Sweet like brief

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Module Title: Extended Practice


Student Name: Hannah Watt

Studio Brief Title: Sweet Like ‌ Chocolate Synopsis: A branding and packaging brief based on a past brief set by RSA student awards. We were required to modernise the brand yet stay in keeping with its rich history producing all he necessary branded ephemera associated with this type of establishment. List of deliverables


(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)

(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)

Promotional poster

A printed range of promotional material to create awareness of the new brand sweet like.

A series of printed patterns and labels to package the chocolate as a new luxury brand Packaging for the chocolate

Submission boards

A series of submission boards that document the process of research through to development and final outcomes.

Evaluation: This brief was a another two week brief that myself and Lisa worked on together. We work really well together so felt that a another brief, one that we both wanted to do would only be a positive. We both discussed the possibility of pushing the packaging further and produced a foil wrap for the inner layer of the packaging. as although we developed the concept for packaging and initial shop posters we should have set time aside to develop the inside of the packaging. Ideally this would have had the Sweet Like.. logo embossed onto the foil. The most successful element of this brief, for me personally was the photography, I think we have shown the concept and the luxury aesthetic really well, demonstrating how the packaging design is based on the layers built up inside to make the chocolate bar. This was a really successful brief for both me and Hannah and the photography really shows how much effort and time we instilled into created the brand we envisioned.

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