Connecting People
Developing Opportunities
Sport Management Association www.h hasma.o org
Introduction H.A.S.M.A. is a unique sport network association associiatiion connecti connecting ing peopl people le & organi organizaizations with in the sport world’s of Greece and the U.S. - Mission Statement Provide a platform for Greek & U.S Professionals, Academics and Students in the field of sport management to connect and network with people and organizations within the sport industries of Greece, US and worldwide. - Visions Our vision is to connect all organizations and individuals within the sport world of Greece and the U.S.
Join Us Become a member today & join the most dynamic group in the world of Sports!
- Over 50 individuals currently from sport companies & organizations around the world have joind us..
- HASMA as part of LinkedIn’s Groups Directory allows you to find professionals who share common experiences, passions, interests, affiliations and goals.
Join us today by visiting our website or www.hasma..o org
- Connect with People in the field of Sport Management.
- Insight intelligence to Greek & U.S. sport markets. - Strategic Marketing & Fundraising Guidance. - Jobs in the Sport Industry of the U.S, Greece &Worldwide. - Studies in Sport Management.