The write way form

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Module Title: Extended Practice


Student Name: Hannah Watt

Studio Brief Title: The Write Way Synopsis: A collaboration with Lizzi Tyrer based on a past RSA brief designed to get children to connect with people and make friends through writing letters.

List of deliverables


(boards, resolutions, apps,etc)

(Series of business cards, posters, website etc)


A logo with the campaign name on that can be applied over the whole range as well as a suitable brand explanation used in promotion.

Stationery and information pack

This is the main way to introduce the idea of a pen pal to the children as well as giving them the necessary resources to carry this out.

Submission boards

A series of submission boards that document the process of research through to development and final outcomes.

Evaluation: Myself and Lizzi work well together in a collaboration as we both have similar design interests and our design process is quite similar. This was perfect for this brief as we could both work independently work on the visuals without worrying that they would look too different when brought back together. The brief was aimed at Primary school children so the use of hand rendered illustration seemed an appropriate way to communicate the message, for this reason it has been one of the main focuses of this brief. We both worked hard to create a range of colours, patterns and illustrations that we could then use across the range of work we were producing. Generating the visuals first meant that the whole process ran smoothly without many problems. Our use of colour on this brief has also been a strength as we have tried to match each design aspect to our target audience ensuring that we have a successful outcome. If we had more time I think we could expand the range as a campaign would need more supporting information. However, we created something that fulfils the brief and applies directly to our target audience as well as being something that we both like.

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