Chief Executive Officer
his is our last issue of Life & Love for 2021 and as we all look forward to the Christmas break, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a safe and happy festive season with your family and loved ones.
It is a special time of year that I believe is all about family and faith, and taking some time to reflect back on the year that was. This year, we have continued to face the vagaries of COVID-19, and it has been without a doubt another challenging year in the aged care sector. I am incredibly proud of our people at Hall & Prior and the way they have worked together to continue to keep our residents in WA and NSW safe. They have also worked hard to keep our residents’ families and loved ones informed and up-todate about the ever-evolving virus situation.
who have not been able to visit loved ones. I sincerely hope that 2022 is a much brighter year for us all. Thank you again for your unwavering support as we work hard to keep your loved ones safe and well, our number one priority at Hall & Prior. From my family to yours I wish you all a wonderful Christmas, filled with peace, hope and joy and a safe and happy new year ahead. Yours truly,
GRAEME PRIOR Chief Executive Officer
I would like to take a moment to say thank you to all of our residents’ families and loved ones for their ongoing support of our homes and their patience and understanding as we have faced various COVID-19 visitor restrictions, especially in NSW. I understand it has been incredibly hard for many people