In the Name of God, The Most Gracious, The Most Merciful.
Praise be to God, blessing and peace be upon our sir Mohammed, the chosen prophet, his family, his companions and all his lovers.
After answering the questions of our non-Muslim brothers who want to know more about Islam, they were published in our book: Questions of Non-Muslims. As people who asked those questions were non-Muslims, they had some suspicions about Islam as a religion, the personality of prophet Mohammed and things happened during his lifetime, the book of Islam which is Qur'an and some legislations ordered by Islam. All this needed rational evidences to persuade people who asked such questions.
There were also some questions about the existence of God and they sought evidences and proofs for the existence of God.
We answered those questions and others in a modern way depending on logic, rational and scientific evidences.
Then we had lots of other questions on our site from non-Muslims in Arabic and other language