Dialogue boards

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The Brief

Board 1

The brief was set by creative duo Yoke from Leeds as part of their exhibition ‘Dialogue’. Creatives were required to produce an A3 size piece of artwork based around the theme of Dialogue. There were no limitations in content, submitted pieces could be typography based, image and photographs. The submisisons would be then paired with another design and screen printed, spurring a dialogue between creatives so artwork had to be black or half tone.


Dialogue by Yoke

Research & concept

Board 1

Generating ideas surrounding the theme of Dialogue led me to the way that words are formed and the history of the English language. William Shakespeare was the creator of some of the most well known words and phrases in the Enlgish language. Whilst researching Iwas surprised to discover that some of them sounded like modern slang. Selecting the phrase ‘Mums the Word’ means to keep quiet, to say nothing because ‘Mum’ is a Middle English word meaning ‘silent’. The word may be derived from the “mummer” who does pantomim and just acts without saying anything. I decided to focus my design


direction typographically as this seemed the most relevent for not only the theme of dialogue, creating a conversation visually but also research into the english language. developing the idea led me to research into different hand lettered styles, loosely based on the traditional styles used the scripts most associated with William Shakespeares original writings. I also looked at modern interepretations of this script Dialogue by Yoke

Visual development & Process

Board 2

As dialogue exhibition was an opportunity to showcase our work it seemed fitting to work with a median and style that I enjoyed and wanted to show as my own. It was also appropriate to my concept as the written word is a form of dialogue and Shakespeares initial words were handwritten. Although deliberating over various different design ideas I felt that this fulfilled the brief yet was less obvious than other ideas I had had. I began the process by


experimenting with using ink and paint creating a calligraphic style. Taking into consideration the requirements of the brief the thicker letering style would be more appropriate when layered with another designers work, and work more effectively when printed in block colour. Dialogue by Yoke

Final design & Exhibition

Board 3

My final design for Dialogue reflects the research conducted into the formation of the English language as well as appropriately showcasing my style as a designer. The brief was quick turnaround meaning that th only deliverable was the A3 digital artwork send to Yoke. The whole experience was a positive one, especially as the pairings meant that striing up a conversation with someone was not as difficult.


Dialogue by Yoke

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