Jaypee boards

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The Brief

Board 1

The brief required us to create a concept and proposal for both the inside and outside space of the BA (hons) studio 3 graphic design course. It had to inspire and relate to the 3 years of Graphic design yet also be relatable to real life and the colour scheme had to work with the existing colours in the environment. The mural would be overlooked and co-designed by Jaypee, a grpahic artist from Leeds. This was a collaborative brief designing with Tanida Pangyamang and Natalie Dyson.


Jaypee collaborative brief

Graphics Mural

Research, Concept & Context

Board 1

Before we began creating the visuals and designing the concept we researched into exsiting murals, both typography based and illustration based. This was to giv us a better understanding of how a large scale piece of artwork worked and what was most effective. We were especially drawn to the typographical murals and those with a limited colour pallette as with the brief itself we had restrictions on colour. In order to make an impact and visually appeal to a large group of people a design incorporating various


styles. Our concept was built upon the idea of a visual diary. With the mural including motivation thoughts and quoute from the journey we have had over the past three yeas. This will hopefully create a positive message and inspire others, something that is useful and relevant to all 3 years of graphic design. Jaypee collaborative brief

Graphics Mural

Visual development & Collaboration

Board 2

As this was a collaboration we each began by each noting down our own ideas and visually sketched out what we envisioned our concept to look like. It was also a learning curve in terms of having to work within a certain style and not only collaborative with a small group of people but work to the visual style of another person. The quotes were created manually before being digitally edited. These had to be developed and re-done mutli[ple times in order to work with the exisiting visuals. certain characteristics


of Jaypees style and others in the group that we had to work with were the cartoon like icons and characters as well as thick, bold lines paired with areas of bright colour. As Jaypee was overseeing the project we sent our completed visuals to him which he then incorporated into the large mural design that we would be putting onto the wall. Jaypee collaborative brief

Graphics Mural


Board 3

This project in terms of the process was something totally different to anything that I had done previously. It was working on a larrge scale in a public setting, two things that I hadn’t experienced before but was excited to have an attempt at. As we were working alrge scale the completed artwork was projected onto the wall and traced using pencil. Using a varying range of brushes this outline was then filled in with the dark colours first. The mural would then be built up colour by colour with the yellow highlights being added last.


Jaypee collaborative brief

Graphics Mural

Development & Progression

Board 5

The colours and detail were added in stages, and it was rewarding experience being able to see the mural formed over a number of days. The illustration altered slightly and when working with paint and making judgements on whether some of the thinner lines were suitable and visible on the larger scale. Although the illustration was intricate the limited colour scheme and areas of bold, solid colour meant that the overall effect wasn’t overwhleming.


Jaypee collaborative brief

Graphics Mural

Final Mural

Board 6

The completed mural covering the inside walls, windows and outside balcony space. The two featured quotes were ‘Embrace the unknown’ and ‘Awe andthen some’. quotes that relate to not only graphic design but also real life. The feedback from not only the third years but the other years on the course was also positive which made the experience even more rewarding. It was an extremely valueable experience working not only in


a different medium but scale and with a working professiona. The feedback from Jaypee was really positive and there was even a suggestion of us helping him with mural work in the future which is exciting.

Jaypee collaborative brief

Graphics Mural

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