It’s more than a jacket. It’s Athlete Tested, Expedition Proven.

It’s leaking water from all sides
*but we’re skiing on it anyway
When I imagine having a child, just like my father did with me, I imagine him or her at the age of two, in the same sloping lawn, under the same beech trees, taking his/ her first steps on skis. I haven't seen any snow on that grass for years. It was my grandfather first, who built there, in order

to teach my father to ski, a surface lift just forty or fifty meters long. Few, but suffi cient for the purpose. Which then was to learn while having fun. Today that surface lift is no longer there and when I happen to walk there I feel the passage of a gene ration, the passage of time and the power of something that I will not be lucky enou gh to pass on to Guglielmo, or Bianca. (Yes, my children will be named like that.)
Since the beginning of the pandemic, I have had the unhealthy idea of going to the attic, recovering a couple of old se alskins and cutting them to size for chil dren. In my case, however, I would not have much waste material. The idea is good, though. The problem remains with the bindings, the boots that fit the pins, and the parents. In short, I should find a guinea pig aged a couple of years, ma ximum three, with a consenting mother. And I ran out of cousins. (In the sense that
they are all grown up and they have fol lowed in the footsteps of the family, those of alpine skiing.)
A propaedeutic aimed at this new trend will be born, I’m sure. Which then to me, more than a "trend", seems like a real premonition. A vision of our future on the snow. Yesterday I read an article that ru ined my hot shower. First of all because I felt guilty and I further shortened my time spent in the shower, which already did not exceed 120/180 seconds due to the water crisis, and secondly because I have read that already from 2036, according to the estimates, in Cortina it will no longer be possible to ski. The cause? Snow too wet.
The ever higher temperatures, combined with the lack of energy, will result in the end of the winter seasons in the Dolomi tes, at least as we know them nowadays. And not only there. While I soap myself in

the cold, with the water not running and the water heater turned off, I imagine a tide of ski mountaineers, with new super waxes, capable of sliding any insole, on any type of snow. Because I don't know how to accept a world without skis. And I deeply believe in the adaptability of the human being. I see skiers abandoning the habits of the classic technique, slap ping themselves backwards for the enti re arc of the curve, placing the weight of the body on the calves, against the cuffs. Rear center of gravity in order to improve buoyancy and surf the waters like epic heroes or ancient gods.

My grandfather, however, is 87 years old. My father is 58. The water in the shower is still not running and the cold, to me who sucks at math, makes calculations even more difficult. But it seems to me that my grandfather, in 2036, would be 101 years old, while dad 72. Now, as much as I know
the whole business of increasing life expectancy, I am also a realist and I see in my grandfather, to whom I owe more than what he would believe, so much suffe ring, already today. It’s strange, but I feel a sweet and bitter relief thinking about the idea that he wouldn’t witness a vision of a snowless mountain. That its whitened beeches will remain a memory for him. And I'm happy with it.
A mountain that weeps, which leaks from all sides, is what we are up to. But I’m saying it again, “skiing” will change, and us with it. It is a tale as old as time. It is, quite simply, the history of men. My father le arned to ski with long wooden planks wi thout sidecuts, throwing his hips from side to side, shaking like a Victoria's Secret model on the catwalk. (And he was alrea dy skiing hard.) When the first carving skis came out around the second half of the 90s, with decidedly more important side
cuts, he spent entire weekends at the ski lift of the ski school, alone, with his hands on his knees in order to learn to lead, "to bend" as he says. In short, maybe he will have to struggle a little more, but I can see him even at 72, ready to face wet slopes. At worst, should it prove difficult, Bianca and Guglielmo will help him.
I open the water and wait for the heat to take the soap away from me. I observe the drops pouring on my body and I see the slopes of Cortina, Innsbruck, Garmi sch-Partenkirchen, St. Moritz and Monte Rosa. With one finger I draw hypothetical lines on my body, up and down between my shapes, and I can see, among all that water, a New Era of skiers. And I see all the adaptability of human beings. All the strength to go on. All time.
(As soon as I finish to shower, however, I would go to the attic to cut the skins.)

Photo Chiara Guglielmina
The Pill rivista bimestrale registrata al tribunale di Milano il 29/02/2016 al numero 73


Si tratta della libertà di scegliere il proprio percorso, di agire in base al proprio istinto spingendo i limiti di ciò che si conosce. È la libertà di non avere aspettative, se non le proprie. Muoversi in territori sconosciuti, non sapendo cosa c’è dietro l’angolo. Questa è la LIBERTÀ DI ESPLORARE.
Ski Touring

Performance yes, but also lightness and agility. These products represent the compromise par excellence: they allow you to climb with relative lightweight but also to fully enjoy the descent. Do not underestimate them, thanks to increasingly in novative technologies and visionary solutions, the level is rising very much.
Weight: 1100-1500 grams per ski
Ski center width: from 85 to 95mm Sidecut: average, not too accentuated Height: 155-185cm
Light Touring
“Levity is an irresistible temptation but levity is also a perversion.” It seems that these words pronoun ced by Sir Michael Caine in the famous movie “Youth” is the right description of this ski category. A light weight can help a lot on big slopes, but it shows all its limits on high speed descents. It is the refore essential to understand that when we talk about "lightweight", referring to this particular ca tegory, we just don’t talk about grams. Once again, it is a matter of how you want to live your day in the mountains. The term "Light Touring" was born on the basis of extremely minimal skis, suitable for equally minimal skiers not only in weight and size, but also and above all ideal in the approach phase: essential, practical and elegant. For those who bring few but necessary things to the mountains.
Weight: 900-1150 grams per ski
Ski center width: from 70 to 85mm Sidecut: average, not too accentuated Height: 150-176cm
Free Touring
Let's say it clear: these skis are realized for those who love to ski. People who love everything, from planning the trip to find the best slope, up to the expected moment of the descent on virgin pow der. These are the skis of those who enjoy a lot their curves above everything else. The desire for exploration prevails over the one of the conquest. Consequently, these tools must be sufficiently structured to support descents on any type of snow, and at the same time painfully light to be able to face significant elevation gain without excessive fatigue. In a word? A compromise.
Weight: 1300-2000 grams per ski Ski center width: from 90 to 120mm Sidecut: moderately accentuated Height: 160-190cm
This is also an evolving category. Last year we wrote: "At The Pill we’re not imperatives, but we invite you to try skins and, why not, to con sider them as a valid substitute for the useless use of the helicopter. Come on, you are young and strong." Grinding meters of elevation gain throughout the past winter, we saw fewer shovels and more skins. We are proud of you. The skis that belong to this category have the sole purpose of offering you the possibility to ski every slope in your own way, without de pending on what runs under your feet.
Weight: 1300-2000 grams per ski Ski center width: from 90 to 120mm Sidecut: moderately accentuated Height: 160-190cm
Ski Race
Skis made for athletes. They are skis that put performance first, above everything else. If competitions and grams (both at the table and on your feet) are your constant thought, these products are for you: extremely performing, de dicated exclusively to sporting or competitive performance. Lightness uphill at the expense of downhill stability, but as a good athlete, a pinch of proprioceptive is enough to go down everywhe re. Full gas, always.
Weight: 700-900 grams per ski Ski center width: less than 70mm Sidecut: little accentuated Height: 150 - 160cm
The outdoor market, as we will explain better later on, offers endless solutions: from the most multifaceted products to the most targeted ones, designed for specific disciplines. The categories that we offer are clear and direct to allow you, by eyeing a product between one page and another, to better focus on who you are and on what you like to do.

All Mountain
As with all things in life, it is utopian to find so mething that 100% satisfies our every desire. We will still remember all the reproaches of our mother or grandmother: "you can't have one's cake and eat it too." Here, for this category of skis the same con cept applies. They are models suitable for all con ditions. Suitable, not perfect. However, if you are a 360° mountain lover, they are definitely the best choice for you. Without too much mental rumina tion you can go from slashing powder at high alti tude to turning on ski slopes, from the exhausting humpbacks at the end of the day to tricks in the park. In short, a good performance everywhere.
Your is goal is clear: to reach the top. We know this well and the ice ax is undoubtedly your symbol. The tool to climb, with a more or less fast pace, through snow, ice and rock, until you reach your dreams at 4000 meters high. You need lightness, but first of all reliability, warmness and breathabi lity: fundamental elements for a safe progression.
A real must-have in your backpack. If you have to approach a wall, whether it be on a trail in the valley or on a bumpy stony ground at high altitu de, you can't help but have these products. Very versatile models, suitable from simple day trips to paragliding. They work well in many situations, but be careful, they are not suitable for walking too many kilometers.
From a single-day hike, the classic “hit and run” experience, to multi-day treks. These products were created to cover many kilometers, often under the sun, but they do not disdain rain and bad weather. Lightweight but also performing and long lasting. Shoes that will never betray you: reliability is their keyword.
Trail Running
If you can't help but running in the mountains, grinding out trails and climbing at high altitude wi thout stopping, you need lightweight and spacesaving products. The shoes are perfect for your passion.
If what you want is to run far, without looking back, regardless of the road, the mountain and where the trail will lead you, ultrarunning mo dels are what you are looking for: comfortable shoes with no frills.

If your only goal is the mountains, what you need is a light, grippy shoe suitable for the most technical and demanding terrains, even on rock and via ferratas, or where you have to use your hands.
Winter Trail
If you compete all year round or if you are looking for a reliable shoe to run without worries in any climate, with snow, mud and rain, maybe on te chnical and semi-mountaineering terrains, in our winter Guide we have dedicated a category spe cifically for these shoes.
Speed Hiking
If your passion is hiking but at the same time you love speed and performance, then the winged shoe is the icon you’re looking for. These pro ducts allow you to face the mountain and the ele vation gain with a quick pace, without too many frills and with less weight on your back.
Is vertical your motto? This category is obviously the one for you. Products born and developed for real climbers who don't want to hear the word ho rizontal. Definitely technical materials when it co mes to shoes, comfortable and lightweight ones in the clothing category.
Adventure & Backpacking
Is your life an adventure with the capital "A" and do you love exploring both the frenzy of urban neigh borhoods and the peace of a forest? Do you dre am of walking for hours, both under sun and rain without sweating or getting wet? This compass is for you: highly performing and versatile products but not suitable for facing too technical and de manding climates and trails.
Not long ago, although few remember it, wo men's products were simply men's models in smaller sizes and colored in nuances considered feminine. Now companies have understood that women love and deserve mountains as much as men, if not more. Now there are numerous brands that realize products with fits and performances suitable for the female body.
It’s time for new generations and, as they say in Scooby-Doo: "Power to the little ones!” Long live parents who bring their children to the mountains and do not park them in front of an IPad. Long live companies that think about them by creating ad hoc products. These little climbers deserve as much as we do to not have their butts frozen.
is freeskiing

How to read The Pill Ski tests
Each test consists of a descriptive textual section and an infographic based on technical numerical parameters expressed on a scale of values from 1 to 10.
Four different numerical judgment parameters. The ratings range from 1 to 10, where 10 is the maximum in performan ce. We have chosen the 4 most important features when it comes to evaluating a ski: handling, carvability, flex and design (yes we have a soft spot for graphics and design). Three of these parameters will help you understand the feeling this ski offers.
On the top you will find the name of the brand and the one of the product. We shot every single ski, boot and binding in studio, with the same light conditions and in the same position in order to evaluate aesthetics and shape.
Global impression
The first part is dedicated to the global impression where is summarized the sum of the testers’ opinions. It starts with the general feeling that the product has gi ven then deepened in the part dedicated to features and performances, concluding with the final impressions.
7 8
Data Sheet
This paragraph summarizes the various information of the tested models provided by the parent company and then verified by us. If there is a clear difference between the data provided and those detected it is reported, but we must admit that brands are very serious in communi cating all the right specs. In this order you will find: avai lable ski sizes, type of construction, materials, sidecut, rocker, radius, weight and price.
Here we show you what is the best use of the product you’re looking at.
We have tried to give you as precise and easy to read infor mation as possible on the 4 types of skiing: Light Touring, Free Touring, Freeriding and All Mountain. A light and fast ski that is very performing for Light Touring will hardly be suitable for Freeriding and viceversa.
Riding Level
It is essential to know your own limits, and once evalua ted them with extreme sincerity, thanks to this chart you will be able to understand if a ski is suitable or not for your level. If you are a beginner we do not recommend a ski with a very high rate in the “Pro” feature, you may not enjoy it.
Each product has its own strength, there is no a perfect product suitable for all conditions. But if something has really amazed us (and that happened a lot) you will find it written here.
We have tried to keep ski-like ratings for boots as well, to make it easier for you to read. However, the features change and here you will find the number of buckles, the stance and the cuff motion. In graphics you can see the sole used, the material of the liner and cuff, and finally have info about the shell and the last.
We Like Ski Boots Ski Bindings
Even for the bindings, categories do not change but in the features you will find the type of binding, the material with which it is built, the range drop, if there is the possibility of skistopper and rampant holder.

How to read The Pill Shoes tests
You will find this data only about shoes that are becoming more and more versatile, for this reason we have tried to give you the most precise and easy-to-read indications on the 4 types of terrains that you will frequently meet: mud, rock, wet and gravel. A perfect shoe on wet or mud probably is not the right choice on rock and vice versa.
Product Name
On the top you will find the name of the brand and the one of the product. We shot every single shoe in studio with the same light conditions and in the same position in order to evaluate aesthetics and shape.
Global impression
The first part is dedicated to the global impression, here is summarized the testers’ opinions. It starts with the general feeling that the product has given then deepe ned in the part dedicated to features and performances, concluding with the final impressions.
Here we show you what is the best use of the product you’re looking at.
We have established four different numerical judgment pa rameters. The ratings range from 1 to 10, where 10 is the ma ximum in performance. We have chosen the 4 most impor tant features that a shoe must have: cushioning, protection, support and traction. There are high performing and very technical shoes suitable for advanced runners but difficult to use for less experienced ones, others which are simpler and usable on all terrains, but that obviously do not excel in anything. This chart lets you know if the shoe has the featu res you are looking for.
This paragraph summarizes the various info of the tested models provided by the parent company and then verified by us. If there is a clear difference between the data provi ded and those detected it is reported. In the features you will find the lining of the shoe, its upper, sole, midsole, foot bed and drop.
Each product has its own strength, it must be said. But the absolute product, perfect in all situations, does not exist, and looking for it is a utopia. However, if something particularly strikes us (and it happens often), we will wri te it here.
Here you will find some data to evaluate whether a trail shoe is suitable for short, medium or long distances.
Features We Like Distance Volume
The feet of each one of us differ not only in length but also in width and volume, here you will find the internal volume of every shoe which can be small, medium or large.
Each test has been divided into a textual part and a series of parameters, according to a scale that ranges from 1 to 10.

The Pill Ski Awards
A selection in the selection that we like to call "editor's choice": what is most interesting on the market. These are products that deserve to be highlighted and, consequently, tested by our team.
We don't like to have our say, not only at least. We like to share and to involve. Here, then, is the birth of eight awards for two product categories: skis & boots. Eight prizes, however, awarded with dif ferent methods. In order to give everyo ne a voice. We assigned seven of them with a democratic vote managed by The Pill testers and by comparing ourselves through a survey with the most impor tant ski stores in Italy, and for the last one we let our readers choose with an online survey (via newsletter and Insta gram) carried out before going to print the guide.
Here you will find a short but complete legend. The aim is to make you under stand how the awards were decided and for what reason they were assigned.
Certainly, those who buy this kind of pro duct have ascent as their main purpose and are looking for a product capable of supporting maximum performance uphill. It is natural that in a second moment it will be necessary to turn the tips and go back to the valley but let's face it, rather than skiing, the goal of those who face such important difference in heights is to descend. And do it quickly. Keyword? Lightweight. We wanted to attribute this award to the product that has been able to stand out for its lightness and handling without compromising safety on the descent. In short the concept is that even if you don't take turns, a ski or the cuff of a good boot must always support the skier and his/her style of skiing.
Probably the most complex product in the category. The request of skiers is more and more demanding: you want to climb without getting tired and descend with the stability typical of the piste. As we say in Italy “you want one’s cake and eat it too". We have deep esteem for the research and development departments that every year have to design more and more complete products to satisfy an in creasingly demanding public. We wanted to reward those who, in our opinion, have succeeded best in this arduous under taking. Who has got one’s cake and ate it too. In simple terms? Acceptable weight uphill and good grip downhill on all types of snow and slopes.
Complexity also distinguishes this type of product. The difference compared to the touring category is in fact subtle. The goal remains the compromise. We wanted to reward, once again, those who dared to grow. At eighteen years old, a person is fundamentalist and absolute, without half measures: everything is black or white, ri ght or wrong. Without "if" and without "but", full stop and new line. At thirty everything becomes a semicolon. Growing up means identifying the right shade of grey between those extremes. This is what we wanted to reward: those who, with their product, have made of every "if" and every "but" a strong point. Those who knew how to grow.
Hundreds of messages on WhatsApp, hours of discussion and a multitude of emails between our test team and many of the most important ski stores we collaborate with have allowed us to collect the information necessary to assign a series of prizes. Here, then, are our The Pill Ski Awards.
Inside this guide you will find a selection that, however wide it may be, is still the result of a careful selection.

The word freedom has always spoken and will always speak for itself. It is a concept that we certainly feel more ours compa red to the term “competition”. These same awards, we say it again, want to demon strate our desire for sharing and transpa rency towards companies, readers and collaborators. We do not want to draw up a ranking by assigning judgments from the top of a chair. Here, then, why we have a soft spot for this category, it somehow represents us. We wanted to reward a product worthy of the name it bears: true, complete and robust. Ironically, we rewar ded the stiffness able of making the de scents in powder really free.
Nowadays it almost seems that the ide al of progress has been replaced by the ideal of innovation. This is what you hear around and this is it: an outgoing product does not have to be better, it just needs to be new. As if the past were something to be avoided at all costs. The problem with this philosophy is obvious: endless growth re presents a mad utopia. We therefore wan ted to reward something new: patience. That product that has embarked on a path of constant growth and thought over the long term. That company that has chosen a complex and complete path, made up of necessary steps.
When it comes to sustainability, there is no certainty. Maybe we’re late, maybe we still have time. We believe in snow and, de spite the last difficult seasons, we nurture sincere hope in the future and in the new generations of skiers and companies. It is natural that the primary goal of a company is linked to sales, but we are extremely proud to be able to collaborate with people who share a current and urgent common interest: safeguarding the environment. We have therefore chosen to reward those who have not limited themselves to cre ating something innovative, but have put sustainable development in the first place in the entire production chain.
A beautiful wooden bicycle, with the frame hand carved by a skilled craftsman, what purpose would it have without a chain ca pable of activating the movement of the wheels? It would remain beautiful, but it would stay still. Here is the subtle issue we have focused on. With this award we did not want to reward the most beautiful ski or boot. Because beauty as an end in itself is not useful, at least not in sport. Instead, we looked for those who, to create an innovati ve and functional product, have combined a unique design. Those who have focused on the content and, at the same time, have presented in the best way.
We can fill you with notions and many be autiful words. We meet, discuss, write, test. Some of us are simple enthusiasts, others professionals, some prominent athletes, others excellent amateurs and still others shopkeepers, the attentive ones. But no one, as with all things in life, has it all figu red out. In the end we lay our cards on the table, but you choose which hand to play. In short, what really matters is, and always must be, your judgment. Over the past few months we have done a survey asking you what your favorite skis and boots were, this is the prize you have awarded.
Each one of us, for any existing product on the market, can decide to vivisect every single element as much as possi ble. In this case, therefore, you can go in search of the most stable ski, the lightest one, the most technologically advanced boot or the one that satisfies the eye the most, but ultimately what matters is our personal preference. In all likelihood it is the least rational judgment, but the one which best sums up all the other ones in itself. We assigned it to the model that re ceived the most overall votes by adding all those from the other categories.

The Pill Trail Awards
After many years of guides and many years spent with a stable and tested team of testers, we thought that all the speeches we did behind the scenes could also be expressed in our guide.
It's not just for the coolest shoe, that would be uninteresting. The Best De sign Award is assigned to the shoe in which aesthetics are bent to technology and in which the materials are assem bled in a functional way, in other words, industrial, in the highest sense of the term. It is an award that rewards the qua lity of the shoe as a whole: aesthetics and functionality.
So we decided to assign, as a team, and in collaboration with the most important trail running stores, special prizes to the running products that we liked the most, that made us talk or discuss the most. We then wrote it down a number of fea tures that we thought were important in a shoe, and that it would be interesting to award a prize. Eight awards came out: we awarded six with a democratic vote managed by The Pill testers, compa
ring ourselves through a survey with the most important trail running stores in Italy, one was left to the editorial staff of Buckled, the first ultrarunning podcast in Italy, and we let you readers choose the last one, with an online survey done before going to print the guide. Below you will find a small legend, a compass, to guide you and to understand how we have assigned them.
In a market where everything happens quickly, and where production cannot keep up with product development, we have decided to make order. The Best Technology Award is assigned to the shoe that encompasses the most advanced technologies on the market today. A shoe that may not be perfect, but it is the most innovative, the one to look at to understand where we will be tomorrow.

When you buy shoes what are you paying for? Production? No. Research. Developing innovative materials and products costs a lot of money, but a shoe must remain functional and affor dable, even starting from the price. It is not a prize for the cheapest shoe, but for the one that combines quality and dura bility at a reasonable price, and where the gap between objective value and price is as little as possible.
Imagine a bike: how many attempts have been made to redesign it? Recumbent, inclined, without seat tube, front-wheel drive, unicycle, tricycle. But in the end, a bike has always remained the same, and a riding bike of today is essentially not very different from one of fifty years ago. For running shoes it is the same thing, as far as you can go around them, they are always the same. This is the prize for "those" shoes: functional, with no frills, always fitting.
We meet up, discuss, write, some of us are athletes, others amateurs, others shopkeepers. What we can do is give you a compass, some advice, tell you what we liked and what we didn't, as we have the opportunity to try on many shoes. But what matters in the end is always your judgment. Over the past few months we have done a survey asking you what your favorite shoe was, this is the prize you awarded.
If you look at the feet of the athletes on a starting line, anarchy. Because a shoe can also be designed for a specific di stance, but then everyone uses what they prefer. Nonetheless, in large num bers that intention almost always cor responds to reality. This award is given to the best shoe for short distances, at least for us: responsive, fast, light.
We can vivisect a shoe as much as possi ble. We can find the softest, most respon sive, most technological, most beautiful shoe, but in the end what matters is our favorite shoe. Perhaps this is the most irrational prize but it best sums up all the others in itself. We assigned it to the mo del that received the most overall votes by adding all those from the other categories.
We had to assign a prize to the best ul trarunning shoe, thinking of a name for it we came up with Buckled's monthly column "The Long Run", edited by Ales sandro Locatelli (one of our testers), Marcello Marcadella and Tommaso Bassa, you can listen to it every month on the major podcast platforms. We asked them to give this award, it seemed right.

Earned turns run deep.
We break trail in places worth protecting. With each step and each turn, our connection to the high country grows stronger. By building durable gear and keeping it in play for years to come, we minimize our footprint while maximizing our time in the mountains.

Sestriere 16/17 January 2023
The Pill Base Camp, winter edition… Coming soon!
Unconventional business camp
76 brands, 103 stores, a whole editorial team: the edition number 1 of the first business to business event organized by The Pill was a success. Now off to the third edition (after the summer one in Final Borgo) in Sestriere on January 16-17, 2023.

But let's take a step back. Pila, Sunday February 6th, 6:30am. From the par king lot to the open space in front of Trattoria dei Maestri there is a bustle of people carrying folded gazebos, pal lets, tables, bags with snowboards or skis, someone has stacked them like pellets to transport them more easily. The snow on the ground is crossed by a sort of fence, an imaginary village that in two hours will be full of equip ment and people, it will be the first Base Camp organized by The Pill, which will last until the next day. When Denis Pic colo, our editor, started talking about it months ago, it seemed like a titanic thing and, nevertheless, a total leap in the dark, a bet: inviting hundreds of pe

ople to edition one of an event did not had an obvious answer. The answer, on the other hand, was indeed mas sive for a business to business event: 76 brands set up their gazebos in our Base Camp that saw a huge amount of skis, snowboards, boots, bindings, goggles and sunglasses and in general products related to the world of winter sports. 230 representatives from 103 stores spread throughout the territory, from Umbria to Trentino, who had the opportunity to test, in two days and in a few square meters, all the new equip ment for next winter of the most impor tant all mountain and freeriding brands in the world, but also to get to know new ones. Alongside the most well-known
and, pass me the term, more mainstre am brands, more niche realities have intervened, some of them almost tai lor-made.
The heart of the two days, in fact, was precisely discussing about products tested by buyers and retailers with the representatives of the brands and with us of the editorial team in the form of hundreds of interviews. For each snow board or ski tested, we talked about the materials and production processes used: sustainability is an increasingly fundamental asset for outdoor com panies and among those involved a high percentage has equipped, or is equipping, their factories to be carbon
neutral and enormous progress has been made from the point of view of experimentation with new materials, which are increasingly green but highly performing. The know-how of the com panies is now focusing on sustainabili ty, but also on making the experience of its customers increasingly satisfying: whether it is skis or boards designed to be all mountain, or specific for moun taineering and freeriding, many innova tions have been put into place for the 2023 season. Engineering gems put at the service of winter sports, brilliant insights that will turn into a better riding experience, at all levels and for all types of terrain. The many moments of con frontation that we as editorial staff have
had, both with the dealers who have tested the models, and with the repre sentatives of the various brands, will in fact flow into one of The Pill's most important products for us, this Winter Outdoor Guide, more than 400 pages full of product reviews from a technical, aesthetic and from a “feeling” point of view.

The most important aspect, and which has made us as organizers happier and prouder, is in fact the community: The Pill Base Camp has been an opportu nity not only for traders to test many different products, but also to be able to talk with colleagues, from the same or other regions, to be able to discuss
their impressions after the test with the brands, to discuss with us what are the most requested aspects by their cu stomers and therefore important for us to report in the Outdoor Guide. The in terviews collected are almost 400 and they represent precious material for us for the preparation of our texts and to compare our feelings about the pro ducts with those of retailers and brands in order to give readers descriptions that are as accurate and detailed as possible. A collective effort that has brought, and will bring, new life to our magazine, whose team has given a lot in these two days. A real team work that represents a success, as a zero edition,
as the first test bench to understand if and how to replicate such a deploy ment of forces and sharing in the future.
After almost 48 hours, making the re verse path to the parking lot carrying gazebos, bags with skis and everything that was useful for the camp, was a bit tiring, but we did that with a smile on our lips. The task has been accomplished, it was a challenge and this is essential for us. The world of outdoor and win ter sports is based on challenges and we always like to invent new ones. We sincerely thank those who took part and embarked on this adventure with us, and those who will to continue to do that in the future.
Photos Camilla Pizzini Text Chiara GuglielminaYes, because the next location to host us will be Sestriere, where almost everything is ready. There will be big news, including an indoor village that will be open until late evening and where all participants will be able to dine in a su per friendly atmosphere to continue the unfinished chat during the day's tests. But it certainly does not end there, right now we are organizing experiences, talks, workshops and much more... Our advice is to browse our official website www.thepillbasecamp.com to get more information and to register immediately because the camp is reserved for a ma ximum of 200 outdoor stores.
Stay tuned and see you in Sestriere!

There will be big news, including an indoor village that will be open until late evening and where all participants will be able to dine in a super friendly atmosphere to continue the unfinished chat during the day's tests.

The Pill Way 2K23
The 10 stages of the tests
Photos & Text Chiara GuglielminaEven though temperatures are getting higher and higher, you need more than skis and boots to ski and, above all, win ter is more than slashing slopes. During the colder months people do not give up trekking, running, and even climbing. The keyword remains "exploring". The choice of including more than just products for skiing has a very specific purpose which, once again, reflects the philosophy of The Pill: pure outdoor, whatever the preferred shape and way. So yes, a few pages fur ther on you will also find an entire section

dedicated to footwear, clothing and tech nical equipment.
However, we are aware of the vastness of the outdoor market, today more than ever. Our guide mostly wants to be a map to orient yourself without adding confusion. In a market that is increasingly saturated in supply, finding the way becomes difficult. We have tried to show you even the most hidden roads by giving you tools to direct you on the most inaccessible terrains. Perhaps this is what a guide is: a map to read, or better to learn to read.
“What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence”.
- Euclid

The Munich trade fair, more commonly known as ISPO, is today the main exhibition event for the world of outdoor sports on a global scale. Gene rally the winter exhibition takes place in November and this year, to be exact, will be between the 28th and the 30th of November. Will we be there? Cer tainly. Sometimes we are asked, and when we are more tired we also ask ourselves, if being so pas sionate is a fortune or a doom. For us, now, besides being cool, it is simply what we are: it is part of us. Every year we get in the car, crammed together to move with the least possible impact, and we grind thousands of kilometers regardless of comfort, hours of sleep and yes, sometimes even sacrifi cing some nice outings in company, be it a run or a ski run. Up to this day we are happy to say that it has always been worth it. In everything in life, sacrifice is necessary. Furthermore, we are driven by that typical curiosity of the child on Christmas morning where everything becomes simpler.

In addition to the November appointment in Munich, we attend various company sales meetings whe re every year the news of the upcoming season is presented to dealers. This also thrills us. Season after season we do not miss premier events and individual company presentations where, in addi tion to having the honor of working closely with the best brands, we can get an idea of the direction of the market by highlighting, among many others, the points on which it will be worth concentrating on when testing. Then we carefully note the products that interest us and, before making a request to the various companies, we discuss with them the choi ces of the relative models. It is a precious moment of confrontation for us and for them. We are convin ced of it. Finally, because details make the differen ce, we always ask brands to receive the products in the same conditions in which they will arrive in the stores so that it is possible to evaluate all aspects, including packaging and finishes.
The first light of the morning is very sharp and cold. there is a frenzy for the first tests, let's go
It all starts in November.
As a team we are proud to say that the first edition, held in Pila on last February 6-7, was a success. The edition ONE, the first business to business event organized by our magazine, encouraged us to do even more. Always in small but decisive and constant steps.
* 76 brands, 103 stores, 230 representatives, a whole editorial staff.
Denis Piccolo is a friend to many of us, but he is abo ve all the boss. Let me say that he has a crazy view of things. He often talks about bigger things than all of us, but he believes it enough to convince us. Everyo ne. And so things get done. Always.
The event held in Pila, the first times he told us about it, seemed like a titanic undertaking. Definitely a leap into the dark, a real bet. The idea was "simple": invi ting hundreds of brands and people to test a huge amount of skis with the aim of retrieving as many re views and feedback as possible. But what would be the answer from the public? Certainly we did not take it for granted. Fortunately, however, as often happens in the most compelling stories, the twist surprised everyone: the brands that brought their stands to our Base Camp were 76 including companies of skis, snowboards, boots, bindings, goggles and in ge neral products related to the world of winter sports. As their counterpart, 230 representatives from 103
stores spread throughout the territory, from Umbria to Trentino, took part and had the opportunity to test in two days the equipment for next winter of the most important brands in the all mountain and freeride world, but also to get to know new ones.

I cannot explain, in a few lines, the immensity of the work behind these pages, but we can leave you some numbers and some additional information. You must know that all the representatives who tested the skis (which as said were 230 from 103 stores) filled in spe cial google forms thanks to which, by indicating their impressions via value scales, it was possible collect everyone's opinions. Including also those of our 10 official testers, which we will tell you about later.
If we add to all this the fact that every single repre sentative was able to test about 15 skis, and if we also add the valuable feedback of our official testers to these, we arrive through a simple calculation to a to tal of 3600 reviews. A considerable amount of data to start getting our copywriters to work on. But it wa sn't enough for us. Our testers were allowed to keep their skis to test them in every possible condition and then we met them again in Zermatt, last October 3-4, to sum up and collect further and more detailed infor mation related to the various products.
*Next appointment? On January 16-17 2023 in Se striere for the Edition TWO of The Pill Base Camp.
The Pill Ski Test.
People's opinions matter to us, a lot. For this reason we have formed a real team of testers. We did not want, in the choice of the profiles, to limit ourselves to a specific niche. Only in this way, by broadening the point of view, we believe it is possible to offer the reader in search of the product that best suits his/her features, a broader vision. Among our testers there are Mountain Guides, ski instructors, dealers, freeriding experts, Alpine Rescue technicians, but also simple mountain enthu siasts. As mentioned above, the testers were also pre sent at the Base Camp in Pila where it was possible, by talking and discussing with the companies, to identify the most suitable skis for each one. “Our” guys were able to try the products in different snow conditions and on different slopes before The Pill Ski Test in Zer
matt, ready to close the loop and draw conclusions. Even this last part of field work, especially due to the bad weather conditions of the current year, was not easy at all. However, thanks to the over 3500 meters of the Plateau Rosà Glacier, divided between Zer matt and Cervinia, it was still possible to “improvise” a tour and try skis in an even different condition. But our testers are tough guys...
The skis have been tested several times, by several people, before reaching the final judgment and fil ling out the Google forms useful to allow all of us, in the editorial office, to create the best product pages we could offer you, you can find them by browsing through the guide, a few pages ahead.

The complete review. The report.

Probably the most picky phase, the one that re quires maniacal precision. As mentioned, the final report is a collection of many things: the ability to synthesize in this phase is fundamental. All pro ducts tested get cataloged and a grid is drawn up with the parameters that will compose, together with the general impression, the final report. The products are all checked and the measures de clared by the parent company get compared with appropriate instruments, if there are no substan tial differences (slight deviations are normal) we do not report it. Working (thank goodness) with enthusiastic people and not with cold robots,
each tester has unique and always different cha racteristics, both in terms of properly physiologi cal features, and in terms of knowledge relating to the product in question. So we try, in drawing up the definitive review, to take into account the precious point of view of each one. Because there is no absolute science or an indisputable opinion capable of telling you which ski is actually right for you. There are people, experiences, conditions, technical skills. And then there are the skis. The general picture must always be looked at and un derstood, which is precisely what we have tried to summarize in these pages.
The valuations of the testers have to be extremely precise and detailed, they all end up in a huge Excel sheet

In a ski test details are important, every single adjustment must be made with extreme precision

As mentioned, writing a test is not an easy task even for our copywriters. In or der to merge multiple impressions of the same product into a few lines, whole days of comparison, field tests, data collection and more are required. Based on the intended use, the products we test are tested on powder, hard, win dy and crusty snow. Shoes, before being commented, must grind hundreds of kilometers. It is immediately evident, however, that, however useful, a test cannot be exhaustive in itself. This step is important for us but it is only the tip of the iceberg that offers copywriters the opportunity to sketch the first lines. In truth, before putting the boot into the binding pins to go up and down slopes in excellent company, we talk for a long time with those who conceived those products. We interview buyers, dealers, people who sell and use them, and we have developed a deep understanding of the versions of previous years. In short, we know its evolution as we are informed by the manufacturers on the improvements made.
Data processing.

Where magic happens and the ability to synthesize becomes a necessity. After having spent (beautiful) hours going up and down all possible snow covered slopes or running at full speed on endless routes, the dreaded time to go back to our editorial office comes and there comes the time to draw a conclusion. Once the insoles and boots have been dried, and the soles of shoes and boots have been scrapped, the data collected is examined. Ours is not a mere transcript of what emerged from the tests but, once again, a real comparison. The information collected is not "only" compared with the ones provided by buyers from all over Europe by completing the survey, but is also and above all compared with what is sent to us by the parent com pany. Our copywriters, passionate and competent young boys and girls, finally compile the text of the review. Here comes the mastery: enclosed in less than two thousand words there is a clear, complete and as impartial as possible review filled with an abnormal amount of technical data. And it's not over yet: once drawn up, every single review is further checked, shared and discussed internally before being transferred to the graphic designer for the layout, and not even this is a simple job.

Conclusion & feedbacks.
Once the tests are done, the products get cle aned, sanitized and sent back to the brands. In this phase we take care to share the preview of the final review with the companies. Not to make corrections or changes, but for professional correctness and transparency. The result of so much effort is, in a nutshell, an honest and balan ced report: the result of the opinions of expert and reliable testers is then added to the ones co ming from hundreds of stores that daily use and sell the same products, in order to be a valid pro duct evaluation tool both for companies and for the final consumer.
Shooting & layout.

The most loyal of you know that, although content always comes first, we also care a lot about aesthetics. After all, we tell stories through images. We have always done that. In fact, we would like our Outdoor Guide, as well as our editorial project, to be a beautiful object to collect and, perhaps, to inspire young and old designers. That's why we often throw ourselves into "crazy" covers: we like to dare. And you seem to like it too. Despite this, for the guide, a diffe rent reasoning must be made: in this case the real stars are the pro ducts tested, not the stories. And that’s why we dedicate to them the most of the pages and lot of hours of shooting in our studio. Each product (whether a ski or a shoe) is shot by itself, with mini malism and maximum consistency towards what companies sent us. Clean, no frills, non-artificial realities built on too many layers in Photoshop. Once all the material, textual and visual, is ready, we can start the layout phase, which is not simple. We told you it was going to be a long process...

First of all, sustainability.
“Living life outdoors”. That’s our claim. And, in fact, that's what happe ned. The hours in the editorial office, between texts and photos, are always endless but then, every time, we run in the middle of nature to recharge. Only out there do we find continuous inspiration and moti vation. Whether it's a run in the woods or a ski run on the highest pe aks, it doesn't matter, what it’s important is to escape. We are proud, and for this we clap a pat on our backs, because we were among the first in 2013 to have columns about sustainability in our magazine. The fact that our production cycle is itself a dialogue between indoor and outdoor, between editorial staff and boundless nature, pushes us to make conscious choices regarding, just to give an example, the paper on which we print. The Pill paper is, in fact, recycled from unsold ma gazines and books that, alas, would otherwise be thrown away. Our 30.000 copies, distributed in outdoor stores across Europe and sold online, are fully distributed and no copies get macerated. We are sure of this every time, for every single issue. Unsold copies exist, we do not want to deny it, but you will always find them available online in "The Pill Collection" packs or distributed for free during outdoor events. Nothing gets destroyed, or worse, wasted. Nothing.

Off to the printers!
Even in this case, we could limit ourselves to send a WeTran sfer file to our trusted typography but, even here, precisely because details matter, we prefer to be first in line. We go in person to the typography, not far from our office in Saluzzo, where the smell of inked paper is strong and the noise of the machines turning hundreds of pages gets inside you. It is a key step in print publishing, the moment in which the work of months is definitively imprinted on paper. That is now here in your hands. Now you just have to enjoy it. Together with us. You can find it in your trusted outdoor store or on our online website www.thepillmagazine.com/shop. The guide will re main, throughout the season, on the counter of a lot of stores across Europe and, we hope, in thousands of your homes. Maybe even under the tree, wrapped with a nice red bow. Always ready to be read and to assist you in your purchases with our best advice.
The Pill Ski Tests 2023
Photos & Text Chiara Guglielmina Location Cervinia / Zermatt Skier Federico Cuatto, Stefano Secchi, Luca Manfredi, Gioele Poddine, Shanty Cipolli, Simone Fiorito, Nicola Degasperi, Matteo Negra, Giangiacomo Carrare e Paolo Armando

Skis in their natural element are always cool

Boots and bindings must be in perfect harmony to get the maximum out of the ski

Matteo Negra is the most freestyler among our testers


Ok speed and power but we also need to test the playfulness of a ski

Even the set ups of boots must be done with meticulousness and... Style

The Pill Ski Testers
Ski instructor, former ski cross athlete with 2 participation in the Word Cup. Ste ep freerider and ski mountaineer with an Italian qualification, lover of high speeds on snowy slopes, owner of Monviso Out door that he coordinates.

He starts skiing at the age of 3 and con tinues to at a competitive level. Then he's into MTB but his tireless love for the mountains puts him back on snow. Alpine Rescue technician, he's into mountaine ering, ski mountaineering and climbing.

Ski instructor, aspiring Mountain Guide and freerider in Elan, Cébé and Mammut teams. He loves exploring and traveling, he says that there are no bad snows, only snows difficult to ski! For him, skiing is a way of expressing himself.
Quite modest even if rumor has it that he is the youngest Mountain Guide in Italy. Born as a climber, he hung up his clim bing shoes chasing the dream of floating on the clouds with his skis on.

Fourth generation owner of Guggia Sport, a sports store specialized in the sale of products for ski mountaineering, mountaineering and trekking. He has been skiing since he was 5 and it’s still his greatest passion.

Mountain Guide and strong climber. Pas sionate about climbing, mountaineering, paragliding and freeriding, in spring you will find him flying in the air or on some snowy channel on the Monte Rosa mas sif, his home.
Ski instructor, expert freerider who lo ves powder but does not mind some tricks in the park. A champion with a touch of healthy madness. "Skiing is fantastic because the environment is great." His words!

Born as skier in the Orobic Alps, first on piste but soon overwhelmed by the pas sion for freeriding. He has currently mo ved to backcountry. A lover of the winter mountains, in summer he likes to ride his mountain bike. He’s also a cycling guide.

He starts skiing at 3 years old. At 14 he puts skins on his skis and from there he never stops looking for canals and lines. He also practiced snowboard for 7 years. When there is no snow, he clim bs on rock.
300 days a year with skis in his hand or on his foot. Favorite place for any out door activity? Santa Caterina Valfurva. A living library for the backcountry. His opinions are rules.

The Pill Trail Test 2023

Winter Trail Running test By Dolomiti Brenta Trail

In the last thirty minutes I’ve written five lines, which I then canceled, of this article and twelve WhatsApp messages on The Pill trail team chat. Being part of the guide tester group is hardly compatible with a normal life.
In the last three hours, in fact, about se venty messages have been sent to the chat, and that’s not an exception, inde ed it is repeated with some regularity, almost daily. It’s unnecessary to specify that in the group there aren’t only free lancers, because there are also shopke epers who deal with orders, customers, products, and people who have families. There is no doubt that if we did not do the Guide we would all be much more productive in everything else, because we would not be in the WhatsApp group and therefore we would not spend hours and hours writing messages. What do we usually talk about? Believe it or not, 80% of the time we talk about shoes. Of the remaining 20, 18% is spent talking
about running, in the remaining 2% of time, for intellectual honesty, we talk about what you could put into the "mi scellaneous" category. We all are very gear geeks, and those two times a year when we are all physically together to run the tests we do the same thing, and we spend a day, two or three or days talking about gear, to the point that everyone who weren’t that nerdy enou gh have already been naturally isolated.
For a reason that is still unclear, our te sts always take place near a lake or by the sea (Grigne, Garda, Finalborgo), so this year we ended up in Molveno, in Trentino, in the heart of Parco Naturale Adamello Brenta, hosted by the guys of Dolomiti di Brenta Trail. The first ones

They are all ultrarunners, but above all they like to chat about products and enjoy the landscape

When we open the bags with the shoes, each of the testers has the eye of the tiger, no mercy, just a lot of running
Stefano Serena, despite being no longer a young man, has excellent athletic abilities

arrived on Thursday and remained in the park until Saturday, some of us even ran the race, we talked about it on The Pill’s issue 57. We tested all the shoes, ran, took pictures and had a few beers, all the while talking about gear. Despite being the winter guide, this time too we were able to try out several interesting news released in the second half of the year and which in recent months have attracted our attention, such as Bro oks’ Caldera, Hoka’s Mafate Speed 4 and Nike’s Zegama, in addition to some niche products that you will see in the following pages.
As we said, we tested the shoes betwe en Molveno and Madonna di Campiglio, on the Brenta group, and we shot at Pas so Grostè. The testers who ran the race the next day used the shoes they tested for the first time the day before: Brenta as well as being a very nice race (many of us had already run it) is also very va ried in terms of trail and terrain, type of rock, presence of roots, there are some runable sections, some long and techni cal descents, some passages on stony ground and humid and dry sections.

After the weekend of testing, in which everyone tries on as many shoes as possible, each tester took home two, three or four pairs of shoes and tested them on the trails close to their homes for a few weeks, then filled in a Google Form that we provided from which we extracted the information to draw up the review. We have sent the same Form to several dozen shopkeepers, with whom we collaborate, their feedback deriving from a deep knowledge of the product is always very precise and complete, we could not do without it.

Just give a new shoe model to Stefano Serena and watch his smile come to life
This year we also awarded some prizes, which we voted online (in several cases a ballot was necessary), in addition, we asked one of our testers, Alessandro Locatelli, to assign, together with his Buckled partners Marcello Marcadel la and Tommaso Bassa, an award for the best ultramarathon shoe tested on behalf of the podcast. You will find out what came out. We have said what we had to tell you, now you just have to read this tome.
Really, if there's a trail shoe on the market that's worth testing, we have it

The test locations are never chosen randomly, we look for impossible conditions to put the shoes to test

There are those who eat bread and jam for breakfast, while others like us soles and uppers



Manuel Crapelli is better known as “the tiger”, and from how he tackles the climbs we can understand why

The Pill Trail Testers
He runs a lot and do it well. Although he has run and skied everywhere, his love remains Skylakes, the race he founded: months of work, the bond with the staff, and hundreds of athletes along the way. He also tells stories through a lens.

The first and most faithful contributor to The Pill trail tests. Born and raised in Trentino, he opened one of the most be autiful running store in Italy, Runaway, in Milan. Alongside the store, there’s an amateur sports club of 150 people.

He runs, writes, and lives in Trento. He has been collaborating with The Pill since 2020, and has been following its trail part since 2022. He organizes races, writes reports, and tries to honor what the com munity has given him.
He lives in Franciacorta and works at Gialdini, one of the reference outdoor stores in Northern Italy. He has been in the sector for twenty-five years, running far and possibly high. If you need so mething just call him.

He’s the host of the first podcast about ultrarunning in Italy, Buckled, as well as creator of another dozen projects about the same issue. He has a serious problem with merchandising and site domains. If you think of a trail logo, he probably was the one who realize it.

When we talk about "attitude" he’s the one who first comes to mind. The tiger of Varese, the Italian Squaw Valley. He loves the community of this sport, and tries to contribute to improve it. We talked about him in the issue 45 and about the team he founded in the issue 53.
“Manu” Crapelli Francesco PuppiAlessandro Locatelli Buckled Trento Running ClubGraphic designer, type lover, cat lover: he loves trail races, although it would be bet ter not to do them. He eats mainly pizza, has a lot of stuff to do and a red beard. He is a partner of the Zetalab studio in Milan and art director of The Milaneser.
Presenting him with his results would not do him honor. Professional athlete, in ad dition to running very fast, he is commit ted to creating content and spread the culture of the sport he practices, writing and holding his own podcast: Any Surfa ce Available.

The Pill Stats
How important is the opinion of the Ski Stores?
For us it means a lot, that's why we distribute The Pill in 1334 points of sale, but there’s more, we talk to them via email, phone, WA and in person at The Pill Base Camp. A continuous exchange of information, contacts and opinions. We sent them a survey, 426 of them replied.
Which of these ski brands is the most present in your store? Atomic Armada Black Crows Blizzard Dynafit Dynastar DPS Elan Faction Fischer K2 Kästle Movement Rossignol Scott Ski Trab Ull Skis Völkl Zag Other
0,8% 6,2% 4,7%
10,1% 2,3%
5,4% 2,3% 12,4% 8,5% 5,4% 3,9% 0,8% 3,1% 0,8% 4,7% 8,5% 1,6% 6,2% 5,4% 7%
Which of these ski brands do you consider the best overall?
Atomic Armada Black Crows Blizzard Dynafit Dynastar DPS Elan Faction Fischer K2 Movement Rossignol Scott Ski Trab Völkl Zag Other
5,9% 1,5% 16,2% 13,2% 2,9%
2,9% 2,9%
7,4% 7,4%
1,5% 1,5% 4,4% 10,3% 1,5% 4,4% 2,9% 8,8% 4,4%
Which of these ski brands is the most requested?
Atomic Armada Black Crows Blizzard Dynafit Dynastar Elan Faction Fischer K2 Movement Rossignol Scott Ski Trab Völkl Zag Other
5,1% 5,1% 27,1% 10,2% 1,7% 5,1% 1,7% 1,7% 24% 11,2% 3,4% 6,8% 3,4% 3,4% 6,8% 3,4% 3,4%

Do you have a team of skiers?
It ruins the market and the community
62,5% 52% 16% 20%
12% 48% 84% 80%
I don't care Yes
It’s a great opportunity 25%
How much does a customer spend on average on a ski?

Yes Less than 500€
No More than 500€
What do you think about online sales?
Do you organize trips with your clients?
More than 300
More than 500

Word to the Ski Brands

What kind of skier are your skis intended for? Armada has always focused on the freeski segment, so we have and will always have a com mitment to freeskiers, but growing with our consumers is critical to our success. Today we have an offer that meets the needs of different types of skiers, from park to alpine skiing inclu ding everything in between.

Alpine skiing and freeriding enthu siasts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these categories in the future and in what per
centage of your collection? I believe the new Locator series proves that we are taking the touring segment seriou sly, building an uncompromising and purpose-built line. The idea came from our athletes. Todd Ligare, Tof Henry, Ian Provo and a group of guides were asked to find out what they would like to see in a free touring collection. We set out to create a product that would allow us to go "farther, not faster", as we say. As for the freeriding segment, we have 9 different skis with a central width greater than 110mm.
Can a ski be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects underway? In Amer Spor ts there are company-wide efforts to address this issue. We have achie ved a lot in the past few years in soft good manufacturing, but our teams are also striving to make manufactu ring more sustainable, whether it's reducing the CO2 emissions of the factory or using resources to keep them in circulation.
What technology are you most proud of? More than a technology, I believe it is our ability to give life to projects that would not see the light in many other companies.
What will be the future direction of the skis in terms of technologies and shapes? What I do know is that Armada is and will be in a great posi tion when it comes to innovation. Ha ving a program like the Zero series, where we can experiment with diffe rent shapes, materials and ideas that are passed on to the product team directly from our athletes, makes me sleep soundly.
Is there a claim that belongs to you? We promise to ensure that creativity will always has a place in skiing.
Do you have a team? How do you select your athletes or ambassadors? AR family is a group of skiers, artists and other creatives who represent the backbone of Armada. Every sin gle person is part of the team because everyone brings something special and unique to the table.
How important are physical stores and e-commerce to you? They are both important. While we would all like to see more physical stores on the map, we must recognize that the retail landscape has evolved in our highly di gitized world.
Do you have any medium-long term projects? The only thing I can say is that there are some things that are happening in ski building that will be a big step forward for our main clients!
Black Crows
Simone Barberi, Black Crows’ SalesmanWhat kind of skier are your skis intended for? Black Crows’ models are intended for all skiers! In fact, the logo re presents a flock of crows flying together, without distinction. However, our typical skier remains the one who moves from the piste to the off piste, putting skins on to go on exploring.
Alpine skiing and freeriding enthusiasts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these categories in the future and in what percentage of your collection? The answer already lies in the origins of Black Crows, which was born as an alternative company in the second half of the first decade of the century, which makes it a "historic" com pany. From the very beginning, the goal has been off piste skiing: Black Crows was born from the expanses of Mont Blanc to extend over the entire Alpine arc. The future of the company, therefore, is marked by its origins.
Can a ski be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects underway? The “randonnée” philosophy is sustainable in itself, con sequently the ski aimed to that market is sustainable. This can be extended to the materials used and the future will certainly go in that direction. But the im portant thing is to have an off piste vision to be sustainable, a vision that will go on without lifts.
What technology are you most proud of? Traditional skis made of wood with ABS sides for ski libre.
What will be the future direction of the skis in terms of technologies and shapes? Since its beginning, Black Crows has produced skis with a tradi tional structure, avoiding models with

rockers, in a first phase, and working a lot on the shapes and mounting points. It has always been aimed at skiers, pro posing structures and shapes for skiing in the mountains away from the lifts and drawing descent lines. The goal has always been, and always will remain, to be able to ski on any type of slope and on any type of snow.
Is there a claim that belongs to you? Ski Libre.
Do you have a team? How do you se lect your athletes or ambassadors? Black Crows has always had a group of people that promotes the brand interna tionally and locally. More than a team, I would say that it is a sort of container of experiences and ideas, made up of pe
ople who have very different origins and experiences. For example, there are tho se who come from the world of surfing, others from skateboarding, paragliding, MTB and many more, but in the end the common goal is to express their perso nality by skiing. A Black Crows ambassa dor must surely have a skiing personality.
How important are physical stores and e-commerce to you? Physical sto res are fundamental, essential. In the sto re you can see and touch the skis, they are drilled and the bindings are assem bled and adjusted with skill. In addition, in the store you can rely on the advice of trusted people.
Do you have any medium-long term projects? Go skiing!
Dalbello Stefano Ben, Marketing Manager Italia
What kind of skier are your boots in tended for? Dalbello has a very broad portfolio that covers different catego ries: racing, track, all mountain, touring, free touring, freeriding, freestyle. In ad dition, we also have a large segment of junior boots.
Alpine skiing and freeriding enthu siasts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these categories in the future and in what percen tage of your collection? Dalbello origi nally comes from the freeski/freeriding industry and it has always been impor tant for us to develop products to meet the needs of these consumers. Quan tum Free Asolo 130, for example, is our top-of-the-range free touring model for those looking for excellent downhill and uphill performance, while Quantum Lite is a very lightweight light touring boot designed for those who focus on agility and on fastest climbs.
Can a boot be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects underway? Yes, and we pro ved it with the new junior Green Menace and Green Gaia boots that we introdu ced in the FW22/23 season with our Reboot project. These are boots made with recycled materials that represent up to 90% of their weight and will be 100% recyclable at the end of their life. Additionally, Dalbello is also a proud partner of two sustainability research projects: Repair 3D and Life Reskiboot. What technology are you most proud of? Design Cabrio: a construction that combines a boot shell/boot cuff with an external Kinetic Response Tongue clo sure that allows for smoother and more progressive power transmission, as well as great shock absorption.
What will be the future direction of
boots in terms of technologies? We collaborate with some universities that support us with various research and development projects and invest in the training of our employees, so we can find better solutions in terms of efficien cy and sustainability.
Is there a claim that belongs to you? “From the mountains. For the moun tains.” Dalbello was founded close to the Dolomites, which is why we are commit ted to protecting ski environments and ensuring they can be enjoyed by the next generation of skiers.

Do you have a team? How do you select your athletes or ambassadors?
Yes, they are athletes come from a wide variety of skiing backgrounds. It is important that they are in line with the brand’s mission and that they represent it in an authentic way. Furthermore, for Dalbello it is crucial to involve athletes and their experiences in the product de velopment.
How important are physical stores and e-commerce to you? Dealers still play a decisive role, especially in the skiing sector. However, there is a shift towards online shopping. Furthermore, in the B2B scenario, rental is above all important: people are more aware of sustainability and renting means produ cing less waste.
Alex Plancker, SalesmanWhat kind of skier are your skis intended for? We offer backcountry and freeriding skis for all types of skiers: from beginners to experts and athletes. For young and old users, we have unisex products but also with a women's range where Elan is particularly active.

Alpine skiing and freeriding enthusiasts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these categories in the future and in what percentage of your collection? We are growing in the ski mountaineering category, while the freeriding one lacks consistency, un fortunately the last seasons have been affected by the weather conditions... In ski mountaineering we invest a lot and new categories and series of models are planned for future collections. 20% of the products have been destined for years for the free and ski touring categories.
Can a ski be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects underway? In our production line in Slovenia, we have adapted the various departments and the processing of raw materials: the surface of solar and pho tovoltaic panels have been expanded to provide more electricity, covering the roofs of the warehouses with new cut ting-edge panels. In this way we are sel f-sufficient in terms of artificial light, as well as reducing CO2 production by 500 tons compared to before.
What technology are you most proud of? Carbon Line Technology in the free touring segment and Carbon Bridge Te chnology in combination with Amphibio for ski mountaineering: these always work with a wooden core for better per formance and stability in relation to a mi nimum weight.
What will be the future direction of the skis in terms of technologies and shapes? Lightweight and performance for shapes, if snow conditions in Italy will allow it.
Is there a claim that belongs to you? AGT, aka Always Good Times: skiing with friends and family, having fun together on
the snow and in the parks, spending un forgettable days in nature.
Do you have a team? How do you select your athletes or ambassadors? We have a freeriding/ski touring team, as well as athletes and ambassadors from all over the world. These are chosen ba sed on their adventures, successes and achievements. In Italy we have a young, dynamic team that stands out internatio nally.
How important are physical stores and e-commerce to you? Physical stores are very important because we sell technical products, skis and special technologies that are hardly noticeable online. We are convinced that our store partners are perfectly informed about Elan’s philosophy and DNA, so we also rely on them for assistance, service, mounting of bindings and much more. E-commerce could be an interesting choice but in this period of limited avai lability of skis it will be difficult to provide assistance and get positive results.
Do you have any medium-long term projects? To make freeriding and ski mountaineering become more popular in Italy too!
Josh C ohen, Hardgoods Product ManagerWhat kind of skier are your skis intended for? Faction skis have freeski ing in their DNA. Our skis are designed for those who see the mountain as a playground, those who take tours to access remote lines or those who want to get in touch with nature.

Alpine skiing and freeriding enthusiasts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these cate gories in the future and in what percentage of your collection? We have a nice mix of freeriding and freestyle models in our collection. We are inve sting heavily to ensure new freeskiers have plenty of quality Faction skis to choose from.
Can a ski be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects underway? Skis contain wood, plastic, metal, carbon, rubber, resins and other ingredients. As a cer tified B-Corp, we use the power of a collective to catalyze social and envi ronmental change. We donate 1% of the sales of our Agent, Dancer and La Machine series to 1% for the Planet to support organizations that are commit ted to making a positive impact on the environment.
What technology are you most proud of? We manufacture most of our skis in a 100% renewable energy fac tory in Austria, which reduces the car bon emissions of each ski by more than half. We use sustainably harvested wood cores and locally sourced raw materials to reduce the carbon cost of long distance transport, we also use recycled materials in the top sheets, bases and sides.
What will be the future direction of
the skis in terms of technologies and shapes? We are realizing skis that are light, yet completely stable and reliable downhill. We are also creating shapes that balance carving performance.
Is there a claim that belongs to you? Simply producing superior quality skis for freeskiing. That's all. This is our sim ple but delicious recipe.
Do you have a team? How do you select your athletes or ambassadors? We partner with these extraordinary pe ople not only for their skiing performan ces but also because they share our va lues, they are committed as a collective in order to make freeskiing grow.
How important are physical stores
and e-commerce to you? We strongly believe in the importance of setting foot in a physical space where our products are excellently presented and where expert guides can provide advice and information on using skis. We offer skis through e-commerce because the fu ture of retail is omnichannel.
Do you have any medium-long term projects? Realizing the absolute best products for our fans around the wor ld. Doing it in the most sustainable way possible is our mission, an imperati ve for the future of our sport. We are pushing the limits of film and media production, creating feature films and hosting personal events to build and strengthen our special community: The Faction Collective.
What kind of skier are your skis intended for? K2 has chosen to focus on the production of fun and performing skis in all the different aspects of skiing: from on piste skiing to freeriding, from free style to skialp. We make skis that allow you to perform at your best on various terrains and snow conditions, but with the prerogative of being intuitive: the ul timate goal is to get the user's smile!
Alpine skiing and freeriding enthusiasts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these categories in the future and in what percentage of your collection? For years K2 has ope ned the trend of modern mountainee ring with its Wayback models that allow easy ascent, but a lot of fun on the de
scent: it is an important part of our sales and it is in continuous development.
Can a ski be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects underway? Clearly the construction of the skis is very traditional and historical ly unsustainable. What we are trying to do over time is to replace unsustainable materials as much as possible with eco-friendly products. For example, our factories use completely renewable energy, natural fibers and the new bio resin derived from natural products.
What technology are you most proud of? Definitely the Triaxial Braid con struction that we have been using for more than 30 years and the new ma terials technologies that make the skis light without losing performance.
What will be the future direction of the skis in terms of technologies and shapes? There are always new rese arches to improve shapes, weight and performances using new materials. In

addition, we also work on engaging with younger testers combined with more experienced ones to raise the bar.
Is there a claim that belongs to you? Having fun!
Do you have a team? How do you select your athletes or ambassadors? The team is selected and managed directly by the parent company in the USA. The European Team, on the other hand, is se lected by the European headquarters in Germany and finally the national team is managed by the country manager.
How important are physical stores and e-commerce to you? Physical stores are very important, as K2 manu factures technical products so it is ne cessary to be able to take them in hand to verify their construction: something which is absolutely not possible online.
Do you have any medium-long term projects? Innovation, innovation and innovation!
La Sportiva
Stefano Frati, Brand Product ManagerWhat kind of skier are your boots intended for? La Sportiva’s ski boots line covers a wide range of users, covering the race, touring and free touring seg ments, satisfying the needs of every ski mountaineer.

Alpine skiing and freeriding enthusia sts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these categories in the future and in what percentage of your collection? The number of enthu siasts who approach ski mountaineering is constantly growing, so we have inve sted a lot in this field in recent years and we will continue to do that in the future.
Can a boot be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects underway? Our latest boots presented to the market (Vanguard, So lar II, Stellar II and Skorpius II) are built with Pebax Rnew plastic materials of vegetable origin, or produced with poly mers derived from castor beans. Culti vation takes place in land that cannot be used for other uses and does not cause
deforestation. Furthermore, these ma terials are highly performing, resulting in lighter weight, offering stiffness and sup port performances.
What technology are you most proud of? Our "racing department" where we work with carbon. We have always in vested to do everything in house, in our own way.
What will be the future direction of bo ots in terms of technologies? The evo lution of materials will make it possible to achieve high-level downhill performance combined with extraordinarily low wei ghts. The right balance between these two factors will make all the difference in the near future.
Is there a claim that belongs to you? “For Your Mountain” is our signature, it represents a call to action for all the out door public.
Do you collaborate with any ingredient partners? Of course, we work with Vibram for our soles, Ultralon for the
liners and Boa as a closure system in the new range dedicated to light touring.
Do you have a team? How do you se lect your athletes or ambassadors? Our teams and athletes are leading figu res in the Alpine skiing racing world, but first of all they are our testers. There are athletes who use our materials in World Cup competitions and with Olympic am bitions, such as Michele Boscacci, An selmet Thibault, Axelle Mollaret, William Bon Mardion and many others, without forgetting the partnership with the natio nal teams of France and Switzerland.
How important are physical stores and e-commerce to you? We have consoli dated partnerships with specialized sto res, an added value where knowledge of the product and competence in knowing how to advise is required, as well as the possibility of thermoforming the liner on site. Obviously, e-commerce is a highly attractive and growing channel.
Do you have any medium-long term projects? We have invested a lot and we have a series of innovations in the pi peline for the next seasons, but we can't reveal everything to you now! So for now only fingers crossed for a season that can give us great season of skiing outdoors.
Roberto Formento, DistributorWhat kind of skier are your skis inten ded for? Movement is aimed at all "free touring ski friendly” enthusiasts. From the world of freeriding, to free touring, to new school backcountry, to the most extreme performances in the high mountains, up to the world of racing, Movement looks at everything that happens off the beaten track with all its different nuances.
Alpine skiing and freeriding enthu siasts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these categories in the future and in what per centage of your collection? I would say that Movement has always inve sted and continues to invest precisely in these categories. We were the first to
look very carefully at the world of skialp open to all categories of users, from the racer to the most versatile freeskier.
Can a ski be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects underway? A ski can certainly be more sustainable. The use of some more "eco friendly" materials such as cork, which will be used in some parts of our skis, can cer tainly help.
What technology are you most proud of? The technology that has made the history of Movement, the one that has allowed us to create super light skis but at the same time very "skiable" and easy to handle models. Now we are using new carbon fibers combined with wood cores and various other fibers, in order to work on skis with excellent performances even in the world of freeriding or in backcountry.
What will be the future direction of the skis in terms of technologies and sha-
pes?I personally believe, in general ter ms, that there will be a return to versatility in order to use fewer skis for a wider use. As for Movement, we have a revolutionary project in the pipeline, but for now it is ab solutely top secret.
Is there a claim that belongs to you? Lightweight, manageability and skiability.
Do you have a team? How do you select your athletes or ambassadors? Yes, we have a very complete international team. We select our ambassadors based on the disciplines that are closest to the Mo vement world, i.e. freeriding, ski touring, backcountry and freestyle.

How important are physical stores and e-commerce to you? I would say that we continue to give great importance and priority to physical stores that are able to provide the end customer with all the ne cessary assistance.
Do you have any medium-long term
Rosato,International Sales Manager
What kind of skier are your boots inten ded for? They are designed for all skiers and for any way of skiing! The only type of ski ing discipline we don't work on is ski racing.

Alpine skiing and freeriding enthusia sts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these categories in the future and in what percentage of your collection? We will certainly continue to invest in it because it is an important sector, and it will be around 30% of our collection.
Can a boot be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects underway? Yes, it can be su stainable! We are testing different bio pla stics in which the main components of the boot will be printed.
What technology are you most proud of? Our Bio Fit technology, an anatomi cal shaping of the internal shape that we apply on each model. This shaping has pre-formed points in the most problema tic areas of the fit.
What will be the future direction of boots in terms of technologies? Lightweight and the use of eco-sustainable materials.
Is there a claim that belongs to you? We Fit!
Do you collaborate with any ingredient
partners? We collaborate with Vibram, Intuition, Ultralon and Win Therm.
Do you have a team? How do you select your athletes or ambassadors? Yes, we have our team of athletes. The most im portant ones are Glen Plake and Maxime Chabloz, who is the winner of the Freeride World Tour 2022. As for ambassadors, we try to include in the Roxa team those who have a lot of experience with boots, such as Glen.
How important are physical stores and e-commerce to you? For us, physical stores are the priority, because a boot must be tried and recommended by the shopkeeper. This is also because they are the best critics that can help us improve, as they put our boots on their customers' feet every day.
Christoph Innerebner, FounderWhat kind of skier are your skis inten ded for? Sarner Ski has a ski suitable for all those looking for high quality pro ducts with a unique design. In our range stand out the "Spitz" model dedicated to ski mountaineers, the "Klöckl" model for freeriding and the "UP Woman" model dedicated to women.
Alpine skiing and freeriding enthusiasts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these categories in the future and in what percentage of your collection? In the last decade there has been a progressive growth of these categories, but only recently there has been a real boom. People are incre asingly looking for contact with nature in an eco-friendly way and I believe that there is still excellent room for growth.
Can a ski be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects underway? Sarner Ski was born with a zero km sustainable perspective and for this reason we are constantly looking for the best materials on the market. We are experimenting to use fir from our valley of origin, Val Sarentino, in the wood core. In this way we are able to keep transport routes shorter, better control quality and support regional companies.
What technology are you most proud of? The sandwich side constructions with wood core as well as the realiza tion of skis through Montana machines, market leader in the construction of the highest quality skis, famous for the pre cision in every phase of the process, from coatings to edges up to fine-tuning.
What will be the future direction of the skis in terms of technologies and shapes? We believe that in the next few years the trend will be to confirm shapes already on the market, apart from tou
ring skis with a 72mm to 79mm center width which will disappear, in our opi nion. In terms of technologies, the trend will be to aim more and more towards a sustainable goal.
Is there a claim that belongs to you? In the 1970s, Sarner Ski started a revolu tion in the design of the ski industry. We will try to carry on this philosophy!
Do you have a team? How do you select your athletes or ambassadors? We believe that skiers who are passio nate about our products are the best advertisers and social media followers don't matter much to us.

How important are physical stores and e-commerce to you? Obviously online stores are very important nowa days, but the higher the quality of the go ods, the greater the need for customers to be able to touch the product firsthand before buying it. That is why we have de cided to take it a step further by offering customers the opportunity to try our skis in selected rental stores.
Do you have any medium-long term projects? Surely the expansion of the use of local Sarentino wood. From a commercial point of view, we plan to in crease our sales in the USA.
What kind of skier are your skis intended for? Our skis are aimed at the advanced user who is looking for a te chnical performance product, but at the same time offering comfort during use.
Alpine skiing and freeriding enthusiasts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these categories in the future and in what percentage of your collection? Scott was born as a freeriding company, despite this, we want to accommodate the needs of the market looking for the so-called "multipurpose" skis. Skis that allow light or semi-light set ups, which give the possibility of walking and moving off the beaten tracks. For this reason, the Scott collection will of fer 70% touring, 20% freeriding/free touring and 10% all mountain products.
Can a ski be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects

underway? Scott has been investing for years in the Re-source project: develo ped in the Winter Softgoods collection where we offer almost 70% of the items with Re-source characteristics. This is now also applied to some items in the Winter Hardgoods collection: the Coulo ir Tour helmet, the Shield goggle and the Superguide LT 95 Re-source lab ski.
What technology are you most proud of? Surely the sandwich construction method that characterizes the entire Scott ski range: high quality materials are mixed together to achieve the right compromise between performance and comfort.
What will be the future direction of the skis in terms of technologies and shapes? More and more multipurpose skis that can allow users to do everything.
Is there a claim that belongs to you? “Freedom to Explore”, and to move in the mountains in a free way.
Do you have a team? How do you select your athletes or ambassadors? Scott Italia’s Ambassador Winter team is mainly composed of mountain guides
and mountain professionals. We have set ourselves common goals, including improving our products and conveying Scott's philosophy and quality.
How important are physical stores and e-commerce to you? Physical stores are fundamental, we strongly believe in the professionalism of our dealers who offer advice to end consumers and interact with us by reporting technical and commercial feedback to help us improve. With many of our official dealers we develop product testing activities to raise even more the quality of the service offered. Scott has its own e-commerce circuit that puts the re tailer at the center of the business.
Do you have any medium-long term projects? Our main goal is to increase the distribution of the brand in a more widespread way, ensuring a presence on the territory through selected and technical stores where the customer, in addition to buying, can be guided and advised in the purchase. Furthermore, our goal is to intercept new users by making our products known and trying to communicate our “head to toe” philo sophy to them.
Ski Trab
Marco Colombo, Sales and Marketing SpecialistWhat kind of skier are your skis intended for? Our ski mountaineering philosophy is oriented towards skialpers looking for the right compromise betwe en comfort and lightweight uphill and excellent performance dowhnill. One of our strengths is the durability of all our skis, all Made in Bormio, guaranteed by the 14-layer technology.
Alpine skiing and freeriding enthu siasts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these categories in the future and in what percen tage of your collection? Following the dynamics of the market is a necessary aspect to always remain at the forefront: in recent years we have worked a lot wi thin our R&D department together with our ambassadors and invested in a of free touring-oriented model.
Can a ski be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects underway? For us, sustaina bility is a key aspect of our production: the reduction of waste, the optimization of the materials used in each production phase, the correct disposal of skis at the end of their life, the use of renewable energy, the reuse of skis where pos sible: these are points we have been working on for decades, well before the advent of the "ecological era". A ski that lasts twice as long, consumes half!
What technology are you most proud of? Without a doubt our 14-layer techno logy: the ideal combination of the mate rials that make up the ski. A guarantee of durability, a fundamental aspect if you re ally want to be sustainable, to be lightwei ght and to have ease of skiing.
What will be the future direction of the skis in terms of technologies and shapes? Our R&D department is always looking for innovations, but we can't give you too many previews now!
Is there a claim that belongs to you? Quality, tradition and innovation Made in Bormio since 1946.
Do you have a team? How do you select your athletes or ambassadors? We have the strongest and largest team of athletes in the world, ever. Today our brand is represented in the World Cup races by 66 athletes from 14 different nations. The development of our race products comes from sharing ideas with our athletes who are among the strongest in the world. For some years we have created a group of testers and ambassadors for the development of touring and free touring lines, and one of the basic requirements is to be a profes sional skier and/or a mountain guide.
How important are physical stores and e-commerce to you? For us, the sale of ski mountaineering equipment must take place in a physical point of sale. We collaborate, only in Italy, with 58 partner stores that are the beating heart of our sales.
Do you have any medium-long term projects? Very soon we will be laun ching some news in the world of free touring, stay tuned because you will see some interesting stuff!

Matteo Murer, PMWhat kind of skier are your boots in tended for? In general, they are desi gned to meet the needs of experienced consumers who are very attentive to details.

Alpine skiing and freeriding enthu siasts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these cate gories in the future and in what percentage of your collection? Tecnica is expanding its range and focusing on products intended for skialpers and freeriders. Just think about that Cochi
se has reached its third generation and that the Zero G world covers the free touring and light touring categories. In about 25% of the collection there are Low Tech inserts, a value destined to increase in the future.
Can a boot be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects underway? Recycle your Boots: we give the possibility to those who want to buy Tecnica boots to bring their used boots to the partner shops of the project. Tecnica will take them back and recycle them to create new components. Furthermore, starting from FW23 new boots will be develo ped with the concept of eco-design: an attempt will be made to make the con ception less burdensome in terms of
CO2 and easier to recycle. What technology are you most proud of? In addition to Recycle Your Boots, we are very proud of the possibility to give real benefits to the consumer. A practical example: the release mecha nism of the Double Blocking System cuff was created to improve the uphill experience, without compromising the downhill performance.
What will be the future direction of boots in terms of technologies? Li ghten the boots without losing perfor mances. We want to give you a reason to smile during your tours, both uphill and downhill. The result will be com plete only if the solutions adopted are more sustainable.
Is there a claim that belongs to you? Live the moment! It is the basis of our every choice. We want to reciprocate the trust of our consumers by allowing them to enjoy every moment during their tours.
Do you collaborate with any ingre dient partners? Vibram is one of our key partners, with which we develop high performance rubber soles. Cel liant helps us in giving comfort and warmth to the shoes. Recco, because safety is never too much, and Dynafit for Low Tech inserts.
Do you have a team? How do you select your athletes or ambassadors? We want athletes and ambassadors to be in line with our philosophy. On the freeriding side we collaborate with Freeride World Tour athletes, while for touring we have a group of mountain guides called Zero G Gurus.
How important are physical stores and e-commerce to you? We care about physical stores: they explain te chnologies and innovations to consu mers. We try to establish a relationship of mutual trust to give a top service.
Do you have any medium-long term projects? We will be very busy with Recycle your Boots and with sustaina bility in general. If we, as an industry, don't want to safeguard our favorite playground, who should do it?
Ull Skis
Rudy Buccella, FounderWhat kind of skier are your skis intended for? They are skis intended for those looking for a tool that can be used in any situation or on any type of snow, because the particular shape makes it usable in many situations. On fresh and powder snow all skis are fine, but on the “bad" snows, such as crust, windy or frozen snows, the music changes! So I feel like saying that our skis are perfect to excel in all situations, I would define it a hyper polyvalent type of ski. In addi tion, its light but rigid construction also makes it usable with skins, personally I use it here on Mont Blanc, where the snow conditions change very quickly, for steep and demanding descents and in powder days.
Alpine skiing and freeriding enthusiasts are constantly growing, how much will you invest in these catego -
ries in the future and in what percenta ge of your collection? I would define our skis as “freeride-oriented": this year we developed Nano Glacialis, a new shorter model based on the Glacialis concept. It is aimed at female or male skiers, we do not discriminate, who like to use shorter or lighter skis.
Can a ski be sustainable? What do you do about it? Do you have any projects underway? A ski can hardly be sustai nable, starting from the materials used for construction such as glues, metal, plastics, etc. The approach of how to go skiing, such as ski mountaineering, can be sustainable. We ourselves try to use as much skins as possible to access the most beautiful runs away from the crowds.
What technology are you most proud of? We are working on an integrated te chnology in the ski to be able to provide users with useful data regarding the loca tion where they are located.
What will be the future direction of the skis in terms of technologies and shapes? It would be nice to know that! We can only imagine a slow but steady
change resulting from future genera tions. However, let's remember that ski ing always steals something from the snowboard world!
Is there a claim that belongs to you? An ally for a better skiing!
Do you have a team? How do you se lect your athletes or ambassadors? Yes, a little team made of friends where the feedback is simply given by the days spent skiing together. I like to see that those who use our skis are happy to use them because they really like them, if the re’s something wrong we discuss about it directly on the piste.
How important are physical stores and e-commerce to you? In the world of skiing both of them are important, the re are users who need to touch and be guided to purchase them and there are users who need a quick availability of skis through an e-commerce store.
Do you have any medium-long term projects? Yes, skiing on a lot of powder! We hope there will be a lot of snow this year and then to have a powder ski in our collection.

Brands Technology

The Pill Technology
By Ilaria ChiavacciVibram: Laetitita
Gold medal in fighting
against climate change
Vibram athlete Laetitia Roux won 17 ski mountaineering world titles and has now set herself the goal of doing her part, but also a little more, in the fight against climate change by promoting an approach as sustainable as possible when practicing outdoor disciplines.

What happens when an athlete with an incredible palmares decides to give her contribution to the fight against climate change? It happens that all the deter mination, perseverance and willpower that she has channeled for years to be come one of the strongest ski mountai neers in the world, redirect into a work of dissemination. With 17 ski mountai neering world titles, 9 European and 27 French, at 37 years old Laetitia Roux is the most successful athlete of her ge neration and, now that she is no longer competing, she has decided to divert her commitment to a cause as deman ding as her her undertakings. Be the Change is the title of a series of episo des made by Laetitia with the support of Vibram: in the form of mini documen taries, the former champion does what she does best: practicing sports, and at the same time interviewing people who, through their lives, actively contri bute to the environmental well-being of a territory and a community, the one in which Laetitia herself lives in, Lake Ser
re-Ponçon in Haute Provence, France. In each episode Laetitia creates stories combining different sports disciplines: from mountain biking to paragliding, passing by sup on the lake waters. In each of these stories, created to show both the incredible majesty of the land scape, and studied ad hoc to intercept those who actively work to improve the environment in the area, Laetitia shows how you can go in search of ever new adventures using green means of transport and human powered. On the other hand, what has always moved the athlete is a strong passion for sport, but also a strong bond with nature: "If I look back and retrace my competitive history I must say that my first approach to com petitions was through alpine skiing, but at the time it was more fun than anything else for me, I didn't dream of doing who knows what a sporting career, It was la ter, when I switched to ski mountainee ring at the age of 18, that I realized for the first time that that could have become my job, my vocation.”
At the crossroads between physiothe rapy and sport, Laetitia chose sport: “People around me kept telling me how talented I was, so I started to trust my potential. In the meantime I had started studying physiotherapy, it was not easy to find a balance, but inside I knew I had to give priority to sport. From that mo ment on, I focused solely on that.”
Ski mountaineering has been your great passion, but there are many sports that you have approached over the years and that now you have gathered all together in the Be the Change series. I grew up between the mountains and Lake Serre-Ponçon, so since I was a child I had the opportunity to practice many sports, not only related to the moun tains, but also windsurfing and water sports. In short, I embraced the cultu re of all-round outdoor activities from an early age and I think that's what led me to do triathlons and winter tria thlons, once I stopped being focused solely on my career as a ski mountai
neer. In the period when I was com peting seriously I could not practice other disciplines too intensely, such as mountain biking for example, and when I stopped I made up for lost time.

How was born the idea of creating the Be the Change series? I think that creating Be the Change was a lo gical evolution for me: I am very grate ful to the way and the place I grew up in, which allowed me to have this very strong connection with nature, but when competing I was too focused on my goals and on my training to take them seriously. Although I did a sport very connected with nature, and de pendent in some way on the health of the mountains, it was as if I was a little disconnected from this aspect, as if I felt it less of a priority. As athletes it can happen that we are less involved in environmental or social issues pre cisely because we are constantly fo cused on achieving our goals. When I then decided to end my sports career, once I had achieved all the goals I had
By Ilaria Chiavaccine. Finding the energy and strength to work hard every day and improve is the closest thing to training for an athlete. Committing hard every day requires the investment of a lot of energy: chan ging your habits is something really tough, and it is something that can be achieved step by step, just like a spor ting performance. For example: I love to travel, but I am trying to avoid taking planes, which was unthinkable for me until recently. For some time now I've began to start a travel directly from my front door, without using other means of transport. I already leave with all the equipment and go to the glacier, take a ride to the lake or somewhere else, it's a type of exploration that I enjoy more than driving or flying for hours. When you are an athlete you have to train and fight every day, you have to con stantly improve: if we want to change the world we have to become a little more respectful of nature, and this is a constant commitment, as much as training for a competition.
set for myself, I realized that it no lon ger made sense to continue to commit myself only for personal goals, I felt I had to do something for the communi ty. I realized that I really had to change the direction of my efforts, and it is so mething that I felt very strongly inside of me, which is why I decided to use my voice to try to share some aware ness.
If we compare the fight against climate change to a sport, it is necessary to develop a good training to be effective, what is yours? The way in which I express myself best always remains through sport and physical activity, so in that sense I will conti nue to give continuity to something I know well. On the one hand, there fore, I need physical training to carry on the project, because it is based on performance during the stages I have designed, but to do your part in the fi ght against climate change you need to be very motivated and focused, just like you to excel in a sporting discipli
What is you goal with Be the Change? Of course inspiring, bringing in formation and knowledge to people: I'm trying to build a wealth of knowled ge and tools that I can give to others. I have handled these tools for a lifetime to achieve a certain performance, now I want to use them for something else.
How did you choose the topics of the episodes? First of all, I wanted to introduce a little who I am, what I do and why I do it, especially to the public who are not familiar with the outdoor world. The common thread in all of them is in some way precisely the Serre-Ponçon Lake, because it is where I grew up and because for me it represents a very important element of my life, but there is a progression in the topics covered, from the territory to the issue of climate change. The third episode, which will be launched on November 16th, for example is very focused on the meteorological aspect of the water cycle and the impact that climate change has on it. However, I would say that each of the experts I interviewed gave a different and deci sive contribution to the project.
Polartec Alpha Direct

Polartec Alpha Direct represents the evolution in the synthetic insulation sector by offering an extraordinary combination of warmth, lightweight and breathability. This special technology was created by perfecting the shape and size of the volumized fibers con nected to a solid mesh core and it can be used in direct contact with the skin or with other layers of fabric. The new design increases breathability, versa tility and further reduces the weight of the garment, eliminating the need to remove and add layers during outdoor aerobic activities.
Polartec Alpha Direct continuously releases excess body heat before it builds up causing saturation and di scomfort. The air exchange ensures great breathability and comfort while moving. It is also wind resistant and hi ghly compressible. It is therefore ideal for all activities that involve frequent
breaks in which weight and space must be reduced to a minimum. When worn as an outer layer it offers exceptional breathability and very fast drying times, guaranteeing a wide range of comfort.
Santini, a leading brand in technical cycling clothing, has chosen Polartec Alpha Direct with wool to meet all lo vers of dirt and gravel who need tech nical garments with highly technical fabrics to face cold and wind.
Terranova is the Santini proposal de dicated to off road lovers that includes garments made in collaboration with Polartec to offer maximum warmth while maintaining high breathability and exceptional comfort. In particular,

Santini Alpha Trail jacket is characteri zed by a casual look that makes it ideal for both cycling and everyday use. Ex tremely lightweight, with an outer win dproof fabric and Alpha Direct fabric with wool inside, it is able to thermore gulate the body temperature thanks to greater breathability. That also ensures reduced drying times and, at the same time, guarantees level performance and comfort throughout any activities. Alpha Pack vest, part of the winter Gra vel line, also features Polartec Alpha Direct with wool inside that keeps the body warm and allows sweat to evapo rate quickly. Ideal to always carry with you in the pocket of your cycling jersey or during any outdoor activity.

Polartec Alpha Direct, an evolution of the original Alpha technology, is an active insulation that can be used in contact with the skin and it thermoregulates body heat as the climatic conditions change.
Polartec Windbloc

Winter days certainly do not stop all lovers of outdoor disciplines. It is precisely in this season, in fact, that we need the right allies to protect us from wind, water and cold. Polartec comes to our rescue with the exclusive Windbloc membrane.
By Silvia GallianiExactly as the name implies, Windbloc is an advanced barrier designed to withstand the strongest winds, block moisture and air flow from the out side, and ensure protection against all atmospheric agents. This durable membrane stands out for its resistant elasticity and for ensuring a wide ran ge of movement during any activities, even in the most harsh conditions. Made of polyurethane, Windbloc is extremely versatile and can be ap plied to both knitted and non-knitted fabrics. In addition, thanks to the col laboration with SCARPA, the innova tive Polartec membrane has recently been applied to a trail running shoe for the first time.

“We are very happy to present the first trail running shoe made with Polartec Windbloc fabric.” Said Matteo Tolio,

“A sponta neous collaboration between SCARPA and Polartec, two partners who share the same values such as innovation, performance and product quality. I hope this is the first of many other col laborations with SCARPA.”
New SCARPA’s Ribelle Run Kalibra G is a highly performing model, able to provide comfort, protection and safety in extreme conditions of snow, water and mud. The addition of Win dbloc technology guarantees water proofness, breathability, comfort and greater resistance to the model, gi ving the shoe a wide range of features including lightweight, thermoregula tion and maximum protection against any extreme weather conditions.
Matteo Morlacchi, an engineer with a background of more than 20 years in the design and production of technical fabrics for sports use, and Maurizio Ostani, with a rich and long experience in the distribution of soles and components for footwear in his own family business, gave life, in 2018, to HDry.

The two men, already founders of OutDry, took up the same innovative philosophy and, continuing their te chnological development, created an exclusive waterproof and breathable technology that can be applied to sho es, gloves and backpacks. The intui tion that drives the technological de velopment of HDry is simple: move the waterproofing barrier as much as pos sible on the surface of the equipment. When it come to footwear, for example, still today in most cases the membrane is positioned inside the shoe, glued to the lining: water can therefore pene trate through the upper and it is stop ped by the membrane only when it has already entered the shoe. In this way, however, even if the water does not
actually reach the foot, it remains to stagnate in the shoe, weighing it down and making it wet and cold. The inno vation patented by HDry, on the other hand, sees the membrane "integrated" with the upper (that is, in the outer layer of the shoe) thanks to a direct and 3D lamination process. In this way, the "waterproofing barrier" is moved as much as possible on the outer layer of the shoe, in order to block any possible water penetration.
The advantages of this technology are the same as those found in a 3-layer technical jacket where the outer fabric and membrane are joined together: water cannot penetrate. That would happen instead if the membrane were
joined to the lining of the jacket. No water penetration also means greater lightweight and more breathability whi ch are very important in intensive out door or mountaineering activities. The same thing happens with backpacks, as in Ferrino’s Ultimate 35+5 model that you will find later in this guide, in which we find a technology that focu ses entirely on waterproofing through direct lamination, in 3 dimensions, of a waterproof and breathable membra ne. But there are many brands in the sector that have decided to invest in this revolutionary concept which con tinues to spread above all thanks to the actual satisfaction of end consumers.

HDry offers many concrete benefits
By Silvia Gallianiin terms of sustainability. The reason is quickly explained: by placing the same membrane as much as possible on the outside, waterproofing is made more effective and water penetration is avoided. This means a lower need to use water repellent treatments (PFCs) on the upper and a longer life of the product, whose structural com ponents are not exposed to the action of hydrolysis. Furthermore, HDry, not being a membrane manufacturer, is not bound to a particular material or polymer and the brand can therefore choose the most performing materials with the lowest environmental impact. In latest years, HDry presented "b5", a membrane in which 53% is “plant-ba sed" that means of vegetable origin,
significantly contributing to the re duction of the use of raw materials of fossil origin. HDry is also PTFE-free , PFCs-free and Oeko-Tex certified.
Water cannot penetrate: that would happen instead if the membrane were joined to the lining of the jacket. No water penetration also means greater lightweight and more breathability which are very important in intensive outdoor or mountaineering activities.
Mountains are getting notoriety year after year, seeing an increase in the number of enthusiasts and visitors. Consequently, the market has also adapted, offering a wide range of possibilities capable of covering everyone’s needs. Each company has its own touring and freeriding line, some also have a racing range. Since every need has the ski designed to satisfy it, first of all it is necessary to understand your personal and real need, without influences dictated by fashions or market dynamics.
Wider is better? Size matters
When choosing a ski, size matters. But let’s start with the basic para meters. Over the course of history, taking inspiration from the snowbo ard world, which thanks to its surface floats very well on powder, even skis have widened. If some time ago being able to handle very long skis with a certain class was synonymous with skill, today knowing how to surf with wide skis does not only mean being a freerider, but belonging to a com munity. So how wide should a ski be?
People who are small and light will float without problems already with 90-95mm under their feet, while an excessively wide ski would lead to some limits when managing the tool. Those who are heavier will inevitably need a wider ski. Floating, in fact, does not depend solely on the width of the ski, but on the construction and the relationship between the weight
of the skier and the ski surface. If you prefer spring outings and always go to the same location, or if, on the con trary, you are outside from December to April and you often travel across the Alps, change. In short, “wide is better” is not always true, especially if you prefer versatility.
How to choose the right length. Let’s not forget about skills
Too often people tend to choose the length of their skis by evaluating only their height. Even limiting yourself to considering your own goals risks being reductive. On the other hand, an essential factor, often overlooked, is your own technical ability. Saying: “if you practice ski touring, a ski of your height will be fine”, although not entirely wrong, can be misleading.
If the skier in front of us is 1,60m tall, but is a former athlete with high tech nical skills, a ski of the same height is certainly not the best choice to allow him to make the most of the tool. It is therefore correct to consider the re lationship between the height of the skier and his technical ability and, of course, his purpose when going to the mountains. If you are aiming to train by grinding uphill elevation gain, it will be useful to consider a shorter ski. If you prefer free touring, then a compromise is the best choice: a ski that is neither too long nor too wide, which offers maneuverability on the ascent but also guarantees good sta bility on the descent. Finally, for free
riding it will certainly be appropriate to sacrifice some lightweight and maneuverability in favor of floatation in deep powder and stability at high speeds.
Weight and construction
All of us, as always, have the fault of wanting “to eat the cake and keep it”. So, when we talk about the perfect ski, we would like to find an ultralight model for the ascent, super stable on the descent and suitable for all snow conditions and slopes. It does not take a genius to understand that it is utopia. For those who practice touring the right way is the compro mise: low weight to climb and mixed construction solid enough for skiing. Keep in mind that when it comes to touring, extremes are generally not good. While it is true that a light ski can make you less tired on the ascent, it is equally true that it risks being too flexible and losing effecti veness on the descent at higher speeds. Similarly, if it is true that a ski with a more solid structure can make us feel more stable and confident in steep and fast descents or on difficult snow, it is equally true that a heavier weight could tire us too much uphill. To choose the weight of the ski, the refore, we should do an estimate, albeit approximate, of the indicative height difference that we intend to travel during the season, also taking into consideration what kind of skier we are.

Locator 96
For demanding free tourers who want to broaden their explor atory horizons in the open mountains. Stable and precise in tackling even the most techni cal downhill sections, the average weight will make it pleasant to cover long difference in height.
Use Free Touring
Size 157, 164, 171, 178 , 185 Sidecut 127/96/117
Rocker EST Freeride Gr 1350 € 699,99
For the experienced freerider who doesn’t want to compromise. Buoyancy in deep snow, stability at high speeds and structural solidity are the three pillars on which this authentic off piste weapon is built on. Available in one size only.
Use Freeride
Size 187
Sidecut 125/135/120
Rocker EST Powder Gr 2250 € 799,90
Arv 96
Attractive design and versatility are the strengths of this all mountain ski that winks at “new school” freesty lers, both for use in the park and on powder. Versatile and respon sive, a guarantee of fun in every situation.

Use All Mountain Size 163, 170 , 177, 184 Sidecut 124/96/116 Rocker AR Freestyle Gr 1750 € 549,90

If you are looking for a universal ski, able to give you emotions in every descent, this is the one for you. Precise on the slopes, agile on powder and responsive in the snow park. No compro mises and no limits to fun.
Use Freeride Size 172, 180 Sidecut 140/100/121 Rocker AR Freestyle Gr 2100 € 649,95
Ski developed to meet the needs of a very large audience that seeks responsiveness and precision both on the slopes and on pow der. The structure, with carbon fiber reinforce ments, makes it agile and ready for any con dition.

Use All Mountain Size 160, 168, 176 , 184 Sidecut 131,4/88/112
Rocker EST All Mtn Gr 1675 € 549,90
Declivity 88 C Reliance 88 C
The carob wood core with carbon reinforce ments makes this ski, dedicated to women, light and easy to handle in any situation. Intuitive, fun and versatile, it also lends itself to unde manding powder trips.
Use All Mountain Size 152, 160, 168 , 176 Sidecut 130/88/111
Rocker EST All Mtn Gr 1575 € 549,90
Armada Locator 88
From a new line in the Armada family, Locator has been designed to venture out in search of powder
We put it to the test up and down every piste and off piste and it turned out to be a ski as agile and fast on the climb as difficult to drive on the descent. With its carob wood core, 88mm of spatula under the foot, 1225 grams of weight and 20/21 meters of radius, it has proved to be a very suitable model for freetouring but a little bit heavy for touring. The carob wood core and the freeride rocker make it an excel lent ski on powder: it floats perfectly and is very stable and well balanced. Unfortunately, despite the Ti Binding Damp ener (rubber sandwich and Titanal positioned under the binding to reduce vibrations), it lacks a bit on the hardest snow where it vibrates a lot both when entering and exiting corners. It took us a long time to get comfortable with its dancing and indecisive character on hard snow, but once we understood how to tame it, it didn’t disappoint us at all.
As for aesthetics, Armada did not want to dare and chose a decidedly minimal design that gives the ski a very simple and clean look. Ultimately we do not advise to use Locator on hard snow while it is definitely recommended for all ex perienced ski mountaineers.

Bent 90 Bent 100

Interesting news for the 22/23 season, both in terms of technical aspect and aesthetic study. It is a versatile ski which combines the buoyancy qualities typical of the freeride segment with the reactivity necessary for freestyle in the snow park. The tip and tail use theHRZN Tech technology, which in creases the surface area by 10% without affecting the total weight to the advantage of maneuverability in powder. Suitable for those looking for a versatile, high perform ing and fun ski.

Use Freeride Size 157, 166, 175 , 184
Sidecut 119/90/109 Rocker All Mountain Rocker Gr 1600 € 449,99
Ski designed and developed in collabora tion with the Atomic Freeski Team, it is aimed at those looking for a specific freeride ski without sacrificing the maneuverability and playfulness of an all mountain ski. The width of 100mm at the center of the ski ensures excellent buoyancy on powder without precluding its use on other types of snow.
The design of the insole and the upholstery, handled directly by Chris Benchetler, make it even more captivating and modern.
Use All Mountain Size 164, 172, 180 , 188 Sidecut 129,5/100/120 Rocker Powder Rocker Gr 1700 € 549,99
Bent Chetler 120

The new 120 represents the top of the technical, design and artistic evolution of the freeride ski that Chris Benchetler has been carrying out since 2008. Like any high-specificity top-of-the-range ski, it is aimed at technically advanced athletes and skiers who do not set limits when exploring the open mountain. Structure and geometry have been developed according to a single goal: performance. The eclectic and color ful design, curated by Chris himself, com pletes the work.
Use Freeride Size 176, 184 , 192
Sidecut 143/120/134
Rocker Powder Rocker Gr 1800 € 749,99
Atomic Bent 110
Creative and one-of-a-kind ski that, as Atomic itself says, “is more a narrow 120 than a wide 100”
Born from the collaboration between Atomic and Chris Benchetler, it is a superlative ski both for its technologies and for its unique graphics. This model bridges the gap be tween 100 and 120: it is in fact perfect for days when there is not enough powder for a 120 model but where, at the same time, a 100 one could be a bit tight. The special construc tion with HRZN Tech Tip and a slightly more accentuated rocker at the tip than at the tail make it a really nice ski to handle, playful and with a crazy float. Equipped with a Di rectional Twin shape with a slightly wider tip compared to the tail, it manages to be super performing both in forward and in switch. During the tests it proved to be very light to take uphill even if a little awkward on the traverses due to its width, but it is obvious that its real battlefield is the descent. Perfect even on the toughest terrains where it remains sta ble in grip thanks to its Dual Cap Sidewall structure with poplar wood core. Ultimately we would like to affirm that it is a perfect ski for an all mountain/freestyle use, but above all it is suitable for all advanced level riders, that’s the reason why it is Jossi Wells’ favorite ski for freestyle backcountry on medium depth snow.

Ski Black Crows
C.so Lombardia 73 San Mauro Torinese TO Italy www.black-crows.com IG @blackcrows_skis
Camox Freebird Mentis Freebird Serpo
Completely renewed ski for the 22/23 sea son, it has been one of the landmarks of the free touring segment for several years. For this product, the Black Crows technicians worked on the flexibility index of the ski, making it even more balanced and progres sive. On the other hand, its qualities of ver satility and manageability are unchanged in any situation. Light and agile uphill, it is able to provide high level performance even in the most demanding conditions.
Use Freetouring Size 157.1, 164.3, 171.1, 178 4 , 183.4, 188.2 Sidecut 136/95/114

Rocker Progressive Front Rocker - Light Rear Rocker Gr 1475 € 749,95
Always attentive to the needs of the modern ski tourer, this model was born with the aim of obtaining the best downhill performance in a ski that does not individually exceed a kilo of weight. The paulownia core, rein forced with fiberglass and carbon, made it possible to achieve this goal. The uphill performance is a true “top of the range”, but what is most surprising are the solidity and the precision downhill. Lightweight and sta bility at the service of fun.
Use Touring Size 157.1, 164.3, 171 , 178.2 Sidecut 110/80/100 Rocker Front Rocker Gr 1000 € 849,95
The perfect choice for those looking for a non specific ski but able to guarantee fun and pleasure in a variety of conditions. Its most suitable terrain is the piste, where it transmits precision and stability to the skier even in the fastest corners. Its 93mm width under the foot still allows you to move easily in short off piste runs. The poplar wood core, combined with Titanal reinforcements in the ski center, make the response lively and re active.

Use All Mountain Size 168.2, 174 1, 180.1, 186.3 Sidecut 131/93/115 Rocker Progres sive Front Rocker - Light Rear Rocker Gr 1750 € 769,95

Black Crows Mirus Cor
With this ski on your feet you will literally feel like fly ing... Could it be because of its dovetail?
Crows’s new born, it is a ski designed to have fun… Maybe that’s why it carries the name “Cor”, used by Black Crows to identify all those skis that break the mold and come out of the common standards. Testing it was pure fun, its very short turning radius (only 13m), the very accentuated carv ing, its rigidity (conferred by the Titanal plate placed in the middle of the ski, the poplar wood core and the fiberglass reinforcements and the double rocker with raised dove tail (which guarantees handling and control) make it seem that you have nothing under your feet, if not the sensation of prolongation of the same. A very versatile ski, its 87mm makes it perfect on all snow conditions. It’s definitely not a feather (3600g per pair), but you’ll always feel like you’re riding a slalom model that never comes off the ground. It is a ski that we recommend to all those who intend to have fun in freestyle or who simply want to play on the slopes, but we strongly advise against it for any type of skins because it was not really born for this. Ideal for most skiers, even if given its reactivity we do not consider it too suitable for be ginners.

Ski Black Crows
Camox Birdie Corvus Freebird
If you are looking for a true all-rounder ski, this is the one for you. Every design element, from the choice of materials to the geome tries, has been designed to create a fun and playful ski that can be juggled on any type of terrain. Despite its freestyle nature, the not exasperated rocker allows you to have ex cellent control on beaten snow. The 97mm width at the center of the ski allows you to move easily even on powder. A real unique, versatile and manageable ski.

Use All Mountain Size 156.1, 162.3, 168 1, 174.2 Sidecut 128/97/116
Rocker Double Rocker Gr 1700 € 719,95
Designed for demanding free tourers look ing for a high performance ski on deep snow. To achieve this result, Black Crows technicians worked on the balance be tween constructive lightweight and struc tural solidity. The 107mm wide ski center is reinforced with a Titanal plate, so as to be able to safely mount the new generation hybrid bindings more oriented to freeriding. The slightly accentuated rocker increases cornering precision and responsiveness.
Use Free Touring Size 176, 183 4 , 188.2 Sidecut 140/107/119 Rocker Progressive Front Rocker Gr 1875 € 899,95
Ferox Freebird
A real powder weapon. If your tours in the open mountains are oriented towards the search for the most original line on powder, you will not be able to do without this ski. The double rocker guarantees excellent buoyancy while the slightly accentuated sidecut returns precision and reactivity even on more compact snow. A powerful ski, which provides maximum performance in large and fast turns. Ideal for energetic skiers always looking for new lines.
Use Free Touring Size 170.1, 176.7, 181 4 , 186.2 Sidecut 136/110/126 Rocker Double Rocker Gr 1800 € 949,95
Slender ski created for all those who are always looking for performance and excellent stability, but who do not want to give up the pleasure of the descent
A model with a “race” nature and an ice color, it is the touring ski with which Black Crows completes the Freebird range and satisfies all the most demanding skiers. With its 80mm width in the center and a weight of around 900g per single ski, it has a paulownia wood core reinforced with fiberglass and carbon and a Titanal reinforcement plate in the binding area to increase stability and resistance. Testing it we real ized that it is a ski that knows how to behave in all situations and that never “lies”. Excellent climbing companion thanks to its lightness, perfect in traverses for its rigidity, phenom enal grip even on the hardest snow thanks to its wide radi us of curvature (19) and its classic camber. It dances a little bit on bumpy snow but it’s good on regular ones. Perfectly guaranteed floatation and rotation thanks to the inter mediate flex and to the tip rocker even on the softest and deepest snows. In general it is an excellent adventure com panion, easy to drive both off and on piste. We recommend it to both expert skiers and intermediate ones who want to quickly reach the summit and then fully enjoy the descent.

Ski Blizzard
Zero G LT 80 Zero G 85 Zero G 95
News for the 22/23 season, it’s Blizzard’s lightweight construction ski for demanding and competent skiers, such as mountain professionals and light touring enthusiasts. Developed to bring the typical downhill performance of Blizzard skis into the ski touring category, while remaining one kilo gram lighter. To achieve this, Blizzard has combined the benefits of the sophisticated Trueblend Tour Woodcore with a carbon construction.
Use Light Touring Size 150, 157, 164, 171 , 178
Sidecut: 108/80/94 Rocker Rocker-cam ber-rocker Gr 980 € 700,00
For years a reference point in the ski touring category, this model of the Zero G family is designed to offer a lot of lightness and reli able performance even when you have to cover large gradients. The Carbon Drive Technology 2.0 returns solidity and reliabil ity downhill, on any snow and slope condi tions. Its easy handling also makes it ideal for tackling steep and technical canals in complete safety.

Appreciated along the tests of many maga zines in the sector, it is the most versatile ski in the Zero G collection and it offers the ideal compromise between under-shoe width and lightness. The 95mm in the center guaran tee excellent buoyancy in powder. The new lightweight Carbon Drive Technology 2.0 construction makes climbing easier without compromising on downhill performance. This ski is recommended for those looking for professional performance combined with stability and optimal grip on all types of snow.
Use Ski Touring Size 150, 157, 164, 171 , 178 Sidecut 115/85/99 Rocker Rocker-cam ber-rocker Gr 1110 € 650,00
Use Ski Touring Size 157, 164, 171, 178 , 185
Sidecut 127/95/111 Rocker Rocker-cam ber-rocker Gr 1260 € 750,00
Blizzard Zero G 95
Multi-purpose ski that redefines the guidelines of what is possible on free touring adventures
Year after year constantly updated, it is a light and at the same time super stable ski, very soft both in the tip and in the tail, so much so that it feels like you don’t have it on your feet. Thanks to its paulownia wood core and to the Carbon Drive 2.0 technology is truly a model built to perfection, light on the climb and stable and safe on the descent. The carbon layup extends along the entire ski from tip to tail, leaving the core slightly exposed on the side walls, ensuring maximum absorption of vibrations and excellent response in downhill turns. With its 95mm under the foot and a reinforcement in the central part, it has proved to be very stiff and resis tant to torsion, and it holds even the most difficult and icy traverses perfectly. Downhill it does not disappoint on any type of snow, establishing itself as a unique ski to be used all season, both on powder, where it showed off all its flotation skills, and on long spring tours. Slightly less precise on tight turns where it tends to dance a little, even this year it ranks among the best free touring models. Perfect for the more experienced ski mountaineers who have good technique, good control and who like to take turns at high speeds

Ski Blizzard
News for the 22/23 season, this model presents a new lightweight ski concept for freeriders looking for pristine slopes away from the ski lifts. Using the innovative con struction system with core in Trueblend Free Woodcore and Carbon D.R.T. (Dynam ic Release Technology), Hustle 9 is light on the climbs but it maintains the downhill performance of the freeride skis in the Bliz zard collection, thanks to an “early rise” tip, a rocked tail and a not too accentuated cam ber.
Use Freeride Size 157, 164, 172, 180 , 188

Sidecut 127,5/94/117 Rocker Rocker-cam ber-rocker Gr 1750 € 600,00
News for the 22/23 season, this model rep resents a new lightweight ski concept for freeriders looking for pristine slopes away from the ski lifts. It uses the innovative con struction system with a core in Trueblend Free Woodcore and Carbon D.R.T. (Dynam ic Release Technology) that makes this ski light uphill, while maintaining the downhill performance of the Blizzard collection freeride skis thanks to an “early rise” tip, a rocked tail and a not too accentuated cam ber.
Use Freeride Size 156, 164, 172, 180 , 188 Sidecut 133/102/122.5 Rocker Rock er-camber-rocker Gr 1800 € 650,00
News for the 22/23 season, this version of Hustle also boasts a completely new lightweight ski concept for freeriders who love immaculate slopes. This thanks to the innovative construction system with core in Trueblend Free Woodcore and Carbon D.R.T. (Dynamic Release Technology). Hustle 11 is a light ski uphill but performing downhill, like the legendary freeride skis of the Blizzard collection, thanks to an “early rise” tip, a rocked tail and a little accentuated camber.
Use Freeride Size 164, 172, 180, 188, 192 Sidecut 142/114/132 Rocker Rocker-cam ber-rocker Gr 1950 € 750,00
Blizzard Hustle 9
A ski that does not compromise and offers great emotions
Part of the Hustle collection, born as a mix between the light Zero G and the powerful Rustler, with its 94mm in the center, it is a ski that does not compromise and that will give great emotions both on the piste and in the most demanding tours. As a category of use it is positioned between freerid ing and touring. It is not as light as a race ski but at the same time it is not as heavy as a freeriding model, it is easy to use uphill with skins while downhill it will makes you enjoy the descent. Very complex, thin “Trueblend Free” wood core composed of poplar, beech and paulownia woods which, in combination with a beautiful progressive rocker and D.R.T. (Carbon Dynamic Release Technology) at the tip, tail and under the binding, makes it a nice stiff ski that is easy to ride on all types of snow. It gave us confidence, both on powder, where its buoyancy is exceptional, and on the hardest ter rains, where it defended itself very well. We found it a very fun ski, easy to turn and skiable almost at all speeds, more fun with medium speeds, perhaps a bit imprecise when ex iting the corners on hard snow, an important aspect if you are looking for a powder rocker. We recommend it to all backcountry lovers who are a little more experienced and also to all those who want to have fun on the slopes or even just beyond the forest line.

Pagoda Tour Ski DPS Skis

Developed for expert free tourers who look for high performance combined with versatil ity and ease of use. Its 100mm of width in the central part ensure an excellent floatation on powder without giving up precision on the most technical sections.
Use Free Touring
Size 153, 163, 171, 179 , 184 Sidecut 132/100/117 Rocker 45% Gr 1480 € 1499,00
Among the skis in the freetouring segment dedicated to the most expert skiers, this is the most “freeride-orient ed”. The longer corner radius and the non-ex asperated rocker make it stable and performing at high speed on deep snow and steep slopes.
Use Free Touring Size 155, 163, 171, 179 , 184 Sidecut 137/106/121 Rocker 25-35% Gr 1550 € 1499,00
Big brother of 100 RP, with which it shares the design idea and con struction technologies. Free touring ski able to entertain you in all con ditions, both uphill and downhill, with a natural predisposition towards powdery snow.
Use Free Touring
100 RP Pagoda 106 C2 Pagoda 100 RP Pagoda Tour 106 C2 Pagoda Tour 112 RP Pagoda 94 C2
The choice for the de manding freerider who does not want to com promise. The “C2” ge ometry of this ski, char acterized by a reduced rocker, maximizes the contact surface be tween the edge and the snow, restoring reactivi ty and precision in every curve.
Use Freeride
Size 155, 163, 171, 179 , 184, 189 Sidecut 137/106/121 Rocker 25-35% Gr 1930
€ 1499,00
Size 158, 168, 178 , 184, 189 Sidecut 140/112/125 Rocker 45% Gr 1510 € 1499,00
The RP shape of this line of freeriding skis helps to make them fun and easy to handle on any terrain. The radius of 15 meters and the ac centuated rocker give speed in changes of di rection and reactivity in narrow passages.
Use Freeride
Size 155, 163, 171, 179 , 184, 189 Sidecut 132/100/117 Rocker 45% Gr 1800 € 1499,00
Use Freeride
Size 157, 165, 171 , 178, 185 Sidecut 129/94/109 Rocker 25-35% Gr 1740 € 1499,00
Pagoda Tour 90 RP
All-round ski touring model that guarantees fun and performance on all types of snow
With 90mm of width and optimized central flex for light weight boots, it’s the perfect ski for long and strenuous backcountry trails. A model with an eco-sustainable and very avant-garde soul thanks to its two new technologies: Third Raid Technology 2nd Generation (balanced carbon plate with ash and paulownia woods and ultralight foam core) and Algal Sidewall Technology (introduction on the sidewalls of a new composition based on bio-oil derived from a microalgae that allows to increase the damping and resistance to bending and impact). We put it to the test but it never let us down: on hard snow we found it slightly more nervous than on powder where it really gave us great emo tions. Stable and precise on running medium/wide arches at higher speeds, however, it requires a really good foot at low speeds on narrow arches. Lightweight, manageable, versatile and stiff at the right point, it is a model suitable both for short tours with a considerable elevation gain, and for long tours in search of unexplored powder, where the weight/performance ratio is fundamental. It’s not an easy ski but it remains an excellent adventure companions for more experienced skiers, we recommend it less for firsttime skiers.

News for winter 2022/23 for Grand Course races. Com pared to its predeces sor, the tip is wider, the rocker is longer and it has a short radius to for give mistakes and save energy on the descent. Recommended with Dynafit Mezzalama+ bindings.

Use Ski Race
Size 153 , 162 Sidecut 97/64/78 Rocker NA Gr 760 € 700,00
Mezzalama Radical 88

Multi-purpose ski tour ing ski for classic ski touring in all conditions. Recommended with Dy nafit Radical bindings, it is also available as a skiset with pre-assembled bindings and skins and in the women’s version
Use Ski Touring

Size 158, 166, 174 , 182 Sidecut 121/88/110 Rocker NA Gr 1300 € 600,00
Speed touring ski, with ultra-light construction in unidirectional carbon for a weight of less than 1kg. Pauwlonia wood core and lightweight Pin Skin system to attach the skins. Recommend ed in combination with Dynafit Superlite 150+ bindings.
Use Speed Touring
Size 158, 165, 172 , 178 Sidecut 116/80/100 Rocker NA Gr 960 € 750,00
Blacklight Pro Blacklight 95 Free 97 Ski
A 1160g (165cm) speed touring ski with great downhill performance. Made of 100% unidi rectional carbon, with a pauwlonia wood core. Recommended in com bination with Dynafit Blacklight+ bindings.

Use Speed Touring Size 165, 172 , 178, 184 Sidecut 127/95/115 Rocker NA Gr 1220 € 750,00

Redesigned for the 22/23 season, Seven Summits is a classic, versatile and forgiving ski touring ski. Recom mended with the Dynafit Rotation Lite 10 bind ings, it is also available as a ski-set with pre-as sembled bindings and skins.

Use Ski Touring Size: 158, 166, 174 , 182 Sidecut 116/85/105 Rocker NA Gr 1290 € 500,00
Free touring ski with a modern sidecut and innovative rocker on tip and tail. Available in 97 (men’s and women’s models) and 107 widths. Recommended with Dynafit ST Rotation 14 bindings.
Use Free Touring Size 170, 177 , 184 Sidecut 126/97/116 Rocker NA Gr 1450 € 700,00
Dynafit Blacklight 88
Are you an ambitious ski mountaineer? Are you looking for a light and at the same time manageable ski? Then Blacklight 88 is right for you!
Pupil of Dynafit, created specifically for speed ski touring, super light and versatile designed for weight freaks. De spite being the widest in the Blacklight range, with 82mm under the foot and just over 1kg in weight, it is the lightest ski in the Dynafit all-round family. Its name derives from “black” which recalls the black color of carbon (from which it is made), plus the word “light” which instead wants to indi cate its lightness and luminous attitude. Despite being really light, we were amazed by its stability and its ability to absorb vibrations, characteristics given by the introduction of a 100% unidirectional carbon plate. Unique in its kind, with a “tip and tail” construction and a sidecut adapted to the length of the ski, it maintains the length of the edge, regard less of the length of the same. A special feature of this ski is also the insole, designed with a particular race finish to en sure unprecedented smoothness. Uphill it is very manage able, downhill is skiable and easy to master at medium/low speeds, even on medium-wide arches. On the short arc, on the other hand, it requires a little more effort to take turns. In the end, it is perhaps poorly performing for pros, but it nev ertheless remains very versatile because of its low weight.

M-Free 99
Born from the collabo ration with Richard Per min, it is dedicated to new school freeriders looking for the perfect line away from the beat en tracks. Hybrid Core technology gives ma neuverability and stabili ty in all types of environ ments and conditions.
Use Freeride
Size 171, 179 , 185 Sidecut 128/99/120
Rocker Progressive Tip & Tail Rocker Gr 1850 € 650,00
M-Pro 99
Designed for more ex perienced freeriders, it shares the construction solutions with its young er brother “90”. The in creased width under the foot gives it additional stability in high speed cornering, as well as buoyancy in deep snow.
Use Freeride
Size 162, 170, 178 , 186 Sidecut 127/99/117
Rocker Directional Tip & Tail Rocker Gr 1700 € 700,00
Free touring ski devel oped for expert skiers looking for the perfect combination of up hill performance and downhill fun. The Racing Finish structure gives additional stability and precision when tack ling technical and steep sections.
Use Free Touring
Size 162, 170, 178 , 186
Sidecut 127/99/117
Rocker Directional Rocker Gr 1300 € 950,00
If open mountain tours with big elevation gain are your passion, this is the ski for you. Powerful uphill, solid and precise downhill. For technical and expert skiers al ways looking for new peaks to explore.
Use Ski Touring Size 156, 164, 172 Sidecut 120/88/110
Rocker Tip Rocker Gr 1150 € 850,00
Light and agile uphill, stable and precise downhill. For the de manding free tourer who does not want to compromise between performance and fun. Multipurpose and ver satile ski, it adapts to any conditions you can meet in the open mountains.
Use Free Touring Size 157, 167, 177 , 185 Sidecut 120/90/110

Rocker Directional Rocker Gr 1350 € 750,00
M-Tour 90 E-Pro 90
New entry among the skis of the freeriding range dedicated to women. Versatility and maneuverability are the strengths of this model, aimed at expert skiers looking for maximum fun and performance on powder.

Use Freeride
Size 154, 162 , 170 Sidecut 119/89/109
Rocker Directional Tip & Tail Rocker Gr 1550 € 600,00
Dynastar M-Pro 90
Faithful companion of “Powder Hunt”, it will allow you to leave your mark on the most virgin slopes without compromises
Skis specially designed for adventure, which offer the right mix of versatility and maneuverability. We really enjoyed this Dynastar model, with 90mm underfoot and a paulownia wood core construction. It turned out to be real freeriding tool with a low weight. Precise, beautifully lively and easy to drive, it offered an excellent response on the most varied types of snow and seemed to us to be beautifully flowing even on the flatter sections. Uphill it is stiff and safe, even on hard snow traverses. Downhill it performed very well in all the conditions that we met. On piste and on the most diffi cult terrain, its impeccable grip gave us the feeling of hav ing a piste ski under our feet. Off piste, on the other hand, thanks to its flex and directional rocker it floats perfectly on the most powdery snows and crushes all the other snows that come in front of it, even the crusty ones. We would like to recommend this ski to all those who are looking for a fun, reliable and powerful model, and to all those who are not afraid to carry a heavier tool uphill, but which then will allow you to fully enjoy its qualities.

For those looking for a unique ski that is agile and performing both on and off the piste. The edge change is very easy and cornering is smooth and fast. Excel lent performance in all snow and terrain condi tions.
Use All Mountain
Size 148, 156, 164, 172, 180 , 188 Sidecut 130/88/105
Rocker : Amphibio Gr 1550 € 620,00
Ripstick 88 Ripstick Tour 94
High performing uphill but extremely fun on powder, Ripstick Tour 94 is suitable for skiers who want a reliable ski in any situation on tour. Fast, agile but also high ly maneuverable and safe.
Use Free Touring Size 157, 164, 171, 178 , 185 Sidecut 129/94/109 Rocker Amphibio Gr 1490 € 690,00
A light and maneuver able ski both off piste, where the width in the center makes it perfect for powder skiing, and on the slopes where the more experienced skier will appreciate its grip. Fast and performing, it shines in any situation.
Use Freeride Size 164, 172, 180 , 188 Sidecut 136/96/110 Rocker Amphibio Gr 1650 € 730,00
Designed by athletes and guides but also suitable for less expe rienced skiers: Ripstick Tour 88 is a modern touring ski that com bines lightweight with excellent skiability. Sta ble even at high speeds, perfect for tours in the Alps.

Use Free Touring Size 156, 163 , 170, 177, 184 Sidecut 127/88/106 Rocker Amphibio Gr 1150 € 630,00

Ripstick Tour 104
Ripstick 96 Ripstick Tour 88 Ripstick Tour 88W
From the free and punk style of Glen Plake comes a ski with the same attitude. Excellent floatation on powder combined with a light weight that allows you to venture into remote places, it is the ski with which to reinterpret modern free touring.
Use Free Touring Size 166, 173, 180 , 187 Sidecut 129/104/122 Rocker Amphibio Gr 1540 € 840,00
Designed for women and ideal to perform both uphill and downhill. Precise and stable in varying conditions, Rip stick Tour is easy and rewarding. Complete, versatile and safe in the backcountry.
Use Free Touring Size 156, 163, 170, 177 Sidecut 128/88/108
Rocker Amphibio Gr 1330 € 630,00
Elan Ripstick Tour 94
Dynamic, light, progressive and technological revolutionary ski
A very cutting-edge model that stands out for its Carbon Bridge technology (a single carbon rod on the upper part of the ski) thanks to which it is able to absorb most of the vi brations and to ensure high comfort and maximum stability when skiing. The Ace Arrow technology (Titanal structure in the shape of an arrow along the entire ski) guarantees the linear transfer of power along the entire surface of the ski. Last, but not least, the Amphibio technology provides a non-reversible right and left ski and which ensures excel lent stability of the ski when entering and exiting corners. Ripstick Tour 88 convinced us from the first turns, easy and safe in narrow curves, slightly dancing but very nice to drive on hard and bumpy terrains, super stable and precise on wide arches and at high speeds. We could not try it prop erly and exploit its qualities on powder, but the floatation on the most powdery snow seems excellent. Uphill we found it a very well balanced and comfortable model, especially when turning, light and with a crazy grip on the edges. We carried it on our shoulders and even there it did not contra dict itself, bringing out its light soul. Ultimately it remains a modern ski, designed for medium/high level skiers ranging from climbing to beautiful powder skiing.

Agile, fluid and stable: these skis are made for dancing. Dancer 1 are all mountain skis that give their best on slopes, although they can also be used off piste. A very versatile model with excellent stability and good cor ner entry, even if it requires an experienced skier. Edge hold is exceptional. The core is made of 100% sustainable wood reinforced by two very thin metal sheets for a perfect mix of energy, fluidity and safety.
A touring ski with carbon construction that makes it light as a feather and a unique and progressive shape designed for skiing away from the lifts. It is softer and lighter (around 200g) compared to its cousins from the Agents line, in order to be carried even on longer and more demanding missions. The rocker is well pronounced, for lively skiers who enjoy all types of snow and who want effortless cornering. The width in the center makes it a ski suitable even for deep snow.

Agent 2x
For all-round female skiers who are looking for a reliable companion on even the most extreme adventures off the beaten track. Agent 2X have a lightweight carob wood core, combined with a rocker that facilitates floating and cornering and a stiff tail for im mediate closure. If the weight on the climb is important, but the descent is more import ant and you want to enjoy it in all conditions, even with variable snow and terrains, these are the skis for you!

Use All Mountain Size 162, 170, 178 , 186
Sidecut 120/86/110 Rocker Tip/Tail Rocker Gr 1720 € 599,00
Use Free Touring Size 164, 171, 177 , 183 Sidecut 124/99/116 Rocker Extended Tip/ Tail Rocker Gr 1390 € 799,00
Use Free Touring Size 155, 163 , 171 Sidecut 127/96/117 Rocker Tip/Tail Rocker Gr 1330 € 699,00

Faction Dancer 2
A perfect ski for all freeriders who love to dance down pristine slopes
Very simple, light and manageable ski. It has a poplar wood core, coming from sustainable sources, reinforced by two very thin metal sheets that increase its reactivity and edge grip. Testing it, we realized that it is a model that does not allow distractions, the cornering response is immediate thanks to its carving, in fact as soon as you push a little on the edges you immediately notice its reactivity. Its 96mm waist width and the 19m radius make it a versatile and man ageable ski on the vast majority of terrains. Its strongly rock ered tip allows excellent floatation on soft snow, it facilitates cornering and it offers excellent handling on narrow cor ners and on jumps, while the slightly accentuated rocker in the tail guarantees maximum maneuverability and excellent grip when exiting a curve. We strongly advise against it for all those who are looking for a docile and easy-to-handle ski, while it is certainly a perfect model for all those inter mediate and/or expert skiers who love to ski very forward and who are looking for a precise ski, super stable at high speeds, very determined, cheerful and full of energy.

Free touring ski that makes versatility its strong point. The pau lownia and carbon fiber core gives it excellent torsional rigidity, mak ing it stable and precise downhill. The weight, on the other hand, remains one of the lowest in the segment.
Use Free Touring
Size 162, 169, 176 , 183 Sidecut 126/96/114 Rocker TourRocker Gr 1300 € 699,00
Entry level of the Ranger line, it offers maneuver ability and ease of use to those who approach the world of freeskiing. Agile and fun, it has an intuitive behavior in any type of condition, whether they are groomed slopes or stretches of powder.

Use Free Touring
Size 142, 152, 162, 172 , 182 Sidecut 128/92/117 Rocker Freeski Rocker Gr 1800 € 419,00

Born for pure freeriding, it also lends itself to use on the slopes. Unique ski, suitable for those looking for agility and fun without the need for a specific tool. The width at the center of the ski ensures excel lent buoyancy.

Use Freeride
Hannibal 96 Carbon Ranger Transalp 86 Carbon
By combining the care ful study of construc tion materials with the know-how of athletes, Fischer has obtained an extremely powerful and fun ski. Very versatile, it is perfect for long days of freeriding in the open mountains with deep and powdery snow.
Size 169, 176, 183 , 190 Sidecut 138/103/128 Rocker Freeski Rocker Gr 2050 € 749,00
Use Freeride

Size 171, 178, 185, 192 Sidecut 143/109/134 Rocker Freeski Rocker Gr 2120,00 € NA
Ranger 102 Ranger 108 Transalp 90 Carbon
Touring ski designed to offer maximum fun in any situation. The low weight allows you to climb without getting tired and fully enjoy the emotions of the de scent. The width in the center, which is con tained, makes it agile and intuitive.
Use Light Touring Size 148, 155, 162, 169, 176 , 183 Sidecut 123/86/107 Rocker Tour Rocker Gr 1180 € 679,00
Older brother of the “86”, it maintains the same constructive characteristics while expanding its “play ground”. The greater width in the middle of the ski gives further stability during the de scent, without affecting its qualities of lightness and agility.
Use Free Touring Size 155, 162, 169, 176 , 183 Sidecut 125/89/108 Rocker Tour Rocker Gr 1230 € 719,00
All-rounder, versatile and reliable, ideal for fully enjoying the descent
Revised only in its graphics, Hannibal maintains the same structure as last year. Despite its size and 96mm under the foot, it remains in the featherweight category but it estab lishes itself as an ideal companion also for freeriding tours. The Sandwich Sidewall construction (paulownia wood core) with ABS sides and the addition of carbon fibers make this ski a light missile, and if we also add a Tour Rock er and Aeroshape technology, this missile also becomes stable uphill as well as very agile downhill. We really found it to be a very easy all-rounder to maneuver regardless of the speeds we launched it at. Excellent for any type of snow, from the most floury where it shows off its perfect buoyan cy features, to the heavier spring one where it brings out its characteristics of smoothness and grip on the edges. Very light to carry uphill, both on the feet and on the shoulder. It is a ski suitable for all ski mountaineers and freeriders looking for a universal, functional and reactive model with which to better enjoy every mountain adventure.

Posistioned between the world of touring and freeriding, it is de signed to provide high level of performance on any type of terrain. The great structural solid ity and stability at high speeds make this ski a reference point in the segment.

Use Free Touring
Size 161, 168, 175 , 182, 189 Sidecut 123/101/112 Rocker All-Terrain Rocker Gr NA € 849,95
If you need a truly ver satile ski for your days off the beaten track, this is the right tool for you. Stable and powerful, it offers excellent buoy ancy in deep snow and remarkable maneuver ability.
Use Free Touring Size 170, 177, 184 , 191 Sidecut 130/110/120 Rocker All-Terrain Rocker Gr 1750 € 879,95
The most versatile ski in the Mindbender line. The width at the center of the ski of 99mm com bined with a limited ra dius make this product one of the most versatile in its category. Ideal to have fun in the “back country” in any snow condition.
Use Freeride
Size 166, 172, 178 , 184, 190 Sidecut 134/99/120 Rocker All-Terrain Rock er Gr NA € 699,95
The new Wayback has all the features that have made it famous in the freetouring segment. Precise and stable even in the most technical de scents, its structure with unidirectional carbon fiber makes it agile and pleasant uphill.

Use Ski Touring Size 160, 167 , 174, 181 Sidecut 121/88/109 Rocker All-Terrain Rocker Gr NA € 599,95

Ski specifically de signed for intermediate and advanced skiers looking for versatility, manageability and agili ty on powder days. The low weight does not af fect the stability of the ski, even at high speeds.
Use Freeride
Size 156, 163, 170, 177 Sidecut 127/90/113 Rocker All-Terrain Rocker Gr NA € 549,95
Mindbender 90C Wayback
What places this prod uct at the top of the crowded freetouring segment is its weight/ power ratio: despite having excellent “climb ing” skills, it gives the skier stability, control and precision that are difficult to match.
Use Ski Touring Size 170, 177 , 184 Sidecut 128/96/115 Rocker All-Terrain Rocker Gr NA € 649,95
K2 Dispatch 101
Ski of K2’s Dispatch line, specially designed for backcountry Dispatch 101 is the narrowest of the three brothers of the Dispatch line, which has the sole goal of allowing skiers to have maximum fun in powder. With its 1695g (175cm in length), it is certainly the lightest of the three, but by no means the least performing, in fact the general structure re mains unchanged. The result of the tests classifies it as an excellent ski both for climbing, where it was very performing even on the hardest traverses, and for descending where it gave its best even in beautiful wide corners at high speeds. Obviously it is not a model for everyone, it is necessary to have a good foot to lead some nice corners, while it seemed more docile in narrow turns. We noticed an excellent weight/power ratio thanks to its paulownia wood core, a great smoothness given by the Steadfast Base technology that allows the wax to adhere better and last longer, a per fect absorption of vibrations and power transfer because of the Hex Beam technology and excellent handling on steep er terrain thanks to Uni-Directiona Flax technology which uses linen as a natural reinforcement fabric.
We Like The geometry that allows you to take nice curves both on and off piste, the edge hold, the rigidity and the ab sorption of vibrations on hard snow Use Free Touring

A paulownia wood core wrapped in carbon that takes inspiration from the racing world for an ultralight but stable ski, both on and off piste. Ef ficient uphill and with ex cellent edge hold down hill, suitable for training even at night.
Use All Mountain
Size 157, 166, 175 Sidecut 121/77/107 Rocker NA Gr 1080 € 849,00
The most popular Käs tle skis for touring! TX93 is a ski with incredible downhill performance but with a weight that al lows those who use it to reach the most remote places. The width in the center makes it very versatile and suitable for the most diverse condi tions.

Use All Mountain
Size 154, 162, 170 , 178, 186 Sidecut 129/93/115 Rocker NA Gr 1275 € 849,00

Wood core covered with fiberglass and car bon for a ski suitable for touring in different con ditions. TX87 is light and easy to handle uphill but always reliable downhill throughout the ski sea son and even at night.
Use Light Touring Size 150, 158, 166 , 174, 182 Sidecut 124/87/111 Rocker NA Gr 1205 € 849,00
3D shape, triple wood core and Titanal inserts for stable skiing at high speeds and perfect on powder. The size makes it a versatile ski, also suitable for large curves in conduction.

Use Freeride Size 164, 172, 180 , 188 Sidecut 133/96/119 Rocker NA Gr 1935 € 899,00
This ski offers maxi mum performance on both the feet of more experienced skiers and beginners. Lightweight and resistant, perfect for those looking for a unique and reliable ski in every ski tour.
Use All Mountain Size 150, 158, 166 , 174, 182 Sidecut 124/87/111 Rocker NA Gr 1380 € 629,00
Minimum weight thanks to the glass/carbon fiber and Progressive Rise for a model suitable for female skiers who want a ski to use on all their excursions. The downhill performance is excellent, the change of edges is fast and easy.
Use Free Touring Size 150, 158, 166 Sidecut 124/87/111 Rocker NA Gr 1205 € 749,00
Kästle TX87
Minimalist, light and agile ski that glows in the dark!

Really versatile model suitable for occasional trips as well as for long and demanding excursions, truly an all-rounder that combines agility and performance uphill with great sta bility downhill. It doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or an expert, TX87 will surely be appreciated and will give you unforgettable emotions. By analyzing the structure it is easy to understand how much is a ski studied in every detail:
Semi-Cap Sandwich Sidewall construction designed with the new Hollowtech 3.0 patent with two-layer construction (30% softer than its predecessors), additional protective top sheet and 3 fiberglass axles to ensure rigidity, pau lownia and poplar wood core, 13m radius of curvature and the right rocker to ensure ease of entry into turns, respon siveness and agility. After having tested the ski in the most varied situations we can say that it is a very light and well balanced model uphill, perfect when turning on the steep, super smooth on flat sections, excellent in the response under the foot in the shifting phases and reliable and fun downhill, regardless of the snow you will face. From what emerged from the tests, we would like to recommend it to lovers of canals and long spring tours and, thanks to the flu orescent insert, also to all those who, due to lack of time, are forced to face morning and/or evening trainings.
We Like The feeling of safety that it transmits during its use, its
and, why not, also the fact that it glows in the dark!

Race Pro 85
A real revolution in the race segment: a ski of 85mm under the foot that has all the charac teristics of the narrow er companions. Core in ultralight paulownia (hand-chosen for its lightness), covered with a very fine one-way carbon fiber layer com bined with other carbon layers.

Use Light Touring
Size 154 , 161, 169, 177 Sidecut 115/85/99 Rocker NA Gr 890 € 867,00
A ski that combines the qualities of free touring with those of freestyle for a dynamic, aerial ski, with which to fly and have fun both on and off the slopes. Ideal for those who go from flying through the air to landing on powder in an instant. In any case, it is a very light ski that can with stand well a light binding.
Use Free Touring
Size 177 , 184 Sidecut 128/105/123 Rocker NA Gr 1980 € 679,00

Ski Movement

The keyword of this high performing and reliable ski is exploring. This year the contact surface of the edges has been extended, for greater control and safety. It is a light ski thanks to the paulownia wood core reinforced with a mix of carbon and fiberglass arranged in 5 directions.
Use Light Touring
Size 162 , 170, 178 Sidecut 120/85/104 Rocker NA Gr 1210 € 699,00
A concentrate of tech nology for a ski with unlimited freedom of movement in the high mountains. The low weight, the carbon con struction with Titanal re inforcements and wood core, make it a ski for those who want to have fun in all adventures.

Use Light Touring Size 162 , 170, 178, 186 Sidecut 127/95/111 Rocker NA Gr 1060 € 1049,00
Session 85 Alp Tracks 95 Axess
A ski ideal to face any situation, even with the deepest snow. Go 112 has a lightweight pau lownia wood core and a solid construction, making it suitable for high speeds, big moun tains and big challeng es, while maintaining an ideal weight for free touring.
Use Freeride Size 178 , 186 Sidecut 138/112/126 Rocker NA Gr 1810 € 829,00

For all-round female skiers looking for a ver satile and reliable ski in all conditions, light on the ascent and fun on the descent. It differs from the unisex version in the positioning of the mounting point and of a more flexible fiberglass.
Use Free Touring
Size 154 , 161, 169, 177 Sidecut 120/90/109 Rocker NA Gr 1180 € 659,00
Movement Alp Tracks 90
If you like to explore and you’re looking for a lightweight ski to accompany you on all your adventures, this is the model for you
Entirely handmade, ultralight ski for fine palates. Its struc ture, the right mix of fiberglass and carbon fiber, makes this model a real monster of lightness and reactivity. It turned out to be very versatile: on hard snow we found it agile and fast, on the most demanding descents it gave us safety and maximum stability, on drier and softer snows it is simply per fect, it floats like hell. We think it can be the ideal ski for all growing ski mountaineers but, why not, also for those who already have some experience, but it is above all perfect for all those who have a nice light skiing and who know how to handle a ski. On hard and crusty snows it did not behave so badly, but it actually highlighted some small limitations. Very light uphill, both to be carried on the shoulders and to be dragged on the feet, we recommend it to all ski mountain eers who want to tackle beautiful tours, even long and with a lot of altitude. In short, let’s say that it is the suitable ski for all those who often go to the mountains, who always want to give their best and who require a lot from their equipment.

Blackops 98
Designed to offer max imum fun to skiers who do not limit themselves in their open mountain tours, in any condition. The design, curated by the “Super Top Secret” agency, makes it even more attractive and modern.
Use Freeride
Size 162, 172, 182 , 192 Sidecut 131/98/121
Rocker Progressive Rocker Gr 2000 € 750,00
New model in the free touring line, it combines lightness and maneu verability uphill and solidity and precision downhill. The high con struction level, the result of the use of innovative technologies, places it at the top of the seg ment for quality and per formance.
Use Free Touring
Size 161, 169, 177 , 185 Sidecut 126/97/116
Rocker Free Rocker Gr 1300 € 900,00
Touring ski created to meet the needs of inter mediate skiers looking for agility, ease of use and lightness for their tours in the mountains. The light structure com bined with the “Air Tip” make it intuitive and per forming.
Use Free Touring
Size 153, 160, 168, 175 , 181 Sidecut 124/87/109 Rocker Free Rocker Gr 1400 € 600,00
Escaper 87 Escaper 87 Nano Rallybird
A close relative of Es caper 87, with which it shares construction techniques and geom etries, it is even lighter, while maintaining the same performance and ease of use. Ideal to go further uphill, without giving up the fun.
Use Light Touring Size 153, 160, 168, 175 , 181 Sidecut 124/87/109 Rocker Free Rocker Gr 1300 € 750,00

For the modern freerid er looking for the most beautiful line in every open mountain tour. The width at the center of the ski guarantees excellent performance on powder without sac rificing versatility. For expert skiers, without compromise.
Use Freeride Size 164, 172, 178 , 186 Sidecut 138/104/128

Rocker Free Rocker Gr 1900 € 800,00
Multi-purpose ski proposed for expert freeriders looking for performance and con trol on any type of snow. The “Damp Tech” insert helps to reduce vibra tions, restoring greater torsional rigidity, stabili ty and precision.

Use Freeride
Size 154, 162, 170 Sidecut 127/94/117
Rocker Free Rocker Gr 2000 € NA
Rossignol Sender 94 Ti
When freeride calls, Sender always answers
A ski specially designed for freeride and all mountain, with its 94mm at the center of the ski it is the narrowest of the Sender family. Thanks to its limited width, which however contains all the Rossignol technology of its older brothers, it is the best on hard snow thanks to its accentuated carv ing that allows you to ride in a powerful and precise way. It is a model with a progressive sidecut that guarantees a firm grip on hard snow and ensures safe skiing on all types of snow. The paulownia wood core gives excellent agility and handling of the ski. The Extended Core construction allows to increase the contact of the ski with the snow, in order to guarantee greater stability and rigidity and to increase pre cision and control even on the hardest snows. The Air Tip technology provides for the lightening of the tip and tail in order to increase maneuverability when turning. The Tita nal Beam insert gives rigidity and power distribution over the entire length of the ski. The Damp Tech insert on the tip, on the other hand, guarantees the reduction of vibrations on uneven terrains. Ultimately it is a ski rich in technology that, given its weight, is certainly not a good companion for adventures with skins, but will surely satisfy where the rock er is needed. We Like The feeling of stability and safety that it gives on hard snow

SpitzFly Rac RS

An agile, maneuverable ski that shines in all conditions: Fly is the all mountain model with sandwich construction designed to give its best, always. The wide tip and wid er sidecut make it a versatile ski with great potential. Stable and at the same time flexi ble, it is ideal for those who expect excellent edge hold on slopes in the morning but also want to have fun on powder or at the end of the day, flying between bumps and on softer snow.
Use All Mountain Size 158, 164 , 170, 176
Sidecut 131/77/111 Rocker Tip Rocker Gr 1560 € 760,00
For aggressive skiers who want stability and precision on the slopes at any speed. The Rac RS have the same constructive and structural features of competition skis and are designed for those who demand the maximum in terms of performance. The sandwich construction and the wooden core guarantee excellent edge grip even on icy conditions and great stability at high speeds. These skis are at their best on me dium to long radius turns, at the feet of ex pert skiers.
Use Ski Race Size 173, 178 , 183 Sidecut 114/69/99 Rocker No Rocker Gr 1810 € 1100,00

Ideal for versatile, comfortable but high per forming ski mountaineering: Spitz is a ski with a paulownia wood core that makes it light and fluid at the same time. The width of 87mm in the center for men and 85mm for women guarantees good buoyancy in fresh snow, thanks also to the 350mm tip rocker, while remaining suitable for various situa tions. A classic ski, which adapts to the foot of many skiers thanks to its versatility and skiability.
Use Ski Touring Size 154, 161, 167 , 174, 181 Sidecut 123/87/110 Rocker Tip Rocker 350mm Gr 1200 € 680,00

Sarner Klöckl
Classic style ski, linked to traditions, which “knocks” on the doors of freeriders to guarantee great fun on pow der
Born to go in search of powder in the most pristine corners of the mountain, this ski is a real chopper. If equipped with a ski touring binding, even if it is certainly not a featherweight, it becomes an excellent adventure companion even for the most remote free touring tours. If, on the other hand, it is equipped with a track binding, it will be able to give great emotions on freeride days on the slopes. With a 350mm rocker and its large tip surface, it is the perfect ally for slash ing turns on powder, but at the same time it is an excellent companion on harder, variable and windy snow. The geom etry is excellent for medium and large turning radii. To lead it well you need trained legs, also because it behaves better when the speed is high. Thanks to its stiffness this model behaves very well in narrow passages, but it is definitely not suitable for fast winding lines. The poor elasticity does not help in the jumps, which in the case must be set very well. It’s definitely an ace for people who know what to look for in a ski: power and stiffness when the going gets tough.
We Like Sarner gives the possibility to test the skis before buying them. The versatility of the ski depending on the binding used

A very versatile ski suit able for great adven tures where lightweight and reliability are es sential features. The core is in paulownia with carbon reinforcements. Edge grip is stable, cor nering is never difficult.
Proguide 96
Approved by Scott Mountain Guides, Proguide 96 is a ski that best combines up hill performance with downhill stability and buoyancy on powder. Reliable and fun, ide al for those who want “more”.
Use Light Touring
Size 156, 163, 169, 176 Sidecut 124/89/113
Rocker Touring Tip Rocker M Gr 1270 € 669,90

Use Ski Touring Size 167, 173, 178 Sidecut 128/96/117 Rocker Touring Tip Rocker M Gr 1280 € 679,90

An extremely reliable and versatile ski whose construction is de signed to get the best even downhill. They are stable, resistant skis, with a high torsional stiffness, character istics that make them suitable for the most ex treme situations.

Use Ski Touring Size 162, 168, 173, 178 , 184 Sidecut 125/88/112
Rocker Touring Tip Rocker M Gr 1340 € 599,90

An icon of the Scott line renewed to improve touring performance: Superguide 95 skis are lively, precise, with easy cornering and they give their best even at high speeds with an immedi ate response.
Use Free Touring Size 162, 170, 178 , 184 Sidecut 130/95/115
Rocker Touring Tip Rocker M Gr 1440 € 649,90
Inspired by the skis used by Jérémie Heitz, Pure Mission 98 with Titanal reinforcement are real freeriding weapons that shine even in the back country. Solid, fast but highly maneuverable for smooth skiing even at high speeds.
Use Freeride
Size 170, 177 , 184 Sidecut 133/98/119
Rocker Touring Tip Rocker M Gr 1670 € 649,90
Pure Mission 98 Ti Pure Mission 98 W’s
Designed for big mis sions where unforgetta ble lines are drawn, Pure Mission 98 has been redesigned even for the most demanding female skiers. A ski in which performance and fun are guaranteed, even at the highest levels.
Use Freeride Size 160, 168 , 175 Sidecut 133/98/119
Rocker Touring Tip Rocker M Gr 1550 € 649,90
Scott Proguide 89
Scott’s new entry, designed to make you breathe clean and uncontaminated air in the most remote and unexplored corners of the mountain Conceived and designed for ski touring lovers always looking for virgin snow and lots of adrenaline. A model with a warm and pure soul, built with Sandwich Tour Lite tech nology: 100% paulownia wood core and reinforced with carbon and aramid fibers that guarantee the right strength. Equipped with a quick fastening system of the skins, in our opinion very convenient, which allows to reduce the time of application and removal of the skins and to be immediately ready to enjoy the descent. Its slightly accentuated sidecut makes it a very responsive model, but at the same time not so easy to drive at high speeds. The little contact between the tip and the tail makes it difficult to find the right compro mise between speed and curve arc: we noticed that you have to push a little more to make them turn. But if the al most non-existent sidecut is the weak point of the descent, here it becomes one of the strength of the climb: together with its lightness and handling, the almost perfectly straight edge allows an optimal grip on all slopes and on the most difficult and icy traverses. Ultimately, after our tests, we can say that it is a ski with a sober look, suitable for intermediate skiers, slightly challenging for beginners and which perhaps may not be appreciated by the more experienced ones.

New entry in the free touring range for the 22/23 season, developed and tested thanks to the collaboration of the compa ny’s professionals team. The complex 14 Layer technology denotes the constructive accuracy of this model aimed at enhanc ing the performance of downhill skiing, on any type of snow and slope. However, the weight remains low, to the advantage of skiers who are looking for both precision and stability when skiing and also agility and handling uphill.
Use Free Touring Size 174, 181 , 188 Sidecut 123/93/113 Rocker NA Gr 1460
€ 799,80
One of the most versatile skis in the Ski Trab range dedicated to ski touring. The geom etries have been revised in favor of greater control and ease of use when skiing. The possibility of having the same ski with an in creased flex, which increases the support in the center/ear area of the shaft, represents an interesting solution that takes into ac count the different needs of skiers. Ideal for those looking for maneuverability and sta bility, both uphill and downhill.

Use Ski Touring Size 150, 157, 164 , 171, 178 Sidecut 118/85/104 Rocker NA Gr 1150 € 649,00

The adoption of the new 14 Layer Control construction technology gives this touring ski an excellent balance between lightness and climbing performance and precision when skiing. The wood and alveolar aramid core makes it possible not to make the scale needle rise above the kilogram per unit. To improve downhill performance, the techni cians have instead worked on the geometry, making it more stable and easy to use even in difficult snow conditions.
Use Ski Touring Size 157, 164, 171 , 178 Side cut 108/76/94 Rocker NA Gr 953 € 999,80

Ski Trab
Ortles 90
Excellent model for all skiers with fine palates. It will satisfy you on the steepest slopes
Its geometry derives from the brothers Selvio and Gavia, but its Liwood Air soul and 14 Layer Control technology make it much more rigid, stable, light and reliable. Its inter nal structure in light wood, supported by more resistant ex ternal woods and still covered with carbon and fiberglass, is designed to guarantee lightweight and strength in equal measure. We have noticed that this ski really performs very well in the most demanding conditions, as well as being very precise and maneuverable in narrow passages and on steep terrains. Very resistant to torsion and able to cushion well the impacts with the ground thanks to a bridge of elas tomer placed longitudinally between the edges (no shock system). On the slopes he performed very well, rating 10 on medium/low speeds, while on the high speeds we saw a gradual behavior when entering and exiting corners, as well as being a bit dancing on the tips. Excellent floating off piste on dusty snows, not bad even on crusty snows. Uphill it is an excellent companion, especially on traverses, where it has brought out its rigid soul, and in changes of direction, where it has shown off its lightness and handling. It is the right tool for all those who are looking for a versatile, light ski that does not disappoint on the steepest slopes and that immediately responds to the commands of the skier.

ULL Glacialis #01
A ski with a Valdostan DNA born in Courmayeur, at the foot of Mont Blanc
Ski touring model conceived, designed and tested entirely in Courmayeur with the ultimate goal of making all its users experience great emotions. Smaller than the two brothers of the ULL family, Glacialis #01 has the same shape and length as its older brother (purely designed for freeriding), but with different graphics and flex. It is 100 grams lighter and its structure is composed mostly of carbon, and in a smaller quantity of glass fiber, in order to guarantee those features of stiffness and handling necessary in any tours with skins. Thanks to its full rocker we found it really very manageable and easy to turn, it transmits a lot of safety even when you launch it at high speeds. On groomed snow, despite its 31m radius, it guarantees superlative grip and cornering. On the harshest and crusty snows it perfectly absorbs vibrations, it grinds everything in front of it and al ways remains beautifully nailed to the ground, while on drier terrains it has a great moving fluidity and floatation. Uphill it won’t be a feather, but it really lets itself be carried very well. In short, it is a ski for real connoisseurs, for fine palates in search of something really different and special, a tool that knows how to give great emotions and that is not very diffi cult to drive.

Deacon 72
It seems that the terms “Piste” and “All Moun tain” were invented for this ski! It has been re worked from top to bot tom with a new geome try with a wider tip and narrower waist for quick edge change and easier cornering.
Use All Mountain Size 158 , 163, 168, 173, 178 Sidecut 125/72/103 Rocker Tip & Tail Rocker Gr NA € 1050,00

Same geometry as its narrower brother but with a soul aimed at long curves and ski runs on the edges, without disdaining the rest as well. It is a versatile ski, thanks to the Tailored Carbon Tips that allows excellent cornering be havior.
Use All Mountain Size 171 , 176, 181 Sidecut NA Rocker Tip & Tail Rocker Gr NA € 1060,00

Blaze 94 Rise Above 88
Deacon 76 M6 Mantra Rise
Plywood core for a leg end that is back in a to tally renewed style. The Tailored Titanal Frame allows an adaptation of the part in Titanal on all lengths. Stable but light and agile to drive, with tailor carbon tips.
Use Freeride Size 163, 170, 177 , 184, 191 Sidecut 135/96/119 Rocker Tip & Tail Rocker Gr 2070 € 850,00

For freeriders who pre fer light and fun sporty skiing, Blaze 94 is an extremely heteroge neous ski. Combined with a touring binding, it becomes an excellent adventure companions away from the slopes.

The most versatile ski in the touring range, ca pable of giving its best both uphill and downhill. The plywood core guar antees low weight, sta bility and fluidity. Lively and maneuverable, it ensures control over all snows and terrains.
Use Freeride
Size 165, 172, 179, 186 Sidecut 134/94/116 Rocker Tip & Tail Rocker Gr 1400 € 760,00
Use Light Touring Size 156, 163, 170, 177 , 184 Sidecut 130.6/88/111.4 Rocker Tip Rocker Gr 1187 € 680,00
Above 88 W
For skiers who consider the ascent as import ant as the descent. It is a reliable ski, stable on all snows and ideal for those who tackle the ski mountaineering season from the beginning to the end. Very versatile and maneuverable.
Use Light Touring Size 149, 156, 163, 170 Sidecut 130.6/88/111.4 Rocker Tip Rocker Gr 1187 € 680,00
Völkl Kendo 88

Kendo 88 in a few words: embodiment of pure fun that runs with the power of thought
All mountain/freeride ski which boasts a completely revised and innovative geometry. The Full Sidewall construction with a heart in multi-layer beech and poplar wood, the rein forcement in perimeter Titanal and the insertion of carbon fibers on the tip make it a perfect mix of power and reactivity. 88mm under the foot, ad hoc tip and tail rocker and the 3D sidecut guarantee unprecedented handling, smoothness and versatility. On piste it showed off all its attitude: power ful and aggressive in taking curves at high speeds and doc ile and reactive on narrow arches and at lower speeds. Off piste it performed very well, floating fearfully on the softest and most dusty snows (not over the 20cm) and shredded everything that came in front of it when the ground became harder and crusty. Ultimately it is an extremely lively, sta ble and structured ski, which guarantees excellent entry and exit of turns thanks to its new technologies. We would like to recommend it to all those skiers with good physical preparation and a high technical level, who want a model to be used all seasons and on all terrains. Not recommended for heavier skiers due to the low buoyancy above 20cm.
Ski of the touring range dedicated to ski ers who prefer to cover long difference in heights during their mountain tours. By an alyzing the complex construction technol ogy, it is possible to understand what the qualities of this model are. The paulownia core with carbon and kevlar reinforcements affects both the weight, which does not go beyond 1.2kg per unit in the 178 size, and the pleasure of skiing. Kevlar, in fact, absorbs vibrations allowing precise control of the ski during the descent.
Use Light Touring Size 166, 172 , 178 Sidecut 116/85/102 Rocker Tip Rocker 15% - Tail Rocker 5% Gr: 1100 € 749,00

The best balance between lightweight and downhill performance is one of the most sought after features within the free tour ing range. Zag worked on the choice of construction materials to achieve this goal. The paulownia core is the base that ensures lightness and easy handling on the ascent, while the carbon-woven glass fiber restores solidity, precision and reactivity on the de scent. The 102mm width in the center offer excellent buoyancy on powder.
Use Free Touring Size 176, 184 , 188 Sidecut 135,5/102/119 Rocker Tip Rocker 25% - Tail Rocker 15% Gr 1590 € 779,00

Modern concept ski that positions itself the free touring and freeriding segments. Struc turally, the paulownia wood construction with carbon fiber and glass fiber reinforce ments is typical of the touring range. The ac centuated rocker, both at the tip and in the tail, and the generous width in the middle of the ski are instead typical of a pure freerid ing ski. For geometry and functionality, it is the perfect ski for exploring the open moun tain or slashing on the deepest powder.
Use Free Touring Size 176 , 184 Sidecut 141/112/118,5 Rocker Tip Rocker 40% - Tail Rocker 30% Gr 1490 € 799,00

The evolution of technology has truly changed the performance of ski touring bindings. The market is now very varied and you can find different types of bindings, although perhaps the most interesting, also with regard to the evolution of materials and per formance, are low tech ones. By the way, did you know why they are called in this way? In the 1980s, when Fritz Barthel invented the pin, everything had to be high tech to be successful, given the rise of the computer. In con trast to this concept, a binding with simple, light mechanics was born: this is how Barthel decided to call it “low tech”. In more than 30 years of evolution, binding companies have created products that are lighter and more performing both uphill and downhill. The market is full of alterna tives, how to choose then?
Different types of bindings
Starting from minimalistic and low weight models, we have low tech race bindings, between 100 and 300g for single binding, perfect for competi tions, training and to be mounted on skis oriented to climbing performan ce. They are generally mounted wi thout ski stoppers. Then we have the real low tech models that can now weigh from 300 to 700g: these are the classic ski mountaineering bin dings, which now guarantee excel lent downhill performances. Then there are hybrid bindings, such as the Marker King pPin and the Salomon Shift: they ensure maximum safety when descending with a low weight. Finally there are plate bindings: hea vy but rock solid on the descent, the se only make sense for short ascents
and are more freeriding oriented than classic touring bindings.
Skistopper or leash?
The choice of mounting the stopper or using the leash is a choice that can almost always be made regardless of the binding you buy. Of course, if you use a “race” binding it makes little sense to add weight with the stopper, while on a classic low tech binding for touring or free touring it does not change much in terms of weight and is very useful and safe. Imagine fal ling a steep descent and while you roll down you are left with the ski connected to the boot via the leash: it’s not that nice. It is often a question of habit but indicatively those who compete or practice conservative ski mountaineering prefer the leash. The aggressive free tourer, on the other hand, will prefer to have a ski stopper. When buying bindings with stoppers it is important to check their width, which changes according to the wi dth of the ski under the foot.
DIN settings
When buying a pair of ski touring bin dings it is very important to check the range drop. One DIN is equivalent to approximately 12kg of force, which would be the force exerted by the boot during skiing. People who weigh less will have to buy bindings with low DIN, otherwise during a fall they will never release, and on the other hand those who weigh more will have to use bindings with high DIN, otherwi se they will release at every turn. It is important to adjust the DIN when mounting the bindings.
Rampant holder
Rampants are very useful tools when climbing on frozen snow, where the skins or the edges are not enough to guarantee a good grip. If you practice spring or high mountain ski mountai neering and are used to using ram pants, it is important to check that the binding is equipped with a rampant holder. Almost all low tech bindings come out with an integrated slot.
Heel riser
In low tech bindings, when climbing, the toe remains attached to the pins that pivot and allow walking move ment, while the heel remains free. Depending on the climb, you can choose whether to use the heel ri ser or not: in some cases it facilitates the progression by straining the legs less. While “race” bindings generally only have one level of heel riser, there are others that have two, if not three. If you like walking uphill with the heel raised, before purchasing, check that the heel unit has the type of heel riser you are looking for.
Weight/performance ratio
If in the past only plate bindings al lowed a maximum safe and perfor ming descent, in recent years tech nologies have developed a lot and we now see low tech bindings with reduced weight on the market. To day the conception that more weight means a better binding has been cle ared. That’s why we invite you to take a look at this year’s latest bindings that with a ridiculous weight guaran tee excellent performance. Seeing is believing.

Oberalp Group
Via Waltraud Gebert Deeg 4 Bolzano Italy www.dynafit.com IG @dynafit

The lightest, fully adjustable Dynafit speed touring binding. It guarantees safety and sturdiness thanks to solid aluminum, with a minimum weight. Made in Germany with Lifetime Guarantee.
Use Ski Race Materials Aluminum, Carbon, High Tech Synthetic Type Full pin Skistopper Included Range Drop 5 - 10 Gr 157 € 700,00
Lightweight racing-inspired speed touring binding, featuring a weight of just 150g and a large DIN adjustment scale. Made in Ger many with Lifetime Guarantee.
Weighing just 280g it’s a lightweight, mini malist speed touring binding that’s fast uphill and performing downhill. Made in Germany with Lifetime Guarantee.
Use Light Touring Materials Forged aluminum, High Tech Synthetic, Stainless steel Type Full pin Skistopper Included Range Drop 4 - 13 Gr 294 € 660,00
Use Light Touring Materials Forged aluminum, High Tech Synthetic, Stainless steel Type Full pin Skistopper Optional Range Drop 5 - 12 Gr 280 € 440,00
The most versatile Dynafit ski touring bind ing: light, easy to use, evolution of one of the most popular and used models. Made in Germany with Lifetime Guarantee.
Use Ski Touring Materials Forged aluminum, High Tech Synthetic, Stainless steel Type Full pin Skistopper Included Range Drop 4 - 10 Gr 520 € 450,00
Sturdy and functional ski touring binding, with patented rotating tip to offer maximum reliability avoiding accidental releases. Made in Germany with Lifetime Guarantee.

Use Ski Touring, Free Touring Materials Forged aluminum, High Tech Synthetic, Stainless steel Type Full pin Skistopper Included Range Drop 4 - 10 Gr 550 € 500,00
Free touring and freeriding binding, dedi cated to ski mountaineers and freeriders looking for excellent downhill performance, safety and comfort of use. Made in Germa ny with Lifetime Guarantee.
Use Free Touring, Freeride Materials Forged aluminum, High Tech Synthetic, Stainless steel Type Full pin Skistopper Included Range Drop 7 - 14 Gr 605 € 550,00

Attack 11 at W/O Brake
All mountain binding that makes versatility its strong point. Given the solidity and reli ability that characterizes it, its range of use varies from pure freeriding, to free-style, up to the piste. Compatible with alpine ski boots.
Use All Mountain, Freeride Materials NA Type NA Skistopper NA Range Drop 3 - 11 Gr NA € 179,00

For the demanding free tourer who seeks reliability and constructive solidity for his open mountain tours. The low weight helps to save energy on the climb in favor of fun on the descent. Adjustable heel up to 14 Din.
Use Free Touring Materials NA Type NA Skistopper NA Range Drop 4 - 14 Gr NA € NA
Attack 14 at W/O Brake
A close relative of the Attack 11 model, how ever, it offers a heel adjustment range that reaches up to 14 Din. The structural solidity and ease of use are confirmed, making it in teresting for a wide audience of skiers.

Use All Mountain, Freeride Materials NA Type NA Skistopper NA Range Drop 4 - 14 Gr NA € 189,00
Tour Classic Brake 105
Lightweight and versatile touring binding. The swivel tip, precise in the release, and the heel with adjustment up to 10 Din, make this product a true all-rounder. The reduced height between the sole and the ski increas es control when skiing.
Use Free Touring Materials NA Type NA Skistopper NA Range Drop 4 - 10 Gr 599 € 469,00

One of the most versatile “bindings” of the range. Its use goes from classic touring to free touring. Low weight and sturdiness make it suitable for both long rides on pow der and less demanding fun tours.
Use Free Touring Materials NA Type NA Skistopper NA Range Drop 4 - 10 Gr NA € 459,00
Binding with a clear racing soul, it requires the attention of the most experienced and technically trained ski mountaineers. Its weight of only 110 grams is the design mani festo of this product: going up fast and win ning the race.
Use Ski Race Materials NA Type NA Skistopper NA Range Drop NA Gr 110 € NA

Bindings Fritschi Bindings

Tecton 13
Sophisticated design and cut ting-edge technologies are the main features on which this product is built for the most demanding free tour ers. The high quality materials have been selected according to the per formance that the various compo nents must guarantee. The result is a strong, light, reliable and safe binding. The entry into the toe is precise and intuitive while the heel, with Din ad justment, it secures the foot firmly like an alpine ski binding.
Xenic 7
The lightest binding in the Fritschi range intended for light touring. Studied down to the smallest detail to ensure the best performance both uphill and downhill, the ease of use makes it suitable even for those who have little ski mountaineering experi ence. The use of high tech plastics, with carbon fiber reinforcements, improves the stability during skiing and the durability of the product. The release adjustment range, between 3 and 7 Din, is optimal for “light” ski ers.
Use Light Touring Materials NA Type NA
Skistopper 85, 95, 105 Range Drop 3 - 7 Gr 280 € NA
Xenic 10
Close relative of Xenic 7, with which it shares the construction materials, the design and the technological choices. A light binding that allows you to cover long gradients on any type of terrain, minimizing energy expenditure. The tip, with horizon tal release mechanism, secures the shell to the ski in a stable and pre cise way. The reinforced heel offers a range of adjustment of the release pressure between 4 and 10 Din and guarantees excellent control of the ski during the descent.
www.fritschi.com IG @fritschiswiss
Use Free Touring Materials NA Type NA Skistopper 90, 100, 110, 120 Range Drop 5 - 13 Gr 555 € NA
Use Light Touring Materials NA Type NA
Skistopper 85, 95, 105 Range Drop 4 - 10 Gr 280 € NA
Always ready
Make smart decisions fast. Intuitive handling and cutting-edge technology are at the heart of our avalanche equipment range. The award-winning Barryvox transceiver and wide array of UIAAcertified shovels, probes and airbag systems are always there, ensuring you’re prepared to make smart decisions fast.

Kingpin 13
Pin binding but alpine ski heel unit that guar antees the maximum in terms of safety and power transmission downhill. It ensures great control of the ski, with a risk of involun tary release reduced to a minimum on tours.

Use Free Touring Materials NA Type Pin Skistopper NA Range Drop 6 - 13 Gr 715 € 520,00
Bindings Marker
Via Frattalunga 12 Casella d’Asolo TV Italy www.marker.net IG @markerbinding
Jester 18 PRO ID
The state of the art at Marker for freeskiing. The Jester 18 is the professional binding for use in powder, park and pipe. Magnesium components have been inserted to make it lighter but at the same time more rigid.
Use Free Touring Materials NA Type Alpine Skistopper 90/120 Range Drop 8 - 18 Gr 1080 € 380,00
Ultralight pin binding for the most demand ing ski mountaineers. Its structure allows active length compensation without chang ing the flexibility of the ski. Excellent comfort of insertion, good control and transmission on the ski.
Use Light Touring Materials NA Type Pin Skistopper 90/105/115 Range Drop 6 - 12 Gr 270 € 380,00

Alpinist 12 Griffon 13 ID
This professional freeride binding is back completely renewed, for lighter skiers. The toe and heel unit have been re-engineered for even higher performance compared to its predecessor.
Use Freeride Materials NA Type Alpine Skistopper 90/100/110/120 Range Drop 4 - 13 Gr 1030 € 230,00
The new hybrid binding for those who want to ski big lines. Duke PT 16 combines the superior functionality and downhill perfor mance of Jester with the uphill comfort of a pin binding. Brand new Ride & Hike tip.
Use Free Touring Materials NA Type Hybrid Skistopper 100/125 Range Drop 6 - 16 Gr 1050/1350 € 650,00
Duke PT 16 Squire 11
Young freeriders and freestylers will love this progressive, light and robust binding. Although compatible with GripWalk, it is just 24mm high, ensuring high sensitivity when skiing and maximum control.
Use Freeride Materials NA Type Alpine Skistopper 90/100/110 Range Drop 3 - 11 Gr 820 € 175,00

Oazo 8
Aluminum binding, machined from solid, specific for light touring. Its only 200 grams per unit, combined with the release mecha nism adjustable between 4 and 10 Din, make it solid, reliable and safe in all conditions of use.
Use Light Touring Materials Aluminum 7075 Type NA Skistopper NA Range Drop 4 - 10 Gr 200 € 399,00
Unchanged from last season, this touring binding combines the features of light weight typical of the “light” segment and the most typical adjustment and setting func tions of the “free” world. Versatile, safe and easy to use.
Use Light Touring Materials Aluminum 7075 Type NA Skistopper 80, 90, 100, 110 Range Drop 4 - 10 Gr 280 € 449,00
Free touring binding designed to guarantee the best performance both uphill and down hill. The “automatic” ski stopper positions itself correctly without the need to inter vene directly on the heel. Intuitive, safe and performing.
Use Free Touring Materials Aluminum 7075 Type NA Skistopper NA Range Drop 5,5 - 12 Gr 550 € 599,00
Ultra-light ski stopper used as a comple ment to your racing equipment. Approved according to the ISMF regulation, it only weighs 30 grams per unit. Easy to use, it is compatible with skis up to 68,5mm wide.
Use Ski Race Materials NA Type NA Skistopper NA Range Drop NA Gr 30 € 99,00
All-rounder binding suitable for those who seek intuitiveness of use and solidity during their trips in the open mountains. The wide range of adjustment possibilities of the re lease, both in the front part and on the side, adapts to the needs of the most powerful skiers.
Use Free Touring Materials Aluminum 7075 Type NA Skistopper 80, 90, 100, 110, 120 Range Drop 5,5 - 12 Gr 335 € 419,00
Guide 12 Stopper Light
Compatible with Oazo, Pika and R120 bind ings line, it complies with ISMF regulations for the use of this accessory in competi tions. Suitable to be mounted on skis with a maximum width of 68,5mm in the center, it weighs only 60 grams.

Use Ski Race Materials NA Type NA Skistopper NA Range Drop NA Gr 60 € 119,00

It is a widespread tendency, in sports whose practice is closely linked to a tool, to focus all our attention on that single gear. But we tend to forget a fundamental aspect: what puts us in relation with it. As we have already seen, choosing the right ski is essen tial, but in this short guide we will try to give the right advice also for the boots that, if wrong, risk compromising an entire season. Often we realize too late that we have made a mistake in the choice of boots, therefore, since if well kept they can last several sea sons, it is necessary to understand which aspects to pay more attention to during the purchase phase.
The fit
After having admired its aesthetic details, the fit is the first thing we no tice when we put our foot in the boot. Each company offers models with more or less comfortable fit accor ding to the shape of the sole of the foot. It is important to underline that these are not subjective considera tions, but depend on a precise num ber that companies derive by mea suring the distance, in millimeters, between metatarsals. When buying a pair of boots it is good to know our MP (Mondopoint) number. It is a fo olproof and unified system that takes into account the exact centimeters of the insole inside the boot. Don’t wor ry, it is not necessary to do Cartesian
mathematical calculations to find it, in general it corresponds to the length of the foot in cm. The main purpose of the boot is to transmit the force that the movement of our foot allows to impart to the ski. For this it is essen tial that the foot is well enveloped. A rather tight fit is the most effective in terms of power transmission when descending. However, care must be taken not to overdo it. While it is fair to look for a fit that does not let the foot free to wander in the shoe, it is equally true that it must not be so tight as to cause unpleasant blisters or tingling.
Weight/stiffness compromise
For those who practice ski mountai neering, the weight you carry while climbing is of fundamental importan ce, as the performance of the boot on the descent. A “race” boot with a car bon cuff won’t be as stiff and solid as a Grilamid cuff, exceptional for clim bing but, by direct consequence, less suitable for supporting the foot-ank le-knee action downhill. For touring, companies are now working hard to offer the best possible compromise: a reduced weight with a sufficiently solid structure. The ideal solution for all those who experience the climb as a pleasant and necessary walk to fully enjoy descents away from crow ded slopes. Once we understand what our playing field is, we can then choose something that suits our ne
eds, taking into account weight and flex.
Liners and thermoforming
Thinking about how many compo nents create the ski boot, will make your head turns. Shell, cuff, sole, liner are just macro sections. What should we pay attention to when buying a pair of boots? The liner is generally produced by partner companies that use increasingly sought-after tech nologies. The closing system of the liner is certainly important to shape it around our foot, as is the possibili ty of customization through thermo forming. Before thermoforming the boot, however, we recommend using it for a few outings in order to “warm it” thanks to the foot, and only then practice the thermoforming. More over, after a few years, it must be re done.
Tech inserts and mobility
Pin insert for ski mountaineering has represented a revolution for over thirty years. It will therefore be dif ficult for you to find yourself buying ski mountaineering boots that do not have them. One thing to keep in mind for the performance of the boot when climbing is the cuff motion degree. As with the flex, it is a question of com promise: how much are you willing to struggle uphill for a full speed de scent?

Via Frattalunga 12 Casella d’Asolo TV Italy www.dalbello.it | info@dalbello.it IG @dalbellosports

Veloce 120 GW combines premium perfor mances with good fit and comfort. Overlap construction with double injection shell for a 120 flex index. GripWalk sole for a safe walk.
Use All Mountain Buckles 4 Cuff Motion
NA Stance NA Sole GripWalk Gr NA € 460,00
It combines comfort with performance both on and off piste. Panterra 120 IF is back completely renewed, maintaining the fit that made it legendary, combining it with an ex traordinary seal. Great ease in putting on/ taking off the foot.
Use All Mountain Buckles 4 Cuff Motion NA Stance NA Sole GripWalk Gr 1975 € 460,00

With a 100mm last and improved wearing comfort, it becomes more versatile and suitable for every foot. Designed to give the best both in freeriding runs and in adven tures away from the ski area. Made of Irfran, Polyamide Composite FG and Pebax.
Use All Mountain Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 67° Stance NA Sole GripWalk Gr 1625/1780 € 600,00

A free touring boot that doesn’t compro mise on weight and downhill performance. Stiff and progressive flex, excellent sensitiv ity and impulse transmission. Comfortable uphill as well as performing downhill.
Use Free Touring Buckles 1 + 1 Cuff Motion
65° Stance NA Sole Vibram Gr 1250 € 720,00

A lightweight, performance-oriented tour ing boot with intuitive use. The shell is a two-piece Bonded Shell, with a carbon-re inforced Grilamid structure for great free dom of movement on the climb but excellent rigidity on the descent.
Use Light Touring Buckles 1 + 1 Cuff Motion 65° Stance NA Sole Vibram Gr 999 € 720,00
It ensures high performance combined with a comfortable fit and great warmth thanks to the PrimaLoft in the liner. The transmission of energy takes place with little effort. Flex 105 and GripWalk sole to prevent slipping when walking.
Use All Mountain Buckles 4 Cuff Motion NA Stance NA Sole GripWalk Gr NA € 460,00

Dalbello Lupo Pro HD
Structured, aggressive and perform ing boot, a reference point for all modern freeskiers who like to push their gear to the limit

Its Cabrio Design structure is designed to give the best in every situation, the shell built with the right mix of PU and polyamide guarantees stability and rigidity, the IF Max Light liner, light and very warm, ensures maximum comfort and lightness, the removable tongue, is designed to give maximum performance downhill (130 of flex index) and uphill (67° of cuff rotation when removed). To complete there is a GripWalk sole which makes the boot versatile and usable on any type of binding, and four buckles in micrometric adjustment that, with the 45mm Buxkle Strap, guarantee solidity, rigidity and high performance. We found it very comfortable in terms of volumes, in fact
Dalbello, with its Contour 4 technology, ensures a precise and accurate fit in the four critical contact points: ankle, heel, metatarsal and navicular bone. Downhill it is very precise and stable on hard snow and superlative on powder, where its very vertical attitude gave good support on the back avoiding loss of control of the skis. Recommended for both beginners and more experienced users looking for an all mountain boot that is also ideal for freeriding with skins.
We Like Guaranteed support at the tibial level. Comfortable fit. Accuracy and stability of cornering Use Freeride
21/22 news, it is a training and competition model in Grilamid with carbon reinforce ments for athletes and speed lovers. Twistfit closure system for a precise fit. Master Step inserts. Made in Italy with Lifetime Guaran tee.
Use Ski Race Buckles 1 + Twistfit Cuff Motion 60° Stance 10-13° Sole Pomoca Race ISFM Gr 865 € 650,00

Ski Boots Dynafit
Via Waltraud Gebert Deeg 4 Bolzano Italy www.dynafit.com IG @dynafit

Radical Pro
Ski touring boot that collects the legacy of the iconic Hoji Pro Tour, of which it maintains the revolutionary Hoji Lock closure system. Flex of 120 and Quick Step In inserts. Made in Italy with Lifetime Guarantee.

Use Ski Touring Buckles 3 Cuff Motion 60° Stance 11° Sole Pomoca Climb Gr 1380 € 650,00
22/23 winter news. The lightest and most rigid in the new TLT series. The new carbon shell and Ultra-Lock 5.0 closure system make Blacklight the ideal choice for fast ski mountaineers. Made in Italy with Lifetime Guarantee.

Use Light Touring, Ski Race Buckles 1 + Twsitfit Cuff Motion 60° Stance 15-18° Sole Pomoca Climb Gr 990 € 750,00
Blacklight Seven Summits
The boot for those approaching ski touring or looking for a balance between comfort and performance. Ultra Lock 2.0 system to adjust, open and close it with a single buck le. Dynafit Quick Step In inserts. Made in Ita ly with Lifetime Guarantee.

Use Ski Touring Buckles 3 Cuff Motion 60° Stance 15-18° Sole Dynafit Pro Touring Gr 1520 € 450,00
22/23 winter news, it is the new generation of the TLT collection of speed touring boots. Ultra Lock 5.0 closure and Twistfit adjust ment make it the benchmark of the catego ry. Made in Italy with Lifetime Guarantee.
Use Light Touring Buckles 1 + Twsitfit Cuff Motion 60° Stance 15-18° Sole Pomoca Climb Gr 1030 € 650,00
TLT X Hoji Free 130

Free touring boot with Hoji Lock closure system, which combines the shell and cuff inside the boot to form a play-free unit for powerful freeride skiing. Made in Italy with Lifetime Guarantee.
Use Free Touring - Freeride Buckles 3 Cuff Motion 55° Stance 11° Sole Formula Pomoca Climb Gr 1550 € 780,00
Dynafit Blacklight
Perfect symbiosis of performance and lightweight
Equipped with a carbon cuff, the innovative Twistfit closure (which allows you to adjust the fit quickly and precisely) and the new Dynafitter 5 liner, this boot stands out for its lightweight and comfort. The shoe, despite being thermoformable and adaptable to the most varied forms of feet, in our opinion is a little too little padded. Moving on to analyze the Twistfit closure, you immediately notice that it tightens slightly too much on the instep and a little too little on the front of the foot. The new Ultra Lock System 5.0 has given us very positive sensations instead, because it allows the ski/walk passage in a very quick and precise way. With only 990 grams of weight and 60° of range motion, we found this model perfect for even the most demanding
climbs and excellent for the flatter tours where it guarantees a wide stride, while downhill the push on the ankle can be a bit demanding. In general it remains a very stable, rigid and precise boot even on the most problematic descents. Perfect for intermediate skiers looking for a lightweight yet performing model.

We Like The Twistfit closure and its features of mobility and lightweight
Use Light Touring, Ski Race
Freeriding model that, thanks to its perfor mance, also lends itself to use on the piste by expert and professional skiers. Custom izable vacuum shell, Dynafit inserts and wide plant ensure comfort and versatility of use.
Use All Mountain, Freeride Buckles 4 Cuff Motion NA Stance NA Sole GripWalk Gr 1850 € 619,00
Version with flex 130 dedicated to the most demanding skiers and professionals. The ski/walk system ensures excellent walkabil ity, especially when considered in relation to the performance that this model guaran tees, on powder as well as on the slopes.
Use All Mountain, Freeride Buckles 4 Cuff Motion NA Stance NA Sole GripWalk Gr 1790 € 579,00
Via Waltraud-Gebert-Deeg, 4, 39100 Bolzano BZ www.fischersports.com
For the demanding ski mountaineer who likes to face great difference in height and at the same time seeks maximum perfor mance downhill. Lightweight and robust Pebax shell and Power Buckle System for secure and precise tightening.

Use Free Touring Buckles 1 + 1 Cuff Motion NA Stance NA Sole Full Rubber Sole Gr 1280 € 799,00

The latest addition to the Fischer Transalp line, dedicated to all skiers looking for fun first and foremost in their mountain tours. Relatively light, it performs well both uphill and downhill. Its keyword is versatility.

As performing as an alpine ski boot and as practical as a free touring boot. The width of the sole ensures comfort even for the most voluminous feet. The shell is also fully cus tomizable to maximize comfort and fit.
Use All Mountain Buckles 4 Cuff Motion NA Stance NA Sole GripWalk Gr 1890 € 429,00
Use Free Touring Buckles 1 + 1 Cuff Motion NA Stance NA Sole Full Rubber Sole Gr 1350 € 699,00

Light touring boot that weighs just more than one kilo and that has all the features of its segment: lightweight, excellent walkabil ity and good performance when skiing. The BOA forefoot closure system is precise and functional.
Use Light Touring Buckles 1 + 1 Cuff Motion NA Stance NA Sole Full Rubber Sole Gr 1080 € 629,00

Ride, Protect & Share : these three words represent the essence of who Picture is: a snowboard, ski, surf, and outdoor clothing brand who, while not taking itself too seriously, still wants to effect change.

Aligned with Picture’s community, its new Freetouring line gathers everything that defines the brand: riding off tracks, drawing lines with your friends, exploring local outdoors while always promoting sustainable solutions in everyday life. Looking for peaceful playgrounds, fresh powder and pushing out your boundaries, you’ll find a complete range of jackets & pants featuring Picture’s most performant technologies.
Technical, lightweight & ergonomic products, dedicated to backcountry touring. Distribuito da
The Group Distribution
Via Malpighi 33 Faenza RA Italy www.k2snow.com IG @k2.skis
Newcomer in the K2’s freeriding and free touring line. The real gem of this project is the TourFit Pro BOA liner, which allows you to increase the precision of the fit without creating annoying grip, for the benefit of comfort and performance.
Use Free Touring, Freeride Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 60° Stance NA Sole Vibram Gr 1525 € 799,95
News in the range of K2 boots for freeriding, it is aimed at skiers looking for performance on powder without sacrificing comfort. The fairly sustained flex of the shell ensures pre cision and support even at high speeds.

Use Freeride Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 60° Stance NA Sole Vibram Gr 1465 € 749,95
The most versatile of the Dispatch family. The flex, equal to 10, and the wide range of motion of the cuff in walk mode make it pre cise downhill and comfortable uphill. For in termediate skiers looking for fun.
Use Free Touring, Freeride Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 60° Stance NA Sole Vibram Gr 1520 € 599,95
Gem of the freeriding range for the 22/23 season, it is designed to offer maximum performance to expert freeriders and pro fessionals who do not compromise on their open mountain tours. Agile, solid, precise.
Use Freeride Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 50°
Stance NA Sole GripWalk Gr 1825 € 749,95
Big brother, so to speak, of Mindbender 120, with which it shares construction technol ogies and intended use. Given the stiffer flex, it is aimed at demanding and powerful freeriders looking for more support and so lidity during the descent.
Use Freeride Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 50° Stance NA Sole GripWalk Gr 1725 € 699,95
Boot designed and developed to guarantee the best performance on powder and on steep and technical slopes. The thermo formable shell and PrecisionFit Pro Tour liner ensure comfort and precision in any situation.
Use Freeride Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 50° Stance NA Sole GripWalk Gr 1675 € 599,95
K2 Dispatch Pro
Ideal boot for the backcountry but also perfect for touring
New K2 gem, Dispatch Pro, with its 1500g weight, 60° of cuff rotation in walk mode and the new Tourfit BOA liner with 130 flex, is a beautiful stiff boot, perfect for free touring, and characterized by high lightweight and great ergonomics.

The shell and the cuff totally in Pebax make it beautiful progressive, while the Tourfit BOA liner is very comfortable, warm and comfortable. As soon as we put it on, we immediately noticed its impressive comfort, excellent for people with very pronounced ankles, but above all very snug at the metatarsal and instep level, with spacious front volumes that allow perfect mobility of the fingers. At the beginning, the cuff could be quite straight, but there is the possibility of tilting it forward between 9° and 16° increasing the comfort of
skiing on hard snow. The Powerlock 2.0 with safety buckle and the 4 buckles with micrometric adjustment (with the metatarsal one reversed) secure the foot and ankle perfectly, they can be handled perfectly with gloves and guarantee safe skiing even on the most difficult terrains. In general, we would like to recommend these boots for off piste skiing.
We Like Perfect bandage of the shin, movement of the cuff, Powerlock 2.0 hook of the cuff with safety buckle
Use Free Touring
Ski Boots La Sportiva

Solar II
La Sportiva
Via Ischia 2 Ziano di Fiemme TN Italy www.lasportiva.com IG @lasportivagram
Touring shell developed for all skiers who want to approach ski touring and for those who already have some ex perience. The balance between up hill and downhill performance cannot be lacking in this range of products. In this regard, Solar is a centered prod uct, thanks to the Pebax shell and the BOA closure system: the first allows you to save weight, while the second secures the foot in an intuitive and precise way, improving the feeling on the descent.
One of the most innovative boots dedicated to free touring, both for design features and for the materials used. The shell is made of bio-based Pebax, a bio-compatible, lightweight and wear-resistant material. The cuff with asymmetrical V-shape clo sure allows a precise tightening and facilitates the fit. Thanks to these technologies, the result obtained is state-of-the-art: agile and light uphill, downhill it behaves like an alpine ski boot.
Use Free Touring, Ski Touring
Buckles 3
Cuff Motion 63°
Stance NA
Sole Vibram Gr 1490 € 669,00
Stellar II
Touring version dedicated to inter mediate level ski mountaineers and to those who want to approach this sport for the first time. Already from the first steps uphill, it strikes for its lightness and ease of use, while downhill it is precise and performing, thanks to the adoption of the BOA closure system. Its real strength is comfort: the fit is simple and, once on the foot, the tightening is uniform in every point. Comfort, lightness and performance in a single boot.
Use Free Touring
Buckles 1 + 1
Cuff Motion 68°
Stance NA
Sole Grip Guard Gr 1185 € 549,00
Use Light Touring
Buckles 1 + 1
Cuff Motion 68°
Stance NA
Sole Grip Guard Gr 1075 € 549,00
La Sportiva Skorpius CR II
Boot with a clean and captivating de sign, for the demanding ski mountaineer

Evolution of its predecessors Solar and Stellar, with a very tapered shape and optimized for comfortable walking and a high cuff for maximum comfort uphill with skis on shoulders, it is a boot designed to satisfy any climbing lover. Shell in organic Pebax reinforced with carbon fiber that reduces the thickness of the materials without compromising weight, structural rigidity and strength.
Pebax cuff with double velcro closure with micrometric “Easy 2 Wear” adjustment that guarantees maximum rigidity at the tibial level, and BOA closure with micrometric adjustment on the front for optimal foot wrapping. “Swing Lock Clousure” side-opening ski/walk mechanism, which provides 68° of angle that ensures the widest
strides on flat terrain, and finally the cuff rotation adjustment system in lock mode at 12° -14° -16° to satisfy even the most demanding users. Uphill it is perfect, it seems not to have it on your feet, while downhill it is sensitive, safe and precise. We recommend it to all those medium/ advanced ski mountaineers which are very demanding, and especially for technical ski mountaineering that also includes handling on rock and/or with crampons.
We Like Lightweight, comfort and above all the safety that it is able to provide in those more mountaineering stretches on rock with crampons on the feet
Use Light Touring
Rossignol Sci

Strada statale 230 34 Formigliana VC Italy www.lange-boots.com IG @lange_boots
Freeride boot dedicated to expert skiers looking for performance and fun in the open mountains. Uphill, thanks to the 53° range of motion in walk mode, it is comfortable and agile. Solid, precise and responsive on the descent.

Use Freeride Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 53° Stance NA Sole GripWalk Gr 1770 € 625,00
Like the 120, this shell is geared towards achieving the best performance on powder tours. The 130mm flex makes this model more ready and structured, suitable for en ergetic skiers looking for maximum reactiv ity.
Use Freeride Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 53° Stance NA Sole GripWalk Gr 1790 € 725,00
Top of the range model reserved for freeride athletes and snow professionals. The search for the highest level of downhill per formance is the basis of this project. Niche boot, reserved for those who never back down.
Use Freeride Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 53° Stance NA Sole GripWalk Gr 1915 € 775,00
Free touring shell that combines construc tive lightness and walkability with downhill skills deriving from the experience gained in the Free range. The new EVA touring liner allows an intuitive entry of the foot and con siderable comfort.
Use Free Touring Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 53° Stance NA Sole Vibram Gr 1535 € 750,00
Version dedicated to expert freeriders looking for the most hidden line in the open mountains. The Dual Core technology en sures precision and responsiveness on every slope, while the Fiction Free Hinge makes the ascent phase agile and enjoyable.
Use Freeride Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 53° Stance NA Sole Grip Walk Gr 1614 € 725,00

Touring lightness and freeride performance. For women who are looking for a comfort able and agile shell to cover long slopes in the mountains, but at the same time demand reactivity and precision when tackling the slope on powder.
Use Free Touring Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 53° Stance NA Sole Vibram Gr 1485 € 550,00
Lange XT3 Tour Sport
Warm, stiff and performing boot with a focus on the descent
A boot that joins the XT3 freeride family, launched about two seasons ago, with the aim of satisfying even free touring lovers. Lightened compared to the past, however, it does not give up the four buckles in order not to lose its freeriding attitude. A little hard to put on, so we recommend wearing it with the liner already on your feet. Thanks to the new Touring Liner (with Dynafit certified Low Tech inserts) and the innovative Performance Boot Board insole (which guarantees thermal insulation) it provides the same comfort as a slipper: it remains warm, comfortable, snug and it absorbs vibrations very well . Despite a guaranteed mobility of the cuff of 53°, we found it a bit awkward when walking, it is also very straight and to move the weight forward you have to push a lot on

your shins. As for the descent, nothing to say, great, powerful and precise, just like a track boot, all characteristics given by its Dual Core Light construction which sees the introduction of high quality plastic materials capable of absorbing vibrations and of guaranteeing maximum power and rigidity. We recommend it to expert skiers looking for high performance downhill or to all those who already have a good experience in skiing in general.
We Like Stability and vibration absorption on hard snow and on the slopes. The excellent fit of the liner and the comfort/warmth that it can give
Use All Mountain
Touring model developed to ensure max imum performance during the descent. Lightness and comfort are guaranteed respectively by the use of Grilamid for the construction of the shell and by the thermo formable U 75 Tour liner.
Use Ski Touring Buckles 2 Cuff Motion 62° Stance NA Sole Sky-Walk Rubber Sole Gr 1190 € 549,95
The most performing model of the R3 freeride line, which combines lightness and solid construction. The three-part convert ible architecture offers the best downhill performance in a Grilamid boot weighing just 1520 grams per unit.
Use Free Touring, Freeride Buckles 3 Cuff Motion 52° Stance NA Sole Grip Walk Gr 1520 € 599,45

Freeriding performance in a model weigh ing only 1590 grams. Suitable for expert skiers looking for the best downhill per formance without sacrificing comfort. The thermoformable liner adapts perfectly to any type of foot.
Use Free Touring, Freeride Buckles 3 Cuff Motion 52° Stance NA Sole Grip Walk Gr 1590 € 549,95

Version dedicated to ski mountaineers who put downhill fun before uphill performance. Solid, responsive and precise boot on any type of terrain, with a low weight given by the ultralight construction in Grilamid.
Use Ski Touring Buckles 2 Cuff Motion 62° Stance NA Sole Sky-Walk Rubber Sole Gr 1040 € 549,95

The construction technologies and materi als of this model dedicated to expert female freeriders are the same as the men’s model. The real novelty lies in the cuff, completely redesigned to better adapt to female vol umes in order to add comfort.
Use Free Touring, Freeride Buckles 3 Cuff Motion 52° Stance NA Sole Grip Walk Gr 1400 € 549,45
Freeriding model designed to ensure max imum comfort in every situation. Custom cuff, fully thermoformable “Intuition Roxa” liner and 105 flex make this boot suitable for a wide audience of female skiers.
Use Free Touring, Freeride Buckles 3 Cuff Motion 52° Stance NA Sole Grip Walk Gr 1430 € 499,95


Lightweight but extremely perform ing on the most demanding tours, these boots are designed for those who want to go fast, in the most re mote places. They can be adjusted and they adhere without pressure points to each foot, thanks to the Wave Lite Closure system and the Overlap Shield Tech gaiter. The shell is built in Grilamid Fiber Glass LFT. An efficient boot with a low weight for those who want comfort but safe ty on the climb, agility when walking with crampons and good feeling on the descent.
Use Light Touring Buckles 2
Cuff Motion 72° Stance NA Sole Vibram Gr 1145 € 729,00
Ski Boots SCARPA

4-Quattro XT

An ultra high performance hybrid boot with GripWalk sole compatible with both GripWalk touring and alpine ski bindings. The Alpine Axial Hybrid system guarantees adaptability on all foot types and volumes, and this con struction also allows effective cor nering transmission, unique control and sensitivity. Shell and cuff are in Grilamid Bio, produced from renew able sources. Recco integrated, flex 130, 4 buckles for closing it.
Calzaturificio S.C.A.R.P.A.
Viale Enrico Fermi 1 Asolo TV Italy www.scarpa.com IG @scarpaspa
Use All Mountain Buckles 4
Cuff Motion 61° Stance 17+-2
Sole GripWalk Gr 1500 € 749,00
A boot for female skiers, and there fore with volumes for the female foot, who are looking for an efficient prod uct to combine with light equipment. Comfortable, protective and highly adjustable thanks to the Wave Lite Closure system and the new Overlap Shield Tech gaiter. The shell is in Gril amid Fiber Glass LFT, a fiberglass-re inforced material that offers rigidity but also great impact resistance. Re liable, minimal, effective, lightweight.
Use Light Touring Buckles 2
Cuff Motion 72° Stance NA Sole Vibram Gr 1075 € 649,00
Scarpa 4-Quattro XT
The lightest hybrid ski touring boot on the market (but also ideal for skiing) with GripWalk compliant bindings

Born from the collaboration with one of the most awarded skiers in the world, Bode Miller, it is a real snow killer. Also designed as a track boot, it can be used with all AT, GripWalk and Low Tech bindings. 4-Quattro XT is an environmentally friendly top-of-therange boot, made with shell and cuff in Grilamid Bio and tongue in Pebax. With a flex of 130, four buckles and the new 4PRO Flex XT liner, it is really easy to put on and very snug, it also offers excellent support. While walking and wearing skins, we thought it might be a bit awkward but no, it really surprised us, with its 61° cuff rotation, the brand new Speed Lock 4 ski/walk system and low weight for its range. Downhill we were speechless, the small volumes, the
perfect foot wrapping, the open ankle angle and its very low suspension allow an excellent transmission of impulses to the ski and make it a really precise boot able to face curves on any type of snow we encountered. It is an excellent boot for expert skiers looking for a real chopper with which to spend the days on ad off piste.
We Like Its versatility, its compact shape and the extraordinary comfort it can offer. There is a female version with softer plastics and softer shades
Use All Mountain
Cosmos Tour
Born from the iconic Cosmos III, the new Cosmos Tour are boots suitable for any adventure in the backcoun try with a perfect balance between lightweight and comfort when walk ing and sensitivity and power on the descent. The construction is in Grilamid with a flex of 120, while the Carbio Hybrid technology ensures excellent mobility of the cuff and at the same time good support when skiing. Easy to take off, put on and adjust, even in adverse conditions.
Use Ski Touring
Buckles 3 + 2
Cuff Motion 60°
Stance NA
Sole Vibram Gr 1390 € 599,90
Ski Boots

Via Provinciale 110 Albino BG Italy www.scott-sports.com IG @scottsportsitalia

Cosmos Pro

For skiers who demand the maximum in terms of comfort and performance from their boots. Cosmos Pro are made of Grilamid Mix, have a flex of 125 and with a cuff rotation of 60° they guarantee good comfort when walking, without taking away stiffness and other downhill performance. The BOA closure system allows a perfect fit making this boot easy to adjust even in extreme conditions. In ad dition, the boot locks automatically when skiing.
Use Free Touring
Buckles 2 + 2
Cuff Motion 60° Stance NA
Sole Vibram Gr 1400 € 679,90
Freeguide Carbon
Freeguide Carbon represents the state of the art of Scott’s free touring line. The carbon fiber construction makes it precise, powerful and capa ble of best transmitting energy during the descent. Even when climbing, the performance is high, with a good cuff rotation and a low weight. The inner boot is adjusted by means of a micrometric BOA closure, for precise adjustment. The sole is in Skywalk rubber over the entire length. A reli able boot with a flex index of 130.
Use Free Touring
Buckles 2 + 1
Cuff Motion 60° Stance NA Sole Skywalk Gr 1455 € 699,90

Scott Cosmos Tour
Ski touring boot equipped with all the necessary comforts, able to satisfy even the most demanding ski moun taineers

Evolution of Cosmos III, it is synonymous with versatility and comfort. You immediately realize how comfortable it is from the first fit, thanks to the Dual Action Tongue System, which allows you to insert and extract the foot from the shell quickly and painlessly. Unlike its predecessor, it is much softer and allows excellent foot mobility in walk mode, especially thanks to the introduction of the new Cabrio Hybrid technology. In the various set up changes, we really appreciated the simplicity of the new Rear Hook Walk System mechanism (system that allows a quick change of ski/walk mode and vice versa), which has been slightly revisited in order to guarantee compatibility with most of
the crampons on the market. Thanks to the Grilamid shell with a 120 flex index, the three ergal buckles with micrometric closure, a cable closure, a Power Strap and the Wide Fit construction, it guarantees the right mix of stiffness and progression and it results in a warm boot, comfortable (even for wide feet) and really performing. Perfect for touring, we would like to recommend it to all intermediate level ski mountaineers because the boot will be able to transmit them confidence, and to experts looking for a reliable and durable model.
We Like Reliability, versatility, comfort and again the simplicity of the ski/walk buckle
Use Ski Touring
Ski Boots Tecnica Group

Via Fante d’Italia 56 Giavera del Montello TV Italy www.blizzard-tecnica.com IG @tecnica_sports
Zero G Peak Carbon
News for the 22/23 season, it is a new model with a revolutionary design that weighs less than a kilo. Developed for competent ski moun taineers, such as mountain profes sionals and light touring enthusiasts. The new Power Frame structure of the co-injected carbon shell, embel lished by the carbon cuff, combines the snug fit of a high performance track boot with the walking progres sion of a touring boot. With C.A.S. to customize the fit.
Zero G Tour Pro
Reference model in the ski tour ing category for several seasons, it is the ideal choice for expert ski mountaineers who do not set limits. Grilamid shell and carbon fiber cuff limit the weight at 1320g per unit. This translates into high level perfor mance when facing long and tech nical climbs. The flex of 130 guaran tees precision downhill, in any snow and slope conditions. With C.A.S. to customize the fit.
Use Free Touring
Buckles 4

Cuff Motion 65° Stance NA Sole Touring Vibram Gr 1320 € 750,00

Cochise Light Dyn GW
Performance of a downhill ski boot but walkability of a ski touring boot. It offers a new standard of versatility combined with an excellent fit, multi ple customization options and a sole made for days on the snow. It is no surprise that it won an Ispo Award 2021 and has become a benchmark in the category. Equipped with T-Ride locking system and C.A.S. to custom ize the fit, it is available in a wide vari ety of versions.
Use Light Touring Buckles 2

Cuff Motion 75° Stance NA
Sole Touring Vibram Gr 990 € 900,00
Use Freeride Buckles 4
Cuff Motion 55° Stance NA
Sole GripWalk Vibram Gr 1650
€ 720,00
Tecnica Zero G Tour PRO
If you are looking for lightweight in the ascent and performance in the descent, this is the boot for you

Conceived using the best and innovative technologies on the market, it is a multipurpose boot able to meet the needs of both free touring and touring lovers. Only 1320g, exceptional Light Fit liner (ready for use but thermoformable in case of need), breathable membrane, 55 degree range of motion, Grilamid shell and carbon cuff with 4 magnesium buckles closure and 46mm Power Lock. The C.A.S. anatomically shaped it is able to satisfy most foot shapes. All these features, combined with the Double Blocking Mobility Cuff System and the Recco technology, make it a really safe, light, reliable and comfortable boot on the ascent as well as aggressive and super performing on the descent: the feeling is in fact that of having a track model on the
foot. We do not feel like recommending it to those who are beginners because of its rigidity and aggressiveness, while it will certainly be an excellent adventure companion for all those who are looking for lightweight, reliability and downhill performance, and for who at the same time want challenge themselves in extreme adventures where the gear really makes the difference.
We Like Minimal colorway and design, the performance of the 4 buckles on the descent that do not negatively affect the mobility of the cuff uphill
Use Free Touring
Buckles 4 Cuff Motion 55°
Liner Light Fit, with breathable membrane with laces, Recco tech nology, C.A.S. Light Cuff Carbon co-injected Shell Grilamid, Quick Instep Sole Touring Vibram, Low Tech inserts Gr 1320 € 750,00
Even for the mountaineer or hiker who climbs at high altitude, choosing the ideal shoe is never so simple. The most technical mountain footwear is designed to offer 360° support and protection, playing a fundamental role in terms of safety and perfor mance. Soles characterized by stiffer and more performing compounds, reinforced uppers to resist rubbing against rocks, insulating materials that allow prolonged use on ice and snow.
What does influence the choice of a mountaineering boot?
The choice is deeply linked to the ter rain, to the environmental conditions and to the context in which it will be used. A suitable footwear must not only help the feeling of comfort, but above all contribute to increase our safety. Lightweight, thermal insula tion, impermeability and a good grip are essential features, without for getting about support and protection of the ankle. To be as clear and sim ple as possible, we can make a di stinction according to the different mountaineering activities.
Intermediate mountaineering
The ideal shoe for this type of activi ty is very similar the classic imagery of the boot that we all remember, updated with the new technologies available. Structured and rigid at the right point, it offers support to the foot and protection to move safely on stony ground, passages on rock and crossing of snowfields, without sacri ficing the necessary comfort to tack le multi-day treks. From great glacier
crossings to 4000 meters alpine rid ges, they are ideal for those who are starting to climb in altitude and want to approach the world of mountaine ering with a multi-purpose footwear for tackling mixed terrains. They are often compatible with semi-automa tic crampons.
High altitude mountaineering
It requires particularly technical, ro bust and reliable models, specifically designed to tackle high mountains and Himalayan expeditions. Their peculiarity is to guarantee excellent thermal insulation and a constant internal temperature. Often they are equipped with a removable in ner shoe and gaiters with heat-sea led zippers as an additional barrier against water and snow. They also offer compatibility with automatic crampons. A concentrate of high per formance technologies and mate rials, dedicated to an elite of experts.
Icefalls and mixed climbing
Climbing on ice and on mixed routes is certainly a delicate and highly tech nical discipline: progression requires the use of different equipment and dedicated crampons. The shoe must be precise, effectively block the heel and offer excellent protection from the cold. It must also be equipped with a specific midsole that makes it particularly stiff.
Approach and via ferrata
These shoes were created to meet the needs of those who dedicate themselves to rock climbing and via ferratas: light and agile when walking
and climbing, often low on the an kle, generally equipped with a fit that enhances the sensitivity on the smallest supports, a lacing extended to the tip and a climbing zone on the sole to ensure adherence to rock.
To all this we must add the comfort factor, which is fundamental when approaching and coming back from a route. Conceived for technical and expert users, they are increasingly appreciated by a wider audience for less exasperated uses.
In conclusion
Once you have decided the use you want to make out of it (and in whi ch season) you can move on to the evaluation of the different technical features. Each model has its own fit, and even if ideal for your needs, it may not be suitable for your foot. To avoid blisters and improve comfort, it is essential to choose socks with differentiated structure, thick and protective in the toe and heel areas, thinner on the calf, elasticized on the plantar band to adhere perfectly and avoid annoying slips. Walk and eva luate the feelings of the foot, which must be sufficiently comfortable in the toe without feeling constrained. Try changing the lacing adjustment a few times. Evaluate the rigidity, or the flexibility of the sole, which depen ding on the type of use must allow or not the foot to flex inside the shoe. Don’t be afraid to ask for explanations or advices in the store and from those who work on the mountains: they will help you find the right boot, ensuring safety and fun at high altitude.

Rock DFS Mid GTX
Heir to the Rock model from which it derives the typical construction of the forefoot with the protective band that wraps and protects the midsole in the inner area, it is designed for te chnical approach and light climbing, for via ferratas and mountain excur sions. Further protection is guaran teed by the upper in suede, textile and abrasion resistant microfiber, with a rubber part in the most expo sed area. The fit is customizable with the Dual Fit System double lacing system.
Use Approach
Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort
Midsole Bi-density EVA, PU
Sole Vibram Approcciosa Megagrip Gr 400 € 199,90

Designed for high altitude mountai neering and ice climbing even with a fully loaded backpack, it combines lightness, precision and comfort. Thermal insulation is guaranteed by a Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort lining with 350g of padding, PrimaLoft in serts on the tongue and toe of the shell and an anatomic felt footbed with aluminum foil. Resistant and protective, thanks to the upper made of kevlar and combined with the Spi der Frame over-injection. The sole is compatible with automatic cram pons.
Use Mountaineering
Lining Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort, PrimaLoft
Midsole Bi-density PU
Sole Vibram Croda Litebase Gr 700 € 519,90

Trekker Pro GTX
Ideal footwear for day trips of me dium difficulty on mixed terrains. It guarantees a high level of comfort and stability thanks to the exclusi ve Aku Elica Natural Stride System technology that promotes biodyna mic efficiency. It uses the Gore-Tex Performance Comfort membrane to maximize insulation from wind, water and mud while maintaining good bre athability and optimal comfort. Also available in women’s version with fe male plantar anatomy.
Use Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort
Midsole Light PU
Sole Vibram Curcuma Gr 660 € 209,90

Mountaineering Shoes Kayland

Ice Dragon
Climbing boot on ice waterfalls and mixed terrains, able to combine li ghtness, comfort, performance and maximum safety. Characterized by the 5 Nuts System technology whi ch makes it compatible with most crampons on the market. In addition, it uses Wintherm technology that always keeps your feet warm even in the coldest climates. It mounts a Vibram Tool tread composed of two independent parts on a carbon sole, in order to protect without weighing the boot.
4001 GTX
Designed for those who tackle 4000 meters mountains, for glacier cros sings and ice climbing, thanks to its compatibility with automatic cram pons. It protects from wind, water and cold thanks to the Easy Zip wa terproof closure and the Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort membrane, which is also capable of allowing the foot to breathe optimally. It does not fear extreme conditions due to the rub ber band made with Diamond Tech nology, a polyurethane material that offers resistance to abrasion.
Use Mountaineering
Lining Gore-Tex
Insulated Comfort
Midsole Bi-density Smart PU, TPU insert
Sole Vibram Teton Gr 860 € 479,95
Stellar Nubuck GTX
Protective and performing thanks to the use of fine materials and innova tive technologies. The Nubuck upper combines with the Gore-Tex Perfor mance Comfort membrane to ensure insulation from atmospheric agents together with a soft and comfortable fit. The reinforced rubber toe cap and the Ankle Lock System that supports the ankle ensure greater protection from bumps and injuries, while the Vi bram Stellar sole offers stability and grip even on slippery grounds.
Use Mountaineering

Lining Wintherm

Midsole NA
Sole Vibram Tool Idrogrip compound Gr 398 € 559,95
Use Mountaineering
Lining Gore-Tex
Performance Comfort
Midsole Bi-density PU
Sole Vibram Stellar Gr 760 € 299,95
Aequilibrium LT GTX

The outsole/midsole package, with external Rubber Guard shell construction and inter nal foam material, eliminates unnecessary rubber, increasing lightness. Double Heel construction makes rolling smoother and braking more effective.
Use Mountaineering Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort Sole Vibram SpringLug Tech, PU foam inner lining Gr 640 € 339,00
Aequilibrium Top GTX
Designed for fast mountaineering on mixed terrain and uses at medium altitude, it is a mix lightness, comfort and durability. Mu scle fatigue is reduced by the construction of the Double Heel heel which also increa ses the braking effect on the descents.
Use Mountaineering Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort Midsole Carbon loaded nylon Sole Vibram SpringLug Tech, PU foam inner lining Gr 650 € 449,00
G Tech
Very lightweight, it is characterized by the construction of the Heat-Tech internal shell that ensures warmth and technicality. It uses the BOA Fit System closure system to adjust the lower part, while the upper one is adjusted by a Power Strap.

Use Mountaineering Lining NA Sole Vibram Litebase, Vibram SpringLug Tech Gr NA € 599,00

Trango Alp Evo GTX
Seams reduced to a minimum thanks to the internal SubSkin Injection technology that maximizes comfort and overall water repellency. A model with a minimal design but which ensures high stability, ideal for de manding mountaineering and trekking.
Use Mountaineering, Trekking Lining GoreTex Performance Comfort Sole La Sportiva “Cube” by Vibram, Impact Brake System Gr 790 € 319,00

Trango TRK Leather GTX
With designs and technologies derived from the Trango family, it’s a shoe that works well for fully loaded backpack hikes. It uses the Gore-Tex Performance Comfort membrane and the 3D Flex joint on the ankle that helps to support the step.
Use Mountaineering, Trekking Lining GoreTex Performance Comfort Intersuola Polyurethane with EVA insert Sole Vibram with climbing zone at the toe Gr 690 € 245,00
Aequilibrium ST GTX
Its lightweight halves fatigue, supporting hikers along via ferratas, glacier crossings and winter trekking. The Double Heel con struction that assists the roll and the sole/ midsole package with accentuated cushio ning are its most interesting features.
Use Mountaineerin, Trekking Lining GoreTex Performance Comfort Midsole Semiramponabile Sole Vibram SpringLug Tech, PU foam inner lining Gr 515 € 319,00
Via Arnaria 13 Ortisei BZ Italy www.socrep.it IG @mammut_swiss1862

Taiss Light Mid GTX
A crampon compatible mountaine ering boot weighing just 555 grams. The Vibram sole has a reduced thick ness to save unnecessary weight and optimize sensitivity on the ground without compromising cushioning. It uses the Mammut Georganic 3D te chnology that increases the comfort thanks to its anatomical structure that precisely follows the shape of the foot. The elastic construction of the mono-tongue helps relieve pres sure points on the top of the foot.
Nordwand Knit High GTX
After three years of development, the first shoe that is fully compatible with crampons and equipped with a mesh lining is born. The 3D knit upper gives this sturdy shoe elastic properties with a low weight on the ground. The Contact Control tech nology stabilizes the step, while the Base Fit technology helps prevent blisters by providing an optimized fit. The materials used, in combination with the Gore-Tex Duratherm Insu lated Comfort membrane, allow use down to -30° C.
Use Mountaineering
Lining Gore-Tex Duratherm Insulated Comfort Midsole Insulated Carbon Sole Vibram Mont Gr 790 € 530,00

Nordwand 6000 High

Crampon compatible boot with gai ter and removable lining, ideal for demanding high altitude mountai neering and ice climbing. It uses the Boa Fit System lacing system that can quickly and precisely customi ze the fit even when wearing gloves. Stable and light, thanks to the Vibram Litebase sole with low weight and excellent cushioning. The waterproof zipper and aluminia insulation keep your feet always warm and dry.

Use Mountaineering
Lining Gore-Tex Midsole Light PU Wedge
Sole Vibram Ascension Litebase Gr 550 € 400,00
Use Mountaineering
Lining Aluminum Midsole Insulated Carbon
Sole Vibram Ascension Expedition Litebase Gr 990 € 850,00

Ortles Couloir
Revolutionary design with carbon exoske leton and warm and comfortable innerboot, protected by a stretch nylon fabric with a waterproof and breathable membrane. Only 725 grams, ideal for mountaineering and ice climbing.
Use Mountaineering Lining Waterproof and breathable membrane Midsole Dual density PU foam Sole Vibram Litebase Gr 725 € 800,00

Ortles Ascent Mid GTX
New model of the 2022/23 winter, Ortles Ascent Mid GTX is the new Salewa cram pon boot for high altitude mountaineering. Made with sturdy and durable materials, an ti-debris gaiter and comfortable Flex Collar with APS Ankle Protection System.
Use Mountaineering Lining Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort Midsole Dual density PU foam Sole Vibram Alpine Guide Gr 850 € 370,00

Wildfire Edge Mid GTX Wildfire 2 GTX
The innovative Switchfit system compres ses the fingers like a shoe, transforming a comfortable hiking shoe into a precise clim bing shoe. Pomoca Speed MTN sole in butyl compound and rigid toe support for better edging.

Use Approach Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole Premium EVA with Edging Plate Sole Pomoca Speed MTN Pro Gr 505 € NA
New model of the 2022/23 winter, the Swi tchfit Switchfit system compresses the fin gers like a shoe, transforming a comfortable hiking shoe into a precise climbing shoe. Po moca Speed MTN sole in butyl compound and rigid toe support for better edging.

Use Approach Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole Premium EVA with Edging Plate Sole Pomoca Speed MTN Gr 395 € 180,00
New model of the 2022/23 winter, Ortles Edge Mid GTX is the new Salewa crampo nable boot for light and functional mountai neering. Made of Schoeller fabric with TPU reinforcements, anti-debris gaiter and collar with APS Ankle Protection System.
Use Mountaineering Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort Midsole Dual density EVA Sole Pomoca Dual Density EVA Gr 636 € 320,00
Ortles Edge Mid GTX Wildfire 2
The innovative Switchfit system compres ses the fingers like a shoe, transforming a comfortable hiking shoe into a precise clim bing shoe. Pomoca Speed MTN sole in butyl compound and rigid toe support for better edging.
Use Approach Lining NA Midsole Premium EVA with Edging Plate Sole Pomoca Speed MTN Gr 355 € 160,00
Hiking & Trekking
When you decide to buy a pair of hiking shoes, you will find on the mar ket a great amount of possibilities. It may seem trivial, but the first step is to ask yourself what your needs as a hiker are. Making the right choice first of all implies a focus on the type of activity you are going to practice.
What kind of hiker am I?
What kind of terrain will I walk on?
How long and at what pace? How much will my backpack weigh? To choose the ideal shoe, it is essen tial to understand the use we want to make out of it. How often do I go hiking? How much experience do I have in this field? Your technical level will be essential to help you choose the right shoes.
High or low cut shoes?
Low cut shoes, generally more comfortable, light and flexible, allow greater freedom of movement of the ankle, favoring the natural move ment of the foot. They are suitable for daily activities in the valley and for mid-mountain, simple trails, stable and uniform terrains. They also re present the choice of experienced and capable hikers who want to move more dynamically and quickly on te
chnical terrain. And more and more often they become faithful compa nions of the modern traveler. High cut shoes, on the other hand, protect the ankle, offering support and stability when it comes to tackling hiking trails characterized by a wide variety of te chnical, irregular and rocky sections. Based on their structure and rigidity, they can be more or less suitable for backpacking or multi-day excursions in a purely mountain environment. They are generally recommended as the only choice for those who are be ginners and do not want to risk ankles injures or excessive fatigue on the legs. Those who consider this type of boot exaggeratedly heavy and bulky can opt for the many mid versions on the market, whose height goes up to the ankle, finding an excellent com promise for excursions with medium or light loads on unpaved and uneven terrain.
And in winter?
Many manufacturers of hiking sho es and boots have chosen to equip their models with waterproof and breathable solutions. One above all is the Gore-Tex membrane positioned between the upper fabric and the inner lining that offers reliable pro
tection to keep feet comfortable and dry, increasing warmth in harsh we ather conditions and protecting the foot from moisture. Not necessarily you need to go for a waterproof mem brane, but it’s a good advice. And if in case of dry weather or high tempera tures a Gore-Tex shoe can be exces sively hot, a leather model is a good alternative. Although heavier, leather offers protection and breathability at the same time, making it comfortable and cool.
How to find the right fit?
When you try new shoes, do it with the right calm. The best time of the day is in the afternoon, when feet tend to swell. Hiking shoes should fit comfortably, without pressure points and chafing. They must wrap the foot without forcing it, ensuring a secure grip on the ground. Check the heel to make sure the back remains firmly in place. Between the tip of the shoe and the toes there should be a space corresponding to one finger of the hand. This aspect is very important downhill, in order to avoid collisions with the tip. Just in case, always try a half size more. In case of uncertainty or indecision, opt for the larger one.

Hiking & Trekking CMP
Hosnian Low WP
Hosnian Low WP is the hiking shoe that combines sport and elegance. It uses the fast lace lacing and a slip on construction for a more envelo ping fit. It stands out for the particular upper, made in a mix of suede and action Nubuck sections. The latter is also equipped with TPU inserts in order to protect the areas of greatest flexion of the foot. The midsole is in EVA and the sole uses the particular CMP ECOFullOnGrip compound, with 15% recycled rubber.
Moon Mid

Part of CMP’s trekking line, Moon Mid features decorative embroidery on the upper, abrasion-resistant fabric details and PU inserts. Very comfortable, practical and durable, it uses a waterproof membrane to keep feet dry in all conditions. It mounts the Vibram Tsavo 1206 sole, able to guarantee grip on any terrain. The upper has a rubber support that wraps and protects the heel, giving greater stability and precision in walking. Also available in the low cut version.

Use Trekking
Lining Clima Protect, 100% PL
Midsole EVA

Sole Vibram Tsavo 1206 Gr 500 € 109,95
Dhenieb WP
Trekking shoe capable of offering high comfort and protection. The particular Nubuck upper with suede collar is coated with a coating on the side for better thermal insulation and greater waterproofing. It uses the Cli ma Protect membrane that can pro tect against water. The semi-mobile lace hooks allow an easier and more versatile fit according to the physio gnomy of the wearer’s foot.
Use Hiking

Lining Mesh 100% PL Midsole EVA Sole CMP ECOFullOnGrip Gr 418 € 99,95
Use Trekking

Lining Clima Protect, 100% PL
Midsole Ortholite in EVA Sole Vibram Skeleton Q169 Gr 550 € 119,95
CMP Mintaka WP

A low cut model in suede that stands out for its resistance and comfort
Mintaka is the absolute news of the CMP trekking line, a low cut, easy-to-use shoe designed to tackle a wide variety of ter rains and trails. We first of all appreciated the stylistic choice of the upper, with the contrasting PU band that wraps the suede from toe to heel. In addition to a protective function, it gives a sporty and captivating look to a purely classic material. The fit is “accommodating”, thanks to the soft col lar that surrounds the ankle and to a parti cularly containing silhouette. The midsole has a sustained arch and an extended rocker that allows a light step, ensuring good support when pushing. The con cave heel profile increases the braking effect during the descent. On the sole we find a Vibram Aronne 878K tread with specially designed lugs to ensure both
agility and optimal precision on the sup ports, as evidenced near the big toe. In the rubber, the highly flexible Vibram XS Trek compound allows for a perfect balance between traction, sensitivity and wear re sistance. Mintaka WP (synonym of Water Proof) is suitable for those looking for a technical shoe with a “new classic” look to accompany them on their first excursions.

Hiking & Trekking Garmont
Garmont International
Via del Lavoro 18 Vedelago TV Italy www.garmont.com
IG @garmontboots | @garmont.international

Groove Mid G-Dry
Model suitable for various outdoor activities, from walking on the trails to out-of-town excursions. The Groove Mid G-Dry is comfortable thanks to its fit, it also protects from water and wind without neglecting breathabili ty. It is equipped with the lightweight GTF Opale sole that is able to gua rantee grip thanks to its large support surface. Finally, it uses an EVA mid sole that easily absorbs impact and a special shank in the arch that helps support the foot.
Tower Trek GTX

A shoe designed for those who love to tackle multi-day excursions even on difficult terrains. Its mid cut pro tects the ankle giving flexibility and stability, allowing full control during the support phase. The upper com bines a lightweight anti-abrasion mesh with suede reinforcements, while the lining uses Gore-Tex Ex tended Comfort technology that protects against water and moistu re. It mounts a Vibram Apex sole in Duratrek compound that provides lasting grip.
Use Trekking

Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort
Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Apex Gr 596 € 230,00
Vetta Tech GTX
Lightweight and versatile boot fea turing a durable 1,6mm suede upper with toe and heel reinforcements. The Gore-Tex Extended Comfort technology protects from water and ensures high breathability. This mo del uses the Ortholite Ultra insole with a combined structure: a rigid compound in the heel area and a more shock-absorbing one in the central and forefoot area. The dual compound Michelin Off Road sole fe atures Fiber Lite inserts on the tread.
Use Hiking, Trekking
Lining G-Dry
Midsole EVA
Sole GTF Opale Gr 467 € 140,00

Use Hiking, Trekking

Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole EVA
Sole Michelin Off Road Gr 540 € 200,00

Hiking & Trekking Hanwag
Fenix Outdoor Austria Italy
Grabenweg 69 Top 1-20 Innsbruck Austria www.hanwag.com
customerservice@fenixoutdoor.at | toniolo.al@me.com IG @hanwagofficial

Banks Snow GTX
Boot that can face snow and cold, ideal for winter hiking. It has a sup port for hooking snowshoes with a special loop to avoid the formation of pressure points. There will be no risk of wet feet thanks to the elastic snow stop that acts as a mini-gaiter blocking the entry of snow and to the Gore-Tex Partelana technology lining that always keeps you dry and warm. Entirely made in Europe.
Use Hiking, Trekking
Lining Gore-Tex Partelana
Midsole Performance Winter Sole Vibram Endurance Ice Gr 725 € 280,00
Bluestrait Mid ES
A versatile and environmentally frien dly shoe, able to accompany hikers during the simplest tours in the winter season. Also useful in everyday life, it protects from rain and cold thanks to the EcoShell membrane in three-layer PU foil, completely PFC-free. It is soft and comfortable at every step thanks to the shock absorbing and stabilizing midsole with 3D internal structure. The breathable and anti-odor insole is made of Merino wool (mulesing free) and recycled PU foam. Entirely made in Europe.
Use Hiking

Lining EcoShell Midsole Hanwag 3D IPU Sole Hanwag Fiberbrake Gr 565 € 240,00

Alaska Winter GTX
Designed for hikers looking for a comfortable, warm and robust boot for winter trekking. Characterized by the Hanwag IceGrip sole that con tains microscopic glass particles capable of providing grip and safety even on frozen ground. The warmth is provided by the G-Loft Fit pad ding, while comfort is guaranteed by the reduction of seams, a practice that decreases the pressure points. The reinforced construction and the Trekking Last make it excellent for snowshoeing. Entirely made in Eu rope.

Use Trekking
Lining Gore-Tex
Midsole Performance
Sole Hanwag IceGrip Original Gr 840 € 290,00
Hanwag Banks Winter GTX
The winter version of the popular Hanwag hiking boot

Designed for the colder months, Banks Winter is a 100% Made in Europe hiking boot that has comfort as its strong point. This can already be seen from the extre mely intuitive and easy fit, thanks to the wide opening of the front tongue which adjusts itself during the lacing phase through the side gussets connected to the upper. Compared to the classic mo del, this version has a slightly higher and particularly specific construction: Nubuck leather of the best quality, external collar in synthetic felt, lining in Gore-Tex Parte lana, insole with reflective aluminum in sert to repel the cold rising from the tread (guaranteed insulation down to -15° C). To complete the picture, a Vibram Ice Grip sole optimized for low temperatures, a perfect combination that guarantees grip

on ice and snow, it is in fact a particularly “adhesive” compound to the touch, with very evident lugs along the entire perime ter, that creates a wide and stable support base. Banks Winter is warm, protective, light, stable and above all comfortable. A true all-rounder able to satisfy a large group of winter outdoor enthusiasts who are looking for safety and effectiveness for trekking and snowshoeing, whether it is an intense activitie or simple leisure.
We Like The foot finds its ideal accommodation from the very first moment
Hiking Shoes Kayland
Cross Mountain GTX

The structure makes it a crossover between technical mountaineering and backpacking, thanks to its abi lity to offer comfort and protection. Excellent for tackling mixed terrains and technical routes with its predi sposition to use the semi-automatic crampons. High protection against injuries is guaranteed by the Ankle Lock System, which stabilizes the ankle. The Gore-Tex Performance Comfort membrane protects against rain, snow and humidity while main taining high breathability. Also avai lable for women.
Inphinity GTX
Designed for hiking at medium al titudes, it is characterized by its li ghtweight and versatility. The upper in suede leather, robust and protecti ve, has inserts in technical fabrics and polyurethane applications able to reinforce the structure without ad ding weight. The midsole is in bi-den sity EVA that cushions the walk, al lowing the transport of heavy loads. The Vibram Multiverse Hike sole maximizes grip and gets rid of debris easily. Also available for women.
Use Hiking, Trekking
Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort

Midsole Bi-density EVA

Sole Vibram Multiverse Hike Gr 480 € 199,95
Revolt W’S GTX
Kayland’s new low cut shoe, desi gned for fast hiking at medium alti tudes and on mixed terrain. Protects from wind, water and mud thanks to the Gore-Tex Invisible Fit membrane laminated directly into the suede up per, with synthetic inserts. It mounts the Vibram Multiverse tread with Me gagrip compound with a tread pat tern designed for mixed terrains, with maximum grip on the heel and full toe area to offer greater safety during climbing. Also available for men.
Use Trekking
Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort
Midsole Microporous, TPU
Sole Vibram Mulaz EVO Gr 650 € 249,95

Use Speed Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex Invisible Fit
Midsole Bi-density EVA, ESS
Sole Vibram Multiverse (Full Megagrip) Gr 310 € 169,95
Kayland Legacy GTX Grey-Lime
Reliable and functional boot, a safe choice for trekking

Lightweight and comfortable, designed for trekking and valid for three seasons use. Traditional construction is combi ned with a design that uses modern lines and sober shades. We tried it both in late autumn, during a day of good weather on a via ferrata above Arco, and during a trek with low temperatures and a few rainy days: the feet always remained dry and warm, thanks to the Gore-Tex mem brane which guaranteed impermeability and warmth. Even when we decided to continue at a faster pace, it demonstra ted good precision responding well to the roughness of the ground thanks to the double density microporous midsole. When we had to overcome some sharp rocks, the suede and textile upper com bined with protective rubber reinforce
ments on the toe and heel proved essen tial, which allowed for greater resistance to abrasion. As soon as it is worn, the feeling is immediately good, well snug, and the classic lacing system is very practical. The lycra collar is comfortable, it wraps the ankle without pressure poin ts and has allowed us to maintain a ple asant wearing comfort even after many hours of use. We particularly apprecia ted the stability, made possible by the large support surface. The Vibram Win kler Evo tread has always been reliable, it guaranteed good grip even downhill as well as excellent cushioning, making the long return home more enjoyable.
We Like The three-seasons versatility of use during
Use Hiking, Trekking
Hiking & Trekking La Sportiva

Ultra Raptor II GTX TX Hike GTX
Famous model for long distances on off road routes even in winter. Aesthetic re-edit and with Gore-Tex Extended Comfort mem brane to keep snow out. Perfect control on the traverses thanks to the rear stabilizing heel.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole Memlex EVA Sole FriXion White, IBS Gr 400 € 189,00
Ideal for fast hiking, it is made with eco-com patible and vegan friendly materials such as the upper in recycled fabric, the Ortholite Hybrid insole and the Vibram Eco Step Evo tread with components deriving from the processing cycle.
Use Speed Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Bluesign Certified Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Eco Step Evo, IBS Gr 395 € 185,00

It supports hikers with heavy loads during the winter approach thanks to the adherent Vibram Megagrip compound with Impact Break System that maximizes grip. Water repellent and breathable thanks to the GoreTex Extended Comfort membrane.

Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole EVA, STB Control Sole Vibram MegaGrip Gr 530 € 219,00

Ultra Raptor II Mid GTX
Mid cut version of the trail model that bears the same name complete with “Comfort Collar” to protect the ankle from stones and mud, with easy-fit spoiler to facilitate putting on. The result is a hiking model even for long distances on any terrain.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole Memlex EVA Sole FriXion White, Impact Brake System Gr 470 € 199,00
TX Hike Mid GTX
Mid cut version of the TX Hike GTX, with the same vegan friendly components. The lar ge volumes and the compression midsole in partly recycled EVA maximize comfort, stability and cushioning to keep you comfor table even at a very fast pace.
Use Speed Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Bluesign Certified Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Eco Step Evo, IBS Gr 435 € 199,00

Lightweight and comfortable, able to tackle via ferratas and rocky terrains thanks to the abrasion resistant mesh upper, the protecti ve edge and the shockproof rubber toe cap. The 3D Flex System helps to maintain stabi lity in support.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole EVA, STB Control Sole Vibram Megagrip Gr 510 € 209,00
La Sportiva Ultra Raptor II Mid GTX

The mid cut version of the Ultra Rap tor II trail running model
The concept of speed hiking is encapsula ted in this shoe that has a dynamic nature, ready to push as soon as it is worn. Well structured and robust thanks to the upper in mesh fabric, resistant to abrasion and breathable which makes it comfortable for many consecutive hours. We put it to the test during several excursions with a fast pace and the backpack loaded and, even on uneven terrains with some technical passages, the rear stabilizer heel allowed excellent control. We also appreciated the lightweight and the comfort of the traction, especially after a long day of walking. It has a free and fast spirit, expressing itself best in the most adverse morphological situa tions thanks to the excellent grip given by the ultra adherent FriXion White sole with Impact Brake System. Even downhill
we did not encounter any problems, on the contrary it was able to improve the braking. During some crossings of small streams its waterproofness proved es sential and kept our feet dry thanks to the Gore-Tex Extended Comfort membrane. The soft Comfort Collar collar protected the ankle from the entry of stones or mud, integrating the easy-fit spoiler which gua ranteed maximum ease of fit. The lacing system is integrated with the upper, with high-frequency reinforcements on the external mesh: this system has allowed us to distribute the lacing tension across the entire upper, increasing the comfort of fit.
We Like The snug fit and the comfortable feeling even after many hours of off road use
Footbed Ortholite Mountain Running Midsole Memlex
Lining Performance Comfort Stability Grip Breathability Waterproofness Terrain Mud Rock Wet Gravel
Gore-Tex THE PILL TESTED 2023 215
Hiking Shoes Lowa
Renegade Evo Ice GTX Ottawa GTX
A model that faces all winter conditions wi thout fear and it is perfectly at ease in the snow. It features the Derby shape that ma kes it more versatile and the Vibram Arctic Grip sole, ideal on any terrains, even on wet ice.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Partelana
Midsole PU Sole Vibram Arctic Grip Trac Gr 585 € 250,00
The winter shoe for every occasion thanks to the soft Gore-Tex Partelana lining with a percentage of wool, the profile of the winter sole, the upper in high quality suede and the soft Lowa DynaPU midsole.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Partelana Midsole PU Sole Lowa Winter Trac Gr 535 € 190,00
Tecnica Group

Via Fante d’Italia 56 Giavera del Montello TV Italy www.lowa.it | info@lowa.it IG @lowa.outdoor

Renegade Evo Ice GTX Ws
With a sober design and optimal fit, it ac companies on every winter adventure thanks to the Vibram Arctic Grip sole with a high grip on any terrain even in the presen ce of ice. The Lowe Monowrap structure is durable and comfortable and the Gore-Tex Partelana lining keeps you warm.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Partelana
Midsole PU Sole Vibram Arctic Grip Trac Gr 490 € 250,00
Ottawa GTX Ws
A comfortable shoe both in the city and in the mountains thanks to the soft Gore-Tex Partelana lining with a percentage of wool. The upper is in high quality suede leather while the midsole is in soft and shockabsorbing Lowa DynaPU.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Partelana Midsole PU Sole Lowa Winter Trac Gr 475 € 190,00

Nabucco GTX
Elegant winter shoe with a good grip thanks to the Vibram Arctic Grip Trac II sole, excel lent in particular on snowy and icy terrains. The Gore-Tex lining ensures the best inter nal microclimate, keeping you warm and al lowing breathability.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Partelana Midsole PU Sole Vibram Arctic Grip II Trac Gr 560 € 200,00
Nabucco GTX Ws
A comfortable and elegant shoe that is at ease in snowy landscapes. It protects from water and wind thanks to the application of the Gore-Tex membrane and it supports the roll through the Vibram Arctic Grip II sole, with optimal grip and traction on snowy and icy terrains.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Midsole PU Sole Vibram Arctic Grip II Trac Gr 485 € 200,00

Mammut Sertig II Mid GTX Men

boot, very comfortable and ideal
for long walks
A mid cut, multipurpose, and extremely comfortable shoe. Just pick it up to appre ciate its remarkable lightweight, a feature that we appreciated after a whole day of walking. As soon as it is worn, the enve loping fit and the feeling of comfort are striking. The Mammut Swiss Design sole guarantees reliable grip on all types of ter rain, while the EVA midsole and high stack height ensure excellent cushioning and good shock absorption. The breathable mesh outer fabric promotes ventilation and increased airflow, providing greater comfort on the move and avoiding excess heat. The waterproof Gore-Tex membra ne protects well from wet and mud, and it keeps feet dry in all conditions. Offering durability and a flexible grip at the same time, this multifunctional boot is perfect
when versatility is key. A technical product that maintains good stability and precision even on the descents. Wearable for many consecutive hours, suitable for an off road use, it is particularly suitable for mixed sur faces. All these features make Sertig the ideal synthesis for those looking for gre at wearing comfort with minimal weight.
We Like The Fair Wear Guarantee, which ensures fair and safe working conditions in garment factories
Use Hiking, Trekking

Finale Mid GTX Seefeld GTX
Ideal for light trekking and hiking, it combi nes comfort and strength. The Gore-Tex Extended Comfort lining protects from wind and rain while maintaining good breathabili ty. The Vibram sole with EVA insert optimi zes grip and cushioning.

Use Hiking, Trekking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole NA Sole Vibram Hiking Grip, EVA insert Gr 440 € 215,00
Made of waxed Nubuck leather able to make the shoe very breathable and comfortable. A Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort membrane is used for the lining, which offers insulation from moisture and wind while allowing high breathability.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort Midsole NA Sole Ultra Grip Gr NA € 265,00
Telfs GTX
A boot with a classic trekking design that also adapts well to everyday life in the col dest climates, thanks to the Gore-Tex Insu lated Comfort woven fur lining. Its structure prevents the entry of snow and debris.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort Midsole NA Sole Ultra Grip Gr NA € 230,00
Cervinia Lady
Designed for winter hiking lovers, it always keeps your feet warm. The sturdy upper is in waxed Nubuck leather, is lined internally with lambskin and the sole is in waterproof rubber with non-slip tread.
Civetta Lady GTX
A model that takes care of style as much as performance, ideal for winter hiking. The grippy sole offers stability even on wet ground, while the Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort lining always keeps you warm and dry.
Lite Trail Lady GTX
Excellent for daily use and light excursions, it is comfortable and protective. It mounts the Meindl Lite Trail grip rubber sole with EVA insert capable of ensuring the neces sary traction without neglecting good cu shioning on impact with the ground.

Use Hiking Lining Pelle d’agnello Midsole NA Sole Rubber Gr 710 € 150,00
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort Midsole NA Sole Grippy rubber Gr NA € 230,00

Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole NA Sole Meindl Lite Trail, EVA insert Gr NA € 195,00

Meindl Litepeak GTX

An excellent technical boot, well structured, stable and protective Meindl Litepeak GTX is a mid cut boot that offers great stability and optimal protection for any kind of excursion on mountainous terrain. This feeling is accentuated imme diately thanks to a precise lacing and to the patented Variofix system, introduced by Meindl back in 2005. By putting tension on the steel cable present in the loop, this solution distributes the forces from the la ces to the back of the foot, binding the heel evenly (which is always firmly in place). The combination of flexible materials in the up per allows for an excellent fit without pres sure points. The elastic collar and the ton gue, which are well constructed and well padded, perfectly surround the tibial area. Excellent foot protection, both during con trasts with the roughness of the ground and on sharp or irregular rocks. The EVA
midsole with three different densities fits very well, managing to perfectly mitigate the irregularities of the ground. In the sole area there is a performing solution consi sting of a customized Vibram technology: stable and safe uphill, downhill, on scree and on traverses. Thanks to very soft lugs, the grip on rock is exceptional, tried and te sted on steep sections of the slab. Inserted on the “light trekking, hiking” segment, it is a boot capable of tackling even the most de manding and long-lasting trails. When bent manually it is somewhat rigid, outlining a te chnical use on rough terrains. Its warmth in the autumn months is excellent. A cushio ned, stable and safe model in any situation.
We Like The Variofix system that stabilizes the heel by adjusting the fit evenly

Moncler Trailgrip GTX Low Top Trainers
It doesn’t matter if it’s jogging, trekking or walking, these sneakers guarantee comfort and protection at every step

Moncler is known for its unmistakable sty le and these shoes live up to its reputation. The key aspects are comfort and resi stance, obtained thanks to the innovative studies behind the realization. The test we carried out over several days and on multi ple terrains showed optimal behavior and great wearing comfort. The EVA midsole allows you to tackle even the flattest ter rain, and it responds well during jogging trainings. Although it is a versatile product even in the city, because of its decidedly captivating look, these sneakers are a resistant and technical product, than ks to the Gore-Tex that has always kept our feet dry and well protected even on a slightly snowy trail. We found the same

impermeability when crossing pools and when we encountered mud. The Vibram tread has never disappointed us, because it has optimized traction, it is non-slip, and it guaranteed grip on even wet surfaces, absorbing bumps and vibrations well. Du ring a short speed hiking training we were satisfied with the precision it ensured even downhill, when we had to overco me rocks and roots. A softer use should not be excluded, from long walks on easy surfaces to more demanding excursions. The closure system features lanyards that lock immediately, in this way we ne ver had to stop to tie them a second time.
We Like The captivating look, the modern design, but above all the exceptional versatility of use Use Trekking, Hiking

Hiking & Trekking Salewa

Mountain Trainer 2 Mid GTX Mountain Trainer 2

Salewa’s best-selling boot completely re-engineered to be even lighter, more comfortable and stronger, with a fit that wraps the foot precisely without squeezing it. Premium components are the Vibram sole and the Gore-Tex lining.
Use Hiking, Trekking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole Dual density PU foam Sole Vibram WTC 2 Gr 600 € 250,00
Winter GTX
Stylish winter boot. Comfortable Flex Col lar in Alpine Wool on the back of the cuff for greater extension of the ankle downhill. Vi bram Icetrek II Arctic Grip sole for superior grip even on snow and ice.

Mountain Trainer Lite Mid GTX
Alpine trekking boot with a light but robust and stable construction. The upper fabric is protected by a large TPU coating. Equipped with a Pomoca sole that follows the natural movement of the roll.
Use Hiking, Trekking Lining GoreTex Performance Comfort Midsole Microporous Sole Vibram Icetrek II Arctic Grip Gr 627 € 260,00

Use Hiking, Trekking Lining GoreTex Extended Comfort Midsole EVA Sole Pomoca MTN Trainer Lite Gr 565 € 200,00
Alp Trainer 2 Mid GTX
Evolution of a classic for technical hiking. Completely re-engineered to be lightwei ght and comfortable with a precise fit. Flex Collar for greater extension of the ankle in descent, EVA midsole, 3F System, new Vi bram sole.
Use Hiking, Trekking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Alpine Hiking Gr 552 € 200,00
Alp Mate Winter Mid WP
Winter news of the 22/23 season. For trekking and hiking, it is engineered to offer an excellent ratio between price and perfor mance. The inner lining in alpine wool keeps the foot warm even in winter. The Pomoca sole ensures grip on snow, ice and mud.
Use Hiking, Trekking Lining Waterproof and breathable membrane Midsole EVA Sole Pomoca Winter hike Gr 600 € 180,00
Alp Mate Mid WP
Trekking and hiking boot, engineered to offer an excellent ratio between price and performance. It integrates the best Sa lewa solutions: 3F System for a precise fit, comfortable EVA midsole, Pomoca MTN Trainer Lite sole.
Use Hiking, Trekking Lining Waterproof and breathable membrane Midsole EVA Sole Pomoca MTN Trainer Lite Gr 530 € 160,00
Salewa Mountain Trainer 2 Mid GTX

The renewed version of Salewa’s most famous hiking boot

This second version is completely re-en gineered, raising the level of comfort and protection in a package enriched with details that modernize the design. As strong and reliable as the previous one, but today even more flexible (perhaps what was lacking in a structure with a cer tain rigidity). In the upper there are again a particularly resistant suede leather and a wide protective TPU edge, but the lines become more streamlined, slender and clean. The pronounced overhang on the back does not go unnoticed, which gives a certain freedom to the movement to the ankle. The most important news is highli ghted in the Multi Feet Footbed (MFF+) which allows you to adapt the fit (with a generous arch support integrated into the main insole) and in the proven 3F system, already known but further improved. It offers better heel stability without com
promising flexibility and it is particularly effective in the uphill phases. The dual density PU foam midsole offers the right balance between cushioning and stiff ness, to better tackle even the flattest ter rains. The Vibram sole with self-cleaning lugs is designed to ensure a reliable grip and good traction on different types of terrain, especially on rocks and debris. In telligent horizontal inserts in the hollow of the foot, designed to “lock” the sole on the steps of via ferratas. Designed for hiking, it winks at an “alpine” approach, as de monstrated by the climbing zone on the sole and the very advanced lacing. Than ks to a certain lateral stability it is more at ease among rocky outcrops than on the beaten trails at the bottom of the valley.
We Like Its propensity to climbing dictated by the lacing system and the classic climbing zone on the sole. Use Hiking, Trekking
Hiking Shoes Scarpa

Mojito Hike GTX
A lightweight boot designed for fast hiking, ideal on mixed terrain with light loads, walking on mountain trails and traveling. With a clean and minimal design, it features a water repellent suede upper with rubber toe cap. The lining is in Gore-Tex bluesign approved without DWR and PFCec-free treatment. The mid-den sity EVA midsole offers stability and is shock absorbing, while the XS Trek compound sole ensures grip on any terrain.
Rush Polar GTX
The latest addition to the Rush fa mily, it is designed for snow hiking and snowshoeing even in very low temperatures. Ideal for those looking for a comfortable but also stable and protective model. The Gore-Tex Du ratherm membrane, combines with PrimaLoft Gold Insulation Eco in the lining, ensures protection against cold, water, humidity and wind. The Presa TRK-02 sole guarantees high grip even on ice and snow, as well as resistance and durability.
Use Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex
Duratherm, PrimaLoft Gold Insulation Eco
Midsole P-Flex Lite
Sole Presa TRK-02 Gr 680
€ NA
Rush TRK Pro GTX
New benchmark for short or daily excursions, it reduces foot fatigue while maintaining a good dose of impact protection. It has an upper in precious water repellent Nubuck with a 3D Autofit collar that wraps around the ankle, following its movement and further protecting it from injuries. It mounts the high grip and durability Presa TRK-01 sole, with pronounced heel and high caps that help braking downhill and grip uphill.
Use Speed Hiking

Lining Gore-Tex bluesign
Midsole Comfort Flex Plus
Sole Salix Vibram XS Trek Gr 500 € 199,00
Use Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex
Extended Comfort
Midsole P-Flex Lite
Sole Presa TRK-01 Gr 580
€ NA

Hiking Shoes

Vectiv Exploris Mid Futurelight
It is part of the Exploris series, spe cially designed for long distance excursions. This is possible thanks to the characteristics of the Vectiv technology that allow a high ener gy return, such as the ultralight but sustained insert, the rocker midsole and the SurfaceCTRL grip. The Fu turelight membrane is breathable and works together with the ripstop mesh upper in cordura, which is li ght but resistant. Heel and toe are reinforced to protect more on rocky terrains.

Use Trekking

Lining Futurelight
Midsole Rocker
Sole SurfaceCTRL Gr 416 € 170,00
Cragstone Mid
A mid cut boot, with a design reali zed to offer protection and keep the ankle stable during multi-day hikes. In fact, this shaped area is padded to prevent injuries as much as possible, even when you lose your balance. The lightweight midsole offers high rebound capacity in any situation. Fi nally, the DryVent membrane makes it waterproof and windproof, while the Surface Control rubber sole ma ximizes grip even on slabs and rocks.
Use Trekking
Lining Dryvent
Midsole EVA
Sole Surface Control Gr 346,8 € 145,00
Vectiv Fastpack Futurelight
Shoe designed for multi-day hiking, equipped with the Futurelight mem brane that makes it breathable and waterproof, it always maintains the correct internal microclimate, this is also possible thanks to the Ortholite insole, which helps to control humi dity. The Surface Control rubber out sole offers support and support even on the most difficult terrain, such as rock and gravel. It features a rocker midsole that pushes forward with every step, reducing fatigue.
Use Trekking
Lining Futurelight
Midsole Rocker
Sole Vectiv Surface Control Gr 256 € 145,00
The North Face Summit Breithorn Futurelight

From the new Summit Series col lection, it is built to meet the needs of modern mountaineering
For more than 20 years, the Summit Se ries has represented the pinnacle of The North Face range, tested by athletes under the Expedition Proven program. From this season the brand presents a new line designed to meet the needs of modern mountaineering: faster, lighter and more technical climbs. How? Using cutting-edge materials, adjustable desi gns and lightweight materials. Breithorn is configured as a complete alpine hiking boot, with a medium cut structure and a precise, comfortable and sustained fit. The upper, with ripstop fabric on the side inserts and on the tongue, combines the Futurelight waterproof membrane, with bonded elements and sealed seams to keep feet dry. The metal hooks at the top
and the locking loops on the arch of the foot create a secure grip and a snug fit. The stretch lycra collar adapts to move ments avoiding the entry of debris. In the insole we find a semi-rigid platform in car bon fiber and the TPU insert on the edge to make it compatible with semi-automa tic crampons. The Vibram sole offers un matched grip on ice and compact snow. Breithorn represents the “next genera tion” of alpine trekking boots, equipped for crossing both glaciers and rocky ter rains and technical routes and via ferratas.

Hiking Shoes Zamberlan
Calzaturificio Zamberlan Via Guglielmo Marconi 1 Torrebelvicino VI Italy www.zamberlan.com IG @zamberlan_outdoor

Free Blast GTX
A synthesis of technicality, aesthetics and versatility. Cushioning and shock absorp tion are guaranteed by the EVA midsole whi ch, combined with the Zamberlan Vibram Junko sole with Megagrip compound, gives excellent traction and grip on the ground.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole EVA Wedge Sole Zamberlan Vibram Junko Megagrip Gr 415 € 169,00
Anabasis GTX
Part of the Zamberlan Hybrid line, it is desi gned for those looking for the lightweight and flexibility of a trail shoe with the support and protection of a hiking shoe. The lining, in Gore-Tex Extended Comfort, ensures wa ter repellency and breathability.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole EVA Wedge Sole Zamberlan Vibram Junko Megagrip Gr 445 € 209,00

Anabasis GTX Short
Low version of Anabasis GTX, with even more lightness and versatility. Cushioning is guaranteed by the EVA midsole that ma tches the Megagrip Zamberlan Vibram Jun ko sole, able to provide comfort and stability on all types of terrains.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole EVA Wedge Sole Zamberlan VIbram Junko Megagrip Gr 415 € 199,00
Salathé GTX RR

Bold even in its colors, it is structured with an X-Active Fit shape that best supports walking when approaching a wall. It features the Hydroblock water repellent treatment, the protective rubber band and the Vibram Pepe Megagrip sole.

Use Approach Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole Bi-density EVA Wedge Sole Vibram Pepe Megagrip Gr 440 € 225,00

Circe GTX
Part of the Epic Women line, it takes its name from the sorceress of Greek mytho logy and is designed by women for women. Very versatile, it has a microfiber upper with protective PU inserts, Gore-Tex lining and Vibram Junko Megagrip sole.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole EVA Wedge Sole Zamberlan Vibram Junko Megagrip Gr 400 € 199,00
Circe GTX Low
Low version of Circe GTX, it maintains its features of comfort, water repellency and breathability. The anatomical X-Active Fit fits the EVA midsole and the Vibram Junko Megagrip sole, wrapping the foot and cu shioning the step.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole EVA Wedge Sole Zamberlan Vibram Junko Megagrip Gr 380 € 185,00
Zamberlan Anabasis GTX
Approach and hiking boot: reliability and flexibility without sacrificing support and protection

The company Zamberlan produces Made in Italy shoes, and this shoe certainly lives up to its reputation, representing the ide al solution for those looking for durability and reliability. This boot is designed for hiking but combines the lightweight and flexibility of a trail running shoe with the greater support and protection of a more structured boot. As soon as it was put on, it proved to be super comfortable and quite robust, and it confirmed this both during a long hike in Val di Cembra and a short trek on the Oclini Pass in Val di Fiem me. We had to overcome some puddles and it showed excellent waterproofing even from mud and humidity thanks to the Gore-Tex Extended Comfort lining which also guaranteed excellent warmth:
the feet were always warm even when the temperature was rigid. The upper in different combinations of microfiber ma kes it the ideal choice for those who want an environmentally friendly Made in Italy shoe. Reliable and functional, cushio ning is guaranteed by the EVA midsole that matches the brand new Megagrip Zamberlan Vibram Junko sole. Its wide shape on the heel area and the depth of the wedge gave us constant comfort and extreme stability on different types of ter rains. A decidedly versatile and multifun ctional boot, which satisfies the needs of both experienced hikers and beginners.
We Like Flexibility combined with protection and the remarkable multifunctionality of use
Hiking, Trekking
Trail Running
Let’s debunk the myth: there is no such thing as the perfect trail run ning shoe. Or rather, there will be a perfect shoe for a certain runner and for a certain trail. Here we will take elementary concepts for granted, di viding the features that you will have to take into account based on a sim ple classification: the distance to be covered.
The first aspect to consider?
First of all we must evaluate our fe atures: weight, experience gained and running technique. The gene ral rules? The more you weight, the more cushioning you will need. Less weight and the more you can focus on lightweight and flexibility. Do you have an efficient pace or not? If the answer is yes, you will have to look for a responsive shoe with limited drop. If not, you will need a more structured shoe that stabilizes the stride.
Short distances shoes
In this category we can include trai ning sessions, short races, skyraces and vertical races, where lightweight is everything. We don’t need a highly protective and cushioning shoe, as much as a precise fit, a reactive re sponse, a medium-low midsole. The aim is to reduce energy expenditu re and promote the feeling with the ground. A fast run prefers a minor drop.
Medium distances shoes
We refer to distances that tend to
range from 30 to 50km. In this case, the choice of the shoe should be oriented towards flexibility, with a fairly light and reactive style, to face the easiest sections at a good pace, but sufficiently protective for the de scent phases or the more technical sections. The recommended drop is a medium one, around 6mm, with a sufficiently cushioned midsole to wi thstand more hours of running and a comfortable, enveloping and secure fit.
Long distances shoes
For athletes aiming to run ultra distan ces, comfort and cushioning are of primary importance. Given the lower running speed, less protective and stable features are normally found, but still sufficient to support the foot covering the variety of terrain that might be encountered. You need to make sure that the shoe has enough stretch to allow for natural expansion and contraction of the foot.
What terrain will you run on?
Among the external aspects that af fect the choice of shoe there is the type of terrain you will face. The best choice for any condition does not exist. Talking about the sole, we can find shoes that defend themselves well on all terrains but without distin guishing themselves on any in par ticular one, or shoes that focus on a certain segment. The first case sees many ultra trail shoes as protagoni sts, designed to manage a multiplicity
of terrains and meteorological varia bility. In the second case, there are shoes for a very specific use. Where soft and humid terrain prevails, it will be better to opt for a sole with spaced and pronounced lugs to better face the ground and give greater traction. On a compact and rocky ground, in stead, you will have to look for a har der and drier compound and a sole with lower and closer lugs, often with a square or hexagonal shape to en sure multidirectional traction.
Waterproofness: yay or nay?
As always, we need to understand in what conditions we will use the sho es. Waterproofness has the obvious advantage of keeping the foot dry on wet trails and in the rain, while making it less breathable. Traditionally, the use of waterproof membranes is not so welcomed by the running commu nity as it adds weight and stiffens the shoe. To date, however, innovative technologies such as Gore-Tex In visible Fit can solve these problems. Finally, a waterproof shoe is warmer than a traditionally built model, which is an advantage in cold or humid cli mates, but makes it less suitable for a hot and sunny weather.
One final advice
Trust your instincts. When you try on a shoe, listen carefully to the sen sations you feel: is there a part that creates discomfort in the foot or a particularly stiff seam? Run for a few kilometers and the feeling will only improve.

Hybrid door to trail shoe suitable for both road running and easy trail running and hiking. Outroad has the features of a road shoe, with a soft Altra Ego foam in the midsole, com bined with a non-slip MaxTrac sole with good grip on off road and flat trails. The Slim FootShape Fit is ti ghter than Altra’s traditional wide fit. We recommend it to those who live on the plains and train on mixed ter rains, with many off road and gravel sections.
Use Trail Running
Midsole Ego
Sole MaxTrac Drop 0 Gr 303 € 140,00
Trail Shoes Altra

Olympus 5
Inspired by the trails of Utah, Olym pus 5 is the softest and most comfor table trail running shoe of the Denver company. The midsole uses a very soft and protective EVA foam, while the fit has the traditional generous volumes of Altra, for a natural running experience, and a 0 drop. Upper in very breathable technical mesh and Vibram Megragrip sole with deep lugs, one among the most gripping of the brand. It is suitable for all runners even for longer distances.
Altra Running
Via Laveggio 5 Stabio Switzerland www.altrarunning.eu IG @altrarunning_europe
Use Ultrarunning
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram Megagrip Gr 350 € 180,00
Olympus 5 Hike Low GTX

High cut and waterproof version in spired by the running model, Olym pus 5 Hike Low GTX is a shoe dedi cated to light hiking and multi-day trekking. Very snug fit and padded on the heel, but traditionally wide on the forefoot, it allows the foot to have the necessary space to walk naturally. It features a Gore-Tex membrane, a Vi bram Megagrip tread as in the racing version and a very wide and comfor table shape of the sole of the foot after many hours of walking.
Use Hiking
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram Megagrip Drop 0 Gr 473 € 200,00
Altra Mont Blanc BOA

BOA version of the new Altra’s Mont Blanc

This fall we tried Altra’s Mont Blanc ver sion integrated with BOA lacing system, which improves some small fitting defects that we found in the version with traditio nal lacing during the tests we carried out last spring. The different lacing system, in fact, solves the instability of the midfoot thanks to the double BOA which helps to differentiate the adjustment and reduces the movement of the foot inside the shoe. The shoe maintains its traditional 0 drop well compensated by a thick midsole (30mm offset) in Ego Max, a cushioned compound with good elastic properties that give a great return of energy. The sole uses a Vibram Litebase compound with a design that follows the typical Altra toe pattern: it has a good traction on forest trails, single tracks and on wet terrains,
while on high mountain terrains proved to be less grippy because of the height of the shoe that makes the model less stable and snug. The heel, which does not have a shell and tends to block the shoe slightly to the heel, should be impro ved. Anyway, it is a shoe suitable for any distance, comfortable for ultrarunning competitions and fun on fastest routes thanks to its lightweight and reactivity. We Like Double BOA, reactivity, lightweight
www.paragonshop.it | www.craftsportswear.com IG @ craftrunningita | @paragonshop
CTM Ultra Carbon 2
The shoe designed, engineered and developed for long distances: marathon runners and ultrarunners looking for miles, take a look here! Efficiency and a high energy return are achieved by the combination of the ultralight Vault Foam foam and a carbon fiber plate. Among the strong points of this model, the three-piece rubber sole with tread, which optimi zes performance on different terrains and climatic conditions. The snug fit is built for speed and encased in a one-piece technical mesh upper.

CTM Ultra Carbon Trail

The CTM version developed speci fically for trail running that maintains all the technical features of the ori ginal one but which is able to get the most out of even the most tech nical terrains. The sole in this case is equipped with Vibram Megagrip which offers speed while always maintaining optimal grip in any cli matic condition and type of terrain. The nylon upper with TPU support is highly durable while remaining light and seamless so as not to sacrifice sensitivity and speed.
Use Trail Running, Ultrarunning

Midsole 100% EVA Foam
Sole 100% Rubber Drop 10 Gr 340 € 260,00
Use Ultrarunning,Trail Running
Midsole 100% EVA Foam
Sole 100% Rubber Gr 280 € 250,00
ADV Nordic Trail M Front
All terrain high performance shoes that offer off road protection and du rability without sacrificing on road comfort. The upper is made of resi stant and breathable nylon mesh, the triangular tread with organic structu re of the sole offers traction and flexi bility, while the pad in the heel area di stributes the weight in the stride. The highly cushioned Ar Foam midsole allows for a soft landing on the heel.
Use Trail Running
Midsole 100% Ar Foam
Sole 100% Rubber Drop 9 Gr 300 € NA
Craft CTM Ultra Trail
Craft’s trail running model inspired by the new generation of road shoes

After years in the technical and outdoor clothing sector, Craft has also decided to enter the world of running shoes. For an emerging brand, or new in the field, the greatest difficulty is being able to find its own product identity and a positioning on the market that is not already occu pied by other companies. To succeed, the brand must develop a product with its own personality, which is not so ob vious in an environment where there are almost every type of shoes. However, Craft seems to have succeeded. In fact, CTM Ultra Trail is a fairly unique shoe, in spired by the new concept of road racing shoe, with a very high midsole and strong elastic capabilities (UD Foam in the com pound, Ultra Rebound in the insole). New analyzes have shown that, at least on the road, cushioning is one of the key featu
res for increasing speed (we are talking about performance, not health). Even the sole, at least in terms of cut, recalls that of a latest generation road shoe, with two separate pieces on the heel and forefoot. However, here the lugs are very pronoun ced, and seem to guarantee a good seal. We recommend its use on terrains where you run a lot, because beyond the good grip of the sole, it is a shoe that lends it self more to running and being pushed than to be worn on hard terrains. The up per is developed with a lightweight and breathable mesh, reinforced with TPU on the heel and forefoot. It is certainly a performing and innovative shoe, and we are curious to see how it will be recei ved by the Italian and European public.
We Like Its fit and responsiveness
Trail Shoes Dynafit
Oberalp Group
Via Waltraud Gebert Deeg 4 Bolzano Italy www.dynafit.com IG @dynafit

Sky DNA Ultra 100
The lightest and most responsive Dynafit shoe, specially designed for skyraces. Pebax midsole for perfect energy return with 30% less weight. Vibram Megagrip sole with Litebase technology.
Use Skyrunning Lining Mesh with open pores Midsole Pebax Sole Vibram Megagrip Litebase Drop 4 Gr 239 € 170,00
Trail shoe developed for ultra distances. Generous Ultra 100 midso le for maximum cushioning. Sensitive Fit+ technology and Pomoca sole with S-Glide technology. Also in the GTX version with Gore-Tex lining.
Use Ultrarunning Lining Stretch mesh Midsole Ultra 100 Sole Pomoca Ultra 100 Drop 6 Gr 310 € 150,00
Alpine DNA Ultra 50
The Dynafit shoe for competitions over short and medium distances on fast and technical terrains. Only 240 grams of weight and a pre cise fit, further customizable with DNA Volume Reducer insole. With Vibram Megagrip sole.

Use Trail Running Lining Stretch mesh Midsole DNA Sole Vibram Megagrip Drop 6 Gr 270 € 165,00
The Dynafit shoe for long distances. The generous Ultra 50 midso le offers comfortable cushioning. Seamless tongue and elasticated pocket for laces. Pomoca sole with S-Glide technology.
Use Ultrarunning Lining Stretch mesh Midsole Ultra 50 Sole Pomoca Drop 8 Gr 290 € 140,00

Alpine Ultra 50 GTX
The light and responsive Dynafit shoe for training and train of me dium distances. Developed for technical terrains and a wide versa tility of use, also thanks to the Vibram Megagrip sole that guarantees grip on dry and wet surfaces.
Use Trail Running Lining Stretch mesh Midsole DNA Sole Vibram Megagrip Drop 6 Gr 260 € 155,00
Waterproof trail shoe developed for long distances. It features the generous Ultra 50 midsole for comfortable cushioning. Pomoca sole with S-Glide technology. Gore-Tex Invisible Fit lining which is water proof and breathable.
Use Ultrarunning Lining Gore-Tex Invisible Fit Midsole Ultra 50 Sole Pomoca Drop 8 Gr 320 € 160,00
Dynafit Sky DNA
Lighter and more responsive shoe by Dynafit for skyrace and vertical races

DNA is the lightest model of the Bolza no-based company, designed for shortterm competitions, such as vertical and short skyraces. Sky DNA immediately appears as a shoe with a very low volume, light and tapered with a dry fit all over the foot. The lacing uses a system of two la ces integrated with a quick closure called “Double Speed”, which effectively allows you to precisely adjust the lacing. The essential upper sacrifices comfort and aesthetics to functional and lightweight materials: on the toe there is a light and abrasion-resistant semi-static mesh, rein forced by TPU applications. Moving on to the lower part of the shoe, the support on the ground is dry, and the thin midso le does not mediate the transition to the ground, giving a lot of push in the forefoot
but no cushioning, in short, it is a shoe su itable for climbs, vertical and short races, for athletes with great control, excellent running biomechanics and, above all, ca pacity to absorb impact on the ground. The midsole is made with a Pebax com pound, a material that has opened new horizons in material research thanks to its much better elastic properties than those of EVA. To increase the sensation of contact with the ground there is the 4mm drop and the absence of an inner sole. On the sole there’s Vibram Liteba se with very pronounced lugs, which our testers tested for effectiveness in the Dolomites, both on dry and wet rocks.
Speedgoat 5
Hoka’s historical model, the fifth ver sion completely redesigns the upper, now in a softer, lighter and more ela stic mesh than the previous version. The EVA density of the midsole has also changed, going back to being soft and snug as in the third version. The Megagrip sole remains unchan ged, which maintains the same desi gn as all versions of Speedgoat. It gi ves its best at high speeds, in which the lightness and elastic properties of the midsole are enhanced.
Use Trail Running Midsole EVA

Sole Vibram Megagrip TractionLug Drop 4 Gr 291 € 150,00

Tecton X

Hoka’s first carbon trail shoe. Tec ton uses a double and performing ProFlyX sole coupled with two car bon sheets that give it stability, but which, being divided, keep the shoe flexible allowing it to adapt to the irre gularities of the ground. Lightweight mesh and essential upper for a shoe weighing only 240 grams. Two-piece Vibram Megagrip sole, with low and regular lugs. Great shoe to push on to, but also performing in ultrarunning races.
Use Trail Running
Midsole ProFlyX
Sole Vibram Megagrip Litebase Drop 5 Gr 240 € 210,00


Dedicated to skyraces, Zinal com bines a lightweight mesh upper with a light and responsive midsole, cha racterized by a very low ground stack by Hoka standards, and therefore also suitable for runners who prefer to feel the contact with the ground. It has a two-piece sole made of Vibram Megagrip compound, with a rather wide sole on the forefoot, fitted at the foot and medium on the heel, and therefore very precise on technical terrains. It’s suitable for fast and light runners capable of pushing it.
Use Sky Running
Midsole EVA, Profly
Sole Vibram Megagrip Litebase Drop 5 Gr 242 € 160,00
Hoka Mafate Speed 4

The new Mafate is faster and lighter
In the Hoka family, Mafate has always been the most structured model dedi cated to high mountains, but with the expected Mafate Speed 4, the Goleta company has managed to lighten the model by 20 grams, translating this wei ght into a feeling of greater flexibility and “runability”. However, far from being a fast shoe, Mafate Speed 4 now weighs less than 300 grams, with a new lighter and decidedly more breathable jaquard up per than before. The fit is still comfortable, especially after about some kilometers of adaptation, as well as the heel seat: we found the upper truly perfect, both in the materials and in the internal volumes, as well as aesthetically very beautiful. In general, the entire geometry of the shoe seems slimmer than before, especially in the midsole, with a lower and more stre
amlined geometry called Profly+ which, like the whole new generation of Hoka models, combines two overlapping com pounds. The new midsole results in a less cushioned support than, for example, Speedgoat 5, but less responsive, more suitable for slow paces, on uphill running it tends to sink a little. The super gripping Vibram Megragrip sole (in the first kilome ters it also makes some noises) however does not translate into stability at high te chnical paces, not because of the sole but because of the abundant structure of the shoe. In the end, we liked it and it will surely become a classic for lovers of the genre.

Karhu Ikoni Trail 1.0
A comfortable and cushioned shoe for those approaching trail running

The Finnish company returns to the trail segment with Ikoni Trail 1.0. which is a shoe that is positioned among the structured models: soft midsole, a quite grip with an excellent pattern on the lugs that incorporates the Karhu “M” logo on the outside of the sole and a “T” logo in the central one, and a gusset with a lot of sup port surface that gives it grip even in wet conditions. The central insert between the sole and midsole called “Ascending Fulcrum” consists of a plate that stabilizes the midfoot. Interesting is the detail of the asymmetrical lacing on the forefoot desi gned to give homogeneity to the lacing on the little finger. It’s a versatile shoe for tho se looking for support at a slow pace and for a shoe that does everything quite well. Medium drop (5mm) but with a fairly high
deadlift. It is suitable for trails with many slope changes and for the mountains, less recommended for mixed routes with a lot of asphalt, due to the torsion-resistant structure. Interesting is the double mem brane that protects a little from water or when running on wet grass. However, the tongue has a series of holes that help tran spiration and it is an excellent compromi se between a minimal tongue and one that is too padded, and therefore comfortable and functional, instead the shell on the heel is a little too rigid, which blocks a little the rear part. In the end, this is a shoe su itable for a large part of amateur athletes and for those approaching trail running.

Trail Shoes
La Sportiva

Akasha II Bushido II GTX
Designed to ensure comfort during endurance competitions, ul tratrail races and prolonged trainings, thanks to the large internal volumes and the cushioning given by the Cushion Platform footbed insert. It protects through Dynamic ProTechTion inserts.
Use Ultrarunning Lining Non-slip mesh Midsole EVA, Cushion Platform Sole FriXion Red dual-compound + Trail Rocker Drop NA Gr 310 € 169,00
Its lighweight, grip and aggressiveness make it an excellent choice for skyraces and on all off road terrains. It features the STB Control construction and TPU skeleton placed laterally on the upper, an aspect that increases stability.
Use Skyrunning Lining Gore-Tex Invisible Fit Midsole EVA, Stability Control System Sole FriXion Red Drop NA Gr 330 € 195,00

Cyklon Cross GTX Jackal GTX
It supports athletes during off road competitions and tours with snowshoes, it uses the Boa Fit System technology that allows you to easily adjust the volumes. It keeps snow and mud away thanks to the Gore-Tex membrane and to the gaiter.
Use Winter Trail Lining Gore Flex Construction Midsole EVAinjected, Stabilizer insert Sole FriXion White Drop NA Gr 355 € 239,00
Ideal for ultra distances thanks to Infinitoo technology that maximi zes cushioning and energy return. A complete and versatile shoe, with water repellent and breathable properties. It remains stable and safe even on the most technical terrains.
Use Ultrarunning Lining Gore-Tex Invisible Fit Midsole EVA, Infinitoo Technology inserts, Cushioning platform Sole Dual-compound FriXion Red, IBS Drop NA Gr 315 € 195,00
Lycan GTX Tempesta GTX
Super comfortable mid-distance shoe thanks to the large volumes and the quick fit. The Mud-Ground tread with high durability and studdable FriXion Blue compound allows you to run on all types of terrain, even when it is wet or icy.
Use Trail Running Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Midsole EVA Sole FriXion Blue Drop NA Gr 365 € 159,00

Comfortable and waterproof, it is ready to support runners during their daily trainings. It does not fear any type of terrain thanks to the studded sole with AT-Grip Spikes. The Sock-Shield collar with inte grated gaiter prevents the entry of snow and debris.
Use Winter Trail Lining Gore-Tex Flex Construction Midsole Memlex EVA + Stabilizer insert Sole FriXion AT Drop 10 Gr 330 € 189,00
La Sportiva Cyclon Cross
Gore version of Cyclon with integra ted gaiter into the BOA system
Cyclon Cross are the Gore-Tex version of the Cyclon model, equipped with a water repellent gaiter integrated into the BOA lacing system. Like the summer version, Cyclon Cross has the typical La Sporti va dry fit, here even more precise thanks to the BOA Fit System. The midsole also maintains the reactivity of the summer version, although it seems softer here: in general the shoe is very flexible and not too dry, also considering that it is desi gned for soft surfaces such as snow and mud. The Gore-Tex membrane is applied to the upper of the shoe and not to the gai ter, which must instead be elastic to adapt to the shape of the shoe. The gaiter still has a water repellent treatment to avoid getting soaked, but it has more of the fun ction of keeping the foot warm and pro
tecting the shoe from the bulk of debris. FriXion White sole prepared for mounting nails. Unlike shoes from the same market range, Cyclon Cross is a model that can be run, especially on technical and skyra ce terrains. It is an excellent second shoe for the winter season, especially for those who live in very snowy places, and train in the mountains all year round, so they need a waterproof shoe that prevents water from entering even from above. We belie ve it is a more technical alternative to the La Sportiva’s Uragano and Tempesta mo dels, which are more comfortable but less suitable for very demanding situations.
We Like The gaiter structure integrated in the BOA system
Use Trail Running
Lining Gore-Tex
Upper Water repellent anti-drag scuff-re sistant single mesh, microfiber all-round band, TPU toe cap

Footbed Ortholite Hybrid Mountain Running Ergonomic Midsole EVA
Sole FriXion White Drop 4 Gr 310 € 239,00
Trail Shoes Mizuno

Wave Mujin 8
Wave Mujin 8 is the most technical shoe in the Mizuno line dedicated to ultra distances. The fit is dry along the entire foot, for the midsole a Mizuno Enerzy dual compound is used on the bottom to provide more cushioning and responsiveness, while on the top Mizuno Wave provides stabilization. Michelin sole, with very deep lugs su itable for mountain trails. Running is structured and it gives support even after many hours, especially at a slow pace and when speed hiking.
Wave Daichi 7
All-round shoe for trail runners lo oking for a compromise between comfort and support and a single product suitable for very different terrains, both for weekly and long trainings. Stable and resistant mesh on the upper, not too structured on the heel and midfoot but suppor ted by the geometry of the midsole, made with a double-layer EVA and with the typical Mizuno wave tech nology. Michelin sole with medium depth lugs suitable for all trails.
Use Trail Running
Midsole Mizuno Wave EVA
Sole Michelin Drop 9 Gr 305 € 140,00
Wave Daichi 7 GTX
Waterproof version with Gore-Tex membrane of the traditional and ver satile Mizuno trail running models. Compared to the summer version, the upper is more structured thanks to the membrane, which gives it even more structure especially on wet and unstable winter terrains. Double layer EVA midsole and excellent Michelin sole, it is suitable for those looking for a reliable shoe for the winter months, even for running winter trail running and hilly races, without sacrificing re liability and comfort.
Use Trail Running
Midsole Mizuno Enerzy, Mizuno Wave
Sole Michelin, XTA Grip Tec Drop 10 Gr 360 € 150,00
Use Winter Trail Midsole Mizuno Wave EVA

Sole Michelin Drop 8 Gr 320 € 150,00

Mizuno Wave Daichi 7
Lace up and run: intuitive and with no frills

Very often brands develop innovative te chnologies which however do not tran slate into truly effective solutions for most runners. We continue to think that shoes like Wave Daichi 7 are proof of how tra ditional models are still among the best solutions for most athletes. The seventh version of Daichi is designed to run any distance on hilly or mid-mountain trails. It is not a shoe realized for running on technical descents at full speed, but it is still effective even on less obvious ter rains. The fit is comfortable and intuitive, thanks to a new upper made with a firm fabric that protects the foot and gives it structure making other buttresses su perfluous. It is a model that continues to be very comfortable even when the foot is tired and tends to dilate. The typi
cal wave shape of the dual compound midsole gives it good cushioning on the trails but it is a bit stiff on asphalt, so we recommend it for routes with a high per centage of trail sections. We liked the Michelin sole, both on rock and on dry ter rains, less so on wet ones. In short, Wave Daichi is a running shoe, with an upper, a sole and a midsole: it has everything you need. Lace it up and go for a run.
Trail Shoes New Balance

FullCell Summit Unknown 3

The most responsive shoe in the Boston-based company’s trail run ning line. Summit Unknown uses a responsive and lightweight FuelCell compound on the midsole, coupled with a Rock Stop plate on the base to protect the foot from stones. Hy drohesion tread with regular but well pronounced tread pattern, designed to be adherent and precise on tech nical terrains. Breathable mesh up per, with Toe Protect on the front and base of the foot, and reinforced ton gue. Drop 10 and a dry and precise fit.
Fresh Foam X More Trail v2

Extremely cushioned, it is a shoe de dicated to medium and long distan ces for those looking for maximum comfort and protection. Fresh Foam More midsole with very high ground stack and open Vibram Megagrip sole with wide and deep lugs that en sure good grip. Dry fit thanks to the elastic mesh and the padded heel, which give it good protection even on the upper part. The height of the midsole foam makes the shoe very comfortable in different conditions.
Utilizzo Trail Running Intersuola Fresh Foam More Suola Vibram Megagrip Drop 4 Gr 323 € 160,00
Fresh Foam X Hierro v7
Very cushioned door to trail shoe dedicated to runners looking for comfort for everyday trainings, and also for mid-mountain runs. The se venth version of Hierro maintains the classic Fresh Foam in the midsole, the narrow fit and the Vibram Mega grip sole with wide and low lugs for soft routes in which you can run for a long time. It is a comfortable model even after many hours of use thanks to the general feeling of softness gi ven by the shoe.

Utilizzo Trail Running
Intersuola FuelCell Suola Hydrohesion Drop 10 Gr 294 € 140,00
Utilizzo Trail Running
Intersuola Fresh Foam Suola Vibram Megagrip Drop 8 Gr 301 € 160,00
New Balance Fresh Foam X Hierro V7

Door to trail shoe ideal for winter trail
Hierro is a model that has always changed a lot between one version and another, but always with the same goal in mind: to be a comfortable shoe for forest trails and mountain routes at medium and high altitudes, usable without problems even for short distances on asphalt roads than ks to its cushioning. The fit is traditional, with a snug internal volume, even in the forefoot. The elastic mesh of the upper, the padded tongue and the soft and en veloping heel keep the construction of the shoe comfortable. The lacing system works well, the shape of the eyelet allows for agile adjustment, and the tongue pro tects the instep from the flat lace. The Fresh Foam X midsole favors the gene ral softness of the shoe, giving a feeling of cushioning during the support pha se, and making it especially suitable for
runners who have a backward support. It has a Vibram Megagrip sole with not very pronounced lugs which is very su itable for forest and mountain trails and in general for all routes normally faced during the winter season. We recom mend it to athletes looking for a comfor table shoe that can be used for everyday runs and in winter trail running races.il.
We Like It’s enveloping and comfortable fit
Pegasus Trail 4 GTX
This door to trail model par excellen ce arrives in its fourth version. Tight fit that wraps the foot on flat terrains, while it is more unstable on bumpy trails or on sensitive slopes. Traditio nal mesh upper, here in the Gore-Tex version, with gaiter on the collar and redesigned and more intuitive lacing than in the previous model. Soft Nike React midsole and open sole. Pe gasus remains a shoe for everyday training, on forest trails, asphalt roads and river banks.
Wildhorse 7
Born for the mountains, Wildhorse is the most protective and structured model of the Beaverton company. Precise fit and breathable upper in highly reinforced mesh on the heel and toe. Thick and protective Nike React foam midsole, which helps especially in heel supports. Its sole is among the most aggressive of the Nike collection, with good grip on stony grounds and technical ter rains. It is a very stable shoe, suitable for narrow soles even after many hours of use, for hard and slow races.
Use Trail Running
Midsole React Sole NA Drop 10 Gr NA € 119,99
Air Zoom Terra Kiger 8
The new Terra Kiger is shoe with no frills, with a secure fit in a lightweight construction. The mesh of the upper has a more open texture than the previous version allowing for grea ter breathability but maintaining the same protection. Nike React techno logy and Zoom Air in the forefoot as in the previous version, offering better responsiveness and energy return. Born to support light runners with good biomechanics and capable of wearing such a minimal shoe even on technical terrains.

Use Trail Running Midsole React Sole NA Drop 10 Gr NA € 159,99

Use Trail Running Midsole Air Zoom, React Sole NA Drop 4 Gr 285 € 139,99

Nike ZoomX Zegama

Nike brings one of the best road run ning technology in a trail running shoe
Unlike as in road running, in the trail run ning field there is no clear predominance of one brand over the others in terms of technology, there is still a lot of margin in terms of research and development, the roads are still open and the materials are to be discovered. But what happens when one of the industry’s leading companies brings the best and most performing foam in the road running shoe landscape into the trail sector? The great news of Zegama lies precisely in the use of Zo omX foam in the midsole (to be clear, it is the mixture of Vaporfly and Alphafly). In fact, ZoomX is known on the one hand for its lightweight and reactivity, on the other hand for its cushioning, and it comes from the modern concept that cushioning is the necessary condition to go faster, all
Nike road racing shoes in fact are very cu shioned. This idea, proven by the results, in the trail field, however, clashes with an idea of a reactive shoe as a low and dry model. Will the Zegama be able to change this trend? After trying is we can say it will. The upper part of the shoe incorporates the classic design of Nike trail uppers, with the gaiter on the collar and the typi cal double-layer mesh on the forefoot. The sole, on the other hand, is completely new, much more technical than traditional Nike soles and therefore more suitable for difficult terrains. Zegama takes its name from a marathon, but in our opinion it will prove itself even over longer distances.
norda x SATISFY Peace & Silence norda 001
Exclusive collaboration between norda and Satisfy

A collab between the Parisian brand Sati sfy (you can find the interview with Brice, the founder, in our special April trail issue) and the Canadian brand norda, which re-proposes the 001 model in this jadeite colorway. Behind the aesthetic care for design, there are high quality materials and a lot of technology. Just 247 grams (US 8.5 size), 001 is realized with an upper in woven bio Dyneema, a very thin and li ght fabric that is super abrasion resistant, reinforced on the toe, while heel and base sees TPU applications. High midsole, very cushioned but light, and sole made with an exclusive compound studied in collaboration between norda and Vibram and designed with a very effective inver ted “V” gusset. The combination of these materials make it a very light shoe, with a
natural fit and free of angularity. Its weak point is not being very protective on rocky and broken terrains, together with being slightly unstable: this mainly due to the very light upper, which at the same time it is one of its strengths on other types of terrains, where you run more and look for more response in the midsole. Of course it is a rather exclusive and niche shoe, for runners who are looking for quality mate rials and are willing to pay for them, but it remains one of the news in the panorama of running shoes in recent years and one of the emerging products with higher quality than our editorial staff tested lately.

Nnormal Tomir
One of the most awaited shoes of the year
The end of Kilian’s collab with Salomon amazed the whole movement, and with the launch of Nnormal, people were won dering what kind of product he would move on to. Then at the end of the summer Kjerag and Tomir came out in succes sion: the first more in “Kilian style”, dry and reactive and dedicated to competition, the second more comfortable and desi gned for a wider audience. Compared to its sister, Tomir stands out above all for its more generous midsole, developed with a thicker and more protective EVA foam. However, this should not be deceiving, be cause the sensation in the foot is not that of a soft shoe, but the one of rather stable and structured model. The upper is also slightly stiffer than Kjerag, although they are both developed with a lightweight and
very resistant Kevlar, which is not elastic and which gives a structure to the fit while being thin. Interesting is the detail of the asymmetrical lacing that works on the in step leaving the forefoot wide, detaching itself from Salomon’s very slim fit. Full sole in Vibram Megagrip with gripping lugs but at the expense of flexibility and weight. Overall Tomir seems to deviate a lot from Kilian’s background in Salomon, but at the same time it maintains certain elements, such as the care for lightness and a gene ral reactivity. By the way, despite being the most structured shoe in the catalog, it wei ghs only 280 grams. Noteworthy is also the elegant design. Now it remains to see whether the shoe will win over the athletes.

Trail Shoes On
Light and versatile, Cloudvista com bines Helion foam printed on the typi cal CloudTec cell design patented by On, which in this model translates into a feeling of softness and runnabi lity. Missiongrip compound sole with On’s typical rectangular design, whi ch gives it good grip on gravel roads, single tracks and forest. Mesh of the upper designed in a honeycomb and regular fit for a very light and versatile door to trai shoe, suitable for very dif ferent types of runners.
Sport Alliance International
Via Enrico Fermi BZ Italy www.on-running.com IG @on_running
Cloudventure Waterproof
Super light shoe dedicated to tech nical and fast terrains. Cloudventu re WP is the version equipped with a waterproof membrane. With 325 grams of weight, it uses a very es sential upper with the typical precise fit of On, strengthened by an applica tion of TPU on the lower part and on the back by a heel counter. Ultra-thin midsole with CloudTec cells only on the support points of the foot and Missiongrip sole with aggressive and deep lugs suitable for more te chnical terrains.
Use Trail Running
Midsole Zero Gravity, CloudTec
Sole Missiongrip Drop 6 Gr 325 € 179,95
Cloudventure Peak
Cloudventure Peak combines a sock-like fit, which wraps the foot without using a traditional tongue and giving a more precise fit, with a thin and elegant upper in abrasion resistant mesh reinforced with TPU on the lower part, Zero Gravity mid sole, minimal and reactive, and tread in Missiongrip compound, developed directly by the company, with good grip on technical terrains. With only 260 grams and 4 millimeters of drop, it is the most reactive and performing shoe of the Swiss brand.
Use Trail Running
Midsole Helion, CloudTec

Sole Missiongrip Drop 7 Gr 280 € 149,95

Use Skyrunning

Midsole Zero Gravity, CloudTec
Sole Missiongrip Drop 4 Gr 260 € 1159,95
On Cloudvista Waterproof
Waterproof door to trail shoe with CloudTec technology

The idea of CloudTec, the air element used in the midsole of On Running, is now 12 ye ars old, demonstrating how the company has managed to give continuity and room for development to an apparently singular intuition. In Cloudvista, this technology translates into a soft and responsive mid sole, excellent for launching the shoe on easy and runable terrains, dirt roads and trails, while it suffers a little on technical grounds, precisely because this softness takes away its stability. Overall the upper is not reinforced and weighed down by buttresses and rigid elements, but the stability is compensated by a very precise fit and suitable for any type of foot. The upper is developed with a thin mesh lining inside and a 70% recycled honeycomb fa bric on the outside, reinforced by TPU on
the toe and midfoot, which wraps the foot without stiffening or giving too much sup port. In this version, moreover, the shoe is equipped with a waterproof membrane. The tongue is integrated into the inner li ning so as not to move or rotate while run ning. The feeling is reminiscent of a road shoe, very light and comfortable. It is fun to wear at medium and fast paces, retur ning the energy discharged to the ground without letting the foot sink into the mid sole, but it is also suitable for slow hilly ter rains. The drop 10 makes it ideal for run ners who have limited ankle dorsiflexion, but who are looking for a shoe that does not limit the proprioception of the foot.
Trail Shoes Saucony

Peregrine 12
Dedicated to competitions and te chnical and fast races, Peregrine is a shoe with a dry and essential fit. Lightened by 30 grams compared to the previous version, it uses a mesh upper reinforced by a TPU toecap, and a light and reactive PWRRUN+ midsole. The tread pattern is always technical and aggressive, printed with the traditional Saucony PWR TRAC compound, coupled with a rock plate that protects the foot from stones, improving the shoe’s reacti vity.
Peregrine 12 ST

Version dedicated to wet and stony terrains, with a less breathable mesh upper but more resistant to exter nal agents such as stones and mud. Compared to the normal version, this one uses a quick lacing system with Kevlar laces integrated into a sock that prevents stones and wet from entering the upper part of the shoe. The heel is also more structured, while the sole and midsole remain the same as the other version, for winter trails and snowy hills in the cold season.
Use Trail Running
Midsole PWRRUN+ Sole PWRTRAC Drop 4 Gr 289 € 150,00
Peregrine 12 GTX
Peregrine version specific for humid environments and rainy situations, with Gore-Tex membrane. Compa red to the summer version, the upper uses a more abrasion resistant fabric, a traditional lacing system and a soft tongue as in the normal version, whi le the toe and heel are reinforced as in the ST version. Sole and midsole remain made with the two traditional Saucony compounds. It is a technical shoe suitable for winter training in the mountains.

Use Winter Trail
Midsole PWRRUN+ Sole PWRTRAC Drop 4 Gr 275 € 150,00
Use Trail Running
Lining Gore-Tex
Midsole PWRRUN+ Sole PWRTRAC Drop 4 Gr 275 € 165,00
Saucony Endorphin Edge

The shoe with adaptive carbon-fiber plate for a natural feeling of speed
The flagship model for ultra distances, En dorphin Edge is the first Saucony trail run ning shoe to choose an adaptive carbon plate that allows powerful transitions with high efficiency, while maintaining the fee ling with the ground. Fast and propulsive, it combines the Carbitex AFX plate with light and elastic PWRRUN PB cushioning in the midsole (35mm high at the heel and 29mm high on the forefoot), combined with a flexi ble full-length rock plate and a snug sole in PWRTRAC. The carbon-fiber plate gives elasticity to the midsole without stiffening it: when descending, it flexes on the fore foot in a latitudinal direction, making it ver satile in controlling balance, while uphill it remains longitudinally rigid ensuring good power transfer. In addition, it develops for 3/4 of the length of the sole making it even
softer on the heel. Overall, the cushioning is not inert but has a rebounding effect remi niscent of that of a road shoe. The shape of the sole is narrow on the heel and widens on the forefoot and on the metatarsus: this tapered shape makes it stable on the tech nical trails, also thanks to a very soft tread, to use a term that gives an idea, and with pronounced lugs. It is therefore a product that manages to combine the comfort of a very cushioned shoe with the elastic properties of carbon, and it is perhaps the only trail shoe with a plate that can exploit the support response on the heel.

Trail Shoes Scarpa

Calzaturificio S.C.A.R.P.A.
Viale Enrico Fermi 1 Asolo TV Italy www.scarpa.com IG @scarpaspa
Golden Gate ATR GTX
Waterproof version of the most tran sversal model of SCARPA. Golden Gate ATR GTX is a comfortable shoe with Sock-Fit LW internal structure that wraps the foot like a sock. Very light upper in Ripstop and TPU, in this version coupled with the Gore-Tex membrane which ensures waterpro ofing. Very cushioned EVA foam for the midsole and grip TRN-02 com pound developed by SCARPA for the tread. An all-round shoe now also in a waterproof version for wet winter trails.
Ribelle Run Kalibra G
Super technical shoe dedicated to winter trail running on softer and more technical mixed terrains. The winter version of Ribelle features the classic Presa sole with deeper 6mm lugs and a soft midsole coupled with a water repellent and very warm WinTherm gaiter, which protects the foot from cold and debris. Boa Wrap360 lacing system integrated into the Polartec gaiter, which allows you to easily adjust the closure from the outside. Comfortable fit on the forefoot for a shoe suitable for the most severe conditions.
Use Winter Trail Midsole EVA
Sole Presa TRN-04 Drop 4 Gr 370 € 249,00
Spin Infinity GTX
Gore-Tex version of the SCARPA model dedicated to ultrarunning di stances. Comfortable fit on the fore foot and narrow on the neck, it is sui table for those looking for a shoe that can remain comfortable even after many hours. Vibram Velox Cross sole with effective wide and regular lugs, double density EVA midsole, very stable and with balanced cushioning, mesh upper applied to the Gore-Tex Invisible Fit lining that ensures good water resistance in snowy and wet situations.
Use Winter Trail Midsole EVA

Sole Presa TRN-02 Drop 4 Gr 305 € 159,00
Use Winter Trail Midsole EVA, Foot Stabilizer Control, Adaptive Cushoning System
Sole Vibram Velox Cross Drop 4 Gr 325 € 179,00
SCARPA Spin Infinity

A comfortable and protective shoe for long mountain races

Loved by those who like long mountain races, Spin Infinity, since 2020, has beco me the flagship shoes of the Asolo-based company for tough races. Infinity is in ge neral a rather structured shoe (305 grams in size US 9) but it is not very heavy on the foot. More comfortable fit compared to Spin Ultra, wide in the forefoot but well fastened on the neck of the foot, protecti ve upper in mesh and reinforced by the TPU both in the toe and on the sides. The entire heel area is also structured, with a rigid heel counter and a padded collar. Double-intensity “Velox Cross” midsole in compressed EVA, which translates into a feeling of stability and support, somewhat at the expense of cushioning and flexibi lity, which brakes it on the flat and uphill but gives it a lot of reliability in the moun
tains. It features a Megagrip tread with the typical SCARPA tread pattern, which is known for its excellent grip. It is a shoe designed for runners who are looking for a shoe that is nevertheless comfor table and protective for races in which you spend a lot of time outside, where the percentage of kilometers walked is high and in which you run at low speeds, such as long ultramarathons with a lot of altitude. Also good for the winter pseason thanks to a good grip on wet and snow, its upper which, despite not having a membrane, is dry enough, even more so when combined with a gaiter. If you are looking for a shoe with a lining, Infinity it is also available in the Gore-Tex version. We Like Protection, comfortable fit, grip of the
Trail Shoes
The North Face
The North Face

Via Laveggio 5 Stabio Switzerland www.thenorthface.com IG @thenorthface
TNF X Elvira Vectiv Infinite
Created in collaboration with Spani sh artist Fernando Elvira, the Vectiv series continues with the Infinite ver sion, which combines a Pebax insert between the insole and midsole, a midsole with rocker geometry and the classic SurfaceCTRL tread with the typical butterfly design of TNF. In finite is the most comfortable Vectiv model dedicated to ultrarunning, in which reactivity and protection are better balanced. Super resistant Matryx upper in Kevlar, and a drop of 6mm for a smoother ride.
Vectiv Levitum Futurelight
This version features the Vectiv Levi tum Futurelight waterproof membra ne. In addition it has an enveloping and comfortable ripstop upper with applied membrane. The padded ton gue and the shape of the plant, not too tight, are also comfortable. The midsole is neither too soft nor too hard, with a 6mm drop and a medium ground stack. The SurfaceCTRL sole features a fairly transverse de sign. It is a shoe that fits well, has no angularity, and it is also comfortable for hiking. Overall it is very versatile.
Use Trail Running

Midsole Vectiv Sole SurfaceCTRL Drop 6 Gr 308 € 140,00
Vectiv Eminus
The focus of this shoe is running so it is very soft and flexible. It features a breathable, slightly reinforced and elastic mesh upper, similar to the one of a road shoe, and a responsive midsole combined with a half sheet of plastic material on the front part of the shoe, which gives more elasticity to the front part without losing the comfort on the rear foot. The Sur faceCTRL sole with sparse lugs is more suitable for off road and regular terrains.
Use Ultra Running
Midsole Vectiv Sole SurfaceCTRL Drop 6 Gr 307 € 170,00
Use Trail Running
Midsole Vectiv Sole SurfaceCTRL Drop 6 Gr 297 € 130,00
The North Face Vectiv X Elvira

Reactive, fast, gripping and… Hip
We tested the “performance” model of the Vectiv family, rigorously with the jac quard designed and realized in collabora tion with Fernando Elvira, which domina ted Chamonix in the week of UTMB. The first impression is that of a particular, al most strange fit, due to the rounded sha pe of the midsole (rocker), its tilting effect and the construction of the upper with a slip-on design. Only after about thirty kilometers the shape begins to adapt to the foot, becoming more comfortable and losing the angularity of the new materials. The upper is made with two fabrics: ke vlar Matryx on the center and back, and a seamless mesh for the upper. The first one is extremely resistant, the second is more elastic and it better adapts to the shape of the foot. Although the shoe from the outside looks quite lean, it has a
comfortable fit that lets the foot work: the front space is wide even if it is too fitted on the little finger which therefore tends to tap slightly at the tip, at least at the be ginning. The midsole is responsive, than ks to the double carbon sheet, and this too tends to improve with the kilometers, becoming more comfortable but maintai ning the elastic response. We have once again observed the tightness of the TNF sole on any surface and in all conditions: made with the Surface CTRL compound and with the typical butterfly tread pat tern, it remains one of the best treads on the market. It’s a full-fledged running shoe that we recommend for runners who can push it and exploit its elastic response. We Like Its reactivity on runable terrains and its grip on every surface
Trail Shoes
Topo Athletic

MTN Racer 2 MT-4
Shoe for long distances and for the mountains: ZipFoam three-piece midsole with balanced cushioning. Vibram Megagrip sole with typi cal Topo Athletic design, reduced drop and generous fit on the fore foot to facilitate a natural stride.

Use Ultrarunning Midsole ZipFoam Sole Vibram Megagrip Drop 5 Gr 284 € 190,00

Flexible shoe with only 3mm drop, large and breathable mesh upper reinforced with TPU on the toe. Lightweight and reactive midsole in double-layer ZipFoam and Vibram tread. Fun and versatile shoe for all terrains.
Use Trail running Midsole ZipFoam Sole Vibram XS Trek EVO Drop 3 Gr 303 € 165,00

Pursuit Runventure 4
Model that balances protection with a drop 0 structure. With the Vibram Megagrip sole and the cushioned double-density ZipFoam midsole, Pursuit is a shoe for the ultrarunning races in the mountains that sacrifices nothing when running.
Use Ultrarunning Midsole ZipFoam Sole Vibram Megagrip Drop 0 Gr 306 € 185,00
Super light zero drop model for a natural and fast running experien ce. Runventure encourages a forefoot running movement, with a li ghtweight, breathable mesh upper, Vibram sole, and a soft and thin yet cushioned midsole.
Use Trail Running Midsole ZipFoam Sole Vibram XS Trek EVO Drop 0 Gr 258 € 165,00
Terraventure 3
Third version of the Topo model dedicated to fast competitions: Megagrip sole combined with an ESS rock plate on the forefoot and classic double-layer ZipFoam midsole, for a fast and responsive shoe with only 3mm of drop and a wide forefoot.

Use Skyrunning Midsole ZipFoam Sole Vibram Megagrip Drop 3 Gr 289 € 170,00
Trailventure 2 WP
The second version of Topo Athletic’s hiking boot, Trailventure has a mesh upper applied to the breathable eVent membrane. ZipFoam midsole, Vibram sole and wide plant, Trailventure is a lightweight boot suitable for every excursion.
Use Hiking Midsole ZipFoam Sole Vibram Megagrip Drop 5 Gr 451 € 235,00

Topo Athletic Pursuit

New entry for Topo, it is one of the most versatile models of the Oklahoma company
Latest entry in the Topo family, Pursuit is a shoe that is positioned halfway between the more structured MTN Racer 2 and Ul traventure Pro models, and the lighter and more running Terraventure models. More than creating a new segment in the Topo catalog, Pursuit fills a space left by the old MTN Racer 1, that means a protective shoe suitable for long distances, but with a flexi ble and relatively thin structure. The internal spaces of the shoe are the traditional ones of Topo: wide on the forefoot and regular on the heel and instep, thanks to the padded shell (made with a new fabric, fresher and lighter than in the other models), to the ton gue that balances lightness and protection, and to an improved lacing system with eye lets on which the laces slide better allowing a more practical adjustment. The midsole
is made with Topo’s typical double ZipFo am compound: it has the right cushioning, it is not extremely reactive and certainly does not have the characteristics of a fast compound, but it does not weigh down the stride, even on short stretches of asphalt. The tread is in Vibram Megagrip with the typical design of Topo soles, made with a single piece but lightened and decon structed by central hollows, which make it flexible. Overall it is both a fun shoe for hilly, runable terrains and with a low foot weight, and a fairly protective shoe for long runs in the mountains. The drop zero is more sui table for runners who lean on the forefoot, but in general you won’t feel that much, not even on a flat dirt road, and it could be the right model for those who would like to try a less extreme “zero drop” shoe.

Key word: versatility e functionality. History teaches us that the time when you felt cold in the mountains is over. By now, you know, there is no longer good or bad weather but only good or bad equipment. However, some old school tips still apply and are very useful when you need to pack and evaluate a purchase. Choosing to have different layers with you can really make the difference in almost any outdoor activity: you will be ready for the sudden changes in conditions that are inevitable in the mountains, responding with the most appro priate garment for the context. Dres sing in layers is a winning strategy.
Must Haves
New trends to keep an eye on: ver satile products with a multifaceted DNA, which combine an urban sty le with a more sporty one. Some companies offer the possibility to customize the garments according to your needs and, thanks to repair services, allow you to adjust tech nical products in order to extend their life cycle. In the wardrobe it is also good to have a selection of te chnical garments designed speci fically for our outdoor activities that will allow us to raise the level of our performance in complete safety.
A green approach begins during the brand selection phase: it is possible to select among the many sustai nable brands, which follow strict CSR (Corporate Social Responsibili
ty) standards, verifiable thanks to the concrete initiatives carried out for the planet and for society, international indices and awards received by inde pendent and authoritative bodies. It is important to check the labels of the clothes, from which we can have a lot of valuable information, for example to know if the product is PFC-free. While it is true that natural materials are biodegradable (under certain conditions), on the other hand, na tural resources are wasted and gre enhouse gases are produced to re alized them. Synthetic materials, on the other hand, are partly recyclable but are also at the origin of micro pla stics pollution. We must not be dog matic in our choices, otherwise we risk frustrating every effort. However, being informed is the minimum for those who think that Mother Nature should be respected. Fortunately, many outdoor brands are committed to ensuring the lowest possible envi ronmental impact. The more you in vest in sustainable clothing, the more you will help preserve our winters, which are already in serious danger.
The materials that make up technical clothing can really make a difference, especially in terms of breathability and waterproofing: Gore-Tex and Po lartec are brands of excellence that guarantee epic days and will keep you warm, protecting you from the ele ments. In addition to the more or less valuable material, there are several considerations not to be overlooked
when choosing the outfit, which go beyond appearance but which can make you live more peaceful days.
Not only performance.
The clothing you choose will be your most important adventure com panion, it is good not to forget that. In addition to the design and the aesthetic aspect, it is important to analyze the technical functionality, which will be the element that will allow you to push yourself to your limits, but also to protect and keep you safe. Wearing brightly colored clothes in the mountains, for exam ple, often means being visible in poor visibility conditions and maybe having an extra chance of being sa ved. A color block look, with bright and vibrant colors, can be a wise decision. Preferring comfort and an outfit that allows you ample freedom of movement is another valid advice: one size more is better than one less.
Quality, quality, quality
Sometimes it is worth paying a little more, especially when you reward quality. Choosing clothing that lasts over time avoids having to replace it every season, fuelling the dispo sable consumerist system. Better to have few things, but good ones. Especially in the mountains, where your clothing must seriously protect you. Quality means being able to rely on a whole series of features that help raise the price but which could really be decisive in emergency si tuations: don’t always aim for savings.

Best seller of Calze GM, it is designed for all-round ski lovers. It wraps the foot leaving it free to transmit the right impulses, allow ing a high sensitivity on the shoe and on the ground. Made with 45% mulesing free fine Merino virgin wool.
Use All Mountain Fabric 45% fine Merino virgin wool, 45% Acrilic, 5% Polyamide, 5% Elastane Gr NA € 25,90
Sock for skiers looking for maximum preci sion and sensitivity of the foot on the boot. It is ultra-thin and quick-drying thanks to the Dryarn yarn that guarantees thermoregula tion and resistance. It does not retain bacte ria or molds.
Use All Mountain Fabric 75% Polypropylene, 15% Polyamide, 10% Elastane Gr NA € 26,90
Alpine ski sock, dedicated to those looking for performance combined with the quality of natural yarns, silk and cashmere. Very light and with an excellent thermoregula tion capacity, it is resistant thanks to the construction of reinforcements in strategic points.
Use Ski Race Fabric 77% Silk, 11% Cashmere, 10% Polyamide, 2% Elastane Gr NA € 40,90
Top of the range in GM Socks, it is designed to provide maximum performance to ath letes. It represents a good combination of lightweight and technical performance. Breathable and thin, for maximum foot sen sitivity with boot and ski.

Use Light Touring Fabric 85% Polypropylene, 10% Polyamide, 5% Elastane Gr NA € 29,90
A sock that is not afraid of harsh climates and high altitude adventures, it is ideal for mountaineering, climbing on technical ter rains and ice. High protection and softness combined with optimal comfort. Made of 68% warm mulesing free extra fine Merino virgin wool.
Use Mountaineering Fabric 68% Extra fine Merino virgin wool, 20% Polyamide, 8% Cashmere, 4% Elastane Gr NA € 38,90
Long expeditions at high altitudes are not a problem for this sock, which has high ther moregulation capabilities in every occasion, even in rather cold climates. It does not give up on high resistance and optimal comfort. The wool used to make it is extra fine mules ing free Merino virgin wool.
Use Mountaineering Fabric 72% Extra fine Merino virgin wool 15% Polyamide, 8% Cashmere, 5% Elastane Gr NA € 39,90
Calze GM Top Performance Underwear
long-sleeved thermal sweater in cash mere, silk and fine Merino virgin wool

This thermal garment offers excellent soft ness, it is pleasant to the touch and gives a tru ly exceptional sensation on the skin. Thanks to the snug fit it becomes a thermoregulating second skin, suitable for technical use for any dynamic activity, such as ski touring, trekking, yoga, skiing and cycling. It is made with fine quality fabrics: 67% fine Merino virgin wool, 19% silk, 10% cashmere, 4% elastane, which ensure maximum warmth and at the same time guarantee high performance. Used during a winter excursion with a considerable difference in height, in the end it was practi cally dry. In the field test the ergonomic cut demonstrates a high comfort of movement, thanks also to the percentage of elasticized material. We wore it both as a single layer during a sunny day, and as underwear under other layers, and thanks to the well-fitting fit it does not let wind and cold penetrate. Even af ter many hours of use it gave a pleasant feel ing of protection and comfort. Lightweight and well breathable, it has a minimal and clean look. Calze GM, the historic brand from Tren to, stands out for the quality of the garments it makes, and this technical underwear is proof of this: compared to other outdoor sweaters it definitely has an extra gear.
We Like The quality of the fabrics and its exceptional warmth. The feeling of protection and comfort
Use Hiking, Trekking
Fabric 67% Fine Merino virgin wool, 19% Seta, 10% Cashmere, 4% Elastane
Gr NA € 141,90
Equipped with a fixed hood, it protects from cold and water thanks to the fully taped seams and PFC Free water repellent treat ment. It uses 100% PCR PrimaLoft Black Thermoplume padding and Clima Protect thermal laminate.
Use Hiking, Free Touring Fabric 100% Polyester Gr 1200 € 199,95

Full zip fleece made of Grid Tech fabric, a thin and highly breathable material, which stands out for its particular internal grid structure that favors the evaporation of moisture.
The Feel Warm Flat padding, the Clima Pro tect thermal laminate between the fabrics and the water repellent treatment (PFC Free) offer warmth, waterproofness and breathability. For total protection, there is an elasticated snow gaiter with a non-slip silicone print on the inside.
Use All Mountain Fabric 95% Polyester, 5% Elastane Gr 435 € 69,95

Use Freeride, All Mountain Fabric 100% Polyester Gr 840 € 159,95
In 20D nylon fabric, resistant and breath able, with PrimaLoft Black Insulation Hi-Loft Ultra recycled padding. The oriented me chanical folds of the padding resist com pression and create spaces useful for trap ping air and body heat.

Use Hiking, Mountaineering Fabric Nylon 20D Gr 280 € 119,95

Its particular construction makes it easi ly compressible and easy to wear under a jacket. Very breathable, it has two side pockets with zip and an elastic bottom on the bust and sleeves that improves the fit.
For winter outdoor activities that combine elasticity and protection, it is equipped with a water repellent treatment (PFC Free). The slightly brushed inner layer ensures insula tion and a pleasant sensation in contact with the skin.

Use Hiking, Trekking Fabric 93% Polyester , 7% Elastan Gr 330 € 69,95
Use Hiking, Trekking Fabric Stretch ripstop, Nylon inserts Gr 315 € 99,95
Unlimitech PrimaLoft Hybrid
Warmth, lightweight and breathability: wear it and go out, nature is calling you!
The favorite playground of this lightweight jacket is the winter outdoors. Hybrid and mul tifunctional, it performs great in any activity during the coldest days: we put it to the test during a speed hiking trip and in a day with snowshoes. We have tested it in different con ditions, using it from time to time or as a mid layer or as an outer layer depending on the intensity and external temperature, and it has always proved to be an excellent companion for adventures. In addition to wind and cold, the garment also protects from water, thanks to the water repellent treatment that provides a high degree of protection from humidity and rain. As soon as it was worn, the ergonomic fit immediately gave us a feeling of extreme comfort. The lightweight ripstop and nylon fabric (40g/sqm) is combined with technical PrimaLoft Recycled Black Thermoplume padding, which guarantees insulation even in wet conditions. Made with 100% recycled material, it is positioned on the front, back and forearm, to ensure greater protection for the most exposed parts of the body. The fleece-lined collar is integrated into the hood and the closure up to the chin reinforces the protective function. The hood is fixed with an elastic edge and it is compatible with the helmet. The performance stretch inserts ac companied the movements well even during the maximum intensity of effort. Thanks to its low weight it is easily compressible and takes up little space in the backpack. The color block effect, as well as the mix between diag onal bands and horizontal padding, make it an attractive, sober jacket suitable for different occasions.

We Like The recycled padding obtained from recycled materials, the reflective details, the ergonomic cut, the body mapping structure
Use Hiking, Trekking
Fabric Nylon ripstop, PrimaLoft Recycled Black Thermoplume Gr 545 € 129,95
Waterproof quilted puffy jacket in stretch corduroy and with breathable membrane. The padding is of soft sterilized down with water repellent treatment. Thanks to its warmth, it is ideal for skiing on the coldest days.

Use Free Touring Fabric Polyester, Polyurethane, Elastane Gr NA € NA
Waterproof and breathable jacket made with recycled materials such as polyes ter ripstop stretch, polyester softshell and wadding. These, together with the EcoElite water repellent treatment, are part of the Colmar Green Path project.

Use Free Touring Fabric Polyester, Elastane Gr NA € NA

Waterproof and breathable, it is made of recycled stretch polyester on the front and laminated fabric on the back. It is character ized by a series of channels that allow the in sertion of water repellent down without the need for seams.
Use Free Touring Fabric Polyester, Polyamide, Elastane Gr NA € NA

Warm pants in laminated polyester, breath able and with water repellent treatment. With an elasticated lining, it is padded with recycled stretch wadding, a material that is part of the Colmar Green Path project to re spect the environment.
Use Free Touring Fabric Laminated polyester Gr NA € NA
Water repellent model in stretch polyester fabric and wadding padding, both recy-cled. It presents a harness in recycled stretch ny lon that fits comfortably to the physiognomy of the body, ensuring greater protection from the cold.
Use Free Touring Fabric Polyester, Nylon Gr NA € NA
Waterproof pants characterized by their optimal fit thanks to the use of elastic wadding, stretch fabric lining and ergonomic cuts. The lining features graphene fibers capable of evenly distributing heat.
Use Free Touring Fabric Polyester, Elastane Gr NA € NA
Colmar Piuma 1086 jacket
Fascinating to look at but even better when worn. Warm and super comfortable, it’s designed with an eco-friendly fabric
A jacket for true connoisseurs: we have tried it on during various activities and it has always proved to live up to expectations. Made with an eco-sustainable fabric and water repellent down padding, it is developed for when you want to increase the pace but the outside temperature is rather rigid. As soon as it is worn, the comfortable feeling is immediate, thanks to the well-enveloping fit that imme diately offers a pleasant sensation. Realized with waterproof and breathable polyester and softsthell fabric, it is the ideal interme diate layer, thanks also to the stretch inserts that ensure maximum freedom of movement. Rather exclusive, we have also used it in the city: thanks to the elegant and refined design, in fact, it lends itself to more urban contexts. The tubular fabric used for the base is ob tained by gluing two polyester fabrics through staggered geometric micro designs. The quilted effect that is created does not need seams and has a unique look, with the Colmar logo in contrast on the left side. The jacket does not have a hood, which can be experi enced as a lack but has its positive aspects, such as adapting well to be worn with a shell.

Hurricane Windproof Vest

It doesn’t matter what your sport is, weth er you are looking for a windproof layer, a training garment or some more warm ness for a morning activity, this is the ideal product for you. Versatile in all its aspects and specifically designed to fight wind and air thanks to the Tafta material on the front part. Maximum comfort of fit, breathability, rear pocket and reflective inserts: all in a product that weighs 80g. Its material is 100% Oeko-Tex certified.
Use Trail Running, Hiking
Fabric 93% Nylon, 7% Elastane Gr 80 € 100,00
Winter Trail Postural LS Top
Sometimes (even in winter), what you need is just one layer: it is the case of this garment, developed to condense inside all the heat and the necessary protection, maintaining a high breathability and an ex cellent fit. All this is made possible by the combination of Merino wool and polyam ide that adapt to the lines of the body in a light and precise way and with a more or less thick stratification based on the need for the various part of the body.

Use Winter Trail Fabric 69% Polyamide 31% Merino wool Gr 245 € 140,00
Winter Trail Under Control Full Tights
Goodbye chills during the race, welcome to thrilling runs! These tights are designed and developed to get the optimal internal temperature and maximum breathabil ity, all in a fit obtained from a specific body-maker for different situations and needs. The study of high technical perfor mances can be seen in the chosen Prolen Yarn, which satisfies all functional needs to perfection. Equipped with adjustable coulisse, comfortable rear pocket and re flective inserts.
Use Winter Trail Fabric 49% Polyamide, 45% Prolen Yarn, 6% Elastane Gr 194 € 160,00
Compressport Hurricane Windproof Jacket

4-season jacket, versatile and lightweight, highly protective from the wind. Developed for ultra running races, perfect for almost all multi-sports activities
When you’re ready for an outdoor intensive training but the wind blows strongly, Hurri cane windproof jacket represents the optimal solution to complete the training session. It immediately affects the reduced weight: Hur ricane is light as a feather. On the front part, the Tafta fabric keeps you warm when there are adverse weather conditions. The fabric on the back and sleeves is equipped with the new On/Off technology, with intelligent holes that open by guaranteeing optimal breathabil ity when the effort increases, and ensuring that the inner part remains dry and warm. As soon as you put it on, you will feel like you have a second skin: the fit is so optimal that you will forget to have it on. Thanks to its elas ticity, it allows total freedom of movement, it can also cover a trail backpack. On the back there is an invisible pocket, accessible from both sides, which can accommodate a water bottle. The reflective details on the front part improve visibility in low light conditions. The cut, longer on the back, protects the back even during the burst of speed. The fabrics are Oeko-Tex certified. Ultra compact and easily foldable, when not needed you can put it away easily. Slightly water repellent in case of sudden rain, it is perfect for trail running, cy cling, cross-country skiing and multiple other outdoor activities.
We Like Protection, thermoregulation and the maximum of technologies: a technical garment designed with attention to every detail
JKT Levity Man
Crazy’s workhorse, declared by the brand as the lightest jacket in the world, thanks to its particular construction that removes un necessary seams and centimeters of fabric. This reduces weight while maintaining com fort and freedom of movement.

Use Mountaineering Fabric 7DEN Gr 208 € 480,00
Pull Neutron
Lightweight and versatile second layer designed for high mountain performance. Made of HP 3D, a particular fabric charac terized by a honeycomb construction that facilitates transpiration and internal thermo regulation.

Use Mountaineering Fabric HP 3D Gr 311 € 180,00
Pant Neutron
Suitable for mountaineering or ski touring in extreme conditions, thanks to its elasticity and its windproof and water repellent prop erties. On the inside it has a reinforcement with applied sheet that protects against cuts from crampons or ski edges.
Use Mountaineering, Light Touring Fabric Soft Shell Gr 482 € 220,00

JKT Levity Woman
Female version of Levity, declared by Cra zy as the lightest jacket in the world. The outer fabric is in bi-elastic nylon with water repellent DWR coating. The padding is in Diamond Down, made with hand-selected feathers in order to use only the most volu minous ones.
Use Mountaineering Fabric 7DEN Gr 180 € 480,00

Pull Inspire
Hooded pullover in short-haired fur and technical fleece, designed for mountain eers who need a warm but easily packable garment. Inspire is highly breathable, ideal in combination with a wind protective shell.
Pant Inspire
Technical high mountain pants, suitable for mountaineering or ski mountaineering with extreme conditions. It is made of soft soft shell with a windproof and water repellent membrane. The openable waistband is adjustable with elastic velcro straps on the hips.
Use Mountaineering Fabric Pelliccetta a pelo raso , Fleece tecnico Gr 330 € 170,00
Use Mountaineering, Light Touring Fabric Soft Shell Gr 421 € 220,00
Crazy Pull Acceleration
Few frills for a very high performance mid layer
We tested it during the ski test in Zermatt, which we assure you it was not hot at 4000 meters high. The mid layer,Pull Acceleration is part of the Fast Hiking Acceleration line cre ated in the nineties with the aim of packaging products that have two key characteristics: being hyper light and suitable for those who do high performance outdoor physical activ ities. How did Crazy do that? With a very elas tic fabric that adapts to the body as if it were a second skin: it accompanies the twists, does not limit the movements of the arms and does not force any part of the torso or of the neck. And then thanks to the technology devel oped over the years that allows the garment to dry very quickly: we tested it by ski touring, an activity for which this aspect is crucial be cause the climb involves intense effort and sweat and in descent you can also reach a certain speed, therefore it is necessary that it is quick-drying, which is guaranteed by the fabric on the back, the High Performance 3D fleece with alveolar cells, which ensures high breathability. In addition, it also features the Print Graphene technology, which is revo lutionary because it increases resistance to abrasion, it improves thermoregulation and reduces electrostatic charge: all aspects that make it extremely durable as well as pleasant to wear. The last thing to note are the finishes, such as the external leather pocket and the internal one for Artva.

We Like The very high technicality of the garment, which is quick drying, very elastic and performing during activities at high per formance levels
Use Mountaineering , Light Touring
Fabric VUELTA fabric and HP 3D with alveolar chambers Padding Graphene treatment
Expedition Merino 235 Z.Neck
An underwear shirt that allows you to face the most extreme weather conditions, thanks to the inner layer in 100% Merino wool and the outer layer in 90% Merino wool treated with Aquaduct, combined with 10% polyamide which increases its durability.
Use Mountaineering Fabric Merino wool, Polyamide € 125,00

Egga Grid Merino Vest

Super versatile intermediate layer, thanks to the design that allows high freedom of movement and the ability to insulate opti mally while maintaining the right internal ventilation. Characterized by the comfort able double-slider zipper on the front.
Use All Mountain Fabric 100% Merino wool € 205,00
Jakta Merin 200 Shirt
Characterized by its softness and lightness, characteristics given by the 100% Meri no wool fabric. This is able to offer warmth when temperatures are more rigid but easily expels sweat even in intense activities.
Use All Mountain Fabric 100% Merino wool € NA

Lauparen Merino 190 Shirt

An all-round garment in terms of season and place, able to provide comfort, warmth and breathability thanks to the composition in 100% Merino wool. Equipped with strate gically placed mesh panels to improve ven tilation.

Use All Mountain Fabric 100% Merino wool € 99,00
Tuvegga Merino Hoodie
Reversible base layer, with a first layer de veloped for intense activities where good insulation and thermoregulation is required. By inverting the garment, greater insulation is achieved thanks to the 3D fabric with air channel mesh.
Use : All Mountain Fabric 99% Merino wool + 1% Elastane € 169,00
Herøy Hybrid Merino JKT WMN
Made of Merino wool, it features a woven material on the chest, shoulders and hood to offer extra protection from wind and rain. Ideal as an intermediate layer due to its high lightness and breathability. The fitted hood can be folded into the collar when not in use.

Use All Mountain Fabric 99% Merino wool, 1% Elastane € 169,00

Devold Nibba Pro Merino Jkt Hood Man
The highest quality enclosed in an excellent intermediate garment in 100% Merino wool

This is no bullshit, wearing Merino wool instead of synthetic materials is not the same thing: the difference is immediately perceived in contact with the skin, and this garment is the proof. You know, the only way not to sweat is to stay at home on the sofa, but during our tests this intermediate layer still guaranteed good ventilation and breathability. Moisture was absorbed unexpectedly and proved naturally resistant to odors, even during highperformance activities. It was developed for hiking at high altitudes where the temperature can change rapidly, we have tested it during ski mountaineering and snowshoeing trips, and it has proved to be a useful and functional product in different weather conditions. Even when we put it to the test by increasing the pace it followed the movements well, ensuring good flexibility and elasticity. The warmth/weight ratio is excellent, thanks precisely to the quality of the materials chosen with care: the soft internal layer in brushed Merino wool has excellent insulating properties, and the fabric offers ample space for hot air to circulate close to the body. The color block combinations are well thought out and match easily. There is a zip pocket on the chest and a high collar with a shaped hood. The collection includes two unique jackets, a vest and trousers.
We Like Raglan sleeves with thumb holes. The brushed interior that ensures extra comfort and insulation. The excellent warmth/ weight ratio Use Hiking, Mountaineering
Speed touring shell in waterproof and breathable Gore-Tex Active laminated fab ric. Available in both men’s and women’s ver sions. Lightweight, it can be compressed in the hood.
Ski touring shell in waterproof and breath able Gore-Tex Active + laminated fabric with C-Knit lining. Available in both men’s and women’s versions, it is equipped with a YKK zipper, ventilation zippers and reflective el ements.

Use Light Touring Fabric Gore-Tex Active Gr 350 € 350,00
Use Ski Touring Fabric Gore-Tex Active, C-Knit lining Gr 407 € 450,00

Via Waltraud Gebert Deeg 4 Bolzano Italy www.dynafit.com IG @dynafit
Speed touring pants made of Dynastretch, Dynafit’s four-way stretch softshell fabric with a water repellent DWR treatment with out PFC. Available in both men’s and wom en’s versions.
Ski touring pants in waterproof and breath able Gore-Tex Active + laminated fabric with C-Knit lining. Available in both men’s and women’s versions, they are equipped with a YKK zipper, ventilation zippers and ergo nomic knees.
Free ski shell in waterproof and breathable Gore-Tex laminated fabric with C-Knit lining. Available in both men’s and women’s versions, it is equipped with a YKK zipper, ventilation zippers and a snow skirt.
Use Free Touring Fabric Gore-Tex with C-Knit lining Gr 535 € 500,00
Use Light Touring Fabric Dynastretch Gr 509 € 200,00
Use Ski Touring Fabric Gore-Tex Active, C-Knit lining Gr 407 € 450,00

Free ski pants in waterproof and breathable laminated Gore-Tex fabric with C-Knit lining. Available in both men’s and women’s ver sions, it is equipped with a YKK zipper, venti lation zippers and ergonomic knees.
Use Free Touring Fabric Gore-Tex with C-Knit lining Gr 525 € 450,00
Ski Hero

Lana Vergine Merino Fine. 1409

Prodotto eccellente. Molto comodo, ma allo stesso tempo sportivo e sensibile. Ottimi materiali, ottima costruzione. Sono pienamente soddisfatto!
100% Made In Italy.
Ski Area Alpe Lusia Moena - Bellamonte, Trentino (Foto Gaia Panozzo).Mulhacen
The jacket that combines lightweight, ther mal protection and maximum breathability. The ideal internal temperature is guaran teed by the active Polartec Alpha insulation, characterized by the volumized Alpha fibers connected to a solid mesh core.
Use All Mountain Fabric 30D ripstop polyamide , Actistretch Gr 370 € 189,90

The new entry pants which, thanks to the combination of Warmstretch Medium fab ric with Windshield Medium Stretch fabric in the front, manages to balance lightness, comfort and protection from wind and cold.
Use All Mountain Fabric Windshield Medium stretch softshell, Warmstretch Medium Gr 510 € 169,90

The mid layer that combines technical per formance and attention to the environment thanks to Perpetual and Econyl recycled polyester yarns, a 100% nylon fiber regen erated from nylon waste. Available in a wide range of colorways for men and women.
Use All Mountain Fabric 49% Perpetual recycled polyester, 41% Econyl regenerated polyamide, 10% Elastane Gr 390 €144,90

Tete Rousse Gran Zebru
Unisex technical pants in Warmstretch Medium thermal fabric and anti abrasion reinforcements on the lower leg. Perfect for winter activities where excellent breathabil ity is required without sacrificing the ideal internal temperature.

Use All Mountain Fabric : 89% Polyamide, 11% Elastane Gr 270 € 149,90
As a feather... But better! Thanks to the inno vative PrimaLoft Gold Insulation Luxe pad ding it is soft, warm and light but it wins over stability in performance as it is water repel lent. Double hood adjustment, also available in the men’s version.
Use All Mountain Fabric Superlight, Ripstop Polyester 20 D Gr 510 € 214,90
Hervey Winter
The winter pants for free time and adven tures around the world, made in Warm stretch Light. Comfort guaranteed by elas ticated waist belt, front and back pockets with zip closure, and adjustable leg bottom.
Use Adventure & Backpacking Fabric 88% Nylon, 12% Elastane Gr 510 € 119,90
Ferrino Mulhacen Jacket
The versatile jacket you should never leave at home
When practicing mountain sports, choosing the right equipment is crucial, especially if you are a lover of disciplines such as hiking or alpine skiing, where aerobic effort leads the body to warm up quickly and cool down just as fast. Ferrino’s Mulhacen Jacket is ideal for aerobic activities, where a perfect balance of lightweight, thermal protection and breathability is required. We have tried it in different situations with winter weather: considering that it is a very versatile garment, we would like to recommend it as a hoodie to always have at hand: as an only jacket in autumn and combined with a shell in winter. The front and back of the jacket are made of superlight 30D fabric with 80g Polartec Al pha padding, while the sides are in Actistretch fabric brushed inside. Comfort in movement is a more crucial aspect than ever in outdoor activities and it is one of the key factors to consider when evaluating the purchase of a garment. This jacket, designed for all-round mountaineering, is extremely versatile and suitable from climbing to winter hiking. Fer rino offers it in 3 different colorways: green, blue and the classic black with which you’ll never go wrong.
We Like The combination of lightweight and versatility that make this jacket perfect for high intensity aerobic activities. Use Mountaineering, Climbing

Expedition Lätt Hoodie
Insulating, breathable, lightweight: it is ideal on rainy days under a shell jacket. The 100% recycled polyester fiber insulation offers the softness and fluffiness of the down. Easily foldable in the special internal pocket.

Clothing Fjällräven
Fenix Outdoor Austria Italy Grabenweg 69 Top 1-20 Innsbruck Austria www.fjallraven.com customerservice@fenixoutdoor.at | toniolo.al@me.com IG @fjallravenofficial

Use All Mountain Fabric 100% Polyamide Gr 495 € 229,95

Expedition X-Lätt Shirt
Excellent as a jacket for milder days or as a mid layer for stiffer ones. It’s insulating, packable and ultralight thanks to its 55% recycled synthetic padding, which ensu-res warmth without adding bulk or unnecessary weight.
Use Hiking Fabric 100% Polyamide Gr 203 € 199,95
Bergtagen Touring Trousers

Ventilation, mobility, protection: three adjec tives that describe the balance of this tech nical trousers. Ventilation through side zips, mobility thanks to the articulated cut and protection guaranteed by integrated gaiters and the Recco reflector.
Use All Mountain Fabric 92% Polyamide, 8% Elastane Gr 563 € 299,95
Expedition Down Knickers
Down shorts that combine thermal perfor mance and freedom of movement. Excel lent over shell pants or as a midlayer on cold days, they are easy to put on and take off thanks to the full-length side zips.
Expedition Down Heater
Ideal for winter hikes in very cold climates, this hat is filled with high quality ethically produced down. It is very warm, yet light and packable. It has a visor, ear flaps and it is elasticated in the back.
Expedition Down Booties
Minimum size, maximum comfort. These boots are excellent allies against the cold of winter nights outdoors or after a day of ski ing. Non-slip soles, foam insoles and adjust able drawstring ensure stability and warmth.
Use All Mountain Fabric 100% Polyamide Gr 299 € 249,95
Use All Mountain Fabric 100% Polyamide Gr 100 € 79,95
Use All Mountain Fabric Fabric Polyamide, Polyester Gr 225 € 149,95
Fjällräven Expedition Pack Down Hoodie

A down hoodie designed for expeditions but that works great for all winter outdoor activities
All the protection, warmth and comfort en closed in a single super down hoodie. Padded with ethically produced high quality goose down, it is the ideal extra insulation layer that we have never been able to give up. Studied in every detail, it is a reliable partner you can count on in all circumstances. With its com fortable hood, which can be adjusted easily and immediately with the tie rod, it provides additional warmth on colder days and can be worn both under and over a shell jacket. De signed for expeditions, we have used it with satisfaction during three seasons (except summer) and it has always proved to be an excellent choice even for shorter but equal ly engaging activities, such as trekking and ski mountaineering. In short, it is a functional, resistant jacket designed to last over time (and to pollute less). Equipped with synthetic reinforcements on the shoulders, it has three side pockets for the hands plus one inside. It fits well and gives a nice enveloping and com fortable feeling. Despite its excellent thermal performance, it is a light, well compressible garment that takes up little space inside the backpack: for this reason we always carried it with us, and on one occasion it also turned out to be a comfortable pillow! The clean but cool design also makes it ideal for a lifestyle use.
Clothing Helly Hansen

Helly Hansen Italy
Viale S. Bartolomeo, 777/7 19126 La Spezia SP www.hellyhansen.com IG @hellyhansen
Garibaldi 2.0 Jacket
In Helly Tech Professional fabric with wa terproof and breathable membrane. The H2Flow ventilation system guarantees ex cellent thermoregulation in combination with PrimaLoft padding. Equipped with Recco reflector and Life Pocket for smart phones.
Use Freeride Fabric Polyester, polyamide Gr NA € 400,00

Odin 9 Worlds Shell Jacket
Shell made of Lifa Infinity Pro fabric, the ex clusive technology of Helly Hansen that al lows you to create a laminated fabric with a waterproof and breathable membrane with out solvents or the need for water repellent DWR treatment.
Use Ski Touring Fabric Polypropylene Gr 660 € 550,00
Verglas Infinity Shell Jacket

Shell made of Lifa Infinity fabric with wa terproof and breathable membrane pro duced without solvents and laminated with an outer fabric that contains 50% recycled polyester and finished with a water repellent DWR treatment without PFC
Use Ski Touring Fabric 54% recycled polyester, 46% polyester Gr 590 € 400,00

Garibaldi 2.0 Pants
Pants in Helly Tech Professional fabric with professional-grade waterproof and breath able membrane. Equipped with ventilation zippers, Recco reflector, cargo pocket with internal ring for the ARTVA device and fixed snow gaiters.
Use Freeride Fabric Polyester Gr 750 € 280,00
Odin 9 Worlds Infinity Pants
Ski mountaineering and mountaineering pants made of Lifa Infinity Pro fabric. This exclusive technology of the brand makes it possible to create a waterproof and breath able laminated fabric without using solvents or water repellent DWR treatments.
Use Ski Touring Fabric PolypropyleneGr 625 € 400,00
Verglas Infinity Shell Pants
Hardshell pants in Lifa Infinity fabric with waterproof and breathable membrane. Pro duced without solvents, it is laminated with an outer fabric that contains 50% recycled polyester and finished with a water repellent DWR treatment without PFC.
Use Ski Touring Fabric 54% recycled polyester, 46% polyester Gr 480 € 320,00
Helly Hansen Elevation Infinity 2.0 jacket
The award-winning Elevation shell, fur ther improved thanks to an innovative and ecological technology
The most performing, technical and innova tive version of the iconic Elevation shell. The outer fabric of the Lifa Infinity Pro laminate is made from 100% polypropylene fibers, a hydrophobic material that does not retain water, that makes it water repellent without the need to apply any chemical treatment. The preformed cut makes it compatible with the helmet and the backpack and, tested in the field, the shell ensures resistance and ample freedom of movement even during the most engaging activities. Thermal control is achieved thanks to a two-way front zip and intelligent ventilation zips in the underarm, which disperse excess heat and promote breathability. The jacket proved to be func tional and well protective even during partic ularly windy days. Among the many features designed specifically for skiing, there are the Recco reflector for detection, a Life Pocket to preserve the phone’s battery in extreme cold, and some details that ensure you to be visible even in the dark. The orange color of the hood (other colorways are also available) is a safety benefit during low light days. Using the input of professional freeskiers, the design of the jacket has been updated to ensure maximum reliability and fun in all conditions.
We Like The Life Pocket to preserve the phone battery and its extreme lightweight: the jacket is well compressible and takes up little space in the backpack. Use Freeride, Ski Touring

Mountain jacket with windproof and water repellent properties, made of recycled syn thetic fabric. It compacts well when folded, allowing you to store it comfortably in your backpack. Also available in the female ver sion.
Use Hiking, All Mountain Fabric 100% Recycled polyester Gr 650 € 199,99
Warm and waterproof, it features an eco-friendly design: outer fabric, insulation, lining and zippers are made from recycled materials. Featuring a hood, high collar and elasticated cuffs. Useful both in the city and in the mountains.

Use Hiking, All Mountain Fabric 100% Recycled polyester Gr 584 € 169,99

A light, soft fleece with excellent thermal protection made from recycled material. The slim line and the high collar help to keep the heat inside while the technowarm fabric guarantees quick drying and moisture re lease.
Use Hiking, All Mountain Fabric 100% Recycled polyester Gr 274 € 79,99

Made of recycled polyester, they guarantee an excellent fit thanks to the elastic waist band, stretch fabric and soft fleece inside. The fabric is breathable and allows moisture to be dispersed, keeping the body dry.

Ideal garment for the coldest days, it is made with a stretch, windproof and water repellent fabric. The waist is adjustable, the knees are pre-shaped and the opening on the ankles guarantees maximum comfort on any type of shoe.
Thermal tights in Dryway Seamless Jac quard Knit recycled fabric. Lightweight, warm and breathable, they are ideal for wearing under hiking pants in the colder months. The absence of seams allows ev ery movement without fear of irritation.
Use Hiking, All Mountain Fabric 94% Recycled polyester , 6% Elastane Gr 472 € 109,99
Use Hiking, All Mountain Fabric 92% Polyamide , 8% Elastane Gr 458 € 119,99
Use Hiking, All Mountain Fabric 72% Recycled Polyamide, 28% Elastane Gr 122 € 39,99
L'essenziale per l'attività all'aperto
Access Loft Hoodie
I nosri prodotti della linea ACCESS sono i must have per l'escursionismo, il trekking o il campeggio. L'Access Loft Hoodie è il capo perfetto che si adatta ad ogni tua attività in ogni stagione. Realizzato con poliestere riciclato al 100% e isolamento REPREVE. I principi di eco-resposabilità del brand Lafuma si uniscono perfettamente ad un prodotto che garantisce calore e confort.

Made with post-industrial recycled cash mere padding, it is able to offer comfort and warmth. The vest features a fit designed to facilitate movement and a long cut to pro tect the upper legs.

Waterproof and resistant shell, designed for the most demanding days in the mountains, when conditions are variable. The mem brane is breathable and waterproof the fab ric is made of polyamide (85% recycled) and elastane.
Use All Mountain Fabric Lyocell, Lana, Polyamide, Cashmere, Recycled polyester Gr NA € 270,00
Use Ski Touring Fabric 85% Recycled polyamide, 15% Elastane Gr NA € 490,00
Made of internally brushed Durastretch fabric, breathable, comfortable and treated with a PFC-free DWR finish. It has a higher waist on the back with Merino Tencel in serts that offer thermal comfort and greater convenience.
Use All Mountain Fabric 90% Polyamide, 10% Elastane Gr NA € 200,00

Excellent travel companion for ski moun taineering, downhill or off piste, thanks to the breathable and waterproof membrane. The seams are fully heat-taped and the fab ric is finished with a PFC-free DWR finish.
Oberalp Group
Via Waltraud Gebert Deeg 4 Bolzano Italy www.lamunt.com IG @lamuntwoman
Alice Cashmere LS Baselayer Tee
Soft and warm, it offers a second skin effect and it naturally follows your movements. It is made of premium cashmere blended with viscose-based fibers, able to ensure quick drying. The seamless construction offers maximum comfort.

Use All Mountain Fabric 41% Modal, 33% Cashmere, 26% Polypropylene Gr NA € 130,00

Use Ski Touring Fabric 85% Recycled polyamide, 15% Elastane Gr NA € 390,00
Ideal to use under the pants for maximum warmth and comfort, also given by the seamless construction. The soft, breath able and quick-drying fabric will keep you dry even during intense activities.
Use All Mountain Fabric LM Mecashmere yarn Gr NA € 100,00
LaMunt Giada 3l Waterproof Jacket
3-layer waterproof shell, designed with a breathable PFC-free fabric
Skiing off piste, on piste or ski touring: no mat ter what the playing field, this shell is always functional. The high level of breathability and weather protection make it reliable and tech nical: all seams are fully taped and the fabric has a PFC-free DWR finish that guarantees lasting water repellency. The breathable and waterproof membrane ensured shelter from rain and wind, thanks also to an elasticized water resistant gaiter and a practical collar, equipped with a bellows that allows a better fit when wearing the hood. The extremely soft and stretch fabric is made from recycled poly amide and elastane and promotes freedom of movement. Among the various technical de tails, two in particular have caught our atten tion: the rigid visor, which can be folded when not wearing the helmet or lowered when more protection is needed, and the press-studs on the sides that allow you to adjust the fit. The hood is adjustable and compatible with the helmet, it has a well-fitting fit that does not ob struct the field of vision. The sleeves are ergo nomic and the cuffs are partially elastic, with an additional flap with velcro to customize the fit. With the sun we could count on the side ventilation zips, supported by a protective elastic net. There is also a ski pass pocket, two side zip pockets and a secret pocket. We Like The functional design, the decidedly attractive look, and the recycled material

Karl-Arnold Str. 30 Kirchheim/Teck Germany www.leki.de IG @leki.ski.outdoor
HRC Race Shark
Leki’s glove designed for Cross Country racing, characterized by a great versatil ity. It features a new double strap on the built-in strap that allows you to customize the fit much more easily, maximizing the sensitivity of transmission and distribu tion of power on the pole. The high-quality AX suede palm offers excellent grip, while the softspan back increases comfort. It is best combined with Leki’s Nordic Shark cross-country ski grip.

Use Ski Race
Fabric Softspan € 80,00
A waterproof glove with an all-round grip, the ideal ally to protect your hands from the cold during ski tours. The glove is produced in Europe and equipped with a softspan on the back, able to ensure a high level of comfort of use. This material is made from recycled nylon from Italy. In addition, Guide is lined with a micro fleece which makes it even warmer, while main taining lightness and a slim fit.
Use All Mountain, Ski Touring Fabric Softspan € 70,00

Patrol 3D
The ideal companion for freeride adven tures, made from 100% fine goatskin, a material that is soft and very pleasant to the touch. It is characterized by a neo prene cuff that surrounds the wrist abun dantly and prevents any thermal bridges at the joint. It features a Nash silicone insert on the palm that ensures optimal grip. In addition, it uses the new Trigger 3D system compatible with all previous Trigger S poles
Use Freeride, Free Touring Fabric Goatskin, Neoprene € 100,00

As the name says, it is a mitt ideal for the high mountains or for days with cold tempera tures down to -30°. Thanks to the use of sophisticated materials such as Swiss wool and silk, warmth is guaranteed. Guaranteed Thermoplus 5000.
Use Freeride Fabric Water resistant goat leather Temperatura -30° Gr NA € 149,95

Thanks to the Membra-Therm Plus mem brane, this mitt combines maximum warmth, breathability and lightweight without ne glecting waterproofing. Padded with real goose down, it is the ideal choice for a mountain experience even at extreme tem peratures.
Use All Mountain Fabric Goose down, water resistant goat leather Temperatura -22° Gr NA € 109,95
Hybrid design glove that combines water proof fabric with leather inserts. Ranger is designed to be warm and sturdy, complete with an adjustable strap and I-Touch system. Perfect for all kinds of adventures and tem peratures.

Use All Mountain Fabric Water resistant goat leather Temperatura -22° Gr NA € 119,95
Result of the design and development work of the Level Pro Team which created a warm and comfortable freeriding glove. With insu lating qualities but at the same time breath able and waterproof thanks to the use of PrimaLoft and Membra-Therm Plus.

Use Freeride Fabric PrimaLoft and Membra-Therm Plus, goat leather Temperatura -17° Gr NA € 79,95
Ideal for mountaineering and ski mountain eering but also for any type of activity in the cold, it is an openable mitt made in PrimaLoft Hydrofoil with windproof reinforcement and I-Touch system. The Windbreaker trilami nate windproof cover is removable.
Use All Mountain Fabric PrimaLoft Hydrofoil, water resistant goat leather Temperatura -10° Gr NA € 79,95
Lightweight Merino wool glove for high in tensity activities complete with windproof and water repellent cover to wear when needed. It features a pre-shaped finger con struction for optimal fit and comfort.
Use Light Touring Fabric Merino wool, water resistant goat leather Temperatura -5° Gr NA € NA
Level Ski Alper Light
Glove with windproof fabric and I-Touch system, ideal for winter activities that require high resistance

As soon as it is put on, a comfortable feeling is immediately perceived, thanks to the Merino wool lining that kept our hands warm and dry throughout our tests. It is a resistant glove with attention to every detail, which boasts a natu ral thermoregulation capacity, a property that makes it a perfect product for high performance sports activities. In addition, the pre-shaped finger construction offers an optimal fit and comfort, thanks also to the slim fit. During the test day, a strong wind was blowing, but the glove kept the hands always warm, demonstrating good warmth, wind protection and insulation capacity, thanks also to the leather reinforcement patch. One of its strengths that we have had the opportunity to appreciate the most is the integrated I-Touch system, which allows you to use your smartphone without having to take off your gloves every time, speeding up the times. In addition, we have always
been able to keep altitude and kilometres under control, thanks to the opening for the watch on the cuff that easily adapts to the clock face and makes it accessible without ever exposing any part of the wrist to the cold air. A practi cal safety lace guarantees that the glove is always well se cured to the hand, and when you have to use your hands without gloves it ensures that they always remain tied to the wrist.
We Like The specific design of the palm of the hand, which facilitates the grip on the ski pole and ensures better sensitivity
Use Light Touring
Fabric 100% 30D ripstop polyamide Lining Merino wool, Polypropylene Gr NA € NA
Clothing Mammut

Taiss IN Hooded Jacket Men
Maximum warmth in a minimum weight: this is possible thanks to the combination of ul tra-light abrasion-resistant nylon ripstop and 900 cuin goose down. A versatile jack et, comfortable to use both as an intermedi ate and outer layer.
Use Mountaineering Fabric Nylon ripstop, Goose down Gr 293 € 400,00
La Liste HS Hooded Jacket Men

Lightweight and robust hardshell ski jacket with Gore-Tex C-Knit lining that maximiz es comfort, warmth and breathability. The hood is helmet compatible and the collar can be comfortably expanded through the zippered inserts.
Use Freeride Fabric Polyamide Gr 700 € 630,00

Via Arnaria 13 Ortisei BZ Italy www.socrep.it IG @mammut swiss1862

From the collection inspired by freeski mov ie “La Liste” starring Team Mammut athlete Jérémie Heitz. The harness is removable and includes a pocket to comfortably hold the Barryvox avalanche transceiver, also made by Mammut.
Use Free Touring Fabric Polyamide Gr 638 € 700,00
Sturdy ski pants made of 3-layer Gore-Tex C-Knit, which is light and very comfort able. Fully waterproof and with exceptional breathability, they are designed for freerid ing lovers.
From the collection inspired by freeski mov ie “La Liste” starring Team Mammut athlete Jérémie Heitz. A sturdy hardshell jacket, re sistant to abrasion, waterproof and breath able thanks to the 3-layer Gore-Tex Pro with “most rugged” technology.
Use Free Touring Fabric 66 polyamide Gr 635 € 800,00
Use Free Touring, Freeride Fabric Polyamide Gr 458 € 500,00
Casual hardshell pants with removable bib with pocket for the Barryvox avalanche transceiver. It uses a 3-layer Gore-Tex Pro that ensures protection from wind, hu midity and water combined with excellent breathability.
Use Free Touring Fabric 66 polyamide Gr 578 € 700,00
Mammut Taiss IN Hooded Jacket
Very warm and ultralight technical down jacket, designed for demanding adventures in the mountains

It doesn’t matter if it’s ski touring, mountaineering or hiking, this jacket has one mission: to maximize warmth and minimize weight. The incredible warmth to weight ratio is due to the combination of ultralight, water repellent and abrasion resistant ripstop nylon and goose down with a filling power of 900 cuin. The synthetic padding has kept us warm even in wet conditions, and it is intelligently placed on the parts of the body that require additional reinforcement and more protection: shoulders, hood, forearm and sleeves. The ergonomic cut and preshaped sleeves demonstrate a high level of comfort of movement, guaranteeing ample freedom even in ice climbing. During multiple winter outdoor activities, this versatile insulating jacket proved to be a warm mid layer, or a great outer layer, when conditions were dry. It compacts well on itself, takes up little space in the backpack and has a low weight. The hood is easily adjusted with one hand, it is compatible with the helmet and does not obstruct the field of vision. There are 2 zippered pockets compatible with the backpack and the harness. Elastic cuffs allow for a clean fit.
We Like bluesign product designed according to strict and controlled ecological and social standards. It uses feathers from ethically treated animals Use Mountaineering, Free Touring
Clothing Millet

Millet Mountain Group Italy
Via Zanica 19K Grassobbio BG Italy www.millet.com customer-service@millet-mountain.com IG @millet_mountain
Lightweight, waterproof and breathable jacket, designed to offer maximum comfort during ski mountaineering tours. Equipped with Recco system for researches in the event of avalanches and reflective inserts to increase visibility and safety.
Use Free Touring Fabric Dryedge High Breath 3L Gr 532 € 399,99
M White 3L JKT M White 3L Pant
Ski mountaineering stretch garment made of 3L Dryedge High Breath fabric. Featuring ankle zip, internal gaiter and edge protec tion. The adjustable waist and pre-shaped knees ensure maximum freedom of move ment.
Use Free Touring Fabric Dryedge High Breath 3L Gr 496 € 349,99
Designed for ski touring, it uses the new Gore C-Knit technology that makes it re sistant and waterproof while maintaining high lightweight, softness and breathability. It features six heat-sealed zip pockets and Recco rescue system.

Use Free Touring, Ski Touring Fabric Gore C-Knit Gr 598 € 699,99

Trilogy Edge GTX JKT Summit XCS Rip Pant
Water repellent and windproof pants made for high mountain activities. The stretch fabric adapts to the shapes of the body in creasing freedom of movement, while the reinforcements at the ankles and legs opti mize the durability of the product.

Use Mountaineering, Approach Fabric X.C.S Brushed Ripstop Gr 380 € 199,99
Breathable, light and stretch hoodie with Polartec thermal fabric made from recycled fibers. It has lighter inserts on the back and sides, in order to quickly expel moisture and ensure constant comfort.
Use Ski Touring Fabric Polartec Techno Grid Rec Gr 297 € 149,99
Rutor Thermal Hoodie Pierra Ment’ XCS Pant
Super light, elastic and breathable ski tour ing pants. With windproof and water re pellent properties, they are equipped with reinforcements on the buttocks and legs to ensure greater durability. The pre-shaped knees optimize freedom of movement.
Use Ski Touring Fabric X.C.S. 200 Gr 380 € 179,99

Mizuno Thermal Charge BT JK

Jacket equipped with ImpermaLite tech nology that guarantees resistance to wind and water, it integrates reflective details for better visibility during night runs. In addition, it features two front zip pockets and a com fortable hood.
Use Trail Running Fabric 88% Polyester , 12% Elastan € 130,00

Warmalite HZ
It uses Warmalite technology that can recy cle body heat by creating an insulating layer between body and garment. The Dynamo tion Fit construction ensures an anatomical fit, allowing the garment to adapt to body movements.
Use Trail Running Fabric 87% Polyester, 13% Elastan € 75,00
Breathable and waterproof jacket up to 20K columns of water, made of light stretch fabric. Its features include two zip pockets, reflective details and adjustable cuffs, hem and hood. Its construction allows it to be easily packable.
Use Trail Running Fabric 100% Nylon € 170,00
It uses Warmalite technology which creates a warm and insulating layer between the body and the garment. The soft touch poly ester gives a feeling of softness and com fort in contact with the skin. It incorporates thumb holes and reflective details.
Use Trail Running Fabric 87% Polyester, 13% Elastan € 60,00

Thermal tights with waistband and internal drawstring to improve the fit. The zippers at the ankles help to put on and take off the garment more easily, while the reflective de tails increase visibility at night.
Use Trail Running Fabric 87% Polyester, 13% Elastan € 75,00

Mizuno Thermal Charge BT Tight Warmalite Tight

Tights made with soft soft touch fabric polyester, it uses Warmalite technology to ensure correct thermoregulation. The BlindStitch construction allows the use of flat seams to prevent chafing while running.
Use Trail Running Fabric 87% Polyester, 13% Elastan € 65,00
La comodità prima di tutto. È faci le pensare che per camminare vada bene qualsiasi pantalone che si ha nell’armadio, ma la realtà è diversa, e lo scopriamo solo dopo aver percor so lunghi tragitti, portandoci a casa i fastidi causati dall’abbigliamento non corretto. L’amore per la natura e la voglia di esplorarla e ammirarla senza distrazioni, ha da sempre mo tivato REDELK a progettare e creare ogni indumento al fine di garantire momenti speciali a chi lo indossa, con focus specifico sul comfort del camminatore. È grazie all’esperien
Comfort first. Sometimes we think that every pair of pants is suitable for hiking, but in reality we discover that it’s not like that after a long walk experiencing inconvenience caused by wrong clothing. The love for nature and the will to explore it without any distractions, is the leitmotiv that inspired REDELK to develop its products while ensuring comfort for the most demanding walkers. An intense passion for the outdo ors combined with thirty years of experience in sportswear manu facturing allow our family to iden
tify soft and comfortable textiles, grant the best fit for hiking and create long-lasting products. The red moose symbolizes and reflects the character of the brand: stren gth, courage and perseverance that lead our company to improve products and services for our cu stomers every day.
za trentennale del nostro team nella produzione di abbigliamento, unita alla passione per l’outdoor, che sia mo in grado di selezionare tessuti sempre morbidi e confortevoli, nel perfezionamento della vestibilità più adatta per camminare, e creare pro dotti che siano durevoli nel tempo. L’alce rossa simboleggia e rispec chia fedelmente i tratti distintivi del brand: forza, coraggio e perseveran za.

www.redelk.it welcome@redelk.it
www.redelk.it welcome@redelk.it
Perchè rinunciare al comfort durante le tue camminate?
Goditi a pieno il tempo libero!
Don’t forget comfort while hiking!
Made for those who love a streetwear style with a comfortable fit but don’t want to give up on technicality and performance. It is made of 100% Merino 200 fabric capable of offering warmth, breathability and thermo regulation.
Use Free Touring, Mountaineering Fabric
100% Merino 200 Gr NA € 109,90
Ideal to use as a first layer, it is soft in contact with the skin. Made of Merino Flex 4 Way
Stretch fabric with 81% Merino wool which makes it warm and breathable. The fabric is very elastic and it guarantees an excellent fit.
Use Free Touring, Mountaineering Fabric 100% Merino Flex 4 Way Stretch Gr NA € 109,90
For street style lovers, it has a comfortable fit that makes it versatile to be worn both as a first and second layer. The fabric is Merino 200, warm and breathable. Thumb holes on the cuffs help maintain the warmth.

For women who love a life on the move, it is made of Merino Flex 4 Way stretch that re tains warmth without sacrificing elasticity. The fit is slim but the fabric remains soft on the skin, wrapping the body without limiting its movements.
Use Free Touring, Mountaineering Fabric
100% Merino 200 Gr NA € 109,90
Use Free Touring, Mountaineering Fabric 100% Merino Flex 4 Way Stretch Gr NA € 109,90
A basic garment that is comfortable to use all year round, it does not fear changes in weather and places. The fabric is in ultra-lite Merino Air-Con, a material that guarantees optimal thermal insulation and breathability in all conditions.
Use All Mountain Fabric 100% Ultra-lite Merino Air-Con Gr NA € 84,90

Icon Raglan Approach Hood

Breathable, light and ultra compact mid lay er. The Merino Shift fabric makes it soft and comfortable. Plus, it offers a high warmth to weight ratio, making it great for a lightweight layering system for intense activities.
Use Free Touring, Mountaineering Fabric
Merino Shift Fleece, 83% Merino, 13% Nylon, 4% Elastane Gr NA € 189,90

Waterproof jacket with hood made of Go re-Tex polyester fabric with PFCec-free DWR. It features a double-slider zip in the center and an underarm zip opening to moderate internal ventilation. Adjustable bottom and cuffs.
Use Climbing, Mountaineering Fabric
Gore-Tex Product with DWR PFCec-free Gr 530 € 389,00

Unisex jacket partially padded in Polartec Alpha Direct polyester. Made of cordura ny lon with DWR with double ripstop construc tion, which is windproof and water repellent. Among the features, it has hand pockets and a chest pocket, each with a zip.
Use Climbing, Mountaineering Fabric Nylon Cordura Gr 510 € 259,00
Ideal for ski touring and mountaineering, thanks to the DWR nylon softshell fabric that protects against wind and water. The waist, closed with a band, is easily adjust able with a drawstring, while the bottom is adjustable with zip and bellows.

Use Light Touring, Mountaineering Fabric Nylon softshell Gr 430 € 219,00
Made of a 2-layer DWR nylon fabric with 15K/15K membrane and Comfortemp Down feel recycled polyester padding. The hood is finished with a band and it also features a tight band on the forehead. Elasticated cuffs and bottom.

Use All Mountain Fabric 2-layer nylon Gr 490 € 289,00
Partially padded jacket designed for ski touring. The main fabric used is a 2-layer DWR nylon with a 15K/15K membrane, while the back is made of jersey fabric. The hood, cuffs and bottom are finished with a band.

Comfortable and elastic pants made of 4-way stretch nylon with a DWR treatment, partially lined in fleece and mesh fabric. Pre pared for attachment of the shoe, it is ideal for female ski mountaineering and moun taineering enthusiasts.
Use Light Touring, All Mountain Fabric 2-layer nylon Gr 390 € 229,00
Use Light Touring, Mountaineering Fabric Nylon 4 way-stretch Gr 360 € 179,00
Montura Alp Race Jacket
Perfectly insulating and at the same time very soft and warm
We tried it at the crag on a day with particular ly adverse weather conditions and we were more than satisfied with it. The credit goes to the padding, made with Comfortemp fabric: Alp Race protects from cold, wind and rain in an almost total way but, thanks to Pertex Quantum technology, it is also very soft, silky to the touch and light to wear. Lightness is an aspect on which we insist a lot because it is crucial in the mountains (it weighs only 380 grams), the lower the weight of our equip ment, the more fast and performing we can be. The other very important thing when doing high intensity outdoor activities is breathabil ity and quick drying: factors that in this case are guaranteed by the Quickdry Frame tech nology, an innovation that allows not to store excess moisture, for example the one pro duced by perspiration, but instead it dispers es it, and which it has fully deserved to win the RedDot Design Award 2022. Quickdry Frame is in fact the first technology in the world that combines two opposite properties in a syner gistic way on a single fabric: water-repellent on the outside, hydrophilic and thermoregula tory and quick-drying on the inside. The plus of this jacket, then, are the small dimensions that it can reach once folded. Montura of fers it in a light blue and black colorway, both versions are very sober but there is also the classic style and logo of the brand well printed on the back, as usual the quality of the details and materials is indisputable.
We Like The combination of lightness and versatility makes this jacket perfect for activities in any winter condition

Use Mountaineering, Light Touring
Fabric Nylon DWR Padding Ultralight Polyester Comfortemp Gr 380 € 229,00
Extreme shirt
Designed with a self-ventilating micro-mesh structure that accelerates perspiration even during the most demanding sports ac tivities. The inner layer of Dryarn fiber makes the shirt ultra light. Comfortable also thanks to the absence of seams.

Use Hiking, Trail Running Fabric 44% PA, 44% PP, 12% EA Gr 120 € 58,00
Drop shirt
Characterized by a gradual active compres sion that increases the speed of blood flow, improving performance and allowing rapid recovery of muscle tone. The compact and breathable Dryarn fabric wicks away sweat.
Talent pants

It is designed to stimulate circulation, im proving muscle oxygenation. It acts on the blood flow and reduces muscle vibrations, allowing energy savings, less fatigue and an increase in physical resistance under stress.
Use Hiking, Trail Running Fabric 95% PP, 5% EA Gr 175 € 68,50
Use Hiking, Trail Running Fabric 95% PP, 5% EA Gr 155 € 58,00
Discovery sock (knee-high version)
Made of Merino wool capable of dispersing heat, avoiding sweating and giving comfort. The structure with differentiated and amor tized densities allows a prolonged use. The self-sanitizing insole is equipped with an an ti-blister system.
Use Trekking Fabric 64% WO , 16% PP, 15% PA, 5% EA Gr NA € 24,00
Discovery sock (half-cut version)
Resistant and durable, it is characterized by a special blend of Merino wool and eucalyp tus viscose able to offer breathability and natural thermoregulation. The differentiated density weft follows the movements without causing friction.
Use Hiking, Trekking Fabric : 32% WO, 32% VI, 16% PP, 15% PA, 5% EA Gr NA € 20,00
Escape sock (knee-high version)

In medium compression, it reduces the recovery time of muscle tone and acceler ates the disposal of lactic acid. It uses an anatomical elastic weave that offers ideal fit and foot protection. The inner layer is made of Dryarn.
Use Trail Running Fabric 70% PP, 26% PP, 4% EA Gr NA € 22,00

Oxyburn Perform
Functional, versatile and comfortable: this is the garment that will follow you everywhere, regardless of your plans

Do not get fooled by its appearance: once you try it you will no longer be able to do without it, at least this is what happened to us. This simple t-shirt is actually a super ally during all outdoor activities, in any season, and it adapts well to all needs of use. We tried it in spring, autumn and winter, during a few days of hiking, as a base layer for ski mountaineer ing trips and, despite the very different weath er conditions, it proved to be equally reliable in different situations. Thanks to the light and comfortable fabric, it is a garment with good technicality and breathability. The precious mix of materials, which combines the highest seamless technology with the unique quality of refined Merino wool, is ideal to follow you in every movement and it guarantees great performances. The warmth also surprised us positively, offering perfect insulation when we increased the pace. The snug fit allows you to wear it even under several other layers, but even when put it on alone it ensures excellent thermal properties, keeping the body always warm and well protected from wind and cold. A multifunctional garment, to be added imme diately to your outdoor wardrobe.
We Like The minimal and functional design, the excellent warmth, the precious mix of the fabrics with Merino wool Use Hiking, Trail Running
Clothing Patagonia

Upstride Jacket
Jacket for lovers of the “fast & light” style in 100% recycled breathable and stretch fabric, reinforced with DWR treatment, Fair Trade Certified seams and Recco reflector. Lightweight and breathable uphill, insulating and agile downhill.
Use Ski Touring Fabric 100% recycled polyester Gr 403 € 290,00
Dual Aspect Jacket
Hardshell with very high technical qualities characterized by lower environmental im pact. Born to withstand the coldest tem peratures and severe weather, with H2No Performance Standard 3-layer ripstop out er fabric in 100% recycled nylon.

Use Mountaineering Fabric H2No Performance Standard Gr 456 € 480,00

Granite Crest Jacket
Waterproof and compressible, but above all sustainable! A jacket made of 100% nylon ripstop NetPlus fabric made from discard ed fishing nets and post-consumer mate rial. Excellent against rain and humidity but breathable at the same time.
Use Hiking Fabric NetPlus Gr 400 € 280,00
Upstride Pants
Technical pants for rapid ascents that allow complete freedom of movement thanks to the embossed fabric that glides easily over the baselayer and intermediate lay ers. Complete with protective gaiters at the ends adjustable with snap and zip.
Use Ski Touring Fabric 100% Recycled polyester with embossed polyester back Gr 445 € 250,00
Dual Aspect Bibs
Completely PFC-free, it is a hard shell bib for activities in the worst weather condi tions. Total protection is guaranteed without sacrificing freedom of movement and ideal internal temperature.
Point Peak Trail Pants

Durable, close-fitting pants with a preshaped structure made of 90% recycled nylon. Adjustable waist and bottom leg and reinforced crotch for freedom of movement. Adventures and rugged trails are their ideal setting.

Use Mountaineering Fabric H2No Performance Standard Gr 312 € 400,00
Use Hiking Fabric 90% Recycled nylon, 10% Elastan Gr 442 € 150,00
Patagonia Powder Town Jacket

Designed to last over time
You write Patagonia, but you read style and respect for the planet. As always for the gar ments of the brand, the jacket is very comfort able, so be careful with the sizes. The 2-layer fabric is completely recycled and totally PFCfree. Super resistant, versatile and perform ing, we put it to the test in bad weather and it showed excellent waterproof, breathable and windproof protective, thanks to the H2No Performance Standard 2-layer outer shell in 100% post-consumer recycled polyester. The helmet-compatible hood can be intuitive ly adjusted in two directions, and is equipped with a comfortable visor that offers good vis ibility even in bad conditions. The high collar protects the chin well, and the attention to detail is immediately noticeable when wear ing it: the seams are Fair Trade Certified, the preformed structure accompanies the move ments, while a smooth lining makes it com fortable and pleasant to put on. The openings under the sleeve, with zip, ensure a rapid re lease of excess heat, while the sleeves with preformed structure guarantee greater free dom of movement. The functional snow skirt, low profile and with a wrap-around loop, can be attached to all the pants of the Patagonia Snow line. There are also numerous zip pock ets: two for the forearm, one on the chest, one on the forearm, one inside for storing glasses or gloves.
We Like Ethical and responsible production, a garment with Fair Trade Certified seams. The integrated Recco reflector
Use All Mountain
Inner fabric H2No Performance Standard outer fabric: 2 layers of 100% 75 denier polyester recycled from post-consumer material, PFC-free with DWR treatment Lining Taffeta lining made of 100% recycled polyester, HeiQ Eco Dry PFC-free DWR treatment Gr 700 € 350,00
DAS Light Hoody
Able to guarantee maximum warmth and comfort in a small size thanks to the Pluma Fill synthetic padding: ultralight and water repellent. Thanks to these highly technical features, it is an excellent product for moun taineering.
Use All Mountain Fabric Ripstop in 100% recycled nylon Gr 320 € 350,00
Clothing Patagonia

DAS Light Pants
Pants with full-length side zips for a quick and easy fit. They are compressible, ultra light and unisex, the perfect allies in mo ments of sudden bad weather in the high mountains. Warm and insulating PlumaFill padding.
Use Mountaineering Fabric Ripstop in 100% recycled nylon Gr 312 € 300,00

Hardshell jacket that performs at its best in high intensity activities in uncertain weather conditions. Great for backcountry activities, it’s made from 100% stretch and lightweight 3-layer nylon (54% recycled) with H2No Performance Standard protection.
Use Ski Touring Fabric H2No Performance Standard Gr 490 € 500,00
Stormstride Jacket Stormstride Pants
Designed and developed to guarantee mountaineers maximum freedom of move ment both uphill and downhill, these hard shell pants are the most active and acces sorized model in the range. Equipped with openings on the thighs and reinforced bot tom-leg.
Use Ski Touring Fabric H2No Performance Standard Gr 476 € 420,00
SnowDrifter Jacket
It is aimed at all fans of powder adventures and it is developed with H2No Performance Standard stretch outer fabric in 70% recy cled material. It is characterized by a very high protection from atmospheric agents.
Use Freeride Fabric H2No Performance Standard Gr 510 € 420,00
SnowDrifter Bibs
An incredibly light outer layer that can pro tect you from cold, wind and snow with out slowing down your climbs. Excellent breathability thanks to lateral ventilation and detachable shoulder straps from the front to facilitate wearability.
Use Freeride Fabric H2No Performance Standard Gr 584 € 380,00
Patagonia Down Sweater Hoody
A down sweater hoodie that is perfect for practically any outdoor activities

Simplicity, when it rhymes with concreteness, is always the best solution. Among the most interesting features, it is certainly a surprise that it is sold in the shop together with a repair kit ready for use. Super warm, sturdy and very comfortable, this down hoodie is destined to become your partner in crime. The outer fab ric is recycled from material obtained from discarded fishing nets, with a PFC-free DWR treatment, and it helps reduce marine plastic pollution. The appearance is clean and sober, and has several practical pockets: two with invisible zips, one inside on the chest with zip, which can be used as a bag in which to fold the jacket, and classic internal pockets. The fit immediately adapts well to the shape of the body, which is wrapped in a pleasant way. The padding is 100% Responsible Down Standard 800-fill-power down certified by Control Union, if anyone still had doubts about the brand’s commitment to protecting the en vironment, in addition it is specially designed to guarantee even more warmth. The hood is intuitively adjustable in a single movement, while the center-front zip reaches under the nose. Resistant, lightweight and performing, it is an iconic garment grown on bread and out doors. You simply won’t be able to do without it anymore.
We Like The captivating colorways proposed, such as turquoise combined with blue and burgundy
Use Mountaineering
Fabric & Lining 41g/m² NetPlus ripstop in 100% 20D recycled nylon
Padding 100% Responsible Down Standard 800-fill-power Gr 343 € 320,00
Elias Elhardt 3L Xpore JKT
Designed side by side with Elias Elhardt, this hardshell jacket combines eco design and high technical performance. Lightweight, waterproof and extreme breathable in all weather conditions thanks to the recyclable Xpore membrane.
Use Free Touring Fabric 56% Recycled polyester, 44% Bio-sourced polyester Gr 800 € 475,00
Welcome 3L JKT
This jacket is made of plant-based polyester and features a 20K/20K Dryplay membrane for high breathability. It also offers maximum protection from snow and wind while main taining an optimal internal temperature with comfortable air intakes.
Use Free Touring Fabric 56% Recycled polyester, 44% Bio-sourced polyester Gr 880 € 420,00
Allea 3L Xpore JKT
When we talk about Xpore 25K/20K mem brane, we can only refer to a hardshell jacket of the highest level for intense ad ventures in any weather condition. Unparal leled breathability and waterproofness and three-layer stretch fabric.

Use Free Touring, Freeride Fabric 56% Recycled polyester, 44% Plant-based polyester Gr 760 € 490,00
Elias Elhardt 3L Xpore Bib Pants

Bib pants in three-layer stretch fabric that offers breathability and total protection without sacrificing lightweight. Its materi als, features and technologies are selected together with Elias Elhardt to realize a high end product with technical properties.
Use Free Touring Fabric 56% Recycled polyester, 44% Plant-based polyester Gr 1140 € 365,00
Welcome 3L Bib Pants
Hardshell bib pants that have excellent breathability and lightweight without sacri ficing absolute waterproofing and protec tion. The adjustable shoulder straps and the stretch lycra give extra comfort and free dom of movement.
Use Free Touring Fabric 56% Recycled polyester, 44% Bio-sourced polyester Gr 720 € 330,00
Allea 3L Xpore Bib Pants

Bib pants that guarantee maximum freedom of movement and are easy to wear thanks to the long side zips. Made of durable and elas tic fabric, Xpore 25K/20K membrane with durable water repellent treatment without PFC, adjustable hood and gaiters.
Use Free Touring Fabric 56% Recycled polyester, 44% Plant-based polyester Gr 640 € 350,00
Picture Lassen 3L Xpore Jkt
Picture’s most advanced freeriding shell
With this 3-layer, waterproof, windproof and breathable shell, developed for ski touring and freeriding, Picture takes eco-conscious manufacturing to the next level. In the field test the ergonomic cut demonstrates a high comfort of movement, which has followed us in an excellent way in every evolution. Impos sible not to notice the hood that fits well over the helmet that has never obstructed our view and which it can be adjusted immediately. The waterproof and breathable Xpore 25K/20K membrane reinforced with a durable water repellent treatment without PFC protected us from rain and snow, while the openings under the arms allow air to circulate. Two details in particular caught our attention: the practical cuffs, which can be adjusted in a snap thanks to the velcro, and that are equipped with clev er soft stretch lycra gaiters with thumb holes, and the removable stretch snow skirt inside which allows you to better adjust the fit. When the goggles fogged up, we appreciated the built-in tissue to clean it. There are numerous pockets with waterproof zippers: four on the front, another for the ski pass, and two inside, one with a zip and the other in mesh. The de sign is refined and well studied, the look is de cidedly captivating. The zips are YKK water proof and the seams are fully taped.

We Like One of the most ethical jackets we’ve tried, with 56% recycled polyester and 44% organic polyester
Use Freeride, Snowboard
Fabric 56% recycled polyester, 44% bio-sourced polyester
Filling Xpore 25K/20K membrane Gr 820 € 490,00
Mythic Alpine Down Jacket

Ultralight, warm, compressible and made from recycled material. Designed to reach snowy peaks in the bitter cold, this super light down jacket allows you to move freely while protect ing you from the harshest climates. 900FP European goose down padding with Nikwax PFC-free water repellent treatment.
Use All Mountain Fabric Pertex Quantum Recycled ripstop with DWR PFC-free treatment Gr 313 € 350,00

Clothing Rab
Sport Alliance International Via Enrico Fermi 14 Bolzano BZ Italy info@sportalliance.it www.rab.equipment/eu/ IG @rab.equipment
It will accompany you everywhere. With its active fit designed to adapt perfectly to fem inine lines and the use of 100% down and recycled fabric is an ideal down jacket in a thousand situations. 700FP goose down padding with Nikwax PFC-free water repel lent treatment.
Use All Mountain, Adventure & Backpacking Fabric Pertex Quantum Recycled ripstop with DWR PFC-free treatment Gr 413 € 240,00
Made with a Thermic G (178gsm) conctruc tion which alternates breathable areas with thermal points, it is ideal for outdoor activities. 100% completely recycled mate rial, available in numerous colorways. It is a versatile garment that cannot be missing in your wardrobe.

Use All Mountain, Adventure & Backpacking Fabric Thermic stretch Gr 320 € 90,00
Nexus Jacket Ascendor Hoody
Made with a Thermic G stretch construction (235gsm) that offers exceptional freedom of movement. Thanks to the body mapping that alternates thermal and breathable zones, it allows the body to thermoregulate and it transmits a high feeling of comfort. Mid layer ideal for climbing.

Use All Mountain, Adventure & Backpacking Fabric 92% Recycled polyester, 8% Elastane Gr 266 € 120,00
Torque Pant
Stretch technical pant with a slim fit, ideal for milder days. It features details such as reinforcements on the knees and bottom of the leg, air intakes and numerous pockets. Versatile and performing for many activities, from climbing to hiking.
Use Climbing, Hiking Fabric Matrix 4 ways stretch with DWR PFC-free treatment Gr 385 € 120,00
Torque Mountain Pant
This is a pant with excellent technical qual ities, perfect in mild weather days. It offers lightness, breathability and resistance thanks to a DWR treatment that protects against the elements and a fabric that better manages sweat.
Use Climbing, Hiking Fabric Matrix 4 ways stretch with DWR PFC-free treatment Gr 350 € 130,00

Trekking jacket with Bio-Based Fiber Sus tants, a soft padding of organic origin. Einarr is made of two elasticized lamina fabric and it is totally thermonastrated, a feature that guarantees protection from wind, water and snow.
Use Hiking, All Mountain Fabric elasticized lamina fabric Gr 595 € 325
Einarr Kora
Ultra soft fleece, with wind resistant quilt ed nylon with organic Bio Sustans, a fabric capable of providing warmness and perspi ration. Excellent to combine with Redelk’s shells in case of snow or strong wind.
Use Hiking, All Mountain Fabric Padded Nylon & Polyester fleece Gr 395 € 170

Pants for snowshoes and ski mountaineer ing, capable of protecting from wind and water thanks to the breathable and elasti cized laminated fabric. Critical points, inner part of the leg and knees are reinforced in similar Kevlar.

Use Hiking, All Mountain Fabric Nylon 4 Way Stretch Gr 590 € 200
Vertex Hanni
Totally Made in Italy, it is a hybrid mixed wool jacket designed for winter walks in the mountains and in the city. Characterized by shoulders and hood in wind resistant laminated fabric and by chest and back in a warm fabric.
Use Hiking Fabric Mixed wool Gr 540 € 170

Characterized by a 3-seasons fabric in 4-way stretch nylon, with DWR treatment and reinforcements in similar Kevlar on the bottom of the leg, it is ideal for trekking in half seasons. The bottom of the leg is adjustable with a cam-lock zip.
Use Hiking, All Mountain Fabric Nylon 4 Way Stretch Gr 525 € 155

Genius Ruth 2
It supports hikers who do get stopped by the cold, it is resistant outside and soft in side. Very versatile and with a comfortable fit, it follows every movement thanks to the 4-way stretch fabric. Also useful in daily life and free time.
Use Hiking, All Mountain Fabric Heavy Polyester 4 Way Stretch Gr 375 € 125
Redelk Nadir Pants

Do you want to raise the bar? You’ve just met your match
An excellent solution for when your plans are not for everyone. We tried them during a speed hiking tour in winter (but they are also suitable for multi-day treks and other high performance activities) and they convinced us. Resistant and adhering, they respond ed positively on technical passages, when having wide freedom of movement available was not something to underestimate. Ver satile and performing, they are designed specifically to live up to expectations and to not disappoint. As soon as you put them on, you immediately perceive a nice sensation in contact with the skin, also thanks to the fleece effect in the inner part which keeps the body warm. The fit is comfortable, an optimal feature when you want to increase the pace. Finally, its fabric is ultra elasticized. We also had the opportunity to check the anti-drop property, which it repaired us during an after noon of bad weather. The breathable pow er-stretch is a guarantee of reliability, while lateral openings have ensured good venti lation by promoting the leakage of humidity. The strategic positioning of the fabrics with a bodymapping structure protected the most exposed parts of the body. We also had the opportunity to appreciate the robustness of the leg, strengthened in similar Kevlar and equipped with a large bellows, adjustable with zip and designed to wrap every type of boot. When the temperatures are particularly rigid we recommend combining them with a pair of tights. We Like The well enveloping fit, resistance and reliability during technical passages
One of the versions of the Koze model, which in this case is dressed in turquoise. Exterior in water repellent leather, interior in Merino wool: the main protagonist for a ski in the mountains or a winter walk in the city.
Reppucci Lab

Use All Mountain Fabric Merino wool, water repellant leather Gr NA € 230,00
Warm glove in water repellent leather and padded with Merino wool, it is embroidered with Navajo-inspired motifs in order to have a unique look on and off the slopes. It is de signed for the most practical people who have a thousand things “on their hands”.

Use All Mountain Fabric Merino wool, water repellant leather Gr NA € 230,00
As always in Reppucci, the design and the particular choice of colors are embellished with a unique embroidery on the back for each type of glove. Warm, soft and water re pellent, a unique “basic not so basic” piece for mountain activities.
Use All Mountain Fabric Merino wool, water repellant leather Gr NA € 230,00
Designed for lovers of post-ski walks with a style that could be seen in the streets of As pen, giving the opportunity to be original in any situation. The inner lining is 100% cash mere with a suede exterior.
Use All Mountain Fabric Cachemire, suede Temperatura NA Gr NA € 190,00
This version of Koze will adapt well to any technical mountain garment. The internal in Merino wool is warm and acts as a natural thermal insulator, without neglecting tran spiration. The water repellent leather exte rior blocks the entry of water.
Use All Mountain Fabric Merino wool, water repellant leather Gr NA € 230,00
Koze - Black Koze - Black
Another version of Koze, versatile both for mountain and city activities in the coldest climates. The interior in Merino wool offers thermal capacity but at the same time high breathability, while the exterior in leather is water repellent.
Use All Mountain Fabric Cachemire, suede Gr NA € 230,00


Ortles 3L GTX Pro Stretch Jacket
Mountaineering shell made with a targeted use of the new 3-layer Gore-Tex Pro Stretch fabric that supports movements without ever limiting mobility. It offers a high level of wear resistance and weather protection.
Sella Durastretch Vest
Ski touring hooded vest made of Duras tretch, Salewa’s windproof and four-way stretch, abrasion resistant softshell fabric with a PFC-free DWR water repellent finish. It is a Salewa Committed product.
Sella Durastretch Jacket
Ideal for ski touring, it is made with two dif ferent types of Durastretch: Salewa soft shell fabric, windproof and resistant to abrasion, stretched in four directions with a water repellent DWR finish without PFC. It is a Salewa Committed product.
Use Mountaineering Fabric Gore-Tex Pro Stretch, Gore-Tex Most Rugged Gr 530 € 650,00
Use Ski Touring Fabric Durastretch Bamboo PFC-Free Gr 260 € 130,00
Use Ski Touring Fabric Durastretch Denim PFC-Free , Durastretch Bamboo PFC-Free Gr 470 € 180,00
Mountaineering hardshell pants made with the new 3-layer Gore-Tex Pro Stretch fabric. They follow your movements without ever limiting mobility, offering a high level of wear resistance and weather protection.

Touring ski pants made of Durastretch, a Salewa softshell fabric. Durastretch is fourway stretch lightweight, windproof and abrasion resistant fabric with a water re pellent DWR PFC-free finish. It is a Salewa Committed product.
Pants made with two different types of Du rastretch, Salewa’s windproof and abrasion resistant softshell fabric. It is a four-way stretch fabric, with a PFC-free DWR water repellent finish. It is a Salewa Committed product.
Use Mountaineering Fabric Gore-Tex Pro Stretch, Gore-Tex Most Rugged Gr 750 € 550,00

Use Ski Touring Fabric Durastretch Bamboo PFC-Free Gr 310 € 160,00
Use Ski Touring Fabric Durastretch Bamboo PFC-Free Gr 570 € 180,00
Salewa Ortles 3L Powertex Jacket
Waterproof, windproof and breathable 3-layer shell, ideal for mountaineering and ski touring
One of the great news of the new Salewa Or tles collection, based on the concept of “as much as is needed” (few but fundamental in gredients). A philosophy that focuses on the search for efficiency, essentiality and purity of design. That’s the synthesis is this extremely reliable shell, made with exclusive Powertex fabric in a 3-layer laminated structure. There are two technical details that attracted our at tention: the retractable openings on the sides of the collar (which allow the helmet strap to pass inside, so that it can be fastened on the chin when using it under the hood) and the innovative double-slider Direct Access zip that gives access to the internal pocket, to the underlying layers and to any Artva device. In the field test the ergonomic cut demonstrates a high comfort of movement, while in the pas sages on rock the specific construction of the underarm guarantees ample freedom in the climbing phases. To provide additional venti lation, there are rear zippers on the top of the sleeve that can be opened and closed with one hand. Practical and easily accessible, they give the right amount of ventilation. All these features make this product suitable for a purely technical use. An extremely resistant jacket that will be destined to last for a long time, thanks also to a simple and clean look. We Like Salewa Committed product,

The special three-layer Dermizax EV membrane is 60% bio-based recycled, developed exclusively with Toray in Ja pan using sebacic acid generated from castor beans. Dermizax EV is able to of fer optimal waterproofing (20.000mm of water column), breathability (20.000g/ m²/24 hours) and resistance to conden sation. It features fully taped seams and YKK Aquaguard zippers that further pro tect against the entry of water.
Shangri-la outdoor Bergamo, Italy www.shangrilaoutdoor.it IG @shangrilaoutdoor

Redorta 3L Hardshell Jacket
Hardshell jacket completely Made in Italy and tested in the Alps of northern Italy, it is an excellent travel companion for activ ities in extreme environmental conditions such as mountaineering, hiking, skiing of all kinds, ice climbing and much more. The timeless style, given by the construction and design, is combined with the high performance offered by the materials and technologies used.
Among other features, it has asymmet rical cuffs with velcro adjustment, a con venient internal chest pocket, key pocket and chest pockets with YKK zippers. The hem and storm hood for the climbing helmet can be quickly adjusted with one hand. It is easily packable, a feature that allows you to conveniently store it in your backpack. Finally, it is available in three colorways: yellow, ice and forest.

Use All Mountain Fabric 3-layer biobased nylon Gr 440 € 750,00

Shangri-La Redorta Forest 3L Hardshell Jacket
A 3-layer shell designed for various out door activities in extreme environmental conditions, proudly Made in Italy
This jacket is designed and tested in the Alps by Shangri-la Outdoor, a family business that creates high performance shells for moun tain expeditions, made sustainably and with the highest quality. “Redorta” is entirely made with the special Dermizax EV Bio technology, developed exclusively in collaboration with Toray in Japan. The 100% bio-based 3-lay er recycled nylon membrane is waterproof, breathable and resistant to condensation: in the field test it demonstrates an excellent level of protection from wind and cold, and it is functional in practically all winter outdoor ac tivities, from ice waterfalls to ski touring. The hood fit snugly over our helmet and we could adjust it with just one hand. The ergonomic asymmetrical cut, with the longer back, and the specific construction of the sleeves, have always offered us a high comfort of move ment, guaranteeing ample freedom in the var ious phases of ice climbing, avoiding wind and cold to enter. It features YKK zippers and fully taped seams. We also appreciated the many useful pockets, on the chest and inside, but above all the look that is attractive and clean. The cuffs are easily adjusted thanks to the velcro, and the hem can be customized using just one hand.

We Like Easily foldable on itself, it takes up little space in the backpack
Use All Mountain
Fabric 100% 3-layer bio-based recycled nylon
Outer fabric Dermizax EV 50d x 50d Gr 440 € 750,00
Summit Verbier Futurelight Jacket

Freeride style and big mountain perfor mance, it is a three-layer shell with heatsealed seams that includes breathable and waterproof Futurelight technology. Elbows are reinforced with abrasion resistant Spec tra ripstop which increases durability.
Use Free Touring Fabric 3-layer Futurelight Gr 1620 € 650,00
Summit Breithorn Hooded Down Jacket
Ideal balance between warmth and light ness, thanks to the 800 ProDown down filling. Its compactness, the fixed hood com patible with the helmet and the high mobility raglan sleeves complete the wide versatility of use of this garment.
Use Mountaineering Fabric Recycled ripstop nylon Gr NA € 380,00
Summit Tsirku Futurelight Jacket
Designed for big mountain enthusiasts thanks to its thermoregulation, waterproof ing, breathability and abrasion resistance capabilities given by Spectra ripstop yarns and Futurelight fabric. The hood is helmet compatible.
Use Free Touring Fabric 3-layer Futurelight Gr NA € 750,00
Summit Verbier Futurelight Bib trousers
Made of waterproof and breathable three-layer Futurelight with heat-sealed seams, it has shoulder straps with spring locking cam to always get a comfortable fit. The hybrid suspension allows the drop-seat without removing the suspenders.
Use Free Touring Fabric 3-layer Futurelight Gr 857 € 550,00

Summit Pumori Futurelight Bib trousers

It features a three-layer waterproof and breathable Futurelight shell and a Spectra ripstop fabric that ensure greater resis tance. The articulated design and elastic waistband guarantee a comfortable fit and increased mobility.
Use Mountaineering Fabric 3-layer Futurelight Gr NA € 650,00
Summit Stimson Futurelight Trousers
Thanks to the waterproof and breathable Futurelight technology and the hyper ar ticulated fit, it is ideal for the backcountry. It features zippered pockets, removable shoulder straps and a stretch panel on the back of the waistband.
Use Free Touring Fabric 3-layer Futurelight Gr 603 € 400,00
The North Face Dawn Turn 2.5 Cordura Shell Jacket

2.5-layer shell jacket equipped with DryVent technology, for those who love descents as much as climbs
The Dawn Turn collection is designed to offer maximum performance and fun on long days of ski touring in the mountains. This 2.5-layer shell is equipped with DryVent technology, with heat-sealed seams, and is designed to be waterproof, windproof and breathable, and in fact it has protected us properly from wind and rain, reducing the risk of getting cold and keeping us dry. Uphill, the lightweight fab ric allowed us to regulate the body tempera ture. The hood adjusts quickly with one hand, it is compatible with the helmet and does not block the view. The chin strap and back collar are made of brushed fabric, offering comfort at all times. During a night ski tour, the reflec tive details placed on the arms allowed us to be seen even in the dark. The fit is standard in the sense that it is the exact size in order to ensure a comfortable and right fit. The inte grated cordura fabric is strong and resistant, but at the same time it allows a great deal of freedom of movement even downhill. A tech nical and reliable garment, recommended for skiing and snowboarding, but suitable for almost all winter outdoor activities. The look is decidedly intriguing, and the color block makes it an easily wearable garment even in more urban contexts.
We Like The oversized front pockets and the color block aesthetic
Use Mountaineering, Free Touring
Fabric 100% Nylon with C6 durable water repellent (DWR) finish/cordura, 2,5L DryVent Lining DryVent 2,5 Strati Gr NA € 360,00
Versatile 3-layer fabric jacket, padded with synthetic wadding and equipped with Mem brain 115 that ensures maximum protection from water and wind with a 20,000 water column and breathability. Complete free dom of movement guaranteed Ergomotion. The matching pants can be purchased.

Use All Mountain Fabric 3-layer stretch with MEMBRAIN115 Gr 867 € Giacca 399, 00 Pant.339,00
Hardshell jacket for all your adventures, equipped with snow gaiters both in the jack et and in the pants, side vents and insulating inserts that ensure excellent technical per formance in different situations. The match ing pants can be purchased.
Use All Mountain Fabric triplo strato 100% riciclato, MEMBRAIN 115 Gr 480 € Giacca 429, 00 Pant.299,00 Bib 379,00
Technical softshell pants with with Buffer cone insulation technology and Mem brain155 reinforcement in the parts most ex posed to the wind for maximum protection. The fit is snug and adapts to movements ensuring an excellent fit thanks to 3D mesh inserts.
Use Light Touring, Hiking Fabric Buffercone in the internal surface in contact with the skin Gr 275 € 149,00
From the meeting of Merino wool and Uyn technologies, the ideal base layer is born for all types of activities in medium to low temperatures. Excellent ventilation thanks to the 3D Flowtunnels system of holes and channels in the areas of greatest sweating.

Use Ski Touring, All Mountain Fabric Merino wool, Natex Gr 154 € 129,00
Soft and warm… What else? The technical ity that characterizes Uyn is integrated with the natural qualities of Merino wool. The heat is maintained thanks to the Heatmem ory technology even when you stop, while the Coolvent system absorbs sweat.
Use All Mountain Fabric Merino wool, Natex Gr 154 € 139,00
The first model of the range without cuff, thanks to the Zerocuff technology the sock remains in the correct position without dis turbing the blood circulation. Efficient ther moregulation guaranteed by Merino wool combined with Natex bio-fiber.
Use All Mountain Fabric Merino wool, Natex Gr 90 € 34,90
Uyn Man Cross Country Skiing Spectre Winter Ow Shirt Long Sl.
Long-sleeved technical shirt with zip, developed for cross-country skiing
Uyn’s Specter jersey features the exclusive Isodot technology which offered us an op timal level of warmth and breathability at all times. This is because the micro pads inte grated into the internal surface promote air circulation and create an insulating layer be tween the skin and the fabric, while the fibers transport sweat to the outside, generating a perfect body microclimate. When we have intensified the pace of the activity, the mois ture produced by the body escaped through the micro-perforated rear fabric, which im proved ventilation and prevented cooling. Specter is also distinguished by the Hyper motion construction of the shoulders and sleeves, formed by a single seamless fabric. This exclusive Uyn technology ensures full freedom of movement for the arms, a neces sary element for high performance perfor mances, and promotes greater support for muscles and body posture. The total absence of seams does not limit the high elasticity of the fabric, but avoids irritation. On the exter nal surface, the effect is a “granular” texture, and its colors create an unmistakable style. The high collar is designed according to the anatomy of the body and it protects well from the cold and wind. The elasticated hem with silicone grip that prevents the jersey from ris ing even during shooting is very popular. All these features make this highly technical gar ment the perfect synthesis for cross-country skiing.

Developed for ski touring even at high in tensity thanks to its excellent breathable, water repellent and windproof properties. The elastic material of which it is composed is mainly recycled and elasticized for maxi mum freedom of movement.
Use Ski Touring Fabric 89% Polyester (48% recycled), 11% Elastane Gr 531 € 252,00

A softshell pant that accompanies you in all sports ski mountaineering sessions, thanks to its windproof, water repellent and breath able capabilities. The athletic cut naturally follows every movement, maximizing fit and comfort.

Use Light Touring Fabric 93% recycled polyamide, 7% Elastane Gr 410 € 158,00

Ideal for ski touring on alpine terrain, with pockets compatible with harness and climbing backpack. It is comfortable and warm both on its own and as an intermedi ate layer, always keeping it dry. Equipped with practical thumb loops.
Use Light Touring Fabric 97% Polyester (67% recycled), 3% Elastane Gr 404 € 105,00
Characterized by exceptional ventilation, waterproofing and breathability, thanks to the partially recycled fabric which is blue sign certified, and to the zippers in the front and back of the sleeves. Ideal for ski moun taineers.
Use All Mountain Fabric Recycled polyamide Gr 469 € 400,00
Hardshell pants designed to better face alpine terrains, with waterproof, windproof and breathable properties. Equipped with a large leg pocket with waterproof zipper and two front pockets also accessible with harness.
Use All Mountain Fabric Recycled polyamide Gr 470 € 350,00
Warm, quick-drying, odor-resistant pullover well suited to any mountain sports. Made of 77% Merino wool, capable of regulating the internal temperature and absorbing excess moisture.
Use All Mountain Fabric 77% Merino wool, 23% Gr 200 € 116,00

Vaude Monviso Alpine Down Jkt
High performance jacket that respects the environment
This very warm down jacket has been spe cifically designed for mountain pioneers like us, but also for mountaineers and ski moun taineers who are looking for a product that is both effective and sustainable. The outer lin ing is windproof and water repellent, while the inner lining is made of completely bio-based polyamide produced with castor oil. The insu lation of the jacket is guaranteed by a 95/10 goose down padding, RDS certified and of the highest quality. What we appreciated the most, testing the new Monviso, is the warmthto-weight ratio: protecting yourself from low temperatures is a more crucial aspect than ever for all outdoor activities but, at the same time, it is important that what protects us from the cold is light and easy to handle. In fact, the jacket has been designed to be folded in ex tremely tight spaces and all pockets are easily accessible, even when wearing a backpack, as was our case, or a harness. Thanks to a double-slider zip, the down jacket is perfect even if you intend to plan a glacier hike. The plus of this jacket, then, is that all the materials are bluesign certified, which is well highlight ed by the Vaude Green label, which also tells something to who wears that product. You can have it in green with yellow zips or blue with orange zips.

We Like As mountain lovers as we are, we can’t help but love the fact that the great performance of this jacket is made from sustainable materials
Use Mountaineering, Free Touring
Fabric Windproof lining
Lining Bio-based polyamide
Padding 95/10 goose doen
Gr 510 € 399,00
Color Block Long Sleeve
Long-sleeved technical shirt made of soft Gotex fabric that provides a silky feel on the skin. Ideal for all sports activities, it has so phisticated color combinations that make it versatile even in the city.
Badlands Half-Tights
Fitted half-thigh shorts, ideal for training in autumn and winter. It boasts two side cargo pockets and a back YKK zippered pock et. High-waisted grey-black or blue-black camo graphics.

Liberty Bermuda
Multi sport shorts, great for trekking, hiking, gravel and trail running. It has three front pockets, one with a YKK zipper and three rear pockets, one of which is hidden for the phone. This colorway is inspired by lichens, but is also available in black.
Use Trail Running Fabric 100% PES Gr 115 € 49,00
Use Trail Running Fabric 78% Recycled polyester, 22% Elastane Gr 160 € 49,00
Use Hiking Fabric 90% Polyester, 10% Elastane Gr 165 € 75,00
Color Block Long Sleeve
Long-sleeved technical shirt in bright and lively colors, with The Wild Side print on the left sleeve. Made of Gotex fabric that feels soft on the skin and naturally follows your movements. Ideal for mountain running and hiking.

Use Trail Running Fabric 100% PES Gr 125 € 49,00
Badlands Half-Tights

Shorts to train even in the coldest climates, made of fabric with recycled yarns. The fit is adjustable thanks to the drawstring, it also features a back pocket with YKK zipper and two side cargo pockets. Grey-black or blueblack camo graphics.
Use Trail Running Fabric 78% Recycled polyester, 22% Elastane Gr 160 € 49,00

Mc Kinley Gloves
Lightweight unisex gloves with internal pad ding. The index and thumb fingers integrate the inserts that work with the touch-screen, to be able to comfortably control the GPS without having to remove them. It has anoth er color, always inspired by nature.
Use Trail Running, Hiking Fabric 100% PES Gr 40 € 30,00

The right backpack at the right time
Unlike some items of clothing where versatility is an important element, the more targeted the backpack is based on the activity we intend to perform, the better. For freeriding, for example, sturdiness and reliability will be features to be taken into gre ater consideration, while for ski tou ring the reduced weight is a funda mental factor. For both activities it is good to prefer a backpack prepared with a special compartment for sto ring ARTVA, shovel and probe. Being equipped with an airbag backpack, although it involves a higher cost, means increasing the possibility of been rescued if you are hit by an ava lanche thanks to the expansion of the volume that allows you to float on the surface. For backcountry snow boarding, if we do not use the split, a zipper on the back will be useful in order to access to the contents of the backpack without having to remove and put the board on every time.
Tech features
During short fast & light trips, when you only carry the essentials, every gram makes a difference in perfor mance, and it is therefore preferable that the weight of the backpack is kept to a minimum. Features and details could prove essential, parti cularly in extreme situations, such as low seams, sealed zippers and
hidden details that increase dura bility and functionality. Pockets and compartments for crampons and rope holders, and a removable hood, are other great examples, as well as a well-ventilated back, even during ex treme performance. The waist strap and the one on the chest are excel lent allies for not overloading the shoulders and guaranteeing support in fully loaded climbs and the neces sary freedom of movement.
Freedom of movement and fun ctionality
A back in thermoformed material often guarantees a better fit, adhe ring well to the back. The shoulder straps and the waist belt can become painful when they are not designed for the activity we intend to practice, as well as being valid allies if realized with a combination of pre-formed padding and ventilation channels. Functionality means practicality and saving precious time: it is good that a backpack is equipped with pockets, straps, buttonholes and straps useful for the various accessories, and whi ch make it easier to access and tran sport mountaineering equipment, such as crampons, rope, shovel, probe, skis, ice ax. A backpack beco mes a reliable companion when it is waterproof and can accompany you even during bad weather conditions, keeping its contents dry. A comfor table feeling is a factor that, especial
ly after many hours of walking, is very appreciable.
When beauty means safety
In addition to the aesthetic aspect, it is important to analyze the techni cal functionality: your equipment in the mountains has the fundamental task of protecting you and keeping you safe. Choosing a well-fitting backpack will allow you to feel at ease even in the most demanding situations. A clean design means no “frills” or laces that would risk getting caught in the tightest passages and movements. The whistle integrated into the shoulder strap is another sa fety factor that should not be undere stimated.
Sustainability and materials
A conscious choice, which respects the environment, starts with choo sing a responsible brand. If it is true that the wallet is the strongest tool that the consumer has, inquiring be fore making a purchase is a first step towards a lifestyle that is more atten tive to the planet. It is important to check the labels of the models, from which we can have a lot of valuable information: several outdoor compa nies are committed to guaranteeing a low environmental impact and each one of us can do his part to achieve a change in mentality. Sometimes it is worth paying a little more, especially when quality is rewarded.

Backpacks Cotopaxi

Artcrafts International Via F.

www.paragonshop.it | www.cotopaxi.com IG @cotopaxi_italia | @paragonshop
Allpa28L Travel Pack Del Dia
The fast & light travel model of the brand in Del Dia version: a collection developed with waste materials and fabrics and therefore composed each in a different way with its own unique and personal style. The scraps are recovered from large productions of other companies leaving fabrics, otherwise destined for landfill, in the hands of adventurers who will fully exploit their qualities. It features two compartments with pockets and zip to hold everything in an orderly way.
Use Adventure & Backpacking
Fabric Recycled TPU-coated 1000D polyester
Back NA Volume 28L Size 49x28x23cm Gr 1190 € 175,00
Tarak 20L Del Dia
Del Dia version of the model for high alti tude activities, from climbing to ski moun taineering. It has a structure designed to best contain mountaineering equipment, with the innovative ice ax attachment system that eliminates excess rings and clamps. Performance is optimized by ac cessories such as the removable belt, the compartment for the hydration system, and fastening and transport systems for different types of equipment. All made from recycled material, so each model is unique!
Use All Mountain
Fabric recycled 210D nylon ripstop
Back NA Volume 20L Size 50,8x30,5x17,8cm Gr 562 € 109,00
Batac 16L Del Dia
As small as it is versatile and capacious, this model was created to accompany you on the shortest adventures. The structure is not rigid but it adapts to the content whether it is part of everyday life, or something essential for outdoor activ ities. It consists of a single compartment, a front pocket for quick access to phone, camera or snacks and two side pockets for water bottles. This model is part of the Del Dia collection, entirely made in waste materials and therefore unique.
Use Adventure & Backpacking, Hiking
Fabric recycled 75D-210D nylon
Back NA Volume 16L Size 48x28x10cm Gr 340 € 69,00
Backpacks Arva

Rescuer 32 Pro
Model designed and developed with high altitude professionals in mind who need specific features and technical perfor mance for their daily activities. Equipped with reinforcements in high-wear areas, internal pockets and belt loops that opti mize the transport of equipment. Cordu ra coating for maximum protection from snow and abrasion. Robustness and very high technical performance characterize this backpack for true pros.
Use Mountaineering Fabric 140Dx210D ripstop cordura polyamide, HR/330D ripstop polyamide
Back NA Volume 32L Size NA Gr 1180 € 144,90
Airbag Reactor Tour25

Designed for backcountry lovers looking for maximum safety with minimum bulk and weight. It is a backpack with an ava lanche airbag that does not exceed 1950 grams also thanks to the lightest and most performing double airbag system on the market. Equipped with details such as helmet holder and hooks for skis, ice axes and other mountaineering equipment. The very high technical performance is integrated in a 100% recycled and PFCfree fabric backpack.
Use Free Touring, Freeride
Fabric Recycled polyamide 330D Robic Regen
Back NA Volume 25L Size 27x51x17cm Gr 1280 € 599,00
Tour 20

Lightweight and compact, able to contain everything you need for medium-dura tion adventures based on the principles of ergonomics and lightweight. These features are possible thanks to elements such as the backrest equipped with re movable Aero-Back Technology and the external quick access pockets and on the belt that allow you to keep everything at hand. Dedicated pocket for avalanche kit and ski equipment. 100% recycled fabric.
Use Free Touring, Freeride Fabric Recycled polyamide Mipan Regen-Robic 330D, recycled polyester 200D and 300D Back NA Volume 20L Size NA Gr 630 € 99,00
Backpacks deuter

Alproof 30 SL
Each Alproof SL has a fit specifically de signed for women, with a shorter back length and a shape that follows the fem inine physiognomy. It is equipped with the Alpride E2 airbag which, with its su percapacitor technology, allows reliable and fast deployment even in the coldest climates. Multiple loops, easily accessible safety compartment and leg loop that lim its sliding in case of avalanche burial are just some of the outstanding features of this backpack. It has special ice axe and pole attachments.
Use Free Touring, Freeride
Fabric 420D PA Tomcoat
Back deuter Alpine Volume 30L Size 53x31x21cm Gr 2620 with airbag € 1300,00

Alproof Lite 22
Avalanche backpack equipped with the Alpride E2 airbag and supercapacitor technology, a combination that ensures reliable, fast and powerful deployment. It features a leg loop that prevents slipping in case of avalanche burial, a feature that guarantees even more safety. Among other features, we find the helmet bag, the loops for the equipment and the fastening straps. As in the entire Alproof and Al proof Lite line, this backpack is also TÜV certified. Two modular gear straps allow diagonal ski attachment or for strapping a snowboard onto the front.
Use Free Touring, Freeride
Fabric 330D PA 6.6
Back deuter Alpine Volume 22L Size 52x29x19cm Gr 2430 with Airbag € 1200,00
Alproof Lite 20 SL
Reliable and fast: this backpack is equipped with Alpride E2 avalanche air bag and supercapacitor technology, fea tures that allow fast and powerful deploy ment whenever needed. It has multiple loops and a safety compartment that is easily accessible even on the move. The tight fit does not tire, on the contrary it is comfortable especially with heavy loads because it allows you to stay in contact with the backpack while controlling the weights better even on technical terrain.
Use Free Touring, Freeride
Fabric 330D PA 6.6
Back deuter Alpine Volume 20L Size 50x29x19cm Gr 2400 with airbag € 1200,00

BY SILVIA GALLIANIdeuter’s Alproof and Alproof Lite series
In recent years there has been a real boom of disciplines where nature experiences and individualization play a particularly important role, with more and more people approaching and discovering new ways to experience the outdoors such as freeriding, ski touring and splitboard ing. Due to avalanche hazards, however, these sports are also associ ated with a high demand for safety equipment. Avalanche transceiver, probe and shovel should always be present off piste and, in addition to them, a lot of winter sports enthusiasts also decided to turn to an ava lanche backpack with airbag.
deuter has recognized this need and launched a new range of ava lanche backpacks with innovative technology in the fall of 2022: the Alproof Lite series (in sizes 22 liters for men and 20 liters SL for wom en) and the Alproof series (in sizes 32 liters for men and 30 liters SL for women).
Alproof Lite series , TÜV certified
Alproof Lite has been developed for freeride skiers who want a light weight, technical avalanche backpack that’s built for the rigors of backcountry skiing. The updated, fully electronic Alpride E2 avalanche airbag system, which features the latest supercapacitor technology, is one of the lightest electronic systems on the market and unaffect ed by low temperatures. In addition to fast, high pressure deployment, this proven technology has huge advantages when it comes to main tenance and transport compared to traditional cartridge-powered
airbags. A LED status display and trigger action on the outside of the bag makes it easy to assess the system and activate it. Operation is ex tremely intuitive and is easy to learn during pre-season practice ses sions. With its snug fit and deuter Alpine back system, it also provides a better carry comfort and effective airflow across the back.
Alproof series
Alproof is the ideal backpack for any ski touring fans who expect as much from their safety equipment as they do from their own perfor mances. Alproof is equipped with Alpride E2 avalanche airbag system and the very latest supercapacitor technology deploys reliably, quickly and at high pressure, even in freezing cold temperatures. With multiple deployments possible, easy handling and a quick-access avalanche equipment compartment, in addition to a great carry comfort and a snug fit with zero load wobble, the result is a controlled backcountry ride every time. A leg safety strap prevents the pack from being ripped off in an avalanche, while a helmet bag, gear straps and gear loops make this TÜV-inspected avalanche airbag backpack a serious moun taineering pack too.
In particular, deuter’s Alproof 32 and 30 SL won the ISPO Award 2022 because of their combination of high quality and comfort, typical of deuter’s backpacks, with Alpride’s modern, lightweight and robust air bag system.

Backpacks Ferrino Ferrino e C. Corso Lombardia 73 San Mauro Torinese TO Italy www.ferrino.it IG @ferrino_official
New entry with essential lines and minimal weight that makes it a true all-rounder. The shape adapts to the content through a mod ular structure and the resistant Dyneema Composite Fabric. The backrest adheres perfectly to the body.
Use All Mountain Fabric Dyneema Composite Fabrics, Double Dyamond Cordura Back Hollow back system Volume 40+5L Size 60x21x32cm Gr 770 € 329,90
Instinct Ultimate 35+5 Triolet 25+3
An ideal backpack in every season, de signed to optimize space and facilitate ac cess to the equipment via a zip along the side of the back. Shovel and probe can be stored in the front pocket.

A 100% waterproof backpack thanks to HDry technology which also helps to in crease its resistance. Perfect for various types of mountaineering activities thanks to some versatile accessories such as ski racks and ice ax racks, loops and multifunc tional belts.
Use All Mountain Fabric 305 P Ripstop Cordura laminated with HDry membrane Back Hollow back system Volume 35+5L Size 66x28x24cm Gr 920 € 269,90

Keyword: versatility. Thanks to the various removable elements it is possible to modu late weight and volume to adapt it to differ ent types of activities. Other interesting fea tures are the roll top closure and the Recco reflector inserts.
Use All Mountain Fabric Diamond Dobby 300D polyester, Twill 500x400D polyester Back Hollow back system Volume 32+5L Size 60x26x21cm Gr 750 € 144,90
Use All Mountain Fabric Diamond Dobby 300D polyester, Twill 500x400D polyester Back Hollow back system Volume 30+5L Size 52x30x28cm Gr 970 € 142,90
Lightweight and essential, it is a mountain eering and climbing backpack that adapts to every need. All this is made possible by details such as the extensible upper lining, the lumbar belt and the removable back panel.
Use All Mountain Fabric Diamond Dobby 300D polyester, Twill 500x400D polyester Back Hollow back system Volume 25+3L Size 58x27x23cm Gr 690 € 129,90
Use All Mountain Fabric Dyneema Composite Fabric, Double Dyamond Cordura Back Hollow back system Volume 25L Size 53x27x19cm Gr 495 € 249,90
Ferrino Ultimate 35+5
Waterproof 35+5 liters backpack ideal for mountaineering
In the field test, Ultimate 35+5 proved to be an ideal technical product for mountaineering, thanks also to the HDry technology, which makes it completely waterproof. The laminat ed 305 P Ripstop HP Cordura fabric does not let water penetrate and it is very resistant. The “Hollow back” system makes the back, shoul der straps and waist belt super breathable, thanks to the combination of preformed pad ding with ventilation channels and breathable mesh fabric. The backrest turned out to be well enveloping and supported by a polyeth ylene insert with internal (and removable) alu minum stiffening, which guarantees a better distribution of the load and promotes stability in transport. There are several pockets, on the hood and on the waist belt (removable if nec essary). The roll top closure makes the size customizable, this is also possible thanks to the removable hood with heat-taped seams and waterproof zip, 100% waterproof. The helmet holder is intuitive to use and well de signed. Once attached, the ice axes remain firmly closed to the backpack, as does the rope. Very practical is the intelligent side and front ski holder, which uses additional tapes and relative loops. There are also side and front compression tapes and a chest strap with integrated whistle. Compatible with the H2 Bag hydration system. SOS instructions included.

Clothing Fjällräven

Fenix Outdoor Austria Italy
Grabenweg 69 Top 1-20 Innsbruck Austria www.fjallraven.com
customerservice@fenixoutdoor.at | toniolo.al@me.com IG @fjallravenofficial
Haulpack No.1
A backpack that will accompany you from morning to night, complete with a laptop compartment and ample space for every thing you need both indoors and outdoors. It has a convenient opening that gives easy access to the contents. Numerous pockets for an optimal organization.
Use Adventure & Backpacking Fabric G-1000 HeavyDuty Eco: 65% polyester, 35% cotton Back G-1000 HeavyDuty Eco, mesh Volume 24L Size 39x31x19 cm Gr 890 € 199,95
Rolltop 30
With minimal aesthetics and excellent per formance in different environments and ac tivities even in bad weather, it features de tails such as the use of resistant, waterproof and ethically responsible Bergshell fabric, taped zippers and a roll-top closure.
Use Adventure & Backpacking, Hiking Fabric : Bergshell 100% 400D polyamide Back bergshell, foam, mesh Volume 30L Size 49x27x18 cm Gr 1040 € 169,95
High Coast Foldsack 24
100% recycled waterproof nylon backpack ideal for day trips or excursions. Lightweight and versatile, it features a foldable closure to increase capacity and a front pocket for quick access to small items.
Use Adventure & Backpacking, Hiking Fabric 100% 210D polyamide Back Polyamide, foam, mesh Volume 24L Size 45x26x20 cm Gr 460 € 89,95
With a considerable capacity but compact size, it is a sturdy backpack thanks to the water repellent Oxford fabric in recycled polyester. It can hold sports equipment or a 15” laptop at the same time, to accompany you from the trails to the office.
Use Adventure & Backpacking, Hiking Fabric 100% polyester Back Polyester, foam, mesh Volume 28L Size 50x41x18 cm Gr 750 € 99,95

Excellent for excursions with or without skis at high altitudes, thanks to the fastening sys tem for different types of equipment, skis or ice ax. High resistance and durability thanks to the Bergshell fabric. Adjustable and de tachable closure and ventral belt.

Use Skialp, Hiking Fabric Bergshell 100% 400D polyamide Back Nylon stretch, foam Volume 30L Size 55x26x22 cm Gr 1040 € 189,95
Abisko Friluft 35
Backpack that allows maximum organiza tion thanks to the numerous compartments designed for use during trekking and hiking. Excellent ventilation of the back area, er gonomic shoulder straps, large main com partment with access from above and side pockets.
Use Hiking Fabric G-1000® Eco: 65% polyester, 35% cotton; 100% 500D polyamide Back Air vent, foam Volume 35L Size 65x32x27 cm Gr 1550 € 189,95
Backpacks Parbat

A4M 38 L
As the name suggests, Above 4000 Me ters is a multipurpose backpack designed and produced specifically for mountain eering and ski touring. The peculiarity of this backpack is the quick entry through a front zip and the two daisy chains, in fact they serve more than five functions in a single element. Ultimately A4M, made of Ultra400 fabric, is a minimalist backpack but complete with all the necessary fea tures for medium and long range moun taineering routes.
Use Mountaineering Fabric Ultra400 Back NA Volume 38L Size 66x35x20 cm Gr 490 € 330,00
A4M 40 L
Extremely light and robust, it is entirely made of Dyneema. Its maximum volume is 40 liters, a top roll top closure and two multifunctional daisy chains make it one of a kind. Spacious, fully waterproof and with a minimum weight of 490g, it is per fect for medium and long range moun taineering routes. If you are looking for maximum performance, this is the ideal product for you. Complete with all tech nical features, easy to transport and very balanced even with heavy loads.
Use Mountaineering Fabric Dyneema
Back NA Volume 40L Size 66x35x20 cm Gr 490 € 450,00
A2M 27 L
Comfortable, compact and very function al. It immediately shows how all the fea tures of this model are aimed at light and fast mountaineering. The backpack has a minimalist style but includes all the use ful tricks to tackle short and short range mountaineering routes. With a weight of only 400 grams and made of Ultra400 fabric, it has a quick top closure, an inter nal pocket, two external material holders making it the ideal companion for a daily multi-pitch routes.
Use Mountaineering Fabric Ultra400 Back NA Volume 27L Size 58x34x20 cm Gr 400 € 230,00

Mammut Tour 30 Removable Airbag 3.0

Airbag backpack using Mammut’s Airbag 3.0 system: reliable, durable and above all lightweight. This model features orange elements that maximize visibility even at night. Shoulder straps, hip belt and the new 3D molded backrest with two-layer high-density EVA padding provide op timal comfort and fit. The zip opening is very wide, allowing you to retrieve and store items quickly and easily. Equipped with straps for skis and snowboards.
Use Freeride
Fabric Recycled 420D Nylon Oxford HD
Back 3D molded Volume 30L Size NA Gr 2465 € 660,00
Nirvana 25

Compact backpack designed for freerid ing and touring, with an optimal fit and back padding that makes it very com fortable to carry. The main material with which it is made is recycled polyester. It features a main compartment that can be fully opened for quick and convenient access at any time. It is compatible with hydration systems and it is equipped with secure attachments for snowboards, ice axes and trekking poles.
Use Free Touring, Freeride
Fabric Recycled 300D polyester
Back NA Volume 25L Size NA Gr 1040 € 1150,00
Aenergy ST 20-25
Backpack that allows you to travel light and fast without compromising comfort or useful features. The carrying system, inspired by trail running vests, allows the load to be held close to the body, prevent ing it from bouncing, and it works together with the anatomical shoulder straps that improve comfort. An elastic chest strap guarantees a firm fit while still allowing for good breathability. The front compres sion strap can be removed and worn as a hip belt.
Use Light Touring
Fabric Polyamide
Back NA Volume 25L Size NA Gr 690 € 150,00
Mammut Free Vest 15 Removable Airbag 3.0
Vest compatible with the removable 3.0 Airbag system, designed for freeriding and ski touring
Compatible with Mammut’s Airbag 3.0 sys tem but supplied without the airbag system and without cartridges, this vest is designed for freeriding and ski touring and it was one of our best allies in the season. It is also easily worn over the shell and wraps the body well without giving annoying feelings. The vest is super compact and at the same time it offers all the space needed for the equipment that allows us to ski safely. The look is clean and sober, with orange elements that allow it to be seen even from a distance, a feature that was very useful during a night of alpine skiing. The thermoformed backrest ensured a high car rying comfort, adapting the vest perfectly to the body avoiding the weight becoming a hin drance. The 3D molded back panel ensured excellent comfort, while the back padding in 2-layer high-density EVA, the waist belt and shoulder straps with stretch fabric cover al lowed us maximum freedom of movement. We hooked up the skis easily, using the prac tical traction straps. It is also equipped with a helmet holder, attachments for two ice axes and poles, and there is also the possibility of attaching splitboard. Finally, it is equipped with an SOS label with emergency instruc tions, a pocket for the radio transmitter, and it is compatible with the hydration system.

Mountaineering backpack with Dry Back Contact back that keeps the back drier thanks to the reduced contact surface and to the ventilation channels in the 3D EVA padding. In Regen Robic fabric made from 100% recycled materials.
Use Mountaineering Fabric High tenacity Recycled Regen Robic Back 3D printed EVA Volume 35L Size NA Gr 1280 € 190,00

Mountaineering and climbing backpack with Dry Back Contact backrest that keeps the back drier thanks to the reduced con tact surface and to the ventilation channels in the 3D EVA padding. In Regen Robic fab ric made from 100% recycled materials.
Use Climbing, Mountaineering Fabric High tenacity Recycled Regen Robic Back 3D printed EVA Volume 32L Size NA Gr 1125 € 160,00
News for the 22/23 winter, top of the range ski mountaineering and freeriding backpack with Dry Back Contact backrest that keeps the back drier thanks to the reduced con tact surface and to the ventilation channels in the 3D EVA padding. Premium accesso ries for skiing with skins.
Use Light Touring, Freeride Fabric High tenacity Recycled Regen Robic Back 3D printed EVA Volume 26L Size NA Gr 920 € 180,00

Ski touring and freeriding backpack with Dry Back Contact backrest that keeps the back drier thanks to the reduced contact surface and to the ventilation channels in 3D EVA padding. Premium accessories for skiing with skins.

Use Light Touring, Freeride Fabric High tenacity Robic Back 3D printed EVA Volume 32L Size NA Gr 995 € 160,00
Climbing backpack in Regen Robic fabric made from 100% recycled materials. The Dry Back Contact backrest keeps the back drier thanks to the reduced contact surface and to the ventilation channels in the 3D EVA padding.
Use Climbing Fabric High tenacity Recycled Regen Robic Back 3D printed EVA Volume 18L Size NA Gr 530 € 110,00
Ortles Climb 18 Winter Mate 30L
News for the 22/23 winter. Ski touring and freeriding backpack, developed to offer the best price/performance ratio. Equipped with Dry Back Contact backrest with 3D EVA padding that keeps the back drier.
Use Light Touring, Freeride Fabric Double Ripstop polyester Back 3D printed EVA Volume 30L Size NA Gr 970 € 120,00
Salewa Ortles Guide 35L
35 liters technical backpack, lightweight but robust, developed for mountaineering activities
Efficiency, essentiality and purity of design: from this concept was born Ortles Guide 35L, created for progressive mountaineering. Thanks to innovative studies, this backpack is lighter, and testing it in multiple activities has allowed us to move faster and cover greater distances. It is made of Regen Robic, a sturdy tear-resistant double nylon that resists to abrasion and that is entirely recycled. The Dry Back Contact system features a padded EVA insert on the back and a system with 3D air channels that ensure ventilation and breathability. The shoulder straps, with split shoulder design, kept the load close to the body ensuring maximum freedom of movement, while the roll top closure made it easy to reach the equipment, thanks also to the direct access via water repellent side zip and to the separate front compartment for avalanche rescue equipment. You can reduce the weight of the backpack by removing the hood and the padding of the lumbar strap. The lateral and top compression straps for the rope with magnetic buckle are designed to improve load distribution and stability. The parallel and diagonal ski attachments with removable straps are useful, as is the ice ax holder with protective pocket. There are also attachments for poles, and a front attachment for ice equipment. The backpack is compatible with the hydration system.

Backpacks Thule

Backpack for adventures of all kinds, de signed for those who do not leave out any thing: comfortable but roomy. The remov able sides allow you to reduce weight by up to 500 grams for faster and lighter excur sions. It features accessories for skis, rope and ice axes.
Use All Mountain Fabric Coated 210D Robic , 70D Nylon Back NA Volume 40L Size 29x26x58cm Gr 1290 € 213,00
A model that finds its perfect environment on the ski slopes, it contains everything you need and it ensures protection. It is compat ible with the Mammut Removable Airbag 3.0 avalanche system and has side pockets for quick access to any objects and water bot tles.

Use Free Touring Fabric Nylon 420D Back NA Volume 25L Size 37x28x5cm Gr 1570 € 234,00
The Nanum collection is characterized by extreme versatility: suitable for longer or shorter activities of different entity. The technical level is guaranteed by accesso ries such as breathable backrest, com pression straps and Shove-it Pocket front pocket.

Use All Mountain Fabric Nylon 420D Back NA Volume 25L Size 28x8x49cm Gr 640 € 107,00

As technical as it is versatile, it is a small ca pacity backpack that is great for day trips. Freshness and comfort are guaranteed by breathable panels in the backrest which at the same time serves as protection for the equipment.
Use All Mountain Fabric Nylon 420D Back NA Volume 18L Size 26x20x47cm Gr 570 € 96,00

To face your adventures while also taking care of the equipment. Rear compartment for boots with eyelets for the escape of wa ter and moisture. Equipped with a non-de formable SafeZone compartment for gog gles and other fragile devices.
Use Light Touring, Free Touring Fabric Poliestere 600D Back NA Volume 60L Size 36x36x58cm Gr 1250 € 138,50
Thule Sapling
The essence of “Bring Your Life”! It has long been a reference for outdoor enthusiasts who want to enjoy nature with the little ones. With an extremely ergonomic design, it is also suitable for high intensity activities as it is washable and modular.
Use All Mountain Fabric Nylon 70D bluesign certified Back NA Capacità 21kg Size 35x31x73cm Gr 3200 € 441,00

When choosing your expedition equipment you have to be careful: al though there are several low cost so lutions, spending a little more allows you to avoid bad surprises that in wild conditions are never desirable, espe cially if you are facing an adventure alone. It also allows you not to have to replace products every season. It is first of all important to evaluate the technical conditions that you will face: long trekking, expeditions, bike packing, camping, high altitude base camps, dry, snowy or sandy terrains, or free camping in the mountains. Every situation requires an adequate equipment. Various outdoor activi ties require lightweight and compact gear, even in cold weather condi tions. It is preferable to select the products after careful research and analysis, and it is better if you choose from those tested directly by athle tes, explorers and mountain guides during various trips around the world.
A large and structured tent, perhaps for three or more people, probably more comfortable, is likely to have a weight proportional to its features and its use must be evaluated in con sideration of the activities you would like to practice. The external dimen sions must be well calibrated, and allow a good set up even with limited space. A light and practical tent to
transport, set up and disassemble, even in strong winds, it is certainly an interesting product. The geometry and poles must also be considered: it is important that they are optimized to obtain the maximum internal volu me and offer a comfortable liveabi lity. Isolation from the ground is also fundamental, so consider buying an extra sheet to use as a first layer on the ground. Dimensions depend on the number of people but also on the use and you could also opt for a tent with more apses and entrances. Observing the different componen ts is a useful exercise: zippers must be sturdy, tie rods must stabilize the tent firmly, pockets to store material inside must be adequate as well as the bag to transport it, which must be resistant to any “mistreatment”. The balance between weight and interior space is important, especially if you are traveling on foot alone. A good solution can be a 4-season tent with a low weight, which, thanks to the outer fabric with ground flaps, can be suitable for both multi-day excur sions and expeditions on the snow. Many tents easily overheat when the sun rises, for this reason having more entrances and resealable windows, which guarantee a current of air, can be an added value. A good tent resi sts many mountain storms without letting even a drop penetrate. The mosquito net must keep all insects out.
Sleeping bags & mattresses
The first advice is to always use the sleeping bag combined with an in flatable mattress (self-inflating or not) to have good insulation from the ground: there are many possibilities to choose from, the important thing is that it has to be lightweight, fast to use, comfortable and thick enough to ensure you to stay dry and warm even in the event of heavy rain and humid environment. There is a wide range of mats of different thickness, weight and size: depending on the type of use, a model with greater insulation capacity may be better. Regarding the sleeping bag, you have to pay at tention to the weight/warmth ratio, highlighted by the words “comfort and extreme temperature”, followed by degrees. This indication changes for women and men. The size has to be chosen based on your height: it is better to be a little more abundant so as not to preclude the possibili ty of being able to insert additional clothing inside in case of severe cold. The internal and external fabrics offer us other information to keep an eye on. In some sleeping bags there is the possibility to open the zip up to the base, a feature that can be very use ful. When the zipper is closed com pletely, the hood must wrap the head well and the padding around the neck and shoulders must keep you warm.

Piopio Solo
Minimum weight, maximum comfort. Pi opio solo is a one-person tent that weighs less than a kilo but offers plenty of space inside. Great for solo adventures, it sets up in five minutes and it’s a three-season tunnel tent. The internal height reaches 105cm, offering enough space for taller people to sit comfortably and have good freedom of movement. The internal fabric is 15D breathable ripstop nylon with mesh that helps internal ventilation, keeping in sects out.
Use All Mountain Outer GorLyn 20 Siliconised Ripstop 6.6 Nylon
Internal height 105cm
Gr Min 900 / Max 1000 € 629,00
Guam 2
Classic self-supporting three-season dome tent in super light material that finds its best use in backpacking. In fact, thanks to its hexagonal design, it offers two spa cious vestibules for storing equipment or for. cooking. The floor is made of durable 20D fabric with 10.000mm TPU laminate. The side walls are almost vertical, offer ing ample internal space and freedom of movement. Guam 2 offers access from both sides, making it even more comfort able and versatile.

Use All Mountain
Outer GorLyn 20 Siliconised Ripstop 6.6 Nylon
Internal height 110cm Gr Min 1800 / Max 2000 € 899,00
Apteryx 2

Ideal in any season and climate, it is a su per light tunnel tent that can accommo date up to two people. A refuge where you can sleep peacefully, but above all comfortable. That’s because it is partic ularly spacious, therefore suitable for adventurers of any height. It is made of GorLyn 30 Fly fabric, which significant ly reduces its weight without sacrificing durability and strength. The floor, on the other hand, is in 40D Nylon Ripstop with 10.000mm TPU laminate.
Use All Mountain
Outer GorLyn 30 Siliconised Ripstop 6.6 Nylon
Internal height 115cm Gr Min 2200 / Max 2400 € 949,00
Wickiup 4
Wind and challenging activities? Wickiup comes to the rescue. Thanks to its tee pee structure it offers excellent stability, while the ultralight material with which it is made minimizes the weight. It accom modates up to four people, while if you’re two you will get the maximum comfort. It is equipped with two air intakes on the top, ensuring the right internal ventilation at all times. In addition, the tent can be used comfortably without the supplied flysheet.
Use All Mountain Outer GorLyn 20 Siliconised Ripstop 6.6 Nylon
Internal height 174cm Gr Min 2400 / Max 2600 € 1049,00
Laughing Owl 4
For outdoor enthusiasts, by whatever means they move. Abundant height tun nel tent that comfortably accommodates two adults and two children. The large vestibule has three large transparent win dows made with the lightweight FabVue fabric to enjoy the view and ventilate the inside. In addition, the width of the vesti bule allows you to store bicycles for the night. Post repair tube included.

Use All Mountain
Outer GorLyn 30 Siliconised Ripstop 6.6 Nylon
Internal height 200cm Gr Min 5500 / Max 5700 € 2099,00
Spix 3
Having proven its reliability in numerous expeditions with extreme conditions, it is ready to accompany you on any ad venture in any weather and temperature. It has a very resistant but extremely light 4-pole tunnel structure, accommodating up to 3 people. The interior is very large, allowing you to store all the necessary equipment. The side door in FabVue fab ric has a double opening and the ventila tion panels are completely closable.
Use All Mountain Outer GorLyn 40 Siliconised Ripstop 6.6 Nylon
Internal height 135cm
Gr Min 5800 / Max 6000 € 1899,00
Blizzard 2
The new entry in the Ferrino High Lab line. Designed and developed for expeditions and adventures in the high mountains, it has highly technical features such as: simplified, quick and safe assembly even in difficult situations, minimum weight of 1,5kg but very high resistance, taped seams and reinforced floor ends. It is de signed to accommodate up to two people and it’s compatible with additional acces sories such as apse and footprint that op timize its efficiency.
Use Mountaineering
Outer 100% Recycled 70D Ripstop polyester
Internal height 100cm Gr min 1500 / max 1650 € 1150,00
Namika 2

Its strong point is the simplicity of set up: the continuous external sheaths closed at one end allow you to easily insert the poles even in adverse weather conditions without wetting the chamber which can be mounted later. Performance is en hanced by details such as the fully open ing and collapsible mosquito net door. It can accommodate up to 2 people and is a 4-season dome tent suitable for the mountain environment.
Use Mountaineering
Outer 100% Recycled 70D Ripstop polyester
Internal height 95cm Gr min 2600 / max 2750 € 439,90
The all-season tent for lone adventurers that guarantees minimum weight and maximum comfort. It is made of 100% recycled fabric and it does not exceed 2 kilos of weight. Excellent stability is guar anteed even in strong wind situations thanks to the double-crossing 7001 T6 tempered aluminum structure. The front apse offers extra space for the equipment and it has an access with mosquito net. It can be set up easily and can be carried in the backpack thanks to its small size.

Use Mountaineering
Outer 100% Recycled 70D Ripstop polyester
Internal height 90cm Gr min 1800 / max 2000 € 349,90
Lightec duvet
With high performance and low weight, it guarantees maximum protection while min imizing dimensions. It comes from a family of sleeping bags made of 100% recycled and GRS certified fabrics with feather pad ding from production chains that respect animals. It has excellent characteristics of breathability, resistance and lightness with a wide range of different weight and guaran teed warmth. It goes from -5° with a weight of 450g up to -37° with a weight of 1480g
Use All Mountain Outer 100% Recycled 400T 20D Ripstop polyester Inner 100% Recycled 400T 20D polyester Size 215x80x50 cm °C -37°/ + 15° Gr min 450 / max 1480 € 234,90 - 449,90

A completely ecological sleeping bag that recycles and uses about 30 PET bottles as raw material for the composition of fabrics and padding. It is a three-season product, and it is available in both the “mummy” and “square” versions. It features details such as a cold draft shield ideal for low tempera tures, a “One Touch” system to easily close the hood even from the inside and a 2-way zip on the bottom for ventilation.

HL Mystic
Noteworthy for its extreme lightweight com bined with optimal insulation, it is a product of the Ferrino High Lab line that guarantees maximum technical performance. It has a microfiber padding that allows top-of-therange thermal insulation performance and a “shingle” tile construction which reduces its bulk. It is an ideal sleeping bag for moun taineering activities that can reach the tem perature limit of -30°, maintaining a comfort zone of -4 degrees for women and -10 for men.
Use All Mountain Outer 100% Recycled 30D 360T Ripstop polyester Inner 100% Recycled 66D 190T polyester Size 215x80x50cm °C -5°/ + 20° Gr min 830 / max 880 € 134,90 – 154,90
Use Mountaineering Outer Nylon 30D 184T Mini Ripstop Inner 20D 380T polyester Size 215x80x50cm °C -30°/+ 15° Gr 1500 € 259,90
Outback 97
Via Baioni 24 Bergamo BG Italy info@outback.it www.msrgear.com IG @msr_gear

Hubba Hubba NX
Self-supporting three-season tent for travelers who want maximum comfort with minimum weight and bulk. It can ac commodate up to two people and has a quick and intuitive set up. Equipped with two large entrances with airy apses and all the space needed for the equipment. Details such as the optimized symmetri cal geometry and the rectangular bottom sheet that maximizes the living space, make this tent a great choice for all the adventures and hours spent inside.

Use All Mountain, Adventure & Backpacking

Outer 20D ripstop nylon Durashield coated 1200mm Internal height 100cm Gr 1540 € 550,00
Remote 2
With high technical performance, it is a 4-season tent that can accommodate up to 2 mountaineers and their winter equip ment. Very robust and lightweight, it is developed to protect against very strong winds, cold climates and snow loads thanks to the Easton Syclone poles with an almost indestructible structure. The wide plant and extra head space create a generous interior room, while the large, circular vestibule with snow flaps pro tects the climbing gear.
Use Mountaineering
Outer 68D ripstop polyester 1500mm polyurethane & DWR Internal height 112cm Gr 3020 € 1100,00
FreeLite 2
Updated model with further weight reduc tion while maintaining excellent liveability. The symmetrical and semi-self-support ing double-walled structure, the unidirec tional zippers without curve and the two large apses make it a tent with excellent technical performance, durable and spa cious. The rectangular floor with taped seams optimizes resistance and protec tion. This three-season tent can accom modate up to two people but is also avail able in 1 or 3-person versions.
Use All Mountain, Adventure & Backpacking
Outer 15D ripstop nylon 1200mm Durashield polyurethane & silicone Internal height 100cm Gr 910 € 530,00
Sierra Leone II
The strong and reliable Salewa tent, best-selling for over 25 years: 3-chamber, 3-season, double-walled dome structure for hiking and trekking. Wind tunnel tested up to 100km/h. Also available in the 3-person version.

Use Hiking Outer 50D ripstop polyester PU coated 3000mm Internal height 106cm Gr 2900 € 370,00
Litetrek Pro II
3-season double-walled 2-person tent for alpine trekking, light and compact. Semi-geodesic structure, tested in the wind tunnel, stable up to 90km/h. Also available in the 3-person and Litetrek version (with stronger sheets).

Use Hiking, Mountineering Outer 20D nylon ripstop silicone PU coated 3000mm Internal height 100cm Gr 1700 € 550,00
Denali II
Double-walled 3-season dome tent for 2 people, ideal for hiking and trekking. With its robust and reliable design it is suitable for trekking as well as being light enough for bike touring. Also available in the 3 and 4-person version.
Use Hiking Outer 68D ripstop polyester PU coated 3000mm
Internal height 95cm Gr 2400 € 260,00
Diadem Ultrawarm RDS
Sleeping bag for winter conditions with the revolutionary Responsive technology that recycles the FIR energy emitted by the human body, stimulating cellular functions and pe ripheral circulation, for better thermal comfort and faster recovery from fatigue.
Use Hiking, Mountineering
Outer Ripstop nylon with PFC-free DWR treatment
Inner Soft Touch with Responsive print Size 210x75cm °C -34 / -16 Gr 1510 € 600,00
Diadem Warm RDS
Mountaineering sleeping bag with revolutionary Responsive technolo gy that recycles FIR energy emitted by the human body, stimulating cel lular functions and peripheral circu lation, for better thermal comfort and faster recovery from fatigue.
Use Hiking, Mountineering
Outer Ripstop nylon with PFC-free DWR treatment

Inner Soft Touch with Responsive print Size 210x75cm °C -26 / -10 Gr 1090 € 430,00
Diadem Mild RDS
Trekking sleeping bag with revolu tionary Responsive technology that recycles FIR energy emitted by the human body, stimulating cellular functions and peripheral circulation, for better thermal comfort and faster recovery from fatigue.
Use Hiking, Mountineering
Outer Ripstop nylon with PFC-free DWR treatment
Inner Soft Touch with Responsive print Size 210x75cm °C -18 / -2 Gr 900 € 360,00
Ether Light XT Insulated
Inflatable mattress that offers lightness without sacrificing comfort, made by com bining lightweight 30/40D nylon, Exkin Platinum insulation and Thermolite. The Air Sprung Cell construction with mesh parti tion walls condenses all comfort into 10cm thickness. This technology is based on the maximum use of air while minimizing the use of fabric. For those who usually sleep on the side it is ideal: the extra thickness allows the hip to sink into the mattress without touch ing the ground.

Use Adventure & Backpacking Fabric
30D / 40D Nylon Size 183x55cm Gr 490 € 189,95
Base Camp Sea to Summit
Ascent III
Series of sleeping bags characterized by their versatility. Ideal for adventures of any kind, they offer an excellent balance be tween comfort and lightness with a “mummy” type structure. Numerous zips of dif ferent types guarantee the maintenance of internal heat, freedom of movement and the possibility of ventilation. The padding is made with RDS 750+ Loft Ultra Dry Down certified responsible duvet and all the pre cautions are put in place to ensure maxi mum sleep quality.
Use Adventure & Backpacking Outer 20D nylon Size Regular: 155x146x122cm, max user height 183 cm Gr 1291 € 419,95
Spark III

The sleeping bags of the Spark series are ultralight and technical, designed to keep you warm while reducing weight and size. The materials used are precious, such as the RDS 850 premium goose down duvet, the 7D lining fabrics and the 10D perfor mance nylon shell. The 3YKK zipper helps protect against the cold and it regulates internal ventilation. The entire Spark line in cludes the Ultra-Dry Down water repellent treatment, able to protect from external hu midity and condensation.

Use Adventure & Backpacking
Outer Textile 7D , 10D Size Regular: 150x130x88cm, max user height 183 cm Gr 505 € 374,95
Parsec 0F/-18C
Able to tackle icy excursions thanks to its excellent comfort and warmth, features pro vided by the GRS certified recycled nylon which is more environmentally friendly and at the same time saves weight. It is equipped with an anti-snag YKK zipper that facilitates entry and exit, preventing the possibility of accidentally tearing or damaging the sleep ing bag. In addition, it boasts the Toe-Asis padded liner designed to keep your feet al ways warm.
Hyperion 20F/-6C
Ultralight 3-season sleeping bag, equipped with Nikwax 900 padding that offers warmth and comfort, for a better rest during multiday tours in the mountains. It is among the lightest in its category, and it allows all hik ers to move quickly in the mountains while maintaining high performances. Included is the Hyperion compression and store bag, which allows it to be carried around in a compact and light way.

Vesper 32F/0C
Built to offer feather-light weight and high performance warmth, it’s the ideal choice for backcountry adventures. The ultra light baffled box structure with high thermal ef ficiency is designed to provide excellent comfort. It features a snap closure, perim eter side deflectors and an insulated foot box, which maximizes warmth. Compared to classic sleeping bags, Vesper allows you to save weight and to reduce bulk.
Utilizzo All Mountain Materiale 800 Fill
Goose Nikwax Hydrophobic Down, RDS Size Regular 169cm/183cm °C -18°/-10°
Gr 1090 € 550,00
Utilizzo All Mountain Materiale 900 Fill
Goose Nikwax Hydrophobic Down, RDS Size Regular 169cm/183cm °C -6°/0° Gr 577 € 460,00
Utilizzo All Mountain Materiale 900 Fill
Goose Nikwax Hydrophobic Down, RDS Size Regular 147x191cm °C 0°/5° Gr 440 € 350,00
The technical equipment that ac companies us in the mountains is our most important ally. ARTVA, satellite devices, helmets, Garmin. They are all tools created specifically to save our lives and therefore saving money is not a good idea. Better to focus on quality, clearly after an analysis of what the market offers and adequa te valuations. The same goes for in dispensable “accomplices” such as ice ax, crampons and harness: there are so many models, more or less li ghtweight, robust and with more or less details, and in order to choose in the right way you can only focus on the technical aspects and on the specific activity that we you are going to deal with. It is essential not only to consider the achievement of perfor mance but above all our safety. When choosing the helmet it is advisable to evaluate its technical and comfort fe atures, but also make sure to wear it properly, adjusting the back part and the chin strap well. Precisely becau se equipment is so crucial, it is also good to take care of it, keeping it cle an, and making sure it is still valid and efficient at the time of use: otherwise it is better to replace it.
ARTVA, shovel and probe
ARTVA, shovel and probe are essen tial tools to have in the backpack for anyone who ventures off the track.
For the ARTVA it is preferable to choose the latest generation models that have all the essential functions to save buried people hit by an avalan che, with the marking of the victims in the event of accidents involving several people. It is necessary to consider the width of the search strip of the detector, and if it is equipped with all the essential features for the rescue, other elements not to be un derestimated are the backlit screen and if it emits a modulated acoustic signal. There are different types of shovels, it is therefore advisable to choose according to our activity: car bon and super light ones for compe titions, when the risk of avalanches is minimal, resistant, robust and versa tile models, with good compactness, for all other adventures with skis or a snowboard. The probe must fit all into the backpack, to prevent it from freezing or breaking, better if it is compact, light, and with little space, combining strength and precision in research with a proven locking sy stem.
Ski mountaineering, high altitude expeditions, hiking, trail running. Po les should not be overlooked, as they can really make a difference, relieving the feeling of fatigue and helping to maintain a correct posture. Lightness must be taken into account without neglecting sturdiness, otherwise you
could risk breaking them, the alumi num poles instead of carbon ones offer better reliability. They also need to have a good grip, be well balanced and of the correct length, as well as ensure a good grip on the ground. Features to be preferred are: a solid, telescopic and foldable pole (being able to insert it completely in the backpack is very useful) with quick closure, which allows instant adjust ment. For high altitudes expeditions, it is better to bring an extra basket of different sizes with you.
Satellite devices
Satellite devices are our best allies in the mountains: they are essential for safety, search and recovery of indivi duals or groups. They allow you to be located and saved and are therefore indispensable tools to have with you during activities in areas without te lephone coverage and data network. It is very useful to be able to count on a weather service and rely on a longlasting battery, Bluetooth connecti vity, the possibility of sharing routes and position even on social networ ks, and to send two-way messages and emails. It is better to choose a lightweight and space-saving tool. With a satellite device, your family, friends and colleagues will always be able to know if you are okay and, in the event of an emergency, send your GPS position to rescuers by simply pressing a button.

Mantra BLK Mantra WHT
A long-awaited news in the Alba family, this model completes the al ready very versatile range of the brand, addressing an audience of athletes and professionals looking for only one thing: speed. One piece frame and interchangeable lenses.

The clear version of the new entry with Tr90 frame, a flexible, hypo allergenic and super resistant material. The lens is smaller, ensuring optimal ventilation and protection, and it is available in a mirrored or photochromic version.

Stratos Solo
Glasses with interchangeable and telescopic frames, able to adapt to the different shapes and sizes of the face. Maximum visibility in any situation is guaranteed by the ultra-light S-Lens Vzum polycarbonate lens.

Thanks to the air intakes in the frame, heat and humidity escape avoiding blurring the eyes. The Vzum Ml Cielo lens increases con trasts for better visibility. Developed to be worn even for long periods of time.
Anvma III

Weighing only 19 grams, it offers lightweight, high performance and ergonomic qualities. This model guarantees excellent ventilation by minimizing fogging and humidity thanks to the holes between the lens and the frame.

Anvma Lei
Use All Mountain Gr 24 € 189,00 Use All Mountain Gr 24 € 209,00 Use All Mountain Gr 24 € 179,00 Use All Mountain Gr 32-38 € 189,00 Use Hiking, Adventure & Backpacking Gr 19 € 139,00 Use Hiking, Adventure & Backpacking Gr 19 € 119,00
Classic lines, rebellious spirit. With a rounded shape that brings with it lightness, flexibility and great durability. The frame is in Bio-Based Tr90, the Vzum lenses have holes for air circulation and the nose pad is removable.
Alba Optics Mantra

Glasses with innovative design developed for cycling
Dedicated to an audience of professional cy clists who value quality and efficiency, Man tras have been designed with one goal: speed. When you take them off, you can still be kept them close at hand, resting them on the hel met, on the head or hanging on the neck. The temples of Mantra in fact do not bend, allow ing a more fluid use in the movements of the wearer. The well-designed frame keeps them in an appropriate position in front of the eyes. Vzum lenses have only one goal: to provide athletes with the ultimate visual experience in all weather conditions. The interchangeable lens offers excellent air circulation, eliminat ing condensation and fogging, and optimizing visual performance, maintaining true colors with good overall protection. The carefully developed color range aims to improve col or saturation and balance contrasts, thereby increasing the perception of sharpness and details. The material of the lenses is resistant ultra-light polycarbonate or photochromic polymer, and it offers total protection against UV rays and partial protection against blue light avoiding eye strain. Ergonomic ends guarantee comfort during longer rides, and feature a sleek internal rubber grip line. The innovative design and the attractive look give constantly evolving performance.
We Like The elegant and sturdy package, containing: glasses, Asian nose pad, nylon padded bag, black reflective cord, microfiber case and a cloth, certificate of authenticity Use
The evergreen product of the French brand ideal for mountaineers of all levels thanks to its extreme ease of use enabled by an intu itive interface. The search range reaches 40m of field with 3 antennas. Equipped with Clip For Safe system.
Use Free Touring, Mountaineering Size NA Gr NA € 224,90
Evo4 Probe Guide 260
Its strong point is the extreme robustness and it is developed for mountain profes sionals. Solidity is combined with maximum precision thanks to the 13mm diameter tube and the Rack Lock locking system. When closed it measures 38cm.
Use Free Touring, Mountaineering Size 1,3x260 cm Gr 360 € 74,90
The new model of the range with very high performance and absolute connectivity. It has a search range for a field of 80m, inte grated Bluetooth that connects to its app to customize each smartphone setting.
Use Free Touring, Mountaineering Size NA Gr 214 € 330,00
Neo BT Pro Shovel Ski Trip

With a simple design and extreme versatility, which can be disassembled and compact ed effectively. The telescopic aluminum rod measures 35cm when closed. The blade is made of aluminum, which is resistant and performing, while the Pin Lock system al lows easy assembly.
Use Free Touring, Mountaineering Size 24x57-72 cm Gr 620 € 69,95

High end model with all the classic features added to those specific for professionals such as analogue mode, standby mode and special “rescue” function that allows you to locate a specific victim in the search.

Use Free Touring, Mountaineering Size NA Gr 214 € 229,00
Neo Pro Shovel Race
Designed for the racing world, it is the light est shovel in the range and features a 47cm carbon shaft. The blade is made of resistant aluminum and the Pin Lock system allows a quick and effective assembly. It complies with ISMF and PDG standards.
Use Ski race, Light Touring Size 21x61 cm Gr 300 € 84,95
Extremely compact and lightweight safety device, developed for the search for people buried in avalanches
An intuitive, high performance and extremely light electronic de vice, perfect for those who want to minimize weight to maximize ski mountaineering, mountaineering and freeriding performance (but also suitable for snowshoeing), without neglecting safety in an emergency situation. Despite being among the most compact detectors we have tested, with a size of just 11cm high and 7cm wide, this ARVA device offers performance worthy of a larger device: 50m search bandwidth, victim marking function and management of interference related to smartphones and other electronic devices. The small size combined with the extra large screen and the well thought-out ergonomic design are immedi ately striking, which favors a simple and intuitive grip preventing it from slipping out of your hand. Two other features that we ap preciated are the possibility of using it with gloves and the one

of extending the connection elastic. The 3-position cursor (Off, Send, Search) and the central marking key offer greater handling of the device when searching. The remaining percentage of the battery is highlighted, which we recommend to keep well moni tored because it runs out quite quickly. The group control and the “U-turn” indication complete the functions and facilitate its use.
We Like The automatic revert-to-transmit mode, in the event of a second avalanche, ensures an even higher level of safety
Use Ski, Mountaineering
Gr 170 (including wrist strap and batteries)
€ 245,00
The new entry in the ski touring family with the new Cosmonaut grip, designed to guarantee lightness, grip comfort and great ergo nomics. The addition of the tail on the back facilitates the flip-flop grip in the most difficult situations.
Use Ski Touring, Freeride Material Aluminum Cm 105-140 Gr 300 € 73,90
Freedom Reverso

7075 aluminum pole with great impact resistance, which makes it durable over time. Particularly suit able for free skiing thanks to the foam grip that allows different grips and the lever located in the upper part of the tube.

Use Freeride Material Aluminum Cm 105-140 Gr 270 € 79,90
Durable aluminum pole with expanded foam knob that allows different grips. The bi-metric construction of the CamLock lever gives greater grip to the tube. The strap is quickstrap and the rubber wheel has a di ameter of 50mm.
Use Freeride Material Aluminum Cm 110-145 Gr 270 € 64,90
PowPow XL
Lightness and ergonomics in a very high performance product. Details such as the adjustable neoprene strap, the excellent impact resistance and the Widia tip make it an excellent ally for more experienced rid ers looking for challenging descents.
Use Ski Touring, Freeride Material Aluminum Cm 110-130 Gr 230 € 73,90
New folding model equipped with an intuitive mechanism that allows you to fold the spole easily and fast. It has a long foam grip that makes it suitable for any situation. Complete with case, when closed it measures less than 45cm.
Use Light Touring, All Mountain Material Aluminum Cm 115-135 Gr 248 € 79,90
Pyrus Queen G
Special edition made for Big Air world champion Silvia Bertagna. It can only be a pole with very high technical performance: light, resistant, ergonomic. Great attention to detail also on an aesthetic level.
Use Freeride Material Aluminum Cm 80-130 step 10 Gr 200 € 41,90
Cober Freedom
developed for ski touring with Cosmonaut grip and Cam-Lock lever
There are two particular technical elements that distinguish this pole and have caught our attention: the Cosmonaut grip and the Cam Lock lever designed to guarantee maximum comfort in every situation, both downhill and uphill. The grip is in long expanded foam, a feature that ensures excellent grip. The strap is in neoprene, the tip in widia and the deco ration are made with an HD thermal process. This ski touring pole is made with the best ma terials and with grips designed to guarantee maximum comfort and to adapt to any type of glove. Designed to allow athletes to have maximum support, we have tested them in different situations, both on and off piste, and they have proven to be robust and reliable, even when subjected to impacts. The grip is comfortable right away and despite being well structured, our attention was struck by the exceptional lightness. The straps are er gonomic and functional, and they ensure high stability when pushing. The design is new, but in line with the tradition of the brand. To obtain all these features, Cober has always focused on research and innovation of materials and production machinery, to keep up with the new performance requirements. Further more, the entire production cycle takes place in Italy. We Like Its robustness combined with light weight

Goggle with an aggressive graphics that celebrates the retro style. It ensures ex cellent visibility thanks to the cylindrical injected lenses Vivid by Zeiss. Evak ventila tion technology minimizes the possibility of fogging.

Use All Mountain Gr NA € 124,90
Jackson Mips

From the aerodynamic airflow to the multi directional impact protection system, it is an ideal helmet for all adventures, from park to off piste. It combines technical qualities with a refined design and style.

Nitro Distribution Italia
Via Aldo Moro 51 Arco TN Italy
www.nitro.it | www.giro.com
IG @girosnow | @girosnowitaly
Use All Mountain Gr NA € 179,90
Top model with a timeless style. It includes two different lenses to be ready for all weather conditions, together with an an ti-fog treatment and ventilation technology. Frameless design for an essential look.
Use All Mountain Gr NA € 189,90

Axis Neo Mips
The aesthetic is inspired by the soft and elegant curves of mountain landscapes. A lightweight helmet thanks to the In-Mold construction, suitable for riders of all levels. It guarantees comfort also thanks to the Thermostat Control ventilation system.
Use All Mountain Gr NA € 144,90
Goggle with unparalleled visibility given by the lenses Vivid by Zeiss and the Evak ventilation system. It includes two different lenses with Slash Seal changing system. It features a wide field of view for maximum responsiveness in landings.
Use All Mountain Gr NA € 149,90
Method Ledge
Essential skate-inspired design with a hard shell structure. The AutoLoc 2 system en sures a personalized fit, the earmuffs are removable and the internal temperature is always ideal thanks to super cool air intakes.
Use Freeride Gr NA € 109,90

Giro Tor Spherical
Terrific turns in all safety
As soon as we put it on it offered a nice feel ing of comfort and safety. Thanks to the mix of good fit and protection, it is the partner we were looking for to push hard downhill. The Spherical Technology, integrated with the Mips system, which reduces the rotational en ergy during certain impacts, makes it a quality and reliable product. Robustness goes hand in hand with style: the design is clean and sober, while the color block makes it easy to combine it with different garments. Even after several descents on powder, the head has always maintained a good temperature with out overheating, thanks to the special system that allows, in an intuitive way, the personal ized adjustment of the air flow with a button positioned on the outside of the helmet. This particular solution makes the helmet suitable for multiple uses, for example we have tried it both on the slopes with skis during a rainy day and on the powder with the snowboard on a rather hot day, and it has always performed great. Tor is also equipped with the InForm 2 Fit system, a magnetic Fidlock buckle and breathable Wikpro Grid Fleece, and it allows you to quickly choose the fit you prefer. Ob viously we immediately put it to the test and were able to adjust it wearing gloves in a mat ter of seconds. The hook positioned on the back allows you not to lose the goggles: we had a Giro’s model one and during our test it never fogged up.

Aerospace Reactive 0-4 High Contrast Quickshift Reactive 2-3 Glare Control
This model is designed to perform at best both uphill and downhill thanks to the SuperFlow ventilation system that avoids the forma tion of condensation. The Reactiv 0-4 High Contrast photochromic spherical lens is great even in extreme conditions and at night!
Total modularity goggle guaranteed by a ventilation system and cus tomizable fit that occurs through two removable elements of the frame. The Reactive photochromic lens is equipped with the exclusive Glare Control filter, polarized at 55%, designed to identify ice sheets and compatible with the reading of electronic screens.

The limited edition designed and developed on the occasion of Dhaulagiri First Ski Descent together with the 5 French ski moun taineers who are the protagonists. The result is a pair of glasses with both style and technicality for top-level mountaineers.
The reinvented mountain glasses! Its distinctive features are certain ly the nose guard and the removable Spandex side flaps that offer maximum protection from the sun, wind and cold. Comfort and style are therefore guaranteed together with lightness
News of 2023 with a light and essential design and maximum com fort guaranteed by soft areas on the frame that act as anti-slip with out tearing the hair. Suitable for any type of adventure and available in numerous colorways and lenses.
Vermont Classic ALTIARC4
Timeless model with a timeless style. These glacier glasses made his tory and are now re-proposed for the 125th anniversary of the brand with updated materials and technologies. Mineral lenses and leather side protections.
Julbo Aerospace
Equipped with Reactive 0-4 High Contrast technology, the first lens that adapts to any light condition, even at night!
A goggle with excellent features for both as cent and descent, extremely performing in all weather conditions. Designed in collabo ration with professional skiers, it features the special SuperFlow system, which allows the lens to be easily moved forward, even when wearing gloves, offering better heat manage ment, greater ventilation, and avoiding fog ging during climbs, but always remaining pro tected from sunlight and snow. The minimal and super slim frame ensures an extra wide field of view from every angle, and guarantees that the view is completely clear, sideways and vertically. When tested in the field, it gave us maximum ventilation and air circulation and avoided the creation of fog during breaks or in the cable car, thanks to the special inter nal coating designed specifically. The Julbo First Class range goggles are available in all Reactive Technology Photocromic variants that Julbo guarantees for life against manu facturing defects. The Aerospace we tested mounts a Reactive 0-4 High Contrast lens, the spearhead of the 22/23 collection devel oped by Essilor as a world exclusive for Julbo. It is the first lens capable of covering all light conditions, from category 0 to category 4. Perfect for approaching or for skiing at night, it is amazing how it accentuates contrasts in flat light conditions, on snow or on ice and with a full sun.
We Like The photochromic effect able to move the lens from transparent to category 4 with a clear red flash that accentuates the contrast

Leki Lenhart
Karl-Arnold Str. 30 Kirchheim unter Teck Germany www.leki.de IG @leki.ski.outdoor
Sherpa FX Carbon

Folding pole with a particularly sturdy carbon structure, ideal for both summer and winter. It features the new Aergon Air, which offers even more comfort and con trol. The large support surfaces guaran tee maximum support in the mountains, while the hollow core technology makes the combination of construction lighter. The ski pole is also equipped with a bas ket for the bindings that can help to man age climbing and skins more easily.

Use Light Touring Material Carbon (PRC 1000) + aluminum (HTS 6.5) Cm 110-130 Gr 272 € 220,00

PRC 850
This pole features the new Nordic Shark, a grip-strap technology developed exclu sively for cross-country skiing. The grip ensures an optimal connection between the hand and the pole, offering the right handling, control and power transmis sion. Both the tip and the basket can be replaced according to the conditions of the trail thanks to the system of inter changeable baskets Fin Vario, with the possibility of also being converted for summer training.
Use Light Touring Material Carbon (PRC 850)
Cm 135-180 Gr 197 € 170,00
Spitfire Vario 3D
Good news for all freeride lovers: a pole with variable length from 110 to 140cm able to tackle any terrain immediately with confidence. Adjustment is quick and easy even with thick gloves, thanks to the Speed Lock+ system. The 3D Trigger offers greater control, allowing a direct connection between the glove and the pole, a better comfort of use with quick attachment and release and a higher level of safety through the three-dimensional release system.
Use Freeride Material Aluminum (HTS 6.5) Cm 110-140 Gr 289 € 115,00

Equipment Lupine
Panorama Diffusion
Via Brennero 17 Varna BZ Italy www.panoramadiffusion.it www.lupine.de IG @lupinelights
High tech gem of the brand, it is a headlamp designed to obtain max imum light with the lowest possible weight. Among its most interest ing options, we find the diffused light mode, the configuration app and the bluetooth command.
Piko Penta Blika Betty
It is a multisport lamp with 2400 lumen spot, red and green light, reading light and FrontClick change system. It features a secondary button with excellent feedback even with gloves and the ability to customize the settings.
Top seller of the range, it is compact, robust and versatile. It features a soft, wide light beam for every sport and a dimmable diffused light mode for camping. It is waterproof and shock resistant. The battery lasts up to 120 hours.
The brightest lamp in the range with 5400 lumens, IP 68 water resis tance and IK 09 impact resistance, which meets high industrial stan dards. With Bluetooth system, 11 light dimming levels and SmartCore battery.
Wilma Neo
Headlamp that works well even in fast movements and technical sit uations, with a new quick release for mounting on different supports. It has a lighting head for each different situations by combining up to four light levels.

Small lamp, big power. Neo is officially the smallest lamp of the en tire range, with five lighting modes, numerous functions and a sturdy aluminum housing. It also offers the SOS or Alpine emergency signal function.

The transceiver device with three anten nas that offers top-level performance dis tinguished by its simplicity of navigation and intuitive operation. The easy-to-read display, the buttons that can be operated even with gloves, the maximum simplicity of the visual interface, the upgradeable software and the impact resistance show that high performance and precision in re search do not necessarily have to reside in a complicated device. The wide range of research reaches up to a field of 70 meters.

Probe 240
It doesn’t matter if you are a mountaineer or a freerider, this probe will accompany you on every adventure to help you during any emergency. It is made of durable alu minum and is developed with integrated telescopic tensioning and locking for quick assembly even with gloves. Anoth er point in favor is certainly its lightweight, guaranteed by the aluminum, which makes it ideal for high intensity activities thanks to its small size of 45cm.

Use Mountaineering, Free Touring Size 240cm open, 38cm closed Gr 240 € 55,00
Alugator Ride

Compact and robust shovel. The ergo nomic asymmetrical T handle is designed for optimal grip and efficient force trans fer. The blade is made of hardened and anodized aluminum, which guarantees strength and maximum performance in an emergency. The overall space-saving structure allows for easy transport thanks to the small footprint. It has an oval tele scopic rod and automatic locking system with hinge for quick and easy assembly.
Use Mountaineering, Free Touring Size 115x67x27mm Gr 210 batteries included € 325,00
Use Mountaineering, Free Touring Size 86x22cm Gr 700 € 65,00
A compact model for true all-rounders of the outdoor world. Equipped with a thin but powerful 3.5 Ah rechargeable battery and numerous attachment options that make it ideal for fast and intense activities, from running to speed touring.
Powerful lamp with 3.5 Ah battery, with a minimum weight of 129 grams and excellent technical performance. It is the ideal choice for high speed night running or orienteering on technical terrains and in difficult conditions.
It is a robust headlamp with excellent waterproofness. Three inte grated AAA batteries guarantee maximum autonomy and three light colors make it excellent for all different needs. It offers adaptable at tachment options and SOS flashing.

Designed for everyday outdoor adventures, it stands out because it is particularly light and versatile. Thanks to a hybrid technology, it is compatible with both Silva’s rechargeable battery and standard AAA batteries.

Spectra O Trail Runner
Turn night into day thanks to a light output of 10.000 lumens. The lamp consists of 8 LED lights united in a simple and clean design. It can be purchased complete with original Spectra remote control, band and charger.

As the name suggests, it has been a model loved by runners for years for its lightweight and comfort. Silvia Intelligent Light system to adjust the double beam lighting. Excellent fit guaranteed by the minimum weight and non-slip band.

Helag Summit Huså Bio
Goggles designed in the Swedish mountains for the most demand ing riders. Frame and details are in bioplastic material, while the Carl Zeiss Vision cylindrical double lens avoids distortions of the view al lowing absolute reactivity.

A new shape for a new season of fun! With a frameless aesthetic, it is modern and essential. Thanks to its small size it adapts to any type of helmet or directly to the head like a glove. Made of bioplastic material.
Östra Bio Raw
90% bio-based goggles, the natural appearance is given by the use of the raw material without any dye or paint. The lenses are Bioptic gold, highly performing and bio-based. Magnetic lens change sys tem.
Sylarna Bio Photocromic
It uses lenses that can vary transparency based on light conditions. We are talking about high tech goggles that offer excellent wearabil ity, made mainly with plant-based materials and characterized by a high resistance to water.
Templet Bio Essential Lom
Goggles originally developed together with ski racing legend Inge mar Stenmark. It combines a fantastic design with high technical performance. It allows excellent peripheral vision, great fit and it is, of course, made of plant-based materials.
Eyewear designed for uncompromising performance during high intensity activities that require maximum protection. The shape pro tects from wind and dust and undoubtedly also from UV rays. Maxi mum lightweight and comfort.

FASSA 1636.




The T-Hike is a lighter interpretation of the Zero G Tour Double Blocking Mechanism. It offers strong, progressive flex and great lateral power transmission.