut. Has a carrying handle 19” X 12” X 11” high can be disassembled. $25 or will trade for large dog carrier. Call Dominic at (250) 626-7896 or email Dyson Stowaway. Vacuum cleaner (comes with attachments plus new filter (these cost $35) and all manuals $150 Call Jennifer at (250) 626-5441 or email Pedestal sink for sale. Pedestal sink and tap set for sale. $50 Call Kim at (250) 626-5169 or email Beautiful Piano-PRICED TO SELL! Strauss upright piano. Very good condition. Purchased brand new and we always took very good care of it. You pick up. Alternate phone number is 250-559-8298. $1,000 Call Shirley at (250) 559-8388 or email Cell Phone. Blackberry Bold Smart Phone with camera. Incl. black leather Blackberry holster. takes Telus Sim card Call Doug at (778) 260-4407 or email Canon Photocopier For Sale. Canon PC940 (F138400#TVD 61638) photocopier. Black and white. Paper size 8.5” x 14” and 8.5” x 11”. Works well. Needs a black cartridge. New, this copier retails for $329.99. Only $100 Call Kay Watson at (250) 559-4114 or email Roll of Flooring for Sale. Loose lay installation vinyl flooring, roll size: 12 ft wide x 21.5 ft in 1 piece. Predominantly brown colour. Gluing is only required on seams, the floor is laid down, seams glued, and you are done. The picture provided is a piece of the flooring to show the colour. The roll of vinyl cost me $1200, I am selling it for half, losing money on it. $600 Call Stephany Pryce at (250) 559-8917 or email
In the Home & Office - cont. Trundle Bed. Trundle bed with solid 3/4” plywood construction - oak veneers and oak trim and laminate panel accents. No mattresses are included. Designed to hold 2 - twin sized (39” x 75”) mattresses (not included). Lower mattress stores away or the lower roll-out unit can be used for storage. $100 Call Alvin at (250) 559-8797 or email Painting, English Countryside. AS Shown. 14” X 18” in the frame. $19 Email Louis Vuitton shoes. Authentic Louis Vuitton Paris, made in Italy Men’s size 10 own the real thing. In good shape, I have other another pair of dress shoes that I wear more often so it’s time to sell these. I’ve seen these exact shoes retail for over $1000. $250 email or txt/ Dominic at 250 626 7896 / Manzanita Snow Original Painting. As shown. 21.5” X 17.5” in frame. $39 Email Utility Heater (Electric). 1500 Watts -- For Household Use. ($48 new). Used once. Selling for $15 . Size is 9” x 5” x 11”. Please leave a message if not home. Call Kay Watson at (250) 5594696 or email New Wall Mount Mirror for sale. Brand New - Dimmable sunlight - Surround Light Dual sided surround light swivel wall mount 1X & 10X magnification, dual arm extends 14” wide & closes to 9”, 100 watt fluorescent bulb included, dimmable switch in base, polarized wall plug. This has a cord that will plug in to the wall. $75 Call Stephany at (250) 559-8917 or email Wedding dress. Paid well over $1,000 for it - Beautiful long white - with pearls/lace etc -- long sleeves - heart shape opening in back -long train with bows - bows can be clipped up in order to be able to walk in and dance in later. This one is a GOOD LUCK dress . Absolutely Beautiful. $700 Email Diamond Cluster Ring. Very sparkly diamond cluster ring; size 6; 14 kt Yellow Gold band - white gold setting; 24 Round Brilliant Cut diamonds; 2 in center are larger than remaining 22; A.G.A. Jewellery Appraisals Ltd. appraised value at $3,885 from November 2005; approximate total weight is 1ct. Price is negotiable. $3,500 Call Sharon or Dave at (250) 557-9334 or email 3 Stone Diamond Ring. Elegant 10 kt Yellow Gold; size 8; Price negotiable. $875 Call Sharon or Dave at (250) 557-9334 or email Compact Fluorescent Lamps. NEW CFLs 1 - 15w (60w equiv) Globe 2 - 11w (40w) Globe 3 23w (100w) + LED ‘Stick-up’ in sealed pkg 3 - 13w (60w) in sealed pkg 1 - 20w (75w) 4 - 13w (60w) Used CFLs (low use) 1 - 19w (75w) 1 - 13w (60w) 14 new and 2 used CFLs for $50 (obo) Call Alvin at (250) 559-8797 or email Brother Color Printer For Sale. Brother MFC-490 CW printer. Color. Fax. Includes tons of ink cartridges. Works well. (We could not seem to get the scanner to work, but you might!) $474.61 new. Only $200 Call Kay Watson at (250) 559-4114 or Shoes. Really nice brand new shoes- very comfy - off white- Size 9 $30 Email Kitchen. New crock pot/slow cooker $30 Call Jaz Cherrier at (250) 559-2349 or email Epson WF-2630 Printer. Epson Wi-Fi Workforce WF 2630 Color Printer. All-in-one printer includes 3 NEW ink cartridges (Yellow, Cyan, Magenta). Printer was $99 new -- selling for $75 including the new cartridges. One year old -- seldom used. Call Kay Watson at (250) 559-4114 or email Guitar - AMP COMBO for sale. First act guitar and Roland battery amptake them anywhere and play- battery powered $200 Call ROBIN at (778) 714-7756 or email
31” horizontal closet organizer shelf. New ClosetMaid shelf, still in the box. $20 Call Patrick at (250) 559-8026 or email
In the Home & Office - cont. Cedar Chest. White cedar linen chest. Red Stain. For linen storage. $300 Call Laurie at (250) 559-9014 or email Framed X-stitched picture for Baby’s room. Like new. I like the frame, it’s worth something on its own. $29 Exercise equipment. Two pieces of exercise equipment: A running/treadmill machine. Like new Freespirit $100. An elliptical machine. Near new Tempo 615 elliptical reg $800 sell for $350. These machines are in immaculate condition. Transport can be arranged for a small fee. Call Brenda at (250) 626-3308 or email Floor underlayment. Selling 9 boards of floor underlayment 9 boards. $180 Call Candace Weir at (250) 626-5250 or email kaanii.candace@ Young canaries. Young male canaries, cream colored, one has half a grey tail, may yellow a little as they get their adult feathers. very easy to care for and their dad is a beautiful singer $75 Email PMQ doors. One single PMQ front wooden door $50. 2 outside single pmq screen doors both need one pane of glass $50 each. Call rick at (250) 327-8322 or email Recliner. Compact versatile recliner, folds down into ottoman, newly reupholstered $250 Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email 5 Wayne Endenshaw prints. Mint condition. $60 Call Sharleen Greenwood at (250) 637-2226 or email Argillite Pendant. Ron Russ, Haida Master Carver “Raven Steals the Light”, 2005. Two abalone inlays, dimensions 2”x11/4”. Google “Ron Russ Raven Steals the Light” to view online. $200 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 559-4282 or email Ukulele. Beautiful and well crafted, Veelah design, Ukulele. Purchased from Tom Lee Music, Vancouver, 2 years ago. Seldom used and like new. Still in its box and comes with a tuner, teaching method book and CD. $200 Call Robin Pozer at (250) 559-4282 or email robinpozer54@ Hoosier Glass Vase. 3 large glass vases. The large hexagonal one is Hoosier glass and the other 2 are “just” glass. Price is for all 3. $20 Call Maryanne at (250) 626-7555 or email Professional Vitamix/ice shaver. Like new, this Vitamix ice shaver was bought with intentions of opening a restaurant and making smoothies, etc. In mint condition and like new. $1,100 Call Dawn at (250) 626-6075 or email
In the Home & Office - cont. Whole house water filter. Can be mounted to filter all incoming water or used for specific fixtures. There are various grades of filters available to remove coarse or fine sediments. The filters are standard and available locally. The bowl has an o-ring seal that is easily replaceable. $15 Email New sink. New in box washroom sink for sale $35 Call Kim at (250) 626-5169 or email Cat litter box. Pet Mate cat litter box with lid, new $15 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Jacket women’s. LL Bean women’s medium black all weather jacket $40 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@ Jacket ladies. Sierra Designs ladies size 12 light weight (good shape but stain on one sleeve) $20 Call Keith at (250) 5574491 or email Trench coat ladies. Trilogi 78 blue ladies trench coat $30 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Rain pants women’s. Mtn Equipment Co-op ladies Gortex rain pants, medium $50 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Thermal shirt, men’s. Men’s large thermal shirt $5 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Fleecy men’s. Kellysport men’s XL sleeveless fleecy $15 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Vest men’s. Urban Rags men’s black nylon medium vest $15 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Soccer shoes men’s. Hi Tec men’s size 9 soccer boots $20 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Small toaster oven. Great shape -great for apartments or rentals -continuous clean broiler / toaster $25 Email bondd06@
In the Yard & Workshop
Garden Equipment and Supplies/Hobby Supplies/Tools/Building Materials/ Pet and Pet Supplies
Saddle blanket. Saddle blanket $15 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Horse youth saddle blanket. Youth saddle blanket $10 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email French Sorrel perennial salad plant. French Sorrel plant (Rumex scutatus) This hardy perennial is one of the first to come up in the spring. The tangy flavor will enliven your salads. Good strong, local roots. Comes in a 6” pot. $6 Email Croquet Set, Deluxe Brand New 6 Player. Sportcraft croquet set. Metal banded, square headed mallets. Buy this and sell for more on ebay! $49 Call Patrick at (250) 559-8026 or email Horse saddle. Leather youth saddle (English) $150 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Horse riding helmets. Troxel riding helmets, 2, mediums, one is suede covered $150 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Horse lead. Horse lead, 20 ft $10 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Horse training whips. Training whips - $5 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email 30 x 40 ft Heavy Duty Poly Tarp. Brand new. Type Heavy Duty - water proof Colour Silver/Black Cut Size 30 x 40 ft Approximate Finished Size 29-1/2 x 39-1/2 ft Mesh 14 x 14 Grommet Material Aluminum Grommet Spacing 2 ft Denier 1,000 Coating (both sides) 50 microns Weight per sq. yd 5.4 oz $150 Email GARMIN 76 CSx GPS. GREAT DEAL, it comes with everything. $500 Call Danny at (250) 626-3336 or email Horse bridles and halters. Selection Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Horse bug mask. Horse bug mask $10 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Horse grazing muzzle. Horse grazing muzzle, Best Friend $30 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email ROTOTILLER FOR SALE. MTD rototiller 5HP Briggs & Stratten Rear Tiller. This rototiller is in very good condition and runs great. $800 Call HAROLD at (250) 626-3305 or email Boat building nails. Selling 3 inch silicone bronze ring nails. 8 boxes each box is 50 pounds. $20 per pound . Prefer to sell by the box. New still in the box. Email Screen deck. 3 by 6 Kolman screen deck mounted in frame New eccentric shaft ,bearings and seals. Comes with stand. Call for more info or to view. $6,500 Call Dave Ellis at (250) 559-4747 or email Horse saddle. Wintec youth saddle WV234157. $150 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email For Sale. Halogen work lights. Used when doing drywall. Works well. $25 Call Tom at (250) 637-1456 or email thkile@
In the Yard & Workshop - cont. Wagon. A Big Little Red Wagon. It’s old and needs some TLC - very old but in great shape - good wheels and solid - rare find. $100 Email bondd06@ Hunting blind.. Hunting blind. Stay out of the weather while hunting. Window zip shut for complete enclosed shelter. All fits in handy backpack. Sturdy steel frame and heavy duty fabric. Comes with new camo tarp. Sets up in 20 seconds $100 Call Mark at (250) 557-9333 or email Mad006@ Fresh egg dispensers. 2015 brown egg layer pullets for sale $15. Ready to lay in SeptemberOctober We’ve done all the work, just give them a good house and a nice nest, add food and water. Then watch the eggs fall out! Call Leslie at (255) 574-348 or email SKS Package Deal. ‘Numbers Matching’ SKS “D” , “Chinese Conversion” Made By XZ (Small Arms Chinese Company)... Comes With: (2x) 5 Round Mags, Blade Bayo, Clean Kit, Sling, Russian Ammo Pouch/Oil Bottle. Bayo Bipod. Bolt on Muzzle Break. Wartak SD Rail. ATI Strike Force Stock with ATI Fore Grip (Stock is Modified to Rock AK Mags and WarTak Rail) Selling “All” in this Great Package Deal...Buyer Pays via EMT Must Provide Proof of PAL. $900 Call Josh at (250) 637-1377 or emailjosh_gagne@ Trailer, boat guide and Chevy hub caps. Husqvarna utility trailer for quad or lawnmower great shape $125 new in box boat guide for trailer fits up to 3x4 inch tubing $ 50. Chev pickup hub caps x 4 ( missing one center piece) $25. Text or call Scott at 778-260-0070 or email hrogy@ Horse saddle, adult. Adult size leather saddle $90 Call Keith at (250) 5574491 or email Vintage Stihl 028. Not making them like they used to! Circa 1975-1980. Original owner, personal use only. New chain, filter etc. Recent Nyeholt inspection. Comes with new file & guide. $275 Call Toni at (250) 626-5472 or email Chain saw. STIHL 034 chain saw for sale 24 inch bar runs well $300 Call Rick at (250) 3278322 or email Stihl 090 saws. In dry storage for past 20 years. Started regularly. Start right up. $1,250 Email Horse saddle rack. Horse saddle rack wall mount $10 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Equipment bag. Sher-Wood equipment bag with rollers $40 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Equipment bag. Canada gear bag $20 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email
On the Road
In part or complete-Cars/Trucks/Vans/Campers/RV’s/ATV’s/Heavy Equipment
Quad. 2000 Polaris Sportsman 500 Not running. $500 Call Ken at (250) 637-1179 or email Corvette. 1988 Corvette $5,000 Call Ken at (250) 637-1179 or email Mushroom Pickers Special. Camper for sale...why sleep in a tent ! $450 Call Ken at (250) 637-1179 or email Dog barrier for vehicle. Metal grate to separate front and back seats or the passenger seats from the back of the vehicle. Expands to fit a wide variety of vehicles (mine was a Honda Fit hatchback.) It's a little rusty...but aren't we all? $45 Call Shane at (250) 559-8807 or email Camper. Palomino Pop-Up Truck Camper in good condition. $3,300 Call Colin Davies at (250) 559-4637 or email
On the Road - cont. Cummins 8.3 1992 Runs great. For sale: 1992 (pre electric) Cummins 8.3 Diesel, inline 6 runs great, no smoke. Motor only. $2,400 Call Merlin at (250) 626-7298 or email Black Flip-up motorcycle Helmet. HJC Flip- up motorcycle helmet for sale. Good condition, never dropped. Minor scuffs, fits Medium-Small $100 Call Sean at (778) 678-8101 or email Motorhome & Appliances. 3 way Fridge (propane/ 12 volt/120 volt) (piezoelectric starter does not work) - price reduced to $250. Combination Washer/Drier $700. 40,000 btu Propane Furnace $500. Stainless Steel Sink $50. Roof Mounted Air Conditioner with Heater $400. Automotive Radio & Stereo Speakers c/w brackets $50. Frame Mounted Propane Tank (full) $75. Toilet, Septic Tank, Drain Hose $150. Grey Water Tank (custom built) $200. Shower Pan & Closet with Plumbing Fixtures $150. Table, Seats, Cabinets, etc (negotiable) 1978 GMC 350 V8 with hydromatic transmission in excellent condition (negotiable) or make me an offer on the whole motorhome Call G.S. Johnson at (250) 557-4475 or email 1995 Yamaha warrior. Kept in garage ..good condition..stop by and make an offer $3,000 Call Sam at (250) 626-3763 or email I BUY ANTLERS ! Antlers wanted. I will buy you old antlers, or will take them off your hands . Call Robin at (778) 714-7756 or email Seeking small motorbike. Wanting to get my license, and need a bike that a 5 foot person can ride. Can be heavier bike, but I’m short. Call Kate at (250) 626-7653 or email Chevy and GMC mini vans. 2000 Chevrolet Astro AWD 1994 GMC Safari $1500 for both. Call Jim at (250) 557-4764 or email Motorcycle gloves. Rocket - men’s medium - $20 ladies gloves sold. $20 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email rka@ 2012 Yamaha PW50. Perfect dirt bike for the little one in your family. No gears, throttle can be governed and this bike hasn’t seen the end of the third tank of fuel. It is in new condition. Includes factory Yamaha training wheels. $1200 Call Spencer at (250) 559-8932 or email Suzuki 1998 GR650 Enduro Motorcycle. 25,000km . Customized for Haida Gwaii with carb set , seat , front fender and front suspension . Brand new tread and brakes on rear . Front metzeler 50% plated and off road ready . $3,000 Call Dan at (778) 260-1150 or email ICON Patrol Motorcycle/ATV Jacket. Icon Patrol Motorcycle Jacket in fair condition. This is a versatile jacket with many pockets and features. Fully waterproof zippers and vents. All season. Can double as ski/snowboard jacket. Equipped with Back, Shoulder and Elbow pads. Provides good protection from rain and wind. Icon is a Portland company, they know bad weather. Great for off road riding, these are sold as a dual sport/adventure touring jacket. Has removable hood and hydration pouch (shown on back of jacket) Comes with bottle of waterproof spray to maintain good performance. $250 Call Sean at (778) 678-8101 or email Motorcycle boots. Powerskin boots, ladies size 39 (med?) $50 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Motorcycle jacket. First Gear ladies jacket, small, light weight, olive green $40 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email Canopy/Box Liner. Blue canopy and box liner for small regular cab truck. Good condition. $500 for both Call Colin Davies at (250) 559-4637 or email 2005 Dutchmen Trailer. 28ft. Good shape, well cared for. Queen size bed, Bunk beds, couch and table folds into beds. Comes with dishes, silver ware, pots and pans. $9,000 Call Roberta Camilli at (867) 536-4642 or email bertcamilli@ Quad & trailer for sale. 2004 Polaris Sportsman 500 with winch, windshield, passenger seat and storage compartment. 2009 Karavan tilt trailer with wind up jack. Call Lou at (250) 557-8548 or email Motorcycle woman’s leather vest. Rudsack woman’s leather vest, black, large. $35 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email 4 new tires R16. 4 new tires 245 / 75 / 16 Americus, Commercial L/T less than 1000 km on them paid $1000 will sell for $750. Call Sheldon at (250) 626-7548 or email 1993 WILDERNESS TRAVEL TRAILER. Well kept good condition approx. 18 ft overall Fridge/freezer runs profane/ electric Water heater Stove sink Toilet/shower Couch turns into bed Must sell....downsizing.. $4,500 Call Rick/Maria at (250) 626-5236 or email HJC Symax 3 Flip up Helmet with shade visor. Silver HJC Flip up helmet with button actuated sun visor. Fits Medium. Has option to upgrade with comm. system. Price reflects the overall condition. Couple scratches from moving. Never dropped or involved in an accident. Bought for $300, price OBO $150. Call Sean at (778) 678-8101 or email Motorcycle gear case. Roadmaster gear case $40 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email
On the Road - cont. Trade my Toyota pickup for good skiff. 98 Toyota Tacoma Xtra Cab 4x4 4 cyl 5 speed Brand new all-terrain tires New filters, plugs, plug-wires 160k MILES (import from California) Zero Rust Sunroof Tape/cd Rhino lined bed Purple Torn upholstery Scratches in paint $7000 For sale or: Want to partial trade for a good 16’ aluminum skiff with good newer motor and trailer. $7,000 Call Colin at (250) 626-7631 or email Motorcycle jacket. StormTech, men’s X-lge jacket $15 Call Keith at (250) 557-4491 or email 20’ 1992 Dutchman trailer for sale. Double axel. Sleeps 2 to 4. Fridge/ freezer nearly new, microwave, propane furnace/hot water heater. Plumbing and electrical work. No leaks. Some bumps and scratches but in full working order. $3,500 Call Etchi Zaleski at (250) 626-3677 or email etchiz@gmail. com
2012 Toyota Yaris 4dr/46,000km/Stk#4046
2010 Dodge Caravan 27,000km/Stk#6055
2013 Chevy Spark Auto/13,000km/Stk#6093
Quad trailer. Single axle trailer. $400 Call Rhea at (250) 557-4777 or email 2004 GMC Sierra SLT. 4x4 package, extended cab, matching canopy, chrome trim package and dual climate control. I bought the truck one year ago and have put new tires and rims on, all new rear brakes, new front driver hub assembly, new upper control arm with ball joint and bushings and have kept up with all routine maintenance. $6,500 Call Jason Camp at (250) 6267315 or email Cars for Sale. 1969 Oldsmobile Delta 88 $4000. 1988 Convertible Corvette $5000. 1991 Chevrolet Caprice $2500. 1988 Jeep Comache $350. Viewing and pics upon request. Call Ken at (250) 637-1179 or email kenuck@ 1988 k5 blazer 8”lift. Black and big. 350 tbi. 4spd standard. 32spline 205tcase new clutch. Toughest trans/tcase combo you can put in 4x4. Dana 60 front diff. 14bolt rear diff. 3:73 gears and detroit locker custom bumpers that carry spare axle shafts. Were1500$ Floors replaced from front to back with a square tubing sub floor. Tire carrier tailgate. Pintle tow hitch. New fuel tank pump and skid plate. Undercoated from front to back Aftermarket everything. Pirate flag headliner Bucket seats. Stereo. York compressor under the hood. 200psi o demand. Dual batteries. Wired for winch. 35x14.5 super swampers with 90percent. I’ve spent over $13,000 on it. It’s just sitting. Too many toys $5700 w/o the compressor. $6200 with. Call Adrian at (778) 833-0048 or email 2006 Yamaha yz125. Good condition Need room in the shed. Must sell $2,500 Call Rick/Maria at (250) 626-5236 or email maria_lyn_emerson@ Bike helmet. Trek Interval bike helmet, s/m $25 Call Keith at (250) 5574491 or email
On the Water 2011 Chevy Impala Auto/53,000km/Stk#6027
No Reasonable Offer Refused!
West End Auto Sales
605 Ocean view Drive, Queen Charlotte
250 559 4641
Or Toll Free 1 877 559 4641 Email: Dealer #9152
In part or complete-Power Boats/Sail Boats
Anchor & Stabilizers. Anchor with chain and braided rope for 30 to 40 foot boat. $200. Aluminum stabilizer wings for 40 to 60 foot boat. $100. Call cliff bell brown at (778) 884-7297 or email Galvanized folding boat anchor. This galvanized steel anchor folds for easy storage on small boats. Weighs 12 pounds. Good for skiff or as a stern anchor. $35 Email Scuba gear for sale. Dacor-AER900 Regulator, cold water. C/W octopus, 2lp hoses, gauge console. Sherwood regulator 1st stage plus lp hose. Sherwood BC, size M. 80 cuft &50 cuft Alum tanks-need hydro Wet suit, never used 1/4 inch size 130-145lbs 2pc Weights 2-6lbs 1pr ankle weights Assorted hoods boots gloves, fins, hoses and accessories. Text Ralph at 250-626-8919 for details or email Boat for Sale. 1991 Camano Troll 31” located at berth 32 Masset marina. $75,000 Call Lyla Mahon at (250) 626-3526 or email
On the Water - cont. Outboard Motor. NEAR NEW 9.9 hp Mercury, short shaft $1,500 Call Dave Ferretti at (250) 557-9334 or email Boat for sale. 12 foot fiber glass boat, radio, paddles, outboard, gas can, ropes and cover. Trailer bought new 4.5 years ago. We have 2 boats so this one rarely gets used. Talk to J.P. or Dana. $1,600 Call Dana and J.P. at (250) 637-1257 or email Nine meter pleasure boat. Nine meter by 3.5 beam cabin boat. Sleeps two couples. - Galley with a steel oil stove, sink with fresh water tank. Etc Sounder GPS, compass marine radio, 110 volt inverter (will run lap top with charts. 60 series Volvo Diesel engine. All in good working order. Asking. $13,000 Call Cliff Bell brown at (778) 884-7297 or email cliffbellbrown@ Inflatable dinghy. 11 foot dinghy with removable hard bottom. Achilles make $500 Call Kate at (250) 626-7653 or email 90 hp Mercury outboard. Low hour saltwater series 90 hp mercury controls and stainless prop $1,400 Call Merlin at (250) 626-7298 or email Marlin/Tuna Antique Rod. Never used $700 Call Sharleen Greenwood at (250) 637-2226 or email 22’ Hewescraft Ocean Pro Boat For Sale. 2008 with a same year 300 HP Honda and 15HP kicker. Alaskan hart top and bulk head. Extended transom. New, 84” bottom. Automatic bilge pump. 85 gallon fuel tank. Trimtabs. Air ride seat. Hydraulic steering with forward and aft drive stations. Washdown station. Downriggers. Dual batteries-4way. Paralleling switch. Garmin, VHF radio and CB. Ignition parts come with it as well as tune up parts, oil and spare propellers. Comes with lines, bumpers and life jackets. Fire extinguisher....a turn key vessel. Comes with 4700 EZ Loader trailer. Replacement cost is $120,000 US. Sell for $60,000 Call Jim Grantham at (206) 890-2682 or email 9.9 Yamaha 4 stroke. Have not used it in 4 years was running fine can be seen running . I have controls for it but the cables are stuck . $800 Call Jason at (250) 559-7793 Hyperlite 147 Charge Wakeboard with Honeycomb Core. In excellent condition and used only a handful of times. Comes with carrying bag. Asking $300 obo. Call Peter Raby at (250) 557-9333 or email Perfectmyst@ 16 foot John boat and motor for sale. Great condition doesn’t leak a drop. Comes with down rigger and 15 horse Merc. Motor runs excellent and pushes the boat along very quickly. Trailer is like new. $4,000 Call Mark at (505) 579-3333 or email River Jet Boat. 16 foot, 40 horsepower Yamaha 4 stroke jet. (72 hours ) EZ trailer loader(no rust). $18,000 Call Diana at (250) 557-4325 or email Booming Tug Bruce II. Serious enquiries please contact email Fiberglass Boat For Sale. 18’ Dynaglass boat for sale. Center Console steering. $1,200 Call Ken at (250) 557-2004 or email Thule Kayak/Canoe Carrier. Very Good Condition. $25 Call Patrick at (250) 559-8026 or email
Kids Zone
From infants to toddlers-Clothing/Toys/Books/Games
Springfree Trampoline - 8 x 10. Excellent condition. We are moving and prefer not having to take this apart. It can be moved assembled with a few bodies and a trailer. You save some money and don’t have to go to Terrace to get one and we save the hassle of taking this apart for the movers! $1,000 Call Spencer at (250) 559-8932 or email
Kids Zone - cont. Swing. Cool kids rope swing with a Ladybug Seat - brand new. Great for a Big Ole Tree $20 Email Two playpens. #1 is an Eddie Bauer barely used playpen, change table and bassinet. $100 OBO. #2 is a playpen basic variety no frills: $40. Call Harmonie at (250) 557-9359 or email 4 Dinosaur Videos! Interesting and educational. Fun for the kids, peace for the parents. $10 Call Patrick at (250) 559-8026 or email
Miscellaneous Wanted Items/Lost/Found/ Wanted Information/Real Estate
Oceanfront Property. Looking to buy oceanfront property in Queen Charlotte or Port Clements. Email Sliding Glass Doors. In any condition as long as glass is in good shape. Will pay Email Looking for a small sectional or sofa & chair. We are looking for a small sectional or a sofa & chair combo(matching). Must be in good condition. Call Deb at (250) 626-5286 or email In need of cheap or free furniture. I’m moving soon and need a couch, chairs, shelving ,dressers and storage. Also small kitchen appliances.. Thanks! Call Kathrine at (250) 557-4753 or email Fridge. Looking for a second hand refrigerator in good working condition. Email j.morris. Bicycle spoke, 11”. Looking for 11” bicycle tire rim spokes. Call Patrick at (250) 559-8026 or email Can also be texted at 778-887-5542. WANTED - Seasoned Firewood. Split hemlock. Delivered to Queen Charlotte. 3 cords 16 inch Call Debbie Pearson at (250) 559-8303 or email Carpenter Needed. We are looking for a carpenter ASAP for a few days to a week of work. Recommendations wanted. Two projects completed now, thank you Roeland and Dave. The final project is a tiling job, any takers? Call Jason or Anne at (250) 557-2451 or email abarnes@ Wanted: House/Animal Sitter Dec 20-Jan12. The house takes care of itself so really we are just looking for someone to love our two dogs and cat while we are away and make sure everything is ok. Dogs: pug and terrier Cat: outdoor kitty House: wood heat, spacious and very clean. If interested please email me rates and we will go from there. Thank you. Email mmpelletier@ Looking for DRY firewood. Cedar (preferably) firewood, NOW, I don’t want to wait until September. If you are interested in delivering now, contact me. Call Stephany at (250) 559-8917 or email Small wood heater. Looking for a small wood heater to warm an approximate 300 sq. ft. room. Call Susan at the Queen Charlotte Medical Clinic. Email Used but loved bikes. I would like to buy a couple of reasonably priced , second hand bikes. As long as they’re not too broke down, I’d be interested. Call Leslie at (250) 557-4348 or email Pressure treated plywood. Wanted: A dozen or so relatively intact sheets of the plywood from the barracks demolition. Will pay a fair price or trade for lumber or firewood or? Thanks Call Colin at (250) 626-7631 or email Extra guests. We are searching for a double or queen mattress as well as two singles/ twins. Do you have anything you are willing to part with. Willing to pay a reasonable price. Call Anne at (250) 557-2451 or email Compact Fridge. Looking for a compact fridge (approximately counter height), preferably with a small freezer compartment. If you have one you’d like to sell, please let me know. Call Jenny at (416) 606-3893 or email
Wanted - cont. WANTED: Hemlock Firewood. 5 cords 20 inch, seasoned. Call Marcie Watkins at (250) 6371340 or email Need a plumber. Hello, I need a plumber for an ongoing problem with a toilet that does not flush properly. Cannot find someone in Masset. Call Louise at (250) 626-3193 or email Tow Hill living. I’d love to have small community on my land in the Tow Hill community. I’m open to various possibilities. For living/ staying there are two cabins available; as well as my place when I’m away, and camping area. -- Living can be short term or long, there’s a garden to be cared for and eaten from, so we’d share that. There are many blessings, more than one person’s work, and human connections are great! If you’re interested, call, and we’ll see how it comes together. Call Judy at (250) 626-5192 or email
Real Estate & Rentals
Residential, Commercial, Lots, For Rent, Rent to Own, Shared Accomodation
14 Acres For Sale-Just North of Port Clements 14 Acres located 10 minutes north of Port Clements on the inlet side of the highway. Year round stream. Road into property with a bridge over the creek. Low taxes. Motivated sellers. Price $75,000 Call 250-557-4445 or email Best Value Beachcabins Secluded oceanfront/rainforest off-grid cabins, furnished and equipped kitchens, private parking. Visit our website at www. Price $90-120 per night Call 250-626-5472 or email Maude Island Retreat MAUDE ISLAND RETREAT Very special 17.5 ac over 2,000 ft frontage on Skidegate Inlet - easy access to the west coast thru Skidegate Narrows. Log lodge accommodates 8 has 3 bdrm, 2 bath, lounge, dining room, patio, fire pit, hot tub, caretaker res. outbuildings and dock. BC’s ultimate private lodge location. GREAT NEW Price $945,000 Call 604-664-7633 or email ***SOLD!*** Huge Potential! Priced to Sell! Private property in scenic Tlell. 10 acres, 6 of them on the river, adjacent to the Tlell River Bridge. Hwy. access. Utilities to the property, great potential for guest house or fishing accommodations. Zoned commercial. Call 250-557-9337 or email South Beach Dunes “SOUTH BEACH DUNES” is offering three beautiful exclusive oceanfront and seven upland acreage estates on the South Beach, on the north end of Haida Gwaii /Queen Charlottes. These are very special properties with exceptional beach and dune environment. South Beach Dunes offers exceptional value with prices for ocean front land well below anywhere else on the west coast of North America. Acreage sizes range from 4.64 acres and prices are from $40,000. If living in this unique environment appeals to you please contact us - there are a very limited number of properties of this caliber available for sale. For more details visit our Website - Call 250 631-3055 or email New Price 16320 Tow Hill Road, Masset MLS#N229942 102 rural acres located east of Masset on Tow Hill Rd. It is a nice, level acreage with a slight rise in elevation on the SE corner from where you can have ocean views over the sand dunes of North Beach & the waters of Hecate Strait. This is the only remaining privately owned substantial acreage in the area. There is a modest older cabin on the property & there is good road access & electrical service. Price $245,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email edhandja@ Duplex Investment/Recreation Opportunity 2 Storey Duplex - Centrally located, 4 bdrm, full bathroom upstairs, half downstairs, electric heat, lino flooring, mostly newly painted. Airport, schools, rec centre all walking distance. Price $100,000 Call 867 332-0104 or email
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. NEW PRICE! 35550A Hwy 16, Tlell MLS# N230190 15 semi-oceanfront acres situated south of the Tlell River with easy access to excellent sand & gravel beaches. The property is mostly level, partially cleared with some nice forested areas, some slight rises & ocean views. 1968sqft custom designed 2storey home with 2bedrooms upstairs & living space down featuring exposed wood ceiling beams, large sandstone fireplace, oak flooring, maple counter tops, kitchen island & walk-in pantry. The home could use some TLC & updating. Outbuildings include: storage building, shed & chicken coop. Drilled well. Septic. Price $220,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email 705 5th QCC - Oceanfront 5 bedroom, 2 bathroom home on 2 large waterfront lots. Central Queen Charlotte with a private yard. 2 car garage and separate boatshed. Full interior reno in 2009. Well insulated with double paned windows, heated by woodstove, Toyo laser heater (very efficient) or electric baseboards. Launch your own small boat at high tide and fish for pinks and coho from the lawn! This property also gets full sun exposure with sunsets over Sleeping Beauty Mountain. Too much too list, a must see! Price $285,000 Call 250-637-1365 or email 2293 Harrison, Masset BC New improvement: 5 & 6 foot cedar good neighbor fence with pwf posts and concrete footings going in now! Fully serviced, level building lot in Masset. Ocean view of Masset Harbour is always changing. West facing and fairly protected from most big winds, this lot gets lots of sun and is protected from the cool northerly winds. 65â&#x20AC;&#x2122; x 120â&#x20AC;&#x2122;. Tons of potential! Price $47,500 Call 250-637-1365 or email Home and Acreage For Sale Newly renovated 3 bedroom home with 75 acres of timbered hillside and walking trails. Property also includes newly renovated art studio with napolean stove as well as an ocean front cedar and wood interior cabin available for daily, weekly and monthly rent. The cabin has a small kitchen, loft, shower and bathroom, and uses a rainwater collection system and composting toilet with hydro. There are many beautiful ocean views on this property and private ocean frontage. Price $525,000 Call 778-260-0279 or email Quality Custom-Built Home Spacious, bright, easy-to-maintain, quality home for single or couple. Architect-designed, solid construction, built with quality craftsmanship. Local wood trims, custom yellow cedar kitchen and dining nook, cedar deck. One bedroom, 1.5 bathrooms, electric heat, HRV, six appliances. In a quiet neighborhood within walking distance of downtown. Half-acre of land, some flat yard for garden or lawn, terraced down to a gulley with trees full of birds. Views overlooking the ocean and the forest. Price $289,000 Call 250-559-4254 or email **SOLD!** 1910 and 1914 Harrison Ave. N243150 Two contiguous oceanfront residential lots in the village of Masset: a community providing shopping, fuel & moorage facilities, an assortment of gift stores & regularly scheduled flights with Pacific Coastal airlines & other regional carriers. Masset Inlet & Naden Harbour are prolific with Dungeness crab & the freshwater systems throughout the island have world class runs of steelhead & cutthroat. Queen Charlotte city, approx. a 1.5 hour drive has regular ferry service to Prince Rupert. Call 888-286-1932 or email QCC: View Home w Bachelor Rental Suite This south facing 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bathroom ocean view property includes 10-foot ceilings, hard wood floors and multi level decks. The main floor includes an open concept living room, kitchen and dining area. Bedrooms and family room are on ground floor with the master bedroom on upper (3rd) floor with private deck. Additional buildings include a single garage with bachelor rental suite, office building, studio and green house. Price $298,000 Call 250-637-1785 or email
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. 7 Bedroom Home For Sale in Sandspit Affordable Family Home. 368 Christina Place, Sandspit, B.C. Located on Haida Gwaii / Queen Charlotte Islands off the west coast of British Columbia. A beautiful family home on a quiet street in Sandspit. Close to school, shopping, airport and endless opportunities for outdoor recreation including renowned world-class fishing, beautiful beaches, sight-seeing tours, hiking, and golfing. This 2500 sqft, 7 bedroom, 3 bath home, on two levels, was once operated as a bed and breakfast. The top floor has a bright kitchen, large living room with fireplace, three bedrooms with a fourth possible bedroom or office, and a large sun room. The lower floor features a separate three bedroom suite that can be rented providing a good source of income. The owner will consider selling the home furnished. The house is situated on a beautiful 0.5 acre lot with a well maintained, landscaped yard featuring numerous flowering shrubs, patio, fish ponds, greenhouse, berry bushes, flower gardens, and is forested in the back for privacy For more details and photos, please see Price $189,000 Call 250 559-2399 or email Great neighborhood REDUCED AGAIN from $159,000 to $145,000. Owner eager to sell!! Every homeowners dream, house and property in great condition. Many updates have been made on this 2/3 bedroom home, in Queen Charlotte. It is located at 911 Third Ave across from new park. New laminate flooring in living room, heat pump, wood stove, gas top stove with convection oven, great appliance when power goes out. Attractively landscaped front lawn with lots of stack wall. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED! Price $145,000 Call 250 637 1456 or email Unique Home For You (Former Church) Listing is for a former church converted to a home. Features vaulted ceiling on the main floor, lots of potential as a studio/gallery, or a church. Front porch provides view of Masset inlet. Has full kitchen and bathroom. 2nd bathroom plumbed in. Footprint is 1486 sqft (per floor), plus a small attic. Concrete foundation. Steel roof. Lots of potential here. Zoned US1, so you can live in it as well as have a part-time business. No reasonable offer refused. Price $135,000 Call 1-778828-9165 or email Partially Furnished House For Sale Not your average house, and when you see it, you will know why. Fenced and landscaped front and back yards. Berry bushes, fruit trees, terraced flower beds, fenced garden area, waterfall, workshop and more. Custom improvements inside house, including hickory kitchen cabinets. New living room addition with sky lights, beautiful wood stove and hardwood floors Price $112,000 Call 250-838-0600 or email Yakoun River Inn This local Pub and gathering spot is situated on the oceanfront in Port Clements on Graham Island in Haida Gwaii. Long established, popular with locals and visitors alike. 3,300 sqft building on a corner location, adjacent to government dock facilities, licensed for 100 patrons. Permitted uses also include lodging and adjacent properties can be available for anyone interested in expanding the business. MLS# N4507475 Price $375,000 Call 1-888-286-1932 or email House and Shop For Sale Buy a profitable convenience store business with a separate house for your own accommodation or rent it out. Live in the 4 bedroom house and operate your business adjacent to the house. House has 1.5 baths, W/D and F/S. Shop includes deep freezes, commercial fridges, shelves and DVD rental service. Both shop and house sit on a land size of 6,000 square feet. For more details about this investment. Price $270,000 Call 250-559-8298 or email House For Rent - Masset 3 storey duplex, Centrally located, 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom, w/d, f/s, mv & dishwasher, newer cupboards & counters, new room 2 yrs ago, includes water, sewer & garbage feeâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s $750/month call 250 626 7768 Price $750 Call or email b
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Unbelievable View! 10959 Tow Hill Rd Oceanfront home on 1.996 acres. Drilled well 2 yrs old, good water, newly installed filter system. Newly painted interior. New laminate and tile flooring. Boiler recently serviced. Your own private beach access. Huge deck. Could not be replaced for asking price. To view call Brian at on his cell 604-557-3597 MLS # N245814 Price $495,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email Ocean Front Acreage for Sale. 11039 Tow Hill Rd Beautiful 1.64 acre ocean front property. This home has been running as a B & B able to accommodate 8 people comfortably. 2400 sq ft, 5 bedrooms, floor to ceiling windows and vaulted ceilings. Large full width deck on the ocean side. Newer furnace, hot water tank and heat pump. Gated paved driveway. Fully landscaped with underground sprinklers. Raised beds and two top quality greenhouses.16x40 detached over height shop MLS# N245643 Price $595,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email Ocean Front Property for Sale. 10987 Tow Hill Rd Great well kept oceanfront building site. Driveway, electricity, and 286 ft well that delivers good water. Very private with big spruce trees, large mowed lawn, walk onto beach from front yard. Priced to sell, a rare find on a paved road 15 minutes from Masset. MLS# N246579 Price $229,000 Call 250-626-5286 or email Custom Home on Acreage 4 acre property w/custom home, guest cottage and shop. Private location 3 km from Masset, within 150m of McIntyre Bay and beach/dune complex overlooking Dixon Entrance. Main house is 1,950 sq ft post and beam style home with split levels, constructed with local wood, cedar siding on concrete foundation. Spacious open concept, wood paneled/dry walled interior, wood and laminates floors, 10ft ceilings, exposed beams, vaulted ceiling. Natural light from 5 skylights. Contact 250626-3436. Price $329,000 Call 916-874-4581 or email pefbuck@comcast. net Laundromat Business Opportunity - Masset, Haida Gwaii Laundromat/ Apartment Complex is situated in Masset on beautiful Graham Island in the heart of Haida Gwaii (formerly known as the Queen Charlotte Islands) rain forest and gorgeous beaches. It is centrally located, close to all amenities - airport, schools, and rec center. Laundromat has 6 washers and 6 dryers. The building includes office and cozy 2 bedroom apartment. Electrically heated, new roof and front picture windows, 1 full and 2 half baths. Price $150,000 Call 867 332-0104 or email Queen Charlotte Views Large, updated 3-bedroom home with premium finishings on Forestry Hill. Open main level, with newer high-end kitchen, wide-plank reclaimed wood and tile flooring, enclosed den and sweeping 180째 view of the inlet. Huge, partially-covered deck. Walkout lower level with 3 bedrooms including master suite, laundry (W/D), tons of storage, and covered porch. Third level: finished loft (perfect for kids and guests!) and unfinished storage. Price $379,900 Call Clint @ 250-637-1487 or Drue at 250-559-8063 or 647-678-8017 or email Income generating Apartment Three storey apartment with three separate apartments. Two bedroom unit, one bedroom unit and bachelor unit. All with separate private entrances. Steady tenancy with all units. Each unit has full bathroom and kitchen. Panoramic views of Bearskin Bay from 2 bedroom and bachelor units. Shared W/D area for all units to use. Contact seller for income specifics. Price $220,000 Call 778-895-2730 or email bshpak@ Oceanfront acreage in Tlell Well maintained four bedroom, three bathroom 2700 sq ft home on six plus acres. Cabin, garage and out buildings. Beautifully landscaped, the property is true oceanfront with the Tlell river at the other end. Price $469,000 Call 1-250-557-4423 or email lgberston@gmail. com
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Renovator’s Special Two storey view home on Forestry Hill. Three bedrooms one bath upstairs. Full bathroom and laundry room. Downstairs has full entertainment room, half bathroom with adjoining cedar sauna and one bedroom. Lap pool with separate stand up shower also downstairs. Separate 40x20 foot shop with power also on property. Total lot size .39 acres. Please contact owner for more specifics. Price $159,000 Call 778-895-2730 or email 18 Acres-REDUCED PRICE! Park and Ocean Property! 18 acres In Port Clements. The west side runs 700 feet along Bayview Drive; the east side borders the Port Clements Community Park. Beautiful greenscape, very private yet close to school, post office, library and grocery store. Minutes away from exceptional hunting, fishing, firewood, and all the wilderness has to offer. Water and sewer available. Sub dividable or leave as is. Potential amazing view of the ocean with spectacular sunsets. Some timber. Price $150,000 Call 250-557-4421 or email 3 Sandspit Properties / Million Dollar View! 2 Br, 1 Bath, 3 Sandspit properties, centrally located, side by side by side, legally separate front row ocean view of Southeast Graham Island. Beautiful sunsets. Forest directly behind. Town water. 0.834 acres total. 1.5 story house to renovate to your taste. Direct flights to Vancouver. Location ideal for vacation home or renting to locals, eco-tourists, fishers and/or hunters. Call for price. 250-6375635. or email Home on 2 acres for sale in Tlell. 156 Andrew’s Place Rd Rare find...2 acre parcel with well kept home. Built in 2003. Great water supply. Cleared 1 acre around home with garden. 5 min walk to public beach access, 5 min walk to the Tlell River &amp; world class salmon fishing. Very secluded. Wraparound deck. Concrete slab in crawl space. Home is very well built with 2x6 exterior walls. MLS N247134. List your property or wanting to buy on Haida Gwaii? Price $199,000 Call toll free: 1-866-303-5286 or Brian’s cell at 604-557-3597 or at home at 250-626-5286 or email River front w/ 3homes for Sale Tow Hill Rd River front property with three homes, separate driveways. Each home is private from each other. Short walk to a beach (ocean) across trail. Large wired work shop and separate car garage on a paved driveway. Great Coho fishing in the river right in your back yard! Large smoke house in the huge back yard. Beautiful property! A must see! MLS N238550 Price $390,000 Call Brian to view, his cell 604557-3597 or home 250-626-5286 or email Private Island For Sale Own your own private island! 3.4 acre island located 7 miles from Port Clements. Boat access only. Fully treed. Nice beach. Good fishing close by. MLS N245583 Price $79,900 Call Brian for your Real Estate needs toll free at 1- 866-303-5286 or on my cell 604-557-3597 or email Reduced sale or rent Spacious classic log home. Panoramic view of the Delkatla Bird Sanctuary, tide changes and Marina. Features include a unique two-storey stone fireplace, cedar stairs with yew railings and burls, master bedroom window bench with storage, modern stainless steel kitchen and three decks. Landscaping includes cherry and lilac trees. Price $220,000 Call 250 6266075 or email Vacant Lot For Sale! Fully serviced 60’x 120’ cleared lot located at 2129 Teal Blvd Masset. This lot is ready to build on. It is located close to the Delkatla Bird Sanctuary in a very quiet area of town. It is already fenced in on 1 side and the back and has a buffer tree line on the other side. Great buy!! Ask $29,900. OBO Owner is open to serious inquires - email: rollie@ or phone 709 243 2488 or cell phone at 709 458 8811. 3 storey 1/2 duplex for sale - centrally located, 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathrooms , w/d, f/s, mv & dishwasher, newer cupboards & counters, new roof 2 yrs ago, $65,000 obo call 250 626 7768
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Newly Renovated Home For Sale! Located at 2135 Teal Blvd, Masset. 5 Beds, 2 Baths, 8 Appliances, Separate Laundry Rm and Family Rm. This furnished house has recent upgrades with Laminate flooring, New Kitchen Cabinets and Counter tops, New Bath fixtures and Tub, along with a fully chain link fenced in back yard, two out sheds and more. Recently reduced price and owner is motivated to sell. Adjacent vacant lot also available for sale, either separate or included with house. A must see. Price $139,900 Owner is open to serious inquires - email: or phone 709 243 2488 or cell phone at 709 458 8811. Seen on HG Trader and is now SOLD! Small House For Sale in Queen Charlotte City Small house over work shop/garage on 1.34 acres on edge of Queen Charlotte. Fully Furnished Duplex For Rent 2 bedroom, 1 and a half bathroom duplex for rent in Masset. No pets. No smoking. References required. $800 per month includes water, sewer and garbage. One year lease. Damage deposit required. Available immediately. Call 250-557-2088 or email 455 Beach Road, Sandspit MLS# C8000624 Established full-service lodging accommodation business in Sandspit. 1.7 acres semi-oceanfront, near airport and harbour, overlooking Shingle Bay. 12,000sqft structure, with 16 two-room suites as well as manager’s accommodation and catering kitchen. Well suited for many business applications : motel, adventure lodge, B&B, or more! Price $749,000 Call 250 286 3293 or email Lots for sale in Masset Two stunning Sanctuary View properties to choose from, with gorgeous summer sunsets. Priced to sell. Price $15,000 each Call (250) 668-2578 or email REDUCED AGAIN, From $189,000 down to $169,000.!Seller Motivated! Oceanview Home in quiet neighborhood. 4 bedroom,2 bathroom open concept home with ocean and mountain views, potential in-law or rental unit option. Call Julie 250-637-1815 to view Check out for more info. Call 250-637-1815 or email happydigshaidagwaii@gmail. com Spacious apartment for rent Queen Charlotte Large 3 bedroom + office or 4 bedroom apartment available in Queen Charlotte. Oceanfront building with beautiful view. Apartment has washer and dryer. No smoking, no pets. $1200/month, includes utilities and satellite TV. Available Sept. 1. Call 250557-4788 or email Business For Sale MISTY ISLANDS U-BREW, a complete Ferment-onPremise Business, operating successfully for 17 years. The store is open 16 hours/week. As owner/operator, hours can be 20-25 hrs/week. It is a fun, lucrative business (and your cellar is never empty). Will train. Can be operated from the present location or moved. Price: $35,000, Plus assessed value of Inventory on day of sale ($10-15,000). Webpage Link: lovehaidagwaii. com - Shops & Services - Food & Beverage - Queen Charlotte - MISTY ISLANDS U-BREW Price $35,000 Call 250-559-8609 or email mistybru@ Inlet View Heritage Home 205 Bay Street, Queen Charlotte. 2 BR, 1 Bath (with 1918 cast iron bathtub). 2.5 storey home built in 1909. Bright, open concept on ground level. Unsurpassed views throughout home. Close to all amenities in beautiful downtown QC. 50’ x 100’ city lot on very good well water. Price $200,000 Call 250 626 7443 or email info@haidagwaiitrader. com Space for Rent Open floor plan living room and kitchen 148 Front St, Skidegate top floor, 2bdr, shared w/d, excellent view, large covered deck. No smoking, No pets. Will consider as living space. Ph calls only - no emails Mike 604.984.2847 Price $800 Call 604.984.2847 or email mike.butcher@
Real Estate & Rentals - cont. Fully Restored House For Sale #7 Dyson Street, Port Clements. Open Concept. Tile and wood. Everything is brand new inside. Very bright! 4 lots already severed and ready to sell. Heritage oak tree on the property. Price $75,000 Call 250557-4277 or email Lawn Hill Beach Frontage Home Beautiful home on 5 acres. Approx. 4 acres beach frontage. Large, bright kitchen with dining room. Lots of cupboard space throughout home. Separate laundry room. Formal dining and living room. Pergo flooring in living room. Carpet in bedrooms. Fantastic view. Forest backdrop. Close to amenities and nature. 2 garages. Attached shop. Electric and wood stove heat. Price $360,000 Call 250 559 4247 or email Oceanview on Two Lots! 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, fully furnished home in Port Clements. Oceanview on two lots at 39 Yakoun Street. Price $169,000 Call 250-954-7824 or email Bachelor/Studio Ground suite with view and patio on Front St, Skidegate. W/D, parking on Front St, queen hide-abed, no smoking or pets. Phone calls only - no emails Mike 604.984.2847 Price $800 Call 604.984.2847 or email mike. Home for Sale in QC Cozy, affordable 900 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home. Corner ocean view lot. Vegetable garden, shop, new deck and new roof. Appliances included Price $110,000 Call 250-559-8766 or email Amazing buy for a Great Home! 3000 sq ft home on large fully landscaped 1 acre lot in Masset. Close to all amenities, beaches, golf course & airport. Great friendly & quiet neighborhood & overlooks the Delkatla Bird Sanctuary. Extremely well maintained & cared for! Bright & airy home. 5 good size bedrooms (2 up, 3 down), 3 full bathrooms (two up, one down), large kitchen w lots of counter space & tons of storage, large living room, laundry/entry. True Brazilian Cherry hardwood floors & Italian tile upstairs, Laminate downstairs. All appliances & window coverings included. New furnace for Hot Water Heat, newer metal roof, lots of windows, great large front deck & covered back entry way. Large two level detached garage, New riding lawn mower included. This home is a must see. Call 250-626-5436 or email qcilands@gmail. com to view. You won’t be disappointed! Call or email now! All reasonable offers considered.
Anything that just needs a new home!
FREE Barbeque. Used. Worked well last time used. No tank. Call Lanny at (250) 559-8065 or email FREE Cat Litter box. Free cat litter box 19” X 15” X 18 high has open hole (no swinging door) Call Dominic at (250) 626-7896 or email FREE Dishwasher. Free dishwasher to good home Call Rick at (250) 327-8322 or email FREE wall oven. Black Kenmore. Looks good , works well But door pops open around 400 and over. No Worries! You can still make pizza, just cook a bit lower and a bit longer. Requires a 25” wide by 28” high cut out. 220 direct wiring . Call Leslie at (250) 557-4348 or email FREE Double Box Spring & Mattress Set. We have an older box spring mattress in decent shape that would be perfect for a cabin or guest house. Someone is home most evenings. Sorry no pic. Call Kelly Whitney-Squire at (250) 557-4665 or email
Employment & Training
Help Wanted/Work Wanted/Businesses for Sale/Business Opportunities/Education Opportunities/Training Programs or Seminars
Care of Artifacts Workshop October 14 & 15, 2015. This workshop looks at the preservation of material culture for staff or volunteers with little to no experience in the care of collections. It is designed as an introduction to the care of collections for staff working in Aboriginal cultural centres, although others are welcome. The workshop covers how various types of materials deteriorate, how best to minimize this deterioration, how to identify problems of storage and display of various kinds of artifacts, and how to make informed choices relating to the long-term preservation of collections. A mixture of hands–on sessions, lectures, and discussion will be used. For more details, click on the Download File link. Cost: $100 (incl. refreshments & lunch) Registration Deadline: Aug. 31st. Call Scott Marsden at (250) 559-4643 or email Northwest Community College. Northwest Community College has 3 locations on Haida Gwaii to serve you. Over the summer, our Masset Campus will be closed until August 24. In the meantime, you can contact Ruth Wheadon via email at or 250 626-7738 or 250 559-8222. Ruth will be away July 23 - August 9. For assistance during this time, please call 1 877-277-2288. Email Part Time Bartender Position Available. Serve it Right required. Work in a fun atmosphere with a spectacular ocean view! Email or fax resume. Fax number is 250-557-4563 Call Anne Decock at (250) 557-4440 or email
Community Service Listings Not For Profit Groups/Organizations/Societies
.22 / Centre Fire Shoot. Come out and join us for our next event, the .22 / Centre Fire Shoot on Sunday, Sept. 20th from 2-4! The Port Clements Rod and Gun Club is a community based club supporting local hunting and fishing interests. Members and guests welcome! Located on Juskatla Road ( 5 km Southwest of PC). Call Ron at (250) 557-4255 or email info@ Haida Gwaii Museum Memberships. The Haida Gwaii Museum plays an important role in making arts and heritage more accessible and raising awareness of heritage and history on Haida Gwaii. Through our collections, the museum acquires, preserves and presents objects, archeological artifacts, art works and settler material culture all connected to the human and natural history of Haida Gwaii. The Museum also presents exhibition and public programming including; tours, artist’s talks and workshops, artist residency programs, and demonstrations. Community support is critical in helping maintain the quality programming for which our museum is nationally recognized. By supporting the museum you can help build our collections, encourage and present Haida and All-Island artists, and offer made-in-Haida Gwaii public programming. Memberships to the Museum are available through the gift shop. Membership allows unlimited access to the museum for one year, 10% discount on regularly priced items in the gift shop, notification of special events and exhibits featured at the Museum. Regular Annual Membership - $30, Senior Annual Membership (65+) - $10, Students -$10, Family Annual Membership - $40, Lifetime Membership - $250. Haida members are exempt from membership. Call Scott Marsden at (250) 559-4643 or email HG Rec Weight Rooms. In order to utilize the Port Clements or Queen Charlotte weight rooms you must first take an orientation through HG Rec. Our orientations normally run once a month at QCSS and by demand in Port Clements, and are free of charge. *Port Clements weight room/35 Cedar Ave. West-southwest, ground level side of the fire hall building/ Hours of operation: 5am-11pm, 7 days per week. Next orientation TBA. *Queen Charlotte weight room/west side of QC Secondary School/107 3rd Ave. Queen Charlotte. Hours of operation: weekdays from 6-8am and 5-10pm and weekends & stat holidays 6am-10pm. Next orientation is TBA. *Sandspit weight room/406 Copper Bay/ALM school. Hours of operation are: Mon/Tues: 5 – 8am & 5-11pm. Wed: 5- 8am & 8-11pm. Thurs: 5– 8am & 5–11pm. Next orientation TBA. Call HG Recreation at (250) 626-5652 or toll free at 1-888-557-4418 or email Call HG Recreation at (250) 626-5652 or email Port Clements Museum. OPEN every day 10 AM to 4 PM including ALL HOLIDAYS! $3 admission adults, seniors & teens, members & children free. Come see our “War & Spruce” exhibit, White Raven & learn about the Golden Spruce. Browse the photo albums, admire the gigantic machines, be amazed by how it was. 45 Bayview Drive, Port Clements. Call Brigid Cumming at (250) 557-4576 or email
Community Service Listings - cont. In Loving Memory. April Noelle Day November 25th, 1983 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; June 30th, 2015 April passed away surrounded by her family and friends after a courageous battle with cancer. She was the beloved wife of Brian Mars, daughter of Edward Oliver Day and Alice Elizabeth Kruta. April leaves behind her husband, Brian and their son Ryder, her brothers Anthony (Angilina) and Russel (Eryn), her cherished nephew and niece Ryan and Keira, along with several aunts, uncles, cousins and countless friends whose lives she filled with joy. April was an incredible person with a kind heart and a strong spirit. She loved spending time with her husband and son, reading, swimming and hanging out lakeside in the Okanagan. QC Visitor Centre-Summer Hours. Our summer hours are 9 AM to 8 PM Monday through Saturday and 12 to 8 on Sundays. Stop by for up to date visitor information, weather reports, tides, last minute excursions and local event updates Email Radiation Testing Update. This office continues to monitor for any radiation contamination in our environment. To date we have recorded no readings that cause any kind of concern as we continue to take readings of the air every 10 seconds 24/7. Today I tested rainwater, ocean water, seaweed (kelp and broadleaf), razor clams and salmon and all readings are completely normal. We continue to show readings for normal background radiation at about one third the global average. I am always willing to test any items that people are concerned about and so please donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t hesitate to bring me samples of anything. If you have any questions give me a call or email. Call John Disney at (250) 626-3337 or email Moresby Island Travel Fund. The Moresby Island Travel Fund was created by Haida Gwaii Recreation to increase access to recreation opportunities and programs for Moresby Island residents. To access this fund, please submit your BC Ferries receipts to: Haida Gwaii Recreation, PO Box 187, Masset V0T 1M0. This fund can be used to reduce travel barriers for the following: *Haida Gwaii all-island sports (soccer, basketball) * All-island events * Recreation programs on Graham Island For more information call toll free 1-888-557-4418. Call HG Recreation at (250) 626-5652 or email qcirec@ Queen Charlotte Community Hall Rentals. The Queen Charlotte Community Hall located on Bay Street, has the EA Ross room (meeting room that seats up to 70 people), mail hall, stage and kitchen-all available for rent. Also available for rent are: * wooden tables ($5 each per day) * wooden chairs ($1 each per day) * a complete place setting for 225 people * water goblets & wine glasses * cups & cutlery * white & black linen tablecloths, etc. The kitchen is also available to rent on a daily basis for prepping for larger events. For more information call Reine Pineault at (250) 559-4792 or email
Ride & Ship Share
Request a Ride/Offer a Ride/Request a Shipment/Offer a Shipment
Terrace. Anybody going to Terrace and back in the next while, I need to exchange an electric motor-m its all set up- just need a ride for it. this would be a great help, many thanks Call Merewyn Nicol at (250) 557-2434 or email
At Your Service
Business Services/Business Products
Two for One tour into Gwaii Haanas. Special for Locals - Four-day tour into Gwaii Haanas aboard the charter ketch Piraeus. Trip is August 17 - 20. All inclusive, two travel for the price of one. Call Haida Gwaii Charters/Sail Piraeus Adventures at (250) 360-6184 or email sailpiraeus@
At Your Service - cont. Sewing service. For all your sewing needs located in Port Clements. At The Golden Spruce Motel. Just email and I will phone you so no long distance fees to you. Call Diana Kidd at (250) 626-7059 or email Bark Mulch For Sale!. For sale: 1” minus fir bark mulch/ lovely red/brown color/helps suppress weeds..and it looks awesome! Use it 3” thick on weed free soil around trees, shrubs, perennials and annual plantings. Keep 1” away from trunks or stems. 1-4 cubic yard order: $75 per yard 5-9: $71.25 10-19: $67.50 20 plus: $63.75 Plus taxes/delivery fee extra. We will be scheduling a pick up day soon. Do call and let me know if you are interested. Call Shellene at (250) 557-2088 or email WRITING AND PROOFREADING. 25+ years of experience writing letters and preparing documents in government, at churches and for law firms - no job too small - from a one page resume to a 600 page manuscript - research projects - fact-checking - proofreading papers - writing family histories - drafting correspondence - very reasonable rates. “His work is in all respects excellent. Darren is an intelligent person who approaches his work with common sense and initiative. He is extremely diligent and efficient in everything he does and he produces a top quality product. He obviously takes great pride in what he does.” Email Save 30%!. Haida Gwaii Trader monthly magazine annual subscriptions are now available! They can now be delivered right to your post box will save 30% off the retail price! Just call (250-557-2088) or email us ( with your full name, mailing address, email and phone number and we will mail or email you an invoice. For 12 issues, it is only $22 plus GST! Thank you all for your awesome patronage! Professional Window & Gutter Cleaning. Do you have a beautiful view obscured by salt spray, bird droppings, soot, algae and pollen? Call the Squeegee Girl to help bring some light in your life. Professionally trained with top of the line equipment for great results. We do windows inside and out, clean screens, skylights, and gutters. Call today for a quote. Call Jessica Scaife (The Squeegee Girl) at (778) 260-0258 or email
HG Trader Community Calendar Aug 15 to Sept. 15/15 Do you have an event you want to advertise?
Go to and post your event free of charge!
Old Massett/Masset Masset Farmers Market Fridays/ 2-6pm / Across from the
Tlell Tlell Farmers' Market Sundays / 11am-2pm / Between the Tlell Firehall and the Soccer Field / 36542 Hwy 16 Get up close
Credit Union / Main Street The Masset Farmers’ Market was born in 2013 to boost the local economy and quality of living. “Make it, bake it, grow it” is the market’s philosophy, and items available for purchase have included fresh produce, home-baked cinnamon buns, hand-made soaps and salves, jellies and jams, hand-knitted hats and scarves, as well as Haida art. For more information contact Islandwise Essentials at 250.626.3768, email us at or check us out on the Love Haida Gwaii website!
Taoist Tai Chi Wednesdays/12-1pm/Masset Legion/2082 Collison Taoist Tai Chi™ internal arts are specifically aimed at cultivating health and vitality and were developed by Master Moy Lin-shin, a Taoist monk. Everyone welcome! For more info. call 250-559-8458 or
and personal with the local farmers who grow and produce the fresh, healthy food right here on Haida Gwaii. Located mid-Graham Island, next to the Tlell Fire Hall. Watch for the ‘carrot’ arrow sign! The Tlell Farmers’ Market is an initiative of the Graham Island East Coast Farmers’ Institute. For more information contact Elizabeth Condrotte at 250-557-4323 or check out our page on the Love Haida Gwaii website!
Taoist Tai Chi Tuesdays 7-9pm and Thursdays 78:30pm/Tlell Firehall-Meeting room / 36542 Highway 16 Everyone welcome! Open practice. For more information call 250-559-8458 or or
Ravens Roost Open Mike Night
Sunday, Aug. 30th (every last Sunday of the month) 6-11pm Ravens Roost @ the Crow's Nest
The Art of Tom Arnatt The month of August / 1-5pm / Dixon Entrance Maritime Museum / 2172 Harrison Ave. A selection of art by Tom Arnatt will be exhibited at the Dixon Entrance Maritime Museum in Masset for the the month of August. For more information contact Fran Redick at 250-626-3617 or
Port Clements
Our monthly open mike is open to everyone. We encourage musicians, songwriters, artists, comedians, poets, and troubadours to attend. Designated drivers' beverages are on the house. Please don't drink and drive. For more information contact Andre at 250.557.2010 or or check us out on Facebook.
Regular Council Meeting Mondays: Aug. 17th and Sept. 7th / 7-9pm / Council Chambers @ PC Multiplex Everyone is welcome to attend a Regular
Council Meeting and see what is happening in our community. For more information contact Kim Mushynsky at 250-557-4295 or or
Volunteer Fire Department Wednesdays 7:30pm9pm / Port Clements Fire Hall / 35 Cedar Ave. West Weekly training meetings. New members are welcome! Come out and join our firefighting team! For more information contact Craig Beachy at 250-557-4421 or
On display at the Haida Gwaii Museum: "subduction" by Vernal Bogren-Swift Unitl Sept 6 / Haida Gwaii Museum at Ḵay Llnagaay Opening Reception, everyone welcome, refreshments service,
Friday, June 19th from 7-9pm. Explore life, place and time - altered by the shifting of tectonic plates - through the extraordinary, liminal works of Vernal Bogren Swift. For more information contact Nika Collison at 250.559.4643 or or
Guided Beach Walk Monday, August 31st from 9-10:30am and st
Tuesday, September 1 from 11am-12:30pm/2 Beach, in front of the Haida Heritage Centre/ Skidegate The tides falling! Join a Gwaii Haanas Interpreter and explore the amazing marine world at low tide. Walk lasts approximately 1.5 hours, gumboots or other waterproof footwear recommended. For more information call the Gwaii Haanas Administration at (250)559-8818 or email or check out our website at
HG Trader Community Calendar-Cont.
Sandspit-Cont. Moresby Market Sundays 11am-
Queen Charlotte Queen Charlotte Farmers' Market Saturdays / 11am-2pm / North side of the QC Community Hall / 134 Bay St. Come out on Saturday and check out Haida Gwaii's largest farmers' market! You will find organic vegetables, turkeys, chickens, beef, pork, scallops, pawns, oysters, eggs, bedding plants, Mexican Food, Home Cooked soups, baking, bread, preserves, goat cheese, soaps, crafts, jewelry and wood working items and much more! The Queen Charlotte Farmers’ Market is a vibrant, dynamic place to be both for vendors and for guests. Please note: there will be no market on June 20th (Hospital Day). For more information contact Kay Pringle at 250-559-9093 or email: or check out our page on the Love Haida Gwaii website!
Ukulele Jam Wednesdays / 5:30-7:30pm / Seniors' Room / QC Community Hall All levels welcome. Informal instruction provided; no experience necessary; extra ukuleles available. Small donation towards photocopying appreciated. Bring your favorite song and let's uke! Please note:. There will be no jams on Wednesday Dec.23rd or 30th. For more information contact Michelle at 250559-8586 or
Tai Chi Mon 12-1, Wed 7-9pm and Sat 9-11am/ QC Community Hall/134 Bay St. Taoist Tai Chi™ internal arts are
1pm / ALM Elementary School (Field or Gym)/ 406 Copper Bay Rd. Moresby Market is open every Sunday, except long weekends. Fresh. Healthy. Homey. While you get to know your fellow market-goers, you can pick out seasonal veggies grown by island farmers, indulge in a delicious home-baked treat (like Alvida’s “famous buns”), pick up some hand-crafted natural soap or other hand-made gifts, and learn more about local artisans. Do you “make it,” “bake it” or “grow it?” If so, you can join us as a vendor. Tables are free! For more information contact Amber Faktor at 250-637-5461 or check out our page on the Love Haida Gwaii website!
Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival th
September 19 -20 /Sandspit Visitor Centre and Sandspit Inn/Sandspit The event is all about Haida Gwaii’s wild edibles. All we can pick, hunt, fish, harvest, and that lives and grows naturally on our islands. Mushroom picking, walks with expert foragers, food preservation workshops, local art, products, books, etc. Photo by Flavien Mabit Guest chef for Saturday night, 4 course dinner to sample all things wild! For more information email ___________________________________ ________________________
specifically aimed at cultivating health and vitality and were developed by Master Moy Lin-shin, a Taoist monk. Everyone welcome! For more info. call 250-559-8458 or
HG Trader’s Community Calendar
Taoist Tai Chi Mondays and Thursdays/7-8pm/Sandspit Airport 1 Airport Road Taoist Tai Chi™ internal arts are specifically aimed at cultivating health and vitality and were developed by Master Moy Lin-shin, a Taoist monk. Everyone welcome! For more info. call 250-637-5463 or
Summer Camp – Skidegate Aug 17-21 9am-4pm / Sk’aadgaa Naay Elementary School / 500 Skidegate Heights Cooperative games, activities, arts, crafts & more for kids aged 5-11. Bring: healthy lunch, snacks, weather-appropriate, comfy clothes & shoes. Drop-in $18/day. Please note: extenuating circumstances may result in unexpected program cancellations. For more information contact Haida Gwaii Rec Commission at 1-888-557-4418 or 256626-5652 or or
Post your event any time, any day. It’s easy fun and free!
Artistic Explorers Camp Sun, Aug 23-30 / Mount Moresby Adventure Camp / Mosquito Lake Kids Camp for youth between 9&12 years of age. Come learn drama, art, dance, voice, and work together to create a performance that you will present to family and friends on stage! Since MMAC is such a great facility, this camp wouldn't be complete without fishing, canoeing, kayaking, hiking, swimming, tree-climbing and intertidal exploration. For more information contact Etchi Zaleski at 250-626-3677 or
Teach What You Love! HG Rec. is growing with you!
We have opened our doors to help support you and your community event or program. The question is not what can we do, but what do YOU want?
How do you see us helping you assist your program? From insurance to advertising, letters of support, or providing you with an affordable space and handling registration. We are open to ideas and are available four days a week to make a plan and make it work. Some costs may apply depending on your group or type of assistance.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Employment Posting ASSAI Coordinator The HG Recreation and the HG School District have partnered to hire an After School Sports and Arts (ASSAI) Coordinator to develop, implement and evaluate after school sports and arts activities for youth aged 5 to 18. This a contract position of thirty (30) hours per week effective September 07, 2015 to June 30, 2016. The ASSAI Coordinator is responsible for administering and delivering programs in the communities of Masset, Old Massett, Port Clements, Queen Charlotte, Skidegate and Sandspit building on previous years of ASSAI programming consulting with youth and organizations that represent youth, to determine their needs and develop programs accordingly If you are interested in assuming this role, are a community-minded leader who enjoys working with youth and is seeking a new challenge, please submit a comprehensive resume and supporting documents, along with three (3) professional references to: HG Regional Recreation Commission PO Box 187 Masset, BC V0T 1M0 Fax: 250-626-5653; Email: Closing Date for Application: Aug. 28th
Youth Sponsorship We have at least one spot (and sometimes more) in every HG Rec. Program that we can partially or fully fund. Give us a call and tell us the program your child is interested in and we will help you ease your way into your desired program.
Volunteer with HGREC
The Haida Gwaii Recreation Commission is a non-profit society operated by a volunteer board of directors. Our mandate is to provide recreational opportunities to all communities on Haida Gwaii. Help us serve the island communityvolunteer at an event or as a board member!
Community Drop In Program Volunteers The Community Drop In Program Volunteers are the catalysts for evening recreational activities in our communities. They are always on site at the booked venue to ensure that the programs are run smoothly, collect the twoonie fees for the programs and hold valid first aid certificates. If you would like to volunteer to be a coordinator for a sport in your community, call or email us today!
Please note: Extenuating circumstances may result in unexpected program cancellations
Box 187, Masset, BC V0T 1M0 Phone: 250-626-5652/1-888-557-4418 Email:
Haida Gwaii Rec
SEPTEMBER 19-20 2015 “Celebrating the bounty of our islands” The event is all about Haida Gwaii’s wild edibles: All we can pick, hunt, fish, harvest and that lives and grows naturally on our islands… Guest chef for Saturday night: a 4 course dinner to sample all things wild! Mushroom picking and mushroom ID Evening talk on edible lichens by local Biologist Stu Crawford Walks in local forests with experts in foraging Seaweed ID and talks with Dolly Garza Food preservation workshops: canning, drying etc. Local art and products, books etc. Multiple workshops to choose from by local experts… This is also the first week end of the annual Coho Derby at Copper Bay The newest event on Haida Gwaii is on Moresby Island!
Events are based at the Sandspit Visitor Centre, located in the airport terminal, and at the Sandspit Inn, just across the terminal.
Enquiries and prebookings for the Festival:
Visit the Sandspit Wild Harvest Festival’s Facebook Page 35