It'syourlife january 2016

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Vol. 10, No. 1 - 2016

It’s Your Life Live It Well

INSIDE: Forest Bathing: Soaking in Benefits of the Outdoors Integrative Medicine: Working Together for Greater Good Soulful Movement: Accessing Deeper Part of Ourselves What is Technology Doing to Us? The Stats are Scary Kerry-Ann Weaver, left, and her mother, Ann Kelly, say their volunteer work with VON has greatly enriched their lives.

Volunteering a ‘beautiful’ opportunity Mother-daughter team considers it an hounour to volunteer for VON program

He is the opportunity of a lifetime,” says Ann Kelly, a VON Supportive Care Program volunteer, of Jim.* Jim is one of the ‘special friends’ she and her daughter have been together with for almost two years through this program that supports individuals and families dealing with a life-altering/life-limiting illness. “You know that old adage, about who actually gets more out of this relationship, the volunteer or the client? We would both have to say we do, without a doubt. What’s in it is some of the most beautiful opportunities that you will ever have,” said Ann. The “we” she refers to is herself and her daughter Kerry-Ann Weaver. While VON has a number of couples who volunteer together, this mother-daughter team is unique in many ways. One of the first things you learn about Kerry-Ann is her love for seniors and animals, a love that developed several years ago when she used to take Shadow, a St. John’s Ambulance Therapy Dog, to a local nursing home. In 2011, she was looking for something meaningful to get involved with, knowing her job in the corporate world was coming to an end. She saw a VON ad in the newspa-

per for Fundamentals of Hospice Palliative Care (now delivered through three in-class sessions over six weeks), which is a prerequisite for volunteering in the Supportive Care program. “I waited a long time to get a client,” said Kerry-Ann. “Then one day, I got home from work and saw an urgent email that there was a palliative client in hospital. I emailed back saying I can go right now. I shut off the oven but when I got there, the client had already died. Even though the client had children, no one was there and that really bothered me. I feel very strongly that no one should die alone.” There is no medical background needed and volunteers offer not only social and emotional support but simple comfort measures; friendship, sharing and listening; respite for caregivers and/or practical help. VON serves Grey and Bruce counties and there is no fee for services. “As a society, we often fear death more than we recognize the richness of life at the end-of-life,” said supportive care program coordinator Mary Winkler. Continued on Page 10.

Annual Health & Wellness Guide - Directory on Back Page

~ It’s Your Life Health & Wellness Guide ~

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Some changes for It’s Your Life W

elcome to the redeveloped It’s Your Life The most disturbing part of this is what health unit From The newsletter. It may look similar to previous ediofficials describe as an attitude among some in Greytions but there have been several significant Bruce that we should be proud that we drink more Publisher changes. The biggest difference is IYL is now a Health than others. and Wellness Guide for the Owen Sound area. “It is a culture we are trying to break down,” health You’ll find a directory of advertisers in this edition on unit senior epidemiologist Alanna Leffley was reported the back page, which will serve as a handy reference as saying after delivering her report to the health unit guide when you’re looking for local health and wellboard last month. ness services. The directory will also be available It appears there is also a culture of poor eating online at habits as well. The other big change is the frequency of the publiStatistics show 60.9 per cent of Grey-Bruce resication. Instead of being published three times a year, it dents over the age of 18 are obese or overweight will now be an annual edition. compared to the provincial average of 53.9%. The idea is to build It’s Your Life into a more subAll these numbers have remained fairly consistent Steve stantial edition once a year and increase the publicaover the years, meaning there has been little improveHarron tion’s “shelf life” by including a back-page directory. ment despite all the efforts of our health unit and other This edition is just the beginning and I fully expect it organizations to promote healthier lifestyles. will grow each year as more people become aware of what the So, yes I believe there is a need for a publication like It’s Your publication offers. Life. And it seems clear from recent reports that a publication focusCan one publication change a culture that has existed for ing on Health and Wellness is needed in the area. many years? Absolutely not! The Grey Bruce Health Unit reported last month that our rates But we can hopefully inspire some people to make positive of drinking, smoking and obesity are significantly higher than the changes in their lives. provincial average. That’s really what this publication is all about. When Marie According to the statistics, 48 per cent of Grey-Bruce residents Knapp founded it 10 years ago she chose the name carefully. It’s have smoked more than 100 cigarettes in their lifetime, well Your Life - Live It Well reminds us that we are in charge of our above the provincial average, which is at 39 per cent. lives. And 23 per cent of Grey-Bruce residents are regular heavy And making good decisions will lead to a much more satisfying drinkers. The provincial average sits at 17 per cent and it has life. Enjoy this edition - and choose well in 2016! been dropping since 2000, while the Grey-Bruce numbers have One final note: You can view this edition and more information remained stable. online at

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It’s Your Life Live It Well

Steve Harron Publisher/Editor 519-374-5759

It’s Your Life is a publication of Harron Marketing, 200 Beattie Street, Owen Sound, On, N4K 6X3. It’s published once a year and distributed for free in the Owen Sound area. All rights are reserved. Reproduction of any article, photograph, statistic, schedule or artwork, whether whole or in part, without the permission of the publisher/editor is prohibited.

~ It’s Your Life Health & Wellness Guide ~

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Forest Bathing: Free & Potent Medicine Around the world researchers are discovering the amazing benefits of daily immersion in nature “I felt my lungs inflate with the onrush of scenery - air, mountains, trees, people. I thought, “This is what it is to be happy.” - American writer Sylvia Plath, The Bell Jar By SANDRA J. HOWE ave you wandered in a forest recently? Left people, buildings, street lights, and cell phone behind. Taken time to look, listen, smell and feel the abundant life around you. Sat quietly under a tree. If it has been a while since you indulged this way, you are missing out on some wonderful health benefits. Time spent in nature can reduce stress, uplift mood, improve memory and focus, and boost immunity. Now that’s good medicine! The term “Forest Bathing” comes from the Japanese, Shinrin Yoku, a practice of walking or resting mindfully in an outdoor setting. It can be done as a moving or sitting meditation with focus on sensory information: How does the tree bark feel? How does the air taste? Are there creatures scampering nearby? This kind of paying attention to immediate, natural stimuli relaxes our body and mind, reducing stress levels and improving mental health. Around the world researchers are discovering the amazing benefits of daily immersion in nature. Saints and sages through the ages have offered insights into the essential value of engaging with the natural world. St. Francis learned lessons in spirituality from wild creatures. Thoreau wrote eloquently of the human need for outdoor contact. Rachel Carson


said, “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” John Muir, considered “Father of National Parks,” insisted on our need to preserve wilderness areas for human well-being. Richard Louv, in his book “Last Child in the Woods,” coined the phrase “Nature Deficit Disorder” to describe the human cost of alienation from the natural world. Science is now proving what our great teachers have always said. Humans need time in nature to stay healthy and happy. A recent study at Tokyo’s Nippon Medical School found that women who spent 6 hours hiking in the woods over 2 days showed increased levels of virus-and-tumor-fighting white blood cells, and that the increase lasted for up to 7 days. England’s Walking for Health Program has demonstrated improved health for thousands of participants at very low cost. The evidence is very clear: Walking in nature is good for us and feels good too! Locally, we are particularly blessed with opportunities to get outdoors in natural spaces. You can join a Bruce Trail hike, take a family stroll in Harrison Park, explore county forests, or wander through a local conservation area. You can go alone or with a group. But take your time, turn off your phone, breathe fresh air, and be grateful. Walking in nature will add beauty and bounty to your life. Forest bathing is a free and potent medicine. Get yours today! The writer manages publicity for Sydenam Bruce Trail Club.

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~ It’s Your Life Health & Wellness Guide ~

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Soulful Practice of Dance We can learn to move mindfully, becoming aware of each sensation By WENDY ROMAN ance gives us access to a deeper part of ourselves. It gives us a great physical workout which affects the way we think and feel, but it also touches us on a soulful level. It helps us to connect to a personal wisdom that exists inside of us. One that knows we need to make a connection to our own sense of vibrancy and well-being. Dance is personal. It offers us an opportunity to listen within, to stop the endless mind chatter. When we turn our attention to the inside we discover that there are parts of us just waiting to be revealed. By becoming present in the body we are Wendy empowered to lead the life we want to live. We become conscious and that allows us to make conscious choices. Dance is communal. Many cultures have used dance for thousands of years to celebrate rights of passage such as marriage, birth and death. These rituals bring community together, offering connection and ways to care for and support each other within the community. It bonds people together and that is very much needed in our world where so many feel isolated and disconnected. We feel better when we are a part of something larger than ourselves. And dancing in community undoubtedly creates a force larger than the single person. Dance brings inner focus. It allows us to become immersed in


New Year’s Resolution


Resolve to be a VON


rence in my I want to make a diffe d out more about: community so I will fin T® Exercise and • Becoming a SMAR am fitness class Falls Prevention Progr Leader als who are facing du ivi ind th wi g tin isi V • iting illnesses life threatening/life-lim caregivers by helping • Supporting informal support groups with workshops and/ore lives and health of • Helping improve th a Community Grey Bruce people as Corporation Director

For volunteer opportunities in your community, please call: 519-371-5331 ext 411 or email

the present moment by sensing what the body is feeling. The sensation of our feet touching the earth tells us where we are in this moment. No thinking is needed to understand that. It is a bodily knowing. Feeling our breath move within us lets us know we are alive in this body. It is similar to meditation. It is, in fact, a moving meditation. We can empty out our minds and simply be. Dance brings us back to the body. This is our vehicle for life! With a regular practice we learn to move mindfully, becoming aware of each sensation drawing us more clearly into the present moment. Roman When we stop the continuous flow of thoughts through the mind we can reflect within and become present to what is, the here and now. Each new moment is an opportunity to see through a fresh lens, to begin again. Breathe, step, reach, release and sense all over again. Each new movement is an opportunity to consciously set the soul in motion. Wendy Roman is a Nia Black Belt & Conscious Movement Facilitator who has taught in the Grey Bruce area for 13 years. She is currently enrolled in the Soul Motion Leadership Program and runs a unique straw bale, earthen floor dance studio called Rhythmwood. She loves sharing her passion and building community through dance.

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~ It’s Your Life Health & Wellness Guide ~


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~ It’s Your Life Health & Wellness Guide ~

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Express Workouts Many benefits derived from shorter, high-intensity routines By ALEX RICCIO “HIIT workouts are the way to go if you really want to see results,” says Emily Bass, a Fitness Programmer at the YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce. High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is used in many group fitness classes popular at the Y’s Health, Fitness & Aquatics facility, located in the Julie McArthur Regional Recreation Centre in Owen Sound. As implied by its name, the HIIT method involves working at a high intensity for a short interval, followed by a brief rest before another round of working your body at a high intensity. What's so great about that? It’s efficient. “You end up burning the same amount of calories in a shorter period of time,” explains Emily. Michael Baerg, also on the Y's Fitness team, elaborates: “HIIT workouts stress the body in a way that's different from exercise where you’re working at a steady pace the entire time. It causes your body to continue to burn calories for hours after your workout.” In other words, interval training uses the higher intensity periods to create a metabolic demand optimal for long-term fat loss and overall conditioning. It also gives you a big return on a short workout. The fitness staff point out that a wide variety of classes offered at the Y use HIIT, including Cycle, Aqua:Run and Tabata. In a Tabata class, for example, participants complete a circuit of exercises, working at their personal peak for 20 seconds, before stopping for a 10 second rest and then moving to the next exercise. Longer rest periods come just when you need them! The class, like many at the Y, is only a half hour easy to fit into a busy day. HIIT is also versatile. The staff list ways to work HIIT into your regular workout if group classes aren’t your thing: bursts of skipping, sprints, jump squats, jumping jacks, anything that really gets your heart pumping!

Fitness Programmer Trevor Klerks points out another benefit: less risk of injury due to overuse of muscle groups. For example, 5 minutes of interval training can be much easier on the joints than a 45-minute jog. Ready for a challenge? Though it’s tough to work at your highest intensity, it’s worth it! Start 2016 strong by exploring interval training and adding it to your routine. Remember the key to a short workout is working hard with the time you’ve got! You’ll soon be seeing and feeling results. Alex Riccio is Communications & Fundraising Co-ordinator at the YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce. She loves working with the many different departments at the Y to share their stories and expertise with the community.

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~ It’s Your Life Health & Wellness Guide ~

Integrative Medicine on the Rise More than 50 medical residency programs across North America now offer certificate courses By DR. IRENE COP most chronic conditions, such as obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and many cancers, can be y family and I almost died in a catastrophic car prevented or minimized by lifestyle changes. Positive accident 12 years ago. That experience translifestyle changes cost little and could affect our populaformed my life and perspective. tion’s health on a scale not seen since the improvement While I had trained in Chiropractic and Acupuncture, I of hygiene and sanitation around the turn of the 20th felt driven to help people even more. I recognized that century. family doctors were desperately needed, particularly in This isn’t just my vision of the future. More than 50 rural underserviced areas like ours. I knew I could commedical residency programs across North America, bine my prior clinical experience with family medicine to including the University of Manitoba, now offer certificate help many who may have gone without effective care. courses in integrative medicine. Renowned hospitals To that end, I was accepted into medical school, and I Dr. Irene Cop such as the Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic and John am now nearing graduation. With my family medicine Hopkins, have integrative medical clinics within them. residency around the corner, I have developed a vision These numbers are increasing steadily as patient demand for my practice - of integrative lifestyle medicine. increases, and preventative health is taking a front seat in medical My definition of integrative lifestyle medicine is that it is eviguidelines for chronic conditions such as diabetes. dence-based and patient-centered, using both conventional and I mentioned earlier that my vision of integrative medicine complementary medicines. The patient is involved in making treatment choices and takes positive action, particularly with respect to includes evidence-based therapies. However, most complementary medicines have historically been restricted by a lack of lifestyle changes such as nutrition, exercise, and stress manageresearch funding. With my background in both conventional and ment, as well as kicking tobacco and other addictions. complementary medicine, I look forward to doing such research, The patient is shown how to make these changes, and is supported through the process. I know that medical practitioners want particularly for those complementary therapies I have practiced. An ever-increasing number of patients are using complementato do this but perhaps have lacked the training or the available ry medicine, with or without their medical practitioner’s knowledge time. This also requires extensive patient education and buy-in. or involvement. Why do I feel this is so important? The majority of health care Wouldn’t it be far better for our patients if we all work together spending in North America is for treatment of chronic conditions. for their greater benefit? You could say we are facing a pandemic of chronic disease due Dr. Irene is from Meaford, and she is particularly looking forto our poor lifestyle choices over the past century. For example, ward to helping and empowering the patients of this area once North American children are now being diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, something once seen only in older adults. However, she has completed her training.


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~ It’s Your Life Health & Wellness Guide ~

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Tech Addiction: Stress Starts Here Could you go a whole weekend without technology? By JACKIE HOFMANN without it all ...your internet, cell phone, I-pad, television, he freedom, knowledge and instant information and even the microwave (unhealthy on so many levels) that the internet gives can be an amazing tool, for an entire weekend. The first question I usually get is and being able to keep in touch easily with loved “What will I do?” What do you suppose your grandparones and business associates is also wonderful when ents did without all this technology? And after all, I am used with discipline and in moderation. But there is a only requesting one weekend. Read...enjoy the nature downside. The following stats show the impact technolthat surrounds you...go for with your chilogy has had on our society: dren...remember board games? Talk to each other...just • 60% of students admitted to being “very” or “quite” simply breathe deeply and RELAX! addicted to the Internet Cures for the Tech Addict • 50% addicted to their mobile phones • Delegate - cut tether holding you to your technology • Students spent an average of 1-2 hours/day on social Jackie Hofmann • Time management - stop micro managing and trust network sites others more - perfectionists cannot succeed - you are • 41% of those playing on-line video games do so to escape human and humans cannot be perfect • 98% have a television in the home • Schedule - set specific times for technology and away from it • 72% of children have access to a computer at home and stick to it • 67% of children own a video game system (24% own a portable • Be active - TV is a passive activity that numbs you and causes video game system) you to become less productive. • 42% of children have a television in their bedroom Gaming, social media etc. reduces our natural, instinctive • 29% of children have a video player in their bedroom social interaction cues through isolation and thus stunts our abili• 80% of households have a video player ty to positively interact. So visit friends. You will find that after a According to research, the following are eight symptoms of few of these visits, your stress levels decline, your tolerance Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD): (Yes! Now a medical disease!) increases, your depression and panic attacks subside and you • Preoccupation or strong desire to use the internet might just find yourself happier, smiling more and pleased with • Withdrawal is followed by anxiety, irritability and boredom life. You will be free to absorb the beauty, joy and love that sur• Tolerance refers to the need for more to achieve satisfaction round you but from which you were blinded by ‘tech’ addiction. • Difficulty to control the desire, or discontinue use The writer is a Certified Clinical Hypnotist, OCT, TFH, NLP and • Disregard for the harmful consequences of continued use MTT practitioner and teacher in Owen Sound. • Social communications and interests are lost in lieu of time on the internet • Alleviation of negative emotions by using the internet to escape • Hiding use from friends and relatives through deception and dishonesty Although these symptoms are stated for the internet, they hold true for all other aspects of technology, like cell-phones, video games, instant messaging and television. / Sense Skin Care Medical Symptoms • Anxiety, depression and panic attacks Your Health. Your Life. Your Way. • Feel withdrawal symptoms and panic Pharmaceutical Grade Products • Suppression of negative emotions There are also harmful physical effects from over exposure and long lasting exposure to negative electromagnetic frequenLarry Russell cies emitted by most technologies. Independent Associate They include: skin itch/rash/flushing/burning, and/or tingling, confusion/poor concentration, and/or memory loss, fatigue and weakness, headache, chest pain and heart problems. Less com519-387-9006 monly reported symptoms include: nausea, panic attacks, nia, seizures, ear pain/ringing in the ears, feeling a vibration, paralysis and dizziness. Not addicted you say? Good for you! Now take the test and go



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~ It’s Your Life Health & Wellness Guide ~

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‘I have found a special magic in being linked with this amazing man’ Continued from page 1 “All people have the right to die with dignity, free of pain, surrounded by their loved ones in a setting of their choice,” Winkler said. “Volunteers are invited into a sacred space and share amazing care and concern with some very special people.” Kerry-Ann went home after that first experience thinking it wasn’t for her. But she soon found out it was for her, and it became a passion she and her mother shared. “Hospice volunteering is such a rewarding experience and I grew up with no greater example of ‘doing for others’ than my parents,” she said. Ann and Allen Kelly are well known in the Owen Sound community for their generosity to others over the years and in 2009 Ann received a June Callwood Outstanding Achievement Award for Voluntarism in Ontario. Ann took the course even before Kerry-Ann was matched with her first client. VON volunteers are thoroughly screened including reference checks, police clearance, complete education based on provincial standards, and receive ongoing support and educational opportunities. Ann’s first client was battling a return of her cancer, which affected her ability to see and remember. That meant she could-

n’t read, didn’t want flowers (as she couldn’t see them) and was nervous of the oven so Ann brought her soups she could heat in the microwave. That match ended when the son told Ann she wasn’t needed any more - a few weeks later she read the obituary in the newspaper. Jim is their current shared client who is in his 80s. His wife died five years ago and Kerry-Ann says he reminds her of her father Allen. He has a delightful sense of humour, always very well dressed, very gentle and so appreciative. If they bring him soup, he will send an email saying “soup report - very good!” or emails with links to music, which is painstaking for him to do with his limited vision. He will often say how happy he is that they came into his life, yet he was not open to the idea when the family originally suggested it. His daughter travels from her home once a week to be with him and calls Kerry-Ann “my sister.” When she is away, Ann or Kerry-Ann call daily to check in on him. They visit every week for two hours and do phone calls and emails in between. “I consider it a pure honour to have this gentleman walk into my life and to have shared this past year with him. I have found a special magic in being linked with this amazing man. I’ll never cease thanking VON for the privilege of knowing him,” said Ann. “There is such a need for volunteers to give of their time for these people. You could do this 24/7 and just be scratching the surface,” said Kerry-Ann. In Grey-Bruce, VON’s hospice volunteers contributed over 9,200 hours in 2014. Supportive Care volunteers are urgently needed throughout Grey Bruce. For more information and/or volunteer opportunities in your community, please call 519-371-5331 ext. 411 or *names changed to protect confidentiality

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~ It’s Your Life Health & Wellness Guide ~

Page 11

Healthy Living: A Strong Foundation for Life able. With Reiki, the body heals itself in a way that is best. Reiki creates a relaxation and energy balance that helps the whole hoosing to live a healthy life requires commitment, knowlperson be in the best state for healing. I see the relaxation effect. edge and self awareness. I would like to share with you my The rest is up to the client’s readiness and ability. experience and perspective on these three aspects of self Self awareness means an awareness of what your body is care.Commitment is a starting point. We talk about commitment telling you. If I feel pain in my thumb, I look at my thumb. But we to relationships, to a profession, to a sense of values. But what can listen to our bodies in more ways. Sometimes, when I look at about commitment to your own health? food I could order, I pay attention to how my body, especially my Commitment to healthy eating, daily activity, and positive selfgut, feels. It is not an ingrained habit. I have to consciously pay talk mean a commitment to consciously creating new attention to what my body is telling me. A buffet gives habits and continuing with the ones that work. It is a me practice opportunities to choose healthy foods. major component of healthy living. Emotions are also felt in our bodies. Sometimes we I have a long list of tasks for a family event this notice the heaviness across our shoulders or in our weekend. It could easily explain why I remove exerheart or lower chest. It isn’t pain. It isn’t cramps or anycise. “My family is a priority” I say to myself as I easily thing necessarily physiological. Notice it. Listen to it. draw my pen through “exercise” at the top of my list. What is the emotion connected with it? Is there a spirituWe are distracted by things that are good in themal component? What triggered the emotion? That is the selves says Dr. Jan Lapp PhD. I am not substituting place to start choosing for healthy living. something questionable instead of exercise. So I put Being committed to healthy living is the first step. It that back on the list. It is a must-do. gives you the momentum for more. Knowledge about Knowledge is an important part of healthy living. your health issues gives you a stronger base. Marie Knapp Minor aches and pains, breathing problems or serious Increase your knowledge of how the body works illnesses affect us. I wish more physicians and nurse before you have problems with it. Listening to your body practitioners gave knowledgeable advice about other alternative can help you deal with emotional issues before they become practices. large and affect your health. Your self-care means caring about The different practices operate independently. For minor health you. It is loving yourself that gives you the capability to love othchallenges, we have time to consider the other options. The inter- ers. Healthy living is a strong foundation for life at any age. net can increase our knowledge but requires basic knowledge Marie Knapp, EdD., retired from her career in health educaand discernment. Unfortunately it gives uninformed people words tion but continues to be a Reiki Practitioner and Master Teacher. that make it seem they are knowledgeable. The complex Her doctoral studies in Adult Education complement her work responses of their caregivers may be above their understanding. guiding people to be their best. It is confusing all around. The problem grows with serious illnesses or severe chronic pain. The suffering person wants relief. They may spend money on unreliable choices. The many good alternatives available require basic knowledge and discernment. Desperate people are vulnerable. The practitioner and the technique are important. As a Reiki Master and Practitioner, I explain what is achiev-

Being committed is the first step


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~ It’s Your Life Health & Wellness Guide ~

Page 12

Owen Sound Area Health and Wellness Services CHIROPRACTIC Clark Chiropractic Wellness Dr. Angela Clark B.Sc., D.C. 1405 2nd Ave. W., Owen Sound, ON N4K 6T6, 519-376-8986 Email:

FOOT CARE Arsenault Foot Services Owen Sound Professional Building, 945 3rd Ave E, Unit 4C, Owen Sound, ON, N4K 2K8. Clinics in Owen Sound, Sauble Beach & Wiarton. Call 519-371-1163 for an appointment.

COMMUNITY HEALTH CARE VON Grey-Bruce 1280 20th Street East, Owen Sound, ON, N4K 6H6 Phone: (519) 376-5895. For volunteer opportunities call 519371-5331 ext. 411 or email

HEALING MODALITIES Health Works (Massage, Bowen, Cranial-Sacral & BioEnergetic therapies & Naturopathic Medicine) 899 10th St. West, Owen Sound, On, N4K 3S3 519-470-4585

CONTINUING EDUCATION Bluewater Association for Lifelong Learning (BALL) Lectures at Harry Lumley Bayshore Community Centre, 1900 3rd Ave. East in Owen Sound, on Thursdays, 10 a.m. – Noon, in the Bay Room unless otherwise noted. info@bluewaterlearns. com

Marie Knapp EdD. Holy Fire Usui and Holy Fire Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher 519-371-1255

COUNSELLING Nemesis Owen Sound 519-372-2425 Email: John van Steyn M.S.W., RSW Registered Social Worker, Individual & Couple Counselling 945 3rd Ave. E., Suite 22, Owen Sound, Ont. N4K 2K8 519-379-3737 DENTISTRY Hilltop Dentistry 1110 8th St. E., Owen Sound 519-376-5225 FINANCIAL HEALTH Donna Blue Senior Financial Consultant, Investors Group 733 - 9th Avenue E., Unit 1, Owen Sound, ON, N4K 3E6 519-372-1177 Ext. 280 Fax: 519-372-1125 Email: FITNESS YMCA OF Owen Sound Grey Bruce 700 10th Street E., Owen Sound, ON 519-376-0484 Owen Sound Fitness and Training 3325 East Bayshore Rd., Owen Sound, ON 519-376-4991 Email: Sydenham Bruce Trail Club Box 431, Owen Sound, ON, N4K 5P7 FITNESS/DANCE Rhythmwood (Conscious Embodied Movement) Owen Sound, Lion’s Head & Tobermory 519-793-4687 MIND/BODY EXERCISE Taoist Tai Chi Classes Monday 7-9 p.m. at Georgian Shores United Church Fridays 9:30-11:30 a.m. at First United Church Call 519-371-5763

Shirley McDougall CBP Certified Body Talk Practitioner, PaRama BP, Member of International BodyTalk Assoc., Reiki Master, Quantam Touch Practitioner, Therapeutic Touch Practitioner, H-519-371-4082 HEALTH FOOD, SUPPLEMENTS Good Health Mart 955 10th Street West, Owen Sound, ON, 519-371-3002 Usana Independent Associate Larry Russell 519-387-9006 HEARING & SPEECH Bryans Sound Speech & Hearing Greystone Office Centre 345 8th Street East, Suite 101 Owen Sound, ON N4K 1L3 519-376-4174 HYPNOSIS & EFT Jackie Hofmann B.A., OCT, TFH, NLP, CC.Ht., MTT Other modalities: Energy Psychology & Specialized Kinesiology. 519-934-1494 NATUROPATHIC DOCTORS Nature Med Naturopathic Clinic Dr. Kara Dionisio, B.Sc., M.Sc., ND Naturopathic Doctor 1095 1st Ave. W., Owen Sound 519-416-9355 PHYSIOTHERAPY Physiotherapy III Owen Sound Clinic, 1156 2nd Ave. E. (former LCBO Bldg.) 519-372-1920 Fax: 519-372-1888 Port Elgin Clinic, 609 Bricker St. 519-389-3393 Physio. III Neuro Clinic “Healing Waters” 318383 Grey Rd. 1, Owen Sound, 519-370-2333 Grey-Bruce Physiotherapy Brenda Boiteau, Physiotherapist 1131 2nd Avenue East, Owen Sound, Ont. N4K 2J1 519-372-2113 Fax: 519-372-2217

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