Virtual- Week3

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Design (week 3) Defining my own personal space

Emotional Level The sense of privacy or not wanting to be looked at also defines my type of personal space. There are times where I would want to have some time alone rather than being surrounded or having the presence of another person. My mood also determines how my personal space would be like. For instance, if I am sad or angry,I would like to be further away or rather not be seen by anyone. If I am in a more better mood, I would want to mix around with the crowd.

Physical Level From my perspective of personal space,, there are tines where I feel that there is a certain distance that I am conforatable with others. However the distance changes vary on the type of person.

Haidee Lim (617093)

Sketch Design

Haidee Lim (617093)

Haidee Lim (617093)

Reading In the reading by Pottman, Asperl and Kilian (2007), features a variety of ways paper can be used to make different types of geometric shapes such as a cylinder, pyramid and objects that takes in an organic form. Furtheremore, the reading explains how in order to create those shapes a template is needed. In order to succeed making those shapes using a template, the measurements are crucial inorder for the paper to create the right shapes for it. The reading on Paneling tools for rhino wwas really helpful as it helps me to understand ways on how to create templates for future use in this project.


For week 3, I have used my own way on defining personal soace for the design. I tried to used some of my sketch designs from the previous weeks to help to generate some of it. Furthermore, I have also learned how to use paneling tools from the reading, tech sessions and tutorials which I find it really useful for creating the models and prototypes for the future design.

Haidee Lim (617093)

Body Text Century Gothic 10 pt

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