Harlow Times Spring 2025

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Good things come in fours!

Harlow welcomes its new meerkat family and Council Tax frozen for fourth year in a row Spring edition 2025

In this edition

Pages 6 and 7

We’re transforming Harlow’s housing

Building new council homes and investing in existing homes.

Pages 8 and 9

We’re renewing our neighbourhoods

New service standards to improve grass cutting across the town.

Pages 12 and 13

We’re securing investment

Massive investment from Garden Town village planning permissions.

News in brief

New executives appointed, Latton Priory development opposed, chair’s live lounge, FiveDinners, free bike scheme.

Protecting our communities


Tacking violent crime is a priority and latest on Safe To Go Stow. 20-21 What’s on this spring

Free family workshops to historical events at the museum find out what’s on this spring. 24-25

Bins collections and recycling

Getting it right when it comes to waste and recycling. 29 Know your councillors Getting in touch with your local councillors.

Please recycle this magazine when you have finished reading it. Harlow Times is printed on recycled paper.

Cover image: Harlow’s new meerkat family at Pets’ Corner.

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A record-breaking council budget to transform Harlow

Dear Residents,

As I write my latest update the council has just set its biggest budget ever. We’re increasing our overall budget by a huge 41% from £173.5 million in 2024 to 2025 to £244 million in 2025 to 2026.

Simply our budget will transform our town for a generation. We will invest the whole £244 million to deliver every single pledge we’ve made, and we are freezing Council Tax for a record fourth year running. And we will go further, we’re freezing Harlow Council Tax until at least 2028 meaning residents will pay no more than they did in 2021 to deliver the transformation of our town and improving council services. Our budget is fully funded, with no gaps, no cuts, no job losses, and no hidden surprises.

Given the pressures every single council in the country is facing and the fact that we’ve had own core government funding cut by 25%, it is truly remarkable that not only are we freezing our Council Tax again, but we’re not cutting one single service that we provide. That includes our much-loved community services like Pets’ Corner, Town Park, the museum, the playhouse, splash parks and paddling pools.

We’re also increasing investment to transform council housing by 23% to £136.6 million in 2025 to 2026 whilst increasing rents by only 2.7% - protecting our tenants from increased costs. This extra investment means that we can upgrade and refurbish many more council homes, improve our repairs and maintenance service to ensure repairs are carried out more quickly and to a better standard, and reduce the turnaround time on empty council homes. It also means we can implement our new housing allocations system to ensure that Harlow homes are for Harlow families.

We can do all of this and so much more because we’ve driven significant efficiencies in the council’s spending across the board and massively increased our revenue from prudent investments like the Harvey Centre. The decisions we’ve taken mean we can now deliver our missions in earnest and transform our town once and for all.

I know that you will not underestimate just how challenging it is to balance the council’s budget and freeze council tax, whilst investing hundreds of millions to transform our town – but that is what we’re doing.

In this edition of Harlow Times, you can read more about what our budget means and what we continue to do for you to deliver our six missions for transforming Harlow.

New executives appointed

Harlow Council has made four key appointments to its new Executive Management Team which will transform the council and build Harlow’s future.

Last October, the Leader of the Council, Councillor Dan Swords, took the decision to restructure the senior management of the council. Over 200 candidates were interested in the four new roles.

Following a rigorous selection process, the following appointments were made:

Managing DirectorJames Gardner

Executive Director (Housing focus) - Alan Townshend

Executive Director (Corporate and Transformation Focus)Julie Ellis

Executive Director (Regeneration and Community Focus) - Giles Clarke

Council lodges objection to Latton Priory planning application

Harlow Council has officially objected to plans for the Latton Priory development. The council says it does not believe the current proposals would deliver the improvements and investment the town needs.

Last October an outline planning application for the proposed Latton Priory development, located on Harlow’s southern border, was submitted to Epping Forest District Council.

The application is for up to 1,340 homes. Harlow Council encouraged residents to engage with the application and secured an extension for the public to respond to it.

Harlow Council’s detailed response explains that despite supporting the principle of development at Latton Priory in line with the Harlow and Gilston Garden Town initiative, having reviewed the plans it has a number of “substantial concerns”.

These concerns relate to the impact the development would have on residents and existing services and facilities in the town, as well as a lack of funding for enhancements to existing services in Harlow.

What a great night that was!

Local musicians got the opportunity to showcase their talents by taking to the stage at the Chair’s Live Lounge event at Harlow Playhouse in February.

Did you know that you can watch some council meetings online? Visit www.harlow.gov.uk/ webcasts

The performers were: Chris Talbot, Paul Bormond, Phil Nash, Livewire, Perry Barker, Sharlene Lopez, Jack Howell, Jodi and Cara, Lindsey Cassidy, Marianne Evagorou, Churchgate Street, Chloe and Stephen, Chloe Cotton, Liam Jackson and Remedy.

Not only did all the acts steal the show, but money was raised for two great local causesHarlow Steelband and Rainbow Dementia Services.

Harlow’s new free meal planning platform

If you’re fed up with deciding what to eat every night or just need a little help in the kitchen to eat healthier, cheaper and reduce your food waste – we’ve got you covered.

FiveDinners.com, a new online meal platform has launched to help people plan, prepare and cook nutritious and affordable everyday meals.

If you live or work in Harlow you can sign-up for free to FiveDinners.com for 12 months.

Every week you will receive a new meal plan, personalised to your own preferences with five delicious recipes and a single shopping list so you know exactly what to buy for your chosen meals.

Devised by TV chef and author Theo Michaels, FiveDinners is designed to help people eat more healthily, spend less money on food shopping and reduce food waste. To sign up for free visit https://fivedinners.com/ mycommunity/

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Our newsletter goes out to residents every fortnight and features our consultations, our latest plans, and other opportunities for you to have your say.

If you would like to receive the regular updates, you can sign up on our website: www.harlow.gov.uk/newsletter-sign-up

Residents receive free bikes as part of Essex cycling scheme

Residents have been receiving free bikes as part of a community cycling initiative that encourages people to lead an active lifestyle.

Essex Pedal Power Harlow is led by Rainbow Services in partnership with Harlow Council, Active Essex, and Harlow and Gilston Garden Town. Just before Christmas, the partnership distributed its first batch of free bikes.

The project currently has funding to giveaway over 200 new bikes to eligible Harlow residents. This is so more people can experience the many benefits of cycling, such as improved physical and mental health, and access to training, employment and education opportunities.

For more information on the scheme www.activeessex.org/ essex-pedal-power/essexpedal-power-harlow/

What our budget means to you

A Council Tax freeze for the fourth year running and millions invested to transform our town are among the key headlines in Harlow Council’s budget for 2025 to 2026.

Another Council Tax freeze

A record-breaking fourth Council Tax freeze in a row and a plan to keep Harlow Council’s share of the Council Tax frozen until 2028. A typical band C home will continue to pay £4.93 per week for our services.

No cuts to any of your council services

No cuts or closures, but increased investment for services like bin collections, street cleaning, landscape and parks maintenance, housing repairs, community safety, Pets’ Corner, Playhouse, Museum, Leah Manning Centre, Town Park, paddling pools, and splash parks.

Funding to deliver all our missions

More money invested into our services and delivering our six missions, with our total spending rising from £173.5 million in 2024 to 2025 to £244 million in 2025 to 2026.

More money for existing council housing

Over £136.6 million to transform council housing which is an increase from £111 million in 2024 to 2025. More money than ever for repairs and improvements to council homes and for housing services.

More money to build new council homes for Harlow families

Full funding for the biggest ever council housebuilding programme for local families. That means hundreds more council homes and the regeneration of derelict sites around the town.

More investment to upgrade and improve council facilities

Over £37.9 million to continue upgrading the Playhouse, Pets’ Corner, paddling pools and splash parks, Harlow Museum, shopping hatches

More parking spaces in congested housing estates

A £2 million programme to create 1,000 new residential parking spaces. This is in addition to 500 new car parking spaces we have

Keeping free parking periods to support businesses and families

Freezing nearly all our fees and charges including keeping the free car parking periods in neighbourhood shopping centres and in the

And we have done all this despite huge financial pressures

Despite the government cutting our core funding by 25%, we will manage to cover our rising costs and costs beyond our control including National Insurance increases.

We’re transforming

Burnt Mills development ready for occupation

The first Harlow residents are set to move into the 172-apartment Burnt Mills development shortly.

Harlow Council acquired the development last year when news broke that Newham Council were close to buying the block for families from Newham.

All 172 apartments are available for Harlow people with 52 of the apartments about to be advertised directly to residents on the Housing Needs Register. The remaining 120 apartments are already being advertised on the market for residents.

Since buying the development, the council has been working through the requirements to occupy the building, including the completion of construction work and registration with the Building Safety Regulator.

The council has appointed Place by Pinnacle to manage the homes on its behalf. As part of the contract with Pinnacle the privately rented homes can only be let to individuals meaning no other councils, registered housing providers, or landlords can rent them, and the homes cannot be sub-let or purchased. This ensures that all homes remain available for local people.

Councillor Dan Swords, Leader of Harlow Council, said: “With the first residents set to move in shortly, this is a fantastic news story for our town and one that everyone can be proud of. I know that no resident would underestimate just how challenging it has been to turn this around from a position of Newham Council about to sign the deal to Harlow residents moving in.”




Construction work continues across several council housebuilding sites around the town.

A total of 58 new council homes are currently being constructed on various sites in the town. These include 24 apartments and 10 houses on Perry Road and 5 flats and 5 houses on Parnall Road. A further 6 houses are being built in The Woodleys and 8 homes in Lower Meadow.

Parnall Road Woodleys
Perry Road
Old depot site

Harlow’s housing

Major refurbishment and fire safety improvements completed in Wedhey

Twenty-four flats in Wedhey have undergone a major refurbishment and fire safety improvements as the council continues to transform Harlow’s housing.

The comprehensive works on the four-storey block, originally built around 1961, addressed a number of fire safety concerns and have enhanced the overall condition of the building.

Key improvements include a new door entry system to boost

security, replacement roof coverings and redecoration of the communal areas with fireretardant paint, as well as the installation of automatic smoke extraction vents in communal areas to further improve fire safety.

Other works as part of the project include structural repairs to the external façade, new bin stores, upgraded communal electricity supply and emergency lighting replacements and a deep clean of communal flooring.

In addition, windows in the flats and communal areas have also received an upgrade and sheds have been refurbished.

The work is part of an ongoing council programme of major refurbishments and fire safety upgrades to housing which has seen £120 million invested into transforming Harlow’s housing this financial year.

New homes for the homeless nearing completion

Work is nearing completion on the construction of new homes for Harlow residents facing homelessness.

Harlow Council, in partnership with The Hill Group, is providing eight purpose-built SoloHaus homes to help people in urgent need of a safe roof over their heads.

The scheme transforms a former disused garage site at Lower Meadow. The units arrived on site in January with the new homes expected to be ready for moving into soon.

The innovative, low-cost modular homes are designed specifically to support and protect vulnerable residents.

The homes come furnished and fully equipped ready for a single person to live in. They include a fitted kitchen and white goods, providing a safe environment for residents before they find more permanent accommodation.

The homes are designed to be as energy and cost efficient as possible, meaning running costs will remain lower than traditional temporary accommodation.

We’re renewing our

Plans to transform old allotment

Plans have been announced to turn the former disused Canons Gate allotment into a new Community Orchard.

The orchard will include a range of trees including several fruit trees. The community and local groups will be invited to be a part of the new project.

Councillor Nicky Purse, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Sustainability and Environment, said: “The community orchard will be accessible to all residents and will be a great way to bring people together and provide fruit to the local community. We will be tidying up the site soon, so we are ready to work with the community to plant trees in the coming weeks.”

Transformed grass cutting service standards

New service standards have been introduced by Harlow Council as its maintenance company HTS begins the town’s grass cutting programme for 2025.

The new standards will ensure that there are radical improvements to how grass is cut to improve the appearance of the town.

Further changes are also set to be introduced for the cutting back of bushes and hedgerows through the spring, summer, and autumn to ensure paths and sightlines are kept clear for pedestrians and road users to improve safety across the town.

Councillor Nicky Purse, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Sustainability and Environment, said: “In recent years, we’ve made improvements to the grass cutting programme in the town, but this year we’ve gone much further. We’ve completely changed the contract and the service standards to ensure that the grass is cut more regularly, but also that litter is removed, and strimming takes place all at the same time. This is the standard of work that both our residents and the council expect in order to properly maintain our wonderful green spaces.”

• HTS will cut the grass every 10 working days as opposed to every 17 working days to ensure it is kept shorter and tidier.

• Grass will be cut and strimmed at the same time by the same team of three so that grass is not overgrown around obstacles.

• All areas will be strimmed rather than using weed control solutions which kill the grass.

• The grass cutting season will now run from the start of March to the end of October to ensure the town looks tidier.

• Litter will be cleared before grass is cut.

• Strimming will include selfseeded areas around trees and next to properties to stop unsightly growth.

• New inspections of completed work and revised performance measures to match the new standards.

Let’s SCRAP Fly Tipping!

We have joined forces with other local councils to tackle fly tipping in Essex.

‘Let’s SCRAP fly-tipping’ is a new county-wide campaign supported by Essex County Council, the Environment Agency and the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner to reduce incidents and impact of fly tipping.

Fly tipping is the illegal dumping of waste on land which doesn’t have a waste licence. This could include leaving items by a bin or outside a closed charity shop, recycling centre or donation bank.

Household waste has been found in over 60% of fly tips across the county in the past three years, costing Essex taxpayers around £1 million to clean up in 2022-23. Most reported fly tips also occur on highways or council land.

We all hate fly tipping littering our roads and countryside, and unfortunately, illegal waste operators target everyone from householders to big businesses, with offers of cheap waste disposal.

So next time you have something to get rid of, that can’t be reused, remember to follow the S.C.R.A.P. code:

SUSPECT all waste carriers

CHECK their registration

REFUSE suspicious offers

ASK what will happen next


Find out more about fly tipping and the new campaign, visit www.loveessex.org/flytipping

To report fly tipping in Harlow, visit: www.harlow.gov.uk/flytipping

Little things can make a difference

Two of the town’s filthiest roundabouts have recently been given a good scrub and new shopping hatch welcome signs have been installed.

The council arranged for the chevron bricks on roundabouts on the either end of Haydens Road to be cleaned up and jetwashed.

We have also upgraded the welcome signs for the town’s shopping hatches working with local company Signs Express.

Every day we’re working hard to restore pride in our town as part of our mission to renew our neighbourhoods.

Little things like this can make a real difference to our neighbourhoods.

We’re rebuilding our Protecting the look of our shopping centres

A framework which sets out the rules to be followed by local businesses when designing or altering shopfronts has been adopted by Harlow Council following public consultation.

The Shopfront Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), which aims to enhance the look of shopfronts across the town, was agreed by Cabinet in December.

The guidance is seen as being particularly important to developing the Town Centre of the future, as the extensive programme of regeneration to transform the area continues to gather pace.

However, it will also be used to protect the town’s more historic shopping areas such as Old Harlow’s high street, Bush Fair and The Stow, from developments that risk undermining their unique character.

The original draft document went out to public consultation in October and the responses received have resulted in minor amendments around the style of shutters and security glass that are to be used as part of designing shopfronts.

This is all so that, across the town, shopfronts help to create and contribute to an attractive and welcoming atmosphere, even when stores are closed.

Now the SPD has been adopted by the council, it will be considered when determining planning applications regarding shopfronts in the town centre and across the rest of Harlow.

This means it should be used by developers and planning agents when submitting planning applications and will be used by planning officers at the council who are involved in the determination and enforcement of applications.

Old Harlow High Street
The Stow

our town

Major upgrade planned as Harvey Centre outperforms expectations

A report published in December revealed that the Harvey Centre Shopping Centre is significantly exceeding expected performance since its purchase.

Harlow Council bought the shopping centre for £21m in December 2022 to support its ambitions to regenerate the town centre. The purchase transformed the council into one of the biggest town centre landowners.

The purchase has turned out to be a shrewd one with the centre returning a healthy revenue and profit which is ploughed back into supporting council services.

This healthy position means the council can now turn its attention to upgrading the centre, with exciting plans due to be announced soon.

Since January 2023, 30 lease agreements have been completed including retaining existing tenants Tesco, Starbucks and Deichmann whilst securing new tenants such as Trespass, Specsavers and ShoeZone.

The centre is also home to major brands such as Primark, Poundland, Superdrug, Iceland, The Works, and Clintons. Space has also been provided to support local businesses.

Multiple charitable partners have also been provided space on the first and ground floor including Harlow Foodbank, Harlow Centre Open Road, and Phoenix Resource Centre.

The centre is run on a dayto-day basis by experienced property and asset management companies.

Our building apprentices

The contribution of local apprentice bricklayers who are helping to build the new homes of tomorrow was recognised as part of National Apprenticeship Week.

Our housebuilding programme is creating apprenticeships for young people who are helping to rebuild our town with new council homes being constructed at Staple Tye.

Back in February, Councillor Dan Swords, the Leader of Harlow Council, dropped by to celebrate the contribution GSQ Brickwork apprentices are making to the housebuilding programme and presented two of them, Jack and Ben, with their qualifications.

Councillor Dan Swords, said:

“The council is on a mission to secure investment for Harlow’s future so we can create more jobs and apprenticeships like our housebuilding programme is. It was an absolute pleasure once again to meet the local apprentices and thank them for their contribution towards rebuilding our town and building new homes for local families.”

We’re securing investment

Massive £1.3 billion investment secured for Harlow and Gilston

Planning permission for 10,000 new homes as part of Harlow & Gilston Garden Town has been issued by East Herts Council which secures £1.3 billion worth of investment for the area including Harlow.

The outline planning permissions for the Gilston area of the Garden Town comprise 8,500 homes for Places for People across six villages and 1,500 homes for Taylor Wimpey in a seventh village.

Alongside new homes, the development includes facilities for business, retail, sports and leisure and healthcare, as well as community spaces, parks and open spaces, new primary and secondary schools and early years facilities.

Together with the earlier granting of permission for new transport infrastructure schemes known as the Central and Eastern Stort Crossings, the outline permissions are a significant milestone in the process of bringing forward the Gilston area development proposal.

The issuing of planning permission sees approval of the section 106 agreement which secures major infrastructure benefits for the area.

Councillor Dan Swords, Leader of the Council and Chair of the Harlow & Gilston Garden Town Joint Committee, said: “This is an historic moment for the Harlow & Gilston Garden Town project and the future of the area.

“This Garden Town village planning permission signals transformational growth for the area with 10,000 new homes including 2,300 new affordable homes for local people. Crucially, this is a leading example for the country and ensures the required infrastructure, to transform the area for existing and new residents, is in place.

“That means £1.3 billion worth of investment into seven new primary schools and two new secondary schools, huge upgrades to our road, walking and cycling infrastructure, new healthcare facilities, a new leisure centre and football hub, as well as over seven acres of employment space to support the growth of local small and medium-size businesses and attracts new investment to create high-skilled jobs for local residents.

investment for Harlow

“But, more importantly, so much work has been done to ensure that, unlike many other large developments, this truly is a desirable place to live with seven sustainable Garden Town villages.

“That means that over 50% of the village area will be made up of public, open and natural green space and that the designs and layouts of the villages are of the very best quality.

“It also means that these new Garden Town villages will not gridlock roads for existing residents in Harlow and the surrounding areas, or put ever increasing pressure on local services such as GPs, but rather the Harlow and Gilston areas are a better place to live, work, raise a family and grow a business for existing residents as a result of the decisions that have been taken to transform local infrastructure.”

Councillor Alastair Gunn, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Garden Town and planning, added: “I am pleased the Section 106 for Gilston has been agreed, as this will secure investment to Harlow and the surrounding area.

“What’s been agreed will lead to new schools and healthcare facilities. The large amount of employment space will create job opportunities and boost the local economy.

“New, modern sports facilities including a dedicated football hub and leisure centre will all be easy to get to from Harlow, and open to our residents.

“This also means more money going into our road and transport network, which will be critical if we are to keep Harlow moving as it grows.

“A lot of hard - at times difficult - work has gone into this, including from the team here at Harlow Council. I would like to thank all those who have worked together to ensure a good outcome for Harlow.”

Find out more and drop into the hub

If you’re got a question about Harlow & Gilston Garden Town and the large-scale regeneration projects taking place around the town you can visit the Discover Harlow Hub.

Open every Thursday, 10am –2pm, Discover Harlow is fully staffed and on the ground floor of the Harvey Centre.

Construction starts on David

Lloyd Harlow

Construction work is underway on the highly anticipated multi-million pound David Lloyd Harlow.

The new club is expected to open in winter 2025.

Located in Harlow’s Innovation Park the new club will offer a wide range of state-of-the-art health, fitness, racquet sports and spa facilities for families and adults of all ages.

We have worked hard to secure this major investment for our town and granted planning permission last September.

We’re protecting our

New campaign to tackle abuse of parking staff

A new pilot campaign has been launched in Harlow to address increasing violence and aggression towards frontline parking officers.

Titled “Beyond the Uniform”, the campaign comes in response to a sharp increase in reported assaults on staff and urges the public to see beyond the uniform, recognising parking officers as individuals – parents, grandparents, and friends – who contribute positively to their communities.

The campaign also highlights the positive contribution officers make in their communities such as helping children get to and from school safely, ensuring disabled bays are available

for those who need them and enabling emergency service vehicles and bin lorries to get through.

You may have seen campaign activities and materials in Harlow, including NEPP’s pop-up community engagement events.

Residents have been encouraged to come along to these pop-up events to meet and find out more about NEPP and the valuable work its parking officers carry out in Harlow to ensure parking is safe, fair and accessible to all road users.

This campaign is externally funded by Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London (PATROL) and is being piloted in

Harlow and Brighton and Hove, with plans for a national roll-out later this year.

Councillor Nicky Purse, Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability, said: “We hope that this campaign encourages people to reflect on their behaviour and attitude towards parking officers, to see the people beyond the uniform and the positive work they do to protect our town and communities.”

For more information about the campaign, please visit www. north.parkingpartnership.org/ beyondtheuniform

Tackling violent crime is a police and council priority

Harlow Council is supporting Essex Police in its work to prevent violent crime.

As part of regular targeted police response, a mobile weapons detector and live facial recognition technology has been used in Harlow town centre.

Thanks to funding from the council, the mobile weapons detector called OpenGate has already made an important difference. The system led directly to the discovery of a man carrying a knife.

Police officers, supported by the council’s community safety team, have also been carrying out patrols of the town’s hotspot zone, which includes the North and West Gate areas of the town centre.

Progress to cut crime in the town has also been made as part of the ‘Safe to go Stow’ project. A total of 15 individuals are either currently serving prison sentences or have been remanded in custody awaiting trial.

Councillor Joel Charles, Cabinet Member for Public Protection, backs the deployment of more high-visibility police patrols and new technology to prevent crime: “Although crime has fallen overall in the town, there is no room for any complacency whatsoever. A more visible police presence in the town is the right approach. It is also encouraging that new technology is being used to help remove dangerous individuals from our streets.”

Work in The Stow as part of the Clear, Hold, Build initiative is ongoing as the Safe to Go Stow hub continues to serve its local community.

The hub is open Monday to Friday with a growing number of activities being organised to take place there over the coming months.

In addition, council staff from the housing and community safety teams, officers from Essex Police and other community organisations attend the hub regularly to engage with residents and share information.

As well as the new hub, other things have been happening in the area to improve its look and safety.

CCTV has been upgraded, works to fix entry doors to flats have been carried out, planters have been restored, a community noticeboard has been installed and there is much more to come.

We’re delivering high-performing

New improved Council Tax scheme to help households

Harlow Council has agreed to introduce a new income banded Council Tax Reduction Scheme for working age applicants which will come into effect before April 2026.

There are no changes for pension age applicants as they are part of the national scheme.

Last year we consulted residents on changing our Council Tax Support Scheme. Under the changes those on the lowest incomes will receive more financial help than they currently do, and the scheme will be easier to access and understand.

The changes will also:

• make the scheme work better with the Universal Credit system

• support families and applicants who receive a disability benefit

• take away the need for constant changes in awards

The new scheme will come into effect before April 2026 to allow time to implement the changes.

Councillor James Leppard, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance, said: “Our Council Tax support scheme supports nearly 4,000 working age Harlow households with their Council Tax bill, but we want to further improve this scheme as we continue to progress our mission to deliver highperforming council services.

“The changes will not only make the scheme easier to understand and access but those on the lowest incomes will receive more financial help.”

high-performing services

Latest finance and performance report shows council continuing to hit targets

Harlow Council’s latest finance, performance and risk report has shown the council is going from strength to strength in the face of funding pressures.

Data for November and December shows the council remains on track for a significant budget surplus in both the General Fund and the Housing Revenue Account through its programme of sound financial management during a period of severe pressure on councils across the country.

The projected surpluses have been achieved with a Council Tax freeze and millions being invested into improving council services and delivering the council’s missions.

The performance section of the report shows the council also continues to achieve success in its mission to deliver high-performing council services, with nearly all targets being met or exceeded by the end of December.

Highlights include:

• Turnaround time on empty homes –which remain well within target

• Bin collections continuing at a 99.9% on time collection rate

• Call waiting times for residents –which are well below target

In addition to consistently hitting performance targets, the council is investing tens of millions of pounds in upgrading council houses, flat blocks, community facilities such as the Playhouse, Harlow Museum, Latton Bush Centre and playgrounds.

Performance targets are set annually and progress on these is reported to the council monthly, highlighting areas where services are performing well as well as those where we can improve.

Meet the new adorable meerkats at Pets’ Corner

In February, Pets’ Corner had a grand opening for its new Africa Enclosure, welcoming the arrival of four meerkats and a Sulcata tortoise.

The male meerkats, born last year August, came from Burntwood Alpaca and Animal farm in Staffordshire, while the male tortoise, Mr. Valentine, came from Jimmy’s Farm and Wildlife Park and weighs nearly 40kgs.

After months of suspense, the enclosure was officially opened by Councillor Dan Swords, Leader of the Council and 5-year old Tommy from Harlow.

Five local businesses helped complete the project to a high standard, with Contour Roofing kindly donating and installing the living roof on the Enclosure. This helps improve air quality, enhance biodiversity, manages stormwater and has energy saving properties working as a natural insulator.

The opening day was filled with a variety of themed activities, keeper talks, and informative stalls, all designed to deepen the knowledge and appreciation of Africa’s incredible wildlife.

Visitors were also able to take part in a naming competition for the meerkats, choosing their favourite from a selection of 65 names all related to chocolates. The winning names were Rolo, Galaxy, Ferrero and Terry.

The works at Pets’ Corner are part of a major council programme to continue improving and upgrading the town’s much-loved community services. As part of the council’s budget for 2025 to 2026, £37.9 millionis being allocated to continue upgrading and improving council facilities all over the town.

For more information on Pets’ Corner, please visit: www.harlow.gov.uk/parks-and-culture/petscorner

Councillor Danielle Brown, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Community and Wellbeing, said: “The adorable meerkats are already proving a hit with local families and are a worthwhile investment for our town. Who would have thought that this wonderful facility in the heart of the Town Park would be home to meerkats!


would like to thank everyone involved in this project and encourage residents to pop along to Pets’ Corner to support this wonderful community service and check out the new enclosure.”

What’s on this spring

Gibberd Gallery

Civic Centre, The Water Gardens, Harlow, CM20 1WG

11am to 4pm Monday to Saturday (Closed Sundays and Bank Holidays)

Harlow Open 2025: A Celebration of Local Creativity

Saturday 15 February to Saturday 19 April

Harlow Art Trust invites you to the Harlow Open 2025, a vibrant exhibition showcasing artists of all ages and backgrounds from Harlow and surrounding districts. Curated by Elaine Tribley and featuring many different mediums and styles. Don’t miss this inspiring showcase of local talent! Cycle, Create and Move

Family Arts and Movement Workshops

Workshops from 10am to 12pm and 1pm to 3pm in Bishopsfield on Tuesday 8 and 15 April and The Stow on Thursday 10 and 17 April

Free family activities for the Easter Holidays. Join our Velo Artists and Velo Activators with their cargo bikes filled with fun arts, crafts and sports items to get everyone active and creative. Sessions are run by Harlow Art Trust and SportsCool in partnership with Harlow Council and Active Essex. For more information please email gallery@harlowarttrust.org.uk or call 01279 446404

Harlow Museum & Walled Gardens

Muskham Road, Harlow www.harlowmuseum.com

01279 446222

Open 9.30am to 3.30pm (last entry 3pm) every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.

Terrific Tudors this Easter

Tues 8 April to Sat 19 April

Join us for a variety of Tudor-themed activities, such as crafting clay jugs, miniature painting, growing a small garden, and creating collages. Plus, our popular annual Easter Egg Hunt returns! Visit our website for details, ages 4+

May Half Term

Tues 27 and Thurs 29 May

With Summer around the corner, our half-term activities will celebrate the wonders of nature. Join us for some hands on activities including leaf printing and mono-printing. Visit our website for more details.

Enchanted Garden

Sat 31 May, 11am - 3pm

Our Walled Gardens will be transformed into a magical enchanted garden, filled with wonder at every turn. Enjoy storytelling, trails, meet the Fairy Queen and much more. Booking available on our website soon.

Hands on History

Tues 29 July – Sat 2 August

Are you considering a career in museums?


If you have a passion for history, heritage or classics and are between the ages of 14 and 19, this free week-long program offers the chance to gain hands on experience with real artefacts.

For further information and to apply visit: www.harlowmuseum.com

Lambing season at Pets’ Corner due to start around 23 March.

Get Active:

((B)) P.T – wellbeing workouts for everybody

Bounce HQ, 17 Perry Road, Harlow, CM18 7NR

Every Thursday 10.30am – 11.15am

Small group personalised training classes focusing on wellbeing with exercises tailored to you. No matter what your fitness level, the instructor will vary moves to suit any physical ability. Workouts offer 3 options: standing on the floor, using a chair for support, or with a trampoline,

Prams, wheelchairs, mobility scooters all welcome in the studio. Energising music and sensory lighting, you’ll feel fitter and socially connected with complementary tea and coffee included. Book your free place at www.bouncefitbody.com.

Boxing Neurodiversity

Harlow Amateur Boxing Club, Momples Road, Ladyshot, Harlow CM20 3EY

A structured programme of physical activity and non-contact boxing, including technique sessions, sparring practice, fitness drills, and personal coaching. Sessions are relaxed and appropriate for residents with additional needs. For ages 5-8, 9-16, and 16+. For information and to book your place, call Kevin Wootton on 07789 996 019

Land On Your Feet

Harlow Judo Club, Fold Croft, Harlow, CM20 1SR

For ages 65+

Improve your mobility, balance and coordination in a safe, supportive environment. Learn the art of falling safely to reduce injury risk. Socialise and meet new people. Includes tea and coffee. For more information and to book your place, please call 07976955905 or email harlowjudoclub@gmail.com

Harlow Fella’s Forum

Join our forum where men can talk about their hobbies, interests, health and wellbeing. Take part in activities such as walking groups, allotments, carp fishing, axe throwing and more. For more information on how to join, please contact Scott Tatum by emailing scott.tatum@healthwatchessex.org.uk

Women’s Health Club

Latton Bush Centre, Harlow, CM18 7BL

Every Tuesday from 11am to 1pm

The Women’s Health Club is a safe place for women who are asylum seekers, refugees and migrants to focus on physical and mental wellbeing. Our sessions offer different types of activites like pilates, yoga, dancing, meditation, boxing and more.

We exercise, talk about wellbeing and women’s health, and enjoy healthy smoothies. For more details, please contact us on 01279 639442 or book your spot online at rb.gy/830dx

Fitness, Friends, Fun

Great Parndon Library, Parnall Road, Staple Tye, Harlow, CM18 7PP Fridays from 11.30am to 1pm

A 12 session strength and balance course for older people in Harlow, includes seated, supported standing and free standing exercises. For all abilities.

For more information or to book,call 07701 224342 or email tracy@ rainbowservices.org,uk

Mothers Moving with Parenthood Friends Meeting House, Church Leys, Harlow, CM18 6BY Tuesdays from 9.30am to 10.45am

These postnatal yoga classes are designed to rebuild strength in areas of the body that may have been weakened, and offer release in areas that may be feeling tense.

Our yoga class offers a safe space to let go of some of the mental load that comes with having a young baby while reaping the physical benefits too! Pre-crawling babies are welcome or you can come alone.

Mats are provided so just make sure you wear comfortable clothing.

For more information and to book, visit: www.the-parenthood.co.uk/timetable or email: contact@the-parenthood. co.uk

Re-Formed Activities

Great Parndon Community Centre, Abercrombie Way, Harlow CM18 6YJ

A variety of activities that take place every weekday at the GPCA: Monday – Pickleball from 1pm-3pm (Barn). Cost: £1

Monday & Wednesday - Table Tennis from 9.30am-12pm (Barn). Cost: £1

Tuesday & Thursday – Bowls from 10am -12pm GPCA (Barn). Cost £1

Tuesday & Friday - Keep Fit from 1.302.30pm GPCA (Main Hall). Cost: £1

Tuesday - Chair Yoga from 12-12.45pm (Main Hall) & Wednesday 1pm-1.45pm (Barn). Cost: £1

Wednesday – Aqua at 10am, book your place on 07939 025359

Wednesday - Social games from 2pm3pm (Barn). FREE

Wednesday - Bereavement Group from 2pm -3pm (Barn). FREE

Thursday - Line Dancing (Barn) from 12pm -1pm Beginners, 1pm-2pm Advanced. Cost: £1.50

Friday - Walking group meet Moorhen carpark at 10am. FREE

Please call Kelly on 07939 025359 for any further information.

You can find details on other events taking place in your town on the council’s website www.harlow.gov.uk and the Discover Harlow website: www.discoverharlow.co.uk

If you organise your own events, you can get them listed on these websites by submitting the details at www.harlow.gov.uk/events

Event and activity information is correct at time of going to press. Please always check first with the event organiser by calling their contact number or by visiting the relevant website.

Getting it rightThe good binkeeping

We collected over 28,000 tonnes of household waste and recycling last year –that’s a lot of bins! But there are also a lot of bins that we aren’t able to collect because something isn’t right.

We know this can be frustrating when it happens, so follow our helpful guide below to make sure that your waste isn’t wasting your time.

Make the most of your recycling

Recycling is a great way to save resources, help the environment and reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill. While it is important to recycle as much as you can, please make sure the right things go in your bin.

If you have extra recycling this can be put into clear or white bags alongside your full bin.

Fri 18/04/2025 Sat 19/04/2025

Mon 21/04/2025 Tue 22/04/2025

Tue 22/04/2025 Wed 23/04/2025

Wed 23/04/2025 Thur 24/04/2025

Thur 24/04/2025 Fri 25/04/2025

Fri 25/04/2025 Sat 26/04/2025

You can also check your bin collection dates online at www.harlow.gov.uk Easter bank holiday

You can put all of these in your fortnightly recycling collection


Make sure the non-recycling bin lid closes

If you put out extra bags or overfill your bin so the lid does not close, your non-recycling may not be collected. If you don’t have a wheelie bin, we will only collect the purple sacks provided by the council – up to 3 per fortnight.

If you are recycling all you can and regularly have extra non-recycling, you can look on our website for other waste options.

Don’t put textiles in your bins

We do not currently collect clothes, shoes and other textiles in the fortnightly recycling or refuse services. However, you can book a free textile bag collection as part of our bulky waste service. You can find ideas on what to do with your unwanted textiles on our website.

Make use of our bookable collection services

We offer collections for garden waste, bulky and electrical items, batteries and textiles. Some of the services incur a charge. Check for ‘special waste collections’ on our website.

YouDidyouknow… don’tneedtouse bagsinyourwheeliebins youatall?Youmayfindthat intoareabletogetmore thebinsifyouputtheitemsinloose!

Don’t forget!

If you subscribe to our garden waste service, this will be due for renewal soon. Look out for more information in the next few weeks.

Use compostable bags in your food caddy

Line your food caddy with a compostable liner or newspaper and fill with food scraps. Please don’t use any type of plastic bag as these are not compostable and your caddy will not be emptied.

Once your caddy is full, empty into your outdoor food caddy ready for your collection day.

All present and correct

You need to put your containers on your property boundary (usually where the edge of the property meets the public area) by 7am on the morning of your collection day.

Bins that have not been presented on time at the correct point may not be collected and unfortunately, we won’t be able to come back for them until the next collection day.

For more information on our waste and recycling services, visit: www.harlow.gov.uk/bins-and-recycling

Inclusive Employment service search for job candidates in Harlow

Are you someone with a learning disability and/or autism, brimming with potential, and need some help to obtain paid and meaningful employment?

Funded by Essex County Council, ECL’s award-winning Inclusive Employment service has already helped over 500 people with learning disabilities and/or autism secure paid employment.

We’re proud to collaborate with employers in and around the Harlow area, including:

• GXO Logistics

• FedEx

• MAG (London Stansted Airport site)

• Princess Alexandra Hospital

We also partner with independent businesses committed to recruiting diverse talent.


A dedicated inclusive employment team at ECL provide personalised support to identify your skills, qualifications and interests and match them to its network of employers.

You’ll be supported every step of the way with CVs, application forms, interview preparation, work trials, and much more. We’ll also help you to practise your journey to work and provide on the job coaching for you and your employer for as long as you need it!

Just one of our success stories:

K is a 21-year-old with autism who, despite having a degree in musical theatre and a friendly, outgoing personality, experiences significant anxiety. With ECL’s help, K has flourished since starting a job with logistics giant FedEx.

K said: “Before I worked at FedEx, I was fairly timid. My previous job search attempts had made me lose faith in myself, but my confidence has grown exponentially. I’ve come out of my shell. Having paid employment gives me a dependable daily routine, which is important for managing my anxiety. I have gained so much independence, and it’s great for my physical and mental fitness. I would recommend that anyone with autism or a learning disability reaches out to ECL’s Inclusive Employment team to get help with getting employment.”

Want to know more?

Visit: ecl.org/inclusive-employment/candidate

Call: 03330 135 438

Email: Inclusive.Employment@essexcares.org

Adult Social Services 0345 603 7630 www.essex.gov.uk

Affinity Water Emergencies: 0345 357 2407

Customer services: 0345 357 2402 www.affinitywater.co.uk

Arriva Buses 0344 800 4411 www.arrivabus.co.uk

Blue Badge Enquiries 0345 603 7630 www.essex.gov.uk

Bus Pass Helpline 0345 200 0388 www.essexhighways.org

Children’s Social Services 0345 603 7627 www.essex.gov.uk

Essential Living Fund 0300 7900124

Essex County Council Contact Essex 0345 743 0430 www.essex.gov.uk

Essex Highways Traffic updates, report potholes and faulty street lights 0345 603 7631 www.essexhighways.org

Essex Police 101 www.essex.police.uk

Gas Leak Emergency Number 0800 111 999

Harlow Bus Station 01279 426349 www.harlow.gov.uk/bus-station

Harlow Citizens’ Advice Bureau 0344 477 0808 www.harlowcitizensadvice.org.uk

Harlow College 01279 868000 www.harlow-college.ac.uk

Harlow Community Hub 01279 927005 email: harlowcommunityhub@rainbowservices.org.uk

Harlow Community Transport 01992 579556 www.efcommunitytransport.co.uk

Harlow Council 01279 446655 www.harlow.gov.uk

Harlow Foodbank 01279 724515 harlow.foodbank.org.uk

Harlow Registry Office 0345 603 7632 www.essex.gov.uk

Harlowsave (Credit Union) 01279 451234 www.harlowsavecu.co.uk

HTS (Property & Environment) Ltd Repairs line: 01279 446666 www.harlow.gov.uk/housing-repairs

Job Centre Plus 0800 169 0190 www.gov.uk/contact-jobcentre-plus

National Rail Enquiries 0345 748 4950 www.nationalrail.co.uk

NHS Choices 111 www.nhs.uk

Parndon Wood Cemetery & Crematorium 01279 620620 www.parndonwoodcrem.co.uk

Post Office Customer Helpline 0345 611 2970 www.postoffice.co.uk

Princess Alexandra Hospital 01279 444455 www.pah.nhs.uk Samaritans 116 123 (free) www.samaritans.org

Schools Admissions 0345 603 2200 www.essex.gov.uk/admissions

Thames Water

Blocked drains or sewage/waste water flooding: 0800 3169800 www.thameswater.co.uk

UK Power Networks (power cuts) 105 www.ukpowernetworks.co.uk

Universal Credit Helpline 0800 328 5644 www.gov.uk/universal-credit

The hidden heroes of Harlow’s streets


Raising money for your local community

• Win £25,000 • Tickets from £1 • 60% goes towards local good causes

Which council does what?

• Abandoned vehicles

• Antisocial behaviour

• Bus station


• Council car parks *

• Council Tax and business rates collection

• Elections and electoral register

• Environmental health - noise/air pollution, food safety inspections, health and safety at work

• Events – town centre and fireworks

• Graffiti, flytipping, broken glass and litter

• Grass cutting and landscape maintenance

• Housing benefits

• Housing register

• Housing repairs **

• Homelessness

• Licensing – taxi/private hire, alcohol and entertainment, animal establishments, street trading, gambling, houses in multiple occupation

• Parks, open spaces and allotments

• Picking up dead animals on the highway

• Planning and building control

• Playhouse, playgrounds and paddling pools

• Residential parking*

• Sports pitches and multi-use games areas

• Stray dogs

• Street cleaning and emptying bins

• Supported housing

• Waste and recycling collections

www.harlow.gov.uk Phone 01279 446655

• Adoption and fostering

• Adult and children social care

• Births, ceremonies and deaths

• Blue badges

• Cycle tracks

• Disability support services

• Essex Outdoors

• Essex Record office

• Gritting of main roads

• Household Recycling Centre (the tip)

• Libraries

• Pavement repairs

• Potholes

• Road safety

• Schools and adult learning

• School transport

• Street lights

• Trading standards

• Traffic information

• Traffic lights, traffic signs and bollards

• Transport – buses and bus passes

• Underpasses

• Youth service www.essex.gov.uk www.essexhighways.org Phone: 0345 743 0430

* Parking enforcement is carried out by the North Essex Parking Partnership. Please call 01206 282316

** Council housing repairs are carried out by HTS (Property & Environment) Limited. Please call 01279 446666

Harlow Council comprises of 33 elected councillors, responsible for agreeing policies about provision of services and how the council’s money is spent.

Councillor Mark Ingall Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Email: mark.ingall@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Kay Morrison


199A Hookfield, CM18 6QP

Tel: 07736 333105

Email: kay.morrison@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Jodi Dunne Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07378 879710

Email: jodi.dunne@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Matthew Saggers Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07305 777819

Email: matthew.saggers@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Hannah Ellis


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Email: hannah.ellis@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor David Carter


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 420340

Email: david.carter@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Lanie Shears Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07906 870935

Email: lanie.shears@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Aiden O’Dell Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07506 699240

Email: aiden.odell@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Michael Houlihan Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07557 419591

Email: michael.houlihan@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Jake Shepherd Labour

54 Park Court, CM20 2PZ

Tel: 07802 626326

Email: jake.shepherd@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Daniella Pritchard


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07710 529374

Email: daniella.pritchard@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Tony Edwards Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07544 374168

Email: tony.edwards@harlow.gov.uk

Cabinet Members

Councillor Dan Swords - Leader of Harlow Council

Councillor Michael Hardware


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07775 925274

Email: michael.hardware@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Dan Swords Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Email: dan.swords@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Andrew Johnson Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 865673

Email: andrew.johnson@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Stacy Seales


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07541 141166

Email: stacy.seales@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Alastair Gunn Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07850 261771

Email: alastair.gunn@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Luke Howard Labour

184 Torkilsden Way, CM20 1FE

Email: luke.howard@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Stefan Mullard-Toal Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Email: stefan.mullard-toal@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Nancy Watson Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07908 518862

Email: nancy.watson@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor James Griggs


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07877 424834

Email: james.griggs@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Emma Ghaffari


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07850 655864

Email: emma.ghaffari@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Clive Souter


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07850 667900

Email: clive.souter@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Russell Perrin


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1W

Email: russell.perrin@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor David Carter - Deputy Leader and Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Housing

Councillor Danielle Brown - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Community and Wellbeing

Councillor Joel Charles - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Public Protection

Councillor Hannah Ellis - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Corporate Services and Transformation

Councillor Alastair Gunn - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Garden Town and Planning

Councillor Michael Hardware - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Economic Development

Councillor James Leppard - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Finance

Councillor Nicky Purse - Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Environment and Sustainability

& Town Centre

Councillor James Leppard


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07454 686809

Email: james.leppard@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Danielle Brown


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Email: danielle.brown@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Nicky Purse Conservative

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG

Tel: 07838 238573

Email: nicky.purse@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Maggie Hulcoop


330 Carters Mead, CM17 9HA

Tel: 452252

Email: maggie.hulcoop@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Tony Durcan


329 Rundells, CM18 7HN

Email: anthony.durcan@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Linda Clark Labour

c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 01279 641481

Email: linda.clark@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Sue Livings


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 422339

Email: sue.livings@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Michael Garnett


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 437401

Email: michael.garnett@harlow.gov.uk

Councillor Joel Charles


c/o Harlow Council, Civic Centre, CM20 1WG Tel: 07752 096765

Email: joel.charles@harlow.gov.uk

Essex County Councillors

County councillors can help with services like libraries, transport, roads and highways, social care for adults and children, education and schools.

Harlow North

Councillor Michael Garnett cllr.mike.garnett@essex.gov.uk

Harlow West

Councillor Michael Hardware cllr.michael.hardware@essex.gov.uk

Harlow West

Councillor Clive Souter cllr.clive.souter@essex.gov.uk

Harlow South East

Councillor Andrew Johnson cllr.andrew.johnson@essex.gov.uk

Bush Fair
Church Langley North & Newhall
Great Parndon
Latton Bush & Stewards
Church Langley South & Potter Street
Mark Hall
Little Parndon

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