Harvey School provides a college-preparatory program that fosters lifelong learning and inspires students to develop the confidence and leadership
necessary to succeed in a diverse, competitive, and changing world. With our commitment to small class size, our community cultivates the strengths of each student through academic excellence, artistic
athletic achievement, community service,
As the 2021–22 academic year came to a close, I reflected on all the moments I shared throughout the year with our community of students, faculty and staff, alumni, and families, current and past. I am grateful that we had the opportunity to be fully back together again and do what we do so well — guide and support students on their journey to become their best selves.
From the fall when we welcomed the entire student body back to campus, to the end of the year when we celebrated our eighth grade students rising up to become members of the Upper School and our seniors who moved on to face the world as graduates. I watched with pride as students made the most of their time at Harvey. Whether on stage, at athletic events, in the classroom, or during robotics competitions, our students engaged and excelled. I was also pleased to be able to welcome community members back to campus for different events such as Homecoming, spring athletic competitions, art performances, and the PA Spring Barn Dance. Those moments — which perhaps in the past we might have taken for granted — made this past year particularly memorable.
I am grateful for our outstanding and dedicated faculty who not only provide a rich academic program but also build confidence and curiosity in our students, laying the foundation they need to succeed now and in the future. I would like to recognize and thank all of our teachers for the work they did this year to create the many opportunities for students to learn and grow intellectu ally, artistically, athletically, socially, and emotionally.
Most importantly, I want to thank you, our family of supporters. Harvey remains a special place because of you, and we couldn’t do what we do without your generous support.
During our second very successful Founders Day/Day of Giving, we raised $350,000 from 415 donors in support of our teachers and our programming. With your help we have also made great progress on the Weil House and Barn project, which has been designed to maintain the history and integrity of the buildings while providing modern enhancements to meet the school’s needs long into the future. Our fundraising efforts for the project were supported by contributions that you made at the PA Spring Barn Dance when we raised more than $200,000 to support the School.
We inaugurated two particularly meaningful scholarships this year, the Jock Burbank ’56 Memorial Scholarship and the Maury A. Leone Memorial Scholarship. Both scholarships are awarded to a rising ninth grader and given for their full four years at Harvey. You can learn more about the Jock Burbank ’56 Scholarship on page 26. We are very proud and honored to be able to provide this kind of recognition of our past as we create pathways for the future.
As you read through the pages of this Impact Report, you will see the results of all the work that we did together this year and features on a few of the people, among many, who stepped up to make a real difference in our community. Whether you are a PA volunteer, an admissions ambassador, an alumni class agent, a member of the Board of Trustees, or an Annual Fund donor, collectively you make a difference to our students, our staff, and our programs.
Your generosity provides the foundational financial strength that allow us to continue to fulfill our commitment to provide an enriching and exceptional educational experience for all students. Once again you have demonstrated the incredible impact the Harvey community can make on our students and our school. Thank you for your trust and support of Harvey’s mission. We literally can’t do it without you.
We are delighted to be able to say that we just ended another exceptional year, thanks to our strong, united community. I’m deeply thankful to the administration, our passionate teachers and staff, and to you, our Harvey community members. You have continued to demonstrate your unwavering support to Harvey during the past few unprecedented years, and we value your participation in every way large and small.
I want to recognize and celebrate another successful year of student growth, achievement, and accomplishment. From the academic, athletic, and artistic programs to Homecoming and Spring Barn Dance events — I was delighted to see the return of on-campus activity and Harvey community members getting together with joyful community spirit.
A special shout-out to our faculty who are the crucial ingredient of Harvey student achievement. It is due to their remarkable talent, guidance, and engagement, that our students are poised for success when they leave Harvey. Faculty not only build student confidence but also challenge students to excel in broader areas of interest. Thanks to your financial support, Harvey offers faculty many professional development programs to expand their educational knowledge base and help them better support each student’s individual needs. Thank you for that hard work and dedication!
Harvey had another outstanding fundraising year. In 2021–22, we experienced an increase in donor participation, which indicates that more community members supported Harvey in the past year through fundraising efforts. This demonstrates a “vote of confidence” in what Harvey is doing for students. We appreciate your contribution and commitment!
Thank you for a successful 2022 Day of Giving and the Parents Association Spring Barn Dance. It takes many volunteer hours and tremendous effort to raise the needed funds to allow us to do what we do best. The Harvey community members came together once again and helped the school reach our 2021–22 fundraising goal.
Each of you makes an impact that enables Harvey to be the outstanding school it is — a special place for students with an exceptional educational experience.
Special thanks to our Chair’s Circle members who seeded our success with their generosity by contributing $7,500 or greater (all funds included) in 2021–22. These donors provide the financial foundation that allows us to continue to fulfill our commitment to providing the most enriching educational experience we can.
Thank you for being a part of another successful year!
With thanks and appreciation,
Eileen Walker P’03, ’05 Chair, Board of Trustees
We are deeply grateful to our Chair’s Circle members who contributed $7,500 or more to The Harvey School this past year. This list includes donations to the Annual Fund, Spring Barn Dance, Endowment, and Weil House & Barn Campaign.
The Burbank Family Linda and Jack Cioffi
The Daly Family Foundation
Stacy Daly Tania and Steven Dempsey Bethany and Kevin Durkin, Trustee George Eysymontt, Jr. ’53
FLIK Independent School Dining Ashley and Joel Foote Sandy Gabel ’61 Jerri-Lynn, Trustee and Dan Galgano Sloan and David Greenspan Christine and Kyle Groff Judy and Donald Gruhn Raymond R. Herrmann, Jr. † John Hughes ’68 Amy and Jon Kass, Trustee Krasdale Foods, Inc. Charles Krasne, Trustee
Christine Lai and Craig Elkind Jeanette and Jeffrey Lasdon, Trustee Emeritus
Wendy, Trustee and Jeffrey Lederer Laura and David Lehman Susan and David Leibowits Leon Lowenstein Foundation, Inc. Donna Leone, Trustee Toby Lazarus and Allan Lichtenberg Ambassador John Loeb, Jr. ’44 Marjorie and Richard McGahren Foundation MBIA Foundation Inc. Valerie and Joshua Nelson Katharine and Joseph Plummer, Trustee Gale Segarra Roberts and R. Gregory Roberts Stefanie Kalkut and Lanier Saperstein
Joanna and Kenneth Schulman Nancy and Peter Shapiro Rachel and Jeffrey Silva Amy and Stephen Silverman Frederick Stelle ’61
Robert Sullivan, Jr. ’77 Andrea Tessler, Trustee and Michael Scarsella Kathleen, Trustee and Jeremy Treat Lisa and Leonardo Vasile Margo Hotston and Jeffrey Wacksman Eileen, Trustee and Jay Walker Jennifer Waterhouse-Cooper, Trustee and Perry Cooper Jennifer and Ian Winters
Betty and Amir Zilberstein
Our faculty and staff are the cornerstone of our school.
Not only are they vital to all of our programming, but they also provide the extra special touch that sets Harvey apart from other independent schools. They are the true heart of Harvey. We recognize all of our faculty and staff not just for what they do in the classroom, on the athletic fields, in the arts center, in the dining room, but for the additional support they provide when they give back to the school philanthropically.
t Effie Afentoulides
« Christina Alexander
« Vincent Alexander
C arolyn Bean
John Bellucci
Ann Bez
Meg Bo oth
Patrice Brophy
Jaclyn Butera
t Brendan Byrne
t Timothy Cornell
Isabelle Correa
Christian Coscio
« Susie Danziger
Michelle Davies
« Christopher DelCampo
t Jonathan DePalma ’01
Peter Everett Michael Fink
« Lori Fowler
« Scott Fowler
« Karen Grazia
t Robert Griffin
« Jason Hill
t Virginia Holmes Gregory Janos ’98
« William Knauer Ray Lacen
Philip Lazzaro
t Joanne Lombardi
Dianne Mahony
D eborah Matero
« Stephanie McCaine ’87
« Marcie McGowan-Hajem
William Mena
« Stephanie Metz
Austin Morgan
« Michelle Morris
Bruce Osborne
Dale Osborne
Amie and Greg Phillips Douglas Plaskett
t Christine Romanowicz
t Richard Ryerson
Brandon Saltz
t Samuel Schursky
t Jeffrey Seymour
James Skrip
Nic ole Tantillo
Megan Taylor ’09
Jessica Vicente
t Elizabeth Visintainer
Madelon Visintainer
t John Wahlers
Jeannine Young
Matthew Zazzarino
Harvey English teacher Virginia Holmes always knew she wanted to work in a small, welcoming educational environment where she would have the opportunity to get to know her students well and connect with them as individuals. As an independent school graduate herself, Virginia recognized the impact of a personalized education and belonging to a community of learners. For her, being a teacher isn’t a job where you clock in and clock out, but one in which you build relationships and make yourself available to your students and their parents.
Virginia started her career at Fordham University where she was an academic advisor, then taught middle and high school in Long Island and in the Bronx before finding her way to Harvey. In her eight years at Harvey, Virginia has embraced the opportunity to wear many hats and create connections with her colleagues. She currently chairs the English department as well as serves as the faculty advisor for the upper school newspaper The Pulse, directs the winter theater production, and has assisted in producing the spring term’s One Acts. Virginia rarely says no — whether to allow us to observe in her classroom, agree to be on film, or sit on an administrative search committee.
“I bring my authentic self to my teaching and I make connections with every student,” says Virginia. “My goal is to make my classroom one that students always look forward to entering. No matter how my students might feel about reading and writing before they take my class, I guarantee they will enjoy my literature class!” she says.
Given Virginia’s dedication to Harvey, it was no surprise that she was selected as the faculty recipient of the 2021 Impact Award. Virginia and her husband, Harvey English teacher Jeff Seymour, are also supporters of the Annual Fund every year. Virginia, you truly make a difference at Harvey, both inside and outside the classroom!
After facing the challenges of the past two years, we were happy to reconnect with our alumni community in person at Homecoming in October to cheer on our athletic teams, and at the NYC networking event at the Rangers game in April. It is no surprise that we proudly say our alums put their heart in Harvey!
This past year the alumni community significantly supported their alma mater with their time, their talent, and their financial contributions. Our alums impact our community through our Class Agent program, by sharing their stories at our Cavalier Speaker Series and in our bi-annual magazine, and by participating in the Founders Day/Day of Giving celebration. We want to honor our alumni, who put their “Heart in Harvey” by always being there to support Harvey when we call on them. The pages of this report include profiles of several members of this esteemed group, and we hope they will motivate and inspire others to get involved.
E. Richard Ahlborn ’55
Philip C. Bowers ’70, Trustee
The Burbank Family
Stephen B. Burbank ’60
Lara W. Casano ’95, President, Alumni Association Daniel K. Chapman ’73, Emeritus Samantha Danziger ’16
Lee Dickinson ’04
Dennis A. Dilmaghani ’62 George Eysymontt, Jr. ’53
Sandy Gabel ’61
John Hughes ’68
Andy Jamieson ’09
Jeffrey Kalman ’92
Thatcher Krasne ’86
Richard Ledes ’71
John Loeb, Jr. ’44
John A. Luke, Jr. ’63
Richard I. Mack ’91
Alexander P. McKown ’57
Ira Mendleson III ’57
Laurel Elkind Meredith ’88
Anthony Milne ’56
Eugene H. Morrison, Jr. ’68 Francis W. Murray III ’42 Luis Nunez, Jr. ’99
John Pflieger ’74
Christine Putek ’89 and Michael Putek
Samantha M. Rettie ’12
David Robertson ’67
Jonathan Scoll ’56
William F. Spalding, Jr. ’61 Frederick Stelle ’61
Robert Sullivan, Jr. ’77
Charles Titterton ’55
Hans F. Wachtmeister ’59
Lindsey Walker ’05, Trustee
Michael H. West ’58
James Wood ’41
Paul Zabriskie ’74
Young Alumni ($100+)
Mitchell Bowman ’12
Samantha Danziger ’16
Brent Feldman ’13
Daniel P. Galgano ’20
Tyler Lunny ’20
David Mandra ’13
Samantha M. Rettie ’12
Andrew Schwartz ’14
Charles M. Seider ’14
Amelia Slater ’11
John E. Wise, Jr. ’17
The Glascott family joined Harvey in 2014 when their son Colin was entering eighth grade. They were looking for a community where Colin would have opportunities to be challenged in the classroom and on the playing field and where they as parents could be involved. Colin had those chances — playing football and rugby and performing in Mr. Lazzaro’s Page to Stage class where he discovered a passion for acting.
Given that Colin was the youngest of four boys, Deirdre was an experienced parent who was resourceful and organized, and understood that if you wanted something done, you often had to jump in and do it. Very quickly the Harvey family tapped Deirdre to get more involved; one of Deirdre’s many challenges was to help to increase
school spirit. Deirdre spent Colin’s 10th grade year traveling from sporting event to sporting event, selling spirit wear and giving out snacks. It wasn’t long before families from competing schools visiting Harvey were marveling at the enviable sense of community we had. Deirdre joined the Board of Trustees in 2016 and with that became part of the development committee, penning Annual Fund letters and connecting with potential donors, as well as becoming an admission ambassador connecting with prospective parents and hosting receptions at their home.
In addition to all of their volunteer activities, the Glascotts were also regular donors to the Annual Fund and early contrib utors to the Weil House & Barn building project. This year, Deirdre made the decision to retire from the board. Deirdre’s easy nature, extraordinary kindness, and generosity will be missed, but the impact that she has had on our community will be felt for years to come. Thank you, Deirdre!
Ben Boyd ’09
Aidan Cammisa ’20
Alexandra W. Casano ’00
Peter Case ’61
Brian P. Cicero ’19
Michael J. Cohen ’10
Adam Davis ’95
Justin Edelstein ’08
Elan Etstein ’93
Matthew Fierstein ’04
Ross B. Glickman ’10
Stephanie Glickman ’02
Robin Guterman ’87
Kevin Harrigan ’96
Sean P. Hennings ’12
John Hughes ’68
Elizabeth Pace Interlicchio ’05
Elizabeth Kavounas ’18
Kaitlyn Kavounas ’19
Jason Keller ’11
Tessa N. Knorr ’16
Andrea Labis ’86
Alisa E. Langer ’09
Jennifer Latilla ’01
Tyler Lunny ’20
David Mandra ’13
Rachel March ’08
Katrina Marx ’01
Timothy R. McGee ’12
Louise L. McManus ’14
Philip Nimphius ’93 Luis Nunez, Jr. ’99
Erika D. Osborne ’09
Samantha M. Rettie ’12 Erik Rosner ’95
Sean Sasso ’00
Hannah E. Sawyer ’09
Daniel G. Schonning ’12
Jonathan Scoll ’56
Charles M. Seider ’14
Veronica Jean Seltzer ’09
Timothy Stanton ’61
Patrick Taylor ’13
Brian C. Theiss ’12 John Wise ’57
As the co-chairs of the Harvey Annual Fund, we are deeply grateful for all your support this year. You have contributed to the school in so many ways, by giving your time, talent, and financial support. THANK YOU!
To be able to offer the best educational experiences and opportu nities for its students, Harvey relies on the participation of every member of our community. Together, we were able to support Harvey as it navigated the challenges of the past two years and thrived. Our collective support illustrates the strength of the Harvey community.
Together this year, we reached our goal of $1,000,000. Annual Fund gifts have an immediate impact across the school; the gifts are used as soon as they come in and for a variety of purposes. Whether it is to ensure that we employ the latest technology in the classrooms, upgrade the equipment on the football field, or install new lights for the theater, your contribu tions make our school and our programs stronger.
In February 2022, we came together to celebrate Harvey’s Founders Day and the second annual Day of Giving. It witnessed an extraordinary outpouring of generosity which provides a vital revenue stream to ensure the long-term health of our school. On that day, your contributions raised $350,000 from 415 donors within our community, which includes current families, and alums and their families, all showing support for the great work that goes on at Harvey each year. Further, in the spirit of giving, we also paid it forward by hosting a shoe drive on campus, where we collected gently worn shoes and then distributed them to families in need through the Community Center of Northern Westchester. The planning phases have already begun for Founders Day/Day of Giving 2023,
Thursday, February 9, and we anticipate the same enthusiasm, pride, and spirit of kindness from the Harvey community.
We also want to express our gratitude to Harvey’s faculty and staff who work tirelessly to build the best academic foundation for our children and guide and encourage them on a daily basis; their hard work and dedication are deeply appreciated.
Last but not least, we offer a special thank-you to the Annual Fund volunteers and grade ambassadors who worked tirelessly in supporting the fundraising efforts throughout the year by reaching out to their peers and explaining the importance of the annual giving. We sincerely appreciate your commitment to spread the word.
We invite all of you to join us in supporting the Annual Fund in the upcoming year to increase the meaningful impact that each of us can have on the school and students.
Sincerely, Ashley Foote P’24, 25, Jerri-Lynn Galgano P’20, 23, and Wendy Lederer P’23, 25, 27
Ashley Foote
Jerri-Lynn Galgano, Trustee
Wendy Lederer, Trustee
Sanesha Blackwood-Falconer
Phil Bowers ’70, Trustee
Kristina Cohen
Stacy Eisner
Jennifer Fisher
Rob Hagani
Linda Holden-Bryant
Jon Kass, Trustee
Doug Klares
Christine Lai
Mariane Lee
James Treseler
Dawanna Veneable, Trustee
Jennifer Waterhouse Cooper, Trustee
Stewart Whitman
Lara Casano ’95, President, Alumni Association
John Casano
Past Parent Co-Chairs
Deirdre Glascott, Trustee
Andrea Tessler, Trustee
Jeanette Sandor
Rachel Silva
8th Grade Class Gift Co-Chairs
Stacy Eisner
Sorin Klares
Nekia Bland ’23
Lucy Durkin ’23
Ella Cohn ’22
Mya Dias ’23
Aleah Ford-Sussman ’23
Giselle Groff ’22
Liz Hurley ’23
Juliet Jaques ’23
Bennet Katzin ’23
Dylan Kluge ’23
Emi Knauer ’23
James Miller ’23
Amanda Mohamad ’22
Olivia Quinn ’23
Lucas Roberts ’23
Ryan Spiro ’22
Jacob Weisberger ’23
Daniel joined Harvey in 2013 as a sixth grader, so in Harvey lingo, he is considered a “lifer.”
Daniel was engaged at Harvey from the outset, culminating his senior year when he was student council president, head of Model UN, founder of the Debate Club, and editor of The Pulse, all while taking a challenging academic load and preparing for college.
Having graduated Harvey in 2020, Daniel is currently in his third year at The George Washington University Elliott School of International Affairs. The skills he developed during his seven years at Harvey have enabled him to cultivate relationships, find his voice, and become a leader at George Washington University. Daniel is currently participating on the Model UN team, a news editor of The Hatchet and Chair of the GWU International Affairs Society, which operates the MUN team and the two MUN conferences.
Even though Daniel is deeply involved in his academic curriculum, he is still showing his dedication to Harvey by giving his time and support to ensure the school continues to thrive. He is a Class Agent, he attends every event that he is able to, and he is already a regular annual donor. Additionally, his engagement was key to young alumni participation during Founders Day/Day of Giving in 2021 and 2022. His support enabled us to increase the number of young alumni donations this year and far surpass last year’s goal.
We value Daniel’s involvement within the alumni community in keeping young alums engaged through communication, events, and outreach. Thank you, Daniel, for being such a great Harvey alum and honoring the school the way you do. Your support makes an impact; it helps the alumni program grow and keeps the community close.
The Annual Fund is the philanthropic foundation for everything we do at Harvey; it provides the resources for us to fulfill the promises we make to students and their families every day.
It supports educational initiatives not covered by tuition alone, enriching every facet of student life — academics, art, athletics, and technology. So much is made possible for Harvey students and faculty through a strong Annual Fund; and we are grateful to our Annual Fund leadership donors who are the key to our success. It is with profound gratitude that we recognize their generosity and acknowledge the impact they have on the school’s ability to provide experiences that change lives. Please note that this list only includes gifts made to the Annual Fund. Gifts made at the Spring Barn Dance (excluding sponsors and underwriters), to the endowment, or to the Weil House & Barn campaign are recognized separately in the Impact Report.
1916 Founders Club ($25,000+)
The Burbank Family « Jerri-Lynn, Trustee and Dan Galgano Jack Fasciana, Jr. ’02 Raymond R. Herrmann, Jr. † Charles Krasne, Emeritus Jennifer Waterhouse-Cooper, Trustee and Perry Cooper
Head of School’s Circle ($15,000)
The Daly Family Foundation Stacy Daly
FLIK Independent School Dining « Ashley and Joel Foote t Christine and Kyle Groff Laura and David Lehman « Wendy, Trustee and Jeffrey Lederer
« Donna Leone, Trustee G ale Segarra Roberts and R. Gregory Roberts « Amy and Stephen Silverman Lisa and Leonardo Vasile Eileen, Trustee and Jay Walker Betty and Amir Zilberstein
Dear Harvey Community,
I have been a supporter of Harvey for more than 15 years because it is a special place. Harvey is an independent school in a category of one.
I have never experienced such a warm, friendly, and caring school quite like Harvey with an amazing culture and set of values where young people thrive and are often transformed. This uniqueness comes from a culture created over decades by wise and caring educators that is “student centric.”
It is student centric because everyone counts; everyone matters.
It is student centric because students learn in small classes and the teachers develop authentic and deep relationships with the students, often lasting beyond the time spent at Harvey.
It is student centric because there is not one formula for learning and growing. Harvey has developed a unique
« Blackacre Title Agency
Tania and Steven Dempsey
G eorge Eysymontt, Jr. ’53
Sandy Gabel ’61
The Great American Title Agency, Inc. John Hughes ’68
« Amy and Jon Kass, Trustee Krasdale Foods, Inc.
Christine Lai and Craig Elkind Jeanette and Jeffrey Lasdon, Emeritus Susan and David Leibowits
Leon Lowenstein Foundation, Inc. Ambassador John Loeb, Jr. ’44 Marjorie and Richard McGahren Foundation MBIA Foundation Inc.
t Katharine and Joseph Plummer, Trustee Joanna and Kenneth Schulman Frederick Stelle ’61
t Andrea Tessler, Trustee and Michael Scarsella
t Kathleen, Trustee and Jeremy Treat Jennifer and Ian Winters
balance of left brain and right brain learning that is not easy to achieve, but Harvey teachers do it every day. I have never quite figured out how Harvey can give such an amazing range of choices for a small school both academically and beyond the classroom, but it is so appreciated for the sense of individual freedom and empowerment it gives the students.
Harvey is student centric with values that respect the indi viduality of each student and at the same time works hard to create a feeling of community even during the pandemic.
The amazing support and involvement from parents and grandparents are another sign of the student centric nature of Harvey as they appreciate Harvey’s mission to develop open-minded, curious, intelligent, and productive citizens for the future. They wish to be part of that mission.
I, to o, feel good about being connected as a parent, trustee, and advisor to this magical place in Katonah, New York.
Sinc erely, Joe Plummer
C atherine and Paul Aaron
« Holly and Neil Alexander American Endowment Foundation Bank of America
Joanna Barsky
« Mridu and Vikram Bhaskar
« Bethany and Kevin Durkin, Trustee Elizabeth and Alexander Eysymontt Beth Feldman and The LWL Foundation Dana and David Feldman Rowena and Barry Fenstermacher, Headmaster Emeritus
« Deirdre, Trustee and James Glascott Gold man Sachs & Co. Sloan and David Greenspan
« Lydia and Richard Hellinger
« Amy and Howard Katz Sorin and Doug Klares Vivien and Todd Levy
Lucy Shapiro and Harley McAdams Laurel Elkind Meredith ’88 and Christopher Meredith Kimberley and Matthew Miller Putnam County Savings Bank « Nancy and Peter Shapiro
« Margo Hotston and Jeffrey Wacksman Jonathan Weiner Maggie and Steven Wieting D eborah and Russell Yankwitt
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
Trish and Michael Breede Linda Holden-Bryant and Jay Bryant D ennis A. Dilmaghani ’62 Jackie and Lee Freund Jamie and Rob Hagani Elizabeth Fagan Herman and John Herman
Jennifer and Jason Lichtenstein
« Juliet and R. Edwin Howe Maria and Alan McIntyre Je d Melnick
Sherman and Christopher Meloni Francis W. Murray III ’42 Elizabeth and Wallace Schwartz, Trustees
« Sara and James Shyer
Felice and David Silk Naomi and Robert Silpe
t Robert Sullivan, Jr. ’77
Merel Van den Tol-Tans and Cefas Van den Tol
« Melissa and Clifford Wallach, Trustee
Harvey makes a commitment to its students and their individual development.
We ask for support with the expectation that every family will commit to participating in the Annual Fund at a level that is appropriate for their family to ensure the quality and depth of a Harvey education and to fulfill our mission to inspire passion and curiosity and create community.
We are grateful that participation in the Annual Fund is growing and that more than 76% of our families showed their faith and support by making a financial commitment to the Annual Fund this year.
6th Grade (Class of 2028)
100% Participation Hayate and Mourad Boujid Carolyn and Robert Brown Jennifer and Pascal Doran Lauren and Thomas Doyle Peter Fogarty Shayna Klopott and Michael Frankel Christine and Kyle Groff Nia Rhodes Jackson and Tunde Jackson Octavia Man and Charles Jones Marcie McGowan-Hajem and Said Hajem Nikki Weinstein and Samuel Simmons
Geraldine and Glen Tobias Valerie and Fadi Yanni
7th Grade (Class of 2027)
68% Participation Catherine and Paul Aaron Tynelle and Dwayne Boothe Melody Prenner-Bryant and Jon Bryant Elisabeth and Matthew Casey Robert Comerford and Russell Lawrence Jennifer and Gregg Fisher Tracy Shevell and Brian Hines
Liat and Jeffrey Kimmel Wendy, Trustee and Jeffrey Lederer Laura and David Lehman Jean Kouremetis and James Mackil Suzanne and Sean Millette Kristin John Peters Gale Segarra Roberts and R. Gregory Roberts Lisa Schwartz Corinna da Fonseca-Wollheim and Bret Stephens Eva Thaddeus Maggie and Steven Wieting
8th Grade (Class of 2026)
74% Participation
A long-standing tradition of the parents of Harvey’s eighth grade students has been, in addition to supporting the Annual Fund, to also contribute to a class gift, leaving a mean ingful legacy at the Harvey Middle School. The parents of the Class of 2026 raised more than $76,000 to support the transformation of three traditional classrooms into 360 flexible classrooms with the balance of the dollars raised going to the Annual Fund to support the needs of the school and the faculty to continue their great work. We wish to acknowledge parents Stacy Eisner and Sorin Klares for their great work in chairing the 8th Grade Class Gift effort.
Rachel and Brandon Baron
Joanna Barsky
Leslie and Mark Berni Glenda Rosado-Bland and William Bland Trish and Michael Breede Michelle Colev-Condax and George Condax
Stacy and Andrew Eisner Meryl and Kenneth Fleisher Jill and Richard Gans Marita Seppanen and Colin Greene Sloan and David Greenspan Kelly Harned Elizabeth and Jay Hill Joi Isley-Collins Debra and Evan Janush Julia and David Klagsbrun Sorin and Doug Klares Jill and Daniel LaGattuta Heather and Craig Langer Jennifer and Philip Lazzaro Idanise and Jason Pagan Renee and Greg Petrillo Rachel and Christopher Riendeau David Runyan
Ennette Yoo and Sean Seo Tracy and William Shepard Naomi and Robert Silpe Stephanie and Brett Sklar Kelisha and Courtland Spruils Laura and Richard Sullivan Lisa and Leonardo Vasile
79% Participation
Ime and Salam Abdul-Wahab Holly and Neil Alexander Paulette and Alex Beldotti Sanesha Blackwood Falconer
Glenda Rosado-Bland and William Bland Nichelle Bussey Steven Bussey Carly and Brendan Byrne Kathleen Brady and John Campos
Lara Casano ’95 and Sean Gilligan Jennifer Chester James Clement Kristina and Adam Cohen Jaime and Niko Coutroulis Carmen Delessio Tania and Steven Dempsey Allison Draizin Elizabeth and Alexander Eysymontt Danielle and Andrew Feigenbaum Ashley and Joel Foote DeLauné Michel and Daniel Fried Anthony and Jessica Galtieri Barbara and Scott Hakim Joie Cooney and Donald Hansen Anna and David Hargreaves Elizabeth Fagan Herman and John Herman Evelina Syper-Hernandez and Peter Hernandez Katherine Hort Clement Amy and Jon Kass, Trustee
Dani and Tarquin Katis Wendy, Trustee and Jeffrey Lederer Susan and David Leibowits Meredith and Ian Levine Laurel Elkind Meredith ’88 and Christopher Meredith Danielle and Michael Morris Michelle and Christopher Nicora Kristin John Peters Janeen and Chris Pfluger Christine Putek ’89 and Michael Putek Jenny and Brian Rynott Allison and Jeffrey Saccomanno Lisa Schwartz Danielle and Gregory Shalov Rachel and Jeffrey Silva Saloni and Sandip Singh Laura and Richard Sullivan Kat and Jeffrey Tambor Jeanne Collins and Matthew Valenti Dawanna and Raygo Veneable Donna and Richard Volpitta Margo Hotston and Jeffrey Wacksman Amanda Jayne and John Wang Heather Hewett and Matthew Weidner Jonathan Weiner Betty and Amir Zilberstein
Ronice, Lenwood, and Jordan ’23 Latta came to Harvey in 2017 when Jordan was in seventh grade. Ronice immediately jumped in as a volun teer with the PA. Within a year of joining the Harvey community, Ronice left her position as a corporate accountant — work she had been doing for close to 30 years. As the saying goes, when one door closes another door opens, and this has never been more true than for Ronice. She quickly increased her involvement with Harvey to an extraordinary level. She supported the Annual Fund fundraising activities, assisted the Parent Association, helped to welcome new families, participated in the DEI Committee, and used her education in accounting and past business experience at GE to help Harvey’s business office set up a number of meaningful financial and management systems. Ronice also joined the Board of Trustees and is actively engaged with the school’s diversity initiatives and Chair of the Audit Committee.
Lest you think that Ronice did all this because she had “free time,” she recently wrote an inspirational book, titled “The Layover,” which has been a springboard to her becoming an international motivational speaker.
Ronice puts her heart in everything she does. This kind of involvement, dedication, and hard work are inspiring and have a tremendous impact on our community. We are deeply grateful for her generosity!
71% Participation
Patricia Alcamo
Elisa and Bruce Akrongold
Melissa and David Alpern Meghan and Alan Bazaar Diana and Gabriel Bonilla
Linda Holden-Bryant and Jay Bryant Anne and Scott Carpenter
Cheryl Chess
Wendy and Paul Class
Elissa and Jean-Paul Conoscente Nina and Tom Curley
Laura Sullivan and Mitchell Dickey Melinda and Jeff D’Onofrio Lauren and Julian Duran Mia and Adam Egelberg Christine Lai and Craig Elkind
Daisy and Kenneth Florin
Ashley and Joel Foote
Heather and Erik Friedman
Kathleen Gardner
Melissa Acciavatti and Adam Gueli
Lydia and Richard Hellinger Kimberly and Neil Hindle
Dani and Tarquin Katis Keri and Matthew Kiamie Julia and David Klagsbrun Stacie and Thatcher Krasne ’86 Jennifer and Jason Lichtenstein Jocelyn and Steven Lieberman Stephanie ’87 and Robin McCaine
William McCulloch
Michele and William Mena Corinne and David Menn John Morris
6th Grade = 100%
Erin and Peter O’Brien
Renee and Greg Petrillo
Lisa and Spencer Rankin Valerie Raynor
Claudia Santorelli-Bates
Coreen and Claude Serfilippi Nicola and Jason Teixeira Kate Triggs
Marta Noriega and Marco Vega Melissa and Clifford Wallach, Trustee Sherry Levin Wallach Esq. Liai Zhou and Yongtao Zhang
72% Participation
Beth and Raymond Baer Elizabeth Bloch
Justa Boissard Laura and Gary Bologh Milagros Buddington Elissa and Jean-Paul Conoscente Stacy Daly Eileen Solla-Diaz and Jay Diaz Jennifer and Pascal Doran Bethany and Kevin Durkin, Trustee Christine Lai and Craig Elkind Beth Feldman and The LWL Foundation Dana and David Feldman Sloane Finn Mary and William Ford Sussman Jackie and Lee Freund Jerri-Lynn, Trustee and Dan Galgano Jessica and David Gasch Alexandra Gittleman Ilana and Jim Grady
Toba and Elan Jamil Francine and David Jaques Elaine Kalman
Jeff Kalman ’92 Heather and Marc Katzin Marlo and Eric Klein Linda and Donald Kluge Eileen Juico and William Knauer
Jennifer Baliotti LaForce and Scott LaForce Ronice, Trustee and Lenwood Latta Wendy, Trustee and Jeffrey Lederer Meredith and Ian Levine Cynthia and Shawn Mallon Maria and Alan McIntyre
Jed Melnick Sherman and Christopher Meloni Kimberley and Matthew Miller Veronica Moreno
Yvette Palmero-Ortega and Kirk Ortega Michelle and Courtney Providence Diane and David Quinn Natalie and Nathaniel Reckson
Nicole and Matthew Roberts
Gale Segarra Roberts and R. Gregory Roberts Samantha and Gerard Rocco
Michelle Rubin and Jeff Gross
Jenny and Brian Rynott Tracy and William Shepard Victoria Tillotson and David Shupe Amy and Stephen Silverman Marie and Taylor Smelser Daphne Uviller and Sacha Spector Laura and James Treseler Merel Van den Tol-Tans and Cefas Van den Tol Jessica Vicente
Elisa and Skip Weinstock Jodi and Drew Weisberger Allison Nied and Stewart Whitman Jennifer and Ian Winters Deborah and Russell Yankwitt Shujuan and Minggao Zheng
80% participation Kim and Jeff Abt
Elisa and Bruce Akrongold Holly and Neil Alexander Christina and Vincent Alexander
Melissa and David Alpern Elizabeth and Paul Amerling Aliki and Phillip Anastos
Yonat Assayag and Louis Arbetter Leslie and Mark Berni Mridu and Vikram Bhaskar Tahirah and Harold Campbell Linda and Jack Cioffi Lisa and Thomas Cohn Sara and David Cremins Nathalie Martino and James Dalrymple Francesca and Ernesto D’Onofrio Ursela and Michael Dunn Alison and Evan Flamenbaum Cheryl and Stephen Goldblum Kyra Darnton and David Grann Christine and Kyle Groff Lydia and Richard Hellinger Megan and Michael Hildebrandt
Juliet and R. Edwin Howe Rosaria and John Iannacito Francine and David Jaques Elaine Kalman
Jeffrey Kalman ’92 Amy and Jon Kass, Trustee Jill and Marc Katzman Toby Lazarus and Allan Lichtenberg Mary and Westin Lovy Heather Goldman and Michael Lubin Emiliana Marlin
Suzanne McCormick
Tracy McGhee
Diane Roberts and Vincent Millette
Veronica Moreno
Valerie and Joshua Nelson
Amie and Greg Phillips
Jonathon Piper
Nicole Piper
Amy Rosen
Jennifer and Michael Rosen
Lynn Green and Marc Rosenthal Roxane Dornbusch and Spencer Rosman Luz Noboa and Ruben Sanchez Kelley and Michael Sanders Jeanette and David Sandor Claudia Santorelli-Bates Stefanie Kalkut and Lanier Saperstein Elizabeth Ortiz-Schwartz and Clifford Schwartz
Gail and Peter Sestito Nancy and Peter Shapiro Lynn and Robert Siegel Rachel and Jeffrey Silva Ellen and Steven Spiro Maureen and Michael Verdeschi Linda and Owen Walter Jennifer Waterhouse-Cooper, Trustee and Perry Cooper Lisa and Brian Yurko
« Christopher Abrenica ’89 CA
Cynthia Ajello Adair ’95
« Alexander Agnew ’73
E. Richard Ahlborn ’55
Raymond G. Anderson ’74
Jac ob Aronauer ’98
t William Auer ’64
Wylie Smith Blake ’88
Jaime Blatt ’07
G eoffrey Blum ’69
Philip C. Bowers, Trustee ’70
Mitchell Bowman ’12
Elizabeth Mearsheimer Branchflower ’04
t Jamie Brody ’88
Lillian Brouwer ’14
t John H. Burbank III ’82
Stephen B. Burbank ’60
Aidan Cammisa ’20
Timothy Carpenter, Jr. ’09
Alexandra W. Casano
« Jonathan T. Casano ’97
t Lara W. Casano ’95 CA
Peter Case ’61
t Pieter A. Catlow ’73
Whitney Solomon Chamberlain ’02
Daniel K. Chapman ’73
Erica Cheyne ’14 CA
« David Coburn ’64
Gretel Coleman ’08 CA
« Palen Conway ’74
Diana Weisholz Cooke ’01
« William Cordes ’87
« C. G eorge Dandrow, Jr. ’50
Samantha Danziger ’16
Adam Davis ’95
t Jonathan M. DePalma ’01
t Thomas Devlin ’06
t Lee Dickinson ’04
D ennis A. Dilmaghani ’62
Adam Donofrio ’88
Nick Duncan ’04
Peter S. Duncan ’65
t C. Dary Dunham, Jr. ’56
William Edell ’88
Peter Ehrlich, Jr. ’70
t Philip A. Eifert ’73 CA
t G eorge Eysymontt, Jr. ’53
Brent Feldman ’13
Matthew Fierstein ’04
Harrison Fontaine ’19
t John French III ’47
« James R. Fuller ’52
Sandy Gabel ’61 CA
Mr. Daniel P. Galgano ’20 CA
Michael Gallagher ’03
Nadia Murray Goodman ’93
t C ampbell L. Graham ’54
« Douglas Grover ’65
Kent C. Guernsey ’73
Robin Guterman ’87
D ylan Hackley ’08 CA
t Robert J. Hard ’66
Kevin Harrigan ’96 CA
Mr. Christian K. Harrington ’14
« Nicholas Hertz ’04
« Douglas P. Hirsh ’61 Paul Hollos ’52
Amy R. Horowitz ’87
John Hughes ’68 Elizabeth Pace Interlicchio ’05
Andrew Jamieson ’09 CA
t Leanne Janos and Gregory Janos ’98
t Britton Jones ’72 Elizabeth Kavounas ’18 Kaitlyn Kavounas ’19
Miss Tessa N. Knorr ’16
t Thatcher Krasne ’86
Andrea Labis ’86
Norb ert Lachmann ’47
Alisa E. Langer ’09
Paul Lattarulo ’92 Richard Ledes ’71
« John Leeds ’75
Alessandra Leone ’08
t Joshua Linder ’03
« John Loeb, Jr. ’44
Jennifer B igham Louziotis ’87 John A. Luke, Jr. ’63 Tyler Lunny ’20 David Mandra ’13
Rachel March ’08
« Duncan Marshall, Jr. ’63 Stephen Masiello, Jr. ’96
« Stephanie Jones McCaine ’87
William McCance ’79
t Thomas A. McGraw, Jr. ’67 t Alexander P. McKown ’57 CA « Doniella McKoy ’07 CA
No elle McKoy ’09
« Thomas McManus ’70
« Ira Mendleson III ’57
Laurel Elkind Meredith ’88 CA Alexander Milano ’02 « Anthony Milne ’56
Eugene H. Morrison, Jr. ’68 « Gregory Morton ’64 « Joshua Morton ’59
Seth Morton II ’57
Francis W. Murray III ’42 Teresa Neri ’06 CA John Newman ’66
Philip Nimphius ’93 Walter Ronald Nock ’57 t Matthew J. M. Norman ’04 Luis Nunez, Jr. ’99
« Jas on O’Brien ’09 t Sean O’Brien ’09 t John Ogilvie, Jr. ’51
Miss Erika D. Osborne ’09 CA Rachel Popper Patton ’89
Jared Peraglia ’19 Jonathan Peters ’05 t John Pflieger ’74
« Anita Elkind Pomerantz ’84
« Gregoire Presseau ’98 Christine Putek ’89
Darren J. Rigger ’87 t David Robertson ’67
« Thomas Rodd, Jr. ’56
« William Rosenbaum ’59 Harrison M. Ross ’13
C athieann Rieff Rowland ’91 Miss Sarah A. Rubel ’08
C arl A. Rubenstein ’73 Miss Chloe B. Savitch ’18 CA Miss Hannah E. Sawyer ’09 Danny Schonning ’12 CA Andrew Schwartz ’14
« Samuel Schwartz ’09
Zachary J. Schwartz ’14
Sanford B. Scott ’75
Charles M. Seider ’14
Veronica Jean Seltzer ’09
Brian Silva ’14
Amelia Slater ’11 CA
Lana Slater ’09
« Pamela Hakim Small ’84
William F. Spalding, Jr. ’61
Natalia St. Lawrence ’12 CA
« Russ ell C. Stamm ’94 CA
Timothy Stanton ’61
Natasha Stein ’14
« Frederick Stelle ’61
Timothy Stone ’77
t Robert Sullivan, Jr. ’77
« Megan Taylor ’09 CA
Peter S. Terris ’53
Lute Thompson ’37
« Charles Titterton ’55
« Frank Valenta, Jr. ’60
« D ean Vallas ’66
« Michael Van Winkle ’60
t Frances Visintainer ’07
« Hans F. Wachtmeister ’59
« David Wagstaff III ’51
« Kirk Waldron ’56
« Evan R. Walker ’03
« Jaclyn Klein Walker ’03 CA
« Lindsey Walker, Trustee, ’05
James B. Welles IV ’07
« Michael H. West ’58
t Lanc e White III ’64
S pencer Wiesner ’09
t David Williams ’67
« Christopher Wise ’62
John E. Wise, Jr. ’17 CA
James Wo od ’41 CA
Nic ole Wright ’05
t Jeffrey M. Yates ’63
« Richard Yates, Jr. ’61
t W. D ewees Yeager III ’72
Paul Zabriskie ’74
The Veneable family joined Harvey in 2018 when their daughter Eva was in sixth grade. With her husband Ray’s encouragement and support, Dawanna quickly jumped in as a volunteer, becoming a parent ambassador so she could share her passion for Harvey with prospective families. Not long after, Dawanna joined the DEI Committee, became an Annual Fund volunteer, participated in the Reopening Task Force (RTF) in 2020, which served to guide the school administration as we navigated the challenges of reopening during the pandemic, and ultimately was asked to join the Board of Trustees in 2021.
By participating in all of these different ways, Dawanna is ensuring that Harvey will continue to thrive long into the future. We are particularly grateful to Dawanna for her support in the school’s fundraising efforts. Whether welcoming Harvey’s new parents in the beginning of the year or reaching out to her peers during the school year, Dawanna’s involvement and support impact not only our monetary goals but also help our parent community to understand the importance of participating in the Annual Fund. Dawanna, Ray, and the Veneable family are deeply invested in Harvey. We are profoundly happy to have them as a part of our family!
Air Professional Associates, LLC
American Endowment Foundation
The American Gift Fund
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co.
Bank of America Charitable Gift Fund
Bank of America
« Belmont Land Design, LLC
The Benevity Community Impact Fund
« Blackacre Title Agency
Brooks Works LLC
Cyb erGrants SPV, LLC
Danziger & Markhoff, LLP
Dunhilly Corp
FLIK Independent School Dining Gold man Sachs & Co.
The Great American Title Agency, Inc.
Karen L. Knopper Real Estate
Krasdale Foods, Inc.
Network for Good
The New York Community Trust
Peridot Pure LLC
Pfluger Family Fund
Plummer Family Charitable Fund of Fidelity Charitable Donor PNC Foundation
Putnam County Savings Bank Robinson Associates
RT 117 Auto Service Yankwitt LLP
« Anonymous (3)
Anna Alexander
Jessica and Michael Anson
Phyllis Apollonio
« Patricia McKeogh and William Bandon
t Philip C. Bowers ’70, Trustee
t Sally Breckenridge
« Teddy Cameron Kathleen and John Casano
« Hilary and Neil Chavkin
« Hilleary and James Coleman
t Junko and Timothy Cornell
« Susie and Bob Danziger
Jamie Delaney
« Andrea DePalma
« Charlesanna and Bill Ecker
« Lisa and Mark Ellis
« Coral Fernandes
Jo celyn and Alan Forman Sandy Gabel ’61 CA
« Janet and Elbridge Gerry
« Deirdre, Trustee and James Glascott Katharine Brown and Bronislaw Grala Dina and Eric Grossman
Jamie and Rob Hagani
Robert J. Hard ’66
Susan and William Hassett Raymond R. Herrmann, Jr. † Amy and Edward Hogan
« Elizabeth and Robert Husted Cynthia Peterson-Jacobs and Seth Jacobs
Pamela A. Jamieson
Inez A. Jones
Janet Keyes and William Josiger
C arol Rubin Kahn
« Amy and Howard Katz Trudi and G. Lynton Kaufman Laura Dahm and John Kavounas Stephanie King Charles Krasne, Trustee
« Elicia Weinstein and Barry Krosser Jeanette and Jeffrey Lasdon, Trustee Emeritus Mariane Lee
t Donna Leone
C arissa and Ian Lewis
t Joanne and Joseph Lombardi Dianne and Alan Mahony
« Rosalie Maiden
Tami and Dan McCarthy Bonnie and Kenneth McGee « Maureen and Patrick McManus Jennifer and Kevin McMorrow Connie and Vic Mizzaro « Evette and Emmett Murtha Kevin Muzin
t Jackie and Stephen Norman D eborah and Jeremiah O’Brien Jennifer and William O’Connell Evelyn J. Olsen
« Marcy and Reinhardt Olsen
« Richard Pape
t Jane, Trustee Emerita and Rick Petty t Katharine and Joseph Plummer, Trustee Fujiko and Robert Presseau t Jeanne and Robert Puchir t Sandra Mayer and James Roberts Paul and Maxine Rosenberg t Judith and Richard Ryerson t Alic e and David Schiff
C. Lynn Schoen
Joanna and Kenneth Schulman t Elizabeth and Wallace Schwartz, Trustees « Lisa Beck and Mitchell Seider
« Sara and James Shyer
Felice and David Silk Jim Skrip
Pamela Hakim Small ’84
« Jeannie and Lou Sorell
Laura Prichard and Frederic Stark
« Karen Scappaticci and Howard Steinberg
t Robert Sullivan, Jr. ’77
Hatsumi and Ken Suyama t Andrea Tessler, Trustee and Michael Scarsella t Kathleen, Trustee, and Jeremy Treat « Kelsey, Trustee and James Turcotte
« Mary and Francis Valentine t D eborah and John Van Steen t Elizabeth and Paul Visintainer t Eileen, Trustee, and Jay Walker
Ann D ennison and Brian Walsh
Beryl Weaver
« Melissa and Stuart Welburn
Tina and James Welles
Suzanne Beilenson and Robert Wiesenberg t Kim and Eric Wise, Trustee « Patty and Russ Wolff
Susan and Harvey Bazaar
Marie and A. John Brauer
Kathleen and John Casano
« Jocelyn and George Eysymontt, Jr. ’53
Jac queline Freedman and Robin Fitzgerald Kathryn Holden
Yvonne Isley
Norma and William Jaques
Eile en and Jose Juico Mary Knauer
G ail and Robert Lederer
Patricia Leffler
Lucy Shapiro and Harley McAdams
Patricia McCulloch
Marjorie McGahren
Diane and David Menn
Blanca and Gonzalo Mogro
C arol and Thomas Nied
Bette Sue and Lawrence Rosenthal David Wagstaff III ’51
Melissa Angelillo
Michael P. Berardino
Hannah Danziger
Robin Fischer
Antony Gelberg
Leon Hanson
Amy Kleissler
Karen L. Knopper
« Steve and Kate McCurdy
Victoria Melly
Amanda Mogro
D enise Palacios
Ann Pis etznerKathleen Valentine
Edward Kelly, Trustee
t Effie Afentoulides
« Christina and Vincent Alexander C arolyn Bean
John Bellucci
Ann Bez
Meg Bo oth Patrice Brophy
Jaclyn Butera t Brendan Byrne t Timothy Cornell Isabelle Correa Christian Coscio
« Susie Danziger « Christopher DelCampo t Jonathan DePalma ’01 Peter Everett Michael Fink
« Lori and Scott Fowler
« Karen Grazia t Robert Griffin « Jason Hill t Virginia Holmes Gregory Janos ’98
« William Knauer Ray Lacen Philip Lazzaro t Joanne Lombardi
Dianne Mahony
« Stephanie McCaine ’87
« Marcie McGowan-Hajem William Mena
« Stephanie Metz
« Michelle Morris
Amie and Greg Phillips Douglas Plaskett t Christine Romanowicz
t Richard Ryerson
Brandon Saltz
t Samuel Schursky Jeffrey Seymour Jim Skrip
Megan Taylor ’09 Jessica Vicente « Beth Visintainer
Madelon Visintainer t John Wahlers
Jeannine Young
Former Faculty/Staff Nancy Adams t Sally Breckenridge
C arly Feinberg Byrne « Peter Duncan ’65 t Barry Fenstermacher
Amy Gignesi
Jan Jac obi
Jennifer Feighery Lazzaro
Maureen Moser
Laura Prichard
t Jeanne Puchir
Thomas Rodd ’56
Ronald Romanowicz
Judith Ryerson
Robert Schmidt
David Stephens
Margaret Stephens
Andrew Tyson
Frances Visintainer ’07
Molly Whittaker
On February 10, 2022, Harvey celebrated the second annual Founders Day/Day of Giving. We were proud to honor the traditions established during the school’s founding years with the youngest student cutting a ceremonial sheet cake to recognize the school’s birthday. In addition, the Harvey band performed during the celebration while the students participated in contests and games. On campus, we all came together as a community to make this special day memorable!
Our goals were mighty: $350,000 and 415 donors. Our community’s support was overwhelming, ensuring that the Annual Fund continues to support the vision and the programs, and people that make Harvey extraordinary. Our thanks to all those who made the second year of this new tradition a success! A special thank-you goes out to our development interns, Annual Fund volunteers, and class agents who rallied support all day long!
The alumni classes with the most participation and who raised the most money during the Day of Giving, Class of 2009 and Class of 1961, will be honored at Homecoming 2022.
The sixth grade and ninth grade classes won the Class Parent Participation Challenge on Day of Giving and celebrated with a visit from the ice cream truck in May!
A special thank-you goes out to our challenge donors who mounted some very engaging games and contests throughout the day!
Early Bird Challenge for first 100 donors: $20,000 in honor of Model UN
Football Dollar-for-Dollar challenge: $20,000 for new football uniforms
Young Alumni Challenge for 50 donors from the 2000’s: $5,000 in honor of Brendan Byrne and Phil Lazzaro
Alumni Participation Challenge for reaching more than 100 donors: $5,000
New Family Challenge for reaching 75% participation among new families: $10,000
Community Challenge for exceeding 400 donors: $4,000 to support DEI programming
A school endowment is a pool of funds that is invested for the purpose of generating consistent interest income for the institution.
Thanks to the commitment and dedication of our Finance Committee, our endowment including the Ronald Duncan Trust, has grown to more than $6 million. The majority of our funds are dedicated to financial aid and faculty professional development and materially impact the lives of our students and faculty. Additionally this year we awarded our first scholarships for the Maury A. Leone Scholarship Fund to honor the memory of former trustee Maury Leone and the Jock Burbank ’56 Scholarship to honor longtime teacher and alum Jock Burbank. To discuss how your interests can match a need at Harvey please contact Susie Danziger at
Established in 2013 in honor of longtime staff member, Rosie Baldwin, the fund is dedicated to the enhancement of our library.
Recent donors: Sally Breckenridge Jeanne and Robert Hard ’66 Alden W. Mauck ’72
This fund honors former Head of School Barry Fenstermachers’s 30 years of service at the time of the school’s centennial celebration. Established by the Board of Trustees to enable qualifying students to attend The Harvey School, to date, the fund has received more than $1.2 million in gifts. Thank you to all those who contributed this year.
Recent donors: Michael Godner RoseMarie and Raymond Kuntz, Trustee Richard I. Mack ’91 Alexandra Shepherd and Derek Smyth Jeanette and Dave Stark ’96
In honor of a former trustee, past parent, and beloved longtime friend of Harvey, this fund was initiated after Maury’s death in 2020 to memorialize and honor his deep commitment to our community. The fund will provide finan cial support to a student who embodies the spirit and love for Harvey that Maury demonstrated. The first scholarship was awarded in the 2021–22 school year, and a second will be awarded for the 2022–23
school year. Thank you to those members of our community who supported this important scholarship this year.
Recent donors:
Effie and Lefteri Afentoulides Donald and Barbara Duffy Judy and Donald Gruhn Hermione Foundation
RoseMarie and Raymond Kuntz, Trustee Donna Leone, Trustee Laura Prichard and Frederic Stark Sarah A. Rubel ’08
In honor of alum, educator, administrator, and passionate scholar, this fund was initiated in 2020 by the Burbank Family in honor of Jock’s love of Harvey. The fund will provide financial support to a student with a strong academic record, a commitment to learning and student life, and a demonstrated sense of kindness and compassion. The family has kindly offered to match any gifts made to the scholarship fund, further increasing their impact. The first scholarship was awarded in the 2021–22 school year and a second will be awarded for the 2022–23 school year.
For more information on the scholar ship, please see the profile at right. Thank you to those members of our community who made a contribution this year.
Recent donors: Anonymous
The Braewold Fund
Stephen B. Burbank ’60 Orange Fund
Dale and Bruce Osborne Frank M. Perrine
Jonathan Scoll ’56
Michael Van Winkle ’60 James Wood ’41
This fund which provides support and mentorship for new teachers, was established upon John McMahon’s death in honor of his 39 years of teaching at Harvey.
Recent donors:
Richard Ledes ’71
Deborah Matero
Saloni and Sandip Singh Kristin and Paolo Sorio
In July of 2020, Jock Burbank ’56, alum, educator, administrator, and passionate scholar passed away at his home in California.
As an enduring legacy to Jo ck’s commitment to education and to The Harvey School, Jock’s son John ’82 and two brothers Michael ’58 and Stephen ’60 established the John H. “Jock” Burbank ’56 Scholarship. The Scholarship, which was given for the first time in the fall of 2021, will be awarded annually to support the financial needs of an incoming ninth grader for their four years at Harvey. The recipients will be selected based on their strong academic record, a commitment to learning and student life, and a demonstrated sense of selflessness, passion, kindness, and compassion, consistent with the way that Jock approached his students, his colleagues, his family, and his friends. The family has kindly offered to match any gifts made to the scholarship fund, further increasing their impact.
This year’s inaugural Burbank Scholar embraced life on the Harvey campus from the moment she arrived last fall. She got involved in all aspects of the community, especially in the areas of arts and academics, discovering a passion for poetry. Attending Harvey is opening up doors to this young scholar, enabling her to try new things that she otherwise might not be able to at a larger school. She believes that growth comes from the mindset of being comfortable with being uncomfort able — being able to get used to being in situations that are outside of your comfort zone, allowing you to fulfill your potential by becoming your best self. In her words, the scholarship is enabling her to “focus on maintaining good grades while striving to live up to the legacy of the Burbank family.”
What the Burbank family has done at Harvey is life changing. It is the kind of gift that will have a mean ingful impact on Harvey today and long into the future. Thank you, John, Michael, and Stephen.
These gifts include bequests, charitable trusts, life insurance, real estate, or other tangible property. Depending on the donor’s circumstances, a planned gift may not only greatly benefit The Harvey School but also might provide significant tax advantages for the donor and the donor’s family.
Members of this ever-growing group have indicated that they have made provisions for Harvey in their estate plans.
We are grateful to acknowledge all who have made provisions in their will for The Harvey School. Through these generous bequests, Harvey is assured long-term fiscal health.
Laurance Baschkin ’77
Pieter A. Catlow ’73 Hitomi and Daniel, Emeritus K. Chapman ’73 John G. Davis ’50
Peter S. Duncan ’65
Ronald W. Duncan Rowena and Barry Fenstermacher, Headmaster Emeritus John French III ’47
Raymond R. Herrmann, Jr. † Paul Hollos ’52
Gene S. Lasdon
Jeanette and Jeffrey, Emeritus Lasdon
Patrick O. Peterkin ’78 Linda and Gerald Pollack Dawn Stuttig Robert West ’60 Christopher Wise ’62
Bequests can take many forms, including a specific dollar amount or a portion of what remains of an estate after obligations to others are fulfilled. Donors may receive generous tax reductions for themselves and their heirs by naming The Harvey School as a beneficiary of an estate or trust.
Unrestricted bequests are particularly welcome since they provide flexibility to the school’s trustees to use the gift in whatever way is needed the most. We recognize that some donors, however, have specific interests that they want to encourage and support.
Gifts for specific purposes should be described as broadly as possible. For example, a donor may want to leave a gift restricted for scholar ships, faculty support, or a particular program. The donor’s attorney or estate planner as well as a Harvey School representative should be consulted to accommodate individual circumstances.
» Charitable remainder trusts place assets in trust for the benefit of the school, while a fixed percentage of the trust or annuity is paid out to the donor, a family member, or other beneficiary. The donor may choose to have income paid for the life of a beneficiary or for a certain number of years. At the end of the term, these assets are transferred to The Harvey School.
Charitable lead trusts are established by transferring cash or other assets to a trustee, who invests the principal and pays income to Harvey for a period designated by the donor. When the term of the trust expires, the principal is transferred to a donor’s family or other beneficiary at what may be a significant gift and estate tax savings.
Susie Danziger, Director of Development or (914) 232-3161 ext. 111
We are so pleased to share the great progress that was made this year with this important building project, which will serve to both provide a new welcoming entrance to campus as well as add additional teaching and learning space up the hill, during the 2022–23 school year.
In addition to gaining the first of the necessary approvals from the Town of Bedford to begin construction, we assembled a strong campaign committee to close the planning/fundraising phase of the project, featured the project at the PA Spring Barn Dance, made the WHBC the centerpiece of the Class of 2022 Senior Class Gift, and we are beginning work on the additional classroom space in Sylvan Hall, which will have an immediate impact on students, faculty, and staff.
We are deeply grateful to all of the members of the Harvey community who have been so patient and supportive as we have managed the various phases of the project. We would like to recognize all of the members of the community who contributed to the campaign between July 2021 and June 2022. This includes those who raised their paddles at the Spring Barn Dance and members of the Class of 2022. We are currently more than 50% of the way to our goal — thank you!
5C Capitol Management Kim and Jeff Abt
Elisa and Bruce Akrongold Melissa and David Alpern
The American Gift Fund Elizabeth and Paul Amerling Aliki and Phillip Anastos Melissa Angelillo
Anheuser Busch
Yonat Assayag and Louis Arbetter Beth and Raymond Baer Meghan and Alan Bazaar Leslie and Mark Berni Glenda Rosado-Bland and William Bland Laura and Gary Bologh Tynelle and Dwayne Boothe Hayate and Mourad Boujid Patrice Brophy
Carolyn and Robert Brown Linda and Jay Bryant Nichelle Bussey Sonia Carbajal Kathleen and John Casano Lara Casano ’95, President, Alumni Association and Sean Gilligan Elisabeth and Matthew Casey Hitomi and Daniel K. Chapman ’73, Emeritus Linda and Jack Cioffi Lisa and Thomas Cohn Robert Comerford and Russell Lawrence Michelle Colev-Condax and George Condax Elissa and Jean-Paul Conoscente Junko and Timothy Cornell Christian Coscio Sara and David Cremins
Nina and Tom Curley
Nathalie Martino and James Dalrymple Susie and Bob Danziger Michelle Davies
Jonathan M. DePalma ’01 Chris Dunlop Ursela and Michael Dunn Bethany and Kevin Durkin, Trustee Christine Lai and Craig Elkind Danielle and Andrew Feigenbaum Alison and Evan Flamenbaum Peter Fogarty Ashley and Joel Foote Mary and William Ford Sussman Shayna Klopott and Michael Frankel Jerri-Lynn and Dan Galgano, Trustee Jessica and David Gasch
GE Foundation Mike Goldrick
Kyra Darnton and David Grann Karen and Tony Grazia Christine and Kyle Groff Melissa Acciavatti and Adam Gueli Meredith and Marc Hanson Lydia and Richard Hellinger Megan and Michael Hildebrandt Kimberly and Neil Hindle Juliet and R. Edwin Howe
Joi Isley-Collins
Toba and Elan Jamil Francine and David Jaques Elaine Kalman
Jeffrey Kalman ’92 Amy and Jon Kass, Trustee Stephanie Katz
Jill and Marc Katzman Laura Dahm and John Kavounas Keri and Matthew Kiamie Jodi Kilgannon
Julia and David Klagsbrun Linda and Donald Kluge Eileen Juico and William J. Knauer, Head of School Jill and Daniel LaGattuta Wendy, Trustee and Jeffrey Lederer Laura and David Lehman Donna Leone, Trustee Meredith and Ian Levine Vivien and Todd Levy Toby Lazarus and Allan Lichtenberg Jennifer and Jason Lichtenstein Jocelyn and Steven Lieberman Jill and John Lombardi Heather Goldman and Michael Lubin Steve Luciano
Deanna Marano
Marjorie and Richard McGahren Foundation Suzanne McCormick
Tracy McGhee
Corinne and David Menn Suzanne and Sean Millette Diane Roberts and Vincent Millette Veronica Moreno Austin Morgan John Morris
Valerie and Joshua Nelson David Paschkes Kristin Peters and John Peters
Jonathon Piper Nicole Piper
Lisa and Spencer Rankin Jeffrey Rose
Amy Rosen
Jennifer and Michael Rosen Roxane Dornbusch and Spencer Rosman Anne and David Runyan Jenny and Brian Rynott
Luz Noboa and Ruben Sanchez Kelley and Michael Sanders Jeanette and David Sandor Leonard Santorelli Claudia Santorelli-Bates
Stefanie Kalkut and Lanier Saperstein Stacey Schutzer Elizabeth Ortiz-Schwartz and Clifford Schwartz Gail and Peter Sestito Tracy and William Shepard Lynn and Robert Siegel Rachel and Jeffrey Silva Nikki Weinstein and Samuel Simmons Saloni and Sandip Singh Jim Skrip
Marie and Taylor Smelser Daphne Uviller and Sacha Spector Ellen and Steven Spiro Robert Sullivan, Jr. ’77 Nicole Tantillo
Andrea Tessler, Trustee and Michael Scarsella Geraldine and Glen Tobias Kathleen, Trustee and Jeremy Treat US Bancorp Foundation Merel Van den Tol-Tans and Cefas Van den Tol Lisa and Leonardo Vasile Maureen and Michael Verdeschi Jessica Vicente
Donna and Richard Volpitta
Margo Hotston and Jeffrey Wacksman Eileen, Trustee and Jay Walker Sherry Levin Wallach Esq. Linda and Owen Walter Amanda Jayne and John Wang Heather Hewett and Matthew Weidner Allison Nied and Stewart Whitman Jennifer and Ian Winters Lisa and Brian Yurko Matthew Zazzarino
When we approached Leslie Berni in the spring of 2020 to become the next PA president, we knew that we were experiencing unusual times. We had no idea what the next two days, let alone the next two years, would look like. But after asking a few thoughtful questions, Les, who was running a thriving business and managing a family of five, expressed tremendous passion for and commitment to Harvey and said yes.
As the unprecedented 2019–20 school year came to a close, it became more and more apparent that Les had agreed to much more than leading the Parent Association. Her charge included finding ways to keep the school community tight and cohesive, helping with the development of a safe reopening plan, and, most significantly, reinventing the PA to provide programming that would create unity even though we would likely be apart for much of her term.
For the next two years, Les fielded multiple phone calls and emails, welcomed new families, brainstormed innovative ideas, learned the ins and outs of Zoom, and found a myriad of ways every day, week, and month to keep the Harvey community’s bonds tight.
Two years later, as we look back on all that Les accomplished — together with her extraordinary group of volunteers and her devoted husband, Mark — the tremendous impact that Les has had on the community is clear. During her tenure, the PA added a book club, hiking group, Zoom get-togethers, several cooking classes, and a DEI PA group, among other initiatives. Les not only held us together but she created joyful and meaningful opportunities for parents to stay connected that were unimaginable two short years ago. Thank you, Les. It is hard to imagine how we would have navigated the waters as a parent community without you.
On behalf of the Parent Association, I want to thank you all for supporting Harvey this year.
I had The Rolling Stones’ song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want” on repeat during my senior year of high school. Despite thinking I did everything to my fullest potential, I was rejected from my preferred colleges — and my high school boyfriend broke up with me. I still ache thinking about that time. However, at my “safety school,” I met teachers who inspired me to be a writer, a career I loved. I had a ton of fun and became a type A- instead of a stressed-out A+ personality. I also met lifelong friends and bonded with a man I now call my husband. I didn’t get what I wanted my senior year, but I’m pretty certain I got what I needed.
This past year at Harvey, during the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, reminded me of that song yet again, and not only because I had a senior there (he got into his preferred colleges). As the president of the Harvey Parent Association, I sometimes heard concerns from parents about how things were different. Some students were eating in the gym. A few tradi tional trips and educational offerings were canceled yet again. The kids missed having clubs and weekly morning meetings.
However, as PA president, I also heard tons of gratitude. With the incredible support of the Harvey staff, administration, parents, and all of the generous donors like you, Harvey students met for class in person just about all year! They embraced challenging and unique classes, including AP Stats, Japanese, Shakespearience!, and Bioethics. They grew emotionally through Harvey’s advisory program and meetings with our new counselor. And, they had a blast with the return of middle school trips to places like the CT Science Center, Caramoor, and Philadelphia. Students celebrated as junior and senior proms returned. They showed up in record numbers to cheer during numerous championship games and stellar arts performances. Kids enjoyed movie nights on the Quad, food trucks, a senior carnival and more. And, finally, upon graduation, members of the Class of 2022 hugged and high-fived each other in front of their loved ones in a full gymnasium and didn’t let go of each other even as the concluding recessional took place.
But it wasn’t just the students who found ways to connect. Parents gathered for socials throughout the year. We hiked trails in Ward’s Pound Ridge Reservation. We participated in work shops focused on gender identity, managing screen time, posi tive coaching, and how to cook pizzettas. We read half a dozen books together for book club, and even traveled together to New York City to tour the Morgan Library and Museum. (Why should the kids have all the fun?) On a grand scale, the entire extended Harvey community showed up in the hundreds for Homecoming and the Spring Barn Dance and gave generously, exceeding Harvey’s fundraising goals! Community members young and old opened their hearts by supporting Harvey on the Day of Giving, for the Annual Fund, and by participating in Senior and Eighth Grade Class Gifts.
On behalf of the Parent Association, I want to thank you all for contributing to Harvey this year through your donations, innova tive ideas, support, and participation. During what many people have called one of the most trying times in our lives, we found community, gratitude, and joy. And it was just what we needed.
The 2021–22 school year represented a gradual return to our more traditional Harvey experience, particularly as it relates to the Parent Association.
For the first time in more than 18 months, parents were welcomed back to campus and encouraged to attend games, performances, and events. Although daytime PA meetings, activities, and events were still held on Zoom — which made it easier for more parents to get involved — we began to see and feel the warmth of our parent community again. We are extremely grateful to have our parent partnership, and we wish to recognize all of the PA leadership who helped us to chart new territory over the past two years.
President: Leslie Berni
Middle School Liaison: Joi Isley-Collins
Treasurer: Mia Egelberg
Secretary: Linda Cioffi
Facebook Administrator: Cyndi Mallon
Upper School Athletic Boosters: Ashley Foote, Francine Jaques
Middle School Athletic Booster: Kelly Harned Teacher Appreciation Breakfast Co-Chairs: Sorin Klares, Melissa Alpern Holiday Appreciation Co-Chairs: Sara Cremins, Jerri-Lynn Galgano, Trustee Harvey Presents: Kat Tambor, Allison Draizin Arts Booster Co-Chairs: Natalie Curro, Danielle Feigenbaum Book Club Co-Chairs: Toby Lazarus, Beth Baer PA DEI Chairs: Kelly Harned, Nia Rhodes Jackson Parent Ambassador Chair: Jenny Rynott
6th Grade: Geraldine Tobias, Hayate Jandar Boujid
7th Grade: Andrea Birch, Melody Brant
8th Grade: Christine Cappelletti, Joi Isley-Collins, Kelly Harned
9th Grade: Carmen Delessio, Claudia Grant, Kat Tambor
10th Grade: Tami McCarthy, Nicola Teixeira
11th Grade: Jessica Gasch, Beth Baer
12th Grade: Toby Lazarus
Lauren Acampora Beth Baer
Tynelle Boothe Dwayne Boothe Hayate Boujid Lara Casano ’95 Allison Draizin Kevin Durkin, Trustee Meredith Hanson Liz Jones
Heather Katzin Linda Kluge Jen Kutai Toby Lazarus Wendy Lederer, Trustee
Robin McCaine
Tracy Persaud Michelle Rubin Jenny Rynott Jeanette Sandor
Tracy Shepard
Lynn Siegel
Amy Silverman
Laura Treseler
Daphne Uviller Dawanna Veneable, Trustee
Jen Winters
Betty Zilberstein
Each year, the Harvey Parent Association transforms a space on campus to become a gala wonderland to bring our families together and celebrate our community.
This year’s celebration saw the Walker Center for the Arts become an authentic barn, complete with barn doors and block seats created by the arts center team led by Vinny Alexander, chair of the performing arts department. The twinkle lights, wild flowers, hay bales, and barrel tables were just the beginning of this exquisite event. When guests started arriving in their flannels, jean jackets, and cowboy hats, the bourbon started flowing at the bourbon bar, and the fiddler started playing, shifting the night into full gear!
Literally, nothing in the evening would have been possible without the contributions of hundreds of volunteers and donors. We offer a special shout-out to our diamond and platinum sponsors and under writers from the community of Harvey supporters — especially FLIK Hospitality Group, Krasdale Foods, PCSB Bank, and Rob Siegel Architects — who enabled every dollar we raised to go straight to the bottom line to support teaching and learning at Harvey and the renovation of the Weil House & Barn. We would like to recognize all our volunteers who worked their magic to bring the evening to life, to Austin Morgan who was a magnificent auctioneer, and to all of you who attended and made the evening so memorable!
Spring Barn Dance
Spring Barn Dance Co-chairs: Linda Cioffi Juliet Howe
Auction Committee Chair: Jeanette Sandor
Sponsorship Committee Co-chairs: Linda Holden-Bryant Alex Cabat Gittelman
Decor Committee Co-chairs: Elissa Conoscente Margo Hotston
Marketing Committee Chair: Linda Cioffi
Entertainment Committee Chair: Corinne Menn
Volunteer Management: Beth Baer
Auctioneer: Austin Morgan
Committee Members:
Decor: Leslie Berni Michelle Colev-Condax Mia Egelberg Luciana Frischer Claudia Grant Keri Kiamie Naomi Silpe Kat Tambor
Auction: Linda Holden-Bryant Linda Kluge Christine Lai
Marketing: Natalie Curro Toby Lazarus Laurel Meredith ’88 Valerie Nelson Stephanie Sklar
Entertainment: Mary Flaherty Corinne Menn Betty Zilberstein
Volunteer Management: Beth Baer
Volunteers: Melissa Acciavatti Wendy Class Sara Cremins Nina Curley Lee Freund Marcie Hajem Jodi Kilgannon Jennifer Lichtenstein Jocelyn Lieberman Yvette Palermo-Ortega Lisa Rankin Lynn Siegel Laura Sullivan Richard Sullivan Kat Tambor Laura Treseler Lisa Vasile
Dawanna Veneable, Trustee Ray Veneable Maggie Wieting Steven Wieting
The Harvey School
Faculty/Staff Volunteers: John DePalma ’01 Rosana Lindoro Joanne Lombardi Bill Mena
Austin Morgan Michelle Morris Jess Vicente
Harvey Spring Barn DanceWe offer a special thank-you to our Barn Dance sponsors, underwriters, and auction donors.
Air Professional Associates, LLC AB InBev
Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Belmont Land Design Linda and Jay Bryant Danziger & Markhoff, LLP Tania and Steven Dempsey Dunhilly Corp
FLIK Independent School Dining Cindy Hardy Krasdale Foods, Inc. Charles Krasne, Trustee Laura and David Lehman Donna Leone, Trustee Putnam County Savings Bank Gale Segarra Roberts and R. Gregory Roberts
RT 117 Auto Service
Elizabeth and Wallace Schwartz, Trustees Robert Sullivan, Jr. ’77 Wayne Fazzinga & Company Yankwitt LLP Deborah and Russell Yankwitt
Baldanza at the School House Bedford Gourmet
John Bellucci
Leslie and Mark Berni Bijou Jewelry
Trish Breede The Bryant Family Alex Cabat Mike Camba Caramoor Center for the Arts Elissa and Jean-Paul Conoscente
Robert Consentino Christian Coscio Sara and Dave Cremins
Susie and Bob Danziger Bethany and Kevin Durkin, Trustee Eiluj — A Beauty Lounge Elite Island Resorts Dana and David Feldman Shayna Klopott and Michael Frankel Jackie Freund
Jerri-Lynn and Dan Galgano, Trustee Melanie Gambino Meredith Hanson Abby Hassett ’13 Juliet Howe Greg Janos ’98 John Jay Homestead Amy and Jon Kass, Trustee Katonah Wine & Liquors Chris Kelly Linda and Don Kluge Katonah Museum of Art
Linda Kreisberg
Susan and David Leibowits
Tami McCarthy
Austin Morgan NY Rangers Erin and Peter O’Brien Suchada Palmer
Jessica Paschke
Perennial Gardens Michelle Rubin and Jeff Gross Jeanette and David Sandor Rachel and Jeffrey Silva Eileen, Trustee and Jay Walker Vanessa Williams
Jack joined Harvey as a seventh grader in the fall of 1996. His thirst for knowledge and passion for learning was clear to his parents and teachers right from the start and made him a standout in the classroom. Jack’s devotion to his education and innate tenacity drove and enabled him to overcome the lifetime of challenges he had already experienced by the young age of 12. Jack was born with dystonia, a rare neurological disorder that causes invol untary muscle contractions, often resulting in ongoing pain.
At the time that Jack entered Harvey, he was confined to a wheelchair. So many formidable obstacles for a young man entering adolescence to navigate.
With the support of his family, his teachers, and his medical team at the Massachusetts General Hospital, Jack went on to receive high marks at Harvey, winning the History Prize in 2001 and consistently being one of the top upper school scholars. In fact, Barry Fenstermacher, the then
Headmaster of Harvey, often referred to Jack “as our leading scholar.” Jack’s academic achievements culminated in his selection as the valedictorian of the Harvey Class of 2002. One of the most remarkable aspects of Jack’s six-year tenure at Harvey was that he often joined his father, John, in partic ipating in fundraising activities to raise millions of dollars for dystonia research at Mass General. When Jack left Harvey in 2002, he continued his studies at the Fordham College Honors Program, where he excelled and, not unsurprisingly, graduated with honors.
In the years since his graduation, Jack has stayed connected with his Harvey friends and teachers, so it was no surprise when Jack and John approached the school in 2021 offering to arrange a donation to the school of real estate in Mount Kisco that could either be used by the school or sold to invest the funds in other needs. This unexpected gift allows the Harvey administration the opportunity to create additional programming or funding for the facilities work we are undertaking on campus. What an impact this special donation will have on the students of Harvey today, as well as, long into the future. Thank you, Jack!
Many of our donors choose to give in unique and special ways by donating their services in a field of expertise, experiences, gift certificates or real estate and more.
We extend our thanks to those donors for their thoughtfulness and generosity. For more information on alternative ways of giving, please contact Susie Danziger (
Holly and Neil Alexander Jack Fasciana, Jr. ’02 Chris Kelly
Dale and Bruce Osborne Catherine and Paul Shaffer
William J. Knauer, Head of School
Vincent Alexander, Chair of Performing Arts Alex Brooks-Barr, Director of Finance and Operations
Brendan Byrne, Head of Middle School
Susie Danziger, Director of Development
Ricky Forde, Dean of Upper School Students Ray Lacen, Director of Athletics
Philip Lazzaro, Head of Upper School Alexandra Lindquist, Director of International Programs Stephanie McCain ’87, Assoc. Director of Admissions & DEI Chair William Mena, Director of Admissions Stephanie Metz, Middle School Dean of Students Elizabeth Visintainer, Asst. Head of Upper School
Eileen Walker, Chair Philip Bowers ’70, Vice Chair Andrea Tessler, Treasurer Jerri-Lynn Galgano, Secretary William J. Knauer, President & Head of School Lara Casano ’95
Kevin Durkin
Ashley Foote
Deirdre Glascott
Jonathan Kass Edward W. Kelly
Raymond G. Kuntz
Ronice Latta
Wendy Lederer
Donna Leone
Joseph Plummer
Elizabeth Schwartz
Wallace L. Schwartz
Kathleen Treat
Kelsey Turcotte
Dawanna Veneable Lindsey Walker ’05
Clifford Wallach
Jennifer Waterhouse-Cooper J. Eric Wise
Daniel K. Chapman ’73, Emeritus Alice DeSomma, Emerita Barry W. Fenstermacher, Headmaster Emeritus Charles A. Krasne, Emeritus Jeffrey Lasdon, Emeritus Jane Petty, Emerita Frank A. Weil ’44, Emeritus
Susie Danziger, Director of Development Isabelle Correa, Director of the Harvey Fund Chris DelCampo, Communications Associate Abby Hassett ’13, Communications Associate Karen Grazia, Director of Marketing and Communications Andrew Jamieson ’09, Associate Director of Development Greg Janos ’98, Associate Director of Alumni Relations
Lara Casano ’95, Alumni President, Trustee Pieter Catlow ’73
Erica Cheyne ’14 George Dallas ’64 Philip Eifert ’73
Andy Jamieson ’09 Laurel Elkind Meredith ’88 Seth Morton II ’57 Greg Presseau ’98 Lindsey Walker ’05, Trustee
Tracey Davies Bruce L. Dennis † Dennis Dilmaghani ’62 Lori Garbin John Hughes ’68 Richard Ledes ’71 Vivien Levy Lucy Lopez Dave Raneri ’69 David Silk Vanessa Williams
Leslie Berni, President, Parent Association Philip Bowers ’70, Vice Chair of the Board Erica Cheyne ’14, Alumni Executive Council Isabelle Correa, Director of the Harvey Fund Susie Danziger, Director of Development Kevin Durkin, Trustee and Weil House & Barn Campaign Chair
Philip A. Eifert ’73, Alumni Executive Council
Ashley Foote, Annual Fund Co-Chair Jerri-Lynn Galgano, Trustee and Annual Fund Co-Chair Juliet Howe, Chair, PA Benefit Jonathan Kass, Trustee William J. Knauer, Head of School Wendy Lederer, Trustee and co-chair of Development Committee Elizabeth Schwartz, Trustee and chair of Development Committee Rachel Silva, Senior Class Gift Co-Chair Andrea Tessler, Trustee Kathleen Treat, Trustee Eileen Walker, Chair of the Board J. Eric Wise, Trustee
Please note: All list lists above, except for the Development Committee, are applicable to the 2022–2023 year.
The Harvey School Donor Impact Report is produced by the Alumni and Development Office. It lists all gifts received between July 1, 2021, and June 30, 2022. Every effort has been made to ensure that these listings are accurate and complete. If your name is missing or appears incorrectly, please accept our apologies, and notify Susie Danziger at (914) 232-3161, ext. 111 or
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