DM5535 Integrated CAD/CAM techniques for Product Design
Module Leader: Dr Timothy Minton
Hao Lee 1322299 Integrated Product Design
Part B Report (Indicative content)
1.1 Introduction 1.2 Design Features 1.3 Design Process 1.4 Description of Parts/Elements 1.5 Parts and assembly Modelling 1.7 1.8
Model Design Testing/Evaluation (Motion, FEA, Axure, Jack) Summary (What you have learnt)
Overall assignment summary
2.1 2.2 2.3
Time spent Software and hardware used Reflection of your learning outcomes and experience
3. References
1. Part B Report (Indicative content) 1.1 Introduction My project in RSA is designing a User Interface (UI) of Application to help companies to support cross cultural employee to work together and Improve their problematic communications such as visual meeting. So, in this course I would like to design a tablet to support my APP and idea. How is this tablet different with others? In my perspective, the biggest problem in the long distance visual meeting is they can't use tablet present and display your powerpoint clearly just like you sitting at the site, beacuse the camara locates and sets on the tablet, which is limited in the shooting angle. So, I separate the camara of the tablet, but it is still an one part be able to combine with tablet. Althought the function of the camara of the tablet is independent, the shape and surface still maintain the same style. My task is to design a lens with a flat, which can be grouped together in the shape and looks not weird.
1.2 Design Features
Because it is making a tablet, not too organic lines and surfaces, so I chose using solidworks to build up. Solidworks 3d construction tools based on parametric design based, so it is suitable for me to draw a tablet midel. Before I making my model, I first drew a sketch, and marked on the size and other details that need attention, and probably marked out of things I wanted. The most important step here is before creating a 3D model must first take the time to plan your object, this investment of time, allowing the next steps to do more smoothly.
1.3 Design Process
Part: Tablet base modeling Instruction: Loft, Boss-Extrude, Shell, Cut-Extrude, Chamfer and Fillet
Part: Tablet interior modeling Instruction: Loft, Cut-Extrude, Fill Pattern, Mirror, Boss-Extrude, Chamfer and Fillet
1.3 Design Process
Part: Tablet screen modeling Instruction: Boss-Extrude and Cut-Extrude
Part: Volume modeling Instruction: BossExtrude, Fillet and CutExtrude
Part: Tablet dock modeling Instruction: Boss-Extrude , Fillet and Cut-Extrude
Part: Camara parts modeling Instruction: Loft, Bass-Extrude, Cut-Extrude, Shell, Fillet, Chamfer, Revolve. Sepcial tips: This part is based on the 'tablet base' and use this shape of the model to modify and save as the other name to make camara. Moreover, I use this tip to make 2 parts of the camara, which are front and back part.
1.4 Description of Parts/Elements
Name: Tablet base Material: Aluminum Texture: Origanl colour &Hard anodizing with rough
Name: Table Screen Material: Glass Texture: Clear basic white
Name: Tablet interior Material: ABS Texture: Black & Hard rough
Name: Volume botton Material: ABS Texture: Black & Hard rough
Name: Home botton Material: ABS Texture: Black & Hard shiny
Name: Home botton decorative circle Material: ABS Texture: Sliver & Hard shiny
1.4 Description of Parts/Elements
Name: Power button Material: ABS Texture: Black & Hard rough
Name: Webcam supporter Material: ABS Texture: Dark grey & Hard rough
Name: Webcam front part Material: ABS Texture: Dark grey & Hard rough
Name: Webcam pin Material: ABS Texture: Dark grey & Hard rough
Name: Webcam lens Material: Glass Texture: Clear basic white
Name: Wireless charging dock Material: Wood Texture: Light Oak
1.5 Parts and assembly Modelling 1
I separate this parts to assemble independently, because this part will be able to work and apparent in the final render.
1.5 Parts and assembly Modelling 1 2
3 5
7 8
I choose 'the tablet base' be the base of the assembly, because the tablet base is an extension of all the other combined parts, all the other parts are essentially made on ​​ an assembly of this part.
1.6 Design Communication Method - Rendering Front side & Details
Home botton
Other buttons
1.6 Design Communication Method - Rendering Back side & Details
Camara back side
1.6 Design Communication Method - Rendering
Two directions to place the tablet on the dock. And it supports to wireless charging, so do not have any usb connector to interfere.
The camara part can separate from the tablet and put it on the front, it's will easy to use tablet to dispaly your powerpoint and do not be limited by the shooting angle.
1.7 Model Design Testing/Evaluation - FEA
Actually, I originally would like to use FEA to analyze the whole assembly. But I still struggle in that, there is a 'mesh' problem from my model and can't solve it. So, finally I just choose 'the tablet base' to do the simple FEA, which is the most important and strong part of the tablet. Loads and Fixtures: The fixtures which locate on the one side of the tablet base that are near the notches. And the loads face to the biggest surface on the base, it can test the flexibility of the base.
1.7 Model Design Testing/Evaluation - FEA
1.7 Model Design Testing/Evaluation - Jack In this part, I used JACK to analyze the angle of the dock of the tablet is appropriate or not, moreover, it checked the assessment of vision and comfort when people watching the screen, which placed on the table at the time. Another posture analysis is standing and holding the tablet on the hands. But I don't think these analysis are useful for me to evaluate my design, because Jack more focused on posture and movement. It's less contributions to analyzing the size of the tablet.
1.8 Summary Solidworks, which is a parametric design 3D software, is an intelligent tool to support industrial designer to make a formal model that can be manufactured. My project is made systematically and clearly by that. But I still feel regretful, I do not know how to operate the simulation study to analyze the assembly. I google it and get some information about the simulation from solidworks that have some advanced tool for me to evaluate my design, such as the Drop test. If I have premium licence and more time to prepare, I will complete this mission. Moreover, I didn't have any direct and helpful results to give me some opportunities to redesign. However, this assignment still give me a good chance to recognize these softwares and design process. When I built the model in every step, I had been thinking about how manufacture each part. It can be seen that Industrial designers not only operate 3D software but also consider about all the details of the products, the process of manufacturing and assembly of products at the same time.
2. Overall assignment summary 2.1 Time spent
9 hrs
4 hrs
Solidworks Modeling
Solidworks FEA
4 hrs
4 hrs
Keyshot Rendering
Jack Analysis
20 hrs Report Writing
41:00 hrs
Edit Layout
2.2 Software and hardware used
2.3 Reflection of your learning outcomes and experience In this course which is only 12 weeks need to learn 4 advanced software is really satisfied, I think I can to return from a rewarding journey. Before I learnt Solidworks and Rhino, I have been able to use ProE and Alias studio, which these two softwares are similar to them. It was not difficult for me to adapt to that, but FEA is completely unfamiliar to me. When I learnt FEA, I got a lot of new horizons and knowledge. With the assistance of these engineering software that allows industrial designers and engineers to detect their design whether it is normative or not. Furthermore, before it be actually manufactured, it still has the opportunity to be made some revisions, to avoid spending a lot of time and the cost. Before I came here to study, I was a kitchenware designer. In our working convention, we always used our working experience to direct our design. Sometimes, we paid a painful price because we made a wrong decision, it spent us a lot of time and money. But in the future I can make good use of these software, such as thermal diffusion analysis and stress analysis. This will be a great help to me in my future work.
3. References 1.Axure Software Solutions, Inc. -Online Training for Axure RP, 2014 [Online] Available at: Design by Hongkiat Lim. -20 Innovative (Concept) Tablets We Wish Were Real, 2014 [Online] Available at: -Mobile & Tablet Design, 2014 [Online] Available at: 4.Rhinoceros 3d -Modeling, 2014 [Online] Available at: 5.SolidWorks Corp. -Finite Element Analysis, 2014 [Online] Available at: 6.Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. -Jack Free Trial, 2014 [Online] Available at: 8.Steven G, ANSYS for Tablet Computer Design, 2012 [Online] Available at: ansys-for-tablet-computer-design.pdfpowder%20compaction.pdf
CAD/CAM/CAE Techniques Por4olio – Exercise 1 “Parametric design and modelling” • Using parametric tools to create the geometric parts will save much Dme and easily complete the mission. • Geometry concerned with some mathemaDcs quesDons of the shape, so EquaDons will solve this kinds of parametric problem. • One of the method is just step by step to create the individual gear geometry.
Fig. 1. Screen shot: Small gear
Fig. 2. Screen shot: Medium gear
Table. 1. Screen shot: Final design table
Fig. 1. Screen shot: Large gear
Fig. 4. Screen shot: Final gear
ReflecDon: Strengths: Using the equaDon tool can easily save Dme to make the similar but different size component. Weaknesses: Need clearly thinking to set the equaDon for creaDng some geometric. OpportuniDes: Nowadays, in this industrial world, there are a lot of products be designed in different size and be used in different people. So, parametric design is a really common method to be used, if I can use it, I will increase my skill. Threats: SomeDmes I just can’t understand how to solve unexpected problem. So, ONLY soluDon for me is do it again.
CAD/CAM/CAE Techniques Porbolio – Exercise 2 “Assembly, Mates and Rendering” • • •
At first, classify the different func4onal parts, and then there are assembled will help final assembly and opera4on . For example, if just a wheel size of the base be changed and the concentric not be modified. It would not disrupt the final assembly. Using assign material appearance maps will help designer to display their idea as real as possible, they can imitate any material in this tool without really manufacture, it be able to save 4me and money.
Fig. 1. TREB_BASE Assembly
Fig. 2. TEB_ARM Assembly
Fig. 5 Trebuchet rendered in PhotoView 360
Fig. 4. Trebuchet with material maps
Reflec4on: Strengths: I think this is a basic skill before the manufacture process, But the most important thing is before you create the model, plan how you organize your subassemblies and parts. Weaknesses: I can handle it in this part as far I think. Opportuni4es: In some complicated product, designers have to classify all the subassemblies, and this exercise can help me to prac4ce how to classify and assemble. Otherwise, seOng the correct reference to the right parts is also important in this sec4on. Threats: We have to clearly mate the parts of them. If we don’t mate it correctly, there will be a trouble aQer you modify.
CAD/CAM/CAE Techniques Por4olio – Exercise 3 “Mo:on Studies and Anima:on” • • •
If a designer want to test or display their design work or not, anima:on and mo:on will be a good method to use. Use the cylindrical surface of the gear and outer cylindrical surface of the internal spur gear and rotate it. If all your mates are configured correctly the gears should also turn. It is useful in industrial manufacture process, we can use some of specifica:ons parts in this toolbox.
Fig. 1. Anima:on panel from the GENEVA_MECH exercise
Fig. 3. Anima:on panel from the PLANETARY_GEARBOX exercise
Fig. 2. Screen shot of final GENEVA_MECH
Fig. 4. Screen shot of final PLANETARY_GEARBOX
Reflec:on: Strengths: I can use anima:on and mo:on to test my design which is assembled by some interac:ve components. Weaknesses: It’s complicated for me to mate the all gears and work smoothly, I try it more :mes, I can’t handle it immediately. Opportuni:es: Through this sec:on, I can animate the mo:on to test and display my design to check it works or not, it makes sure not to make wrong a[er manufacturing. Threats: S:ll need much :me to prac:ce, some tools of them are difficult for me to operate. Including the mate gears and make it working.
CAD/CAM/CAE Techniques Por\olio – Exercise 4 “Finite Element Analysis – Design Studies” • • •
That is a possible way to analysis our design before manufacturing, because that will reduce a lot of unsafety and cost. Op:miza:on will a<empt to achieve the goal of Minimal Mass whilst maintaining a safety factor of the work and that will save much :me and money to make a lot of real sample to test. I choose a Z chair to analysis the pressure of the top when people(100kg) siFng on it and use op:miza:on tool to adjust the thickness of the chair to achieve the factor of safety(5.3).
Fig. 1. ‘I’ Beam Ini:al / Op:mal table
Fig. 4. Your part Ini:al / Op:mal table
Fig. 2. ‘I’ Beam Stress plot
Fig. 3. ‘I’ Beam Displacement plot
Fig. 5. Your part Stress plot
Fig. 6. Your part Displacement plot
Reflec:on: Strengths: FEA can support designer to analysis their design in different materials, different sides of pressure or gravity, even give you a be<er op:mal factor of safety op:on to choose. Weaknesses: In this sec:on, I don’t know how to analysis the mul:ply materials or complicated assembly. It just analysis in single material. Opportuni:es: In my pass working experience, I designed kitchenware and always make a real sample to test the safety force and pressure, but now, I can use this tool to test my design without a real model. Save me :me and money. Threats: Some:mes op:miza:on tool can give me a be<er sugges:on but some:mes it makes my design weird. Because a completed product has a lot of detail, it hard to op:mize in a safety size and also maintain the aesthe:cs in the same :me.
CAD/CAM/CAE Techniques PorYolio – Exercise 5 “Finite Element Analysis – Design Studies” • • •
At first, place the image to draw the outline curve of dragonfly, then trace side-‐ view body, next to create the body surface, finally, lo= the body. We have to draw a reference line at first, and place the 3 sides images, so we can use the reference line to set the length of the picture frame image. That’s the method to creaCng a 3D model. Control point ediCng can let designer easily change their shape from a geometric form to organic form, it will make any unlimited shape possible and changeable.
Fig. 1. Screenshot of the reference material in Rhino
Fig. 4. Close up of the eyes – texture mapped
Fig. 2. Completed Dragonfly model – Wireframe view
Fig. 3. Completed Dragonfly model – Rendered view – Pre texture mapping
Fig. 5. The completed Dragonfly with texture mapping.
ReflecCon: Strengths: This so=ware make me mind open and creaCve. A lot of form in the nature, not like a industrial product have a geometric shape, some of them are organic, and this encourage me creaCvity. Weaknesses: Lack of parametric design, it will hard to manufacture in mass producCon by tradiCon way. OpportuniCes: Even though it is hard to manufacture but it is sCll a creaCve tool to make an incredible shape, I can use this so=ware to create some surface part of my work in my design model. Threats: Because of unaccurate size of this so=ware, I need some assistant to support me to complete my work, such as some reference line.
CAD/CAM/CAE Techniques PorVolio – Exercise 6 “Jack – Task Analysis” • •
Clicking the Human command menu, the following four op7ons are default male and female, human from library, which is different human figures are created when clicking each figure op7on and custom that is you can create any figure for your own se=ng. Jack is a virtual human, who has movable joints with the adjustable posi7on to simulate 3D models of your design, space, and workplace, you can assign any task to perform the ac7on you want him to do, to test your product design and spa7al arrangement. For example, it helps you evaluate the percentage of a working popula7on that has the strength to perform a task based on posture, exer7on requirements and anthropometry We can use the data they give to us to modify and adjust our design, otherwise, by this data to design ergonomic product and workplace is really useful.
Fig. 1. Screenshot of the Jack/Jill in Tutorial 1.
Fig. 2. Screenshot of the Jack/Jill in Tutorial 2.
Fig. 3. Screenshot of the Jack/Jill in Tutorial 3.
Fig. 4. Screenshot of the results from tutorial 1.
Fig. 5. Screenshot of the results from tutorial 2.
Fig. 6. Screenshot of the results from tutorial 3.
Reflec7on: Strengths: I think Jack is good method to evaluate our design are ergonomic or not, I do not actual make a real product to test and analysis it, Jack will give me the useful data, and I can modify at the same 7me, really save the 7me and money. Weaknesses: The opera7on in Jack is really complicated for me, Jack usually not in control. Opportuni7es: Jack can also suit in interior design, it can analyse the influence of environment for people. Threats: So many details and op7ons in Jack, it always confuse me, I think it needs more humane and friendly interface design.
CAD/CAM/CAE Techniques PorSolio – Exercise 7 “Axure– Wireframe Prototyping” •
Axure has a quick diagram tool to create clickable wireframes in prototyping processes, otherwise, there are several types of color scheme, the images the exact text can let me set some bu<ons and design elements to make websites, apps and interface. High-‐fidelity wireframes are close representaAon of what the final website will look like, some clients love this type. Low-‐fidelity wireframes are wireframes that focus on the layout and structure but omi<ed the graphic design aspect.
Fig. 1. Screenshot of the ‘case editor’ when you configure the acAons for the Dynamic Panel.
Fig. 3. Screenshot of the finished wireframe as instructed by the tutorial.
Fig. 2. Preview the prototype in a web browser. Show the rollover effect on a thumbnail (State1: before mouse enter; State2: aRer mouse out).
Fig. 4. Screenshot of the finished prototype of your own design (with images and colour, etc.)
Fig. 5. Show a detail image of features of your own choice (e.g. new toolbar)
ReflecAon: Strengths: It is a very powerful wireframing tool, that lets me create clickable wireframes very quickly. it can be used to create staAc websites or as a rapid tool to manipulate and modify images by a simple way. Weaknesses: The interface of Axure usually confuse me, maybe I need customize my tool bar as I doing it at my first Ame. It need more pracAce to get used to. OpportuniAes: I can use this smart soRware to create and customize my own porSolio website to show my creaAvity. Threats: This is a really good tool to make interface design, but what I need to pracAce is how do I use this tool to make different with others, make people feel fresh and interesAng.