Angel papers

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The Serpent Of The Sun Lives in the universe and represents something – some kind of energy Works closely with the energy of the sun Its like it represents my energy or my soul or something of mine All to do with the heart chakra See the serpent going up and down and off to the sun Sometimes like a long dragon, now like a caterpillar, it keeps changing slightly the sun and the sun lit universe, this dimension of the sun

The Fiery Angel Mind I can feel my head energy slowly becoming more and more infused with the orangey pinky red angel fiery mind My mind is becoming a little like an angel mind – just a bit though I see it like an irregular orangey pink crown surrounding a dusty gravelly floor, with a few stones and rocks here and there Like mars, orange dusty rocks and gravel for the floor, Ancient lifeless immovable big rock sky scrapers surrounding as well No life exists here, the land appears barren The Angel Fire, in the form of an orange-pink crown surrounds and shapes this fatigued dry place.

The Orange And Pink Place Angels - “It is worthy this cause – you have complaints in your chest don’t you? (I have chest pain sometimes) Well then, give it to the angels of this orange/pink dimension and see if they wont give it back to you…its all about the heart chakra…this is the centre where it all happens…connect to the lively dragons and serpents of life energy who dwell within these walls…they are here to save you from your energy…take in the orange and the pink…one colour up each nostril…see a big silver star over your heart and stomach…and see yourself sat on the very top of the world… you master of the world, you.” Hurl orange and pink from your solar plexus and give it out to this sun dimension…where the beings of life are Orange and pink, orange and pink, orange and pink feel the energy swirling in your solar plexus area Tomlinson showed me the black universe with the pink and orange topping – like cream on top of a black Christmas pudding…

The orange and pink energy dimension… I have seen beings here like dragons…and green serpent looking beings with yellow eyes…it’s the energy of life…with characters and colourful beings… Angel Daisy exists here, in the wild eyed energy… Throw your defenses down and come and dance with reality – with the energy of life…fuelled by the sun, this dimension is kept well by the sun

Archangel Colours Blue, yellow, green, red all in that order in a strip like a stripy ribbon Gold glitter on the outsides Represents the Angels, definitely Michael and Raphael, and Gabriel felt red The blue angels – Michael and the blue angels

Inner Child Therapy Pink circles over heart throat and solar plexus chakras. “I take in the healing from the angels gratefully, thank you.” Think of an issue and then say to the angels, “please get rid of this pain… because it is not FAIR that I should have to carry it around with me, day in, day out, it’s not on, please help with this once and for all, thank you.” “Angels please heal me.” Lift your head up and take in the sun Bow down to the ground and take in the essence of the flowers Take in the energy of the planets swirling round Live with your heart engaged with all activity around you And you will see the sun rise in your mind and set in your heart “Archangel Azrael, please intervene and balance my polar opposites of Heaven and Earth which are part of my make up. Please help me to flourish in both and also be the master of my own destiny – God willing.”

Angel Medicine

The Sun gives out life to all of creation, so take some, start each day with it. Take in the Light of the Sun and you can use it like its Angel medicine. “Sun, and Angels of the Sun please give me a dose of healing light from the Sun’s Energy Field, for health and wellbeing, thank you.” Now, pause and let the Angels administer your own particular and correct dosage of Energy.

Angel Sedriel I attune you to the energy pathways emerging from the planet Jupiter… take in this energy now…breathe out the energy of the Sun…I place diamonds in all of your chakras to shine like an Angel Light…I carry you with me…” (Sedriel swallowed me up and I was at once in the sun place – the Dimension of the Sun)… “Angel Sedriel please place diamonds in all of my chakras and place me in the Sun Dimension.” Pause and let Sedriel work with your Energy.

Angel attunement Open third eye back chakra and allow the energy to flow into your body…feel the energy enter via the back of your head and travel throughout your body…going into your heart and solar plexus, and wherever the Angel energy is needed…allow the Angels to do their work…think angel fire…visualize orange and pink swirling into your chakras…know that it comes from The Angel Place – The Sun Dimension… angels live in the Sun Dimension…filled with the warm fiery energy from the Sun…

Energy Helpers Open and connect to the Sun – filled rays which permeate planet Earth’s energy frequency all the time and ask for the Energy Helpers to heal you with the different rays which come from our solar system’s planets. Open and take in not only the sun’s rays, but the unique frequencies of energy from Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Pluto, Neptune, the Moon, the Earth, Uranus, Mars and Saturn…and take in the energy and let the Helpers of the Universe do their Light Work. They always make Light work of it!!! It is not work to them, it is a joy to assist in the development and the creation of the minds which will in turn affect the state of the entire planetary cosmic population.

They shout in unison to me, and also to you, “It is a JOY to work with you!!!”…

The Inner Ear Ask Archangel Azrael to clear the blockages in your inner ear – this will help you to develop your clairaudience. Archangel Azrael “Your inner ear works very well, when you are not trying to help yourself… work with the indigo healers and ask them to clear the inner noise…this will maintain your connections to the Archangels…the indigo healers are Archangels…ask them to use the indigo ray to penetrate the walls of your ears and give them a little shake…and then send this indigo beam to each side of your body and stop at where you would have pockets if you were wearing trousers…so it is just before your thighs…this is very important as this area balances your literary aspects, words, speech, communications…anything to do with the written or spoken word is connected to these two centres – one on the left and one on the right… now to finish the ear balancing exercise off, visualize two spinning glittery indigo Catherine wheels, one on the left and one on the right…doing this exercise will affirm to yourself that you are in fact being listened to.”

Sun’s Healing See your limbs lit up with sun light So the flesh is lit up, transparent and pink Basked in yellow sunlight surrounding each organ Draped in sunshine Look for a circle of energy in the cosmos When you find it, send out your Mind Energy to join with it Then download your very own Cosmic Awareness Your Energy, your virtues, what you will make with this life And blend this with your own physical brain, heart and then mentally guide this cosmic energy down to your lowest chakras Say, “I blend all my dark energy with that of the Sun’s, for healing.” See yellow sun light heal the dark, troublesome parts of your Energy Field Let the Angels in the Sun – lit universe calm your nerves and help you go steady

The Golden Sphere All knowledge resides within the centre of the earth in the golden sphere and it is guided by angels

Similarly, all knowledge resides within the centre of the universe and it is guided by angels. And only the good can access it! What keeps the universe going – the goodness of the sun – any beings who give out the goodness of the sun are in a kind of network – the very survival of the universe depends upon this giving out of the goodness of the Sun.

Affirmation – “I surrender to the physical and energetic creation because this is ALL there is.” Then send out your energy to everything and become One with the grander picture – the moving creation – because it is all that there is… “I open up now and I surrender to the Sun’s Fire – the Cosmic Fire – and I become illuminated.”

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