Week 9
E-learning 
Use a slope Drip Flashing
Detailing moisture and heat
Flashing Slope
Force Window
Neutralise Box gutter
Rain screen Capillary breaks
3 conditions for water penetrate into the house/building: -
Capillary breaks
Openings Force- moves the water into the building -
To prevent this from happening Remove openings -
The most simplest way Remove gaps that exist between windows and walls, crack Poor workmanship
Keep opening or holes away
Controlling heat and radiation
Can be done with a thermal insulation wrap which helps to stop heat transfer An example is sarking
This week’s tutorial, we were required to draw a three dimensional diagram of the section that we were assigned during the previous week. However, the scale does not need to be at the actual scale.
Polyethylene -
Also acts as a moisture proof barrier
Double triple glazing can be use but: -
Not a good insulator Only a few coats of paint
Thermal mass helps to control the heat entering the building A few examples are: -
Masonry Concrete Blinds
These materials and structure absorbs heat
To start off the drawing, the materials that are used are: Tracing paper Eraser Pencil Ruler
To draw the diagram, the cross section of the plan is drawn. Then vertical lines are drawn to create the 3D effect. With the understanding of the structure, details are added to the drawing to show a clearer picture of the diagram. 3D drawing of the roof and gutter
3D drawing of the glass block window