Fine Art Newsletter Spring 2017

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Fine Art News Spring 2017

Inside News and views from the Fine Art department The Wright Collection Bugatti for the drawing room? Not just about the weight! Treasures from the East Art: What to buy now Sale highlights Time and history Antique jewellery enters a new era

Lot 432: Hamilton Donald Fraser (1929-2009) Offshore study, Lindisfarne



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Spring tied? Spring has traditionally been seen as the best time of year to sell at auction. People emerge from their winter hibernation and there is new life in the air and a rebirth in home furnishing. The ‘spring clean’ is after all a positive statement of change and growth. This tradition however is under pressure from our 24/7 culture. The growth of the internet and ‘real time’ global bidding in our saleroom has meant that seasonal distinctions no longer apply as much as they used to and the market bids all year round. For the seller as well as the buyer this is a good thing and the levelling out of the seasonal playing field has obviously been good for business for buyers and sellers alike. This year we have a plethora of exciting auctions coming up, some good private collections and some excellent and fascinating objects. In March, our Pictures, Silver and Jewellery auction benefits from a good private consignment of coins and a map collection. In April our country house auction is privileged to host the Wright Collection of Caughley blue and white porcelain, an auction which is already keenly anticipated by the Caughley collectors’ market.

Halls on the Road

Our specialists are often out on valuation visits around the region and further afield. Pictures specialist, James Forster, recently consigned a Geoffrey Key painting (above) to our March auction with an estimate of £800-1,200. If you would like a valuation visit then please contact us on 01743 450 700

Life does not stand still and neither does Halls Fine Art. We are introducing new facets to our social media platforms, podcasts, chats DATES FOR DIARY 2017: with specialists and image based sale previews. Our website has been redesigned to make it more accessible and our valuation templates and 22nd March Fine Pictures, Silver and Jewellery e-shots ensure that sellers and buyers have a rewarding and pleasant experience. 26th April Country House Auction Talking of a pleasant experience, if you have not partaken of the delicious cakes at the Halls café, hand made by chef Alex on the premises, you are missing a trick. Best time to test them is on a Monday between 10am-1pm when, coincidentally, our specialists are available for free antiques valuations. See you soon.

21st June

Fine Pictures, Silver and Jewellery

19th July

Country House Auction

18th October

Fine Pictures, Silver and Jewellery

Jeremy Lamond - Fine Art Director

22nd November

Country House Auction


*Plus our fortnightly interiors auctions

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