The Bridge Fall 2022 - Hampton Hall Club's Newsletter

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VOL. 3 ISSUE 3 Fall 2022 HAMPTON HALL CLUB A Private Club Community in the Heart of the Lowcountry the

TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 From the Desk of the GM 4 Member Relations 5 New Members 7 Community Groups 8 Hampton Hall Happenings 10 Member Spotlight 12 Golf Corner 14 From the Fairways 15 Summer Snapshots 16 Fit & Healthy 18 Courtside 20 Hampton Hall Charitable Fund 22 Events & Activities 24 Club Contact Info On the cover: Members Ryan and Laurie White brought the whole hive to Trunk or Treat in 2021 Hampton Hall — A Private Club Community in the Heart of the Lowcountry 170 Hampton Hall Blvd | Bluffton, SC 29910 | (843) 815-8730 | Bridgethe 2 | Fall 2022 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 5:30 – 7:00 PM COMMUNITY CLUBHOUSE PARKING LOT Enjoy music, costume contests, pumpkin decorating, and treats for all ages! Register online to attend as well as participate in decorating a trunk/golf cart and handing out treats.

Dear Members, A s I look ahead to the fall season, I can’t help but reflect on the efforts and advancements made in upgrading our facilities and amenities over the past months. However, we still have many projects to be completed this year. Construction of the Pickleball and Bocce Improvement Plan is underway. We are excited for the completion of our four new pickleball and bocce courts, and I will continue to update the community as the project progresses. The recent Community Club Fair was a huge success! We thank everyone who attended, decorated, participated, and volunteered. We would like to especially recognize the Membership Advisory Group, along with Kristy Stewart, our Membership, Marketing and Communications Director for all their work on the fair. The attendance was outstanding, with many new members taking the opportunity to join other members who share similar interests in activities and clubs. Book Club, bridge and mahjong, wine tasting, tennis, fitness classes, family-friendly events and countless other activities bring members together at Hampton Hall. Not to mention the great dining and social options at the Club. Under Assistant General Manager Michael Krause’s leadership in the Food & Beverage Department, we have increased our member a la carte covers and revenues on a weekly basis and seen very successful changes made at the Splash Café. We thank you, the membership, for your support of Hampton Hall’s dining venues. I continue to be impressed by the amazing events designed by our Social Advisory Group, including Hampton Hall-Pardy, HHC Friendly Feud, Trivia, and the upcoming Murder Mystery Dinner scheduled for November 9! The events and activities schedule is jam-packed for the rest of the year, so be sure to mark your calendar and register early. Join your friends, enjoy wonderful food and great times. Take advantage of what your Club offers, because there is truly something for | 3 FROM THE DESK theof

LoraineWarmesteveryone!Wishes,EllisVienne, CCM, CCE, CAM Board of Directors Election 2022 IMPORTANT DATES September 1 • Deadline to submit Board of Directors applications October 3 • Nominating Committee Announces Board candidates via email October 25 • Deadline to submit questions for the Board Candidate Forum October 28 • Petition candidates deadline November 1 • Board Candidates Forum November 7 • Ballots distributed to Class A Members (property owners) by Vote Now via email and mail December 1 • Deadline to submit ballots December 5 • Annual Meeting Email communications regarding the Board of Directors election will also be posted on the website under MY COMMUNITY > Board Briefs & FAQs. Please contact Member Services Coordinator Taylor Newcomb mailingwithtnewcomb@hamptonhallsc.comatupdatestoyouremailoraddress.

Originally from Massachusetts, Taylor moved to Bluffton in 2021 and loves being part of the Lowcountry. She enjoys staying active and going to the beach. Taylor studied Communication and Spanish at Worcester State College. Prior to joining us at Hampton Hall, Taylor worked in customer service, education, and long-term care. Taylor looks forward to assisting with membership needs and being a part of the community at Hampton HallTaylorClub.can be reached at 843-8152368 or tnewcomb@hamptonhallsc. com, and her office is located in the Golf Clubhouse near the entrance of Pete’s Grill. 4 | 2022

TAYLOR NEWCOMB Member Services Coordinator Meet Taylor Newcomb, Hampton Hall Club’s new Member Services Coordinator. Taylor welcomes new members to the community by providing orientations and tours. She issues member ID cards, assists members with their website login credentials, updates member files, and directs calls and questions to the appropriate departments at the Club. Taylor updates the website and drafts the weekly Highlights eblast. She also engages the membership on social media, so be sure to like Hampton Hall on Facebook and follow the Club on Instagram!

New to the DepartmentMembership

ideal-LIVING Magazine Announces “The Best Places to Live” We are pleased to announce Hampton Hall has been recognized by idealLiving Magazine as a “Top 100 Best Place to Live.” In addition to this honor, Hampton Hall resident Jill Freedman was interviewed and quoted in the magazine. A number of our members are also pictured in a full-page ad reflecting the active and friendly atmosphere at the Club. Thank you to all our members who serve as ambassadors and help tell others about benefits of membership at Hampton Hall. The Scooter Crew

Fall | 5 Michael Acker 12 Norris Avenue Joseph & Kristin Atkinson 48 Wyndham Drive *Donald & Patte Bahl 23 Wicklow Drive Garry & Susan Baldwin 52 Fording Court Wendy Bashnan 14 Braemar Court Domenico & Marialuisa Berardi 2 Claremont Avenue Jim & Debbie Biggs 468 Flatwater Drive Conner & Ashlyn Blankenship 42 Bridgeton Drive Matthew Bornstein 90 Wheatfield Circle David & Michelle Bricker 104 Farnsleigh Avenue Marvin Carlson & Puneeta Gupta 12 Sherbrook Avenue Paul & Barbara Christy 332 Hulston Landing Road Dale & Laura Cronin 34 Chadbourne Street Joshua Darrell 84 Buck Island Road Matthew Demers 207 Plumgrass Way Brian & Donna Elliott 9 Sweet Grass Bradley Frank 40 Wilkinson Way James & Sandra Frost 87 Wicklow Drive Derek & Jamie Gall 7 Warrington Place Chyneatha German 167 Farnsleigh Avenue Joe & Belinda Gordon 16 Traymore Place Scott Gordon 12400 Park Potomac Avenue Ayrton & Kathryn Haddad 294 Farnsleigh Avenue NEW MEMBERS May – July 2022 Matthew Hart & Megan Hensley 11 Waters Avenue Michael & Dawn Hartman 53 Wicklow Drive Gary & Patricia Hostutler 196 Flatwater Drive David & Laura Ivkovich 35 Sedgewick Avenue James & Amy Kearney 54 Shelburne Street Edward & Lynn Kennedy 180 Hampton Lake Drive Tim & Brenda Kight 11 Parklands Drive Scott & Catherine Koepke 73 Shelburne Street Nathan & Amber Koske 10 Kendall Drive Milan & Jennifer Krneta 70 Hampton Lake Drive James & Maria Kunkemoeller 26 Martingale E Brenda Martin 2 Derby Court Mark & Wendy May 101 Fording Bend Daniel & Lesley McMahon 33 Cedar View Circle Douglas & Jennifer Smith 108 Farnsleigh Avenue Steve & Terri Terschan 29 Balsam Bay Court Scott & Marty Thornhill 16 Lakewood Court Dave Williams & Christina Garrett 1040 Rivershore Road Ron & Mary Williams 7 Waterton Circle Alex & JoAnn Young 108 Wicklow Drive Nicholas & Alexis Zingsheim 21 Buoy Drive *Long time members with new properties in Hampton Hall welcome NEWCOMERS memberRELATIONS Ladies’ Mix & Mingle Luncheons are small, informal gatherings that provide opportunities to get to know other Hampton Hall members. MEMBERSHIPUPCOMING EVENTS Look for additional details and registration online. Golf Membership Preview Day FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Ladies’ Mix & Mingle Luncheon WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 New Member Cocktail Party & Line Dancing FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7

6 | Fall 2022 Fair COMMUNITYCLUB memberRELATIONS DwellingLive Online Gate Pass Registration For your convenience, the DwellingLive online gate pass system is the recommended way to grant gate access for your guests. Download the DwellingLive app to your smart phone or log on from your computer at TO SIGN UP FOR DWELLINGLIVE PLEASE CONTACT: Megan Tracey HOA mtracey@hamptonhallsc.com843-815-2567Administratorortohaveyourregistrationcode for accessing the gate pass system emailed to you from DwellingLive. Please provide: • Your full name • Hampton Hall street address • Email address • Preferred telephone number to be used with DwellingLive More than one homeowner can be set up per address if they each have an individual email address and phone number. A fun and successful night at our Community Club Fair Beer enthusiast? Join our Craft Beer Club and make new friends! Caption Enjoy watching movies? Join our Chix and Flicks Club! Ilovecheese! | 7 Billiards Club 2ND & 4TH THURSDAY OF EACH MONTH | 7:00 PM Community Clubhouse Billiards Room Lead Member: Alan lancelot0747@gmail.comHollis Bocce Ball Join a team and meet new folks! Lead Member: Sig sborkoski8@gmail.comBorkoski Car Club of Hampton Hall New! Shows, cruise-ins, socials – open to anyone that enjoys cars! Lead Member: Glenn Isaac Chicks and Flicks New! Dates and times vary. Join us for a movie and dinner each month! Lead Member: Marisa marisacain@gmail.comCain Euchre Club BEGINNER/INT 3RD TUESDAY OF EVERY 7:00OFADVANCEDMONTH1STTHURSDAYEVERYMONTHPMATPETE’SGRILL Some experience is needed and RSVP is required. Lead Member: Megan Megan.holtslander@gmail.comHoltslander Golf Societies Men’s Lead Member: Ian Plester Ladies’theplesters@verizon.netLeadMembers:Rhonda Lowry and Trudi trudinelson4@gmail.comrhondalowry828@gmailcomNelson Hampton Hall Charitable Fund We coordinate fundraisers and hold charity drives. Help us support Bluffton! Lead Member: Denise Cadres Hampton Hall Garage Band Do you have musical talent? Jam with us! Lead Member: Guy worthingtong63@gmail.comWorthington Ladies’ Bridge Group MONDAYS | 12:30 PM – 4:30 PM Community Clubhouse Game Room Open to players of all levels! Little Bridge 1ST THURSDAY OF THE MONTH 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Golf Clubhouse Hampton Room. Lead Member: Pat pat.literati@gmail.comLiterati Ladies’ Bunco Group 4TH MONDAY OF THE MONTH 6:30 PM at Pete’s Grill Lead Member: Lisa mslspears@msn.comSpears Ladies’ with Ladies Open to all female members! Cheese tastings, paint and sip, trivia, and more. Lead Member: Jill jill.d.freedman@gmail.comFreedman Low Country Foundation for Wounded Military Heroes The LFWMH raises charitable funds for those who have served in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Lead Member: Russ Russ.spicer48@gmail.comSpicer Mah Jongg Morning ADVANCED – THURSDAYS | 9:15 AM Community Clubhouse Game Room Lead Members: Donna Rhodes &Nancy nancybader@yahoo.comdorhodes@mac.comBader Mah Jongg Afternoon ALL LEVELS – THURSDAYS 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Community Clubhouse Game Room Lead Member: Jodi Kennedy Night Canasta 3RD THURSDAY OF THE MONTH | 7:00 PM Community Clubhouse Game Room Reservations are required. Lead Member: Laura lkmackenzie@icloud.comMacKenzie Weekly Canasta EVERY TUESDAY 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM Community Clubhouse Game Room Lead Member: Laura LKmackenzie@icloud.comMacKenzie Craft Beer Club Casual monthly meetups at breweries, restaurants, etc. Join us! Lead Member: Mark Bauman & Anthony amverga09@gmail.commarkcbauman@gmail.comVerga Pickleball Learn the fastest growing game in America! All skill levels and ages are welcome. Lead Member: Allan allan4brown@gmail.comBrown Stonecroft Bible Study TUESDAYS | 10:00 AM Golf Clubhouse Hampton Room Lead Member: Ann beccasmom64@gmail.comBrooks Ladies’ Bible Study Group MONDAYS – DURING SCHOOL YEAR 10:00 AM Community Clubhouse Game Room Lead Member: Nelda neldahogan@hotmail.comHogan Those of Prose 1ST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM Golf Clubhouse Hampton Room Hampton Hall Book Club – Join in the discussion of the club’s current read! Lead Member: Alice akpitts51@yahoo.comPitts communityGROUPS ORGANIZED BY RESIDENTS

8 | Fall 2022 HAPPENINGS Flag Day Spirit! CONTESTEATINGPIE DAYMEMORIAL • fundraisingHamptonforThank2022youtoAlanaMitchellsubmittingthisphotoofHall’sminimembersforcharity! Cardboard Boat Race

Who can be included on my membership? For Members who are Owners of Homesites, the individual applying for the Club Membership must be the/an Owner of the Homesite. A Membership allows the Member identified in the Information Profile or Application for Golf Membership Privileges (as defined in the Membership Plan), as applicable, and his or her immediate family members (as defined below) to use the Common Property in accordance with the terms of the classification of Membership selected and upon payment of the required Membership fee and applicable Assessments, fees, dining minimums (if any) and other charges. Immediate family members shall include the spouse or significant other (as defined in the Club Rules and Regulations) of the Member who is living in the Member’s home, and their unmarried children who are under the age of twenty-three and either living in the Member’s home or attending school on a full-time basis. (CCRs Article IV, Section 4.15) What if I have an adult child (age 23 and over), grandchild, sibling, parent or grandparent residing with me full-time that wishes to have membership privileges?

Membership FAQs Who may I contact for information about membership benefits and privileges at Hampton Hall Club?

information.anyhamptonhallsc.comtnewcomb@withchangestoyourcontactMembersmayalso | 9 memberRELATIONS


Each member must file with the Membership Office the mailing address and any changes thereto, to which Club correspondence is to be mailed. Members are kindly asked to notify the Membership Office in writing of any updates to their mailing address, email, or phone numbers.

What is included in the Nonproperty Owner Golf Membership? Non-property Owner Golf Members receive full golf privileges, including 14-day advanced tee time reservations, unlimited use of the practice facilities, full access to all golf clinics, participation in all club tournaments, access to our men’s and ladies’ locker facilities, dining and event privileges at Pete’s Grill and the Community Clubhouse, use of private function rooms, and participation in the men’s and ladies’ golf societies. Do Social Members have access to the golf course and practice facilities? Social members are permitted to play up to six rounds of golf per calendar year at the applicable guest rate (currently $70 per 18 holes including cart). Use of the practice facilities is permitted with registered tee times.

The Immediate Family MemberResident Social Privilege Membership is available to family members that reside in a property owner member’s home located within Hampton Hall. The membership allows use of tennis, swim, fitness, bocce, social, and dining facilities based upon payment of the required monthly dues (currently $65 per person). Members may also register their vehicles for RFID tags. The Immediate Family Member-Resident Social Privilege must be maintained for a minimum of 6 consecutive months. Members should contact the Membership Department to request an application.


Has your Please contact Member Services Coordinator Taylor Newcomb at go to “My Profile” listed under MY CLUB on the website to review contact info on file with the Club.

Your Membership Department includes Director of Membership, Marketing and Communications Kristy Stewart and Member Services Coordinator Taylor Newcomb. Their offices are located in the Golf Clubhouse. (Please find staff contacts on the back cover.)

Living in Augusta meant Ken and Linda were fortunate enough to obtain tickets to the Masters Tournament every year. There were many fond memories, but one in 1986 stands out. Ken and Linda vividly remember standing under the CBS announcers’ (Ken Ventura and Pat Ken & Linda Li

Ken was born and raised in Hong Kong where his siblings and their families still reside. He left home to attend University of Windsor in Canada, where he received his B.S. in Chemical Engineering and later attended Penn State University for his graduate studies. Upon receiving his M.S. in Chemical Engineering, he went to work for an engineering firm that designed and manufactured equipment for the pulp and paper industry in Muncy, PA. Ken spent his entire career in operations and management with various paper companies. In 2019, he decided to retire after serving as VP of Operations for Georgia Pacific’s Containerboard Division.

“The Li’s believe the biggest asset is truly the many wonderful and friendly people here.”


Ken and Linda are happy to call Hampton Hall home! They moved to their home on Marchmont Ave. from Peachtree City, GA during the peak of the pandemic after Ken’s retirement from Georgia Pacific.

10 | Fall 2022

Linda is from Pittsburgh, PA and has her B.S. and M.S. degrees in Education from Penn State University. She taught elementary school and has served as an interim principal. Although many people think Ken and Linda met at Penn State, they actually met in Williamsport, PA when they were both working and got married there in 1984. Upon returning from their honeymoon, Ken was offered a job from a customer of his in Augusta, GA. For two newlyweds, it was a tough decision to make the move. Linda ultimately supported Ken’s career and they relocated to the south after they were married for only 3 months. This meant they had to postpone a summer trip to Hong Kong to celebrate their marriage with his family. After spending 16 wonderful years in Augusta, Ken took on leadership positions with various paper companies and moved around the country. Linda continued to support Ken’s career and together they have moved 17 times prior to settling in Hampton Hall.


Ken and Linda play on a Bocce team, and Linda participates in fitness classes, Mahjong, Bunco and has started learning how to play golf. Outside of Hampton Hall, Ken and Linda have joined the Penn State local alumni chapter and they are amazed to learn so many Penn Staters settled in the Lowcountry.KenandLinda also enjoy traveling. When they lived in Oregon, they enjoyed spending time in Palm Desert to escape the rain and vacationed in Maui every year. During their years living in Augusta, they vacationed on Hilton Head Island, which became one of the Li’s favorite destinations and certainly contributed to them choosing Hampton Hall. Since living here, they continue to spend time on the island as often as they can. Like many other Hampton Hall residents, Ken and Linda researched a number of popular locations for their retirement before they focused their search in Bluffton, SC. Fate might have something to do with this decision. A year prior to Ken’s retirement, they were vacationing in Aruba. They ran into a man wearing a Hilton Head Island tee shirt in a local grocery store. After striking some casual conversation, the man shared with them that he and his wife were building a house in Hampton Hall. He suggested to check out the community and even offered a local Realtor contact. The Li’s followed his advice and the rest is history. Hampton Hall has turned out to be a very inviting community to live in. Its beauty and scenic surroundings, golf course, as well as many amenities make Ken and Linda feel like they are on vacation every day. However, they believe the biggest asset is truly the many wonderful and friendly people here.

Summerall) booth at the 18th green on Sunday afternoon. As Jack Nicklaus moved up the leader board on the back 9, the roars were deafening. We all remember the historic outcome and its significance. It still gives the Li’s goose bumps when they talk about it. Moving to Hampton Hall during the pandemic was challenging as all the social events were suspended. Ken tried the Discovery golf membership, where he met many friendly golf members. The Li’s became full golf members shortly after. As the pandemic improved, Ken and Linda joined various groups and began participating in club events, which allowed them to meet many wonderful folks. | 11 memberSPOTLIGHT


Our PGA Junior League season is wrapping up, and it has been a great year! Coach Brian and Coach Dan guided our team through a wonderful season,getting more young players hooked on the game of golf. The PGA Junior League is the coolest program I have seen for Junior Golf. This was our Club’s sixth year in the program, and it has grown tremendously. If you are unfamiliar with the program, its two main parts are the PGA Junior League

by Brent Carlson, PGA Head Golf Professional


Match Play Champion Justin Imel (L) Senior Match Play Champion Jim Cadres (R) Ladies’ Match Play Champion Renee Rezzetano (C) practices and matches. We cover all aspects of the sport during practice, including rules and etiquette, and we also participate in home and away matches. This year we competed against Oldfield, Pinecrest, and Moss Creek. The matches are divided into three flags that each team is trying to capture. Each flag consists of three holes, making three points available for each match that is played. There are four matches taking place at a time with a match play format. The young players learn how to score and compete. Sometimes players are assigned to a three or four-person team. When this happens, two players are competing at a time and the other players are there to support. You’ll see them cheering each other on, raking bunkers, and fixing ball marks or It’sdivots.great to see the more experienced players help the younger ones and friendships form during these get togethers. We hope this program will continue to create a desire to play more often, and hopefully for a lifetime!

12 | Fall 2022 | 13 golfCORNER GOLF EVENTS The TENTATIVE Lineup Golf Membership Preview Day FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Men’s Member Member SEPTEMBER 16-18 Club Championship SEPTEMBER 30 – OCTOBER 2 Men’s Night Out THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 Ladies’ Night Out THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 LGS New Member Luncheon SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 GolfWeek Am Tour OCTOBER 14-16 Ladies’ Member Member OCTOBER 20 – 21 Captains Cup NOVEMBER 4-6 Golf Gala SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Golf Shop Candy Cane Sale FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 LGS Christmas Scramble TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 MGS Annual Meeting SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 Guest Day Selfie! READYGOLFGETCLINICGOLFKIDSGetGolfReadyisastarter program for new golfers. Learn the basics, have fun, and begin to see results in just a few lessons!

A green built to USGA recommendations starts with a shell and graded substructure—think of a pie pan. First, 4-inch perforate drainpipe with gravel is placed in the bottom substructure of the shell on 8 to 10-foot centers. Next, a four-inch layer of gravel is installed. To bridge the gravel layer, a 12-inch layer of compacted sand-based greens is installed. This prevents the sand from falling into the pour space between the gravel, and so the mix stays on top of the gravel layer. Now it’s time to grade the mix to your liking, plant grass, and grow your green. Here’s some perspective on how much sand and gravel are needed to build a 1,000 square foot section of a green. You will need 54 tons of mix and around 16 tons of gravel. Currently, the price of greens mix in our area runs between $40 and $50 a ton and gravel is approximately $55 a ton. Rough material cost to do one 1,000 square foot section of a green comes to roughly $3,613 plus the cost of labor to install material.

The real deal breaker for installing a putting green in one’s backyard is working on it every day of the week for top notch putting. I guess that’s why people end up with a synthetic putting green in their back yard. Just vacuum and putt! Remember…keep your head down and take it back slow. by Matt Sapochak, Golf Course Superintendent from the FAIRWAYS

Greens are expensive to build correctly.

“Rough material cost to do one 1,000 square foot section of a green comes to roughly $3,613 plus the cost of labor to install material.”

What is Under a Putting Green?

Many people have asked me, “What do I need to build a putting green in my backyard?” I always say, “Not a lot if you have the money.”

14 | Fall 2022 | 15 summerSNAPSHOTS JULY 4TH FRIENDLY FEUD Ladies’ Luncheon

16 | Fall 2022 fit&HEALTHY

There is nothing better than moving to good music and having a good instructor lead the way. Try a few classes and find instructors that mesh with your personality. Good instruction is key to staying motivated. Watching others work hard in class will make you want to work harder, especially if you have a competitive side or want to feel Everyoneinspired.must start somewhere. The person lifting heavy weights in class once was a beginner too. Set some goals and try to reach them each class. The more you attend the stronger you will become.

Are you Afraid of Group Fitness? Michele DiCarlo, Sports, Recreation and Activities Director

One of the things people always ask me is, “Should I try a class? I don’t think I can do it.” I will always respond by telling people to step out of their comfort zone and try something new. You don’t know until you try!

Make New Friends I have seen people make lifelong friends from attending group fitness classes. People are typically happy to be in class and the seasoned attendees will help the newbies with equipment and set up. You will find yourself surrounded with like-minded individuals who support and encourage you as they are on the same path to improving themselves and becoming healthier. Accountability Treat your group fitness classes like a doctor or dentist appointment. Put your schedule on your calendar and treat it like any other appointment you need to go to. A lot of places have you book your spot at least a day before and will charge you a no-show fee or a cancellation fee. The fees encourage people to stick to their schedule.

There are many health benefits to working out such as reduced risk of diabetes, heart disease, and developing some types of cancers. Best of all, working out will help you lose weight if you incorporate exercise with cutting some calories and eating clean. So, with the above being said, give a group fitness class a try! If you are new to fitness or need to change up your workout routine, add some classes in. Who knows, you may end up loving it! There are endless benefits to group fitness, but this article just names a few. Grab a schedule and try them all, then you can pick the ones you really like. You will find yourself getting stronger, developing endurance, and relieving your stress.

Health Benefits

Right? Group fitness is not for everyone, but if you are new to working out, it’s a great place to start if you can’t afford to hire a trainer. There are many benefits to taking group fitness classes such as staying motivated, making new friends, holding yourself accountable, maintaining good health, and having a trained professional instruct you on proper form and practice. Motivation | 17 ACTIVITIESUPCOMING Labor Day by the Pool MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Hula Hoop Dance Fitness FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Kids’ Triathlon SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Country Line Dancing FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 Parent’s Night Out FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 Trunk or Treat SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 Family Movie Night FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Tunnel to Towers 5K SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Gobbler 5K Fun Run THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Visit the Social Events & Activities calendar online for event details and registration! fit&HEALTHY Sports Day Nature Trackers Kids Golf Clinic Bubbles at the Playground Water Balloon Day Sports Day To schedule a spa appointment, contact: Tara Gabriel, LMT & Skin Care Professional, 843-540-0440 Autumn is ablaze with colorful foliage and remnants of a hot summer! Time to plan for cooler weather, family gatherings, and cozy times. Cooler weather can be the onset of dry skin, so remember to apply your favorite moisturizer while your skin is still dewy from a shower. This will help preserve your youthful look! A relaxing sweet almond oil massage from the Spa can enhance your skin’s glow and Zen. Restful, therapeutic, and quiet treatments in the Spa are available for you and your family to enjoy. Your oasis of homeostasis awaits you.

THURSDAYS 5:30–7:00 PM SATURDAYS 8:00–9:30 AM A simple Friday night Round Robin with a Caribbean twist…Everyone dressed in their best island attire and came out for a fun night of tennis!


TUESDAYS 9:00–10:30 AM WEDNESDAYS 8:30–10:00 AM WEDNESDAYS 5:30–7:00 PM

SATURDAYS 9:30–11:00 AM Register on the Court Sports Calendar online. Advanced WEDNESDAYSTUESDAYSMONDAYSPickleball10:00–11:30AM5:30–7:00PM10:00–11:30 AM


SATURDAY: SUNDAY: Paul 5-16. Hampton Hall Club Junior Tennis provides a fun and friendly environment for beginners to players! Men’s Pick-up Tennis

18+ all levels

18 | Fall 2022 courtSIDE Tennis Anyone? Hampton Hall Club is proud to offer year-round tennis leagues including men’s and ladies’ doubles, mixed doubles, and combo doubles.

55+ 3.0 Men 70+ 3.5 Men TUESDAY: 55+ 3.0 Women 70+ 3.0 Men 70+ 3.5 Women

40+ all levels 55+ 9.0 combined Schedule subject to change Junior Tennis Coach

Hampton Hall member men’s tennis players 3.0 or higher are invited to play a friendly pick-up doubles game. Meet at the courts at 10:30 AM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Rackets Ladies Clinic

FRIDAYS 9:00 AM –10:00 AM Rackets is a fun program for anyone who may have played as a child or young adult and is looking to get back into playing. Weekly dropin classes will get you hitting the ball again and reintroduce you to tennis, no matter how long you have been away! (Players must have prior tennis experience.) 4 and the Pro Clinics Do you want a tennis clinic and have a few friends you like to play with? Why not set up a weekly time with Coach Paul and cater the drills to what you want to work on! Please contact Head Tennis Professional Paul Tollefson at or 843-815-8740 for more info on leagues, lessons and clinics, and sign up today! Pickleball Play Sessions All Levels MONDAYSPickleball8:30-10:00 AM


THURSDAYS 9:00–10:30 AM

offers after school group clinics, private and semi-private lessons for juniors ages



55+ 3.5 Men & Women THURSDAY: 55+ 4.0 Men & Women 70+ 3.0 Women/Men

Rusty | 19 courtSIDE Pickleball and Bocce Improvement Project Construction has begun on the new pickleball and bocce courts. The project includes adding four new, regulation pickleball courts and replacing the two old bocce courts with four new courts. We are excited about the expansion of our recreational and social offerings and we look forward to our members enjoying these new amenities!

The Hampton Hall Charitable Fund would like to thank our residents for their extreme generosity and all of our volunteers. We couldn’t do what we do without all of you. Volunteers are always welcome and appreciated at our events. Please contact our Chairwoman, Denise Cadres, at to learn how you can support the Hampton Hall Charitable Fund.


In July, our School Supplies Drive provided much needed classroom items for local students and teachers. We also delivered a van load of school supplies to the AGAPE Family Life Center in Hardeeville, in support of their after-school program. Be on the lookout for our signature Wine & Beer Tasting event in October. This event is our major fundraiser of the year! The two-day event starts with a wine tasting on Saturday, October 8 and continues to Sunday, October 9 with an outdoor craft beer tasting. Come sip, sample & enjoy various wines and local beers.

In December, we will have our Annual Toy Drive and Holiday Home Tour. You will have an opportunity to tour the most beautifully decorated home for the holidays at Hampton Hall. Proceeds from all of our fundraising events benefit the Hampton Hall Charitable Fund’s Grants Program, which has supported local charitable organizations that focus on the needs and challenges of children, families, and individuals in Beaufort and Jasper counties for the last 12 years.

20 | Fall 2022

The Hampton Hall Charitable Fund continues to work to support the needs of the surrounding communities. We had a very successful food drive in June to help stock the Bluffton Self Help pantry. Generous Hampton Hall residents filled the Self Help van with non-perishable food and toiletry items. | 21 Cheers for Ch ari ty Hosted by the Hampton Hall Charitable Fund Wine Tasting Saturday, October 8, 2022 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. $100 per person Includes Tasting, Heavy Hors d’oeuvres, Dessert Bar Beer Tasting Sunday, October 9, 2022 2 p.m. – 5 p.m. $65 per person Includes Beer Tasting, Brats and more $150 per person for both tastings Hampton Hall Community Clubhouse 170 Hampton Hall Blvd, Bluffton, SC 29910 Wine purchases on the day of the event will be available at a reduced price. Proceeds from this event including a percentage of proceeds from wine sales will benefit the Hampton Hall Charitable Fund (HHCF) Grants Programs. HHCF is a fund of the Community Foundation of the Lowcountry, a 501(c)(3) organization. Sip, Sample & Enjoy From Approximately 10 Wine Distributors and 10 Craft Breweries Silent Auction, Raffles, Cigar Bar and Much More COME JOIN US FOR Wine & Craft Beer Tastings Events Limited Tickets Available! Purchase tickets online at or Email Sandy Rak at “The Hampton Hall Charitable Fund would like to thank our residents for their extreme generosity and all of our volunteers. We couldn’t do what we do without all of you.” UPCOMING EVENTS Wine & Craft Beer Tasting Events OCTOBER 8 & 9 Annual Toy Drive DECEMBER Holiday Home Tour DECEMBER 4 Hampton Hall Charitable Fund School Supplies Drive drop off at Red Cedar Elementary School

22 | Fall 2022 fallEVENTS Golf Membership Preview Day UPCOMING EVENTS Save the dates for the following activities tentatively scheduled at your Club! The most current event information and registration details will be published on the Club website Social Activities and Events Calendar and announced in the Highlights eblast every Tuesday. SEPTEMBER Labor Day by the Pool MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 Tap Takeover THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Golf Membership Preview Day FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Hula Hoop Dance Fitness FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Music Bingo SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 Speaker Series – Memory Matters TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 Ladies’ Scavenger Hunt WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Oyster Roast WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 14 Men’s Member Member SEPTEMBER 16 – 18 Ladies’ Mix & Mingle Luncheon WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Kids’ Triathlon SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 24 Prime Rib & Pasta Night WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 Club Championship SEPTEMBER 30 – OCTOBER 2 Parent’s Night Out FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14 LGS New Member Luncheon SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15 GolfWeek Am Tour OCTOBER 14 – 16 Ladies’ Member Member OCTOBER 20 – 21 Octoberfest Dinner WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 26 Trunk or Treat SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29 OCTOBER Speaker Series – Cancer Awareness WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5 Men’s Night Out THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6 New Member Cocktail Party FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 Country Line Dancing FRIDAY, OCTOBER 7 HHCF Wine Event SATURDAY, OCTOBER 8 HHCF Beer Event SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 Ladies’ Fall Activity TUESDAY, OCTOBER 11 Prime Rib & Pasta Night WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 12 Ladies’ Night Out THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13 | 23 NOVEMBER Speaker Series: Sea Turtles THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Family Movie Night FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 4 Captains Cup NOVEMBER 4 – 6 Murder Mystery Dinner WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 Tunnel to Towers 5K SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Golf Gala SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Gobbler 5K Fun Run THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Thanksgiving Buffet THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Prime Rib & Past Night WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 30 DECEMBER Golf Shop Candy Cane Sale FRIDAY, DECEMBER 2 Tree Lighting Dinner SATURDAY, DECEMBER 3 Gingerbread House Decorating SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4 HHCF Holiday Homes Tour SUNDAY, DECEMBER 4 LGS Christmas Scramble TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 Ladies’ Gingerbread House Decorating TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6 MGS Annual Meeting SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 Community Parade & Brunch with Santa SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 Asian Dinner Buffet WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14 Holiday Movie Night FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23 Prime Rib & Pasta Night WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 28 New Year’s Eve Party SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31 Fun Run Race starts at 9:00 AM in the Fitness Center parking lot. Open to all ages so bring the kids and the dog! Feel free to wear your best turkey hat, pilgrim attire, apron, or table cloth. Festive prizes will be awarded! Register online. BUFFET Thanksgiving Celebrate the season and all you have to be thankful for! THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24 11:30 AM – 2:30 PM Adults $42+ Children ages 5-12 $21+ No charge for children age 4 and under Country Club Casual Attire Reservations open online November 1. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 24

Jim Kurdek President Ron Desing Treasurer Frank Zagar Golf Board President Dan BrianO’DonovanThomas 2022 Board of Directors Rich Kulak Vice President Bill LaSorsa Secretary 170 Hampton Hall Blvd | Bluffton, SC 29910 Main Line | 843-815-8730 Golf Shop | 843-815-8720 Fitness Center | 843-815-8740 Dinner Reservations | 843-815-3463 Security | 843-815-8799 HOA | 843-815-2567 ARB | 843-815-4033 Frequently Used Numbers Staff Contacts 843-815-8730 Loraine Vienne, CCM, CAM, General Manager/COO ext. 1102 Michael Krause, Director of Operations/ Assistant General Manager ext. 1107 Angie Nicolini, Executive Assistant to the GM/COO ext. 1122 Kristy Stewart, CMP, Director of Membership, Marketing, and Communications ext. 1106 Taylor Newcomb, Member Services,................................. ext. 1111 Olena Barnhill, Member Billing & Statements................. ext. 1104 Alex Hemming, F&B and Events Director ext. 1103 Bert Stewart, Dining Services Manager ext. 1203 Brent Carlson, PGA Head Golf Professional ext. 1202 Matt Sapochak, Golf Course Superintendent ext. 1401 Michele DiCarlo, Sports, Recreation & Activities Director ext. 1302 Paul Tollefson, Head Tennis Professional ext. 1303 Wendy Wagner, HOA Director........................................... ext. 1505 wwagner Megan Tracey, HOA Administrator ext. 1502 Ellen Westrich, ARB Administrator ext. 1505 Alex Caballero, Facilities Maintenance Director ext. 1501 SAVE THE DATE Annual Meeting Monday, December 5, 2022 at 6:30 PM December5

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