Trail Running, Mountaineering, Hiking, Climbing. Shoes, Outerwear, Backpacks, Base Camp & Equipment.

Trail Running, Mountaineering, Hiking, Climbing. Shoes, Outerwear, Backpacks, Base Camp & Equipment.
Noi corriamo con le comunità locali e con una storia condivisa. Con i nostri mentori, le generazioni a venire e le prospettive future.
run with our local communities and a shared history. With our mentors, the next generation, and perspectives.
Una comunità si costruisce dalle ambizioni condivise, da un terreno comune, dal desiderio di affrontare le questioni difficili e cambiare il modo di fare le cose. Corriamo con altre persone per finire quello che abbiamo iniziato e per goderci il panorama insieme.
Community is something we construct; out of shared ambitions and common ground, out of a desire to take on difficult things and to change the way things are done. We run with others to finish what we started, and to share the view.
Buying is a bit like voting, our consumption choices are (also) a political act.
When faced with a photo taken in the mountains last century, do you ever wonder how the hell did those mountaineers, skiers and mountain lovers back then face mountains? Today research and development of materials and production processes have taken giant steps forward and we can count on insulating, breathable, warm and waterproof materials, it almost seems impossible to even think of doing without them even for the easiest of excursions. And why should we after all? However, what would probably be useful to do is an exercise in essentiality in our outdoor wardrobe. The products that you will see in these pages are one more beautiful and valid than the other and, surely, among these pages you will find the one that will finally allow you to achieve the result you are working hard for, or simply something you like more, or it is more performing than what you already have in your closet. Here: the exercise we propose is to think of your purchasing power as a political act: buying something just because you can do it in terms of economic exchange is not a sufficient motivation in this historical moment.
The Pill has been attentive to environmental sustainability since day one, in our pages we are more than happy to host brands that put all their efforts into proposing environmentally friendly materials: recycled
fibers, natural fibers, reuse of production waste, brands that have banned the use of PFCs, or perfluorocarbons, in the finishing of their products and others who reduce and offset the emissions necessary both to produce and to ship their garments. However, all this is not enough and will never be enough if as a society we continue to consume as if there were no tomorrow, because we are risking of not having a tomorrow if, before buying something, we don't think carefully about what we are about to put in the cart, real or virtual be it.
A European Parliament report published in April 2022 highlighted how, in Europe, each person buys an average of 26 kilos of textile products every year: compared to the 1990s, each of us purchases 40 percent more of stuff. This, translated into kilos of CO2 equivalent, means 654 kilos of CO2 produced, per person, each year. Beyond the aspect related to emissions, there is another fact to consider: if we buy too many products, can we then wear them all until they are useless? Eurispes has estimated that from 1960 to 2015 the amount of textile waste produced in Italy increased by 811%. In 2015 alone, the last year under review, 1630 ton-
nes of clothing ended up in landfills. Here, many times in these pages you will read the term "durability", weigh it up: buying something with the promise that it will have a long life is a favor we do ourselves, because we won't need to buy another model in the short term, but that’s also a favour we do to the environment. Cross-referencing information on performance, durability and composition is very important in order to be able to take conscious and respectful choices from an environmental point of view.
So let's consider our purchasing power as a political tool: if we all massively oriented our choices as consumers towards responsible products, to buying as little as possible, then the market would be forced to listen to our voice. In these pages we give you a lot of information about the garments, but the most powerful tool in your possession is the label: read it carefully, pay attention to the composition, and then don't stop there, go to the brand's website, look for information about their environmental and social commitment. Only by becoming more careful and responsible consumers will we be able to give our planet a chance.
Affronta ogni tipo di terreno, oltre il tempo, oltre la distanza. Massima stabilità, ammortizzazione e ritorno di energia. Il trail è ai tuoi piedi RUN. LONGER.
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The Pill Road Test
The Pill Trail Testers
The Pill Hiking Test
The Pill Hiking Testers
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Mountaineering Shoes
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Trail & Road Running Shoes
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Editor In Chief Denis Piccolo |
Editorial Coordinator
Lisa Misconel
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Chiara Guglielmina
Trail Running Test Coordinator
Filippo Caon
Hiking & Mountaineering Test Coordinator
Davide Fioraso
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Silvia Galliani
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George Boutall | Evergreen Design House
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Melania Piazzi & Tina Jeler
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Matteo Pavana, Thomas Monsorno, Camilla Pizzini, Silvia Galliani, Francesco Pierini, Elisa Bessega, Andrea Schilirò, Achille Mauri, Simone Mondino, Alice Russolo, Patrick De Lorenzi, Giulia Bertolazzi, Tito Capovilla, Luigi Chiurchi, Isacco Emiliani
Martina Beslagic |
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The Pill rivista bimestrale registrata al tribunale di Milano il 29/02/2016 al numero 73
SPIN PLANET introduces a new sustainability concept into the Trail Running footwear category. Perfect for long distance runs, with protective cushioning and instant comfort.
As with all things in life, it is utopian to find something that 100% satisfies our every desire. We will still remember all the reproaches of our mother or grandmother: "you can't have your cake and eat it too." Here, for this category of skis the same concept applies. They are models suitable for all conditions, giving you a good performance everywhere.
Your is goal is clear: to reach the top. The tools to climb, with a more or less fast pace, through snow, ice and rock, until you reach your dreams at 4000 meters high. You need lightweight, but first of all reliability, warmness and breathability: fundamental elements for a safe progression.
If you can't help but running in the mountains, grinding out trails and climbing at high altitude without stopping, you need lightweight and space-saving products. The shoes are perfect for your passion.
A real must have in your backpack. If you have to approach a wall, whether it be on a trail in the valley or on a bumpy stony ground at high altitude, you can't help but have these products. Very versatile models, suitable from simple day trips to paragliding. They work well in many situations, but be careful, they are not suitable for walking too many kilometers.
From a single-day hike, the classic “hit and run” experience, up to multi-day treks. These products were created to cover many kilometers, often under the sun, but they do not disdain rain and bad weather. Lightweight but also performing and long lasting. Shoes that will never betray you: reliability is their keyword.
The outdoor market, as we will explain better later on, offers endless solutions: from the most multifaceted products to the most targeted ones, designed for specific disciplines. The categories that we offer are clear and direct to allow you, by eyeing a product between one page and another, to better focus on who you are and on what you like to do.
We venture out into nature to reconnect with ourselves and change our perspective to look at things differently than before.
If what you want is to run far, without looking back, regardless of the road, the mountain and where the trail will lead you, ultrarunning models are what you are looking for: very comfortable and cushioned shoes. Ready for the next 100 miles?
If your only goal is the mountains, what you need is a light, grippy shoe suitable for the most technical and demanding terrains, even on rock and via ferratas, or where you have to use your hands.
If your passion is hiking but at the same time you love speed and performance, then these are the right shoes for you. These products allow you to face the mountain and the elevation gain with a quick pace, without too many frills and with less weight on your back.
Is vertical your motto? This category is obviously the one for you. Products born and developed for real climbers who don't want to hear the word horizontal. Definitely technical equipment when it comes to shoes but comfortable and lightweight products in the clothing category.
Is your life an adventure with the capital "A" and do you love exploring both the frenzy of urban neighborhoods and the peace of a forest? Do you dream of walking for hours, both under sun and rain without sweating or getting wet? Highly performing and versatile products but not suitable for facing too technical and demanding climates and trails.
Not long ago, although few remember it, women's products were simply men's models in smaller sizes and colored in nuances considered feminine. Now companies have understood that women love and deserve mountains as much as men, if not more. Now there are numerous brands that realize products with fits and performances suitable for the female body.
It’s time for new generations and, as they say in Scooby-Doo: "Power to the little ones!” Long live parents who bring their children to the mountains and do not park them in front of an IPad. Long live companies that think about them by creating ad hoc products. These little climbers deserve as much as we do to not have their butts frozen.
Inspired by the scenery, driven by the challenge, the bond between runners is the shared pursuit of shaky legs and tested limits. Always there for the next push, Mammut’s trail running collection is made to go further as we reduce our impact together. A 100% decarbonized collection*
*CO 2 emissions removed with support from Climeworks. Learn more at
On the top you will find the name of the brand and the one of the product. We shot every single ski, boot and binding in studio, with the same light conditions and in the same position in order to evaluate aesthetics and shape.
You will find the meaning of these logos in the Legend: they explain you the categories where the use of the product we’re talking about is more suitable.
The first part is dedicated to the global impression where is summarized the sum of the testers’ opinions. It starts with the general feeling that the product has given then deepened in the part dedicated to features and performances, concluding with the final impressions.
This data is found only in shoes that are becoming more and more versatile, That’s whywe have tried to give you the most precise and easy-to-read indications possible on the 4 types of terrain that are most frequently encountered: mud, rock, wet and gravel. A shoe that is perfect for wet or muddy conditions will probably struggle more on rocks, and vice versa.
Four different numerical judgment parameters. The ratings range from 1 to 10, where 10 is the maximum in performance. We have chosen the 4 most important features when it comes to evaluating a shoe: cushioning, protection, support and traction. There are high performing and very technical shoes suitable for advanced runners, but difficult to use by less experienced ones, others that are simpler and more performing on all terrains, but which obviously do not excel in anything. Thanks to these parameters you can have a clearer idea of whether that shoe is right for you or not.
The graphics summarize the various information of the tested model provided by the parent company and then verified by us. If there is a clear difference between the data provided and the one collected, it is reported at the bottom. In the features you will find the lining with which the shoe is made, its upper, sole, midsole, footbed and drop.
Each product has its own strength, there is no a perfect product suitable for all conditions. But if something has really amazed us (and that happened a lot) you will find it written here.
7 9
Here you will find some data to evaluate whether a trail shoe is suitable for short, medium or long distances.
The feet of each one of us differ not only in length but also in width and volume, here you will find the internal volume of every shoe which can be small, medium or large.
test consists of a descriptive textual section and an infographic based on technical numerical parameters expressed on a scale of values from 1 to 10.
However, it remains a fun job that we are lucky enough to be able to do. For those of us who are passionate about the outdoors but also about products and innovations, the opportunity to test and comment so many products is a privilege.
Beyond the editorial process, it requires a series of decisions about the style we would like the product to have once it is in your hands. Because this is what this is, a product.
The guide is not an editorial product that stands out for its creativity or its messages: it is a tool, and that’s why it should as functional as possible and useful for an enthusiast of any level. To be functional, and therefore useful, it must first of all be encyclopedic. It means that there must be many pages, many products, with an order and logical sense of everything. In short, there must be a lot of stuff in it. It must be a compass of the directions that the market is taking, it must make it clear where the brands are going, what new technologies are being used, what are the trends enthusiasts follow as well as yours.
To be encyclopedic, and to be a summary, it cannot leave room for individual opinions. Which does not mean that there are no subjective comments (we do the tests for this specific reason), but everything must
start from the assumption that the market is so big, tastes are so diversified, and that a product can be interpreted in many different ways.
We do not “save lives”, as our testers remember themselves joking over a beer at the end of the day, but putting down more than 300 pages of the guide, yes, the very one you have in your hands, requires a quite hard work and a few sleepless nights.
A review in the guide will never be as thorough as a 15-minute video on YouTube (thank goodness otherwise with more than 600 products you will finish reading this in years) but that's not the goal either. That's not the job of a guide. In short, our goal is, indeed, to guide you: to tell you about a product in such a way that you can understand whether or not it is right for you without ever having seen it live. And to do this we must try to be clear, concise, honest.
We had the hard job of selecting the best products that the market offers, precisely because in The Pill Outdoor Guide you will find what we consider most interesting in the market, we select it by comparing ourselves with companies, following presentations, visiting fairs. A work that starts tomorrow, yes, tomorrow, when this guide is getting printed our work for next year's guide begins, starting with our The Pill Base
By Filippo CaonCamp, where the best running and hiking companies will present for the very first time in Italy the products of the SS24 season and this work of comparison and research will continue until the day before going to print the guide again.
After nine guides we're still learning how to get closer to what we want, and to the product we have in mind. What we hope is that we have grown and have progressively created a better item than the previous season. But, as usual, it's never the case to deal too much with intentions, but to look at what came out, so: enjoy the reading.
In The Pill Outdoor Guide you will find what we consider most interesting in the market, we select it by comparing ourselves with companies, following presentations, visiting fairs.
Our team of testers, our editorial staff and the collaboration of the most important outdoor stores, after hours of behind the scenes talks and various email surveys, the Pill Trail & Hiking Shoes Awards have been assigned.
It's not just for the coolest shoe: that would be uninteresting. The Best Design Award is assigned to the shoe in which aesthetics are bent to technology and in which the materials are assembled in a functional way, in other words, industrial, in the highest sense of the term. It is an award that rewards the quality of the shoe as a whole: aesthetics and functionality.
Special prizes for the running and hiking products that we liked the most, that made us talk or discuss the most. We therefore wrote down a series of features that we thought were important for a shoe, and to which it was interesting to award a prize. Eight awards came out: we assigned six with a democratic vote managed by The Pill testers comparing ourselves through a survey with
the most important outdoor stores in Italy, one was left to the editorial staff of Buckled, the first ultrarunning podcast in Italy, and we let you readers choose the last one, with an online survey done before going to print the guide. Below you will find a small legend, a compass, to orient you and to understand how we assigned them.
In a market where everything happens quickly, and where production cannot keep up with product development, we have decided to make order. The Best Technology Award is assigned to the shoe that encompasses the most advanced technologies on the market today. A shoe that may not be perfect, but it is the most innovative, the one to look at to understand where we will be tomorrow.
Indossare per la prima volta un paio di scarpe Altra Running significa eseguire prestazioni eccezionali con un comfort mai provato prima. Ma non solo: indossare una scarpa Altra significa anche correre verso una nuova passione, un nuovo record personale, nuovi obiettivi e tanto altro ancora.
When you buy shoes what are you paying for? Production? No. Research. Developing innovative materials and products costs a lot of money, but a shoe must remain functional and affordable, even starting from the price. It is not a prize for the cheapest shoe, but for the one that combines quality and durability at a reasonable price, and where the gap between objective value and price is as little as possible.
Imagine a bike: how many attempts have been made to redesign it? Recumbent, inclined, without seat tube, front-wheel drive, unicycle, tricycle. But in the end, a bike has always remained the same, and a riding bike of today is essentially not very different from one of fifty years ago. For running shoes it is the same thing, as far as you can go around them, they are always the same. This is the prize for "those" shoes: functional, with no frills, always fitting.
If you look at the feet of the athletes on a starting line, anarchy. Because a shoe can also be designed for a specific distance, but then everyone uses what they prefer. Nonetheless, in large numbers that intention almost always corresponds to reality. This award is given to the best shoe for short distances, at least for us: responsive, fast, light.
We had to assign a prize to the best ultrarunning shoe, thinking of a name for it we came up with Buckled's monthly column "The Long Run", edited by Alessandro Locatelli (one of our testers), Marcello Marcadella and Tommaso Bassa, you can listen to it every month on the major podcast platforms. We asked them to give this award, it seemed right.
We can vivisect a shoe as much as possible. We can find the softest, most responsive, most technological, most beautiful shoe, but in the end what matters is our favorite shoe. Perhaps this is the most irrational prize but it best sums up all the others in itself. We assigned it to the model that received the most overall votes by adding all those from the other categories.
We meet up, discuss, write, some of us are athletes, others amateurs, others shopkeepers. What we can do is give you a compass, some advice, tell you what we liked and what we didn't, as we have the opportunity to try on many shoes. But what matters in the end is always your judgment. Over the past few months we have done a survey asking you what your favorite shoe was, this is the prize you awarded.
Finding a test date this year has been damn hard: our testers race a lot and in the spring there is a race every weekend. In the end, between Tuscany, Sciacche, Maremontana, Easter, Easter Monday and May Day, we found a handful of days towards the end of April, tearing them away from families and conjugal commitments, bringing people to a strip of land closed to the south by Lake Garda and to the north by the mountains and the Val del Sarca. We filled a car with shoes and went to test the things you will find in this The Pill Outdoor Guide.
We had been at the Garda Lake for the 2021 winter guide, in Limone, on the Brescia side, and we had found some good trails to run on. So this year we decided to come back, partly to take advantage of the mild temperatures of the lake, partly because Trentino remains the mecca of the Italian outdoors, and finally because Arco is beautiful.
We met on Monday at Bar Velico in Riva del Garda, at the foot of Monte Brione, the sail-shaped mountain that divides Riva from Torbole and overlooks the lake. It's a good place to run and try out shoes because it has quite a varied scenic trail that
runs along the ridge: it has technical sections, runnable parts, steps, rocks. Furthermore, it is possible to run on a circular route returning from some paths in the middle of the olive trees, which are softer and more humid. The difficulty of looking for a suitable test route lies in this: it cannot be longer than 4-5km, it must be on mixed terrain, with technical parts that can be run, in short, it must be varied, it must be easy to reach or it must have a base from which to start and where to leave the test material, it must be a beautiful place to shoot. It's not easy to enclose all these features in one place, but somehow we brought it home.
Has anyone explained to Alberto Ferretto that you sometimes need to slow down when going downhill?
On Monday night, after the first test day on Brione, from Riva we moved to Arco, someone by car, others running. We hai dinner at Pergola, a restaurant where, among other things, end up alpine guides, those who finish to climb late on Colodri and on other walls on the Sarca . We stay talking until one in the morning, while the restaurant turn off the lights, then we move to the parking lot. We manage to go to bed and wake up early for an easy run, which is not easy: we go up Sarca cycle lane up to Ceniga, then we go up again and we cycle lane through the small valley behind Mount Colt, Colodri and which leads from Madonna di Laghel to Arco. We have breakfast at Centrale, among the climbers and cyclists, including Daniel Oss who sends Puppi (Francesco) into ecstasy.
We spend a few hours at Marocche di Dro: a surreal place, made of limestone boulders, witnesses of an ancient glacier. In the United States it would be a National Park, maybe a little small one: here it is a Provincial Reserve, but just us from Trento know about it, as
well as some German tourists, boulderers and a few others. The Reserve is crossed by a single paved road, just like in the National Parks, which cuts Marocche in two up to Lake Cavedine. In addition to the road, a thousand trails branch off inside the Reserve: technical and uncovered, then soft and covered by low black pines. In the background Monte Casale, Trentino’s El Capitan, and its imposing limestone wall. The valleys of Sarca and of the Lakes, ours Yosemite.
Spring thunderstorm. Lunch. Colodri. It is one of the small walls near Arco, near the town. We decide to end our tests there, climbing to the top, taking some photos at sunset, with the bright colors after the end of the storm. The next time we meet will be in the fall, who knows where. Another spring is ending, another Guide, another weekend of drinking beers and running and talking bullshit. Now we must go home and write.
The real work has yet to begin.
This year the road test has been more thorough than usual. Sun, heat, asphalt and climb what more could you ask for
Before starting the running sessions, it is absolutely necessary to wait about half an hour for the excitement of the runners to pass
Relax before the second morning session
Fatmap was born from an adventure, the one of three friends, among the rugged and wild Aladaglar mountains, a jewel of Central Anatolia. Stuck in their tent by an epic snowstorm, they wondered, "How do we get out of here?" At their disposal only fragments of information and rudimentary maps. Had there been some kind of Google Maps of the mountains, they could have found an alternative way out..
“The wild places of the world can often seem daunting, but within them lie many of life's most rewarding experiences. We believe in a future where everyone can be an adventurer.”
That was the moment that led to the creation, in 2013, of a non-existent product: a global 3D mapping platform that allowed not only to faithfully show the morphology of the territory, but also to understand the terrain like never before. in order to “give people the confidence to explore by taking the best decisions.” Working closely with aerospace and satellite companies, to obtain high resolution images to be exploited in the most remote areas, Fatmap has become a reference for athletes and enthusiasts of outdoor sports frequenting areas where conventional maps, used by most applications, have no definition.
“We created Fatmap with a mission to make outdoor activities more accessible. While other mapping platforms were designed for street and city navigation, we wanted to build a map designed specifically to help people explore the world of outdoor sports.”
From mountains to deserts, from oceans to forests, Fatmap is capable of guiding athletes in any environment, even without a data connection. It
makes extraordinary places accessible and opens up infinite possibilities: those of discovering and designing one's own experiences independently, in a complete way. “We're creating the ultimate guide to the outdoors. Everything you need, in one place.”
There is no doubt that the key to a successful adventure lies in good planning. Whether you're planning to climb up to Mont Blanc, or The Pill’s running tests, understanding the route, the type of terrain you'll be facing, and being able to refer to it can undoubtedly make things easier.
First of all by using the app and getting used to the tab layout. The first section you will see is the Map, from which to plan your routes. Have fun discovering the different topographical tools that highlight altitude, elevation gain, etc. You will be amazed by the feeling of immersion in the ground.
The next step is choosing where to go. You can use the search function to find a specific place (countries, peaks, already existing routes) or simply find out what's around you. With a starting point established, it's time to create your own adventure. Press and hold anywhere on the map to start
drawing your route. By activating the SnapTo option your waypoints will automatically rely on existing routes on the map. Once your planning is done, all that remains is to enrich it with information and waypoints: the better the description of the route, the easier it will be to share your plans with others. Once finished, Fatmap will start calculating the features of your adventure. Distance, ascent, descent and maximum slope will be instantly available for every activity you create.
“What drives us is the belief that outdoor experiences are a profound source of pleasure and joy. Moments to disconnect from our increasingly connected and hyper urban daily life, which not only help improve physical and mental health, but also contribute to our overall happiness. By enabling more people to experience the wonders of our world, we hope to help build greater respect for it."
Adventures are all around us. With Fatmap today we can make them easier to discover, experience and share. Using the app for our trail running and hiking tests was simply sensational, fun and intuitive, with a simple sharing of the routes our testers knew in preview the curves where to run, the terrains and the elevation gain they would encounter.
Finally we managed run tests without losing anyone :-)
Duration 32min
Distance 5,6km
Elevation 64m352m
Max slope 9°
Find the route's track on The Pill Outdoor's profile on Fatmap
slope 11° Find the route's track on The Pill Outdoor's profile on Fatmap
He runs, writes, organizes aces, and generally tries to honor what the running community has given him. His last race: 100 miles in the Arizona desert. The next one: 100 kilometers on the asphalt of Romagna.
He runs a lot and do it well. Although he has run and skied everywhere, his love remains Skylakes, the race he founded: months of work, the bond with the staff, and hundreds of athletes along the way. The rest of the time he tells stories through a lens.
The first and most faithful contributor to The Pill trail tests. Born and raised in Trentino, he opened one of the most beautiful running store in Italy, Runaway, in Milan. Alongside the store, there’s an amateur sports club of 150 people and a great desire to run together.
He lives in Franciacorta and works at Gialdini, one of the reference outdoor stores in Northern Italy. He has been in the sector for twenty five years, running far and possibly high. People say he grew up on bread and materials, if you need something just call him.
Ciuk Running Team
When we talk about "attitude" he’s the one who first comes to mind. The tiger of Varese, the Italian Squaw Valley. He loves the community of this sport, and tries to contribute to improve it. We talked about him in the issue 45 and about the team he founded in the issue 53.
Presenting him with his results would not do him honor. Professional athlete, in addition to running very fast, he is committed to creating content and spread the culture of the sport he practices, writing and holding his own podcast: Any Surface Available.
The Pill Journalist
Graphic designer, type lover, cat lover: he also loves trail races, although it would be better not to do them. He eats mainly pizza, has a lot of stuff to do and a red beard. He is a part-ner of the Zetalab studio in Milan and art director of The Milaneser.
The Pill Journalist Buckled
He’s the host of the first podcast about ultrarunning in Italy, Buckled, as well as creator of another dozen projects about the same issue. He has a serious problem with merchandis-ing and site domains. If you think of a trail logo, he probably was the one who realized it.
One of the first collaborators of The Pill, an all round tester, from snowboarding to hiking and of course trail running. A true product fanatic, if you see a new brand distributed in Italy, he probably wrote about it in The Pill's Best Made column a couple of years ago.
Observing, wearing and trying on shoes, boots and hiking boots is an interesting task. In this discipline, having the right (or wrong) shoe can turn the whole experience around. Walking for more or less time, on more or less technical trails, with more or less severe slopes is something that belongs to everyone: it is an action present in the life of every human being and doing it in nature with a goal in mind is simply the most natural way to relax. Like many things, hiking and the way of living it has changed over the years and it continues to evolve: once upon a time there was the belief that the right shoe had to be stiff, that suffering was part of a sort of initiation to hiking
and when moving on the trails. Today this belief has (fortunately!) disappeared and after the pandemic, the people on paths and trails have changed, expanding a lot, going to include increasingly diversified groups of human beings with ever-changing needs. Groups of young and very young guys who escape from the urban scenario to find their own spaces where roots fragment the path and where there are no chairs to sit on and talk, but soft green lawns. Sneakers are transformed into technical footwear and the boot today is something that must be performing but comfortable, it must give us security but also be aesthetically well-finished.
Jackets, pants, backpacks and accessories. Everything that can be useful for tackling your summer adventures
One morning of some months ago we all met at the foot of Mount Freidour, above Pinerolo. It is a very green area that offers dirt, little traveled or not at all traveled trails crossed by streams and kept cool by a more or less dense forest of different vegetation. A perfect place for the mid-seasons when the snow hasn't left the highlands yet. Rocca Sbarua, an icon of climbing in the Turin area, watched us imposingly as we tried to understand the feelings that the different models gave us between grip, fit, comfort, sensitivity, cushioning. The ever new materials that are offered year after year make technology enthusiasts shiver, just as the increasingly sustainable processes show that slowly things move and can move. Reached the highest point, Monviso dominates
the panorama on the left together with the peaks of Val Germanasca. On clear days you can see very well Marittimes, Gran Paradiso and also the Monte Rosa chain.
It is always very curious to see how each brand has its own adjective, its own meaning in the mind of every hiker: some stand out for their sustainability, some for their aesthetics, some for innovation and some for lightweight. Hiking is a field where trends count almost zero but where everyone really has to find his or her own and we have tried to tell you something that can make you learn, get to know and intrigue about this vast and varied world of products.
Relax time for Lisa Misconel
If you want to climb the "stone king" in Piedmont you can certainly rely on Luca "Manfre" Manfredi and his agency "Monviso Outdoor"
The Pill Trail Tester
Volcanic and explosive, he left the city to build a new life in the mountains. The business man of the group, known in the Cuneo valleys for having sold snow to the Icelanders, because it is known, there was very little this year.
The youngest Italian guide, 24 years of life and love for the mountains. He lives in Piedmont, completed the course to become a guide during the Covid pandemic in January 2021 and relies on various groups of guides. Tireless.
Born and raised in the green Val di Fiemme in Trentino, she knows by heart the trails from the valley to the peaks between running, ski mountaineering and hiking. She loves to tell stories, always out and about wandering around in the mountains or in the woods.
Hiking is not always and just walking and exploring: Lorenzo spends his days in the Orsiera Rocciavrè Park on the trails looking for deer horns. He does walk a lot... Up and down among woods observing around, completely immersed and integrated within the natural environment.
Skiing and rock are his elements, that’s why he embarked on the road to becoming a mountain guide where knowing how to move in different conditions and on different terrains is fundamental. Determined and passionate.
From Piedmont and with a thousand passions, among which the one for acrobatics stands out. The forest is his playground where he puts all kinds of shoes to the test with some backflips at the end or why not even in the middle of his hiking sessions.
Here in the editorial office we often ask ourselves about market trends, how the final consumer reacts to the various news, what they like, what they don't, what is important and what nobody gives a damn about, which brand is really influencing the enthusiasts. Who better than the 1334 Outdoor Stores that distribute The Pill can tell us more about this? It’s them that live in daily contact with those who buy the product, absorbing real and tangible information on the various items of this SS23.
Which of these Trail and Running brands do you consider the best overall?
Which of these Trail and Running brands is the most requested in your store?
Which of these Trail and Running brands is most present in your store?
Which of these Trail and Running brands has the best marketing?
Which of these Trail and Running brands has the best value for money?
Which of these Mountaineering and Hiking brands do you consider the best?
Which of these Mountaineering and Hiking brands is the most requested?
Which of these Mountaineering and Hiking brands is most present in your store?
We’ve listed the best 4 based on the results collected
Which of these Mountaineering and Hiking brands has the best marketing?
We’ve listed the best 4 based on the results collected
Which of these Climbing brands do you consider the best?
We’ve listed the best 4 based on the results collected
Which of these Climbing brands is more present in your store?
We’ve listed the best 4 based on the results collected
Which of these Climbing brands is the most requested in your store?
We’ve listed the best 3 based on the results collected
Which of these Climbing brands has the best marketing?
We’ve listed the best 3 based on the results collected
Which of these shoes brands is most committed to sustainability?
We’ve listed the best 3 based on the results collected
Which of these brands offers the best after-sales assistance?
We’ve listed the best 3 based on the results collected
What do you think about online sales?
Does your store have a Running team?
Do you organize Running and Hiking excursions with your consumers?
How many Trail and Road shoes does your customer buy on average in a year?
How many pairs of Trail and Road shoes do you sell per year?
100 anni di LOWA – 100 anni di adrenalina. Ringraziamo tutti coloro che da un secolo a questa parte si sono affidati alle nostre calzature nelle prime ascensioni, nelle spedizioni e nelle avventure.
How would you describe the 4T2 runner? Our audience is quite diverse. In reality, many non-professional runners choose our brand, they are not élite runners but great enthusiasts. People who have adopted running as part of their life, who take running very seriously. Many of our clients are designers, architects, marketing creatives… They all share the mood of our claim "gone running" or "running is ugly" or "get lost”.
What goals did you have in terms of research and development for the creation of the products in the new collection? We have designed a set of components that serve a generation of products. New products evolve from user experience and feedback.
What is your newest and most innovative product for the SS23? Our first three models Weekdays, Sundays and Get Lost.
What is the technology you are most proud of? Both for road and trail running. We are happy to see that people understand our modular system and we are more proud of those customers who have bought our soles to put them under the shoes of other brands....
How do you try to involve the running communities? We communicate online with our worldwide audience and connect with them through local dealer events and through the race teams.
What are next year's goals for the brand? After Sundays and Weekedays, another day of the week...
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? We have
designed and developed our products to avoid waste, seasonal overproduction and the carbon footprint of too many samples. Our long-term vision is to build products based on individual needs.
In which aspects of daily actions can we talk about sustainability?
Some examples are the shoe box which is also a shipping carton, our soles which can be replaced with new ones that can be purchased directly from us, our modular system which reduces samples and heavy carbon footprint and also our desire to don't produce POS material that gets thrown away too quickly.
In which events will our readers be able to meet the 4T2 team? We are hoping to meet runners at some local running events later in the year
but we are honestly too busy to satisfy the interest of people worldwide, we think next year we will be able to meet many runners at competitions and events.
How do you think the running community will grow in the upcoming future? The running community will grow a lot as more and more people are realizing that emotional and physical health improves with real movement and actions. The boom of running has never stopped and will never end.
SS 2023
How would you describe the Altra runner? Altra runners are bold and pioneering. Bold because they run to get the most out of life. Challenge and happiness are not opposites: they find joy in pushing themselves further and overcoming obstacles. Pioneers because they don't race against time: they run to discover themselves and the world around them, trying to create progress and momentum for themselves and for others.
What goals did you have in terms of research and development for the creation of the products in the new collection? Altra's main goal has always been to create high performing shoes suitable for everyone. The research and development team has focused on further improving existing models and making Altra shoes suitable for all types of runners, both from a sporting and purely aesthetic point of view.
What is your newest and most innovative product for the SS23? This winter we've released our legendary shoe in a more advanced version: Lone Peak 7, thanks to a seamless upper, the grippy MaxTrac outsole and our Original FootShape Fit, is the perfect shoe for tackling any terrain. Our best performing trail shoe is Mont Blanc BOA, a trail running shoe designed for long distance running that has propelled our athletes to the top of the leaderboards at events like UTMB (and beyond). Made with the same features as the original Mont Blanc, the model integrates PerformFit Wrap technology with the BOA Fit System double dial system, for quick and precise micro-adjustment during the race. Maximum comfort with the Standard FootShape Fit and our Altra Ego Max foam midsole are added to the Vibram Litebase outsole, making the Mont Blanc BOA the perfect shoe for an ultramarathon or a new trail running adventure not far from home. The new Torin 7 comes out in June: our best selling road running shoe returns in an improved version with a new tongue, increased cushio-
ning and a molded heel counter. Every detail of Torin 7 is designed to be suitable for any type of race and the two millimeters more of cushioning layer offer superior comfort and responsiveness compared to the previous model.
What is the technology you are most proud of? Both for road and trail running. Wearing a pair of Altra Running shoes for the first time means experiencing unique comfort: our platform includes a FootShape toe cap that allows your toes to relax and spread out, thus improving stability and promoting a natural gait.
How do you try to involve the running communities? Our approach is on the ground: we like to organize tests, participate in races and have fun with old and new fans. Our "red wave" does not go unnoticed!
What are next year's goals for the brand? On a brand level, we want to confirm ourselves more and more as an important player in the trail sector and grow in the road one. We are also starting to open up to all those who want to go trekking and light hiking. On a commercial level, we aim to be present in all the best specialized stores in Italy.
In which events will our readers be able to meet your team this year? In Italy we participate in all the most important events regarding trail and road running: Maremontana, Garda Trentino Trail, Double W, UTLO, Florence and Venice Marathon are just a few names. Of course we will not miss LUT. There are many appointments in Europe and, above all, we will be at all the UTMB events!
How do you think the running community will grow in the upcoming future? We believe that running will continue to grow and we are ready to face this challenge with excellent products: the future of Altra reserves great surprises starting from next season.
SS 2023
How would you describe the Asics runner? Our goal has always been to inspire people to play sports because we believe in the positive impact that physical activity has on the body and mind. We are a caregiver brand and our consumers perceive that. The Asics runner identifies with the brand's values and shares its founding philosophy "Anima Sana in Corpore Sano". We’re talking about an athletes looking for products suitable for their running style and level of performance that allow them to carry out physical activity in complete safety, limiting injuries and guaranteeing them a moment of sport in the name of well being.
What goals did you have in terms of research and development for the creation of the products in the new collection? The introduction of PureGel in the top road models has made it possible to reach levels of comfort never before achieved in a running shoe, such as for the new Gel-Nimbus 25. In the trail running world we have worked and are working on improving current technologies and the sustainability of materials: this is the case of the new Gel-Trabuco 11 with a 100% recycled upper.
What is your newest and most innovative product for the SS23? This was one of the years we innovated the most. In the fast category, the newest product is the Superblast which allows incredible reactivity without the use of carbon but thanks to the FF Blast Turbo midsole. For the cushioning category we are talking about Gel-Nimbus 25 with the new PureGel technology for better cushioning and
a new shape of the midsole that guarantees a much smoother roll.
What is the technology you are most proud of? Both for road and trail running. For the road running sector we can indicate PureGel: we have managed to improve our longest lasting technology making it more cushioned and comfortable. For the trail running sector we have renewed the Asics Grip both in the composition of the tread material and in the design of the lugs which takes on a multidirectional shape to have the best grip in any type of direction and climatic condition.
How do you try to involve the running communities? As a sports company we work to support and propose a wide range of events in the area with the aim of involving more and more runners to participate to experience with us the uplifting power of sport on the mind. During events and activities, our Brand Trainer team is always available with product tests to offer the best advice on the right shoe
for every type of run and activity. Furthermore, the Asics FrontRunner community presides over the territorial areas of greatest interest, involving novices and expert runners in the various activities.
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? We are committed to supporting a sustainable strategy which by 2030 plans to reduce CO2 emissions by 63% in direct interventions and in the supply chain, produce 100% recycled polyester products and use 100% renewable energy in all company facilities .
In which events will our readers be able to meet your team this year? In the coming months, the trail events in the area of which we are partners and in which we will be involved will continue: Sudtirolo Ultra Race (August 25-27), Stellina Race (August 27), Mura Urban Trail Verona (September 2) and Amastuola Wave Trail (August 15 October).
Looking for the perfect fit to bring your performance to the next level? Our Effektor ® 4D collection merges high-end technology with unprecedented wearing comfort. The result: A new generation of functional clothing for runners who want to go the extra mile.
SS 2023
How would you describe the Hoka runner? Hoka's goal is to inspire everyone to get moving: starters, sprinters, road runners, ultramarathoners, pro runners and wild trail runners. We believe that everyone is an athlete.
What goals did you have in terms of research and development for the creation of the products in the new collection? Innovation is the heart of Hoka. We are very focused on consumers and we design/engineer products to solve the problems of our consumers, ensuring that Hoka innovation is delivered in a relevant and energetic way to all, regardless of their activities or ability.
What is your newest and most innovative product for the SS23? Consumers can look forward to the launch of new models and exciting iterations of Hoka's most loved products this summer, further solidifying our position as a pioneer in the performance industry. Rocket X 2, Challenger 7 and Tecton X 2 are just a few examples, respectively focused on speed performance, both on trail and road terrain and the use of innovative materials such as the Matryx upper.
What is the technology you are most proud of? Both for road and trail running. Trail running has been and continues to be the heart of Hoka, from which our co-founders' research work to better the trail running discipline in the Alps. This DNA has influenced our trail running products, tackling both categories through the lens of innovation.
How do you try to involve the running communities? Hoka's mission is to make everyone feel like they can
fly, not only through our cutting-edge products, but also by motivating our community to get the most out of every run and inspire runners of all levels. In Italy, we are currently engaging with the local road and trail running communities but we are already working to connect with the running teams in the cities.
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? We are bound to our body, to our feet, to the trail, to the air and to the rain. Every runner wants to feel good about the shoes they wear, so we set out to create a truly sustainable company. We're on a mission to reduce our impact on
limited resources, and this year we're launching innovations and shoes that bring us closer to our vision. Like the new TC 1.0 and the Restore TC, both made with recycled sugar cane, with super simple construction and less virgin materials.
In which events will our readers be able to meet your team this year?
Hoka aims to unite and inspire the global trail running community as the primary footwear and apparel partner of the UTMB Mont Blanc and UTMB World Series. Thanks to a natural synergy with common origins in the French Alps, both trail icons embrace the power to shape the future of trail running around the world.
How would you describe the LaSportiva runner? First of all we’re talking about Mountain Runners, therefore those who love running in the mountains, pushing themselves on technical terrains, collecting high elevation gain and breathtaking descents.
What goals did you have in terms of research and development for the creation of the products in the new collection? We know that historically we have a very strong offer over short and medium distances, high performing products that our athletes also wear over long or very long distances. The trail running world is exploding and the trend of running ever longer and more demanding races has now embraced a much wider audience. That’s why we have focused on expanding our range of footwear dedicated to ultra distances. Our goal is therefore to develop products with great cushioning but which guarantee great reactivity and stability. All this, of course, without losing our identity and our technicality, researching our solutions and technologies to realize products exactly as we want them.
What is your newest and most innovative product for the SS23? In the SS23 we launched two brand new products, Jackal II and Jackal II BOA, both dedicated to long and ultra distances. Jackal II BOA is definitely a shoe that stands out among the current offer, both aesthetically and technically. It’s a model with double BOA to ensure a micrometric adjustment of the lacing, easily customizable according to the needs that may emerge while racing for hours. The collar in Ariaprene gives protection from the entry of debris and dirt while still guaranteeing excellent breathability. The outsole in Frixion White, our most grippy compound, ensures maximum grip even for the most demanding runners.
What is the technology you are most proud of? Both for road and trail running. We have several proprietary technologies that distinguish our products: the Impact Brake System construction, applied to the sole also on this type of shoe, increases traction and control downhill, the Trail Rocker solution, which we find for example on models such as the Akasha II, favors the natural movement of the foot, "external heel-internal toe" support, during the entire running phase, or again, on Mutant, with Fusion Gate technology, a lacing system integrated into the structure of the upper that allows you to adjust the volumes and the adherence of the shoe to the foot, guaranteeing a stable and precise run even on the traverses. We also carefully develop each of our soles based on the intended use for the product. The tread design and rubber compound make the difference when it comes to grip and thanks to our range of FriXion soles we can really cover every need, guaranteeing maximum performance and traction on any type of terrain.
In which events will our readers be able to meet your team this year?
We will be present at the Mountain Running and Trail World Championships which will take place in Innsbruck, from 6 to 10 June, but also at races such as Gran Sasso Ultra Trail, from 14 to 16 July in Abruzzo. An extremely special event for us, like every year, will be the Lavaredo Ultra Trail. A race now recognized as one of the most important in the world, which takes place on a magical route and which allows us to meet thousands of enthusiasts to compete with, run and have fun together! This year we will also have the opportunity to hold our Running Athletes Meeting in the days preceding the race, a unique opportunity to share ideas, projects, feedback and experiences with our athletes from all over the world: our products are so special thanks to their support and there is no better occasion to work together in Cortina! Another event we will sponsor will be the Gran Trail Courmayeur, from 7 to 9 July.
How would you describe the NNormal runner? A passionate and attentive consumer, not only with every step he or she takes on the ground, which must be precise and safe, but also and above all with the environment we live in, with values and actions necessary to preserve it.
What is your newest and most innovative product for the SS23?
Two completely different materials are used in the midsoles between one model and another: the first is an EVA 50, therefore a high density material. This midsole is mounted on the Tomir, the shoe designed for long distances, for training and walking in all conditions, even the most extreme ones. At first glance, the shoe seems dry and not very permissive, but over the hours it becomes an extremely comfortable object, keeping all its characteristics of precision and performance unchanged. The second midsole is certainly something innovative in the trail section and it is positioned on the Kjerag shoe: it is a performance shoe, for intermediate and short routes developed for runners who like to have a certain feeling with the ground, but at the same time have protection. It's called Eexpure and it's a particular type of EVA that is heated and then injected with CO2 and subsequently cooled. With this procedure, the resulting foam has very marked properties in terms of reactivity, cushioning and memory. In NNormal the thing that immediately catches the eye is that by assembling this type of midsole with Vibram's Litebase sheet, obtaining an extremely performing, durable and incredibly light product. The uppers in turn reflect the DNA of the shoes. That’s why Kjerag used Matryx: a mix of polyamide and Kevlar filaments, which ensures great characteristics of breathability and resistance. For Tomir a non-Matrix polyamide filament is used, but with absolutely excellent
SS 2023
strength characteristics. For the Tomir Mid and Low waterproof shoes, a Symaptex membrane is used with a 40.000mm water column which has excellent waterproofing qualities.
How do you try to involve the running communities? A documentary dedicated to Killian's new adventure in Nepal will soon be released. The "No Trace Program" consistently follows the message that NNormal wants to give where it will be possible to deliver old shoes: NNormal will take care of repairing or recycling them, giving them a second life. NNormal information campaign in partnership with Vibram which will give the possibility to regenerate the treads of shoes.N Normal with its "prime team" will participate in some international events, including Sierre Zinal, Golden Trail Series, with the Dolomyths Run,
then UTMB. This in Europe, while in the USA the program is still to be completely defined, but certainly the most important participation of our athletes will focus on the Western States Endurance Run. Kilian Journet, our first testimonial could join the most important events during the season, in particular UTMB of which he is defending champion, but it will be necessary to see in what form he will be just before the race.
What are the goals for next year for the growth of the company? Since Camper decided to enter the sector, it has put all its resources at the service of the technicians, designers and Kilian himself to make this project progress quickly.
How would you describe the SCARPA runner? Certainly in the very first seasons in which we started to push this category, it concerned the consumer who already knew the brand for the quality of the skialp, mountain or hiking products, i.e. the flagship segments of SCARPA. So it concerned a 360° mountain enthusiast, eager for a product for every occasion of use with the spirit and quality features to which he has always been accustomed. Little by little, trail running has also made its way into more specialized running stores, and thanks also to the targeted marketing investment, the typical consumer has expanded more towards the trail running enthusiast,
SS 2023
from beginner to pro, aware that the technical nature of the product for the sport you practice is the best weapon for a safe run in all mountain conditions in which you can find yourself.
What goals did you have in terms of research and development for the creation of the products in the new collection? The primary goals are product durability and sustainability. If the first one is a dogma that has existed in SCARPA since the very beginning and that the company pursues it with maniacal care, the latter is an ever more current need that drives us to choose suppliers who are increasingly aware and at the forefront of research and development of materials, as well as willing to apply the correct actions by designing products
with recycled, bio-derived materials, or by thinking of solutions that extend the life of the product. Then, we think about what the market requires and what are the solutions to design products in a more logical and sustainable way.
What is your newest and most innovative product for the SS23? Definitely the newcomer of the season: Spin Planet. A product dedicated to long distances, daily training and competitions, at all levels of experience and speed. We are talking about a product designed to achieve maximum sustainability in the shoe components, keeping the performance and durability of the model almost intact. 100% recycled fabric in the upper, as well as 45% in the sole and 30% in the tread.
What is the technology you are most proud of? Both for road and trail running. We have various technologies within the collection, some are common to many other competitors, such as the lacing with the BOA dial or the use of Gore-Tex membranes, others are aimed at making performances in the environment truly optimal, for example the carbon plate that helps in the uphill racing or the choice of tread compound that is not always Vibram, but with one of our solutions we called “Presa”. Our soles are born with the concept of obtaining, through the calibration of the chemical composition of the materials and with a design with the correct geometries, performance or durability depending on the intended use of the product.
How do you try to involve the running communities? All "on field" activities are important and necessary to get closer to the end user, who, however, must not only be a fan of the trail world. We believe it is essential to be recognizable in this ecosystem, first of all. We have built an international team made up of about thirty athletes, as well as a national team with about forty athletes/trail running ambassadors, and we have stimulated the creation of other teams in many of the countries where we distribute our brand. The support of events is constant during the season, from the most relevant to those more local, but the important thing is that they always refer to at least one of our points of sale in the area. The demo tests or "Try the Trail" as we have defined it, are constantly carried out by our tech reps or by myself. Lately we've been giving prominence to “plogging” activities, or running combined with garbage collection, with green projects such as “Keep Clean and Run” and the World Plogging Championships.
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? As extensively described above, the focus on sustainability has been very impor-
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tant since the last two seasons. First of all, it is essential to make use of serious suppliers who, in addition to material certifications, are at the forefront of the search for increasingly sustainable materials. The goal is to obtain in the near future a recyclable trail shoe, i.e. with parts that can be easily disassembled and re-introduced into a virtuous production cycle as is the case of the Re-Shoes project.
In which aspects of daily actions can we talk about sustainability? Our company has been starting the process to become more sustainable for some years now. The Asolo headquarters has a photovoltaic system that covers the energy needs for our internal production, and there is also an increasing awareness among employees about those daily actions aimed at consuming less energy or thinking about development processes to optimize waste materials.
In which events will our readers be able to meet your team this year? We will be present at countless events and fairs during the summer season. Among the most important competitions in which we will participate to show and often make you try our collection, I can mention a few: Maratona della Valle Intrasca on June 3-4 in Verbania, Monte Rosa Skyrace in Alagna on June 17, Lavaredo Ultra Trail in Cortina , Fletta Trail in Malonno (BS) and Dolomyths Run in Canazei in mid-July, then UTMB in early September in Chamonix. But there are also many events in southern Italy, such as the Campania Trail Circuit, Trail nel Salento, up to Sicilia Trail among others. We will end the season in style at the Valtellina Wine Trail in Sondrio, the race that I have the honor of having launched ten years ago now.
How do you think the running community will grow in the upcoming future? We expect an exponential growth of practitioners of this popular sport, but we also hope that the races will resume the enthusiasm of participation we were used to before the pandemic. There are many pro -
blems that often block the return of large numbers of participants, first of all the increase in the cost of living. On the product front, the consumer is also expected to be increasingly aware and attentive also to the technicality and sustainable aspects of the shoe, not only to its aesthetics and price.
Our company has been starting the process to become more sustainable for some years now. The Asolo headquarters has a photovoltaic system that covers the energy needs for our internal production, and there is also an increasing awareness among employees about those daily actions aimed at consuming less energy or thinking about development processes to optimize waste materials.
What is your newest and most innovative product for the SS23? For SS23, The North Face launched its most innovative collection of trail running shoes: Vectiv 2.0. The new Summit Series Vectiv Pro and Summit Series Vectiv Sky are extremely cushioned models, equipped with a new responsive foam and the Vectiv 2.0 carbon plate. Together with our athletes and our product development team, we are committed to offering the best racing shoes that optimize stability, improve cushioning and guarantee unmatched comfort, propulsion and traction. Proposed under the Summit Series premium range label, this new collection offers consumers all the benefits of The North Face's best performing, inno-
vative and technologically advanced products, tested in the field during competitions by our athletes, such as Katie Schide, on the occasion of her unforgettable victory at UTMB 2022.
What is the technology you are most proud of? Both for road and trail running. Our Summit Series Trail Running Collection integrates the most advanced footwear and apparel technologies. The Vectiv 2.0 shoe collection ensures the standard of stability, propulsion and optimal traction on trail courses and the Summit Series Trail Running apparel offers top level performances thanks to technologies such as Futurelight, for a lightweight, waterproof and highly breathable protection.
How do you try to involve the running communities? Whether you are a professional athlete or an amateur runner, the community of trail running enthusiasts is extremely important to us. Our trail runners across Europe are involved in the development of our products and put the prototypes to the test during their training and races before the innovations hit the market. We also regularly organize local test events at our stores or at one of our Chamonix and Garmisch base camps, where consumers can try our shoes and meet other trail runners and athletes.
How would you describe the Topo runner? As confirmed by some research carried out in America, the users of Topo Athletic are particularly representative of two categories of runners. We have runners looking for performance (more specialized consumers) and also less performing runners who perform low intensity physical activity giving priority to comfort, but always with the necessary technical support. Goals such as comfort and performance are ensured by the peculiarities of the brand, from the typical fit to the choice of materials used in the midsole.
What goals did you have in terms of research and development for the creation of the products in the new collection? What is your newest and most innovative product for the SS23? For Spring 23 Topo Athletic has launched Cyclone 2 for the road segment and Ultraventure 3 for the trail running sector, both highly innovative. In the road sector, Cyclone 2 has been completely revised with the use of Pebax in the midsole, so that together with the Specter it can best represent the Speed segment of the collection. With Ultraventure 3, above all, the midsole has been developed with the creation of a ZipFoam that had greater cushioning and reactivity contents. The compound was therefore created from scratch, with a particular focus on comfort and performance.
What is the technology you are most proud of? Both for road and trail running. We focus a lot on ZipFoam, with a shock absorbing and performing compound for greater energy return
and cushioning, and on the use of new materials such as Pebax to create more performing products.
How do you try to involve the running communities? In addition to social and digital channels, we also use e-commerce as an information tool, through technical newsletters reserved for site subscribers. In 2022 we supported around 50 events in collaboration with points of sale, both races and product tests, while in 2023 we will reach 70.
What are next year's goals for the brand? We aim for a growth of 50% more in 2024 compared to 2023. Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? The goal is to complete the transition to uppers made with recycled materials for all
models by 2025. Then we will then begin to think about the use of recycled materials for the midsole. In the long term, this direction will lead us to entirely eco-sustainable products.
At which events will runners be able to meet you this summer? We will be present at about fifty events, including The Pill Base Camp in Courmayeur and various races, such as Ultra Lifoj (June 2), 100 Miglia Monviso (July 21), La Majella Running Cup (August 13) and Pescara Marathon ( October 21st).
How do you think the running community will grow in the upcoming future? In our community we are working to double the numbers in terms of fans in 2024.
How would you describe the Aku hiker? An authentic person who is passionate about the mountains in the fullest sense of the term, because he or she understood that it's not just an outdoor playground where you can go to have fun and regenerate, but also a place to live and work, full of culture, values and traditions to know and respect.
Who is your reference target in the hiking world? We don't have a specific target, our hiking collection has always been inclusive and transversal, to satisfy an average user who seeks comfort but also an expert user who demands the maximum in terms of technical functionality.
Which technologies do you use the most in your hiking shoes and which ones do you think are most relevant? The proprietary technology of excellence is called Elica and concerns the methods of constructing the shape to enhance biodynamic comfort. On some models we have also introduced an exclusive double lacing system called DFS Dual Fit System, to offer a double adjustment of the fit, comfort when walking or approaching rock and climbing routes, when you switch from stride to vertical supports.
What is the most innovative and performing shoe in your collection?
In the hiking category certainly Rocket DFS GTX model. In the Mountaineering category the new Croda DFS GTX, a model of absolute excellence, awarded as best mountaineering shoe 2022 by the German magazine Outdoor.
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? We have never liked the word sustainability, ever since, in 2013, the German consumer defense foundation Stiftung Warentest let us know that
our hiking model Trekker Lite GTX was the shoe with the lowest environmental impact among the 15 tested in the laboratory to determine the degree of pollutants present in the shoe. In the company we work in three groups to manage sustainability: industrial operations, product and community. We hope to maintain the role of forerunner in the outdoor footwear sector, a role earned by achieving goals such as EPD and the certification of CO2 emissions.
In which aspects of daily management can we talk about sustainability? In small gestures and responsible actions that everyone can do in their own small way, reducing waste and limiting unnecessary consumption.
What do you recommend to do when your footwear is worn out
and no longer usable? We recommend repairing it when possible and we offer this service in our Italian headquarters, we are also working with our Dutch partners to develop a recycling project to encourage circularity. It's a difficult operation, since recycling a mountain shoe is different from doing with a pant or a shirt.
What were your goals in terms of research and development for the creation of the new season's products? For Aku, research and development means finding a perfect combination of comfort and technical precision. Comfort has always been the requirement that characterizes our brand, technical precision is an added value on which we have now reached levels of excellence.
How would you describe the CMP hiker? It is a person passionate about outdoor life in all its expressions, who appreciates the simplest trails and is not afraid of fatigue, without however looking only at performance and times. A person that looks for moments to share, with friends or family.
What were your goals in terms of research and development for the creation of the new season's products?
The choices are always aimed at ensuring maximum functionality and comfort. What we have improved is the attention towards materials, for fibers and padding, with a lower environmental impact.
Who is your reference target in the hiking world? Our target are different consumer groups, including outdoor
lovers and families. We try to meet their specific needs with differentiated product lines. The common point between our targets is the passion for the outdoors, the respect for nature and the search for protective and safe products, consciously chosen.
Which technologies do you use the most in your hiking shoes and which ones do you think are most relevant? We have collaborations with high level partners, such as Vibram and Ortholite. We then use our Clima Protect technology, a membrane that guarantees waterproofness and breathability.
What is the most innovative and performing shoe in your collection? Mintaka, with upper in suede, reinforcement in PU, Vibram Aronne 878K rubber sole, EVA midsole, Clima Protect membrane and Ortholite insole, to guarantee stability and energy return during walking.
Hiking is an activity that brings consumers of all kinds closer to the outdoor world, from professionals to novice enthusiasts. Do you expect this differentiation within your product range, or can different needs be satisfied by the same high end product? We have different lines: Unlimitech for intense activities and Outdoor for less demanding excursions. Consumers often choose more performing garments to be prepared for the unexpected and improve their experiences.
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? Last year we drafted the first sustainability report and we included a figure who coordinates the activities related to the topic. We study a plan to reduce the impact by analyzing the supply chain and calculating the carbon footprint of our e-commerce. At the end of 2022 we also carried out an internal survey to test the corporate climate and we are now planning interventions to improve the aspects that emerged.
In which aspects of daily management can we talk about sustainability? In the company, sustainability manifests itself in small daily actions such as the use of recycled paper, separate waste collection and respect for people's work and time. Employees have been trained on the concept of sustainability and how present actions can affect the future, both at a professional and personal level. What do you recommend to do when your footwear is worn out and no longer usable? Unfortunately, a shoe is difficult to recycle as it is made up of different parts. However, we regularly supply spare parts such as laces and fast lace closures. We don't have a repair service yet, but we are considering future options such as second hand, donation to charities or material recycling.
Some examples are the asymmetrical lacing, which adapts to the morphology of the instep, and the asymmetrical collar, which adapts to the height offset between the internal and external part of the malleolus. We also collaborate with brands such as Gore-Tex, Vibram, Ortholite and Michelin to offer added value to our models.
What is the most innovative and performing shoe in your collection? It is certainly the 9.81 Hi-Ride, awarded with the "Design & Innovation Award" 2023. It is a Hike&Bike hybrid shoe, designed to offer high performances during excursions that include both cycling and walking on mountain trails. The Garmont Traction Formula Hyve sole has been designed to ensure optimal grip on the pedals thanks to the positioning of the lugs and the dedicated rubber compound, offering traction and thrust at the same time. Hike&Bike is a growing niche activity and will finally have a dedicated shoe.
What were your goals in terms of research and development for the creation of the new season's products? Garmont's SS23 collection was guided by lightness, versatility and breathability. The new Dragontail Synth GTX in synthetic material is in fact 18% lighter than the leather version. Then we have the 9.81 Pulse, our lightest shoe, ideal for fast hikes.
Who is your reference target in the hiking world? In the context of pure hiking, we refer to those who love nature and exploration, even in diffe -
rent environments in addition to the high mountains.
Which technologies do you use the most in your hiking shoes and which ones do you think are most relevant?
Garmont offers a kit of technologies for each individual product based on the level of performance required. Among proprietary technologies, Anatomical Directed Design (ADD) is particularly transversal. This modular system of 5 construction elements follows the anatomy of the human foot, increasing the wearing comfort.
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? So far we have addressed sustainability mainly at the product level and through individual initiatives. We are currently embarking on a path that will include important initiatives and will have as its goal the creation of our first Sustainability Report by the end of 2024. The two-year period 2023-2024 will be of great importance for us and the FW23 and SS24 collections will represent a tangible evidence of our efforts, confirming that we are moving in the right direction.
What do you recommend to do when your footwear is worn out and no longer usable? Before replacing a shoe, it is advisable to take it to an expert shoemaker to give the product a second life. In case it is worn out, the best solution is to look for local companies that recycle used shoes, shredding them and obtaining compounds suitable for urban and sports flooring. Currently, this is the only option available to at least partially reuse a shoe that is no longer suitable for its initial purpose.
How would you describe the Hanwag hiker? Great mountain lover, destined to move in a wide variety of more or less difficult environments and terrains and who, consequently, needs to be able to count on a perfectly fitting, reliable and long-lasting quality product .
What were your goals in terms of research and development for the creation of the new season's products? With the new arrivals of the Makra family, we respond to the technical needs of the various alpine activities, from the most demanding excursions to tours on via ferratas with passages on the glacier. We have developed two new all round models, one high cut
three different ways. Since 1921, the year the company was founded, we have used the double stitch method, the more traditional one, today the prerogative of only a very few expert shoemakers. Over the years the cemented (or glued) method has arrived which, like that of the double stitching, allows the shoe to be resoled over time. We are certainly very fond of these first two methods, because they are part of Hanwag's DNA and allow us to create durable and resolable footwear. Recently, we have also started to adopt a third method, the modern Direct Injection technology, through which the soft material of the polyurethane (PU) midsole is injected and connected directly to the upper of the shoe. An innovative technology that allows us to create incredibly light and comfortable footwear and is therefore particularly suitable for lighter hiking models.
and one low cut, together with a new trek proposal for light backpacking tours up to 3000 metres. As always, we worked hard both in terms of material research and performance, safety and fit, with specially designed cushioning and lacing systems. We then presented the new Coastridge Low ES, a new low cut multifunctional model with a waterproof and completely PFC-free EcoShell membrane. Ideal for every day tours on the beaten track and which is particularly environmentally friendly.
Which technologies do you use the most in your hiking shoes and which ones do you think are most relevant? At Hanwag we make our footwear in
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? We work simultaneously on several fronts: production process, product longevity and maintenance. At the production level, we proudly and transparently declare that our shoes are 100% made in Europe and are made with materials and components almost entirely of European origin. Choosing to produce exclusively in Europe is a choice that allows us not only to guarantee quality, reliability and better production-side planning capabilities, but also to reduce shipping distances and therefore to save on emissions. Another key concept of our sustainability policy is the one of durability: Hanwag products are created to be worn for a long time. And this depends not only on the quality of the materials and construction techniques used in its realization, but also on the ability of the end user to take care of it. For this reason, as a company we are very committed to sharing the correct care and maintenance practices of Hanwag footwear with our customers.
Inspired by our winter exploration and outerwear expertise, the Activewear line is designed for environmentally friendly adventurers looking for technicity but not only. Modernity, lightness, freedom of movement, breathability, insulation, thermoregulation and waterproofing... Armed with cutting-edge technologies and with a reduced carbon footprint, the explorer of surf spots or the most remote summits will stand out all the year long.
SS 2023
How would you describe the Kayland hiker? The hiker who chooses to face his excursions wearing Kayland footwear is an advanced profile and ready for new challenges, aware of his and her choices and a regular visitor of the mountains.
Which technologies do you use the most in your hiking shoes and which ones do you think are most relevant? Among the most innovative technologies we find Gore-Tex Invisible Fit in the Duke MID GTX model, the first mid shoe with this technology. Furthermore, in the Duke GTX and Duke MID GTX project we insert Vibram Traction Lug, which helps to increase grip on particularly rough and wet terrains.
What is the most innovative and performing shoe in your collection?
Stellar AD GTX, an innovative and comfortable shoe that represents the evolution of Kayland's mountaineering DNA towards speed. The feeling to the fit is unique and the aggressive design adds an extra touch. The secret lies in the new sole, which welcomes the foot directly into the soft PU midsole to maximize the benefits of cushioning and offer optimal support in case of rough terrain. Between the midsole and the honeycomb tread designed with Vibram we also find a semi-rigid fiberglass insole.
Hiking is an activity that brings consumers of all kinds closer to the outdoor world, from professionals to novice enthusiasts. Do you expect this differentiation within your product range, or can different needs be satisfied by the same high end product?
Certainly during the design phase of a shoe, our work is concentrated on creating a product that responds to a specific function, but the ductility of the materials and technologies used allow the product to perform well in multiple uses.
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? The headquarters of M.G.M. it has photovoltaic panels that cover 80% of energy consumption, while the remaining 20% comes from external suppliers that use renewable sources. As far as our products are concerned, we are constantly looking for materials that offer high performance in terms of sustainability, without compromising quality and durability over time. However, the increasingly high demands of the market and our customers are often not in line with the technical characteristics of recycled materials. However, we are collaborating with industry experts to achieve positive results in the near term.
In which aspects of daily management can we talk about sustainability? Kayland has set up spaces throughout the company to make it easier for employees to recycle consciously. Thanks to their proactive contribution, we are able to constantly improve the methods of disposal and management of resources, both in production environments and in the offices. In addition, the company optimizes its facilities and equipment on a daily basis to ensure efficient use and energy savings.
What do you recommend to do when your footwear is worn out and no longer usable? Kayland offers the possibility of resoling some kind of shoes when they wear out. Furthermore, the company is working to define the terms of its participation in a project for the collection and disposal of end-of-life footwear. The goal is to transform them into a special recycled material used to create sports equipment and accessories.
How would you describe the La Sportiva hiker? Those who rely on our Mountain Hiking products do so with the certainty of finding all the know-how of almost a century of footwear history. We’re talking about technical users, who know what they’re about to face and what are their needs, they carefully choose all the equipment so as not to find themselves unprepared. People who want to feel alive, step by step, whether it's picking up the pace to reach a summit or calibrating all the details of a long journey at high altitude.
SS 2023
Who is your reference target in the hiking world? All people who want to have a technical product they can trust to accompany them on their outdoor adventures. From those looking for maximum precision for via ferratas to those who want maximum comfort for long adventures in the mountains, we have products that have a great know-how and a long research phase to meet all these needs.
Which technologies do you use the most in your hiking shoes and which ones do you think are most relevant? La Sportiva products of the Mountain Hiking line have their roots in our other categories, such as Mountaineering and Mountain Running. Some of the technologies taken from these categories are for example the Impact Brake System, a construction of the lugs of the sole
which not only ensures better absorption of impact with the ground, thus reducing joint fatigue, but also allows have great traction and great braking control downhill. 3D Flex System, of Mountaineering derivation, a construction of a multidirectional joint of the upper, which facilitates walking and allows the natural mobility of the ankle, without losing stability even on the roughest terrains.
What is the most innovative and performing shoe in your collection?
As far as innovation is concerned, a big step forward has been taken in terms of sustainability: with the Tx Hike line we have achieved models that have up to 90% of their weight of eco-friendly content. In terms of performance, I would mention the entire Ultra Raptor II family: a line that continues to enjoy success and to be highly appreciated, certainly for the
technical properties of the products but also for the varied offer.
Hiking is an activity that brings consumers of all kinds closer to the outdoor world, from professionals to novice enthusiasts. Do you expect this differentiation within your product range, or can different needs be satisfied by the same high end product? For conception, technicality and construction quality we can say that our products are all high end. Despite having essential common features, such as protection, comfort and durability for example, we then go on to segment our collection by technical characteristics that best adapt to the different needs of the end user. An expert hiker will be at ease with a low cut product that allows him to be fast and agile, while a novice enthusiast might prefer a high cut boot, more supportive to the ankle, which makes him feel more secure with every step. Surely the experience of the wearer of the product can lead to making choices more related to one's personal taste, even deviating from the recommended use, but there are conditions in which, regardless of one's level of experience, one will prefer the same products. Let's think of a long journey, with technical passages and stony ground, having a boot with a high cut, supportive and protective, would unite both the novice and the expert walker.
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? We are always looking for sustainable materials that reduce the impact on the environment. The first step, however, which we consider essential is to create products that last a long time, reducing the need to replace them. If on the one hand, as in the case of Tx Hike Mid Leather GTX, we have created a product with a high eco-sustainable content thanks to the use of recycled materials and yarns for the upper, laces and internal lining, a midsole with 15% recycled content, Vibram Eco Step Evo and 100% PFC-
SS 2023
free water repellent treatments, on the other hand, we believe it is essential to be able to extend the life of our products. Our origins lie in the mountains and in climbing, we can say that La Sportiva products were born to be resoled. Last year, we also brought this philosophy to the approach sector, thanks to our new "Resole Platform" technology, an extraordinary innovation that allows these products to be resoled without affecting and compromising the performance of the midsole. Our intention is to continue extending the concept of resolability to other lines, so that it is easy, safe and never compromises the original characteristics of the product. We are also working on new solutions to be able to intervene, adjust, change only the parts of the shoe that wear out most frequently. Often it is enough to replace a lace, a webbing or repair the product to make it like new. Another important aspect is to educate the consumer so that he knows how to take care of his products, dedicating adequate attention to them in order to prolong the life of the shoe as long as possible.
In which aspects of daily management can we talk about sustainability? Sustainability is a daily matter that takes place even in the smallest choices. La Sportiva adopts the best technologies to reduce the plant's environmental impact: starting from the photovoltaic system up to cooperation with local companies to develop a biomass district heating and cogeneration plant for the production of thermal and electrical energy, thus choosing a source less impactful than methane. La Sportiva has launched a project for the reduction/elimination of single-use plastic both within the company and outside it as regards the production chain. By extending the goal of reducing plastic beyond the company perimeter, the crucial issue becomes the one of the packaging of products that need packaging to protect them during transport and storage in the warehouse. Precisely because we are
attentive to the aspect of sustainability, we have also paid attention to the details related to the packaging phase: the plastic tape has been replaced with a paper one, we use unbleached boxes with chemical processes, up to the hangtags which have been redesigned to reduce the waste of paper, while still guaranteeing all the necessary information. During the entire manufacturing phase of the product we are attentive to the recovery and recycling of materials. For leather, for example, production waste is re-used as a secondary raw material for the creation of Eco-Design articles in leather, even rubber waste is recycled.
What do you recommend to do when your footwear is worn out and no longer usable? First of all, you have to ask yourself if that shoe is really no longer usable! Often we are driven to buy a new product without a real need, for example a resoling or the replacement of consumables such as laces would be enough to prolong its useful life! Furthermore, a product could have finished its useful life for the purpose for which it was intended, but find a second life for a different use: a classic example of a mountain running shoe that can still perform very well in daily use or for short easy walks. When the product is no longer usable, we recommend disposal in the collection centers set up in your municipality. Our products are distributed all over the world and each country has different regulations, but certainly some countries are ahead of others in the management of post-consumer products. In our small way we try to look at today's state of the art in order to be able to transform it into a common standard in the future. We are working on these topics very carefully and soon we will be able to share some interesting news!
How would you describe the Lowa hiker? An active person who pays attention to the environmental impact of his choices, who loves to use a comfortable product, with an excellent fit, materials and construction of the highest quality, which make him feel good during the excursion.
What were your goals in terms of research and development for the creation of the new season's products?
We aim to improve all the small details that make the difference in terms of comfort, product quality, lightness and functionality. We will have many new features for SS2024, such as the All Terrain Running line and the evolution of the iconic Renegade. There will be new entries in many other lines, aesthetically modernized without renouncing the typical characteristics of Lowa.
Who is your reference target in the hiking world? The market is highly segmented, but Lowa is aimed at consumers who are aware of the impact
of their consumption choices and attentive to their well being.
Which technologies do you use the most in your hiking shoes and which ones do you think are most relevant? There are many technologies and construction solutions used, all with a single focus: based on the terrain and environment of use, the shoe must protect the foot, ensure comfort and durability of the product itself.
What is the most innovative and performing shoe in your collection?
For us, performance is not just measurable with numbers. We invest a lot of resources to improve the Lowa footwear offer, guaranteeing precision, comfort, protection and durability. All our products are performing and innovative.
Hiking is an activity that brings consumers of all kinds closer to the outdoor world, from professionals to novice enthusiasts. Do you expect this differentiation within your product range, or can different needs be satisfied by the same high end product? Our products are classified into specific categories: Mountainee -
ring, Trekking, All Terrain Classic, All Terrain Sport, All Terrain Running, Everyday. Footwear differs from a constructive point of view, but for each type of use we think we always offer the best, according to the criteria we mentioned before.
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? Lowa is committed to sustainability through Corporate Responsibility, contributing to sustainable development in the fields of market, labour, community, environment and supply chain. We consider social, environmental and economic aspects on an equal level and involve stakeholders in the corporate responsibility strategy.
What do you recommend to do when your footwear is worn out and no longer usable? Evaluating whether the shoe can be reused is the first priority. The worn out sole of certain kind of shoes can be resoled. Problems such as worn linings, broken hooks or torn uppers can also often be fixed. Lowa provides support in determining the appropriate solution and it promotes product reuse whenever possible.
Comfort first. Sometimes we believe that every pair of pants is suitable for hiking, but actually we discover that it’s not like that after a long walk experiencing inconvenience caused by wrong clothing. The love for nature and the will to explore it without any distractions, is the guiding principle that inspired Redelk to develop its products while ensuring comfort for the most demanding walkers. An intense passion for the outdoors combined with thirty years of
experience in sportswear manufacturing allow our family to identify soft and comfortable fabrics, finding the best fit for hiking and creating longlasting products. The red moose symbolizes and reflects the character of the brand: strength, courage and perseverance that lead our company to improve products and services for our customers every day.
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If you are also a hiker...
How would you describe the Salewa hiker? Salewa is aimed at two types of hikers: the more traditional one who has been visiting the mountains for a long time as well as the expert in the field or a new generation of hikers who come from the cities and approach the mountains with great curiosity but also with its urban codes they don’t want to do without even in the mountains.
What were your goals in terms of research and development for the creation of the new season's products? The goal of the new season was to create a line with technical features designed on the basis of natural materials. We have in-
deed combined hemp with a fiber called “Sorona”, which comes from corn. The result is a very functional product, with a distinctive highly ecological design.
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? IThe topic of sustainability is particularly vast and it is necessary to establish priorities. Our main goals is to reduce CO2 emissions as much as possible and, in fact, our actions are based on this: recycled or natural materials, durable products with a wide range of uses and reparability of each product to further prolong its life cycle. Of course, it is also up to the customer to take care of their products and have them repaired in case of damage. The motto that we advise our consumers to always follow is: "We're the nature”.
Which technologies do you use the most in your hiking shoes and which ones do you think are most relevant? In Salewa hiking and trekking footwear we use different technologies to ensure the best possible fit and offer a combination of excellent performance and optimal comfort. Here are the most important ones:
3F System. This system offers superior support to the foot, thanks to the connection between the heel area, the insole and the lacing. This allows for better foot control and greater stability, while minimizing the risk of twisting or sprain.
Climbing Lacing. his technology provides a specific lacing that extends up to the toe area, allowing a precise and personalized adjustment of the fit. This system improves precision and grip, especially in climbing areas or on rough terrains.
Multi-Fit Footbed. Salewa's multi-fit footbeds offer an adaptable solution for different foot shapes. These can be customized to ensure optimal support, adequate cushioning and greater comfort during long walks.
Flex Collar. È una tecnologia che consente un’esteIt's a technology that allows for a soft, flexible extension in the back of the shoe, just above the ankle. This part is made of highly resistant and stretch materials, which allow the ankle to flex more naturally, without obstacles or stiffness that could limit movement. The goal of Flex Collar is to improve the feeling of comfort during outdoor activities, especially on demanding terrains. The use of Flex Collar gives great benefits during the downhill phases, when the ankle requires greater freedom of movement
to adapt to changes in the terrain and to maintain a good balance.
What is the most innovative and performing shoe in your collection? If we talk about innovative and performing footwear, Ortles Light Mid PTX, which will arrive in stores in September, is the ideal shoe. It is an extremely versatile high mountain shoe with crampons that allows you to tackle extremely technical and demanding routes or trails without having to give up comfort, lightness and cushioning. Furthermore, the shoe has been created also respecting strict sustainability criteria, using our Powertex membrane (100% PFC-free) and choosing tenacious but recycled fabrics and materials.
What do you recommend to do when your footwear is worn out and no longer usable? First of all we need to understand which part of the shoe is worn out. There are, in fact, different cases: from the worn tread (the most common one) to the broken lacing, or a ripped off seam. First of all, we recommend checking if the product is under warranty and contacting Salewa to understand if it is "normal" wear or a defect. In the event of a manufacturing defect, our Warranty Department will analyze the product and arrange for the repair or replacement of the product. If, on the other hand, we talk about wear and tear, we have various spare parts available that can prolong the life of the shoe: tread, midsoles, insoles and laces. For Salewa, in fact, it is important to extend the life of its products through repairs or replacement of parts of the product itself. Alternatively, if the Salewa shoe is no longer usable but is still in decent condition, our suggestion is to donate it. In fact, there are local organizations or associations that accept donations of used footwear for charitable destinations.
Hiking is an activity that brings consumers of all kinds closer to the outdoor world, from professionals to novice enthusiasts. Do you expect this differentiation within your product range, or can different needs be satisfied by the same high end product? Within the Salewa trekking collection there are two perfectly cross-combinable offers that approach different consumers: the ''new trekking'' capsule collection which is aimed at the progressive trekker and the more traditional line for the classic trekker. The new capsule is a more premium and aesthetically innovative collection that is aimed at those who love to embrace nature and feel enveloped by it. Urban codes and languages merge with green-based products where hemp fibers communicate with the surrounding environment for an experience of total reconnection with nature. This is not a completely new concept for us, as we have already worked with materials such as Tyrol Wool, wool or hemp. Therefore, it is a further step forward, in which the concept of nature-tech is increasingly implemented also in the trekking line. We will see a new aesthetic and a new approach. It was really important for us to create something fresh, with new lines and new colours, to deal with a type of consumer who, in addition to functionality, also seeks aesthetics and natural appearance of the product. At the same time we also went to renew our more traditional trekking line to combine them perfectly together. It is a simpler selection in terms of details, but accompanied by a similar search for technicality and functionality. We always place the needs and requirements of the consumer at the center of our development, offering technical products that perfectly follow the codes dictated by the mountain. That’s
why there is no differentiation of performance and functionality within our collection: different needs can be satisfied by the same product. The plus we offer with the new capsule is a fresher approach, which focuses on our points of differentiation such as the sophisticated research of materials, sustainability and hybrid approach, trying to translate everything into a unique experience to be enjoyed by our consumers, whoever they are, from professionals to the novice mountain enthusiasts.
In which aspects of daily management can we talk about sustainability? Our garments are made not only following high social standards, but also guidelines regarding design, choice of materials and product construction. Starting from the design, Salewa aims to create products that last over time, delaying their dismantling as much as possible and thus avoiding the use of new resources. We are increasingly looking to develop products that can be disassembled, refurbished, repaired or recycled, that will become your favorite for a long time and that you can take care of. In fact, our goal is not to replace it but we wish you will become attached to the product, extending its life. In terms of planning, then, there is an increasing effort not to create new products, if not necessary, bringing already existing products to the following seasons. Environmental and sustainability issues are increasingly close to our hearts.
SS 2023
How would you describe the SCARPA hiker? We think that the mountains and hiking, at any level, need to be approached with seriousness and respect. A SCARPA hiker starts from these assumptions.
What were your goals in terms of research and development for the creation of the new season's products? Research on materials remains the main goal of our collection. It is thanks to new materials, innovation and experience that we have succeeded in our goal. For SS23 our focus is based on: lightweight (innovative materials, product design and construction) and sustainability. We are starting to develop a family of products called Planet (iconic products, with a family feeling compared to the existing collection, but with less impact on the planet), with clear sustainability features. SCARPA must continue to create dreams and imagination, but must also respect the new sustainable
dynamics that the market requires. We must create innovative, functional products that respect our planet and human beings.
Which technologies do you use the most in your hiking shoes and which ones do you think are most relevant? A technology widely used in our hiking shoes is IKS (Interactive Kinetic System) applied to the sole. Rush was the first product on the market in 2020 with IKS technology capable of progressively and specifically supporting the pressure and weight of our body during activity. We have studied a sole composed of well-defined hollow structures, with concentric rings capable of gradually absorbing the weight of the body. Where? At the specific anatomical pressure points of the foot. While absorbing foot pressure, the stretch concavities push the sole outwards, absorbing the weight while walking. In this way there is a more uniform and anatomical cushioning distribution.
What is the most innovative and performing shoe in your collection? For the SS23 season we have launched Mescalito TRK Planet as a green re-
ference point in the trekking/hiking world. It is a model that combines sustainability and performance, through the best technologies. The big news lies in the innovative Perspair fabric: high performing, light and breathable, made in a single seamless upper with 45% recycled yarns, and capable of combining functionally different zones with Putek Hypertex inserts resistant to any type of abrasion. We also find the new Gore-Tex Flux 3L bluesign certified membrane, which contains 98% recycled fabrics, and the Vibram sole in Ecostep Evo compound with 30% recycled rubber, a new innovative combination of sustainability combined with performance.
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? In the medium to long term, we have important goals both in terms of governance and in social aspects. As far as the product is concerned, we have set ourselves the goal of continuing to create and produce footwear that lasts over time without compromising performances while minimizing the environmental impact, and this is why we adopt eco-design procedures during the design phase so as not to leave every possibility of improvement has been attempted throughout the product life cycle from raw materials to end of life.
What do you recommend to do when your footwear is worn out and no longer usable? Resole it! That’s why we build our products so that they can be resoled. How to reconcile performance and sustainability? With quality materials, glues and rubbers as well as cutting-edge technologies and designs. Why throw away your shoes when they can become new again and accompany you on many other adventures? Reduce, recycle, reuse, regenerate, repair, resole. SCARPA designs to do just that. It's not magic, the resoling of boots and climbing shoes is a hypothesis that we already evaluate from the construction of the shoe to ensure that, if necessary, the repair of the shoes takes place easily. This too is defined as care for details.
HDry è la tecnologia brevettata che sposta la membrana impermeabile e traspirante al livello più esterno possibile. A differenza dei sistemi tradizionali con fodera impermeabile, l’acqua non può penetrare tra materiale esterno e membrana: con HDry scarpe e guanti rimangono sempre asciutti e leggeri in qualsiasi condizione atmosferica. HDry è PTFEFREE, PFAS-FREE e certificata OEKO-TEX STANDARD 100
How would you describe the Tecnica hiker? Mountain enthusiasts and professionals who have a modern and progressive vision of alpine activities. Conscious and competent enthusiasts who experience mountain activities as the natural extension of their daily lifestyle and are looking for high end technical footwear, which express the utmost in both comfort and performance.
What were your goals in terms of research and development for the creation of the new season's products? That each person's feet are unique and different is a fact. For this reason, the fit of the shoe is our priority, because it is the shoes that have to adapt to the shape of the foot. So our goal has been to design and produce moun-
tain footwear with an anatomical fit that guarantees superior comfort and excellent heel and forefoot stability. For the SS23 season we present the new AST - Adaptive Shape Technology system, an exclusive Tecnica solution that combines comfort and performance without compromise. AST has been founded on three pillars. The first is the use of anatomical lasts for the development of footwear, in order to respond to the ergonomic and biometric needs of mountain enthusiasts. The second is a precise definition of the width and fit based on the activity. Third but not least, the integration of specific design solutions and technologies based on the gender of the user. Also, depending on the model, this technology uses memory foam, pre-shaped thermoplastic inserts, breathable foams and high resilience copolymer inserts to deliver great comfort and performance.
What is the most innovative and performing shoe in your collection? Each of our shoes is innovative and
performing in its own category of use. For the SS23 season we have completely renewed the collection, presenting the 2.0 evolution of the Forge trekking boot, which has been completely redesigned, and of the Magma all mountain shoe, which has been re-engineered in terms of sizes and materials. But the main novelty is certainly Sulfur, a completely new low cut approach shoe, developed in collaboration with mountain guides who collaborate with the brand, to offer a shoe that is precise in climbing but comfortable for walking like a hiking shoe.
Sustainability. How do you work on this aspect and what are your medium and long-term goals? The most sustainable shoe is the one you don't have to change. That’s why in Tecnica durability is the first element of sustainability. The second one is certainly to offer enthusiasts versatile multifunctional shoes, such as Magma 2.0. When you can do a lot with one shoe, you avoid the need to spend energy and resources to produce two or three.
According to the principle that you cannot improve what you cannot measure, the most important medium-long term project is LCA - Life Cycle Assessment, the scientific method with which the real carbon footprint of each individual, material, component and process required to produce a shoe are precisely measured. This is a process that has already given significant results in our ski and ski mountaineering boots, not without some surprises with respect to the current narrative about sustainability, and which we have now also started for our shoes sector. It is a long process that requires economic and time investments, but we believe that it is the one that can make a real contribution to sustainability. In fact, our goal is not to propose easy marketing and greenwashing slogans, but to offer a real contribution to tackling the climate crisis.
The collab between Vibram and UTMB, born in 2008 with the UTMB Mont-Blanc, is now strengthened and extended on a global scale with a new partnership which sees the Italian company leader in the production of high performance rubber soles as Official Soles Technology Supplier of the whole World Series circuit: from America to Europe to Asia. This will allow the brand to reach runners all over the world by supporting them with the best products for their long distances. All of this will be accompanied in numerous stages by the unmistakable Vibram Sole Factor Mobile Lab, where it will be possible to resole your trail
running shoes. We talked about this news with two important exponents of the two parties: the athlete of the Vibram Trail Running Team Gediminas Grinius and Jerome Bernard, Vibram’s Sport Innovation Marketing Global Director.
How is this partnership structured, how does it work, how was it born?
The partnership with UTMB has now lasted for 15 years, dating back to around 2008. For us at Vibram, this new way of collaborating is a fun-
damental opportunity to be able to dialogue with the entire UTMB community and communicate worldwide, trying to do the same work done in Chamonix in the previous 15 years. This is the most important thing, a global agreement in Europe, America, Asia and Oceania in the 35 races or events that are part of the World Series today.
So you will be present at all the events? Mostly yes, we have extensive visibility across all events and across various digital media, physically we will be present at some carefully chosen stages. We worked on building a diverse team with athletes from Europe, America and China. Furthermore, in Europe we have developed a new way of experiencing the World Series: a new truck, presented for the first time at Istria 100 by UTMB, the Vibram Sole Factor Mobile Lab, where it will be possible to have shoes resoled on site, with dedicated to trail running technologies.
And where will it be possible to find the Vibram Sole Factor Mobile Lab? The first opportunity has been precisely in Istria, the great "debut". In May we were in Alsace, France, at the Trail Alsace Grand Est by UTMB, then in July we will be in Spain at the Val d'Aran by UTMB, then at the UTMB Mont Blanc in Chamonix, and in September at the Julian Alps Trail Run in Slovenia. The goal of the partnership is to get closer to trail communities that are more distant from us, and be able to dialogue with them, hence the choice of these dates.
How can people get their shoes resoled at the truck? For resoling, the public of enthusiasts will be able to register before the event, then leave the shoes at the truck, they will then be resoled on site and returned directly after it. After a month, a product and feeling evaluation questionnaire will be sent after the resoling activity.
The world of ultra and trail running is and will always be more important for a brand like Vibram, perhaps almost more than hiking? Things run
parallel and what we do today in trail running is the result of a precise vision we had in the mid-2000s, when something was about to happen in this discipline, particularly in France where competitions were multiplying and where more and more people started practicing the discipline. To say that today trail riding is more important than hiking is risky: there are no doubts that it is a strategic sector for Vibram, as well as for all companies in the outdoor world, because it has completely changed the way of thinking about the product and today also in realizing hiking products we use principles that derive from trail running.
How and where do you plan to extend your direct participation to the further stages of the UTMB World Series? We were in Istria but we were also in China with Vibram China where there was no truck but there was a resoling system. Maybe we'll go back to some stages already done this year, maybe we'll select others to get closer to as many people as possible. Clearly there are considerations to be made in terms of costs, days and length of the trip, also in terms of sustainability, always trying not to make decisions that are not environmentally and logistically sustainable.
As a Vibram athlete how do you feel about this new chapter? I really like it, in fact I love it! Because it opens the door not only to Vibram athletes but also to all trail running enthusiasts from all over the world to be able to access top-of-the-range products and improve their performances. Vibram has always dealt with innovative technologies and we as athletes can do the same, albeit in different sectors, helping to create the running community all over the world. So I think this collaboration is based on common values that we both share like friendship, support we give each other, innovation and technologies we are bringing. I think it's a great contribution not only for the Vibram team but also for all trail running enthusiasts around the world, because you share the fun and get together during the races.
How would you describe your collaboration with Vibram as an athlete? It's a long collaboration which is going on for almost 7 years now... I have been with them since 2016 and I am very satisfied to be part of this team. It is an Italian company, and it is like being part of a family. From
this year I also help organize meetings with athletes, we try to keep it very simple, athletes from all over the world who share the same values. We really feel at home: this is Vibram for me and I hope to be part of it for a long time to come.
Which Vibram compound do you use the most for training and for racing? Both in the training phase and during the races I use Vibram Megagrip, best in class in terms of grip, performance and durability while I also run on uneven, wet and demanding terrains. It is essential to always be equipped with a product that allows you maximum performance in all conditions.
We know that Vibram also offers a resoling service during the tour, this is a big step also from the point of view of sustainability. This is a topic that excites me a lot: in most cases, the sole of shoes wears out quickly and it is no longer possible to use it when perhaps the shoe itself would still be in good condition. In this way Vibram gives the possibility of being able to use them again, making everything more sustainable and economically accessible while offering new technologies. This makes it a very interesting and appreciated service that allows runners to still use their favorite shoes without buying new ones.
Are you going to take part in any UTMB World Series races outside Europe? Until the finals in Chamonix I will stay training and racing mainly in Europe. After the finals I will probably go to some events in Asia, one in Korea and one in Thailand, but the details will be decided in September. For now we have to wait for the finals and see how they go.
Is there an overseas race that you would like to run one day? Always in the circuit of the UTMB World Series. I have already competed in the Western States Endurance Run in the States, now I would like to go to the other coast and participate in the Canyons Endurance Runs by UTMB.
Polartec, leader in the production of innovative and sustainable textile solutions, famous for realizing long-lasting, high performing and versatile garments, joins forces with Houdini, the Swedish outdoor brand that has made functionality and sustainability its cornerstones. From their collaboration was born Pace Flow Houdi, a garment that takes breathability and versatility to a higher level, and makes it perfect for insulating the body at low temperatures and ventilating it at high temperatures.
Polartec scientists then came up with Polartec Power Dry Net Mesh fabric, a one-of-a-kind insulating base material that captures nature's most powerful force to circulate heat and moisture. It is in fact a very breathable fabric that facilitates the outward movement of body moisture in the form of vapor. Furthermore, when the sweat reaches the outer part of the fabric, it is dispersed over a much larger surface than the original one, so that it evaporates twice as fast as cotton. It is with this technology that Pace Flow Houdi was born.
In fact, to realize it, Houdini needed a lot of air. For this reason it chose an unconventional design for a midlayer, the mesh, and took this concept beyond the simple warm-weather clothing.
Worn under a shell, Houdi traps air for ventilation. Worn outside, it's an extremely breathable jacket that can keep you warm during high in-
tensity activities. Thanks to the advanced bi-component construction of Polartec Power Dry technology, the new Net Mesh fabric of the garment also captures the vapor of the sweat left inside, transferring it to the outside for an effective evaporation.
Another aspect that the two brands kept in mind in the conception of this new product was the one of sustainability. This company value took shape thanks to the collaboration with Polartec in which it was deci-
ded to favor the versatility and the longevity of the garment, as well as its functionality. The new Pace Flow Houdi is made with 100% recycled material, which in turn is transformed into a single-component fabric that can be recycled again at the end of its cycle of life.
Fresh Face: the innovative bio-based anti-odor treatment applied to high performance Polartec fabrics. Polartec introduces Polartec Fresh Face, the new Bio-Based anti-odor treatment.
High-performance fabrics have long used anti-odor additives to improve garment quality and durability, effective treatments, but composed of metallic elements whose long-term effects on the marine ecosystem are questioned.
Polartec Fresh Face, made with organic Oregon mint, meets Polartec's requirements for reducing odor buildup on fabrics, making them more pleasant and longer lasting even after the most challenging, high-intensity performances.
As a result, the U.S. company announced, through the application of this Bio-Based treatment to some of its technologies, a switch to using bluesign and Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certified mint oil as a solution to block odors at the source.
Polartec Power Dry, Polartec Power Grid and Polartec Delta are the Polartec technologies that use this treatment for garments dedicated to outdoor activities and beyond.
HDry is a waterproof and breathable technology for footwear, gloves and backpacks. In the footwear category, the innovation patented by HDry lies entirely in how the membrane is "integrated" onto the upper (meaning the external part of the shoe). Even today, in fact, in most waterproof shoes with a membrane, this one is positioned inside the shoe, glued to the lining. The water can therefore penetrate through the upper and is stopped by the membrane only when it has already entered the shoe. Clearly, it is not the ideal solution, because even if the water does not reach the foot, it stagnates in the shoe and weighs it down, making it wet and “cold”.
The HDry construction, on the other hand, thanks to a patented direct
and “3D” lamination process, instead unites the membrane to the upper, in this way moving the "waterproofing barrier" as much as possible on the outer layer of the shoe, in order to block any possible penetration of water. The advantages of this technology are substantially the same that we find in a 3-layer technical jacket where the external fabric and membrane are joined togeth-er: water cannot penetrate, which would happen instead if the membrane were joined to the lining of the jacket (as happens precisely in shoes with “waterproof lining”). HDry tech-nology is also highly appreciated in technical gloves: no water penetration between the layers of the glove also means greater lightweight and more breathability, important ad-vantages in outdoor
The intuition that guides the technological development of HDry is as simple as it is effective: moving the waterproofing barrier as far as possible towards the surface of the equipment, eliminating any space between the layers where water can penetrate.
or intensive mountaineering use. It is a revolutionary concept which continues to spread above all thanks to the effective satisfaction of end consumers, who have found in HDry the solution to the problem of wet and cold gloves.
What are the diffrences compared to the traditional construction of a glove? The innovation lies in the process of direct "3D" lamination of the HDry waterproof and breathable membrane to the outer fabric, so that the gloves do not get soaked by water as happens with the traditional construction where the membrane is simply inserted between the outer fabric and the lining.
What are the advantages of using HDry technology? By eliminating water infiltration, HDry gloves re -
main much lighter than a model with a traditional membrane, they drie much faster and keep the hand warm, as there is no mo-re stagnation of frozen water between the outer fabric and the membrane. Furthermore, the patented "3D" process avoids the use of seams and tapes in the fingertip area, in this way increasing the dexterity of the glove and guaranteeing a very precise fit.
In addition HDry offers many concrete benefits in terms of sustainability and this is also why many brands are adopting this technology. In fact, HDry represents one of those cas-es in which a more effective use of materials with modern construction techniques allows greater sustainability. That’s because by placing the same membrane as much as possible on
the outside, waterproofing is made more effective and water penetration is avoided. This means a lower need to use water repellent treatments on the upper and a longer life of the footwear, whose structural components are not exposed to the action of hydrolysis. Furthermore, since HDry is not a manufacturer of membranes, it is not tied to a particular material or polymer and can therefore choose the best performing materials with the least environmental impact. Just recently, HDry has presented "b5", a membrane in which 53% is “plant-based" that means of vegetable origin, significantly contributing to the reduction of the use of raw materials of fossil origin. HDry is also PTFE-free , PFCs-free and Oeko-Tex certified.
We had the pleasure of discussing about this with René Bethmann, Vaude’s Innovation Manager. In fact, the German company a year ago presented to the public its first collection with products made starting from used tyres, a point of arrival but in a certain sense also a starting point for a proposal for the textile industry which is as revolutionary as it is necessary and which it takes into account the circularity of the processes as well as the supply of the energy necessary for them and the efficiency of the finished product. The importance of relying on and dealing with the chemical industry and research in which to believe and invest in a concrete way. It is also about lo -
oking a little further... Exactly where our waste goes to create chemical mountains to be set on fire.
There’s a tot of talking about plastica bottles, but you have chosen another path for this project… The one connette to PET is a great challenge. It is not so easy to use R-PET from bottles as a sustainable material in the textile industry, because 62% of the global PET production goes to fibers in the textile industry, while only about 27% goes to bottles… The result is that a very small amount of R-PET can meet the demand of the textile industry. We need alternatives to PET, which is quite challenging because there are
no materials as easy to collect, sort and recycle as PET bottles… That’s why we have to look towards other directions, such as biomass and CO2 from carbon capture. Recycling from textile to textile is also difficult because it is not only about collection but also about sorting and locating… We produce a lot of textiles in Europe and the US, but all the PET industry is in the Far East, so all waste has to be shipped to Asia.
Mass balance recycling, jackets made starting from used tyres... What is behind this great result, how did you achieve it? Initially I asked myself the same thing, how is it possible to create textile fibers from used tyres mainly composed of rubber and steel? It all started thanks to the collaboration between Vaude and BASF (a German company, one of the largest in Europe, which operates worldwide in the energy, chemistry, plastics and fibres, dyes, pharmaceutical and health sectors ed.). In our textile industry, despite the predominance of the use of PET, polyamide 6 remains present, the same that thanks to a certain technology it is possible to obtain from tyres. At the basis of this whole process there’s the mass balance approach.
Would you simply explain how does this process work? Steam cracker is one of the most technically complex and energy-intensive plants in the chemical industry, for which an enormous quantity of raw materials is needed to start from, a mix of crude oils. The mass balance approach provides a series of rules according to which to reuse the recycled material and in what percentages to be able to declare a "recycled" product. In a chemical industry, the recycled raw material is nothing more than a raw substance that enters the production system. There it will be merged and converted into new things but the amount of recycled substance that comes out of it is the same that enters it. This is why we talk about 100% recycled materials based on the mass balance approach.
How a used tyre can be transformed into a high quality shell with circular processes
How does this new technology work? First of all, it must be said that such a thing has never been done before, it is an important innovation. Pyrum, the company we relied on and which developed this technology, is a partner of BAFS. This start up is able to supply a reactor capable of obtaining different fractions of it from a used tyre through a pyrolysis process. Here is the process by points:
• The tyres deriving from cars, trucks, bicycles are shredded through recycling processes and mechanical shredding from which rubber, textile fibers and steel wires are obtained
• The steel ends up 15km away where it is recycled
• The pure rubber obtained passes into the pyrolysis reactor where the rubber flakes are reduced to a molecular level.
Three further parts are derived from this process.
1. A synthesis gas used to generate electricity for the process and the public grid
2. Carbon Black that ends up directly and again in the tyre industry
3. Pyrolysis oil, the part that interests us the most. It is a substitute for naphtha/crude
The pyrolysis oil is delivered to BAFS where the chemical process of creating the plastic begins. Inside a steam cracker, long carbon chains are reduced to shorter chains to obtain intermediate chemicals and polyamides. In the end we get layers of polyamide 6. From BAFS' point of view, the process is exactly the same as for creating conventional fossil plastics, but with recycled oil. In this process we do not need external energy because the process itself generates the necessary energy. Just one more energy is enough to start the system. In Kuwait there is a huge number of abandoned tyres in the desert that are currently being burned,
that's where tapping becomes relevant and can be a game changer. The interesting aspect of this technology for us and for the entire sector is that the finished product has the same quality as the traditional one, there are no color differences and the same traditional machines can be used throughout the production chain. Are there any brands that are approaching this technology? Many brands are thinking about it because one of the most important aspects related to circularity is durability which can only be achieved with high levels of quality. We always talk about sustainable materials and products, but the most relevant aspect in terms of circularity is its durability. If a product doesn't last long, it doesn't make sense to use sustainable materials from the start, because ultimately we need resources to produce the product. New bio-based materials have a problem when it comes to endof-life prospects. We already have a huge challenge in collecting textile recycling and if we have more and more different types of materials it is almost impossible to have adequate recycling options on a large scale: we have to focus our efforts on existing materials such as PET or polyamide 6, because otherwise it will be difficult to set up commercial recycling facilities. Also from the point of view of emissions and energy saving, Pyrum has a very detailed LCA on its website and we can see that the CO2 emissions are halved compared to conventional polyamide 6 sheets.
Since when have you integrated this technology into your products? We started with our best sellers to implement this new technology. It's a rather unusual way to start a new technology, but thanks to the mass balance approach we were able to guarantee the same quality of products, and we were quite confident about that. We started the summer 2022 season with 15 models, for summer 2023 we have 77 models, including clothing and backpacks, the goal is exceeding 100 models in summer 2024.
Are you planning to extend its use to 100% of the collection? The availability of pyrolysis oil is still limited, so we are looking for other sustainable and circular technologies. Pyrolysis is not the solution for everything because so far it is limited to a few materials. There is no perfect solution, there are always some disadvantages, as in the case of renewable energies, but they are always better solutions than fossil or carbon-intensive ones. The goal is to find and use better solutions, not perfect solutions. We have to conduct LCAs, visit companies and study the different technologies and solutions to find the best one for the specific application. We need a mix of different sustainable technologies to decarbonise our industry and it is important to choose the best material for the specific application.
Do you have any new process you are working on? I can't say much, but one thing that will be done soon is an EU funded project on polyamide 6 produced with a bio-based process (fermentation) and not with a conventional chemical process. We started almost 6 years ago and we are finishing this project which demonstrates that it is possible to create functional bio-based polyamide 6. Perhaps in the future we will create a collection of capsules with this material, but commercialization takes time because the technology and production plant are not yet large-scale and are very expensive.
Even for the mountaineer or hiker who climbs at high altitude, choosing the ideal shoe is never so simple. The most technical mountain footwear is designed to offer 360° support and protection, playing a fundamental role in terms of safety and performance. Soles characterized by stiffer and more performing compounds, reinforced uppers to resist rubbing against rocks, insulating materials that allow prolonged use on ice and snow.
The choice is deeply linked to the terrain, to the environmental conditions and to the context in which it will be used. A suitable footwear must not only help the feeling of comfort, but above all contribute to increase our safety. Lightweight, thermal insulation, impermeability and a good grip are essential features, without forgetting about support and protection of the ankle. To be as clear and simple as possible, we can make a distinction according to the different mountaineering activities.
The ideal shoe for this type of activity is very similar the classic imagery of the boot that we all remember, updated with the new technologies available. Structured and rigid at the right point, it offers support to the foot and protection to move safely on stony ground, passages on rock and crossing of snowfields, without sacrificing the necessary comfort to tackle multi-day treks. From great glacier
crossings to 4000 meters alpine ridges, they are ideal for those who are starting to climb in altitude and want to approach the world of mountaineering with a multi-purpose footwear for tackling mixed terrains. They are often compatible with semi-automatic crampons.
It requires particularly technical, robust and reliable models, specifically designed to tackle high mountains and Himalayan expeditions. Their peculiarity is to guarantee excellent thermal insulation and a constant internal temperature. Often they are equipped with a removable inner shoe and gaiters with heat-sealed zippers as an additional barrier against water and snow. They also offer compatibility with automatic crampons. A concentrate of high performance technologies and materials, dedicated to an elite of experts.
Climbing on ice and on mixed routes is certainly a delicate and highly technical discipline: progression requires the use of different equipment and dedicated crampons. The shoe must be precise, effectively block the heel and offer excellent protection from the cold. It must also be equipped with a specific midsole that makes it particularly stiff.
These shoes were created to meet the needs of those who dedicate themselves to rock climbing and via ferratas: light and agile when
walking and climbing, often low on the ankle, generally equipped with a fit that enhances the sensitivity on the smallest supports, a lacing extended to the tip and a climbing zone on the sole to ensure adherence to rock. To all this we must add the comfort factor, which is fundamental when approaching and coming back from a route. Conceived for technical and expert users, they are increasingly appreciated by a wider audience for less exasperated uses.
Once you have decided the use you want to make out of it (and in which season) you can move on to the evaluation of the different technical features. Each model has its own fit, and even if ideal for your needs, it may not be suitable for your foot. To avoid blisters and improve comfort, it is essential to choose socks with differentiated structure, thick and protective in the toe and heel areas, thinner on the calf, elasticized on the plantar band to adhere perfectly and avoid annoying slips. Walk and evaluate the feelings of the foot, which must be sufficiently comfortable in the toe without feeling constrained. Try changing the lacing adjustment a few times. Evaluate the rigidity, or the flexibility of the sole, which depending on the type of use must allow or not the foot to flex inside the shoe. Don’t be afraid to ask for explanations or advices in the store and from those who work on the mountains: they will help you find the right boot, ensuring safety and fun at high altitude.
Cramponable technical boot with traditional crampons dedicated to high altitude and ice climbing. Upper in Kevlar and Spider Frame in polyurethane, Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort lining with 350g of padding and PrimaLoft inserts on the tongue to make the shoe even warmer. Externally there is a full gaiter in stretch material that protects the shoe from debris and from the entry of ice. Sole in Vibram Croda Litebase and footbed with aluminum insert.
Boot dedicated to mixed rock and ice mountaineering at medium altitudes. Croda has an anti-abrasion Kevlar upper combined with an injection called Spider Frame which improves the protection of the upper part of the upper from snow and debris. The lacing uses AKU’s dual-adjust DFS system, coupled with a mid-height zippered gaiter that secures up to the second eyelet. Sole in Vibram Croda Litebase and Elica Natural Stride system for better walkability.
Use Mountaineering
Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort
Upper Aramid fiber + Spider Frame
Midsole Double density PU
Sole Vibram Croda
Gr 350
€ 419,90
Semi-cramponable boot with synthetic upper and Gore-Tex membrane. Viaz is a multipurpose model dedicated to technical and fast mountaineering, equipped with a Vibram Croda Litebase sole with a very pronounced lug for better grip. The AKU Dual Fit System uses two differentiated laces allowing a differentiated adjustment on the forefoot and one on the highest part, so as to tighten or widen the shoe depending on the activity, whether you are climbing or walking.
Use Mountaineering
Lining Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort + PrimaLoft
Upper Kevlar + Spider Frame
Midsole Double density PU
Sole Vibram Croda
Gr 700
€ 529,90
Use Mountaineering
Lining Gore-Tex
Performance Comfort
Upper Air8000 + PU
Midsole Double density PU
Sole Vibram Croda
Gr 658
€ 349,90
Bold and innovative, deuter has unstintingly developed unique products that epitomize excellence in quality, design, and functionality – made by alpinists for alpinists. And so, over the years they’ve designed countless innovations that have revolutionized the backpack market: For the first ascent of Nanga Parbat in 1953, Hermann Buhl selected the deuter Tauern backpack that was developed back in 1930. 1984 saw what was arguably the biggest revolution: The first Aircomfort back system with a mesh suspended back panel the caused its competitors to sweat – because it spared mountaineers that very same discomfort. In 1990, when Trans Alp pioneer Andi Heckmair needed a backpack to take on his journey across the Alps, he teamed up with deuter to make the first ever bike specific backpacks. In 1998, close collaboration with the Association of German Mountain and Ski Guides resulted in an iconic backpack for alpinists: the deuter Guide. And Gerlinde Kaltenbrunner’s quest for expedition gear that fit her body paved the way for today’s deuter SL models, designed specifically for women.
The list goes on, with countless developments and innovations the backpack pioneer can proudly look back upon. But, as deuter CEO Robert Schieferle explains, “Today isn’t about listing off every one of our accomplishments. It’s about celebrating our shared passion for mountains together with our customers.” To mark this milestone, deuter is launching a 125th Anniversary Edition: 8 of its most popular backpack models, made with 100% recycled and bluesign® certified fabric. They are a tribute to the history of mountaineering and signal deuter’s desire to continue to shape the world of mountain sports with its innovations. It’s a pledge. Born from a passion for its customers. And out of a sense of responsibility to humanity and nature.
Technical boot with super resistant and abrasion resistant nylon upper with Gore-Tex membrane. Semi-cramponable base with polyurethane midsole and tread in walkable and Vibram Apex sole.
Mountaineering boot for medium altitudes, semi-cramponable and equipped with a waterproof Gore-Tex membrane. Upper in suede leather reinforced with rubber on the toe and heel, EVA midsole and mountaineering Vibram Nepal sole.
Low cut shoe dedicated to hiking on normal routes and via ferratas. TPU reinforced suede upper, double density EVA midsole, Michelin outsole with climbing zone and Gore-Tex waterproof membrane.
Use Mountaineering Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort Upper Nylon + microfiber Midsole Polyurethane Sole Vibram Apex Gr 650 € 320,00
Female model of the most technical shoe by Garmont dedicated to technical mountaineering and to those looking for a shoe that is rigid in the lower part but light in the upper on with a synthetic upper. Vibram Apex sole, Gore-Tex membrane and PU midsole.
Use Mountaineering Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort Upper Nylon + microfiber Midsole Polyurethane Sole Vibram Apex Gr 535 € 320,00
Use Mountaineering Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort Upper Suede Midsole Double density microporous EVA Sole Vibram Nepal Gr 680 € 220,00
Use Mountaineering Lining Gore-Tex bluesign Extended Comfort Upper Suede Midsole Double density EVA Sole Michelin Off Road Gr 485 € 180,00
Female model of the semi-cramponable boot by Garmont for mountaineering at medium altitudes in the Alps. Upper in suede with waterproof Gore.-Tex membrane, double density EVA midsole and Vibram Nepal sole.
Use Mountaineering Lining Gore-Tex Upper Suede Midsole Double density microporous EVA Sole Vibram Nepal Gr 555 € 220,00
Female version of the model dedicated to easy mountaineering and via ferratas. Height below the ankle, suede upper with waterproof Gore-Tex lining, double density midsole and Michelin sole with climbing zone.
Use Mountaineering Lining Gore-Tex bluesign Extended Comfort Upper Suede Midsole Double density EVA Sole Michelin Off Road Gr 430 € 180,00
Low cut and super light dry tooling shoe with integrated three point crampon. Weighing only 328 grams including spikes, it is the best ally for technical routes on rock and artificial walls. The narrow and snug fit allows excellent foot sensitivity and transmission of the force exerted on a specific point. Carbon sole to improve stiffness and support, Vibram outsole, Cassin signature crampon and EVA foam footbed.
Lightweight backpacking boot for every adventure. With a semi-cramponable structure, it uses a polyurethane upper with rubber over-injections and a protective border on the low end and footbed, coupled with a Gore-Tex Performance Comfort membrane. Resistant and long-lasting polyurethane midsole, combined with a Vibram Curcuma compound lug with guaranteed grip on any surface and with one of the lightest weights in the segment. TPU heel with attachment for semi-automatic crampons.
Use Mountaineering
Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort
Upper Polyurethane
Midsole Polyurethane
Sole Vibram Curcuma
Gr 700
€ 279,95
Semi-rigid women’s mountaineering boot dedicated to four-season fast mountaineering. Upper in microfiber and mesh coupled with Gore-Tex Performance Comfort membrane with rubber border on the toe cap and base of the upper. Double density polyurethane midsole with heel with semi-automatic crampon attachment and two-piece Vibram Stellar sole with a structure that wraps around the instep of the shoe near the heel, improving the resistance of the shoe and the durability of the sole.
Use Dry Tooling
Lining NA
Upper Microfiber
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram Tool + Idrogrip Compound
Gr 328
€ 459,95
Use Mountaineering Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort
Upper Microfiber + mesh
Midsole Polyurethane
Sole Vibram Stellar
Gr 620
€ 299,95
Lightweight and high performing low cut boot dedicated to technical mountaineering, It is a product designed for mountaineers looking for a crampon-compatible and waterproof shoe that is light and flexible. In fact, the Speed version has an external gaiter combined with a Gore-Tex membrane. The sole-midsole compartment uses the new Aequilibrium structure, which improves the walkability of the boot and lightens the weight thanks to the Vibram Dura Step sole with SpringLug technology.
Lightweight boot for technical hiking and easy mountaineering on via ferratas, trekking and snowfield crossings. Aequilibrium ST is a comfortable and walkable boot: the sole and midsole compartment that combines a Vibram SpringLug compound with a light and comfortable expanded polyurethane foam inside, and with a semi-cramponable structure. Upper in HoneyComb Guard fabric with reinforcements in mono-filament yarn and anti-abrasion TPU. Traditional lacing and Gore-Tex Performance Comfort lining.
Use Mountaineering
Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort
Midsole NA
Sole Vibram SpringLug + PU
Drop NA
Gr 630
€ 330,00
Lining Cordura gaiter + Gore-Tex Performance Comfort
Midsole NA
Sole Vibram SpringLug + PU
Drop NA
€ 330,00
Lightweight boot dedicated to fast mountaineering, it features a water repellent outer gaiter in stretch Cordura fabric that improves the fit and protects the upper. The midsole compartment is composed of an external Rubber Guard and an expanded foam inside which improves comfort and weight. The lacing system uses an internal BOA system that improves the fit of the shoe. Semi-cramponable sole and tread in Vibram Spring Lug Tech with Impact Brake System.
Use Mountaineering
Lining Cordura + Gore-Tex Performance Comfort
Midsole NA
Sole Vibram SpringLug + PU
Drop NA
Gr 650
€ 460,00
Condor EVO is Salewa’s crampon-compatible boot with semi-automatic attachment, dedicated to all season mountaineering. It has a durable Perwanger suede upper with Gore-Tex Performance Comfort lining. The sole is in Vibram Mulaz which gives it good traction on all terrains. 3D Lacing system combined with the 3D Lacing System that improves the fit of the boot in the back of the heel reducing the risk of blisters and giving more support to the ankle.
Rapace is the lightweight mountaineering boot dedicated to summer mountaineering on via ferratas and normal routes. It uses a Nubuck upper with a Gore-Tex membrane and a rubber rand on the underside that wraps around the boot to protect it. 3F System closure system with steel cables that improve the fit of the boot in the rear part by reducing the oscillation of the ankle inside and reducing the development of blisters. Technical sole in Vibram WTC and structure with semi-cramponable attachment.
Use Mountaineering
LiningGore-Tex Performance Comfort
Upper Nubuck
Midsole Double density polyurethane
Sole Vibram WTC Drop 12
Gr 650
€ 270,00
Lightweight boot dedicated to easy summer mountaineering and via ferratas. Synthetic upper in anti-abrasion fabric with Gore-Tex Performance Comfort membrane. Sole in Vibram New Mulaz compatible with semi-automatic crampons. The boot has a snug fit, especially on the heel thanks to Salewa’s 3F System which improves containment on the back. Finally, the collar is designed with Flex Collar system which improves comfort and downhill walkability.
Use Mountaineering
Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort
Upper Perwanger
Midsole Microporous
Sole Vibram Mulaz
Drop 12
Gr 845
€ 300,00
Use Mountaineering
Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort
Upper Nylon + suede
Midsole Microporous
Sole Vibram New Mulaz
Drop 12
Gr 675
€ 250,00
Ortles Ascent Mid is Salewa’s boot dedicated to technical mountaineering on rock and normal routes, but also on ice, at high altitudes in summer and at low-medium altitudes in winter. Ortles was designed as a semi-rigid and semi-cramponable boot, thanks to the classic polyurethane heel for blocking the crampon. The upper is made in the lower part and on the tongue in suede, while in the upper part of the ankle is in synthetic material, and it integrates a small gaiter on the Achilles part to prevent the entry of debris, and a lateral protection system called by Salewa APS, which precisely strengthens the lateral part of the ankle by protecting the malleolus area. The lacing system uses Salewa’s 3F system, in which the heel and midfoot are wrapped in a steel
cable which is tensioned by the lacing, and which has the task of making the fit on the back of the shoe more precise. The lacing reaches the toe of the boot, allowing for a more precise adjustment of the area. The lower part and the toe are protected by a protective polyurethane band that protects the upper and makes the toe hold more precise. Gore-Tex Insulated Comfort membrane, double density polyurethane foam midsole and Salewa exclusive Vibram Alpine Guide sole. The boot comes with a series of internal insoles that allow you to adjust the fit according to the mountaineer’s foot.
We Like Customizable fit
Use Mountaineering
Upper Suede + PU
Double density PU
Vibram Alpine
Guide Drop 11
Gr 850
€ 370,00
When you decide to buy a pair of hiking shoes, you will find on the market a great amount of possibilities. It may seem trivial, but the first step is to ask yourself what your needs as a hiker are. Making the right choice first of all implies a focus on the type of activity you are going to practice.
What kind of hiker am I?
What kind of terrain will I walk on? How long and at what pace? How much will my backpack weigh? To choose the ideal shoe, it is essential to understand the use we want to make out of it. How often do I go hiking? How much experience do I have in this field? Your technical level will be essential to help you choose the right shoes.
High or low cut shoes?
Low cut shoes, generally more comfortable, light and flexible, allow greater freedom of movement of the ankle, favoring the natural movement of the foot. They are suitable for daily activities in the valley and for mid-mountain, simple trails, stable and uniform terrains. They also represent the choice of experienced and capable hikers who want to move more dynamically and
quickly on technical terrain. And more and more often they become faithful companions of the modern traveler. High cut shoes, on the other hand, protect the ankle, offering support and stability when it comes to tackling hiking trails characterized by a wide variety of technical, irregular and rocky sections. Based on their structure and rigidity, they can be more or less suitable for backpacking or multi-day excursions in a purely mountain environment. They are generally recommended as the only choice for those who are beginners and do not want to risk ankles injures or excessive fatigue on the legs. Those who consider this type of boot exaggeratedly heavy and bulky can opt for the many mid versions on the market, whose height goes up to the ankle, finding an excellent compromise for excursions with medium or light loads on unpaved and uneven terrain.
Many manufacturers of hiking shoes and boots have chosen to equip their models with waterproof and breathable solutions. One above all is the Gore-Tex membrane positioned between the upper fabric and the inner lining that offers reliable pro-
tection to keep feet comfortable and dry, increasing warmth in harsh weather conditions and protecting the foot from moisture. Not necessarily you need to go for a waterproof membrane, but it’s a good advice. And if in case of dry weather or high temperatures a Gore-Tex shoe can be excessively hot, a leather model is a good alternative. Although heavier, leather offers protection and breathability at the same time, making it comfortable and cool.
When you try new shoes, do it with the right calm. The best time of the day is in the afternoon, when feet tend to swell. Hiking shoes should fit comfortably, without pressure points and chafing. They must wrap the foot without forcing it, ensuring a secure grip on the ground. Check the heel to make sure the back remains firmly in place. Between the tip of the shoe and the toes there should be a space corresponding to one finger of the hand. This aspect is very important downhill, in order to avoid collisions with the tip. Just in case, always try a half size more. In case of uncertainty or indecision, opt for the larger one.
Mid cut hiking shoe dedicated to trekking and backpacking on any terrain. Rocket Mid DFS uses a special anti-abrasion mesh upper with crossed lugs that improve fit and grip of the lacing on the medial and rear part of the upper thanks to the Dual Fit System double quick lacing system. The midsole is made with a main block reinforced by two inserts on the metatarsal and on the heel. The sole instead uses a Vibram compound.
Low cut version of AKU’s trekking shoe dedicated to fast hiking. Upper in anti-abrasion synthetic fabric reinforced with polyurethane applications and Gore-Tex Performance Comfort membrane. The lacing system uses the Dual Fit System with double lace which acts uniformly on the entire surface of the upper making the pressure points of the lacing more adjustable according to the shape of the foot. Dual density EVA midsole and Vibram Megagrip sole.
Use Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort
Upper Mesh + microfiber
Midsole Double density EVA
Sole Vibram Megagrip
Drop NA
Gr 370
€ 179,90
Shoe for technical hiking, hiking and backpacking, made with an upper in reinforced synthetic fabric with external anti-abrasion lining and TPU applications. Flyrock uses a speed lacing system integrated with AKU’s Dynamic Fit that allows for a homogeneous tension of the lacing throughout the foot, from the toe to the midfoot to the heel. The midsole uses a high wedge in High Rebound foam and High Cushion EVA and a Vibram Megagrip sole with Tracion Lugs.
Use Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex
Performance Comfort
Upper Mesh + microfiber
Midsole Double density EVA
Sole Vibram Megagrip
Drop NA
€ 189,90
Use Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex
Upper Mesh + PU
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram Megagrip
Drop NA
Gr 430
€ 179,90
Flyrock is a low-cut shoe dedicated to technical and fast hiking made with an externally reinforced synthetic fabric upper with an anti-abrasion polyurethane lining and TPU applications. The Flyrock GTX lacing system uses a quick lace closure integrated with Aku’s Dynamic Fit system, which allows a homogeneous tension of the lacing over the entire foot, from the toe, to the midfoot and to the heel. In fact, the laces pass not through traditional eyelets but through tapes which in turn wrap around the shoe, improving its fit. The midsole uses a rather high and cushioned wedge made with two foams with different densities: High Rebound and High Cushion, both in EVA, which give the shoe cushioning and a pleasant and homogeneous walk. The sole uses a Vibram Megagrip rub-
ber with deep and wide Traction Lugs, which give the shoe a good grip thanks to the large surface area in contact with the ground. Flyrock GTX is suitable for fast hiking in the summer days around the mountains, yet thanks to their low weight, they can become excellent approach shoes, reliable and easily portable even inside a backpack when climbing multi-pitch routes.
We Like Customizable fit
Use Hiking, Fast Hiking
Upper Mesh + PU
Lining Gore-Tex
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram
Drop NA
Gr 430
€ 179,90
Protection Support
Grip Mud
Wet Gravel
Fit Regular
Fast hiking shoe inspired by running legend Marco Olmo. Marco Olmo 2.0, in the waterproof version with Clima Protect membrane, uses an anti-abrasion mesh upper reinforced by a TPU toe cap and a side band. Regular fit guaranteed by the quick lacing system with a small pocket on the tongue to close the excess lace. The midsole uses a rather high EVA wedge combined with a Vibram Bayu S1932 sole which guarantees grip on all terrains.
Mintaka is a shoe designed by CMP for technical approaches on any terrain. It uses a suede upper with a fabric collar and a lower polyurethane reinforcement that wraps the entire shoe from toe to heel. The midsole is very high and cushioned and it is made with compressed EVA foam, while the sole uses a Vibram Aronne 878K compound that embraces the midsole on the tip, improving the containment of the foam and increasing its durability.
Lining Clima Protect
Upper Suede + nylon
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram Aronne
Drop NA
Gr 420
€ 99,95
Trekking and daily hiking boot with upper in suede leather reinforced at the toe by a rubber application, by an anti-abrasion lower band and by a rubber band that reinforces the medial and heel area. The midsole uses an EVA foam reinforced by an orange TPU insert on the heel which improves the stability of the shoe in the rear part. Ortholite insole and technical tread that guarantees grip on medium-mountain terrains.
Use Speed Hiking
Lining Clima Protect
Upper TPU+polyester
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram Bauy S1932
Drop 8mm
Gr 385
€ 129,95
Use Hiking
Lining Clima Protect
Upper Suede + polyester
Midsole EVA + TPU
Sole Gomma CMP
Gr 380
€ 99,95
Athunis is CMP hiking shoe dedicated to day hiking. It is made with a suede main structure, reinforced with polyurethane on the toe and side rail. The upper part of the ankle and the tongue are in anti-abrasion synthetic fabric, equipped with a waterproof Clima Protect membrane, which makes the shoe suitable for any season and any weather situation. The traditional lacing integrates two pulling systems, one in which the laces pass through metal eyelets, stretching the outer side of the upper, and one in which the lace passes through webbing that stretches the upper internally, there is also a buttress in polyurethane on the heel which stabilizes the back improving the fit of the shoe. The midsole is made of microporous EVA cushioned enough to give the shoe a good walk,
while the tread is made of Vibram XS Trek compound with Tsavo 1206 design which guarantees excellent grip on all terrains, even in the wet. It is a flexible and comfortable boot that we recommend for those approaching the mountain, or for those who need a shoe for walking in the summer and want to have protection on the ankle and secure grip. Furthermore, Athunis is made without the use of PFCs, decreasing the environmental impact due to the production of the shoe.
We Like Value for money
Use Hiking
Upper Suede + PU + mesh 100% PL
Lining Clima
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram XS
Trek with Tsavo 1206 design
Drop NA
Gr 600
€ 109,95
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support Grip Mud Rock
Wet Gravel
Fit Regular
Ideal for approaching the mountain and for technical trekking, it features a suede upper and a stretch fabric tongue. It boasts the Vibram Winkler Evo sole which ensures control and stability during the activity.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Upper Suede + stretch fabric Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Winkler Evo Gr 583 € 219,00
Designed for light and fast trekking, it is characterized by a minimal design that reduces volume and increases precision and lightweight. The sole with Vibram compound and the Gore-Tex membrane make it an all terrain shoe, ideal in all weather conditions.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Upper Mesh + stretch fabric + PU Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Crodanera by Dolomite Megagrip Gr 500 € 189,90
Combining performance and 100% Italian design, it is inspired by the mountain-retro aesthetic of the iconic Cinquantaquattro. The comfortable “Dolomite wrapping system” tongue and the water repellent Gore-Tex lining make it ideal for multi-day treks.
Use Hiking, Trekking Lining GoreTex Vision 3LY Upper Suede Midsole Dolomite DAS Light Sole Vibram Adula XS Trek Gr 550g € 185,90
Lightweight shoe for approaching the mountain, it offers maximum freedom of movement when accessing the walls and during excursions. Embossed heel and knobs for better downhill braking and uphill grip. Waterproof and breathable.
Use Trekking, Approach Lining GoreTex Upper Recycled mesh Midsole Double density EVA Sole Dolomite by Vibram Approach Tech Gr 415 € 189,00
Low version of the Cinquantaquattro Hike EVO GTX designed for those looking for more lightness in their tours. Unlike the high cut model, this version uses the Vibram Predator II XS Trek sole with shock absorbing microporous material.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Vision 3LY Upper Suede + stretch fabric Midsole Dolomite DAS Light Sole Vibram Predator II XS Trek Gr 425 € 165,90
Light and comfortable to wear every day or for simple walks outdoors. The sole has been designed with the ergonomics of the foot in mind and is designed to provide comfortable cushioning. Made with recycled material.
Use Hiking Lining Recycled mesh Upper Polyurethane + rubber + TPU Midsole EVA Sole Dolomite Gr 320 € 139,90
Crodanera is a light, low cut approach shoe, made for easy treks, for approaches to climbing routes, and for everyday use. It weighs 385 grams, which is little more than a running shoe, but keep in mind that this is lined in Gore-Tex, which saves grams but makes the shoe waterproof. The upper is made with a tight GRS certified anti-abrasion mesh, reinforced by a polyurethane mold that strengthens the lower part of the upper, the toe, and the lacing area. The tongue uses a wrap system that improves the fit on the instep, making the shoe stable on foot and giving it a more precise walk. The seat of the heel is padded enough to accommodate the heel without stiffening the rest of the shoe, while externally it is reinforced by a rubber buttress. Simple and clean design, double
density ethylene vinyl acetate midsole, combined with a polypropylene insole, which give stability and cushioning to the shoe. The sole is designed in collaboration with Vibram and it uses a Megagrip compound. We recommend it to anyone who wants a technical shoe to experience the mountains every day, whether it’s for walking, going to work, going to the crag or to the climbing gym in the evening. Crodanera is a versatile and comfortable shoe suitable for all situations in which you decide to wear it.
We Like Its clean and elegant design
Use Hiking
Upper Mesh 3D + TPU
Lining Gore-Tex
Midsole EVA + PU
Sole Vibram
Drop NA
Gr 385
€ 159,00
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support Grip Mud Rock
Wet Gravel
Fit Regular
Tower Trek GTX is the boot dedicated to more technical tours and multi days treks. It is made in suede with a waterproof Gore-Tex membrane, has a mid cut, shock-absorbing rear insert and thermoformed tongue.
Use Trekking Lining Gore-Tex bluesign
Extended Comfort Upper Suede
Midsole Double density EVA Sole
Vibram Apex Drop NA Gr 596 € 230,00
Vetta Tech GTX is a boot intended for technical hiking on rocks and via ferratas. With a reliable construction, it offers a larger volume in the forefoot stabilized by the lacing that extends to the front of the foot.
Use Trekking Lining Gore-Tex bluesign Extended Comfort Upper Suede
Midsole Double density EVA Sole Michelin Off Road Drop NA Gr 540 € 200,00
Chrono is an elegant boot dedicated to trekking in nature and in the city and also suitable for everyday use. It has a Nubuck leather upper and a double density EVA and cork midsole. The Michelin Off Road sole uses a Hybrid compound with 10% recycled rubber.
Use Trekking Lining Gore-Tex bluesign Extended Comfort Flux Upper Nubuck Midsole Double density EVA + cork
Sole Michelin Off Road Drop NA Gr 480 € 200,00
Snug, stable and precise boot, ideal for approaches and via ferratas. Expanded volume on the forefoot for better comfort even after many hours. Fully synthetic upper developed in nylon and PU yarn, EVA midsole and GTF Diamante sole.
Use Trekking Lining Gore-Tex bluesign
Extended Comfort Flux Upper TPU +
Nylon Midsole Double density EVA
Sole GTF Diamante Drop NA Gr 405 € 180,00
Hybrid shoe dedicated to both hiking and cycling. GTF Hyve sole with excellent pedal grip and enough flexibility for off road walking and hiking, thanks to the EVA Plume Foam midsole and to the recycled ripstop upper.
Use Trekking Lining NA Upper Recycled nylon ripstop Midsole EVA Plume Foam Sole GTF Hyve Drop NA Gr 410 € 140,00
Flexible and lightweight low cut shoe dedicated to light hikes and everyday use. Developed with sustainable materials starting from the synthetic recycled PET upper. EVA midsole made from sugar cane and GTF Magnet sole.
Use Trekking Lining NA Upper Recycled PET Midsole EVA Plume Foam Sole GTF Magnet Drop NA Gr 345 € 130,00
Makra Trek is a boot with a sporty and contemporary design made with a very light sole in Vibram Integral Light combined with Hanwag 3D Prism Base technology for the midsole, which makes it cushioned and stable. The adjustment uses the 2 Zone Lock system, which allows you to lock the laces in the middle of the lacing in order to adjust the tension of the ankle and foot in a different way. Upper in Perwanger suede and Gore-Tex lining for excellent waterproofing.
Makra Pro Low is the low cut version of the homonymous model Makra Pro GTX, therefore with ankle height lower than the malleolus, dedicated to hiking on demanding terrains. The upper part is made of mesh combined with Perwanger suede integrated with the Ghillie lacing system, which unites the footwear of the Makra family by Hanwag, in which the laces pass through loops made on the upper reaching the toe area, improving the fit. Vibram Makra sole and PU and EVA midsole.
Use Approach
Lining Gore-Tex
Extended Comfort
Upper Perwanger + mesh
Midsole EVA + PU
Sole Vibram Makra
Drop 13mm
Gr 470
€ 250,00
Coastridge Low is a low cut approach shoe, with a dynamic and light fit, and made with sustainable materials. It is a multifunctional shoe designed for daily tours on beaten paths. It features a PFC-free EcoShell waterproof membrane, which keeps the foot dry. Coastridge uses Direct Injection technology, in which the midsole is joined to the upper by injection, while the sole is made with the Hike Light compound.
Use Trekking
Lining Gore-Tex
Extended Comfort
Upper Perwanger + mesh
Midsole TPU/PU
Sole Vibram Integral Light
Drop 13mm
Gr 635
€ 300,00
Use Hiking
Lining EcoShell
Upper Perwanger + mesh
Midsole I-PU
Sole Hanwag Hike Light
Drop 10mm
Gr 395
€ 180,00
Premium shoe for hiking and easy mountaineering
Makra Pro is a hiking boot dedicated to multi-day trekking, but also to easy mountaineering. It is a semi-cramponable shoe, therefore equipped with a TPU attachment for a semi-automatic crampon on the heel. The upper is made with a main structure in anti-abrasion mesh reinforced by a layer of suede also covered on the base by a rubber band with a protective function. The lacing uses a pressure differentiation system (2 Zone Lock) which allows you to separately adjust the tension of the laces between the part of the foot and the highest part of the ankle, also allowing you to adjust the latter area in a different way according to uphill and downhill without changing the lacing of the rest of the shoe. On the toe, the suede has a small opening that allows better flexibility of the upper
and therefore better adjustment of the lacing. Finally, Makra Pro mounts a waterproof Gore-Tex membrane. The midsole is made with a two-density microporous EVA on the heel and forefoot, while the sole is made with a very well done design in Vibram Megagrip, with a very pronounced triangular and multidirectional lugs and with great grip. The toe and heel have two very pronounced climbing zones that help the heel-toe transition when walking, increase the thickness and therefore the durability of the shoe, and guarantee a support surface when climbing.
We Like The use of materials and its construction properties
Use Hiking, Trekking
Upper Perwanger + mesh
Lining Gore-Tex
Midsole PU/EVA
Sole Vibram
Drop 13mm
Gr 655
€ 340,00
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support Grip Mud Rock Wet Gravel
Fit Alpine Wide Last
High cut hiking boot with soft and enveloping fit and lycra collar that reduces pressure points from the ankle. Exclusive sole in Vibram Tork, upper in suede made with microfiber inserts that lighten the overall weight of the shoe and reinforced by a rubber toe and edge. The inside of the shoe is insulated by a Gore-Tex Extended Comfort membrane. The ankle uses the Ankle Lock system while the heel has a TPU attachment for semi-automatic crampons.
Low cut shoe dedicated to hiking and mountain approaches on mixed terrain and technical sections and via ferratas. The upper is made of synthetic material with TPU applications and reinforcements on the lower part, integrated with a Gore-Tex Invisible Fit membrane and a quick lacing system with drawstring. The collar is designed with a sort of elastic gaiter that prevents wet and debris from entering the shoe. Midsole with EVA foam and Vibram Duke sole.
Use Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex
Invisible Fit
Upper Mesh + PU
Midsole EVA
SoleVibram Duke
Drop NA
Gr 390
€ 179,95
Low shoe for hiking at medium altitudes, hiking and approaching, Revolt is made with a suede upper reinforced on the toe and heel by TPU applications and applied to a Gore-Tex Invisible Fit membrane. The midsole compound is made with a low, light and stable dual density EVA while the sole is made with a Vibram Megagrip foam with a uniform and low design suitable above all for rock, thanks also to the toe cap with climbing zone.
Use Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort
Upper Suede + microfiber
Midsole Microporous
SoleVibram Tork
Drop NA
Gr 540
€ 199,95
Use Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex Invisible Fit
Upper Suede + mesh
Midsole Double density EVA
Sole Vibram
Multiverse, Full Megagrip compound
Drop NA
Gr 340
€ 169,95
With Duke Mid Kayland offers a light mountain boot dedicated to those looking for a versatile and soft product that gives freedom of movement but protects the foot and ankle, and with which to face walks from one to a few days. It is a boot in the modern sense of the term, made without the use of animal materials, totally synthetic, and of medium height, so that it reaches just above the malleolus, leaving the ankle free to move. The upper is structured and protective, but not rigid, the upper part protects what is needed thanks to the anti-abrasion mesh and the protective polyurethane supports arranged both on the toe and the lacing area, and precisely on the heel and ankle bones. It is of course equipped with a waterproof Gore-Tex membrane, but being synthetic and light it is a shoe
that is fresh enough by the standards of high cut and insulated shoes. An interesting detail is on the Achilles tendon area which has two grooves that improve the comfort which on this kind of boots is normally particularly stiff and it tends to annoy after many hours of use: not here, thanks to the particular bellows design. The midsole is made of EVA and ESS foam: it is stable and light. The sole is made of Vibram Megagrip with a regular design but above all with very wide lugs, which therefore increase the amount of rubber in contact with the ground and giving it good grip even where the soles suffer the most.
We Like Heel design and lightweight
Use Hiking
Upper Mesh + PU
Lining Gore-Tex
Midsole EVA + ESS
Sole Vibram
Duke (Traction
Lug) XS Trek
EVO compound
Drop NA
Gr 470
€ 199,95
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support
Grip Mud Rock
Wet Gravel
Fit Regular
Mid cut trekking and hiking boot in the suede version, dedicated to daily tours on medium mountain terrains. Suede upper, traditional lacing, microfibre collar, Ortholite Hybrid Mountain Hiking footbed and upper with bluesign certified Gore-Tex Extended Comfort membrane. The midsole features a stable and cushioned double density compressed EVA wedge, while the sole is made with Vibram Eco Step Evo compound with a part of recycled content.
Low cut trekking and approach shoe made with a synthetic upper reinforced with a polyurethane mesh on the front part and an entire application that wraps around the entire back part protecting the foot. Rubber reinforced toe and heel and Gore-Tex Surround lining. The midsole uses an EVA foam caged in an external perforated polyurethane web which limits its compression over time and protects its qualities. The sole is made of Vibram XS Trek.
Use Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex
Upper Mesh + Nano
Cell 2.9 + PU TechLite
Midsole EVA + PU
Sole Vibram XS Trek
Drop NA
Gr 430
€ 210,00
Use Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex
Extended Comfort
Upper Suede
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram Eco Step
Drop NA
Gr 420
€ 210,00
Classic La Sportiva model born for ultrarunning and then brought to the trekking segment, here in its second version equipped with a waterproof Gore-Tex membrane. Very protective and with containing structure, especially on the midfoot, it uses a synthetic upper reinforced at the base with thermoplastic and polyurethane applications, double density EVA midsole with Impact Break System on the midfoot and a super grip sole in FriXion White, perfect on any terrain, even in mountaineering or on via ferratas.
Use Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex
Extended Comfort
Upper Mesh
Midsole EVA
Sole FriXion White with integrated tip
Drop NA
Gr 400
€ 205,00
Thanks to the crampon-compatible Vibram sole and the waterproof Gore-Tex inner lining, it has the basic requirements to achieve the most ambitious goals. High walking comfort, optimal rolling and perfect fit.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Upper Suede Midsole PU Sole Vibram Alp Trac Numen Gr 815 € 300,00
Despite its lightweight it does not struggle to achieve very difficult goals. The outer layer in ripstop fabric is reinforced by the innovative Crossover Stability Frame system, ideal for tackling short tours where lightness is essential.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Upper Mesh Midsole PU Sole Lowa GT Gr 365 € 170,00
Cushioned and comfortable shoe for tackling longer distances. Waterproof membrane with optimized breathability for maximum comfort even during the most strenuous activities. Special sole construction for a comfortable fit.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Upper Nubuck Midsole PU Sole Vibram Evo Gr 585 € 220,00
The perfect balance between a flexible and multifunctional shoe and a stable trekking model. Shock absorbing midsole in Lowa DynaPU+ and excellent profile of the Vibram sole for maximum dynamism on almost all types of terrains.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Upper Suede Midsole PU Sole Vibram Rock Trac Sense Gr 480 € 220,00
Ideal foot guidance in every movement. Ideal for practicing dynamic outdoor activities. The upper in resistant synthetic material saves weight and guarantees high comfort. Waterproof lining for a pleasant microclimate.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Upper Mesh Midsole PU Sole Lowa Multi Trac Gr 355 € 180,00
Light, versatile and breathable, equipped with a double injection Lowa DynaPU sole. Highly breathable and resistant mesh. Thanks to the internal membrane, it keeps your feet dry even when you practice a sport that makes you sweat.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Upper Mesh Midsole PU Sole Lowa Enduro Evo Gr 295 € 180,00
With a sporty design, Delago features a sturdy rubber toe cap and a light PU film on the heel area to protect the suede upper from damage. The lacing, advanced on the front, offers generous loops that avoid pressure points and two upper eyelets that allow a further tightening to adapt the shoe to different needs. Weather protection is guaranteed by a waterproof Gore-Tex lining. The foot is supported by a DynaPU+ midsole with good cushioning properties, which increase comfort and rolling. The special cellular structure of this foam offers a feeling of softness underfoot, with an even higher recovery capacity and elasticity, even in the event of long journeys and prolonged stress. For perfect support, we find a Vibram Rock Trac Sense sole, Vibram XS Trek rubber compound, valid for
a wide range of terrains. Very reassuring, it demonstrates all its value on rocky surfaces, thanks to the triangular blocks with a multidirectional profile. Delago is a low cut shoe ideal for fast and light technical tours and approaches, able to offer a solid performance even on technical routes. The flexibility in walking makes it an excellent compromise between Ticam Evo GTX, more rigid and structured, and Carezza Lo GTX, even more sporty and dynamic. An athletic and functional model which in the mountains undoubtedly reveals the type of clientele it is aimed at.
We Like Its excellent comfort, even after many hours on foot
Use Trekking
Upper 90% suede, 10% textile
Lining Gore-Tex
Footbed 90% polyurethane (PU), 10% mesh
Midsole 100% Polyurethane (PU)
Sole Vibram Rock Trac Sense
Gr 515
€ 200.00
Protection Support
Grip Mud Rock Wet Gravel
Fit Regular
Mountaineering boot with an upper in a mix of synthetic mesh and suede, TPU rand on the base and Air-Active Sofr Print insole. The sole is developed with a Vibram Alpin Rigid compound with polyurethane inserts and semi-automatic crampon attachment.
Use Trekking Lining Gore-Tex Upper Suede + mesh Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Alpin Rigid Drop NA Gr 790 € 349,00
Mountaineering boot in the female model with upper in suede and mesh and lacing system with heel pull, Gore-Tex lining, double density EVA midsole on the heel and forefoot coupled with a Vibram compound sole.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Upper Suede + mesh Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Drop NA Gr 530 € 259,00
Soft hiking boot with suede and synthetic upper featuring Gore-Tex Air-Active Soft Print lining. Meindl Multigriff sole by Vibram and polyurethane shock absorber on the heel and midfoot for a better walkability.
Use Trekking Lining Gore-Tex AirActive Soft Print Upper Suede + mesh Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Multigriff Drop NA Gr 726 € 299,00
Lightweight suede approach and trekking shoe with reinforced TPU toe cap, soft EVA midsole and Air-Active footbed. The sole is developed by Meindl in the Lite Trail version with EVA shock absorber above the midsole.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Upper Suede + mesh Midsole EVA Sole Meindl Lite Trail Drop NA Gr 380 € 205,00
Low cut approach shoe for women with upper in suede and mesh and polyurethane applications. Water repellent Gore-Tex lining and Air-Active footbed, EVA soft step wedge midsole and Meindl Multigrip G5 Hiking compound sole.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Upper Suede + mesh Midsole EVA Sole Meindl Multigrip G5 Hiking Drop NA Gr 320 € 205,00
Women’s approach shoe with synthetic upper in ventilated mesh coupled with Gore-Tex lining. The shoe uses a quick lacing system that improves the fit of the shoe and a Meindl Comfort Fit Wellness Soft-Step sole.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Upper Air Mesh Midsole EVA Sole Meindl Comfort Fit Wellness Soft-Step Drop NA Gr 320 € 199,00
Top Trail Mid GTX is a lightweight trekking boot with a streamlined profile: upper in suede coupled with tear resistant and abrasion-resistant ripstop fabric on the ankle area and on the tongue. The toe and the base of the shoe are reinforced with a rubber border that protects the upper in the lower part. The heel and midfoot utilize a Kevlar cable tensioning system that adjusts the tension in the rear part of the shoe and heel for a more snug rear fit. The midsole uses an EVA foam coupled with an Air-Active insole which together guarantee breathability to the shoe and a stable support surface during the heel-toe transition. The sole uses a Vibram Megagrip compound made with a very homogeneous and widespread rectangular tessellation over
the entire surface of the tread, with a grip that acts mainly on the frontal plane of the shoe, proving particularly effective on mud and wet ground. Top Trail is equipped with a Gore-Tex waterproof membrane that ensures breathability and waterproofness. It is a shoe with an excellent quality-price ratio, assembled with quality materials and with good construction qualities and guaranteed by a historic company. It is a product that we recommend to those looking for a solid and reliable mountain boot, for tours during all seasons, and also for multi-day treks, via ferratas and high routes in the Alps.
We Like Stability, fit
Use Trekking
Upper Mesh + suede
Lining Gore-Tex
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram
Drop NA
Gr 520
€ 197,95
Performance Cushioning
Grip Mud
Wet Gravel
Fit Regular
Mountain boot with Pomoca Speed Hiker Pro sole, double density midsole and long lasting cushioning. Gore-Tex Performance Comfort membrane and rubber rand. It can be used with semi-automatic crampons in snowy environments.
Use Trekking Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort Upper Powertex Midsole EVA Bilight Sole Pomoca Speed Hiker Pro Drop NA Gr NA € 200,00
Salewa’s classic approach shoe, recognizable by the crossed Kevlar lacing system on the upper. Synthetic upper with polyurethane applications to protect the foot, EVA midsole with heel wedge and Pomoca sole.
Use Hiking Lining NA Upper Mesh + PU Midsole EVA Sole Pomoca Drop NA Gr NA € 160,00
Low cut boot designed to be comfortable and walkable. Suede upper with Gore-Tex Extended Comfort membrane and TPU border around the entire base of the upper and 3F system that improves shoe locking on the heel.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Upper Suede Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Alpine Hiking Drop NA Gr NA € 180,00
Lite GTX
Approach shoe for the mountains in the warm season: it has a resistant synthetic upper with TPU rand and 3F closure system with steel cable that improves the fit on the heel, comfortable EVA midsole and Pomoca rubber sole.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Upper Mesh Midsole EVA Sole Pomoca Drop NA Gr NA
€ 180,00
Approach shoe for climbing and trekking and also suitable for everyday use. Upper in suede leather protected by a polyurethane rand and with 3F heel locking system with Kevlar cables. Pomoca sole and EVA midsole.
Use Hiking Lining NA Upper Suede + PU Midsole EVA Sole Pomoca Drop NA
Gr NA € 150,00
Very lightweight approach shoe made with a breathable mesh upper with Salewa 3F lacing system with Kevlar cables that wrap around the foot, improving the fit of the shoe. Pomoca sole, EVA midsole and Multi Fit footbed.
Use Hiking Lining NA Upper Mesh + PU Midsole EVA Sole Pomoca Drop NA Gr NA € 150,00
Pedroc is a light approach shoe designed by the Bolzano-based company for day trips, approaching crags and at the base of multi-pitch routes and everyday use. Like all all round products, it is very versatile, light and flexible. The upper is made with a ripstop fabric reinforced on the lower part and on the toe by polyurethane applications that wrap around the entire mesh base of the upper. The lacing system integrates a series of lateral Kevlar tie rods which improve the fit on the central part of the shoe with the 3F closure system which improves the fit of the heel. The midsole is made with a low EVA foam, which gives the shoe a good walk, comfortable and made stable by the reduced height, even in stretches of slight slope, on a dirt road or on asphalt it is not hard or rigid, it is indeed well
supported, especially on the heel. The sole is made of Pomoca Speed Hiker Pro compound, with a very pronounced and technical design: it holds a lot on wet surfaces, such as single track and undergrowth, it also works on technical surfaces, precisely because the lugs are very pronounced and despite having a support surface relatively limited they grip the ground well. It has a versatile, functional and light structure, we recommend it for those looking for a light all round shoe with a streamlined fit, to be used every day for outdoor activities and speed hiking.
We Like Low weight, value for money
Use Hiking
Upper Mesh
ripstop + TPU
Lining Powertex
Midsole EVA
Sole Pomoca
Speed Hiker Pro
Drop 8
Gr 345
€ 180,00
Performance Cushioning
Mescalito is a shoe designed for long tours: it combines a light structure with protective and comfortable materials. 45% of the upper is made of 45% recycled Perspair Eco fabric, reinforced at the toe and base with plastic and polyurethane applications, as well as ankle supports. The boot uses a 98% recycled bluesign certified Gore-Tex membrane, and a Dynamis TRK ECO sole in 30% recycled Vibram Ecostep Evo compound to reduce its environmental impact.
Mescalito Planet is a green model dedicated to approaches, trekking and via ferratas. The upper uses, as in the high cut version, a light and breathable Perspair fabric made with a single piece of recycled material applied to a PU toe cap and rand that protect the shoe. The outsole is made in Vibram Litebase, renowned for its lightweight and traction. The fit is snug on the neck and slightly more comfortable on the forefoot as in the traditional SCARPA fit.
Use Approach
Upper Perspair + polyurethane
Midsole NA
Sole Dynamis LB Eco + Vibram Litebase
Drop NA
Gr 365
€ 169,90
Gecko Lite is the technical and lightweight approach model that guarantees precision and sensitivity on any terrain. It is made with an anti-abrasion upper with a protective film applied. The rubber band on the toe improves protection and precision on technical sections, the lacing that reaches the front part of the foot increases adjustability and precision. Supergum compound sole with climbing zone that improves precision when climbing.
Use Hiking
Lining Gore-Tex bluesign
Upper Perspair + polyurethane
Midsole PU
Sole Dynamis
TRK ECO + Vibram
Ecostep Evo
Drop NA
Gr 650
€ 269,00
Use Approach
Upper Strobel
Midsole NA
Sole Dynamis LB
TRK ECO + Vibram
Drop NA
Gr 320
€ NA
We tried the high version of Mescalito, SCARPA’s historic approach model, here in the high version. Mescalito TRK Planet is a light trekking boot made with recycled and eco-friendly materials. The upper is made with Perspair fabric, structured in such a way as to use areas made with different yarns within the same upper, depending on the function of the shoe area. In this specific model, the fabric used is in anti-abrasion Tek polyurethane, made from 45% recycled materials. The lacing system uses a metal system that increases the distribution of pressure on the upper and improves the adjustability of the shoe. A 98% recycled GoreTex bluesign certified membrane is applied to the upper which ensures complete impermeability to the shoe. The Dynamis TRK ECO midsole is
made of expanded polyurethane, a material known for its stability and maintenance of its properties over time even with a repeated and prolonged use, while the sole is made in Vibram Ecostep Evo, also made of 30 % recycled materials and which guarantees good grip. Mescalito TRK Planet is part of a now quite extensive range of products made by SCARPA with the use of recycled materials, and somehow reaffirms the will of the Asolo company to continue research in this direction. We recommend it for the quality of the assembly and materials, to any mountain enthusiast.
We Like Construction quality and materials
Use Hiking
Upper Perspair + polyurethane
Lining Gore-Tex bluesign
Midsole PU
Sole Dynamis
TRK ECO + Vibram Ecostep Evo
Drop NA
Gr 650
€ 259,00
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support
Grip Mud
Wet Gravel
Fit Regular
Trekking boot reengineered to offer stability, protection and prolonged comfort throughout the day. Equipped with AST technology and a Vibram XS Trek Evo sole that adapts to different terrains.
Mid cut multifunctional all mountain shoe designed for a wide range of use on all types of terrain. Equipped with Adaptive Shape Technology and anatomical midsole that guarantees superior comfort on descents.
Multifunction model suitable for all types of terrain. Adaptive Shape Technology and anatomical midsole for maximum downhill comfort. The outsole wraps the upper in critical abrasion zones providing grip, traction and durability.
Use Trekking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Upper Nubuck Midsole Compressed EVA Sole Vibram XS Trek Evo Gr 630 € 279,95
Dynamic approach shoe, designed to combine precision and grip uphill and on technical terrains with a high level of comfort. The synthetic ballistic fabric upper with Gore-Tex lining keeps feet dry and comfortable in all conditions.
Use Approach Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Upper Ballistic fabric Midsole Double density EVA Sole Vibram Megagrip Gr 385 € 209,95
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Upper Hydrophobic polyamide mesh Midsole Compressed EVA Sole Vibram Megagrip Litebase XO Shield Gr 370 € 209,95
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Upper Suede Midsole Compressed EVA Sole Vibram Megagrip Litebase XO Shield Gr 340 € 199,95
Approach shoe that combines uncompromising precision in climbing with the comfort and walkability of a hiking shoe thanks to the Adaptive Shape Technology and the innovative Edge Frame Plate.
Fast hiking shoe for the anatomical and biometric needs of the female foot in collaboration with CeRiSM. Featuring Impulso technology - Powered by Pebax for responsive cushioning. Also available in mid version. In stores from July.
Use Approach Lining Soft mesh Upper Suede Midsole Double density EVA Sole Vibram Megagrip Gr 400 € 199,95
Use Speed Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Upper Hydrophobic polyamide mesh Midsole Compressed EVA Sole Vibram Megagrip Gr 320 € 199,95
Tech approach shoes have always been the go-to for professionals, mountaineers and expert hikers. They are designed to offer the precision and grip necessary for climbing on normal routes, via ferratas and to accompany them even in the most impervious approaches. Sulfur is an approach shoe with a dynamic walk, the fit is dry thanks to a lacing system that reaches the tip of the shoe and also allows adjustment in the metatarsal area. The upper is made of shaped and perforated suede, in order to improve the breathability of the shoe, making it cool even on the hottest days in the mountains. The detail of the collar is well done, where an elastic fabric finishes the final part of the shoe making the fit more comfortable in the ankle area, a detail taken up in the tongue, which therefore does not annoy the long extensor of the toes and
the other tendons present in the top of the foot. The midsole is made of twodensity compressed EVA with a TPU insert near the plantar arch and called by Tecnica Edge Frame, used to give support precisely in the plantar arch area. The midsole is very cushioned for an approach shoe, especially in the back where the heel lands. The Sulfur tread is fitted with a very thick and therefore very durable Vibram Megagrip sole, designed with an aggressive multidirectional lug pattern. We liked the small details that make it a quality product.
We Like Perfect balance between grip for climbing and dynamism for approaches
Use Approach
Upper Suede
Lining NA
Insole Ortholite
Midsole EVA +
TPU Edge Frame
Sole Vibram
Drop NA
Gr 400
€ 199,95
Protection Support
Grip Mud Rock
Wet Gravel
Fit Narrow
Hiking shoe with lower structure, upper and midsole inspired by a running shoe, Exploris Mid combines the Vectiv technology of the midsole, which is soft and flexible, used for trail models, with an upper that reaches above the ankle. Padded tongue, synthetic upper in abrasion resistant ripstop fabric, Futurelight waterproof membrane, Plate Vectiv to reduce torsion of the shoe and SurfaceCTRL compound sole.
Lightweight and flexible trekking shoe with Vectiv 2.0 foam midsole and 3D insert that improves the shoe’s stability and torsion resistance, helping the foot on the roughest mountain and mid-mountain terrains. Upper above the ankle in abrasion resistant mesh with TPU toe cap, Vectiv foam sole with low lugs. The fit of the shoe is snug thanks to the elastic tongue that wraps it.
Use Hiking
Lining Futurelight
Midsole Vectiv 2.0
Sole SurfaceCTRL
Drop NA
Gr 296
€ 160,00
Use Hiking
Lining Futurelight
Upper Ripstop
Midsole Vectiv 2.0
Sole SurfaceCTRL
Drop NA
Gr 416
€ 170,00
Super light trekking shoe with Futurelight waterproof membrane: Vectiv Exploris takes the technology of trail shoes and brings it to hiking, combining a Vectiv 2.0 foam with a high wedge to the midsole with rocker and tread in super grippy SurfaceCTRL compound. The feeling while wearing it is having a flexible shoe to forget about during tours, moreover, the membrane ensures total waterproofing, especially if coupled with a waterproof gaiter.
Lining Futurelight
Upper Mesh
Midsole Vectiv 2.0
Sole SurfaceCTRL
Drop NA
Gr 380
€ 155,00
Given the success of the Vectiv line in the trail segment, The North Face has taken the technology of its most protective and cushioned running shoes and brought it to the hiking world, with the additions and modifications necessary to create comfortable and protective footwear, but just as light. Exploris 2 Mid, in fact, uses a very soft and stable Vectiv 2.0 midsole when walking, even on traverses. The sole is also taken from the Vectiv line: SurfaceCTRL compound, very grippy on every terrains, even on wet grounds. Between the insole and the midsole there is a plastic plate which stabilizes the forefoot by protecting the plant from stones and uneven ground, and which supports the rear part and the heel,
reducing the torsion of the shoe on the frontal part and decreasing its flexibility, which would otherwise be deconstructed. The upper is made on the midfoot and toe with an antiabrasion ripstop mesh reinforced on the toebox and midfoot by two TPU applications, while on the ankle by reinforced padded mesh, also here, in TPU. Exploris is equipped with a Futurelight waterproof membrane that guarantees breathability and perspiration. Traditional lacing, comfortable and protective tongue that wraps well the final part of the tibia protecting it. We recommend it to anyone looking for a boot for day trips or for a comfortable, functional and lightweight product.
We Like Low weight
Use Hiking
Upper Ripstop Lining
Midsole Vectiv
Drop NA
Gr 419
€ 170,00
Performance Cushioning
Salathé is an up-cut height approach shoe (halfway between a low and high cut shoe) that is stable and light, developed to not take up space in the backpack once taken off, while remaining comfortable even during multi-hour hikes. With RECCO reflector.
Use Approach Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Upper Suede + Hydrobloc treatment Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Pepe Megagrip Drop NA Gr 450 € 225,00
Three-season trekking boot with upper in water repellent leather with Hydrobloc treatment and Gore-Tex Performance Comfort lining designed for the female foot and dedicated to the Epic Women line, developed specifically for the women’s segment.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Performance Comfort Upper Nubuck + Hydrobloc treatment Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Multifilm Drop NA Gr 520 € 275,00
Anabasis is a hiking shoe designed to be as lightweight and flexible as a running shoe, but with a waterproof lining and a higher ankle height above the malleolus to protect and support the foot in the mountains.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Upper Microfiber Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Junko Megagrip Drop NA Gr 450 € 209,00
Classic style hiking boot with leather upper with Hydrobloc treatment, Gore-Tex membrane and Vibram sole. It is designed for hiking with light and flexible loads on mixed medium mountain terrains.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Upper Nubuck + Hydrobloc treatment Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Pillow Drop NA Gr 540 € 249,00
Lightweight and low cut shoe with upper in suede without membrane and sole in Vibram Megagrip dedicated to approaches, trekking in nature in the city, free time and everyday use. It ensures stability, comfort and lightness in every situation.
Use Hiking Lining Suede + Hydrobloc treatment Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Junko Megagrip Gr 415 € 179,00
Boot from the Epic Women line by Zamberlan designed for the female foot by a team of women, also available in the low cut version. Circe is a lightweight and flexible medium mountain boot equipped with a waterproof Gore-Tex membrane.
Use Hiking Lining Gore-Tex Extended Comfort Upper Microfiber + suede Midsole EVA Sole Vibram Junko Megagrip Drop NA Gr 400 € 219,00
A contemporary and versatile boot from the Vicenza-based company
Salathé Trek is the high top version of Zamberlan’s all-round up-cut shoe. It is a light shoe with a high ankle, a little more protective than the normal version which instead has a collar at the height of the malleolus. It is made with a classic and essential structure: suede in the upper applied on a structure in soft and flexible synthetic mesh, externally reinforced with Hydrobloc treatment and internally applied with a Gore-Tex Extended Comfort membrane. The lacing reaches the toe of the shoe allowing greater adjustability of the fit, called X-Active Fit by Zamberlan. The entire lower part of the upper is reinforced with a thick rubber rand which increases the durability of the upper. The midsole is made of microporous, it gives good walkability, even on asphalt and on dirt roads where
these models generally tend to stiffen. The Pepe sole is very well designed, printed on a Vibram Megagrip compound, with two areas of grip on the toe and heel, which improve the durability of the shoe and increase grip on rocks, especially on climbing sections. Equipped with a RECCO reflector, in the event of loss or emergency, the user is able to be immediately traced by rescue organizations equipped with the appropriate detector. We recommend this shoe for walking, especially in rocky areas, with via ferratas, and even for normal summer routes in the Dolomites. It is an elegant and versatile model, whose quality is noted in the assembly typical of the historic company from Torrebelvicino and inspired by the Small Dolomites of Vicenza.
We Like Its grip on all terrains
Use Hiking, Mountaineering
Upper Suede
Lining GoreTex Extended Comfort
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram Pepe Megagrip
Drop 9
€ NA
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support Grip Mud Rock
Wet Gravel
Fit Regular
You will not be surprised to discover that it is not possible to identify a rule that is valid for everyone, so much so that even among the preferences of great champions there isn’t a single choice. The important thing is not to be distracted by colors, design and aesthetic aspects that in general can attract more than technical features. But how to orient yourself in this universe? In order to choose the right climbing shoes, you will have to consider mainly three factors:
Novice climbers should prefer models that help the foot to work properly and that gradually develop the necessary muscles. Those who start climbing need a comfortable, basically rigid and supportive product designed to gradually adapt to something more performing. A straight and symmetrical shoe, with a neutral and flat shape, is perfect for becoming familiar with the holds. Avoid specific shoes but focus on all round models with a relaxed fit. Do not listen to the advice of friends, and choose your normal size. Prefer comfort, you will have plenty of time to suffer.
Are you looking for improvements on the wall? You can start choosing a balanced shoe that compensates for the level of performance with softness, with a tendentially asymmetrical and slightly arched shape. The first factor will allow you to be more precise and effectively use the edges of the shoe, the second to optimize the thrust and power on the holds. If you mostly climb indoors, you will need a more flexible shoe that will allow greater feeling on artificial walls. If you climb on crags or on natural rocks, you will need a stiffer sole that allows you to save energy on long routes and to push better on smaller holds. To optimize performance, start considering one size smaller than your standard one.
If you are a performing athlete, these notions will probably be your daily bread. Whether it’s boulders, crags or multi-pitch routes, you need to combine precision, adjustability and optimal grip. There is no doubt about this: the more arched is a shoe, the more aggressive it is, therefore suitable for an expert climber. The asymmetrical
shape and a softer sole will guarantee excellent flexibility and greater sensitivity on micro holds. Carefully evaluate the choice of the size. Very often it seems that the more numbers you subtract from your shoes, the more you prove to be valiant climbers. In reality, exaggeratedly tight shoes can not only be harmful to the health of the feet, but also useless from the point of view of performance.
We could define the laces/velcro issue as a personal preference. The substantial difference translates into practicality. Needless to say, if you have to wear and take off your shoes often (if you do bouldering or a lot of indoor climbing) the advice is to opt for velcro closures that are easier and faster to wear. Shoes with laces require more preparation time, but allow you to tighten the shoe as much as possible with more precise adjustments and personalized adherence to the foot, which is only partially possible with velcro.decision, opt for the larger one.
Phantom is a shoe designed for bouldering and for athletes looking for sensitivity and power. It has a structure with two midsoles that guarantee shape retention over time and a sole that ensures excellent grip.
Use Boulder Upper Synthratex VX Midsole MX-P Full Lenght Sole Trax SAS Gr 280 € 180,00
A comfortable shoe dedicated to multipitch routes, high on the ankle to protect the malleoli during blocking in cracks and with a slightly arched shape. Medium volume plant and neutral camber for one of the best shoes in its category.
Lining Multipitch Upper Synthratex VX Midsole MX-P Full Lenght Sole Trax SAS Gr 261 € 180,00
Shaman Pro introduces a completely new design for climbing and bouldering footwear this year. It is a precise and sensitive shoe with a very arched and aggressive shape and an ergonomic strap closure.
Use Boulder Upper Synthratex VX Midsole Plastic Sole Trax SAS Gr 290 € 175,00
It is designed for those looking for a versatile shoe to use on single-pitch and multi-pitch routes. It’s a precise, arched liner with a comfortable synthetic tongue that distributes pressure from the lace closure.
Use Crag, Multipitch Upper Leather Midsole MX-P Full Lenght Sole Trax SAS Gr 280 € 160,00
Zenist is a vegan friendly shoe intended for those looking for a precise product on the smallest holds and with a structured heel for comfortable heeling. The shoe has an aggressive shape that ensures precision and sensitivity on every grip.
Use Boulder Upper Synthratex VX
Midsole MX-R Half Lenght Sole Trax SAS Gr 201 € 155,00
Shoe designed for bouldering on any type of surface, for outdoor climbing and for single pitches. Shaman is a vegan friendly shoe with a streamlined shape and a midsole that guarantees power and support on the smallest holds.
Use Boulder, Crag Upper Synthratex VX Midsole Plastic Sole Trax SAS Gr 284 € 140,00
Phantom is one of the most performing and aggressive shoes in the Evolv line, mainly dedicated to bouldering and particularly hard routes. Made with the help of Daniel Woods and Paul Robinson, this model is produced entirely with synthetic and vegan friendly materials. The upper is made of Neoflex, an elasticized neoprene laminate that improves the fit of the shoe and increases the comfort. It has also been covered over the entire surface with rubber applications that guarantee grip and hold on any type of support. The liner uses a 4.2mm thick two-piece Trax SAS compound sole, which represents Evolv’s best level of rubber. The midsole is made with the TPS+ (Tension Power System Plus) system which consists of the integration of two midsoles which allow the arched shape of the shoe to be maintained over time. Furthermore, the front
part of the midsole is made with the AVT (Abridged Variable Thickness) system, which consists in the progressive thickening of the midsole in correspondence with the central part of the foot to give more support to the plantar arch on the one hand, and on the other to improve the sensitivity on the toe. The lacing system uses a flat webbing adjustable through buckles, which allow a homogeneous distribution of pressure and improve the fit of the liner. It is a premium product intended for athletes looking for quality and performance.
We Like Lacing system and Tension Power System
Use Boulder, Crag
Upper Neoflex
Midsole TPS+, AVT
Sole Trax SAS
Fit Narrow
Gr 280
€ 180,00
One of the Trentino-based company’s best-performing shoes, Comp is the version intended for competitions and indoor surfaces, thanks to the greater coverage in the front part and the tapered heel which improves grip during heel hooking.
Lining Pacific + elastan Upper Suede + microfiber Midsole Hytrek Sole Vibram XS Grip2 Gr 240 € 165,00
A model that combines technicality, comfort and durability: it has a soft and breathable tongue integrated into a traditional lacing system. Precise and sensitive, it uses a Vibram sole and the P3 system which keeps the shape unchanged over time.
Lining Pacific Upper Suede + microfiber Midsole LaSpoFlex + P3 System Sole Vibram XS Gr 250 € 170,00
Competition shoe developed for the holds and the volumes when climbing in the gym. It is dynamic and spreadable with a Vibram sole and different thicknesses, it has a rubber toe that covers the entire front part allowing any type of hooking.
Lining NA Upper Suede + microfiber
Midsole P3 System Sole Vibram XS Grip2 Gr 200 € 155,00
Historic model intended for sport climbing. Miura VS has a structured and supportive construction, a pronounced arch, a three lace closure system, a soft padded tongue and a redesigned heel to improve heel traction.
Lining Pacific Upper Suede Midsole LaSpoflex Sole Vibram XS Edge Gr 260 € 150,00
Slip on shoe with no laces designed for gym and indoor training, for climbers looking for versatility. Dry and destructured fit, reduced thicknesses and No-Edge technology of the toe with Vibram XS Grip2 compound.
Lining NA Upper Suede + microfiber
Midsole NA Sole Vibram XS Grip2 Gr 170 € 145,00
Comfortable and essential shoe dedicated to entry level climbers. It has a double velcro closure, a slightly pronounced arch and a vegan friendly upper. Comfortable fit perfect for those taking their first steps and wanting to improve their technique.
Lining Pacific Upper Microfiber Midsole LaSpoflex Sole FriXion ECO Gr 190 € 130,00
Generator is a shoe dedicated to trad climbing, to improve performance and sensitivity by combining them with a fit that allows prolonged use on multi-pitch routes, big walls and cracks. The arch is slightly pronounced, while the lacing is a traditional system called TRI Tension System that allows for precise adjustment, coupled with a comfortable padded tongue and heel with PAF system for a more elastic feel.
New slip on model of the Vapor family. It is a flexible climbing shoe with good sensitivity and precision for smaller supports, thanks to the one-piece Vibram XS Grip2 sole and the further arched toe. The lacing is developed with the Nano Strap system which combines a strap closure system with a double lace that tightens the shoe on the inside, improving adherence to the foot with an elastic slip-on structure on the instep.
Lining NA
Upper Microfiber
Midsole NA
Sole Vibram XS Grip2
Gr 235
€ 159,00
Vegan friendly shoe developed for indoor use. Slightly arched shape with wider space in the last toes to reduce pressure and make the shoe more wearable. The TRS System lacing system with flat laces, semi-padded tongue and six-hole system allows for variable adjustment. Microfibre upper and S72 compound sole which makes it more durable even when used on artificial holds. A shoe to wear at the beginning of training and to take off only at the end.
Lining NA
Upper Microfiber
Midsole NA
Sole Vibram XS Edge
Gr 250
€ 189,00
Lining NA
Upper Microfiber
Midsole NA
Sole S72
Gr 195
€ 139,00
Softer version of the famous Vapor with hybrid lacing system
Vapor is an all round shoe suitable for both climbing on crags and bouldering in the gym. What makes Vapor such a versatile shoe is the comfort of the fit, made with an unlined microfiber upper and a very comfortable tongue that distributes the pressure of the laces.
SCARPA’s Bi-Tension system maintains the tension between the toe and the heel of the shoe, giving support to the plantar ares and in this way also supporting the toe. Vapor uses an XS Grip2 Vibram sole, very grippy and durable. Overall, the sole of the shoe is narrow, which makes it particularly suitable for slim feet; however the general structure of the unstructured shoe adapts over time to the shape of the foot. The innovative Nano Strap System allows a more immediate, sensitive and
precise adjustment of the foot in three ways. The shape of the foot, which is not extremely aggressive but absolutely precise and with maximum sensitivity, also contributes to the versatility of the model. Therefore, we recommend it to intermediate level climbers who like to test themselves in bouldering problems with the utmost attention to movements even on smooth rock or granite cliffs.
We Like Hybrid lacing, softness
Use Boulder, Falesia
Upper Microfiber
Footbed NA
Midsole NA
Sole XS Grip2
Fit Narrow
Gr 235
€ 159,00
Let’s debunk the myth: there is no such thing as the perfect trail running shoe. Or rather, there will be a perfect shoe for a certain runner and for a certain trail. Here we will take elementary concepts for granted, dividing the features that you will have to take into account based on a simple classification: the distance to be covered.
First of all we must evaluate our features: weight, experience gained and running technique. The general rules? The more you weight, the more cushioning you will need. Less weight and the more you can focus on lightweight and flexibility. Do you have an efficient pace or not? If the answer is yes, you will have to look for a responsive shoe with limited drop. If not, you will need a more structured shoe that stabilizes the stride.
In this category we can include training sessions, short races, skyraces and vertical races, where lightweight is everything. We don’t need a highly protective and cushioning shoe, as much as a precise fit, a reactive response, a medium-low midsole. The aim is to reduce energy expenditure and promote the feeling with the ground. A fast run prefers a minor drop.
We refer to distances that tend to range from 30 to 50km. In this case,
the choice of the shoe should be oriented towards flexibility, with a fairly light and reactive style, to face the easiest sections at a good pace, but sufficiently protective for the descent phases or the more technical sections. The recommended drop is a medium one, around 6mm, with a sufficiently cushioned midsole to withstand more hours of running and a comfortable, enveloping and secure fit.
For athletes aiming to run ultra distances, comfort and cushioning are of primary importance. Given the lower running speed, less protective and stable features are normally found, but still sufficient to support the foot covering the variety of terrain that might be encountered. You need to make sure that the shoe has enough stretch to allow for natural expansion and contraction of the foot.
Among the external aspects that affect the choice of shoe there is the type of terrain you will face. The best choice for any condition does not exist. Talking about the sole, we can find shoes that defend themselves well on all terrains but without distinguishing themselves on any in particular one, or shoes that focus on a certain segment.
The first case sees many ultra trail shoes as protagonists, designed to manage a multiplicity of terrains and meteorological variability. In
the second case, there are shoes for a very specific use. Where soft and humid terrain prevails, it will be better to opt for a sole with spaced and pronounced lugs to better face the ground and give greater traction. On a compact and rocky ground, instead, you will have to look for a harder and drier compound and a sole with lower and closer lugs, often with a square or hexagonal shape to ensure multidirectional traction.
As always, we need to understand in what conditions we will use the shoes. Waterproofness has the obvious advantage of keeping the foot dry on wet trails and in the rain, while making it less breathable. Traditionally, the use of waterproof membranes is not so welcomed by the running community as it adds weight and stiffens the shoe. To date, however, innovative technologies such as Gore-Tex Invisible Fit can solve these problems. Finally, a waterproof shoe is warmer than a traditionally built model, which is an advantage in cold or humid climates, but makes it less suitable for a hot and sunny weather.
Trust your instincts. When you try on a shoe, listen carefully to the sensations you feel: is there a part that creates discomfort in the foot or a particularly stiff seam? Run for a few kilometers and the feeling will only improve.
The first 4T2’s trail running shoe
4T2, the new brand that we learned about last year for the Weekdays road running model, arrives in 2023 with a shoe dedicated to trail running: Get Lost. The first thing you notice about 4T2 products is the design, elegant and essential but very recognizable. In this model it translates into an upper in very thin but still containing ripstop material: it is a firm and non-stretch fabric but which is still comfortable, especially on the forefoot, where the fit widens slightly. The structure of the heel, lightly padded, and the tongue are also very essential. The toe is reinforced with polyurethane to protect the toe box from stones. The choice of the midsole is very interesting, which for this shoe is identical to the road running model: in fact, it uses both the same materials and the same molds as Week-
days, with the upper in “joie” compound and the lower in “flow” compound. The decision to use the same midsole goes on the one hand in a direction of reducing costs and production waste, on the other it supports a general trend that sees a rapprochement between road and trail compounds. The 4T2 midsole is generally stable and gives a feeling of compactness, and if at first it may seem hard after a few kilometers it softens and responds well to the ride. Sole in Vibram Megagrip Litebase as standard, it works, the compound is known for its reliability: approved.
We Like Design and its overall quality
Use Trail Running
Upper Ripstop
Footbed Ortholite X40(20% recycled)
Midsole Double density EVA
Sole Vibram Megagrip
Drop 6
Gr 325
€ 180,00
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support
Grip Mud Rock Wet Gravel
Distance Long
Fit Regular
Mont Blanc is the shoe designed for the Denver company’s elite athletes. FootShape fit improved in this version by the double BOA lacing system, which secures the midfoot to the shoe. It utilizes a super lightweight upper and Ego Max foam midsole with 30mm ground drop in both the heel and toe. The sole is minimalist and uses Vibram Megagrip in the Litebase version. Overall it is a reactive and cushioned shoe dedicated to the most runable paths in the mountains.
Timp ranks among Altra’s most versatile models. In this latest version, the cushioning has been improved, thanks to a stable and protective EgoMax midsole with a 29mm drop. The upper part is made with a very protective material and further reinforced by TPU applications on the toebox, and by a rigid heel counter that improves stability on more technical terrains. The solid MaxTrac sole is excellent which makes it a shoe suitable for any terrain.
Use Trail Running
Upper Mesh
Midsole Ego Max
Sole MaxTrac
Drop 0
Gr 308
€ 160,00
Altra’s iconic trail shoe comes this year in its seventh version. Lone Peak 7 has been revised above all in the upper, which now uses more modern and resistant materials and it is assembled without using seams, while maintaining the same comfortable fit and FootShape. The sole has also been revised, with lugs that recall the previous one but it is made more aggressive, and with the Ego midsole which guarantees the combination of reactivity and comfort on all terrains.
Use Trail Running
Upper PerformFit
Wrap e BOA Fit System
Midsole Ego Max
Sole Vibram Litebase
Drop 0
Gr 317
€ 230,00
Use Trail Running
Upper Mesh
Midsole Ego
Sole MaxTrac
Drop 0
Gr 314
€ 160,00
Sixth version of Altra Superior, a shoe intended for the door-to-trail segment, therefore for mixed routes between off road and asphalt for short and medium-term runs. Superior is the most minimal and lightest model in the trail segment as far as the Colorado brand is concerned and the one which embodies the most the idea of barefoot running. Superior’s midsole has a 21mm ground stack in both the heel and forefoot and it is made with Altra’s signature EGO foam in EVA that is flexible but also soft, despite its contained height. The sole also uses the traditional Altra compound, i.e. MaxTrac, in this model designed with low and homogeneous lugs that helps the runability on soft trails and forest roads. The upper is instead made with a two-piece ripstop fabric mesh with a medial seam, rein-
forced on the toe and heel by TPU applications. Of the upper, the wrap structure of the tongue is interesting: on the external side it is in fact part of the upper itself while going up the instep it becomes a real tongue and then closes on the inside of the shoe, just like a burrito. This helps the upper wrap around the midfoot better, reducing the mobility of the shoe. For the rest, the fit has the traditional Altra foot shape, which makes it perfect for lovers of natural running and for runners who lean forward and work with their feet.
We Like Comfort and upper with a wrap design
Upper Mesh ripstop
Footbed NA
Midsole EGO
Sole MaxTrac
Drop 0
Gr 269
€ 130,00
Distance Short Fit Wide
Maximalist shoe, Trabuco Max 2 seeks maximum comfort. It has a FF Blast Plus midsole with high cushioning capacity, an Asics Grip compound sole with a very pronounced lug pattern and a TPU reinforced mesh upper.
Use Ultrarunning Midsole FF Blast Plus Sole Asics Grip Drop 5 Gr 305 € 180,00
Gore-Tex version of the Asics trail running classic. A stable shoe reinforced by a heel counter and an internal support on the instep. Mesh upper with membrane, padded tongue, FF Blast midsole and aggressive Asics Grip sole.
Use Trail Running Lining Gore-Tex Midsole FF Blast Sole Asics Grip Drop 8 Gr 335 € 170,00
Dedicated to fast courses, Fuji Speed uses a durable and lightweight Nexkin upper combined with a speed lacing system. FlyteFoam midsole and a Pebax plate for great energy return and Asics Grip sole with deep lugs.
Use Trail Running Upper Nexkin Midsole FlyteFoam Sole Asics Grip Drop 5 Gr 240 € 160,00
Lightest and fastest shoe of the Japanese brand. Fuji Lite 3 is a shoe with a streamlined profile, with a light mesh upper, a FlyteFoam midsole made with a bio-based material and traditional Asics Grip sole by Asics.
Use Hiking Midsole FlyteFoam Sole Asics Grip Drop 4 Gr 260 € 140,00
Protective and stable trail running shoe, Gel-Trabuco 11 has a structured upper, reinforced at the toe and midfoot with TPU applications and at the heel with a solid heel counter. Aggressive sole for technical terrains and a snug fit.
Use Trail Running Midsole FF Blast Sole Asics Grip Drop 8 Gr 265 € 160,00
Women’s version of the Trabuco Max 2. Shoe characterized by a high midsole in FF Blast Plus compound that combines cushioning with energy return. Comfortable and stable mesh upper and aggressive Asics Grip tread suitable for all terrains.
Use Ultrarunning Midsole FF Blast Plus Sole Asics Grip Drop 5 Gr 265 € 180,00
Asics brings to the eleventh version its historic model dedicated to ultra trail, Gel-Trabuco, which for the new season has been completely revised both in the upper part of the upper and in the midsole, which changes completely in this model. In fact, with the SS23 season, Asics has proposed a complete overhaul of the entire racing segment, both in terms of road and trail. Gel-Trabuco 11 is an overall very protective shoe, intended for long journeys in the mountains, even on difficult terrain, and for runners looking for reliable footwear. The upper is made with a very soft 3D mesh, reinforced by TPU applications on the toe and heel, and by the logo made of thermoplastic material that supports the medial band of the foot. The tongue is also padded and gives a snug feel to the fit. The main chan-
ge however has been made on the midsole, which uses a new FF Blast foam, taken from road shoes, with an 8mm drop. It is a cushioned but not too flexible foam, it gives support to the foot and maintains resistance to torsion while also ensuring a certain stability. As for the sole, the design has very deep lugs, made up of many small lugs, with a multidirectional design, which guarantee optimal grip on a variety of surfaces, dry and wet.
Use Trail Running
Upper Mesh
Footbed NA
Midsole FF Blast
Sole Asics Grip
Drop 8
Gr 300
€ 160,00
Performance Cushioning
Grip Mud
Wet Gravel
Distance Long
Fit Regular
The first trail running shoe by Diadora
Diadora arrives in the trail running sector with a shoe with a sneaker-inspired look, which, as we will see, translates into a sfeeling of great protection well enveloping of the foot. Equipe Sestriere-XT is made with a mesh upper reinforced by a polyurethane application that wraps the lower part of the upper from the toebox to the back of the shoe, giving structure and support to the fit. The lacing system is traditional and it is combined with a soft and padded tongue which, together with the heel seat, helps to give this feeling of softness to the shoe. The midsole is made of DD Anima foam, as in the road model, here with a feeling of greater substance and heaviness, strengthened with the idea of supporting the foot on natural surfaces. The sole is made in five pieces, with Duratech 5000 rubber for
the rear part and throughout the external area, therefore the one most in contact with the ground during rolling, and in Soft Rubber compound in the central part of the forefoot and near the instep. Not being a full sole, this allows to reduce the weight of the shoe, which in any case has a well-bodied structure. We recommend it to runners looking for a shoe to approach running in nature, or who run in hilly areas on undergrowth trails. In size US9 it weighs 340 grams, so we recommend it to runners looking for protection, or with uneven foot strikes, pronators and people who run a lot on heels.
We Like Protection, stability
Dynafit’s lightest shoe, Sky DNA is dedicated to skyraces and verticals. In less than 240 grams, it combines a reinforced TPU upper with double speed lacing and a double Pebax midsole for a great energy return.
Use Skyrunning Upper Mesh + TPU Midsole NA Sole Vibram Megagrip Drop 4 Gr 239 € 180,00
Racing version of the Alpine model, it is designed for fast trails with technical descents. Weighing just 270 grams, Alpine DNA has a minimalist construction of both the mesh upper and midsole, combined with a high gripping Vibram Megagrip outsole.
Use Skyrunning Upper Mesh + TPU Midsole NA Sole Vibram Megagrip Drop 6 Gr 270 € 175,00
Protective and cushioned shoe dedicated to ultra trail races. Ultra 100 has a precise fit and a streamlined shape. Super durable TPU reinforced mesh upper, lace gaiter, high cushioning midsole and Vibram Megagrip outsole with Traction Lugs.
Use Ultratrail Sole Vibram Megagrip Drop 6 Gr 309 € 170,00
All-round mountain shoe intended above all for harder terrains and long distances. Transalper combines a Vibram Megagrip tread with a climbing zone on the toe, a quick release system and a protective ripstop mesh upper.
Traverse is a multisport shoe dedicated to running with mountaineering progressions and technical passages: upper with protective gaiter on the upper part, quick closure, midsole reactive and sole in Pomoca compound.
Use Trail Running Upper Mesh + TPU Sole Pomoca Drop 8 Gr 320 € 150,00
Shoe intended for alpine trails where protection and a precise fit are required. Upper in resistant mesh reinforced on base and toe in TPU, midsole and sole in Pomoca foams and Rocker shape to fully support the roll.
Use Trail Running Midsole NA Sole Pomoca Drop 8 Gr 290 € 160,00
Ultra 100 is Dynafit shoe dedicated to long distance competitions in the mountains. We recommend it to those athletes looking for a precise and snug fit all over the foot, who want protection and an aggressive grip. The upper is made with an anti-abrasion mesh reinforced with polyurethane applications that structure the fit and increase the stability of the shoe during the rolling phase. These applications are present both on the toe to protect the fingers, and above all on the upper part of the tongue and collar. The traditional lacing system is protected by a gaiter that has been designed for two reasons: on the one hand to protect the laces from debris preventing them from unfastening, on the other hand to store the laces. In addition, a polyurethane band wraps the heel and the medial
part of the foot up to the midsole, increasing the support of the shoe. The midsole is made of EVA and it is very solid and dense: it supports the foot and reduces the torsion of the shoe, helping with the technique. Vibram Megagrip sole with Traction Lugs, pronounced drop and a solid feeling under the heel. It’s good on technical terrains, on traverses, on disconnected sections, also excellent for long walks and for running downhill. Instead, it is stiffer where the foot has to work on climbable slopes, on sloping, hilly sections. If you live near the mountains or if you are looking for a shoe for technical competitions it could be a valid choice.
We Like Support and precise fit
Use Trail Running
Gr 310 € 170,00
In recent seasons, Evadict, Decathlon’s trail running brand, has launched a series of very interesting products that we have decided to test and include in the Guide. Specifically, this spring we tried MT Cushion 2, a protective shoe, relatively bodied, but produced with materials whose qualities are now recognized in the trail segment and which guarantee a good level product right from the start. The upper is in Matryx, a fabric made with a very resistant and light Kevlar yarn, and it is reinforced with TPU on the toe. The tongue and the seat of the heel are quite padded, they distribute the pressure of the lacing well which is therefore homogeneous and non-compressive. The fit is quite streamlined, it doesn’t give any strange feeling, neither of too large volumes nor of angularity or pressure points: you slip on without realizing it.
Overall, the structure is stable, has good ankle support, and the cushioning is balanced: it’s not dry, it’s not springy, it protects what it needs and it’s stable. The sole is designed with very deep lugs, and although it’s not made with an emblazoned compound, it still holds well, probably thanks to the design. It’s not very light, weighing around 300 grams, so we recommend it to athletes looking for protection and support for long distances and in the mountains, even for 100 kilometers or 100 miles. Ah, Blandine L’Hirondel won the World Cup in Thailand with it, I guess that’s enough.
We Like Matryx upper, protection
Use Trail Running
Upper Matryx
Footbed NA
Midsole Kalensole
Sole With 5mm lugs
Drop 4mm
Gr M 290 (43) W 255 (39)
€ 99,99
Protection Support Grip Mud Rock Wet Gravel
Distance Long Fit Regular
Tecton X was Hoka’s first trail shoe featuring a carbon plate. Unlike its road sisters, the plate of Tecton X is made with a plate divided into two parts which allows the shoe to be more flexible and usable on technical terrains. Redesigned upper compared to the first model with light and resistant Matryx fabric and bellows tongue. The shoe has a Profly-X structure that improves the runnability of the shoe and a Vibram Megagrip compound sole.
Fifth version of the classic Hoka model dedicated to mountain trails on which you can push by exploiting the elastic capacity of the EVA midsole. Compared to the previous version, the upper is lighter and more elasticised, made of soft and snug double Jacquard fabric. The midsole has been lightened and further softened to be more responsive. The sole is made of Vibram Megagrip compound, equipped with Traction Lugs with good grip on any terrain.
Use Trail Running
Upper Mesh Jaquard
Midsole CMEVA
Sole Vibram Megagrip
Drop 4
Gr 291
€ 160,00
Challenger has always been Hoka’s all terrain model, dedicated to off road racing on easy terrains, for runners looking for protection and cushioning. The seventh version has been completely revised starting from the upper, which is now inspired by the one of Speedgoat with a soft and enveloping technical mesh. While the tongue and heel are inspired by Mafate, protecting the foot. Soft molded and compressed EVA midsole coupled with a two-piece Durabrasion outsole with 4mm lugs.
Use Trail Running
Upper Matryx
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram Megagrip litebase
Drop 5
Gr 252
€ 220,00
UseTrail Running
Upper Mesh tecnico
Midsole EVA
Sole Durabrasion
Drop 5
Gr 252
€ 150,00
Tecton X2 is the first trail running shoe by Hoka equipped with a carbon plate, released in spring 2022 and arrived at its second version this year, in a restyling that mainly concerned the upper. Although at the launch of Tecton it was thought it would be an exclusive shoe, for fast runners able to push them, we have instead seen it on the feet of many amateurs on the starting line even in very long races and in the mountains. In fact, the feature of Tecton X is the ability to combine the reactivity of a plate shoe with the comfort of a trail shoe.
Tecton X’s plate is in fact made with two parallel plates that work separately, this allows the midsole to be more flexible and flex according to the terrain and to be comfortable in the mountains. The upper has been completely redesigned and now uses a very light
and thin Matryx mesh, more comfortable than the traditional Matryx fabrics generally used, which demonstrates the progress made in the use of this material. The sole is made of Vibram Megagrip Litebase in two pieces, with very thin and homogeneous lugs: it works well, even if it is not a shoe designed specifically for technical terrains, it has good grip on single tracks and on forest roads. It is a streamlined shoe, very comfortable even on asphalt sections and on dirt roads. We recommend it to fast athletes, able to push it and to take advantage of its stretch capacity.
We Like Its upper and reactivity
Use Trail Running
Upper Matryx
Footbed NA
Midsole ProFly-X
Sole Vibram
Drop 5
Gr 252
€ 220,00
Fit Regular
New version of the model intended for ultra races with the addition of an exclusive double BOA lacing system which improves the precision of the fit and the lacing. EVA midsole compound and FriXion Red sole for maximum stability.
Use Trail Running Upper Anti-abrasion recycled mesh Midsole VA + polyurethane + internal platform Sole FriXion Red Gr 300 € 200,00
An update of one of the most famous ultra shoes, Akasha II has an upper developed in perforated AirMesh reinforced with TPU applications, an injected EVA midsole with Cushion Platform and a super grippy bi-compound FriXion Red sole.
Use Ultrarunning Upper Mesh + TPU Midsole EVA + Cushion Platform Sole FriXion Red Drop 8 Gr 310 € 170,00
Model dedicated to skyraces and more technical competitions. Single BOA lacing system, enveloping and precise fit, resistant upper and reinforced in the toebox. The midsole uses an EVA foam and the outsole is in FriXion White compound.
Use Trail Running Upper Mesh + TPU Midsole MEMlex EVA Sole FriXion White Drop 7 Gr 315 € 185,00
After a long career, Mutant’s second version is now here with revised materials and design of the upper. The fit and the general structure of the shoe remain unchanged, still super technical and suitable for the toughest mountains.
Use Trail Running Upper FusonGate + SpyralTongue Midsole MEMlex EVA Sole FriXion XT Drop 9 Gr 330 € 165,00
Bushido is a great classic in the shoes sector dedicated to skyraces and technical terrains, thanks to its super grippy FriXion Red sole and the stable and rigid structure of the reinforced AirMesh upper which gives it a dry fit.
Use Skyrunning Upper Mesh + TPU Midsole EVA + Cushion Platform Sole FriXion Red Drop 7 Gr 300 € 180,00
Minimalist shoe dedicated to skyraces and short distances. Knitted upper reinforced by a grid of thermoplastic applications, light midsole with a MorphoDynami shape and a super lightweight double density FriXion XT compound.
Use Skyrunning Upper Mesh + EVA Midsole MEMlex EVA Sole FriXion XT Drop 2 Gr 230 € 150,00
Jackal was launched in 2019 for the long distance segment and has now been revised with the addition of a double locking BOA lacing system. Overall, Jackal II is a very streamlined and lean shoe, both in terms of fit (this is also in the laces version) and in terms of foot strike sensation. To integrate the BOA lacing system, the upper part has been completely redesigned: the upper is made of mesh on which TPU is applied which protects the toe, midfoot and heel, increasing the support of the upper and the snug feeling. The BOA uses a double locking system that works on three points making the adjustment of the internal volumes even more precise. The tongue and collar are instead made with a different material, softer and more breathable than the rest of the upper, which protects the foot
from Kevlar and wraps the upper part of the ankle like a gaiter. The midsole is made with two pieces of EVA foam with Infinitoo Technology inserts, while the sole is in FriXion Red compound. It is suitable for runners with a dry foot who like to feel the shoe firmly on the foot especially on technical and steep trails. In fact, we recommend it for the terrain of the Dolomites or for the technical and steep trails of Liguria, while it is less at ease on the runnable. It is suitable both for runners with such pronounced pronation, because overall it is a stable shoe, and for more backward footstrikes.
We Like Double locking BOA
Use Trail Running
Upper Mesh + TPU + Ariaprene
Midsole EVA + Infinitoo Technology
Sole FriXion Red
Drop 7
Gr 300
€ 200,00
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support
Grip Mud Rock
Wet Gravel
Distance Medium
Fit Narrow
Millet officially enters the running footwear market with the new Mig 1911 Intense. Made entirely in France, this shoe has an upper in Matryx fabric in Kevlar yarn reinforced on the base and toe with TPU applications. The upper is light and essential, especially the tongue and heel which are super minimalist and light. The midsole is made of 25% recycled EVA while the tread is in Michelin compound. 6mm drop and a snug fit.
Use Trail Running Midsole EVA
Sole Michelin Drop 6mm
Gr 500
€ 169,99
Mammut launches a super mid-rise shoe aimed at technical trail running over moderate distances. Aenergy TR has a Vent mesh upper with a polyurethane mesh that wraps around the entire midfoot to the heel, giving structure to the upper in the midfoot area and wrapping it in a comfortable wrap-around fit. The inter-no volume of the shoe is very tight on the instep and back, and is made even more precise by the BOA closure system, which has been integrated by Mammut’s designers in a different way than in its traditional use: the Kevlar laces in fact work on a relatively narrow surface area compared to other shoes with BOA, stretching the upper. The midsole is made of EVA, cushioned especially at the heel and rather high (22 millimeters stack, and 7 millimeters differen-
tial). Looking at the shoe from below, the sole shape is wide on the forefoot, tightens a lot in the central part, then widens again on the heel, this makes it a very precise and stable shoe, especially on descents and forefoot leaning. The sole is made from a Vibram Megagrip Litebase compound with a distinctive, very deep, trapezoidal tread pattern that is very pronounced. Overall, the shoe weighs 375 grams and we recommend it for technical and long trails, especially in wet or high mountain environments and severe conditions where you don’t need so much of a lightweight but aggressive and reliable shoe.
Upper Vent mesh
Footbed NA
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram
Drop 7
Gr 375
€ 200,00
Mammut launches Aenergy, the new trail running line with a focus on the speed and lightweight typical of high intensity activities. It goes without saying that the performance aspect is the focus of the specific design and of the highly technical materials used for this range.
Each fabric and feature have been designed ad hoc: the garments focus on protection from atmospheric agents with unparalleled moisture management while the footwear boasts a high grip and a highly adjustable fit, finally the vests guarantee high comfort thanks to the shoulder straps. Based on the brand’s important experience in the mountain environment, the line aims to offer all outdoor enthusiasts the lightest and most compressible solutions possible, while satisfying all the needs in difficult and changing alpine conditions such as visibility and protection.
“The safety of the runners is paramount” says Daniel Hiendlmeier, Mammut Head of Apparel. “We want to enable them to run fast and go further, but to do so without compromising the critical features needed to stay safe in the mountains.”
Going further, however, is about more than just creating the perfect kit, it’s also about doing so in a way that has the lowest possible impact.
The entire Mammut trail running collection is 100% decarbonized, meaning production emissions are not simply com-
pensated for, but are physically removed. To achieve this, Mammut enlisted the support of partners like Climeworks, a pioneer and leader in carbon dioxide removal that uses direct air capture technology to remove CO2 from the air for safe and permanent storage, or to be reused as a raw material. Combined with underground storage, direct air capture allows for the permanent removal of excess and legacy CO2 emissions, thus eliminating their contribution to climate change.
“We want to raise awareness around climate change” says Adrian Huber, Head of Corporate Responsibility at Mammut “and to remind everyone that we are in the most important run of all time: the race to zero.”
“Race to Zero” is also the name of the challenge that Mammut launched on the Strava platform. All athletes, during the month of May 2023, have been challenged by the brand to run 100km to raise awareness of the urgency of acting on climate change.
Leitmotiv of the collection are the colors black, white and dark tangerine: a modern refresh of Mammut’s distinctive colorways that never neglect the aspect of safety. Collection highlight pieces include the Aenergy TR HS Hooded Jacket, Aenergy TR WB Hybrid Vest, Aenergy TR 2 in 1 Shorts, Aenergy TR 5 race vest, and Aenergy TR BOA Mid trail running shoes.
Designed for technical terrains, Wave Mujin is intended for ultramarathons and use in the mountains. Sole in Michelin compound with very deep and homogeneous lugs over the entire tread surface. Double layer EVA midsole which is softer in the upper part in Enerzy Foam and more stable in the lower one in Mizuno Foam Wave. Mesh upper redesigned and reinforced with TPU applications and a solid heel counter to support rolling even after many hours of use.
Trail running shoe intended for daily outings for athletes looking for support and reliability. Wave Daichi has a firm mesh upper, reinforced with thermoplastic applications on the toe and base. Double midsole in EVA with Mizuno Wave structure, sole with medium-depth lugs for medium-mountain terrains, padded tongue that protects the foot well from lacing and heel counter to improve ankle stability during rolling.
Use Trail Running
Upper Smooth
Stretch Woven
Midsole Mizuno
Wave + double layer
Sole Michelin
Drop 9
Gr 305
€ 160,00
Wave Ibuki is intended for athletes who are approaching trail running: essential upper in mesh, reinforced on the heel by a stable internal shell and external TPU applications. EVA midsole that balances medium cushioning with stability thanks to a medium ground clearance. Regular Wgrip sole for off road terrains and to make the shoe comfortable and flexible even on medium-mountain routes. We recommend it to neutral athletes who are approaching running in nature.
Use Trail Running
Upper Mesh
Midsole Mizuno
Enerzy Foam, Mizuno Enerzy + double layer
Sole Michelin Drop 10
Gr 340 € 160,00
Use Trail Running
Upper Mesh
Midsole Mizuno
EnerzyFoam +
Mizuno Enerzy +
Mizuno Wave
Sole Wgrip
Gr 305 € 160,00
Wave Mujin 9 is entirely dedicated to the mountains: 340 grams for a 10mm drop, it is made with a double density EVA midsole grafted onto each other with the typical Mizuno wave design. Mizuno Enerzy for the upper part, taken from the road models, and Mizuno Foam Wave in the lower one, which slightly increases the feeling of cushioning and stability. Overall, the feeling that the midsole gives is a compact and stable foam, cushioned as needed on the heel and progressively drier on the forefoot. The upper is structured and protects the foot on the outside while also giving a lot of support on the heel and arch, making it fall into the category of stable shoes. The sole is made of Michelin compound and has a very pronounced design: the lugs are very
deep, especially in the midfoot area and around the entire external perimeter of the sole, while they are wider in the central part of the sole and on the heel. We tested it on technical limestone terrain and on very broken trails: the low ground clearance makes it suitable for these contexts, especially for runners who lean back and are looking for a shoe that supports the rolling and that gives stability above all on the back of the shoe. It is stiffer on runnable sections and on asphalt, so we recommend it for routes entirely in the mountains and with few mixed sections and in which it is necessary to run continuously for a long time.
We Like Protection, stability
Use Trail Running
Upper Mesh + TPU
Footbed NA
Midsole Mizuno
Enerzy Foam, Mizuno Enerzy + double layer EVA
Sole Michelin
Drop 10
Gr 340
€ 160,00
Distance Long Fit Regular
Ninth edition of the classic Mizuno model destined for ultra trail runningSummit Unknown is the most responsive shoe in the New Balance trail running line, dedicated to fast and technical competitions. Totally revised upper, it uses a close-knit snug mesh reinforced by thermoplastic applications on toebox and base. The midsole is in FuelCell compound and offers energy return thanks to the Rock Stop plate. The Hydrohesion tread has sparse but very deep lugs that improve grip compared to the previous version.
Super cushioned model, More Trail is a shoe dedicated to long distances for runners looking for maximum comfort and protection. The midsole is made of FreshFoamX foam, with a 45mm offset in the heel. Super gripping sole in Vibram Megagrip, with very wide and deep lugs. The fit is slim thanks to the elastic mesh and the very snug padded heel which gives it protection over the entire upper part.
Use Trail Running
Midsole FreshFoamX
Sole Hydrohesion
Drop 5
Gr 315
€ 170,00
Use Trail Running
Midsole FuelCell
Sole Hydrohesion
Drop 6
Gr 272
€ 140,00
Summit Unknown SG is the version dedicated to wet terrains, therefore to mud and snow. In fact, this model is unchanged compared to the Unknown v4 model except for the height of the tread lugs, which here reaches 6.5 millimetres, greatly increasing the traction of the sole on more technical and slippery terrains. The shoe maintains the upper in mesh and the sole in FuelCell foam coupled with the Rock Stop Plate which increase its protection and aggressiveness.
Use Trail Running
Midsole FuelCell
Sole Hydrohesion
Drop 6,5
Gr 281
€ 140,00
Since its release, Summit Unknown has been the New Balance shoe dedicated to short and medium distances, and to those athletes who want to have sensitivity on the ground and little weight on their feet, without sacrificing the necessary protection and support. In this fourth version, the Boston-based company has revised a lot, starting with the upper, now made with a tightly woven stretch mesh reinforced by a thermoplastic application on the base and toe with a geometric texture. The upper part is generally very essential, but not minimal: it’s comfortable, the tongue is lined as necessary, and the fit is precise. The midsole has been lowered in thickness, and now feels a little slimmer to the foot, a little more flexible, and it translates into a more
playful, agile shoe. There is a rock stop plate between the sole and the midsole which on the one hand protects the lower part of the shoe, and on the other increases the structure of the shoe and the resistance in torsion. The outsole uses Hydrohesion rubber with very pronounced lugs, which perform well on both dry and wet surfaces. It’s fun to use while running on slight slopes and undergrowth single track, it works in the mountains even on medium technical terrains. It probably gives its best on light and fast runners, able to push it, but it’s not a niche or an exclusive shoe, and for distances up to 40-50 kilometers it can be used by everyone.
We Like Enveloping fit, design Use Trail Running
Upper Mesh + TPU
Footbed NA
Midsole FuelCell
Sole Hydrohesion
Drop 4
Gr 272
€ 140,00
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support Grip Mud Rock
Wet Gravel
Distance Medium
Fit Regular
Kjerag (pronounced scieràg) is the first model launched by NNormal, which in less than a year after its release has earned important wins: Hardrock, Zegama, UTMB, Javelina. The brand’s goal is to create functional and durable shoes, trying to use the best materials on the market and Kjerag is a shoe that tries to reflect these prerogatives. The result is a shoe weighing only 200 grams in the sample size, made with the new EVO Jaquard by Matryx for the upper, which is soft but super resistant and fits the foot well on the instep thanks to the microfibre tongue and the essential flat slotted lacing, slightly wider in the forefoot. The sole is made with a 5mm Litebase sheet of Vibram over its entire surface, an absolutely innovative choice compared to the more common solutions which involve the mixed use of only Megagrip lugs, sometimes combined with other rubber components, sometimes glued directly to the mid-
sole. NNormal in this way obtains two results: the first one is to “protect” the midsole from stones and roots, the second to facilitate resoling at specialized Vibram centres. The midsole is another interesting part of the shoe: it is made of EVA Exapure, which is brought to temperature and injected with CO2 to guarantee road shoe performance in terms of reactivity with the right level of cushioning and lots of memory to remain performing even after many kilometers. Over the long distance it is probably suitable for athletes with good biomechanics and lightweight, but on distances up to the marathon we find it suitable for almost anyone. If that’s your thing, this might be the shoe for you.
. We Like Matryx upper, tread design, midsole
If Kjerag is a shoe dedicated to an audience that prefers minimalism, speed and has good running biomechanics, Tomir is a model accessible to a very wide audience. Compared to its sister, Tomir has a more generous midsole, developed using EVA 50, a high molecular density foam that does not immediately transmit its cushioning and comfort characteristics: only later, by “running on it”, can you appreciate these aspects combined with accuracy and stability. The shoe is structured with a sturdy and extremely durable upper in “firm” fabric that gives body to the fit. The asymmetrical lacing is interesting, a solution adopted to ergonomically wrap the instep leaving the forefoot wide. Also for Tomir, the solution was chosen to use a 5mm Vibram Litebase sheet for the sole over its entire surfa-
ce with Megagrip lugs positioned with a tread design that provides for less use than Kjerag. The result is a robust shoe, certainly durable, with excellent grip, low weight, and with the same possibility of being easily resoled in centers where that’s possible. The design is also very nice, where the use of materials is refined and of high quality.
We Like Low weight and a light and resistant upper
Use Trail Running
Upper Kevlar
Footbed NA
Midsole EVA
Sole Vibram
Drop 8
Gr 280
€ 150,00
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support
Grip Mud
Wet Gravel
Distance Long
Fit Medium
We had tested Norda for the first time with the model created in collaboration with the Parisian brand Satisfy. In fact, the Canadian brand stands out for the refinement of the details and for the care of the product and the material, resulting in one of the models that best knows how to combine the qualities of each technology used. The first thing you notice about 001 is the weight: despite being a shoe of maximalist inspiration, at least in the thickness of the midsole, it is actually very light. It weighs 247 grams in size US8.5, which is made possible by a very light upper made of woven Dyneema fabric, here however very thin and soft. The heel and upper are also very light and manage to adapt well to the shape of the foot. The midsole is made in collaboration with Vibram and it combines a super low weight with a great feeling of dynamic
and responsive cushioning. The sole is also made in a Vibram compound, with an exclusive very grippy design, made with rather deep, narrow and long, “V” shaped lugs. It is a shoe with a very good grip that works very well on the technical side, but is not very protective in the upper part, so we would like to recommend it on runnable and stable routes. This Norda’s shoe stands out for being an undoubtedly exclusive and niche product, for runners who are looking for a lot of quality and are willing to pay for it. In the panorama of emerging brands we continue to be interested in it, it is one of the most interesting products. If you get the chance, give it a try.
We Like Materials, design
Use Trail Running
Upper Dyneema
Footbed NA
Midsole EExpure
Sole norda x Vibram SLE
Drop 5
Gr 245
€ 265,00
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support
Grip Mud
Wet Gravel
Distance Long
Fit Regular
Cloudventure Peak 3 is a reactive low cut shoe dedicated to skyracing. The upper is super lightweight and very snug, especially on the back where it has no buttress so as to adhere better to the heel. The midsole has a Speedboard, i.e. a fork-shaped plate with a percentage of carbon and injected TPU that adds reactivity and stability to the shoe. The outsole uses the classic Missiongrip compound with a new, more aggressive pattern for more technical terrains.
Light and transversal, Cloudvista combines Helion foam with ON’s patented CloudTec cell structure, giving a soft and runnable feeling to the shoe. Sole in Missiongrip compound with the typical rectangular lugs that give it good grip on runnable trails such as single tracks and in the forest. Firm mesh upper with tear resistant honeycomb design and regular fit, for a light and versatile doorto-trail shoe suitable for athletes who like to run.
Use Trail Running
Midsole Helion, CloudTec
Sole Missiongrip
Drop 7
Gr 280
€ 159,95
Shoe with balanced cushioning designed for ultra trail races on typical alpine routes not far from where this shoe was conceived. Here too the midsole is made with CloudTec cell technology which increases the cushioning of the shoe. Resistant but essential upper snug all over the foot and reinforced at the base with a single application of thermoplastic material, Missiogrip eight-piece sole with low and homogeneous lugs over the entire surface of the tread.
Use Skyrunning
Midsole CloudTec
Sole Missiongrip
Drop 4
Gr 230
€ 165,95
Use Ultratrail
Midsole Helion, CloudTec
Sole Missiongrip
Drop 10
Gr 295
€ 189,95
On totally revises its model dedicated to skyrunning and vertical races with Cloudventure Peak 3. Overall, the shoe has a super streamlined shape both externally and in the fit which is precise along the entire length of the foot. It uses a super resistant Matryx upper reinforced by some applications in polyurethane which serve to structure the shoe but which do not weigh it down. The entire upper part is very essential, even on the heel, completely devoid of buttresses and indeed very flexible in order to adapt well to the shape of the foot without weighing down the shoe. The midsole follows the principle of the upper part: very dry, slightly more protective in the heel with the maintenance of On’s CloudTec elements, but still extremely compact and essential. To this is added a plate,
called by On Speedboard, of mixed carbon TPU with a forked shape, as can be guessed from the lugs on the sole, and arranged halfway between the sole and midsole. This plate feels really great while running, because it makes the shoe so stiff on the frontal part. The sole, on the other hand, is made with On’s Missiongrip compound, with a redesigned tessellation compared to previous models. It is a demanding and not very democratic shoe, which requires a lot of control and thrust from the runner in exchange for a lot of elastic response given by the plate, which makes it one of the first vertical and skyrace shoes using carbon.
We Like The super light and essential upper
Use Trail Running
Upper Matryx + TPU
Footbed NA
Sole Missiongrip
Drop 4
Gr 230
€ 169,95
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support Grip Mud Rock
Wet Gravel
Distance Short Fit Regular
New entry model with high sustainability: upper in 100% recycled engineered mesh, midsole in EVA with 45% recycled content and 30% recycled rubber. Axial TR Tech system that improves containment in the instep area.
Use Trail Running Upper Mesh + Axial TR Tech Midsole Recycled EVA Sole Recycled Presa Drop 4mm Gr 290 € 149,00
Dedicated to amateurs of ultra distances on rough terrains. Midsole with Foot Active Control for greater cushioning and stability. Comfortable forefoot volume and Vibram Megagrip with 4mm lugs for compact or slightly muddy terrain.
Use Ultrarunning Upper Exo + Sock-Fit LW Midsole EVA + Foot Stabilizer Control Sole Vibram Megagrip Drop 4mm Gr 305 € 169,00
All round for the most runable courses. Sock-Fit LW structure for a snug fit, multi density EVA midsole and Presa sole. Accentuated rocker geometry of the midsole to support the movement and make running on flat terrains more fluid.
Use Trail Running Upper Sock-Fit LW Midsole Double density EVA Sole Presa TRN-02 Drop 4 Gr 280 € 155,00
Skyrace model, it features a carbon plate combined with a mid-density EVA midsole to offer maximum elastic response while balancing stability on the most uneven terrain. Grip tread with double density.
Use Skyrunning Upper Exo + Sock-Fit LW Midsole Active Foam + Carbon Plate Sole Presa TRN-03 Drop 6 Gr 290 € 199,00
Super protective and structured for the toughest trails and stony mountain paths. Gore-Tex Invisible Fit membrane that protects in wet conditions. Outsole Grip, midsole with medial shank for stability control.
Use Trail Running Lining Gore-Tex Invisible Fit Upper Exo + Sock-Fit LW Midsole EVA + Fiberglass medial shank Sole Vibram Megagrip with 5,5mm lugs Drop 5 Gr 370 € 199,00
For winter trail with gaiter in water resistant Polartec and PowerShield membrane, to keep the foot warm and dry even in the wettest and coldest climates. Grip sole with 6mm lugs. BOA Li2 closure with Wrap360 for 360° ankle wrapping.
Use Trail Running Lining Polartec PowerShield Upper Exo + BOA fit System Li2 Midsole EVA Sole Presa Waterlock with 6mm lugs Drop 4 Gr 670 € 249,00
The new green entry of the Asolo company
SCARPA adds a new model to the Spin family, with this new shoe mainly produced with recycled materials for both the upper part and the sole compartment. Overall it is a shoe that is slightly detached from SCARPA’s canons: it has a good fit, not excessively soft but comfortable, and the foot remains firm inside it. The upper is made with a recycled mesh and with a structure called by SCARPA Axial TR Tech, which improves the overall fit. Even the midsole is made with recycled materials: it has a rather high wedge, albeit with a balanced drop, but it’s not springy, and it gives a feeling of compactness and structure to the shoe, which works well where the ground is bumpy and broken. In general it is quite well-structured, but this makes it just as protective
and comfortable especially in the high mountains, while it tends to slow it down on runable trails and on routes that are not too hard at medium altitudes. Downhill it gives safety, on the technical terrains it works and it lets you run well thanks to the Presa sole developed by SCARPA (which also comes from recycled material). The design of the sole works well, but on wet grounds it tends to be less effective than usual. It’s not a fast or particularly responsive shoe but it doesn’t have to be: in fact we found it suitable for those athletes looking for a reliable shoe for ultra long or very long routes, such as for Adamello, TOR and for routes of this kind, where many hours are spent at high altitude.
We Like Midsole stability and reliability
Use Trail Running
Upper Mesh + TPU + Axial TR Tech
Footbed NA
Midsole EVA bidensity
Sole Presa
Drop 4
€ NA
Performance Cushioning Protection Support Grip Mud Rock
Wet Gravel
Distance Long Fit Regular
Racing shoe equipped with a Carbitex GearFlex plate which increases its reactivity, combined with the rocker shape of the midsole, made with Scott’s Kinetic Light foam. Redesigned sole, suitable for runnable terrains where it is possible to push.
Use Trail Running Plate Carbitex GearFlex Midsole Kinetic Light (EVA) Sole NA Drop 5 Gr 300 € 229,90
Shoe designed for wet terrains, Supertrac Amphid has a mesh upper reinforced with a dense web of polyurethane prints, an EVA midsole and a sole with radial lugs, designed to improve traction on mud and wet surfaces.
Use Trail Running Upper AirMesh + KPU (polyurethane) Midsole EVA Sole NA Drop 5 Gr 280 € 159,90
Version equipped with a waterproof Gore-Tex membrane of one of the most famous Scott models for trail running. Kinabalu 2 is equipped with a versatile outsole and a Kinetic Foam midsole, for any terrain and in wet environments.
Use Trail Running Membrane Gore-Tex Upper Nylon Ripstop + KPU (polyurethane) Midsole EVA Sole NA Drop 8 Gr 300 € 169,90
Shoe designed for long distances on technical terrains, it has a super resistant schoeller-dynamic upper reinforced with polyurethane applications, an EVA midsole and a sole with very deep lugs for technical terrains.
Use Trail Running Upper Schoeller-dynamic + KPU Midsole EVA Sole NA Drop 8 Gr 340 € 169,90
Kinabalu Ultra is Scott’s lightest model dedicated to ultra trail running, thanks to a light, highly breathable mesh upper. Stable eRide midsole in EVA and Hybrid Traction sole combined with a protective plate that increases the response when running.
Use Trail Running Upper Mesh Midsole eRide EVA Sole Hybrid Traction Drop 8 Gr 270 € 169,90
A Scott’s classic model dedicated to trail running in general on any terrain: very resistant upper in ripstop nylon with TPU applications and an all-round sole with very deep lugs throughout the tread and a low and stable EVA midsole.
Use Trail Running Upper Nylon Ripstop + KPU (polyurethane) Midsole EVA Sole NA Drop 8 Gr 320 € 149,90
Scott launches its first trail running shoe with carbon plate. The model weighs around 300 grams, which makes it a rather light shoe overall considering the presence of the plate: it is 20 millimeters high in the forefoot and 25 in the heel and it uses a midsole in ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) with two layers, both very dry and reactive which increase the feeling of thrust, between them there’s instead a Carbitex GearFlex plate. The upper is made with an external layer of very light and breathable open-weave mesh and a second internal stretch layer that wraps around the foot making the fit very dry and precise. The tongue is also essential, very thin, and the padding on the heel is reduced to a minimum. The sole is made with a Scott compound and has not very deep lugs but with a lot of support sur-
face, especially on the forefoot, which make it grippy on the rock but also on soft trails where you can push the shoe by exploiting its propulsive properties. We do not recommend it to less demanding amateurs and to those looking for a shoe to be used over long distances or on high mountains. Instead, it is a shoe dedicated to fast races in which it is possible to run at very high speeds and on relatively regular terrain of medium mountain, traverse and forest, both with short technical sections and asphalt, and above all for light and fast athletes capable of exploiting elastic capabilities.
We Like Carbon plate, low volume
Use Trail Running
Upper Mesh + TPU
Footbed NA
Midsole Kinetic (EVA)
Sole NA
Drop 5
Gr 300
€ 229,90
Protection Support
Grip Mud
Wet Gravel
Distance Short FitRegular
New model intended for the ultra distance racing category. Summit Vectiv Pro has an innovative upper made with a large plastic mesh with ample space on the forefoot both in terms of internal volume and width at the base. Innovative midsole Vectiv 2.0 famous for its bouncing effect given by the coupling with the carbon plate. SurfaceCTRL compound sole with 3.5mm deep lugs with typical TNF butterfly design.
Sister of the Summit Pro, Summit Sky is The North Face’s new proposal for fast races. Same upper, which is very breathable and light but firm and protective, reinforced by an internal tip on the toebox, but with different midsole, which in this version uses less material and it is enriched with a Pebax insert which increases its reactivity, while maintaining the Vectiv foam 2.0 of the Summit Pro. In addition it has is a carbon plate and the SurfaceCTRL sole typical of The North Face.
Use Skyrunning
Midsole Vectiv 2.0 + Carbon plate + Pebax
Sole SurfaceCTRL
Drop 4
Gr 272
€ 200,00
A restyling of the Enduris III, which maintains the essential features of the previous model. Dedicated to long distances and athletes looking for solidity and protection, Enduris maintains the rocker structure of the Vectiv 2.0 foam midsole and the SurfaceCTRL sole. The upper is also more structured than the Summit models, especially on the collar and heel, while the carbon plate is absent, replaced by a plastic one that improves its stability.
Use Ultratrail
Midsole Vectiv 2.0
Sole SurfaceCTRL
Drop 6
Gr 287
€ 250,00
Use Skyrunning
Midsole Vectiv 2.0
Sole Surface CTRL
Drop 7
Gr 307
€ 140,00
With 2023 The North Face has decided to replace the previous Vectiv Flight, i.e. the one that until last year was its top model for the racing segment, as well as the first trail shoe equipped with a carbon plate, with not one, but with two models, both intended for competition but over different distances. The first is Summit Vectiv Pro (you will find the in-depth review on our website) dedicated to ultra distances, the other one is Vectiv Sky, which we tested. Compared to the ultra version, Summit Sky is lower, in fact it has a midsole of 21 millimeters on the heel and only 17 on the forefoot, but it is not dry, far from it: it gives you back a great bouncing feeling. Even the shape of the plate is slightly different, and you don’t feel that much, making it very flexible and therefore
easy to use even on technical terrains. The lower ground clearance guarantees much more stability than Summit Pro. The upper is made with a printed mesh, which makes it very light and breathable but equally protective, it only has the only defect of letting dust penetrate on the front. Otherwise, the upper construction is super light, yet it’s comfortable and free from edginess. We recommend it to athletes looking for a reactive and light but cushioned shoe, and with an effective sole, guaranteed by The North Face’s SurfaceCTRL compound, taken from the previous version and slightly revised in the design.
We Like Bouncing effect, reactivity
Use Trail Running
Upper Mesh
Footbed NA
Midsole Vectiv
Sole SurfaceCTRL
Drop 4
Gr 272
€ 200,00
Performance Cushioning Protection Support Grip Mud Rock Wet Gravel
Distance ShortMedium
Fit Regular
Designed for mountain ultramarathons: ZipFoam double density midsole with balanced cushioning, sole in Megagrip with the typical Topo Athletic lug pattern, reduced drop and wide fit on the forefoot for a more natural running gesture.
Flexible and lightweight, MT-4 has a 3mm drop and a mesh upper with TPU reinforcement on the toe. Lightweight and reactive midsole in dual-compound ZipFoam and Vibram tread, for a versatile shoe suitable for any terrain.
Ultraventure 3
Ultraventure is Topo’s most structured shoe, dedicated to those looking for a comfortable fit, a balanced drop and a low height from the ground without sacrificing protection and structure. Perfect for longer distances on light to moderate terrains.
Terraventure 3
Third version of the Topo model dedicated to fast competitions: Megagrip sole combined with an ESS rock plate on the forefoot and classic ZipFoam bilayer midsole, for a fast and reactive shoe with just 3mm of drop and a wide forefoot.
Runventure 4
Runventure is Topo’s zero drop and super lightweight model for a natural and fast running experience. Lightweight and breathable upper, Vibram outsole and thin midsole that encourage a dynamic running and forefoot movement.
Trailventure 2 WP
Topo Athletic hiking boot inspired by trail models, Trailventure has a mesh upper applied to an eVent waterproof membrane. With ZipFoam midsole, Vibram sole and wide plant, it is a light boot suitable for any excursion.
Ultraventure is, together with MTN Racer and Ultraventure Pro, Topo’s ultra running shoe. Unlike MTN Racer, which is more aggressive and dedicated to the mountains, Ultraventure 3 is designed for soft and hilly terrains, making it more comfortable and rideable. The upper is made of a super breathable and soft 3D mesh, which hugs the foot without creating pressure points, enveloping it on the instep and giving so much space on the forefoot that, although it has the same volumes as the previous model, it seems even wider thanks to the stretch fabric. The lacing has a six-hole system that allows the laces to have a lot of grip on the upper making them easily adjustable. The big difference from the previous model is found in the midsole, made of double density
EVA with a greater height than before (30 millimeters on the forefoot and 35 on the heel, for a 5 millimeter drop): it is higher, but it is not unstable. The lower part remains in fact quite stable and it is perceived that the cushioning is mainly given by the upper layer and the insole. The overall structure of the shoe and the very wide base shape also contribute to the feeling of stability. The sole is made with Vibram XS Trek EVO compound, with shallow lugs: it works on forest trails but suffers on rock, so we recommend it for races like Tuscany, Istria, and in general for those that don’t require much work from the sole.
We Like Wide and comfortable fit
Use Trail Running
Upper Mesh
Midsole Double density EVA
Sole Vibram XS
Trek EVO
Drop 5
Gr 278
€ 190,00
Protection Support
Grip Mud Rock
Wet Gravel
Distance Long Fit Wide
The choice of the right running shoes is essential for those who practice running, both at a professional and amateur level. Deciding between the many brands and models available on the market is not easy. Personal evaluations are the first aspects that affect the choice of a running shoe: support, posture, weight, distances, pace and speed.
To cope with all these variables and orient yourself more in the choice, it is good to know first of all that running shoes are divided into macro-categories based on weight and intended use. Let’s go though them:
A0 (Minimalist) models designed to favor the natural movement of the foot joints. They guarantee an optimal biomechanical position by effectively reproducing the feeling of “walking barefoot”.
A1 (Super light) shoes suitable for competitions and fast-paced training thanks to their flexibility and elastic energy return. Recommended for fast and light runners.
A2 (Intermediate) models weighing between 240 and 295g that guarantee a decent level of cushioning. They can be used in fast trainings or in moderate-pace competitions, they can represent a potential cross-country shoe for light (up to 65kg) and trained athletes.
A3 (Maximum cushioning) footwear able to offer maximum comfort thanks to their high cushioning power. Ideal for training, they are normally used by runners with neutral pronation, they are good for everyone and represent the most widespread category.
A4 (Stable) shoes created specifically to correct problems of overpronation and guarantee excellent qualities of support, protection and stability. Also recommended for heavy athletes.
Identifying the exact category where to look for your running shoe is an activity that is based on three very personal factors that vary from person to person: frequency and distance of your runs, type of terrain, weight. This last factor is particularly important when choosing your footwear, because, inevitably, it also determines its deterioration.
Another personal aspect that would be better to know before buying a pair of running shoes is what is your type of pronation.
Neutral pronation represents the natural movement of the foot inwards after the heel hits the ground. It helps absorb impact, relieving pressure on the knees and joints. The neutral pro-
nation is characterized by a homogeneous and central wear of the sole of the foot.
Overpronation is an exaggerated form of this movement and is identified by wear along the inner edge of the shoe. This is a fairly common feature and involves choosing shoes that offer high stability and good movement control.
Supination is a rolling of the foot in the opposite direction and is identified by a wear pattern along the outer edge, it results in an insufficient reduction in impact when putting the foot on the ground. Supinators are the minority and need shoes that offer high cushioning and flexibility.
According to the type of pronation, therefore, you must opt for a type of shoe that can at least limit any defects in the support of the foot, in order to avoid unpleasant trauma or real injuries.
What’s your budget?
Sometimes, despite good intentions, the wallet can make a difference. However, it is good to know that for the same category, almost all the big brands offer different price targets: from highly performing top models to cheaper solutions, which are equally valid but give up on some technology in favor of a lower price. Your legs are the ones that will always make you go fast.
Weekdays was the first road running model launched by 4T2, the new brand of running shoes born in 2022. The idea of Weekdays, as the name suggests, was to develop a transversal product that would suit any runner for any type of training during the week: slow ground, speed workouts, long trainings. To do this, the choice was to create a simple, essential, gender neutral product with no sharp edges. Weekdays is made with an upper in a loose weave mesh, with a precise fit in the center and slightly wider in front, a very thin tongue. Overall the upper is soft, it gives a good feeling of comfort, but it’s not super lightweight. The midsole is made of an EVA with two densities, called “joie” and “flow”: the upper one is slightly softer, the lower one is denser. It is a stable, dense midsole, even if it tends to soften
after a few kilometers, but in any case different from the standards towards which some more mainstream brands are moving to. In this sense it gives you back a more traditional roll, more natural in a certain sense. The sole is made in one piece and is very deep and grippy not only on asphalt and wet grounds but also on dirt roads and white tracks. Furthermore, the shape of the lower part of the midsole, on which the sole is glued, is completely flat, so it is possible to resole it and reuse it as an everyday shoe, once the properties of the midsole have been exhausted.
We Like Design, overall quality
Use Road Running
Upper Mesh
Footbed Ortholite
X40(20% recycled)
Midsole Double density EVA
Sole NA
Drop 6
Gr 300
€ 160,00
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support
Grip Road
City (mixed)
Terrain Distance Medium
Fit Regular
Almost entirely similar to Metaspeed Edge + except for the drop and the more pronounced shape of the rocker. This version is designed for athletes who, with the increase in speed, lengthen their stride and maintain a medium-low step frequency.
Use Road Running Upper Mesh Midsole FF Blast Turbo Drop 5 Gr 205 € 250,00
Gel-Cumulus 25
Now in its twenty-fifth version, Gel-Cumulus 25 further increases the cushioning of the midsole thanks to the new FF Blast Plus compound combined with the PureGel insert on the heel which makes the support even softer, accompanying the roll.
Use Road Running Upper Mesh Midsole FF Blast Plus + PureGel Drop 8 Gr 255 € 160,00
Gel-Cumulus 25 W
Women’s version of the Asics’ training model. Upper in stretch mesh and heel counter. Sole in FF Blast Plus compound with gel PureGel insert on the heel to soften the support and help the movement of the roll.
Use Road Running Upper Mesh Midsole FF Blast Plus + PureGel Drop 8 Gr 225 € 160,00
Carbon plate and new midsole for those who increase their steps with increasing speed, maintaining a medium-high step frequency. FF Blast Turbo midsole that improves in-shoe compression and curved design to encourage foot strikes.
Use Road Running Upper Mesh Midsole FF Blast Turbo Drop 8 Gr 210 € 250,00
Gel-Nimbus 25
This year the historic Asics model arrives on the market completely revised, positioning itself as one of the most cushioned shoes on the market, thanks to the new generation midsole that combines great elastic response with high cushioning.
Use Road Running Upper Mesh Midsole FF Blast Plus + PureGel Drop 8 Gr 255 € 200,00
Novablast 3 Nagino
Almost 30 grams lighter, Novablast 3 Nagino has a completely revised design: FF Blast Plus midsole for daily training sessions, tongue integrated into the upper and super light mesh for an allround shoe dedicated to every amateur.
Use Road Running Upper Mesh Midsole FF Blast Plus Drop 8 Gr 226 € 150,00
The most comfortable shoe according to the runners who have tried it
Asics has revised a large part of its line dedicated to the road segment, developing one of the most extensive and avant-garde collections and creating specific proposals for each type of athlete. We tried the new version of the Gel-Nimbus, a maximalist, cushioned and comfortable shoe, completely different from the previous model. 290 grams, 8mm drop, with 41mm on the heel and 33 on the forefoot, so very thick. The midsole foam is the new FF Blast Plus Eco, a soft, cushioned and light material, capable of maintaining these properties for a long time. The midsole in the heel area is hollowed out to favor stability during landing and guarantees a high level of cushioning thanks to the 3mm of foam. The general feeling of the shoe is one of great cushioning, almost more on the forefoot than on the heel,
below which there is a PureGel insert, a material designed to absorb impact. Gel-Nimbus 25 works very well for those with forefoot strikes: it does not make the strike roll back and you can even push it at a slightly more cheerful pace, while remaining a shoe dedicated to regenerating and long runs. We do not recommend it for very pronounced pronators, due to the softness of the midsole which could lead to ankle and knee failure. The minimal sole works well on asphalt, uphill and downhill, less so on changes of direction or wet.
We Like Cushioning, fit
Use Road Running
Upper Mesh
Footbed NA
Midsole FF
Blast Plus Eco +
Sole NA
Drop 8
Gr 290
€ 200,00
Protection Support
Grip Road
City (mixed)
City (mixed)
A few of our testers tried Atomo v7000s on the roads of California and Nevada this spring, then tested them all together with other runners at the Arco test a couple of months later. With the new season, from the encounter between V7000, from the 1990 catalog, and Equipe Atomo, Diadora arrives on the market with the first Made in Italy running shoe in the last thirty years, the maximum representation of craftsmanship and technical avant-garde in a model that combines innovative materials in terms of performances to a fresh design, reminiscent of a daily sneaker. Atomo is made with an air mesh upper reinforced with microfiber applications: the fit is comfortable, soft and light. The very padded, soft tongue and heel with whisker near the Achilles tendon which makes the fit even less angular. The midsole is made of
DD Anima foam, soft but not springy, reinforced by an insert on the midfoot and an insert on the heel area, under the footbed. The sole features a Duratech 5000 compound and covers the entire tread area: it has good durability and the large amount of rubber gives it good grip even on dirt roads and changes of direction. It is a light, neutral shoe for high mileage, especially for runners of average weight, over 75 kilos, who are looking for a comfortable shoe without sharp edges or particular effects when running. However, it is not a heavy shoe, indeed it is quite light, with 260 grams in size US9. The refined design also makes it an excellent daily shoe, which combines quality with a versatile look.
Use Road Running
Upper Air mesh + microfiber
Footbed Removable Dnattivo
Midsole DD Anima
Sole Duratech 5000
Drop 5
Gr 260
€ 180
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support
Grip Road City (mixed) Gravel
Terrain Distance Medium
Fit Regular
Bondi is Hoka’s most protective and cushioned shoe, decisively revised for the new season, and redesigned with lighter and softer foams and with a new geometry on the heel. The new wavy design of the EVA midsole improves the support and compression of the rubber, lightening its structure. The upper is comfortable and snug, with a slightly more structured shell than the other models. Extremely wide heel base for a better roll.
Use Road Running
Upper Recycled mesh
Midsole EVA
Sole Durabrasion
Drop 4
Gr 307
€ 170,00
Rocket X is one of two super shoes by Hoka for the road, therefore equipped with a carbon plate, together with Carbon X. If the latter are dedicated to marathons and long races and are more protective and comfortable, Rocket X are dedicated to middle-distance races up to marathons, and therefore represent the most reactive and lightest model of Hoka. Unstructured upper, Peba bi-density midsole 36mm high on the heel and 31mm on the forefoot and spoon carbon plate. Ninth version of the cushioned and all round model by Hoka. Clifton represents a versatile model, light but protective, intended for daily training, and for long races on asphalt, even for ultramarathons. Redesigned upper in elastic mesh, protective tongue and heel seat; Molded and compressed EVA midsole with Hoka meta-rocker near the instep and Durabrasion Rubber outsole. It is a neutral shoe for all runners looking for lightness and cushioning.
Use Racing
Upper Tech mesh
Midsole CMEVA + PEBA
Sole NA
Drop 5
Gr 236
€ 250,00
Use Road Running
Upper Polyester
Midsole EVA
Sole Durabrasion
Drop 5
Gr 248
€ 150,00
In the road racing segment, Hoka has two different models which, since the birth of carbon shoes, have represented two top models for different distances and uses: if Carbon X is a super shoe perfect for marathons to ultramarathons on road, with a more comfortable and protective shape, Rocket X is the ideal shoe for middle-distance races, from 5000m, up to the marathon. Compared to Carbon X 3, Rocket X 2 has an even lighter and more essential upper, and even more deconstructed in the heel. Thin tongue and flat lace now used on all Hoka models, which distributes pressure well, is soft, but does not come undone. It uses a very stiff whole carbon plate which completely reduces the flexibility of the shoe, increasing the elastic response during the run. The midsole is made with Hoka’s ProFly-X
structure, therefore with a double density midsole divided by the plate in the center: the first characteristic that is perceived is the extremely low weight of the midsole and then on the rest of the shoe. It is not an extremely soft foam, but dense enough to be elastic. Overall, it is among the most reactive shoes on the market, and it maintains, unlike others, a relatively traditional geometry, which gives a little more even in possible moments of défaillance or when the gesture becomes slightly heavier, resulting still comfortable.
We Like Lightweight and reactivity
Use Racing
Upper Tech mesh
Footbed NA
Midsole ProFly-X
Sole Durabrasion
Drop 5
Gr 236
€ 250,00
Protection Support
Grip Road
City (mixed)
Distance Short
Fit Regular
Mizuno’s most comfortable and cushioned shoe, Wave Sky is dedicated to athletes looking for a cushioned and comfortable pair of shoes for daily trainings. Enerzy Core double layer midsole and Enerzy Foam that combine a more cushioned part with a more stable and reactive one, for a total of 29 millimetres on the forefoot and 37 on the heel, with a drop of 8 millimetres. Mesh upper with traditional lacing and padded tongue.
Versatile shoe designed for everyday training, Wave Rider 26 uses a midsole increased in height by two millimetres compared to the previous version to improve cushioning and energy return, it also combines a Wave plate realised with recycled material that stabilizes the shoe in torsion and further improves the elastic response. Upper in Jacquard Air Mesh with an essential tongue and a sturdy heel counter that improves support.
Use Road Running
Upper Jaquard Air Mesh
Midsole Mizuno
Enerzy Foam + Mizuno Wave
Drop 8
Gr 285
€ 160,00
Nineteenth version with a renewed design of the Wave plate. It combines Mizuno’s Enerzy Foam with a recycled material plate for support during rolling. The new Wave plate with double fan shape reduces pronation of the foot thanks to the modification of the medial and external structure, stopping the collapse of the plantar arch and allowing a smooth transition. The internal shell and the external buttress give more support in the backward stance phase and improve stability in the pronation phase.
Use Road Running
Upper Mesh
Midsole Mizuno
Enerzy Core + Mizuno
Enerzy Foam
Drop 8
Gr 310
€ 180,00
Use Road Running
Upper Jaquard Air Mesh
Midsole Mizuno
Enerzy Foam +
Mizuno Wave
Drop 8
Gr 305
€ 160,00
The transversal Mizuno shoe dedicated to amateurs
Wave Rider 26 is a no frills racing shoe: dry fit, very high drop (12 millimeters), a non-exaggerated, stable stack from the ground which doesn’t necessarily make it a slow shoe, quite the contrary. The midsole is made of two pieces divided on the arch of the foot and on the back of the foot by a plate in an organic material obtained from the processing of castor beans with the traditional Mizuno’s wave shape. The function of this plate is mainly to stabilize the foot in the frontal part, but it also gives a feeling of greater thrust. The upper is made entirely of single-layer mesh with a three-dimensional construction, the tongue is comfortable, as is the collar, which is lightly lined. Particular attention to the heel, which has a very stiff buttress. The height on the heel is
considerable, which does not diminish its stability, since the base of the sole is wide enough to create a good base for support. We especially recommend it to runners who have poor ankle mobility, who tend to strike from the heel and who need some drop in a shoe. For runners who support their forefoot Rider 26 could prove to be an excellent resting shoe. Mizuno Wave Rider 26 is versatile and suitable for everything. We would like to recommend it to intermediate-range amateur runners who are looking for a single model with which to do everything: easy runs, work, a marathon in 3h15’ or a 100km road race.
We Like Essentiality, stability
Use Road Running
Upper Jaquard Air Mesh
Footbed NA
Midsole Mizuno
Enerzy Foam e
Mizuno Wave
Sole NA
Drop 12
Gr 285
€ 160,00
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support Grip Road City (mixed) Gravel Wet
Distance Medium
Fit Regular
Running shoe dedicated to everyday training featuring a FuelCell midsole combined with a TPU plate. The union of these two elements on the one hand improve the rigidity and therefore the reactivity of the shoe, on the other hand they give it great cushioning thanks to the thickness of the midsole. The upper is developed in a stretch and breathable mesh with a snug fit, thanks also to the traditional lacing system which makes it comfortable in any situation.
Maximalist shoe looking for maximum softness and comfort. More in its fourth version that keeps the Fresh Foam X foam in the midsole, this time increased in volume making it the tallest road running shoe in the New Balance line which, according to the company, gives a 6% higher energy return than to the previous model. The comfortable mesh upper is also in line with the midsole, which together make it suitable for slow paces and regenerating runs.
Use Road Running
Midsole Fresh Foam
Drop 4
Gr 300
€ 160,00
Racing shoe dedicated to distances between 10K and the marathon. FuelCell SC Elite uses a double density midsole developed with New Balance’s FuelCell foam and combined with the Energy Arc carbon plate that project it into the category of shoes dedicated to competition and speed. The upper has a slip on structure and it is made of engineered mesh reinforced with 3D applications that improve the structure of the fabric, improving the shoe’s support.
Use Road Running
Upper Mesh
Midsole FullCell
Drop 6
Gr 288
€ 130,00
Use Road Running
Upper Mesh
Midsole FuellCell, Energy Arc
Drop 4
€ 240,00
Daily and budget shoe of New Balance
FuelCell Propel arrives at its fourth version with a complete restyling. It is a versatile shoe designed for daily training and presented on the market at a truly competitive price in relation to the construction quality and materials. The upper is made of a very comfortable and breathable mesh, it’s not super light but it doesn’t need to be, it instead focuses on comfort and protection. The midsole is made of two-piece FuelCell foam, with good cushioning, combined with a polyurethane medial plate that makes the transition more dynamic. It is 31mm high at the heel and 25mm in the forefoot, for an overall drop of 6mm, therefore very balanced and suitable for a wide range of athletes. As for the tread, the Propel sole is designed in four pieces and it covers a very good part of the lower surfa-
ce, increasing the durability of the shoe and giving it good grip even in wet conditions, or during changes of direction and on white tracks. When running, the TPU plate feels supportive and torsionally resistant but not stiff. Overall it’s an A3 shoe with a soft, protective fit and a neutral build. We recommend it to anyone looking for a shoe with which to face regenerating runs, fartlek, or if you use just one model to do everything, throughout the season.
We Like Comfort and stability
Use Road Running
Upper Mesh
Footbed NA
Midsole FuelCell + TPU
Sole NA
Drop 6
Gr 290
€ 130,00
Protection Support
Grip Road
City (mixed)
Distance Medium
Fit Regular
Since their launch in 2016, Vaporfly have become the super shoes par excellence. First shoes to mount a carbon fiber plate, they arrive now at the third version with an important revision. The upper is made in Flyknit, with a tighter, lighter and more deconstructed weave than the previous one. The midsole uses the classic ZoomX super foam, revised in the mold in order to further lighten the weight and improve stability on the arch.
Invincible is the softest and most protective shoe of the Denver company, of which the third version was launched this spring. The upper has been completely revised, made with Nike’s Flyknit fabric, less elastic than the Invincible 2, but lighter. The heel has been lightened but it remains supportive thanks to an insert that gives rigidity to the area where the upper meets with the midsole. Midsole in ZoomX, even higher and softer than the previous version.
Use Road Running
Upper Flyknit
Midsole ZoomX
Sole NA
Drop 10
Gr 300
€ 189,99
Zoom Fly is a reactive shoe with plate intended for slightly heavier athletes who are looking for a performing but more protective model than the Vaporfly. The upper is extremely snug, made thanks to an internal stretch sock coupled with an external, light and protective mesh structure. The midsole is very high and in ZoomX, with a higher density than its racing sisters but more stable and homogeneous also on the heel. The sole is in two pieces and it puts grip and durability first.
Use Racing
Upper Flyknit
Midsole ZoomX
Sole NA
Drop 8
Gr 206
€ 259,99
Use Road Running
Upper Flyknit
Midsole ZoomX
Sole NA
Drop 8
Gr 286
€ 169,99
Forty years are not a few: since 1983 Pegasus have been the perfect choice for mid-range runners looking for a comfortable, reliable and neutral shoe. The fortieth version of this timeless Nike model maintains the simple structure of the previous ones: it has an essential upper, but made with a new, light and breathable but also enveloping yarn. The fit of the shoe is enveloping and precise, the tongue is well blocked and the seat of the heel gives support to the ankle without weighing down the general structure of the shoe. The midsole maintains the Air Zoom foam and the mold of the previous version, which is well cushioned along the entire length of the shoe, with particular support on the heel, 33 millimeters high and with 10 millimeters of difference with respect to the toe. The shape
of the base of the model is streamlined: narrow in the midfoot and heel and wider in the forefoot. The sole, on the other hand, is made in seven pieces that almost entirely cover the tread, giving it good grip on the entire surface and in every situation, whether it’s changes of direction, dirt roads, wet grounds. It is perfect for any type of training or competition for athletes who are not looking for particular technologies. Their strength, in addition to simplicity, is the weight, less than 290 grams. The absence of reinforcements and structures make it a neutral shoe suitable for a very wide range of runners, and undoubtedly one of the most successful all round shoes on the market.
We Like Semplicity and lightweight
Use Road Running
Upper Mesh
Footbed NA
Midsole Air Zoom
Sole NA
Drop 10
Gr 288
€ 129,99
Performance Cushioning
Protection Support
Grip Road
City (mixed)
Distance Medium
Fit Regular
Cloudmonster is the super cushioned and fast shoe of the Swiss brand. Weighing 275 grams, it has a very high midsole divided into a full piece of foam above and a part with CloudTec elements below. Super light tongue and upper, the latter reinforced with thermoplastic applications in the lower part to limit foot play inside the shoe. Speedboard plastic insert in the middle of the midsole to improve elastic response and to reduce torsion.
Super soft shoe dedicated to training. With only 245 grams of weight, Cloudsurfer manages to combine a low weight with a structured and protective shoe. With an elegant and progressive design, it uses a redesigned CloudTec structure called Phase, which allows for greater cushioning than previous models. Elegant and essential upper as in ON’s traditional designs, enveloping fit and padded heel and tongue for a feeling of maximum comfort.
Use Road Running
Upper Engineered Mesh
Midsole CloudTec Phase
Sole Classic Rubber
Drop 10
Gr 245
€ 169,55
Cloudrunner is a neutral shoe intended for daily trainings, soft in both support and fit. Midsole with CloudTec elements that increase the cushioning feeling, Speedboard insert in the midsole and thirteen-piece super gripping sole. The upper part of the shoe is made of a resistant mesh reinforced with thermoplastic applications which increase the stability of the foot, thanks also to the shell on the heel and the support inserted on the instep.
Use Road Running
Upper Mesh
Midsole CloudTec
Sole Classic Rubber
Drop 6
Gr 275
€ 179,95
Use Road Running
Upper NA
Midsole CloudTec
Sole Classic Rubber Drop 9
Gr 250 € 159,95
A regenerating shoe, soft and elegant Cloudsurfer is the shoe that On has developed for training and regenerating runs. It is made in the upper part with a snug mesh that wraps around the foot giving a feeling of general softness. On’s design is always refined and elegant, but it also translates into great comfort: the shoe has a natural and soft fit. The midsole is made of an EVA foam with nine CloudTec elements, while the sole is in three pieces with a rhomboidal design that gives it good grip on asphalt and white tracks, even when changing direction. The first impression as soon as worn is of great general softness, not only as regards the midsole, in fact, but also on the upper part. When standing still, leaning on the heel, this gives the feeling of being deconstructed but, running on it and starting to use the shoe according to its natural movement and using the midfoot and fo-
refoot more actively, Cloudsurfer still appears very soft but stable, and in general with a good “run”. It is not very reactive, so we do not recommend it for speed work, for tempo runs, and in general for more cheerful runs. Instead, we recommend it for those who have started running or even for structured athletes looking for a shoe for regeneration runs and for recovery runs. On has designed Cloudsurfer in such a way as to reduce water consumption in production by 90% and increase the percentage of recycled material to 30%.
We Like Its fit, soft feel and design
Use Road Running
Upper Mesh
Footbed NA
Midsole EVA +
Sole NA
Drop 10
Gr 245
€ 160,00
Protection Support
Grip Road
City (mixed)
Gravel Wet
Distance Medium
Fit Regular
Dedicated to those looking for a breathable shoe for summer training. HOVR Machina Breeze uses a breathable mesh upper with large paneling that helps heat dissipation. Reinforced collar for greater support, HOVR foam midsole wrapped in Energy Web on the back which maintains its properties over time and improves the feeling under foot. Firmer foam on the forefoot to aid propulsion and to lighten the weight of the shoe.
Shoe dedicated to runners with neutral support looking for a cushioned and long-lasting shoe. It uses a unique midsole bonded in one piece to the outsole with UA Flow technology. The upper features a wrap technology which makes the fit more precise and snug. Tatami stitching around the heel to improve shoe support. In addition, Flow Velocity Wind can be connected to the UA MapMyRun app which analyzes run data through sensors connected to the shoe.
Use Road Running
Upper Mesh
Midsole Flow Drop 8
Gr 236
€ 160,00
Lightweight and dynamic, HOVR Infinite 5 is dedicated to all amateurs. The midsole combines a layer of expanded Charged foam that seeks responsiveness and durability with a layer of UA HOVR foam encapsulated within a network called Energy Web that maintains its shape after kilometers of use. The sole is made of a blown rubber with a carbon part that improves abrasion durability. The shoe can be connected to the MapMyRun app which analyzes the data collected during the run.
Use Road Running
Upper Mesh
Midsole HOVR
Drop 8
Gr 292
€ 160,00
Use Road Running
Upper Mesh
Midsole HOVR + Drop 8
Gr 294
€ 130,00
Even today, when loading you backpack or evaluating a purchase, some old advice still applies. Combining different layers can really make the difference in every outdoor activity: you will be ready for sudden weather changes, often inevitable in a mountain environment, responding with the most appropriate garment for the context. The basic rule, valid both in summer and in winter, is to choose comfortable, insulating and protective clothing, but also breathable and quick-drying. This rule has three main levels of clothing: base layer (the first layer in direct contact with the body), mid-layer (the one that helps to keep us warm) and shell (protecting us from atmospheric agents). The action that the three layers perform together is basically retaining heat, favoring the dispersion of sweat to the outside and protecting from low temperatures, wind and rain.
The base layer, the underwear in direct contact with the body, is the basis of any sports outfit. Synthetic or wool, it represents the first condition to ensure comfort and must allow the rapid evaporation of moisture ensuring maximum breathability.
The subsequent thermal layers, or
mid layers, are a choice to make according to the activity you are going to practice, they are ideal for coping with the coldest situation. Fleece still represents the perfect mid layer, since, while ensuring excellent breathability and allowing maximum freedom of movement, it promotes thermal insulation and facilitates thermoregulation. The main function of this layer is to help remove moisture and retain body heat.
Soft shell jackets and shells protect against cold and atmospheric agents. They are made using innovative technical fabrics, waterproof, able to protect from the wind and with remarkable thermal capabilities. They can be compressed, folded and easily stored in the backpack, always ready to take them out in case the weather conditions require it.
The materials that make up technical clothing can really make a difference, especially in terms of breathability and waterproofing. Sometimes it is worth paying a little more, especially when quality is rewarded. Choosing clothes that lasts over time avoids having to replace them every season, fueling the disposable consumerist system. Better to have few, but good things. Especially in the moun-
tains, where clothes must seriously protect you. Quality means being able to rely on a whole series of features that help raise the price but which could really be decisive in emergency situations: don’t always save on money.
A green approach begins when choosing a brand. There are now many sustainability-oriented companies that follow strict Corporate Social Responsibility standards. You can check the initiatives carried out for the planet and for the community, the international indices and the awards received by independent bodies. It is important to check the labels of the garments, from which we can have valuable information to know if the fabrics are bluesign, Oeko Tex or Fair Wear Foundation certified, if the product is PFC-free, the percentage use of recycled materials. While it is true that natural materials are biodegradable (under certain conditions), on the other hand, natural resources get wasted and greenhouse gases are produced to realize them. Synthetic materials, on the other hand, are partly recyclable but are also the source of pollution from microplastics. We must not be dogmatic in our choices, otherwise we risk frustrating every effort. Being informed is the minimum for those who think that Mother Nature must be respected.
Lightweight neckwear suitable for multiple uses and made from recycled plastic bottles in Igualafa, Barcellona, in order to reduce carbon footprint. Its texture allows effective transpiration thanks to the CoolNet technology and at the same time it blocks the sun’s rays thanks to the UPF 50+ protection factor. Polygiene technology counteracts bad odors and the bacteria that cause them. Thanks to the Ultra-Stretch technology it is able to stretch in all directions.
5 panel cap ideal both in the city and in nature. Fabric and trims add style over function, it features an adjustable elastic cord closure inspired by climbing ropes for a precise fit and all-day comfort. The integrated internal band allows you to wick away sweat and water. Designed to offer a perfect fit for all sizes, it ensures a UPF 50+ sun protection. Made in Barcelona using recycled materials to keep the carbon footprint low.
Use Running, Hiking Material 100% recycled polyamide
€ 34,95
Athletic model that effectively protects from the sun, highly breathable during outdoor adventures in the summer. The main fabric is bi-elastic and recycled with mesh inserts for greater breathability. It features a soft visor, an internal sweat-absorbing band, a rear adjustment with Velcro and the front print of the Buff logo in reflective material. Made in the Buff factory of Igualafa, Barcelona.
Use Running, Hiking
Material 95% polyester + 5% elastane
€ 13,90
Use Running, Hiking
Material 66% recycled polyester + 23% polyester + 11% elastane
€ 25,95
Made from organic combed cotton. Only the carded fibers are selected, eliminating the residual ones. The result is a high quality cotton that resists over time. Like all Regeneration socks it has a versatile use, ideal for excursions.
Use Hiking, Running Material
80% organic cotton + 10% polyamide + 10% elastane € 25,00
Produced in recycled polyamide like all the socks in the Recycled collection. Suitable for any situation, from hiking to everyday life, thanks to the breathable mesh, the stabilizing elastic band and the anti-abrasion reinforcement.
Use Hiking, Running Material
85% polyamide + 15% elastane € 19,00
From the Regeneration collection. Produced in organic cotton with a traceable and sustainable production chain. Breathable mesh, stabilizing elastic band and anti-abrasion reinforcement. A tribute to biodiversity.
Use Hiking, Running Material
80% organic cotton + 10% polyamide + 10% elastane € 25,00
The geometric shapes and bright colors of the Recycled collection are an invitation to explore the world and live life without limits. Suitable for any situation, produced in recycled polyamide with a breathable, stabilizing and abrasion-resistant structure.
Use Hiking, Running Material
85% polyamide + 15% elastane € 19,00
Produced in organic cotton with less waste of water, less use of pesticides, social and environmental responsibility. A tribute to biodiversity for versatile outdoor use with a focus on foot comfort and well-being.
Use Hiking, Running Material 80% organic cotton + 10% polyamide + 10% elastane € 25,00
Suitable for any situation, hiking, outdoor basketball, gym or running. Available in multiple colors and combinable with other socks from the Recycled collection to give a personal touch to your look. Produced in recycled polyamide.
Use Hiking, Running Material 85% polyamide + 15% elastane € 19,00
Too little importance is often given to socks when doing outdoor activities. An error that could compromise the experience itself: the comfort of the feet, the fact that they stay always dry and that they have the possibility to breathe, is crucial. We know it well and Calze GM never disappoints us on this: the new socks from the RegenerationGM line are no exception, they have accompanied us on more than one trek. The technicality of these socks is not only very high and modeled on the needs of sportsmen and mountaineers, but also has an eye towards sustainability. The RegenerationGM collection is in fact divided into Reactive in combed organic cotton and Recycled made in recycled polyamide. The concept behind the product is to encourage freedom of movement as much as possible, a thought expressed graphically with the geometric figures and bright colors of the socks, an invitation to exercise freedom also of personal expression. Trust me, socks like this, in addition to being the ultimate in comfort even after many hours of walking, are also an excellent pretext to strike up a conversation.
We Like As mountain lovers we cannot help but love the fact that the great performance of these socks is possible thanks to sustainable materials
Use Mountaineering
Material Organic cotton + polyamide + elastane
€ 25,00
by Lisa MisconelBiodiversity and human rights, a call to action made of colors, quality and sustainability.
The brand’s new collection, Regeneration, is not just about new products, but is the realization of a visceral need of the team and of Elisabetta Montagni, CEO of CalzeGM, towards environment and freedom: that freedom that allows us to run, climb and be outdoors that we know today but also the freedom to express ourselves often taken for granted. Materials, colors and processes therefore become elements of a larger project that is destined to evolve and be carried forward over time. We had the pleasure of getting to know Regeneration, the concept behind it and the thought of a CEO who is firmly convinced and involved in what she wants to do and disseminate through this interview with Elisabetta Montagni herself.
Let’s talk for a moment about what Regeneration is and how this project started, what was the drive that gave birth to this collection?
As Calze GM, we have always focused on providing products created with the best possible technology available. It’s part of our history. Since 2008 we have begun to focus on a different dimension as well. It was a path of awareness with respect to which perhaps only now we see the beginning clearly. We realized that the search for the perfect product could not happen at any cost and we reformulated our strategy. We have gradually replaced where possible chemically produced synthetic yarns with the best natural yarns available on the market. Silk, cotton, wool and cashmere. We have chosen certified producers with a supply chain that respects the envi-
ronment, workers and territories of origin. All this without losing sight of technological development, we also use recycled polyamide, considering it consistent with what was emerging as our corporate philosophy. The Regeneration project was born as a visceral and almost personal need of the whole team. We realized that the direction we had taken over the years was above all a natural choice for all of us. We are athletes, we are the first to test our products and those who frequent the mountains know how much the changes due to the climate emergency are increasingly present in our daily lives too. For years, our flagship products have been designed and built with their impact on the world in mind. Our socks are built to last, so they can be worn for longer. Ours is a call to action. Our products are our message. The Regeneration collection is the manifesto of our philosophy and of the direction that Calze GM has been taking for more than ten years now. The Reactive collection in organic cotton is a tribute to biodiversity, a product that speaks for itself. The Recycled collection instead wants to break the visual schemes with new geometric lines and bright colors. It is made of recycled polyamide and for us it is a hymn to individual freedom and expression. It’s an invitation to everyone, you can always change and renew yourself. All these processes and reflections have led us to create a product 100% with the best technology on the market but also capable of conveying and sharing our values as much as possible.
This project has been launched this summer... Do you plan to carry it forward in the next collections?
Yes, certainly! It’s already ready for the next winter and summer collections.
Each sock is much more than a product with a graphic... For each product there is a small cultural project, (which can be found on the site alongside the individual products or on the products themselves via a QR code, ed.), food for thought, as in the case of Jane Goodall, an extraordinary woman, the first female scientist to study chimpanzees in their natural environment. The same thing goes for the Recycled line which is an invitation to conscious freedom. This detail is important because changes come from people and even an often unconscious choice like a purchase can instead be a gesture full of meaning. The cultural project was also born because the messages behind the product often struggle to emerge. After all, even our socks are a space, I liked the idea of making the product consistent with its image. Among the many examples of green washing or disinterest, I said to myself “I’ll try to sow, it seems right to me”. And I often repeat to myself that if I had seen it done by a competitor before me I would have appreciated it, it is an authentic idea and also because behind us there is not a creative or marketing agency, but us, the team of Calze GM.
By the way, was the whole project carried out internally or did you rely on someone external?
We worked with the product designers and the art director, also involving external people as happened for the Reactive line, where the support of the biologist of Muse (Trento
Science Museum) Elisabetta Filosi was fundamental in understanding what to represent and why, to identify the fundamental elements of natural environments and to be able to convey these new themes through the product. For the Recycled part dedicated to the expression of one’s freedom, we heard from some people from the civil world who are particularly committed to these issues. A great job that in part we now have to learn to communicate, it is important to act beyond a simple stylized drawing of a mountain on a t-shirt. This is what motivates us and we continue on this road, hoping that it will please. At The Pill Base Camp in Courmayeur I will really want to share this.
What has changed from the past to today? What’s left? What hasn’t changed is the passion for the product and the work ethic, we are a company that is very attentive to relations with customers and our suppliers. We produce what we would like to wear and we believe that in a moment in which human relationships are very frayed and smoky between people, where everything is fast, everything can be replaced, the professional and human relationship remains central for us. There is no difference between customers, they all have the same value for us. This year and last winter we delivered all complete orders to customers on time, optimizing deliveries, without making sales. It is not only a service to the customer but also a concern for the environment by circulating as few trucks as possible. It’s about small big things that together change things. We carry on what have always been our values and adapt them to the changing world and people.
The Clima Protect microporous thermal laminate between the fabrics gives waterproofness and breathability. The essential design is enriched by various details that increase comfort and functionality. Water repellent thanks to the PFC-free treatment.
In grid tech with a particular waffle structure that makes the garment soft and comfortable. Ideal as a last layer or as an intermediate layer under a shell. Ergonomic fit, thanks also to the stretch edge on the cuffs and bottom.
Use Hiking, Mountaineering Material 94% polyamide + 6% elastane Gr 495 € 69,95
Made of light stretch fabric and equipped with Dry Function technology, synonymous with high breathability and quick drying. Waist with stretch insert that favors a comfortable fit. Two side pockets and one more on the leg with zip.
With PFC-free water repellent treatment and a lightweight 80% recycled PrimaLoft padding on the front part and on the upper arms. Stretch edge on hood, cuffs and bottom for better protection and adherence to the body.
Garment for those who demand excellent performances without sacrificing sustainability. The fabric is characterized by great thermal and breathable properties thanks to the union between the technicality of synthetic fibers and the insulating capacity of Merino wool.
Comfortable and suitable to accompany every movement with lightness. Quick drying and with Dry Function technology that allows the body’s natural thermoregulation. Preformed knee and elasticated hem. Two zipped pockets.
What we liked most about the three-layer shell of the CMP Unlimitech line are its highly insulating properties, we tried it on a day trip with particularly adverse weather conditions and we have been more than satisfied. This is in fact a product designed to tackle sporting activity in the best conditions, a third layer to always carry with you to ensure the right protection from wind and rain, which can unexpectedly surprise you in the mountains. This shell is particularly performing, thanks to the Clima Protect membrane, the fully taped seams and the water repellent treatment (PFC-free): all this features ensure high levels of waterproofing and breathability at the same time (WP 10.000, MVP 10.000). A detail to point out that we appreciated is the fixed hood adjustable on the front and back: on a cold day like the one we faced, the combination with the high collar is a godsend. In case of better weather, however, there are zip openings along the side and on the inside of the sleeve which favor ventilation.
We Like The combination of lightweight and versatility makes this jacket perfect for energy-intensive aerobic activities.
Utilizzo Mountaineering, Trekking
Inner material 100 % polyester
Outer material 100 % polyamide
Gr 510 € 189,95
Technical, lightweight and high performing garment with technical details to guarantee comfort, protection and sturdiness for those who love long mountain trails, even lasting several days. The high tenacity double weft yarn gives breathability and lightness.
Use Trekking Material NA Gr NA € 190,00
Short pants for leisure time and days outdoors. Light and bi-elastic fabric. It has a comfortable elastic waistband with adjustable drawstring, two pockets for the hands, one on the back and it is embellished by two large pockets on the leg with zip closure.
Essential, light and breathable mid layer to always carry in your backpack as shelter in the event of a sudden change in temperature. Lightweight bi-elastic tightly woven microfiber. Hand pockets with contrasting color piping and front zip.
Use Trekking Material NA Gr NA € 135,00
For all mountain adventures. In fresh Endurance Light fabric, soft to the touch, bi-elastic, tearproof and with water repellent DWR treatment. High and comfortable containing band closed by a zip on the front. Large pocket with zip in contrasting color.
Born to accompany those who climb the mountain fast, love freedom and lightness. Lightweight and supple Stretch Series on the back and durable Endurance Light on the front. Elastic waist with adjustment cord, two zipped pockets and reflective logos.
Designed for long walks during summer days. Made with bi-elastic Endurance Light fabric, resistant and very soft with water repellent DWR treatment. Headband in fresh, comfortable and quick-drying microfiber.
Light and performing, it is the most technical garment in the new spring/summer collection
Pull Viper is a light second layer ideal for summer trekking in Fast & Light mode, the philosophy behind Crazy products and the approach on which the entire SS2023 collection is based. Comfortable and practical, it is a highly performing hybrid product, enriched with technical details that guarantee comfort, protection and sturdiness for those who love long mountain trails to the fullest. On the front part we find a high tenacity double-weave polyester yarn capable of ensuring breathability and lightweight. On the shoulders a reinforced, anti-abrasion fabric that helps dissipate the weight of the backpack. On the back, where greater breathability is needed, a micro-hexagon fabric that contributes to air circulation. Differentiated fabrics, all with great elasticity characteristics, which satisfy the heat dissipation needs of the different areas of the body. Pull Viper features a full front zip opening, stretch bottom and cuffs, two front pockets with closure. An essential garment, with a purely athletic fit, suitable for those who want to move effectively, reducing weight and volume to the maximum.
We Like The differentiated fabrics that meet the needs of the different areas of the body.
Use Trekking
Material J2, Armor, Stretch Series
Gr 275
€ 190,00
Fast-drying, lightweight and breathable, made from Merino wool in combination with Tencel which has a skin-cooling effect and absorbs and wicks away moisture quickly. Strategically placed mesh panels offer optimum comfort and good breathability.
Use Hiking Material 69% Merino wool + 29% Tencel + 2% polyamide Gr 130 € 105,00
A woollen t-shirt suitable for hot summer days, also perfect under a middle layer in cooler temperatures. Thermo-regulating Merino wool has excellent moisture wicking properties, a cooling effect and it ensures a healthy microclimate for the skin.
Model with an excellent warmth-to-weight ratio, made from 100% Merino wool. Developed for hiking at altitudes where temperatures can change rapidly. Great insulation properties and designed to follow your body‘s movement on long hikes with a backpack.
Use Hiking Material 100% Merino wool Gr 210 € 249,00
Part of the Devold Lifestyle series that stands for super comfortable and ultra-light everyday clothing. Made od Merino wool which is breathable, moisture-wicking, odor-resistant and it regulates temperature.
Soft and light garment knitted in 100% fine Merino wool. This quality ensures great insulation while maintaining excellent breathability. Equipped with strategically placed mesh panels to ensure optimal ventilation properties.
In Merino wool that regulates temperature and it is suitable for warm summer days as well as chilly spring mornings. It features a looser fit and the seams are positioned to not irritate the skin. Ideal both for warmer climate or in snow sports.
Those people who loves running knows it: there is no good or bad weather, but there is good or bad equipment. In recent years, wool has been defeated by synthetics in the sports sector, but it has advantages that should not be underestimated: thermoregulation, breathability and anti-odour. We have tested Devold’s Running Man Vest in Merino wool over a rather long distance run and we can confirm, it feels as fresh as when the run has just begun and it kept us warm without sweating excessively. This vest is as wind resistant as it is breathable thanks to the system of mesh panels it is equipped with which are strategically positioned to offer optimal ventilation. The primary goal of this garment is to protect the torso when running in particularly hostile climatic situations and when it is very cold. The thing we really appreciated, having started running early in the morning, are the strategically placed reflective details that allow you to be clearly visible in the dark. Composed of Merino wool and elastane, this vest is perfect for running in any season: after all, Devold is an independent Norwegian company with a long and proud history, the core of its business is in fact producing sportswear in high quality wool and it does that since 1853. Comfort and protection from bad weather are the two pillars around which its production is based.
We Like The fact that it keeps you warm but at the same time it doesn’t give an unpleasant feeling related to too much sweating.
Use Running, Speed Hiking
Material 54% Merino wool + polyamide + elastane Gr 135
€ 209,00
Lightweight windproof softshell jacket with breathable inserts, ideal for all summer mountain activities that require a perfect balance between breathability and wind protection. It features a Wind Shield Light Stretch fabric with a breathable and water resistant membrane thanks to the water repellent treatment. Side pockets and stretch cuff pocket with zip closure. The cuffs and hood are elasticated.
Second thermal layer with excellent performance and environmentally friendly. The made in Italy fabric by Pontetorto is composed of Perpetual and Econyl recycled polyester yarns, a 100% nylon fiber regenerated from fishing nets and other nylon waste. It has side pockets and napoleon with zip closure. The cuffs and waist are elasticated.
Use Hiking Material
49% Perpetual recycled polyester + 41% regenerated polyamide Econyl + 10% elastane
Gr 390
€ 164,90
Ultralight, stretch and quick-drying technical pant, ideal for demanding and dynamic summer mountaineering activities. The inserts in high tenacity anti-abrasive fabric on the knees and bottom of the leg guarantee high resistance to intense use. Thigh and hip pockets with zip closure, adjustable elastic waist and reflective inserts to ensure greater safety in all conditions.
Use Hiking Material
Wind shield light stretch
Gr 360
€ 166,50
Use Mountaineering, Hiking Material
84% polyester + 14% elastane
Gr 390 € 135,00
This Ferrino softshell is the ideal product to take with you always on any tours because it is very light but at the same time it ensures protection from unexpected wind and rain. Its insulating qualities are due to the material with which it is made: Wind Shield Light Stretch with a 5,000g/ m2/24h breathable membrane with water repellent treatment, which is waterproof up to 5 liters of water. It weighs only 360 grams in the backpack which could prove essential in the event of rain or worsening weather conditions. The side pockets and the stretch pocket on the wrist with zip closure are an extra convenience for warming your hands or for storing items for immediate use, but above all we love the cuffs with finger holes, comfort made into detail. We tested it on a fairly windy hiking day and it didn’t disappoint us on the breathability aspect: the route was tough, with a rather demanding elevation gain, so we put this softshell to the test also from a breathability point of view. Again nothing to say, the strategically positioned breathable inserts also make it perfect for high intensity cardio activities such as trail running, where also in this case the reduced weight is a super appreciated aspect.
We Like The versatility of use in the mountains thanks to the breathability for high intensity activities but also to the windproof and rainproof properties.
Use Mountaineering, Trail Running
Material Wind Shield Light Stretch: 100 % Polyester with breathable membrane 5.000g/m2/24h
Gr 360 € 166,50
Waterproof and breathable shell jacket, mechanical stretch and comfortable fit. PFC-free treatment. Adjustable hood, two-way front side zip ventilation openings, reflective details on the cuffs and printed motif inside.
Use Trekking, Adventure & Backpacking Material Polyester + polyurethane Gr 374 € 229,95
Comfortable, lightweight, packable fleece jacket for day hikes and warm weather. Made from recycled polyester that wicks moisture and dries quickly. Versatile and easy to take with you on any type of excursion.
Waterproof and breathable shell pants, ideal in the rain when hiking. Recycled polyester with PU membrane and PFCfree treatment. Elasticated waist, Velcro on ankles and calves, ventilation zips on the sides, reflective details.
Use Trekking, Adventure & Backpacking Material Polyester + polyurethane Gr 298 € 249,95
Comfortable and light trekking trousers, optimized for warm climates. Made in G-1000 Air Stretch fabric, with recycled polyester and organic cotton. Regular fit, preformed knees and slightly tapered legs.
Lightweight and packable trekking shirt, in highly breathable and quick-drying stretch fabric that keeps you cool even on the hottest tours. Twin chest flap pockets with vertical zippers and mesh lining.
Lightweight, comfortable and packable for hiking in warm weathers. Made of G-1000 Air Stretch fabric with recycled polyester and organic cotton. Integrated belt to adjust the waist, two zipped pockets and one pocket on the right leg.
The name of these Fjällräven hiking trousers says it all: Abisko is the location from which one of the most famous and tough trails in northern Europe starts: Kungsleden. 440 kilometers through the heart of Swedish Lapland are enough to understand what these trousers are intended for: walking the highest possible level of comfort. In fact, we are talking about comfortable trekking trousers that fold away in a small space (an aspect not to be overlooked, for example, if you intend to tackle a journey in several stages and l days) but above all light to wear because they are made in G-1000 Air Stretch, a blend of recycled polyester and organic cotton. The ergonomics of these trousers were also promoted with full marks, whose tapered cut perfectly follows the shape of the leg and supports its movements. The side openings are perfect for the the hottest days since they ensure excellent ventilation and protection from the heat. A detail that we particularly love in trekking trousers are the pockets: here there are three, two for the hands on the hips and one on the right leg, where you can store small items such as a pocketknife and head lamp. The belt is integrated, so there is no need to carry around an extra weight, the trousers are perfectly adjustable.
We Like The extra comfort of trousers designed for walking a lot in the summer: they are very light both to carry in the backpack and to wear.
Use Trekking, Adventure & Backpacking
Material G-1000 Air Stretch: recycled polyester and organic cotton
Gr 316 € 179,95
Lightweight all-weather protection to keep running in the rain and wind. Developed for ultra trail running, it is packable, water resistant and it features an adjustable, pre-shaped hood.
Support, comfort and breathability in a performance-oriented style developed for long runs and ultra trail races. Featuring an elasticated waistband, with multiple pockets and a supportive inner boxer in quick dry fabric.
Style and performance combined in this new vest dedicated to indoor climbing sessions and home training. This model is ideal to be worn while climbing both at the crag and in the gym.
Practical and comfortable, ideal for training and intense climbing sessions in the gym. The lightweight fabric is quick-drying and treated with anti-odor and antibacterial Polygiene. Gusset insert for greater freedom of movement.
Hiking sweatshirt, designed with a lightweight fabric and a honeycomb structure to ensure optimal breathability. The polyester fibers are made using recycled plastic bottles and eco-friendly processes. Made with recycled synthetic materials. The side pocket with zip allows you to store objects safely, the stretch fabric with reinforced areas on the knees and back area allows maximum freedom of movement.
Dalla valle alla montagna, dalla primavera all'autunno, le tende MSR Tindheim fondono un design tradizionale a tunnel con l'ingegneria moderna per darti lo spazio, la versatilità, la forza e la facilità d'uso che rende ogni avventura migliore.
Thermal layer ideal for outdoor activities. The smock-stitched panels and cuffs ensure optimal comfort and a snug fit. In stretch and breathable recycled polyester and equipped with two side pockets with zip closure.
It uses a special fabric that’s engineered not to fray, so you can tailor it to your own preferred length simply by cutting along one of the positioned dotted lines. Recycled fabric with excellent stretch performance and compression for support.
Hybrid wind stopper jacket with bodymapped fabric placement that gives it protection and full stretch performance. The recycled 3-layer windproof fabric across the front and shoulders block out the cold wind. Raised collar in soft Merino Wool-Tencel.
Versatile, well-fitting mountain pants for all-day comfort. Durastretch positioned on the front panels and in high wear areas with full-stretch recycled jersey at the sides and back for maximum range of movement and breathable wicking performance.
The comfortable high waist combines with the compression fit to shape your silhouette. In addition, it takes only a pair of scissors to adjust its length. Little slits at the back of the knee ensure ventilation. Flatlock seams and a secret pocket.
Lightweight, fresh and in highly breathable and resistant stretch fabric, it’s the perfect garment for summer adventures on the mountains. Made in robust Durastretch in the areas most subject to wear, it features two side pockets with zip closure.
12% elastane Gr NA € 130,00
If there is one thing that is surprising about this windjacket, it is how much it is able to keep warm compared to how little it weighs and how little space it takes up. It is also impalpable to the touch and this is misleading, you will be surprised about how performing it is. This happens because LaMunt’s Eliana windjacket is built with premium materials and dedicated for each part of the body. What protects the front of the torso and shoulders is a 100 percent recycled three-layer windproof stretch fabric, while the underarm and back part are made with a breathable and super stretchy fabric and finally, the high collar is covered in Merino-Tencel wool. Eliana’s DWR (Durable Water Repellent) finish, made without the use of PFCs, offers optimal protection even in the event of rain, while the laser perforations on the windproof part and between the zips ensure full breathability. Like many LaMunt products, Eliana is designed with body-mapping technology that uses different materials and functions based on the specific areas of the body they are intended for: more protection, but also greater freedom of movement. It is specifically designed for a female body and that makes all the difference. We have tried it in different situations and with different weather conditions: it works!
We Like The incredible lightness compared to the performance: you almost forget you have it in your backpack and then at the right moment you are grateful for it.
Use Hiking, Speed Hiking
Material LM MeWindbreaker PFC-free R100 120 (100% recycled polyester) + LM Me Mesh 165 (80% polyamide + 20% elastane) + inserts in Merino-Tencel Gr NA € 260,00
Made for fast, dynamic, done-in-a-day mountaineering ascents, it uses technical materials and precise body mapping to provide temperature regulation and moisture management. Quick-access outer pockets, fitted hood and high-stretch articulated fit.
Use Mountaineering Material 91% polyester + 9% spandex Gr 301 € 200,00
Light and technical first layer. Airy and breathable with offset merrow stitching, its barely-there feel is enhanced by body-mapped mesh and natural sweat-wicking properties for optimal temperature regulation. Quick-drying and odor inhibiting.
Use Mountaineering Material 100% polyester Gr 106 € 80,00
Ideal for ambitious mountain athletes or anyone who prizes the highest possible performance at the lowest possible weight. Made of Polartec Power Grid material, it is comfortable, stretchy, and actively sweat wicking. Flatlock seams prevent chafing.
Use Mountaineering, Trail Running Material 83% polyamide + 17% spandex Gr 156 € 110,00
Perfect during fast-paced activities. Windproof and durable at a minimal weight, this quick-drying hybrid features a stretch insert in the back for optimal mobility and a double-weave woven structure to quickly wick away sweat.
Use Mountaineering , Trail Running Material 80% polyamide + 20% spandex Gr 79 € 120,00
When the temperatures drop with increased altitudes, these lightweight, body-mapped pants are a must. Designed for trail running and fast-paced mountaineering, they combine wind-resistance, durability and excellent moisture-management at a low weight.
Use Mountaineering, Trail Running Material 79% polyamide + 21% spandex Gr 253 € 220,00
Made for an ambitious approach, they are the ideal choice for warmer temperatures at the start of your tour and pair perfectly with Mammurt’s hybrid pants as the temperatures drop at higher altitudes. Lightweight, durable, quick-drying and breathable.
Use Mountaineering, Trail Running Material 79% polyamide + 21% spandex Gr 113 € 100,00
In disciplines where the weight is crucial, this shell is perfect. For us, trail running represents an essential element in the outdoor world and we find that Mammut’s Aenergy is particularly valid for its ability to combine the appearance of a featherweight with a certain level of performance both in terms of waterproofing and protection from the wind. Another absolutely not negligible thing is its breathability: being particularly suitable for high intensity sports, such as trail running or speed hiking, it is designed to allow the body to breathe in any condition. Thanks to the minimal seams we experienced a great freedom of movement, but in general every detail of this outer layer is designed not to hinder the activity in any way, but to encourage it. The chest zip is great for storing small essentials in an area that is easy to reach but is not overly exposed to movement during activity. The hood, for example, is snug and pre-adjusted so it doesn’t obstruct visibility. The fit is also excellent, neither too loose nor too tight, the right compromise between performance and comfort.
We Like The weight combined with its high performances, of which we especially appreciated the breathability since tried it during a trail running session.
Use Trail running, Speed Hiking
Material 100% Polyamide Lining PFC
Gr 170 € 280,00
Minimal, light and breathable jacket, it is also very resistant to abrasion thanks to the Dyneema inserts on the hem. Windproof and water repellent Pertex Equilibrium protection, it ensures great freedom of movement.
T-shirt in Polartec Powerdry with quick drying properties and strategic ventilation that optimizes the comfort of all trail runners so that they can focus on their performances in the alpine environment.
Designed for high speed exploration in vertical environments, this lightweight XCS 30 stretch short is reinforced on the buttocks with abrasion-resistant Dyneema material. Waist pockets allow stable and comfortable carrying.
Use Sky Running Material 52% poliammide riciclata + 38% poliammide + 10% poliestere Gr 132 € 249,99
Use Sky Running Material 84% recycled polyester + 16% polyester Gr 108 € 79,99
Use Sky Running Material 85% polyamide + 15% elastane Gr 93 € 119,99
Windproof jacket with hood, it is water repellent and made in ultralight and stretch Toray. Very breathable thanks to the openings on the sides which guarantee excellent air circulation. Stowable in the chest pocket.
Use Trail Running Material 100% polyamide + DWR PFC-free Gr 126 € 139,99
T-shirt designed for trail running, offering an ultralight and breathable feeling thanks to the bi-material composition, with a very ventilated mesh under the arms and on the back. Cut designed to offer high comfort along the trails.
Use Trail Running Material 100% polyester Gr 90 € 59,99
Lightweight technical shorts suitable for intense sporting activities, such as trail running in the mountains. Designed from a breathable and airy stretch material, this model optimizes moisture transfer and offers great freedom of movement.
Use Trail Running Material 85% polyamide + 15% elastane Gr 89 € 79,99
Ideal for outdoor activities but also perfect when traveling and in the city, it ensures protection from sun and rain thanks to the water repellent fabric on both sides. Practical and functional, it can be wrapped up in a small retractable pocket. Retroreflective logo. Made in Germany.
Stretch, breathable, multifunctional and seamless. Made from plastic recovered from the Mediterranean Sea and spun into yarn by Seaqual. 1kg of Seaqual eliminates about 1kg of plastic from the seas. It dries quickly and protects from sun, wind, dust. Made in Germany.
This packable hat ensures waterproofness and breathability, with an internal sweatband. Anti-Mosquito treatment and 50 UPF sun protection, maximized by the detachable safari jacket. Reflective logo. Adjustable circumference. Made in Germany.
Lightweight, breathable and water repellent, it ensures sun protection, quick drying and comfort. The internal band absorbs perspiration while the rear drawstring ensures excellent fit. The large visor protects face and eyes. With Anti-Mosquito. Made in Germany.
Comfortable, super stretch and seamless, in super light and breathable mesh, it offers excellent sun protection on the eyes and face, excellent sweat management and a quick drying. With anti-odour treatment and retroreflective logo. Made in Germany.
Use Hiking, Trekking Material 63% recycled polyamide + 30% polyamide + 7% elastane € 26,95
Comfortable and thermal sock with thermoregulation, anti-odor action, and anti-tick and insect treatment. Cell Tech technology in the support and ankle area, anti-blister and reinforcement in the toe and heel area, elastic edge with retro-reflective elements. Made in Italy.
Use Trekking Material 39% polypropilene + 24% polyamide + 19% Merino + recycled polyamide + 6% lycra + 1% elastane € 20,95
Approach Merino Shift Fleece Hood
Lightweight, warm and breathable mid layer. 3-piece hood, Merino mesh panels for temperature regulation, zipper for ventilation, high chest pocket for easy access and zippered hand pockets.
Icon Raglan Black Copper
Great for outdoor activities in all weather conditions and places. Mons Merino Air-Con fabric guarantees thermal insulation and breathability. Raglan cut of the sleeves to have no seams under the shoulder straps of the backpack.
Bella Merino Air-Con LS
First layer for multisport use. It has numerous features that offer performance in all conditions. Crafted from super fine Merino fibers that are spun around a nylon core. Also available with hood and short sleeves.
Use Hiking, Trail Running Material
83% Merino wool + 13% nylon + 4% elastane Gr NA € 199,90
Use Hiking, Trail Running Material
83% Merino wool + 13% nylon + 4% elastane Gr NA € 84,90
Virage Short Camo
Mutlisport shorts in Wool Stretch made up of 83% fibers obtained from recycled PET bottles and in Merino wool. Resistant, breathable, comfortable and practical, they don’t take up space in your backpack.
Use Hiking, Trail Running Material 81% recycled polyester + 14% Merino wool + 5% elastane Gr NA € 129,90
Icon Relaxed SS
Version with a women’s cut but relaxed and comfortable. The Merino AirCon fabric with which these garments are made is a true “natural air conditioning” system. Simple but highly performing model.
Use Hiking, Trail Running Material
83% Merino wool + 13% nylon + 4% elastane Gr NA € 84,90
Use Hiking, Trail Running Material
83% Merino wool + 13% nylon + 4% elastane Gr NA € 109.90
Icon Tank
Tank to be used as a first or single layer. Simple but highly performing garment, in Merino wool that works even at the hottest temperatures by eliminating sweat and keeping you cool and dry.
Use Hiking, Trail Running Material
83% Merino wool + 13% nylon + 4% elastane Gr NA € 64,90
Thermoregulation, minimal and relaxed style at ease in any outdoor activity as in the pub!
A t-shirt born for days at high altitude. From the last days of skiing under the rays of the warm spring sun, up to the long summer days on the wall where thermoregulation is an important aspect. In fact, thanks to the ultralight Merino Air-Con fabric, this t-shirt maintains an optimal temperature, keeping you warm when it’s colder or windy and staying cool when there’s the risk of sweating. Another property of this material is its natural resistance to odor combined with a softness that lasts over time. Elastane and nylon have been integrated into the composition to guarantee the essential flexibility and resistance for outdoor activities. The non-negligible thing about the design of Mons Royale, compared to the average of products designed for physical activity, is that it is particularly cool and versatile and for this reason it can also be worn willingly in contexts that are not exclusively outdoor or sporting. The choice is vast both in terms of chromatic scale and graphics, from the simple logo to more articulated but still minimal graphics to leave its part to the eye.
We Like The thermoregulatory capabilities of this t-shirt are simply unbeatable, its softness, its anti-odour properties.
Use Mountaineering, Hiking, Trail Running
Material Merino Air-Con 83% Merino wool + 13% nylon + 4% elastane
Gr 140 € 79,95
Extremely innovative thanks to its convertibility feature in three solutions. It guarantees impermeability and high protection from atmospheric agents with rapid change of set-up from one function to another for dynamic use.
Great lightness, breathability, quick drying and UV protection for those who want a multifunctional garment with high performance in any aerobic context but always looking for high comfort and long lasting performances.
The perfect combination of performance in any aerobic context, comfort at the highest levels and an innovative look. This technical t-shirt embodies functional features for an high profile well being.
Bermuda with a very light fabric, quick drying and maximum comfort without giving up excellent resistance to abrasion for every climbing enthusiast and beyond.
Pants with a very transversal use with high technical content designed for the most demanding climbers who do not want to give up comfort in an ergonomic fit. Maximum levels of performance in any summer outdoor context.
Dedicated to those who want to try first hand any outdoor activity in maximum freedom and comfort. The construction and the materials used guarantee effectiveness in various contexts and an impressive look at any time of the day.
All the protection you need in 380g of lightness, resistance and comfort
Warm, light, compressible. Montura Eiger Jacket is partly made up of DWR Cordura nylon fabric, synonymous with maximum resistance twice as high as that of a normal synthetic fabric, while the padding is in Comfortemp 60g for optimal warmth while maintaining lightweight and breathability. It folds in its internal pocket taking up very little space and with its weight of only 380g it is positioned among the garments that can never be missing in the backpack. The water repellent treatment adds the finishing touch to the perfection of this jacket as compact as it is valid in terms of protection from the elements. In case of rain, we can testify, it does not absorb water and dries quickly: the texturized high tenacity polyamide 6.6 is the one that guarantees resistance and durability, but it is also a fairly simple material to maintain. Of noteworthy feature in terms of comfort are the hand pockets with zip and the stow pocket function. If you then decide to set off for an approach or a walk in the middle of the night, the reflective details ensure great visibility.
We Like Lightweight. Ultimately in the mountains this is an essential quality and it is certainly the aspect that we appreciated the most about this jacket.
Use Mountaineering, Hiking
Material nylon DWR with waterproof and windproof double ripstop microstructure
Lining 100% polyester OCTA
Gr 380 € 229
Designed to keep you moving across conditions so that you never miss a day. Made from fully recycled 2.5-layer fabric, it features welded seams and an adjustable hood that’s perfect for running in any conditions. Waterproof, breathable and windproof, it effectively protects the body from external influences. It features reflective details for added safety.
The X-Alp 6” trail running shorts are lightweight, practical and ready to run fast with you. Completely redesigned for 2023 to guarantee you more comfort, they are made with extremely breathable fabrics. Two rear mesh pockets for gels and bars, an internal smartphone pocket, adjustable waistband, reflective details and a zipped pocket for keys. Available in three colorways.
Use Trail Running, Running Material 100% recycled polyester
€ 75,00
Made almost entirely from recycled fabrics: it’s a lightweight, sweat-wicking trail running skirt designed for long runs on the trail or road. Equipped with an undershort, stretch fabrics, two back pockets, an internal smartphone pocket and reflective details to make you more visible. Designed to go the distance and allow you to carry gels, bars, keys and more with you. Available in two colorways.
Use Trail Running, Running Material
100% polyester
€ 150,00
Use Trail Running, Running Material
100% recycled polyester
€ 70,00
Intended for those who love running both uphill and downhill, the new X-Alp Performance Wool 115 trail running t-shirt has been designed with all the necessary details to adapt to the many variables of outdoor activity. In the moment of the most intense effort, on a trail running course as in our case, ODLO’s Performance Wool by Nuyarn, a wool blend that imitates the natural performance of wool, guaranteed us natural temperature control: it kept us warm in the cooler moments, and kept us cool when the temperature started to rise. It’s also naturally antibacterial so even bad smells weren’t a problem. Therefore, we greatly appreciated this ODLO product, one of the lightest, most resistant and versatile outdoor t-shirts around. To make it particularly functional, the certified mulesing-free Merino wool fabric dries five times faster and it is eight times more resistant than regular Merino wool garment. Perfect for wearing directly under a backpack or for running long distances in the mountains. The final nice touch is the stylish fine striped design.
We Like The fabric that guarantees optimal temperature control.
Use Trail running, running
Material 63% Merino wool + 29% poliester + 8% polyamide
Gr NA € 69,95
An extremely lightweight wind and waterproof membrane keeps you protected, so you can focus on your run. There’s no compromise on performance. Extra spacing in the back lets you move swiftly, while a mesh pocket allows you to pack the jacket once the weather calms. With its high end materials and construction, the jacket has you covered through changing conditions.
Made to withstand the most extreme conditions, it’s the high-performance solution for your trail running goals. A lightweight, breathable panel at its back helps keeps distractions out and comfort in, while bonded seams reduce friction so you can speed through the trails and towards your goals. Engineered to go serious distances, the tee is also equipped with a small back pocket where you can keep your essentials. It works well on its own or under a vest.
Use Trail Running Material
85% recycled polyester + 15% elastane
Gr 165
€ 99,95
These trail racing shorts are built to perform. Featuring a side pocket, waistband compartments and a zip pocket, they have ripstop fabric in the back for durability. A two-way stretch construction in the front provides ease of movement. Engineered to go faster, these are race day shorts.
Use Trail Running Material
100% polyamide
Gr 107
€ 269,95
Use Trail Running Material
86% recycled polyester + 14% elastane
Gr 153
€ 119,95
A waterproof and windproof jacket that shrinks down to a tiny size but still has extra room to cover a backpack
Vailable for both men and women, Ultra Jacket by Swiss brand On is a running hooded jacket with some details that make it a smart choice. For example, we appreciated the extra space on the back of the garment, ideal for protecting a small backpack from a sudden rain: in fact, the idea behind the design of the product is to create a hoodie capable to protect against the widest possible range of weather conditions. Ultra Jacket is in fact equipped with a windproof and (the elasticated cuffs do the rest not allowing even a breath of air to enter the sleeves) and waterproof (as well as the zip up to the chin to ensure maximum protection) membrane which is extremely light, with good breathability that allows the skin to stay dry from humidity and sweat. Like many others of its kind, it has reflective elements to ensure safety if you run on the road at night, something we really appreciate. The design is specifically designed to allow very high levels of performance, it follows the body in any movement, indulging it perfectly. A further plus of this truly versatile and comfortable jacket is the little space it takes up once it has been folded into the pocket of the jacket itself. It fits comfortably in the backpack which could then possibly protect from the rain.
We Like The compactness and handling of this lightweight jacket when folded.
Use Running, Trail Running
Material Polyamide + Mesh + Elastane
Gr 107 € 269,95
Extra light men’s shirt that helps to preserve the runner’s correct body microclimate. The micromesh structure accelerates the dispersion of excess heat. The inner layer is bacteriostatic and hypoallergenic in Dryarn fiber.
Use Trail Running, Running Material
44% polyamide + 44%polypropylene + 12% elastane Gr 93 € 49,50
Ultralight T-shirt that promotes perspiration, guaranteeing antibacterial properties with a less snug fit. In fact, the micromesh structure accelerates the dispersion of excess heat even in the most intense sports.
Use Trail Running, Running Material
97% polyamide + 3% elastane Gr 89 € 35,00
The windproof vest that protects from bad weather without weighing you down. Extremely compactable, it features reflective details to improve visibility and safety. The ultralight technical fabric envelops the body without restricting.
Use Trail Running, Running Material 100% recycled polyester Gr NA € 57,50
Half-cut sock in REPETITA yarn, the polyester recycled from plastic bottles (PET) which, thanks to high-quality Italian manufacturing processes, transforms plastic waste into a precious resource for sustainable textiles.
Use Trail Running, Running Material
73% polyester + 25% polyamide + 2% elastane Gr NA € 16,50
Ultralight men’s shorts with an elasticized, anatomical and high-performance fitting, allowing for great freedom of movement. The waist belt gives comfort and stability. Equipped with micromesh inserts that facilitate perspiration. Reflective details.
Use Trail Running, Running Material 90% polyester + 10% elastane Gr NA € 55,00
Short-cut sock ideal for trail running in soft and comfortable microfiber fabric. The structure with different densities guarantees stability and a perfect fit. The insole in Coolmax absorbs sweat and cushions impacts.
Use Trail Running, Running Material
68% polyamide + 30% polyester + 2% elastane Gr NA € 12,00
Super breathable base layer that adapts perfectly to every part of the body
In saying which are the strengths of this t-shirt, it is not clear where to start because there are many: the most relevant ones are probably the particularity of the fabric, a self-ventilating micro-mesh structure that accelerates the dispersion of heat and humidity, and then the arrangement of the textures according to the parts of the body for which they are intended. Body mapping, as this technology is called, consists precisely in designing individual parts of a garment with reference to the area of the body that they will cover and which clearly have different features and therefore different needs. What happens to our back when we run or during a hike requires to be indulged in a different way than the area under the armpits or the abdominal band. An ad hoc design for these areas, then combined together, ensures maximum freedom of movement and comfort. For example, under the armpits we find a lighter fabric with high breathability, as well as in the central band of the back, while on the chest the 3D weave increases warmth. The inner layer is instead made of Dryarn polypropylene which makes it bacteriostatic, hypoallergenic and pleasant to have in contact with the skin even for many hours. We tried it on a hike and it absolutely did not disappoint us, also in terms of freedom of movement.
We Like The combination of high performing fabrics that guarantees a pleasant feeling on the skin all day long and maximum freedom of movement.
Use Mountaineering, Trail Running Material polypropylene + Dryarn + elastane
Gr 93 € 49,50
It features a 3-layer outer fabric to offer superior waterproof/breathable performance, all-day comfort and long-lasting water resistance. Also equipped with a PFC-free DWR treatment. With Fair Trade Certified stitching.
To be worn to achieve ambitious goals in cold weather, with FullRange padding in 93% recycled material, extra-light outer fabric and lining and R1 Air technical fabric inserts for warmth, flexibility and excellent breathability.
Warm, flexible, breathable and resistant to abrasion and bad weather, it’s a versatile intermediate layer designed to face the variable weather of the mountains. The smooth exterior features a PFC-free DWR finish to keep moisture out.
Ready to accompany you when you ride for kilometers on your bike regardless of the outside temperatures. Made with a flexible and breathable fabric that keeps you cool on the climbs and protects you from undergrowth and bad weather on the descents.
Equipped with essential practicality, they have an inside leg length of 20cm and are made of light and breathable mixed fabric capable of conveying humidity to the outside and following the movements of the body for maximum comfort.
Technical, light and characterized by glued seams, five pockets to carry everything you need both for long hikes in the mountains and for training in the park close to home. Available in versions with 13cm and 18cm inside leg.
CrossStrata is a mid layer that we can identify as the evolution of Regulator fleece: warm, elastic and breathable, resistant to abrasion and bad weather. Designed to be used mainly on the wall to face the variable weather of the mountain, this unisex product is characterized by a special zigzag texture, the light double-woven fabric is soft and warm on the skin, without retaining excess heat, while the rugged outer layer features a PFC-free DWR treatment with moisture-wicking performance. The zipped chest pocket is particularly useful, allowing you to secure smaller objects for immediate use, while the two handwarmer pockets are easy to reach both when wearing the harness and with the backpack on your shoulders. Even the partially elasticated, low volume cuffs are streamlined so they don’t fray and its elastic composition finally ensures freedom of movement in virtually any circumstance. Last but not least, the Fair Trade certification for the seams ensures that the workers involved in the process have received the right compensation for their work.
We Like Abrasion and weather resistance in this super versatile mid layer.
Use Climbing, Mountaineering
Material 90% recycled polyester + 10% elastane with PFC-free DWR treatment Gr 337 € 160,00
These shorts are designed to minimize the need for additional clothing and to maximize the effectiveness of the kit. Two side pockets, one back and front breathable insert. Highly stretch blended fabric.
Designed to accompany you every day on runs and in many other activities. With inside leg length of 15cm and made of light mixed fabric capable of conveying humidity to the outside and following the movements of the body.
Technical midlayer for cold temperatures, with a new soft chevron fabric that offers warmth, stretch and abrasion resistance for the changing conditions of the mountain. PFC-free DWR treatment and Fair Trade Certified stitching.
Lightweight climbing pants in synthetic material that offer comfort and unlimited freedom of movement. Designed for long ridge traverses, multi-pitch climbing sessions, rock climbing or summer days at the crag.
Simple and multifunctional climbing pants, in a breathable and robust blend of organic hemp, recycled polyester and elastane, to keep you cool when you climb a wall under the sun. Reinforced crotch and preformed knees.
Featuring a simple and essential elasticated waist, flexible fabric and shorter inseam, they can be worn on their own and are designed to accompany you on exciting outdoor adventures, thanks to their comfortable and versatile fit.
A timeless and limitless active jacket for the most ambitious adventures
Those who know it love it: Patagonia’s Nano-Air Light Hybrid Hoody is a garment that anyone who experiences the mountain at 360°, in the most severe and variable conditions, can only have in their closet and use it for a lifetime. It is a jacket with FullRange padding combined with a new light ripstop, breathable but at the same time very resistant to abrasion. Everything is made in recycled material, in full ethics of the Ventura brand. Designed to be an active jacket, it has a double soul with the classic Nano Puff fabric on the chest and an R1 Air insert on the back, to ensure maximum breathability. Furthermore, the fit is designed to move better and to wear it under or over other layers quickly, when conditions become more impervious and you don’t want to lose the heat produced by the body during activity. The hand pockets are invisible and can be easily accessed even when wearing a harness. The hood is snug and designed to completely wrap around the head without letting the air through. The elastic cuffs allow you to climb freely, without any discomfort. The fit is snug and once worn the jacket is soft, comfortable and stretch. A real must have when you want to give your best in the mountains.
We Like High breathability combined with insulation. Versatility in all high impact activities in the mountains.
Use Mountaineering, Climbing
Material 100% recycled poliester
Gr 278 € 290,00
Waterproof and packable, the do-it-all high performance model for any outdoor adventure. It features a 10K/10K waterproof-breathable membrane. Eco-designed with recycled polyester, circular polyester and a PFC-free durable water repellent treatment.
Use Hiking Material 54% polyester + 46% recycled polyester Gr 300 € 170,00
Retro-style micro polar fleece for everyday adventures when you want to stay warm and cozy. It features the Dry Feel antimicrobial treatment and Dry Now wicking technology to keep you warm and dry during any activity. Color-block design.
Use Hiking Material 50% recycled polyester + 50% polyester Gr 600 € 90,00
Eco-designed tee made for high intensity summer adventures. This model’s body-mapping construction offers the perfect fit, while the raglan sleeves increase freedom of movement. The flatlock chafe-free seams are designed to enhance comfort.
Use Hiking Material 40% recycled polyester + 48% polyester + 12% Tencel Gr 100 € 45,00
You can wear these pants when strolling around town or rambling through the wildest environments. Made with a comfortable and stretchy nylon and organic-cotton mix for great freedom of movement, they also include a quick-drying technology.
Use Hiking Material 50% nylon + 45% organic cotton + 5% spandex
Gr 370 € 90,00
Made for a weekend hike through the mountains, a day climbing at the crag or a trip around the world. Stretch fabric for freedom of movement, the quick-drying panels will keep you dry all day long. Side and front zippered pockets.
Use Hiking, Climbing Material 50% nylon + 45% organic cotton + 5% spandex Gr 230 € 75,00
Eco-designed model for running and other high intensity activities. With a lightweight and breathable stretch fabric for great freedom of movement and a second-skin effect. These shorts include the Dry Now technology to quickly wick away moisture.
Use Running, Hiking Material 83% recycled polyester + 17% spandex Gr 100 € 60,00
In a world of hyper-characteristic jackets, Abstral is rather essential and the result is a jacket that is light, breathable and compressible enough to be truly transversely performing. A particularly important added feature for us is sustainability: it is in fact made of recycled polyester with long-lasting water repellency guaranteed even without the use of PFCs. We are talking about a 10K waterproofing as well as a breathability and a design realised to ensure maximum comfort and the freedom of movement necessary when practicing outdoor activities. It is a model that we feel like placing halfway between a waterproof and an all-round model for the mountains: the classic garment to always carry with you “just in case” also given its small size such that it can be stored in its own right pocket. Fully taped seams and reflective details are a design highlight and crucial to safety. You can adjust the hem and velcro on the cuffs and, although the fit is rather relaxed, you can effectively protect yourself from the rain. In short, these are all the features needed to spend a day at high altitude or in the woods with performance, style and a super value for money.
We Like Details such as the taped pockets and the combination of colors in which the model is available, top performance and respect for the environment
Use Hiking
Material Recycled polyester Lining
PFC-free Teflon Ecolite long-lasting water repellent treatment
Gr 300 € 170,00
It provides packable waterproof protection made from 100% recycled fabrics and a fluorocarbon-free DWR. The close-fitting hood can be adjusted with one hand. Sleeve articulation ensures freedom of movement and arm lift. Fleece lined chin guard for comfort.
Soft and durable, this short-sleeve tee comes with a Rab logo chest print and it is built with premium organic cotton which has been ring-spun to soften the fibres. It features a regular fit with a round neck.
Built for active mountain use in warm climates, this flexible, it’s an uncompromising technical climbing garment that provides the best freedom of movement. Contrasting knee reinforcement panels that extend to the ankle for abrasion resistance.
Perfect for lightweight adventures in changeable mountain conditions, this shell is highly breathable and packable, yet provides all the protection you need in a surprise downpour. The breathable fabric helps to regulate your temperature.
Perfect for summer days in the mountains where you need to stay cool in the heat or layer up when a breeze strikes, this technical tee has an understated style and a feminine cut, as well as an odour-control finish to keep you fresh.
Whether you’re climbing or hill-walking, these versatile pants are equipped for the demands of a mountain day. Allowing full freedom of movement, they are made with lightweight Matrix double weave fabric with 4-way stretch. Slim fit.
For the third year in a row, Rab has been certified as a carbon neutral company. Taking care of the environmental impact is in fact essential for an outdoor company and we appreciate even more jackets like Namche Paclite which, in addition to having a carbon footprint tending to zero, improve year after year. Compared to previous models, this new jacket has in fact an even lower impact: the waterproofing is ensured by 100% recycled fabrics and a fluorocarbon-free DWR finish. But there’s more, even now most of the energy used by the company to make its products comes from clean, renewable energy, and the goal is for this to be completely achieved by 2024. Namche Paclite is also super water resistant and, as the name suggests, foldable when not needed. In general, all Rab’s Paclite shells can be defined as “emergency shells”, being super packable, but always waterproof, windproof and very breathable. One thing we particularly appreciated is that the hood can be adjusted with one hand and has a rigid visor that prevents the view from being obstructed in wet weather. The sleeves are constructed in such a way as to guarantee exceptional freedom of movement, while the two pockets are lined in mesh and can thus also take on the function of air intakes.
We Like The level performance of a jacket with a very low carbon footprint.
Material Recycled Gore-Tex with DWR treatment without PFC
Gr 364 € 250
New hoodie in the Redelk 3-season line. The Red Fleece Bubble fabric allows excellent thermoregulation, it is in fact characterized by a brushing with a honeycomb structure that allows quick drying and high breathability.
New print version and high performing technical features. From the Red Fit line with highly breathable micro-perforated fabric, quick drying and 20+ anti-UV finishing. For hiking on very hot days or high frequency activities.
Pants with detachable leg insert, it transforms without having to remove the shoe. Ultra quick changing thanks to the on/off zip sliders. In quick-drying medium 4-way stretch fabric. Wrap around stretch waistband.
Hybrid jacket, quilted nylon with fleece to ensure wind protection on the front, 4-way stretch fabric with quick dry for sleeves, back and hood. Ideal for tackling any type of trekking.
Impact print for this t-shirt made with light fabric. Extremely fresh and soft when worn, it follows every movement thanks to its high elasticity. Quick drying and anti-UV finish as for all Redelk t-shirts.
Long summer pants, made of stretch nylon, pleasantly cool and comfortable. Quick dry finish to always stay dry even during the most intense activities or on hot summer days. Ergonomic waist with stretch insert.
The women’s jacket that offers full freedom of movement, high water protection and comfort
Ultra 2 is a must have item to take with you in the city or during your mountain tours. This jacket, made specifically for the female morphology, has been designed to offer full freedom of movement thanks to the 4-way stretch fabric which, combined with the softshell, offers protection from water and a high degree of comfort. We have tested it in various situations and we can confidently say that it is a truly versatile garment with an excellent fit. What struck us above all were the practical detachable sleeves using functional zips at shoulder height that quickly transform the jacket into a comfortable sleeveless jacket, suitable for many situations and weather conditions, even changeable ones as often happens in the mountains. Other noteworthy features are the two side pockets with zip, the stretch trims on the bottom of the jacket, the functional pocket on the sleeve and chest and the practical fixed hood. Ultra 2 has proved to be a jacket suitable for all outdoor activities in particular thanks to the stretch, breathable and water repellent fabric and the sweat net on the inside front.
We Like The detachable sleeves that transform it into a comfortable sleeveless jacket making it suitable for different situations and weather conditions.
Use Hiking, Trekking, Mountaineering
Material 92% nylon + 8% spandex
Gr 316 € 170,00
Waterproof 2.5-layer jacket to face rainy days during mountain excursions and high altitude activities. It can be folded up and placed in the chest pocket. Breathable and light, with waterproof zip and taped seams.
Down jacket with high tech, renewable plantbased DuPont Sorona filling. It ensures a high thermal power and excellent performance in terms of duration and resistance over time. A versatile garment for the four seasons and for any occasion.
3-layer 10K/10K waterproof softshell for all aerobic activities during the coldest days. Breathable and lightweight, it has waterproof zips, taped seams, adjustable cuffs and an integrated hood that can be adjusted on the back. PFC-free fabric.
For summer treks at high altitude or mid-season tours. The 4Ways Stretch fabric ensures comfort, breathability and freedom of movement. The Water Repellent treatment lets water droplets slide off making it quick-drying.
Technical and eco-sustainable t-shirt designed for outdoor activities, made with 99% recycled materials. Treated with the Odor Free textile finishing process which blocks the development of bacteria responsible for bad odour.
Crewneck t-shirt part of Spaghetti Boulder, the new Rock Experience collection which aims to create an innovative clothing line, inspired by climbing but with streetwear contaminations. Pastel colors and contemporary cut.
Jacket suitable for different situations, comfortable, breathable and protective
Katmai is Rock Experience’s hybrid jacket with an excellent ratio between weight and insulation capacity. By testing it in different situations, we found it to be an ideal garment both for dynamic activities on the coldest days and for more peaceful treks in mild weather. Katmai uses different padding and fabrics in different areas of the body for better thermoregulation during aerobic activities. It combines an elastic and breathable fabric in the upper part of the back with wool padding in the rest of the jacket: a winning mix that guarantees high thermal insulation, maximum comfort, freedom of movement and greater breathability than a down jacket. The fabric with which it is made allows water to slide on its surface without penetrating inside thanks to the water repellent treatment. Furthermore, the fabric is also PFC-free, that means free of substances polluting the environment and dangerous to the health of humans and animals. The position of the chest pockets, large and easy to access, has been designed for those who wear a harness or backpack when climbing walls or on via ferratas. The jacket features an integrated hood with lycra tape on the edge to make it snug over the head and to protect against wind and cold. A double lycra insert on the bottom of the sleeves allows for an optimal fit. Reflective prints complete the garment which improve visibility in case of evening or dawn excursions.
We Like The protective and water repellent fabric but that at the same time is attentive to the environment.
Use Trekking
Material Nylon PFC-free Gr 241 € 209,99
Perfect for alpine climbing and mountaineering in the summer, it is waterproof, windproof and breathable. In laminated shell fabric that offers good protection from water and wind. Free motion design and ergonomic cut of sleeves and shoulders.
Use Mountaineering Material 100% polyamide Gr 252 € 220,00
Designed for climbing in the summer and made in Alpine Hemp fabric, a robust and tenacious material that is cool and breathable at the same time. Equipped with two very practical pockets with zip closure. Salewa Committed Certificate.
Use Climbing Material 49% hemp + 40% cotton + 11% poliyester Gr 540 € 125,00
Performing, windproof and breathable. For speed hiking and in stretch Durastretch softshell. The high elastane content ensures freedom of movement. The lighter and more perforated softshell inserts improve the bodymapping properties.
Use Speed Hiking Material 88% recycled polyamide + 12% elastane Gr 240 € 150,00
Functional and technical for alpine climbing on hot summer days. They have a regular design and are made of Durastretch fabric with a cotton effect, light, water repellent and elastic, with PFCfree DWR. Regular and aerodynamic cut.
Use Mountaineering Material 95% polyamide + 5% elastane Gr 300 € 120,00
The ideal companion for bouldering and sport climbing in summer. The Alpine Hemp Stretch Ripstop hybrid material consists mainly of hemp mixed with recycled polyester: it has cooling and resistant properties.
Use Climbing Material 49% hemp + 40% cotton + 11% poliyester Gr 300 € 130,00
Designed to move fast and lightly, ideal for mountain training and speed hiking. In patented 123 gram Durastretch fabric, resistant to abrasion and stretch fabric. PFC-free DWR finish.
Use Speed Hiking Material
88% recycled polyamide + 12% elastane Gr 180 € 90,00
The new Salewa Pedroc Pro Polartec Alpha is definitely placed in the performance field and it is designed for those who aspire to high level performances in the mountains: trail running and speed hiking are the disciplines in which this product expresses itself best. We tested it for both activities and we absolutely fell in love with it, especially when it comes to breathability: combining a lightweight nylon/Tencel main fabric, the perforated, breathable and water repellent Durastretch softshell with Polartec Alpha active insulation panels Direct on both the front of the torso and the upper arms, it ensures that every part of the body feels the maximum comfort. The insulating fibers with which the internal part is lined favor incredibly fast drying of sweat and humidity generated during activity, but they are also thermoregulating, so they keep you very warm in case of cold or when you stop in the middle of a high intensity activity. The fleece-lined inner collar and reflective details complete the design of a jacket designed for mountain athletes and their needs for both comfort and safety. Waterproofing is ensured by the PFC-free DWR finish.
We Like It is a jacket designed to maximize performances and to put mountain athletes in the best possible conditions.
Use Speed hiking, Trail Running
Material Recycled polyester and nylon/ Tencel, Polartec Alpha Direct with DWR treatment without PFC Gr 220 € 240
The brand’s signature t-shirt with body mapped moth eaten holes for strategic ventilation with a special focus on the chest and mid-back. Hidden inner pocket securely holds your key or small stash on runs. Exterior detachable care label.
Use Running, Trail Running Material 100% cotton Gr 165 € 120,00
Ultralight, silky-soft and naturally odor resistant. Ideal as first or second layer, versatile and thermoregulating in all types of weather. Made and hand tiedyed in Japan using the traditional Shibori method. Raw hems to eliminate friction.
Use Running, Trail Running Material
100% Merino wool Gr NA € 240,00
Thermoregulating, fast drying tee for runs in a range of conditions. Exterior detachable care label so nothing rubs against your skin. Made entirely from a lightweight Polartec Power Dry bi-component knit, ideal for adventures in all conditions.
Use Running, Trail Running Material
100% polyester Gr NA € 130,00
Go-to 2 pocket shorts with a Coldblack lining to reduce heat absorption, they give UV protection and keep you cool on your run. Sweatproof back zipper pocket to carry credit cards or cash, with 2 separate inner key-pouches to stop them from jingling.
Use Running, Trail Running Material
88% polyamide + 12% elastane Gr 120 € 190,00
Ultra-lightweight shorts with 4 pockets. Sweatproof back zipper pocket to carry credit cards or cash, with 2 separate inner key-pouches to stop them from jingling. Drawstrings can be tucked into the double waistband to avoid chafing.
Use Running, Trail Running Material
72% polyamide + 39% elastane Gr 100 € 220,00
Everyday shorts with a 6 pocket system so you can carry everything you need for long runs. The lining keeps your thighs sweat-free so the exterior short doesn’t chafe while the phosphorescent back panels ensure you’re visible on early or late runs.
Use Running, Trail Running Material
72% polyamide + 39% elastane Gr 100
€ 220,00
AuraLite is Satisfy’s longsleeve shirt made entirely in Japanese Deltapeak, an anti-odor and quick drying technical fabric which, once worn, feels extremely soft and natural on the skin. Finished with UV resistant technology, this longsleeve jersey is ideal for running even in very hot temperatures. AuraLite was developed by a Japanese textile company that has been producing fabrics since the late 1800’s, this technical fabric is knitted, which gives it 4-way stretch and a soft, natural texture. Thanks to its quick drying, anti-odor and UV-ray resistance properties, high performances are guaranteed on days when it is better not to expose the skin to the sun’s rays. The oversized fit, inspired by 70s long sleeve shirts, creates a cool space for the body to occupy during runs of any intensity and condition. For maximum safety during night runs, it is also equipped with reflective inserts both on the front and on the back part. The label with the specifications is external and removable in order to avoid any rubbing on the skin and to guarantee a feeling of comfort at 360°. A highly technical jersey ethically produced in Portugal, to guarantee the most demanding runners maximum performances and at the same time a natural feeling on the skin, from the most extreme heat conditions to sudden changes in temperature.
We Like A natural feeling on the skin and high performances in extreme heat conditions
Use Running, Trail Running
Material 100% polyester
Gr NA € 140,00
Futurelight heat-sealed seams that offer high levels of protection even in the most difficult conditions. Internal storage pocket with convenient wrist cord to fold the jacket. Adjustable hem and hood and reflective details.
The three-layer DryVent fabric blocks the wind and prevents water from penetrating through the seams, leaving you cool, dry and comfortable whatever the weather. It features water repellent finishes and underarm ventilation openings.
First layer ideal for climbing and mountaineering, it offers the necessary protection to face the cold. Thanks to the high density fibers that retain heat, the Polartec fleece fabric is warm and light without weighing you down and causing you to overheat.
Use Hiking Material 91% polyester + 9% elastane Gr 125 € 110,00
Technical running tee that offers maximum comfort on longer days on the trails. The 100% breathable polyester ensures durability, while the lightweight FlashDry-Pro wicks away sweat and moisture so you stay dry all the times.
Use Running, Trail Running Material
recycled polyester with FlashDryPro Gr 99 € 80,00
Tapered convertible pant built for moving quickly in the mountains. The stretchy and quick drying fabric offers maximum freedom of movement while wicking away sweat and moisture. They are also convertible.
In stretch and breathable FlashDry fabric. The waistband with an internal drawcord allows you to adjust the fit while the split hem at side seams ensures freedom of movement. In the pockets you can store gels, bars and small items.
A perfect trekking jacket for any occasion, from the wildest to the most stylish activity
If we had to think about a technical and very valid jacket to spend a day trekking, but also stylish enough to be worn in the city in any situation, we couldn’t think of a better example than The North Face’s Stolemberg 3l Dryvent. The three-layer DryVent fabric is in fact able to build a top shield against the wind, while the water repellent seams and finishes protect more than effectively from the rain. We have tested it under a powerful downpour and we can only confirm the fact that it protects from water really well: for example, the depth of the hood should not be underestimated, the extra space allows the head to stay warm inside and dry in case of rain or strong winds. The underarm ventilation openings are obviously always present and they ensure a good level of thermoregulation even in the opposite case of hot and sunny weather. In short, we recommend this product to ensure good protection from adverse atmospheric agents: water repellent, waterproof, windproof and breathable, this is the right jacket to face light-hearted trekking days, but also to accompany us to the office or on a cool evening in the city: versatility is its strong point.
We Like The versatility of a hurricane-proof windbreaker and the style of a city jacket
Use Hiking, Adventure & Backpacking
Material Nylon with PFC-free DWR treatment Gr NA € 300
Waterproof, windproof and breathable. The vents ensure a comfortable microclimate. Helmet compatible adjustable hood and large front pockets for more storage and easily accessible even with harness and backpack.
Use Trekking, Mountaineering Material 100% polyamide Gr 436 € 347,00
It combines two important features: excellent performance on demanding tours and environmentally friendly production. Stretch, lightweight and compact, the main material is made from end-of-life tires and other recycled materials.
Use Trekking, Mountaineering Material 94% polyamide + 6% elastane
Gr 374 € 179,00
For fast hikes in the mountains, it adapts easily to every movement and it provides high wearing comfort. Fitted for an athletic look, ideal for tours that require maximum flexibility and functionality. Made from sustainable and bluesign certified material.
Use Trekking, Mountaineering Material 91% polyester + 9% elastane
Gr 360 € 137,00
Lightweight rain jacket for mountaineering. Waterproof, windproof and highly breathable. Easily foldable and with air vents under the armpits that ensure a perfect microclimate. Made from 100% PFC and PTFE-free eco-friendly material.
Use Trekking, Mountaineering Material 100% polyamide Gr 305 € 231,00
Intermediate layer for mountain sports, warm and breathable. The stretch knit allows great freedom of movement, the soft honeycomb structure keeps you warm on cooler days and guarantees a balanced microclimate.
Use Trekking, Mountaineering Material 97% polyester + 3% elastane
Gr 305 € 105,00
Stretch and breathable sports jacket. Made with recycled PET bottles. Its material and shaped hood provide just the right amount of warmth. Its form-fitting and motion-friendly design offers flexibility and versatility.
Use Trekking, Mountaineering Material 91% polyester + 9% elastane
Gr 327 € 137,00
What we absolutely appreciate most about Vaude Green Shape products is their excellent compromise between performance and environmental responsibility: Brenva Jacket, specifically designed for women, is climate neutral certified but it is also a very light hybrid jacket and ideal as a second layer or as a light outer layer, in addition it is very small once folded into its own pocket. Carbon neutral is a wording that indicates that the brand has undertaken to analyze and then zero or compensate, through the independent non-profit organization Myclimate, all emissions deriving from the materials, production and shipment of the product in question. The materials with which this jacket is made are mainly recycled and its green soul is also evident in the technology behind the fabric that makes it heat-insulating on the front part: PrimaLoft Silver Insulation Eco. On the back and sleeves we find a breathable and stretch fabric, suitable for guaranteeing a comfortable microclimate and absolute freedom of movement. The light insulation given by the PrimaLoft layer keeps the body at the ideal temperature during high intensity activities as well as protects it from the cold as soon as the temperature becomes more rigid or we enter a break from activity.
We Like its carbon neutrality but also an excellent compromise between performance and comfort.
Use Hiking, Mountaineering Material Recycled polyester + PrimaLoft Silver Insulation Eco with PFC-free DWR Gr 285 € 137,00
Born for trail running and ultra races (thanks to its comfort when worn under a backpack) but perfect for mid season urban training, this light and breathable micromesh technical shirt celebrates the biggest and most iconic mountain.
It eliminate the superfluous focusing on performance. Made with an ergonomic fit in recycled and technical fabric: its 3D structure allows exceptional breathability and ultra fast drying. Made in Italy.
Trekking, hiking, trail running but also MTB or gravel: this multisport bermuda with 5 pockets (3 of which with zip on the front and 2 on the back) is a must have for outdoor addicts who don’t give up on style thanks to the graphics and its fitting.
The color of the flame, the weight of a feather: a jersey weighing only 63g in 100% recycled fabric, ultralight and breathable, ideal for urban races and training or in the gym. Made in Italy.
Very light, super breathable, with a race fit: everything you need to aim for the next PB. Quick-drying 3D technical fabric, made from recycled Italian yarns.
2-in-1 shorts perfect for both trail running and city running: thanks to its 5 pockets (1 of which with zip) it contains all the essentials, the 4-way stretch fabric follows your movements. Tundra green colour.
Long-sleeved shirt with patented 3D Bionic Sphere system with ThermoSyphon technology which facilitates perspiration and insulates from the cold. With AirDuct ShoulderPads which protect your shoulders from pressure and friction from backpack shoulder straps.
Use Trekking Material 90% polyamide + 5% polypropilene + 5% elastane Gr NA € 149,00
Functional areas such as Innerlap AirConditioning Zone on the inner thigh and InsulationPads in the outer area to reduce the micro-vibration of the quadriceps and regulate the temperature. The ExpansionKnee on the knee ensures optimal climate comfort.
Use Trekking Material 90% polyamide + 5% polypropilene + 5% elastane Gr NA € 139,00
Excellent ventilation thanks to the Traverse AirFlow channels that work in combination with the Air-Conditioning Channel 4.0 and the AirVent Zone that creates space on the instep so that the air can circulate. Protective structure in the toe area.
Use Trekking Material 39% poliyester + 35% polyamide + 24% polypropilene + 2% elastane Gr NA € 24,90
Patented 3D Bionic Sphere system with ThermoSyphon technology for excellent breathability during activities. The Air-Conditioning Channel surrounded by Air Guides supports the ventilation of the fabric and the control of body temperature.
Use Trekking Material 90% polyamide + 5% polypropilene + 5% elastane Gr NA € 149,00
With functional zones that regulate temperature and increase performance. ExpansionKnee on the knees for optimal climate comfort and complete freedom of movement. Thermoregulation is ensured by the patented 3D Bionic Sphere system.
Use Trekking Material 90% polyammide + 5% polypropilene + 5% elastane Gr NA € 134,00
Design studied for the female foot to offer support during long treks and optimize comfort thanks to the Achilles Lambertz-Nicholson Achilles Tendon Protector 4.0 heel protection and the Supponation XX-Cross band on the ankle.
Use Trekking Material 39% polyester + 35% polyamide + 24% polypropilene + 2% elastane Gr NA € 24,90
A mix of technologies capable of optimizing performance and feelings
X-Plorer Energizer 4.0 is part of the X-Bionic collection dedicated to functional trekking clothing. A highly innovative first layer capable of satisfying the wishes of the most demanding enthusiasts who want to benefit from extraordinary comfort and thermoregulation capable of optimizing performance. Wearing it you can immediately appreciate the soothing effect on the skin and without any type of restriction. The new 4.0 generation is the first to feature ultra high definition Retina quality. We’re talking about innovative knitted yarns used to create an ultra-dense material with a multitude of functional zones. But it is in the field that the “super powers” and the technological advantage of the legendary 3D Bionic Sphere system with ThermoSyphon are truly appreciated: complex 3D structures, Y-shaped elements and ventilation channels that maximize air exchange, optimally supporting thermoregulation and preventing the formation of humidity and the sensation of overheating during more intense activities. At the same time they prevent cooling down during the rest and recovery phases. Further added value for backpackers are the three-dimensional structure AirDuct pads positioned where the shoulder straps rest on the body, which give protection from pressure and friction. X-Plorer Energizer 4.0 is ultimately your ally for intense performance.
We Like Controlled temperature, even under a second layer of clothing.
Use Trekking, Multisport Technical composition Skin NODOR (87%), Mythlan (7%), Elastane (6%) Material Composition Polyamide (87%), Polypropilene (7%), Elastane (6%)
€ 159
How to choose the backpack?
A hiking or mountaineering backpack is an essential part of the equipment of those who go to the mountains. Like footwear, it must be chosen with care, first of all thinking about what its main use will be. The rule? The more days you will be on trails, the greater will be the load you will have to carry. The volume, expressed in liters, will therefore be the first selection criterion.
Load capacity
15-25L Fast hiking or light backpacking backpacks for day trips. True examples of lightweight, these backpacks are designed for sports activities, without too many frills, eliminating unnecessary grams and accessories. The clean design, limited in the use of external pockets, laces or straps, favors free and dynamic movements. Small in size, they are ideal for transporting those few things that have to accompany you during a trip of a few hours.
30-45L Backpacks for longer day trips, suitable for containing the material necessary for a possible overnight stay in a refuge. This type of backpack focuses on comfort, in terms of support, weight distribution and ergonomics,
and on functionality, understood as organization of space and handling. This size is generally the most common choice for those who want a standard all-rounder size.
50-70L Backpacks for multi-day excursions, outdoor bivouacs or real luggage for “backpacking” adventure trips. Backrest, shoulder straps and waistband must be structured, padded and ergonomic, suitable for unloading the weight on the hips and stabilizing the load. External hooks (straps, buckles, clips) are essential to easily transport accessories and equipment. More and more often in this segment we find expandable solutions that increase the load capacity when necessary.
When choosing, you must pay particular attention to the transport system, which can be more or less sophisticated depending on the model. It is essential to have a ventilated backrest which guarantees effective ventilation and mobility. The shoulder straps must be calibrated and shaped according to the anatomical shape of the body, especially the female one. The lumbar belt must be well padded and adjustable. The entire system must promote perspiration and be able to discharge the weight from the shoulders to
the hips while accompanying the movements of the body.
When buying a backpack, consider how easy it is to load it and how to access the content. Especially on larger volumes, those backpacks that allow quick access to the interior spaces via additional front or side zips are strongly recommended. The number of pockets, their positioning, the presence of separate internal compartments improves the organizational possibilities of the spaces.
Mat and sleeping bag, ice ax and poles, rope and crampons. Evaluate well which accessories you will use and pay attention to all those small details that could make the difference: external hooks, straps, buckles, clips or dedicated compartments. Especially if you plan to expand its use for winter hiking.
Load your things with care. Weight distribution must be balanced, heavier items should be close to the back and, if possible, at the bottom of the backpack. Keep essential items handy. Organizing everything you will carry with you in small bags makes things even easier.
Specialist 75L
Bach all-time trekking classic, ideal for those looking for a large volume and durable pack. Extremely tough and reliable. With elasticated side pockets and various attachment points. Available in women’s fit. Rain cover included.
Use Trekking Material 1000D Cordura nylon Volume 75L Size NA Gr 2360 € 359,90
Daydream 35L
Ideal for day hikes or hut weekends. Having access on the top and front of the pack, allows your belongings to be retrieved easily. A 2-in-1 laptop or insulated H20 bladder compartment, means it can be used for multiple purposes. Rain cover included.
Use Hiking Material 100D mini ripstop Cordura Volume 35L Size NA Gr 1100 € 219,90
Daydream 65L
Lightweight trekking backpack with two spacious compartments with multiple openings and various attachment points that allows for all your equipment and essentials to be stored, accessed and carried easily. Available in women’s fit. Rain cover included.
Use Trekking Material 210D ripstop robic nylon Volume 65L Size NA Gr 1990 € 379,90
Molecule 50L
As a lightweight yet robust trekking backpack, it impresses with its versatile attachment options for equipment and the sophisticated back system. Modular construction allows those who want to move even more lightly to achieve a minimum weight.
Use Trekking Material N/100 Cordura mini rip Volume 50L Size NA Gr 1050 € 219,90
Roc 28L
Rugged and compact daypack. Simple construction, easily accessible mesh pockets, removable waist belt, side compressions and various attachment points that make it even easier to fell truly comfortable while enjoying the great outdoors.
Use Hiking Material NA Volume 28L Size 54x26x22cm Gr 980 € 149,90
Shield 20L
Lightweight and compact hiking daypack for use on the trails or as a comfortable laptop backpack on the streets. Elastic cords, spacious pockets and multiple attachment points allows for belongings to stay well organised and to be quick at hand.
Use Hiking, Backpacking Material 100D mini ripstop Cordura Volume 20L Size NA Gr 620 € 149,90
Lightweight backpack, ideal for multi-day treks. The compartments and space management are well thought out
Bach’s Daydream 65 is the backpack for big adventures. In 210D ripstop robic nylon and devoted to lightness, it remains at the same time a well-structured backpack, ideal for carrying all the material needed to tackle multi-day treks. The space is managed by two large compartments, with different accesses and openings and various possibilities for dividing the equipment. For this reason, given the various options that the backpack makes available, it can be considered extremely versatile and suitable for carrying everything necessary and compatible with the most varied needs. The lumbar belt and shoulder straps are well padded and adjustable, suitable for the heaviest loads and comfortable. Compatible with hydration systems, it is also equipped with an isolated compartment for a 15” laptop. Various external pockets and possibilities for carrying small/medium items. The backpack is also equipped with a pole or ice ax holder, it is compatible with the front helmet holder system and has a raincover supplied. The backpack in its 65L version is designed mainly for men but Bach has dedicated Daydream 60L to women, with the same design but with a feminine fit The pack is produced in two sizes: the regular one which has a back length of 60cm and the long one of 67cm. Daydream 65 is therefore a backpack with infinite possibilities, to go into the wild nature with everything you need to spend one or more nights in complete autonomy.
We Like Multiple accessibility to compartments.
Use Trekking, Hiking
Material 210D ripstop robic nylon
Volume 65L
Size Regular 60cm, Long 67cm
Gr 1990 € 379,90
Guide 44+8
The perfect balance between light weight, comfort and functionality. Well ventilated back system, snug fit, detachable hip fins and hard-wearing materials. The J-shaped front zipper opening provides quick access to the main compartment.
Use Mountaineering, Climbing Material 420D nylon polyamide
Volume 44+8L Size 170x44cm Gr 1270
€ 220,00
Guide 42+8
It features a comfortable back system and a snug fit that keeps the load close to your center of gravity. Further improved attachment systems and stowable rope strap all combine to generate fine-tuned load control and maximum freedom of movement.
Use Mountaineering, Climbing Material 420D nylon polyamide
Volume 42+8L Size 158x38cm Gr 1220
€ 220,00
Guide 34+8
Anniversary Edition
Launched to celebrate deuter’s 125th anniversary. It offers a compromise between comfort-to-weight ratio and function. Comfortable carrying system with good ventilation, removable hip fins, sophisticated attachment options and stowable rope fixation.
Use Mountaineering, Climbing Material 420D nylon polyamide
Volume 34+8L Size 158x38cm Gr 1220
€ 210,00
Guide 32+8 SL
Good balance between lightweight, comfort and functionality. The hard-wearing materials, the improved attachment systems and a stowable rope strap all combine to generate great load control and freedom of movement on multi-day alpine projects.
Use Mountaineering, Climbing Material 420D nylon polyamide
Volume 32+8L Size 158x38cm Gr 1150
€ 210,00
Guide 30
Hard-wearing materials, ice axe and helmet attachment systems, stowable rope strap and hip fins make this pack a versatile companion for demanding projects. Compatible with a climbing harness. New lid design for fast access to the main compartment.
Use Mountaineering, Climbing Material 420D nylon polyamide
Volume 30L Size 170x44cm Gr 880
€ 165,00
Guide 28 SL
Lightweight model that features hard-wearing materials, ice axe and helmet attachment systems, stowable rope strap and hip fins. Ideal for demanding projects and compatible with a climbing harness. Detachable mesh helmet holder integrated into the lid.
Use Mountaineering, Climbing Material 100D nylon polyamide
Volume 28L Size 15838cm Gr 850
€ 165,00
We tried this Deuter backpack characterized by a minimalist and easy to use design. In this new version the weight has been further reduced so that the model is even lighter and closer to the body thanks to the great support of the shoulder straps. Its tightly woven structure makes the fabric very resistant and tear-resistant. The supple Delrin U-frame ensures stability and comfortable load distribution, plus the small wings on the shoulder strap attachments keep the pack tight and close to the body during every movement. Another feature that we always appreciate is the attention to sustainability: this backpack is PFAS free and uses a DWR (Durable Water Repellency) water-repellent impregnation that is harmless to the environment. Ultimately, if you are looking for a light touring backpack reduced to the essentials but without giving up all the essential features deuter Guide 30 will be your long-lasting companion for all your alpine adventures.
We Like Despite the minimalist design and low weight, it has all the essential features for alpine adventures.
Use Mountaineering
Material 630D polyamide
Volume 30L
Size 63x29x21cm
Gr 900 € 165,00
100% waterproof model thanks to HDry technology. Hollow Back System that ensures super breathable back, shoulder straps and waist belt thanks to the combination of preformed padding with ventilation channels and super breathable mesh fabric.
Use Mountaineering Material 4305 P Ripstop HP Cordura laminated with HDry membrane Volume 35+5L Size 66x28x24cm Gr 920/1028 € 299,90
Designed for lite backpacking, lightweight, essential in design and complete with all the technical features thanks to the Hollow Back System. Breathable shoulder straps and waist belt, two pole holders, compatible with hydration system.
Use Backpacking Material 100% Invisible Ripstop 210D recycled polyester Volume 35L Size 65x18x30cm Gr 780/860 € 149,90
Mountaineering backpack made to guarantee an optimal ratio between resistance and lightweight. Designed to adapt to any activity, it can be adjusted in terms of weight and carrying system by removing the lumbar belt and additional straps.
Use Mountaineering Material Dyneema Composite + Double Dyamond Cordura Volume 30+5L Size 60x20x27cm Gr 690/850 € 319,90
Iconic model with completely renewed materials and equipment to offer a more satisfying travel experience. Multiple pockets and large front access to better organize all gears. Lightened backrest for maximum comfort.
Use Hiking Material 100% 420D Honeycomb recycled Volume 28L Size 57x28x19cm Gr 1300 € 149,90
All-around for hiking and mountain bike tours, redesigned to guarantee better performances. Tense DNS mesh back for optimal airflow. Rain cover included and numerous pockets to better organize the equipment.
Use Hiking, Cycling Material 100% Diamond HD recycled Volume 17+3L Size 48x30x22cm Gr 835 € 129,90
Reliable, resistant and comfortable. With multiple pockets and different access systems to better organize your equipment. Ergonomic and adjustable backrest with shoulder straps and lumbar belt shaped to adapt to the female morphology.
Use Trekking Material Jacquard Weave 500D + Supertex Volume 50L Size 70x36x30cm Gr 2150 € 209,90
This 23L model for women is the quintessential of lightweight backpacking: the perfect item for day trips on the mountains. Its thousand compartments allow you to increase the effective volume and also carry mountaineering equipment with you, all in a very low weight. The backpack has two side pockets and a central stretch mesh pocket, two pole or ice ax holders, side compression straps, additional removable front straps and a gear loop on the waist band. We loaded it a lot and we found that the ergonomics of the backrest were not compromised, Agile proved to be a comfortable backpack to carry even when loaded to its maximum. The fact that it is quite compact also makes it ideal for multi-pitch routes or via ferratas, like the one we chose to test it. It is also compatible with H2 Bag hydration systems. However, the most appreciable aspect remains its lightness: only 730 grams. The Hollow Back system of the brand is specifically designed for the female body: it has a shorter backrest, shoulder straps and shaped waistband for greater comfort and weight support during excursions but, thanks to the combination with preformed padding, it also favors super breathability.
We Like The fact that it is ultra light but also ultra versatile thanks to its pockets and many extra compartments.
Use Hiking
Material 100% Invisible Ripstop210D recycled polyester Gr 730 € 139,90
Perfect for less demanding walks and tours. In 100% recycled nylon, it features an adjustable back panel with breathable mesh on the back, shoulder straps and waist belt. Main compartment with top opening and front zip.
Use Trekking Material 100% polyamide 210D ripstop Volume 35L Size 60x28x20cm Gr 1400 € 229,95
Versatile and robust trekking backpack with very resistant carrying system. Thanks to the long zip on the main compartment, the contents are easily visible. An internal pocket is designed for a hydration bladder or laptop.
Use Trekking Material G-1000 HeavyDuty Eco S 65% polyester + 35% cotton Volume 28L Size 57x27x20cm Gr 1400 € 199,95
Resistant, comfortable and performing, it has an FSC certified birch wood frame which, together with the easily adjustable length, make it suitable for carrying heavy loads. Ergonomic shoulder straps and waist support band with pocket.
Use Trekking Material Vinylon F 100% vinylal Volume 35L Size 60x34x20cm Gr 2150 € 319,95
To go to school, to work or for short day trips. Top access pocket and zippered main compartment with padded laptop sleeve. Breathable mesh back, padded shoulder straps and adjustable chest strap.
Use Everyday Outdoor Material 100% polyester Volume 28L Size 50x41x18cm Gr 750 € 99,95
Minimal and resistant backpack, designed for the shortest and most technical tours. Practical snowproof carrying system, with removable hip strap for every usage preference. Made of 100% recycled nylon Bergshell fabric, waterproof and ultra resistant.
Use Mountaineering, Trekking Material Bergshell 400D 100% polyamide Volume 30L Size 55x26x22cm Gr 1040 € 189,95
Lightweight and versatile for day treks and travel. Fold over zipper closure that secures with a side release buckle. Hidden zip pocket under pleat. Fixed back panel with breathable mesh on back and shoulder straps.
Use Trekking, Everyday Outdoor Material 100% polyamide 210D ripstop Volume 25L Size 5 3x26x20cm Gr 900 € 159,95
IG @lowe.alpine
Fully equipped, ventilated 37L pack with twin compartments and an extendable lid, adding a further 5L of storage for everything you need for wild overnights and challenging terrain. The breathable AirZone suspended mesh back system encourages airflow to your back, keeping you dry and comfortable throughout long mountain days. Stretch mesh water bottle side pockets and ice axe attachment loop and bungee retention system. It doesn’t contain fluorocarbons.
Perfect for summer hiking and hill walking, offering 30L of storage for everything you need when you hit the trail. The lightweight AirZone back system features tensioned mesh and a large cut out space to keep air flowing across your back, reducing moisture build-up and ensuring you stay cool and dry as you explore the wilderness. The backpack is easily adjusted using the forward pull hip belt system. It’s compatible with a 3L bladder and has further stretch mesh side pockets for water bottles.
Use Hiking, Backpacking
Material NA
Volume 30L
Size NA
Gr 1250
€ 140,00
Use Hiking, Backpacking
Material NA
Volume 37+5L
Size NA
Gr 1410
€ 180,00
Crafted to keep you cool and comfortable on intense hikes, it is a lidded day pack which has a 25L capacity for all your essentials. It features the AirZone LT back system, a lightweight suspended mesh carry system which contours your body, combined with a rigid anti-barrel plate to keep the pack’s shape, creating clear ventilation space that encourages airflow. The zipped hipbelt pockets provide easy access to snacks or a compass, while the front pocket is perfect for stashing a folded map.
Use Hiking
Material NA
Volume 25L
Size NA
Gr 945
€ 125,00
Equally at home on relaxed hikes or demanding tours. Made mainly from recycled materials with durable water repellent PFC-free treatment. The very lightweight and breathable shoulder padding makes it feel very comfortable to carry.
Use Hiking Material 100% polyamide Volume 30L Size 54x26x24cm Gr 930 € 140,00
A lightweight hiking backpack with practical features. It features side pockets that allow easy access. Practical mesh pockets are integrated on the shoulder straps. The air space suspension system ensures very good ventilation of the back.
Use Hiking Material 91% polyamide + 9% polyester Volume 24L Size NA Gr NA € 140,00
For fast hikes and everyday adventures, it combines breathable, ergonomic shoulder straps with enough back padding for bulk-free comfort. The hydration system-compatible main compartment is complemented by a large mesh outer pocket and two chest pockets.
Use Hiking Material 100% polyamide Volume 12L Size 46x23x17cm Gr 280 € 85,00
From the rope carrier and multiple inner compartments, right down to the quickdraw storage loops and integrated rope bag, all your crag essentials are accounted for. The rest can be packed into the spacious main compartment.
Use Climbing Material 100% polyamide Volume 45L Size 60x31x31cm Gr NA € 170,00
Carrying system inspired by light trail running vests, it offers a light weight, comfort and freedom of movement with a perfect fit when climbing. Mesh pockets on the shoulder strap enable direct access. It has all the features alpine climbers need.
Use Hiking, Climbing Material 100% polyamide Volume 15L Size 43x21x17cm Gr 420 € 160,00
The backpack features side pockets positioned to allow easy access while walking. Practical mesh pockets are integrated on the shoulder straps. The air space suspension system ensures very good ventilation of the back for outstanding comfort.
Use Hiking Material 91% polyamide + 9% polyester Volume 28-35L Size NA Gr 1400 € 220,00
Aenergy TR 5 is Mammut’s trail running backpack designed in the shape of a vest, for adventures and training on the fastest and most intense trails. The fit of this vest is decidedly snug and comfortable, allowing maximum freedom of movement even when fully loaded. The structure is ultralight and breathable, the shoulder straps are wide and ergonomic and have a wide range of adjustment on the chest and sides for an optimal fit. Although it has a volume of 5 liters, it is a very well thought out backpack with features that make it decidedly functional. It is compatible with two hydration systems: it has two pockets for soft flasks on the front part and a special space for the hydration bladder on the back. On the back there’s also a closed pocket separated from the one for the water bottle, in which you can insert a windproof jacket or other equipment you will need during your tour. Also on the chest, just below the water bottle pockets, there are two quick-access drop-in pockets for gels and bars or your smartphone. Aenergy TR 5 also features a pole holder system which is easy and immediate to use. The backpack, which is extremely light with its 180 grams, is made of 100% polyester, with PFC-free DWR treatment and it is a Fair Wear product. A backpack for high performances, with an ultra-lightweight and an extremely well thought out and functional construction.
We Like Comfortable fit for high performances.
Use Trail Running Material 100% polyester
Volume 5L
Size 44x43.5x35 cm (taglia M)
Gr 180
€ 160,00
Available in 2 sizes, this backpack made of very resistant Dyneema materials is designed for those who face trails and peaks at full speed. The harness adjusts quickly thanks to the BOA Li2 dial adjustment system.
Use Sky Running, Mountaineering Material N100D Black Dyneema 300D + DWR PFC-free Volume 25L Size NA
Gr 660 € 279,99
Backpack with harness, in highly resistant Dyneema materials, with a stretch part that maintains the stability of the load during runs that alternate between trail and mountaineering. Available in two sizes, it is adjustable thanks to a BOA Li2 dial.
Use Sky Running, Mountaineering Material N100D Black Dyneema 300D + DWR PFC-free Volume 15L Size NA
Gr 530 € 229,99
Developed in collaboration with the SIDAS-MATRYX team, supplied with two water bottles and a rescue whistle. Pole holder system and compatible with a hydration bladder, it allows you to carry the essentials comfortably over long distances.
Use Trail Running Material 100% recycled polyester Volume 12L Size NA
Gr 245 € 139,99
Designed to offer optimal comfort and good load stability while running. Equipped with a removable pole holder system compatible with a hydration bladder, it is supplied with two water bottles and a rescue whistle.
Use Trail Running Material 100% recycled polyester Volume 45L Size NA Gr 210 € 99,99
Hydration backpack in Dyneema materials combined with stretch parts to maintain load stability during trail outings with alpine passages. Unisex harness model is available in 4 sizes to adapt to all morphologies.
Use Sky Running, Mountaineering Material Dyneema Stretch 48% polyamide + 31% elastane Volume 5L Size NA Gr 230 € 169,99
Hydration belt dedicated to trail running developed in collaboration with the SIDAS-MATRYX team. It allows you to easily carry poles, water bottle, keys, mobile phone and cereal bar during training.
Use Trail Running Material 100% recycled polyester Volume NA Size NA Gr 85 € 39,99
Running backpack with a volume suitable for large solo crossings or for trail running competitions
Millet’s Intense 12 is a vest backpack designed to carry the essentials to travel long distances on the trails. Realized in a sustainable way with 100% recycled polyester, it was developed together with the Sidas Matryx Team. Considering the volume of 12 litres and the weight of 245 grams, it is quite small. Available in two colors (black and blue), it is compatible with water bottles to be stored on the back and has two bottle holders on the front shoulder straps. Furthermore, two soft flashes are supplied with the vest. The fit is snug and comfortable and it is adjustable using two front belts. It is equipped with a whistle, so that it is compatible with the regulations of trail and ultra trail competitions. There are numerous quick-access pockets for storing gels, energy bars and other small items such as gloves or smartphones, one of which is accessible via zip. The pole holder system is removable and it is designed to carry poles in the back of the backrest, under the main pocket. This is perfect for storing extra clothing. Inside we also find a pocket with a key hook. Millet’s Intense 12 is an extremely functional model, perfect for long distances and for big day adventures off the beaten track.
We Like Essentiality and functionality with a volume suitable for long sessions on trails
Use Trail Running
Material 2D Darlington Mesh 180g
100% recycled polyester
Volume 12L
Size 43x30x10cm
Gr 245
€ 140,00
The most technical backpack in the collection available in the 40 and 32L volumes. For mountaineers who switch from rock, ice and mixed climbing to ski mountaineering. It lightens thanks to the hood, hooks and removable cummerbund.
Use Mountaineering Material 420D recycled ripstop polyamide Volume 40L Size 42x36cm Gr 1290 € 240,00
It has technical details that make it ideal for all activities, from multi-day trekking to winter and summer rock and high altitude mountaineering, to ski mountaineering thanks to the separate safety compartment. Also available in the 45 and 55L versions.
Use Mountaineering Material 420D recycled ripstop polyamide Volume 35L Size 42x36cm Gr 1500 € 240,00
7cm shorter brother to fit shorter heights, it is also available in the 42 and 52L versions. It has an exclusive full contact back and shoulder straps and waist belt padded with Swisswool for maximum comfort.
Use Mountaineering Material 420D recycled ripstop polyamide Volume 32L Size 42x36cm Gr 1430 € 240,00
Brother of the 40 and 32L versions, it also exists in the 38L model. This pack has a 7cm shorter backrest for smaller heights and to guarantee a better fit. Backrest in Swisswoll wool for the best body comfort on approaches.
Use Mountaineering Material 420D recycled ripstop polyamide Volume 30L Size 42x36cm Gr 1210 € 220,00
Designed for advanced and fast hikers who want a light but complete companion. The waist belt is removable, the wide and breathable shoulder straps have pockets for functional objects. The tensioning system secures the load.
Use Mountaineering, Hiking Material 72% recycled polyamide + 28% polyamide Volume 20L Size 42x36cm Gr 410 € 150,00
Younger brother of 20 versione, it is the backpack to always have with you even when traveling and in everyday life thanks to practical multi-purpose pockets and the possibility of being even more compact.
Use Mountaineering, Hiking Material 72% recycled polyamide + 28% polyamide Volume 15L Size 42x36cm Gr 380 € 140,00
Robust and multifunctional backpack for extreme trekking, high altitude mountaineering and ski touring
Peak 35 is an extremely versatile Ortovox backpack: from the most demanding treks to high altitude mountaineering up to ski mountaineering, it has everything that can be used to carry out these activities. The external materials, in full Ortovox ethics, are in 100% and 50% recycled polyamide, guaranteeing maximum sustainability but without losing anything in terms of strength and durability. The backpack, thanks to the padded shoulder straps and the Swisswool 3D Back System, is very comfortable and allows excellent weight distribution on the back and hips. Furthermore, to ensure excellent breathability, the contact points are lined with a Swisswool fleece that effectively absorbs sweat and dries quickly. Peak 35 features a separate compartment for safety equipment, making it suitable for ski touring tours. In addition, the backpack has numerous methods of attaching the equipment: from skis, poles, helmet or ropes, nothing should be left at home! Specifically, the ski attachment system is both frontal and lateral. We therefore faced with a truly multifunctional and well thought out backpack for all needs, robust and durable. An excellent single backpack for those who want to explore the mountain at 360° and who reach the peaks every season, in every condition.
Use Mountaineering, Ski Mountaineering
Material 420D ripstop polyamide
Volume 35L
Size 42x36cm
Gr 1500
€ 240,00
It offers ventilation and the comfort of AntiGravity suspension in a more agile line for technical backpacking. Integrated rain cover, side panel zipper access, reinforced quick access pocket and hydration compartment.
Use Hiking, Backpacking Material 210D nylon Volume 50L Size 88x35x30cm Gr 1800 € 250,00
Ideal for quick two day trips or big day adventures in more challenging environments. Made with rugged bluesign certified fabrics, designed to withstand off-trail walking and rock climbing.
Lightweight and with a compact profile, it combines essential features, additional carrying capacity and the impeccable ventilation of AirSpeed. Thanks to its traditional design with a suitcase opening, all the contents are in order and easy to reach.
Use Hiking, Backpacking Material 420D nylon Volume 38L Size 79x34x28cm Gr 1900 € 200,00
Use Trekking Material 100D nylon Volume 28L Size 59x34x25cm Gr 1000 € 130,00
For longer bike rides and bikepacking adventures, capable of carrying heavier loads. With extensive equipment organization and an internal stabilization system. Integrated high visibility rain cover.
Mountain bike backpack specially designed for launching yourself along the steepest lines and tackling the most technical terrains. It guarantees superior protection thanks to the impact-absorbing D3O full-face back protector.
20 liter dry bag, it offers lightweight, waterproof protection and a clear window to let you know exactly what’s inside. Available in five volumes and three colors to allow you to better organize yourself.
Use Hiking, Bikepacking Material 210D nylon bird dobby Volume 25L Size 55x29x27cm Gr 1200 € 150,00
Use Cycling Material 210D nylon bird dobby Volume NA Size 46x26x22cm Gr 1500 € 240,00
Use Hiking Material 100D nylon Volume 20L Size 41x26x20cm Gr 100 € 30,00
A backpack that makes resistance its strong point. For the most demanding adventures and the roughest terrains
Kestrel 38 is the backpack of the Osprey’s men’s line devoted to durability: small and powerful, suitable for two-day excursions or one-day adventures in extreme environments, where you need something to get off the beaten track. Its 420D nylon construction makes it extremely robust and resistant to abrasion. Designed for any condition and to be as low-impact as possible, its fabrics are all bluesign certified and have PFAS-free DWR treatments. Furthermore, in order not to be stopped by the rain, the backpack is equipped with a rain cover that can be stored in a special zipped pocket. The Airscape backrest offers excellent adjustment of the backpack on the torso, moreover an injection-molded frame panel makes the backpack adhere well to the body, guaranteeing excellent stability even when fully loaded and still allowing good breathability during the hottest days. Access to the main compartment is possible both from above and below and the numerous pockets allow a decidedly efficient distribution of the entire load. It is obviously equipped with a trekking pole holder and an ice ax holder, and also has numerous attachment systems for the gear to be transported externally, in this way increasing the effective volume of the backpack. An effective, resistant, versatile model.
Use Backpacking
Material 420D nylon
Volume 38L
Size 79x34x28cm
Gr 1900
€ 200,00
Ideal for multi-day hikes on alpine trails and when you need to carry more gear. The Dry Back Custom carrying system allows you to easily adjust the length of the backrest. Equipped with padded anatomical shoulder straps, lumbar support and hip strap for a personalized fit. Dry Back system with padded EVA back panel and 3D air channels for good breathability and ventilation on the back. Shoulder straps with split shoulder design.
Compact dual mode backpack equipped with the Dry Back Contact carrying system that offers excellent ventilation and EVA padding that keeps the back drier. In addition, the shoulder straps with split shoulder design ensure better mobility. Ideal for climbing, hiking, traveling and the daily commuting. Available in two color variants: Black/Black Out (black) and Blue Dark Denim (blue).
Use Hiking, Backpacking, Climbing
Material 600D ripstop polyester
Volume 30L
Size 58x30x13cm
Gr 920
€ 130,00
Reliable, versatile and comfortable, the perfect companion for climbing or training. To ensure lasting comfort and stable transport, it is equipped with the Dry Back Contact system. The lightweight back panel boasts 3D ventilation channels. Its structure keeps the backpack close to the body to ensure greater stability, ensuring good freedom of movement thanks to the slit shoulder straps. Roll-top design allows for quick access to gear.
Use Hiking, Backpacking
Material 420D double ripstop polyester + 750D polyester
Volume 55+5L
Size 76x35x19cm
Gr 1360
€ 165,00
Use Climbing
Material 420D double ripstop polyester
Volume 25L
Size 70x24x14cm
Gr 616
€ 100,00
A light and versatile backpack to keep your back dry during the most demanding speed hiking sessions
Salewa’s Pedroc Pro 22L is a roll-top backpack designed for short and fast speed hiking tours. The volume, the light weight and robust construction in Duralite and the backrest with Dry Back Contact panel make it extremely performing but also versatile, usable even in the city. Returning to the fabric, the 70 denier Duralite has a double ripstop nylon structure which offers a good abrasion resistance with a featherweight (570g). For a low environmental impact, all the materials used are also with PFC-free DWR treatment. The closure is roll-top and the backpack is easily compressible even using one hand. The pocket on the lumbar belt is very generous and allows you to have food, gloves or smartphone close at hand so you can access them without stopping and taking the backpack off your back. The main compartment can be accessed both from above and from the front to never stop your training in nature. The backpack is also compatible with hydration systems. In the end it is a lightweight, well-built and functional backpack which, even if designed for speed hiking, can be very versatile and suitable for other types of outdoor activities, such as multi-pitch climbing or long mountain bike tours.
We Like Breathable system and lightweight construction
Use Hiking
Material Duralite ripstop nylon
Volume 22L
Size 58x26x17cm
Gr 570
€ 150,00
Asymmetric 42+8
Versatile for hut trips, alpine treks and long distance trails. Optimal weight distribution thanks to the adjustable and back-friendly Tergolight Comfort Space suspension system. Made primarily from recycled materials.
Versatile, roomy, robust and water repellent, with compartments for a hydration system and safety equipment in case of avalanches. Ergonomic shoulder straps for freedom of movement. The flat and short hipwings are not in the way when climbing.
Lightweight and versatile with height adjustable lid. The low weight and ergonomic shoulder straps make it comfortable to carry, it has attachments for helmets, ropes, ice tools and skis. Environmentally friendly and climate-neutral production.
Neyland 30
Roomy and versatile with a comfortable suspension system, with structured foam modules, which guarantees both excellent ventilation and a stable connection with the back. An integrated EMP panel supports the natural movement of the back.
Lightweight and minimalistic for sporty mountain tours. Comfortable thanks to the low weight and the trail running-inspired shoulder straps that give freedom of movement. PFC-free waterproofing and compensation for climate neutrality.
Adaptable for more comfortable day trips. The Aeroflex Control suspension system keeps your back well ventilated. The Shifting Back Length System allows the back of the backpack to be adapted to the size of the bust.
Vaude’s Trail Spacer is an 18L model for long, demanding day adventures on the trails. It is a highly versatile backpack: it can be used for speed hiking and mountain biking but also for fast & light simple mountaineering tours, with sections where you need to move agilely on easy rocks. Going to see the features we have an excellent fit due to the seamless Spacer Knit back, which has a suspension system similar to a running vest and is, once worn, shock-absorbing, stable and comfortable. Furthermore, the backrest is highly breathable. Moving onto the details, which make it very functional, we have two large stretch side pockets for quick access without taking the backpack off when on the move and two front pockets for soft flasks. The poles can be attached to the front part, so you can do it with the backpack on or they can be placed even between the backpack and the shoulder straps. As for stability, the compression system ensures that the contents of the backpack are always stable and do not get in the way during intense movement. Trail Spacer also boasts an eco-friendly and sustainable manufacturing that eliminates leftover fabric pieces, conserving resources and reducing landfill waste. It is also made with Eco Finish, a water repellent and ecological membrane produced without the use of fluorocarbons (PFC).
Use Trail Running, Mountain Bike
Material 100% polyamide 70 D Ripstop
Back Spacer Knit
Volume 18L
Size 48x26x20cm
Gr 550
€ 158,00
When choosing your camping equipment you have to be careful: although being particularly attractive, low cost solutions do not exist. A thoughtful expense will allow you to avoid nasty surprises, never desirable during an adventure. Although the common thread is often linked to the lightweight and compactness of the equipment, each assessment requires technical adjustments based on the situation you are going to face: long trekking, free camping, high-altitude expeditions, bikepacking, dry, snowy or sandy terrains.
When choosing a tent, the first question that will guide the purchase will concern the type of use: there are ultra-resistant expedition products to face extreme conditions, compact, ultralight and quick to set up tents designed to be the shelter of those who undertake journeys on foot or by bicycle, 4-season tents that adopt thermal insulation solutions for the colder months, family tents designed for permanent camping with a large front apse. The second evaluation will concern the number of people it has to host. According to the model, the external and internal dimensions must be well calibrated according to the equipment to be stowed, in order to ensure room for moving comfortably even in a limited space. External or internal poles? Aluminum or fiberglass? The external poles generally allow a quicker set up as the top and bottom layers are already pre-connected, having less chance
of getting wet in case of rain. The aluminum alloy poles is a more recent and performing solution in terms of resistance and elasticity, compared to a higher cost, it offers a considerable saving in terms of weight. Double sheet or single sheet? Double-sheet tents consist of a waterproof and water-repellent outer fabric and an internal chamber that acts as a mosquito net. The double sheet has the considerable advantage of separating and preventing contact with the overlay which will inevitably produce condensation. Single sheet tents are generally recommended for expeditions thanks to highly performing waterproof membranes.
To understand which sleeping bag will be right for your adventures you will have to consider these 3 main aspects: the temperature of use, the shape, the type of insulation. The first classification indicates the lowest comfort temperature that the bag is able to withstand, and is useful for making a first comparison between the various models. The categories often vary by season: summer (from 0°C upwards), 3 seasons (from -15°C down to -1°C), winter (below -15°C). Sleeping bags come in different shapes, usually rectangular or mummy type. In rectangular sleeping bags the square shape offers space and convenience. They are cheaper but bulkier to pack and less thermally efficient. Mummy sleeping bags, with integrated hood, maximize their warmth. They have a tight fit and higher costs, but can be very light and compact, ideal for a three seasons use and in winter.
Insulation, on the other hand, can be of two types: down or synthetic. Down is light, voluminous but very compressible, more expensive and more performing, but it loses heat when wet. It stays soft longer but requires careful and specialized washing. The synthetic one is less compressible but cheaper, it retains heat even when wet, it is easy to clean, and is able to achieve topof-the-range thermal insulation performance.
Pads are the fundamental element sto ensure a comfortable sleep and their choice must be based on 3 criteria: level of comfort, ease of transport and rapid inflation. On the market we find mainly these types of pads: foam, inflatable or self-inflating. Closed cell polyethylene foam pads, although outdated by now, are undoubtedly very light and cheap, but decidedly bulky and of little use. Inflatable nylon pads, on the other hand, represent one of the most used compromises, thanks to the reduced weight-size, further accentuated by the innovative honeycomb padding. They often come with an included inflation bag. Self-inflating pads are instead equipped with a rapid flow air valve capable of doing 80% of the work. The presence of air chambers and expanded foam makes them less packable than traditional ones, but still easy to transport. Of limited thickness, they distribute the weight well and guarantee greater strength compared to inflatable ones. The choice of the integrated cushion is subjective, as is the choice of shape: rectangular or shaped to further preserve the bulk.
Ultra lightweight single sheet tent designed for exclusive use in high altitude/expedition conditions. The new internal pole system allows a quick and safe set up even in extreme weather conditions without the risk of wetting the inside.
Use Mountaineering, Trekking Outer material Dyneema Fabric + ripstop polyamide + Texit membrane Internal height 100cm Gr 1500/1650 € 1154,90
Compact and lightweight, designed to offer shelter to trekkers, hikers and cyclists. The external pole system allows for a quick set up even in the event of adverse weather conditions. Taped seams on flysheet and floor for total waterproofing.
Use Hiking, Trekking, Cycling Outer material 100% 70D recycled ripstop polyester Internal height 100cm Gr 1850/2100 € 309,90
2-person 4-season tent with minimal weight and size. Easy to set up thanks to the continuous outer sheaths closed at one end which allow quick assembly even under adverse weather conditions. Door with external mosquito net and ventilation hoods.
Use Mountaineering Outer material 100% 70D recycled ripstop polyester Internal height 95cm Gr 2600/2750
€ 459,90
Lightweight, reliable and easy to assemble 2-person model. The preformed poles and the spacer pole increase habitability and sturdiness. Two apses, mosquito net doors, “camera air” ventilation system and internal pockets for storing items.
Use Hiking, Trekking, Cycling Outer material 100% 70D recycled ripstop polyester Internal height 110cm Gr 2100/2200 € 319,90
2 person tent with great habitability and ventilation guaranteed by the duralumin structure and double entrance with apse. Adjustable fly sheet distance from the base for optimal tensioning and for allowing for the passage of air.
Use Hiking, Trekking Outer material 70D polyester + 70D Honey polyester Internal height 105cm Gr 2000/2200
€ 289,90
Tent with tunnel structure, a true example of lightweight and reliability. In duralumin with radial joints that guarantee ease of setting up and maximum performance in terms of reliability. Tent bag and repair kit included.
Use Hiking, Trekking Outer material 70D polyester + 70D Honey polyester Internal height 105cm Gr 1750/1950
€ 279,90
Down sleeping bag for the most demanding users, suitable for those who require maximum comfort in performance for all-season mountaineering or trekking, without ever giving up on comfort. Easy opening with “one touch” system and minimal heat dispersion thanks to the offset seams. The 3D shape in the foot area ensures greater comfort. Windshield, internal pocket and compression bag included.
Use Mountaineering, Trekking Outer material 100% ripstop polyester 400T 20D recycled Inner material 100% polyester 400T 20D recycled Size 215x80x50cm °C +15/-23 Gr 950
€ 349,90
Model with extremely reduced weight and dimensions that offers excellent thermal performance thanks to the “shingle” construction. Thermal comfort is tested around +4°C. Excellent thermal insulation thanks to the “HTF Compact” synthetic padding and easy opening with the “one touch” system. It features a windshield, 2-way zip and compression bag included.
Microfiber sleeping bag with top-of-therange thermal insulation performance and lightweight, excellent for mountaineering activities. Padding with “shingle” construction, central zip, padded zip cover and thermocollar. The opening is facilitated thanks to the “one touch” system. It has an anti-jam tape and a compression bag included.
Use Mountaineering, Trekking Outer material 100% ripstop polyester 300T Inner material 100% polyester
Size 215x80x50cm °C +20/-10 Gr 850
€ 159,90
Use Mountaineering, Trekking Outer material 100% nylon 30D 184T mini ripstop Inner material 100% polyester
20D 380T Size 215x80x55cm
°C +15/-30 Gr 1500 € 279,90
3-person freestanding dome tent, ideal all year round in exposed conditions and difficult terrains. Spacious and comfortable, featuring two large vestibules, high ceilings and excellent ventilation. PFC-free treatment.
Use Trekking Outer material 40D TripleRip Sil/Sil 3000mm 100% polyamide Internal height 115cm Gr 4790 € 1149,95
Lightweight and durable self-supporting tent with unbeatable ventilation. The two vestibules can be fully opened to enjoy panoramic views. Wind stable and PFC-free.
Use Trekking Outer material 20D TripleRip Sil/Sil 3000mm 100% polyamide Internal height 90cm Gr 1650 € 649,95
Light and resistant 2-person tunnel tent. Easy to set up, it has a large vestibule. Perfect for year-round trekking. Excellent ventilation thanks to the roll-up system on the roof and at both ends. PFC-free treatment.
Use Trekking Outer material 20D TripleRip Sil/Sil 3000mm 100% polyamide Internal height 110cm Gr 2700 € 849,95
Three-season synthetic sleeping bag, comfortable and spacious. The Supreme Microloft padding insulates in case of humidity. Comfortable head section, padded thermal collar that retains heat, long two-way zip and small inside pocket.
Use Trekking Outer material 100% polyester 50D Inner material 100% polyester 50D
Size 180x80x55cm °C +2/-20
Gr 1630 € 129,95
Two-season synthetic sleeping bag, it ensures a lot of warmth in a light and practical shape. Specially designed for women, with extra insulation in the most exposed areas. The Supreme Microloft padding keeps you warm even when it’s damp.
Use Trekking Outer material 100% polyamide 20D Inner material 100% polyester 20D
Size 175x80x48cm °C +3/-18
Gr 1200 € 159,95
Lightweight and comfortable synthetic sleeping bag, ideal for summer travel and hiking. The Supreme Microloft padding maintains heat even in humid conditions. It can be compressed to reduce the volume of the backpack. PFC-free.
Use Trekking Outer material 100% polyamide 20D Inner material 100% polyester 20D Size 180x75x55cm °C -4/+13 Gr 620 € 139,95
Freestanding three-season tent. Designed for backpacking, it offers a quick set up and great protection. Two large entrances with airy apses ensure enough space for storing your equipment. Also in the 1 or 3 people versions.
Use Backpacking Outer material 20D ripstop nylon Durashield 1200mm Internal height 100cm Gr 1540 € 630,00
Lightweight three-season semi-freestanding tent. One-way zippers without curves facilitate access and two large apses allow you to store the necessary equipment. Also in the 1 or 3 people versions.
Use Backpacking Outer material 15D ripstop nylon 1200mm Durashield polyurethane & silicone Internal height 100cm
Gr 910 € 630,00
Four-season model for backcountry skiers and splitboarders. Quick to set up, it offers protection for camping in difficult conditions. The sturdy frame withstands wind and snow loads. The design is lightweight and packable.
Use Ski Touring Outer material 20D ripstop nylon 1200mm Xtremeshield polyurethane & silicone Internal height 107cm
Gr 1640 € 950,00
Strong, spacious and stable three-season tunnel tent. A double-layer zip door has both a mesh window panel for ventilation and a solid panel for weather protection. It features interior pockets and a laundry line.
Use Backpacking Outer material 68D ripstop polyester 1500mm polyurethane & DWR Internal height 101cm
Gr 2480 € 500,00
Four-season tent for mountain activities and harsher climates. Sturdy and light, it can comfortably accommodate 2 people and winter mountaineering equipment. Equipped with Easton Syclone poles, it resists very strong winds.
Use Mountaineering Outer material 68D ripstop polyester 1500mm polyurethane & DWR Internal height 112cm
Gr 3020 € 1260,00
Most livable backpacking model in its class. The ideal option for those looking for an easy-to-assemble tent at a great value. Lightweight, it can be easily stored in a backpack and has two convenient entrances.
Use Backpacking Outer material 68D ripstop polyester 1500mm polyurethane & DWR Internal height 102cm Gr 2240 € 400,00
Excellent fit for use at high altitudes and functional hood for maximum thermal efficiency. It only uses Responsible Down Standard certified down. External fabric with a dense structure that ensures resistance to heat dispersion.
Use Mountaineering, Trekking
Outer material nylon bichromatic ripstop ECO DWR
61 Inner material Responsive polyester Size 185cm °C -10
Gr 1090 € 480,00
Designed to offer protection in unpredictable conditions and remote locations. The PowerLoft insulating padding offers extraordinary durability and resistance, as well as a high heating and insulating power, even when wet.
Use Mountaineering, Trekking
Outer material nylon double ripstop shiny ECO DWR 56BS
Inner material Responsive polyester Size 185cm °C -8
Gr 1610 € 290,00
In self-inflating foam, it is extremely versatile, insulating and easy to transport. The tough and durable cover has a sturdy ripstop construction with heat-sealed seams. The base is covered with a non-slip TPU laminate material.
Use Mountaineering, Trekking Material 30D ripstop polyester with TPU + 75D non-slip polyester with TPU Gr 495 € 120,00
2-person tent for trekking in alpine environments where protection from the most severe weather conditions, lightweight and compactness are key elements. Semi-geodesic double sheet construction, self-supporting design and tear-resistant sheet.
Use Mountaineering, Trekking Outer material 50D ripstop polyester Internal height 100cm Gr 21000 € 350,00
Leone II3-chamber, double-walled dome tent. The robust and reliable dome design offers a large amount of internal space, providing good weather protection, wind stability and ventilation at a low weight.
Use Mountaineering, Trekking Outer material 50D ripstop polyester Internal height 106cm Gr 2900 € 400,00
Warm, comfortable and easily transportable, designed to ensure a restful sleep in every season. Made of strong and durable main material, with a strong tear-resistant construction. Inner layer with heat-reflecting technology.
Use Mountaineering, Trekking Material 30D ripstop polyester with TPU + 75D non-slip polyester with TPU Gr 540 € 160,00
Midleton County Cork Ireland
Versatile model for 3-season adventures. The goose down filling is highly compressible and absorbs 90% less water and dries 3 times faster than untreated down. The new YKK zipper facilitates entry.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Outer material 100% recycled ripstop nylon Inner material 800 Fill Goose Nikwax Hydrophobic Down, RDS Size Regular 169/183cm °C -6 Gr 805 € 480,00
Ultralight 3-season sleeping bag. The Nikwax 900 filling defies the cold and offers better rest on mountain trips. Built to provide lightweight warmth during high performances.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Outer material 100% ripstop nylon with DWR Inner material 900 Fill Goose Nikwax Hydrophobic Down, RDS Size Regular 169/183cm °C 0 Gr Regular 464 € 470,00
The perfect combination of warmth and compressibility. Ideal for the summer season. It’s extra spacious ideal for anyone looking for a comfortable night’s sleep. Toe-asis pocket keeps feet warm. Compression stuff sack and storage sack included.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Outer material 100% 20D taffeta polyester Inner material 650 Fill Duck Nikwax Hydrophobic Down Size Regular 169/183cm
°C 0 Gr 849 € 290,00
Quiet, thick and versatile, it is an advanced ultra-lightweight pad for all seasons. The Triangular Core Matrix integrates with Thermcapture technology which radiates heat. Maximum comfort and minimum weight and bulk.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Material 30D nylon + polyurethane Size Regular 51x183cm Gr Regular 370 € 240,00
Ultralight, resistant, compact and economical closed-cell pad. Ideal for climbers, hikers and minimalists. Warmth and comfort are unaffected by tears or punctures and the foam does not absorb water.
Use Mountaineering, Hiking Material polyethylene Size Regular 51x183cm Gr 410 € 65,00
Ultralight rectangular air model for backcountry activities in extreme cold conditions. The 70D nylon on the bottom ensures durability for long time use. The WingLock valve allows for quick inflation and deflation.
Use Mountaineering Material 70D nylon Size Regular 51x183cm Gr Regular wide 652 € 310,00
Lightweight and technical, designed to keep you as warm as possible while minimizing weight and size. Contoured mummy design for efficient insulation. The Ultra-Dry Down water repellent treatment protects against humidity and condensation.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Outer material NA Inner material RDS 850+ Loft Premium Goose UltraDry Down Size 183cm °C 0 / 4 Gr 505 € Regular 459,90
Designed for women to ensure extra warmth where needed. More room than traditional sleeping bags, the Free-Flow triple-zip design ensures warmth is retained. Specific fit wider at the hips and narrower at the shoulders.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Outer material NA Inner material RDS 750+ Loft Ultra-Dry Down Size 170cm °C -18 / -10 Gr 720 € 499,90
Great option for those who need extra warmth. Hollow core fibers trap heat and offer great insulating properties. Stretchy, soft and comfortable with a mummy shape, a footrest and a drawstring hood.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Material NA Gr 248 € 69,95
Lightweight, comfortable and compact mat, with single layer technology with Exkin Platinum insulation and Thermolite, a single layer construction of medium-sized cells that ensures the best possible night’s sleep.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Material NA Gr 349 € Regular 170,00
Lightweight and compact inflatable pillow that ensures a comfortable sleep. Perfect for travel and camping, the construction allows the outer shell to ensure a super softness. High resistance TPU inner tube.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Material 50D poliestere Gr 79 € 49,95
The perfect combination of packability and versatility for solo adventurers. All the pieces nestle neatly together down to the size of a frisbee-like disc, saving space in your backpack.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Material NA Gr 394 € 79,95
Award-winning freestanding tent offering the ultimate lightweight camping experience
Self-supporting tent for 2 people ideal for ultralight 3 seasons trekking. Tension Ridge construction able to lift the shape and offer a more livable space: greater height and better ventilation. In short? More comfort! At the highest point, an oversized air intake expels the hot air to prevent the formation of condensation. Further vents on the base allow you to control the flow and effectively manage the humidity without letting the rain enter. Two large vestibules provide space to stow gear and protect it from the elements. The entrances allow comfortable access and an extended view of the outside. The strong point of Telos is the 6 set-up options for extreme adaptability to events and situations: from the classic version to the partial set up of the double roof,
from the assembly of the bedroom only, to the Hangout mode which transforms the tent into a semi-open shelter with the aid of telescopic poles. Fair Share storage system that allows you to store the material in three different bags to distribute the weight equally in the backpack. Light, comfortable and versatile to accompany you on all your adventures as a couple. Highly adaptable, it demonstrates materials of absolute quality, complete and unique functionality, as well as one of the best spaces in its category. It will fundamentally change the perception of what a backpacking tent can be.
We Like Maximum versatility thanks to the six configurations.
Use Adventure & Backpacking
Capacity 2 people
Dimensions 134cm x 109 cm x 215cm
Dimensions folded 13cm x 48cm
Height 108cm
Gr 1699
€ 669,90
The technical equipment that accompanies us in the mountains can be our most important ally. From trail running to climbing, from trekking to hiking, the list of specific accessories gets longer year after year. Sometimes these are essential items for achieving performance or goals (such as poles or GPS smartwatches), often are essential to save our lives, to ensure our safety and to help us in critical situations (such as helmets, crampons, harnesses or satellite devices). Precisely because the equipment is so crucial, it is essential to take care of it, keeping it clean, in good condition and ensuring its efficiency before use. Here’s some tips to choose the perfect equipment.
First of all, you must remember that the only suitable and certified ropes for belaying are the dynamic ones, which in Europe must comply with the EN 892 standard. Single ropes have a diameter between 8.5mm and 11mm, and depending on this they will be more suitable for different situations, affecting durability and handling. The advantages of a single rope are its resistance and the relative ease of use by the belayer, they are used for sport climbing, large walls, crags and indoor structures. The thinner half ropes have a diameter between 8 and 9mm and are certified to always be used in pairs with another rope. They are ideal for mountaineering, multi-pitch and classic routes. Twin ropes are the thinnest of the three types: their diameter is between 7 and 8mm.
They can be recognized by the infinity symbol and must always be used in pairs. Unlike half ropes, they cannot be used by a three-person team and must be returned together at all anchor points. Their sum guarantees greater resistance to falls than single ropes.
The most important thing to keep in mind when choosing a harness is that various disciplines need different products. Sport climbers need a harness that is lightweight and breathable, comfortable both while climbing and in the moments of rest between one route and the other. If you spend a lot of time hanging on a wall, it is better to choose a harness with a high belt on the back, in order to not hurt your hips. On the other hand, those who plan to stay on the wall for a long time, such as trad climbers and those who face longer routes, need a comfortable and well-padded harness (as well as functional) with rings capable of carrying as much equipment as possible. If you plan to use your harness in all seasons and in all activities we recommend an adjustable leg harness, so you can wear heavy trousers by simply widening the buckle (the right size of the leg harness is the one where you can pass a hand between the harness and the leg).
Satellite devices and communicators are among our best allies in the mountains, essential for the safety, search and recovery of individuals or groups. By allowing them to be located, they become indispen-
sable tools during autonomous activities in areas without telephone coverage and data network. Important aspects are the possibility of being able to count on a weather alert service, relying on a long-lasting battery, sending two-way messages or sending one’s GPS position to rescuers.
Hiking, mountaineering, trail running. Poles should not be overlooked, as they can really make a difference, relieving the feeling of fatigue and helping to maintain correct posture. A valuable aid in maintaining balance on uneven terrain, in distributing weight better (by discharging part of the impact concentrated on the legs on the arms) and in stimulating proper breathing. In their choice, it is first of all necessary to evaluate between fixed or telescopic models: the former are more robust but have a predetermined height and are uncomfortable to store. The telescopic ones, on the other hand, are made up of two or three sections of different diameters. This potentially makes them more fragile but they have the great advantage of being adjustable according to the height of the user and are convenient to put away when not needed. Most poles are made of aluminum, a light and very strong material. In recent years, however, carbon poles have also taken hold, much lighter but also more fragile and recommended only for advanced users.
In 3D Air Mesh, also with a female fit. 12L of volume of which 1 of hydration supplied by two 500ml Quick Stow Flasks, a removable and adjustable quiver, zipped and expandable pockets, great breathability, ventilation and stability. Polygiene treatment.
It stands out for its lightweight, ergonomics, functionality and freedom of movement. 3D open mesh fabric in contact with the body for optimal breathability. Cargo pockets and straps to carry the 2 included Quick Stow bottles.
Flexible and compressible, double insulating wall and TrueTast polypropylene that doesn’t alter the taste and maintains the temperature of liquids. Jet Valve for quick hydration, silicone with self-sealing ferrule. Hydroguard prevents bacterial growth.
Bottles in 18/8 stainless steel, with double wall and vacuum insulation, keep drinks cold for up to 36 hours and hot for up to 16. Two types of cap. The external powder coating improves grip and protects them from corrosion.
With TruZip watertight flat zipper and anti-expansion plate. Wide and ergonomic mouthpiece. The handle allows for quick one-handed filling and the universal hook for use in any backpack. Hydroguard antibacterial treatment. BiteValve for a safe hydration.
In Tritan Renew, BPA, BPS and BPF-free, recyclable and made from 50% recycled PET. The cap has a self-sealing reclining silicone valve that allows you to drink by biting and sucking. The Insulated version is double-walled in 18/8 stainless steel.
Durable and lightweight, for backpacking hiking. TempShield double wall vacuum insulation that keeps drinks cold up to 24 hours, hot up to 12. Perforated flexible strap and aluminum pins to reduce weight.
Wide mouth water bottle with leakproof Flex straw. The TempShield double wall vacuum insulation keeps drinks cold for up to 24 hours and hot for up to 12. BPAfree and dishwasher safe. It fits most filters.
Compatible with cup holders, it fits perfectly in your backpack. It keeps drinks cold for 24 hours and hot for up to 12 hours. TempShield double wall vacuum insulation, Flex Cap system and Honeycomb insulation cap. BPA-free.
Medium-sized, resistant and leak-proof isothermal food container. The soft-grip lid is airtight and easy to open. Double wall vacuum insulation that maintains temperature. Dishwasher safe.
Reusable cooler bag for everyday lunch. Fully lined interior with welded seams for an easy cleaning. The outer fabric is resistant to abrasion and water. Quick grab handles for easy carrying.
Thermal bottle for kids. The straw cap makes sipping easy, and the double-walled stainless steel construction keeps drinks cold for up to 24 hours. Dishwasher safe and with integrated name plate. BPA-free.
Ideal for the roughest trails. It features an ergonomic foam grip with an overall inclination of 7° to ensure maximum ergonomics. The tail on the back of the grip makes it easier to use it in the most difficult situations.
Trekking pole in aluminium with ergonomic grip in foam and overall inclination of 7°. The tail on the back of the grip helps the flip flop grip. Ultralight and easy to fold: they measure only 38cm.
With adjustment system with the innovative CamLock lever, whose bi-material construction allows greater adherence to the shaft. Long ergonomic grip in expanded foam with an overall inclination of 7° to ensure maximum ergonomics.
Use Trekking Material Carbon
Cm 115-135
Gr 253
€ 108,90
Extra strong aluminium trail running pole that will accompany you on all your adventures. Ultralight and easy to close: it measures only 38cm. The model is sold with rubber pads.
Use Trekking Material Aluminium
Cm 115-135
Gr 289
€ 82,90
Junior trekking pole. Suitable for the needs of the little ones, thanks to the lever it is easy to close and to adjust. It features the second life plastic grip, obtained from Cober production waste.
Use Trekking Material Aluminium
Cm 110-140
Gr 279
€ 88,90
The reusable water bottle that will accompany you on your daily adventures. It is extremely light and not bulky. It can be washed in the dishwasher.
Use Trail Running Material Aluminium
Cm 115-135
Gr 248
€ 81,90
Use Trekking Material Aluminium
Cm 85-110
Gr 220
€ 46,80
Use Hiking, Trail Running Material Tritan
Cm 20
Gr 85
€ 18,90
Extendable trekking pole suitable for any surface. It folds up in just 38cm
Rubus is one of the news of Cober’s Trekking collection, a line of poles designed to meet the needs of all trekking enthusiasts, with different adjustment and closure solutions. It is distinguished by two elements introduced in 2022 in order to increase comfort and functionality: the Cosmonaut grip and the CamLock lever. The grip has a construction capable of guaranteeing maximum vertical compactness. Its shape is made thinking about the different phases of ascent, descent and traverse. The expanded foam gives a comfortable grip, favoring the absorption of vibrations and the transmission of impulses. The particular 7° inclination facilitates ergonomics, while the tail on the back helps the grip in the most difficult situations. The CamLock lever, with a bi-material construction in plastic and rubber, allows greater adherence on the shaft and improves pressure distribution. Rubus is the extendable version that will accompany you even on the roughest trails. It is available in one size with variable length from 115 to 135cm, in 3 aluminum sections that fold back on themselves. The foldable mechanism is intuitive and allows you to fold the pole quickly and easily.
We Like The long foam grip allows for different grips, making it suitable for different types of terrain.
Cm 115>135 cm Tube Aluminium
Diameter ø18-16-14 mm
Decoration Silkscreen decoration
Knob Long foam Handrail Neoprene
Wheel ø 40 mm + ø 92 mm Toe Widia
Gr 289 € 82,90
For adventurers who go to the extreme. This model can talk to all five major satellite systems at the same time. It even offers Dual Frequency satellite communication, an express lane for a faster, better signal previously only available in aviation products. It utilizes a next-generation chipset and processor, allowing for a better and faster experience. 140 hours of standard full GPS tracking and 60 days of normal use. 1.4-inch screen with 16% higher resolution than the previous version.
For outdoor athletes who train hard and move fast. Designed for performance over all types of terrain, it is built with revolutionary technologies for your most ambitious goals. With an even more durable exterior, redesigned GPS antenna for stronger performance, enhanced navigation experience, next-generation optical heart rate sensor and longer GPS battery life, it is the perfect tool to guide your training and track your movements across the wilderness.
Use Trail Running, Skiing
Gr 53
€ 349,00
GPS outdoor watch in the Kilian Jornet Edition, the living legend who balances athletic grit with patience and humility. The model features Kilian’s customized watch design and favorite accessories. It ensures 30 days of regular use and 75 hours of full GPS. 1.3” sapphire screen and titanium bezel. It features a wide range of activity modes and third-party integrations. Free global offline maps for on-wrist navigation and full training plan and workout support.
Use Climbing, Mountaineering
Gr 89
€ 699,00
Use Trail Running, Hiking, Climbing
Gr 66
€ 499,00
We tested VERTIX 2 for the first time in Arizona, during Javelina Jundred: our watch abandoned us and we managed to find a VERTIX 2 test model which was presented at the competition start line. Not only did we race the 100 miles with it, but we continued to use it throughout our trip in the United States. The thing we liked the most, without a shadow of a doubt, is the battery life: the company declares a duration in Standard Full GPS mode of 140 hours, so much so that at the end of the race, after almost 23 hours of running, we still had 79% of the battery left. It uses a system of three buttons, one of which is a wheel, and a touch screen system. The screen measures 1.4 inches for 89 grams, but keep
in mind that it is not a watch specifically designed for running, but for the outdoors in general: mountaineering, climbing, swimming. Another thing we appreciated is the extreme precision of the sensors and the signal: the instant pace, in racing mode, is perfect, the GPS is always precise and overall very fast to connect. With the new generation of watches, COROS has also introduced the new wrist pulse reading system, which works better and it is a bit more reliable than the previous one. You can load maps, it’s barometric, you can connect headphones and you can use it to listen to the music. The application has recently been enriched with many features and allows for optimal data reading. Approved.
We Like Battery life, sensor accuracy.
Gr 89
€ 699,00
Stable folding pole which is characterized by the lightest weight and the perfect swing movement. The extended Thermo grip with rounded head allows for many positions and provides full support even on demanding terrains.
With new Aergon Air optimized for comfort and control. Hollow technology allows for a lightweight structure and large support surfaces. The angled angle supports the hand joint. Lock Security Strap Skin 4.0 for optimal hold.
Use Trail Running Material Carbon
Cm 110-130
Gr 131
€ 160,00
It provides safety and stability on the most demanding mountain tours, even at high altitudes. The grip has been improved in every detail and re-optimized. The inclined angle supports the hand joint for optimal use. Flex tip.
Use Trekking Material Carbon
Cm 110-130
Gr 254
€ 195,00
Use Mountaineering Material Aluminium
Cm 110-145
Gr 279
€ 8140,00
Very light pole with new Cross Shark grip. The strap in highly breathable mesh material is wide and wraps around the hand in a stable and secure way. The extended grip allows for different gripping modes. Modern unisex aesthetic.
Use Fast Hiking Material Carbon
Cm 110-130
Gr 203
€ 210,00
Equipped with the allnew Aergon Air Compact, 12% shorter to best fit smaller hands. The rubberized head of the grip offers maximum traction on descents. Thanks to Speed Lock 2 it can be mounted in seconds.
Use Trekking Material Aluminium
Cm 90-125
Gr 237
€ 110,00
“Nordic Shark” grip with strap designed for Nordic activities. Low weight yet meeting the highest quality standards at the same time. Lightweight Speed Ti toe for precise use of the pole and breathable mesh strap.
Use Nordic Walking Material Carbon
Cm 100-130
Gr 170
€ 90,00
The famous click in and click out system adopts the new Trail Shark grip, specifically designed for the discipline. Thanks to real air channels, Leki has managed to combine weight reduction and excellent ventilation with optimal force transmission. The adjustable Frame Strap in mesh ensures a safe and precise grip, making it absolutely reliable, especially on uneven terrains. In addition, when you don’t want to adopt the Shark system, the grip extension allows you have traction on steep terrains. Cylindrical carbon tube equipped with a Push-Button folding system, a quick release button that allows you to quickly open and close the 3 sections. A plasticized cord that passes internally keeps the parts together, its thin diameter must not discourage: stability and reliability are guaranteed even under torsional stress. When closed it reaches 36cm of lengths (and a weight of 182g in the 120cm version) and therefore it is easy to transport/storage when not in use. A truly technical and performing product. On the hand this pole becomes a natural extension of your arm, greatly favoring the push phase.
We Like The strap that transmits the force towards the center of the pole, optimizing the push and allowing a millimetric control of the support.
Use Trail Running Gender Unisex
Material Carbon Cm 105 - 135
Construction Fixed length, foldable in 3 sections Gr 182 Diameter 16|14|14|14 mm
€ 180
Compact headlamp with a maximum output of 1100 lumens, built-in rechargeable battery and numerous lighting functions: main light, red light, diffused light. It features a soft and wide elastic band. With the optional FrontClick system it can be easily mounted on any helmet and removed in seconds. Waterproof, shock resistant and with a small size of only 62x46x30mm and a weight of only 86g, it is perfect to be carried in a backpack.
It has 2100 lumens of illumination, a range of action of 240m and it offers a diffused light function, six different light levels and an Alpine emergency signal. Resistant to water and shocks, thanks to the optional FrontClick system it can be easily mounted on any helmet. Thanks to the integrated Bluetooth module it can also be controlled with the remote control or the free mobile application for Android and IOS. Ideal for practicing outdoor sports, in any condition, always at maximum safety and without any time problems.
Use Trail Running, Hiking
Gr 60
€ 384,00
Versatile headlamp ideal for numerous outdoor activities, from running to climbing and much more. With 2400 lumens, it has a significantly stronger spot, an optimized red and green light, an improved reading light and the FrontClick change system that allows the lamp to be adapted to any helmet. With the 2-button Bluetooth remote control you can switch between light levels and special functions even more easily. With just one “click”, the battery is attached to the helmet with the FastClick holder.
Use Trail Running, Hiking
Gr 86
€ 160,00
Use Trail Running, Hiking
Gr 85
€ 439,00
Ultra light filtering straw born in 1994 to allow populations afflicted by various parasites to drink safe water, it is now used for wilderness activities. It uses hollow fiber membrane technology whose diameter is just 0.02 microns where bacteria, parasites, impurities and microplastics do not pass, providing drinking water drawn from lakes, rivers and springs. It protects against 99.999% of bacteria, parasites and microplastics, sand and impurities and filters 4000 litres. ISPO Award 2022.
This soft BPA-free flask with 0.02 micron hollow fiber membrane filtration system is extremely resistant and versatile. The filter, with a duration of 2000 litres, is removable, can be removed from the inside and used externally as a filtering straw. The same filter can be screwed onto other bottles or hydration systems. For every LifeStraw product purchased, one child from water-deprived populations will receive drinking water for an entire school year. ISPO Award 2022.
Use Fast Hiking, Trail Running
Volume 0,65L, 1L
Gr 102/110
€ 47,95/52,95
Filtra 2000l, filtro sostituibile
In resistant and lightweight BPA-free Tritan Renew, 50% recycled, with two-step filtration system: the hollow fiber membrane filter removes bacteria, parasites, microplastics and impurities for a total of 4000 litres, the carbon active filter reduces chlorine and other chemicals and improves flavour. Ideal for hiking, camping, traveling and emergencies. A purchase is equivalent to a year of drinking water for a child who lives in countries where the supply of drinking water is not guaranteed.
Use Fast Hiking, Trail Running
Gr 65
€ 29,95
Filtra 4000l
Use Adventure & Backpacking
Volume 0,65L,1L
€ 52,95-59,95
RX Lab is Julbo’s technological solution in the field of lens correction. Through a dedicated web portal, the optician is able to customize every detail of the glasses, from the prescription to the color of the frame up to the type of lens, REACTIV or Spectron. 30 models available and over 500 lens/frame combinations. It takes 8 steps to produce a prescription sunglass at. The Fury model was introduced in 2023 in the RX program.
Lightweight and versatile, they are ideal for trekking and mountain tours. The side protections can be removed for urban use which makes it a multipurpose model to always carry with you. Camino has shaped temples and holes for inserting a band and is equipped with category 3 Spectron polycarbonate lenses, also in the Polarized version, or REACTIV photochromic lens for excellent vision in all situations. Specifically designed to also be made with prescription lenses.
Use Trekking, Mountaineering
Gr 25
€ 119,90
(lente Spectron Polarized)
Ideal for trekking but also for high altitudes, they are the evolution of an iconic model of the company which features modern lines and is equipped with Grip Tech temples and soft, shock-absorbing inserts on the nose that allow the glasses to stay in position. They give total eye protection, with 8 base wraparound lenses, removable side shields and high quality lenses. Also available with REACTIV lenses in the Polarized version that accentuate contrasts and protect against glare.
Use Cycling, Mountaineering, Trail Running
€ 355,00
Use Trekking, Mountaineering
Gr 28
€ 199,90
(lente Reactiv Polarized)
Sunglasses for the high mountains with REACTIV photochromic lenses
Julbo has combined its high mountain technical experience with a modern aesthetic to create high performing and high protective eyewear. We tested Shield M, the unisex eyewear with a smaller caliber than the L version, designed to adapt to small and feminine faces (Shield, on the other hand, is ideal for medium/large faces). This version with REACTIV Glare Control photochromic lenses is an all around solution for everyday life and alpine hiking. Category 2-3, they become darker or lighter depending on the light intensity; 85% polarized, they offer perfect management of reflections allowing the reading of any screen. Visual clarity, lightness and solidity make it an effective lens for all outdoor sports, also adapting perfectly to everyday use.
The great speed of activation at any temperature should be noted. Laterally there are flaps in soft fiber (spandex), removable at will, to ensure further shielding from light rays and therefore greater eye protection. In phases of intense effort, the vents integrated in the frame facilitate the circulation of air, preventing the formation of condensation. The exclusive material that covers the temples, the non-slip bridge and the soft shock-absorbing inserts on the nosepad, combine to guarantee grip and stability, especially in the more dynamic phases of use. The style has an extra dose of boldness that never hurts in altitude challenges.
We Like The great versatility and visual comfort of the lens.
Use Mountaineering, Hiking
Gr 30
€ 224,90
Ultralight and compact, it is the stove suitable for backpackers and weight-conscious travellers. This compact stove folds down to a small footprint. The regulated valve ensures a constant flame and fuel flow.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Gr NA € 69,95
The ideal solution when traveling and if you are looking for a cooking system that is simple to use, light and performing in any situation. Extremely robust and resistant for those looking for a high quality multi-purpose stove.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Gr 200 € 79,95
It diffuses light and heat and takes up little space in the backpack. Equipped with a piezo igniter and a patented silent burner. It has an adjustable brightness up to a maximum of 490 lumens. Supplied in a sturdy plastic case.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Gr 190 € 74,95
Two-burner stove that is compact, lightweight and designed to be easily portable for a true cooking experience wherever you go. Each burner can be ignited and operated independently and at different temperatures.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Gr 3700 € 224,95
2.3L pot set ideal for 2-5 people, for those who want to carry as little weight as possible in their backpack and fully enjoy nature. Hard anodized aluminum with ceramic non-stick coating for easy cooking and cleaning.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Gr NA € 99,95
It can be used as a kettle to heat drinks or even for cooking. In anodized aluminum, it is light and resistant. Thanks to the folding handle it does not take up much space and can be transported using the bag included in the package.
Use Backpacking, Hiking Volume 0.9L € 27,95
Lightweight, compact and robust model, with hybrid self-locking and foldable structure and with height adjustment. The lower section is made of high-strength Titanal aluminium alloy, ideal for tackling rocks and scree, and featuring a durable carbide tip. The ergonomic EVA foam grip allows for a wide range of positions on rough terrain, while the padded straps ensure maximum comfort. Trust-Lock system that ensures reliable locking.
Collapsible and self-locking 100% carbon pole, developed for fast-moving mountain sports and on different terrains. It features a lightweight, compact and robust construction, offering a fixed length. To deal with rocks and scree, the pole adopts a carbide tip. In addition, the ergonomic EVA foam grip and padded straps fit your hand well in different grip positions.
Use Speed Hiking
Material Carbonio
Cm 115-135
Gr 211
€ 130,00
Robust, all-rounder and comfortable harness. The design of the Salewa Evobelt combines the flexibility of a floating hip belt with a comfortable and breathable 3D closed mesh pad, which ensures that the harness and the (four) gear loops always remain correctly centered. Available in the Blue Carbon colorway.
Use Speed Hiking
Material Carbonio + alluminio
Cm 115-135
Gr 247
€ 160,00
Use Climbing, Mountaineering
Material NA
Gr 480
€ 75,00
Alta protezione, peso ridotto, eccellente ventilazione. Piuma 3.0 è il casco più leggero mai realizzato da Salewa
Un nuovo modello che si basa sull’innovativa struttura in-mould a basso profilo in grado di offrire un’alta protezione agli impatti riducendo il peso a soli 175 g. Una combinazione di polipropilene espanso (a costituire una calotta interna di spessore ridotto, ma robusta al tatto e discretamente elastica) ed una copertura in policarbonato, materiale termoplastico con elevata resistenza all’urto, elevata durezza e, soprattutto, eccellente tenacità. Piuma 3.0 è studiato per proteggere a 360 gradi e progettato per mantenere il campo visivo completo, anche verso l’alto. Il profilo segue con precisione la forma della testa, garantendo un fit comodo e molto aderente, agevolato anche dal sistema di regolazione, affidabile e faci-
le da maneggiare, tramite un elemento semicircolare vincolato posteriormente alle fettucce del sottogola. Le cinghie per la trattenuta del casco sono morbide e una volta chiuse risultano confortevoli. Il design, lineare e minimalista, è caratterizzato dalle generose prese d’aria, parte del sistema di aerazione Dry Head di Salewa. L’imbottitura interna (traspirante, rimovibile e lavabile) è minimale ma ben posizionata e in corrispondenza della fronte garantisce quella sensazione di comodità necessaria. La combinazione bicolore, ripresa anche dagli elastici per il fissaggio della lampada frontale (o degli occhiali), dona un tocco accattivante. Piuma 3.0 è la protezione ultraleggera per l’arrampicata su roccia e l’alpinismo estivo.
We Like il sistema di regolazione del giro-testa che rientra all’interno del casco.
Certifications CE EN 12492, UIAA106
Circumference 53 - 58, 57 - 62
Costruzione casco Inmold
Genere Unisex
Gr 175 g
Materiale Polipropilene Espanso (EPP), Policarbonato (PC)
€ 120.00
High performing and versatile ice axe. The one-piece forged steel blade makes it light, balanced and solid. G-bone handle with lateral grooves allows for greater strength with less thickness. Excellent ergonomic grip.
Use Mountaineering , Ski Mountaineering Material Steel + aluminium Gr 430 € 159,80
Innovative sports harness equipped with a buckle that combines technology and comfort with a trendy look. The ergonomic shape of the waistband and leg loops and the turned-up padding ensure extra comfort and fit for a low overall weight.
Use Climbing Material Fashion fabric Gr 295 € 89,90
Lightweight and functional removable hand rest for ice axes that can slide along the shaft. It is available in 2 sizes to adapt to Grivel ice axes. The first 3D printed Grivel accessory.
Use Mountaineering Material 3D printed nylon Gr 16 € 19,90
It uses the multi-faceted “stealth” design that bears the same name that features a large gate opening along with a straight nose to ensure fast and easy clipping, with minimal wrist rotation. Available in two lengths: 13 and 18cm.
Use Climbing Material Aluminium + polyester Gr 105 € 28,00
Lightweight helmet with an attractive design, made of EPP with an ABS reinforcement on the top which allows a low weight with good all round protection and very good ventilation. Minimum adjustment system to reduce weight.
Use Climbing, Mountaineering Material EPP + ABS + webbing Gr 160 € 99,60
Tough tarpaulin haul bag. The roll-top closure allows an extension of the volume. Top strap for rope or other gear. Front opening over its entire height, shoulder strap and belt that can be concealed during transport.
Use Climbing, Mountaineering Material Tarpaulin + nylon + polyester + webbing Gr 1500 € 159,00
Headlamp that turns night into day, delivering an incredibly strong light output of 10.000 lumen. It holds 8 high power LED lights, packaged into a sleek, intuitive design, accompanied by a powerful 96 Wh battery. It’s designed for night orienteering or trail running where comfortable fit and light matters. The lamp unit has a flexible tilt angle to give you the freedom of adjusting the light beam where you want it. It can be easily modified during activity with grip friendly surfaces.
Scout 3X is a lightweight and all-round headlamp with 300 lumen output, designed for everyday outdoor adventures. Apart from white light, this headlamp features a red light mode for preserved night vision and a battery lever indicator. Scout 3X features Hybrid technology which means that the battery compartment is compatible with both the included 3xAAA batteries and a rechargeable hybrid battery that can be purchased separately.
Gr 51
€ 35,00
A comfortable and lightweight headlamp for everyone who loves running. Its features and light beam are optimized for a runner’s needs. The basic version of the Trail Runner Free series comes with 3 x AAA batteries and the Hybrid battery case. It is perfectly balanced, with smooth adjustments and a flat, soft, textile extension cord that doesn’t tangle. The headband is soft, yet firm enough, with a silicone string on the inside to stay in place.
Use Trail Running
Gr 238
€ 750,00
Use Trail Running, Running
Gr 55
€ 85,00