Blisters sound session

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The Brief

Board 1

This was a competition brief set by Print Club London to desiign a a poster for any band or musician of your choice without stating the song tite or their name.


Blisters Sound Sessions

Research & concept

Board 1

The begginging stages of my design process usually involve a pen and a blank sheet of paper writing down all of my ideas. As the artist and the name of the song wasn’t allowed to be used I decided to take the song lyrics literally so that there would be a more obvious connection of where it originated. I had selected some of my favourite lyrics from Gabrielle Aplins album. I intially tried to translate the idea of breaking words into a physical image yet the type was too thin and loose for this to happen..


Blisters Sound Sessions

Visual development & Process

Board 2

As this was a screen printted design I was working with a limited colour pallete. It seemed appropriate to work using a moncochrome colour scheme as this made the type stand out the most and was releveant ot the tone of the song. It also stood out well against the greay background.


Blisters Sound Sessions

Final design & Exhibition

Board 3

The final screen printed posters. the competition only requires a jpeg of the work but printing and photographing the work in context gives a representation of how the poster could look if chosen.


Blisters Sound Sessions

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