Hamptons Pet magazine, Issue - №7 Spring 2016

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№ 7 | SPRING 2016

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â„– 7 | SPRING 2016





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and Pet Philanthropy Circle’s founder Jewel Morris gives a rundown on her much-loved events from last year in ,&-'.+/() ,"0&/1%+( and a sneak peek into what the 2%3)4''-"5)*+%)!+/&) 46"/.()might have in store. Travel editor Loren Morrissey takes -*"3&2(,"&20",2",8."7+6)8&/9)*+%),"(31&'):3&6)*/+(+'%+.);<) =/&$1>5+"'9, the largest pet fashion and animal rescue benefit " in the nation. We get an inside look at Rachel Grant, a modern day adventurer and Renaissance woman and the ever-busy animal king and business tycoon, Andy Sabin. The former U.S. Ambassador Kathryn Hall also takes a moment to chat animal rescue. Dr. Marty helps keep our pets healthy while Managing Director Tiffany Keeth shows us how spring cleaning is a breeze. Get to know Chris Onthank, the modern day Dr. Doolittle, and flip with excitement as U.S. Gold Medal winner Dominique Moceanu spills about her love for animals. Getting chills? Warm up with Lisa-Maria Padilla in ,+51'+() ;<)%3+),1/+(1.+. Feeling brave? Embark on a search and rescue mission with Cane, a Belgian Malinois, whose special set of skills has made his breed a favorite among special ops like the U.S. Navy Seals or Secret Service. In the spirit of the season, Percy Bysshe Shelley says, “And Spring arose on the garden fair, like the Spirit of love felt everywhere; And each flower and herb on Earth’s dark breast

Enjoy your spring! !"#$$%&'%(#)*#"




№ 7 | SPRING 2016

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rose from the dreams of its wintry rest.”


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№ 7 | SPRING 2016

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â„– 7 | SPRING 2016




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Olympics gymnastics team to win gold. They were dubbed the Magnificent Seven, and were led by two female coaches. 41'()(56$"309"%0=$)"%319$"9=(229"0)#"%&0)9>1&'$#"%3$'"()%1"0" successful career motivating others. What may be surprising to her fans, however, is that she has a second career creating beautiful jewelry for humans and pets. 4$9(;)();"?$:$2&/":09"0"+099(1)"9()8$"83(2#311#*"1)$"93$"#(#" not get to explore because of her grueling training. “My mom !"#$% *"Dominique Moceanu and partner, Wendy Campbell, "

loved jewelry and had a very elegant collection,” Dominique

make a splash at a jewelry event. &#'*"!"#(9+20/"1>"<$06%(>62""

recalls. “As I got older, I really started to appreciate her ability to

necklaces from the Crystal Couture for Pets Collection.

find beautiful pieces at great prices.” But it was Dominique’s aunt



№ 7 | SPRING 2016

PHOTOGRAPHY !"#$%!&'()(*+,-./01

Americans celebrated their prowess and pluck. Today,

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№ 7 | SPRING 2016


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fireside companion. 0("#%/)E#6)7%4#>%7-"44#/$#6/7'!#%!#'"()#/,#')6#1"?&#-),*#

newspaper waited on the sofa, and the fire crackled invitingly. I settled into the comfy couch, only to find myself contorting and stretching my neck to glimpse the glow of the fire over the cats. My fireside facing felines, tails curled neatly around their bodies, .)6)#!'6))#("5,-$#"2#(%</(5(#')%!#%3$"68!/",* @ABCBD>E@AF# "#$%&'%(#%!)%*#""%

As for me, I was freezing. The heat from the fire stopped 86)1/$)4&# %!# !')# 2566&0# 8566/,7# .%44*# 9,# 5,/$",0# !')# ;/!!/)$# $4".4&# turned their heads toward this interloper, and gave me a glance !'%!#$%/-#/!#%44=#!"#$%"#"&'%"(")*#+$%(#$,-#.$//*#."%"0#'."%"12%"3# +"#4.$))#,2'#5"#(267,89#$,-#5*#'."#+$*3#1"")#1%""#'2#4'$%'#/%"/$%7,8# '.$'#:.7:;",#*2<#+7))#5"#4"%67,8#<4#12%#5%<,:.= >)%4/?/,7#(&#84%1)#/,#!')#8)1;/,7#"6-)60#9#$4/88)-#",#(&#25??&# 35,,&#$4/88)6$0#%,-#16%.4)-#5,-)6#%#34%,;)!0#4)$!#9#6/$;#!')#$!%6)$# of disdain that would accompany any attempt to move The Wall.



â„– 7 | SPRING 2016

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!"#$%&'Fire screens or glass doors are essential to protect sprawlers.

fireside repose, but I suspect they rather enjoy this time of year.

"%(#)&''Longhaired cats enjoy a toasty "

In fact, winter may be the season that most flatters the feline.

lounge just as much as their shorthaired cousins do.

The glimmer of a roaring fire highlights the rich glossy colors of the carefully kept coat, as kitty takes the prime basking spot as though it was her birthright. The hearth is where family gathers, so of course it is the perfect place for any right-minded feline to be adored.

its kindling should have plenty of space for stretching out or curling up. Soft furniture, a few pawsteps from the hearth, is a perfect retreat when kitty is ready for a bit of cooling off after an extended bask. Meanwhile, on my erstwhile relaxing Sunday, it was time to get up from under the warmth of the blanket and make myself useful—the cats had shot me the stare reminding me to add a log to their fire."



№ 7 | SPRING 2016


Which is a cat’s favorite style of fireplace? No matter whether sleek and modern, or venerable and historic, any fireplace worth




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in the heart of Riverhead on Raynor Avenue, the first high-end

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Anthony and Rebecca Pollina opened their first pet hotel and


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confident that they are being pampered and well cared for.”

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№ 7 | SPRING 2016



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№ 7 | SPRING 2016



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:;5#5<8;;=,0)"+*#,>"5#4,:8)* 4&!.%0"#(-#%,-%!$+4)"+0)"#%(

GlycoFlex6 Plus, an advanced joint support supplement for dogs of any age, is clinically proven to increase hind leg strength up to 41 percent in just four


weeks. (#%+'4#$5,+'-


Join the fight against free radicals ( in the dog’s digestive system with Grizzly Krill Oil—an extremely powerful antioxidant supplement with up to eight times more Astaxanthin than krill oil for humans. (!"11#%/$0/!'23+0&,+'-

%""7,?544= !"#$#00%"5")4)0$

The Litter-Robot™ Open Air is an automatic self-cleaning litter box. Its unique design detects when your cat is inside and when it is time to clean up. ( No more scooping litter. #"00$!6!'7'0,+'-

:)89@$A*94*7 !"!676!,)"08!+9%"#-+

Protect yourself, the family and pet from the devastating effects of a collision. Variocage is the only cage tested using Government Automotive Safety Standards and Certified using the Safe Pet

PHOTOGRAPHY !"#$$%&!'(#)#!*$+,!-!(%./)!,0&1#2/*(!32/%.045

Crash Test Standard. 858*'!09)-$!"+),+'-

(")*+*),-"+* !"!.#+*%,!/%0(

Extend the loving bond you share with your beloved pet dog or cat. Contact ViaGen Pets for information about safe,


U.S.-based pet cloning and genetic


preservation. .")($*/$0&,+'-

Sleek, durable, comfortable and best (


of all—purrfectly stylish. Family friendly


and of course this steal is made in (


the USA. 09$#".)7#$9'-$&0'!$,+'-

Certified Organic and non-GMO. There are no preservatives, dyes, corn, wheat or soy. The recipes are designed to support strong dog health and promote healthy treating. !"#$%&'!()*"+&,+'-



№ 7 | SPRING 2016


!"#$%&"'(%)"*+,%-+'%."/%)01 !"#!"!!#$%&'()$$

BE FOREVER FURLESS™ efficiently removes dog and cat hair from upholstery, clothing, bedding, autos, rugs and more. The BFF is 100% reusable. No mess, no waste, no refills. !"!!#$%&'()*+,

<'=(%>$?"$@ !"#%,(-$72&$#2'&$/,-

Natural allergy and itching relief,


Beta-Thym™, has no harmful side effects


that can often be associated with steroid

An artist in New York City and shelter

drugs. Beta-Thym™ has a cortisone-like

island, Rory does commissioned

effect on pet’s itchiness and allergy-

portraits of people and pets. Interior

related symptoms. $.'/6+%#+&%1./)*+,2

design obsessed, she combines all in her art. %+%#5.0"')*+,

45:1A?"3B%C("'$ !"$/,-8!"7,

PetzLife Gels are now available in one week supply pouches. MSRP $2.99 featuring a $1 off coupon for the next

8+9$,%4"',%4':;% !"$/,-$%2'-"4',$%&'$$ /*50*((2$*&-$(-'1"2

4 oz. purchase. PetzLife is easy to apply for instant fresh breath. Use code: “hamptons” for 20% off. 1./7!"6.)*+,

The humans who brought you

D:=('E%D$/,%5?$:/$F !"$-&',$,*(-$0)*&-,&(

True East Charters is the luxury, pet-friendly yacht charter offering day trips and a wide selection of activities. The yachts feature fine design, craftsmanship, safety and technology. /%&..-'/*(-%/.%')*+,

the pet boutique now bring you Pawcasso Arto Studio, combining


the love of animals with the love of art. Let them help bring out your


inner talents. Art classes begin

Use Cosequin to help your pet climb

in April.21-3*-''+3($)*+,42

stairs, rise and jump. Cosequin is the #1


veterinarian recommended retail joint health supplement. For all ages, sizes and activity levels. !-,$.%/0./'&11!#)*+,2



№ 7 | SPRING 2016

!"# !"#$%&&'(!!'#$()$(*$$$$ !$# +,!"-.*$",''$$$$ !%# -,/"#'$0-,*!$$$$ $&# ,*%.$),1(*$$$$ $'# 2#3#'$4&--()

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№ 7 | SPRING 2016



!"#$%#&'(#)*# 678!699:;<<:=!>?9@A!B;A!C;7DA!E79F!<B=!C==AG!! H?D!<B=!D9IA8!

!" #$%" &#'()" *+(," *#" +$-.+(/) *+,) -.*/+) 01.2/) -*+34*3.56) 012+7) 89) *--) 01.) ,.-231094-)

C*A)08):8@@4+2:*0.)C201)58)@*+A)5D.:2.5) C201) *+) .*5.) *+,) 0/450) 01*0) 25) /*/.-A) 5..+) C1.+) 14@*+5) infiltrate the animal kingdom. From Dobermans to ducklings, Chris knows the secret handshake to get in to this club of :/.*04/.56) C1./.) 1.) 25) 3/..0.,) 4D8+) .+0/A) *5) *) 0/450.,) confidante and caretaker. E1*0)25)@850).;2,.+0)4D8+)@..02+3)=1/25)25)18C)125)5@2-.) /.9-.:05)*)-29.)5D.+0)C1./.)01.)D./58+*-)*+,)D/89.5528+*-)-2+.5) have been blurred by making a career out of his passion. His mobile office consists of an oversized SUV filled with chicken 9..,6) 1*A6) 5.;./*-) +.C) D.0) D/8,4:0) D/8080AD.56) *+,) *) /.5:4.) dog named Dave. Canine Master and animal behaviorist, Chris 1*5) 5D.+0) 01.) -*50) FG) A.*/5) *5) *) :8;.0.,) ,83) 0/*2+./) *+,) 2+;.+08/) 89) D.0) D/8,4:05) 01*0) 2@D/8;.) 01.) C*A) *+2@*-5) *+,) 14@*+5):8.H250? E201)*)572D)2+)125)50.D6)=1/25)5*A56)I(84)3800*)5..)0125?J)#+.) cannot help but share his enthusiasm for his latest animal friend, a Bearded Dragon named Buddy. Viewing animals



â„– 7 | SPRING 2016


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№ 7 | SPRING 2016

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!"#$%&"' !"(' )$$*+,&' &)-..' $/' "+.' 0$1"$$2' $3!+4+.4' -,2'

learning, making it easier to train them to be the very best


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?,)1' "+.' 5+/(' -,2' !5$' 1$%,&' 9"+)2#(,' ."-#(' .%9"' -,'

groundwork is the same. There is a mutual respect and love that

understanding of animals. On their five-acre homestead in

Chris gives and gets not only with his own animals, but with his






When not giving expert advice to clients, Chris spends the


day tending to the beloved bevy of beasts, small and large, that




.!-!(' -,2' /(2(#-))1' 3(#4+!!(2' &-4(' 0+#2' 0#((2(#' 5"$' "-33(,.'


to also be an aviculturist dedicated to preserving and raising


waterfowl, pheasants and cranes. Four active beehives also

!"#$%the animal is more effective than talking &''+!A'B$#'+,.!-,9(6'-'

dot the property, allowing Chris to harvest the honey that his

dog views its master as a dog with two legs, and expects them

neighbors have come to rely on for their personal stockpile.

!$'.3(-*'!"(+#')-,&%-&(A'@"(,'-'"%4-,'2$(.',$!'.3(-*'+,'2$&6'+!' 4-1'9-%.('!"-!'2$&'!$'/(()'%,.-/('$#'%,.!#%9!%#(2A'

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Some of his best-known training techniques include using body

favorite crane, Jack George, named by his children, follows him


around like a dog, which is most fitting. Perhaps Canine Master

teaches pet parents to use the tone of their voice to mimic the


naturally occurring instinctive sounds dogs use to communicate with one another. A verbal correction may be a squeal of

!"#$%&'()"*(+ can be heard regularly on Pet

2+.9$4/$#!' 5"(,' -' 3%331' 4$%!".' -' 4-.!(#<.' "-,2' $#' -' 3#-+.('

J+/('K-2+$L and his Canine Master Podcasts


are available on iTunes. For more information,

It is within this language that dogs are most receptive to


visit ()*"*$+),&$-.('+.%


â„– 7 | SPRING 2016

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№ 7 | SPRING 2016



+/0120"$3%3"!1456657/08"7#-038("9#228"" is fierce, fabulous and infallible. !"#"$%&'()!"#*+%,#-'."/012#(-03%/1!-."+1(-('3."


&%-0'3" #(*" $14'." (%-01(5" !-#(*!" 6'-$''(" 7#-038(" 9#22" #(*" 0'2/1(5" -0%!'" 1(" (''*:" ;03%<50%<-" 0'3" 214'." !0'" 0#!" 6''(" 1(+%2+'*" with numerous non-profits both personally

#(*" /3%4'!!1%(#228." 1(,2<*1(5" 0'2/1(5" 6<12*" 1(('3" ,1-8" *'+'2%/&'(-#2" /3%53#&!." ,%=4%<(*1(5" -0'" >%3-0" ;'?#!" @%%*" A#(B"#(*"!1--1(5"%("-0'">#-1%(#2"C*+1!%38"D%<(,12"4%3"E1%2'(,'" C5#1(!-"F%&'(:" ;%*#8." 7#-038()!" $0132$1(*" %4" /3%4'!!1%(#2" 3%2'!" &#8" 0#+'" ,#2&'*"*%$(."6<-"0'3"+15%3"#(*"/#!!1%("4%3"214'",'3-#1(28"0#+'" (%-:" ;%5'-0'3" $1-0" 0<!6#(*" D3#15" 9#22." -0'8" %$(" 9CGG" F1('!:" Nestled on close to 300 acres in Napa Valley, their five estate 21/!"%4"'(-0<!1#!-!"#3%<(*"-0'"$%32*."#!"'+1*'(,'*"68"-0'13"'+'3= 1(,3'#!1(5"#$#3*!"21!-:" In 2009, HALL Wines became the first California winery to 6'" GHHIJ Gold Certified, a fully-sustainable green production 4#,121-8:" ;0'8" 0#+'" 6''(" 4'#-<3'*" 1(" !"#$%&." '()(*(++%,-./012 34#%2 5#&6"$4($&2 #(* Huffington Post:" 9#+1(5" 3','1+'*" !-#(*%<-" 3',%5(1-1%("21B'"-0'"KLL=/%1(-"!,%3'"43%&"M%6'3-"N#3B'3"4%3"-0'13" 7#-038("9#22"$1('."%('"&#8"#!B."$0#-)!"-0'13"!',3'-O PQ"R<!-"0#+'"-%"51+'"8%<"-$%."#!"-0'8"#3'"'S<#228"#"/#3-"%4"$0%"



â„– 7 | SPRING 2016


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! >2#C02!3+#!0#12! *+24,!)-4D)08!),2!E&! definition, we think, 28C2$4)00&!5##.! C2#C02=

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â„– 7 | SPRING 2016

DIY;YQW 0DIb##]c>;Z@?#\Z#[?\?dI0JJe#TYW*#f?\Z0#DWY\cT;ZY@>

!"#$% , H$43-5#$9%"$6)#%$3("6#192("#+2#MNO&PPP#!3+,#@$=$#I<C$-"#>213"+)&#=31+<%"6#3(#*$+,%)-#!3+,#I0JJ#K3-"(#\3%"1+2%#28#I2(=3+$93+)#]21"9)-#I2$%&#






-"!# !$)(# 28# 623-5# !,$+# !"# 62.'# ;,"("# +!2# ("1%"+(# $9(2# ,296#

(,2==3-5# +,"# ="+# $11"((2%3"(# 82%# ($9"# 3-# +,"# +$(+3-5# %22C.# 0-6#

+%<"#+2#+,"3%#,2(=3+$93+)#4"-+<%"&#>?@A0.# The perfect boutique getaway for the avid wine aficionado,

!,2#:-2!(S2-"#C35,+#12C"#-2("E+2E-2("#!3+,#-2-"#2+,"%#+,$-# +,"#82<%E=$!"6#T212#,"%("98.

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;,%2<5,#+,"3%#$--<$9#I$%4"(+#I2<-6(#"4"-+&#+,")#,$4"#%$3("6# $9C2(+#MNO&PPP.#/Q<"(+(&#$(#!"99#$(#2<%#2!-#"C=92)""(&#7%3-5# +,"3%# ="+(# +2# (,$%"# 3-# $-# $8+"%-22-# 28# 8<-&'# ($)(# *$+,%)-.# /;,3(# =$(+# )"$%&# !"# ,$6# 8%""# 1,"1:<=(# 82%# $99# 2<%#

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animals are by definition, we think, especially good


="2=9".# >2# +,"# @$=$# I<C$-"# "4"-+(# $%"# $9!$)(#


$C2-5#2<%#8$42%3+"#6$)(#28#+,"#)"$%#$+#+,"#!3-"%).' ;,%2<5,2<+# +,"# )"$%&# !,39"# 5<"(+(# $%"# (3==3-5&##

[2%# C2%"# 3-82%C$+32-&# 43(3+# !"#$%&'(")*+',- 2%&%))./#"!*+',*-


$*+),+-.+/0) 1230453+)6+07879) .2-)0*+)7:4;)84<+) aficionado, SENZA 4=)8*+-+)>3?3-9) meets perfection. !"#$%&'!@)"4=02-4/)!7-A+-)B7<=42<C)!"#$()*+!@)

D4<+97-;)E340+=C)%&'!@)')/23,>+)+<F294<6)84<+) /23<0-9).-2G)0*+4-)=340+C)()*+!@)H+--9)'<;-+8=)


pours at SENZA's nightly wine reception.

Sip on some HALL and WALT wines while relaxing at a private cabana, or cozy up with friends at SENZA's hot stone fireplace.



â„– 7 | SPRING 2016



!"#$%&'()#*&*+#,(#-.*#/*%0-'"0$#*'-4#5)9$'%1# for the first time, one might not guess she is a 1%2*1*3'$#4'-.#%#.*%2-#,"#),$1#4.,#2*3*$+#'(#-2%(+5 global adventures while juggling humanitarian projects, all before breakfast.


!"#$%&"'() *#%'+,,'%-#) .!/'%0) ,12%1.!/'%0) 34+5'%14$!3+,10) 42/'%+1'$+'%0)'214!$0)'%+/'5)'"6!-'1#7)+,)14#$#)'%(14+%8)*'-4#5) 9$'%1)-'%:1)"!;) <!$%) !%) 14#) +,5'%") !=) >2?!%) +%) 14#) @4+5+33+%#,0) *'-4#5) .#%1) !%)1!)A#-!/#)'%)+%1#$%'1+!%'5)A#'21()B2##%)'%")C+,,)D'.'++'%)

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â„– 7 | SPRING 2016




!"#$%&'&"()#$%*' the first company in the Philippines ' to be 100%' PETA-approved.

!"#$%" !2345!)46789!4:;!%<=3!9<>8!?<!6@;;985!78=8!4?!?78!(4=;8:!,3?A!#<?89B



â„– 7 | SPRING 2016

!"# $%&# %'$%(&# %)# %)*+%'# ',-./# 0/,+# $1.)# "# $%&# %# '*22'.# 3*/'45# ,00./#%#'*0.73*-*)3#%'2./)%2*-.#2,#1%/&14#2,=*I#I1.+*I%'&#*)#+%)(# Rachel shares. With significant other, Stephen Hersh, they

products out there today.”

,$)# 6# (.%/7,'8# 9.%3'.4# :,/*4# %)8# ;%</%8,/# +*=4# >*%?# !:,/*#

Rachel is also using her celebrity and company in her home

and Kia are such a source of inspiration and learning for me,”# I,@)2/(#2,#.8@I%2.?#3.++4'5$%6#1%&#%'*3).8#$*21#21.#-"774'8%$/"9:' &1.# &%(&?# !:1.(# /.+*)8# +.# .-./(# &*)3'.# 8%(# 2,# <.# 3/%2.0@'# 0,/#

;9.<, a registered, non-profit no-kill animal shelter launched in


2014 by a boy named Ken, then, only 9-years-old. But finding


adopters has been tough. “One of the problems shelters in the


Philippines face is that people don’t want mixed breeds,” Rachel

rebuild the poorest villages in the Philippines. “I was so inspired

laments. “They view purebred dogs as beautiful. I’m a mixed

by what my mother was doing and how she was helping,” Rachel

breed myself. I’m not pure Filipino, and they love that about me.

says. That fueled her to spearhead a very special project; the

So I can set an example and educate about all of the benefits


of having a mixed breed dog.” As such, Rachel and Ken have

children living in the typhoon-ravaged slums of Bani. The school

partnered in a new campaign to encourage adoptions due to

will be completed in the first quarter of the year. To document

kick off early this year.

the experience and good works witnessed by her travels, she is

Rachel’s varied philanthropic efforts have been acclaimed

authoring a book called !"#$%&'"'($))*+*%,*?#

by world leaders, and in 2012, she was personally invited to

One of those good works was the brand -./"%' 0"1.+*4# 21.#

Washington, D.C., by Hillary Clinton to attend a private function

brainchild of Filipino sisters Camille Meloto, Anna Meloto-Wilk

with the President of the Philippines in recognition of her

and Anna’s British husband, Dylan Wilk. Their mission was to

achievements. She also received the Humanitarian Award at the

uplift the poorest Filipinos by providing a livelihood, and to do

DEKN#0*='>?+#'@*1'3":A$?%'BA?= for her work in education and

*2# I,)&I*,@&'(?# :1.(# I/.%2.8# %00,/8%<'.4# )%2@/%'4# .I,70/*.)8'(#


and ethically-made products for the entire family, with Rachel

Still, at heart, Rachel is an adventurer and travel is in her blood.

becoming their Global Ambassador.

She can be seen as one of three highly-celebrated tour guides

In 2012, in partnership with -./"%'0"1.+*2#M%I1.'#'%@)I1.8#

in an upcoming reality show on Bravo' I%''.8# C?.+' D+?.7?# :1.#

3.++4'5$%62 the first company in the Philippines to be 100% PETA-

show follows a diverse and vibrant group on a vacation through

approved. The eco-friendly collection of cruelty-free products


for pets are all-natural, using organic, sustainably harvested

So, are you breathless yet? Well, hang onto your seats,

ingredients. “I’ve always wanted to educate people about dogs


and how to care for them properly,” Grant explains. “Our products

C?.+'D+?.7 will air on Bravo, Tuesdays at 10 pm ET/PT?#



№ 7 | SPRING 2016

PHOTOGRAPHY !"#$%!#"&'(()*+")$,(#"'-#!."&/-)/#(*+""0!/-)!#"#123/"4/-'1$4"&)123/*""5""LOCATION 43$/"!/"/3("2!)'(0"%1/."3$/(#

!"#$%&'!(4#Rachel in the Galapagos with one of the world’s largest turtles; Feeding a deer on her travels to Vietnam.


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№ 7 | SPRING 2016



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№ 7 | SPRING 2016


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№ 7 | SPRING 2016


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!"#"$ %#"$ &'$ (%)*! "#$%&'()*$! +,*-#-! (',(! benefit animals, making it a challenge to pick my top favorites. Naturally, it would take many more pages to acknowledge all of the marvelous activities and people that promote

and protect pets, but here are a few of the best from last year.

!"#$"#%&$'&($)*)%'+!!"!!#$%!&'()#)% Sitting at the table with Bindi Irwin and Derek Hough at the them to be as entertaining in real life as they were on 0'(&%(1) 2%.5) .5#) 6.'$,. No wonder they won! Taking time from their strenuous schedule to support animal welfare shows, Bindi and Derek are kindred spirits with all animal lovers; but the real heroes that particular night were the dogs. Congratulations to the American Humane Association for focusing on canines and the amazing ways they enrich lives.



â„– 7 | SPRING 2016

PHOTOGRAPHY !"#$%!&'()*"

!"#$%&'() *+"'(#) !,,-&%'.%-(/,) *#$-) 0-1) !2'$3,) %() 4! proved


@(."A5(#$5'(5"&%+($B(C$D(&28( +$%%$.(5'"("25*%"(5%*A9


1-/(2-&*(#3#&).!!"!!'()!*$&+!,-#* )0-%3-/%30,;"#/0*'D$%J,*+;-%+-;-?*"/-6%D-/6%"#5%D-/%0-*'-6%-B-*$% $-"*%(,/0%/0-%2#/$3#4&$56147.H%K#5%#'%-B-#/%('>;5%?-%6>++-661>;% without the volunteers graciously donating their time. A special thanks to the Mayor’s Alliance for NYC Animals and other volunteers who pitched in from California, Florida and Oregon. Great team work!

#.14#(2$,#"-(#3#&).!!"!!./'0/##/' As Master of Ceremonies once again, Chuck Scarborough loans his support to the ASPCA Humane Awards luncheon at Cipriani 42nd StreetL%,#%!"#0"//"#H%J0>+&%"#5%0,6%(,1-7%M;;-#7% always find time to help a good cause.

'#)!-.(!"(&-)(5#'' " 1/2.!3(/,0 Harley won the 2015 American Humane Association Hero F-(-;%!'**,6%(,/0%)*"+,-%.'/+0#-*7%/0-%3-/%4"5,'%3-/%P"5$%"#5%

9':% K("*5% "#5% ("6% ";6'% 0'#'*-5% "/% /0-,*% 817)#.$ )9$ :#7$ (1++%

Founder of the %&'$,)+-$,#./)01+, film producer Teresa Mular

at Palm Beach. Harley's grizzled appearance is a testament

and Luna. This event features over 40 short films “celebrating

/'% /0-% +"*-% "#5% #>*/>*,#:% /0"/% 0-% 0"5% #-B-*% *-+-,B-5% ?-1'*-%

the remarkable relationship between dogs and their people."

?-,#:% *-6+>-5H% .-% 0"5% ,66>-6% ,#+;>5,#:% "% 5,6-"6-5% 0-"*/7% "% mouth filled with rot, a fused spine, a broken tail, gnarled toes and legs that were deformed. And then there is the missing

!"#$%$&#'()*%(+!',(+-./!0#' " #$%&

eye—the result of his cage being power-washed with him in it

!"#$% &#'(% )*"+,-% .'/+0#-*% 1'*% 0-*% 234% *"5,'% 60'(7% 89':%

(an all too common practice in puppy mills). Now, educating


thousands of people about the truth of commercial breeding,

%&'$()*+#, so it was not a surprise when she launched the first

Harley is a hero and a testament of perseverance and hope.

-B-*%%&'$,)+-$,#./)01+ in NYC last October. Over 40 short films


“celebrating the remarkable relationship between dogs and their people” were shown at Symphony Space on the Upper West

;<$ =+7$ %&' by Laura Coffey is unforgettable. Laura gave me a

C,5-7% D*-+-5-5% ?$% "% 5':E1*,-#5;$% 3''+0% 3"*/$7% 0'6/-5% "/% 4>?$%

6,:#-5%+'D$%'1%;<$=+7$%&' on a recent trip to LA, and so I hand


carried it back on the flight home. The folks around me must

on the road to LA, East Hampton and Rochester, New York,

have thought I was having a breakdown because I wept both


tears of joy and sorrow the entire trip. I could not put it down and

The festival will return to Symphony Space in NYC on October

embarrassed myself when I laughed out loud. We were thrilled

15th with the second annual offering of films. As a Founding

when Petplan Pet Insurance offered to sponsor copies for the

Member, I enjoyed the line-up of canine-related films and highly


recommend making it to one of these cities for the 2016 tour.

to order a copy if you haven’t already got one!



№ 7 | SPRING 2016

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№ 7 | SPRING 2016

1381)74)6/8+)86A)A/8+)1,)-G)3/8+1_4/67,+) dogs. While reading it, I wept both tears of M,G)86A)4,++,IL)'.13,><3),13/+4)S+,?8?.G) 13,><31)W)I84)5+8JG2)W)5,>.A6`1)S>1)71)A,I6_ 1374),6/`4)8)I766/+a)



№ 7 | SPRING 2016

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№ 7 | SPRING 2016




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№ 7 | SPRING 2016



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№ 7 | SPRING 2016





Goodbye Winter, ! Hello Spring! !"#$%&"'(')*"+,'-".'+/*0-1'.02,' 2,0+'3"(*4+',%22"+2'$#"(-0-1'20/+5' ? < !" # $ $% & '! ( ) ) " *

hh… it is finally time! !"# !$%"&# "'()# !$(#


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Miracle Cleaner This has all the oomph without the stink—mix and '







2 T Castile soap



1–2 Drops favorite essential oil

When Life Gives You Lemons "#$%&'()*+')*,'-$./&0'%1$'%&'%##2&%*31%#'(%4'*/'5#$%&' hardwood floors, countertops, polish, deodorize and whiten laundry. +,-./!012234



Lemon peels to fill it





Vinegar to fill it

№ 7 | SPRING 2016


match favorite essential oils to make the perfect smell.



№ 7 | SPRING 2016



!"#$%&'()"&*#+,-*%,,%.&/%,,%0$&10%&+#&$)01+,%0& )#&.0##*&23..*%$&#+&)1/*%$4&5#06&)"%&'1)%0& $)1(+$&#3)&'()"&$#7%&,##.&#*.&718#++1($%4

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№ 7 | SPRING 2016









№ 7 | SPRING 2016




Love Lives On .23!4566!57!8!93:!;8<!=3!>3?86:8:@<AB!! but new research is leveling the playing field.


t is a difficult reality !"#!$%&!$'()&*+$',!-./&$!"&.*$ %&!+0$ 1!,2.&+$ +"'($ !"#!$ +&/&)!3$ %&*4&)!$ '5$ %&!$ '()&*+$ #*&$ &6'!.')#--3$ #55&4!&2$ 73$ !"&$ 2&#!"$ '5$ !"&.*$ %&!$ (".-&$ !".*!3$ %&*4&)!$ &8%&*.&)4&$ +&/&*&$

9*.&5$ :,+!$ .)$ #)!.4.%#!.')$ '5$ #$ %&!$ -'++0$ ;)2$ ("&)$ .!$ 4'6&+$ !'$

1'2!&,*'#3!!/*"!4'2'#-*/#-/*3! /(-5'!*&,!)/4'!/!4-/6('!&12-&*! ,)'*!7/8'"!,-2)!-00-*'*2!&#! 39""'*!(&33$!

"#/.)9$ !'$ 6#<&$ !"&$ "#*2$ 2&4.+.')$ .)$ !"&$ 7&+!$ .)!&*&+!$ '5$ !"&$ animal, fifty percent will still experience guilt. ;-!"',9"$ )'!".)9$ (.--$ &/&*$ *&%-#4&$ !"&$ ,).=,&$ .)2./.2,#-$ +%.*.!>$("#!$.5$?.2'$4',-2$-./&$5'*&/&*@$A.#B&)$C&!+>$#$D010E7#+&2$ 4'6%#)3>$ (#+$ 5',)2&2$ ')$ !".+$ &6%#!"&!.4$ #%%*&4.#!.')0$ F!$

4-.&)!+0$ C&!$ '()&*+$ #)2$ /&!&*.)#*.#)+$ #-.<&$ )'($ "#/&$ #$ /.#7-&$ '%!.')$("&)$5#4&2$(.!"$.66.)&)!$'*$+,22&)$-'++0$ A.#B&)$A&!&*.)#*3$C#*!)&*+$.+$#$9*'(.)9$9-'7#-$#++'4.#!.')$'5$







?'*$ '/&*$ #$ 2&4#2&>$ A.#B&)$ "#+$ 7&&)$ '55&*.)9$ BC$ #)2$


cloning to the equine and cattle community. Recent scientific








â„– 7 | SPRING 2016


I O !" # $! % & ' ( ! ' ) # ' * + , ' - .



№ 7 | SPRING 2016








SAVING LIVES, ENRICHING YOURS This is the mantra belonging to Animal Rescue Fund of the Hamptons, Inc. or better known as ARF. Hamptons Pet founder Jewel Morris and husband Robert Morris are strong supporters, PHOTOGRAPHY RICHARD LEWIN

recognizing this rescue organization’s true devotion to helping animals find forever homes.




№ 7 | SPRING 2016



-%('$"#'$ ./00!1%(' *+,-./!01!23-4/+-5!,!! 6+789,0!",79019:!41!4/+!-+:.3+; 7Q !" # $ $% & '!( ) ) " *


!"#$%$&'(&'$)*$&+',,$!"#$%&'(#)*'+$'*#$,+-#$,+$#./# a human, speed twice as fast as a fit runner, 0%',+*0# 1.2+1$2# +-0# '-'*)2# $.# $,'# &+34# %$# %(# -.$# (5*6*%(%-)#$,+$#+#7'1)%+-#8+1%-.%(#%(#$,'#9*''0#./#

choice in working dogs. Their hunger for learning and affinity for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â„– 7 | SPRING 2016





№ 7 | SPRING 2016

!"#$% >&G/.$&3"!!&-.0$+@'&".)$.%$&)+/".".@&?$('+$&89:&!"5$.%".@1&& &%'(>&B/@$+&)'&,!$/%$&/.0&$/@$+&('+&)+$/)%1

A/))& ,!/.%& ('+& G/.$& )'& ?$& )+/".$0& ".& 0"%/%)$+& %$/+5*& +$%5-$1& 8".5$& *"%& /0',)"'.>& ")& */%& ?$$.& !'#$>& %3$/)& /.0& /& !')& '(& */+0& 3'+=1& IG/.$& "%& $.$+@$)"5& /.0& @'$%& */+0>H& %/6%& A/))1& ID$& 0'& '?$0"$.5$&%5*''!&'.5$&/&3$$=>&/.0&$#$+6&8-.0/6>&3$&7$$)&3")*& 76& 89:& )$/7& )'& 0'& #"%-/!& )+/5=".@& '+& /"+& %5$.)& )+/".".@1& R.5$& ready for certification, he will have a certain amount of time to find a person.” The length of the certification process varies with each dog

!"#!$%!&'#!&(!)"#!*#%)!+&,%! $!"-.#!#.#/!"-+0!

and its handler. Once certified, Cane will be able to help find a !'%)&,$+%'.&".&)*$&3"!0$+.$%%&/.0&$#$.&)+/5=&)*$7&/5+'%%&3/)$+1& D*"!$&3'+=".@>&G/.$&"%&/!3/6%&5'..$5)$0&)'&A/))&3")*&/&SPK('')& !$/%*>&,+''(&)*/)&)*$"+&?'.0&"%&'.$&'(&)*$&7'%)&"7,'+)/.)&,/+)%&

!"#$%& '(& ')*$+%& ,-)& ".& )*$"+& */.0%1& 2-)& 3*/)& $4/5)!6& 0'$%& )*/)& 7$/.&('+&/&89:&5/.".$;&

'(&)*$"+&06./7"51 9!)*'-@*& ")& 7/6& %$$7& !"=$& ")& "%& /!!& 3'+=& /.0& .'& ,!/6>& G/.$&









/0',)$0& *"%& A/!".'"%>& G/.$>& !/%)& 6$/+>& *$& "%& 5-++$.)!6& @'".@&





D")*& /& %,$5"/!& +$@/+0& )'& !""# life, their first rescue was an old,




?!".0&/.0&0$/(1&D*"!$&!"#".@&'-)&*"%&!/%)&($3&6$/+%&3")*&)*$7>&*$& 5$+)/".!6&+$5$"#$0&)*$&+'6/!&)+$/)7$.)&3")*&*'7$7/0$>&@'-+7$)& cuisine and hugs and belly rubs to fill a lifetime. With hearts of

The AKC officially recognized the breed in 1959, and ranks it as the 59th most popular breed.

gold, it seems fitting Matt and Amber would choose a rescue to +$%5-$&7'+$&!"#$%1& IG/.$&3/%&3/")".@&('+&-%&/)&)*$&F-7/.$&8'5"$)6&('+&8'-)*3$%)& Washington,” continues Matt. “We figured they must have a =./5=&('+&,/"+".@%&%".5$&)*$&.-7?$+&'.$&89:&0'@&".&)*$&5'-.)6& 5/7$&(+'7&)*$+$1&D$&0"0&/&7$$)&/.0&@+$$)>&)*$.&)*$&,+$%"0$.)&'(& )*$&0'@&)$/7&5/7$&/.0&/,,+'#$01&L/%)!6>&3$&?+'-@*)&".&)*$&?'%%&

Named after the Belgian city of Malines, the Malinois is part of the sheepdog family. Cane is the color of sugar cane, resembles a hurricane, and was named after police dog, Kaine.




№ 7 | SPRING 2016


“When I was first looking for a SAR partner, I knew I wanted /& +$%5-$>H& $4,!/".%& A/))1& IA6& 3"($>& 97?$+>& /.0& J& /+$& !'.@K)"7$&



№ 7 | SPRING 2016



"#$!%&'(&)*!!!+,-!./),0#! "!123&)'&-4,)&5 !"#$%&'()*+,!./01.!2301.4!561!.712819!/8!/!83:1; * ( !" # $% ! & ' ( ( ) *+%#, - .


/)3! /)88#,9! +,-.) /.-) 012-3) animal-loving



major corporate sponsors. At the end of the


show, !"#$%&'()*+, featured the big reveal.

unleashes them on a penurious

Of course, there were some behind-

shelter? Magic!

the-scene surprises. “Before we started,

Two crusaders for animals have descended

we said we had to be careful to not get

into the pop culture sphere in the form of a

distracted,” Alycia says. “But on the first

cool new television show called !"#$%&'()*+,4)

day, a guy shows up with a little feral kitten


Rebecca Rodriguez and Alycia Hadfield

in his coat. On another day, one of our

birthed this extreme makeover program after

hosts was on his way to a radio interview

years of being animal activists. By combining

when he found a dog thrown from a car. It



became one thing after another. We had to

and creating and running shelters, with

commandeer one of our trailers to hold the



Alycia’s in rescuing and fostering, they are


animals temporarily!”

transforming shelters together.

Rebecca, Alycia and the !"#$%&'()*+,)

“I knew the support these amazing organizations

crew have saved over 200 stray animals

needed,” Rebecca explains. “It is hard for them

and counting. Now, with the show’s first

to raise money for building. It usually takes

shoot a success, !"#$%&' ()*+, needs

years and, with a smaller organization, it can

to find its own forever home on national

take decades. This is a great opportunity to

television. “Each of us is like one drop of

showcase the challenges they face and how

water, but together, we are the ocean,” muses


they overcome.”

Rebecca. “And, that’s a massive force.”

For the first build, !"#$%&'()*+, selected

Watch !"#$%&' ()*+,-s premiere episode at

Adams County Pet Rescue in Othello,


The city had given the shelter temporary




mostly outdoor kennels, it would not protect the animals in winter)

!"#Show creators and animal activists

Alycia Hadfield and Rebecca Rodriguez


roll up their sleeves in the name of )

or summer.

a good cause. )

Over the course of 16 weeks,

$"#The shelter starts taking shape. )

the dedicated team of designers,

%"#$,-)!"#$%&'()*+,'film crew captures

builders and L.A.-based vet, Dr.

the finishing touches. )

Patrick Mahaney, rolled up their

&"#The crowd is ready for the big reveal.

sleeves for the transformation. All

'"#$,-)!"#$%&'()*+, team’s hard work

goods and services were donated by

will save countless lives.



№ 7 | SPRING 2016


Washington, a shelter destroyed by fire.



№ 7 | SPRING 2016




,#&$-#./$ '0*.12

!" !" # $ # % !& ' ( ( ) * 3$ $ 4 56 7 89 :$ : $ 54 $ ! - 9$ , 9 ! $ , - ; < ' 7 ! - :5, =$> ; :> < 9

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№ 7 | SPRING 2016

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!"#$ %&'()*+$ ,-.$ /-&)0'&1$ 023'.$ 0'(3$ 0-$ 4.34).3$ 02'+$ 350.)-./'&).6$373&08$ 9$2-43$0-$+33$6-:$)0$02'+$63).;+$:4<-('&1$!"#$%&&'()$*+"$ ,+-.$%/(-018$=3$+:.3$0-$.3+3.73$+3)0+$3).*6$)+$0'<>30+$+-*/$ -:0$ *)+0$ 63).8$ ?-.$ )$ <-(4*303$ *'+0$ -,$ @ABC;+$ D30$ E3.-3+F$ 7'+'0$2+"34-3)+5.-65$ ,9-.7"$$"%;(-*"(2%7"$"5)*)'.% 6"$"B()70%-./%;'<./"(%






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№ 7 | SPRING 2016

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"#"$%& !"#$%&'($)#*$+,-.$ /#!$012"3,)$2",* '/0102304#56#)/789:;0<20, benefitting The Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals. Rachel Grant, the New York Pet Fashion Show's 2016 Humanitarian of the Year. )





â„– 7 | SPRING 2016















№ 7 | SPRING 2016



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