The cosmic fire

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The Cosmic Fire

The Cosmic Fire Ellen Hare Š The Cosmic Fire/Ellen Hare


The Cosmic Fire

The Cosmic Fire Contents Lessons Like Dominoes We All Fall Down The Sun-force

Š The Cosmic Fire/Ellen Hare


The Cosmic Fire

Lessons Lesson 1 Don’t forget the life you lead is really important. You can really get carried away with dreams and things – as if being carried by a whirlwind – but it is your real life which is ‘the master’! Lesson 2 When the past is gone – it really is. Leave the past behind – because when it’s gone it’s gone – it really is – its gone. Lesson 3 Try and live the life that is here for you now – not some made up construction of what ‘might be’ or what you want or think should be. Me – at this point I am seriously interjecting to ask ‘and what of our dreams, our desires??? The dreams which we just have a hunch will come true??? What about those who are being spurred on by dreams of their future from the ‘other side’???? The Buddha says, “try and live in harmony with the cosmos now, your truth will be reflected back at you from the water of life…you need to love yourself as an individual first…im sorry…but im not here to tell you how to live your life in no way shape or form. I come here to gather the information for you and present it in some format which is presently called a book…ask and it will be revealed to you…the cosmos and the fire…or, what is called…The Cosmic Fire.” Me – ok, what will heal the world, what knowledge can you help me to find which will seriously remove pain from all beings on earth??? What knowledge would god want me to tell the world, can you ask and find out?... The Buddha says, “I know you can hear me, but you are walking a line of desire at the moment so the energy pathway within you is closed off to knowledge of god and the cosmos…I can reveal it to you a little at a time if you want…but it will change you as a being and also your life…this will be The Cosmic Dance…” © The Cosmic Fire/Ellen Hare


The Cosmic Fire

Me – ok, what do you want the title to be, cosmic fire or cosmic dance lol??? The Buddha says, “Well, that’s up to you – but The Cosmic Fire would be better…however, at the moment I am more interested in your psychic development work…” Me – well, okay then, cosmic fire it is, will you reveal the cosmos and the fire bit by bit to me then, and will this truly heal people of pain???

© The Cosmic Fire/Ellen Hare


The Cosmic Fire

Like Dominoes, We All Fall Down The Buddha says, “lift your head up …tilt your head back and take in the white light of god you see coming at your third eye chakra (the centre of your forehead) and splash…into the centre of your forehead goes the white light of god and the cosmos.” Me – I take this energy in and in my mind afterwards I visualize a big white silvery star at the centre of my forehead pointing off above my head…I stay like this for a few minutes and then I am being drawn to my stomach area where I feel the energy has been ‘digested’, and its you telling me about the title of this book!!!! ‘The Cosmic Fire’… The Buddha says, “you have your title now, so kneel at it and worship at it lol…don’t go mad for it or you will give yourself a headache…but I want you to know that you will be rewarded with silence at this ‘may fair’ venture…just touch your toes and be fit and healthy…I cannot come and take all of your energy and bring it up to the ‘heavenly quarters’ so to speak…YOU HAVE TO DO THAT ALL ON YOUR OWN!!!!....there will be nothing owed to you…your scripture is well bent….i promise you silence… but piece by piece I will reveal to you a much grander picture…on a much grander scale than you have ever imagined in your dreams…I will show to you the houses of heaven…and what might dwell there…but it will take YEARS this book…and you will not want it to finish…oh I will ring you out my dear… You will be presented well with the findings of an architect…all that stuff… dig…dig…dig…and what must come up is buried…you have no idea what is buried in you…the truth of the cosmos…lean on me, lean on jesus if you want, but this will ‘knacker’ your energy…you need to speak the truth from your own heart – please believe me when I say that’s all I ever did – the question is ellen – who is it that gives us this truth – who is the truth giver???? I attune you now to the energy of the cosmos – a very different life indeed for you to lead, ellen” Me – its connected in a small way to my heart – like a tiny dot in my heart corresponds with the cosmos in the universe – this place of intelligence and energy – it’s a place in the universe and a small dot is in my heart which seems to be similar…the truth of the cosmos must be in all our hearts then…Buddha, what is the truth of the cosmos, with my understanding that the cosmos is that very structure of energy on which EVERYTHING is either built or derived from… © The Cosmic Fire/Ellen Hare


The Cosmic Fire The Buddha says, “The cosmos is the energy which supports the universe… it comes and goes where you are concerned ellen, but at times it stays with you a while…go ahead and write on the bookmark – the book of all time …your patience is a virtue…your patience is astonishing…alas a life lived without pain is a life hardly worth cannot just simply serve yourself all of the time as if you were split in two – the giver and the needy receiver …or can you give to yourself all the time and not look to outside resources for help and comfort…the question is can we live in this self sufficient way…if we lean on each other all the time like dominoes we will all fall down…and that’s not good is it???? What is it that we need?? All of our needs are the sum of all fears…all need and destruction is only what we fear…” Me – well, ive thought this for many years, and some days we can all do it, we have to, because we have nobody there to help us at all…but what about those days when we really need a hug, or love or a genuine connection with another being??? Isn’t being self sufficient just a fancy and clever way of saying that I have closed myself off from humanity, from giving and receiving in a relationship or friendship with other humans??? On another hand I really do believe the purest way is to give to yourself and take from yourself and rely on yourself – I believe it is the purest way, however I also believe to have love between two people is also the purest way, I think I need to somehow do both…I do believe love is all…and without love there is not much point, or sense!!!

© The Cosmic Fire/Ellen Hare


The Cosmic Fire

The Sun-Force The cosmic fire will heal people Suck it in – the fire of life which exists everywhere Life and fire from the Sun This energy is everywhere And where does it come from – it comes from the Sun Believe you are a Being of Light, made from the Light of the Sun And emanate light and electricity from yourself, like sparks The electricity of the Universe A living and breathing Being, breathing in the Light of the Sun which is all around and under your nose Stand, or sit, in the Cosmic Fire – The Light of the Universe Coming from the Sun and filling up everywhere Necessity, it is a necessity for life Drink in the Sun’s Light and Energy, Mind and Soul The Intelligence of the Sun-force, That mind, that personality, this is what people label God! So, listen to the force of the Sun, it exists everywhere, Without pain or complication – it overrides all existence.

© The Cosmic Fire/Ellen Hare


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