In short. Many organisations have trouble generating innovative ideas. Brainstorm sessions rarely lead to truly original outcomes. Moreover, creative ideas are hardly ever implemented. ‘Safe’ predictable approaches are chosen, a monstrous compromise is devised or the organisation simply copies what a competitor is doing. A lack of focus, structure and support make that innovation fails. HatRabbits offers the solution. We organise and facilitate creative think tanks and we offer training sessions on creative thinking. We bring structure to the creative process and make innovation into a delicious piece of cake.
About us. HatRabbits is an agency that specialises in Business Creativity and innovation. We help pull the proverbial rabbit out of the hat. With our partners we help large organisations to develop innovative ideas and to find creative solutions to their challenges. We organise and facilitate creative think tanks and provide training courses in creative thinking. We bring structure to the innovation process and we guide organisations to an innovative, proactive business culture. Our Approach We guide stakeholders through the entire creative process. As they design the outcome themselves, a firm support base grows naturally. Since we strongly believe in the power of diversity, we will include outsiders in the process whenever possible to ensure the influx of new perspectives and fresh insights. HatRabbits guides the creative process from defining the first focus, to designing a concrete action plan for implementation. For more information please visit www.hatrabbits.com or contact us on +31 (0)10 3070 534 or via hello@hatrabbits.com
Vision. We believe everyone is a creative genius. Every person is capable of coming up with refreshing and valuable ideas. Every organisation has the creative capacity to solve any type of challenge in a surprising way. Just not everybody knows it yet. Our Mission Democratising innovation. Our Proposition We turn innovation into a delicious piece of cake.
Expertise. As people are often confused about the meaning of creativity and innovation, we use very simple definitions. We see ‘creativity’ as the mere act of combining existing elements to create something new. ‘Innovation’ is the successful implementation of a new idea. Additionally, we distinguish ‘Business Creativity’ from ‘artistic creativity’. Where artistic creativity mainly aims to create an emotional impact, Business Creativity focuses on reaching business goals. These goals will directly or indirectly result in financial gain. While Business Creativity is clearly of great importance to businesses, the same holds true for governments, non-profit organisations and even individuals. Every organisation and every person will benefit from the ability to use creativity when pursuing desired goals. Business Creativity can be applied on different areas. Your specific goal determines on what area you should focus. Within the playing field of Business Creativity HatRabbits is engaged in problem solving and new product development.
Problem Solving Whenever you encounter a problem, you could try to solve it with the usual approaches. However, the toughest problems are rarely solved with conventional thinking. You don’t want problems? Let’s get rid of them! Unconventional approaches and unusual solutions are what you need. New Product Development To stay on top of your game, small improvements aren’t always enough. Sometimes it’s necessary to explore completely new territory and boldly go where no man has gone before. This is the domain of radical innovation, disruption, and competitors crying for their mommy.
Our Approach. Phase 1: Defining The Focus The aim of this first phase is mapping out the challenge and refining it. In this first exploratory phase we will investigate the conditions and background of the challenge at hand. This research will generally consist of observation of the current situation, interviews with stakeholders and mapping out interesting alternatives (initiatives in other countries, other fields etc). At the end of this phase we will help the problem owner to define a clear focus. Phase 2: Generating ideas Based on the focus, and in collaboration with the client, we will assemble a creative team. In one or more creative sessions this team will generate an abundance of innovative ideas. A typical creative team consists of: •
The problem owner and stakeholders
Area experts (from outside the organisation)
Outsiders (professionals from within unrelated fields)
Phase 3: Evaluating & Sharpening The enormous pile of ideas that is generated in phase 2 will be clustered and evaluated. The most promising ideas will be sharpened by a core team (consisting of members from within the organisation) and area experts. The refined ideas will be visualised and further developed. Phase 4: Testing Depending on the challenge, one or more prototypes will be built and the approach will be tested on a small scale. The idea(s) will be presented to a sounding board of representatives of the target group. Based on the feedback they provide the plan of approach will be refined. Phase 5: Implementation Together with the core team, a list of necessary action steps will be devised. The refined concept, including an action plan, will be presented to all stakeholders in the organisation.
How we can help. HatRabbits brings structure to the creative process. We make sure the creative capacity of your organisation will be enlarged and used optimally. We inspire people and spark their creativity. Specifically, this means we can help your organisation with: Creative Problem Solving Imagine you have a problem. Well, let’s stay positive... a challenge. In any case, it’s a situation you’d rather get rid of. Every organisation has challenges and often they cannot be tackled with conventional thinking. When traditional methods no longer suffice, it’s time to look for a different approach. We can help you generate innovative solutions. Structuring The Innovation Process Within many organisations people are aware of the necessity of change. Often however, managers have no clue where to start. Good intentions evaporate by the thought of a long and complicated innovation process. HatRabbits unburdens and brings structure. We guarantee enthusiastic stakeholders and truly innovative ideas.
A Support Base For Changes HatRabbits taps into the creative potential of the organisation. Ideas and solutions have to originate from within the organisation instead of being forced down by the top or outsiders. This is why we help employees to generate and refine refreshing ideas themselves. By structuring the process and guiding the participants, we enable everyone to break through fixed thinking patterns. As employees design the solutions themselves, a firm support base arises in a natural way. People simply work harder to make their own ideas a success. Fresh Insights And New Perspectives The solution often originates in a different field. That’s why we include professional outsiders in the creative process whenever possible. In our sessions it’s not uncommon to see an architect, brain surgeon and pilot work together while solving the toughest challenges. By adding people from other fields to the team, we ensure new perspectives and fresh insights. These outsiders can ask ‘naïve’ questions that internally are no longer being asked. Moreover, their different background ensures they will suggest very different approaches. They might even know about smart solutions in other fields where a similar challenge occurred.
References. “Are you stuck with a problem and need “unsticking”, my experience with the HatRabbits is that they will enable you to see that you can achieve much more with what you already have. The diverse and varied thinking techniques used in the HatRabbits workshop twist & turn your brain so your head almost hurts. They also confront you with how fixed your thinking patterns have become. “Delay your judgement” & you realise how quickly you jump to conclusions, “switch the order” - that’s a brain twister, “add something new” and other techniques shake the ideas out & help you to use areas of your brain you never knew you had.” Liz Boers-Maynard Partner at feeling-healthy.net
“Jeroen & Rene’s workshop on creative thinking was simply illuminating and fun to do. They take you step by step down the road of creative thinking, show you how you think now (in the box) and quickly learn you tips and tricks to get outside of that box. A skill worth to have in every profession whether an art director, journalist or lawyer.” Silvia Gawronski Associate at NautaDutilh
“A magical experience indeed. I experienced that creative thinking is much more of a feet on the ground kind of activity than one would expect. A skill that can be learned. René is an expert in the field and has the gift of passing his “creative magic” on to others. I was truly impressed. The name of the game is almost entirely learning by doing. While Jeroen’s knowledge of methods for tackling creative challenges seems endless he is also very able in bringing out the creative genius in others. Trying out a variety of methods was not only exhilarating but also helped me to get a good grasp of how to apply them in practice.” Marc do Amaral Communication Strategist at VimpelCom
“Als een ‘Konijn uit de Hoge Hoed’ verzorgde HatRabbits binnen ABN AMRO een verfrissende blik op verandering en verbetering. Vernieuwing vergt loslaten van het oude, en creativiteit is nodig om niet al te krampachtig vast te blijven houden aan dat oude. Jeroen en René weten op een ongedwongen manier duidelijk te maken dat creativiteit juist bijdraagt aan verbetering en verhoging van de performance in plaats van dat het een tijdsverspillend effect heeft. De internetgeoriënteerde wereld om ons heen verandert steeds sneller. Tegelijkertijd moeten banken steeds omvangrijker worden om te kunnen voldoen aan de eisen van de wetgever en de markt. Bij die combinatie is één ding duidelijk: blijven doen wat je deed is geen optie; verandering en innovatie zijn essentieel. HatRabbits kan helpen om groepen te laten inzien dat zij daar zelf een belangrijke rol in kunnen spelen.” André Sliedregt Customer Excellence (Lean) Expert ABN AMRO
“Wie om inspiratie, slimme oplossingen en mooie ideeën verlegen zit, moet zeker even met HatRabbits bellen. De jonge energie en vrije aanpak van dit bureau werkt aanstekelijk en zette tijdens brainstormsessies alle aanwezigen aan tot creatief denken. Honderden gekke en minder gekke suggesties werden verzameld. Het bleef niet alleen bij een grote stapel mogelijkheden, HatRabbits verwerkte alle ideeën tot een mooie concrete toekomstvisie voor de nieuwe websites van de gemeente Rotterdam. Zowel qua inhoud als beeld is het een prachtig verhaal geworden, waarover de hele organisatie erg lovend is.” Petra Berrevoets Sr. Adviseur Digitale Media Gemeente Rotterdam
“Na mijn sessie met Jeroen en Rene blijft een enorme inspirerende impact achter. Mijn advies: Gun jezelf en je onderneming de uitdaging die HatRabbits biedt! Wij allen zoeken onze wegen in uitdagende markten en dito omstandigheden. Turbulentie alom. HatRabbits helpt ondernemers, bestuurders en werknemers van ondernemingen met hun geheel eigen invalshoek “Creative Thinking”, een rustpunt met een vernieuwende out-of-the-box benadering. De output is een wereld van ideeën en energie om aan het werk te gaan.” Willem Bont Associé Improfin Groep
“Het is verbluffend om te zien hoe snel er heel creatieve ideeën op tafel liggen. Het aardige is dat deze twee broers op een natuurlijke wijze goed op elkaar zijn ingespeeld. Daardoor kunnen ze de dynamiek van de groep goed in de gaten houden, een behoorlijke dosis energie uitstralen en flink de vaart in het proces houden. Werkelijk heel inspirerend om te zien en mee te maken. Ik kan iedere organisatie die te maken heeft met een probleem waar een creatieve oplossing voor nodig is, aanraden zich te laten bijstaan door dit inspirerende duo.” Jelle Vijn Operations manager Alstrom Grid
Who are we? We are not specialised in one industry. We probably know very little about your field, let alone that we can advise you on your own expertise. What we cán help you with however, is with óur expertise: Business Creativity. We help you to bring structure to the creative process. It doesn’t matter what type of organisation you run. We will turn your team, department or organisation into a group of creative ninjas. They will effortlessly generate and develop innovative ideas for any type of challenge. Would you like to learn more about HatRabbits or about Business Creativity? Don’t hesitate to contact the founding brothers, Jeroen and René de Ruijter.
René de Ruijter René worries about the business side of the agency. He makes sure that, despite the creative chaos, projects stay on track and deadlines are met. His background in both law and photography enables him to shift smoothly between very different worlds. René uses his broad knowledge and curiosity to connect vastly different subjects and to regularly refine the model and methodology of HatRabbits. rene@hatrabbits.com | M. +31 (0)6 1302 1945 Jeroen de Ruijter A creative allrounder and an internationally awarded concept developer. Jeroen studied Applied Creativity in Amsterdam and worked as a concept developer in advertising. In 2012 he represented Europe’s young creative talent at the AD Stars festival in Busan, South-Korea. Within the same year, the daily newspaper Het Parool featured him as one of the most promising young creatives in advertising. At HatRabbits Jeroen is ultimately responsible for concept development and creative strategy. jeroen@hatrabbits.com | M. +31 (0)6 8126 2378
Contact. We’ll gladly help you with your challenges. Whether it involves solving a problem, improving an existing situation or finding new business opportunities. We’re looking forward to speaking with you about the possibilities of Business Creativity in your organization. Let us know how we can help you. We are located in the Merwe-Vierhavens area in Rotterdam. Previously one the most innovative fruit harbours in the world, and currently an incubator for the creative industry. Fancy a cup of coffee in a vibrant environment? Don’t hesitate to give us a call.
New Business
Gustoweg 45H
René de Ruijter
3029 AR Rotterdam
+31 (0)10 30 70 534
+31 (0)6 1302 1945
hello@hatrabbits.com www.hatrabbits.com
HatRabbits is an agency that specialises in Business Creativity and innovation. We help pull the proverbial rabbit out of the hat. With our partners we help large organisations to develop innovative ideas and to find creative solutions to their challenges. We organise and facilitate creative think tanks and provide training courses in creative thinking. We bring structure to the innovation process and we guide organisations to an innovative, proactive business culture.
HatRabbits Gustoweg 45H 3029 AR Rotterdam +31 (0)10 30 70 534 hello@hatrabbits.com www.hatrabbits.com kvk: 59534281 btw: NL853537586B01