process book hailey tuttle
catalyst : zine
ideas & concepts
To start off, I went online to find out some more information abot my artist, Yulia Brodskaya and made a list to help me lay out the info.
Once I had all the information I need to fill the booklet with let, I began sketching out all different types of layout possibilities for my booklet. It started to feel like I was sketching the same thing over and over again, until I finally came up with a layout plan that I was happy with.
pinterest boards
I made a Pinterest board for this project, because when I finally got my layout figured out, I needed some sort of idea about how to go about getting started, and coming up with a color pallete. I found some interesting concepts that I may try in the future.
final product
Overall, I am very pleased with how this project turned out. I feel like I have learned alot about type setting, and I am in a comfortable place with using typography in design situations.