A time to celebrate, advocate, and recalibrate What’s on the horizon for the Chamber in March 2022
s we enter March 2022, things are changing for the Halifax Chamber and for our members. The relaxation of restrictions after two long years of COVID-19 will usher in a spring that is very different than recent memory. I know businesses, our members, and all Nova Scotians are apprehensive with these changes but we are, on the whole, vaccinated, and there are therapeutics to aid in treatment as we begin to move forward. There are no perfect paths as this pandemic ends, but I take comfort in the care and concern that businesses, their owners and government are showing as we move forward. The Halifax Chamber will move forward thoughtfully and carefully, and I am pleased to share some updates and highlights with you for March 2022 at the Chamber. We are celebrating women in business, sharing our provincial and municipal Pre-Budget Submissions, and preparing for the relaxing of COVID-19 restrictions in the province.
International Women’s Day On March 8, communities across the world celebrate International Women’s Day. In Halifax, this year’s theme is “Disrupt and Celebrate: The future of gender equality for women, girls and gender diverse people in the Halifax region.” 4
The theme is about celebrating the incredible work of women and advocates in our community, while leaving room for conversations that disrupt — conversations that dig into the barriers that inequality fosters in our community. Starting a business in Halifax is tough work. Even tougher in a pandemic. Even tougher for women — especially for women of colour, women with disabilities, and women of other marginalized groups. The Chamber is dedicated to helping businesses open and stay open. We want to see local business owners thrive and find success. Part of that means supporting and promoting the efforts of female entrepreneurs here in Halifax, and so we are thrilled to be featuring them in this month’s issue of Business Voice.
Pre-Budget Submissions Our Pre-Budget Submissions to both the Province and the Municipality serve as another avenue of advocacy at the Chamber. In these documents, we provide our recommendations to the province and municipality as they head into budget season. This year, we have highlighted several key areas for focus: fiscal sustainability, affordable housing, reduced barriers for our workforce, support for our most affected sectors, red tape reduction, and continued collaboration through the Nova Scotia Business and Labour Economic Coalition. The Chamber would like to commend our public servants on the work they have done during COVID-19. There is, though, still much to be done to ensure our business community can grow and flourish. Special thanks to our policy team for working diligently on these submissions. And a huge thank you to our membership for coming to us to voice your concerns, your priorities, and your successes. Thank you for helping us to ensure all Nova Scotians are valued and heard.
MARCH 2022
@prezhfxchamber Provincial Re-Opening Like many other places in the world, Nova Scotia is opening up again. On Wednesday, February 23, the province announced that COVID-19 restrictions would end on March 21. Our members have expressed a variety of emotions after hearing this news: some are thrilled, and some are concerned. Many have expressed a sense of cautious optimism. Moving ahead, with caution, describes our feeling at the Chamber. With improvements in vaccinations and testing, we are undoubtedly in a better place than we were last year. We will continue to operate in a way that serves our business community safely and effectively, based on advice from the experts. As always, we follow the recommendations of our Public Health officials. They believe that the pandemic may be over, but they acknowledge the endemic is ongoing. COVID-19 created a public health crisis, but it also created an economic crisis. We are happy that businesses will be able to operate normally again. We are dedicated to rebuilding our economy and rejuvenating our business community. At the end of the day, one thing remains the same. In times of lockdown, re-opening, and everything in between: we’re in your corner. ■