Pigments and paper

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The Brief

Board 1

This brief was self initiated in response to finding out about the Hallmark Creative internship. Create a luxury paper goods brand with ethical values. It should showcase your own personal skills and consider the application of this design to a further range of products, think about target audience and what is your unique selling point.


Pigments & Paper Stationery Co.

Research & Concept

Board 1

This brief was a good opportunity to look into the application of pattern. The brief was self initiated as I want some more briefs surrounding stationery to place in my portfoloi after I found out about the Hallmark Creative Internship. I was really inspired byt the simplicity of some of the brands, espcially bu & other stories. There is a clear market for luxury stationery so market research is essential. As I intendded pigments Paper is a luxuryeco friendly company researchig into products using the kraft carf was


an interesting first. The visuals and name needed to have a concept. After researching I looked at words linked with stationery. After much research I decided on the name Pigments & Paper which linked with the colouring in the paints and formed the basis for the paint visuals. Pigments & Paper Stationery Co.

Visual development & Process

Board 2

The name and it’s concept meant that the visuals too would reflect the brand itself, after experimenting with intial logos I decided that it was a suitable median and is something that I really enjoy and need to pratice. The self iniated time scale allowed me time to experiment and take my time rather than rush . I felt this is was appropriate as the added personal touch and level of craft adds a luxury feel to the brand and suports the brand ethos


that personality in the form of a paper product is best. It was a simple case of printing black to match with the rest of the monchrome and pigment and paper. After working manually on thre pattern shapes I was able to digitally edit them and create layerd effect abd patterns. the logo had to showcase both elements of the concept, that writing a letter is the best becaise ive a time hnoured traaaadition of stand with you i fee quite ptr!

Pigments & Paper Stationery Co.

Final design & Exhibition

Board 4


Pigments & Paper Stationery Co.

Final design & Exhibition

Board 5

This was a short 1 week brief that was split between pattern design, small elements of packaging design and branding, The design is kept simple and clean which means that the patterns become a vital part of the branding and thwas a good experience being disciplined with mysef to create a visuals and then print them working with time reatraints. The design is simple and classy with a clear hierachy of type.


Pigments & Paper Stationery Co.

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