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DM5534 Professional Design Studio Design Project MSc Integrated Product Design Hao Lee 1322299

Tomorrow's workplace Cross-Cultural


Introduction 02 RESEARCH 04 Globalisation 05 Multinational companies 07 Virtual teams 09 DEFINITION 13 INSIGHT 15 Communication 16 Different time zones 19 Information exchange 21 OBJECTIVES 24 Real time translator 25 Facial recognition technology 26 Gesture recognition technology 27 Wearable devices 29 Sketch and recorder tools 30


DEVELOPMENT 32 The ZERO DISTANCE system 33 System function 34 System framework 35 ZERO DISTANCE user interface 36 DELIVERY 37 The ZERO DISTANCE guidline 37 Sign in 37 Home page 39 Face meeting 40 My profile 41 Document 42 CONCLUSION 43 Renferences 44

Introduction This assignment is focused on how to use design to involve in the trends (cross-cultural)that assist work and the workplace in the future. The three major trends were identified as: (1) Highly competitive and dynamic environment: globalisation (2) The move toward a more global or geographically dispersed organization: multinational companies (3) Downsized and lean organizations: virtual teams.

Tomorrow's Workplace

These major trends pose new challenges for numerous workers in the future's workplace, in particular with cross-cultural and virtual communication. This is prompting colleague to communicate each other consisting of vastly different backgrounds, languages and styles, such as facial expressions and gestures. This assignment is challenged to create a smooth operation despite the many differences; the possibilities for misunderstandings and cultural blunders can be magnified in these work situations.

Cross Cultural

Globalisation Multinational Companies

Virtual Teams


Efficient One Workplace Headquarters by Design Blitz


The research is to analyse the impact of cross-cultural which influence in the virtual teams of multinational firms. Such as population, work pattern, communication and culture etc. Because of the globalisation and the rapid development of economics, multinational companies are more and more prevalent. Cross-cultural cooperation and influences people’s working. For example, Sweden and China are immersed in different cultures which lead to different ways of thinking and behaving. When a Swedish company tries to understand the management style or behaviors of Chinese staff, some basic principles are challenged.

For instance, Chinese feel that all men are born unequal and they should all obey the decision of the authority. While Western people believe that all men are born equal and they can make independent decisions and act on their own. In other words, national culture can influence the communications of organizations. At the same time, with the swift progress of network technology and the trend of globalization market, global virtual team (GVT) has become a new teamwork model, which enterprises call specialists from multi-nations to collaborate. Hence, we really need to understand the cooperation situation of GVT and to discover some opportunities of promoting GVT performance. 4

Globalisation Science Growth Communication Technology Environment Wealth In an interview with N.R Narayana Murthy (2009), founderchairman of the global software consulting company, Infosys, he defines globalization as: (1) Sourcing capital from where it is cheapest (2) Sourcing talent from where it is best available (3) Producing where it is most cost effective (4) Selling where the markets are, without being constrained by national boundaries This definition of globalization pertinently reasons economically and makes sound business sense: globalization produces goods or services at best value to consumers wherever they are. 5

Another definition of globalisation is: – Highly competitive and dynamic environment – Rising customer expectations: “bigger, better, faster” – “Need to do more with less” There are a lot of definitions of globalisaion be mentioned, however, in my opinion, all of these changes are facilitating the cross border movement of people, goods, and data, bringing more and more cultures into contact with one another and increasing the potential for cross-cultural conflict.

4 th


The percent of the U.S. population that is foreign born has grown from 4.8% in 1970 to 9% in 2000. 9%


The U.S. has the fourth largest Spanish-speaking population in the world. E.g., More than 60% of the people in Miami speak Spanish as their first language.

of companies will increase their global presence in the coming three years

7.9% 4.8%


A large number of corporations receive more than half of their sales from foreign markets. E.g., Coca Cola sells more of its product in Japan than in the U.S.








Multinational companies

Many organizations of today, which were once domestic only, have transformed into multicultural, multinational, international and global organizations (Miller, 2012). This vastly widens their landscapes, now including employees, customers and clients with cultural differences, including differing languages, ages, educational levels, race, technological backgrounds, attitudes and beliefs, residence in different countries with differing infrastructures. This is compelling leaders to essentially communicate and work together in a compressed time and space mentality, across the globe, with an awareness and sensitivity to these cultural differences. Simultaneously, organizations have seen a rapid growth in the availability of new media tools that, together with technological advancements, have been providing and constantly improving the 7

means for this global interconnectivity to take place, within and across organizations. Organizational communication with these new media tools is influenced and impacted by these cultural differences. Briefly, the barriers of cross cultural communication in multinational firms come from the aspects blow: – Lack of mutual understanding – Differences in emotional distance toward headquarter – subordinate relationship – Different expectations on managers – Different abilities on dealing with accidents – Language difference and geography distance – Different purpose on working

41% provide cultural sensitivity tranining

51% 47%

provide mentoring and coaching programs focused on global leadership

struggle to attract and retain talent in overseas markets


46% struggle with crosscultural barriers

27% have appropriate IT infrastructrue to support operations across multiple geographic locations





2 1




have the right processes in place to ensure effective operations across multiple geographic locations


Virtual teams

Due to globalization, organizations are being represented by an increasingly complex and diverse workforce. Therefore, virtual teams work across space, time, and organizational boundaries with links strengthened by webs of communication technologies. Virtual teams might be used in different circumstances and situations: – Task forces: teams that are formed for a specific project. – Long term teams: teams that work on a more permanent basis.


Characteristics • Geographically and often temporally distributed • Often inter-organizational • Work together by means of information technology • Team members possess relevant knowledge in areas of expertise • Team members need to collaborate to accomplish tasks



• The availability of technology, the possibility to connectivity, collaboration and communication via: – Internet, intranet – Email, instant messaging – Electronic groupware – Process- and project-oriented structures – Geographical dispersion of essential employees – Team-oriented structures – Flatter hierarchies, more partnership-based organizations – Increase in teleworking: approximately 50% of the U.S. work force work from home at least some of the time or from customer locations – Audio and videoconferencing

• Allows employees to be located anywhere in the world: – Allows firms to expand their potential labor markets, giving access to previously unavailable expertise and enabling them to hire and retain the best people regardless of their physical location (Cascio, 2000) – Saves organizations time and travel expenses (Cascio, 2000) – Often allows team members to work from home (Katzenbach & Smith, 2001) • Increases flexibility and responsiveness: – Virtual teams can rapidly be formed by dispersed experts and redeployed or disbanded (Potter, Cook & Balthazar, 2000) – Employees can be assigned to multiple, concurrent teams (Cascio, 2000) – Dynamic team membership allows people to move from one project to another (Cascio, 2000)

@ 10



Key Issues

• Computer-mediated communication methods impose constraints on communication that are likely to affect a group’s performance: – Lack of physical interaction with its associated verbal and nonverbal cues reduces the richness of the information transmitted by virtual team members and the synergies that often accompany face-to-face communication – Virtual teams need more time due to asynchronous communication media (“turnaround time”) – It may be more difficult to establish impactful accountability in the absence of in person social cues • Culture clashes and cultural awareness: – Multinational enterprises increasingly use cross-cultural teams which can bring communication problems. • Virtual teams have less effective performance and communication, and take longer to complete tasks than faceto-face teams

• Trust has to be built before a new team can start working – Facilitate informal face-to-face contact early in the project life cycle, messaging, sharing of stories and perspectives – Arrange face-to-face meetings regularly and for important issues, i.e for personnel changes, sensitive subjects (Haywood, 1998) – Virtual teams should be given sufficient time to develop the same level of relational links as face-to-face groups – The use of synchronous communication tends to take a shorter time to build relationships • Key principles for effective distance communication: – Two-way communication and standards for availability and acknowledgement (Henry & Hartzler, 1998; Haywood, 1998) – Use of multiple media or communication technologies to enhance communication and the development of relationships (Lipnack & Stamps,1997) – Choice of ideal technology depends on the type of task (Duarte & Snyder, 1999: task/communication matrix) – Compatible hardware and software, equal ability to access shared resources and communication information to the team (Haywood, 1999) – Face-to-face communication is irreplaceable, i.e. for sensitive negotiations – Enhancing Cross- Culture communication • Addressing communication problems of different timezones and affect physiological rest



Multinational companies Virtual teams



Working across space, time, and organizational boundaries by webs of communication technologies



Team members Employees to be are often brought located anywhere together from in the world different locations, functional areas and cultural perspectives

Benefit of apps of smart devices Performance Runs locally with



82% use a smartphone for business Convenience

use their personal device to access work

72% email and connect to the company network 6 X Average of mobile searches per day Portability

Design a Application for smart devices to help companies to support cross cultural employee to work together.

Mobile apps let you keep your business going wherever you are

4 in 10 small businesses say their employees

use wireless devices to work away from the o ce

User experience Made for smart devices; use


INSIGHT Information Exchange

Different time zones Communication The biggest problem in the vitual teams today are: • Miscommunication is the language barrier. • Communication misunderstandings caused by cultural differences. • Lack of physical interaction such as face-to-face communicate. • Weakness of shared resources and communication information. • Communicating worldwide is the difference in time zones.


Communication Albert Mehrabian, a pioneer in communication research, stated that, when communicating feelings and attitudes, only 7% of what we say is conveyed by actual words: the remaining 93% is body language, volume and tone. This is particularly relevant for virtual teams, which are forced to communicate via channels that do not convey body language and paralinguistic characteristics well (e.g. telephone, email). This issue is often aggravated by other factors, such as misaligned objectives and lack of team bonding, trust or group identity.

A deep understanding of the language is facilitated by a good knowledge of the culture; and, a deep understanding of the culture is aided through a solid understanding of the language. The nonverbal elements in speech, such as body language, intonation, etc., that send messages about feelings and emotional states, may affect the meaning of an utterance. Unlike verbal communication, many non-verbal elements are out of our conscious control.

Verbal (i.e. actual words)

7% Vocal (i.e. paralinguistic) • Intonation


Facial (i.e. body language)

• Greetings • Directness/Indirectness


• Gestures

• Agreement/Disagreement

• Facial Expressions

• Lexical

• Posture

• Humor

• Eye Contact Source silent messages, Professor Albert Mehrabian 16

Gestures – Around the World

Facial Expressions

Laurence Wylie. 1977. Beaux Gestes.

Laurence Wylie. 1977. Beaux Gestes.

Western: ‘Do you have a telephone?’ USA: sign for the Texas long horns Brazil: ‘Cuckold!’ (meaning your wife is cheating on you) Taiwan: Both the meaning six and phone.

American/British Differences American: “Jack will blow his top.” British: “Our chairman might tend to disagree.” American: “You’re talking bullshit.” British: “I’m not quite with you on that one.” American: “You gotta be kidding.” British:“Hm, that’s an interesting idea.” 17

Je m’en fous! ‘I don’t give a damm!’ Mais, je rêve! ‘I can’t believe my eyes!’

Agreement/Disagreement American: “Yes” means yes and “No” means no Japanese: Yes ‘Hai’ means.... 1. Yes, I hear you, I agree, and I will do. 2. Yes I hear you, I agree, but I will not do. 3. Yes I hear you, but I do not agree. 4. Yes I am listening, but I do not understand. Brazilian: A polite way to disagree would be “I’m not sure” or “It might be difficult” French: “Ce n’est pas possible” “It’s not possible”, ... when in fact it very well could be possible but requires some negotiation between the two speakers

Different time zones Time zones may be the most visible challenge facing companies with offices around the world. Can an information services department in London really serve staff halfway around the world in a timely fashion? Yes, they can—through email, voicemail, faxing, and occasionally videoconferencing. Obviously it's frustrating at times that you can't actually have a one-to-one conversation with somebody directly, but heavy use of email, fax machines, when necessary, and increasing use of voicemail systems and videoconferencing gives us a fair degree of communication globally.

Sometimes, some virtual team member have to coordinate other members to video meeting at the midnight. Thus, when a worker in New York work with Paris at midnight Paris time, his or her body continues to operate on New York time. As the body struggles to cope with the new schedule, temporary insomnia, fatigue, irritability, and an impaired ability to concentrate may set in. The changed bathroom schedule may cause constipation or diarrhea, and the brain may become confused and disoriented as it attempts to juggle schedules. The cause of time lag is the inability of the body to immediately adjust to the time in a different zone.

Hong kong 01:30am 19

New York 13:30pm

Conducting the work day in different ways Cultural differences range from subtleties in how people address each other to very noticeable variations, such as in business hours. Daily work schedules vary significantly around the world, and it’s important for virtual teams to be aware of these and other local practices and expectations.

Typical business hours (may vary regionally, by posion or for holidays) BRAZIL 9am-6pm SUN







U.K 9am-5pm FRI






SPAIN 9am-2pm, 4pm-8pm SUN







8am-4pm TUE








JAPAN 9am-5pm THU




















8:30am-6pm THU



QATAR 8am-12pm,4pm-7pm

U.S 8:30am-5or6pm SUN



8am-7pm TUE












Information exchange Communication in virtual teams is likely to be less effective than in traditional teams. In addition, the total amount of information exchange in virtual teams is less than that in face-to-face groups. Because exchanging information is more difficult, virtual teams always spent a lot of time struggling in task transfer and work description. In other words, direct speaking is more transactional and focuses on the information being transmitted, and tends to use more succinct, declarative, and definitive sentences. Moreover, the direct feedback of the information benefit to reduce the time of misunderstanding.


use email to exchange personal or sensitive data


Time spending for unwanted comunications


Time spending for trying to find key informaiton


Old files and newly created ones are saved every day to Dropbox, sliding seamlessly onto and device


65% a few of the emails


25% at least half


2% majority




11-15 /day

22% 60%

22% 38%

PROBLEMS with attachments: – out of sync with the original file – file corruption – storage limitations

Attachments have poor usability – cannot review past versions – cannot see others comments – force multiple downloads – risk of viruses

Challenges of remote collaboration Lack of direct communication


Hindered data accessibility Poor visibility into colleagues' actions





• Real time translate to interpret any languages and tone • Facial recognition technology to detect any changes in emotional expressions gives interpretation • Gesture recognition technology to detect any changes in gesture expressions gives interpretation • Using wearable device to detects the best physiological state to do schedule of meetings • Files with sketch and recorder tools to highlight parts of a shared document or application


Real time translator

Google appears to be inching closer to a Babel fish-like smartphone technology that will allow truly instant universal communication. Google is building prototype devices that will one day allow users to travel to any foreign country and immediately interact with someone speaking Farsi, Japanese, Russian, Arabic, or any other unfamiliar language. Its Google Translate is available on the Web and via mobile apps. But this rung in the evolutionary chain could prove a breakthrough in breaking down language barriers.


One of the biggest challenges of the real-time translator system is the difference in syntax — the order of words — from language to language. Speech recognition also interferes, but Barra said that the tech works "close to 100 percent" when used in "controlled environments."

Facial recognition technology

• Face contour detection • Feature detection – Eyes, nose, mouth, etc • Face attributes – Smile – Male/Female – Age (Adult/Child) – Glasses – Eyes open/closed – Emotion – Feeling A newly technology, claimed to achieve improved accuracies, is three-dimensional face recognition. This technique uses 3D sensors to capture information about the shape of a face. This information is then used to identify distinctive features on the surface of a face, such as the contour of the eye sockets, nose, and chin. Also, in addition to biometric usages, modern digital cameras often incorporate a facial detection system that allows the camera to focus and measure exposure on the face of the subject, thus guaranteeing a focused portrait of the person being photographed.


Gesture recognition technology

• Motion sensor • Skeletal tracking Using a motion sensor that track user's entire body. So when user act, it's not only about your hands and wrists. It's about all of user. Arms, legs, knees, waist, hips and so on. As user act, the sensor creates a digital skeleton of you based on depth data. So when you move left right or jump around, the sensor will capture it and detect your gesture.


kinect Described by Microsoft personnel as the primary innovation of Kinect, the software technology enables advanced gesture recognition, facial recognition and voice recognition. It can also detect a player's heart rate, facial expression, the position and orientation of 25 individual joints (including thumbs), the weight put on each limb, speed of user movements, and track gestures performed with a standard controller.

• Raw sensor streams • Skeletal tracking • Advanced audio capabilities Kinect, which techniques can help the app using voice recognition, motion capture and facial reactions to instantly translated in various languages​​, and non-verbal communication to solve the different nationalities and cultures language barriers.


Wearable devices Wearable technology (also called wearable gadgets) is a category of technology devices that can be worn by a consumer and often include tracking information related to health and fitness. Other wearable tech gadgets include devices that have small motion sensors to take photos and sync with your mobile devices.

User State





Tracking user's physical activities as wearing on it. These devices can support the APP to detect physiological rest position of the individual and arrange the better time for working and meeting.


Sketch and recorder tools need to modify


to improve sharing information

Move unproductive communications out of email.

Edit, mark and note together online.

Coordinate meetings more effectively with the right tools.

Use a shared online space to increase and simplify meeting related contibutions.


Most attachments require

direct feedback on the contents.





The logo chosen was the icon used two directions measure the distance between two places. When the distance is zero the two directions would point together. The logo echo the theme of the concept, not only distance is zero but also the gap of the culture is zero.

The other way to look at the logo is also like a bow tie, which given a formal and professional feel. It's just suitable for professional virtual teams around the worldwide. The diagram below that is a system's major function, which are meeting time, face meeting and information exchange. These three function are the major tools to support virtual teams to efficiently communicate each other and to solve problems between different nations and cultures.



The ZERO DISTANCE system provide a platform to let not only the virtual team members but also other colleagues work across the areas or nations communicate each other easily for reducing language and cultural barriers. At the same time also increases the efficiency of the work. Furthermore, the most positive is that it shortened the distance between each other, even though we are living in every corner of the world, here is the real distance. And such a system has been developed into an app, as long as the group members through mobile phones to download this app, you can immediately synchronize with your contacts, your team members and your friends can enjoy right away this handy and efficient function to connect each other and assist your work.


System function



System framework Here is the system framework, for the first time need to sign in or register, then the next will enter the home page, there are two main parts on this page, which are friends box and calender, in addition, there is a sub-menu. On the friends box you can choose who your friend to connet and share the information. On the other side you can also check your schedule to arange your meetings. Through the face meeting function, which are also comes with the most important tools: real time translator, recordor, mark tool and share document. Such structural arrangements mainly want any connections are performed under the face MORE meeting, this is to ensure that any communication is direct.


















ZERO DISTANCE user interface

The advantage of the prototype is that before the formal design can be easily modified and can be very simple to do any mark and comment. After a number of tests and corrected, according to user experience, which tend to flat UI design. Many words will be replaced with small icon that is also on the basis of pure lines. In the overall interface to use as a sub menu to simplify the complexity of the page.


DELIVERY The ZERO DISTANCE guideline Sign in


• Firstly, select the ZERO DISTANCE app. • And you can see the page that the logo on the center, now is loading and wait nearly a second into the page.


• If you are a existing user, just type your account and password, and then you can enter into the program. • If not, you can click the register and enter the other page.

• On this page is to edit your personal information, including insert your photo, name and your company information, etc. • There are two sub-menus about the working time, you just select what you are will be ok. • Next you can see there are two devices need to connect, which just switch on the button on the side. • Key in your email and set a passwork, next just select the tick and enter the home page.


Home page "More" button • (slide button) Add friends button • Search bar •

• Add event button • Meeting schedule

Click and display • – Face meeting – Message – Share information Friends box • (drop-down menu) Picture and name •

Status sign • (on/off duty)


• Marks on the date

• Each event (drop-down menu) • Detail information

Face meeting LEFT • Click the Add event button. • The meeting schedule will slide down, which the increasing space you can drag your friends in the space. • At this time, the program will load each one's status, and give you some recommend time to meeting. • Choose one of your favorite time to fill in details and send invitation.

RIGHT • At the meeting, you can click trans button to real time translate other one's language and It will be directly translated into your language and play out. • It also can assist you interpret gestures and facial expressions. • The sketch tool can help you to mark and highlight the document. • Recorder tools can help you later review. 40

My profile RIGHT • Slide the "more" button you can see there are five items on the side, which are my profile, document, setting, help and log out. • This submenu be covered under the homepage, because these buttons are not the main functions. • Each item still have submenu, you can click it and check it on next page.

LEFT • In this page, it shown the personal information, such as name, company, location, department and postion etc. • Below the personal information, there are your tracking reports, which are sleep duration and work duration. • These data come from your wearable device, and that will assist system to arrange you meeting time. 41

Document RIGHT • This page is mainly a place to manage your information. • On the left side is the document box, which you can see all your files here. And click the one of your files, you can move, cancel and share it. • On the right area display the content of your file, you also can use sketch and recorder tool to help you remind and mark the file.

LEFT • After you mark and record the file, you can share this video file to your partners. Let some complex documents easier to transfer. • Just click the share button, which the friends box will be imported in here. • Select one or more of your partners and click the last share button, the file will transfer immediately. • This file can also be translated by translation tools. 42


The project aimed to reduce language barriers and cultural gaps, and increase work efficiency, finally, shorten the distance between each other. In the future, interpersonal communication will be more frequent, people around the world will be more interactive, and this is the concept of the global village. Through this case so I can better understand the world trends and pulsating. This APP is designed in such a background, and now this app may need to keep a link with another device can have its effect. But in the future, perhaps all of these functions can be integrated with a tablet computer, so this app can be expected to occur and change the whole future life. Fortunately, this program gives me the opportunity to participate in such a project. From the discovery, definition, development, to the final delivery, the entire design project is in accordance with this program, it makes me more become familiar with and appreciate the importance of the design process. 43

References BRANDON RUSSELL (2013),techno buffalo, Cรกtia Carias (2013) X&Y partner, Cultural ergonomics: Advances in human performance and cognitive engineering research v. 4, 2004, Emerald Group Publishing Ltd, NL. Cultural Training Passport, Mercert Passport, Dul, J. & Weerdmeester, B.A. 2001, Ergonomics for beginners: a quick reference guide, Taylor & Francis, New York. Jawbone 2014, Kyra Cavanaugh & Michael Hahn, 10 team building exercises for remote virtual dispersed teams, knowledge-center/tips-for-managers/tips-tactics/10-team-building-exercises-for-remotevirtualdispersed-teams/ Neilson ComSource, Mobile & Social for Business, Infographic_2011_Mobile_Social_Stats-670x1076.jpg Virtual teams builder 2011, WIKI pedia, Facial recognition system, WIKI pedia, Kinect,


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