Book Of Everything
Ellen Hare Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
On Mother Earth May 15th 1997 (Age 16) Underneath the skin, underneath my hair Underneath all your make-up who is living there? Or have you been fooled into believing everyone’s act that they’re happy to work? Do you really believe that their treat in life is a car? Well, they believe it, they put up with second best, their light isn’t bright enough to go into the darkness and look for something else. Is there a light on in your head? Or are you a robot of the Earth, a product of material greediness, knowing numerical worth? Are you tired of routine and numbers? All I want to do is appreciate the beauty of the Universe. Is it really too much to ask, to want to know why I’m living here on Mother Earth? I want to sing in poppy fields, Visit planets of another time, I want to live with dolphins, And even know the meaning of time, I don’t want clouds, I want stars, And I don’t want near, I want far, We need to live a life that’s free, So we can sing in the sun under the sea, We need to live a life that is free, So you can be you and I can be me.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
There Is No Such Thing Jan 2000 (age 19) There is no such thing as the devil, there is only love. There is no such thing as evil, only fear and what it makes people do. We are free – but we imprison ourselves because of fear. We don’t remember why we are here – we do not know what to do with ourselves, and we feel scared as everyone else seems to know exactly what they are doing and we haven’t got a clue. We haven’t remembered why we are here – that’s all. But to live a fulfilling life you need to remember – remember your soul’s desire, what you are meant to do with your life. Don’t feel guilty about doing something you love, as long as it doesn’t harm another. Don’t feel guilty about making the most of a situation or a talent even if it causes others sadness or envy, because you cannot deny yourself in order to let another be happy. It doesn’t work that way. Everything in life is constructed in such a way that it will allow you to grow, not to do wrong or right, but to grow through experience. We are everything, all concepts – there is ultimately no good and evil, these are just words used to describe situations. Please don’t imagine that you don’t have control over your own life or the events which occur within it. Everything is down to you, because you are God. When you pray, you pray to the universe, Heaven and your Spirit. So if you want something changing – change it! Something fixing – fix it! Don’t for one minute think that you are not capable of altering your life because of course you are! You are everything – the Queen, King and servants, we are existence, we are God – what else could we be if God is all exists? We are the rulers, creators, changers not the slaves and skivvies. We are the rulers of the universe because there is nothing to rule and nobody to rule us – we are number one. Don’t think you are not good enough or that you need help from somebody – because you don’t. You are in charge of your life, and you are the only one who can make a difference.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Universe Is God May 2001 (age 20)
The Universe is GOD.
Everything is held together by GOD
Because everything is GOD.
GOD is an energetic, harmonious, multi-colored, multi-minded and non-judgmental force of love which created life.
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Connect 2001 (age 20) Some people don’t connect with the God inside, or they don’t know enough about it to realize when they are connecting. Some of us don’t often connect with The All (God). If people don’t connect with the All they can feel negative in different ways. Sometimes people feel that they have lost a part of themselves due to life’s events and they are constantly looking to retrieve this lost part of themselves. That’s absolutely normal, and many people use healing in order to integrate the lost energy back into their Spirit, so they feel a bit more whole again. However, some people are a bit more desperate and turn to violence, drugs and all sorts to try and fill in this ‘empty void’ inside. All conflicts arise because a person has something you want, or has done something you don’t like basically, but there are so many reasons. 1. Respect each person’s wish to live as they do because everyone must go their own way. However, if the person in danger surely it would be okay to intervene and try and help? 2. No matter how hard you might try, you really cannot inflict your will upon others. Also, no matter how hard you try, some people will not want to take the help you offer them. 3. You cannot take responsibility for the actions of others – don’t feel guilty about the negativity in other’s lives – did you put it there??!! 4. If we all learnt that each person is God – you wouldn’t want to inflict pain or damage upon them would you? Even in the most vengeful circumstances…because you would be in fact hurting yourself. Everything you do to others, you do the All, to God. Have a think about that… 5. Everyone is you, because you are God, we are One, we are the All – we are one with the Angels, Animals, Spirit Guides and everything in creation. 6. When you don’t like yourself or somebody else, you don’t like God. When you love yourself and others, and show kindness and positivity – you are doing this to God. 7. We can never be destroyed because God would be destroying part of him/herself. When you feel happy, caring and loving – that is when you are connected to your own Spirit, to the universe and to God – we are all one and the same. When you are connected – listen to what you feel…it is God, your Spirit and Angels/Guides connecting with you …open up and listen
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Light & Dark May 2001 (age 20) The universe consists of light and dark. It is the darkness which allows the stars to shine. If the universe were all stars then we wouldn’t see the beauty of them. Their opposite is needed, it is essential in successfully creating the identity of the moon and stars. The opposite in this case is the dark universe which makes the light part of the universe even more beautiful. The planet Earth consists of many counterparts – male and female, sand and stone, land and sea, childhood and adulthood, sleeping and waking. The same pattern might apply to human beings as individuals. As we have physical bodies, we have a non-physical body which is linked in with the physical body and works with it. Life is invisible, you cannot see life. You can only see the produce of life i.e the events which are created by it, the people who are living it. But the only definition for life is that it is something which starts when you are born and then something which stops when you die. What happens in between is a matter of opinion, relative to the person’s experience of life. Some say they enjoy it, most say it is difficult, some say to keep trying, some want a brand new start, some are happy – but I really do not think many people are. Some people say that life is a lesson, but what do we need to learn and for what purpose? Does everyone have to learn the same thing, or do we each learn unique lessons depending upon our unique Self and what we want? Some say life is a test, if so I would like to know what the test is, and who is doing the testing? Do we get graded if it’s a test? What do we do if we pass? Some people believe life is a gift and we should be true to our inner self and fulfill our soul’s desires and help with anything we come into contact with. Life is a word which is thrown around frequently, but nobody ever seems to really understand it fully. I am alive, we are alive and we are living our lives – fact. Who’s is in charge right now – we are. Filling your days with activities which involve your senses – this is not living in the fullest sense of the word. Listen to your gut feelings, listen to what your Spirit is saying to you – ask, “Why am I here? Who am I? What do I need to do?”. You are NOT just a physical being, your senses live for you, you do not live for your senses. The Earth and all the Beings on it are very much physical but the life which is created by them is invisible, and the part of the self which creates life is invisible.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Know Yourself May 2001 (age 20)
To know yourself; Is to know the Inner and Outer worlds Which we collectively created Know the invisible self And the visible self improves
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Higher Sense Of Living May 2001 (age 20)
Once we have noticed that there is some kind of higher sense of living which is possible, that there is somewhere to evolve to (Godself – which is in everyone) our lives are changed forever. We can now think about – Why are we here? What aspect of God are we meant to carry out? What do I need to heal? What can I give to the world? What unique qualities and talents, ideas and personality traits do I have which I need to embrace? Who am I? Where am I going? Where have I been and how did I get here? Do I have the correct life or do things need changing? As soon as we start to carry these questions around with us we soon start to realize the unique ways in which we can make the world a better place, so we can all evolve to God. We will have all discovered the actual purpose of living, so we are no longer pondering aimlessly. One generation is meant to learn something new – EVOLVE – then pass it onto their children and so on… until evolution has been completed. Remember, God works through people and the events in your life, so look at what is going on around you. Look for coincidences and things which resonate a deep reaction you, listen to your gut feelings.
Feelings are the language of the soul – the language of God and Heaven. Words are manmade. Words describe feelings, feelings don’t describe words.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Creation May 2001 (age 20) The Creator of the Universe has to be an artist. Look at the beautiful colours, shapes and sounds upon this planet. Look at the range of scents, flowers, foods and animals. Creativity was the component used in the creation of the Universe The Source which created us can experience or create anything it wants, just with the thought of it. We have sprung from this source. We have the same blue print – to create. So go – play games, draw, paint, sing, sculpt, act and dance Because in creating
You might find that amazing part of yourself which created the universe. Then your power of thought will take you many places.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Remember Me 23rd Sept 2001 (age 21) You don’t remember the reason why you’re here. You’ve forgotten your reason for creating yourself. You are scared of remembering because you do not understand the feeling of emptiness inside you. It is an emptiness that needs filling with the truth – with the essence of life. You try your best to fill your emptiness with food, sex, clothes, cars, money, power and fame, but after one earthly matter has done it’s purpose, you are discovering it has not filled your emptiness. You thoughtfully move onto the next materialistic, impermanent and so easily destructible object of desire. Some of you are excellent at forgetting – living a life based on your earthly desires and obeying your senses. You are good at pretending that all of this beautiful creation is about man made creations that save your legs (cars) and man made creations which keep you safe and warm (houses) and other obscenities unthinkable when you look at the rhythm and order of the natural world. None of you feel at home here on planet Earth. Go on, admit it. Your family life and upbringing has crippled you into thinking love is conditional, religion told you that we all live in sin, and school said your future is mapped out for you depending upon your grades and thus we all feel a bit guilt riddled when we want to do something that we really want. Are you all isolated from each other, and not feeling like you are at home on Earth? Many are not living a life, they are surviving. Lives centered around your dwelling, around stomachs, fashion and sexual drives, around your body and senses. YOU SHOULD BE IN COMMAND OF YOUR SENSES, BUT IT IS THE OTHER WAY AROUND. There is little difference between humans and animals. You are all obsessed with satisfying the body’s needs, food, warmth, transport, clothes etc.. but your body will die. Your body is impermanent, just like every other earthly thing – one day it will perish and stop being. No wonder you all feel so insecure! You are all living a life of illusion, destruction and also impermanence. Go on, spend your time chasing rainbows with number plates, seek power, food, sex, food, fashion, looks, fame etc… BUT YOU WILL ALWAYS HAVE A HUNGER FOR MORE! You will always have a hole inside you that needs filling. Some say self mastery and knowledge fulfill, some say energy/light, some say the God within, some say love… © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
You have forgotten the paradoxical truth about creation and you. You must remember duality – black and white; day and night; sand and stone; sound and silence; man and woman; cold and warmth; body and soul…
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
ONE Nov 2001 (age 21)
The spark of creation sprang from your desire to know yourself.
We are your thoughts, desires and creations living sleepily in your ever-changing dream.
You gave us an option; to forget or remember.
So that you can know yourself, we have to remember the truth about ourselves.
Because, you and me are of one soul, one mind and one heart.
We are one.
“It is the same thing in the world’s body as in our body.” Marsilio Ficino
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
We Were Made To Forget‌ 2001 (age 21)
We were made to forget So that we can remember Again and again The joy of the truth About who we really are This must be one of the Meanings of why we are here
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Creator 5th Dec 2001 (age 21) Who is the Creator of the Universe? What components were used in the creation of the universe? What is the meaning of all life? I cannot tell you a name of the Creator, or how old it is, but what I can tell you is the following…It is a fantastic artist whose beauty can be seen in a snowflake, a sunset, a tree in springtime, the shining stars, the poppy fields, animals and humankind. It loves music for the Earth is never silent and most things can produce music of some sort. The birds and the whales each have their own song, as the insects of the night, the waves of the sea, the rustle of the leaves on the trees and also the human singing voice. The Creator loves form and is an amazing sculpter/sculptress – just look at the mountains, flowers, rocks, caves, human and animal bodies. It loves to taste! All the tastes available on the Earth could never be tasted in one lifetime. Our food grows up from the earth giving us energy and nourishment – almost like a gift from the Creator. Everything we need we have. What type of Being do you think would create such complex beauty? A whole Universe of stars and galaxies? An evil and vengeful God, like in the Old testament perhaps? Did this God create the beautiful the tulips, with soft petals and varying colours????Look at the robin flying from one tree to the next. I think one thing is certain – the Maker truly is beautiful. Only a Being filled with love and beautiful ideas could create such things. When human beings start to create things, the creation process starts in the subtle realm of the mind. This is how all things start. So it is fair to say that our creations are but a shadow of the mind. The same could be said about the creator of the universe – we are but a shadow of the creator’s mind – look at the complexities of the world for just a taste of what this creative power is truly capable of. The source behind all creation is an infinite mind – able to create anything it wants, using only the power of creative thought. We have this creative mind at our fingertips whenever we want – it is just a mere case of learning how to gain access to it. However, this is not as hard as you think, usually if someone wants to find the truth with all of their heart then they will do. Just acknowledging the fact that there is something greater behind all of life is enough to lead the way. In using our own creative mind, artistically or otherwise, we will soon discover that these creative ideas come from an invisible and timeless realm which is unbound by space and time. It is a creative and endless mind which is shared by all beings. Some would say it was an infinite mind, which means that
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
ALL OF OUR HUMAN MINDS ARE NOT SEPARATE FROM EACH OTHER AT ALL – Quite the opposite in fact, we really are one mind, and all creativity comes from the ONE UNIVERSAL MIND – the same mind which created all existence. WE ARE PART OF THAT CREATIVE MIND WHICH CREATED THE UNIVERSE, AND STILL EXISTS WITH THE UNIVERSE, GIVING LIFE TO EVERYTHING IT. We each have our own unique mind, capable of thought and creativity, but we can ‘dip into’ the much larger Universal Mind, which contains the mind of all Beings along with the Creator’s mind.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Darkness Jan 13th 2002 (age 21) I can’t work out whether or not darkness has an independent existence of it’s own. I feel that the Creator of all existence is a force which, perhaps with other things, is love. I feel it is bright, clear, creative and it is love. I think that maybe darkness is just what happens when there is not much light there. In murderers for example, there is no bright light there because if there were then they wouldn’t murder because they would know that what you do to another you do to yourself. Murderers are living in darkness because they don’t know the truth – WE ARE ALL ONE AND THE SAME.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Mind 22nd Jan 2002 (age 21) Is the mind separate from the body? If so, why? What is the point of all creation? It is widely accepted that on the Earth, there is somewhat of a dualistic theme occurring throughout creation – day and night, land and sea, human and animal. Also, human beings have a dualistic nature – male and female, child and adult, waking and sleeping, thoughts and feelings etc…However the most interesting and probably the most discussed aspect of this duality is the question – If we are a physical being, then surely we should also be a non-physical being? Why should we not follow universal law and have this dualistic nature? To some people, it is quite obvious that we are a dualistic being with two different aspects coe-existing simultaneously together to make a larger whole. We have a spiritual body and a physical body. The physical body is impermanent and eventually will die, but the Spirit body which contains the mind will eternally live on. The mind is NOT the physical brain. The brain is destructible as it is made up of physical, created matter – it will die along with the rest of the physical body. So what is this spiritual, eternal mind which is indestructible? As we each have our own physical bodies, which are physically separate from all other beings, we also have our own spiritual mind which is contained within the energy body. However, we also have a much wider mind which we are part of – this is the one universal mind. The duality is that we are physically separate, yet we are spiritually part of a massive whole – the universal mind or energy body. Some view the energy body of the universe as being one large spiritual being – just like each created being has an energy counterpart. At a higher plane of consciousness – there really is only ONE mind. We are all connected to it, some say we come from it and some say we are actually it. This is where creativity comes from, and this is why highly creative people are mostly spiritual people. If you use your own creative mind to do something creative which purely comes from you and is your creation – you are definitely using the part of yourself which is ‘linked in’ with the universal mind – the governing force of all creation. EVERY living thing has a mind of some sort – or should we say it’s own way of accessing the universal mind. We have the ability to think for ourselves and also process thoughts from the universal mind, which contains every single mind in existence (on Earth or in Heaven), as well as the creator of the universe. Simultaneously, we are ON the Earth, but we are IN Heaven. © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The physical brain is merely a tool through which the mind can create. The brain is a huge store of information; it contains everything we have experienced and what we perceive to be the truth. The physical brain is the mind’s instrument, through which it can perceive what is happening around it and create what it desires. When the brain becomes damaged or distorted, creativity can become difficult, because the mind is using a broken instrument. It would be like a musician using a broken guitar – nobody would understand it and it would sound strange. The creator (the musician) would be absolutely fine – but they would need a brand new instrument to play. If we existed with no brain or body what would we be? We would be ‘potential’ creative energy. We would need a tool through which to create though. So, we have a body. The Energy Body contains the mind, the creative aspect which resides in each person’s energy, and this works in conjunction with the physical person in order to manifest thoughts and feelings – our creations. You create your life. Together we create the world – every second.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
I Am Only One 22nd Jan (age 21) I am a creative, loving, infinite Being. Without a beautiful illusion to create, I am simply ‘potential’ creative energy. The Universe is my illusion what I created because I am a Creator. I am the creator of all things. When all of my creative illusions subside there will be me left with my Creative mind, creating another beautiful creation which echoes my beautiful self. All of the things which I create are my creations – They do not have a full existence of their own – Although they think they do. I am their blueprint – I created them, Whatever they do I want them to do it because they are me, I gave them free will. In giving them free will I can discover every single part of me. The Earth and all it’s Beings are my creations. I love them all for they reflect who I am. The illusion I have created is that many separate Beings exist, In contrast with me – I am Only One. Enjoy this creation for it is my eyes that are seeing it through your eyes! If only you knew the truth – you are one with all that you see, Well, with the mind that exists behind it, giving it life. Create what your soul tells you, For it is Me speaking. I created you so that I may live in My very own creation, And experience every single aspect of Me, One at a time – it’s that great!!!
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
All Part Of A Dream 3rd Feb 2002 (Age 21) We are all part of a dream. A constant ever-changing dream. The Dreamer is Us. At our truest level we are the creator, And at our lowest level we are just the created. Know that you have dreamt up all of creation in your infinite mind. And then went and played in your own creation. In many different bodies and places You will manage to play with all of your magnificent toys! I wonder, like in sleep, Is the dreamer conscious of the fact that they are dreaming the universe??? Of course it is at some level. Look at the designs and cycles. The universe is one big work of art by the Artist of all time. We are residing in our own creation. We are all One We create our own lives We are the Creators and also the Created. We are the dreamers and we are living in our own dreams.
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Evolution Or Creation 1st Mar 2002 ( age 21) Organic evolution is the theory that the first living organism developed from non living matter – of course it did! We can only understand and recognize life which consists of the same matter as we do and as everything in the universe – which when you break down is made up of exactly the same components. The universe was created by another force – a force which does not consist of the same matter as the universe which it created. The first living organism came from whichever force actually created the universe. Some evolutionists describe it as non-living matter, but it is only described in this way because we don’t understand the very force that created the universe. It simply isn’t alive in the same way that we are alive. It isn’t restricted by space or time – this force created space and time. Visible creation comes from an invisible creator – thoughts in the mind. The thought/idea comes first and then the physical manifestation of that thought. This is the origin of all physical creations which surround us all of the time. This is also evident in human beings – we are creative beings. So, it is quite reasonable to suggest that the ‘non-living matter’ from which the first living organism developed was a thought or an idea, which existed in some sort of mind. The force which created all of life thought that which it wanted to create – it had the idea or thought, and then created the thought and idea afterwards. This invisible thought/idea produced a physical living organism. Look at the creation and birth of a baby – it is hidden from sight for approximately nine months and then it appears for all to see and hear. When it is born, the baby is tiny, and then it begins growing, until one day it stops growing and stops living. The analogy of a baby could be compared to the theory of organic evolution. It was planned in an invisible realm by the power of creative thought – in the Creator’s mind. Then the creation started to develop and grow and change. And, one day the creation will stop being. One day the universe will cease to be. I wonder what the creator will create next? After the whole concept of space and time disappears, a creative force with no restrictions can create anything!
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Richest Woman 13th March 2002 ( Age 21) I am the richest woman in the world, The treasures I have access to, which are stored behind my eyes, are unbreakable, There are no cobwebs on my treasure, and it will never decay, because this treasure is timeless. It is shapeless, yet it is bigger than all of creation, My treasures are love and creativity, and these are the most important things to me, I have quickly learnt that external objects are subject to change, and this includes the physical body, There is no happiness in impermanence, The truest happiness to be found lies inside us – it is our very nature. It is the place where all creativity springs from, It is unchanging. It is as if I am the instrument through which The Creator is creating it’s songs. I see your energy all around in dancing lights and criss-crosses of darker coloured energy. Sometimes I look at the walls and it is as if they are not made out of brick, but out of thousands of little dots of white light, vibrating and pulsating, so misty, so glittery. The air that we are surrounded by is fuller than the objects we make.
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
These Words Are Manmade Mar 20th 2002 ( Age 21) These words are manmade and do little justice for that which they describe. I have read piles of books and they haven’t brought me any closer to you. They made me realize I already have that which most people are seeking.
You come and in an instant can transform me. I do not need practice to get closer to you. You are so much bigger than our limitations.
We share a love that will last all time without any conditions. In this love lies patience and understanding for it knows itself- it is fulfilled by itself.
I can’t find ‘GOD’ anywhere, All I feel is an intoxicating love and wellbeing, Limitless love without judgment.
You are filled with all creation!
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
In Charge Of The World 27th April 2002 ( Age 21) We do not want to know that we are in charge of the world, We leave others starving because we live in riches, Then we are angry at God, We shout, “What kind of a God are you?! What kind of a God would allow such things like war, famine, murder and rape?” And then we all fool ourselves into believing we are helpless. To a certain extent, we do all have free will. Who has caused war and famine and murder and rape? Humans. Not animals, humans. Watch what you do, because one day you will have to correct it, even if in hundreds of years from now, in Heaven or on the Earth in a new incarnation.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Real World Jan 2003 ( age 22 ) Between this physical world and the world which we enter when we dream there lies another world – where space and time are not rules, they are merely thoughts which long to be made into their own reality. From this world between boasts a view of all creation. From this world between we are being observed by an ever present being, invisible to our looking eye as it watches all of life. It is the silent watcher living in it’s world which was never created; it simply exists and will exist for all eternity. Planet Earth is a created realm, yet it’s very existence was caused by an outsider. An uncreated Creator, perhaps? One who doesn’t exist within space and time. The outsider created space and time, and like human beings, are thoughts within the Creator’s mind. Today we believe we are real, even though we began as a thought in the Creator’s mind, a timelss and spaceless creator. Yet, the fact that we were created suggests that we are not ultimately real, as our creation might have been caused by an outsider, by somebody other than ourselves, or maybe we created ourself? Maybe we are the outsider and we created time, space, the cosmos, life on Earth?! Did something else create us and cause us to come into being and therefore determine exactly what we were going to be? Or did we do it to ourselves? Are our identities not true because they were given to us by an outside Creator? Was the very fibers of our being manufactured and programmed to believe that they themselves are real? If we believe we are real, death puts an end to all that any way. Is there an ultimate reality, an infinite world beyond planet Earth? A world with no shape, no space, no time, no death, no pain, no limitations? A place where we know who made us and where we will live forever. Amidst all the madness, is there a Real World?
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Time Feb 2003 (age 22) Time is an illusion. The idea for time sprang from the infinite realm, where the idea to create all of life also occurred. Time is of a temporary nature; it was created and one day it will cease to be. Even though our true nature is timeless, while we are in a created state of being we are creatures of time. We were born, we live and one day we will die. We are living in the illusion of time. The illusion of time is essential for what we need to do while we are human beings. We need to live each moment individually. It seems almost as if life were like a chain of events, individual moments connected – each one waiting patiently to be experienced. As we go along the chain, we can look back or gaze forwards – gazing wonderfully at the future or in remembrance at the past. However the nature of the chain-like structure of life is such that we can only ever live in one moment at a time. In the ultimate reality, our lives would not be made up of chains of moments, all beginning and ending in time. In the ultimate reality, life is made up of layers of moments, which sit on top of each other – and they are all happening at the same time. Creation is one big moment spread out over the entire Universe – this is where the idea of time travel comes from. The past, present and future all co-exist simultaneously right now within the Universe. They all exist as part of NOW. In the ultimate reality there is no past or future – EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING NOW. In the Ultimate Reality, past and future cease to exist, and there is no chain-like path of events to embark upon. All things happen at once in the timeless realm which is Heaven or the Energy Realm. As all occurrences actually happen simultaneously, there can only be one moment which is real – the present moment. The present moment is the only aspect of time which is real, for it is only there that we are truly alive. We are never alive in the past or the future – we can only ever be alive in the here and now. The past is memories and we can only remember it when we are in the present moment. The past would not actually exist if there were no present moment in which to remember the past. The future is uncertain because it lies ahead and forms our chain-like path from which we can gaze and wonder about possibilities, yet we never actually get there. We never move from the present moment.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Energy Worlds Feb 2003 (age 22) Planet Earth without energy would be dead. Humans and animals die when energy leaves the physical body. Without energy, everything would die. There is in fact ONE energy everywhere holding all creation up. At the heart of everything – it is what makes everything live. Without it we would die. The very thing which makes me live, makes the stars shine, the flowers blossom and the waves roar.
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Organic Evolution April 2003 (age 22) Organic evolution is the theory that the first living organism developed from nonliving matter. However they only use the term non-living to describe the substance from which we evolved because they don’t understand the place from which our first living organism sprang. As humans we do not understand or recognize any forms of life which consist of different matter than we do. We recognize and are slowly beginning to understand the Universe because it consists of the same matter as we do. We cannot find God because he doesn’t consist of the same created matter as we do. The Creator is alive in a different way to us humans and so appears to most as being invisible. As humans we make the invisible become visible every day. That is, we think and then we physically create that thought. It is clear that we are naturally creative beings, so it would not be unreasonable to suggest that the non-living matter from which the Organic Evolutionists state the first living organism developed, was in fact a thought. A thought which came from the Creator, which would consequently create that which he had just thought, like humans do. God had the idea of life, and created life. Everything on Earth started out as a thought in the mind of the Creator. That is, before the Earth was made physical, it was an invisible thought in God’s mind. We humans on Earth, are literally living in God’s mind, and as his thoughts we will live in his memory forever. Everything has been created and it is thoughts which cause things to be created, whether by God or by humans here on Earth. God expresses his thoughts through us constantly inspiring us to create works of art, human beings and the situations in our lives. God is thinking all the time and makes his thoughts come alive through our bodies and minds, because he wants us to know what it feels like to be the Creator, to be God and to be in the Director’s chair. Or, more accurately, he creates his thoughts through his creations (humans) because he wants to know again and again what it feels like to be himself – what it means to be God. His purpose in creating humanity was so that, through our limited perception of him, he could gaze back at himself in awe and wonder, maybe? He created human beings and gave them characteristics which were opposite to his own – pain, time, change, death, restriction, negativity, uncertainty – so that when he looked through our eyes at himself, he would see how truly benevolent, beautiful, endless, free and flourishing he was. Looking through human eyes, God looks back and sees himself in all his infinite love, wisdom and glory, but looking through human eyes, what God wouldn’t seem absolutely, impossibly amazing? Is it our restricted gaze which makes God seem so awe-inspiring.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
A Pawn In His Game 31st May 2003 (age22) Maybe the only way to live a truly happy and peaceful life is to do what the Buddha said; stop wanting things. Accept that things are meant to be and you have been given all that you need to do whatever God wants you to do. Crying or being sad will not change the situation.
You have to play with the cards God has dealt you. Maybe, its about destiny. It must have been a fool who said a man makes his own opportunities, because we seem to have control over a small part of what happens in our lives. We have control over what we say and do, but, how can we have control over what happens to us? Surely, some things are pre-ordained to happen before we even step onto the planet Earth?
Some events in our lives are written in the stars – no matter what we do, some things are simply destined to happen to us – it’s fate.
I think life is a mixture of our own free will and fated events, i.e. we have control over some of our life, which is down to what we do with our own free will. We also have pre- ordained things which happen to us as well, which we arrange with our Guides before we incarnate on Earth, and there’s no getting out of this.
We each have free will and a destiny.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Real World Book Plan June 2003(Age 22) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Acknowledgements Dedication About the Author Contents Foreword Introduction Inspiration (start each part with a poem) from spirits and self; explain clairvoyantly, artists view. 8. Energy – factual, explain clairvoyantly 9. Consciousness – factual, philosophical point of view. 10. Creativity – artists view 11. Love 12. We’re all one – facts, explain in detail, how??? 13. Light and darkness – surrender to unknown even though it seems dark 14. Religion 15. The Real World – Recognize you are not the world. Detach yourself, know yourself, seek that energy.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Inspiration 2003 (Age 22) Songs come from other spirits or your spirit. So what is God, if songs come from spirits? Why do we think that we feel God when being inspired to create? How come we feel knowledge and God when we write a song? Is it because we spiritually join with another spirit and together we are God’s energy? Or is the beauty, knowledge, peace and inspiration we feel; not in fact feelings born as a result of the union with a spirit who is inspiring us, but solely gratefulness on the part of the human for the divine intervention? Why do spirits divinely inspire humans any way? Why don’t they just create what they want to in the spirit world? Is it because we humans mistake them for God when they come down to us with their music? Is this what they love, to be mistaken for God? If it’s spirits and angels who inspire us to write songs and create artistically, and not God, then where is God in all this? God is still and unchanging. You simply cannot observe that which you already are so the songs have to be dropped off by spirits – spirits and angels giving divine inspiration to the God within the human being – God can’t give to himself directly he needs an agent to give to him whilst he is inside the human being – hence spirits and angels dropping off knowledge and artistic creativity….to inspire OTHER humans….to find their own soul. If spirits and angels inspire us to write songs then God is not a step up from the Earth. Spirits that lived on Earth now live in the next dimension, where they guide people, the spirits get into people’s minds and put their music there to be written. Not God – spirits and angels of people who have walked the earth at times. So, if spirits are answering the prayers of humanity is the God dimension after the spirit one? I think not, for that would mean time exists outside of creation and it cannot, the absolute only exists in the present moment which lights up all of creation – spirit, earth and God. There is no ranking order of dimensions – for everything is equal. The ladybirds on the ground contain God, just like the planets of the solar system and the Angels. Inspiration isn’t God – it’s from spirits. Energy isn’t God – because it moves and changes. Did he create visible and invisible as he created day and night? Invisible being spirit world and energy? Thus the notion that the next step up is God? Existence has no pecking order, but where is God, is he what came before energy?????
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The earth is visible to us, energy is in everything here, we leave and go to the spirit world and the two worlds are interdependent. The spirit world is invisible to us, it guides us, it inspires us, energy in everything. There is no concept of good or bad ultimately; everything is created of equal of importance, because there is only God, no better or worse – at the end of the day. We are not a step in evolution, our bodies are, we are not, we don’t and will not die. The universes are part of a big web of life and we are a strand in the universe. God is unbound by time, and is a subtle being and nobody has ever found God. We have faith that God exists and some of us have felt God’s presence – but noone ever really found God. Just thinking about God brings him closer to us though he is always there – in everything, everywhere. All artists have a spark of truth in them, a stream of consciousness running through their beings. Truth longs to join with more truth and the artist looks upon the earth trying to find another person with a spark of truth. But most people on earth do not have a stream of consciousness or a spark of truth, so the artist is alone – and what is misery it is to be alone, for it’s a meaning of life to find a likeminded being and become one, but the artist can not, for the Age of the earth is a materialistic age where people don’t create beauty they just want to buy it and possess it. Alone, the artist has no choice but to go inside into the spirit world, to find a like minded spirit to join with. The artist, during their lifetime will join with many different spirits and while people create children together, artists spirits will create subtle works of art, to alter the state of consciousness of whoever comes into contact with the art. We create things which speak to the people of the earth and each person takes away their own interpretation of it.
Love is everything. Creators know God. LOVE is the meaning of life. One of them any way, I’m sure…
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Consciousness 2003 (Age 22) Consciousness is a light shining brightly within the darkness of humanity. It is a stream of truth, running through the river of illusion. Clarity there is not human, for it is not with the senses that one becomes conscious; it is with one’s own mind. When one finds one’s own consciousness one feels a sense of fulfillment which has been unfelt before, and one will be on their way to experiencing their true and fullest nature – which is pure consciousness. One will have realized that factor within themselves that exists only for itself, for it’s own sake. It finds no pleasure in created objects and is independent from such things – most of the time!!!! It exists only for it’s own sake – for within it lies all knowledge. In it lies love – because it loves itself. It knows itself – it is knowledge itself. It lives in all things. Without consciousness, created objects cease to exist, and when it leaves the object in which it lived will die. Everything becomes lifeless without consciousness. It is not man who is alive; but the consciousness about him, for man is dependent upon consciousness in order that he can live. Consciousness does not depend upon man so that it can live; it lived before man was born, and it will continue living after man’s death. It is ALIVE. To be conscious is to know oneself. Truthfully know yourself. Direct your senses inwards and learn about yourself, and then you will find fulfillment. You will not find fulfillment in created objects themselves only in the truth which lies within you – consciousness. There really is only one consciousness. There really is only one truth. And you will have found it when you find the one thing which is in all created things; the very force which created life and also keeps it living. You will not have found your true self, but you will have found the true self from which you sprang and which lives fulfilled, un separated and eternally within every single created living thing. After all of your lives you will return to this energy…connect to it now.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The World Is Not Ours To Own 6th June 2003 (age 22) Maybe one of the reasons why people are unhappy is because we are trying so hard to obtain things, whether they be emotional or physical. Even when we actually get these things we are not happy. How can we renounce all needing? Perhaps If we believe that we need things, that is what we will be – in need, and we will feel needy. We chase things, we go out into the world and look for things to make us happy. Maybe nothing in the physical world will actually MAKE us happy. Maybe we have to be happy already to enjoy…? I look at the world and I know that I am not the world or any of the things in it. I will not find comfort in things which are indifferent to me. Why do we look outwards into a strange foreign place, trying to find something to MAKE us feel contented? Why don’t we just look inwards???? The physical world and all that is in it was put here for me to experience and even sometimes enjoy, but I will not CLAIM any of it as being my own. The Earth is not my true nature because one day it will die – my true nature is not a dying one. There is a part of me which is free from the world. I have come from somewhere else, Heaven, and when I have had enough I will return somewhere else. The world doesn’t belong to us. Detach from the world and look at it, then love it, but stop trying to steal it. You are something else than the physical body living on the Earth.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Creator 2003 (Age 22) • • • • •
The world is a work of art. As with all works of art, the creation of the world began in the mind of an artist. All of the world is a shadow of the creator’s mind. In using our creative mind we can soon discover that creative ideas come from a realm which is intoxicated with love. Ultimately, there is only ONE mind. The Universal Mind which consists of All minds which ever existed. One can tap into this pool of wisdom through intention and meditation.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
We Do Not Own The World 6th June 2003 (age 22)
Recognize that you do not own the world. Recognize that you are not your body. Recognize that you are a subtle Being of mind. Recognize that the consciousness in you makes you different from all Earthy things including your body. Stop trying to feel at home here. Stop trying to have control over life. Stop looking for happiness in things which are unconscious. You are a creator with a perfect mind. You will not find happiness in things which are created, only in the things which you want to create and do create. The world is a drawing board and we are the painters, so paint with your mind’s eyes, But do not chain yourself to created things, for they are no longer alive. It is the place from where the creation came that is alive. Liveliness, energy in bountiful supply for all. Here you must go to find true happiness For the energy which creates all things is everlasting, It gives life to things, and the world will die when energy leaves, In effect, all created things are dead, that’s why we won’t find any happiness there, For what is an electric light, without electricity? It is dead – it’s the electricity you seek, not the dependent light bulb! Seek that energy which lives in all things and you will find happiness.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Sparks of Creation 2003 (Age 22) Besides all of creation there sits the Creator Above Below and Beyond Every speck of dust and drop of water Every creation was first a thought A thought in the mind of the creator We were made physical by the power of the creator’s thought The only characteristic of the creator of which we can be sure is creativity The whole point of life is creativity God has one imagination One creative mind We are God’s thoughts alive in his mind Through us his own thoughts and aspects are regenerated time and time again We are humans, God’s thoughts – walking around Our ideas come from God Where else would they come from?
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
It’s All About Energy 12/06/2003 (Age 22) Everything in the entire universe consists of the same matter: energy. Physical things are slow vibrating energy, they are shaped and compressed, but they are not ultimately solid. When everything is broken down, it’s only ever broken down to energy, this is the last factor of All things. Our bodies are shaped, compressed energy, but our minds are shapeless and they do indeed vibrate much faster than the physical body. Positiveness expands the mind energy and it reacts to thoughts and feelings – this is what determines it’s state. The whole universe is a mass of vibrating energy. Planet Earth is entirely made up of energy. Energy is the starting point and ending point – the infinite circle. Energy gives life to planet earth and it’s inhabitants, and one day the energy might depart – causing death. The earth would decompose, similar to a human death I imagine – where the energy leaves, but the physical counterpart brakes down as it can’t survive without the high, quick vibrating Spirit Energy.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Created Things Are Dead 12 June 2003 (Age 22) ALL Created things are essentially dead, it is the Life Energy which enables them to live. Without Life Energy we die. Energy can’t be destroyed – it is eternal. It is a connection with this Energy which is everywhere that humans are seeking, because we are Energy and we are seeking that which we truly are here on earth. But we look for it in possessions and even people – not there! We can never find happiness in a created object because it is not truly alive – it is only housing Life Energy. Created things are dead – they depend on energy to live and without it they die. For true happiness you must seek out Life Energy, for this is the first, true state of all things. Our bodies will die when Life Energy leaves them. Our bodies are dead now, living only on life energy. Happiness will never be found in something that is already dead; only in something which is alive. Your Energy Being is alive and it will live forever, the energy of the universe will live forever, the energy of the earth will live forever. But the earth and everything on it will die when Energy leaves.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Detach Yourself 12 June 2003 (Age 22) No created thing will make you happy You cannot possess that which you are not Therefore, you can never own the world or anything in it, including your physical body Because what you are is something else… Look outwards for happiness on a planet which depends on a finer energy in order for it to live, and know that the same about you is true. Your nature is not a dying one – you are not your body and one day you will be freed from it This is all temporary So do not try and claim it as your own, for that is impossible You cannot obtain things which differ from your own nature Your true nature does not need to obtain anything Your true nature is fulfilled because there’s nothing missing from it’s existence. Human nature is not fulfilled because there is something missing from it’s existence – connection with and knowledge and experience of Life Energy. Detach yourself from the pursuits of the day, from earthly pleasures Simply enjoy them, do not need them, You are Energy Energy doesn’t depend on anything, for it is happy, it is already fulfilled.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Know Thyself: God’s Mirror 12 June 2003 (Age 22) • • • • • • • • •
Energy is happy because it knows itself. In Life Energy there lies patience, understanding, tolerance, love, knowledge, peace, creativity and fun because it already knows itself. Make sure you know yourself because it is the meaning of all creation. God is looking at himself through his creations i.e humans. He is observing himself. You cannot observe that which you are so he created a mirror (humans) in which to observe himself. We are part of God’s mirror, and he is looking at his reflection through us. To remember oneself, first one has to forget oneself. We have been designed to forget our true nature all because God wants to discover himself over and over. In gradually knowing yourself, you are gradually knowing God – Life Energy. You love people because they reflect back at you what you want to see about yourself. God loves us because we reflect back at him that which he wants to see, because he has forgotten himself so that he can remember again and again through each and every one of the souls on earth, who he really is.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
God’s Life & Man’s Life 30 Aug 2003 (Age 22) You have God’s life and you have man’s life. The life that God creates for us and the life that man creates for himself. The life that God creates for us is full of awe, mystery and wonder – “What must I do?”, “How did I get here?”, Encased in the life that surrounds us, we search for YOU, For we know that we have been separated, And all of life is but a journey home back to you. The life that man makes is all very well, But there is no journey home. There is no love, no longing, no sense of the bigness of the world. No sense of the sacred. Man has made his world small, With telephones, aeroplanes and technology, All in a bid to control what was created by God. Man has made his own world to live side by side with God’s planet Earth. We make things out of things to divert our attention from the fact that we are empty inside. We try cars, TVs, mobile phones, the internet, holidays to try and convince ourselves that this is all there is, that there is nothing more and in fact we love it because we then do not have to try so hard if all the things that we need ARE ALREADY HERE BEFORE US EXISTING ON PLANET EARTH! We numb ourselves to our emotional hunger and emptiness by eating, playing and experiencing the earthly manmade things here in front of us. I remember YOU, I know that I am not of this world and that one day I will meet you again. Our separation is unnatural, we are one and yet your creation rips us apart so that I can feel my way home to YOU. We really are sick, gorging on the manmade rubbish. Attachment attachment attachment. Detach detach detach. I love YOU but I see you not in their lives They need you though and It’s really sad.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Way 10th Jan 2005 (age 24) And the way is colourless, And the way is shapeless, And the way is no way, It is soundless, It is free, It is dancing before me, And the way is boundless, Where right and wrong disappears, The way is soundless and sightless, Not worrisome nor tired, There are no burdens in the love of light. Because the way is clear, The way is open, The way is fresh and new and bright, The present moment is all there is There is no way There is never a way to what is here
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
We Are Not Containers 7th Dec 2003 (age 23) Children act out their fears, feelings etc through roleplay All the stuff inside – they express it by acting and creativity. Creativity is a release and the end product is not important – it is the release that matters and the creative energy used during creation. It seems that the fuel behind creativity is pent up emotions. So then creative works are feelings which have been exorcised through the human channels and by some means the feelings end up in whatever form the person wants, via their own creativity. Beauty comes from our pent up emotions. Feelings that the person does not want, are changed into something else via creativity. It seems we cannot contain feelings They mostly have a negative effect if we hold onto them. We are not containers it seems. Feelings need to be released and they become works of art If we were not built to contain feelings, what were we built for? Is it that some unknown bigger force is fulfilling some unknown quest through us? And that our job is to be open so it can flow through us and fulfill it’s own wish, with us observing it happening? Is it that our bodies are small but a big force wants to rush through us doing it’s will? Is it that we are empty vessels; a transformer of information to display God to the world?
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Mind 7th Dec 2003 (age 23) It’s not the music which is special, it is the place from which it came Invisible music comes from an unknown place It’s not human beings that are special, it’s the place from which they come. For we come from an invisible place. Two forces, visable and invisible collide and create life. We cannot comprehend the depths of the mind because it’s invisible. The mind, the invisible powerhouse of energy/light behind the brain I am a hollow container – I will evaporate The mind is alive whatever it is How many layers are there? I feel the mind I am in has many rooms, millions in fact and I must comprehend We cannot find the meaning of life, for we do not know ourselves properly, and it is within us that the truth lives. For the doors to every room in existence are there lined up in corridors – this is your mind The doors are to every single living thing that is There in your truthful mind. Limitations must be squandered as peasized brains pulsate too much information. My friend I will report back one day to you When I have found myself in this realm of restriction. I don’t know what the mind is but I want to. It is not a matter of learning about the mind It is not a matter of acquiring knowledge It is about getting in the right corridor and knocking on the right door of your very own mind, which is part and parcel of God’s mind, who created everything, It is faith, it is believing, it is knowing. I don’t know much but I know that we were all made beautiful by a beautiful Creator.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Wonderful Non-attachment Freedom 2nd May 2004 (age 23) The thing is… I can have perfection whenever I want – I come into the moment and it’s blissful. Nothing is real and etc etc etc This exercise doesn’t change my awful outside life. The happiness that I get in my mind, I want to get in the outside world. The point in all of this thinking was not to come to a full stop – it was to get to a healthy viewpoint of life! I’m sorry but I am capable of great, wonderful non-attachment freedom To know the mind is large and airy and beautiful and peaceful is great and restful. I am not wasting this amazing state of which I am capable on this pathetic existence I call my life. I loathe attachment. I sit here as still as stone, liberated in mind but chained to life. I choose what reactions I have to external and internal things. You are all going to get a shock one day when you see this free Creator get up and walk And words of beauty and freedom are all that will fall from my mouth… I have no time to live like you I live in my mind, in eternity with God/Goddess. And do I want a medal? I’m getting in a car now and I am ready to go. I have a good strong pillar of thoughts to live life from I hope to get stronger and stronger Others have family or a loved one or a job as their security Is it ok if I have you as my security? To tell me that you will always be there when the crazy life outside gets too much? I must practice at this I think If you want to bring it on – I feel I can concentrate now.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE 10TH Jan 2005 (age 24) 1. Whatever you give out to the Universe – the Universe will visit back on you. It will sometimes do this when you are at your lowest ebb, for maximum impact to ensure that the lesson is learnt. 2. The Universe is like a large copying machine, amongst other things, and in a way it will copy your thoughts and feelings and send them back to you in your life. 3. Whatever we do to another; we are doing to God. 4. You cannot heal another until you have begun to heal yourself. Wounded healers are everywhere. Until you are working on yourself, you cannot help another. 5. Work on yourself and work on yourself and work on yourself…. But you will all get to a point where you will have to ACCEPT yourself, and this is the way you are. This is the way God created YOU. 6. Visualization and imagination are the keys to the Universe. Without these you will not be able to make mind to mind contact with Light Beings, who will make you connect with your own Light, just by simply seeking to connect in the first place. 7. The realm of Light exists within every iota of Creation – and I know because I have been able to physically see it since the age of 20. This light can be used to heal. When you live in the Light, you become aware of a realm of light which exists only in the present moment and is spread out all over the Universe. This realm of light is filled with joyful light, and is all about fulfillment and happiness. God is in the Light and the Present moment – EVERYWHERE. 8. To be in charge is to be a Creator – Creative acts loosen humans from the shackles of the Earth. 9. By not reacting to the irritating things in your life, you actually let the Light in – the Light which exists everywhere. 10. The only moment that exists is the present – God is in the present moment always, because time and space are illusions. 11. Humans were made to desire, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to receive the Light of the Creator. The Light is everywhere by the way – do some simple visualizations where you imagine you are breathing white light in. The absence of judgment helps us to appreciate reality. With the absence of love and hate, everything becomes clear and undisguised. ( 600 AD – Chinese Philosopher)
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
We Are Together April 2005 (age 24) We need to realize that we are scared because of our own egos – we are scared because we are separate from each other. This is not our only form. Only when we see that we are all the same, and we all come from the same source and at a high level we are all ONE not many, then we will all be led home. To the spiritual plane of existence. The ego is not the way, and the human brain isn’t the way. But, in the space between the two poles, there is the way. Love makes us come together – we are all happy when we are part of something. We must get over the fear of the ego and not be scared of others, for we are all from the same place and are all ONE. We are all living side by side, each living out a part of God. There must come a time of peace on Earth. We must live in peace and truth – for God’s sake. God exists in every Being and is easy to find. Silent, God exists in us all as the Observer –
The Observer is closest to God because he is neither this or that, he simply is. Compassion is essential in spiritual development as it means that we are all equal. God has compassion for every Being because we are just as important as he is, and he knows it and we should know it. How do we put this into action, we have compassion for each other, because God is alive in every Being. Humans having compassion for each other is actually an identical part of each human intuitively calling out to each other. This equal part which resides in every human Being is actually God. Humans being compassionate is actually us saying , ‘hey at some level we are all the same really’, or ‘we are made out of the same stuff at a base level.’
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Creation 19th April 2005 (age 24) Some say that the Universe is like a big mind, linked in with every mind of every created thing, including humans, animals, planets. Some say that the Universe is like a big copying machine, and when a mind thinks a thought, it goes out into space and is copied by the energy of the Universe. Maybe all of the Creators are all walking about on Planet Earth, thinking things, and this is what is creating the very reality in which we live? On an energetic level, we each have an Energy body which feels and thinks things. Our Energy body is deeply connected to the Energy of the Universe, because they are made of exactly the same stuff. How it exactly works, I am not sure, but I like to think of the Physical Universe as having an Energy Counterpart which is like a massive Energy body – some call this a Universal Mind. By expanding our own consciousness we can integrate ourselves more into the Energy Body of the Universe. I believe that this is where true genius comes from. The sayings ‘You are what you think’ and ‘you get back what you have already given out’ are quite apt for the world we live in. We have an Energy Body which is connected to our Physical Body, and we think and feel – this affects the state of our Energy Body and can also affect our Physical Body too. Our own Energy Body is part of the Universal Energy Body, and we can blend in to the Universal Mind whenever we like. People who are selfless can go back into the Universal Mind quite easily, as surrender is needed. We have the separate and the whole. God exists in both the separate (Created Beings) and the whole ( Universal Energy Body). Sometimes on Earth we might see a power struggle between what the separate part wants and what is the greater good.
Ego and Outside World In people, sometimes there exists a power struggle between their ego and the outside world. The human is capable of being both the Creator and the Created. The ego can be creative but is sometimes lacking in other qualities. God is neither the Creator/Cause or the Created/Affect.
God lies in the observant part of humanity. God created two worlds – physical (affect, created) and energetic ( cause, creator). God exists in both the Created and the Creative, but he exists alongside the human’s Creative instinct and the Created body – God doesn’t have power over these, he lives alongside them within the Universe and all of the Beings in it. To connect with God, one needs to observe, and come from a non-chatter state of mind. © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The God inside everyone will bring together the two worlds of Energy and Matter.
The purpose of being a Human The purpose of being a human is to have two opposing but complimentary sides – which upon spiritual development, it becomes evident that the separation is actually a complete illusion! As a human, we must feel what it feels like to be the Created. God created us to be the Creators and also the Created so that we would know ourselves as both the Creator and the Created – God and the Creation. God gave us free will to create whatever we like. God made us have free will like him and he made us creative like him. God is not in the ego, but is sometimes reachable by going through the ego first. Sometimes we go deep down inside our hearts and minds and find our ego, and later we might find God as well. God is sometimes reachable via the ego, but he is not the ego. God is observant and quiet, present and non – judgmental. Here and now, it is humans who are being God, why? It is as if God and humans have switched places. Is it so that God can be that which humans create? Is it so that God can feel what it is like to be the effect of someone else’s creations?
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
LAWS May 2005 (age 24) To know yourself. To know your life’s task. To take advice from no person; but from energy itself. To live in accordance with your life; and to not run from it. To live in the face of everything that you are not, and still be what you are. To not change yourself to fit in with whatever is going on around you. To be still and strong and not be swayed by other’s opinions. To not adhere to what you think should be expected of you by society and/or others. To look at reality; and see how it is. To not color the truth; for fear of not coping with it. To take care that you do not sway from your life’s path. To judge yourself – and ONLY yourself. To not live in accordance with other people’s judgments of you. To know that we will all judge ourselves when we die and nobody else will. To not judge others or their lives; because they must do this themselves. To know that it is each person’s responsibility to know themselves. You cannot give another Self-knowledge or Self-mastery. You can show another words and techniques which have helped you and others know themselves. YOU are in charge of your life and your life’s plan and yourself. YOU are in charge of making all your decisions. YOU can pretend that you are not in charge, but this will get you nowhere. © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
YOU are the only person who has authority over your life, if you give this authority away – this is your problem, because YOU gave it away. You will get no reward for giving yourself up for another – this is a way of cheating your responsibility. Nobody will live your life for you. The world is a stage and your wounds aren’t real. Well, they are real to us when we are on Earth, but when we go to Heaven, are wounds will heal. Sometimes we can actually heal ourselves whilst we are still alive on Earth. YOU are an evolving Being – testing out your beliefs and opinions about everything – the world, yourself and your life. Examine all of your beliefs, and get rid of any beliefs which do not correspond with what you are meant to do with your life and who you are as a person. The life in front of you will sometimes NOT be a thing to embrace – it will test you, throw challenges before your feet, and show you easy ways out and hard ways out. Do not change yourself to fit in with the life you are living or the life you think is in the future. This is not the point of your life. The sun will always be warm and the stars will always shine. No matter how bad things get, the natural order of things will prevail. Your life’s purpose will find you; it will hunt you down and there will be nowhere for you to hide. Your life is impermanent; forever changing due to circumstances which seem to be beyond our control. Do not cling to your life, create your life. YOU are a Creator. YOU are in charge; you create your life; you will judge your life after your death – and there will be nobody else to blame. The finger is pointing at YOU and nobody else.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Poles Of Mind May 2005 (age 24) Two different bodies of knowledge – the Masculine and the Feminine. Both poles of existence are within every Being on Planet Earth. The two types support each other. This is actually mirrored within the Human body – for example the two hemispheres of the brain mutually support each other, but one is regarded as being Masculine whilst the other hemisphere is regarded as being Feminine. With the Human body being a Microcosm of the physical and Universe and all matter consisting of exactly the same elements when broken down, upon closer inspection it would appear that the physical body is trying to tell us something, not only about the Universe, but about our very own human nature…
Left Hemisphere of Brain Philosophy Laws of the Physical World Words
Right Hemisphere of Brain Artistic Creative Psychic and Universal Laws
Literature History Writing Assembling Physical Constructions Self Importance Courage Strength Loud Tasks To Complete Order To Do Lists Many Ways Time Worldly Fulfillment – bends the resources around them to suit their own needs and gain fulfillment. Wants to show off skills and show people how WORTHY they are – a life centered around impressing, showing people how to do things, creating things from thin air and priding themselves on their achievements. The masculine will get tired of this one day and want love from somewhere…the feminine.
Energy Direct Knowing Music Feelings Selflessness Fear Weakness Quiet Space Going With The Flow One Way Daydreams and visions Timeless Innocent Lack of fulfillment – Looks around for resources to fulfill but doesn’t recognize their own self as being present anywhere, and so is trapped and cannot find fulfillment anywhere. The feminine needs to see their own self apparent in another creation outside of themselves, and can then give themselves to that creation – LOVE. This is the fulfillment for the feminine.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Humans, Spirits & God May 2005 (age 24) Personalities and lives aren’t real. They are adopted for a lifetime and then stored in a memory bank which is in each person’s Energy Field. This is accessible via tools such as past life regression and meditation. Most people on Earth have been on Erath before but with a completely different life and personality and body, amongst other things. When a person dies, they go to Heaven and they sometimes have the option of being a Spirit Guide. There are in fact Angels who were previously Human Beings. Guiding someone whilst they are on Earth allows the Spirit Guide to see the World in a much fuller state and also to be compassionate towards the person Earth. Spirit Guides and Angels inspire Us through daydreams, visions, thoughts, ideas and coincidences. It seems that ‘backstage’ there is an abundance of Light Beings directing the flow of Life energy within each individual’s life. But we have free will, and Angels and Guides will only ‘direct’ what we asked them to direct before we came down here. Seriously. We Are Born – We Forget Who We Are – End Of Life – Spirit World/Energy Dimension – Option To Be Spirit Guide For Some, For Others Rest – Plan With Guides and Angels Your Life’s Plan – Reincarnate on Earth – We Are Born…
Human Beings Time Senses Cause & Effect Emotions & thoughts & reactions Discriminates Survival Pain and Fear A place Of Being Lives Relies heavily on lessons learnt in life ‘Not real’ Dependent on things and people Strives for things – success etc Separated, Isolated
Spirit Guides
Healing Light & Love Compassion Knowledge of Universe & all Creation Colours, images, visions, inspiration Creativity Visualization A Place Of Being Guides Travel at speed of Light
Colorless Spaces Pure compassion Knowledge of Universe & all Creation Non-judgmental
Access to Other Planes of existence Enlightened
Looks after Beings on Earth and Heaven Direct Knowledge, does
Does not rely on past knowledge Not real or real
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Here and Now Nothingness Timeless Observes Loves EVERYTHING
Everything PERFECT
Pass in and out of life on Earth Time span (life) allocated to learn Death Created Maybe be a Spirit Guide one day, or perhaps an Angel. We are the Creation and God is the Energy which gives life to us and makes us live on the Earth.
not have to learn about things at times has direct knowledge Closer to God and true knowledge Teachers Provide situations Creative Many Guides have been Humans, and guide us out of love and compassion and desire to learn and assist in the Quests of the planet.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Needs no explanation of anything Opposite of positive and negative Observes Cannot actually ‘be’ anything as this would mean that God has been created by somebody else! When we connect to God – we connect to an Energy which seems like it is nothing and empty, and upon closer examination we realize it holds all of our true potential.
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Reality June 2005 (age 24) There is no reality, because that would mean there is an un-reality. God is not emotion, God is not thought. He is compassion. He is not in pain like humans, but he has compassion for humans, and a love which is unconditional. God is a lover and is STILL with peace, and his smile graces all of humanity. To pull the strings of all life. To know no pain, but to feel compassion, To know no desperation or neediness, But to feel compassion through the eyes of humans. To live in separate hearts and minds of humans, And have to compromise to get along. To love other Beings separate from your self, To love another MORE than yourself, When you (God) are all that exists. To sacrifice your self for another Being, When you (God) are all that exists. Is that pure love? To know the place and time you are in – and perform your duty by being that person. Humans have to be their character in order to know their self. Restrict yourself – be earthly, be here and now, And let your inner God flourish… To know nobody is separate and compassion for all things is essential. God does not fight against himself, so why do we? Can you feel the love from God? I am different from him but he wants to love me, He has compassion for me and he lives inside me observing the world. There is no difference between the God inside me and the one making the Earth turn and making the waves crash.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Male & Female 20th June 2005 (age 24) Man and woman together and apart, together and apart equals a creation of another male or female. The creation (child) looked after by the male and female – the two parts of one whole. The child learns from the two – male and female. Protected by the two and learns about the physical world from the two, and gets love and protection from them as well. The child learns many things from males and females, not necessarily mother and father, sometimes aunts, uncles, friends, teachers etc… Children learn social skills, integrating into school and family environment, playing with children, individuality and group identity etc… When child becomes an adult, he or she seeks another male or female to join with and maybe create a creation/child with. A child develops their identity through role playing various characters, such as police, teachers, nurses etc…and also from what is happening in the world around them. A child’s identity is a product of acting out the various roles in society, as a child’s sense of self is too weak to challenge the world and all that is in it, including their own family member’s and other influential people’s actions, words and personalities. During childhood the child is not confident in the security of the world surrounding him or her, and is constantly questioning everything, and for security and survival, the child is dependent upon adults. The Created (the outward nature) The created part of the child is a product of the child copying others, being inspired by others, being influenced by others and being affected by what is going on in the world around them. The child’s identity is a product of other people’s actions. It is so the child ‘fits in’ with the manmade society we live in. The Creative (the inner nature) The creative part of the child stems from the child listening to their wealth of feelings, thoughts and desires. The child has to learn how to listen to their self, as opposed to the influence of everything to do with the outer or physical world. Identifying your own thoughts, feelings, desires, inspiration and impulses forms an inner self which forms a large part of the unique, individual self, which will give to the world. The unique and individual self will always pursue tasks which are unique and individual. Celebrate your individuality!!!
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
How Does Creation Take Place? 20th June 2005 (aged 24) Egocentric verses culture-centric. EGOCENTRIC – INNER WORLD
Inner desires do NOT disappear, they have to be released through creative pursuits such as writing, artistic creativity, imaginative role play, visualization techniques and even chatting with friends. They have to be
CULTURE-CENTRIC – OUTER WORLD Outer world – society, people, jobs, education, family, friends, physical world, duties, social behavior, right from wrong, sharing. Part of a larger whole. Has to communicate with others, get needs across. Has to usually train in something practical which will provide money for the person to live on. Has to change, adapt and sometimes even mould oneself to fit in with the manmade society of the world. Unique and individual people are sometimes regarded as being too different or weird. Sometimes they are regarded as being geniuses. People have to do tasks they don’t really desire to do for their own good, and for the good of others. This can involve the suppression of one’s own desires and impulses. The suppression of the inner world for the greater good of the outer world. Some adults join their inner world and the human outer world, by listening to their own inner self and the people of the world, and see what is needed and give from their inner self to the physical world. This creates a link from the inner personal self to the many people of planet Earth. If what the inner self desires is to serve or help or benefit mankind or others in some way, the person is balanced, and the inner and outer worlds are working together nicely. It is when the inner self wants to cause negativity to the self
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Inner World – emotions, thoughts, impulses, Imagination, opinions, desires Creates what self desires Artistic creation Listens to desires, sometimes desire driven. Listens to self as opposed to outside world. Unique and individual self.
Sometimes trouble when own desires and actions do not coincide with the outside world and the actions and words of others.
As a child, sometimes adults say no to certain desires that the child wishes to implement. Sometimes have to ‘water down’ desires to be accepted by those in the world.
given your attention, dealt with and then the person will feel better. Sometimes the desire might pop up again, and if this is the case, the person’s spirit and subconscious might be trying to tell the person something.
and others - that creates real harm, to the person and to the mass consciousness of the planet and Universe.
Spirit communicates through our feelings Humans have so many desires buried deep within them. When these deep feelings are not able to be released through physical manifestation in the outer world, the feelings of desire have to be dealt with, or the person will be in a state of angst. For example, if a person wants world peace, and it is clear that the world is not at peace, what does the person do? Does their inner self begin to crave world peace? Does the person begin to be tormented at the state of the world? Maybe, the person has these tormenting feelings in order to ensure that the person does something with their life which will involve bringing peace to the world. Maybe in fact, it is their life purpose and the tormenting feelings, the desire the person feels are coming from the person’s Spirit. Maybe the person agreed to bring some world peace before they came to Earth in a physical body, and when the person integrated nicely into the physical world, the Spirit thought, ’hey, hang on, what about me, listen to me, come on, we need to do the world peace task please!!! Nevermind about the outside world – I am more important, I am your Spirit!!!!” Sometimes the Spirit communicates with us via the deep feelings within the person’s subconscious, and these have to be listened to in order to fulfill the person’s life purpose on planet Earth. I know it sounds awful, but politely put, sometimes you really do have to say quietly to yourself, “Screw the outside world, and the silly job etc…”, if your Spirit is guiding you to do something else with your life. However, please remember, the inner world does not have prominence over the outer world and vice versa. Both are equal, and at a certain level of creation, both form a whole – inner and outer are two facets of one creation, sometimes described as giving and receiving. Visualization When a person has unfulfilled desires, the person should visualize themselves as if they were carrying the desire out, so it they can feel the fulfillment aspect of it. Basically the person should visualize and imagine that they are fulfilled, it really does work wonders. This is how we learn to create in the first place, as a child, role play and imaginative exploration forms part of our character, it forms part of the foundation from which we explore the world… If everything that we are is actually created or even fabricated during childhood years; everything formed due to constant exploration and imaginative roleplaying © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
of archetypes such as ‘doctor, mum, dad, banker, policeman, spaceman,’ surely our character can be strook down and destroyed as well – or more nicely put – uncreated? Surely, anything which is created, can also be uncreated as well – such as the human personality and character, with their views, likes and dislikes, desires, impulses, thoughts, feelings, beliefs – which have been created due to the person’s interaction with the world any way – where is a secure, true self? Upon close examination of how exactly our ‘self’ is formed during our childhood years, the conclusion is obvious that, the concept we each have of ourselves is quite shockingly flimsy…
Childhood I think that the Human Energy field is like a sponge, soaking up everything it comes into contact with, negative and positive, and as the child grows up, it learns that certain things hurt it, and that being so open and accepting to EVERYTHING in the world is perhaps not such a brilliant idea, as it threatens the person’s sense of wellbeing and survival. So, the person shuts off parts of itself, and instead of giving itself to everything, it holds itself back, for fear of getting hurt. I believe strongly that this is where the ego is formed within the human being, and this becomes bigger and bigger as the child turns into an adult. The ego forms a sense of unique identity, separate from all other people, perhaps with unique beliefs, desires and talents. The ego can be something positive; a platform from which the human being can listen to it’s desires and create something beneficial for other people. This is especially amazing, if the person is intuitive and is able to tune into the frequency of energy emanating from their own Spirit – this will open up a new set of desires which have to be listened to and dealt with. If a person has a desire which is just not able to be fulfilled, the person should create something – a song, a picture, a poem for example which states what the desire is. By creating what you want you are giving life to your inner desires, and who knows, you might even get what you desire one day, if you set yourself up as a Creator and begin creating what is inside you, who knows? One day, those first steps of giving life to the desires that exist within you might escalate into a real, physical manifestation, giving benefit to yourself and others. All amazing ‘successful’ creations begin in one place – the human mind. All amazing things start with human hope…after all you are a Creator…
Left And Right Brain Activities which require both left and right brain hemispheres, such as playing a musical instrument, should be encouraged to restore balance within the individual. Sometimes, if you are conscious of which hand you are using throughout the day and make an effort to try and use both hands equally, this will empower the individual. Masculine brain – left hemisphere
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
To see society and think and draw conclusions. Knowledge. Philosophy. Heaven - The Light Realm. Fulfillment. Joy, happiness, being in charge. The Self. Strength. Putting things into action to get desired result. Clear thought. Feminine brain – right hemisphere To see society and feel and know the right course of action. Intuitive knowledge. Psychic talent, mediumship and clairvoyance. Inspiration. Heaven – the place where we go when we die. Selflessness. Surrender. The Energy before it soaks up things. Compassion. Submissive.
Creativity When an individual makes a truthful observation which involves some sort of compassion; the Spirit applies healing to it to help the person come to terms with and also deliver what they have ‘observed’ and the end result is usually a creative work whose message contains a truthful observation. To be honest, the truthful observation comes from the Spirit in the first place any way, and is then given to the world in the form of a creative work. The Spirit uses the selfless part of the human being in order to create and deliver the creative work, such as a film, song, poem, sculpture, play, book, course, dance so the human can feel quite tortured throughout the whole process! We have all heard of the term tortured genius, its because they have a big Spirit using the small feminine part existing within to get really difficult ideas out into the world. The macrocosm is the masculine and is huge and exists in the universe – the microcosm is feminine and exists within the person and seems quite small, selfless and in truth is the emotional and feeling part where no lies can be found. This part is very serving and small, and surrenders to the masculine part to become whole. Neither the masculine or feminine are complete, they have to surrender to each other to form a whole. Each person has the masculine and feminine within them and can surrender the two to each other to create a whole and fully functioning person. Feelings are not meant to be bottled up – feelings are frequently realizations from a person’s Spirit; given to the person via the feminine microcosm (which exists in the person as a smaller version of the person’s much larger Spirit, which resides in the Universe). In creating a work of art, the Spirit adds their own energy to the person’s pain, and gives birth to a beautiful and unique creation. A lot of healing takes place, as the feminine microcosm gets the input from it’s own ‘other half’ – the larger male residing in the Universe. Ultimately there is no such thing as time and space so the masculine macrocosm and feminine microcosm are merely concepts in order to help us understand the Spirit – which transcends the concepts of masculinity and femininity. Creativity is a really powerful method of healing people who are in pain – which is many people. In my experience, people whose Spirit is quite evolved will usually © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
be in pain when living on the Earth because of the lack of like-minded people. Their instinct is to join the ‘whole’ on Earth but they are unable to do so because in order to do this there has to be like minded people to do so with. So, clearly put, if a person sees no like minds to join with, they will remain an outsider, observing the world; feeling pain from their observation because its far from the things that they feel should be here on Earth. The pain is one of separating the individual from, the whole, for the person observes the same principles everywhere; the person has no outward place for comfort, as the outward place is responsible for all pain. So, the person is welcomed back into a place of familiarity – peace, beauty, truth and knowledge – the Spirit. The Spirit takes what the person has learned and observed and gives it beauty – so truth will be delivered to the world with beauty and love. This whole healing process is engineered by the Spirit to heal the person who has the painful observations and realizations.
The end product is truth – because it was created by both masculine and feminine – the microcosm and the macrocosm.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
I Am What I Am? 17th Aug 2005 (aged 24) Empty Space/God creates Outer world/reality. If you perceive the world literally how it is without judgment, you will be perceiving things how God does. FULL SPACE Judgment Restrictions Live in fear because of past hurts – like a prison.
EMPTY SPACE Lack of Judgment Freedom Live in the present moment – always newness, hope and prosperity.
There is no such thing as reality, because we don’t fully know and understand what reality is. If there is a reality, that means there must be an un-reality. How could God create an unreality. When I let go of the idea that there is something strange/scary/painful behind all of the things out in the world, then I will be able to let go of the idea that there is something strange/scary/painful about me. I WISH I HAD A DIRECT PERCEPTION OF REALITY, WITH NO CLOUDING JUDGEMENTS OR PRECONCEPTIONS TO HINDER IT. I WISH I WAS INVOLVED IN THE WORLD AND ALL CREATION AT THE HIGHEST LEVEL POSSIBLE, WITH NO FEAR OR PAIN INSIDE ME… For some reason, humans are supposed to create their own unique view of the world in their mind. This is created in the person’s ego, and is largely based upon events in the person’s life and what the person fears/wants, including other things. Thoughts rarely rise independently, usually they are a reaction to external influences such as people, events and even the Spirit.
Is it a two way process? Do we humans have to recreate God in our own minds in order to find a way back to God. We have free will to create what we want in our mind. God will not impose himself upon our minds, we have to begin to search for him… Our ideas about the world can only be temporarily true, because they change as we get older. Maybe there is nothing to think about the world. The world was meant to be directly perceived.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Maybe a high Godlike level of existence would be to say to oneself,
“I am what I am and it doesn’t need describing”. Does God the Creator want to be created by us humans? When a person abandons what they have thought (which is used to pre-judge the moment) to be true about the world and wants to find God, how do they do it? Do they create an idea and follow it? I ‘think’ that GOD is a SMILE, smiling behind all of humanity. And he/she is the LOVE which brings two together, making ONE. Separateness is an illusion, what exists in me exists in you and vice versa, so why would I want to inflict any harm or pain on myself, which exists in everything and anyone any way??? Why – you just wouldn’t would you??!!!!!
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Creation Never Stops? 17th Aug 2005 (aged 24) I don’t think that Creation (Universe) ever stops or ends. Because time and space are illusions, can there even be such thing as a beginning and an end? I think that reality might be… One moment where one creator is constantly creating, living in each created thing. There is no rest because there is nothing to cause tiredness – everything he does he loves, he does not do things because he HAS to do them – he does what he loves, maybe we should try and do what we LOVE a bit more, for example hobbies and interests left in the past maybe could be re started – so instead of work, responsibilities etc we can have something we simply enjoy doing. Regarding the God self, there is no past or future, he creates everything in the present moment. In essence, everything has already been created, everything in our future has already happened because ultimately there is no such thing as time and space. God is only ever in the present moment, and in the present moment, you can deeply connect to God, who is the Creator apparent in every single living thing. In this energy there is pure joy, and laughter and Light/Energy. Sometimes I think the Light or Energy which I can see everywhere, in every part of the world, is actually God’s Energy focused on all his created things – his direct attention is keeping everything alive. This energy is used to heal, it is white and sparkly and is in the air, as well as every single thing. When the energy or attention or light is withdrawn from a creation, the creation is unable to live anymore – it is dead. God’s attention is directed towards the Earth and everything in it, his attention comes in the form of visible Light or Energy, which is used to heal, and which exists in every iota of creation. God’s attention is focused upon everything, and his Light keeps everything alive. To some clairvoyants and healers, like myself, the Light is visible, and there is not one part of the world where I look where I cannot see this energy. When a human focuses their attention on something, they are focusing their own energy or light on something. People do crazy things for attention off other people. Everyone simply craves the Light – whatever you want to call it – energy, love, light – its all one and the same. So if we all start getting the light, through healing systems such as reiki and crystals healing, won’t we all feel much better??
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
If we have to find and define a reality Let it be God But God’s consciousness is directed towards the Earth and all the Beings on it. To know God is not to escape the Earth To know God is to not stop being. To know God is to clearly see what is occurring inside oneself and outside oneself. This business of defining reality is complicated. Evil actions are done out of lack of clarity Actions done for the benefit of others are done out of compassion. Life is perfect when you clearly see We are not meant to discard our earthly self, And favour nothingness above it, We must direct our earthly self from Spirit and Nothing (God). To find God, we must first have an empty and clear mind, and try to live in the present moment as much as possible. With practice you will become aware of the fact that God lives in the present moment, and he is made out of the same stuff as you are – Light/Energy. You can connect to God and find an energy source which will never run out, and will never be tired, because he does what he loves to do! Inhale the Light of the Creator.
“Our general instinct to seek and learn will set us enquiring into the nature of the instrument with which we search.” – Plotinus “Everything that is most precious in life is a form of love. Art is a form of love; if it be noble; labor is a form of love; if it be worthy; thought is a form of love; if it be inspired.” – Benjamin Cardoz
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
You Can Know God With Your Mind 30th Oct 2005 (aged 25) You can know God with your own human mind, because… LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE! We can receive from God when we are being a pure created human being. We were created to not only give, but to receive as well, this is why we desire. If you desire knowledge, You will start to become more and more aware of your own ‘mind’, which exists in your Energy or Light body. In a way, you actually start to receive your own mind energy because you have desired knowledge. God exists in energy and also in your mind which you perceive knowledge with – he exists in every cell of your Light Being. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
When you desire knowledge, You start to receive your own mind (because it contains all knowledge), When you start to receive your own mind, You start to know God, Because God is what your entire Being is made out of.
The God in your mind and Energy wants to give to the created human being that you are. To give and to receive is two polar opposites which exist in every human being, and when you are using both your creative self (your Light/Energy) and also your created self (human body and personality) you can – give to yourself and receive from yourself.
Everything that you receive – You give to yourself Everything that you give – You give from yourself Everything that you take – You take from yourself
Just like the concepts of male and female, the more spiritually aware you become, the notion of giving and receiving blends into one.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Heaven Is Golden 9th Nov 2005 (age 25) Does God need desire in order to create? What would be a motivating force for God to create? Does God not have desires of his own, and that is why he created humans, so that we could receive his energy? But, surely all creativity must be motivated by some sort of desire? Does God create to fulfill humans desires or to fulfill his own desires? All of creation changes, I don’t think God ever changes. God must be a still ever constant behind this ever changing, expanding Universe. The golden energy which is used for grounding and healing is associated with the Earth, but I actually believe, the more you connect to this golden energy of the Earth, the more you will connect to Heaven. Heaven and Earth are one creation, the spiritual Earth is at home here on the physical Earth.
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Only One 17th Nov 2005 (age 25) Only One thing in existence, so everything else must be a mirror. It loves to see and observe, God only wants to see. When Heaven and Earth both see GOD in each other – there might be a perfect union. God’s true nature can never die but energy does change form, it passes from one form to another – our thoughts, feelings, incarnations, etc… When thoughts and feelings arise, it is up to us whether or not we give our light or attention to them i.e. it is up to us whether or not we choose to react to the thoughts and feelings which are store in the subconscious, and the same rule applies to external stimuli which exists all around us. Everything in creation exists and is alive, and can cause certain reactions within ourselves. We can become like slaves to the outside world, and also to our reservoir of thoughts and feelings which have largely built up because of past experiences. Altogether now say, “Stop!” to this hustle and bustle of constantly moving traffic, “Stop!”. And you are in charge and the creator of yourself and your own life again. With a lot of things in life, you can choose what you let yourself to react to. Don’t let the negativity which exists in others, yourself and life control you. Can God change form, as Energy changes form? Did God change form and become human? Did he forget his own self and selflessly give his self to humans and animals?
When a human looks to the stars for guidance – it is God telling the human to look up to the stars, And it is God telling the Angels near the stars to guide this human in the best way they can. God never told us to fight in order to receive him. He never said we would be empty until we were worthy and then we would receive him. He never said or did this. He changed his form and actually became us, and he is that close to us, that we do not realize where he is. If we undo all of the things we think and feel, and be the observing non-judgmental mind i.e. the mind BEFORE the human mind chatter begins – there is God, pure attention, pure focus, pure LIGHT, pure energy. Living in the present moment, there is the majesty of all creation, all things bathed in the life-giving Light of God. © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
His attention is focused upon all creation, his focus is what keeps us alive - what will happen if we turn around to face him, the amazing Creator of the Universe, and focus our attention upon him? Will we begin to have a relationship with God, where two minds meet? Will the human and God be one, and there will be no difference between the two?????
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
We Must Have Forgot… Nov 2005 (age 25)
When we came from God,
We must have forgot that we are already God,
And going through all of this pain in order to prove that we are worthy of receiving God’s Light/Love/Energy maybe ridiculous,
Because of course God is worthy of receiving himself and his own love.
We are God and we don’t have to go through any more of this pain.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Healed 2nd Dec 2005 (aged 25) All people deserve to be healed All people are in pain due to not seeing what is happening Every negative thought or feeling you have is mainly rooted in past experiences and some present ones too The thoughts and feelings do not arise on their own, they were created when you reacted to something negatively, When you became a VICTIM of external words or actions, Thoughts and feelings which hurt will continue to live inside you unless they are healed. The true nature of your soul is survival and it will live forever – it survives death and goes to Heaven and then incarnates again in a physical body, Your Spirit is energy and takes many forms, but will never die. Your energy is affected by the things you think and feel, Where do all the thought patterns come from? They are a collection of what people think about you and what you think they think about you, what you think about yourself, and what you want them to think about you, amongst other things, Ask yourself, does your Eternal, wise soul crave recognition and acceptance by an external world, or is it all of the negativity inside you, collectively craving some outward form of attention? I wonder if it is God’s attention we need to feel, as attention from others does not seem to have a permanent positively fulfilling effect on people, Pinpoint exactly who you want to accept you, because that person will want to be accepted by another person, and the chain is made – everyone doing things for attention!!! Who, out there does the accepting, when everyone is looking for someone to accept them? The thing is – is that we relay the responsibility of ‘feeling’ accepted onto other people’s shoulders because most of us have difficulty in accepting ourselves. Very few people in this world can stand alone and be self – accepting and selfdirecting, because of the thought patterns which one thinks serves as a bridge between the person and the outside world. Where do the thoughts come from? Do they make you happy and positive? Or are they rules which you cannot break? Who are you trying to please? Thought patterns are created by us – so guess what – they can be uncreated by us too!, They are there because we are scared of what will happen if we give up self control, if people see the real me, © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
We mould ourselves on painful ideals which will die when we die, when our soul will survive death and heal itself. What we do to ourselves and what happens to us in this life is reversible, it is destructible, We are not meant to mould ourselves to fit our thoughts,
Your thoughts are supposed to serve you, not the other way around! Your true nature is free from pain – heal yourself and let your true self out, Take in the Light and step by step, you can do it, Without pain we wouldn’t know happiness and without illusion we wouldn’t know truth and without humans God wouldn’t know himself, The pain between you and the outside world can only be healed inside you. Heal the negative thoughts inside you, and also the ones you give out to others.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
One Of The… 8th March 2006 (age 25)
One of the most important things to know about God is that he is POTENTIAL ENERGY. God loves to make wishes and dreams come true and he creates because he loves it. God observes our pain and gives us endless answers and solutions to our problems – but mostly we have to put this into action. He is watching and waiting to give us answers so that we can help ourselves.
Humans Humans think about things in order to find solutions. This is mainly done out of fear. Many people are walking around in a constant state of fear, anxiety and worry. Humans also think in order to find out about things that are separate from themselves or to acquire knowledge. Thinking about things, automatically separates you from them. Loving things, automatically joins you together with them.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
God God doesn’t think about things because he doesn’t have to – he has no problems to solve. What do you think about when you are everything? God is everything and never separate from anything as he can’t be, He can’t think because he has no problem to figure out.
If One Side 26th March 2006 (age 25) God If one side knows itself perfectly… If one side is restful because it knows itself and doesn’t need to know anything else… If one side is eternal and will live forever… At a high spiritual level, maybe there is no other side to God… At an Earthly level, love and attention is exchanged between humans all the time…
Human Then the other side must not know itself. When you don’t know yourself, you have to create yourself. Then the other side must be in constant activity because it doesn’t know much and is constantly ‘trying’ at things. Then the other side is not eternal and will not live forever. That is why he created humans and animals, so he had someone to give his love to. This is how people give and receive God’s Light or energy to each other – we give love and attention.
Did God split himself into two and it is God’s love for himself which goes between the spirit and the human? With the spiritual matter being still and the human in constant activity, mental, emotional and physical? God’s energy is like love. On Earth, we learn about love for the self and for others. The nature of God is naturally positive and loving. Self doubt, fear, anxiety, violence, anything negative is not part of God’s make up. Maybe that is why God created humans and all creations – so he had something to bestow his love on?
Paradox of life – God wants to give to others so that in a really strange way he can give to himself. In order to receive God, who knows exactly what you need, you must have a part of you which doesn’t know exactly what it needs, but nevertheless it still needs things and seems to have little control over what happens in their life and inside their mind and heart.
Maybe the stiller we become, the more alive our lives will become?
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Evolution: A Chosen Reality 26th March 2006 (age 25) To FEEL the process of becoming God = evolution Step by step from the tiniest amoeba to God When you don’t know, every moment is met with anticipation It is fresh and brand new. It seems that, paradoxically, a God-like quality is to NOT know And then every moment is brand new And this means that the variety of creations available to be experienced is expansive and in fact endless and eternal, forever flourishing. If God is living inside a human being which knows nothing of the God living there, then the human being will have to create things to fulfill its own desires. Not spiritual in essence, but in the process of evolution, beings need to create to fulfill theirs and others needs, because then the God inside the human gets to witness it’s own creation from a totally unique, new and fresh perspective. God looks at his humans and sees a brand new opportunity for doing what he loves – creating without limits. God meets his own creation (planet earth) each day with wonder As each moment is anticipated inside a human who doesn’t know much about why they are alive or what will happen in the long run God is the observer inside, still without judgment. He observes all humanity without judgment easily Because he is observing his own potential Every living thing has inside it God’s potential Which manifests in outward creations, including thoughts, words and actions, And also God Who makes the potential creation into a chosen reality. Evolution is a chosen reality in a manner of different scales.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Ways Of Surrender April 2006 (age 25)
‘We are The Creator AND The Created.’ – Ellen Hare If I surrender completely, will I be able to go the Other Side where no-one has any problems, and everyone is fluid with the motion of the Creator? Recently, I have noticed during my meditations and general spiritual work that there seems to be two ways of surrendering. I bet there are in fact hundreds of ways of surrendering. The energy I see is in the Creative Spiritual mind of the universe, and it is forever filled with ideas and alive with energy. It never tires! It exists in the present moment and has no past or future, and it is very fulfilled and joyful. It is sometimes perceived as being masculine and sometimes feminine, I actually think it depends on the individual. The subconscious side of the spiritual mind is the created part, the part which we came into the world with and contains our true self. I sometimes perceive this part of the self as being male and sometimes as female – again it depends on the individual.
The Creator, The Conscious Mind– The Spirit/Light/Energy There is the Spirit, which is here in the present moment and is filled with Light or Energy. The Spirit resides in every cell in creation, giving life to created things. To know that the same Spirit is in everything that exists, to be part of the conscious One, Creative Mind which lives in the Universe is like living your life basking constantly in the brightness and glory of the sun, because you are living your life consciously in connection with the Creator of the universe. It is brighter than bright, particularly if you begin to actually physically see the Light/Energy vibrating before your very eyes. The Spirit Mind which is filled with light and exists in the present moment everywhere in creation, and creates the present moment is filled with pure freedom and the joy of the creative mind. To create in the present moment, with the light present in all that you do is an excellent way of surrendering to your own Higher Self or conscious mind/self. Being in the moment is an excellent way to connect with what is already present within you, it is just buried beneath the blur of the human discursive mind – the chatty mind, when we talk to ourselves in our mind. If you take away the conversations we constantly have with ourselves in our minds, you are actually left with the mind, and the mind is connected to all of the universe, the physical and spiritual universe.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Created, The Subconscious Mind – Created Matter/Energy However…there seems to be another side to all this, another side to this glorious and colourful Spiritual Mind. A subconscious, dark aspect that is not creative. It is created. The creative, conscious mind is creative and moves, but the created, subconscious mind is created and is still. The subconscious mind is connected to the Higher Self, sometimes I think they are part of the same whole, but the subconscious mind is different from the Spiritual conscious mind. In my experience, the subconscious is quiet and peaceful, and swallows you in like the Earth swallows back dead bodies. The dark, mysterious subconscious mind is at peace with itself and resides in the Universe, but not in the Light, in the physical Universe I think. To surrender to the subconscious within the Universe is to surrender to an intoxicating, drowsy state of relaxation like a light sleep – you are surrendering to the Creation. You have the subconscious mind within you as well as in the Universe, in your lower chakras. Your Higher, Creative, Light-filled spiritual mind is accessed via the higher chakras. The dark, sweet universal subconscious mind swallows you in and calms you down and takes your pain away. Listen to the silence of the universe, let it take you back, you are part of the whole universe. There are glorious riches behind the dark universal subconscious who is the created, and there lies a way to Heaven. Surrender to the subconscious, created sweet universe, and like a black blanket let it envelope you, devour you and cover you and dissolve you into the darkness of the universe.. It is a deep joining where the two forces of masculine and feminine no longer matter. It is the conscious, creative Spirit filled with Light/Energy and the subconscious, created, silent Spirit filled with created matter/energy joining together within the human being. As easy as day and night, as being asleep and awake. To surrender to your Created, subconscious mind is to surrender to your true nature. Surrender to what is already within you – your true, created self. The next questions are, what are the conscious and subconscious minds created out of? And who made them? Do animals and humans have them, does planet Earth have them? Why are we a dual being, and why is all of creation dualistic? Would we not know one without the other? Without the two masculine and feminine poles of creation, would existence cease to be?
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Two Sides To God 2nd June 2006 (Age 25)
If you know nothing; You can know everything If you be nothing; You can be anything you want to be. There are TWO sides to God – One side that IS and one side which is BECOMING.
The Side which is Becoming When you stop becoming, you become nothing. When you stop trying to be something, i.e. a particular thing, you stop being any thing or being in the process of becoming anything. You become nothing – more positively, you become pure potentiality. Something which is not fixed or definite. If you are an open book, an unsung song, an unthought idea, your conscious mind begins to sew itself into the unchartered depths of your subconscious mind, where all of each human being’s potential is stored. We do not use most of our brains, we each have a huge store of potentiality buried within us, deep down in our subconscious, just waiting to be explored. If you are not a fixed concept, but think of yourself as forever flourishing, you can really tap into the intuitive side of human nature, where our Spirit is.
God Has Two Sides God, the Entity which smiles in all weathers and has compassion for all Beings, is what he/she is, but on the other hand, God has a side which feels like ‘nothing’ because it is not fixed or permanent, it is the created side, which is filled with the limitless potential of God. God the Creator is ‘fixed’ and never changing, yet the ‘created’ side of God is ever changing and flourishing. God has the freedom to create whatever he wants. On God’s Other Side there is Nothing so the ‘All That Is’ side can create itself to be whatever it chooses to be. Human Beings are the ‘Nothingness’ – we are the potentiality fulfilling God, or being fulfilled by God. The Universe is forever expanding and is a place of pure potential. If you think of yourself as a Creator, rather than a created being stuck on Earth – you can empower yourself.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Love Joins Two Beings Together 25th June 2006 (age 25) Love joins two beings together, on Earth and also in Heaven. Love seems to have two functions. Awareness of the person you love, awareness that they exist, saying that they are a real being and you give them your attention, energy, focus and concentration. You love another and focus your attention on them. When doing this a person who is giving their attention to another becomes aware of the place inside themselves which is giving all of the loving attention out to the ‘loved person’. Person A gives love to person B. As person A gives love to person B person A feels the love they are giving out and also the part within person B which is receiving the love that person A is giving out. When giving love out to another, the person really gets in touch with their unique self, as to give means that you are not needy, and if you are not needy, you experience inner power and fulfillment. This is one of the reasons love makes people happy. Another aspect of love is selflessness – as the person directs love away from themselves. To love another is a God-like facet of the human condition; to love another like God loves all of creation, just like God directs his love away from himself to all creations. As a human loves another, he becomes aware of the ir true self, as it is the self which is capable of love and which directs the love away from the human and towards another person. In love, two aspects are being fulfilled – the need to direct love to another and also the need to receive love.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
God And Humans 25th June 2006 (age 25) The relationship between God and humans must be amazing, like this Love is the thing joining the two because they are two different things – the everlasting and also the impermanent – God and the human. There is one thing joining, a metaphore here in lies waiting – that the ability to give and receive love is what connects all relationships. THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THAT WHICH GIVES THE LOVE AND THAT WHICH RECIEVES THE LOVE. The very fact that there is a giver and a receiver shows that we all have love inside us to give, as well as a desire to receive it. We all learn by differentiation on planet Earth. When someone is doing the giving, there has to be something separate who can receive what is being given. We have to be separate from each other in order to love each other. Its being separate which makes love happen. We feel our true self when we love, it is our true self which contains love and is able to love. The part which is fulfilled and is not needy and is also selfless is the part which gives love.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Did God Create What He Desired? Sep 26th 2006 (age 25) 1. God creates naturally what he desires. 2. Human Beings have the potential for God in the nothingness of the mind. 3. Human Beings have qualities inherent from God. 4. A quality humans have is that they create what they desire. 5. Human Beings were made to receive God’s Light, so to fulfill God’s purpose to give. All creations are born out of a desire, or to fulfill a desire. 6. God only has himself to actually give; because he has nothing else apart from himself. 7. He is God and the human – the giver and the receiver. When God gives himself to a human he can feel what the human feels as the human receives God. Because of this, God can actually receive himself, and fully feel all of himself as the human receives God’s Light. 8. The potential of God lies in the nothingness of the human mind, but a God-like quality is that humans, like God, have to create that which they desire. If a human being desires God, then they have to be like God, and create that which they desire. If a human being desires God then they have to go into the nothingness of the mind where the POTENTIAL of God lies. 9. The potential of God lies in everybody but if the human wants to reach God, they have to create him out of ‘seemingly’ thin air; as it is through inspiration from Angels and Guides that the human becomes aware of God. Knowledge and experience of God takes place within the human being, as God is already part of the human’s Energy. Humans shine their own attention, focus, will and mind power on the search for knowledge and experience of God, and the energy of God (which is already residing in the individual) will begin to make itself apparent to the human being. 10. God seemingly manifests out of nothingness, but really it is from the highest world which contains nothing physical – so it appears as nothingness to us humans on Earth. 11. God will not force himself upon you, because you have free will. Without free will there can be no real love. You do not seek out God because you have to, you do it because you want to. The relationship with God must be between two equals ( human/animals and God) with love and respect. © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
God made it so that humans have free will – without this free will there can be no real love coming from the human towards God. God is not forced upon humans, we do not HAVE to look for him and love him – we have free will and are in charge of the whole quest for the search for the knowledge and experience of God.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Non-Judging Mind Sep 2006 (age 26)
The non-judging mind The mind which doesn’t think or feel, Which doesn’t lean towards pleasure or pain Or to love or hate, No problems to solve, Doesn’t concern itself with yesterday or tomorrow It is pure POTENTIAL. The ultimate goal of any kind of spiritual life must be to realize that – WE ARE FULFILLED.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
God Likes To Give Sep 2006 (age 26) God likes to GIVE LIFE to things Like a container, empty He or She fills it with life and then it is not NEEDING anything anymore. He or She likes to give life to the things we think of. He or She finds joy in giving him or herself to our thoughts and then he/she entwines with them to manifest as reality. Basically, we Humans think of something and then GOD/GODDESS gives life to it. God/Goddess is impartial – he or she stands back and lets us be in charge. He or she sits silent – doesn’t judge us – because he/she knows why we do everything we do. He/she knows what we need – and when we realize what we need off our own back – GOD can give us what we need because we have looked after ‘The Self’. To listen to yourself and look after it and cherish it is a brilliant way of BEING real, Because the Self you’re taking care of is actually GOD. The life inside you is GOD – The REAL SELF, Which you protect from pain and any harm – is GOD. A parent looks after children as a human strives to protect itself from harm – the Self inside you which needs protecting is GOD – it is ‘THAT WHICH WANTS TO GIVE LIFE TO SOMETHING’. There is a Self inside you which knows what you need – It wants to give Life to ‘THAT WHICH YOU WANT TO CREATE’, And it wants to make your highest wishes come true. YOU CAN ACTUALLY DO NO WRONG IN GOD’S EYES – ONLY IN YOUR HUMAN EYES, BUT THOUGHTS FROM YOU ARE WHAT GOD GIVES HIMSELF/LIFE TO – IN ORDER TO BECOME WHAT YOU HAVE SAID YOU NEEDED.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Life Which Is Occurring Oct 2006 (Age 26) The ultimate goal of any kind of spiritual life must be to realize that ‘we are fulfilled’. There is a part of you which knows exactly what you need , and knows exactly what you need , and also knows that whatever is happening to you at this moment is exactly what you need. It feels compassion for you when you don’t agree! However it cannot go against it’s true nature and give you what you do not need, simply to satisfy some of your temporary desires. This part of you can only give you what is good for you because it feels your innermost pain. It will not satisfy things which it knows are bad for you because it loves you and cannot hurt you. It will not hurt you even when you beg for things you want; if these things are bad for you, you will not receive them. There is a part of you which knows you perfectly and knows that you are safe and are receiving exactly what you need. We can’t see the big picture sometimes. There is a part of you which knows better than you do – your soul. It’s the part which one satisfy your fleeting desires. It’s the part which is trying to teach you that all is well and you have nothing to worry about. We have free will and have to learn how to shape your life so that it benefits ALL of US, not desires from your past or negative habits picked up from people and places. When you listen to what your whole self truly needs you are capable of great change, because you are listening to yourself as God listens to you. He takes into account everything and looks after you the very best he can. He knows the root of all your pain, even if we have forgotten. Instead of using actions, speech and thought to try and shape our lives so that our life is what we want – there is an alternative Stop doing things in order that you get what you want. Do things because they make you feel happy. Stop making so much of an effort and stand down from being charge of your life, and then you can start to receive the life that God is trying to give to you. There is life on offer, aside from the one you own – the one which you are trying to shape in order to get what you WANT, not to be HAPPY now. There is life which God is trying to hand you, if only you knew what you really wanted as God does, you would take it. He knows exactly what you need; take the life which God has to offer you, THE LIFE WHICH IS OCCURRING NOW, because it is what you really do truly need. © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Earth & Universal Self Oct 2006 (age 26)
Masculine – The Macrocosm
Feminine – The Microcosm
The Light of each Human, concealed in the Spiritual Universe. Very big and spread out. Lives in the Universe or behind the physical Universe and is connected to and is part of the human being. Some call it the Higher Self. THE BIG SELF The Masculine self is actually identical to the Feminine Self, but the Masculine exists in the Universe and the Feminine exists in the lower chakras of the Humans Energy Body. This energy is quite still and caring, and very large, as if spread out over all of the Universe. It might even be forever expanding. It can sometimes feel as though this Higher Self lives outside of the Human but this is not the case.
Hidden potential which exists inside the Energy Body of the Human. Some call it Kundalini. This quiet potential exists in the base chakra, but spreads upwards to the other chakras as a result of spiritual development.
SELF KNOWLEDGE Little Bit Of One In The Other – Similar to the concept of Yin and Yang The large Universal Male needs the small Earthy Feminine. The two are actually identical. There is no such thing as a difference between them.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
THE SMALL SELF The hidden potential wants to join with the large spread out Male Higher Self in order to fulfill the Human’s potential on Earth. This can take years, if not lifetimes of spiritual developmental work. This energy is extremely psychic and can reside in the solar plexus chakra. It can feel trapped as it looks out onto the outside world and needs the Higher Self which is like a strong casing of knowledge etc…The energy can actually reside in any of the lower chakras at first. THE ACTUAL SELF Both need each other to become self realized on the Earth. The small Earthy Feminine needs the large Universal Male. The two must join to make a complete and whole Self.
God Is Reality Age 26 ( 1st Nov 2006) • • • • • • • • • •
God is reality. There is nowhere where God isn’t. God is everywhere. Ultimately God is all that exists. He cannot desire to receive from another source – because there are no other sources in existence. He has no desire to receive at all – because receiving isn’t in God’s nature. He can only receive from himself. Humans desire to receive from outside sources e.g. other people, materials etc… He doesn’t desire to receive anything from anywhere because he isn’t lacking in anything, and desire arises as to satisfy a Being when a Being believes that it is lacking something. Human Beings desire because they believe they are lacking something. God doesn’t desire to receive because He knows he isn’t lacking anything. God desires – To create – in order to fulfill the need to give (he then gives to what he has created himself). To give – so God creates Beings which desire to receive. The Beings desire to receive whatever God has or whatever God wants to give (this is why Beings were created).
The Two poles of Giving & Receiving in Humans Human Beings were made with a part of them believing that they are lacking something, and need to receive because of this. Desire is a part of every human’s make up, and behind this desire is the belief that in order to be complete, we must receive something from outside ourselves. Humans give in order to fulfill other people, and sometimes they receive from other people in order to be fulfilled themselves. • • • • • • • •
Human Beings desire to give as well as to receive. We were made with two poles of giving and receiving in our make up. Whereas God only desires to give; humans have the innate desire to both give and receive. Humans were made to receive; we were made to fulfill God’s desire to give. God gives love; humans were made to receive God’s Light/Love or God’s Energy (which will eventually lead into humans receiving God himself). In the Universe like attracts like; so for a human being to be able to receive God’s energy/light/love, this must mean that God’s energy is already present within the human being. The energy which makes All things live is God’s energy. Like attracts like – God’s energy attracts God’s energy.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Eventually within the human, God’s own energy will be fused with the human’s energy, because underneath – the human’s energy is God’s energy and Like attracts like. Like two magnets, they are drawn together, and their entwining is unstoppable.
Human Being’s Identity When you take away a human’s thoughts and feelings, then you can contact God’s own energy. The energy which makes humans and all things live is God’s energy. Human’s derive their identity from their thoughts, feelings and a variety of factors in the outside world. In many ways, human being’s identities are dependent upon what the outside world and other people have done to them i.e what life has done to them from birth onwards and during fetal development. A human being’s identity is also derived from that which they desire from the outside world and what people think of them, amongst other factors. In some ways, human identities are enslaved, because their very survival is based upon people and events over which we have no control. The only things we have control over is our reactions, and our own behavior, especially our own thoughts, words and feelings.
Humans are constructed from God’s own Energy. When a human’s identity is dependent upon forever changing external stimuli; people and events over which they have no control; the fact that God actually dwells within the human can sometimes be overlooked. God’s identity is not dependent upon an outside world which is forever changing and separate from him/her. It is not dependent upon what God wants to receive from elsewhere, from outside himself.
God’s identity isn’t enslaved like human being’s identities are. However, when a human is constantly looking outward, for something to receive Energy/Love/Attention from, they do not realize that the actual source of God’s Energy is inside them. Human Beings desire to receive, and the very thing that they desire is God and it lives not only inside themselves, but inside every single thing. Inside each human exists the two poles of giving and receiving. God only desires to give. If God is the giver and the human is the desirer; when the human gets in touch with that part of themselves which is God, then the human’s need to receive will diminish. The cycle will be on it’s way to being completed.
Humans will realize that they are already that which they themselves desire.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
With giving and receiving taking place inside the human, the human represents the macrocosm and the microcosm, the yin and yang, the masculine and the feminine. When the person becomes more and more in touch with it’s Godself the need to give will increase, and the human will begin to give God’s Energy to those who need it. The human is satisfying God’s need to give – by giving God’s Energy to those people who need it.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
God To Give & Humans To Receive Nov 5th 2006 (age 26) This is a poem about the giving and receiving of God’s Light which is explained in Kabala and there are also ideas from Practical Philosophy running through this poem. It is also a poem about the quiet observer which lays still in each human mind and has a direct link to the potential of God which resides in every human being waiting to be created by the human… God desires to give love to us – to humans, Our job is to receive God’s love. But because we are made from God We also feel the need to give. We step away from God’s Light To stop receiving the light which he continually gives Because we want to give back to God Because we were made from God and God only wants to give. Push back God’s Light we say! We cannot just sit here and receive! We came from God like an atom splits into two And God has no desire to receive! Even though the Universe and all of matter Are like bowls which are made to receive God’s Light They, the bowls cannot erase God from their memory, God is in the bowls which were made to receive God. Alas, I am a bowl, and I am a human, And a relationship doesn’t work if I’m not allowed to give, I cannot just receive love from another, Because I have the ability and need to give and receive. When we came from God, our purpose was to receive God’s Light, But God the Giver was in our very own make up - what we are So we have to give – it is embedded in us But how do we give to God if he has no desire to receive??? And God split into two, And in the part which he born to receive himself He sat in it quiet, watching, Was you keeping an eye on it, © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Making sure that what it desired was good for it? In the quiet state, Observing the receiving half, He sits inside it, Watching as it desire’s God’s Light. How amazing this must be! To sit there still, Knowing that while the desiring bowl’s job is to desire, That what it actually desires is sat silent, non-judgmental, Watching all that is going on. The truth about the Universe is this – That whatever you desire; it will be given to you, Because you were made to desire, And God loves to make your desires come true. But we pushed back from God’s Light so that we Could show God that we loved him as he loved us, And we wanted to give to Him/Her as He/She gave to us We can show God we love; we can give to God We can become God and Human in one magnificent creation, And then God can look upon us as an equal, As two Humans in a relationship do, Mesmerized, giving love to someone who is equal If we awake the quiet, observing God who sits in Us all, We can become a Creation whose job it is to actually Be God giving to the Human who desires? As the part split from God like an atom was born out of God’s desire to give, Yet retained God’s energy like DNA and sat observing, watching the desiring take place. But what when this desiring half cottons on? What when it realizes that all the things around it, people included, are not the only place from where it can gain fulfillment? What about when the Human realizes that, in a quiet, observing, beautiful state inside it; There is the POTENTIAL for true love – and it’s not just from outside things love can be received? What about, instead of thinking that God is ‘out there’, He/She is actually ‘in here’, but in a POTENTIAL state?,
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
What if We Humans became quiet and non-judgmental and practiced non-doing and became like God? Would that show God that we loved Him/Her? Instead of sitting here and fulfilling our job of receiving God’s Light; If We practiced being like God, And we gave Light (Love, attention, ideas, help, energy, creations, words, deeds etc) to others, we didn’t judge them and we observed simply their actions. If we awoke the POTENTIAL God inside, And created it with our actions, speech, deeds, thoughts, etc whilst we live on the Earth, So that it was alive in Us and not solely a POTENTIAL, How would this show God We loved Him or Her? If We could give to Ourselves what we desired, as God does, We could show God what He or She desires; That is for the receiving Half – To Wake Up It’s Hidden God And Therefore Give Itself What It Needs – Because God/Goddess Knows That This Is What Will Make Us Truly Happy It is not in God’s nature to receive from OUTSIDE sources Nor is it Ours, It is not in God/Goddesses nature to do this, Because THERE ARE NO OUTSIDE SOURCES! If God were here, inside You, in the World, Ask Yourself, What would He or She do? Would He or She GIVE Love and Light to those who He/She knew needed it? And, would He/She do it because everything that He is, Is in ALL living Beings? Would He give them love and light because he could feel him/herself sat in another, Watching them go through pain, And even though he/she has no desire to receive, He/She does desire to protect him/herself from things not desired like pain, As he/she did when they were sat in a quiet state in the bowl which was made to receive him/her. He/She cannot give you what you want if it would cause you pain – please understand, Your desires are causing you pain as you are searching away from the Light. If God was here, Now, In You, what would He/She do? Would He/She try and help people to find their way Home? Would He/She give them Light and Love to heal their unfulfilled desires? Would He/She heal pain, and gently remind people of the real way home? Yes, this and much more, I think He/She would do.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Childhood – The Sponge like Part Nov 2006 (age 26) Did We desire to create God because we needed Him/Her, so We could be like God/Goddess by creating what we need? Is that why God/Goddess is hidden, and the only way back Home ( Heaven) is to create the potential of God which lives in every Human Being, but we have free will to manifest this potential. Some things are set in stone along our path of life, and some things are not set in stone. We are given things to learn along our life path on Earth. We are tied into the lessons set by Heaven whilst we live on Earth. Some aspects of Our Being are given to us by Heaven, whilst other aspects come from our surroundings. There is a childlike part of each Human which is like a sponge – i.e. it absorbs from it’s surroundings. This part is non-judgmental and has no defense against the outside world. It seems to me that in childhood, the Human Being is prey to everything which exists outside of it, and all of these separate things are free to leave their impressions upon the individual – like footprints being left in the sand. However, as adults we are free to change these footprints and try and use them to our advantage. I believe that many people out there who see counselors, psychotherapists and therapists are making an attempt to serve themselves well by attending to these ‘footprints’ which reside in the subconscious part and are triggered off constantly by various parts of life. Sometimes these triggers do indeed feel very much like emotional pain, or sometimes as positive things like ambition. A lot of what we are comes from our childhood, when quite frankly we were much much more open as Human Beings and accepted most of what we saw to be the truth – we did not yet have the ability or the desire to judge and separate what we were experiencing into little compartments of good/bad and acceptable and non acceptable. What happened to Us in childhood, that lingers around in ourselves as pain? What can we do about it – how do we deal with it?
Exercise Go back to your childhood and in your imagination revisit scenes which spring up and are most easily available for you. They don’t have to be important – we just need to reconnect with the lost parts of our self which was damaged and corrupted by the crap we saw and which affected us in childhood. Simply go back to your childhood and feel the innocent, open, non-judgmental part of the Human Soul which is like a sponge. In your mind, visualize that this part of yourself is regaining any lost strength/energy squandered in childhood on negativity, through no fault of it’s own. Feel yourself regaining the strength back, and take it in like water being poured into jars or bowls. Remember – the aim of the exercise is to re-connect with the good, emotional, gentle, non-judgmental, © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
sponge like part of you which is constantly open to life. Also, a good thing to do during this exercise is visualize several wounds on your body and see them simply closing up – feeling that the negativity you experienced in your childhood doesn’t effect you any more. However one would describe children’s development, it seems that the child is open and selfless, not able to judge what is bad and what is good, and the emotional and mental state of the child is therefore affected and shaped by outside influences, both good and bad. This part ‘grows up’ and learns to judge for itself what is good and bad in life and the world in general. It is an awful fact that we all have to protect ourselves against outside influences. It is simply a fact of life. If this process of shaping the selfless and nonjudgmental part of us didn’t happen, we would not develop a Created Being which was separate from all things, and we would not have a separate Self from which to give ourselves to others. We also would not have a separate self to receive from others. It is a vast subject, and everyone should make their own minds up!!
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Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
This Is How Everything Is Made Nov/Dec 2006 (age 26) GOD DESIRES TO GIVE: So God creates something to give to – something which desires to receive. The ‘something’ which God creates must desire to receive whatever God desires to give. This completes the circuit. GOD CREATES A UNIVERSE WHICH TO GIVE TO: A Universe filled with different life forms which are all equal because they all fulfill the same purpose – to receive what God desires to give to them. THE UNIVERSE AND IT’S BEINGS DESIRE WHAT GOD HAS TO GIVE: This is why the Universe and it’s Beings were created; to fulfill God’s desire to give. Giving requires a second party; God’s second party is the Universe, and all of the different expressions of life within it. God gives to all of the different life forms in the Universe. GOD DESIRES TO GIVE; THE UNIVERSE AND ALL OF LIFE FORMS WITHIN IT DESIRE TO RECEIVE: This is why every living thing needs to receive in order to survive. We all need to receive sunlight, water, food and air. GOD FASHIONS CREATIONS OUT OF HIS OWN SELF: God is all that ultimately exists. Therefore the only material he has to create things out of is his own self. GOD FASHIONS THAT WHICH HE DESIRES – USING HIMSELF AS THE MALLEABLE MATERIAL: He has no other material to use in order to create that which he desires. He is all that exists. He creates the Universe and all of the living things within it, using his own self as the material with which to create. God is the One Self out of which many individual selves are born. GOD CREATES WHAT HE DESIRES BY BECOMING THAT WHICH HE DESIRES: God, the One Self, becomes many different selves within the Universe. He forgets his self and becomes that which he desires – all of life within the universe. He forgets himself; in order to become that which he desires. If we desire to find God, we have to forget ourselves and actually become God. GOD IS THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE AND IS THE UNIVERSE ITSELF: God became the Universe and all of the things within it. He wanted to become each and every living thing that exists. He became that which creates; and that which is being created. He became both – the creator and the created. He became the universe – as well as having the idea for it. The universe and all it’s beings were created when God became them – this is how everything is made. © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Spirit Guides & Angels Nov 2006 (Age 26) Spirit Guides and Angels are here to help you, however, they are also here to test you at times. They might push you into doing certain things, or they may completely leave you to your own devices at times. Receiving help from Spirit Guides and Angels can be extremely difficult at times because they know what we would like to hear, but they won’t tell us this. However, they will tell us sometimes what we do actually need to hear. Before we humans were born we agreed to receive help from Spirit Guides and Angels. Any intervention from them was pre-arranged between us all before the human’s birth. People can get angry at their Guides as they may feel their life is being tipped upside down or occasionally that they themselves are being ripped apart. Spirituality is not all about love and smiles. It can also be about pain on all kinds of levels. At the end of the day the Spirit Guides and Angels know what is best for you, and it would go against Universal Law for them to guide you to anything in life which wasn’t best for you. You are beautiful, like the Sun, stars and Earth, and you have a part to play in this beautiful Universe, just like the Sun, starts and Earth. Perfect harmony is for the human who finds his or her unique place in God’s Universe; who recognizes why he or she was created.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Masculine & Feminine 22nd Dec 2006 (age 26) The masculine and feminine principles are drawn to each other and the love they possess for each other is incomprehensible. It is a love that will last all time. The two forces have a deep longing for each other because they are all that the other one needs. Is it that the buried potential in the Earthly part (lower chakras) doesn’t know what or who it is? And that it needs the masculine from up above (the spirit) to find it and give it knowledge about itself and its true identity? The masculine helps the feminine find out what it is. Is the feminine the Source, and the masculine is the knowledge of the Source? Yet like yin and yang, there is a bit of the opposite within each aspect. The masculine and feminine each have what the other needs and nothing can get in the way of the two forces joining together because LOVE joins the two together. We can all be saved by the masculine spirit, residing in our higher chakras; the spirit will move down and ascend into the lower chakras and reach the feminine, its other half. This happens in both men and women. On a much more simpler level, you could say that the feminine is the world of feelings and is traditionally associated in the stomach area. Also, the masculine is the world of thoughts and is traditionally associated with the brain. When the brain gets in touch with the feelings and there is cooperation and harmony between the two – the human is happy!
There is a bit of masculine in the feminine counterpart; and there is a bit of feminine in the masculine counterpart. They support each other, and as one becomes more spiritually aware, the differences between masculine and feminine disappear. The Masculine Spiritual, conscious and rational thought Consciousness. When the feminine ascends upwards it will find spiritual knowledge and this will ‘clear up’ the confusion in the subconscious. Alive and awake Lives in the mind and thrives on knowledge and solutions.
The Feminine Feelings, impulses, inspiration, psychic ability, Subconscious. Needs to ascend upwards via the chakras and reach the energy in the higher chakras, then it will find true knowledge of itself. Asleep and needs waking up Sleeps in lower chakras and contains all of the human potential. Like a child waking up after a
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Strength. Protective. Fiery. Focus, attention.
The Self Taking charge Creates the self, changes to adapt to what is going on around them, loves challenges. The chatty, conscious, discursive mind. Freedom. Doesn’t feel bound to anyone. Creative.
long sleep. Precious. Needs looking after. Confusion. The part of the spirit, within the human which is experiencing life exactly how it is, because it is lacking in the spiritual knowledge from the higher chakras. Selflessness Surrender We all come to the Earth with a ‘sleeping master’ which contains part of the Spirit and the person’s true potential and capabilities. Not conscious. It is not of this world. It is part of your Spirit, and it resides within the subconscious so that your chatty, discursive mind can not rationalize and/or change it. The subconscious contains lots of power and control, and can be entered via relaxation, for example during sleep and meditation.
“If you don’t bring forward what is within you; it will destroy you.” – Jesus, Gospel of St. Thomas (Gnostic Gospels, Dead Sea Scrolls)
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Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Word ‘Healer’ 24th Jan 2007 (age 26)
The word ‘healer’ is something of a myth, As God is the only healer. The only one who can heal us is God, Not me, not some person who is a great healer. We are all healed by the same God. Helping other people to heal themselves Instead of thinking ‘I must heal them’, That must be the good, right way. I’m talking words that are nice and true – They sound good. But, I am not healed yet, And this is for sure, So I must start to imagine that I am healed, For this is the healing work I must do, It’s head work.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
God’s Will Jan 2007 (Age 26) Surrender your will to the will of God, as ultimately there is no difference between the will of God and your own will. This takes time and courage, amongst other things, but can actually be done in an instant, as with everything else. Just say it in your heart and mind and it is so. Your thoughts rearrange the energy patterns existing in your whole Energy body. Your will and God’s will are the same. On Earth, being alive – you are doing God’s will. It is God’s will that you have free will. God looks at all things and sees beauty. What really makes humans happy? Love and beauty, and there exists no fear or pain in love and beauty. The sun rising and setting each day is not an act of ugliness, it is an act of beauty, but it is not work, because the Creator is not tired, and no great pain or effort is required to make the sun rise or set. Know yourself and you will only be able to find God because God is the only one who knows your self. That is why you were created – it was He who created you and set you into motion alongside everything in the universe.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Light Of The Creator Feb 2007 (Age 26) The Light of the Creator is happy because he creates what he wants to create; he creates what makes him happy. The Light is luminous and what is made is happy and bright – he is never bored, he is never tired and he uses the bright hands of himself and the bright Light to do what he loves. How can we get this light to light up every mind and heart and even hands, so that we give to our mind – exactly what it desires with our hands? Transferring the Light of the Creator via our hands… How do we get the people who have no creativity or joy to stop what they are doing and bathe in luminous light and make their activities clear and bright, and also make the present moment revolve around them like the Earth around the Sun – the centre. It is this joyful creator, the luminous hands of creativity in my solar plexus, for the light is the same light which runs throughout all of the universe. It looks and it sees that what is there is making him happy; To create with hands and smile at what has been created. He can create whatever he wants – freedom and joy.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Wisdom Of The Human Heart Feb 2007 (Age 26) In the heart there’s an intelligence, a force. It exists in the universe as well, but it is bound to us and it is alive in our hearts. It is the one who makes us alive, and it’s presence is great in the human heart. It is with us as we are walking around the Earth and in every activity it is there. It is not mysterious, it is not sublime it is not out of this world, it is not the ‘spiritual’ heart or any other type of heart – it simply, but greatly is ‘the human heart’. It is what makes us human, and if you want to know God first you must know about being a human. The impulses in the heart are from the force which is alive in all the universe, and it is so close to us, that we think that we cannot find God. I believe that the force which is alive in the Universe is the very intelligence walking around in our heart, and that without it we would die. Everything that is human is godly because the intelligence which makes the centre of our being exist is God. The force which is living in the Universe – is in fact the force which is living in our hearts. Humans and the way we react to babies crying, is part of the Creator’s plan. It is our Divine Nature to hear a baby cry and be compelled to pick him up and try to stop him crying. It is our divine nature to feel sorrow and to work hard at times and feel the need to try. God, in our hearts is there when you feel all of your emotions. He is in your heart at all times. He knows why you are the way you are and why you feel the way you feel. There is nothing in you that is hidden from God and God is your true Self or true Nature. God knows this fact. He knows that while he is living in you that God is your potential, which one day will be expressed. In human natural responses there lies God. In human emotions of separateness, love, joy, giving, sorrow, bitterness, anger, hatred, humor and rest, God is in all of these. He understands you and the important thing is that He sees you as an equal. Your heart and God’s heart are inseparable – God living in the Universe is the entwined with and also the same as the God who is actually existing amidst your own heart. The human heart will dissolve into the notion which is living there – The Real Self. Us humans are actually ‘working imitations’ of God i.e what would it be like if God had to work at and for things. God’s wisdom is entwined with the wisdom of The Human Heart.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Magical Trinity 13th April 2007 (age 26)
“All Beings are One underneath the same Sun.” – Archangel Raphael God
Nothingness Absolute Reality No judgment
Wholeness Heaven - impermanent Creative mind – ideas, thoughts, inspiration
Stillness Present everywhere and in everything
Gives Made from energy, will live forever, has a part which can change form and have several physical incarnations on Earth. Impermanent Spirit knows what the created counterpart (the universe) needs.
Eternal The human concept of knowledge is transcended; why do you need to know everything when you’re everything? The only thing which is present in everything – the Universe and the spiritual realm, and all Beings. The One, eternal, timeless, selfreplenishing Energy.
What we are given by the Spirit depends upon what we, the human being wants, thinks and needs. In the badness of life are the lessons we need to learn. The guiding, helpful and protective place where Spirit Guides and Angels live. The Light Beings care about all creation, keep an eye on everyone and help in any way they can.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Universe Separated elements Earth – impermanent Physical action – putting the energy of the spirit into action Receives Physical realm is impermanent, it forms one whole with the spiritual realm. Impermanent The Universe, Earth and all humans are all part of the same physical, created whole. Universe and Humans must recognize their own needs before Spirit can give to them what they need. When the human listens to the God within, and this means really listening to what you need, then the human is listening to their very own three-fold being of Human, Spirit and God, because God exists in every part. 117
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The Universe & Everything In it May 2007 (age 26) The Whole Spirit/The Great White Spirit represents the Light – the creative The Universe and everything in it represents the dark – the created God is neither Light Nor Dark – not solely creative or created Gods in both the Spirit of Light and the Universe of Dark. The universe is God’s creation But did it spring out of God directly? – or did the Spirit spring from God and out of Spirit came the universe or – did the spirit and universe and all created matter spring and emanate from God at once as a pair? Or did the Angels actually create everything, with God residing above acting as some sort of duo, With God’s direction guiding the Angels in the manifestation of Creation Are the Angels the Creators of the Universe – carrying out all of this creative work, but listening to God every step of the way – housing his energy in different beings and such like, on earth for example??
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Universe Is God’s Creation June 2007 (age 26) The Universe and all that is in it is God’s creation. BUT – Did the Universe spring from God directly, OR – Did the Spirit spring from God first, and then after this, the Universe/created matter? Harmony and logic say ‘no’.
I think it must be that SPIRIT and UNIVERSE emanated at once from God, created equally, not one before the other. He split into two, and became SPIRIT UP THERE and EARTH DOWN THERE, But really he split into three, because he stayed whole, observing the Spirit and Created matter. Earth and Spirit separated, and must join back together to be whole, somehow. It is when they join that much joy will be had. Spirit and Earth shouldn’t be apart from each other, and God made them so that they would love each other. They must both have a desire for something from each other, like masculine and feminine.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Spirit, The Earth And The Empty Mind Jan 2007 ( age 26)
The Spirit was made to give God And The Earth was made to receive God God cannot move! Still, happy observer, God sits back and watches it all – unable to move! God wants to be fashioned into things by the Spirit, with the Spirit’s eyes and hands in control. Then, God enjoys being the stuff which is being used to create things with; with this God is selfless. God sits back and says – ‘whatever you do will be fine’.
God is the energy which Spirit manipulates And God is the non-judgmental mind that exists in each human being as free will. Here and now, nothingness, an empty mind, sometimes feeling like the moment before creation takes place. Key words – free will, nothingness, non-judgmental, empty space.
Creator Spirit uses God to make things
Energy with which all things are created out of
Fashions the Universe and all created matter using God as the stuff to make things out of. Has creativity and uses imagination to create things.
God – makes all things up, but is fashioned by the Creator Spirit.
The Created Being - Earthy body and personality – puts into action what Spirit wants.
Mind – free will, nonjudgmental, decision maker, empty space.
Because this is what is best and this is what the Earth needs. Receives what Creator Spirit gives and puts this into action on Earth. The Created Being has free will, and a creative mind with an imagination to help put into action that
Neither Earth or Spirit. The stillness behind all of humanity. The peace behind the noise and chaos of creation! Nothingness. God. With a quiet mind one can easily access God, as the stuff which our Human
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
which the Creator Spirit is giving to mind is made out of. him/her. The Created Being can accept/ reject that which the Creator Spirit is giving him/her, as we all have free will. This must be pure harmony – When the Spirit, the Earth and the Empty Mind all want the same thing and listen to each other and when all three parts surrender to each other.
The Spirit has the idea, inspiration, will, thought or desire And The Earth or Created Being has the action, the creation, the outcome, the manifestation of the Spirit’s will. What about the ‘horizontal mind’ of God which exists in between the Spirit and Created Being? The mind of nothingness can listen intently to both the Spirit and the Created Being. The mind of God is alive in both the Spirit and Created Being, and can exist in either one, or bring them together harmoniously to create one Creative Being. The Created Being is sometimes like a sponge, absorbing whatever it is being given, from their own Spirit and also from the people and events around them. If a person is not used to using their own creative side, they can sometimes feel like the ‘created’ as opposed to the ‘creator’ of their circumstances. This is quite similar to how some people perceive the development of children – their development relies heavily on the input from other people, until they are old enough to resist the outside world and reject/accept whatever they desire, as opposed to children who when very young – they accept almost everything they experience as reality. Like the child depends upon the stimuli it is fed from sources which are separate from itself in order to develop into an adult, an adult also depends upon what it is given from it’s own mind, or Spirit, and also from the outside world and the humans in it. Who on Earth is ever truly resistant to everything which exists outside itself? We are all affected by other people and also by what is going on around us. It had to be like this, otherwise we would never be able to open up to and experience what is being given to us by God, oops, I meant our own Spirit. Part of God’s plan or wish for Creation was to forget himself/herself, live on Earth as a child, copy what adults do in order to become an adult, and baddabing – you have a unique human being to bring something new to God’s planet Earth. As a © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
baby, I was like a sponge, selfless, non-judgmental, accepting everything I saw as reality because I didn’t know any different; I was brand new to this Earth.
God wanted to re-know/learn/experience everything. God wanted to forget him or herself and see creation from a non-judgmental, non-biased viewpoint in order to do this If humans don’t know zilch about life on Earth or the creation they live in how can they pre-judge anything? The answer is they can’t. Humans see the world and life through very innocent eyes, and it is this honesty which God wants. If you don’t know everything, you can only know what you know – and that is what God wants you to know – so you can share it with the world. That is why we are all givers as well as receivers. There is only one creation. God created it and knows everything about it. Where is the fun in that? It is through the eyes of so many different Beings on Earth that keeps life interesting for God, through each pair of eyes God sees his or her very own creation in a different light.
Maybe in God’s eyes, there is one big creation which he/she created and it is unmovable, still and never changing. It never gets old because it was never born. You cannot argue with it because it is fact. It is rock solid truth and not a soul can change it. You cannot give to it or take from it – it is not up for grabs. You cannot take it anywhere, or steal from it, or make it bigger or smaller. I think you have to go through a hell of a lot before you start to experience it – I know I have! Lots of small lessons, and sometimes bigger lessons. Lessons about being honest, good, listening to yourself , knowing what is best for you, to not depend on other people, to take from yourself, to look after yourself, to respect others, to be gentle and kind as there is nothing to defend yourself against, to be the truest you can be, to listen to the small voice in your heart and not the big voice which wants self gratification . . .but I am human so not all the time surely! God doesn’t judge us as he/she knows every inch of us – we only judge ourselves.
God’s wish is to forget him/herself and become a curious, nonjudgmental, spectator in each human heart in order to see the creation through many different eyes. God knows there is only one creation, but seeing the creation through many different human eyes, allows God to give so many different parts of him/her to us. Whatever you think, feel or create, it is with God’s energy that you do so, and in © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
this way God experiences him/herself as that which you think, feel, create. God is whatever you think, feel, create. Imagine if everyone on Earth was aware that they are actually creating the limitless potential of God all of the time. If we have free will and we are free to think, feel, create whatever we want, this means that everything in creation is spontaneous, and that God can be anything at all – it’s all down to what we think, do, feel, create.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Earth is the field of dreams where all things are possible. Human Beings are pure potential, using their creative minds, they have free will.
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Angel Achiah July 2007 (age 26) In July an Angel’s presence was in my living room. I asked him who he was and he replied, “I am Achiah (pronounced Akay), and I am part of The Healing Authority of The Land.” A really feminine and masculine Angel, who lived and worked very closely to planet Earth. “There are Angels actually upon the Earth,” I thought, “They’re not separate from us, far away distant in the universe somewhere, they’re co-existing with us on planet Earth, and in the same planes as us!”.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Light Beings 25th Sep 2010 (age 30) The Light Beings work – They bring us light. They look after us all and recharge our batteries. They live on the Other Side – some people call it Heaven. The Light Beings have no form I can understand. They are always so graceful, and so concerned for all of humanity and all forms of life. They project to me the image of themselves as large males residing in the Universe, extremely quiet and caring, watching all of life and so worried for all people and Beings and life forms. They care deeply. To me, they always come across as being of a concerned nature, caring, gentle, still, helpful and protective. They can be teachers as well as protective, paternal Beings. Their strength and wisdom knows no bounds. It’s like they have the best bits of masculinity and femininity. They live in the Universe, and they always seem so caring and maternal and are generally deeply, deeply seriously worried for humanity and all life forms. It is a good idea to pray to Light Beings regularly for help with your own issues and also to ask them to heal the Universe and all connected to it, for all eternity. Imagine that you are the Universe And the dark, black Universe swallows you up From under your feet; it swallows you up. You have become part and parcel of the Universe You are no longer a separate body You have surrendered.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Creation Oct 2010 (age 30) God created everything to give it life. God wanted to be the ‘thing’ which made us happy and re-unite or unite us with a source of love (shown a picture of a pink crown chakra). Question – Why do Beings have to go through all this pain, to achieve ‘God’s desire which is some ‘end’ that we don’t even know about? It seems unfair. Answer given – God wants to give you life and raise you up. Idea for third world countries, make a road to nearest city and operate a free bus/buses to bring people there and back for medical care, and maybe food, cleaning materials, education.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Meditation Jan 2011 (age 30) ‘To take people down into the depths of consciousness and wake up their psychic abilities.’ – Raphael.
Breathe in white light.
Open each chakra and take in white light – ONE AT A TIME – visualize small ball opening, take in white light and close ball after it.
Then gold from the Earth one at a time.
‘free me, free me now’ told to write this down.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Knowledge From Heaven 16th April 2011 (age 30) Everyone has at least three Guides. Heaven and Earth are joined by the ethereal silver umbilical chord (like the one which connects the human and energy body, via the solar plexus chakra, during sleep). You have to have a few lives on Earth before you can enjoy Heaven and appreciate it. The Earth takes souls into bodies, and the whole process between Heaven and Earth is very mechanical – it runs itself and can’t be disrupted. There is a large realm of Spiritual Light, where possibly people who have died on Earth don’t enter much. There is White Light and happiness, with big, good Spiritual Beings. This place is above Heaven ( this is how I see it in my mind). Here, the vibration is of goodness, happiness, fulfillment, joy, masculine, larger than life energy. They are training people to see on Earth with Light,
Archangel Azrael – ‘This is the area of fulfillment. Where if you don’t do it, you get back up again and try again. The rules are there for a reason, you cannot get away from your ‘own set of rules’ set in place before you were born. They are there to keep you on the straight and narrow. I am Azrael, King of the Seas and I am trying to make you realize that your psychic development isn’t good. You try too hard to obtain your goal. Think about the white light which everything runs on – this glorious order. You do have chance to start again and all of this (career stuff) has been fabricated in your own mind. There is no-one better than you at lying. Try again, you will have a child.”
Archangel Raphael – ‘I see you failing and I want to help you. Listen to the music in your ears at night; it’s there for a reason. When you fall – get up, don’t stay there! It’s all broken – IT REALLY IS- it will be put together with WHITE LIGHT. You will try again. See the light in all it’s glory, tame your personality. You haven’t met your maker (problem). Refresh people’s auras. Pulsate the energy into the aura. Rest them then rise them up. Train them to see the light. To make people’s meridians perfect. To train in the ‘half-light’ (to be between Heaven and Earth), the knowledge is serving.”
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
A Place of Pure Spirit 16th April 2011 (age 30)
Archangel Raphael – ‘You are training in the intermediaries between Heaven and Earth. You have to ask to receive from Heaven because you are not receiving anything from the Earth. There is a place of pure spirit that exists with love. It is a realm so perfect with no dints. You don’t have any love with this do you? Do you know the mechanics work well? This place of pure spirit – All is well.’ (Shown a picture of a large wavy white blob with pink in the middle – this represents the place of pure spirit) The key is goal digging. You are not bright enough (wide awake) to teach these masses. You’re frustrated and your Spirit isn’t coming out. ‘Try and Try again.’ You will forget this world (earth) in an instant when you come here often. ‘Practice harmonious things and you’re out.’ ‘We want you to relax and heal yourself.’ – Angels.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
From Gabriel 5th April 2011 (age 30)
“I have found you in the Light, Ellen, not the dark. Comfort is rare in these parts; It brings so much pain in the wider community, Don’t fall, keep yourself stable… Love is in the Energy – distribute it. Fascinating resources you have (radio and meditation CDs). Just do it, and do it again. You will be amazed at the results you have by November. Just set up shop and tell them what they deserve. The end doesn’t come anywhere near 40, Energy comes in because you asked for it in a previous life. It doesn’t do well to think you are better than people. You are wasting a big section of your life on reading and writing, Go out and meet people, And have strong connections with the life outside, You have to make this misery go, You are the only one who has the insight, Choose the life you want and we will keep your head above water, We try to find you the time but you don’t ever do it, Try, try again to heal and find out what this healing thing is about, Your awareness is lacking, Job satisfaction guaranteed prophesizing the future for people will not be hard as you have had the training.”
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
From Thomas, Jesus And Daisy 5th April 2011 (age 30) Irish Guide, Thomas “Top of the morning to ya. You have many good things ahead just keep yourself safe, don’t tell all and sundry about your wonderings. I have an image about you, when you are down, do you kick yourself or do others do it for you? I am enabled to care for you for another two years. I clear your mind and let the earth energy in for you – CLOSE THE DOOR BEHIND YOU.” (After all spirit communication and energy work, close down your Energy Field by closing a big door in front of you, behind you, at either side and above and below, so you are in a box of closed doors.) Angel Daisy – “Stop trying to give us things we don’t want them.” Jesus – “Looking at you and you have got a hole right through your stomach ( solar plexus chakra), teach yourself the lessons again and again until you get it right – this is something you will be hearing a lot from me. It is only ‘Divine’ love. JOB IS SATISFACTION, turning point in July early career change, counting money and putting in a drawer. Distribute energy – love and beauty in it. Choose life – and we will get you there. Early retirement in early 40s perhaps? You have the soul of a frog (not literally – frogs represent intuition) so…leap into it. *Talk to the Angels and present your findings - Write in A4 book orderly and good.”
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
In your Heart 5th April 2011 (age 30)
“There’s nothing to know; except/accept what’s beating in your heart.” - Archangel Raphael
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Mind of Fire May 2011 (age 30) The Mind of Fire is here, where this place is known where there is fire, amazing fire and I see Angels with fiery eyes and curly hair like the sun – like Raphael and the fiery, sweet mind is in my head chakras, related to the non-judgmental mind. Jesus took me to a place of fire, which is to do with kundalini. He took me here to connect with God in the bright, fiery, holy place which wakes you up I think. When they talked about the Holy Spirit, I think this is related to what they said. It is the Fire of God I think, the energy is concentrated in the third eye chakra and the eyes and also the head chakras, the colour is orange. This place of fire corresponds to the humble, kind, gentle energy in my heart. I can also feel Thomas as clear as a bell making things clear for me so I understand that Heaven and Earth are one and I feel the place where dead humans go and I feel the Fiery Angelic Realm which looks after them.
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Where We Go When We Die May 2011 (age 30) I can feel the place where people go when they die. I have felt it before. Guides and Angels make it clear to me. The people there, who have died, thousands of them, come across as a large volume of traffic who are being ushered by Angels and Light Beings.
They are not lost. Amazing Guides and Angels direct them, looking after them. I see one, maybe Thomas, at the front, in front of a multitude of Earth’s departed soul’s, and I think of what Jesus said –about a Shepherd herding sheep. It looks like they are being rounded up and guided, completely guided and led.
All I know is that they are well looked after when they leave the Earth and go to Heaven. For they tell me, ‘they are a mirror image of God and they deserve rest.’ The souls tell the Beings In Charge exactly how much rest they need, and then it happens, they get it. Some were children, some were adults when they left, but they all want the same thing – God’s Light. They’re proud of what they have done on the Earth! There is no shame or tears or tantrums!!! Most of them have done what they set out to do! All is well in Heaven, they don’t judge by other’s standards.
I can feel Heaven becoming clearer, like opening up. The place of Souls, this is why I have always felt spooky. It still does but Thomas is making Heaven available to me, if I try harder, I will get it, as it all feels very familiar.
Thank You Thomas, Angels and Guides.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Academy Of Heaven 11th June 2011 (age 30) Psychic things don’t just happen to people, they happen to people when they’ve got so far in their ‘journey of lives’. It’s like blowing dust off old books. – Archangel Raphael. Heaven is in all of Creation. The beauty of Heaven is in flowers, blue skies for example. Heaven IS alive on the Earth. I love you you know. – Archangel Michael. Heaven is tailored to suit the needs of every individual. Meditation and healing is what you need. This business is crowned at the top. You forget you’ve been mesmerized by abilities since you were born! The love in your hands is always enough. Psychic tendencies are always late in people like you. Heaven is like a car park. Can you do two things at once? Can you do Heaven and Earth. Heaven is like a musical triangle being struck in the distance – the sound resonates in you, inspires a memory within you and you react. You are gratefully receiving the information Ellen, well done. We can carry on like this for a few hours or you can have a sip of your drink? (I stop for a drink). Heaven is like an island, connected to many other islands in the sky. The worship thing is abysmal. Stay with us Ellen your concentration is starting to wane… You are guided by the Light of Mercy at the start of your journey. You are hypnotized by a Faith Healer (Jesus) to do your best. You know the secrets in your heart are unlocked/locked by wisdom. I can challenge your every aspect – Archangel Michael. (Me – the message here is, this is where people’s perceptions of so-called bad spirits/angels come from. Archangel Michael could challenge every part of me in order to bring about good – it doesn’t mean that he’s a bad Angel). People come in all shapes and guises, know the Angels and Spirits around you “deep friendship”, lost, they will put you on the right path. Me – Is God all good, Archangel Michael, or does he have a bad side? God is definitely outsourced and miked up to the wondering station. I applaud your courage for asking this question. I feel your pain. No-one has held your © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
hand for years. For you the stars would fall out of the sky. At peace. Rest is imminent. Globally guided. The thing about you is that you are not good at being in two places at once (Heaven and Earth). Dramatization of events will give you the key to your own misery. (me – message here is, don’t be a drama queen!). Life on Earth is damaging to your aura – visit the Light Beings once in a while. Earth is for mastery – the stable nature of the Earth is needed for this.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Ancient Egyptian Technique 11th June 2011 (Age 30) This is an ancient Egyptian exercise which I used to do when I was a Pharaoh in Ancient Egypt. I was reminded of this exercise by Spirit Guides and Angels… At the heart centre, see two triangle tips meeting… The top triangle black (the universe)… The bottom triangle green (the earth)… Now you start to realize, you are looking at the tips of two extraordinary large triangles…which are both touching each other right at the centre of the heart chakra… Now see the two triangle tips, one black and one green, and see the two tips interlocking to form one loop of a strong, unbreakable chain in the centre of the two triangles, right in the middle of the heart chakra… This will connect the individual to both the universal aspect of themselves and the earthy aspect of themselves Just sit and be the big black triangle and feel it cascade off and merge with the universes energy… Now see planet earth as a small green triangle, interlocked with the big universal black triangle and know that the chain, the connection is within the heart chakra…
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Power Is In The Earth June 2011(Age 30) Visualize roots traveling downwards from the soles of your feet and see them going to the centre of the earth… Watch your roots as they wrap themselves around the magical golden sphere which resides at the centre of planet earth… Then place the roots upon the golden sphere and lightly see the roots going into the golden energy and merging with this energy Sometimes you might see several different circles of energy and these represent the different dimensions which are at the centre of the earth… At the moment, I see ten circles, some yellow, some white, some quite transparent, and there are pointy nosed beings in some of the circle, and who are the pointy nose beings??? The Angels of course…. Pointy noses represent the element of Air, and also wisdom, the breathing of air through the nose is how we connect with Angels, because we all share in this air, angels, humans, animals and elements… See ten circle, some transparent, some gold, some sparkly yellow, some white, and see a being with no features but see them as having a pointy nose, to suck up the air and connect with human beings – the wisdom masters who travel between the dimensions to eradicate illness in all of it’s forms…this WILL be done eventually, they tell me, if more and more people connect to their Godly energy, the energy which allows us to connect with human beings…more people would know what to do and we would have more chance of eradicating illness from planet earth… So, human, breathe your own breath and on the out breath see a pink ribbon come from your very own nose and gently but quickly travel through these ten dimensions – your ten ‘circle’ if that’s how you see it.. See the pink ribbon coming from the last, the tenth circle and coming back at you and let it go through the top of your head and feed the pink ribbon through each chakra, feed it through each chakra down your hara line and down and out through the soles of your feet … Then do another breathing cycle and send the pink ribbon, this time from the soles of your feet and through the ten dimensions, the ten circles, white, gold and sparkly yellow, all different colours and see the featureless angel faces with their pointy noses…its about eradicating illness with the Air Angels
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
From Archangel Azrael June 2011 (age 30) Why did God create the Universe? Archangel Azrael – He did it because he wanted to get in creation and control/direct all of creation. He gets a lot of love on his side from the Angels. Angels are his teachers. We emanate from the Source as you do. And we are bound by the same laws which keep the stars where they are. God spoke a soft, gentle something and it began creation, and set it into motion. God chose not to acknowledge himself as great. He wanted to MAKE himself great, because he has the same qualities as you do. He wants to make things happy. God is waiting for you to acknowledge presence.
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Healing 12th Aug 2011 (age 30) Connect with the personality/energy of water and ask it to heal you. Do the same for the Earth, moon, sun and stars. I don’t like the term ‘consciousnesses’. I prefer the word ‘personality’, because it means that which you are describing has a personality and is alive, thinks, moves, makes decisions, influences things, gives and takes, and makes others either sad or happy. Interconnected, all influenced by each other, at one level, all personalities or ‘pieces of energy’ or all ‘conscious’ things form one big mosaic, or one big moving picture.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
God’s Mirror Oct 2011 (age 31) You can’t see yourself without a mirror. The Earth and the Universe is God’s mirror. He’s looking in the mirror through us because he is unable to look at him/herself without a mirror. You cannot observe that which you are. We have the physical body, the Energy body and God sat inside us still, watching and observing everything, without judgment. Be still, still your mind and • • •
Observe the world around you – you are not the world. Observe your physical body – you are not your physical body. Observe your thought and emotions – you are not your thoughts and emotions.
Do you know what you are??? You are the thing which is observing the physical body, the thoughts and feelings and the outside world. When you criticize and judge you separate yourself from the physical world, physical body and your thoughts and emotions. When you weigh things up you don’t trust them. But, I bet there’s lots of crap in your life which has happened to you to be wary and judge things – I know I do. I find it very difficult to be without judgment all of the time because life has made me want to look after and protect myself from the harmful influences in the outside world. God isn’t scared of the outside world because he knows why it is the way it is, so he looks out from your very own Being and imparts no judgment upon you or the world. Within you lives and breathes an Energy (God) which – • • • • • • • •
Observes Lives in the moment Lacks judgment Has an empty mind Is one with all creation Is quiet and still and clear Is free from pain Is happy
Let me introduce you to your very own mind, before you start chatting human stuff to yourself…blah de blah blah blah, God and Heaven are waiting. ..for you. © Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Solar Plexus 1st Oct 2011 (age 31) Join yellow energy from your solar plexus chakra with the ANGELIC REALM. Visualize a chord coming out of your solar plexus chakra, and traveling upwards, through the sky, and the Earth’s atmosphere. See the chord travel upwards and pierce into a large block of letters, which simply say ANGELIC REALM. Suck energy from this Angelic realm down via the chord and take it into your solar plexus chakra. You can also wrap the chord around the huge block letters which say ANGELIC REALM. This is really good for helping people with their nerves. Take in white light through both eyes and send it to your heart chakra in a beam of light. Then do the same via the third eye chakra… Then finally send a yellow beam to the Angelic Realm from the solar plexus. Also, you can visualize large block letters saying ABSOLUTE, GOD, HIGHER SELF, EARTH, HEAVEN, LIGHT, UNIVERSE.
“The Light is bound to All things” – Archangel Michael.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
From God 10th Dec 2011 (Age 31)
Psychic tendencies – You will only ever get what you gave yourself before you came down here. There is only one true God. You cannot add to or take away from God. Life is fire in your hands. I squabble at your tendencies. Life is the fire burning in your mind. Energy is life protected by the realm and sanctuary of Angels. Life is the fire in your hands. Do you protect me against your nature? I am good and I am faithful. I am near the Sun. I burn in the hands of the healer. I make no prophecy about you. Love is in your hands, Please use it…
The Other Side – You have more than one life because you can’t do what your soul wants to do in just one life – it restricts you. Your soul is bound for greater pastures than this. What you do on Earth is kind of mirrored in what you do in Heaven when your life on Earth has ended. If you are a nurse on Earth, when you get to Heaven, what you do will reflect this. Your nature on Earth is continued in Heaven. Life on Earth can sometimes be dangerous, but God has asked you to do it. God’s unmovable will is in the heart. “I am the intelligence that speaks in humankind.” “I am not the life on Earth that you see. The Angels made the Earth, I gave them the power from me. The Earth is a mess because they don’t listen to me Ellen. I want to make artistic creations, like works of art, great buildings and such. I just don’t want them to run out of steam. Can you give them my energy? I keep sending my Messengers, but they don’t listen.” Heal, and say ‘God’s Will’. Hand to 3rd eye and say ‘God’s will.’ The psychic Father (maybe Raphael) exists, connected to the lower chakras. The awakening of kundalini will wake up God’s will. Kundalini rises through chakras, waking up God’s will. In me, at the moment, it’s in the heart.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Meaning Of Life 15th April 2012 (Age 31)
I had a very clear connection with Saint Paul and I asked him, “What’s the meaning of life?” His reply was astonishing, it was “To love…..” He waited a few seconds before continuing, I could feel he knew I was a bit puzzled, then he added, “Love doesn’t come in stages – it comes all at once.”
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Heavenly DNA 6th May 2012 (age 31) The knowledge is in the Light. The knowledge is in the DNA which is everywhere. Animals and Humans go to Heaven. Heaven is the DNA. Shown picture of my body made up of silver squares, about 3cm by 3cm, which were silvery white and glistening. Some were on an angle, turning, there were space in between some of them. These had DNA in black capitals written on them. No physical body in this visualization. This is the heavenly DNA which is already present in the cells of our bodies. Imagine that there is no creation – No you, no Earth, no Universe Then feel what you are without any created things or Beings. What are you? What do you feel like without your body and without the earth, sun and universe? Everyone has a detached part; which is immeasurable and unaffected by judegement in any form – basically it’s estranged from all the crap on the earth – the manmade doddle. Everyone has this part which is free from the Earth and Heaven.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Light of God 2nd June 2012 (age 31) The Light of Archangel Michael has God in it as well. It is spread throughout the Universe. It has blue Light in it sometimes. It is still. Unmistakable mercy. The Light Of Day. I connected to Aristotle – he was in the Light with Archangel Michael. Felt like the lesson was that the Light of God and Archangel Michael is associated with goodness, concentration, the power of thought, wisdom, philosophy, stillness, the mind, philosophy of nature, knowledge, direct knowledge, clarity.
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Chakra Breathing 2ND June 2012 (age 31) A chance for people to be reborn again. Breathe in and direct colours to your chakras ‘the upside down way’ – red at the top, then orange etc… In your mind go back to the creation of your soul, the beginning of your soul’s journey. You won’t be shown in clear detail, your soul will give subtle feelings. Wake up the knowledge that is in your own soul. What were you before you were created? Before your first incarnation? Who created you? What will you be after your last incarnation? And also where will you go to? Is it the same place as before your first incarnation?
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Guidance From Thomas 4th June 2012 (age 31) Thomas, what shall I teach? Thomas – How to start again in the afterlife/other side. Deliver the truth in numbers, categories, organized, sections – very important. Faeries/Angels – need a section on this. Focus not on psychic ability, but the language of the spirit which is stored up in each person (this is how telepathic communication takes place). After this, Thomas showed me an orange/pink circle spread out and covering both the solar plexus chakra and the sacral chakra. This orange and pink colour is always present when Angel Thomas and the Angelic realm are communicating with me. This Angelic Realm is very close to the Earth.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Inner Child Therapy/Baby Therapy 3rd May 2013 (age 32) Think to yourself – What would my pure ‘Baby Self’ be like if it had had the exact life it had wanted? In your mind, go back to your ‘Baby Self’, before you felt any pain in this life. Become this ‘Baby Self’. Imagine this innocent, pure baby becoming a toddler, and having a perfect life with no pain. See this toddler gracefully become a child who has a life with no pain around them, no obstacles. See the child become an infant, and progress to being a Junior. See the child having lots of happiness around them. Be grounded in the earth. As the child moves to secondary school feel your very own positive self. Always been given the right to be heard, nurtured with enough security, and time, and importantly surrounded by positively, especially in others. Feel the teenager in school, never in a rush, never being told what to do in a negative way, feel the positive energy of a teenager who has led the most perfect life – with no negative family arguments, negativity or pain. Now go back to being that Pure Baby Self and imagine them all grown up, what would that pure baby self be if it had been allowed to grow up without pain being inflicted upon them by others? If it had only love? What would you be now?
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
From Jesus 3rd May 2013 (age 32) Put the negativity in the Air in the Earth, just as you do when you are healing yourself and you put all of your negative energy into the earth.
Say, “ All negative energy in the Air surrounding me go into the Earth now, take in the sunlight and be charged up new. Thank You.”
The Light Of All Beings depends on the Sun you know. – Jesus.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Knowledge 3RD May 2013 (age 32) Knowledge arises from your root chakra. The necessity for knowledge comes from you not being where you want to be in life. Sometimes knowledge comes in very different forms. You can’t just open a book and expect to find knowledge. You would be surprised at the prayers we get the most – “Will you be with me in my time of need?” “I don’t know what to do, will you help me?” Everyone wants to be guided. The knowledge is pouring in now with your past life therapy and things like that. You can’t just open a book and expect to get knowledge, it’s the easiest thing in the world to read other’s words off a page. Knowledge is in your heart chakra. Paint the world with a psychic brush. Make no mistake, you will never go through this life after death thing because you already have it. And there’s no better knowledge than that. (from the Angels)
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
From Mikao Usui 8th May 2013 (age 32) In the solar plexus of each person lies the nucleus or Spirit from which emanates the Aura or Energy Body. The Soul of the person is locked inside the solar plexus. A red triangular chord connects from the back of the solar plexus to the centre of planet Earth and this is the source of Reiki. Bright red chord from back of solar plexus chakra and pierces into the centre of the Earth where the source of Reiki is, even though we see it everywhere, the nucleus or Spirit or Mind is locked in the Earth. Is this the Soul of Planet Earth? Does Reiki come from the Spiritual Energy of the Earth, with the Source lying at the centre, like the sun lies at the centre of our solar system, still, warm, healer and giver of life and light?
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Black Self 16th Oct 2013 (Age 33)
Face forward. Emanating from behind you, with its back close to your back, but not connected to your back, visualize a figure, which you know to be part of you, your Higher Self. Sometimes this figure is completely black, as it is connected to the universe. Mine has no features or hair or limbs or anything like that. Mine is situated behind me, to the left. It has access to another world, and sometimes the Higher Self will come with a door, so go with it through the door and see what you can find. My Black figure has a point nose which represents wisdom, and it feels more female than male.
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Sun’s Voice 2nd sept 2014 (Age 34)
Connect to the Sun and the Sun’s Energy, It says to me, What are you rushing for, hopelessly grasping at in the thin air? What are you trying to desperately achieve? Who are you trying to please, not me I hope? You don’t have to achieve anything, You are here because you put yourself here and in the light of the sun everything is well, Do not rush, my beloved, you have time for this, And who is watching you and judging your mistakes – none of the souls in Heaven, none of the planets, nobody cares! Live your life for now, for today, you are connected to the Sun and the very rays of the Sun – and this is your calling card – I love you and I bestow my wisdom upon you.
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Past Lives 3rd Sep 2014 (Age 34)
I have lived as an animal on planet Earth, Have you, what animal was you once upon a time? I have lived as an octopus and also as a lion and a ladybird. I have been a child, a man and a woman, I have lived on some of the planets throughout the solar system, Whose inhabitants seem invisible to human eyes as they live in a higher dimension I have also been an Angel in Heaven, this was prior to all of my planetary incarnations, So before all of my births and deaths, I was an Angel. I’m starting to think that all men, women and animals were created as Angels primarily, and some of us choose to go through a cycle of lots of births and deaths… But maybe we all started out as Angels, and we will all end as an Angel, and then what, who knows?
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
The Inner Ear 3rd Sep 2014 (Age 34)
Ask Archangel Azrael to clear the blockages in your inner ear – this will help you to develop your clairaudience. Archangel Azrael “Your inner ear works very well, when you are not trying to help yourself…work with the indigo healers and ask them to clear the inner noise…this will maintain your connections to the Archangels…the indigo healers are Archangels…ask them to use the indigo ray to penetrate the walls of your ears and give them a little shake…and then send this indigo beam to each side of your body and stop at where you would have pockets if you were wearing trousers…so it is just before your thighs…this is very important as this area balances your literary aspects, words, speech, communications…anything to do with the written or spoken word is connected to these two centres – one on the left and one on the right…now to finish the ear balancing exercise off, visualize two spinning glittery indigo Catherine wheels, one on the left and one on the right…doing this exercise will affirm to yourself that you are in fact being listened to.”
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Equal 21st Sep 2014 (Age 34)
We are all equal, Humans, Animals and Angels, Angels let me know, That All Beings were made not only equal, but the very same as each other, And Angels are really not at all different from any animal, man or woman that ever roamed the Earth, The Angels live on Earth, Its just that we cannot see them yet… These are the Energy Species of a Brand New World, thank you very much, And its not always about love, Sometimes its about trying new things and believing that you can do them, Love isn’t ALL there is, Its about fashioning new things, out of Angel Energy and placing them with your mind upon the landscape of hope, the Angel Landscape, where creativity and energy live, So place your large rocks, tablets of learning…
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Sun’s Healing 16th Nov 2014 (Age 34) See your limbs lit up with sun light So the flesh is lit up, transparent and pink Basked in yellow sunlight surrounding each organ Draped in sunshine Look for a circle of energy in the cosmos When you find it, send out your Mind Energy to join with it Then download your very own Cosmic Awareness Your Energy, your virtues, what you will make with this life And blend this with your own physical brain, heart and then mentally guide this cosmic energy down to your lowest chakras Say, “I blend all my dark energy with that of the Sun’s, for healing.” See yellow sun light heal the dark, troublesome parts of your Energy Field Let the Angels in the Sun – lit universe calm your nerves and help you go steady
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Earth Healing 25th March 2015 (Age 34)
There are light green magical serpents Who are made entirely out of green, magical energy Living in the central sphere of planet Earth Thomas connects me To the magical, green earthy energy they reside in This represents the magical energy of planet earth Say, “Angel Thomas, connect me to and cover my Aura with a thick layer of the soft, magical, bright green earth energy please. Thank You.” These animal-like Beings Who are alive on Earth and also throughout the universe Are equivalent to Angels And they all co-operate with one another…
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Angel Orbs Of Light May 2015 ( age 34) Surrender to the four directions – Above, below and right side and left side See a blue circle above your head and know that this is Archangel Michael Now see a white circle at your left side, a dazzling white circle and know that it is Gabriel At your other side see an orangey yellowey circle and know that it is Azrael Now see a red circle under your feet and know that it is Chamuel See a light green circle over your heart chakra and know that it is Raphael Each Archangel wants you to surrender your energy to the coloured circle and the different frequencies found within each coloured circle. You are kind of stopping being human the more you practice doing this little exercise When your Energy joins with the Archangels in this way, you start to learn what Angel Energy feels like. Sometimes different Archangels want to be appointed to each chakra. You can adapt this exercise further to ‘home in’ on these Archangel frequencies. For example, sometimes I see Metatron way above at the Stellar Gateway with an orange circle, but sometimes I see Metatron behind me. At the Earth Star chakra I visualize a pink circle and know it is Haniel. At the front of myself I see different Archangels, Jophiel, Raziel, Uriel, Muriel See white light join all the circles up to form a kind of protective circuit so that the energy of the Archangels is ‘in-house’ and not ‘outside’ yourself Finally see your self merge with a huge purple coloured circle and know it is Zadkiel. Give it all to Zadkiel for safekeeping…
© Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
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Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book
Š Happy Healing Ellen Hare My Book