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A Hatton-Brown Publication Co-Publisher David H. Ramsey Co-Publisher David (DK) Knight Chief Operating Officer Dianne C. Sullivan PUBLISHING OFFICE Street Address: 225 Hanrick Street Montgomery, AL 36104-3317 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2268 Montgomery, AL 36102-2268 Telephone (334) 834-1170 Fax 334-834-4525

Foremost Authority For Professional Loggers Browse, subscribe or renew:

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Vol. 65, No. 5: Issue 664


OurCover For more than 40 years, Idaho’s Gerry and Capella Ikola have strengthened their business, deftly navigated an ever-changing course, fitted their children into the organization, demonstrated impressive leadership skills, and actively promoted the industry’s upside to outside skeptics. Find out more about Timber Harvesting’s 2017 Logging Business of the Year by turning to PAGE 10. (Dan Shell photo)


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Sanders Logging Co.

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Says Yes To Processor

22 Virginia’s Tapscott Bros. Continue On Growth Path

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Bridget DeVane 334-699-7837 Timber Harvesting & Wood Fiber Operations (ISSN 21542333) is published 6 times annually (January/February, March/April, May/June, July/August, September/October, November/December issues are combined) by HattonBrown Publishers, Inc., 225 Hanrick St., Montgomery, AL 36104. Subscriptions are free to U.S. logging, pulpwood and chipping contractors and their supervisors; managers and supervisors of corporate-owned harvesting operations; wood suppliers; timber buyers; businesses involved in land grooming and/or land clearing, wood refuse grinding and right-of-way maintenance; wood procurement and land management officials; industrial forestry purchasing agents; wholesale and retail forest equipment representatives and forest/logging association personnel. All non-qualified U.S. subscriptions are $50 annually; $60 in Canada; $95 (airmail) in all other countries (U.S. funds). Single copies, $5 each; special issues, $20 (U.S. funds). Subscription Inquiries— TOLL-FREE 800-669-5613; Fax 888-611-4525. Go to and click on the subscribe button to subscribe/renew via the web. All advertisements for Timber Harvesting magazine are accepted and published by Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc. with the understanding that the advertiser and/or advertising agency are authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof. The advertiser and/or advertising agency will defend, indemnify and hold Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc. harmless from and against any loss, expenses, or other liability resulting from any claims or lawsuits for libel violations or right of privacy or publicity, plagiarism, copyright or trademark infringement and any other claims or lawsuits that may arise out of publication of such advertisement. Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc. neither endorses nor makes any representation or guarantee as to the quality of goods and services advertised in Timber Harvesting & Wood Fiber Operations. Copyright ® 2017. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Periodicals postage paid at Montgomery, Ala. and at additional mailing offices. Printed in USA.

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9/12/17 1:52 PM

MyTake DK KNIGHT, 334-834-1170

’17 LBOY, ALC Master Logger Action, Eric Johnson Tribute, Hard Helmets Congratulations to all those who make G. Ikola, Inc., Timber Harvesting’s 2017 Logging Business of the Year, a leading light in Idaho and the intermountain West. Led by Gerry Ikola and his wife of 40 years, Capella, the business involves their three children— Erica, Gerry Jr. and Gabe—who are preparing to assume eventual responsibility for keeping the wheels turning. Two decades ago, when the Timber Harvesting editorial staff was refining ualifications for candidates for its inaugural Logging Business of the Year Award (LBOY), it determined the honor should symbolize leadership excellence, professionalism, integrity, business acumen and management, community and industrial service, harvesting know-how, innovation, safety, and environmental soundness. Gerry, his family and their organization score high in all these categories, as revealed in Dan Shell’s account, which begins on page 10. What strikes me most about Gerry is his willingness to contribute freely to the forest products industry, as Dan puts it, “through extensive involvement outside his business,” over the years developing “a reputation as an industry leader with a calm demeanor and collaborative way of communicating and problem solving.” TH received numerous nominations for the award this year and our team is grateful to all those who took the time to participate. Nominees included Jerry Gray of Florida; James Stupack of Montana; Brent, Scott and Brian Day of Maine; Phillip Hankins of Tennessee; Dennis Williams of Texas; Chris Langley of Alabama; and Frankie Arrants of North Carolina, the LBOY honoree in 2012. All except Arrants will be in the running for the honor next year, and additional nominations are welcomed. Since this year marks the 20th anniversary of the award, it is fitting that we publish a list of all previously honored companies, beginning with 1998: Circle B Logging, Inc./QSDC, Inc., Arkansas; St. John Forest Products, Michigan; Hanson Logging, LLC, Washington; Quality Forest Products, 4


Inc., Georgia; B&W Contractors, Inc., Texas; Wheeler Logging, Inc., California; Hanington Bros., Inc., Maine; Dick Walsh Forest Products, Minnesota; Emerald Valley Thinning, Oregon; Parnell Inc., Alabama; Castleberry Logging, Inc., Alabama; Jack Buell Trucking, Idaho; Max Ericson Logging,, Wisconsin; Arrants Logging, Inc./Frankie Arrants Trucking, Inc., North Carolina; Fort Mountain Companies, New Hampshire; Caudill Chipping, Ohio; Quiram Logging, Inc., Montana; and M.M. Wright Inc., Virginia.

ALC To Stimulate MLC Following up on a proposal made at its spring board meeting, leaders of the American Loggers Council at its summer board meeting in July voted overwhelmingly to invest some $50,000 in coming months to revitalize its Master ogger Certification C program. The idea is that the MLC program can potentially build an effective marketing brand and elevate timber harvesting professionalism via a third-party chain of custody auditing process. (See article on page 6). Adopted by the ALC in 2000 and based on a model created by the Professional Logging Contractors of Maine (PLC), the MLC program is recognized in 18 states and has been activated in only a few states, but proponents in some states contend it is working in their favor and is the wave of the future in a globally competitive setting. Proponents envision a time when global trade accord will stipulate third party certification of timber harvesting and believe the time has come to get ahead of that curve with a logger-designed program that they see as far superior to current SFI training requirements. They may be correct. It seems to me that currently mandated SFI logger training is of little, if any, value—mostly repetitive wheel spinning—and the program typically imposes no penalty against loggers who don’t follow Best Management Practices.

Remembering Eric Johnson Along with countless others, I was saddened when I learned of Eric Johnson’s death on July 19, the day after he died while back home in Wisconsin visiting with family and friends. He had courageously battled cancer for many years. For 35 years Eric wrote and edited stories and copy as Executive Editor of Northern Logger and Timber Processor magazine, headquartered in Old Forge, NY. He also helped the parent Northeastern Loggers’ Assn. stage trade shows and conduct meetings. He was an avid spokesman for the forest products industry and interacted well with the people and businesses involved. I didn’t see Eric all that often but we communicated occasionally via email or phone. When I did see him at shows, meetings or other events, he was always a pleasure to be around. He liked to smile, and was gracious and honorable. He had lot of followers. I always enjoyed reading his editorials and he was good at what he did. He really loved the industry. Last May the Northeastern Loggers’ ssn. fittingly presented ric with its 2016 Outstanding Service to the Industry Award at the annual loggers’ banquet, and at its summer board meeting in July, the American Loggers Council board of directors paused for a moment of silence in his honor.

Hard Helmets, Not Hats? Is a hard hat of a different style, or perhaps a helmet, in the future for logging employees? Maybe, maybe not. At any rate, it’s interesting to peek at what’s emerging in some construction industry circles, especially among general contractors. A recent piece published by Bloomberg B indicates headgear designs first used in mountain climbing and other activities are being adapted because they provide better side impact protection and won’t fall off if a worker stumbles and falls, thanks to a chin strap. TH



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NewsLines West Fraser Purchases Six Gilman Sawmills West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd. has purchased the operations of the Gilman Companies from the Howard Gilman Foundation and other shareholders for US$430 million. The Gilman Companies are composed of six sawmills and a finger oint mill in lorida and eorgia as well as an administrative office in t. arys, a. The transaction continues a trend— it had quieted somewhat—of Canadian-based wood products corporations purchasing southern yellow pine sawmills. Counting this transaction, more than sawmills have sold to Canadian counterparts in the past 10 years, mostly to West raser, Canfor and Interfor The Gilman operations include sawmills in udley, it gerald and Black-

Dudley, GA

Fitzgerald, GA

Blackshear, GA

Perry, FL



Maxville, FL

Lake Butler, FL

shear, a. ake Butler, a ville and erry, la. and a finger oint millwork plant in t. arys, a. hese operations employ and have a combined annual production capacity of B . West raser will now have combined Canadian and U.S. lumber production capacity of . billion B . Canadian capacity of spruce pine fir lumber will represent of this capacity and . . capacity of southern yellow pine lumber will represent 43%. ccording to orisk Consulting, the deal will allow West raser to overtake Weyerhaeuser as the largest lumber producer in the region. he total capacity for operating softwood lumber mills in the South currently stands at . billion B , according to orisk, and West raser will control . billion or of the region’s capacity. he total portion of southern softwood lumber supply that

is produced by Canadian corporations will increase to more than 30%.

ALC Leaders Vote To Stimulate MLC

n a move designed to raise the bar on professionalism and build a standalone marketing brand, leaders of the merican oggers Council C in late July voted to invest in the reinvigoration of its aster ogger Certification C program, a third party chain of custody process that has been adopted in some states and put on the back burner in others. dopted by the C in and based on a model created by the rofessional ogging Contractors of aine C , the C program today is recogni ed in states and three foreign countries. owever, the program has been activated in only a few states, but logger proponents contend it is working in their favor and is the wave of the future in a globally competitive world. peaking on behalf of the program,



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NewsLines Maine Master Logger Andy Irish said he was one of the first loggers to achieve MLC status in the state and pointed out that the distinction works in many positive ways for his business. “In the big picture perspective, C is more about developing a program that will enable us to take back our industry. We can do the same thing the beef industry has done. We’ve got to stand together; we must unite.” Other MLC proponents said it is time for loggers to become proactive versus reactive,” to get ahead of the anticipated requirement of third-party certification with a logger designed program. ne logger referred to current mill mandated logger re uirements as essentially meaningless. t was crammed down our throat. It was short sighted. We go along to get along. has no teeth. here is no punishment for violators. ALC Executive Vice President anny ructor stated or too long, professional timber harvesters have had others outside of the timber har-



vesting realm dictating to them what sustainable harvesting practices should look like. We do not know what the outcome of this program will be, or the benefits, if any, but what we do know is that for the past plus years we have been doing business in the same manner with the same results, and unless we as an industry are willing to make changes, it is a guarantee that nothing will change in the procurement process.” he C program was discussed in ALC’s spring board meeting in Washington in pril, where it was decided that a proposal to enliven it would be voted up or down at its July board meeting, which took place at the Caterpillar orest roducts raining Center in pelika, la. fter much discussion, the board voted to accept a proposal by the C designed to grow the MLC and make the brand more accepted throughout the country to benefit loggers an outgrowth of C’s five year strategic plan adopted in 2016. o do this, the C will essentially

contract with the PLC and/or its companion organi ation, the rust to Conserve ortheast orestlands C , which will provide administrative support to the C with three goals reformulate the C subcommittee to standardi e the C standardi e the marketing and branding of MLC; and provide technical support and outreach to states. hese goals, when completed, will theoretically unify MLC within the ALC ranks and gain C recognition nationally as a partner in sustainable forest practices. articipation in the program will remain voluntary, and it is up to respective state organizations to determine ust how they implement the program and what costs, if any, might be incurred, according to Dructor. irst year cost of the pro ect to C is an estimated $50,000. Caterpillar hosted the meeting, providing facilities, receptions, meals and bus transportation to its forest products machine plant at nearby aGrange, Ga. and hosting an equipment demo near its training facility.



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Leadership Extraordinaire Idaho’s Ikola family is the 2017 Timber Harvesting Logging Business of the Year. DANShell


The Ikolas, from left: Gerry Jr., Gerry, Capella, Erika and Gabe

perating a family logging business that’s going into its third generation, and giving back to the forest products industry through extensive involvement outside his business, Ikola Logging President Gerry Ikola has developed a reputation as a motivated industry leader with a calm demeanor and collaborative way of communicating and problem solving. Since taking the reins of the business from his father in the 1970s, Ikola has built a successful, dependable and innovative company in west-central Idaho known as G. Ikola Inc. He and Capella, his wife of 40 years, have worked tirelessly to not only make their McCall based firm the best it can be, but also to help create a better logging industry for all and to effectively promote the industry’s upside to outside skeptics. The long-term performance, exemplary integrity, and outreach efforts of Gerry and Capella, and their three 10


children—Erika, Gerry Jr. and Gabe— who play key roles in the business, make G. Ikola Inc. a rock-solid choice for Timber Harvesting’s 2017 Logging Business of the Year Award. The company is the 20th recipient of the award, and the second from Idaho to be so recognized. A longtime avid TH subscriber, Ikola says the recognition came as a surprise. After all, McCall is a long way from anywhere. “After it sunk in, we felt really honored that someone would even consider us,” Ikola remembers. “It means a lot to our family and friends, and our employees are such a big part of it because we don’t do it ourselves. There is a large group of us and everyone is vital to the effort we make.” Ikola has forged a sterling career as a productive and efficient businessman willing to go the extra mile to do the job right while maintaining good relationships with landowners and mills

and public land managers. The twocrew company includes a logging side that utilizes hand and mechanized falling, wheel skidding, plus tong-throwing cable skidding and mechanized log processing. A grinding crew handles slash, and six log trucks and two chip trucks take care of transportation. Ikola’s two primary customers are Evergreen Forest Products in Tamarack, Id. and Idaho Forest Group’s (IFG) Grangeville facility. Up until the late 1980s the company ran two full logging sides and 12 trucks and employed more than 80. Mechanization and a general reduction in overall workload have led to the current configuration that involves , including the family.

Active Engagement Gerry and Capella continue to be closely involved outside the business



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with trade groups and associations. After joining the group in 1986, Ikola served as a board member and president of the Intermountain Logging Conference (ILC). The family received ILC’s esteemed Don McKenzie Award in 2014. Erika, following the lead of her dad, now serves on the ILC board. Gerry and Capella have worked with Associated Logging Contractors-Idaho since the late 1990s. Gerry is the group’s current president and also serves as the ALC-Idaho’s southern Idaho rep on the Idaho Scaling Bureau board. Capella has been closely involved with ALC-Idaho’s workers’ comp program (ALC Loggers Exchange) for 15 years and is currently a member of that board. First appointed in 2006 and reappointed twice, Gerry is also in his third term as a member of the Idaho Forest Products Commission, which among numerous goals tells the story of sustainable forests, seeks to improve the forest industry’s public image and encourages youngsters to consider forest careers.

The Ikola children have done just that. Erika, 37, who once performed multiple tasks in the woods, has taken on more bookkeeping and business management work in recent years following the birth of her children and the death of her paternal grandmother, Ellen, who had kept the books since the company’s founding. Gerry Jr., 36, is an experienced equipment operator who runs the cable skidding crew and is an efficient and accurate tong tosser at the controls of a classic Idaho jammer.

Gabe has also performed multiple roles in a variety of positions and is now running the grinder crew. All are committed to the company long-term. Current ALC-Idaho Executive Director Shawn Keough has known Gerry and his family since she began work with the group in 2000 and points out that he has never been reluctant to tell others about the important work that timber harvesting and hauling professionals do, and the work’s importance in ensuring that

All six Kenworth rigs have on-board electronic scales. Cat 325D fitted with LogMax 10000 processor, inset, awaits log drop from skidder. Foremost Authority For Professional Loggers



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Cat 320/Peterson 4710 combo handles slash which, once ground, is moved to a nearby reload site by dump trucks. Cat 966C, inset, then takes over to fill Peerless vans.

Capella are great community supporters, great friends and great people.”

Deep Roots

forests are healthy and sustained. She comments: “Gerry’s willingness to step up, whether in a television ad, at a public meeting or association meeting, at the state capitol or in his community, puts a professional and articulate human face on our businesses that are often not seen or well understood. His positive leadership helps the larger community understand the complex issues we face daily and our role in managing our forests, and this in turn benefits all involved in our wood products businesses.” 12


Mark Mahon and his brother, Tom, operate Mahon Logging out of Council, Idaho. He, too, has known Ikola for a long time, often competing with him on some jobs. He has the utmost respect for his counterpart, regarding him as a true professional. He states: “Gerry has never cut corners to get a job, and when he and his company go in and do a job they do it right every time. As well, he has always been an advocate for all of industry, and he’s volunteered countless hours over his whole career. He and

Idaho roots don’t grow much deeper than Ikola’s. All four of his grandparents were Finnish immigrant pioneers—one grandfather made the trip alone at the age of 15—who headed West and wound up as ranchers in the Gem State. Ikola’s father, George, grew up in McCall and worked for a local sawmill, then started G. Ikola Inc. in 1947. He began working with Boise Cascade in 1956, the start of a business relationship that lasted until 2000. Known as a fiery, old school logger with a rigid management style, he was also known as a gifted mechanic and innovator, always looking for a better, more efficient way of operating. Ikola remembers in the late ’80s his father was semi-retired though still involved in major decisions when Gerry bought the company’s first feller-buncher on a lease-purchase plan.



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“An operator came with the machine to help train us, and when the first three trees hit the ground he turned to me and said, ‘We’re buying it!’” lthough his parents were firm in wanting him to get a college degree, Gerry says he was happy to get one but always knew what he wanted to do. “When I got out of school I worked for my dad and did whatever we needed: drove trucks, hooked or skidded.” Like many in his generation, George Ikola was more equipment and operations oriented than business manager, and when Gerry graduated from Idaho State with a business degree in 1970, he was quick to begin giving Gerry responsibility for many non-woods activities while he managed the landing and operated the loader. By the years 1972-73, at age 24, Gerry found himself in charge of 50-plus employees. “My dad liked to load trucks. That’s what he wanted to do and where he felt he could make the best contribution,” Ikola recalls. “He wanted me to deal with the state and federal people, Boise Cascade and all the employee issues while he ran the loader—and of course gave me plenty of advice!” Ikola says he and his father got along well, and George always had confidence in his son when trying new things. The crew, all hired by the elder Ikola, was a bit tougher to win over, but Gerry had proved himself willing to work since he was a teen. “They knew I would work right alongside them, but there’s an issue of trust that you’ll be able to make good decisions to keep the operation rolling,” Ikola says. “After a while, I could see they had more trust in what I was doing.” By the early 1980s George backed away from the business, although he still helped when needed and did lots of shop work. George’s wife, Ellen, had long kept the books and was reluctant to share much responsibility with Capella until becoming almost overwhelmed by new trucking and personnel regulations and requirements in the 1980s. Foremost Authority For Professional Loggers

George, who died in 2001, continued to contribute into his 80s. Ellen, who died in 2015, remained sharp and helped with the books into her 90s.

Succession Plan Now, family involvement with G. Ikola Inc., which does business as Ikola Logging, is reaching another transition as Gerry, 69, looks to a younger generation to take over. All three children had the opportunity to go to college, but decided to commit to the business. “I didn’t want to encourage them too much because when they were growing

up they saw how you can have difficult times,” Ikola says. “And I didn’t want them to feel like they had to work with us, but I did let them know if that was their choice I’d welcome it.” The Ikolas plan to transfer ownership to the children over the years, with each ending up with a 33% share. “We feel privileged and blessed that we have three kids who want to be part of the business, and it just warms my heart to see how well they get along and that they enjoy being with each other,” Capella says. Erika, who had done almost every job in the woods, including driving trucks and running the grinding crew,

Quadco head on TimberPro 735C drops trees on slopes but hand fallers take over on steeper ground, where tong-tossing and cable skidding prevail. SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017 13


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through this’ when we’re faced with a challenge or difficult situation.

Management Setup

The late George Ikola, left, paused with a much younger Gerry Ikola.

Outgoing ALC-Idaho president Steve Sherich welcomed incoming president Gerry Ikola.

became more involved with office work after the birth of her first daughter and after her grandmother died. nterestingly, as the oldest and the sibling most closely involved with overall business management day to day, rika right now seems the leader of the siblings, erry says, noting that the brothers both respect their sister and her decisions. Capella, however, notes that all the kids have their own skills and strengths, and points out that leadership and management responsibilities can change over time. t’s worked out well what they’ve done so far, but that’s seeing how things are now. sked about all this, rika says, Well, never had my heart set on working in the office, to be honest, and says she always en oyed working alongside her father and brothers. But having two young children at home 14


made it tough to continue that type of work, and she has taken to a keyboard instead of a cab. t’s really been rewarding to learn more about watching the bottom line, helping make some financial decisions and being involved with personnel issues, she reports. t’s been great to learn more about the behind the scenes work that keeps the company running smoothly. he notes that all the siblings are constantly learning from their father. e’s very diplomatic and a good communicator and is great at solving con icts with people, rika says. e’s a natural leader, the guy everyone looks to see what to do ne t. nd while the three may have inherited a bit of their grandfather’s impatience, rika says, t’s real beneficial for the three of us to see dad ust take a breath and say et’s work

s a young logger’s wife and a dentist’s daughter, Capella says it took her several years to become familiar enough with the business to recogni e ways she could contribute. ncreasing regulations and related paperwork, mostly related to trucking, gave Capella an opening. his was the mid s. We had trucks and you had to keep track of loaded miles and unloaded miles and pay a different ta on both, she remembers. t was horrible, but offered to take the responsibility off llen’s hands and that’s where started. Capella also soon became the personnel clerk, with driver hiring guidelines, drug testing and ongoing follow up taking up more of her time. andling the driver and employee drug testing is an e ample of Capella’s can do approach. he kolas were working with a third party administrator at eridian, miles away. he relied on a local hospital that only had limited hours for test collections, causing hassles and delays and missed hauling hours. o, being a biology ma or, Capella learned how to do the collections and testing herself. he liked her work and referred others in the area to her, and she ended up starting and operating her own business in and running it for years, doing collections and testing for a large clientele until she sold the business in . llen continued to do accounts receivable and payroll, while Capella typed the W s another stressful activity since corrections aren’t allowed, and any errant keystroke meant doing over the entire W form. did that for three or four years and then told llen we were going to computeri e our payroll system, Capella remembers. But it was the trucking re uirements that got us into overall computeri ation. By the late s, kola ogging at times operated with more than employees. t was a huge ob keeping track of all the paperwork, and computers ust made it so much easier, Capella says. he company has used the oad racker software from ffice uipment ystems for years, and Capella



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uses Microsoft Excel to develop personnel and trucking recordkeeping spreadsheets. Erika has taken on more of her grandmother’s former role with accounts payable, and also helps with payroll and overall computerization. She even squeezes in some lowboy hauls when she can. Ikola Logging has always been willing to make changes and investments as new systems and technology emerged, but only after taking many considerations into account and arming itself with lots of information. erry says the business was the first in west-central Idaho to cut with a feller-buncher, adopt stroke delimbers, and later switch to more e ible and productive processor heads.

Stepping Up wo things kola figured out early on as his dad gave him more responsibility in running the company were the importance of good relationships with landowners and state and federal land managers, plus the need to speak up on behalf of his business interests. “It became clear to me that working with and getting along with these agencies was important, and we needed to work with them instead of being obstinate about things,” he says. Ikola was invited to participate in some Forest Service forest management planning in the early 1980s that showed him the importance of getting involved. “A lot of contractors at the time just wanted to be out working, with the expectation that things would go the way they want, but I felt like I needed to be more involved, and I saw an advantage in taking part,” he remembers. Ikola believes that working with other loggers about common concerns improves the industry and heightens professionalism. He’s especially excited about fostering a dialogue with mill interests to find mutually acceptable solutions to various challenges and issues. He’s helped put together panels of mill reps to attend ALC-Idaho meetings and participate in Q-and-A sessions with loggers. “Loggers don’t always see eye to eye with mills, but if you sit around and don’t do anything things will never get better, so you have to communicate,” Ikola says. Capella is also a big part of ALCIdaho in her work with the ALC LogForemost Authority For Professional Loggers

Ikola Logging Employees Curtiss Barnett Trent Chandler Tim Duffner Gerry A. Ikola Gabe Ikola Capella Ikola Gerry L. Ikola Jimmy Jones James Lindsay Jose Lopez Carlos Marin Ken Medley Jace Mrgich Lloyd Nelson Ron Nitzel Joseph Phillips George Pierce James Piercy Ryon Reginato Jack Sheppard Jordan Sussi Erika (Ikola) Sussi Wade Wilde gers Exchange workers’ comp program, which provides insurance for members and other related businesses in the region. Over the past 15 years she has rotated on and off as an exchange board member, and has helped manage the group through falling membership and the economic downturn before ultimately expanding service to loggers in Montana and also offering coverage to other related industries. These moves help stabilize and strengthen the program. Capella notes the trucking side of logging remains the biggest area of liability, but says loggers must remain vigilant and constantly refine procedures and activities to maximize safety. Attitude is a big part of it, she believes. “You think that when you train and emphasize safety you wouldn’t get dumb injuries, but we still see them, and they become so expensive because of the cost of health care,” Capella says. “You have to get through to employees that hurrying does not pay off and to take your time and be safe.” As with many activists of all stripes, involvement begets involvement, and in 2006 Ikola was named by Idaho Gov. Jim Risch to the Idaho Forest Products Commission and is in his third term. Ikola and others work to

improve the public perception and future prospects for the state’s forest products industry as a whole. Ikola has been involved in several projects, including a video in which he shares his story about working in the woods. The organization does regular polling concerning forest issues and recently hired a staff person to develop more social media outreach for forest products. “There’s quite a bit of strategic planning, and we work with an advisory group as well,” Ikola says, adding that the commission is now working with agricultural interests on a “Grow Idaho” campaign that will include a logo stamp for lumber and other products to promote the state’s forest industry. Capella says it’s only natural to do what they can to help outside of their own business. “Gerry and I both have the perception that it’s part of our responsibility to give back and do what we can for the industry.”

The Woods Side When TH visited, the logging crew was working a 360-acre tract of private land. The thinning job was yielding 2MMBF, mostly ponderosa pine and ouglas fir. ine logs and all other logs over 24 in. were going to Evergreen Forest Products in Tamarack, a relatively short 30-mile haul, while the ouglas fir under in. was going to IFG in Grangeville, a 100-mile plus haul. A TimberPro 735C with Quadco intermittent sawhead was falling along one hillside, while a crew of three hand fallers using Stihl chain saws were dropping stems on the steeper slopes. Two Caterpillar 525 skidders were moving logs to a landing where a Cat fitted with og a processor merchandised and sorted logs, and a Cat 530A loader placed decked logs on trucks. Elsewhere on the tract, Gerry Jr. operated a Cat C fitted with a Jewell boom and tong-throwing attachment and moved logs to roadside with the aid of two tong-setters. “We try to keep a fair amount of wood cut ahead of the processing, and we like to skid to a landing where the dangle head processor and loader can work together to sort for size and different mills and load trucks out of the same landing,” Ikola says. Going to a new job, after Ikola SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2017 15


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makes an initial scope of the project, maintenance and service work, he’d some more work through late summer the first person on site is crew boss rather not have to rely on outside conin the Council district on a nearby yon eginato, who confirms the tractors. pro ect handled by another contractor pro ect boundaries, then begins identiog hauling rigs run with lpine and mill buyer before moving onto a fying road layouts, skid trails and and eerless trailers, and all have elecnew grinding ob for , though the landing locations. tronic scales, mostly and some ulcrew will still haul to the vergreen ou can be the re uired feet can systems. kola specs his rigs with orest roducts cogen plant. away from a stream but still have a speed uller transmissions, Chalmn addition to woods work, in the bad trail, and always emphasi e to do ers suspensions and ockwell rear early spring the grinding crew moves the legwork on the ground, then revisit ends. We don’t gear them real fast to a alley County waste transfer site the plan again before you build it, the ones we like best have raand processes building waste, scrap kola says. lumber and brush and yard waste tios, he says. yon is really good at that, he that’s been collected. ollowing in his father’s footsteps, continues. may have alkola has a full service shop to ready looked at the ob but handle any type of truck or not every acre, and ’ll give harvesting e uipment the comhim my thoughts and imprespany operates. sions and he’ll go from there. kola’s service philosophy is he logging crew was prosomewhere between his faducing about loads per day. ther’s approach and overt eanwhile, on the other side reliance on outside mechanics. of the ayette iver valley and y dad used to give us a hard in the ayette ational orest’s time, call us parts store meCouncil anger istrict, the chanics’ and say that back in grinding crew was getting close his day you couldn’t ust call to finishing another phase of the parts store, you had to rework within two large stewardally fi something, kola reship pro ects purchased by vmembers with a laugh. We do ergreen orest roducts. kola a lot of engine rebuilds and redid some of the logging on one lated work, but not always in of the pro ects, but performed our own shop. all grinding on both that totaled The company employs one about , tons before the full time mechanic, and kola crew finished in mid ugust. says he’d like to hire another. n site was a eterson do uite a bit of mechanic hori ontal grinder, operated by work myself ust always abe kola from the cab of a have, he says. nd Cat log loader fitted with couldn’t imagine driving a brush grapple to feed the pickup around without tools grinder. wo enworth dump and nuts and bolts to work trucks were shuttling back and with. forth between the grinding site kola works with Western Ikola’s full service shop can handle major jobs, including engine rebuilds. and a chip van accessible tates for Caterpillar parts and loading area located a half service, and with odern akola also grinds for a local sand mile away. ere, truck drivers were chinery’s pokane branch for parts and gravel company that collects loading themselves with a Cat C and work on the imber ro buncher. brush piles and yard waste, has it wheel loader fitted with oversi e ink ny issues with the og a procesroll out bucket. he bucket was the ground and mi es it with topsoil to sor head generally get worked out over make a mulch type product. he crew final piece of a grinding crew pu le the phone, and eginato has worked also occasionally grinds at a collection that started with developing the shuttle with several different og a heads site for yard waste that’s operated by reload system to keep the grinder busy, and is good at troubleshooting, kola the city of cCall. then refining the elusive loading aspect. says. rivers are loading vans no longer very piece of e uipment makes it need to navigate a ramp with a fully to the shop at least once a year, mostly Trucking & Service loaded bucket, and the bucket now in early spring before logging season he company operates si log goes up and over the edge of the van gets fully going. very piece of trucks, three chip trucks, one lowboy before releasing. e uipment comes in during spring rig and three dump trucks all enhat was sort of an evolution for breakup for a ma or inspection, service worth. wo water trucks and a spare us, kola says. When you start someor anything else a machine may need, low boy truck are also enworth. thing new like the grinding operation, kola says. t’s easier to address those like having control over when we you get started and get going, learn a issues when you’re not working, and start, when we stop and how many few things, figure some things out but you can also have employees help hours the drivers put in, kola says, we’re always looking for a better way. working on e uipment when they’re adding that even though trucks add to TH he grinding crew was likely to do not in the woods. 16




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Georgian Moves To ‘Prime Lengths’ Processor seen as key to maximizing stand, increasing sawlog production. JAYDonnell


ecoming the first logger in eorgia to do so, arry anders started running a igercat rocessor fitted with a igercat processing head in late July and reports the machine has enhanced sawlog output in terms of both uantity and uality. anders says before he got his hands on the processor the

business was producing around loads a week, but uickly went to about loads per week. oing forward, he e pects the log merchandising level and production to accelerate as he refines his operating skill. anders, , is vice president of anders ogging Co. C , a company based in Cochran, a., located near the

Sanders Logging is the only company in Georgia running a Tigercat Processor. Harry Sanders III, inset, is delighted with it. 18




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middle of the state, and owned by his father, Harry Sanders, Jr. 67. One of SLC’s primary sawlog markets, Interfor, encouraged the move to the expensive processor, which is used on the company’s larger crew. Interfor, based in Canada, continues to build on its strong foothold in the South and especially Georgia, where it operates six sawmills, including one in Perry where Sanders delivers pine sawlogs. In this area Interfor is stressing its desire for what it terms ‘prime lengths,’ which it evidently believes are best achieved through the advanced merchandising capability of a processing head. According to Sanders, Interfor personnel point to the way a processing head maximizes timberstands common to this area, delivers more accurate log lengths, and results in less waste at the mill. “This type of processor works really well in 25 to 30-year old planted pine, which is the majority of our wood basket around here,” Sanders explains. When the processor arrived, several people from Tigercat headquarters made the trip in order to ensure the machine ran smoothly and to help Sanders, who had operated a loader for years, navigate the learning curve. While Sanders had a lot of help getting adjusted to the machine, the learning curve has been relatively sharp and was ongoing in mid-September. “In the right wood you have the opportunity to really get ahead (of load-

Sanders Visits Tigercat, Sees H250D Being Built While attending Tidewater Equipment Company’s 75th anniversary celebration and demo day near Valdosta, Ga. on May 6, Harry Sanders III struck up a conversation with Ken MacDonald, Tony Iarocci and Kevin Selby—Tigercat founder, president and U.S. sales manager, respectively. Sanders expressed interest in owning a Tigercat Processor and the following Monday a meeting was held between some of idewater and igercat’s top officials. uring the meeting it was decided that Tigercat would build a new processor for Sanders. ot long after that meeting, anders ew to Brantford, ntario, for igercat’s silver anniversary celebration. He was excited to see what the company he’s admired from afar for so many years was all about. Sanders has always described himself as a igercat guy, but this was his first e perience seeing how the machines were built, step by step. Not only that, but he had the special opportunity to see his own Tigercat H250D Processor being built. To say that Sanders was pleased with his visit to Tigercat’s headquarters would be an understatement. “I was extremely impressed with their whole operation,” Sanders recalls. “From the guys who paint the equipment to the guys who design it, it seemed like everybody was happy to be working there.” TH ing-hauling), but you can’t get too far ahead like they can up north because it’s so hot in our region,” Sanders says. To keep blue stain fungus in check, southern pine sawmills limit log inventory in the summer. Sanders notes that a few other loggers in the state have also recently added or ordered processing heads. “I think processors are going to be a big deal around here soon.” The H250D has a 32 ft. boom and can be matched to heads weighing up to nearly 7,500 lb. Some key features include an advanced load sensing hydraulic system, high-capacity cooling sys-

tem, automatic engine idle down for unsteady wood ow situations, and clear access to pumps and valves. It has a Tigercat-built F8 forestry undercarriage and Tigercat FPT Tier 4f engine. The company runs two crews, with one big crew specializing in regeneration cuts and the other in thinning. When Timber Harvesting visited the big crew, it was conducting a regeneration harvest on a 300-acre tract. SLC runs mostly Tigercat equipment for cutting, processing and loading, but Caterpillar power dominates in skidding and road building. It owns 2014, 2015 and 2016 Tigercat 234

A 2017 Tigercat 630E skidder was recently added to the company’s already impressive equipment lineup. Foremost Authority For Professional Loggers



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loaders (the 2016 is a 234B) coupled with CSI delimbers. Skidders include a Cat 2015 525D, 2016 535D, 2016 525D and a 2017 Tigercat 630E. A 2015 720E and a 2016 724E cutter do the job while a D6D Cat dozer builds roads and maintains landings. Sanders adds that he wants to get a track loader in the future. “I’ll eventually get a track loader, but right now I’m making do with what I have.”

Overview Young Sanders graduated from the University of Georgia with a BSFR degree from the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. As soon as he graduated he assumed the role of company vice president. The elder Sanders still plays a big role in day-to-day operations but the son oversees the logging side. Working about an hour away from the home office and shop in Cochran, Sanders Logging cuts pine 95% of the time. Sawlogs go to Interfor in Perry, pulpwood to IP in Oglethorpe hardwood pulpwood to Rayonier in Eastman and some small sawlogs to Jordan Forest Products’ sawmill in Barnesville. Pole logs go to Gulf South Pole and Timber Co. in Sycamore.

SLC works on private land most of the time, and tract sizes range from 50 to 300 acres. Many of the tracts it cuts belong to Stuckey Timberland, Inc., a privately-owned timberland and real estate company based in Eastman, Ga. SLC most often works with Stuckey representatives Wade Hall and Ken Eason. When Sanders Logging moves to a tract not owned by Stuckey, it builds its own roads. Before leaving a tract it takes care of all BMP requirements and leaves the job site looking as clean as possible. Employees arrive on site at 6 a.m. and leave at 5 p.m. Many crew members work on Saturdays. A bonus is given to every employee at the end of each year and workers get two weeks of paid vacation per year. Leigh Ann Evans is the company’s secretary and has been for more than 25 years. “She’s been around since I was born and she’s most definitely the one who keeps everything in the office together,” Sanders says. Kenny Newby has been cruising timber for the business since 2002. “Kenny plays a vital role in our business and he’s always done a great job for us,” Sanders explains. Skidder operators are Xavier Jen-

kins, Anthony Jenkins, Willie Brown and Daniel Bowen. Cutter operators are C.W. Harrell and Phillip Deason while J.C. Brown fills in when necessary. Loader operators are Douglas Green, Walter Blash and Paul Brown. Sanders runs the processor himself. Truck drivers include Ira Lindsey, Tommy Sanders, John Haynes, Freddie Jenkins, Lamar Jones and Edward Jenkins.

The Trucking Side Sanders’ trucking arm is all about the Mack brand and includes two 2017 models purchased from Nextran in Macon. They pull a mixture of Pitts and Big John trailers. While many loggers find it difficult to hire reliable truck drivers, Sanders Logging has not, at least up until now. One reason is probably because drivers rarely have to wait in long lines at the mills. One problem Sanders sees in with trucking is the apparent disdain for older drivers by insurance carriers. “It seems like once they get to 65 or older the insurance companies don’t want to insure them, but those old school guys are the best drivers in my experience.” While Sanders doesn’t have GPS or

Harry Sanders, Jr. has built a company that will be around for many years to come. 20




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dash cams on his trucks he has installed scales on his new Macks. “I like to do things the right way. I want to run legal and I like to be safe,” he says.

Big Shoes To Fill Sanders is very proactive with his business and does an excellent job promoting the logging industry all over social media. He’s the kind of young logger that the industry needs more of because he’s extremely knowledgeable and energetic. It’s refreshing to see a 25-year-old be as enthusiastic about the logging industry as he is and his dedication to his trade is Harry Sanders III is very active on social media and promotes the logging industry whenever he can. second to none. While Harry Sanders III years and I’ve never met a man more Sanders Logging Co. is a member has done an excellent job of stepping up dedicated to this business than him,” he of the Georgia Forestry Assn. Harry and taking a bigger role in the business, says. “He’s given me the proper tools to Sanders III has been a Master Timber he still looks to his father for guidance. succeed and I hope to be able to do Harvester through the University of “My dad’s been working out here for 50 TH what he’s done out here.” Georgia since 2013.

Foremost Authority For Professional Loggers



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Real Ingenuity Pays Off Virginia’s aggressive Tapscott brothers are loggers, truckers, and machine merchants. DAVIDAbbott


etter known by their nicknames, brothers Charles (Binky), 53, and Troy (Guke) Tapscott, 49, have a longstanding tradition of turning setbacks into successes. Armed with a knack for finding innovative solutions, a determined entrepreneurial spirit, a willingness to take

risks, and a good, old-fashioned work ethic, the Tapscotts have always found a way forward. (By the way, don’t bother asking where the nicknames came from. “Nobody remembers,” Binky insists. “It’s all I’ve ever gone by.” As two of six brothers, Binky and Guke aren’t the

Troy and Charles Tapscott (aka Guke and Binky) run impressive businesses.

The Tapscotts keep five Tigercat wheel cutters in the lineup.

only ones with unique monikers. Two of their brothers go by “Beatle” and “Hassie.” At least they know why their eldest brother is called Junior: He’s Harvey Tapscott, Jr. Only Tracey Tapscott was completely left out of the nickname game.) Nicknames aside, Binky and Guke can certainly be called successful, and there’s no doubting where that label came from. They earned it. As the owners of Tapscott Brothers Identities, they’ve carved out quite an impressive business. From their home base in Scottsville, Va., divisions of their company include harvesting/hauling juggernaut Tapscott Brothers Trucking & Logging and equipment dealerships Forest Pro, Inc. and Chipper Pro. The brothers grew up on a dairy farm working with their dad Harvey, who did some small-scale logging in the winters when farming was slow. In 1983 Binky says the cows came down with a rare disease called brucellosis and they had to kill the entire herd to contain the disease. There’s not much to do on a dairy farm without any cattle, but in the long run the crippling blow to that business might have been the best thing that ever happened to the family. It forced them to look for an alternative way to survive. So, Harvey, Junior and Binky, just 19 at the time, went into the logging business together. For $10,000 they bought a truck, skidder, loader and chain saw, starting Tapscott Brothers logging that year. In 1985 Guke decided to come on board, and bought Junior out for $6,000. “That was a big payment, man,” he laughs now. “I couldn’t get all the money, so I had to borrow $500 from my dad. The bank would only loan me $5,500.” He was fresh out of high school, and all he had was a pickup. The brothers bought the interests of Harvey, now 88, a few years ago but he is still actively involved. He and


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CSI slashers and delimbers are mated to Tigercat and Barko loaders.

their mom Barbara make parts runs for the five crews, many of which now involve their grandchildren. “It was easier running a chain saw than running this business,” Binky says reflectively. Guke adds, “When it was me and him and dad driving a truck, you didn’t think about it. It was fun. It’s still fun, but it’s not as much fun now.”

Innovators The Tapscotts have a long history of innovating. For instance, to deal with mud left by log trucks on county and other roads, they added a sweeper to a water truck to clean up after their trucks and trailers. “The biggest thing in winter is getting mud on the road, so we built the water truck with a broom on the back, and it sweeps and washes the road,” Binky says. They keep a broom tractor on every crew and also rent the water truck to other loggers. “Counties give us hell and the cell phone is the reason why,” Binky

believes. “It used to be you had to go all the way home to call about it and by then you’d forget, but now they can call when they drive by.” More recently, Binky patented a reversible slasher saw, which he dubbed the Revolver. Forest Pro showed it at the Richmond Expo in 2016. Binky recalls how the idea came to him: “I hadn’t run a loader in a while and I was demoing one for a customer. He had a two-piece reversible saw and I kept knocking the rack off the saw and my measurements would get off, and I got aggravated. I got to thinking of a way I could fix it. So I came back here to the shop the next day and we had (the first) one built by the end of the week. We sent it to the woods and it did great.” The next week he called a patent attorney and got a patent pending on it. The week after that, CSI personnel came to check it out after he told them about it. They made a deal for CSI to manufacture Revolvers at its plant in Union Grove, NC. Unlike other reversible saws, which

have a two-piece box and rack, the Revolver is built in one unit, with the box simply rotating. Guke says, “Everyone liked the one-piece because it doesn’t ever break apart, and you can do it on either side of the loader and still have a good solid saw.”

Machinery Tapscott Logging fields five logging crews and one chipping crew. The chipping crew goes behind logging crews after they’ve finished a tract, so it has no need of a cutter, only a skidder and loader. Other than a Barko and Bandit on the chipping crew, equipment is primarily from Tigercat. It includes seven skidders (three 635Es, three 630Es and a 620E), five cutters (three 724Es and two 724Gs), and six loaders (four 250Ds, a 234 and a Barko 595). All loaders use a CSI FTD 6000 flail combo delimber, CSI 4400 slashers; four Revolvers and two traditional reversible saws. The roster also includes roadbuilding/maintenance equipment—five

Company-owned and contract trucks, with drivers, pause in Scottsville.


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if they’re speeding or are somewhere they shouldn’t be, and you know when they start and when they end.” Their insurance carrier likes it, they say, but as far as they can tell it didn’t result in any significant savings on rates.

Upkeep Sweeper was added to water truck to clean mud off highways. Check out the logging theme on ornamental gates to Binky’s residence.

bulldozers, two motor graders, two backhoes, and a vibratory roller—from John Deere and Caterpillar. The business has several extra pieces that float as needed among crews. For instance, two spare skidders can help when a crew is on a tract with long skids. A Tigercat 860 carrying a Denharco stroke delimber is used on some hardwood jobs, while a Chambers Delimbinator works well in small, rough pine. In addition, there is a Tigercat 855D track machine with self-leveling cab and dangle head saw for felling in steep ground and big timber. It’s also useful in cutting rightsof-way—“city logging,” as Guke calls it—in northern Virginia and around Charlottesville. Not surprisingly, the Tapscotts always buy new machines. Their own Forest Pro is the dealer for most of their machines, other than construction equipment. Since last year Tigercat has offered captive financing, but the Tapscotts have mostly used local banks. Their equipment investment is $12 million. Tapscott Logging often sells its own used pieces to Forest Pro customers. “That way you always have a big inventory of used equipment,” Binky notes. “Anything on our jobs is for sale, for the right price.” Forest Pro keeps detailed records on file, reflect24


ing all maintenance and repairs on every machine and truck in the Tapscott fleet.

Trucking Transportation involves 21 company trucks, all Kenworth except for one Western Star, and 29 contract trucks. Crew leaders communicate how many trucks they need each day and the brothers dispatch accordingly. They run 101 log trailers and 34 chip trailers, most of which are shop-built. They’ve added more than 20 new trucks since 2012, when they started buying new rigs. They order Kenworth W900 trucks with Cummins 600 HP engines, 18-speed Eaton transmissions and 46,000 lb. Kenworth Airglide suspensions. They prefer robust trucks and trailers over light weight options. “They live a rough life, you want them to hold up,” Guke stresses. Some trucks are fitted with self-loaders, which are handy in handling mats and firewood and in placing portable bridges. Some of the drivers put dash cams in the trucks, and for the last three years the company has run Fleetilla GPS fleet management and asset tracking system on all trucks. “It’s nice,” Binky says. “If a crew calls in needing trucks, it lets you locate which ones are closer. You are alerted

Maintenance on this large fleet is constant, to the tune of about $800,000 a year. Whatever can’t be done in the woods goes to the service team at the Forest Pro shop, and shop mechanics also help in the woods. Crew leaders track hours, and when a loader reaches 200 hours, they bring all machines in at once for servicing and thorough washing. Most machines remain under Tigercat warranty, so engine and hydraulic oil sampling is routine. Used oil is burned to produce heat for shops. A mechanic goes over the chippers once a week. Depending on mud or dust conditions, operators at times change knives often as twice a day. There’s no need for mechanics to drive service trucks to the company jobs because each crew has a shop trailer that carries spare parts, chains, oil, hose making equipment and a welder. The company also has a fully-stocked spare parts inventory at the shops. Tier 4f engine emissions systems account for 90% of the breakdowns the Tapscotts see, both in their machines and in those of customers. Guke says the newer Kenworths seem to have made improvements. They say 9 of 10 calls the shop gets are DEF-related. “It is getting better, though, just not all the bugs are worked out yet,” Binky relates. Many of the problems, he adds, arise from contamination: failure to keep DEF tanks clean.

Family Guke runs the logging jobs and Binky runs Forest Pro, as well as the shop and office. Binky and his wife Robin have been married 32 years, while Guke and his wife Missy celebrated their 30th anniversary in July. Missy works in the office for Forest Pro, and Robin for Tapscott Logging. Binky’s daughter Sloan, a college student, works as a runner for both companies and assists in clerical duties when needed. Other Tapscotts are also on duty. Binky’s sons Dexter and Dallas run



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crews, and Guke’s son Wyatt is currently learning the ropes on Dexter’s crew. Their brothers Tracey and Hassie work respectively as a crew foreman and a truck driver, while nephews Cody and Matthew also are part of the team. Each of the sons and nephews owns their own loader, which they rent to Tapscott Brothers for a per-ton fee, in addition to their wages. “It works out well for them and us too,” Binky says. Their niece, Meghan Robertson, runs the Scottsville branch of Forest Pro, while Guke’s daughter Tory works in the parts department. Through his son Dexter, Binky has two grandchildren, two-year-old Lacy and newborn Caison. He calls grandchildren the “best thing in the world. They’re better than kids.”

Employees Tapscott Brothers Logging employs 19 drivers and 21 in the woods. Harvesting employees are: (crew 1) Dexter Tapscott, Joshua Redman, Bradley Shumaker and Wyatt Tapscott; (crew 2): Tracey Tapscott, Dustin Goff, Terry Laughlin and Timothy Laughlin; (crew 3) William Wright, Ricky Wright and Mark Brown; (crew 4) Dallas Tapscott, James Shumaker and Matthew Tapscot; (crew 5): Cody Tapscott, Calvin Washington, Geoffrey Marshall and John Napier. The chipping crew is Jay Rumsey and Dominick Lamonte. Drivers are Alon, Earnel and Ralph Booker, William Breeden, Roger Conley, Keith and Mark Critzer, Richard and Scotty Gibson, Todd Heeter, Chris Jenkins, Antonio Johnson, Sam Maddox, Matt Pace, Warren Phillips, Danny Smith, Steve Sprouse, Hassie Tapscott and Daniel Taylor. Mechanics are Noah Ayers, Naum Figueroa, William Rodriguez, Jose Sosa, Boone Weist, Chris Youhess and shop foreman Josh Wilson. Office staff includes Kim Gibson and Linda Tawney. Forester Mark Strickland helps cruise timber. Tonia Newton is an independent account controller for both companies. Henry Cobb is the building/grounds utility guy. Everyone on the crews undergoes CPR certification training every two years. The crews keep spill kits in fuel trucks and first aid kits in shop trailers. Once a month the crew leaders conduct safety meetings over lunch. Workers Comp coverage for all Tapscott companies is provided by Forestry Mutual Insurance Co., while 26


Machine Merchants Since ’01

For years the Tapscotts owned Barko loaders, purchased from their local John Deere dealer. However, when Deere acquired Timberjack in 2000 and subsequently started marketing its own knucklebooms, it forced that dealer to stop carrying the competing brand. Barko needed a new dealer in the area. With plenty of experience running and repairing machines, Binky and Guke took on the challenge, going from long-time customers to sellers of the loaders when they started Forest Pro in 2001. They ran the business out of the logging company shop till 2007, when they built the first Forest Pro store. Scottsville was the first location, and a second branch in Ashland opened in May 2014. A third branch is currently under construction in Keysville, Va. The Tapscotts also own Chipper Pro LLC in Gladys, a venture in which they partnered with J.H. Fitzgerald. It sells only Bandit chippers. Forest Pro represents Barko, Tigercat, Bandit, CSI, Rotobec, Chambers Delimbinator, Big John trailers, Cummins engines, and various support equipment like Oregon chains. They didn’t add Tigercat to the mix until 2013, but Binky reveals they tried to get it much earlier. Once they got the opportunity, he says, “How do you not take Tigercat on?” That presented the same scenario that had stopped the Deere dealer from selling Barkos, and gave the Tapscotts the chance in the first place: brand competition. Tigercat and Barko both make loaders, obviously. But the brothers were adamant about remaining loyal to the brand that had gotten them started. “When we took Tigercat on we made a deal before we took it that we would keep selling Barko as well,” Binky says. Forest Pro has 11 employees (four service techs) at the Ashland location and 20 (six techs) in Scottsville. The branch already has a few mechanics and a service truck available. Store managers are Meghan Robertson (Scottsville) and Mark Fleisher (Ashland). Of Fleisher, Binky says, “(He) has been in the equipment market as long as we have been logging. He has been a big part of helping us get Forest Pro where it is today.” Service managers are Mike Courtney (Ashland) and Ronnie and Jennifer Robinson (Scottsville). Parts managers are Robbie Ligion (Ashland) and Mike Favella (Scottsville). Marion Milstead is already serving as service manager at Keysville. Customer support is Albert Loham. The sales team includes Fred Cox, Bryan Windley, Mike Barton and Mark Fleisher. TH Bookkeeper is Tracy Fornes; controller is Stan Deutsch. Richmond insurance agency Gaines & Critzer writes all other coverages. The Tapscotts take safety very seriously. Along with drivers for Virginia logger/land clearer Davey Fitzgerald, Jr., last summer they had their truck drivers gather in Scottsville on a Saturday to attend a TEAM Safe Trucking safety awareness presentation by Forestry Mutual’s Jimmie Locklear. All employees get paid vacation and the company offers health insurance. “It’s tough to afford it, but we have to,” Binky acknowledges. Regulations in that regard motivate them to stay under 100 employees. “When we got to 50, the whole game changed. If you get over 100, it changes again.” The Tapscotts require pre-employment drug screening and random drug testing through a third party. Hardhats and other PPE are re-

quired on job sites. Drivers can use blue tooth but not handheld phones in truck cabs, in accordance with Virginia state law. Machine operators in the woods aren’t supposed to use phones either, but the owners admit that many of them probably do anyway. “How can you tell a 19-year-old he can’t use his phone? His momma ain’t gonna be happy with you,” Guke says.

Supply, Demand In addition to buying their own timber, the Tapscotts work closely with foresters Jim Kuykendall at Glatfelter and Eric Goodman at WestRock. They’ve seen many other foresters from early in their careers advance to higher positions. “Kirby Funderburke is a big wheel at WestRock, and he was just a forester when



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we worked for Westvaco 30 years ago,” Binky recalls. “He was the first we ever cut for. He sent me a contract, the first we ever did, and I said, ‘Kirby, there’s no way I can sign this thing.’ He said he wouldn’t sign it either, but to trust him and he’d take care of us, and he did. A lot of good people at WestRock have been good to us, so I speak highly of them. They try to keep us working.” Guke agrees. “You can’t beat Easton Loving,” he says. “He was our forester,



but he has moved up. We started with all them. They outgrew us, but they’re still nice when they see us.” They keep tracts planned nine months to a year in advance, taking on everything from pine plantation first thinnings to hardwood regeneration cuts. They also do a number of select cuts for quail preserves, including one recently for the governor of West Virginia. When it comes time to move to a new tract, they work with state forest-

ers to ensure proper handling of water bars, BMPs and any cleanup work required. “We have a good relationship with the Virginia Forestry Dept.,” Guke says. “All of them work really well with us.” Among other things fabricated at the shop, Tapscott Brothers makes its own mats for stream crossings. Average haul distance varies, but the longest is 240 miles one way to the Glatfelter pulp mill in Spring Grove, Pa. One truck hauls one load there per day. Tapscott’s trucks haul roughly two-thirds of the harvesting crews’ production; the rest is by contractors. In the first five months of 2017, Tapscott Brothers hauled 6,208 loads (160,901 tons). That was 4,175 loads (107,242 tons) by company drivers and 2,033 loads (53,659 tons) by contractors. On average the crews haul a combined total of 300 loads a week. It could be more, but mill quotas restrict production, Binky says. The biggest single destination for those loads is WestRock. Tapscott trucks unload at five WestRock locations (West Point, Covington, Hopewell, Caroline and Dominion). Other primary markets include Glatfelter Pulp & Paper, Yancey Lumber, Culpepper Recycling, Little Creek Sawmill, Skyline Post & Pole and Columbia Forest Products, among many others. In 2014 the brothers put in a wood yard behind the shop in Scottsville. “We don’t haul off the wood yard much unless we can’t get out of the woods,” Binky says. They keep about 50 loads of inventory there; in the past they have stockpiled as many as 500 loads. Looking to the future, Binky says the logging business he expects will continue to grow. “It looks like it never ends,” he says. Both brothers are optimistic for the near term, at least. “I think it will be good,” Guke says. “It’s the middle of summer and you’re running wide open; that’s pretty good.” “It is the only thing I know,” Binky says as to why he logs. “I have so much invested in it there is nothing else I can do. The bank said I couldn’t quit.” Guke adds, “I can’t think of anything I would rather do. I don’t even think I’d like to retire. I’ve never tried anything else.” Outside the woods, the brothers have always been actively involved in TH the Virginia Loggers Assn.



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PeoplePower! WENDY FARRAND, 207-838-4435

Regular Meetings Help Harness The Power Of Clear Communication “What’s the big deal? You come to about to tackle? You know the answer; work, you get the wood out, and you then why should you? go home.” Communication can open a lot of Those were the exact words of an eyes, give different perspectives and old-time logger I worked with who head off problems before they turn was totally perplexed about the need into emergencies. I know this is for regular meetings in the woods. true, for there isn’t one logging conSmaller crews may be able to skirt the tractor that I have worked with who regular meeting recommendation, but hasn’t seen the positive impact from if you are a leader, and you are not holding regular crew meetings. If leadholding regular structured meetings, ers don’t hold themselves to the sysyour crew isn’t as effective, productems of accountability, how can you tive or as safe as it could be, no matter truly expect your employees to? what size it is. I believe that with all my heart. A Simple Agenda Things may be flowing smoothly, but without the opportunity to regularly Time is money, and so I suggest share, set expectations and hold peothat regular meetings happen before ple accountable, you will feel the imthe noise ordinances are lifted or the pact somewhere down the road. sun rises. I am a big proponent of Strong, clear communication is key, and not just for communication’s sake, but for the sake of a lot of other things as well, including safety, accountability, raising the bar, setting goals, motivation, team building, squelching negativity, and education. As a leader, contractor or supervisor, it is your responsibility to bring your crews together on a regular basis to build a strong structure in which the wood can flow. Ideally, this is a structure of respect created by the professionalism that you demand from the profes- Meetings create a structure for innovation, process refinement. sionals that work for you. keeping the crew meeting agenda This isn’t a day on the beach, and very simple while sticking to a strict heading into the woods with extremely meeting time. The simpler, the better, expensive equipment, in some of the but with lots of room to share. I recmost dangerous situations, is one of ommend this agenda to the loggers I the most important jobs on the planet. work with: I have heard the job of a logger comLast week pared to that of a brain surgeon where This week life and death decisions are made in Opportunities for improvement just a second’s notice. So, I ask, do Employee forum you think a brain surgeon heads into Just the fact that you are always surgery without a formal meeting with looking to improve will create a struchis team to discuss the task they are 30


ture for innovation or process refinement. You will find that once you start to honor the knowledge your crew has from working in the thick of it, they will offer ways to improve your overall operation—ways that you may not see from your vantage point. I also suggest that if your harvest is third-party certified, that you add an educational piece to your agenda on a monthly basis, maybe opposite of your safety meeting. Educating your crew members on the standards that your company is held to while harvesting gives them additional ammunition when educating the public about the things they do in the forest to help improve the environment, and the world we all live in. Knowledge is power, and we all need to be educating the public regarding timber harvesting and the positive impact it has on our environment and economy. Everyone, not just the owners, but the crew members as well need to be sharing the truths that are happening in the woods. We are all responsible for promoting the good things we do in the woods and to help create a more positive image for our industry. People like structure, even though they may not even know how much they do like it, but once you make meetings a regular occurrence, you will see an uptick in professionalism and a sense of caring about the company in general. When someone is task-oriented as opposed to results-oriented, there can be a lack of emotional attachment to the job and the company. Discussing the results of the week can create engagement by emphasizing the logger’s involvement in the big picture of our industry. No, it isn’t just about “getting the wood out.” You are a link in a very important chain that feeds the world forest products. We can never forget to remind our loggers that they sacrifice daily to insure



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the people of the world get the forest products that they cannot live without. Make sure that meetings are productive and positive, honoring your time, your crew members’ time and the time of the company. The one thing that is worse than not holding a regular meeting is holding a regular meeting that everyone dreads. Dreading a meeting means the person in charge may have not put as much thought into it as he or she should have. Create the agenda, look it over the night before, and try to keep the information interesting and engaging, Sprinkle in a bit of praise for those who are going above and beyond for the company. Share an anecdotal story that emphasizes a point. Make it interesting and the crew members will look forward to the meeting and sharing information. One warning: an employee forum can sometimes turn into a b!^%#fest, so nip it in the bud; stop it and redirect the crew from complaining to coming up with solutions to make things better.

Don’t Give Up If you have never held regular meetings before, you will find many loggers complaining as my coworker did when we first instituted regular meetings. He was the biggest hater of meetings, thought I was absolutely out of my mind, and complained every time we held them. One day, after he complained quite vocally in front of everyone, I followed him back to his chipper. “I would never begin to tell you what to do with your chipper,” I huffed. “I would never try to tell you how to maintain or fix your chipper. No one on the planet knows as much about your chipper as you do, and I respect that. I respect the things that you know, that I do not, and I am asking you for that same respect.” From that day on, until I left the company, he respected my initiatives to improve communication and engagement, so much so that after a couple of years when I was moving on to another position, he came up to me and said, “I owe you an apology.” I looked like a deer in the headlights because I couldn’t think of anything he needed to apologize for. “You were right about all that communication stuff,” he said. I was so surprised and it warmed my heart that he said that. I think there was a little tear in each of our eyes. We hugged and I thanked him for acknowledging that. When you know something is right, you owe it to your business to take advantage of that knowledge. It isn’t easy, but every single initiative improves the professionalism of your company, of your employees and of TH your industry. Foremost Authority For Professional Loggers



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High Marks For SW Forest Products Expo JORDAN ANDERSON The Hot Springs Convention Center was buzzing on August 25-26 at the 2017 edition of the Southwest Forest Products Expo. Larry Boccarossa, Executive Director of the Arkansas Timber Producers Assn. (ATPA), which has sponsored the event since its inception in 1999, indicated that most participants seemed to be upbeat. He noted that several exhibitors felt that this year’s event was the best one yet. This year’s show attracted 53 exhibitors and some 1700 attendees, up from the last expo held in 2013. Notable exhibitors included Mid-South Equipment (Tigercat), Stribling Equipment (John Deere), Crouse

Truck Parts & Equipment (Barko), Riggs Cat, Alliance Tire and River Ridge Equipment. Bandit and Morbark, who both had small booth spaces in 2013, opted for larger spaces this year. At an auction held Friday night on the show floor, ATPA raised over $5,000 for its scholarship program. Four scholarships totaling $2,500 were also awarded. In a Log-A-Load For Kids fundraiser, Mike Pennington with L.D. Long, Inc. generated over $6,000 by raffling off a Spartan zero-turn mower. According to Boccarossa, the expo has always been a great venue for LAL. The ATPA, in partnership with the Arkansas Forestry Assn., has raised over $9 million for

the LAL program since 1993. “This year’s show was one of the best ones we’ve had. Every space on the show floor was full and the support from all of our exhibitors was great. I’d like to thank all of our vendors for another successful event,” Boccarossa said. ATPA is already looking ahead to its next event. In 2015 ATPA partnered with Hatton-Brown Publishers to produce the live InWoodsExpo. The next InWoodsExpo is tentatively scheduled for 2019 in the Hot Springs area. Boccarossa said ATPA will announce plans for this show in the coming months. Here is a selection of photos from the event:

The Hot Springs Convention Center was once again home to the event.

The 2017 event was another success for the ATPA. 32


Loggers and their families who attended the expo represented over 10 states. TIMBER HARVESTING & WOOD FIBER OPERATIONS


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A big crowd flooded the expo on Saturday.

People entering the expo were met with a warm welcome from the ATPA.

Foremost Authority For Professional Loggers

The ATPA hosted a reception for attendees and vendors on Friday evening.



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EquipmentWorld River Ridge New Dealer For Phoenix DF703 FB

ana. DelFab is based in Gladstone, Mich. and River Ridge Equipment is based in Rison, Ark. At the Southwest Forest Products The Phoenix DF703 fills a void for Expo in Hot Springs, Ark. August 25a smaller and more maneuverable 26, Tom Hirt, Marketing Manager feller-buncher, especially in pine with DelFab, Inc., welcomed River plantations where operators find the Ridge Equipment Co. as the new three-wheeled machine to be more Phoenix DF703 feller-buncher dealer practical and efficient, according to for central Arkansas and north LouisiHirt. It operates with a fuel-efficient Tier 3 Cummins engine. It also features improved operator comfort. The cab has new ergonomic pedals that require less foot movement and a new fourway adjustable seat accommodate the tallest of operators. “We’re proud to be a part of the DelFab family. The Phoenix New partners, from left, DelFab’s Tom Hirt, and River Ridge’s Marty ScudDF703 will have der and James Wilson



a niche in the marketplace that was left with the exit of the last threewheeled buncher almost a decade ago,” comments Marty Scudder, General Manager at River Ridge Equipment. Visit or call 214-9140132; visit or call 855-325-6465.

Bandit Industries Expands Its Reach Bandit Industries has expanded its dealer network for its whole tree chippers and grinders in New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio. Anderson Equipment Co., already representing Bandit in Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont, has expanded into New York and Pennsylvania. It has 16 locations in five states. Visit With multiple branches, Company Wrench Ltd. is Bandit’s new dealer in Ohio. It also has locations in the Carolinas and Florida. Visit company



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InnovationWay Tigercat Telematics Tigercat offers RemoteLog, the company’s new telematics solution. RemoteLog was designed after extensive field research that included feedback from customers from around the world. The result is a simple, robust telematics solution that works even in the most remote locations. Now loggers can track key machine performance metrics from their desktop or tablet to maximize machine productivity and reduce operating costs. Logging sites are often well out of range of cellular phone service providers so RemoteLog uses a satellite data connection that provides global coverage. Data is automatically updated to secure servers on a regular basis. Data includes: machine location and movements; activity timeline to identify when a machine is idle, operating, shutdown or refueling; fuel levels and consumption; mechanical performance parameters; critical machine messages. Users can also set up alerts to notify service personnel. Dealers can see error codes and other important mechanical information to help get the right service and parts on the first visit. The hardware components of RemoteLog consist of a satellite antenna on top of the machine that is well protected by a polycarbonate housing. A telematics computer module is located in the cab. Visit tigercat.

improves drivability and productivity. The operator selects the desired RPM setting (Eco, Normal, Power) for the operating conditions, and the system automatically adjusts the engine’s RPMs to correspond with the engine load. In high-load situations, the new driveline control ensures that the diesel engine runs smoothly and uses the available maximum tractive force efficiently. The new models feature a 6.8L John Deere PowerTech Plus engine, which meets the latest Stage 4/Final Tier 4 emissions regulations. Ideal for thinning jobs, the 1110G boasts 6.6% more power and 4.1% more torque than the previous machine. Available with a short wheelbase, the rear axle on the 1110G has been moved forward by 40 cm (15.75 in), allowing the load space to remain unchanged. Featuring 7.6% more power and 7.8% more torque than its predecessor, the 1210G offers several load space alternative with different widths for different uses. The 1510G machine is equipped with an engine that increases the machine power by 5.1% and torque by as much as 8.7%. More agile than the previous model, the 1510G slewing angle has been increased from 42˚ to 44˚. Visit

Strong Arm Grapples

Deere Forwarder Upgrade

John Deere announced three upgrades to its forwarder line. The 1110G, 1210G and 1510G models feature new engines, control modules, simpler CAN busses and a streamlined electrical system. A key feature on the G-Series models is adaptive driveline control, a software-based control system that 38


Barko’s new Strong-Arm grapples are designed to optimize the performance of Barko B-Series loaders. The lineup consists of three models. The 4250, 4850 and 5250 grapples have maximum openings of 42.0, 48.1 and 52.1", respectively, with each rated for up to 50,000 lbs. of lift capacity. A compact rotator allows for hoses to be contained in a single bundle be-

tween the boom and grapple, providing better hose protection. Other features include 360° continuous rotation and a fully supported rotator drive pinion gear. The hydraulic motor is designed to maximize hydraulic flow, making each grapple exceptionally fast and productive. The grapples are constructed of high tensile, wear-resistant steel and include hard face welding on the arm tips to extend working life. Oversized, induction-hardened pins help reduce wear to pins and bushings. A service friendly design includes four convenient inspection plates for the grapple collector and hoses, along with 12 easily accessible grease points. Visit

Oregon’s SpeedMax XL

Oregon announced the new SpeedMax XL .404 cutting system, built with a focus on cutting speed, strength and durability. The cutting system delivers maximum uptime through advanced designs across the bar, chain and sprocket. The new .404 cutting system features a 19HX saw chain with tall chamfer chisel cutters that combine durability with improved chip clearance to deliver faster and more consistent cuts. The SpeedMax XL guide bar is designed to minimize time between cuts by reducing vibration to the cutting system; this guide bar has been widened to improve chain retention. It also features a tail contour to decrease friction, making it less likely to throw chain. The larger 14-tooth replaceable sprocket nose features high-alloy industrial bearings and requires fewer rotations to accomplish the same work with less heat build-up – extending the life of the nose. The 404 Rim Sprocket is precision-balanced and machined from durable solid-billet steel. It’s equipped with a raised-tooth design to reduce chain stretch and improved debris ejection with tapered side-ports. Visit



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9/12/17 10:03 AM

SelectCuts As We (ALC) See It

A Positive Change At The USFS DANNY DRUCTOR On August 18 the Trump Administration made the surprise announcement that Tom Tidwell, Chief of the U.S. Forest Service, was retiring after 40 years at the agency. There has been much Dructor speculation on who would run the Forest Service after the President’s inauguration and the confirmation of former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue as Secretary of Agriculture. The timing of the announcement was notable. Tidwell left the agency during the peak wildfire season when the agency was scrambling to allocate resources and money to suppress fires. And the administration has yet to nominate a USDA Undersecretary for Natural Resources and Environment, who oversees the Forest Service and is responsible for implementing the administration’s policy priorities. There are still many unanswered questions about the direction of the Forest Service under President Trump. But the question of who will lead the agency was answered quickly. Just two days after Tidwell’s retirement announcement, Secretary Purdue named Tony Tooke as the new Chief. Tooke most recently served as the Regional Forester for Region 8. Perdue said Tooke “will oversee efforts to get our forests working again, to make them more productive, and to create more jobs. His focus will be on ensuring we are good neighbors and are managing our forests effectively, efficiently, and responsibly, as well as working with states and local governments to ensure the utmost collaboration.” Tooke has extensive experience working at the highest levels of the Forest Service at the agency in Washington, having served as Associate Deputy Chief for the National Forest System (NFS). He took a lead role in the implementation of a new planning rule for the NFS, and is well-versed on our complex system of federal land management. He understands how the National Environmental Policy Act, the EPA and other regula40


tions affect the development and economics of projects for loggers purchasing federal timber. Tooke is being directed to increase harvests on national forests, a critical move for loggers operating near federal land. The American Loggers Council will continue to lobby Congress and work with the Federal Forest Resource Coalition to ensure the Forest Service receives adequate

funding and personnel to increase timber management activities. We will continue to advocate for reforms such as those in the Resilient Federal Forests Act that seek to expedite projects on forests that are immediately at-risk of catastrophic wildfire, insects and disease, while reducing obstructive litigation that typically stymies the work that needs to be done. We will continue to promote the development of biomass to create more markets for wood products, and pursue opportunities in the Forestry Title of the 2018 Farm Bill that Congress ➤ 42

Johnson Was Good At What He Did Eric A. Johnson, 59, longtime Executive Editor of The Northern Logger and Timber Processor magazine and a devout spokesman for the forest products industry and its participants, died July 18 at the family homestead in Coloma, Wis. Private family services were held a few days thereafter. Johnson had valiantly fought cancer for several years. Following a brief logging career as a logger, Johnson joined the Old Eric Johnson Forge, NY-based Northeastern Loggers’ Assn., publisher of the aforementioned magazine, and worked there for almost 35 years. He was highly regarded for his ability to communicate the benefits of responsible forest management and to keep his regional readership abreast of news and developments in an ever-changing industry. Johnson worked until the end, writing his monthly column and continuing to travel. His last column addressed his June trip to the Elmia Wood show in Sweden. In his columns Johnson delivered thoughtful insight and advice. Here are a few excerpts: “I’ve noticed that the really good, successful logging contractors outfit themselves and their crew with monogrammed work shirts usually also displaying the company logo. This is one way of saying, ‘I run a professional operation and I’m proud to have my employees represent it.’” “You’d be wrong to conclude that the same forces driving agriculture

into the arms of corporations are having a similar effect on independent loggers. In fact, the opposite appears to be happening. Logging companies are employing fewer people as mechanization makes those employees more productive. Thanks to this new-found ability to produce large volumes of wood on short notice, family owned logging firms continue to thrive in this environment since they can, literally, keep their businesses in the family.” Johnson recommended that loggers in states without a logging group or organization come together and form one and affiliate with the national group, the American Loggers Council. He also brought his family into his columns. Last winter he wrote about walking through the woods on the family tree farm in Wisconsin and admiring a few dozen hard maples that his late grandfather, Fred Caudle, had planted. He wrote: “If we can get together every spring and produce enough maple syrup to keep everyone supplied, it will be a sweet gift from the past to future generations, thanks to the foresight of my grandfather.” Last spring the Northeastern Loggers’ Assn. presented Johnson with its 2016 Outstanding Service to the Industry Award at its annual loggers’ banquet in Brewer, Me. In addition to writing, he enjoyed back-country skiing, biking, gardening, and producing prodigious stacks of firewood for home heating.



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SelectCuts 40 ➤ must pass before it is finished. ALC will also seek to educate Chief Tooke on the many challenges our industry is facing, especially for independent contract loggers. Most of all, we will encourage Chief Tooke to take risks, try new ways of doing business, and defy the special interests in Washington who have spent decades undermining the Forest Service’s multiple-use mandate to manage our forests for the “greatest good.” Now that a new Forest Service Chief is in place, we urge President Trump and Secretary Perdue to install a new Undersecretary for Natural Resources and Environment. Leadership at this position is essential if the administration wants to achieve its goals of supporting forestry on public and private lands and protecting the future of our industry. Dructor is Executive Vice President for the American Loggers Council, a 501 (c) (6) non- profit trade organization representing professional timber harvesters in 32 states. Visit or phone 409-625-0206.

Enviva Releases Latest Track & Trace Data Enviva, the world’s largest producer of wood pellets, released its latest Track & Trace forestry data, highlighting the company’s ongoing commitment to a sustainable and transparent supply chain. Enviva sourced wood from nearly 1,200 working forest harvests in 83 counties in five Southern states over a six-month period ending in March 2017. The forests in the Southeast continue to grow and thrive, with the total amount of forested land in Enviva’s primary supply area increasing by 320,842 acres since 2011, according to the U.S. Forest Service. Inventory on that land has grown by 10% during that time period, and continues to increase as forests grow at a faster rate than they are harvested. Approximately 38% of Enviva’s wood came from pine and hardwood mixed forests, 29% from southern yellow pine forests and 5% from upland hardwood forests. The wood sourced

by Enviva consists of undersized or understory wood that was removed as part of a larger harvest.

Memorial Service For Jeff Castleberry A memorial service was held August 12 for Jeff Castleberry, 53, vice president of Castleberry Logging, Inc., of Castleberry, Ala. He died at his home in Brewton, Ala. on August 9 after a prolonged illness. A large crowd of family and friends from near and far turned out for the service. Jeff was the son of Earline and Ezell Castleberry, a couple wellknown in logging association circles throughout the country. The family business has racked up many honors over the years, including the Timber Harvesting Logging Business of the Year recognition in 2009. Jeff served as supervisor of Castleberry Logging’s chipping and biomass recovery operation until illness sidelined him. Other than his parents, survivors include his widow, a daughter, two stepsons, and two brothers. The family requests that any memorials be made to Pilots for Christ, 107 airport Rd., Monroeville, AL 36460; or the American Cancer Society.

Dicky Dost Moved From Woods To Mills Richard (Dicky) Edward Dost, Jr., 69, a former logger who was instrumental in the formation of two sawmill operations, died at his home in Louisa, Va. on August 5 after a brief battle with cancer. In 1973 Dost began a whole tree chipping operation, Chips, Inc., and 10 years later built a stationary chip mill in Troy, Va. In 2000 Dost and Clark Diehl, along with John Talley and Tim Stephenson, launched ArborTech Forest Products in Blackstone, Va., and in 2001 they started up a new high production SYP sawmill. Dost was a vibrant man, deeply engaged in the varied aspects of his life. He was a Past Worshipful Master of Reedville #321 Masonic Lodge and Louisa Lodge #58. He served as president of the Louisa Industrial Development Assn. 42




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visit us online:

Foremost Authority For Professional Loggers





EventsMemo September 28-30— American Loggers Council annual meeting, Natchez Grand Hotel, Natchez Convention Center, Natchez, Miss. Call 409-625-0206; visit September 22-24—Council on Forest Engineering annual meeting, Four Seasons Hotel, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Call 304-206-1884; visit September 27-29—Expo Biomasa 2016, Feria de Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain. Visit October 5-7—National Hardwood Lumber Assn. Annual Conv. & Exhibit Showcase, Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, D.C. Call 901-377-1818; visit October 26-28—Texas Forestry Assn. annual meeting, La Torretta Lake Resort, Conroe, Tex. Call 936-632-8733; visit November 2-4—South Carolina Forestry Assn. annual meeting, Wild Dunes, Isle of Palms, SC. Call 803-7984170; visit November 5-7— North Carolina Forestry Assn. annual meeting, Grove Park Inn & Resort, Asheville, NC. Call 919-834-3943; visit



This issue of Timber Harvesting is brought to you in part by the following companies, which will gladly supply additional information about their products. Alliance Tire Americas



American Logger’s Council



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Peterson Pacific






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Team Safe Trucking



Tigercat Industries









Waratah Forestry Attachments





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9/12/17 10:55 AM

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