Hashing in: Sweden Ethopia Canada Sumatra USA & The World
d: e r u t a e F lm o h k c o t S th 0 3 t u l o s b A CONTENTS
Vol. 15 No. 8
August 2016
(Formerly Asia-Pacific Harrier)
www.harriermagazine.com Editor / Publisher Jim Edens publisher@harriermagazine.com Administration Lisa Sukita customerservice@harriermagazine.com Design / Artwork / Photos / Layout Digital Edition / Website Jimmy Wilkins jwilkins@harriermagazine.com America Correspondent Gina Lollobrigida: s.machine.ph4@gmail.com
Europe Correspondent Julie Burgess: jaburgess007@gmail.com Africa Correspondent Julia Stanton: Julia_Stanton@hotmail.com Contributors (in order of appearance): Editorial / Photos / Graphics Stockholm Absolute H3 Short Circuit David Steel Julia Stanton Crotch Thumper & Donkey Fluffer LOF-T Prancer (Kyle Bakx) Doug Broad & Anne-Laure Hug Howard Mckay Regular Contributors: Kurt Bodmer, Julie Burgess, Paul Cade, Jim Edens, Randall Salisbury, Ian Slater, Lisa Sukita, Stockholm H3, Jimmy Wilkins Contributors Welcome! We welcome anything related to hashing. * All submissions are subject to the editor’s axe. DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the magazine, its advertisers, publisher or contributors.
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6 Harrier
s e t o N ’s r o it d E We start and end this edition of Harrier Magazine in the capital of Sweden. There is no better time to visit Stockholm than this August when the Stockholm Absolut H3 celebrates 30 years of running, walking and crawling through this scenic city. Regular contributor Sir Malibog unveils the workings of a sick mind in another zany edition of the Stockholm Absolut Hash Trash. For an exotic adventure of the tropical sort head out to the Indonesian island of Sumatra for the Horas Hash. Lake Toba is the largest and deepest lake in Southeast Asia and the volcanic peaks around the lake offer some of the most spectacular hashing terrain to be found anywhere. Meet the native Batak people who now prefer to greet, rather than eat, their guests. Africa correspondent Head Mistress reports on the largest gathering of the hash tribes in East Africa-the Naivasha Relay. If you’ve been looking for a reason to visit the Dark Continent this could be it. HashSh*t Across America? Many of us have been honored recipients of a Hash Shit award at one time or another. But who has helped bring the HashShit from kennel to kennel from sea to shining sea while raising funds for charity?
Charity begins at home for the Calgary Hash House Harriers bi-annual Red Dress Run. Break out your best crimson rags and join Canada’s oldest kennel in Cow Town. Howard “Dances with Dogs” Mckay brings forth some intriguing tidbits about legends of the hash movement before they are lost forever. Whatever happened to the original “G” pewter mug that G’s son left for safekeeping with John Duncan? This search for the relics of our past continues. I look forward to seeing you on trail again soon, Jim Edens, Editor-in-Chief and Founder Harrier Magazine International Edition Fun on the run since 2002 www.HarrierMagazine.com
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! P U nts
to m e t i on an t page. k c i l C tha o t o g
On The Cover: Hashing in Sweden Photo By: Stockholm Absolute H3
Eurohash Vienna 2017 Las Vegas Red Dress Run Aloha 25th Anny Cruise Indochina Mekong Hash 2016 2017 Pan Asia Hash, Korea Angeles City 2000th Bimbo’s Birthday Bash Subic 23rd Anny Laguna Phuket Marathon Pattaya Jungle Post Mekong Thai Nash Hash 2017 Interhash 2018 Fiji Amari Midnight Charity Run 2016 Hawaii Volcano Rainforest Runs 8 Harrier
17 51 54 56 66 70 73 75 88 90 91 97 98 100
Features 12 20 32 46 60 104
Stockholm 30th Anny Horas Hash-Cannibals! Hashing in Kenya Hash Sh*t Across America Calgary Red Dress Run Letters
46 USA
Departments Editor’s Welcome Hash Calendar Running Calendar Customer Service FAQ Humor: Hash Boy Featured Hash Trash Recent Back Issues
6 92 99 110 111 114 124
Stockholm Absolut H3 30th Anniversary
by Stockholm Absolute H3
he Stockholm Absolut H3 will be celebrating our 30th anniversary 26-28 August – and we would like you to celebrate with us! The theme is Astrid Lindgren and her world, so expect to hash with Pippi Longstocking and monkeying around with Mr Nelson, or maybe flying with Karlsson-on-the-Roof, or‌
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by David Steel
he first christian missionaries who tried to bring the word of God to the Batak peoples of North Sumatra did not get a very Christian welcome. They ended up in the cooking pots of their would be converts.
Thankfully times have changed and now Lake Toba is Indonesia’s second most popular tourist destination and visitors can be sure that they will get a much nicer welcome than those earlier unfortunate men of God. Not only will they find that the natives are now extremely friendly and the scenery exceptionally spectacular. They will also find themselves able to join one of the best boutique hashing events on the calendar - The Horas Hash.
20 Harrier
Crater of SIBIAK volcanoe
Locals welcome the Horas Hashers
Hashing in Kenya By Julia Stanton
The Naivasha Relay – 1st October 2016 This month African correspondent, Julia Stanton aka Head Mistress writes about Kenya’s biggest yearly hashing event, the Naivasha Relay with the help of Nairobi hasher, Timothy Githugu aka Muguu (photos by Timothy Githugu aka Muguu)
he annual Naivasha Relay, organised by the Nairobi Hash House Harriers is one of the biggest yearly hash events in Kenya with other hash teams from other countries also joining in and is claimed to be one of the best hashing adventures in East Africa.
It involves teams of 9 runners taking it in turns to run a relay route starting at Dagoretti in Nairobi away from the busy highway and off to a dirt-road track through the Rift Valley escarpment passing through the through the the foot of Mt. Suswa and ending at the gate of Hell’s Gate National Park in Naivasha, a trail of approximately 83 kilometres. Each team member is seeded with regards to their running ability or lack of 32 Harrier
by Crotch Thumper & Donkey Fluffer
f you’re a hashing in the USA, you likely know Donkey Fluffer from the Fort Eustis H3, the longest continuous hash in the U.S. (1971). He’s been hashing since his virgin trail in Baghdad Iraq in 2004, where the incoming rocket fire seemed like the ultimate shiggy. He won’t tell you how he got his name, but he did say he really needed the money. He was the creator of the online hashing sensation of Lunar H3 which claims there’s a hash on the Moon in 2030 and proclaiming, “We’re going to the f*cking moon!” He inspired and led this group of half-minds, raising some $20,000, before passing the torch in October 2015 to focus on another hash community driven project: Hashshit Across America. Both of these groups raised money for Make-A-Wish Foundation of America while connecting hashers and their kennels.
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