Harrier Magazine

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Greetings from Java, where Bandung recently hosted a fine Pan Asia / Pan Indo 2011 event. Things are progressing nicely for Interhash 2012, with the party venues of Prambanan and Borobudur Temples shaping up with stage location and design already underway. Entertainment will be a mixture of Interhash nostalgia, and cultural highlights of the first Interhash to be held at a World Heritage site. The War Memorial Monument at Monjali is the registration and Hash Bazaar venue, offering a beer garden, and an ideal place to meet old friends for a cold beer and a chat, and no loud music-we promise! Next to the Hash Bazaar is the main bus departure point to the runs and party venue each day. After the runs, background music during dinner will make way for a live band later in the evening, along with a quiet Old Farts area. The reigning male and female Down Down Champions will defend their titles on stage.

The bar we have chosen for our official Hash Pub is now open and can accommodate up to 2000 hashers at one time. The pub is conveniently located on Jalan Sosrowijayan (Sosrowijayan Street) amongst other bars, cafes and smaller hotels. This street will surely become ‘the’ hash street’ with a variety of accommodation options-Google the street name to find them. The Red Dress Run to be held in the old colonial town of Magelang, is now open for registration. If you would like to help hare one of the trails, or help RA one of the circles, then let us know via the contact details on our website. Don’t forget the Fastrack Registration option open for those hashers who have submitted ALL their Rego information. Check your status on our website. On On to Jogjakarta, Interhash 2012

The IH2012 Goodie bag has some great Interhash ‘collectibles.’ We have already produced a sample of the heavy duty backpack along the lines of the Perth Interhash backpack, with an embroidered Interhash 2012 logo. You will have a T-shirt, a polo shirt, and a sarong with all the Interhash logos since Interhash No.1. A cotton towel and beer cooler are also included.

HARRIER International Edition 11

Visit: http://www.interhash2012.com/ for more details

Editor’s Note:


nother year has passed and 2012 is already upon us. They say time flies when you are having fun, but the years seem to fly by even faster the older we get.

your vote in the ballot box. There is no one to blame but ourselves if we fail to vote and a winner is chosen on the basis of default and voter apathy.

In this edition the astute Doctor Down-Down comes out of hibernation, and Hash Boy takes on corporate superpowers that threaten to envelop the Hash world.

Is your kennel thinking of putting on a Red Dress Run in the coming year? Be sure to study the checklist for planning a successful RDR event.

Check out The Best HHH events of 2012 as nominated by our readers. Interhash 2012 in Java is certain to be the largest HHH event of the year. Many smaller events in Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania offer outstanding opportunities for Hashing Holidays in other exotic locales as well.

This year also marks the 10-year anniversary of Harrier Magazine. Have you tried out the Digital Edition that brings upcoming events, informative features and entertaining columns to your desktop, PDA or smart phone?

And where will Interhash be in 2014? That’s up to you if you attend Interhash 2012 in Yogyakarta and place

Your upcoming events, photos, Letters to the Editor, comments and suggestions are always welcome.

Keep in touch, Jim Edens, Editor-in-Chief Harrier Magazine – Fun on the run since 2002 International Edition with readers in 100 countries www.HarrierMagazine.com

e l c r i C UP!


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14 19 28 31

Best HHH Events of 2012 UK Nash Hash So You Want to Hold a RDR? Favorite HHH Pubs


Interhash News Hash Hero Contributors Ask Dr. Down-Down Hash Boy HHH News That’s Hashing! Harrier Foundation On the Ice

4 8 10 12 13 16 24 36 43


4 Interhash Java 2012 16 Fiji 2014 Interhash Bid 17 Brussels 2014 Interhash Bid 17 Hainan 2014 Interhash Bid 29 2012 Red Dress Runs 34 Half-Mind Hash Calendar 38 Sihanoukville Int’l. Half Marathon 39 Running & Racing Calendar 41 Amari Watergate Midnight Run

Koh Samui HHH www.KSH3.com

Vol. 11 No.1: January-March 2012

(Formerly Asia-Pacific Harrier)

www.harriermagazine.com Editor/Publisher Jim Edens publisher@harriermagazine.com

Hash Hero Susanne Stevenson

Administration Lisa Sukita admin@harriermagazine.com Design and Photography Jimmy Wilkins jwilkins@harriermagazine.com Australia Representative Hans Kumpel hans@harriermagazine.com Europe Representative Pierre Marc Lefebvre hhhhiggins@gmail.com Contributors: Editorial / Photos / Graphics Kurt Bodmer, Steve Charles, Jessica Greenwalt, Higgins, John Jackson, Drew Jeschke Jay Hopkins, Robert Mallon, Mark Reynolds, Randall Salisbury, Martin Simms, Ian Slater, Lisa Sukita, Debby Timms, Swamp Thing & Morass Jimmy Wilkins, Paul Woodford On The Cover: Lick’emm Photo by: Robert Mallon Contributors Welcome! We welcome anything related to hashing. * All submissions are subject to the editor’s axe or scissors. DISCLAIMER: The views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect those of the magazine, its advertisers, publisher or contributors.


30 days after publication, report non-delivery to publisher@harriermagazine.com

Thanksgiving this year brought the worst of news - an old and dear friend, Hasher Humper (Susanne Stevenson) from the White House H3, had lost her life in a diving accident. I was fortunate to know Hasher Humper for almost 20 years - having met her with her then boyfriend, Spinal Tap (now, of course, her widower) on a hash during one of my occasional trips to Washington DC. On a subsequent www.harrierfoundation.org trip they asked me to stay over, and for the last few years I stopped over in Alexandria with them and the cats, whenever I was on the East Coast. This year I had the pleasure of returning the favor, and hosting them in the UK. In addition to being a great friend, Hasher Humper was, of course, a hasher - she and Spinal Tap were mainstays of the White House Hash. Her haberdashery skills were legendary, as was her ability and enthusiasm for travelling to hash events all over the world. The attached photo shows her at Eurohash this year, with Hazukashi, Desperate Dave and Le Voisin - veteran hashers all. Hasher Humper is in her normal pose - wine glass in hand. Her presence at Interhash will be very sorely missed - she and Spinal Tap had been to every one since Rotorua, and were fantastic supporters and/or helpers for Interhashes in Cyprus, Cardiff and (hopefully) Brussels. Generous to a fault, managing, spikey, kind, loyal, fun - I (and many others) will miss her! - John Jackson, UK

Contributing Photographer Robert “Twatcicle” Mallon is a homesteading American expat residing in Okinawa, Japan. He was introduced to the Hash through an invite to join the OH3 for a ‘bar-tobar-run’ through Naha some time ago. Robert, being no stranger to binge drinking or lewd behavior, immediately recognized the value in having more excuses to get out of the house. He now calls himself a hasher, but his wife has given him several other more colorful names (not suitable for print). When he’s not testing the limits of his kidneys for science, Robert is also known to take photographs. Yes ladies, he can make you famous. http://robertmallon.net

Top Hash Bars p. 31 Drew ‘Short Time’ Jeschke calls Bangkok home. Harrier Magazine discovered him at a Soi Cowboy bar and figured him to be a natural for the new ‘On On On’ favorite hash pubs column. Having spent time in bars on six continents, Short Time jumped at the chance to expand his knowledge on this subject, a subject near and dear to the hearts (and livers) of hashers worldwide. Short Time considers many aspects of a pub before giving his stamp of approval: quality of beers served, food, prices, music played, and attractiveness of staff/dancers. His never ending quest continues on the pages of Harrier.

Contributing Photographer Mark Reynolds calls Okinawa home, but you are likely to find him camera in hand traveling around Asia in search of a scenic trail, a harriette, and a cold beer. His goal is to become homeless like Bimbo, who lives in a suitcase and drifts around the HHH world like a fart in a windstorm. Check out photos of Mark’s latest adventures at www.shimagua.com/.

10 HARRIER International Edition

! U O Y T N A W WE • Photos • Articles • Letters to Editor See your stuff published around the world! Submit yours to publisher@harriermagazine.com

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Dr. Down-Down Dear Doctor Down-Down, I signed up for World InterHash 2012 in Jogjakarta, Indonesia, sending $200 to register. Good thing I didn’t already book the flight or hotel, because two months ago I got an email from Stray Dog saying World InterHash had been taken away from Indonesia and re-awarded to Mombasa, Kenya! So I signed up for Kenya, which cost me another $225. Then, a month later, I got another email from Stray Dog. Now it seems World InterHash 2012 is going to be in Orlando, Florida. The good part is the price has been reduced to $69.95, but I’m still out the $425 I already spent. I guess my question is, why does the World InterHash venue keep changing? I thought that once they announced the next one it was official. Isn’t that how it always used to work? Now, it’s like every month or so they announce a change, and I know I’m not the only one who’s confused. Oh, well, at least there’s finally going to be a World InterHash in the USA, something they said would never happen. Ha! That Stray Dog — he must really have good sources! I read the hash list every day, check in regularly on HashSpace, and have the online hash calendars bookmarked, and if it weren’t for Stray Dog’s emails I never would have known about these important developments. Imagine how disappointed I would have been to show up at Jogjakarta or Mombasa only to learn InterHash was somewhere else! I bet a lot of hashers don’t know about any of this, and already have tickets to Indonesia or Kenya — those poor people! Seriously, someone needs to take down the Indonesia and Kenya websites and those online hash calendars and just make Stray Dog the single source of information for InterHash. Things are a mess right now but Stray Dog can straighten it all out, if only we let him! On On, Orlando-Bound InterHasher

Surgeon General’s Warning:

Dr. Down Down is not a licensed physican

12 HARRIER International Edition

A short note from Flying Booger: Dear readers, as you know, Dr. Down-Down is serving a prison sentence in Wyoming, and I’ve taken over as Half-Mind advice columnist. But this letter seemed important so I forwarded it to the doctor at the Laramie Mens’ Correctional Facility, where it apparently got through the censors. Here is Dr. Down-Down’s answer: Dear OBI, They won’t let me have pencils or pens lest I use them to shank someone in the showers, but I can have crayons, so I’m dashing off a short reply. Hope you don’t mind Lemon Yellow … it was the only color they’d give me, the wankers. For years now, hashers have been bitching about the crowds at InterHash. I’m glad to see Stray Dog tackling the problem! By unilaterally declaring Indonesia bogus and naming Kenya the real host, he cut the number of InterHash attendees from 5,000 to less than 1,000 in one bold stroke. But genius that he is, he realized that 900+ hashers is still a crowd, so he moved it to Orlando and now you’ll be attending an event with about 100 other hashers, maybe 120 tops … the elite of the elite. Why, by the end of the weekend, you’ll probably know every one of them personally! Most of them will be from the Orlando area, which means you’ll have your pick of hash crash pads next time you visit Disney World! So congratulations, and sorry about the $425 you threw away on non-Stray Dog sanctioned “interhashes.” On On, Doctor Down-Down

Americas: 1. Tex-Mex Intercourse, El Paso TX. USA 12-16 Jan 2. Alabama “Interhash”, Montgomery, AL USA 23-35 Mar 3. Inter Caribbean Hash, Grenadahash, 25-29 April 4. Original Red Dress Run, San Diego, CA USA (June TBA) 5. Colorado InviHashional, 31 Aug-3 Sep Snomass, CO, USA

Asia: 1. Philippines Hash Bash, Subic Bay, PI, 2-4 March 2. Interhash 2012 Jogjakarta, Central Java, Indonesia 24-27 May 3. All China Nash Hash, Hong Kong, 7-9 Sept 4. Pan Indo Hash 2012, Manado, Indonesia, 7-9 Sept 5. Horas Hash, Medan-Berastagi-Lake Toba Indonesia, 5-8 October 6. Mekong Indochina Hash, Hanoi, Vietnam (TBA late October)

Europe: 1. InterCock 2012, Armenia, 27-29 April 2. Vindobona H3 30th Anniversary, Austria, 27-29 April 3. Bergen H3 Killer Hill 2012, Norway 25-27 May 4. Nash Bash 2012, Berkshire UK, 22-24 June 5. German Nash Hash 2012, Struttgart, 3-5 Aug

Middle East & Africa: 1. Inter Gulf, Dubai, UAE, 29 Feb - 4 Mar 2. Great Hash Migration, Mombasa, Kenya 18-20 May

Oceania: 1. NSW: Sydney Thirsty 900th Run, 7 Jan 2. QLD: Gladstone H3, 30th Anniversary, 25-26 Feb 3. VIC: Royal Peninsular H3 2000th Run, 17 Mar 4. Nomad H3 2012 Magaweka, New Zealand, 2-4 Jun 5. QLD: Brisbane Harriette’s 1700 Run, 23-24 Jun

Aussie HHH Website: www.hhh.asn.au Kiwi HHH Website: www.nzhhh.co.nz

The Best HHH Events in 2012 After the Christmas tree comes down and the New Year’s Eve hangover wears off, what better way to start 2012 than planning a Hash Holiday to an event in some exotic location? Interhash in Jogjakarta, Central Java, Indonesia will be the biggest HHH event of the year. This biennial gathering of harriers from every corner of the earth is the ultimate hash bash. More than 4,000 hashers have already registered for this event to be held May 24-27. Jogjakarta is Indonesia’s second most popular tourist destination, with Borobudur and Prambanan Temples, both world heritage sites, and IH 2012 venues. If hanging out with 4,000 pissheads is not your cup of tea, then why not try a smaller, regional event? Favorite regional events include InterGulf Hash in Dubai, slated for 29 February-4 March, the Great Hash Migration in Mombasa, Kenya, to be held 18-20 May, and Indochina InterMekong Hash in Hanoi, Vietnam, scheduled for October, offer hashers some interesting travel options. The events on the opposite page are by no means a complete listing of all major international events in 2012. Is your hash chapter celebrating a milestone (1000, 1500 or 2000th run), or is another major event planned for your area that you feel deserves mention in Harrier Magazine? If so, contact us at publisher@harriermagazine.com and tell us about it. - Drew

HARRIER International Edition 15



Attendees at Interhash 2012 in Jogjakarta, Indonesia will have an important decision to make besides which trail to run, where to go sightseeing and how many BirBintang to drink every day. Each registered harrier at Interhash will cast a vote for the location of Interhash 2014. Three bidders are vying for the world’s biggest international hash event. Brussels, Belgium, Haikou, China and the island nation of Fiji have thrown their hats in the ring to host the prestigious biennial event. The Brussels bid is a five-year work in progress. Already more than 1,500 hashers

16 HARRIER International Edition

have pledged to attend the event scheduled for July 25-27, 2014. The last time Interhash was hosted by Europe was 2004. Haikou is attempting to bring Interhash to China for the first time. Haikou is the capital of Hainan Province, China’s beach resort. The proposed date for China’s Interhash is March 2014. Fiji, the island nation in the Pacific Ocean, is bidding for Interhash, but not many details were available at press time regarding the bid. The Fiji bid committee is asking voters to move Interhash out of Asia, the continent that has hosted the most Interhashes (12 out of 18).

32 HARRIER International Edition

Yabba Dab ba On On…

Need Capt ions



Hashing is arguably the largest participation sport in the world. It was started in Kuala Lumpur in 1938 and today there are over 2,000 chapters in some 180 countries, on all continents, including Antarctica. Based upon the old hare and hounds paper-chase the overweight members of the Club decided that some exercise was needed to generate a suitable thirst. Albert Gispert, an English accountant, proposed the name Hash House Harriers- using the nickname for the Club’s Dining Room, owing to its lacklustre food. The Hash became very popular with the ex-pats and continued to grow until the Japanese invaded Malaya in 1941. Of the original members, Gispert was killed and many were captured by the Japanese. However, the survivors Horse Thompson, Torch Bennett and Cecil Lee re-grouped after the war and went back to Kuala Lumpur and restarted the Hash, keeping it running throughout the ‘Emergency’ in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Various ex-pats started new Hashes in Australia, New Zealand, U.K. and U.S.A. The first Inter-Hash was held in 1978 in Hong Kong and from there it has exploded to over 1700 chapters in most countries worldwide. Wessex Hash House Harriers was formed in 1979 by Ram and Penny Seeger, from their Mother Hash in Singapore (started in 1962) – making

our lineage only two away from the original Hash formed in 1938 in Kuala Lumpur at the Selangor Club... It is difficult to explain to outsiders what makes mature adults participate in an activity where the dangers and hazards seem so obvious. They wonder why we seem to abuse our bodies and risk our necks by running through inhospitable terrain and why we choose to run up and down steep and slippery trails. The answer lies in the need to break away for a while from conformity and the smothering effect of political and social correctness. The marvelous unquestioning acceptance that

HARRIER International Edition 19

Wessex B eer Bitche s Crack, Pie rced Nipple … , Sniff n Scratch & Sex Sla ve.

Hashers have for each other leads to a high level of camaraderie which only exists amongst friends – this in turn leads to gatherings for non-running social events too. There are no rules in the Hash universe- there is a mock disrespect for genteel conventions. It is all done in a spirit of fun and sense of the ridiculous. There is a lot of tongue-in-cheek that goes on but it elicits smiles rather than hurt. It is amazing that this free spirit attitude is international and we have respect and genuine affection for like minded spirits who hash all over the world. Hashers are not the kind of people who boo the opposition- they will be the ones cheering!! This year the Wessex Hash House Harriers were honoured when chosen to host the very prestigious UK National Hash running event 2011 over the period 26th- 29th August for 700 hashers. This also celebrated 30 years hashing for the UK Nash Hash. From 83 different hashes, some as far as Australia, New Zealand and Kenya have several things in common, drink, runs, a little sweat and bull sh*t...The Wessex Hashers looked forward to welcoming all to the Jurassic Coast for the UK Nash Hash 2011. It was fair and mild throughout the weekend, continuing for another eight

hundred years, followed by cooling breezes and a protracted ice age... Dorset, Hampshire and Wiltshire are justly famous for magnificent Purbeck Hills, Jurassic Coast line, the New Forest and Stonehenge, and we guaranteed hashing of unsurpassed quality all within short bus rides from the venue. UK Nash Hashers had full use of the Bournemouth Sports Club site for the weekend and the main party area was in two large marquees erected next to the Clubhouse. All food, from Saturday to Monday breakfast including packed lunches on the runs was covered by the Registration payment. The Red Dress Run (RDR) on Friday ran through Poole Park and through Poole and was started by two dignitaries, the Mayor of Poole, Cllr Graham Wilson and local politician the Right Honorable Annette Brook MP. The RDR raised over £5k for two charities, The Eve Appeal for Gynecological Cancer Research and the Somerset & Dorset Air Ambulance. The Red Arrows gave the venue a fly pass over the weekend .….. The Wessex hash introduced their very own pole dancer, ‘Tight Arse’ along with some scary evolution of mankind and renditions of ‘Queens’ ‘we will rock you’ to begin the party... After the ‘Opening’ ceremony the entertainment that

Mr Beaky

night was the theme of ‘surf n play’ with hashers wearing their thongs, boardies and Hawaiian shirts dancing well into the night to the music of the Jimmy Pith band, only pausing for the Naked run. Saturday night fancy dress theme was Bedrock mania with the ‘Phoney Beatles Band’ and again the band was well received with hashers all wearing their Flintstones fancy dress. The Bar Bitches supplied endless amounts of beer all night thanks to Gretel and his Beer Crew. Trails – There were ten runs on Saturday including the Ballbreaker and nine on Sunday including the BASH. No run was duplicated on Sunday. There was a minimum of 4 Hares (+), an RA and Medic on each run. All runs were interesting and well organized, some great Jurassic jaunts all over the south coast with the help of other local hashes and only one Double Decker bus (77 hashers) was allocated to each run. There were beer stops and all circles took place after the run at the sites. Old Farts, yes there were daily outings for the Fossils too.

Red Dress Run Aroun d Poole Harb our

‘Shiggy De light’ Ring Peace finds his W arthog…

Jurassic Games: On Sunday featuring ‘Welly Tossing’ & Egg Chucking and ‘X Country Ski-ing’ Hashers just turned up and entered. There was a UK Nash Hash Racquet Ball competition on Sunday in the Squash Club with a special UK NH Shield for the winner, the Hornsby Hump. All organized well by Takin d Pith. Sunday evening saw the hashers entertain themselves with Flip Top disco and Skits from the Wessex, Worthy Winchester, Milton Keynes and …and Down Down Competition: 2 litres for Men and 1 litre for Women, which followed old Hash traditions (no spillage). Shredded Poker took the title this year for the men and … drank up for the Harriettes. Haberdash – there was a ‘hash’ jumble Sale situated near the Marquee with all proceeds going towards the Hash charity. There was a Nash Hash regalia sale whilst stock lasts and

in addition there were other bazaars selling hash memorabilia. Thai Fire Sky Lanterns - these traditional ‘Khoom Fay’ lanterns were invented 1800 years ago by Zhuge Liang (181- 234AD China), a spectacular way of saying goodbye to UK Nash Hash 2011 and good luck to all hashers and on on to 2013 with the Hardy H3. A great farewell to a great event, and for the next 30 years...Remember no matter what ‘sh*t happens’ and usually on the best trails... The mismanagement takes no responsibility for the articles or pictures in this edition but only ask you to take it in the spirit intended! And finally a BIG thank you to ALL who attended and those stalwarts who worked tirelessly behind the scenes in making the UKNH2011 a great success. On On Mr Beaky

“Come on, the end is near”

Photos by Swamp Thing & Morass, www.SwampThing.dk

Into the Bush

“Is this safe?”

“Lovely nature”

“Who said Hangover Run?”

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So You Want to Hold a

Red Dress Run? By Hops Perhaps your kennel is thinking of putting on a Red Dress Run. After all, the Red Dress Run is one of the Hash House Harriers’ most celebrated traditions. What began almost by accident in San Diego in 1988 has become a worldwide phenomenon with more than 100 Red Dress Runs documented in 2011 alone. You can ensure a successful event while faithfully honoring the Red Dress Run tradition by keeping several factors in mind.

Red Dress Run checklist: Make it for charity. At the request of The Lady in Red who inspired the first Red Dress Run, the Red Dress Run should benefit a charity, preferably on the local level where it can have the most impact to the community in which you hash. Whether it means raising thousands of dollars or something as simple as collecting food to feed families in need, it all makes a difference. This is the one charitable occasion for which the Hash is known around the world. Some kennels raise charitable funds months in advance of the Red Dress Run while others earmark a portion of registration fees. Others still have been known to partner with generous corporate sponsors or even to collect donations from passers by during the run itself. You’re only limited by your imagination. If current Red Dress Run plans do not include a charitable component, please consider either adding one or choosing another theme. Appoint a charity team. Putting on a special run and the post-run celebration is complicated enough. That’s why it’s important to put in place a team whose only job is to make sure the charity component receives the attention it requires. Protect the brand. One of the biggest keys to successful fundraising and building a cherished tradition has been the enormous value of the “Red Dress Run” brand that has been cultivated over the years. Unfortunately, outside organizations have lately been “borrowing” our Red Dress Run for their own purposes and diluting the value of our brand appeal. It

28 HARRIER International Edition

is important to make certain that “Hash House Harriers” precede “Red Dress Run” in all public communications. Additionally, some hashes have taken steps to legally protect the “Red Dress Run” brand. Invite hashers from far and near to participate. Anything as special as the Red Dress Run is worth sharing. You may be surprised the distances some hashers will travel to join the festivities. In your planning, think far beyond your kennel and publicize your event actively and widely. Don’t keep it to yourselves! The larger the crowd of runners in red dresses, the more the fun and laughter. Conversely, a Red Dress Run with a only pathetic handful of people is awkward. Plan it far in advance. The most successful Red Dress Runs are planned by kennels a year or more in advance. The New Orleans Hash House Harriers, for example, always holds its Red Dress Run the second Saturday in August. By announcing your Red Dress Run a minimum of three to four months in advance, you can help hashers obtain the lowest air fares, get time off from work and otherwise allow them to make plans. Advance planning also enables Harrier Magazine to include your event in the print edition. Choose a weekend date. Even if your Hash House Harriers kennel normally runs on a weekday, set a weekend date for the Red Dress Run. Moving to a weekend makes it possible for out-of-town visitors to participate and maximizes the chances that hashers living in outlying areas may attend.

2012 Charity RDR Events February 11, 2011: Grenada Hash House Harriers Red Dress Run. http://grenadahash.com/ March 9, 2012: Malaysian Nash Hash Red Dress Run for Charity. Fort Cornwallis, Penang, Malaysia. Starts at 3.00 pm. http://malaysiannashhash2012.com/

Choose an early time of day. At least half the fun of a Red Dress Run is watching the faces of the unsuspecting people you pass. Scheduling the event for the evening when it’s darker outside takes away from that experience. It also has the potential to create safety issues. If you start at 6:30 pm, the whole event may fizzle out by 10:00 pm, leaving most hashers thinking: “This is it? You’ve got to be kidding!” So start the event early, enjoy being a public spectacle and let the party last. Be aware of other Red Dress Run dates and other major Hash House Harriers events. Generating a strong turnout is difficult enough without unnecessarily subjecting your Red Dress Run to competition. If there is another HHH event within 500 miles on that date, don’t make hashers choose; pick another date. Consult www.reddressruns.org and other planning resources. Consider weather factors. If excessive rain, snow or heat is a real possibility during certain parts of the year, select a date when those risks are minimal. Make it special. Think about what you can do to make your Red Dress Run something more than just a run-of-the-mill event with the added feature of red dresses. Be creative! Invite The Lady in Red. Yes, she still hashes and attends Red Dress Runs that benefit charities as her schedule permits. Contact her at least four months in advance through the website www.RedDressRuns.org.

April 28, 2012: Jacksonville Hash House Harriers 14th Annual KGB Memorial Red Dress Run. http://www.jaxh3.com/ June 30, 2012: Madison Hash House Harriers Red Dress Run. 311 East Bluff, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Other festivities continue on July 1. http://www.madisonh3.com/ July 1, 2012: Ottawa Hash House Harriers Red Dress Run. Celebrate Canada Day by running in a red dress! http://www.oh3.info/ August 11, 2012: New Orleans Hash House Harriers Red Dress Run. http://www.neworleanshash.com/ October 6, 2012: Washington, DC Area Hash House Harriers Red Dress Run.


For more Red Dress Run events, plus history, traditions and other information, go to www.RedDressRuns.org. You may also “like” the Red Dress Runs Facebook page and join the Twitter conversation with @RedDressRuns.


-Drew ‘Short Time’ Jeschke, Bangkok HHH

Hashing means many things to many harriers: exercise, getting out of the city, fun; but the common denominators seem to be socialization and drinking. And for those of us who just can’t get enough hashing with one or even seven runs a week, we want a place to call our home away from home. This ‘Hash Pubs’ column will feature our favorite hash pubs around the world. We’d like to introduce watering holes that readers can visit at major upcoming international hash events (Interhash, Pan Asia, Euro, InterAmericas, etc), but when that is not possible, we’ll recommend some of our old favorites. If you are a hash pub owner, big event orga-

nizer, or a hasher who is just dying to share your favorite pub with this magazine’s readership, email us at publisher@harriermagazine.com and we might include you in a future issue. Tell us why you are a hash friendly pub (i.e. what drink discounts you offer) and be the place in town where visitors can get information about the local hash and meet up with hashers on nonrunning days. Harrier Magazine is long overdue for this feature. Help us make it successful with your recommendations & patronage of these establishments.

HARRIER International Edition 31


Yogi Bra shakin’ it.

Engeland offers visiting hashers a free second draft beer after purchasing the first Anchor draft, the local’s choice. Hashers must either wear hash gear to the pub or use Engeland’s hash name, Herring Choker, to receive this promotion. The offer can be used once per day and does not apply to the third and fourth beer. Also, visiting hashers staying at Velkommen Inn are offered one free Pan Fried Fish dinner per stay, the restaurant’s specialty dish.

Featured HHH Pub: Velkommen Inn! Cambodia’s civil war ended more than 30 years ago. Most of the land mines around Phnom Penh (PP) are swept away, allowing for great hash terrain within a few kilometers of the capital city. Incidentally, the symbol of the Phnom Penh Hash (P2H3) is the international land mine danger sign. PP is booming and evidence is found along the banks of the Tonle Sap and Mekong Rivers. Nowhere is that clearer than in the number of bars and guesthouses that have sprung up due to swelling tourism numbers. But hashers going to PP need look no further than the Velkommen Inn on Street 104, mere steps from Sisowath Quay, the main road running along the river downtown. Long time hasher and guesthouse operator Edvin Engeland opened the Velkommen Inn, the official hash pub of P2H3, in late 2007. The five-room guesthouse is the place in PP to get information about the weekly Sunday afternoon hash which departs from the Phnom Penh Railway Station at 2:15pm. P2H3 charges $5 per person which includes transportation and drinks, including Anchor beer. Khmer runners pay $2.

Velkommen Inn’s rooms range in price from US $18-35 per night. All rooms have air conditioning, hot water, safety boxes and cable television. Engeland offers good travel advice to all points in Cambodia and can help arrange tour and transportation bookings. The restaurant serves tasty meals, including Western, Norwegian and Khmer specialties, try Norwegian meatball or Chicken Roll, open from breakfast until 9pm. The bar is open later offering several local and import beers, cocktails and wine. If 2011 Trip Advisor Award of Excellence winner Velkommen Inn is sold out, not to worry, Engeland is partners in two other PP guesthouses, the Velkommen Guesthouse and Velkommen Backpackers, both located close to the river on Street 144. But the fish and beer specials only are offered at Velkommen Inn on Street 104. Velkommen Inn’s website is www.velkommeninn.com. Engeland can be reached at email address inninpp@yahoo.com or telephone +855 (0) 92 177 710. P2H3 website is www.p2h3.com. The Phnom Penh Bike Hash rides on the first Saturday of the month. And an occasional Angkor Hash runs in Siem Reap, near Angkor Wat, a five-hour bus ride from PP. The Velkommen Inn won’t cost you an arm and a leg, and hashing around the former war zone won’t cause you to lose an arm or a leg to a land mine. That’s what they tell us anyway.

1/4 PAGE $200

YOUR Bar AD HERE! Contact: publisher@harriermagazine.com



r a d n e l a C h s a H Compiled by


Flying Boog


HASH EVENT HERE! Submit events to: publisher@HarrierMagazine.com

Who said that Condo couldn’t or m ganize a p issup in a brewery ?

Jan 13-15 2012: India Nash Hash. Hampi, India. www.hyderabadhash.com/ Jan 20-22 2012: Frankfurt H3/Madrid H3 Snow Ball Hash. Ulsenheim, Germany. www.gotothehash.net/rego/snowballhash2012.pdf Jan 28-Feb 2 2012: Babe’s Hash Cruise 2012. Miami, FL, USA. www.babeshashcruise.com/ Feb 29-Mar 4 2012: InterGulf 2012. Dubai, UAE. www.intergulf2012.org/ Mar 2-4 2012: Philippines Hash Bash 2012. Subic Bay, Philippines. www.pihashbash.com/ Mar 10-11 2012: Makati Metro Manila H3 100th. Manila, Philippines. www.sites.google.com/site/makatimanilahashhouseharriers/ Mar 16-18 2012: Zurich H3 666th. Rapperswil, Lake Zurich, Switzerland. www.zh3.ch/ Mar 23-25 2012: Alabama Interhash. Montgomery, AL, USA. www.hashspace.ning.com/events/alabama-interhash-2012 Apr 25-29 2012: InterCaribbean Hash. Grenada.


Apr 27-29 2012: Vindobona H3 30th Anniversary. Mörbisch, Austria. www.viennahash.at/ Apr 27-29 2012: InterCock 2012. Yerevan, Armenia.


May 18-20 2012: Great Hash Migration Mombasa. Mombasa, Kenya. www.hashmigration2012kenya.com/ May 25-27 2012: InterHash 2012. Jogjakarta, Indonesia. www.interhash2012.com/ May 25-27 2012: Bergen H3 Killer Hill 2012. Bergen, Norway. www.bh3.org/killer_hill_information.html May 25-27 2012: Cheltenham & Cotswold H3 2012. UK. www.hhh.org.uk/homevent.cfm Cont. next page

34 HARRIER International Edition

Tasty trop ical fruits -Indochina Mekong Ha sh



r a d n e l a C Hash ing Booger

Fly Compiled by

Jun 2-4 2012: Nomad 2012. Magaweka, New Zealand. www.nzhhh.co.nz/ Jun 22-24 2012: Nash Bash 2012. Berkshire, UK. www.hhh.org.uk/homevent.cfm Jul 6-8 2012: Wild Wolf Birthday Bash. Phuket, Thailand. www.pihashbash.com/wwbb12.htm Jul 13-22 2012: Hedonism II. Negril, Jamaica. www.ononandaway.com/ Jul 27-29 2012: Inverness H3 Scandi-Jock Weekend. Scania, Sweden. www.invernessh3.se/ Aug 3-5 2012: German Nash Hash. Stuttgart, Germany. www.stuttgarthash.de/gnh2012.html Aug 24-26 2012: Elgin H3 1500th. Elgin, UK. www.hhh.org.uk/homevent.cfm 25-26 Aug: 20 Years of Hashing Celebration Phnom Penh, Cambodia www.p2h3.com Aug 31-Sep 3 2012: Colorado InviHashional 2012. Snowmass, CO, USA. harrier.net/invihash/index.html Sep 7-9 2012: All China Nash Hash. Hong Kong. www.hashchina.com/ Sep 7-9 2012: Pan Indo Hash 2012. Manado, Indonesia. www.indohash.com/

Maggi sing s us a son g -Indochina Mekong Ha sh


Running & Racing

Calendar 2012 Hawaii Starts Here January 29

Khon Kaen Int’l Marathon & Half Golden Jubilee Convention Hall Khon Kaen Province, Thailand www.khonkaenmarathon.com/en/index.asp

February 05

Surf City USA Marathon Huntington Beach, Calif, USA www.runsurfcity.com

February 05

Hong Kong Marathon/Half/10k Hong Kong www.hkmarathon.com (sold out!)

February (Date TBA)

Moorea Int’l Marathon/Half/5k www.mooreaevents.org/3_GB.asp

February 12 Bangkok Marathon www.bkkmarathon.com/

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R&R Calendar

compiled by

Visit www.HawaiianAirlines.com to find lowest prices

Kurt Bodmer R&R Cal Editor RunCal@harriermagazine.com

HARRIER International Edition 39

Proudly sponsored by the Amari Midnight Charity Run

Running & Racing

Calendar 2012 cont.

February 26

Tokyo Marathon Tokyo, Japan www.tokyo42195.org

(sold out!)

March 12 1st Annual Sihanoukville Half Marathon Sihanoukville, Cambodia www.cambodia-events.org March 18

Seoul Int’l Marathon Seoul, Korea


May 19

Great Wall Marathon, Half, 10k and 5k Beijing, China www.great-wall-marathon.com/Default.aspx From USA: www.kathyloperevents.com

2011 Okinawa City Marathon. Photo by Robert Mallon robertmallon.net

We’ll Be There! Will You? “The only way to shut Arm Pit up is when he drinks it down down down down!” -Indochina Mekong Hash, Luang Prabang, Laos

2-4 March 2012 Philippines Hash Bash Subic Bay, Philippines 25-27 May 2012 interhash Java 2012 Yogyakarta, Central Java, Indonesia 7-9 September 2012 All China Nash Hash Hong Kong

Tuesday morning began badly. Actually most of my mornings begin badly. When Frank Sinatra said, “I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. When they wake up in the morning that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day” he might have been talking about me. So on Tuesday, struggling to overcome the mental fog of war that is always particularly thick the morning after a hash run, I sat down at my computer and opened my email account to read, among the requests for money from widows of the Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria and ads for penis enlargement drugs, an urgent request from the “editor” for my next column. Never one to shirk responsibility, I immediately dashed off a reply assuring him that he would have a column by 5pm, and as it is now 3.30pm on Wednesday I had actually better sit down and write something.

To be fair to me, and since I write this column I am always fair to me, I actually have a genuine excuse for my delay in sitting down to write. I am presently a refugee, living homelessly in a foreign land, displaced by the giant wall of water flowing through my usual base of Bangkok on its way to the sea. Hopefully, by the time you read this the waters will have drained away and life will have returned to what passes for normal in the Big Mango but there is no guarantee of that. If things are still bad, feel free to send me money (I need hardly add that you should do this directly and not route it through the editorial office where a “clerical error” might see it diverted into funding Bimbo’s next junket to a hash piss-up in Borneo or Hawaii or wherever). Actually, one of the peculiarities of the flood in Bangkok is that some areas have been inundated while others remain dry. The consistent problem everywhere however has been the breakdown in the supply chain. I could accept being unable to buy drinking water, bread, noodles, toilet paper, or tampons (don’t ask) in the supermarket but when the supplies of beer ran low I knew it was time to get out. Indeed a nadir was reached a few weeks back when the Grand Master of the Bangkok Hash emailed the members to inform them

that if they wished to drink beer or water at Saturday’s run then they should bring it themselves. Not quite the end of the world as we know it, but close to it. Accordingly, I did what the tough do when the going gets tough, I flew to Laos. Thus it is that while in Bangkok Hashers must wade through open sewage and dodge dead dog carcasses to get to a run where there might not even be a cold beer, I sit in dry, sunny, amply provisioned Vientiane drinking Beerlao like it is going out of style, which, thankfully, it never does. The biggest challenge associated with my refugee status is how to fill the 45 minutes or so between getting up (the maids at the Riverside Hotel have this annoying habit of knocking on the door wanting to clean my room at about 2pm each day) and starting the day’s assault on the Beerlao in the fridge across the road at Via Via Pizza where I am presently sitting. Fortunately for you readers, I use a bit of that time to pursue one of my ongoing interests, namely keeping abreast of important scientific research of interest to Hashers. Thus it is that the other day I came across the Ig Nobel Prize awards for 2011. For the uninitiated, these awards are given annually by the Harvard-based

HARRIER International Edition 43

Does sittin g on ice make me lo ok smarte r?

ability to mentally manipulate information is equivalent to someone with a .08 blood alcohol level. Think about that.

Annals of Improbable Research in recognition of more unusual contributions to science. One of the 2011 winners was a piece published in the journal “Neurology and Urodynamics” and, let’s face it, who doesn’t find that a gripping read? In case you missed it, the paper in question was a study of things that might impair cognition (the word means thinking for those of you who are cognitively impaired) including alcohol, prolonged sleep deprivation, and exposure to constant white noise (actually those things pretty much sum up life for me). The researchers found that delaying urination when you have a full bladder affects mental processes. Specifically, they found that in situations where people can’t void their bladders for a period of time, their attention to detail and

The implications are tremendous. Next time you are at a hash run chatting up a likely looking harriette you can now have an alternative strategy to just trying to get as many beers into her as possible in the hope that she will get drunk enough to let you shag her; don’t let her go for a piss. This diminishes her attention to detail (like your being fat and bald) and ability to manipulate information (like that fact that you are fat and bald and a social retard means she shouldn’t shag you). Of course there is the challenge of not letting her go for a piss for the whole night (or at least until you have shagged her) so it might be wise not to forgo the usual alcohol strategy altogether. Think of this as adding another string to your bow. I also find chloroform to be useful on occasion but that is a story for another time. Right then, it is now 4.30, another 1,000 words of drivel has been churned out, another hour of my life has been wasted and the Beerlao bottle in front of me is empty, time to email this column and put this laptop to better use, namely looking at Internet porn and sending pointless messages to people on Facebook. Stay off the ice until the next column. On On.

Looking Ahead

11 Km Death March “Recovery Run”

Luang Prabang, Laos October 2011

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