Paul Ang, Founder and Group Managing Director, and Sandra Chua, Co-founder and Executive Director of City Coin Laundry Sdn Bhd speak to Christina Thomas about the revolutionary and innovative o erings of LaundryBar.
LaundryBar, a trademark self-service laundry concept by City Coin Laundry Sdn Bhd, is trailblazing the laundry industry. A market leader in self-service laundry, the company is rapidly capturing market share and earning a sterling reputation for service excellence, quality and innovation.
The brainchild of Paul Ang and Sandra Chua, LaundryBar has grown in leaps and bounds from a single outlet to its current 450 outlets in Malaysia, 190 in Thailand, 11 in Brunei and 8 in Turkiye. Out of the 450 outlets in Malaysia, 110 outlets are corporate-owned by City Coin.
An accountant by profession, Paul explains that LaundryBar was conceived a er a vacation overseas, where he found the concept of selfservice laundry to be a revolutionary solution for modern households. “Back in Malaysia, we started exploring the business model and realised that there were already several self-service laundry players in the market,” Paul says.
He adds that in the past, the common perception among Malaysians was that they already owned a washing machine at home and therefore did not need selfservice laundry outlets.
As true believers in the concept, the husband-and-wife team, went ahead with the idea. As Paul puts it, “We had to walk against the wind.” They materialised the idea by investing all their nancial resources into this venture as well as o ering franchising opportunities to interested entrepreneurs.
“Our rst outlet was located at Desa Aman Puri and we commenced operations on 4 March 2013,” Sandra explains. Business was tough at rst and the rst month’s income was not su cient to even cover the rental of the premises. However, with sheer resilience and patience, Paul and Sandra took the ‘road less travelled’ and continued to work on the business. Reaping the fruits of their labour, the duo saw the business improve rapidly with revenue increasing month a er month from thereon.
Talking about their business model, Paul highlights that the company is passionate about franchising. “Initially, we just had a licensing programme, but we became a franchisor when we obtained our franchise license in 2017,” he explains.
Aside from franchising of laundry outlets, City Coin is also the exclusive distributor of Alliance Laundry Systems as well as a distributor for IPSO laundry equipment in Malaysia.
City Coin also o ers an investment scheme known as LaundryBar Mudarabbah. “We are the rst Shariah-compliant investment scheme in Malaysia to obtain approval from SSM,” Paul points out.
Led by two inspirational entrepreneurs, Paul and Sandra, LaundryBar has achieved many ‘ rsts’ in the market. The company is the rst and only self-service laundry operator to provide free self-manufactured Halal detergent,
so ener and sanitiser, delivering tremendous value-add to customers.
Strong believers in technology and innovation, Paul and Sandra are aiming to leverage on the latest digital technology to drive business performance and achieve service excellence.
LaundryBar is also the rst in Malaysia to implement a token payment system in lieu of cash thus curbing vandalism of machines, reducing cash handling costs, driving business retention and enhancing the brand value proposition. “We are gradually moving towards a cashless business concept to provide customers with convenience and franchisees with greater security,” Paul explains.
LaundryBar is also introducing LBPay, a convenient payment system using digital payment. In the future, the company hopes to partner with other payment gateways such as GrabPay, Boost and Touch n Go, among others.
“We are the rst in Malaysia to o er Duit Now cashless payment system, enabling customers to scan and pay. This substantially reduces the risks of handling cash. With technology we are also able to create loyalty programmes and top-up bonuses, among others,” he continues.
LaundryBar is also the rst brand to provide “Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee” for franchisee, with the option for City Coin to buy back assets in the event franchisees wish to discontinue the business. With this arrangement, the franchisees is able to minimise losses by recouping at least 70% of the capital invested into the business, thus lowering the nancial risk. The company is also the rst to o er zero franchise fees, making it a more attractive business proposition for aspiring entrepreneurs.
Additionally, LaundryBar is also the rst in Malaysia to o er an 8-year warranty period for machines. Other notable achievements under LaundryBar’s belt include the rst in Malaysia to feature a laundromat megastore concept comprising 35 full-range machines in each megastore.
As a trailblazer in the market, the company is also the rst in Malaysia to present the new “Washer and Dryer 2-in-1 Modern Self-service Laundry” concept featuring fully automatic, one-stop “clean and dry” process. “With our new combo machines, customers can enjoy one hour of non-stop washing and drying without having to transfer laundry from the washer to the dryer – making it a ‘one time job’,” beams Paul. The company is the exclusive distributor of Tosei 2-in-1 machines from Japan.
“We hope that by leveraging on technology and advanced laundry equipment, we can gradually increase the number of household users from the current 5% to 10% in the next 3 to 5 years,” explains Paul.
“Our intention is to encourage household users to leverage on LaundryBar’s self-service laundromats to save costs and reduce time spent on laundry thus improving the quality of life,” adds Sandra.
With increasing openness towards self-service laundry among consumers, the market response towards LaundryBar has been growing rapidly. “Revenue has increased more than 147% in our corporate-owned stores, compared to 3 years ago,” Paul points out.
“We have also received recognition by the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Cost of Living (MDTCL) as an essential services business, during the pandemic, thus enabling self-service laundromats
LaundryBar is the first brand to provide “Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee” for franchisees, with the option for City Coin to buy back assets in the event franchisees wish to discontinue the business. The franchisee is able to minimise losses by recouping at least 70% of the capital invested into the business, thus lowering the financial risk.
– Paul Ang, Founder and Group Managing Director
to operate despite the nationwide lockdown,” Sandra continues.
“With consumers saving time and costs through LaundryBar’s o erings, more than 6 million hours of savings have been achieved for the whole country. This is LaundryBar’s contribution to our country – enabling Malaysians to engage in more productive and economically lucrative activities, thus spurring growth for Malaysia’s economy,” explains Paul.
He stresses, “The self-service laundry industry contributes tremendously towards the country’s economic growth and social wellbeing.”
To encourage entrepreneurship, LaundryBar collaborates with PERNAS to provide loans to
Bumiputera entrepreneurs. In 2022, the company exceeded its franchisee recruitment target, having recruited more than 75 franchisees throughout the year.
“In 2023, we are targeting to recruit 110 new franchisees,” says Sandra.
Since its inception in 2013, LaundryBar has seen a signi cant increase of Bumiputera participation in its franchise business, from less than 5% to 35% currently.
In fact, the company testi es to achieving the fastest ever Return On Investment (ROI) within 3 years, with more than 35% annual ROI. Paul credits this success to great timing, innovation, a strong sense of belief, consistency and honesty.
“Our position is very clear – this business adds value to society,
therefore, we will continue to work together with MDTCL and other parties in pursuit of business expansion. We are continuously seeking opportunities to expand our local brand to be recognised internationally,” explains Paul.
Adding to Paul’s statement, Sandra continues that LaundryBar is aiming to publicly list the company by 2026 and become the number one self-service laundry in Southeast Asia. “PERNAS has indicated interest in investing in our company,” continues Paul.
He reiterates, “We are committed to continue with our innovation endeavours with the goal to create greater e ectiveness and expediency of business management, to deliver technology that is capable of revolutionising the self-service laundry industry through strategic investments.”
With 2023 presenting a refreshing outlook compared to the pandemic period between 2020 and 2022, there is yet another aspect to grapple with – rising global inflation, which is impacting consumers in more ways than one. For some consumers, inflation may mean opting for cheaper options in order to stretch every dollar, in order to continue spending on experiences like travel and eating out. In 2023, there are expectations for spending on travel and experiences to continue rising as a share of total consumer spending, while the share of bigticket durable goods declines.
In rising above these developments, retailers need to understand their customers better in terms of influencing factors for purchase decisions and the types of experiences to deliver, while
embracing more agile processes. However, the impact of inflation, interest rates and consumer spending will be felt di erently across the globe depending on several factors such as scal policies and income levels.
Although inflation — the increase in the prices of goods and services — is expected to so en in 2023, prices are largely expected to remain higher in comparison to the pre-pandemic period. With the rapid economic changes, retailers are expected to rely mostly on omnichannel, near real-time testing to comprehend the best ways to respond to consumer purchasing decisions. Pricing strategies may also start adjustments based on economic trends. In fact, inflationary conditions may inspire consumers
to respond better to o ers and promotions that appeal to their preferences.
One way to attract customers would be through personalisation, which has become a key success factor for many businesses. Many brands today strive for 1:1 personalisation. Once personalisation e orts are set in motion, further gains can be achieved through arti cial intelligence and deep-learning recommendation algorithms. In fact, retailers will look beyond digital channels to deliver personalized experiences every time a consumer interacts with their brand (store, web, mobile, email). Traditional brick and mortar and other assisted channels have the opportunity for innovative advancement through the integration of digital capabilities, further enhancing the uni ed customer journey.
The post-pandemic period is an interesting era where retail trends and consumer behaviour evolves thus shaping new dynamics in the retail industry.
Today, brands are investing in social commerce as consumers spend more time on social channels. Brands are now on Instagram, TikTok and other platforms, constantly interacting with consumers and vice-versa through strategic content placements and influencer networks. As social commerce continues to grow, more retailers are expected to expand their presence on these platformsin 2023.
When customers experience a delightful journey with retailers, it speaks a thousand words and earns long-term loyalty with a deeper relationship. According to a study by Gartner in 2022, although some customers may seek cheaper alternatives for at least one product category, others will still continue to protect their favourite brand. In the face of inflation and higher costs, some retailers may be tempted to reduce expenses on loyalty initiatives, but bear in mind, customer loyalty is not a cost-centre, instead it is a pro table, revenue-generating avenue as well as a powerful customer engagement tool.
In keeping customers, retailers are also encouraged to reward behaviours and not just spend. Consumers now expect brands to recognise their loyalty through small meaningful gestures that o er immediate grati cation. For instance, this can be achieved by o ering rewards for in-app purchases or referring a friend.
With the world going all abuzz about sustainability, retailers are expected to seek ways to participate in environmental and social e orts, thus demonstrating their commitment towards sustainable practices. For instance, discounts on the purchase of sustainable products or donating a certain amount
towards sustainable e orts, can create a huge impact.
Another avenue to consider in keeping customers is paid memberships, also known as subscription or premium loyalty, which helps to create powerful value for customers that are willing to pay a fee to unlock bene ts.
In 2023, more brands will look to link their loyalty programmes to payments, while others will add a wallet to their loyalty programme to enable customers to pay with points or a combination of points and cash. Meanwhile there are also retailers who are looking for solutions for getting customers to identify themselves early in the payment process by swiping a loyalty card or scanning a QR code and then incentivising them to attach payment credentials.
As digitalisation rapidly spreads across payment systems around the world, retailers are expected to provide customers with a myriad of payment options, be it cards, e-wallets, contactless payments, bank transfers, cash or QR codes. Another popular feature hat is flooding the market is the “buy now, pay later” option that o ers customers flexibility, motivating them to make purchases. A survey
has indicated that respondents would prefer a single mobile app that will let them do all their shopping, ordering, paying and banking functions.
The distinct lines between in-store and online purchasing will become more blurred as in-store adopts many digital features in the future. Adopting more digital elements in traditional stores is occurring due to reasons such as simpli cation of retail operations and making the consumer journey easier. Even retail workers are going through a renaissance as traditional roles like personal shoppers are moving to virtual environments to grow brands’ social commerce.
2023 will be the year to watch in retail as inflation and consumer pent-up demand create unusual dynamics. The year presents interesting experiences for di erent approaches to understanding consumers, reaching them in new ways, personalising their experiences and earning their loyalty.
Credits: *MasterCard Top Retail Trends in 2023: Thought Leadership (December 2022)
Aruba Networks and global trends agency Foresight Factory outline ve ways retailers will turn to technology to meet and exceed evolving customer expectations.
New predictions from Aruba Networks, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, revealed at the National Retail Federation 2023 held in New York City from January 15-17, detail how retailers will leverage technology to get ahead of evolving customer demands and operational challenges over the next 12-18 months.
Against an uncertain macro environment, and growing consumer desire for ever more personalised brand treatment, customers are
going to be increasingly selective with how and where they spend their money in 2023.
As retailers compete for wallet share, they will have to deliver flexible, tailored shopping experiences to attract new footfall and keep both online and in-store customers loyal. This will put a heavy burden on IT teams to support the pace of technological change and deliver the seamless running of operations.
To help retailers as they enter the new year, Aruba Networks worked with global trends agency
Foresight Factory to uncover ve ways in which the retail experience is set to change in 2023, and to identify the implications this will have for the IT teams and networks tasked with delivering them.
The ndings provide a compelling argument for a more flexible and agile network consumption model, like Networkas-as-Service (NaaS), to help take some of the strain o the network and IT team, allow for greater scalability, and help deliver a more business-outcome focused networking solution.
As retailers ght to re-engage customers with physical spaces, they will look to invest more in technologies to deepen and di erentiate the immersive experience of in-store shopping trips. Expect AR and VR that allows shoppers to get a better feel of how products will t into their lives before they reach the point of sale to become fully embedded in a retailer’s user experience (UX).
Consumer expectations for ondemand, time-shi ed, and locationflexible delivery options are rapidly growing. Retailers and grocers will take an increasingly hybrid approach to ful lling orders, o ering up traditional delivery solutions alongside dark stores, microful lment centres, grab and go “popups”, and on-demand couriers.
The use of enhanced geolocation services and even mobile stores will give retailers the chance to bring the point of sale directly to the consumer’s home or place of work.
With e-commerce o ering ever more sophisticated competition, instore spaces will be rede ned to not only focus on enhanced customer satisfaction and personalisation, but also more e cient business operations. Physical stores will become more connected, with innovations like smart tting rooms and cashierless exits serving to delight customers, while IoT sensor capabilities provide real-time insights to support operational savings and sustainability ambitions.
In today’s age of instant grati cation, consumers expect
retailers to deliver what they want, when they want it – with any deviation from what has been promised not tolerated. Expect a surge in automation and predictive technologies to help more accurately track inventory and meet consumer demands in real-time. Smart robots deployed in warehouses and distribution centres will also make operations more intelligent, shi ing made-to-order retailing into the mainstream, and reducing waste and excess inventory as a result.
Livestreaming from physical stores will become more commonplace as brands look to create the next stage of showrooming, giving customers a glimpse behind the scenes. Delivering such experiences will help feed consumer appetite for a local touch and allow retailers to make the most of their remaining physical spaces.
“Whether it’s immersive experiences, livestreaming, or new delivery methods, the technology requirements for retailers are becoming denser and more complex as they continue to battle for business. And while vital, new
and modern technology will be dependent on having the right infrastructure to support it,” said Gerri Hinkel, Director, Solutions and Vertical Marketing, Aruba.
“In the face of continued change, retail companies need predictability and con dence in knowing that their network can flex to meet evolving consumer demands and that their IT teams won’t fall under the burden of continued digitisation.”
“To achieve this, retailers need to reconsider their network approach –looking at alternative consumption models like NaaS to ensure that they not only have the agility to adapt as demands change, but are set up with a high-performing, secure, reliable, and automated network that can support all this technology and leverage real-time insights to facilitate new customer-facing and smart store initiatives.”
Foresight Factory’s consumer trends and data insights use human and machine intelligence to interpret shi ing behaviours and uncover what matters most to consumers.
Aruba Networks, meanwhile, is a leader in secure, intelligent edge-tocloud networking solutions that use AI to automate the network.
With inflation rapidly sweeping across various economies, consumers are starting to tighten their belts where spending is concerned. Consumers are now opting for goods that o er more value for money as they try to stretch every dollar. For businesses, this translates to o ering more products and services that are aligned with the evolution of consumer behaviour and can deliver more value as well as durability. Product lifecycle management (PLM) approaches are something to consider as an integrated strategy to plan ahead.
In a recent study, it was discovered that 67% of respondents took into consideration sustainable materials when making a purchase. As a result, there is a high chance that brands may increasingly opt for sustainable materials and methods in the production of goods and services. For instance, fashion brands such as Mylo and Piñatex, are providing greater levels of transparency and traceability across their extended supply chain in 2023. Materials, processes, and production techniques of new collections will be better measured and designed to have lower environmental impact scores. With wastage becoming a major issue in the fashion industry currently, more brands will consider
how they can extend the lifecycle of their products in 2023. One way to address this would be to explore avenues such as o ering repair, rental, resell, and recycling services rather than introducing new products to market. Meanwhile, integrating with resell platforms may be an option to consider to sell le over stock, while extending a ersales service for products can boost the lifetime of a product.
Uncertainties surrounding the ongoing geopolitical conflict, port congestions and delays, surges in shipping and high freight costs remain to be key concerns in the supply and logistics industry. Due to this scenario, many brands may have to rethink their supply networks that include decentralising and distributing their operations across local, regional, and even international lines. This in turn may reduce exposure to vulnerabilities from global shocks. The strategic positioning of distribution structures across various locations also allows retailers to bring their products closer to end users and streamline e ciencies in their delivery to customers. On this note, technology has a key role in empowering organisations to achieve real-time visibility and information across their supply lines. Digitalisation of supply chain platform will help brands and retailers to achieve synergy
and better collaboration on order demands, quantities, and dates.
Over the last few years, there has been a paradigm shi among brands as they adopt omnichannel retail strategies and establish enriching, interactive brand experiences to engage customers. These experiences include the launch of hot pink Jimmy Choo cafés in Seoul and London, to Gucci’s Circolo interactive brand house, comprising a café, bookstore, and an immersive Listening Lounge. However, not all brands are able to a ord fancy customer experiences. In view of that, brands will need to invest in the integration of technologies, such as automation, to drive new e ciencies across their daily processes. This frees up employees’ time, thus enabling them to focus on higher value, strategic priorities for the brand, including creating memorable and unique experiences for customers. On that note, arti cial intelligence, predictive and machine learning driven services will be able to better engage customers across the purchasing journey. Ultimately, 2023 will see more brands leverage technology as a powerful tool.
Source: Retail & Logistics Outlook
2023 by Cas Brentjens, Vice President, Infor Supply Chain Management, Asia Paci c & Japan
Sustainability and digitalisation are set to be the driving force in the retail and logistics industries.
Celebrating togetherness by bringing the Christmas spirit alive at all Sunway Malls.
Sunway Malls ushered in Christmas and yearend festivities with a magical touch through its “Wander Wonder Christmas” campaign making a debut at all its malls. The theme at all the Group’s malls was the enchanted forest, featured between 17 November and 2 January 2023. This festive theme was set in motion to ignite the magical spirit of Christmas and illuminate the wonder of larger-than-life flowers and trees, magni cent Christmas trees adorned by butterflies and dragonflies, as well as mystical fairies. A pictureperfect setting for Instagram and social media photographs, the malls were able to capture the wonders of Christmas in a most inspiring manner.
During this season, Sunway Pyramid, Sunway Velocity Mall, Sunway Carnival Mall, and Sunway Big Box Retail Park featured an interactive magical AR Wishing Pond at their premises to enable shoppers to experience the magic of Christmas. Another exhilarating initiative introduced for the pleasure of shoppers was the Sensory Hideout at Sunway Pyramid, which o ered shoppers the opportunity to immerse themselves in the enchanted forest surrounded by a myriad of animals and plants, magical sounds of the forest, and captivating natural scents by Claire Organics.
To spice up the festive theme, Sunway Malls introduced their very own Mushroom characters, getting shoppers to spot interesting characters such as Mushy Claus
(Sunway Pyramid), Fairy Belle (Sunway Velocity Mall), Pretty Pointy (Sunway Carnival Mall), Antleroom (Sunway Putra Mall), El e (Sunway Big Box Retail Park), and Snowie (Sunway Giza Mall). Shoppers even get to redeem enchanted forestthemed merchandise from each mall comprising items such as Mushroom mug, scented candle, mini succulents, ceramic dining sets,
24-inch luggage bag, hooded blanket, potpourri in a glass, hardcover notebooks, glass water pitchers, RM10 gi vouchers and a pouch.
H C Chan, Chief Executive O ce of Sunway Malls & Theme Parks said, “The pursuit of a sustainability agenda has always been in Sunway’s DNA. We are deeply committed and relentless in advancing the sustainability agenda even amidst current challenging times and we will continue to integrate sustainability into our business decisions, management and operations. It is the right thing to do, and we will continue to do well by doing good. In fact, 30% of our decorations are also recycled to reduce carbon footprint.”
Sunway Malls also presented a host of exciting workshops and inspiring performances at all its mall locations for the pleasure of shoppers.
Award-winning Malaysian actors and singers, namely Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza, Maya Karin, Elizabeth Tan, Jestinna Kuan and Joey Leong, were among the winners of the McMillan Global Awards 2022 held in November in Kuala Lumpur.
The ceremony was organised by McMillan Woods Global, a global association of independent local and regional rms of recognised quali ed accountants and professional advisors.
The awards night was held in conjunction with McMillan Global Woods’ 9th year anniversary. Hong Kong artists Just Cheung, Wiyona Yeung, Ophelia 3 and Eric Lau also received awards. The event was graced by the presence of Hong Kong artists, Maryjane Kwong and Kit Lam.
The McMillan Global Awards 2022 celebrates the commitment
of McMillan Global Woods’ members worldwide in promoting exemplary leadership and recognising the successes of entrepreneurs and leading business visionaries in all industries.
Dato’ Seri Dr Raymond Liew, President of McMillan Woods Global, said the award honoured the recipients’ excellence and contributions towards global economic development, especially during the di cult pandemic times.
“The year 2022 has been a vital year for all industries as they progressively recover or reboot their businesses from the pandemic. We at McMillan Woods Global will do our best to be the medium in helping existing and upcoming industry players to ease the recovery process by providing business networking events, industrial talks and exhibitions.
“This will help them elevate their
businesses and contribute to Malaysia’s economic development,” he added.
McMillan Woods Global is present in 72 countries worldwide. It o ers services such as accountancy, audit assurance, corporate governance and risk management, outsourcing, o shore set-up and taxation advisory.
The association is also known for its philanthropic initiatives over the years through its ‘McM Cares’ programme. It has donated some RM2 million to various charitable causes. This year, McMillan Woods Global aimed to raise over RM500,000 for the National Cancer Society of Malaysia and local newspaper foundations, namely –Yayasan Sinar Untuk Malaysia and Yayasan Nanyang Press, among others.
“We donate all the net collections from the award event to charity. I personally guarantee that no less
than RM100,000 is given to charity each year. That is the reason why contributors are more receptive to the McMillan Woods Global Awards as we do not keep any surplus to ourselves. Nonetheless, this year, following the pandemic, the bar has been raised to RM500,000,” he added.
The awards welcomed an array of top-notch global corporate visionary leaders, A-List celebrities, and rising entrepreneurs from Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, China, the UAE, Hong Kong, the UK, the US, and more who possess outstanding nancial performance, global impact, influence, innovation and corporate social responsibility qualities.
This year, the association attracted many applicants which were whittled down to 44 awards nestled under three categories – McM Icons Awards, McM Masters Awards and McM Rising Star Awards.
McMillan Woods Global hopes the event will inspire rising industry players and act as a catalyst for the emergence of new business potentials to spur global industry growth in the future.
Winning categories of distinguished celebrities and other prominent awardees:
Lifetime Achievement Award (Extraordinary Leadership)
Lifetime Achievement Award (Outstanding Entrepreneurship)
Private Trust Services Excellence Of The Year
Most Inspiring Visionary Singer Of The Year
Entertainment Industry Excellence Of The Year
Dynamic Personage Of The Year
Visionary Innovative Leader of The Year
Visionary Professional Engineer Persona of The Year
Visionary Serial Entrepreneur Of The Year
Entrepreneur Par Excellence Of The Year
Timeless Beaty Pageant Excellence
Female Performing Artist Excellence
Asia Paci c Most Promising Male Actor Of The Year
Asia Paci c Most Promising Female Actress Of The Year
Arbiter Datuk Seri Dr. Suthiphan Sririkanon
Dato’ Dr. Lai Kim Teng (Sphere Corporate Sdn.Bhd)
Aida Othman (UBB Amanah Berhad)
Dato’ Sri Siti Nurhaliza
Maya Karin
Dato’ Sri Dr. Sherwin Chew (Potential Excelerate Group Holding Sdn. Bhd)
Datuk Goh Cheh Yak (Gintell (M) Sdn. Bhd)
Ir. Professor Dr. Leong Wai Yie (INTI International University)
Dato’ Sri Azmin Mustam Abdul Harim (Petro Teguh (M) Sdn. Bhd.)
Prof. Dr. CocoAlex Yeoh (EMPRO)
Carrie Lee Sze Kei
Elizabeth Tan
Justin Cheung Kin Sing
Wiyona Yeung
Most Promising Asia Paci c Female Actress Of The Year Ophelia So
Emerging Cantonese Pop Star Of The Year
Most Inspiring Athlete Of The Year
Most Promising Female Performing Artist Of The Year
Most Promising Female Singer Of The Year
Most Promising Female Influencer Of The Year
All For One – Eric Lau
Goh Liu Ying
Joey Leong
Yazmin Aziz
Jestinna Kuan
The KK Super Mart Group hosted a Chinese New Year open house at Maju Link in Kuala Lumpur. The event welcomed approximately 700 guests comprising business partners, dignitaries and friends, who came together to usher in the year of the rabbit. With guests donning Chinese traditional costumes in red and other bright colours, the event was a great show of colour and splendour, accompanied by a mouth-watering spread of festive cuisine.
The open house was graced
by parliamentarians Theresa Kok and Tan Sri Datuk Seri Panglima Dr Lee Lam Thye as well as the most venerable Datuk K. Sri Dhammaratana, Buddhist Chief High Priest of Malaysia, among other honourable guests.
A lion dance performance packed a punch to the event with its exhilarating moves accompanied by clanging symbols, to welcome the lunar new year with hopes of good luck and prosperity. As guests tossed the “lou sang”, shouts of prosperity, good fortune and great health were heard across the dinner hall.
e-Beauty Group held a Chinese New Year bash at the Dynasty Dragon Seafood Restaurant at IOI Mall Puchong. The event saw more than 200 business partners, suppliers, friends and guests gather to celebrate the lunar new year in high spirits. The revellers were treated to an appetising array of festive fare amidst great company and the festive mood.
e-Beauty is a prominent manufacturer and supplier of professional beauty products in Malaysia since the 1990s. The company’s internationally recognised Standard GMP Manufacturing facilities are among the best in Malaysia producing a full range of professional saloon care products with the nest quality and high e cacy. e-Beauty provides customisation for private brand manufacturing that include OEM, ODM, OBM, R&D, design, printing, packaging and consultation.
e-Beauty is the recipient of several prestigious accolades and awards such as the 28th International Award for Technology and Quality, Geneva Switzerland, Malaysia Health & Wellness Brands Award 2017, Golden Eagle Award –Malaysia 100 Excellent Enterprises 2018 and the 12th Asia Paci c International Honesty Enterprise Keris Award, among others.
MRCA’s Members’ Meeting in October 2022 was hosted at Hap Seng Star Setia Alam premises, attended by close to 200 members. The meeting featured a members’ update session followed by a networking over refreshments. Attendees were warmly welcomed by Sharan Valiram, President, who addressed the floor with a short speech. In his speech the President thanked Datuk Alex Wong, General Manager of Hap Seng Star, for hosting the Members’ Meeting at the company’s premises.
During the meeting, members were updated that MRCA hosted a total of 65 activities since July 2022, which included meetings
and dialogues with government ministries and agencies, activities with NGOs and other organisations, networking events, training sessions and seminars as well as charitable initiatives.
Members also received an update on the latest additions to MRCA’s membership roll. A total of 36 new members were welcomed into the fold between July 2022 and October 2022.
The meeting also featured a sharing session by a guest speaker from Talent Corporation on the topic “A Talent Solution for the Industry”. A business presentation was conducted by Hap Seng Star and Hap Seng Land, while China Mobile presented “One Point. One
Connection. One World”. A birthday celebration was held for members with birthdays between July and October 2022. The meeting ended on a high note with a networking session over refreshments, giving members the opportunity to interact and strengthen business as well as working relationships.
This Christmas the MRCA charity foundation visits a newly-opened centre for autistic children in Mantin, Negeri Sembilan.
The MRCA Branding Education Charity Foundation brought Christmas cheer to children at the Loving Angels Enhancement Care Centre at Mantin, Negeri Sembilan. MRCA donated RM10,000 comprising cash, kitchen appliances and stationery gi sets.
Dr Jacyntha Lo, Loving Angels Enhancement Care Centre Chairman together with the centre’s sta warmly welcomed the group from MRCA. MRCA was represented by Branding Education Charity Foundation Chairman Datuk Seri Nelson Kwok, the Foundation trustee Dato’ Tay Sim Kim and its CSR chief Jordan Ng.
Datuk Seri Nelson highlighted the importance of setting goals in life. He said it is vital to inspire young people and for them to learn to put every opportunity to task so that they can unleash their full potential for the future and be successful in all they do.
Loving Angels Enhancement Care Centre is a recently-opened autism child care centre for B40 families in Mantin. The centre provides speech therapy, aroma therapy and sensory therapy for children on the autism spectrum to improve their verbal, non-verbal and social development skills.
“The MRCA Foundation is the rst group of visitors to our centre and we are honoured to have you here today. Most of the centre providing therapies for autistic children are expensive and not a ordable especially for the B40 families.
“Proper training is needed for children on the autism spectrum
so that they can be independent. Training and nurturing can also equip them with entrepreneurial skills. This is why we established the centre,” said Dr Jacyntha Lo.
The children were thrilled to receive their Christmas gi s which consists of school bags, stationery sets, water bottles and containers of cookies. It was certainly a memorable and meaningful event for all, especially for the children.
The MRCA Branding Education Charity Foundation was at the receiving end of a tremendous breakthrough in the year 2010. That year, under the initiative and leadership of its 2008-2010 President Dato’ Tay Sim Kim, MRCA raised RM1 million for the setting up of the MRCA Foundation.
With this, MRCA launched its work of giving back to society through visits and donations to charity homes during our four main festive seasons, namely Chinese New Year, Hari Raya, Deepavali and Christmas.
The objectives of the MRCA Branding Education Charity Foundation are:
• To act a trustee, administer funds for medical, educational and charitable purposes;
• To recognise academic achievements excellence from members’ children;
• To assist, aid, provide relief and render nancial assistance to the poor and needy;
• To provide education assistance to the needy and to deserving students;
• To provide medical and surgical facilities and services;
• To organise, implement and support schemes for the relief of human su erings and treatment of sicknesses and diseases.
Some 27 students – MRCA members’ children – received a total of RM21,600 for scoring well in their SPM and STPM examinations. The MRCA Branding Education Charity Foundation rewarded these students as well as encouraged other students in the MRCA family to do well in their studies. The cheque presentation ceremony was held early in January 2023 at the MRCA o ce.
MRCA’s Women’s Division embarked on an initiative to change the lives of women by raising awareness on breast cancer. Themed “Think Pink, Think Life,” the Breast Cancer Awareness campaign was held at KL Wellness City, Bukit Jalil on 29 October 2022. The event was aimed at promoting self-awareness and self-care amongst women as well as to raise funds for the Breast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia in support of the MURNI mobile clinic focused on providing care to rural areas and B40 communities.
The campaign was held in conjunction with Pink October and included talks on women’s health, bra care tips, as well as Zumba and Yoga sessions. “Life does begin with women but today, we want empowerment to take the foreground.
We want to aim to empower women by having them equipped with essential health knowledge and awareness to lead better lives by awareness”, said organising chairperson Racheal Tan.
Also at hand to kick-o the day, was Nikki Khoo from Victoria’s Secret, who shared about Bra Care 101, highlighting the importance of picking undergarments that provide a perfect t, as well as how to do so.
The event featured a reside chat session on women’s health with Prof Dr. Zulkarnain Jaafar, Consultant Sports Physician and Prof Dr. Nur Aishah Taib, Senior Consultant Breast Surgeon, o ering visitors a trove of health knowledge from a professional perspective, with their combined expertise and experience in medicine and healthcare exceeding 20 years.
Once the knowledge segment of the event was over, ladies in attendance were ushered into a livelier mood with Zumba and yoga sessions, led by coaches Deno and Cecilia. The nale of the event comprised a lucky draw session, with winners walking away with prizes totalling more than RM20,000.
Despite being a relatively new wing in MRCA, the Women’s Division has garnered a lot of enthusiasm and support from members due to its many exciting activities held over the last three years.
Among them are activities that promote personal and professional development, occasions where women learn to support each other and events where women are equipped with the right skills, information and knowledge.
The division was initiated by Immediate Past President Shirley Tay and is currently headed by MRCA Vice President Dato’ Winnie Lim. Its tagline – Empower Women, Build Nation – reflects the role women
entrepreneurs play in communities, the society and the nation.
One highly successful activity was the MRCA Women’s Division Breast Cancer Awareness Event called Think Pink, Think Life. Held in October 2022 at KL Wellness City, Bukit Jalil, it raised RM30,000 for the Breast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia.
The funds were used for the running of the MURNI mobile clinic that visits rural areas and B40 communities. Speci cally, it helped raise awareness and educate women on early breast cancer detection and prevention.
The funds were also channelled towards the hiring of nurses to
conduct breast screening and clinical tests. Among others, the event saw a health talk, a session on getting the correct bra ttings, Zumba tness or wonderous kombucha yoga and a lucky draw.
During the thick of the pandemic, the Women’s Division went all out to help the underprivileged in society. The group donated sanitisers and masks to the vocations skills training institute Montfort Boys’ Town in Shah Alam.
To help with online classes and learning from home, the division donated reconditioned laptops to three charity homes in the Klang Valley, namely Great Heart Charity, Shelter Home and Trinity Home.
The members of the Women’s Division also organised and attended
The MRCA Women’s Division is active all year round organising dynamic and inspiring activities that mould women to become better, smarter and caring entrepreneurs.The Women’s Division committee members are made up of some of the country’s influential and successful women.
• To assist and support the members of the division in matters of business and personal development;
• To encourage and foster collaboration, goodwill and understanding among the members of the division;
• To equip female entrepreneurs with knowledge of the right skills, information and training in order to expand and develop their businesses;
• To promote and advance the personal and professional development of the MRCA Women in the retail chain business and franchise industry;
• To assist and support the MRCA in achieving and/or attaining its objectives.
a Get-Together and Dialogue session with Anna Teo, CEO of Hernan Corporation Sdn Bhd. Entitled Putting the Dream to Reality, the dialogue was preceded by a networking session and the evening event ended with dinner and wine.
The Women’s Division also knows how to mix business with pleasure. It held a number of fun events such as excursions, premiere screenings, Christmas parties, a ernoon teas and dinners.
Among the notable trips were the three-day trip down south to Johor Bahru in August last year and a corporate visit to Visionary Solutions the following month. In October, the women made a threeday trip to Bangkok, Thailand.
Dato’ Winnie Lim said she is proud of the MRCA Women’s Division. Over the years, the division has bene tted women entrepreneurs in more ways than one.
“I would like to thank everyone who has supported us in one way or another. The Women’s Division has established a reputation for organising events that are timely, that promote knowledge and create awareness. I look forward to working with the committee to put together more exciting events in 2023,” she said.
In a sequel to the “Love Touches Lives” charity project which has been successfully held since 2021, MRCA’s Women Division has established the “Women Empower Women Programme (WEWP) 2022” in support of the spiritual, social and economic development of young teenage girls and women. This Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative was targeted to be carried for a period of one year in 2022, however due to the pandemic and movement restrictions, the commencement of the programme was delayed. A er several exercises focusing on single mothers, the committee has decided to expand the programme’s reach to include younger women from the age of 17 and above.
WEWP is committed towards developing and helping vulnerable women and girls who are struggling and facing life challenges, to achieve their aspirations, break through ‘glass ceilings’ and become independent. The programme aims to o er
vulnerable women and girls the opportunity to build and strengthen valuable living skills through training and coaching on mindset, knowledge, hard skills and leadership in an e ort to prepare them for the workforce and to increase their employability.
Individuals who have completed the necessary training programmes will be assisted in securing employment through job-matching activities with WEWP-registered Retail Employment Partners (MRCA members). The candidates will also be coached and their progress will be monitored for a period of one year. Assessments will be conducted by the committee 6 months a er the training programme.
Position Name
Company Name
Advisor Dato’ Winnie Lim Solution Risk Consultants Sdn Bhd
Organizing Aiveen Wong Chin Swee Food Sdn Bhd Chairperson
Committee Anna Teo Hernan Corporation Sdn Bhd
Khatherine Lim Fusionex Group
Tan Soo Hui Kuuvancha (M) Sdn Bhd
Christine Tan CT F&B Holdings Sdn Bhd
Louise Chay Big Onion Food Caterer Sdn Bhd
Rachael Tan Wellous Sdn Bhd
MRCA is targeting for a minimum of 40 percent of the trained candidates to be employed and economically independent within 6 months of completing their training programme.
To-date, the rst batch of WEWP candidates from the Montfort Girls Home comprise 33 graduates of the programme who had attended 10 WEWP sessions, culminating in a graduation ceremony on 14 December 2022.
WEWP 2022/2023 comprises two segments namely;
PART 1 – Training & Coaching
PART 2 – Retail Employment Partner for job opportunity
Description No. of Pax
No. of Graduates 25 (Completed 7 days Training Program)
No. of Non-Graduates 8 (Unable to attend the last 3 training sessions due to on-the-job training commitment/withdrawn from Montfort)
Total 33
A visit to AirAsia’s headquarters was organised for members, giving them a rst-hand view of the airline’s operations.
MRCA Youth organised a corporate visit to RedQ, AirAsia’s headquarters in Sepang. The visit saw the participation of 50 members, who were given a tour of RedQ. Lim Ben-Jie, Head of Global Markets & Group Head of Delivery (e-Commerce) at AirAsia Super App was on hand to welcome the guests. Ben-Jie provided a thorough explanation of the airline’s operations and the functions of its unique premises. The entourage was presented door gi s and subsequently ended the tour with a Christmas dinner. Participants had a scrumptious spread of food laid before them at Tune KLIA2. All in all, it was a great time for networking and gaining exposure to airline operations.
HoHup Construction Company Berhad is one of the largest companies in construction and related services in Malaysia. As a market leader in the country, Ho Hup o ers a comprehensive range of capabilities in building, civil engineering, specialized intelligent building, trading, and related services.
Flex@Bukit Jalil City is Ho Hup’s latest development, comprising 8 layout options with built-up sizes ranging from 376 sq to 591 sq . The development is the last freehold SOVO in Bukit Jalil and presents contemporary living complemented by
future-proof features. The integrated development features retail spaces on the lower floors, followed by the Flex Commune concept comprising co-working, business and leisure spaces, with a Grand Park on Level 8 as well as a Hotel and Skyview Deck on the upper floors. The residential tower is just adjacent to this
integrated business and leisure hub.
Flex is located adjacent to the popular Pavilion Bukit Jalil. Boasting a vibrant and scenic view of Bukit Jalil city, the development features a curated biophilic design concept complemented by 1 acre of greenery and exhilarating facilities. Flex presents excellent connectivity and a strategic location with major highways and public transportation located just 3km from the development. Flex is a lucrative investment option for investors, business owners and entrepreneurs. For more information, contact 012-228550 or visit www. flexsuites.com.my.
The new and improved MALAYSIA RETAILER highlights, informs and introduces readers to trends and strategies within the retail, franchising and branding disciplines. The quarterly magazine also features a mix of articles, including personality and company pro les, success stories, and general reports relevant to the three disciplines.
Business community interested in the retail, franchising and branding industry.
• More than 500 Members Companies & Associates in Malaysian and abroad.
• Top Management of companies.
• Relevant Government Ministries & Agencies, including the Malaysian Overseas Trade O ce.
• Relevant Business Organisations & Major Shopping Malls.
• MRCA Events.
• Sold in all leading bookstores nationwide.
Frequency: Quarterly Issues: ◊ March ◊ June ◊ September ◊ December
Trimmed Size: 210mm (W) x 275mm (H)
Typed Area: 190mm (W) x 250mm (H)
Bleed Size: 216mm (W) x 286mm (H) Material Requirement:
Lee & Partners is an established and fullservice law rm, each partner managing various disciplines. The rm’s services covers property and real estate law, banking & nancial services, wills probate & estate administration, divorce & family law, corporate & commercial law, intellectual properties, as well as litigation and dispute resolution, among others.
Lee & Partners believes in creating long-lasting relationships with its clients and has been recognised as “First Law Firm With A Charitable Café” by the Malaysia Book of Records. The rm was also awarded the Excellence in International Law Firm and Law Icon
of the Year by the Global Business Leadership Award.
Dato’ Lee Lin Fong, Managing Partner said, “As a member of MRCA, we strongly believe that we are able to expand and enhance our business through networking, education, training and the pooling of resources and expertise. We wish to contribute to the community by providing legal advice.”
Starting out as a small fashion retail store selling clothes exclusively for men, in the heart of Lisbon, Portugal, The Sacoor Group is now a world-renowned brand. With a presence spanning 33 years in the fashion world, Sacoor has been designing elegant and aspirational apparel for men, women and children.
The Group’s brand encompasses Sacoor Brothers, Sacoor Outlet, Sacoor Kids,
Sacoor One, and the most recent Sacoor Blue. With stores across 19 countries as well as a prominent online presence, The Sacoor Group manages its operations from o ces located in Lisbon, Dubai and Kuala Lumpur. The Group has 1,000 employees across its operations world-wide.
A well-loved brand across the globe, The Sacoor Group’s patrons include high-pro le personalities in fashion, sports, cinema and television. As the o cial fashion partner of Portugal’s national football team, The Sacoor Group is a favourite brand among the likes of the legendary Cristiano Ronaldo, the country’s top footballer. In the upcoming World Cup 2022, The Sacoor Group has pledged its continued support towards Portugal’s national team.
True to its multifaceted approach to holistic health, KL Wellness City joined hands with a dance company and a theatre group, supporting an all-local cast in the production of Psychosynthesis.
H]ealthcare service provider KL Wellness
City Sdn Bhd recently joined hands with Kenny Shim Dance Collective and Asia Ballet Theatre in the production of Psychosynthesis – a rst full-length contemporary dance performance in Malaysia that places science and multimedia at the forefront.
The production examined the hardships of the pandemic – the emotional and mental struggles – and captured the light of hope where the will of humanity triumphs over di culties. The performance also played tribute to frontliners for their sacri ce during the pandemic days.
Psychosynthesis proudly featured an all-local cast working in tandem with science, multimedia, theatrical lights and settings design to stage a visual and kinaesthetic feast.
It explored the themes of mental struggles and emotional turmoil, including solitude and mourning of human interaction, which are intertwined and juxtaposed against factual and scienti c truths of the pandemic, that is the spherical structure of the coronavirus cell and
the alteration in brain chemistry as a result of isolation.
In the spirit of corporate social responsibility and the development of the local arts scene in Malaysia, KL Wellness City stepped up and lent its support. It hosted the media launch and showcase event late January at the KL Wellness City Gallery.
“In-line with our corporate philosophy of rede ning wellness, KL Wellness City believes that the arts such as dance, music, drama, and other creative performances are tools that develop the mind and body through the re nement of feelings and thoughts that represent our customs and values as a society,” said the healthcare and wellness service provider in a press release.
“The arts also help to explain the world in which we live, through explorations and unlimited creativity.”
In conjunction with the event, KL Wellness City gave out limited free tickets to existing purchasers of the performances which were held on February 4-5, 2023 at PJPAC.
KL Wellness City is a city dedicated to healthcare and wellness living at its core. As the rst real estate development in South East Asia to pioneer a comprehensive ecosystem of healthcare and wellness-centric living, the City is targeted to become a hub for local and international medical tourism.
KL Wellness City also positions Malaysia as the ideal location in Southeast Asia to travel and visit, in addition to having access to the best healthcare and wellness facilities designed for better living.
Spanning over 26 acres, KL Wellness City is 45 minutes away from Kuala Lumpur International Airport.
It is a complete healthcare travel ecosystem featuring The Nobel Healthcare Park, The International Tertiary Hospital, 379 medical specialist suites, retirement resorts for independent and assisted living, a healthcare mall, residential units, commercial shop lots o ering health and tness-centric retail as well as food and beverage outlets, a Multimedia Super Corridordesignated o ce space, and a central park.
The Kuala Lumpur Chinese Assembly Hall (KLCAH) recently held a fundraising dinner in conjunction with its 19th Anniversary celebration. In his speech to guests, Datuk Seri KK Chain, President of KLCAH said that the 8th committee meeting in 2021, unanimously resolved to set up an acquisition committee to raise funds for acquiring a new premise. The acquisition committee was approved at the 2nd committee meeting in January this year, where
Datuk Seri Chai, the Secretary General, and Treasurer of KLCAH were put in charge of the acquisition of a premise at Maju Link, as the permanent o ce of KLCAH. The targeted premise is priced at RM1.09 million, and is strategically located within Kuala Lumpur and the TBS transport hub. The premise is spacious and is an excellent venue for major events with the possibility of leasing out the event space as well as displaying a large billboard of KLCAH.
Datuk Seri Chai said, “The
purchase price of the new premise plus the renovation costs will come up to about RM1.5 million. We have already started the renovation and expect to complete it by the end of the year. We still have a shortfall of RM1.2 million, and we are aiming to raise RM1 million in this fundraising dinner.”
He highlighted that the new premises may be open for rental to members of KLCAH at subsidised rates in order to generate an income stream for KLCAH.
“The KLCAH will also be more
active in hosting various types of events to showcase our distinctive features. We will be more active in reaching out to people at di erent levels. For example, expanding the recognition and application of Chinese medicine in government hospitals, exchanges to maintain racial harmony, interacting with di erent business organisations, meeting with government agencies, overseas study trips to expand perspectives, and caring more about the under-privileged groups,” said Datuk Seri Chai.
In the course of his speech, he also expressed hope that the recent appointment of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim as 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia, would help the country move forward in political and
business stability in the next ve years.
Datuk Seri Chai said that Malaysians are more appreciative of the harmony and stability as a result of the changes and turmoil experienced over the last few years. He hoped that the people would be understanding and give the new government time and con dence to implement the much-needed changes.
Datuk Chai highlighted that as the economy recovers a er the epidemic, businesses face a serious shortage of sta . He added that many companies are facing the dilemma of having orders but lacking manpower. In this regard, he urged the new government to be practical in understanding and
taking more e ective measures to solve the shortage of workers.
“The KLCAH calls on the new Human Resource Minister to take immediate and positive action to to hold dialogues with with the industry players to nd practical solutions. The government has raised the minimum wage to RM1,500 this year, but there has been no relative e ort to increase productivity, resulting in a 30% increase in manpower costs for businesses, but no increase in productivity, adding to the woes of all industries,” he said.
Meanwhile, Datuk Seri Chai urged the Tourism Minister to introduce various policies to attract foreign tourists to Malaysia, to boost the economy and work as a third growth engine for the country’s economy.
The SME Association of Malaysia has called for federal government assistance to support small and medium-sized enterprises embarking on automation as such schemes require huge capital outlays beyond the means of the average SME.
According to SME Malaysia National President Ding Hong Sing, the number of foreign workers applied earlier by employers had fallen short and more SMEs were now compelled to automate production lines to meet business orders, given the uncertainty of labour supply.
“We foresee 2023 to be a challenging year for businesses and the adoption of automation is no longer an option when push comes to shove,” he said.
Ding said SMEs did not have the resources to fork out huge sums right away despite being supportive of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 concept and hence required federal assistance to facilitate these new investments.
He was speaking at the association’s Platinum Business Awards (PBA) 2022 Presentation and
Gala Dinner held in Selangor recently to celebrate the achievements and contributions of SMEs and individuals in their respective elds. Some 92 recipients received trophies for 21 award categories.
Guest-of-honour at the event was National Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia President Tan Sri Dato’ Soh Thian Lai. Other special invitees included Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia President Tan Sri Low Kian Chuan, Sunway Group Exco member Puan Sri (Dr) Susan Cheah Seok Cheng, Malaysian Investment Development Authority CEO Datuk Wira Arham Abdul Rahman, Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation CEO Datuk Mohd Mustafa Abdul Aziz, SME Corporation Malaysia CEO Encik Rizal Nainy and Deputy Director-General of Malaysia Productivity Corporation Encik Zahid Ismail.
Dato’ Choi Wei Yee and Dato’ Low Boon An received the Platinum Entrepreneur Award while Ancubic Capital Sdn Bhd, Wilstech Sdn Bhd and Jocom Mshopping Sdn Bhd obtained the Outstanding Achievers Award.
The Hong Leong Bank SME Best
Overall Award went to Agrostar Automation Sdn Bhd, Armada Cekap Sdn Bhd, CSH Bakery & Confectionery Sdn Bhd, HMN Nadhir Sdn Bhd, Proguard Technologies (M) Sdn Bhd and Schmaco Auto Parts Industries Sdn Bhd.
Four new award categories –SME Environmental, Social and Governance Adoption Award, SME IR 4.0 Adoption Award, SME Business Resilience Award and SME Sustainable Development Goals Excellence Award – were introduced to highlight the relevance of ESG and IR 4.0 to local businesses.
Established in 2002, the PBA is a premium awards platform recognised for its rigorous selection of award recipients involving an internal audit committee, independent auditor and a Selection Board comprising industry leaders.
Major event sponsors are Hong Leong Bank, Maxis Broadband, Axiata Digital Ecode, RHB Bank, Jobstreet, Malaysia Industrial Development Finance, RMA, Hong Kong Economic and Trade O ce and Paragon Pinnacle while ADV Fusionex is the technology partner and SFAI Malaysia is the independent auditor.
According to Olivia Lee, making it to the top of the ladder in sales is all about selling with consciousness. In her book titled Selling With Consciousness, she shares that the approach she has used in selling with consciousness has won her accolades and excellence awards. Olivia is the winner of several prestigious awards such as the Industry Icon Award 2021 by IR Academy Asia Awards, the McMillan Woods Global Awards 2019, The Star Outstanding Business Award (SOBA) 2019 and ASEAN Outstanding Business Award 2019RFID Security Excellence Award, among others.
The award-winning author expresses her noble intention to impress upon readers the e ective principles of conscious selling that have enabled her to become a top salesperson in her industry, so that others can succeed as well. She hopes that her years of valuable sales experience expounded in this book will be able to inspire sales professionals to reach the top in their sales career.
She acknowledges that the sales eld can be challenging, however she stresses that there is a better and more e ective approach to excel. Through her experience working with people from all walks of life, such as founders and top-level leaders, she has gained vast knowledge
and insights in harnessing selling opportunities in di erent situations.
Just like any other sales professional, she has also faced rejections and failures in the past, and had even come to the depths of despair to achieve the top in her industry. She explained that she had personally seen salespeople, including professionals who were highly educated and quali ed, yet failed to make the grade as top salespeople. While there are many reasons, there are some poignant ones that are more common than others such as;
• The sales individual’s lack of consciousness of weaknesses or flaws
• Being too task-oriented instead of customer-focused.
• Focusing too much on products and losing the importance of relationship-selling.
• Lacking industry knowledge and not staying abreast with
the latest trends, competitor strategies and strengths.
• Being too inward-looking, focusing on internal issues instead of industry issues.
• Harbouring too much worries and negativity, thus hindering e ective selling capabilities
Olivia stresses that in e ective selling, there should be an integration of three critical components which include embracing positivity, disengaging from distractions of thoughts, and unleashing your knowledge and skills – all of which are required to be totally present in the sales experience. Citing an example of one of her earlier jobs where she started as a remisier, Olivia explained that she had familiarised herself with all the rules and regulations of securities and learned every detail of the trade while constantly staying updated on developments in speci c companies and industries. She developed herself to the extent that at one point she was buying and selling shares for prominent business clients with a portfolio of over RM100 million.
The book also touches on the techniques of meditation in embracing consciousness to achieve inner peace and calm enabling one to tap into one’s inner source of “knowingness” and excel in whatever one does, including sales presentations and closing sales deals.
Olivia Lee reveals the secret ingredients to achieving success in sales, while staying grounded in the basics of the trade.