Villa Dalmacia Quarterly Newsletter Issue 2

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Quarterly Newsletter

at Villa Dalmacia Day Centre

Our attendees have enjoyed a variety of engaging activities, including ‘Dress Like a Pirate’ Day, Italian Day and Croatian Day celebrations, and our special fortnightly visits from a pre-kindy group for a day of intergenerational fun and connection

We also had the pleasure of taking the group on an outing to the Rose Valley Cheese Factory in Oakford, followed by a delicious lunch at the North Lake Chinese BBQ Restaurant

In exciting news, we’re delighted to introduce our new Day Centre Coordinator, Amanda Christensen Mandy has quickly embraced her new role and is eager to enhance the centre’s offerings

you'll find highlighted in the following pages

We hope you enjoy reading this edition of our newsletter


In this newsletter you will find:

Upcoming Activities

Event Details

Attendee Spotlight


Staff Profile Highlights

Treasa Lonergan General Manager

Recent happenings at Villa Dalm

Our recent activity schedule has been bustling with a variety of popular events that we’re excited to make regular features The childcare visits have been such a success, we are thrilled to hold these sessions on a regular fortnightly basis It’s been heartwarming to see beautiful friendships develop between the children and our attendees, with everyone enjoying ball games, colouring, and shared meals together

Father’s Day was celebrated at the Villa with a big barbeque cook up and the introduction of raised garden beds

Chinese Restaurant Outing

Come and join us as we head to the North Lake Chinese BBQ Restaurant for a delicious lunch Cost is $25 per person

Please let us know if you would like to attend.

A recent outing to the Rose Valley Cheese Farm was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended, where a variety of cheese were able to be sampled After their visit, they enjoyed a delicious lunch and glass of vino at a local Chinese restaurant

We were also delighted to celebrate several of our attendees' birthdays, complete with a special birthday cake for everyone!

Live Up Presentation

Local non-for-profit group ‘Live Up’ will be visiting the Villa Dalmacia Day Centre on 26th September to chat with attendees about ageing well and staying independent through healthy ageing

Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity to learn tips on staying active and well

Upcoming activities and events

Exciting times are ahead at the Villa with a variety of engaging activities lined up! We have two trips planned to the popular Chinese BBQ restaurant, a favourite among many For craft enthusiasts, we’ll be offering spring flower crafting and dream catcher making sessions On Septembe 26th, ageing experts from Live Up will be joining us, and on October 1st, we’ll celebrate International Coffee Day with a special treat delicious tiramisu Catch the renowned singe Vanessa Raspa at the Villa on October 15th as she performs all of our favourite Italian songs

Villa celebrates Fathers Day

To help celebrate Father’s Day, a special barbeque was held on site at lunchtime. Antipasto was shared beforehand, and the afternoon was topped off with some celebratory cupcakes for everyone

Raised garden beds were also installed, freshly planted full of herbs to use in our kitchen for lunches, as well as to keep our father attendees busy in the garden!

For your diary!


18thSeptember:ChineseBBQ restaurantouting




7thOctober:ChineseBBQrestaurant outing

15thOctober:ItaliansingerVanessa Raspaperforms

30-31stOctober:Halloweeneventwith themedmenu


Staff Profile Highlight: Amanda Christensen

We are delighted to welcome our new Day Centre Coordin to the team at Villa Dalmacia Amanda (also known as Man started in her new role last month and with her caring nat and enthusiasm, is a perfect fit to our team.

Mandy began her career with White Oak 6 years ago as a Support Worker after discovering her passion for helping t elderly stay in their homes for as long as possible She has stepped into the role of Day Centre Coordinator at Villa Dalmacia, and we are thrilled to have her join our team

As a mother of four boys, Mandy and her husband cherish time with their children and four grandchildren In her spa moments, she enjoys tending to her vegetable garden and caring for her four dogs, two cats, and 36 chickens! With a deep commitment to assisting others, Mandy is eager to jo the Villa team and ensure our clients get the most out of t day visits.

Welcome to the team, Mandy!

International ‘Be an Angel’ Day

Villa Dalmacia Day Centre recently celebrated International 'Be an Angel' Day, where our attendees created a beautiful vase filled with uplifting messages for future activities

Our wonderful Priest, Father Giancarlo, led a mass and having recently returned from a trip to France, gifted all attendees with a beautiful charm of Our Lady of Lourdes.

After the service, Father Giancarlo stayed to enjoy lunch and join in a fun game of bingo with everyone

Attendee Spotlight

Nick looks forward to his regular visits to Villa Dalmacia, where he reconnects with friends he met a the day centre Originally from Vasto, Italy, Nick moved to Australia and channelled his passion in

horticulture, alon build a new life here A proud father and grandfather, he spends his leisure time nurturing his impressive home garden and often brings cuttings of his beautiful roses to the centre, much to the delight of everyone who attends.

For Nick, Villa Dalmacia is more than just a day centre it's a cornerstone of his social life, offering him a place to laugh and enjoy time with his new friends “I love everything about this place The food is lovely, and I’ve made some close friends,” he shared.

The Accordion Man charms attendees with performance

The Villa Dalmacia Day Centre was recently transformed to the vibrant streets of Roma, as we welcomed renowned accordionist, ‘The Acc

Puzzle Time






Live Up to visit the Villa

Local non-for-profit group ‘Live Up’ will be visiting the Villa Dalmacia Day Centre on 26th September to chat with attendees about ageing well and staying independent through healthy ageing

Live Up are a non-for-profit organisation focused on helping people stay independent through healthy ageing As part of their upcoming visit, they will be able to offer advice on assistive products, strength and exercise as well as social activities to stay fit and healthy

For additional guidance on staying active and well, White Oak Home Care Services offers a wealth of informative articles on their website Topics range from combating loneliness to the importance of nutrition. You can explore their full range of articles at White Oak's news and resources

White Oak specialises in supporting individuals who need extra assistance to live well and independently at home. Their dedicated and compassionate team provides personalised services, including cleaning, meal preparation, personal care, transport, technology assistance, allied health services, and home and garden maintenance Several attendees at the day centre have found their services transformative

If you’re interested in learning more about home care options, please call 08 9301 0299 for more information

Thank you for reading!

Villa Dalmacia Day Centre: 27 Gorham Way, Spearwood WA 6163

Phone: 08 9418 5222

www whiteoak com au

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