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HANDTRACKING PERSONAL DATA – Project by Hannah Hiecke with RAW Color, Juny 2014 DAE
5 Diff. Actions Mouse tracking Mouse RESTING Longer Mourse resting Actions by Hands Alternative Key I am a person that have to move for thinking. The fact that my body seems not the move at all while working triggered me to analyse my movements while working on the computer. By recording my movements, mouse-clicks and keys I realized: I am moving a lot – unconsciously. My hands are doing a lot of precise, cryptic and delicate movements. The most of them seems automatically. These movements are based on long practicing. My hands are used to the way I am working with my computer: They are adapted to my needs. My left hand is doing minimal 2D movements. Through technic and a software these movements get scaled up and enable me to cover long distances in my daily, digital life. While doing so I create these patterns, which are changing with the activity I am doing. Although my body is nearly not moving at all. The contrast between digital and physical movements is striking. Otherwise my right hand is doing a lot of cryptical short-cut, but in comparison to my right hand it misses a lot of attention, distance and activity: My right hand is neglected. The patterns show that the main attention is in the middle part of the screen, for getting certain tool, applications or effects my right hand have to leave the center and get them. This are patterns that arise more often. To solve this imbalance between both hands I started to investigate „unnecessary-movements“ of my right hand and transfer them to movements of my left hand: I created an adaptable keyboard, that could solve this imbalance by giving keys special applications and tools: To integrate my right hand more in my working-process.
2h Research
2h Inspiration
2h Photoshop
2h Indesign
2h Keep in Touch
adaptable Keyboard
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