Book of Raphael
The Book Of Raphael
© Book of Raphael/Ellen Hare
Book of Raphael
The Book Of Raphael Contents Raphael Speaks… Who Created The Universe
© Book of Raphael/Ellen Hare
Book of Raphael
Raphael Speaks… I am a very wise and old Being named Raphael…I seek you out sister because you are seeking the answers all of the time…your quests will not happen here on earth, I label you crazy person do you see?...and I am normal from a normal family…you are a mercy waner Your trouble is in the head not the heart…you’re too quick…and you drown yourself with caffeine I have nowhere to go with this do you The answer is incompleteness and struggle Tell a liar…your franchise is cut You have remembered nothing of the lord above…but he wants to move in with you next year…I don’t want your words on a page…I want you to connect your energy to someone you like…not brown nose digging in the earth all the time for knowledge There I said it. Angelic wisdom is not your forte…you have a special nuiance for training in seeing angelic trails of energy go across the sky, but you are not in the same head space as the angels to be awarded with their wisdom… People like you have tried and failed and you will never give us whatever is necessary… You don’t have a block of niceness do you…not in the parish or the town centre…I see you delivering letters and not getting anyone © Book of Raphael/Ellen Hare
Book of Raphael
who rings you to confirm bookings…I designed the cosmos, thank you very much, and I leave you with this truth…you can muster more than you can manage…you are very tall at the moment…you must shrink down and then you will see the truth…the truth is at the gatekeepers door…the soul of Orion awaits you…you have blessed your soul…your informative years are behind you
© Book of Raphael/Ellen Hare
Book of Raphael
Who created the Universe? A group of Souls on the third day…i.e there were things already created prior to the Universe coming into place…I am Raphael… and I burn the sun’s intelligence into your soul now – breathe in the sun’s fire and knowledge…let the orange fire go into your soul…and be a man’s desire I don’t know why you don’t believe it Ellen – that creatures just like you created the universe as it was and as it is now… The creatures threw the sun’s light around For what goodness did the Light break through the darkness of the created Universe? The curiousness of consciousness…that is the Light which breaks through the dark matter of the physical universe… There were things coming from the universe that you did not know about Ellen…all the goodness and the badness was thrown into the ’melting pot’ of desire if you like, because God had to know what it was like to be without himself…and you have the reasoning of a sourcerer. The Creative Beings who brought all this goodness and badness into play were like armies…there were three who brought this ‘misery’ into being…Fire, Water and Spirit…don’t judge them because Air and Earth isn’t there…Earth is the missing piece given to us by the planetry energies of the solar system, dependent on the solar rays of the sun…incomplete without the masterfulness ray of the sun…let the light shine down upon the people on planet Earth.
© Book of Raphael/Ellen Hare
Book of Raphael
The universe is filled with ‘godly’ beings all trying to make sense of what is coming from their ‘Sun’ – the star at the centre of their universe. The planet earth was born out of the other planets in the solar system, one of the being Venus and the other being the Sun… Venus got behind the sun and popped planet Earth out of the front of the Sun…and in this way the planets who were ready had a hand in co-creating the physical universe that we live in today. For example, Uranus would not have brought forth a planet like planet Earth as Uranus is a very self contained planet who is embarking on a different route of embodying limitless consciousness, but residing quietly within himself and one day when he has stored up enough questions and answers within himself, he too will bring forth a new generation – of quiet thinkers…well, it can’t be full steam ahead all of the time… Raphael, the wind blower, the thought giver, who forms things upon the back of the wind listens to Uranus and gives his thoughts to the quiet children of Earth (children and adults, all Beings). For I am Raphael and I raise the dead…your formative years are behind you…tell the ‘story’ of creation how it is Ellen, with the winds that blow and the energy which hurled out from the font of desire…with intuition and desire I tell you now the story… There were angels in those days…but very different from how they might seem to you today because they had no ‘form’, no ‘creation’ to look at…they all gave their energy to the Life and Soul of the party…’The Sun’ and the Sun was very grateful…and he chose to shower down his Light, his energy down back onto the Angels…but some weren’t looking, some had retreated so far into © Book of Raphael/Ellen Hare
Book of Raphael
their own mental captivities that they were no longer ‘astonished’ by what they saw when they were in the presence of the Sun raining down his energy, this ‘shower’ which took place all over creation, some were eluded for it – they had disengaged their minds from what was going on around and gone into their own ‘species’ their ’creation’ – you see how there is no good or bad in this???? Some Beings favouringly expect different things than other Beings that’s All – Now, all Light Beings standing before the sun with the light cascading off them and pouring down on them, I ask you, who is in charge of this ‘show of Light’, this tremendous ‘leaking’ of all sorcery and wisdom and inner power and enlightenment, give me a show of hands people, who is running this and also, What is the point of this transference of all that the Sun has to these gifted, intelligent sub-species of Angels, of people, who stand mighty before the blood red-orange fiery energy – who is in charge and why should all these people ‘suck’ the life force out of the Sun – whose idea was this????? The Sun gives to all of them as one day, he hopes, they might be like him – in a universe of ‘nonesense’ – who will shine until the end? So, to recap, in the beginning there were three Beings; Spirit, Fire and Water (the eternal water) and they interlocked with each other their passions, their desires and out of this was born some of the planets of our physical solar system…let me tell you, Ellen, there are planets humans do not understand as they have never been physically seen with the human naked eye before, yet they are there on the planet pathways of the Sun all the same… © Book of Raphael/Ellen Hare
Book of Raphael
When you go to sleep at night think of and visualize the several tiny red balls so very close to the Sun…with a line of gold Light emerging from the Sun – this is the planetary pathway. Who created Spirit, Water and Fire? Energy and desire, but not desire how you would think of it Ellen, not gut wrenching desire, a ‘good luck’ kind of energy… So, back to Energy, before Spirit, Water and Fire – before the three entities, Beings of Light, there was Energy, good old Energy Energy comes from stars… and there are Beings, like puppet masters, controlling and operating from behind those stars…and they dictate everything wonderful in this here very universe… they are as old as time yet brand new every minute, let me introduce you Ellen to The Star Masters And allow them to unfold the very ‘unwrapping’ or unfolding of creation before your eyes…like the unwrapping of a present, we need to unwrap that shiny flimsy paper off the present first… All Beings have a choice…an infinite choice guarded by the perception of the live in their ever changing reality, their present reality i.e whatever is happeneing around them at that very time OR the Being has the choice to nip quietly into the confides of the ‘inner’ perceptions – now this is needed as these very confindes were created by the three Beings Spirit, Fire and Water …these Beings gave you your insides so this must be what your inner workings are created from…in time you will understand…these elements are NOT limitless, they are NOT timeless and they do in fact change with the seasons…a variety of © Book of Raphael/Ellen Hare
Book of Raphael
blows to the heads – colds, vomiting, various limiting states within the human condition arise frequently due to a lack of or sometimes a strain upon the elements of Water, Fire and Spirit which are inside you and keep you ‘ticking over’ politely so to speak. So meditate upon this, dear creature, your levels of water and are they polluted??? Is there literally too much water in your brain??? I don’t mean physical water, I mean the element water – if there is too much then there is too many feelings polluting you so to speak…visualize your brain having the excess water tipped out and being put back with no water in it… The elements are impermanent so work closely with them for curiosity’s sake if you wish, but in the back of your mind, all Beings should know that ALL bends to Energy…Energy was first… So now we have the concept that there was Energy first, before any elements and also right before any Beings or planets. We also have the Star Masters who are operating from another place ‘behind the stars’ so to speak…they give the virtues and the choices to humanity all the time e.g. do I pick the child up when he is crying or do I leave him there? The Star Masters are the very ones who enlighten us and engulf us with pleasure and pain and this rises up to the stars of the physical universe and spreads out all over the universe and ‘enforces’ the current reality which we are experiencing on Earth…the stars capture our soul’s wisdom at that time and each star joins up throughout the universe each with a different human soul’s learning from planet earth and these wise words flow throughout the universe giving a unique ‘slant’ on everyone’s different perception of how their life is and how it should be. © Book of Raphael/Ellen Hare
Book of Raphael
How you react is everything. You are given choices every day – to be good or not to be good, basically, this is the dynamite philosophical question which is actually AS SIMPLE AS PIE, ALWAYS HAS BEEN ALWAYS WILL BE How you react sews your seeds of what your life will be like. The Star Masters are watching you, and everyone and they are so kind hearted, you would not believe, they are giving you endless opportunities to redeem yourself and ‘walk a line of light’ Ellen, you for example work in a nursery and one day you will run your own building, you have to complete this venture early with records and paperwork and such…you had to see how it was done… early starts and opening up, open the fire exits and such like – do what you have to do, what will it be like Ellen opening up the doors in the morning and beginning the business each day…this is very earthy experiences for you – ha ha, it’s not all mystical mumbo jumbo you know…you make me laugh you humans down there on earth, you think we have you where you are for the sake of it and no good will come of it…you don’t see the design, we are more down to earth than you are!!! There is a human rhythm, a human logical earthly sense to why you are doing whatever you might be doing at any given stage or area of your life – and that’s a fact, and I am Gabriel and I am one of the STAR MASTERS, now that’s got you flummoxed hasn’t it. Aren’t Archangels meant to just work closely within the entrails of planet Earth – I hear you cry??? No, my dear. We engineer the Cosmos…quiet as we are and we do not come to you for anything, still we are there, Raphael is there, with each waking bird of the morning, we are there trying to find out how to ‘fix’ the planet Earth and it’s multitude population. So how do we do it, I hear you ask, go to the star masters who sit diredtly behind the stars and you need to bring © Book of Raphael/Ellen Hare
Book of Raphael
down the energy of the cosmos – the archangels, the star masters will help you – lets bridge the gap – we cant do it – you all have to access that planetry wisdom, the ENERGY OF THE COSMOS SEATED WITH THE ARCHANGELS WHO ENGINEER THE UNIVERSE – BRING IT DOWN BRING IT DOWN BRING IT DOWN This will be your medicine for future years on planet Earth. This is Raphael, your planetary Guide. (So he works with Earth, not just Uranus and the Sun).
© Book of Raphael/Ellen Hare