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A Hatton-Brown Publication

Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc. Street Address: 225 Hanrick Street Montgomery, AL 36104-3317 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2268 Montgomery, AL 36102-2268 Telephone: 334.834.1170 FAX: 334.834.4525

Volume 45 • Number 6 • July/August 2020 Founded in 1976 • Our 465th Consecutive Issue

Publisher: David H. Ramsey Chief Operating Officer: Dianne C. Sullivan Editor-in-Chief: Rich Donnell Senior Editor: Dan Shell Senior Associate Editor: David Abbott Senior Associate Editor: Jessica Johnson Associate Editor: Patrick Dunning Publisher/Editor Emeritus: David (DK) Knight

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Down But Not Out, TP&EE Showcase TP&EE Dates Set For 2022





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Oregon Firm Builds On Mass Timber

Able To Adjust With The Times

Lots Of Essential Business Going On Information Blitz In Atlanta



Products, Equipment, Manufacturers

COVER: Freres Lumber’s new USNR bandmill and super-big carriage enables the company to produce beams from its mass plywood cants. Story begins on PAGE 14. (Dan Shell photo.)

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Timber Processing (ISSN 0885-906X, USPS 395-850) is published 10 times annually (January/February and July/August issues are combined) by Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc., 225 Hanrick St., Montgomery, AL 36104. Subscription Information—TP is free to qualified owners, operators, managers, purchasing agents, supervisors, foremen and other key personnel at sawmills, pallet plants, chip mills, treating plants, specialty plants, lumber finishing operations, corporate industrial woodlands officials and machinery manufacturers and distributors in the U.S. All non-qualified U.S. Subscriptions are $55 annually: $65 in Canada; $95 (Airmail) in all other countries (U.S. Funds). Single copies, $5 each; special issues, $20 (U.S. funds). Subscription Inquiries— TOLL-FREE: 800-669-5613; Fax 888-611-4525. Go to and click on the subscribe button to subscribe/renew via the web. All advertisements for Timber Processing magazine are accepted and published by Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc. with the understanding that the advertiser and/or advertising agency are authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof. The advertiser and/or advertising agency will defend, indemnify and hold any claims or lawsuits for libel violations or right of privacy or publicity, plagiarism, copyright or trademark infringement and any other claims or lawsuits that may arise out of publication of such advertisement. Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc. neither endorse nor makes any representation or guarantee as to the quality of goods and services advertised in Timber Processing. Hatton-Brown Publishers, Inc. reserves the right to reject any advertisement which it deems inappropriate. Copyright ® 2020. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without written permission is prohibited. Periodicals postage paid at Montgomery, Ala. and at additional mailing offices. Printed in U.S.A.

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Jessica Johnson Senior Associate Editor


O 20



kay, I am just going to come out and say it—I hate Zoom; Google Hangouts; Microsoft Teams; Apple Facetime; Facebook Live; Instagram Live. All of it is literally the worst. Stick with me here, please, because I know in this day and age we need all of these technologies to stay connected, and I am grateful to have access to all of these options to stay connected to the industry and my family and friends who live far away. I understand we must do certain things to keep our friends, our neighbors and ourselves healthy. But, y’all I really hate the video chat phenomenon. I hate it because I am an extroverted extrovert. I thrive on crowds and, I am sure this will not be a shock, I am a hugger. I like hugging people. I don’t want to see your beautiful face in a badly lit video. Also, my awkward jokes and wild gesturing don’t play well on a 13 in. screen. I want to be under the lights of an expo center and see every glorious inch of you in florescent. I don’t want to have a calendar invite to a Google Hangout to discuss strategy for an it-might-happen-but-might-not-happen tennis tournament in September. I want to meet out at the courts and run, hit the ball, and then try to figure out if I am in fact a good enough rec league tennis player to have a strategy besides “hit the ball over the net and inside the lines.” Also, I have two small children and there is absolutely nothing worse on the planet than a Zoom’d circle time where for 20 minutes everyone screams and one kid walks around showing off every corner of his house, including his older brother who is sleeping on the sofa. Man, not to get too controversial, but we really don’t pay teachers enough. So it was with a broken heart, I realized that the Timber Processing & Energy Expo was just not going to happen this year in Portland, Ore. My heart was broken because I wanted to see the crowds gather around the latest drone video from a new sawmill on display. It was broken because I wouldn’t be buzzing around with beer tickets catching up with old friends and making new ones. But, by choosing to cancel our 2020 event we are able to wait, make sure the world is a safer place for us to all crowd the brat line and wonder if the Oregon Ducks really will have what it takes to beat the SEC in a playoff game. 2022 (September 28-30 to be exact) will be better and safer for our industry to have its family reunion in Portland. However, for those companies who were going to exhibit this year in Portland, we’re not forgetting you. Instead, we will have the TP&EE Showcase in our September issue and on our website. For those exhibitors who advertise in the September issue, you’ll be invited to submit editorial for the printed magazine and also submit a video for the TP&EE web site—videos to be shown only during what would have been our show dates, September 30-October 2. Mind you, this is not a virtual expo, but simply an opportunity for those companies who were going to exhibit to advertise in the September issue and gain additional print and online exposure For the sawmill personnel, it won’t be the same as walking the aisles, but it will be an excellent opportunity to dive deeper into what equipment companies are up to these days to help bring your mill to the next level. Just don’t slosh a beer on TP your computer when you pretend I am giving you the biggest hug.

Contact Jessica Johnson, ph: 334-834-1170; fax 334-834-4525; e-mail: TIMBER PROCESSING




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NEWSFEED TP&EE 2020 CANCELLED, BUT FULL SPEED TOWARD 2022 Organizers of the Timber Processing & Energy Expo announced the cancellation of the event, which was scheduled for this September 30 to October 2 at the Portland Exposition Center in Portland, Ore. “Oregon in particular has been slow to open up and the site of our event isn’t open yet,” comments Show Director Rich Donnell. “We looked at hosting a show later in the year and even in 2021, but have decided to hold our next TP&EE as scheduled on September 28-30, 2022 at the same location. We’re hopeful that we will have beaten the virus by then and that face-toface, in-person trade shows will be back on schedule.” Donnell says exhibitors



have been contacted and the show plans to carryover the existing floorplan to 2022. “We’re already getting new inquiries about space for 2022,” he said. “The 2020 show was headed for a sellout when the pandemic hit.” Donnell said the 2020 event had a great reception planned for the presentation of the Timber Processing 2020 Person of the Year. “It didn’t happen like we wanted, but I think the 2022 event might be a coming out party.” Visit timberprocessingand

4FRI MAY RIDE ON ELECTIONS An election year shuffling of candidates for Arizona’s Corporation Commission (ACC) may bring new life to the nearderailed 4 Forests Restoration Initiative (4FRI) that’s seeking to restore healthy conditions across 2.4 million acres on four national forests. Just last year the five-member ACC voted down a proposal to require state utilities to purchase up to 90MW of biomass-fired power, a critical market expansion for the biomass and brush material produced by each individual forest restoration project. However, this past spring a state court judge threw multiple candidates off the ACC ballot due to irregularities in signature-gathering, including an incumbent.

The two members not facing election are split on the biomass proposal. Three seats are open, so if two candidates who support the mandate are elected, the biomass utilization effort stands a better chance of moving forward. (Eligible candidates are on both sides of the issue, and some haven’t taken a position.) Such election year antics may affect the 4FRI’s success: Increasing utilization of and expanded markets for biomass are critical to forest health in Arizona, and most involved with 4FRI agree that

Arizona officials are still searching for solutions.



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NEWSFEED lack of biomass markets is severely hampering restoration progress. Awarded in 2012, the first 4FRI contract (Phase 1) to treat 300,000 acres in 10 years has woefully underperformed, treating roughly 15,000 acres total compared to its goal of 50,000 acres a year, with lack of biomass markets a big reason for coming up short. Meanwhile, national forest officials in Arizona are hoping to award 4FRI Phase 2 contracts in September following several contract modifications. Most notable, the contract time frame has been doubled, to 20 years, with several years of “ramp up” time to develop forest products infrastructure included. The Phase 2 contract also more than doubled the acreage to treat to more than 800,000 acres. A five-year timber har-



vest plan included in Phase 2 solicitation materials identified 101 projects on 203,000 acres estimated to produce 1.097 billion BF in logs and 152 million cubic feet of biomass that must be removed or handled and reduced on site. Results of this year’s ACC election will have a definite bearing on the development of biomass markets in the state.

SMARTLAM TEAMS WITH REDBUILT SmartLam North America and RedBuilt announced a partnership to supply crosslaminated timber (CLT) products and solutions to architects, engineers and contractors for projects using the mass timber building technology. RedBuilt will serve as exclusive distributor of SmartLam CLT in the Pacific

Northwest, West Coast and Southwest, which includes nine states: California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico, Utah and Montana. The companies state they will offer the first integrated solution for mass timber building, with highly trained technical sales and design teams, all deeply familiar with mass timber design, manufacturing and installation. The SmartLam/Redbuilt partnership will offer a wide array of structural engineered wood solutions, including CLT, GLB, Open Web, Ijoists, LVL and connection hardware from a single source, simplifying the building process. Since establishing North America’s first CLT manufacturing facility in 2012, SmartLam has been a pioneer of CLT in the U.S. Smart-

Lam operates two modern production facilities in Columbia Falls, Mont. and Dothan, Ala. The Columbia Falls facility also serves as corporate headquarters. Casey Malmquist, CEO and Founder of SmartLam North America, is thrilled about this partnership. “SmartLam sees great potential in developing the market though our partnership with RedBuilt. Our team is excited to support and grow the relationship by offering the absolute best products, unmatched service levels, and seamless project delivery to our joint customers throughout the Western U.S.” Since 1958, RedBuilt has been an industry leader in innovative and customized, wood building solutions. Headquartered in Boise, Idaho, RedBuilt operates four manufacturing plants, five de-



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NEWSFEED sign centers, with technical sales team members posted around the country to provide local support. Don Schwabe, CEO and President of RedBuilt, shares the excitement and benefits of the partnership. “Mass timber is a natural extension to the RedBuilt offering, and Smartlam is the natural choice as our supplier. Our customers are getting the best of both worlds. From design to delivery, they know we will get it done on-time, onspec, and on budget.” SmartLam has announced plans to build several CLT facilities across the country.

of 59 years, Louise Maxwell of Diboll; sons and daughterin-law, David Maxwell of Houston, Troy and Keri Maxwell of Katy and an extended family. Harold and Louise were influential in the construction of the building that houses the regional office of the American Cancer Society, and that building was named in their honor. Memorial contributions may be made to the American Cancer Society, 212 Gene Samford Drive, Lufkin, Texas 75904.


Former Southern Forest Products Assn. chairman (1992) and Willamette Industries leader John Shealy, Sr. died April 19. He was 91. A graduate of Louisiana Tech University with a degree in forestry, Shealy worked many years in the timber industry and retired from Willamette Industries as Vice President of the Southern Div. in 1997. He was an active member of the Louisiana Forestry Assn. and SFPA. He remained active in his retirement by serving on the Board of Directors of Deltic Timber Company, while spending time with family, and exercising with his running group. He was a graduate of Ruston High School and Louisiana Tech University with a degree in forestry. Shealy loved his family and was a devoted husband, father and grandfather. He spent many hours watching his grandchildren’s school activities and sporting events. Most mornings you could find him with his running group at the Tech track or exercising at Temple Baptist Church, where he was a longtime member. He is survived by his wife of 31 years, Vergie Elliott Shealy, and an extended family.

Harold Maxwell, a former president and CEO of the Forest Products Div. of Temple Inland Group and a former chairman of Southern Forest Products Assn. (1988), died May 17. He was 79. Under Maxwell’s leadership, SFPA enjoyed a year full of notable progress and accomplishments. From the incorporation of SFPA design values into the British Standards to global markets opening up for southern pine products, it wouldn’t have been possible without Maxwell’s steadfast guidance. Born in Odessa, Texas, Maxwell resided in Diboll most of his adult life. He retired following 41 years of employment. Maxwell enjoyed golf, hunting, being outdoors, spending time with his friends, and most of all dearly loved his family. He was a member of First Presbyterian Church of Lufkin for more than 50 years and was instrumental in the design and fundraising of the children’s preschool. He served on numerous boards and associations both locally and nationally over the years. Survivors include his wife 10





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NEWSFEED CANFOR’S VIDA BUYS THREE MILLS Canfor Corp. announced that its 70%owned subsidiary, Vida Group, has entered into an agreement to purchase three sawmills located in Sweden from Bergs Timber for a purchase price of CAD$43 million plus working capital. “We are excited that Vida’s strong

performance and balance sheet has enabled them to grow their operating footprint in Sweden,” comments Don Kayne, President and CEO of Canfor. The three mills, which are located in Vimmerby, Mörlunda and Orrefors, will add 215MMBF to Vida’s annual capacity. With additional investment, Vida anticipates the production capacity of the mills can be increased to 300MMBF. Following downtime related to the im-

pacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Vida is operating at full capacity and Canfor continues to employ variable operating schedules in North America with sawmills in the U.S. operating at almost full capacity and Canadian sawmills operating at approximately 90%.

ASHTON LEWIS BUYS VIRGINIA SAWMILL Ashton Lewis Holding Co., an affiliate of major treater Great Southern Wood, has acquired the family-owned W.T. Jones & Sons, Inc. southern pine sawmill in Ruther Glen, Va., and is planning to invest $11 million in the facility to modernize it. The company has also committed to source 90% of all the mill’s pine timber purchases from Virginia forestland owners. The Virginia Dept. of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS) worked with Caroline County on incentives to secure the project. A $50,000 grant from the Governor’s Agriculture and Forestry Industries Development (AFID) Fund assisted Caroline County with the project. Funding and services to support the company’s employee training activities will be provided through the Virginia Jobs Investment Program administered by the Virginia Economic Development Partnership.

ENVIVA BUYS GEORGIA BIOMASS Enviva Partners is purchasing a wood pellet production plant (known as Georgia Biomass) in Waycross, Ga. with associated export terminal capacity in Savannah, Ga. from innogy SE. The purchase price is $175 million (US). In operation since 2011, the Georgia Biomass plant exceeded 800,000 metric tons in annual production last year. The Waycross plant exports its wood pellets through a terminal at the Port of Savannah under a long-term terminal lease and associated services agreement. Enviva Partners also has agreed to purchase Enviva Pellets Greenwood Holdings II, LLC, which, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, owns a wood pellet production plant in Greenwood, SC. The Greenwood plant has been operating since 2016 and its wood pellets are exported through the Port of Wilmington, NC. 12




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NEWSFEED INTERSTATES SAFER FOR TRUCKING Research by the University of Georgia’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources shows that log hauling and trucking operations are inherently safer when able to use interstate highway routes as much as possible. The findings bolster support for the federal Safe Routes Act, co-sponsored by Rep. Sanford Bishop (D-GA) and multiple other timber state representatives and the American Loggers Council. Introduced into Congress last year, it would allow logging trucks that meet state-determined requirements to travel up to 150 miles on interstates. According to Joe Conrad, assistant professor of forest operations at UGA, “The goal of the research was, if you made the weight limit the same on interstate and state highways, would it improve the efficiency of our timber transportation industry? The results were a resounding yes.” Interstate highway weight limits, 80,000 total lbs. and no more than 34,000 lbs. per axle, are generally less than state limits. For example, in Georgia the weight limit on state and U.S. highways is 84,000 pounds total, including 48,300 pounds per two axles (including state weight tolerances). In Alabama the limit is 80,000 lbs. with a 10% tolerance so most loggers load for around 88,000 lbs. As a result, log trucks are kept off interstates and must spend more time starting and stopping, going through red lights and intersections and encountering numerous additional safety concerns on state highways and county roads. Conrad’s research compared log truck haul routes and how each might change if they were allowed on the interstate. His research found that, on average, nearly half of the trucks’ routes could be over the interstate instead of on local roads, which would significantly lower transportation costs. The project was supported by the Georgia Forestry Foundation Center for Forest Competitiveness and the Forest Resources Assn. and examined timber transportation in Macon, Brunswick, Augusta and Savannah, Ga. and also Brew-

ton and Prattville, Ala.; Eastover, SC; and Roanoke Rapids, NC. The research team counted intersections, school zones and other potential hazards between logging landings and mills. Conrad noted that in the eight areas studied, if log trucks were able to use interstates they would encounter 33% fewer traffic lights and at least one school zone per trip. Unloaded trucks are allowed on interstates, and research showed fewer than 5% of log truck accidents occurred there. Using interstates also shaved eight minutes off each trip, reducing fuel consumption in addition to increasing safety.

INTERFOR LAYS OFF GILCHRIST STAFF Following an earlier announcement, Interfor began laying off 130 of 150 employees at its Gilchrist, Ore. sawmill in late June. Company officials cited difficulties with the coronavirus issue and overall market conditions as reasons for the layoffs. The announcement doesn’t bode well for the mill’s future: Interfor operates three other mills in the Pacific Northwest that suffered curtailments during the worst of the pandemic slowdown but have since returned to full capacity. Interfor officials noted there was no employee recall date associated with the Gilchrist announcement and operating conditions there will be reviewed “on an ongoing basis.” The mill produces 75MMBF annually of mostly high-grade 1 in. pine boards. The facility is a legendary mill operation in the state, founded by the sawmilling Gilchrist family of Laurel, Miss., who moved to Oregon in the 1930s and established the town of Gilchrist. They started the sawmill in 1939, creating a fully owned company town. The family was noted for its benevolence toward workers, and the town included parks, a theater and the first enclosed shopping mall west of the Mississippi, with homes that would “pass the scrutiny of the workers’ wives,” according to a historical account. The Gilchrist family sold the mill and town to Crown Pacific in 1991, and after Crown went bankrupt and closed the mill in 2003, Interfor acquired and revived it in 2006.





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BAND MILL By Dan Shell

Freres Lumber’s new beam and column line complements larger custom projects and mat products, takes aim at glulam beam market.


LYONS, Ore. ecent innovations at familyowned Freres Lumber Co. not only solidify the company’s position as a key West Coast veneer and plywood panel supplier, but also as a pioneer in the growing mass timber construction movement. The company’s traditional veneer and plywood operations and the new Mass Plywood Panel (MPP) operation are backed by the latest technologies to run more efficiently at lower cost. And now a new bandmill line and one of the longest carriages in North

America give the Freres MPP facility the capability to produce beam and column products that compete with glulam. This makes Freres the only producer in the U.S. that can make every wooden component of a mass timber project, from floors and walls to beams and columns. “We are committed to investing in advanced technology to keep Freres current and competitive, and have always looked to the future when making equipment and product decisions,” says Kyle Freres, Vice President of Operations for Freres Lumber.

The 63 in. bandmill is fed with a 60 ft. carriage from USNR. 14




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INTEGRATING MPP Integrating the MPP plant into overall operations and taking advantage of Freres Lumber’s veneer expertise was made a priority soon after MPP’s inception in 2018. A new parallel laminated veneer (PLV) line, supplied by Con-Vey, features extensive robotics and was installed in early 2019 to produce layup material that’s pressed into lamellas and destined specifically for MPP products. Earlier this year, the MPP plant started up a new beam and column (B&C) processing line that features a 60 ft., USNR carriage and bandmill to cut B&C products off MPP billets that can range up to 4x60 ft. and 24 in. thick. The 63 in. bandmill is currently running a swage tooth .135 in. kerf Simonds saw from Burton Saw. The upper saw guide is a USNR Norpac system, and the lower guide is a graphite phenolic insert. An innovative transfer and material handling system supplied by Corvallis Tool Co. moves billets from the MPP press outfeed up to the infeed deck where they are loaded onto the carriage. Local contractors Phillipi Construction and Northside Electric also worked on the installation. The line was initially certified to produce beams and columns up to 12 in. wide and 72 in. deep, but the MPP plant is already pursuing certification for larger dimensions and beam orientations up to the bandmill’s 24 in. capacity. Currently, the plant can produce beams up to 48 ft. long. Adding the B&C line means Freres Lumber can provide “one-stop” capability for builders and designers pursuing mass timber projects. The B&C line also means Freres can now create products that compete well in the glulam market, offering the engineering strengths and flexibility that MPP provides. Having the ability to develop products such as specialized mats and beams and columns is also important to create sales while working with mass timber projects that typically have much longer timelines, Freres adds. “We’ve developed some mat-type products to sell to fill in gaps between these structural projects, and we’ve had great success with mats,” Freres says. He adds that the MPP press allows the company to create sizes that most mat producers can’t come close to: The plant recently shipped mat products that were 12 in. thick, 8 ft. wide—and 40 ft. long. The overall mass timber building movement is making it easier to introduce a product like MPP in an environment where there’s lots of interest in mass tim-

Break ing dow n a large M P P billet into smaller produ cts.

T he facility ’ s M P P press siz e means the plant can produ ce mass timber pieces u p to 4 8 ft. long.

T he M P P beam and colu mn line fills ou t a corner of the plant. TIMBER PROCESSING




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ber materials and building techniques, Freres says. He adds that it’s exciting to be part of the movement to capitalize on mass timber’s sustainability, smaller carbon footprint and reduced labor costs. “There’s been a lot of publicity for lumber-based products,” he says. “Educating people about the benefits of our veneer-based product over lumber-based takes time, but our customers have been very happy with the product.”

INNOVATIONS Freres Lumber has continued to upgrade and add new technology throughout all segments of its operations: l The company recently started up a new horizontal design plywood press that replaced an older 24-opening unit with 60 new press openings in the same footprint. “We liked the concept of getting more openings into the same footprint,” Freres says. “That was a big driver for us.” The new press is functioning as the plant’s workhorse, taking all the material from the layup line while the existing 40opening and 24-opening units handle ma-



T he M P P plant recently w as aw arded certification to produ ce larger beams and colu mns.

terial coming from the PLV line and spreader. Material from the PLV line is destined for the MPP plant. Freres is excited about the flexibility the new press offers. “This new hori-

zontal press will broaden the range of products we can offer, by freeing up two other presses to accept additional production from our spreader and our PLV line.” ➤ 18



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Coming off the bandmill line, pieces are moved into finishing area or to a CNC machine.

Billet moving into infeed area for positioning on the carriage.

16 ➤ l To further increase flexibility and efficiency in layup and veneer handling, Freres has been doing some test work with robotics in conjunction with Con-Vey and also Pre-Tec, a division of Willamette Valley Co., that is providing some innovative end-of-arm tooling (EOAT) to boost dry veneer handling. “We’ve been exploring some different robotic applications,” Freres says, citing several benefits, including reduced maintenance and robotics costs coming down. “Compared to purpose-built equipment, they have a lot of flexibility.” Founded in 1922, Freres Lumber Co. was a lumber specialist until 1959. That’s when founder T.G. Freres entered into a joint venture with Willamette Industries to build and operate a large log veneer manufacturing plant named Freres Veneer Co. The company built a small-log veneer plant of its own in 1963, and eventually purchased Willamette’s share in Freres Veneer Co. in 1980. Freres Lumber went from veneer to finished plywood panel production in 1998 after buying a nearby mill, and the MPP facility was added in 2018. Today, the Freres companies include Freres Lumber Co., Inc., Freres Timber, and Evergreen BioPower LLC, an on-site 10 MW cogeneration plant that was started up in 2007. At three sites, Freres operates a small log veneer mill with stud mill; a large log veneer mill; a veneer drying facility; a plywood sheathing mill; cogeneration plant; and TP MPP facility. 18




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OF PACE President and founder, Mark Caroll, left, plans to pass the torch to Nick Boyles at the end of 2020.

By Patrick Dunning

Hardwood mill takes advantage of low grade lumber to counter issues with overseas markets.


BUCKHANNON, W. Va. oming off a lukewarm year due to the China Trade War, Appalachian Forest Products (AFP) Logs & Lumber, Inc. has found solace in its ability to diversify between high and low grade 20


logs and lumber. After completing the second phase of sawmill upgrades in 2016, AFP began targeting low grade and manufacturing up to 40 ft. length products by adding a caboose to their Cleereman carriage system. Nick Boyles, 40, general manager, says low grade is in high demand for industrial purposes: crossties, timber mats, pipeline skids and sawdust chips. “We can adapt to any market we need to bend to,” Boyles asserts. “Low grade is really hot right now. We see grade lumber coming back a little because of shortages since the tariffs were lifted but low grade is still filling up.” AFP’s product mix includes traditional Appalachian hardwoods red oak, white oak, poplar, cherry, ash, hickory, hard maple, soft maple and basswood. Approximately 40% of AFP’s products are ex-

ported to 34 countries. They currently ship 40% of total exports to China. The company also sells to Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, parts of Europe and the Middle East. As trade stability with China hangs in the balance, Boyles says it’s difficult to predict what will happen. “Now we have the coronavirus and containers are being held at the ports. Factories aren’t running full speed, so we’ll probably be dealing with this for several months.” Boyles works with nine-year employee Joey Wang, who is currently over AFP’s sales office in Shanghai. Suggesting the COVID-19 virus will continue to disrupt the red oak supply chain further, Boyles doesn’t expect to see positive returns until later this year. The mill has reverted to heavily producing domestic lumber to meet demands of the oil and gas industry, floor-



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ing plants and railroad companies. Atlantic Coastal Pipeline is currently waiting on permits to be issued to move forward with its 500-mile pipeline project from North Carolina to Ohio. The Buckhannon region has seven separate pipelines running through it and Boyles says demand for pipeline products is strong. AFP’s mat machine has enabled their sawmill to provide skids for the pipes to sit on before being welded together temporarily. “They look like Lincoln logs,” he says. One of the largest flooring plants to the right of the Mississippi River, Armstrong Flooring, is 25 miles from AFP’s headquarters. Boyles says they’re a big domestic consumer that’s helping offset some of the shortages taken abroad. “Domestically, were doing a lot. The local markets are good and keep us busy.” Being able to have his hand in multiple capital producing outlets is something Boyles is grateful for. “Thankfully we’re diversified and do things different than most.” AFP also sells bridge mats to the construction industry, green lumber to concentration yards, and leases 200MBF of dry kilns. Moving forward, there are no plans for additional expansion following the heavy work of several years ago. The mill sits in a small “timber hub” community that’s highly competitive. “Within an hour you can be at 10 different mills,” Boyles says. “That makes everybody compete for the same workers.” AFP operates one shift and 82 employees. “Rather than grow as far as building things, we want to grow by being more efficient in what we do,” Boyles says. To him that includes becoming better at sales, marketing products and hiring dynamic foresters. “I think it’s about getting smarter at how we do things. Let’s find new markets and better avenues to

John Deere wheel loaders haul lumber to one of eight Nova dehumidification kilns.

The first floor’s high-grade sawing breakdown features a three-head Cleereman carriage.

AFP’s latest additions to their second story focus on low-grade logs which feed through a circle saw breakdown.

An in-house constructed "caboose" attaches to a Cleereman for additional bulk when handling larger low-grade logs. TIMBER PROCESSING




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The filing room includes Armstrong grinders and bench stretcher rolls, along with a Simonds automatic leveler.

approach things.” Another example of AFP’s prudent undertaking is its ability to utilize the entire tree as well as off-species trees. Boyles says some mills in the area only use the high end of the tree. “People don’t want to drag it out of the woods because it’s not cost effective for them, but we can make material out of it,” he says. “We’re also taking advantage of sycamore, beech and gum for low grade markets.”



One of AFP’s best kept secrets is their ability to market bridge mats to other industries.

MILL FLOW Timber is bought on the stump by two staffed foresters and felled by seven contract logging crews. Logs are hauled to the mill, inspected, divided into high or low grade piles, and placed in the log yard. Prentice 180E knuckleboom loaders and John Deere wheel loaders keep logs fed into twin log lines that include two HMC rosserhead debarkers and a

Nicholson r2 sliding ring debarker. On the first floor of AFP’s dual-grade operation, two separate infeed decks transport high-grade logs through McDonough 6 ft. bandmills at a three-head Cleereman carriage or neighboring Corley carriage to be opened on its best face to get the highest grade possible. It’s then flipped and sawn several times to recover more product. On the second story, the low-grade



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A Prentice 180E knuckleboom feeds twin log lines.

Logs are inspected twice then divided into high or low grade piles.

Taylor forklifts complete the sequence by lugging sorted stacks to the lumberyard to be air-dried.



sawing breakdown station added a couple years back, named “Industrial Timber Products,” moves logs through another McDonough bandmill/Cleereman carriage. An in-house built “caboose” connects to the back of the Cleereman and provides additional bulk to handle longer lengths. When sawing regular logs it’s detached. All boards are transported via hydraulic rollers to two Cook laser optimized two-saw edgers. A 6 ft. McDonough bandmill resaw reduces multiples further. Boyles says they’re currently producing 100MBF daily. The employee-owned company operates five days a week and produces 25MMBF annually.



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Taylor forklifts carry bundles to a homemade automatic stacker to be placed on sticks and air-dried in the lumber yard. John Deere wheel loaders transport lumber to one of eight Nova dehumidification kilns. The aluminumpaneled kilns have a capacity of 400MBF. With the help of End Tally Forestry Systems, an inventory control program, Boyles can monitor board feet totals and length/width tallies in real time. “When it goes into our kiln, we know what we have exactly,” he says. “It helps lock down orders in China, Vietnam, wherever, because we can relay almost exactly what we have in stock.” Boards end up in three different grade categories: FAS, one common or two common. While End Tally simultaneously counts bundles, it’s creating a detailed report on totals, conversions and recaps. Kiln operators shoot for 6-8% moisture content depending on thickness and species. It takes seven days to dry 4/4 poplar. With ample air time, it takes 30 days to dry 4/4 red oak. Lumber is regraded after leaving the kiln for defects. Five quality control inspectors are onsite at all times confirming grades. AFP operates a substantial filing room, including two Armstrong #4 grinders, a Simonds automatic 940 leveler and Armstrong #4 bench stretcher rolls. Most saws are Simonds.

the industry had to offer. Hasely was experienced in the business, and Boyles regularly leaned on him for advice. “He told me I needed to go to grading school, so I did.” Boyles left his job with Tanner Lumber and enrolled at National Hardwood Lumber Assn. (NHLA) Inspector Training School in Memphis. It was 15 years ago when Boyles met Caroll who needed someone to manage the log yard. The rest is history. “Mark needed somebody to run his yard. So, I came in and took over log yard opera-

tions.” Over the years Boyles went from overseeing production, to sales, then sales manager, and now general manager. He currently supervises all operations encompassing logs to lumber, forestry practices, export sales and employees. Other key personnel include Jed Reed, mill manager; James Hebb, dry kiln manager; Donnie Bonner, log yard manager; James Warner, log sales; Adam Brown, timber yard manager; Penny Goodwin, logistics; and Dave Shields, human resources. TP

LEADERSHIP Current president and founder of AFP, Mark Caroll, 64, plans to retire at the end of 2020 and transfer leadership to President-elect Boyles. Caroll intends on staying involved in the business for the foreseeable future to smooth the changeover after the baton is passed to Boyles. The two have worked together over the years and share a lot of memories in the business. Boyles says he’s always worked in the timber business. At age 15 his first job was building pallets for a man in his hometown of Marietta, Oh. Boyles was later employed with Tanner Lumber Company, Norton, W. Va., and graded lumber for the next several years until an opportunity presented itself. “One day a guy pulls up in his pickup truck and there’s a set of golf clubs in the bed. I looked over to my boss and asked what that man did,” Boyles recalls. “The man, Jack Hasely, responded to me and says, ‘I’m a lumber salesman.’” Boyles asked Hasely what all the job description entailed. His response, “We golf a lot.” That’s when Boyles knew he wanted all TIMBER PROCESSING




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BID Continues Digital Growth

Vollmer Partners With Burton Saw

USNR Announces Several Orders

The BID Group of Companies has expanded upon its use of PTC’s products to include Vuforia Augmented Reality (AR) offerings, in particular Vuforia Chalk remote experience software. Prior to leveraging Vuforia Chalk, BID deployed PTC’s ThingWork Industrial IoT Platform, Vuforia Studio and Vuforia Expert Capture. “By incorporating PTC’s AR offerings, we are excited to unlock new opportunities aimed at servicing our clients in a more efficient and interactive manner,” says Chris Wells, senior VP, Aftermarket Service & Reliability, BID. Vuforia offers some of the fastest, easiest and most advanced AR content development solutions, enabling increased workforce safety and efficiency, improved customer experiences, and reduced cost.

Vollmer, a global market leader for grinding and erosion machines in woodworking and metalworking industries, has announced a new business partnership with Burton Saw & Supply. Burton Saw & Supply—along with its affiliates Simonds International, Cut Technologies and BGR Saws—is a leading producer and marketer of cutting tools and related equipment for the primary wood fiber industry in North America. Due to Burton’s large presence within the sawmill industry, Vollmer of America has now established a close partnership to respond quickly to the market needs with proven and reliable solutions. While Vollmer machines as well as spare part requests within the sawmill industry will now be quoted and sold through Burton Saw & Supply, all installation, training, service and warranty work will still be handled by Vollmer of America. “We believe that the partnership with Burton Saw & Supply will be very beneficial for all parties involved, not only in regards to streamlining communication channels, but most importantly for our customers as well who will now get to have a more frequent contact base and improved support system throughout the U.S. and Canada,” states Shannon Fox, North American Sales Manager at Vollmer of America.

USNR’s European headquarters in Söderhamn, Sweden has signed a contract with the Belarusian company BR-Wood LLC for the supply of a complete sawmill. BR-Wood is the largest wood processing company in Belarus. The contract includes all equipment for log handling, debarking, saw line, edger line, lumber sorting, and residuals handling. All optimization and PLC control systems will also be supplied by USNR. BR-Wood is targeting a log volume of 200,000 m3 initially, with further investment in phase 2 that will see the implementation of additional log line and green sorting equipment to realize the goal of 400,000 m3 annual volume. l USNR also announced that Jordan Lumber of Mt. Gilead, NC, which installed a USNR Lineal High Grader (LHG) in the early 2000s, is now investing to upgrade its system to take advantage of the latest technology advancements. As a high-value MSR lumber producer, the latest automated grading technology is very important to maintain its product quality and recover the highest value from its resource. Jordan has updated its system as advancements were made, and this latest investment will keep it at the forefront of its market. The upgrade includes moving to the new software platform now shared by all the USNR automated grading systems

Vuforia Chalk remote software





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(BioVision in the green mill, Transverse High Grader in the dry mill, and AddVantage chop and rip optimizer in the value added market). The Deep Learning neural network will enhance knot, pith, bark, and other defect detection and classification, and provide highly accurate grade and trim solutions. The mill’s WinTally sorter management system will receive the latest version release. WinTally works in conjunction with the automated grading system to provide enhanced sorting and product processing. l USNR also announced that Piedmont Hardwood in Mount Pleasant, NC is updating its sawmill with a new Multi-Track Fence and a Stick-N-Fork stacker from USNR. The mill is looking to improve the accuracy and throughput of its trimmer line, and to gain efficiencies and productivity at its stacker. As part of this project the control system will be updated to ControlLogix, and a WinTally sorter management system will be added.

SCA Bollsta Picks Springer For Plant Springer is designing and constructing a new, high-performance dry sorting plant for SCA Bollsta, including customized automation and digitalization solutions such as the beltless Springer E-CUT 200 trimmer, Springer ED 3000 wrapper, Springer Robotic Labeling System (RLS), as well as the Springer IOT and GO-LIVE! system, which creates a complete digital twin of the real plant and brings it to life through a real-time data connection. “We are delighted to be continuing our successful partnership with SCA. The new dry sorting plant combines superior digital technology with userfriendliness and efficiency,” comments Timo Springer, CEO. The system can handle up to 230 boards per minute and 28 handovers per minute, which means that an annual resorting capacity of more than 750,000 m³ boards can be achieved with no more than three people operating the system. All plant sections are pre-installed, preassembled and commissioned at Springer’s production facility. Completion and handover of the project is scheduled for May 2023. SCA was founded in 1929 and is headquartered in Sundsvall, Sweden. In 2019, the company em➤ 32


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MACHINERYROW 29 ➤ ployed 4,000. The SCA Bollsta sawmill, located in Västernorrlands, is one of the largest sawmills in Sweden.

Valutec Reports Record Order Russia’s ULK Group is investing more than EUR 400 million in one of the country’s biggest sawmill investments in mod-

ern times. The ambition is to have one of the world’s largest and most modern sawmills, with an annual capacity of more than 1 million m3 (425MMBF) sawn timber and 600,000 t pellets annually when completed in 2023. Valutec will deliver eight TC continuous kilns to ULK, making it the biggest deal in company history. “That ULK chose Valutec for this state-of-the-art project proves that our solutions are a good match for sawmills all

over the world,” says Robert Larsson, CEO of Valutec Group. “Our ambition is to build the world’s most modern sawmill, and to do so we must exclusively use suppliers who are technology leaders,” says Artem Samuhin, Deputy General Director for Development of ULK Group. “Valutec was the kiln supplier offering the most modern, efficient solution. In the end the superior capacity and flexibility of the TC kilns, boosted by the Valmatics 4.0 control system made it an easy choice.” Valutec offers TC kilns where individual drying zones makes it possible to combine high capacity and flexibility with optimum quality. “Few companies get the chance to take part in the construction of a brand new sawmill, and we are honored that they chose to invest in Valutec kilns,” says Timo Kanerva, Managing Director at Valutec LLC, a subsidiary headquartered in St Petersburg. To improve logistics and safety, ULK will use a closed traverse system instead of forklifts to move timber packages. The TC kilns are equipped with Valutec’s control system Valmatics 4.0, which has an integrated simulator that enables simultaneous optimization of capacity, quality and energy consumption. The ULK Group is one of Russia’s biggest sawmill groups. The group owns four sawmills, and with the addition of a fifth the total annual capacity will exceed 2,350,000 m3 (999,000 MBF) sawn timber and 900 000 t/a pellets.

Con-Vey Launches Robotics Company Con-Vey Holdings announced the creation of a new robotics and automation company: 7robotics. As a longtime integrator for robotic and automated systems in the wood products industry, Con-Vey’s extensive background and expertise acted as a springboard for 7robotics to enter into new markets and processes. Dave Larecy, CEO of Con-Vey Holdings, based in Roseburg, Ore., shares the purpose for the expansion: “Con-Vey is known in the wood products industry as a high-quality material handling equipment supplier, but not known much outside that industry. We wanted to expand into new markets and felt that transition needed a new name.” When asked about the choice of 7robotics as the business name, Larecy explains that a lot of thought went ➤ 80 32




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EVENT OFFERED PLENTY TO TAKE HOME Leadership, safety, process technologies, you name it.


ATLANTA, Ga. hough the pandemic hit home right in the middle of it, nearly 300 industry personnel and representatives from 16 wood products manufacturing companies participated in the seventh Panel & Engineered Lumber International Conference & Expo (PELICE) held March 12-13 at the Omni Hotel at CNN Center in Atlanta. The event featured 34 speakers and 80 equipment exhibitor companies. “Certainly it was the most intense PELICE we ever experienced,” comments Rich Donnell, co-chairman of PELICE. “We lost some attendees due to company travel restrictions that literally hit as the conference was opening, but overall it was okay.” Donnell said only several scheduled speakers and several exhibitors couldn’t make the trip. “People and companies obviously had to do what they felt they had to do,” Donnell says. “We’re grateful that the bulk of them made it.”

CRIBB LEADS OFF Roseburg Senior VP-Chief Commercial Officer Ashlee Cribb spoke on Growth through Investment and Innovation. Cribb first provided some background on Oregon-headquartered RFP, including its history dating back to

1936, and she noted its ownership of more than 600,000 acres of timberland and 14 manufacturing facilities producing a diversified product line today. “When we talk with our team about why we exist as an organization, our answer is to make lives better from the ground up,” she said, adding that the move of the company’s headquarters from Dillard, Ore. to Springfield, Ore. in 2016 gave them access to a broader group of talent and an opportunity to “reset on our culture as we transitioned to the first non-family CEO.” Cribb dove deeper into two parts of Roseburg’s growth strategy—investment and innovation. A telling move was the acquisition of more than 150,000 acres of timberland in North Carolina and Virginia in 2017, followed in early 2018 by the sale of its California timberland—170,000 acres. These transactions supported Roseburg’s pursuit of growth opportunities in the Southeast U.S., which Roseburg selected based on steady housing starts, stable demand for high quality timber and growth potential, and which has provided geographical diversity in the company’s timber holdings. Cribb addressed the company’s new LVL facility in Chester, SC and showed a video of the operation. “Our goal was to create the most technologically advanced manufacturing facility for the

Roseburg Senior VP Ashlee Cribb

production of continuous laminated veneer lumber,” she said. “We achieved this goal and the mill started up on time and under budget.” Cribb addressed a career-long passion of hers—building a culture of innovation. She said innovation was an area that the Roseburg team consistently brought up as an opportunity for improvement. She started talking with the sales team about thinking differently about their customers and looking at how Roseburg does business from their customers’ point of view. She pointed to the recent reorganization of their commercial organization to align with customer market channels. They also created a new business team that focuses on strategy and product development. The next area of innovation focus was giving their teams permission to experi-


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ment and learning to “fail fast,” encouraging the development of hypothesis around products, services and go-to-market strategies that can be quickly tested and adjusted. “We believe this will result in a faster path to market for innovation ideas,” Cribb said. Cribb cited a recent article in the Harvard Business Review that had direct appeal to Roseburg. “One thing that is clear, it does require a different leadership model,” Cribb said, referring to two questions asked in the article that are critical for leaders developing a culture of experimentation: “First, how willing are you to be confronted every day by how wrong you are? Second, how much autonomy are you willing to give to the people who work for you?” A final point on building a culture of innovation, Cribb said, is developing diversity of thought in an organization. She pointed to two types of diversity—inherent and acquired. “When we hear the word diversity, we typically think of inherent diversity,” she said noting examples such as age, gender and ethnicity. Whereas acquired diversity is people with different sets of experiences and may include generational savvy, cross-functional knowledge, military experience, social media skills and language skills. There are advantages in both. An inherently diverse workforce can provide a competitive edge in providing insight to identifying and addressing new market opportunities. Acquired diversity plays a vital role in transforming those ideas into innovation. Referring to a report from the Center for Talent Innovation, Cribb said team members who had leaders exhibiting this behavior said that their ideas are heard and recognized, they felt welcomed and included within their team and they felt free to express their views and opinions. “This means that when the team is brainstorming and vesting ideas and solutions, the leader is unlocking the full innovative potential of the team,” Cribb said. “That results in better ideas, better solutions and the ability to transform them into profitable innovation.”

SAFETY JOURNEY The post-lunch keynoters session featured a very passionate talk delivered by Terry Secrest, Executive VP of Manufacturing and Product Sales at RoyOMartin. Secrest’s presentation on The RoyOMartin Journey to a World Class Safety Culture pinpointed when the company’s approach to safety took a major turn. Secrest said safety was not a priority for many years at the company and he

Nearly 300 industry professionals took in two days of presentations and exhibits.

showed several photos depicting such, including one entitled “Safety pays in dollars and hams.” The philosophy was that accidents just happen,” Secrest said. “But employees were being injured at an alarming pace.” Secrest described three employee deaths at the company’s Lemoyen, La. facilities during 2003-2004. Secrest recalled the pain of having to visit the family members of the deceased. “These deaths forever changed the company’s trajectory in safety,” Secrest said. When the company went to look at its deficiencies with regard to safety policy, it found plenty: lack of leadership with no clear safety vision; production was emphasized over safety; safety was viewed as the worker’s responsibility; incident reporting was not encouraged, and incident investigation when done was weak and not getting to the root cause; few LOTOT procedures; few written standard operating procedures; no auditing of jobs. Safety violations emphasized discipline over training and corrective action. Executive leadership brought in a third party to survey the company’s culture and systems, resulting in the creation of a safety policy and making safety a “value,” not just a “priority.” The company developed intensive safety training and engaged employees in the culture shift. The program included near-miss reporting, auditing, incident investigations and root-cause analyses. They wrote LOTO-T procedures for every operation in the plants, wrote more than 850 SOPs and purchased a safety data management system. They emphasized training and corrective action over discipline. The company added four safety professionals. It also added five nurses and opened a clinic.

In 2014 RoyOMaratin started the “I Believe in Zero” program to promote working accident-free both at work and at home. “First we had to believe zero recordable accidents was possible,” Secrest said. “Today, IBiZ embodies our entire culture.” IBiZ was the goal, and they launched 5 STEPS to Zero as the path to get there, a reminder of what to do when you counter an unsafe condition—Stop, Think, Examine, Pursue, Start. Since 2002, the company’s TIR went from 3.4 to 0.77 in 2019, a year in which they performed 8,339 safety audits and recognized 2,388 near misses. Worker’s Comp dollars per employee has spiraled downward. “Safety is a journey without a destination,” Secrest concluded.

PROJECT MANAGEMENT Tom Lepak, Senior Market Analyst with Casey Industrial, presented We Know a Thing or Two Because We’ve Seen a Thing or Two. Lepak noted Casey’s U.S.-wide project experience and emphasized the company’s devotion to safety, trust and performance. Lepak addressed project documentation and said while electronic files have virtually replaced paperwork, they have not reduced processing times or administrative duties. He noted the good and bad traits for superintendents, project managers, contractors and owners. A good superintendent is a mentor to his or her people, delegates but maintains command, plans ahead, maintains a clean jobsite, has strong craft technical skills and approaches each challenge as an opportunity. A good project manager demonstrates TIMBER PROCESSING




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timely communication, fully understands the scope and the contract, supports accurate schedules, invoice and reports, is a good communicator, proactive problem solver, spends time in the field and is ready to present solutions. Casey Industrial’s Tom Lepak Asking the right questions is a necessary trait for a good contractor, such as: Do we have all the owner and/or contractor materials we need? Do we have the correct tools and equipment? What are the safety issues for our work and how do we deal with them? How do we measure progress? Did we complete the task? A good owner, Lepak said, knows the scope and contract, is active on-site, deals with issues regularly, maintains a logicbased schedule, shares schedule float and communicates in a timely manner. Lepak said a client’s review metrics for a Casey project should include safety, quality, project controls, leadership, overall satisfaction with Casey and finally would you recommend Casey? Justin Price, Principal of Evergreen Engineering, spoke on Using Knowledge Management Initiatives to Achieve Successful Project Implementation. First he delivered some hard statistics. Failure rates for meeting budgets and schedules worldwide are estimated at 66%. A similar proportion of projects are viewed as failing to meet the objectives for which they were constructed. Projects implemented after an insufficient front-end phase showed a success rate of about 35% Are there explanations? Price asked. He pointed to several. Technical: imperfect forecast, inadequate data, honest mistakes, inherent problem in predicting the future, lack of experience. Psychological: Optimism bias is a planning fallacy described as the tendency to underestimate the time, costs and risk of future actions while overestimating the benefits of the same action. Political-economic explanations: Deliberate underestimation of cost by planners and promoters to increase the likelihood of project approval and funding; strategic misrepresentation or manipulation of forecasts. How can we fix it? Price asked. He described Knowledge Management Systems as a discipline that promotes an approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving and sharing all of an enterprise’s information assets. It includes databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously uncaptured expertise and experience in individual workers. Price emphasized knowledge perspective: A great deal of emphasis is given to understanding the differences among data 36




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(raw numbers), information (processed data), and knowledge (authenticated information). “For individuals to arrive at the same understanding of data or information, they must share a certain knowledge base,” Price said. He reviewed the knowledge management (entry and retrieval) infrastructure, and pointed to resource growth, knowledge content development, project survival and final returns as indicators of success. But the process requires enablers of success to get there, Price said, citing organizational structure, knowledge-friendly culture, senior management support and commitment, trustworthy teamwork, employee empowerment, benchmarking and social interaction. The importance of the front-end phase can’t be emphasized enough with regard to project success, Price said. There are many complexities, burdens, but also potential resources, and the skilled project manager going in must be totally visible and appreciate challenge. “The role of knowledge management is to create the capability for the organization to establish excellent situational awareness to make right decisions,”

Price said. Scott Stamey, VP/Sr. Project Manager at Mid-South Engineering, spoke on Project Execution, focusing on modern tools and classic principles. He hit upon 3D Services, and more specifically what he called “reality capture,” which is 3D scanning or data collection; and “virtual reality,” which is the rendering and presentation of the design. A single laser scanner can capture up to 2 million 3D data points per second, Stamey said, lending itself to accuracy, cost efficiency, complete information, less downtime and enhanced safety. He referred to the “point cloud,” a pixel-based image associated with x, y and z positions data. Besides just virtual field measurements, it can be overlaid with new equipment and structures during the planning phase. “This allows us to see exactly how interfaces with new and existing equipment will look,” he said. “You can move around with the model and look for clearances and other constructability issues.” It also allows for clash detection and the elimination of interferences before they become an RFI and field rework. Once you have a 3D model of your project, take it to the next level by im-

porting it into a Virtual Reality system, which provides a much more detailed and immersive environment, Stamey said. This can be a huge benefit not only to the project design and construction teams, but also to the plant operations and maintenance personnel. Stamey added that a VR rendering is excellent for visualization when many people don’t read engineering drawings on a regular basis and find 3D renderings easier to understand. Operators and maintenance personnel can see a huge benefit to first person views of equipment and structures. Stamey addressed the usage of drones for high definition imagery, orthomosaic maps, construction monitoring and inspections. Initial drone flight can be good for gaining preliminary layout data from a site with no reliable drawings. Flight paths and photo can be pre-programmed and are repeatable, so you have the option of providing good progress photos. Tom Wechsler, President of Wechsler Technologies, spoke on a specific project—Relocating an Energy Plant: How, and Why Engineer It? He broke down the process of purchase and relocation into six categories: preliminary feasibility assessment; due diligence prior to





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final purchase; negotiation and purchase; engineering the deconstruction & logistics planning; deconstruction process; reconstruction process. One obvious requirement in the feasibility assessment is to gauge the cost of relocating an existing plant versus the cost of a new plant. “Do your homework!” Wechsler said with regard to due diligence, citing sizing, age and condition, inspection, location of plant and logistics/transport option, access for deconstruction, documentation, cost estimates. Getting to the actual purchase means

honing in on the price of the purchase, factoring in costs to take the plant down, transport, refurbishment, extra engineering, the owner’s risk. Important as well is the status of auxiliary equipment such as electrical, structures, spare parts, emissions control, which may make the difference in success of the purchase. Wechsler referred to an actual case in which an operator of a large sawmill in British Columbia was using five heavy oil fired thermal oil boilers to heat dry kilns, log ponds and buildings, while also producing large volumes of waste

bark and sawdust. The objectives were to reduce operating cost using biomass bark for the boilers, and using remaining waste heat for drying sawdust for a possible pellet mill. The energy plant desired was a 75 mm Btu/hr+ net heat output with pellet mill to base load, and existing boilers possibly configured in standby for maximum load. The goal for deconstruction of the existing energy plant, which came from an old OSB mill, was maximum piece size/minimum disassembly, and minimal refractory damage. Wechsler provided engineering slides of the furnace and grate disassemblies and bracing plans to minimize equipment damage. The adaption of a “new” energy plant potentially saves $7 million for an 80110 mm Btu/hr thermal oil boiler, Wechsler said. And the timeline is shortened six months. “Specialization increases the certainty of success,” Wechsler concluded.

MATERIAL HANDLING Speaking on Robotics in Wood Products, Jeremy Goebel, Con-Vey Sales Manager, covered the benefits and operating features of robotics. Con-Vey recently started 7robotics as a robotics development company. 7robotics is an ABB Robotics Value Provider and a fullservice manufacturer for robotics systems that include machine tending, pickand-place, palletizing, gluing, sealing, fastening, product positioning, product assembly, robotic workcells, and press loading and unloading applications. Noting that robots traditionally have been used for undesirable tasks—dull, dirty and dangerous—Goebel said safety is the first consideration, but low maintenance and quality precision are also top reasons. He showed examples of systems that have only annual maintenance intervals and gearbox oil changes at 20,000 hours. Goebel also cited robot performance that includes position repeatability of .05 mm and path repeatability of 0.3 mm. The benefits of robotics add up to a solid return on investment, Goebel said, and also includes reductions in direct labor costs and a higher quality product with less rework required. He said the increased use of robots has allowed many employers to automate the less desired jobs and tasks while reassigning employees to more productive and higher-value activities. Goebel noted that 7robotics offers a full range of robotic support, from site evaluations and concept layouts to 3D 38




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simulations, detailed mechanical and electrical design and PLC and robotic programming. As a project is installed and implemented, 7robotics also offers fabrication and assembly, factory acceptance testing, on-site commissioning and on-site or remote support. The company offers robots with reach up to 3.5 m and payload up to 800 kg. Cautioning plant operators to take the time to better plan material handling as a part of new plant or expansion project design, Tim Brown, Business Development Manager for Biomass Engineering & Equipment (BE&E), gave a presentation titled Smart Material Handling– Good Designs Are NOT More Expensive. Brown’s primary point was that considerations for efficient material handling need to be incorporated from the first conceptual meetings, not just tacked on as an afterthought or commodity component. Smart material handling begins with smart designs and informed equipment selections, Brown said. “Is the goal to build the cheapest mill, or is the goal to produce a mill that is efficient, reliable and profitable?” He questioned the logic of designing a plant with the best machinery available and then connecting them with the lowest bid for material handling equipment. “Material handling equipment will not be optimized unless it’s considered during the layout design phase,” he stressed. Brown gave a detailed example of how a more costly dual input conveyor infeed system is more efficient and profitable than a single input conveyor. In this case, it’s smart to build in redundancy to the system. As an example, instead of designing an infeed that uses a single input conveyor running at its maximum capacity to move 50 tons/hr., use two conveyors with 35 tons/hr. capacity. That way, the plant isn’t completely down if there’s an issue with the infeed conveyor. Also, both conveyors are running at below capacity, leading to less wear and tear and longer component life. Plus, if one of the conveyors is down for repair or maintenance the mill can still operate at 70% capacity on the full 35 tons/hr. from the other conveyor, Brown said. He concluded that the cost of equipment can be misleading. “Is the least expensive really the best choice?” he said, urging operators and planners to determine factors such as total installed cost, component life and the costs of operation over five or 10 years. Also, don’t forget horsepower requirements

and energy use over the life of the equipment. “So what is the true cost when less expensive fails?” Brown asked, adding that when factoring in the true costs of downtime, good designs are definitely less expensive, more efficient and profitable in the long run. The next PELCE will be held March 31–April 1, 2022 in Atlanta. TP

Tim Brown of Biomass Engineering & Equipment





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Here’s your new desktop guide to almost 400 forest products industry equipment manufacturers, suppliers and service businesses and their products. The extensive product list, presented first, is followed by manufacturers. Both groups are listed alphabetically. Note: Manufacturers opting for boldface type or other special treatment paid accordingly. Address all correspondence pertaining to the LBG to Rhonda Thomas, Timber Processing, P.O. Box 2419, Montgomery, AL 36102-2419/334-834-1170/Fax: 888-611-4525. PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES INDEX Air compressors ...............................41 Air Conditioning/heating systems ..41 Air emission control systems .........41 Air filtering systems .........................41 Babbitt metal.....................................41 Bandmills ..........................................41 Bar code systems.............................41 Bark plants ........................................41 Bark scalpers ....................................41 Bins....................................................41 Blowers..............................................41 Boiler cleaning systems ..................41 Boilers ...............................................41 Branders/marking systems .............41 Briquetting machines.......................41 Buckets..............................................41 Buildings/control rooms/offices......41 Burners..............................................41 Butt reducers ....................................41 Cabs...................................................41 Canters ..............................................41 Carriage dogs ...................................41 Carriage drives .................................41 Carriages ...........................................41 Chip-N-Saw........................................42 Chip/By-product systems ................42 Chippers ............................................42 Chipping heads.................................42 Closed circuit TV/cameras...............42 Coatings ............................................42 Cogeneration systems .....................42 Computerization/controls ................42 Control consoles ..............................42 Conveyor materials ..........................42 Conveyors .........................................44 Coolants ............................................44 Cranes ...............................................44 Cross-laminated timber machinery.....................................44 Curve sawing systems.....................44 Cylinders, air.....................................44 Debarker drum infeeds ....................44 Debarker teeth ..................................44 Debarkers ..........................................44 Decks .................................................44 Detectors ...........................................46 Diamond & borizon products ..........46 Dryers ................................................46 Dumpers ............................................46 Dust control systems .......................46 Edgers ...............................................46 Electric melting pots ........................46 Electric motors/drives......................46 Electrical switchgear........................46 Electronic saw tracking ...................46 40


Electronics ........................................46 Encoders ...........................................46 End sealants/waxes..........................46 Feed tables........................................46 Feedworks.........................................46 Files ...................................................46 Filing rooms (turnkey)......................46 Finger jointing machines .................46 Fire protection systems ...................46 Forklifts .............................................46 Forks..................................................46 Gangs ................................................47 Generators ........................................47 Gluing systems.................................47 Grade automation.............................47 Grade mark readers..........................47 Grapples ............................................47 Grinder wheels..................................47 Grinders.............................................47 Hammermills/hogs/shredders .........47 Harvesting equipment......................47 Heat measurement ...........................47 Hydraulic components.....................47 Incinerators .......................................47 Indexable/brazed cutters .................47 Infeed systems..................................47 Joysticks ...........................................48 Kiln equipment/systems ..................48 Kilns...................................................48 Knives................................................48 Landing tables ..................................48 Laser guide lights.............................48 Laser measurement & alignment systems...................48 Level switches ..................................48 Linear positioners ............................48 Log equipment/systems ..................48 Log loaders .......................................48 Log management..............................50 Log scaling........................................50 Lubricants .........................................50 Lubricating systems.........................50 Lug loaders .......................................50 Lumber equipment/systems............50 Lumber protection............................50 Lumber wraps ...................................50 LVL/I-joist systems...........................50 Machine stress rated equipment.....50 Matchers............................................50 Material handler ................................50 Moisture meters................................50 Molders..............................................50 Mulch coloring equip........................50 Optimizers/Scanners........................50 Packaging equipment ......................52

Pallet equipment...............................52 Pellet mills/components ..................52 Photo cells ........................................52 Planer jointer stones ........................52 Planers...............................................52 Plastics (engineered) .......................52 Portable sawmills .............................52 Power transmission group ..............52 Predryers...........................................52 Presses..............................................52 Preventive maintenance programs ......................................52 Printers (logo, grade) .......................52 Reclaimers ........................................52 Resaws ..............................................52 Resins................................................52 Ripsaws .............................................52 Robotics ............................................53 Rollcases/feedrolls...........................53 Rolling stock/material handling ......53 Run-arounds .....................................53 Safety/protective products ..............53 Saw accessories...............................53 Saw equipment/systems..................53 Sawmill packages.............................53 Saws ..................................................53 Scales ................................................53 Scanning ...........................................53 Scraggs .............................................53 Scrap Choppers................................53 Seating...............................................53 Sensors .............................................54 Separators.........................................54 Sharp chain feed systems ...............54 Sharpeners........................................54 Shavings machines ..........................54 Silos ...................................................54 Sorters ...............................................54 Stackers.............................................54 Steam traps .......................................54 Steamers ...........................................54 Stencil systems ................................54 Sticker placers ..................................54 Strapping systems ...........................54 Strength grading...............................54 Tarping systems ...............................54 Thickness devices............................54 Tie handling.......................................54 Tilt hoists...........................................54 Tipples ...............................................54 Trailers...............................................54 Transfer systems..............................56 Treating cylinders.............................56 Treatment ..........................................56 Trimmers ...........................................56

Valves ................................................56 Veneer equipment/services .............56 Vibration monitoring ........................56 Video limit switches .........................56 Video surveillance ............................56 Vision systems .................................56 Wear resistant components ............56 Weight control...................................56 Wheels ...............................................56 Winches.............................................56 Wire rope ...........................................56 Wood energy systems .....................56 Woodwaste recycling systems .......56

SERVICES Chip mills (turnkey) ..........................56 Construction .....................................56 Consulting .........................................56 Contract maintenance......................56 Cutting tool........................................56 Education ..........................................56 Engineering & design.......................56 Environmental...................................58 Equipment disposal..........................58 Export/Import ....................................58 Fabrication ........................................58 Feasibility studies ............................58 Hardfacing.........................................58 Hydraulics .........................................58 Insurance...........................................58 Lab testing.........................................58 Machinery..........................................58 Maintenance management...............58 Marketing...........................................58 Metal plating......................................58 Millwright...........................................58 Personnel recruiting.........................58 Process computer simulation .........58 QC testing..........................................58 Quality control ..................................58 Replacement parts ...........................58 Research & development.................58 Resource ...........................................58 Saw maintenance ............................60 Sharpening........................................60 Software ............................................60 Steel ...................................................60 Tools ..................................................60 Training..............................................60 Transportation ..................................60 Turnkey sawmills..............................60 Used/rebuilt equipment....................60 Warehousing.....................................60



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PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES (Address listings listings begin on on page ??.) 62.) (Address begin page Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803 West Salem Machinery: OR 800-722-3530 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556

AIR COMPRESSORS Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500 AIR CONDITIONING/HEATING SYSTEMS 1. In-Cab Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 AIR EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 LDX Solutions: GA 770-429-5575 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Scientific Dust Collectors: IL 708-597-7090 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 Wellons Inc.: WA 1-800-WELLONS AIR FILTERING SYSTEMS Donaldson Co. Inc.: MN 800-365-1331 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 Scientific Dust Collectors: IL 708-597-7090 BABBITT METAL B.H. Payne & Co Inc..: GA 800-752-0627 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 TMS: AL 800-887-4027 Williams & White Equipment: BC 800-293-2268 BANDMILLS 1. Accessories 2. Horizontal 3. Quads 4. Singles 5. Twins Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333..............................1-5 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194...................................................2-5 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1-5 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880.......................................................2,4,5 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700....................................2,4 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885....................................2-5 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 ...............................1-5 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 ...............................................1,2,4 Down River Croygenics West: ID 208-651-6500 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 ..................................3-5 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 .............................................................2 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755........................................1,3,5 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 .......................................2-5 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 .............................................4 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 Murray Latta Progressive Machine: BC 604-599-9598 888-298-9877 ..................................................................................1 Optimil Machinery Inc.: BC 604-946-6911 .....................................3-5 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 ............................................1-5 Premier Bandwheel & Equip. Ltd.: BC 604-591-2080.......................1-5 Resch & 3 GmbH: Italy +39-0471-353-137 ..........................................2 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Saw Add LLC: WA 360-459-9163 .......................................................1 Select Sawmill Co.: ON 866-724-7600 .................................................2 Serra Maschinenbau GmbH: Germany +49-8051-96400-16 ............1,2 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162...............................1 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR .............................................................3-5 BAR CODE SYSTEMS Autolog Production Management Inc.: QC 450-434-8389 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 (IBC) International Bar Coding Systems: BC 250-493-3201 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Samuel Coding & Labeling: BC 604-521-3700, 800-667-1264 SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 Simply Computing Int’l. Inc., dba Voice Controlled Solutions: ME 800-903-4122 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370

BINS 1. Ash 2. Feeder 3. Surge Atlas Systems LLC: WA 509-535-7775.................................................2 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864.............................1-3 KDS Windsor: NC 828-891-8115..........................................................3 Keith Mfg. Co.: OR 800-547-6161 .....................................................2,3 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321................................................2 Simply Computing Int’l. Inc., dba Voice Controlled Solutions: ME 800-903-4122 TerraSource Global: IL 855-483-7721................................................3 Tri-Tech Machine Ltd.: BC 604-524-4711 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 .......................1-3 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 BLOWERS KDS Windsor: NC 828-891-8115 Koger Air Corp.: VA 800-368-2096 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 BOILER CLEANING SYSTEMS CAW-Wiesloch: Germany +49 0 6222 572621 BOILERS AFS Energy Systems: PA 717-763-0286 American Wood Technology: GA 877-785-0274 Better Built Dry Kilns Inc.: KY 859-578-8240 CAW-Wiesloch: Germany +49 0 6222 572621 Hurst Boiler & Welding Co. Inc.: GA 877-994-8778 Nova Dry Kiln LLC: KY 502-409-4539 Wellons Inc.: WA 1-800-WELLONS BRANDERS/MARKING SYSTEMS 1. Equipment 2. Inks/paints Autolog Production Management Inc.: QC 450-434-8389 ............1,2 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 .......................................................................1 (IBC) International Bar Coding Systems: BC 250-493-3201 .............1,2 Matthews Marking Systems: PA 412-665-2500.................................1,2 Northwest Machinery Supply Co. LLC: OR 503-880-0975................1,2 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321.............................................1,2 REA JET: OH 440-232-0555 Ernst Reiner GmbH & Co. KG Germany +49 7723 657 0 ....................2 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583........................................1 Samuel Coding & Labeling: BC 604-521-3700, 800-667-1264 ...............................................................................1,2 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 ....................................................1 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370 .....................................2 U-C Coatings: NY 888-363-2628..........................................................2 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556.........................................1,2 Z-Tec Automation Systems: BC 604-881-2203, 877-544-9832 ...............................................................................1,2 BRIQUETTING MACHINES RUF Briquetting Systems: OH 440-779-2747 Williams & White Equipment: BC 800-293-2268 BUCKETS Mack Mfg.: AL 251-653-9999 BUILDINGS/CONTROL ROOMS/OFFICES Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Unitemp Dry Kilns LLC: AR 870-777-2375 BURNERS

BARK PLANTS S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Industrial Equipment Mfg. Ltd.: BC 604-513-5216 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842

AFS Energy Systems: PA 717-763-0286 American Wood Dryers: OR 503-655-1955 CAW-Wiesloch: Germany +49 0 6222 572621 KDS Windsor: NC 828-891-8115 McConnell Technologies: AL 205-836-0396 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR

BARK SCALPERS Acrowood Corp.: WA 425-258-3555 Brunette Machinery Co. Inc.: BC 604-522-3977 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400

BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Bruks Siwertell: GA 770-849-0100 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700


Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 CABS 1. Chair Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400....................................1 Down River Croygenics West: ID 208-651-6500 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 .............................................1 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 SENNEBOGEN LLC: NC 704-347-4910 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803......................1 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 CANTERS Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 HewSaw Machines Inc.: BC 604-852-7293 Linck Holzverarbeitungstechnik: Germany +49-7802-933-0 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR CARRIAGE DOGS Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 CARRIAGE DRIVES Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333 Arrow Speed Controls: BC 604-321-4033 Automation & Electronics USA: LA 318-548-5138, 318-548-7852 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Saw Control Systems: ID 208-691-1732 Sering Sawmill Mach. Co.: WA 360-687-2667 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR CARRIAGES 1. Conventional 2. End dogging 3. Overhead 4. Side clamp/end dogging Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333..............................1-4 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194...................................................2,3 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 ........................1 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700.......................................1 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 .....................................................1 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 .....................................1 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 ........................................1-4 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 .............................................................1 Hurdle Machine Works Inc.: TN 901-877-6251 ....................................1 TIMBER PROCESSING




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PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES (Address listings begin on page 62.) Lewis Controls Inc.: OR 503-648-9119..............................................1,2 Maxi Mill Inc.: OR 541-926-4449 .......................................................2,3 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 ..........................................1-3 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 ................................................1 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200...........................................1 MPM Engineering Ltd.: BC 604-574-1397 Pierce Construction: MS 601-544-1321 ............................................1-3 Promac Group: BC 800-665-5405 ......................................................2 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494...........................2,3 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762...................................................1 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR .............................................................1-4 CHIP-N-SAW Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 HewSaw Machines Inc.: BC 604-852-7293 Lindsay/Lindex: WA 503-331-0783 Promac Group: BC 800-665-5405 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR CHIP/BY-PRODUCT SYSTEMS 1. Classifiers 2. Conveying 3. Dozers 4. Dumps 5. Reclaiming 6. Screens 7. Storage bins/silos 8. Trommel screens Acrowood Corp.: WA 425-258-3555 ....................................................6 Action Equipment Co. Inc.: OR 503-537-1111 ...............................1,2,6 AFS Energy Systems: PA 717-763-0286 ........................................2,7 Atlas Systems LLC: WA 509-535-7775..............................................2,7 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864..........................2,5-7 BM&M Screening Solutions Ltd.: BC 800-663-0323 .........................1,6 Bruks Rockwood Inc.: GA 770-849-0100 ..........................................5,6 Bruks Siwertell: GA 770-849-0100..................................................2,6 Can Am Chains: OR 503-657-1158 ......................................................2 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 ........................6 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425..........................................................2 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 ...............................2,6 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 .......................................................................2 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400.................................2,5 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 ........................2,5,6,8 ESCO Group LLC: KY 800-446-3726 .............................................2,5,6 Flying Dutchman Inc.: OH 330-669-2297..........................................5,7 Fulghum Industries Inc.: GA 478-252-5223, 800-841-5980 .........................................................................2,5,6,8 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 ......................................................2,5,7 Industrial Equipment Mfg. Ltd.: BC 604-513-5216...............................6 KDS Windsor: NC 828-891-8115.................................................1,2,5-7 Keith Mfg. Co.: OR 800-547-6161 .....................................................2,7 KNL Holdings LLC: AR 870-236-7753...............................................4,7 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200.....................................2,6,8 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 .............................................2 Mill Power Inc.: OR 541-447-1100..................................................1,2,6 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181...................................2,5-7 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875...........................................2,5,6 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842................................................................2 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411..................6 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628............................................2 TerraSource Global: IL 855-483-7721 .........................................1,5-7 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803...................5,6 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287....................................1,2,5,7 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ................................................................6 West Salem Machinery: OR 800-722-3530 ....................................1,6,8 Williams Patent Crusher & Pulverizer Co. Inc.: MO 314-621-3348............................................................................6 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556............................................7 CHIPPERS 1. Drum 2. Lily pad 3. Slab & edging 4. Veneer 5. Whole log Acrowood Corp.: WA 425-258-3555 .................................................2-5 Andritz Iggesund Tools: FL 813-855-6902 ...........................................5 Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 ............................1,4,5 Bandit Industries Inc.: MI 800-952-0178 ..............................................1 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864.............................1-5 42


Bruks Rockwood Inc.: GA 770-849-0100 .......................................1,3,5 Bruks Siwertell: GA 770-849-0100..................................................1-5 Brunette Machinery Co. Inc.: BC 604-522-3977 ............................1,4,5 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 .....................1,3 Dieffenbacher USA Inc.: GA 770-226-6394 .........................................1 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 ............................................1 Fulghum Industries Inc.: GA 478-252-5223, 800-841-5980...........3-5 Globe Machine Mfg. Co.: WA 253-383-2584 .......................................4 Kadant Carmanah Design: BC 604-299-3431 ..................................1-5 Key Knife Inc.: OR 503-403-2000......................................................1-5 Lindsay/Lindex: WA 503-331-0783 ...................................................1-5 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755..............................................3 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200........................................1,3 Morbark LLC: MI 800-831-0042 ........................................................1,5 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181......................................1-5 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875...........................................2,3,5 Rotochopper Inc.: MN 320-548-3586...................................................5 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411............1-3,5 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 .................1 Stringer Industries Inc.: MS 601-876-3376........................................2,3 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803......................5 Universal Grinding Inc.: MI 616-222-0000 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ..........................................................1,3-5 Vecoplan Midwest LLC: IN 812-923-4992............................................1 Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711.......................................................3 CHIPPING HEADS Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333 Andritz Iggesund Tools: FL 813-855-6902 Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 Arrow Speed Controls: BC 604-321-4033 BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 DK-Spec: QC 418-831-3333 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 HewSaw Machines Inc.: BC 604-852-7293 Key Knife Inc.: OR 503-403-2000 Lindsay/Lindex: WA 503-331-0783 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442 Universal Grinding Inc.: MI 616-222-0000 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR CLOSED CIRCUIT TV/CAMERAS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Galardy Technical Services Ltd.: BC 800-941-8878 Opticom Tech: MI 800-578-1853 US/Can. COATINGS Arkema Inc.: PA 800-225-7788 Contechem Inc.: OR 503-283-3021 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 Hexion Inc.: OH 888-443-9466 Pace Products Inc.: KS 888-389-8203 U-C Coatings: NY 888-363-2628 COGENERATION SYSTEMS AFS Energy Systems: PA 717-763-0286 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 CAW-Wiesloch: Germany +49 0 6222 572621 Wellons Inc.: WA 1-800-WELLONS COMPUTERIZATION/CONTROLS 1. Computers 2. Controllers 3. Lumber/log scaling 4. Microprocessors 5. PLCs 6. Setworks 7. Software AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 .....................................................1-7 Arrow Speed Controls: BC 604-321-4033 .........................................2,5 Autolog Production Management Inc.: QC 450-434-8389............1-7 Automation & Electronics USA: LA 318-548-5138, 318-548-7852 .........................................................................1,2,5-7 Better Built Dry Kilns Inc.: KY 859-578-8240........................................2 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 ............2,5,6 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700....................................1,2 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425..........................................................5 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 ............................................1,2,5,6 D02 Industrial: QC 888-276-0554 John Deere Construction & Forestry: IL 800-503-3373 ........................7 Delta Computer Systems Inc.: WA 360-254-8688 ......................2,6,7 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817

Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 .............1,2,5,7 HALCO Software Systems Ltd.: BC 604-731-9311...........................7 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 .............................................................6 (IBC) International Bar Coding Systems: BC 250-493-3201 .............1,7 LDX Solutions: GA 770-429-5575.........................................................5 Lewis Controls Inc.: OR 503-648-9119 .......................................1,2,5-7 LIMAB: Sweden +46-31-58-44-00..................................................................................7 LMI Technologies Inc.: BC 604-636-1011.........................................2,7 Matthews Marking Systems: PA 412-665-2500....................................7 Maxi Mill Inc.: OR 541-926-4449 ....................................................1,2,5 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755...........................................5,6 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 .............................................5,6 Microtec Innovating Wood: Italy +39-0472-273-611 ......................3,4,7 MPM Engineering Ltd.: BC 604-574-1397 .....................................2,5-7 Mudata SAS: France +33-450-719634......................................1-3,5-7 Muehlboeck Holztrocknungsanlagen GmbH: Austria +43-7753-2296-201....................................................1,2,5,7 Optimil Machinery Inc.: BC 604-946-6911.........................................5 Porter Engineering Ltd.: BC 604-273-1868 .......................................1-7 Progress Engineering: ME 207-623-0110 .........................................1-7 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494..................1,2,4,5,7 Rema Sawco: Sweden +46-155-55950.......................................1-3,5,7 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 ....................................1-7 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411............2,5,6 SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500.................7 Sering Sawmill Mach. Co.: WA 360-687-2667......................................2 SiCam Systems: BC 604-584-7151 ......................................................7 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453...........1,2,4-7 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 .......................1-7 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 ........................................1-7 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803................2,5,7 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762.............................................2,5,7 Unitemp Dry Kilns LLC: AR 870-777-2375 ........................................1,2 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ..........................................................1,4-7 VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 ..............................3 Valutec Wood Dryers Inc.: BC 778-868-3695.................................5,7 Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711 Wellons Inc.: WA 1-800-WELLONS Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556.........................................1-7 Woodtech Measurement Solutions: OR 503-720-2361 ........................3 CONTROL CONSOLES AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 Arrow Speed Controls: BC 604-321-4033 Autolog Production Management Inc.: QC 450-434-8389 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 D02 Industrial: QC 888-276-0554 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 Lewis Controls Inc.: OR 503-648-9119 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 J.R. Merritt Controls: CT 800-333-5762 Microtec Innovating Wood: Italy +39-0472-273-611 MPM Engineering Ltd.: BC 604-574-1397 Porter Engineering Ltd.: BC 604-273-1868 Progress Engineering: ME 207-623-0110 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Valutec Wood Dryers Inc.: BC 778-868-3695 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 CONVEYOR MATERIALS 1. Belt 2. Screw 3. Chain 4. Fiberglass Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333..............................1,2 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1,2 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880.............................................................1 Brown Machinery & Supply Inc.: AR 800-748-9801 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425..........................................................1 Conception R.P. Inc.: QC 418-871-6016 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 Forbo Siegling LLC: NC 800-255-5581 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 Industrial Equipment Mfg. Ltd.: BC 604-513-5216 Industrial Screw Conveyors Inc.: TX 817-641-0691 ..........................1,2 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200...........................................1 Metal Detectors Inc.: OR 541-345-7454.............................................4 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 Patz Corp.: WI 920-897-2251 ............................................................1,3 PRINZ GmbH & Co KG Kettensagetechnik: Austria 855-467-7469 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842................................................................1



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PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES (Address listings begin on page 62.) Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 .............................................1 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 .......................1,2 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628.........................................1,2 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 ....................................................1 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803......................1 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287..........................................1,2 Vecoplan Midwest LLC: IN 812-923-4992............................................1 Webster Industries Inc.: OH 419-447-8232..........................................5 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 CONVEYORS 1. Chipper feed 2. Log 3. Lumber/cant 4. Screw 5. Vibrating Acrowood Corp.: WA 425-258-3555 .................................................1,4 Action Equipment Co. Inc.: OR 503-537-1111 ..................................1,5 Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333..............................1-3 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194...................................................2,3 Basic Machinery Co. Inc.: NC 888-522-7420....................................1-5 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1-5 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864................................1 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880..........................................................2,3 Briggs Machine & Fabrication LLC: WA 509-535-0125 ....................2,3 Brown Machinery & Supply Inc.: AR 800-748-9801 Bruks Siwertell: GA 770-849-0100..................................................4,5 Brunette Machinery Co. Inc.: BC 604-522-3977 ..................................5 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 ..................1-3,5 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425.......................................................1-3 Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213..............................................2,4 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885....................................2,3 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 ...............................................2,3,5 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 ....................................................................2,3 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400...........................1,2,4,5 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 ........................1,2,4,5 Eriez: PA 814-835-6000........................................................................5 ESCO Group LLC: KY 800-446-3726 ................................................1,2 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 Fulghum Industries Inc.: GA 478-252-5223, 800-841-5980........1,2,5 Heavy Machines Inc.: TN 901-260-2200 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 ..........................................................2,3 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Industrial Equipment Mfg. Ltd.: BC 604-513-5216 Industrial Screw Conveyors Inc.: TX 817-641-0691 KDS Windsor: NC 828-891-8115..........................................................5 Keith Mfg. Co.: OR 800-547-6161 Linck Holzverarbeitungstechnik: Germany +49-7802-933-0 ............................................................................2,3 Mac Chain Co. Ltd.: WA 800-663-0072.............................................1,2 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755..............................................3 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 .......................................1-5 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 .......................................1-3,5 Mill Power Inc.: OR 541-447-1100........................................................5 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 Morbark LLC: MI 800-831-0042 Optimil Machinery Inc.: BC 604-946-6911.........................................5 Patz Corp.: WI 920-897-2251 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 ............................................................1-3 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181......................................1-5 PRINZ GmbH & Co KG Kettensagetechnik: Austria 855-467-7469 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875...........................................1,2,5 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842.............................................................2,3 Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 .............................................3 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 ........................................1-5 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 .................................................2,3 TerraSource Global: IL 855-483-7721.............................................1,5 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803...................1,2 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162...............................3 TMS: AL 800-887-4027 Tri-Tech Machine Ltd.: BC 604-524-4711 .........................................1-3 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ..........................................................1-3,5 Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711....................................................1,2 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 .......................1-4 West Salem Machinery: OR 800-722-3530 ..........................................5 Williams Patent Crusher & Pulverizer Co. Inc.: MO 314-621-3348 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556.........................................1-5 COOLANTS Biolube Inc.: IN 260-414-9633 44


CRANES 1. Gantry 2. Pedestal 3. Overhead 4. Radial 5. Retrofit systems Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400....................................5 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 ..............................4,5 Fulghum Industries Inc.: GA 478-252-5223, 800-841-5980...........4,5 Heavy Machines Inc.: TN 901-260-2200 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875........................................1,2,4,5 SENNEBOGEN LLC: NC 704-347-4910............................................1-4 Tanguay Machinery: QC 800-463-9856 ...............................................2 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803......................4 VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606...........................1-5 CROSS-LAMINATED TIMBER MACHINERY American Wood Technology: GA 877-785-0274 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 Kallesoe Machinery: Denmark +45 97 34 15 55 Ledinek Engineering d.o.o.: Slovenia +386-2-61300-61 SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 CURVE SAWING SYSTEMS Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333 AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 HewSaw Machines Inc.: BC 604-852-7293 Linck Holzverarbeitungstechnik: Germany +49-7802-933-0 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 CYLINDERS, AIR Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 Peninsular Cylinder Co.: MI 800-526-7968 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 TMS: AL 800-887-4027 Westcoast Cylinders Inc., Royal Cylinders Div.: BC 877-637-6925 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 DEBARKER DRUM INFEEDS Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Fulghum Industries Inc.: GA 478-252-5223, 800-841-5980 Heavy Machines Inc.: TN 901-260-2200 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 DEBARKER TEETH BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 Piper’s Saw Shop Inc.: KY 800-845-6075 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 TMS: AL 800-887-4027 U.S. Blades: SC 843-673-0110 VK North America LLC: WA 877-313-1225 DEBARKERS 1. Chain/flail 2. Drum 3. Portable 4. Ring 5. Rosserhead 6. Rotary Acrowood Corp.: WA 425-258-3555 ....................................................6

Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 ...............................1-6 Automation & Electronics USA: LA 318-548-5138, 318-548-7852 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194......................................................6 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 ....................................4 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864................................6 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880.............................................................6 Brunette Machinery Co. Inc.: BC 604-522-3977 ..................................6 Can Am Chains: OR 503-657-1158 ......................................................1 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700 Connexus Industries: OR 800-367-9992 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400.................................2,3 Dieffenbacher USA Inc.: GA 770-226-6394 .........................................2 DK-Spec: QC 418-831-3333................................................................4 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 ...........................2,3,6 ESCO Group LLC: KY 800-446-3726 ...................................................1 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 .....................................4 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 .........................................4,5 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 Fulghum Industries Inc.: GA 478-252-5223, 800-841-5980...........2,5 Heavy Machines Inc.: TN 901-260-2200 ...........................................1,2 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 .............................................................5 Industrial Equipment Mfg. Ltd.: BC 604-513-5216............................1-6 Kadant Carmanah Design: BC 604-299-3431......................................6 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200...........................................5 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 .............................................5 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 Morbark LLC: MI 800-831-0042 ........................................................1,5 Nicholson Mfg. Ltd.: BC 250-656-3131 ................................................4 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181 ...................................1,2,5 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875..............................................2,4 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842................................................................2 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411...............4,5 Select Sawmill Co.: ON 866-724-7600 .................................................5 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Stringer Industries Inc.: MS 601-876-3376...........................................5 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803......................2 TMS: AL 800-887-4027......................................................................4,5 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762...................................................5 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ..........................................................2,4,6 Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711....................................................5,6 VK North America LLC: WA 877-313-1225 .......................................4 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556.........................................4,6 DECKS 1. Log 2. Slasher Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194...................................................1,2 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1,2 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864................................1 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880..........................................................1,2 Briggs Machine & Fabrication LLC: WA 509-535-0125 .......................1 Brown Machinery & Supply Inc.: AR 800-748-9801 .............................1 Can Am Chains: OR 503-657-1158 ......................................................2 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 ........................1 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700.......................................1 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425..........................................................1 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885.......................................1 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 .....................................................1 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 .......................................................................1 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400....................................1 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 ..............................1,2 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 .....................................1 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 ............................................1 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 Fulghum Industries Inc.: GA 478-252-5223, 800-841-5980...........1,2 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 .............................................................1 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 .........................................................1,2 Industrial Equipment Mfg. Ltd.: BC 604-513-5216............................1,2 L-M Equipment Ltd.: BC 604-576-0088.............................................1,2 Linck Holzverarbeitungstechnik: Germany +49-7802-933-0...............................................................1 Mac Chain Co. Ltd.: WA 800-663-0072................................................1 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755..............................................1 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 ................................................1 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200...........................................1 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 .............................................1 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 Morbark LLC: MI 800-831-0042 ...........................................................1 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 ...............................................................1 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181 .........................................1 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875.................................................1 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842................................................................1 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Select Sawmill Co.: ON 866-724-7600 .................................................1 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628.........................................1,2 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 .................................................1,2 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803...................1,2 Tri-Tech Machine Ltd.: BC 604-524-4711 ............................................1 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ................................................................1 Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711.......................................................1



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PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES (Address listings begin on page 62.) West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182..............................................................................1 DETECTORS 1. Metal 2. Moisture 3. Spark Action Equipment Co. Inc.: OR 503-537-1111 .....................................1 Better Built Dry Kilns Inc.: KY 859-578-8240........................................2 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864................................1 Brookhuis America Inc.: GA 877-785-0274..........................................2 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700.......................................1 Connexus Industries: OR 800-367-9992 ..............................................1 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 .....................................................1 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 .................................1 Eriez: PA 814-835-6000........................................................................1 Fagus GreCon Inc.: NC 704-912-0000..............................................2,3 Flamex Inc.: NC 336-299-2933.............................................................3 Fortress Technology Inc.: ON 888-220-8737 .......................................1 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 .............................................................1 Lignomat USA Ltd.: OR 800-227-2105.................................................2 Magnetic Products Inc.: MI 248-887-5600 ...........................................1 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 .............................................1 Metal Detectors Inc.: OR 541-345-7454.............................................1 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 ..........................................................1 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181 .........................................1 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875.................................................1 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583........................................1 SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500.................2 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 ....................1 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 .......................1-3 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628.........................................1,2 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803......................1 TMS: AL 800-887-4027......................................................................1,2 VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 ..............................2 DIAMOND & BORIZON PRODUCTS Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 Oleson Saw Technology: PA 800-256-8259 Sharp Tool Co. Inc.: MA 800-221-5452 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 DRYERS 1. Belt 2. Flash tube 3. Rotary Amandus Kahl USA Corp.: GA 770-521-1021 Basic Machinery Co. Inc.: NC 888-522-7420.......................................3 Dieffenbacher USA Inc.: GA 770-226-6394 Muehlboeck Holztrocknungsanlagen GmbH: Austria +43-7753-2296-201.............................................................1 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ................................................................2 DUMPERS 1. Truck KDS Windsor: NC 828-891-8115..........................................................1 TerraSource Global: IL 855-483-7721................................................1 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 DUST CONTROL SYSTEMS AFS Energy Systems: PA 717-763-0286 Basic Machinery Co. Inc.: NC 888-522-7420 BEP Engineering Services Ltd.: BC 855-575-3322 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 Donaldson Co. Inc.: MN 800-365-1331 Flexco: IL 800-541-8028 Koger Air Corp.: VA 800-368-2096 Scientific Dust Collectors: IL 708-597-7090 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 SonicAire: NC 336-712-2437 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 EDGERS AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 Automation & Electronics USA: LA 318-548-5138, 318-548-7852 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700 Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 Lewis Controls Inc.: OR 503-648-9119 46


Linck Holzverarbeitungstechnik: Germany +49-7802-933-0 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 Optimil Machinery Inc.: BC 604-946-6911 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 Promac Group: BC 800-665-5405 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494 Resch & 3 GmbH: Italy +39-0471-353-137 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Select Sawmill Co.: ON 866-724-7600 Greg F. Smith Co.: OR 971-865-2981 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182 ELECTRIC MELTING POTS Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 ELECTRIC MOTORS/DRIVES American Contex Corp.: NY 212-249-2670 AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 Arrow Speed Controls: BC 604-321-4033 Better Built Dry Kilns Inc.: KY 859-578-8240 Brown Machinery & Supply Inc.: AR 800-748-9801 EBI Dry Kiln Duty Motors: QC 888-228-5505 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 Heavy Machines Inc.: TN 901-260-2200 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Mudata SAS: France +33-450-719634 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Row Electrical Equipment Inc.: OH 800-248-4479 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 ELECTRICAL SWITCHGEAR AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 Arrow Speed Controls: BC 604-321-4033 Cyber Tech Inc.: OR 800-621-8754 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Row Electrical Equipment Inc.: OH 800-248-4479 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Wellons Inc.: WA 1-800-WELLONS ELECTRONIC SAW TRACKING Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 Mudata SAS: France +33-450-719634 Porter Engineering Ltd.: BC 604-273-1868 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Saw Control Systems: ID 208-691-1732 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ELECTRONICS AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 Arrow Speed Controls: BC 604-321-4033 Autolog Production Management Inc.: QC 450-434-8389 Automation & Electronics USA: LA 318-548-5138, 318-548-7852 Basic Machinery Co. Inc.: NC 888-522-7420 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Cyber Tech Inc.: OR 800-621-8754 J.R. Merritt Controls: CT 800-333-5762 Microtec Innovating Wood: Italy +39-0472-273-611 Mudata SAS: France +33-450-719634 Opticom Tech: MI 800-578-1853 US/Can. Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Telco Sensors Inc.: NC 704-357-9393 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 ENCODERS AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 Arrow Speed Controls: BC 604-321-4033 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Galardy Technical Services Ltd.: BC 800-941-8878 MTS Sensors: NC 919-677-0100 Mudata SAS: France +33-450-719634 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803

END SEALANTS/WAXES Arkema Inc.: PA 800-225-7788 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370 U-C Coatings: NY 888-363-2628 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182........................................................................2,3,5 FEED TABLES Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333 Akhurst Machinery Inc.: WA 888-265-4826 AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Bruks Siwertell: GA 770-849-0100 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 Gilbert Products Inc.: QC 418-275-5041 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Machinery Service Co. Inc.: ME 207-882-6788 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 FEEDWORKS Acrowood Corp.: WA 425-258-3555 AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 FILES B.H. Payne & Co Inc..: GA 800-752-0627 Piper’s Saw Shop Inc.: KY 800-845-6075 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442 FILING ROOMS (TURNKEY) BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 Oleson Saw Technology: PA 800-256-8259 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 U.S. Blades: SC 843-673-0110 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 FINGER JOINTING MACHINES Akhurst Machinery Inc.: WA 888-265-4826 Conception R.P. Inc.: QC 418-871-6016 Ledinek Engineering d.o.o.: Slovenia +386-2-61300-61 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEMS Fagus GreCon Inc.: NC 704-912-0000 Flamex Inc.: NC 336-299-2933 FORKLIFTS Combilift Ltd.: NC 877-COMBI-56 Hyster Co.: NC 800-HYSTER-1 Kalmar USA Inc.: KS 785-242-2200 Sellick Equipment Ltd.: MI 877-735-5425 Taylor Machine Works Inc.: MS 662-773-3421 FORKS Hyster Co.: NC 800-HYSTER-1 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411



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PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES (Address listings begin on page 62.) GANGS 1. Curve-sawing 2. Double arbor 3. Gang-edger combo 4. Sash 5. Single arbor Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333.................................1 AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 ........................................................1 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1-5 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880..........................................................2,5 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 ..................1-3,5 Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213 ..........................................1-3,5 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885....................................2,5 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 ..................................................3,5 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 ..................................1-5 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 .....................................1-3,5 L-M Equipment Ltd.: BC 604-576-0088................................................4 Lewis Controls Inc.: OR 503-648-9119..............................................3,5 Linck Holzverarbeitungstechnik: Germany +49-7802-933-0............................................................................1-5 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 .......................................1-3,5 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 ................................................5 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200.....................................2,3,5 Optimil Machinery Inc.: BC 604-946-6911......................................2,5 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494........................1,2,5 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411...............1-5 Greg F. Smith Co.: OR 971-865-2981 .........................................1-3,5 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 .................................................2,5 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803...................1,3 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 ........................1-3,5 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442.................................1,3,5 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ..........................................................1-3,5 VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 ..............................1 GENERATORS Kallesoe Machinery: Denmark +45 97 34 15 55 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 Taylor Machine Works Inc.: MS 662-773-3421 GLUING SYSTEMS (IBC) International Bar Coding Systems: BC 250-493-3201 Kallesoe Machinery: Denmark +45 97 34 15 55 LMI Technologies Inc.: BC 604-636-1011 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500 Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711 GRADE AUTOMATION Autolog Production Management Inc.: QC 450-434-8389 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Claussen All Mark Ind. Intl. Inc.: FL 800-252-2736 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 FinScan Inc.: BC 604-619-0672 Finscan Oy: Finland +358-44-213-6018 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 Redwood Plastics Corp.: GA 800-345-7099 Rema Sawco: Sweden +46-155-55950 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 GRADE MARK READERS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 FinScan Inc.: BC 604-619-0672 Finscan Oy: Finland +358-44-213-6018 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 Z-Tec Automation Systems: BC 604-881-2203, 877-544-9832 GRAPPLES John Deere Construction & Forestry: IL 800-503-3373 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Fulghum Industries Inc.: GA 478-252-5223, 800-841-5980 Heavy Machines Inc.: TN 901-260-2200 Mack Mfg.: AL 251-653-9999 Morbark LLC: MI 800-831-0042 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803 GRINDER WHEELS BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 California Saw & Knife Works LLC: OR 415-861-0644, 541-900-9122 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297

L-M Equipment Ltd.: BC 604-576-0088 Longato Grinding Machines & Equip.: Italy +39-329-2361358 Missoula Saws Inc.: MT 800-735-7161 Oleson Saw Technology: PA 800-256-8259 B.H. Payne & Co Inc..: GA 800-752-0627 Sharp Tool Co. Inc.: MA 800-221-5452 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 U.S. Blades: SC 843-673-0110 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182 GRINDERS 1. Band saw 2. Horizontal 3. Knife 4. Portable 5. Tub Akhurst Machinery Inc.: WA 888-265-4826..........................................3 Bandit Industries Inc.: MI 800-952-0178 ...........................................2,4 BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523...........................................................1-3 Brunette Machinery Co. Inc.: BC 604-522-3977 ..................................2 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 ..........................................1-3 Colonial Saw: MA 781-585-4364 .......................................................1,3 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 ................................................1-3 DK-Spec: QC 418-831-3333................................................................3 Hanchett Mfg Inc.: MI 800-454-7463.................................................1,3 Heavy Machines Inc.: TN 901-260-2200 ...........................................2,5 Lindsay/Lindex: WA 503-331-0783 ......................................................3 Longato Grinding Machines & Equip.: Italy +39-329-2361358.........1-3 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200...........................................1 Missoula Saws Inc.: MT 800-735-7161 .............................................1-5 Morbark LLC: MI 800-831-0042 ........................................................2-5 Newman Machine Co. Inc.: NC 336-273-8261.....................................3 Oleson Saw Technology: PA 800-256-8259......................................1 Piper’s Saw Shop Inc.: KY 800-845-6075.............................................3 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181 ...................................2,3,5 PRINZ GmbH & Co KG Kettensagetechnik: Austria 855-467-7469 ......................................................................4 Rawlings Manufacturing Inc.: MT 406-728-6182, 866-762-937 .................................................................................2,4 Resch & 3 GmbH: Italy +39-0471-353-137 ..........................................1 Rotochopper Inc.: MN 320-548-3586................................................2,4 Sharp Tool Co. Inc.: MA 800-221-5452 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 .........................................1-3 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Stringer Industries Inc.: MS 601-876-3376...........................................2 U.S. Blades: SC 843-673-0110 .........................................................1-3 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442....................................2,3 Vecoplan Midwest LLC: IN 812-923-4992............................................2 Vollmer Of America: PA 412-278-0655 West Salem Machinery: OR 800-722-3530 ..........................................2 Williams Patent Crusher & Pulverizer Co. Inc.: MO 314-621-3348............................................................................3 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556............................................3 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182..............................................................................1 HAMMERMILLS/HOGS/SHREDDERS American Pulverizer Co.: MO 314-781-6100 Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Bruks Siwertell: GA 770-849-0100 Brunette Machinery Co. Inc.: BC 604-522-3977 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 Dieffenbacher USA Inc.: GA 770-226-6394 Ellison Sales Inc.: OR 888-244-0161 Fulghum Industries Inc.: GA 478-252-5223, 800-841-5980 Industrial Equipment Mfg. Ltd.: BC 604-513-5216 KDS Windsor: NC 828-891-8115 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 Morbark LLC: MI 800-831-0042 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875 Rawlings Manufacturing Inc.: MT 406-728-6182, 866-762-937 Rotochopper Inc.: MN 320-548-3586 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Stringer Industries Inc.: MS 601-876-3376 TerraSource Global: IL 855-483-7721 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Vecoplan Midwest LLC: IN 812-923-4992 West Salem Machinery: OR 800-722-3530 Williams Patent Crusher & Pulverizer Co. Inc.: MO 314-621-3348 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 HARVESTING EQUIPMENT Barko Hydraulics LLC: WI 715-395-6700 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 Tigercat Industries Inc.: ON 519-753-2000 HEAT MEASUREMENT Delmhorst Instrument Co.: NJ 877-DELMHORST (335-6467)

HYDRAULIC COMPONENTS 1. Actuators 2. Belts 3. Couplings 4. Cylinders 5. Filters 6. Fittings 7. Fluids 8. Hoses 9. Hydraulic systems 10. Motors 11. Positioning cylinders 12. Pumps 13. Servo valves AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771..........................................1,4-6,8-13 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 ...............................1-13 Brown Machinery & Supply Inc.: AR 800-748-9801 ........................2,10 California Saw & Knife Works LLC: OR 415-861-0644, 541-900-9122 ..........................................................4 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 ...............................................................4,6,8,9,11-13 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700.......................................9 Climax Metal Products: OH 800-542-6552...........................................3 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400.................................3,4 Hydra Power Systems Inc.: OR 800-777-5047..................1,4-6,9,10,12 Lewis Controls Inc.: OR 503-648-9119..........................................11,13 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Optimil Machinery Inc.: BC 604-946-6911.........................................4 Peninsular Cylinder Co.: MI 800-526-7968...........................................4 Redwood Plastics Corp.: GA 800-345-7099 ........................................3 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583.....................................1,3 SENNEBOGEN LLC: NC 704-347-4910 ............................................4,5 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453......1,3-5,9-13 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 .....................1-13 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 ......................................1-13 Tech Roll Inc.: WA 888-946-3929.......................................................10 TMS: AL 800-887-4027...............................................................4,10,13 Westcoast Cylinders Inc., Royal Cylinders Div.: BC 877-637-6925 ....................................................................1,4,11 INCINERATORS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 CAW-Wiesloch: Germany +49 0 6222 572621 INDEXABLE/BRAZED CUTTERS Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 Sharp Tool Co. Inc.: MA 800-221-5452 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 U.S. Blades: SC 843-673-0110 INFEED SYSTEMS 1. Double length 2. Single length (modified) 3. Sharp chain Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333..............................1-3 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1-3 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880.............................................................3 Can Am Chains: OR 503-657-1158 ......................................................3 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 .....................1-3 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213 .............................................1-3 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885....................................1,3 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 ..............................1-3 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 ..................................1-2 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 ............................................3 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 .........................................................1-3 Kallesoe Machinery: Denmark +45 97 34 15 55 L-M Equipment Ltd.: BC 604-576-0088................................................2 Linck Holzverarbeitungstechnik: Germany +49-7802-933-0........1,2 Mac Chain Co. Ltd.: WA 800-663-0072 ............................................1-3 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Optimil Machinery Inc.: BC 604-946-6911......................................2,3 Promac Group: BC 800-665-5405...................................................1-3 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 .................................................1,2 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803......................3 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162...............................3 Universal Grinding Inc.: MI 616-222-0000 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR .............................................................1-3 VK North America LLC: WA 877-313-1225 .......................................3 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 TIMBER PROCESSING




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PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES (Address listings begin on page 62.) JOYSTICKS


Automation & Electronics USA: LA 318-548-5138, 318-548-7852 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Cyber Tech Inc.: OR 800-621-8754 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400 Ellison Sales Inc.: OR 888-244-0161 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Galardy Technical Services Ltd.: BC 800-941-8878 J.R. Merritt Controls: CT 800-333-5762 Saw Control Systems: ID 208-691-1732 SENNEBOGEN LLC: NC 704-347-4910 Sering Sawmill Mach. Co.: WA 360-687-2667 KILN EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS 1. Controls 2. Fans 3. Heat recovery systems 4. Moisture measurement 5. Sealants 6. Trucks/carts American Wood Dryers: OR 503-655-1955.......................................1-6 American Wood Technology: GA 877-785-0274..................................4 Arrow Speed Controls: BC 604-321-4033 ............................................1 BEP Engineering Services Ltd.: BC 855-575-3322 ...........................1-6 Better Built Dry Kilns Inc.: KY 859-578-8240.....................................1-3 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1-6 Brookhuis America Inc.: GA 877-785-0274..........................................4 Brown Machinery & Supply Inc.: AR 800-748-9801 .............................6 Brunner Hildebrand Lumber Dry Kiln Co.: TN 615-469-0745 .........................................................................1-6 Can Am Chains: OR 503-657-1158 Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213.................................................6 Connexus Industries: OR 800-367-9992 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 .......................................................................6 Cyber Tech Inc.: OR 800-621-8754 .....................................................1 Dynalyse AB: Sweden +46-31-44-86-32 ............................................4 KDS Windsor: NC 828-891-8115.................................................1,2,4,6 LDX Solutions: GA 770-429-5575.........................................................3 Lignomat USA Ltd.: OR 800-227-2105.................................................4 McConnell Technologies: AL 205-836-0396 ........................................3 Muehlboeck Holztrocknungsanlagen GmbH: Austria +43-7753-2296-201 .........................................................1-3 Nova Dry Kiln LLC: KY 502-409-4539 ..................................................1 Nyle Systems: ME 800-777-6953 ......................................................1-3 Pace Products Inc.: KS 888-389-8203 .................................................5 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842.....................................................................6 SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500..............1,4 Sechoir MEC Dry Kiln Inc.: PQ 819-751-2294...................................1-6 TMS: AL 800-887-4027......................................................................2,6 U-C Coatings: NY 888-363-2628..........................................................5 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287..........................................2,3 Unitemp Dry Kilns LLC: AR 870-777-2375 ..................................1,2,4,5 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ..........................................................1-4,6 VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 ..............................4 Wagner Meters: OR 800-581-2722.......................................................4 Wellons Inc.: WA 1-800-WELLONS .............................................1,2,4,6 KILNS 1. Continuous 2. Dehumidification 3. Direct-fired 4. Radio frequency 5. Solar 6. Steam 7. Vacuum American Wood Dryers: OR 503-655-1955....................................1-3,6 American Wood Technology: GA 877-785-0274..................................7 BEP Engineering Services Ltd.: BC 855-575-3322 .....................1-3,6,7 Better Built Dry Kilns Inc.: KY 859-578-8240..................................2,3,6 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1-7 Brunner Hildebrand Lumber Dry Kiln Co.: TN 615-469-0745 ...................................................................1-3,6,7 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 .......................................................................3 KDS Windsor: NC 828-891-8115....................................................1,3,6 Lignomat USA Ltd.: OR 800-227-2105.................................................6 McConnell Technologies: AL 205-836-0396 ........................................3 Muehlboeck Holztrocknungsanlagen GmbH: Austria +43-7753-2296-201.......................................................1,2,6 Nova Dry Kiln LLC: KY 502-409-4539 ..................................................6 Nyle Systems: ME 800-777-6953 ......................................................2,6 Sechoir MEC Dry Kiln Inc.: PQ 819-751-2294................................1-3,6 SII Dry Kilns: NC 336-357-7146...................................................1,3,6,7 Unitemp Dry Kilns LLC: AR 870-777-2375 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ..........................................................1-3,6 Valutec AB: Sweden +46-910-879-50 ..................................................1 Valutec Wood Dryers Inc.: BC 778-868-3695....................................1 Wellons Inc.: WA 1-800-WELLONS ................................................1,3,6 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182...........................................................................2,5 48


1. Anvil 2. Chipper 3. Chipping head 4. Clipper 5. Counter 6. Feeder 7. Flaker 8. Guillotine 9. Hog 10. Lathe 11. Moulder/planer head 12. Staylog 13. Veneer 14. Other Acrowood Corp.: WA 425-258-3555 ............................................2,5,13 Akhurst Machinery Inc.: WA 888-265-4826........................................11 Andritz Iggesund Tools: FL 813-855-6902 ........................................2,3 Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 ...................1-10,13,14 BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523...............................................1-11,13,14 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1-3 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 ..............................1-11,13,14 Ceratizit S.A.: Luxembourg +352 31 20 85-1 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 ....................................1-11,13,14 Dispoz-A-Blade LLC: NY 800-557-8092.............................................14 DK-Spec: QC 418-831-3333.............................................................1-6 Fulghum Industries Inc.: GA 478-252-5223, 800-841-5980........1,2,5 Gilbert Products Inc.: QC 418-275-5041............................................11 Kadant Carmanah Design: BC 604-299-3431.............................1,2,5,7 Kanefusa USA Inc.: KY 859-283-1450 ..............1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,13,14 Key Knife Inc.: OR 503-403-2000..............................................1-3,7,11 Lindsay/Lindex: WA 503-331-0783 .............................................2,3,5,9 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Missoula Saws Inc.: MT 800-735-7161 ...........................................1-13 Morbark LLC: MI 800-831-0042 ........................................................1,2 Newman Machine Co. Inc.: NC 336-273-8261...................................11 Oleson Saw Technology: PA 800-256-8259 B.H. Payne & Co Inc..: GA 800-752-0627 ....................................4-6,14 PCS VacDry USA: PA 570-995-1118 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181 ......................................2,5 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875...........................................1,2,5 Rawlings Manufacturing Inc.: MT 406-728-6182, 866-762-937 ............................................................9 Sharp Tool Co. Inc.: MA 800-221-5452.......................................1-3,5-8 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 .............................1-11,13,14 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Stringer Industries Inc.: MS 601-876-3376.....................................1,2,5 TMS: AL 800-887-4027......................................................1-3,5,6,10,13 U.S. Blades: SC 843-673-0110 .............................................1-11,13,14 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442 ....................1-8,10,13,14 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR .............................................................1-3 Williams Patent Crusher & Pulverizer Co. Inc.: MO 314-621-3348.........................................................................2,9 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556............................1,2,9,11,14 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182............................................................................11 Yates American Machine Co.: WI 1-800-PLANERS ...........................11 LANDING TABLES BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Mill Tech Industries: BC 250-832-2586 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Northwest Machinery Supply Co. LLC: OR 503-880-0975 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Tri-Tech Machine Ltd.: BC 604-524-4711 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 LASER GUIDE LIGHTS Autolog Production Management Inc.: QC 450-434-8389 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Cemar Electro: NY 800-298-5273 Connexus Industries: OR 800-367-9992 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 Galardy Technical Services Ltd.: BC 800-941-8878 LIMAB: Sweden +46-31-58-44-00 LMI Technologies Inc.: BC 604-636-1011 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344

LASER MEASUREMENT & ALIGNMENT SYSTEMS Easy-Laser AB: Sweden +46 31 708 63 00 LEVEL SWITCHES BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Pantron Automation Inc.: NC 704-825-4965, 800-211-9468 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Telco Sensors Inc.: NC 704-357-9393 LINEAR POSITIONERS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Bishop-Wisecarver: CA 925-439-8272 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 Lewis Controls Inc.: OR 503-648-9119 MPM Engineering Ltd.: BC 604-574-1397 Optimil Machinery Inc.: BC 604-946-6911 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 Westcoast Cylinders Inc., Royal Cylinders Div.: BC 877-637-6925 LOG EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS 1. Bucking/merchandising 2. Merchandising systems 3. Singulation systems 4. Splitters 5. Stackers 6. Stop & loaders 7. Turners Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333..............................5-7 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194................................................1,2,7 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1-7 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880....................................................1,2,6,7 Briggs Machine & Fabrication LLC: WA 509-535-0125 .......................6 Carbotech: QC 819-362-6317, 800-387-6317.....................................3 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700..............................1,2,6,7 Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213.................................................7 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885.................................2,3,6 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 .......................................................................1 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 ..............................1-3 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 ........................................1-7 Fulghum Industries Inc.: GA 478-252-5223, 800-841-5980..............6 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 ..........................................................6,7 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 ...................................................1,3,5,6 L-M Equipment Ltd.: BC 604-576-0088..........................................1,2,4 LeTourneau Technologies America Inc.: OR 503-669-1276 ................5 Linden Fabricating Ltd.: BC 250-561-1181 .................................3,6,7 LMI Technologies Inc.: BC 604-636-1011 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 ................................................7 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 ....................................1,3,6,7 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 .....................................................4 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 ............................................................5,6 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 ..................................................1-3,5,7 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875.................................................3 Promac Group: BC 800-665-5405 ......................................................3 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842 ............................................1-3,6,9,11,15 Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 ..........................................3,5 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Sering Sawmill Mach. Co.: WA 360-687-2667......................................7 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 .......................1-7 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 ........................................1-7 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 .................................................3-7 Taylor Machine Works Inc.: MS 662-773-3421.....................................5 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803 ............1-3,5,7 Tri-Tech Machine Ltd.: BC 604-524-4711 ............................................6 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442.......................................1 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 .......................1-7 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556.........................................1,5 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182..............................................................................4 LOG LOADERS 1. Front end 2. Knuckleboom 3. Stackers Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333.................................1 Allied Systems Co./Wagner: OR 800-285-7000 ...................................3 Barko Hydraulics LLC: WI 715-395-6700 .............................................2 John Deere Construction & Forestry: IL 800-503-3373 .....................1,2 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 Heavy Machines Inc.: TN 901-260-2200 ...........................................1,2 Precision Husky Corp.: AL 205-640-5181 .........................................2 Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 .............................................1 SENNEBOGEN LLC: NC 704-347-4910 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 Tanguay Machinery: QC 800-463-9856 ...............................................2



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PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES (Address listings begin on page 62.) Tigercat Industries Inc.: ON 519-753-2000 .......................................2 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803......................2 Wicker Machine Co. Inc.: MS 800-748-9476........................................1 LOG MANAGEMENT 1. Stitches Simply Computing Int’l. Inc., dba Voice Controlled Solutions: ME 800-903-4122 U-C Coatings: NY 888-363-2628..........................................................1 LOG SCALING Mudata SAS: France +33-450-719634 Rema Sawco: Sweden +46-155-55950 Simply Computing Int’l. Inc., dba Voice Controlled Solutions: ME 800-903-4122 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 Woodtech Measurement Solutions: OR 503-720-2361 LUBRICANTS Alderman’s Saw Shop Inc.: VA 804-333-4895 Arkema Inc.: PA 800-225-7788 BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523 Biolube Inc.: IN 260-414-9633 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 Connexus Industries: OR 800-367-9992 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 U.S. Blades: SC 843-673-0110 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 LUBRICATING SYSTEMS Alderman’s Saw Shop Inc.: VA 804-333-4895 AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Biolube Inc.: IN 260-414-9633 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213 Connexus Industries: OR 800-367-9992 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Stenner Ltd.: United Kingdom +44-0-1884-255700 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 U.S. Blades: SC 843-673-0110 LUG LOADERS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Carbotech: QC 819-362-6317, 800-387-6317 Mill Tech Industries: BC 250-832-2586 Northwest Machinery Supply Co. LLC: OR 503-880-0975 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 LUMBER EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS 1. Coating chemicals 2. Coding/marking equipment 3. Fences 4. Grading systems 5. Inventory 6. Lumber sizing 7. Magnets 8. Markers 9. Package makers 10. Sizing 11. Stackers/unstackers 12. Stickers 13. Tally systems 14. Transfers 15. Unscramblers 16. Primary breakdown 17. Profilers 18. Treating Action Equipment Co. Inc.: OR 503-537-1111 .....................................7 American Wood Technology: GA 877-785-0274..................................4 AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 ................................................3,4,13 50


Arkema Inc.: PA 800-225-7788 ............................................................1 Autolog Production Management Inc.: QC 450-434-8389 .....................................................................4,6,10,13 Automation & Electronics USA: LA 318-548-5138, 318-548-7852 ...........................................................................10,12 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194...............................................14,15 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .........................3-7,9-15 Buntint: KS 800-835-2526.....................................................................7 Carbotech: QC 819-362-6317, 800-387-6317...................3,9,11,14,15 Claussen All Mark Ind. Intl. Inc.: FL 800-252-2736........................4,8 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425.....................................................9,11 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 ...........................................................11,14,15 D02 Industrial: QC 888-276-0554 Eriez: PA 814-835-6000........................................................................7 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 .............................5,10,13,14 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 ...............................................................1-5,7,8,10-14 HewSaw Machines Inc.: BC 604-852-7293...................................16.17 Hexion Inc.: OH 888-443-9466.............................................................1 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 ......................................................14,15 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 .....................................................13,14 Hydra Power Systems Inc.: OR 800-777-5047 (IBC) International Bar Coding Systems: BC 250-493-3201 ........2,5,13 Lonza Wood Protection: GA 678-624-5800........................................18 Lucidyne Technologies Inc.: OR 541-753-5111................................4 Matthews Marking Systems: PA 412-665-2500....................................2 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755.......................................14,15 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 ...................................4,13-15 Microtec Innovating Wood: Italy +39-0472-273-611 ............................4 Mill Tech Industries: BC 250-832-2586 ..............................3,9,11,14,15 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 .....................................................3 Nyle Systems: ME 800-777-6953 .......................................................18 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 ............................................3,4,6,9,11-15 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 ...........................................................4 REA JET: OH 440-232-0555................................................................2 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494............................17 Ernst Reiner GmbH & Co. KG Germany +49 7723 657 0 ..............2,8,9 Rema Sawco: Sweden +46-155-55950.............................................3,4 Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 .................................11,12,15 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583.....................................2,5 Samuel Coding & Labeling: BC 604-521-3700, 800-667-1264 ...............................................................................2,4 SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500............2,13 SiCam Systems: BC 604-584-7151 ......................................................6 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 ....................4 Signode Corp.: IL 800-323-2464 ........................................................13 Simply Computing Int’l. Inc., dba Voice Controlled Solutions: ME 800-903-4122 ....................................................................4,5,13 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 ..................1,3-15 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 ......................................1-15 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 ...............................4,6,8-11,14,15 Telco Sensors Inc.: NC 704-357-9393 ..........................................6,10 Timber Automation: AR 501-623-0065, 800-286-7803..............3,9,11 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162........................14,15 Tri-Tech Machine Ltd.: BC 604-524-4711 ..........................................15 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 .....................................3,4,11-15 U-C Coatings: NY 888-363-2628..........................................................1 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442...............................1,9,10 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR................................................2-6,9,11-15 VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 ......................4,8,15 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 ......9,11,12,14,15 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556....................2-4,8,9,11,14,15 LUMBER PROTECTION 1. Brightening 2. Inhibitors 3. Insect prevention 4. Treating Lonza Wood Protection: GA 678-624-5800.......................................1-4 LUMBER WRAPS D02 Industrial: QC 888-276-0554 Interwrap/Owens Corning: OH 800-567-9727 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370 TMS: AL 800-887-4027 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 LVL/I-JOIST SYSTEMS Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 D02 Industrial: QC 888-276-0554 Globe Machine Mfg. Co.: WA 253-383-2584 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 MACHINE STRESS RATED EQUIPMENT American Wood Technology: GA 877-785-0274 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Dynalyse AB: Sweden +46-31-44-86-32 Metriguard Technologies Inc.: WA 509-332-7526 SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500

USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 MATCHERS Ledinek Engineering d.o.o.: Slovenia +386-2-61300-61 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 MATERIAL HANDLER Combilift Ltd.: NC 877-COMBI-56 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Keith Mfg. Co.: OR 800-547-6161 Taylor Machine Works Inc.: MS 662-773-3421 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370 Terex Deutschland Gmbh: Germany +49-0-7253-84-0 MOISTURE METERS Akhurst Machinery Inc.: WA 888-265-4826 American Wood Technology: GA 877-785-0274 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Brookhuis America Inc.: GA 877-785-0274 Brunner Hildebrand Lumber Dry Kiln Co.: TN 615-469-0745 Delmhorst Instrument Co.: NJ 877-DELMHORST (335-6467) Dynalyse AB: Sweden +46-31-44-86-32 Fagus GreCon Inc.: NC 704-912-0000 Forestry Suppliers Inc.: MS 800-360-7788 Lignomat USA Ltd.: OR 800-227-2105 Microtec Innovating Wood: Italy +39-0472-273-611 Moist Tech: FL 941-727-1800 SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 Wagner Meters: OR 800-581-2722 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182 MOLDERS Akhurst Machinery Inc.: WA 888-265-4826 Gilbert Products Inc.: QC 418-275-5041 Ledinek Engineering d.o.o.: Slovenia +386-2-61300-61 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182 MULCH COLORING EQUIP. Bandit Industries Inc.: MI 800-952-0178 Rotochopper Inc.: MN 320-548-3586 OPTIMIZERS/SCANNERS 1. Bucking 2. Cant (gang) 3. Carriage 4. Chop-saw 5. Edger 6. End-dogging 7. Grade 8. Planer 9. Ripsaw 10. Safety 11. Sharp chain 12. Trimmer American Wood Technology: GA 877-785-0274............................4,8,9 Autolog Production Management Inc.: QC 450-434-8389..........1-12 Automation & Electronics USA: LA 318-548-5138, 318-548-7852 .......................................................................3,5,9,12 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 ...............................1-12 Can Am Chains: OR 503-657-1158 ...............................................11,12 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700...............................3,5,12 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885............................2,5,6,11 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 ............................................2,3,5,6 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 ................................1-6,9,12 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891........................................................................9,12 Hermary: BC 604-517-4625............................................1,2,5,7,8,10,12 JoeScan: WA 360-993-0069 ..........................................................1-12 Lewis Controls Inc.: OR 503-648-9119......................................3,5,6,11 LIMAB: Sweden +46-31-58-44-00............................................2,5-9,12 Linden Fabricating Ltd.: BC 250-561-1181 .......................................4 LMI Technologies Inc.: BC 604-636-1011 Lucidyne Technologies Inc.: OR 541-753-5111 .........................4,7-9 Mac Chain Co. Ltd.: WA 800-663-0072.........................................11,12 Maxi Mill Inc.: OR 541-926-4449 ..................................................3,6,11 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755.....................................2,3,5,6 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200..................................2,3,5,9 Mereen-Johnson LLC: MN 612-529-7791 ............................................9 Microtec Innovating Wood: Italy +39-0472-273-611.......................1-12 MPM Engineering Ltd.: BC 604-574-1397 ..............................1-9,11,12 Mudata SAS: France +33-450-719634 .......................................1-6,12 Nelson Bros Eng.: WA 888-623-2882 Newman Machine Co. Inc.: NC 336-273-8261...................................12 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 ..........................................................8,12 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 ................................................5,7,8,12 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494 Rema Sawco: Sweden +46-155-55950



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PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES (Address listings begin on page 62.) Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 ......................................10,12 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583......................................10 Saw Control Systems: ID 208-691-1732...............................................3 SiCam Systems: BC 604-584-7151 ...................................2,5,6,8,11,12 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 ..................10 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500....................................4,7-9,12 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 .........................................2,5,9,12 Telco Sensors Inc.: NC 704-357-9393 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ...................................................1-9,11,12 VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 .............1,2,5,7,8,12 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556.........................................7,8 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182..............................................................................5 Yates American Machine Co.: WI 1-800-PLANERS .............................8 PACKAGING EQUIPMENT BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Caristrap International Inc.: PQ 450-667-4700 Claussen All Mark Ind. Intl. Inc.: FL 800-252-2736 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 D02 Industrial: QC 888-276-0554 HEM-SORT Slings: TX 936-867-4801 (IBC) International Bar Coding Systems: BC 250-493-3201 Interwrap/Owens Corning: OH 800-567-9727 L-M Equipment Ltd.: BC 604-576-0088 Mill Tech Industries: BC 250-832-2586 Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 Samuel Packaging Systems Group: BC 604-521-3700, 800-667-1264 Signode Corp.: IL 800-323-2464 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 PALLET EQUIPMENT Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880 Brunner Hildebrand Lumber Dry Kiln Co.: TN 615-469-0745 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 L-M Equipment Ltd.: BC 604-576-0088 Newman Machine Co. Inc.: NC 336-273-8261 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370 Viking Engineering & Development: MN 800-328-2403 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182 PELLET MILLS/COMPONENTS Amandus Kahl USA Corp.: GA 770-521-1021 Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Flying Dutchman Inc.: OH 330-669-2297 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Muehlboeck Holztrocknungsanlagen GmbH: Austria +43-7753-2296-201 Vecoplan Midwest LLC: IN 812-923-4992 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 PHOTO CELLS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Mudata SAS: France +33-450-719634 Pantron Automation Inc.: NC 704-825-4965, 800-211-9468 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 PLANER JOINTER STONES BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Sharp Tool Co. Inc.: MA 800-221-5452 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 PLANERS Akhurst Machinery Inc.: WA 888-265-4826 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 Gilbert Products Inc.: QC 418-275-5041 Key Knife Inc.: OR 503-403-2000 Ledinek Engineering d.o.o.: Slovenia +386-2-61300-61 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Newman Machine Co. Inc.: NC 336-273-8261 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 52


USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182 PLASTICS (ENGINEERED) Can Am Chains: OR 503-657-1158 Northern Plastics Ltd.: BC 250-832-9452 Redwood Plastics Corp.: GA 800-345-7099 PORTABLE SAWMILLS Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194 Hurdle Machine Works Inc.: TN 901-877-6251 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 Premier Bandwheel & Equip. Ltd.: BC 604-591-2080 Resch & 3 GmbH: Italy +39-0471-353-137 Select Sawmill Co.: ON 866-724-7600 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182 POWER TRANSMISSION GROUP 1. Bearings 2. Belts 3. Brakes, motor 4. Bushings 5. Chain 6. Clutches 7. Control start systems 8. Conveyor belt maintenance products 9. Conveyor chain 10. Drives 11. Gear reducers 12. Gears 13. Power transmission systems 14. Sheaves 15. Speed reducers 16. Sprockets 17. Starters 18. Switches 19. Take-up frames 20. Wiring 21. Transformers 22. Circuit breakers 23. Actuators American Contex Corp.: NY 212-249-2670..........................................3 AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 ............................................10-12,20 Arrow Speed Controls: BC 604-321-4033 ..........................................10 Better Built Dry Kilns Inc.: KY 859-578-8240.................................10,15 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 ...............................1-20 Bishop-Wisecarver: CA 925-439-8272 ..............................................1,4 Brown Machinery & Supply Inc.: AR 800-748-9801 Can Am Chains: OR 503-657-1158 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 ................10 Climax Metal Products: OH 800-542-6552................................1,4,8,13 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400 ...................1-5,8-16,19 Flexco: IL 800-541-8028 Force Control Industries Inc.: OH 800-869-3244 .........................3,6,13 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Mac Chain Co. Ltd.: WA 800-663-0072........................................5,9,16 Redwood Plastics Corp.: GA 800-345-7099 .....................1,4,5,9,14,16 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583........................................7 Row Electrical Equipment Inc.: OH 800-248-4479........................21,22 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Tech Roll Inc.: WA 888-946-3929 TMS: AL 800-887-4027 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287.............................................8 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ...................................................5,9,11,12 Webster Industries Inc.: OH 419-447-8232.....................................9,16 Westcoast Cylinders Inc., Royal Cylinders Div.: BC 877-637-6925 ..........................................................................23 PREDRYERS American Wood Dryers: OR 503-655-1955 Better Built Dry Kilns Inc.: KY 859-578-8240 Brunner Hildebrand Lumber Dry Kiln Co.: TN 615-469-0745 SII Dry Kilns: NC 336-357-7146 Unitemp Dry Kilns LLC: AR 870-777-2375 PRESSES 1. CLT 2 Glulam 3. LVL Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425..........................................................2 Dieffenbacher USA Inc.: GA 770-226-6394 .........................................3 Kallesoe Machinery: Denmark +45 97 34 15 55 ...............................1,2 Minda Industrieanlagen GmbH: Germany +49-571-3997-213 ......1,2 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500............................................1-3 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR .............................................................1-3 PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE PROGRAMS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Brunson Instrument Co.: MO 877-MEASURE Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543

CAW-Wiesloch: Germany +49 0 6222 572621 LDX Solutions: GA 770-429-5575 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Rotochopper Inc.: MN 320-548-3586 Signode Corp.: IL 800-323-2464 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 PRINTERS (LOGO, GRADE) Autolog Production Management Inc.: QC 450-434-8389 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Claussen All Mark Ind. Intl. Inc.: FL 800-252-2736 D02 Industrial: QC 888-276-0554 (IBC) International Bar Coding Systems: BC 250-493-3201 REA JET: OH 440-232-0555 Samuel Coding & Labeling: BC 604-521-3700, 800-667-1264 Signode Corp.: IL 800-323-2464 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 RECLAIMERS 1. Silo 2. Sticker AFS Energy Systems: PA 717-763-0286 ...........................................1 Atlas Systems LLC: WA 509-535-7775.................................................1 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1,2 Flying Dutchman Inc.: OH 330-669-2297.............................................1 Gilbert Products Inc.: QC 418-275-5041..............................................1 Heavy Machines Inc.: TN 901-260-2200 ..............................................2 Smithco Mfg. Inc.: OR 503-295-6590 ...................................................1 TerraSource Global: IL 855-483-7721................................................1 RESAWS 1. Horizontal 2. Linebar Akhurst Machinery Inc.: WA 888-265-4826.......................................1,2 Automation & Electronics USA: LA 318-548-5138, 318-548-7852 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1,2 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880.............................................................1 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 ........................2 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885....................................1,2 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 ..................................1 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 ..................................................1,2 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 ..................................1,2 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 .........................................1,2 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 ..........................................................1,2 Hurdle Machine Works Inc.: TN 901-877-6251 ....................................1 L-M Equipment Ltd.: BC 604-576-0088................................................1 Lewis Controls Inc.: OR 503-648-9119..............................................1,2 Linck Holzverarbeitungstechnik: Germany +49-7802-933-0........1,2 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755...........................................1,2 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200...........................................1 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 .............................................2 Optimil Machinery Inc.: BC 604-946-6911......................................1,2 Resch & 3 GmbH: Italy +39-0471-353-137 ..........................................1 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Stenner Ltd.: United Kingdom +44-0-1884-255700 ..........................1,2 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 .................................................1,2 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762...................................................2 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR .............................................................1,2 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182..............................................................................1 RESINS Arkema Inc.: PA 800-225-7788 Hexion Inc.: OH 888-443-9466 RIPSAWS Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880 California Saw & Knife Works LLC: OR 415-861-0644, 541-900-9122 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 Globe Machine Mfg. Co.: WA 253-383-2584 HewSaw Machines Inc.: BC 604-852-7293 Linck Holzverarbeitungstechnik: Germany +49-7802-933-0 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 Mereen-Johnson LLC: MN 612-529-7791 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR



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PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES (Address listings begin on page 62.) ROBOTICS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Bishop-Wisecarver: CA 925-439-8272 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 Globe Machine Mfg. Co.: WA 253-383-2584 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Samuel Coding & Labeling: BC 604-521-3700, 800-667-1264 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370 Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711 ROLLCASES/FEEDROLLS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 Globe Machine Mfg. Co.: WA 253-383-2584 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 L-M Equipment Ltd.: BC 604-576-0088 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 Tri-Tech Machine Ltd.: BC 604-524-4711 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 ROLLING STOCK/MATERIAL HANDLING Combilift Ltd.: NC 877-COMBI-56 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Kallesoe Machinery: Denmark +45 97 34 15 55 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 RUN-AROUNDS Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182 SAFETY/PROTECTIVE PRODUCTS 1. Apparel 2. Equipment 3. Shade cloth Caristrap International Inc.: PQ 450-667-4700.....................................2 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400....................................2 Forestry Suppliers Inc.: MS 800-360-7788 ........................................1,2 Hansentek: ON 905-607-5780..............................................................2 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583........................................2 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 ....................2 TMS: AL 800-887-4027 U-C Coatings: NY 888-363-2628..........................................................3 SAW ACCESSORIES 1. Bits 2. Blades 3. Bodies 4. Collars 5. Guides 6. Insert teeth 7. Saw centering adapters 8. Shanks 9. Steel mfg. 10. Tips (carbide) 11. Tips (hard metal) 12. Vibration analysis Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 ...............................3,9 Armstrong Mfg. Co.: OR 503-228-8381................................................8 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194...................................................2,5 BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523 ................................................1-8,10-12 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 ....................................5 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 ................................1-8,10,11 California Saw & Knife Works LLC: OR 415-861-0644, 541-900-9122 .................................................2,3,7,9 Ceratizit S.A.: Luxembourg +352 31 20 85-1 .............................2,10,11 CHACO LTD: Switzerland +41-26-497-97-11 ......................................5 Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213.................................................5 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 ......................................1-8,10,11 Kennametal Stellite Inc.: ON 800-267-2886 ..................................10,11 Linden Fabricating Ltd.: BC 250-561-1181 ....................................4,9 Lindsay/Lindex: WA 503-331-0783 ...................................................4,8 Mason Sales Co.: GA 478-946-7111 ....................................................2 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755..............................................5

Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 .............................................1,6 Missoula Saws Inc.: MT 800-735-7161 .....................................1-5,7-11 Oleson Saw Technology: PA 800-256-8259 B.H. Payne & Co Inc..: GA 800-752-0627.................................1-6,8-11 Peerless Saw Co.: OH 800-973-3753...........................................2,3,10 PRINZ GmbH & Co KG Kettensagetechnik: Austria 855-467-7469 ......................................................................3 Promac Group: BC 800-665-5405 ......................................................5 Redwood Plastics Corp.: GA 800-345-7099 ........................................5 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411...............4,5 Saw Control Systems: ID 208-691-1732.............................................10 Serra Maschinenbau GmbH: Germany +49-8051-96400-16 ...............2 Sharp Tool Co. Inc.: MA 800-221-5452...........................................1-11 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 .......................................1-12 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162...............................4 TMS: AL 800-887-4027...................................................................1,4,6 U.S. Blades: SC 843-673-0110 ...............................................1-8,10,11 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442 ...........................1-7,9-11 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ................................................................5 Williams & White Equipment: BC 800-293-2268 ..................................5 SAW EQUIPMENT/SYSTEMS 1. Arbors 2. Cryogenics 3. Deviation systems 4. Fabrication 5. Grinders 6. Levelers 7. Lubricating systems 8. Motors 9. Tensioners 10. Tipping equipment American Contex Corp.: NY 212-249-2670.......................................1,8 AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 ........................................................7 BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523...............................................1,5,-7,9,10 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 ...............................1-10 Brown Machinery & Supply Inc.: AR 800-748-9801 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 ............................1,3,5-7,9,10 CHACO LTD: Switzerland +41-26-497-97-11 ......................................3 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700.......................................1 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425..........................................................4 Cone Omega LLC: GA 229-228-9213.................................................1 Connexus Industries: OR 800-367-9992 ...........................................3,7 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 ...................................................1 Down River Croygenics West: ID 208-651-6500 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 ......................1,3,4,10 HMT Machine Tools Inc: SC 843-832-4410..................................5,9,10 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Kallesoe Machinery: Denmark +45 97 34 15 55 L-M Equipment Ltd.: BC 604-576-0088.............................................1,4 Linden Fabricating Ltd.: BC 250-561-1181 ...............................1,4,10 Longato Grinding Machines & Equip.: Italy +39-329-2361358............5 Missoula Saws Inc.: MT 800-735-7161 ...........................................5-10 Oleson Saw Technology: PA 800-256-8259...........................5,7,9,10 Premier Bandwheel & Equip. Ltd.: BC 604-591-2080 .......................1,4 Promac Group: BC 800-665-5405 ...................................................1,7 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842.............................................................1,4 Resch & 3 GmbH: Italy +39-0471-353-137 ..........................................5 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583........................................8 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411............1,3,4 Saw Add LLC: WA 360-459-9163 .......................................................3 Saw Control Systems: ID 208-691-1732 Sharp Tool Co. Inc.: MA 800-221-5452 SiCam Systems: BC 604-584-7151 ......................................................3 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 ..............................1,5-7,9,10 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162.........................1,4,7 U.S. Blades: SC 843-673-0110 ..............................................1,5-7,9,10 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442.......................................7 Universal Grinding Inc.: MI 616-222-0000 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR ..........................................................1,3,9 Vollmer Of America: PA 412-278-0655..............................................5 Williams & White Equipment: BC 800-293-2268 .......................5-7,9,10 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556......................................1,7,8 SAWMILL PACKAGES Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 Hurdle Machine Works Inc.: TN 901-877-6251 Longato Grinding Machines & Equip.: Italy +39-329-2361358 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 Morbark LLC: MI 800-831-0042 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842

Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Sharp Tool Co. Inc.: MA 800-221-5452 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 Universal Grinding Inc.: MI 616-222-0000 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 Williams & White Equipment: BC 800-293-2268 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 SAWS 1. Band 2. Chain/Bar 3. Circle 4. Package Alderman’s Saw Shop Inc.: VA 804-333-4895 ...............................1-3 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194...................................................1,3 BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523...........................................................1,3 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880..........................................................1,3 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 ..........................................1,3 California Saw & Knife Works LLC: OR 415-861-0644, 541-900-9122 ..........................................................3 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425.......................................................1,4 Conception R.P. Inc.: QC 418-871-6016..............................................2 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 ................................................1,3 DK-Spec: QC 418-831-3333.............................................................1,3 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 ..................................1,3 Holtec (USA) Corp.: FL 813-754-1665, 800-346-5832 ....................2,4 Kanefusa USA Inc.: KY 859-283-1450 .................................................3 L-M Equipment Ltd.: BC 604-576-0088 ............................................1-4 Lindsay/Lindex: WA 503-331-0783 ......................................................2 LM Equip. Co. Inc.: OR 800-228-0793 ..............................................2-4 Missoula Saws Inc.: MT 800-735-7161 .............................................1-4 Oleson Saw Technology: PA 800-256-8259...................................3,4 B.H. Payne & Co Inc..: GA 800-752-0627 ............................................3 Peerless Saw Co.: OH 800-973-3753................................................1,3 Premier Bandwheel & Equip. Ltd.: BC 604-591-2080 ..........................1 PRINZ GmbH & Co KG Kettensagetechnik: Austria 855-467-7469 ...................................................................2,4 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875.................................................3 Resch & 3 GmbH: Italy +39-0471-353-137 .......................................1,3 Sering Sawmill Mach. Co.: WA 360-687-2667...................................2,4 Serra Maschinenbau GmbH: Germany +49-8051-96400-16 ...............1 Sharp Tool Co. Inc.: MA 800-221-5452 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 .........................................1,3 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628............................................4 Sweed Machinery Inc.: OR 866-507-3660 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762................................................1,3 U.S. Blades: SC 843-673-0110..........................................................1,3 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442.................................1,2,4 Universal Grinding Inc.: MI 616-222-0000 SCALES 1. Lift truck 2. On-Board trailer 3. Platform (portable) 4. Platform (stationary) Cardinal Scale Mfg. Co.: MO 800-441-4237 .....................................3,4 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 .................3,4 SCANNING 1. Log load Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700 Colonial Saw: MA 781-585-4364 (IBC) International Bar Coding Systems: BC 250-493-3201 ................1 LMI Technologies Inc.: BC 604-636-1011 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 Woodtech Measurement Solutions: OR 503-720-2361 ........................1 SCRAGGS Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 SCRAP CHOPPERS 1. Metal 2. Other Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 ...............................1,2 Sweed Machinery Inc.: OR 866-507-3660 ........................................1,2 SEATING BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 J.R. Merritt Controls: CT 800-333-5762 TIMBER PROCESSING




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PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES (Address listings begin on page 62.) SENSORS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Connexus Industries: OR 800-367-9992 Electro-Sensors Inc.: MN 952-930-0100 LMI Technologies Inc.: BC 604-636-1011 Moist Tech: FL 941-727-1800 MTS Sensors: NC 919-677-0100 Pantron Automation Inc.: NC 704-825-4965, 800-211-9468 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Telco Sensors Inc.: NC 704-357-9393 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 Williams & White Equipment: BC 800-293-2268 SEPARATORS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Buntint: KS 800-835-2526 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 Magnetic Products Inc.: MI 248-887-5600 Optimil Machinery Inc.: BC 604-946-6911 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR SHARP CHAIN FEED SYSTEMS Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880 Connexus Industries: OR 800-367-9992 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 Mac Chain Co. Ltd.: WA 800-663-0072 Promac Group: BC 800-665-5405 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 Universal Grinding Inc.: MI 616-222-0000 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 SHARPENERS 1. Band saw 2. Circle saw 3. Knife Armstrong Mfg. Co.: OR 503-228-8381.............................................1,2 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194......................................................1 BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523..............................................................1 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 .............................................1 Colonial Saw: MA 781-585-4364 .......................................................1-3 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 ................................................1-3 HMT Machine Tools Inc: SC 843-832-4410.......................................2,3 Kanefusa USA Inc.: KY 859-283-1450 .................................................2 Longato Grinding Machines & Equip.: Italy +39-329-2361358.........1-3 Meadows Mills Inc.: NC 800-626-2282 ................................................2 Mebor D.O.O.: Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 Missoula Saws Inc.: MT 800-735-7161 .............................................1-3 Oleson Saw Technology: PA 800-256-8259 ..................................1-3 B.H. Payne & Co Inc..: GA 800-752-0627 .........................................1-3 PRINZ GmbH & Co KG Kettensagetechnik: Austria 855-467-7469 Resch & 3 GmbH: Italy +39-0471-353-137 ..........................................1 Serra Maschinenbau GmbH: Germany +49-8051-96400-16 ...............1 Sharp Tool Co. Inc.: MA 800-221-5452 .............................................1,3 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 U.S. Blades: SC 843-673-0110 .........................................................1-3 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442.......................................2 Universal Grinding Inc.: MI 616-222-0000 ........................................1,2 Vollmer Of America: PA 412-278-0655...........................................1,2 Williams & White Equipment: BC 800-293-2268 Wood-Mizer Sawmill & Wood Processing Equip.: IN 800-553-0182..............................................................................1 SHAVINGS MACHINES Newman Machine Co. Inc.: NC 336-273-8261 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Williams & White Equipment: BC 800-293-2268 SILOS AFS Energy Systems: PA 717-763-0286 Atlas Systems LLC: WA 509-535-7775 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864 Briggs Machine & Fabrication LLC: WA 509-535-0125 Flying Dutchman Inc.: OH 330-669-2297 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Wellons Inc.: WA 1-800-WELLONS 54


SORTERS 1. Log 2. Lumber (bin) 3. Lumber (sling) Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333..............................1-3 Automation & Electronics USA: LA 318-548-5138, 318-548-7852 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1-3 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864................................1 Carbotech: QC 819-362-6317, 800-387-6317.....................................2 Cardinal/Sawquip Equip. : QC 450-887-0958 ext. 101 ........................1 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885.......................................1 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 .................................1 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 ........................................1-3 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 ......................2 HEM-SORT Slings: TX 936-867-4801 ...................................................3 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 ............................................................1 Linck Holzverarbeitungstechnik: Germany +49-7802-933-0...............................................................1 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 .............................................2 Mill Tech Industries: BC 250-832-2586 ................................................2 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 ............................................................1-3 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 ........................................................2,3 Rema Sawco: Sweden +46-155-55950................................................1 Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 .............................................2 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Simply Computing Int’l. Inc., dba Voice Controlled Solutions: ME 800-903-4122 .........................................................................1,3 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 .......................1-3 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 ........................................1-3 Storti S.p.A.: Italy +39-0375-968311 .................................................1,2 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR .............................................................2,3 VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606...........................1-3 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 .......................1-3 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556.........................................1-3 STACKERS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Carbotech: QC 819-362-6317, 800-387-6317 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 Gillingham Best Inc.: WA 509-928-5463 Globe Machine Mfg. Co.: WA 253-383-2584 Hogue Industries: OR 503-656-5100 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Ledinek Engineering d.o.o.: Slovenia +386-2-61300-61 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 Mill Tech Industries: BC 250-832-2586 Morbark LLC: MI 800-831-0042 Northwest Machinery Supply Co. LLC: OR 503-880-0975 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842 Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 SENNEBOGEN LLC: NC 704-347-4910 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 STEAM TRAPS American Wood Dryers: OR 503-655-1955 Better Built Dry Kilns Inc.: KY 859-578-8240 STEAMERS American Wood Dryers: OR 503-655-1955 Better Built Dry Kilns Inc.: KY 859-578-8240 STENCIL SYSTEMS Matthews Marking Systems: PA 412-665-2500 Samuel Coding & Labeling: BC 604-521-3700, 800-667-1264 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370 STICKER PLACERS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Mill Tech Industries: BC 250-832-2586 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677

STRAPPING SYSTEMS 1. Sticker handling Caristrap International Inc.: PQ 450-667-4700 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 HEM-SORT Slings: TX 936-867-4801 Itipack Systems: ON 866-999-3695 L-M Equipment Ltd.: BC 604-576-0088 McGregor Packaging: GA 800-362-9332 Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 .............................................1 Samuel Packaging Systems Group: BC 604-521-3700, 800-667-1264 Signode Corp.: IL 800-323-2464 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 STRENGTH GRADING Brookhuis America Inc.: GA 877-785-0274 Metriguard Technologies Inc.: WA 509-332-7526 Microtec Innovating Wood: Italy +39-0472-273-611 SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR TARPING SYSTEMS U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 THICKNESS DEVICES BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 Microtec Innovating Wood: Italy +39-0472-273-611 Moist Tech: FL 941-727-1800 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 SiCam Systems: BC 604-584-7151 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR TIE HANDLING Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 TILT HOISTS Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Carbotech: QC 819-362-6317, 800-387-6317 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 Conception R.P. Inc.: QC 418-871-6016 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 Ledinek Engineering d.o.o.: Slovenia +386-2-61300-61 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 Northwest Machinery Supply Co. LLC: OR 503-880-0975 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Tri-Tech Machine Ltd.: BC 604-524-4711 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 TIPPLES BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Carbotech: QC 819-362-6317, 800-387-6317 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 TRAILERS 1. Flat 2. Live floor 3. Log 4. Lowboy 5. Pulpwood 6. Van Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864................................2 Evans Trailer: SC 803-968-0678.....................................................1,3,4 Keith Mfg. Co.: OR 800-547-6161 ........................................................2 KNL Holdings LLC: AR 870-236-7753...............................................1,2 Titan Trailers: ON 519-688-4826 .................................................1-3,5,6



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PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES (Address listings begin on page 62.) TRANSFER SYSTEMS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880 Briggs Machine & Fabrication LLC: WA 509-535-0125 Carbotech: QC 819-362-6317, 800-387-6317 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Machinery Service Co. Inc.: ME 207-882-6788 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 Northwest Machinery Supply Co. LLC: OR 503-880-0975 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556

VIDEO LIMIT SWITCHES Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711 VIDEO SURVEILLANCE BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Galardy Technical Services Ltd.: BC 800-941-8878 Opticom Tech: MI 800-578-1853 US/Can. VISION SYSTEMS BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 LMI Technologies Inc.: BC 604-636-1011 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR WEAR RESISTANT COMPONENTS Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556


1. Chemical 2. Non-Chemical 3. Heat American Wood Technology: GA 877-785-0274...............................1,2 Brunner Hildebrand Lumber Dry Kiln Co.: TN 615-469-0745..........2 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 ......................1 ISK Biocides Inc.: TN 800-238-2523 ....................................................1 LDX Solutions: GA 770-429-5575.........................................................1 Lonza Wood Protection: GA 678-624-5800..........................................1 Muehlboeck Holztrocknungsanlagen GmbH: Austria +43-7753-2296-201.............................................................2 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583.....................................1,2 U-C Coatings: NY 888-363-2628..........................................................1 TRIMMERS 1. Multi drop-saw 2. Submarine 3. Two-saw Automation & Electronics USA: LA 318-548-5138, 318-548-7852 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1,3 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880.............................................................3 Carbotech: QC 819-362-6317, 800-387-6317..................................1,3 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700....................................1,3 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425..........................................................3 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885....................................1,3 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 ..................................................1,3 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 .......................................................................3 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 .....................................1 Finega Group: France +33-0474-944817 .........................................1,3 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 ...................1,3 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 ..........................................................1,3 Holtec (USA) Corp.: FL 813-754-1665, 800-346-5832 ....................1,3 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 ..........................................1,3 Mill Tech Industries: BC 250-832-2586 ................................................1 Newman Machine Co. Inc.: NC 336-273-8261..................................1,3 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 ............................................................1-3 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 ...........................................................1 Renholmen AB: Sweden +46 912 40800 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 .......................1-3 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 ........................................1-3 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762................................................1,3 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR .............................................................1,3 VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 West Coast Industrial Systems: OR 541-451-6677 VALVES 1. Air 2. Pneumatic servo 3. Pressure control 4. Servo AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 .....................................................3,4 Better Built Dry Kilns Inc.: KY 859-578-8240.....................................1,4 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1-4 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691..........................................................1-4 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 VENEER EQUIPMENT/SERVICES Acrowood Corp.: WA 425-258-3555 Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 Metriguard Technologies Inc.: WA 509-332-7526 SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500 JULY/AUGUST 2020

Electro-Sensors Inc.: MN 952-930-0100

SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500




TREATING CYLINDERS American Wood Technology: GA 877-785-0274


USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711 Westmill Industries Ltd.: BC 604-607-7010

Bishop-Wisecarver: CA 925-439-8272 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 Longato Grinding Machines & Equip.: Italy +39-329-2361358 WINCHES Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875 WIRE ROPE Brown Machinery & Supply Inc.: AR 800-748-9801 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 WOOD ENERGY SYSTEMS Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 Better Built Dry Kilns Inc.: KY 859-578-8240 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864 CAW-Wiesloch: Germany +49 0 6222 572621 Flying Dutchman Inc.: OH 330-669-2297 Hurst Boiler & Welding Co. Inc.: GA 877-994-8778 McConnell Technologies: AL 205-836-0396 Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711 Wellons Inc.: WA 1-800-WELLONS WOODWASTE RECYCLING SYSTEMS Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864 Buntint: KS 800-835-2526 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 Flying Dutchman Inc.: OH 330-669-2297 Hurst Boiler & Welding Co. Inc.: GA 877-994-8778 Koger Air Corp.: VA 800-368-2096 Mellott Mfg. Co. Inc.: PA 717-369-3125 Rawlings Manufacturing Inc.: MT 406-728-6182, 866-762-937 Vecoplan Midwest LLC: IN 812-923-4992 Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711 West Salem Machinery: OR 800-722-3530

SERVICES CHIP MILLS (TURNKEY) Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Kadant Carmanah Design: BC 604-299-3431 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711 CONSTRUCTION BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Casey Industrial Inc.: CO 303-460-1274 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287

Wellons Inc.: WA 1-800-WELLONS Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 CONSULTING Acculine Rails: OR 541-760-7173 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194 The Beck Group: OR 503-684-3406 BEP Engineering Services Ltd.: BC 855-575-3322 BGR Saws: QC 800-363-3523 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Brunson Instrument Co.: MO 877-MEASURE Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 CAW-Wiesloch: Germany +49 0 6222 572621 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 Evergreen Engineering Inc.: OR 888-484-4771 HALCO Software Systems Ltd.: BC 604-731-9311 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 Hunt, Guillot & Associates: LA 318-255-6825 (IBC) International Bar Coding Systems: BC 250-493-3201 Inprove Inc.: ON 833-626-0195 Intertech Inc.: OR 800-248-0988 Johnson & Pace Inc: TX 903-753-0663 Kallesoe Machinery: Denmark +45 97 34 15 55 Machinery Service Co. Inc.: ME 207-882-6788 Mid South Engineering Co.: AR 501-321-2276 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Minda Industrieanlagen GmbH: Germany +49-571-3997-213 Optware Solutions LLC: OR 503-645-2390 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 SAWNET: SC 803-424-1794 Simply Computing Int’l. Inc., dba Voice Controlled Solutions: ME 800-903-4122 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Top Wood Jobs LLC: WA 360-263-3371 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Wechsler Engineering: GA 404-370-0991 Wellons Inc.: WA 1-800-WELLONS Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 CONTRACT MAINTENANCE Acculine Rails: OR 541-760-7173 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Brunson Instrument Co.: MO 877-MEASURE Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 Heavy Machines Inc.: TN 901-260-2200 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 Progress Engineering: ME 207-623-0110 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Top Wood Jobs LLC: WA 360-263-3371 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 CUTTING TOOL BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Ceratizit S.A.: Luxembourg +352 31 20 85-1 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 DK-Spec: QC 418-831-3333 Sharp Tool Co. Inc.: MA 800-221-5452 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442 EDUCATION BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 Cut Technologies: BC 800-667-7297 Intertech Inc.: OR 800-248-0988 SAWNET: SC 803-424-1794 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Top Wood Jobs LLC: WA 360-263-3371 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 ENGINEERING & DESIGN AFS Energy Systems: PA 717-763-0286 American Pulverizer Co.: MO 314-781-6100 AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 BEP Engineering Services Ltd.: BC 855-575-3322 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864 Bishop-Wisecarver: CA 925-439-8272 California Saw & Knife Works LLC: OR 415-861-0644, 541-900-9122



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PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES (Address listings begin on page 62.) Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 CAW-Wiesloch: Germany +49 0 6222 572621 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 Corley Mfg. Co.: TN 423-698-0284 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 Evergreen Engineering Inc.: OR 888-484-4771 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 Hunt, Guillot & Associates: LA 318-255-6825 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Hydra Power Systems Inc.: OR 800-777-5047 Intertech Inc.: OR 800-248-0988 Johnson & Pace Inc: TX 903-753-0663 Kallesoe Machinery: Denmark +45 97 34 15 55 Ledinek Engineering d.o.o.: Slovenia +386-2-61300-61 Linden Fabricating Ltd.: BC 250-561-1181 Mac Chain Co. Ltd.: WA 800-663-0072 J.R. Merritt Controls: CT 800-333-5762 Mid South Engineering Co.: AR 501-321-2276 Mill Power Inc.: OR 541-447-1100 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Piche Inc.: PQ 833-574-4333 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 Progress Engineering: ME 207-623-0110 Promac Group: BC 800-665-5405 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Samuel Packaging Systems Group: BC 604-521-3700, 800-667-1264 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 Top Wood Jobs LLC: WA 360-263-3371 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711 Wechsler Engineering: GA 404-370-0991 Wellons Inc.: WA 1-800-WELLONS Westcoast Cylinders Inc., Royal Cylinders Div.: BC 877-637-6925 Westmill Industries Ltd.: BC 604-607-7010 Williams & White Equipment: BC 800-293-2268 ENVIRONMENTAL Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Scientific Dust Collectors: IL 708-597-7090 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 EQUIPMENT DISPOSAL 1. Appraisals 2. Auction 3. Brokerage Biomass Engineering & Equip.: IN 317-522-0864................................1 Ben Jones Machinery: GA 800-241-8983 .........................................1,3 James G. Murphy Inc.: WA 425-486-1246 ........................................1,2 TRI State Auction & Realty LLC: TN 800-334-4395...........................1-3 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556............................................3 Woodland Parts & Service Inc.: AL 800-726-0188 ...............................3 EXPORT/IMPORT Claussen All Mark Ind. Intl. Inc.: FL 800-252-2736 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 FABRICATION AFS Energy Systems: PA 717-763-0286 American Pulverizer Co.: MO 314-781-6100 Briggs Machine & Fabrication LLC: WA 509-535-0125 California Saw & Knife Works LLC: OR 415-861-0644, 541-900-9122 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 Claussen All Mark Ind. Intl. Inc.: FL 800-252-2736 Con-Vey LLC: OR 800-668-1425 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 CTC: OR 541-929-2234 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 Fulghum Industries Inc.: GA 478-252-5223, 800-841-5980 S. Huot Inc.: QC 418-681-0291 Hydra Power Systems Inc.: OR 800-777-5047 Koger Air Corp.: VA 800-368-2096 Linden Fabricating Ltd.: BC 250-561-1181 Machinery Service Co. Inc.: ME 207-882-6788 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Northwest Machinery Supply Co. LLC: OR 503-880-0975 58


Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 FEASIBILITY STUDIES The Beck Group: OR 503-684-3406 CAW-Wiesloch: Germany +49 0 6222 572621 Evergreen Engineering Inc.: OR 888-484-4771 HALCO Software Systems Ltd.: BC 604-731-9311 Hunt, Guillot & Associates: LA 318-255-6825 Mid South Engineering Co.: AR 501-321-2276 Optware Solutions LLC: OR 503-645-2390 Progress Engineering: ME 207-623-0110 Top Wood Jobs LLC: WA 360-263-3371 HARDFACING Briggs Machine & Fabrication LLC: WA 509-535-0125 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 HYDRAULICS AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 Hydra Power Systems Inc.: OR 800-777-5047 Mack Mfg.: AL 251-653-9999 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 INSURANCE BITCO Insurance Co.: IA 800-475-4477 Pennsylvania Lumbermen’s Mutual Insurance Co.: PA 800-752-1895 Prewitt Group: AL 205-317-5515 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 LAB TESTING Acrowood Corp.: WA 425-258-3555 Metriguard Technologies Inc.: WA 509-332-7526 Signode Corp.: IL 800-323-2464 TerraSource Global: IL 855-483-7721 MACHINERY 1. Alignment 2. Distributor 3. Rebuilding 4. Repair Acculine Rails: OR 541-760-7173 ..................................................1,3,4 Acrowood Corp.: WA 425-258-3555 ....................................................4 Akhurst Machinery Inc.: WA 888-265-4826..........................................2 Briggs Machine & Fabrication LLC: WA 509-535-0125 ....................3,4 Brunson Instrument Co.: MO 877-MEASURE.......................................1 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 ...............1-4 Colonial Saw: MA 781-585-4364 .......................................................2,3 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400.................................2-4 Easy-Laser AB: Sweden +46 31 708 63 00..........................................1 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 ..............................3,4 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 ...................3,4 Heavy Machines Inc.: TN 901-260-2200 ..............................................3 HMC Corp.: NH 603-746-4691 .............................................................2 Hydra Power Systems Inc.: OR 800-777-5047 Hyster Co.: NC 800-HYSTER-1..........................................................2,4 Longato Grinding Machines & Equip.: Italy +39-329-2361358.........3,4 Machinery Service Co. Inc.: ME 207-882-6788....................................2 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755...........................................1,3 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 ..........................................................1 Premier Bandwheel & Equip. Ltd.: BC 604-591-2080 .......................3,4 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494..............................1 Samuel Packaging Systems Group: BC 604-521-3700, 800-667-1264 SAWNET: SC 803-424-1794 ..............................................................1,2 Signode Corp.: IL 800-323-2464 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Southwest Machine & Supply Inc.: MO 417-781-1222.........................2 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 .......................1-4 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 ........................................1-4 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500............................................2-4 TerraSource Global: IL 855-483-7721.............................................3,4 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162.........................1,3,4 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762................................................3,4 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287.............................................4 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR .............................................................1,4 Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711.......................................................3 VK North America LLC: WA 877-313-1225 ....................................2,4 Vollmer Of America: PA 412-278-0655 Westmill Industries Ltd.: BC 604-607-7010 ..........................................3 MAINTENANCE MANAGEMENT Acculine Rails: OR 541-760-7173 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Brunson Instrument Co.: MO 877-MEASURE Hyster Co.: NC 800-HYSTER-1

Intertech Inc.: OR 800-248-0988 Real Performance Machinery: SC 843-900-9494 Samuel Packaging Systems Group: BC 604-521-3700, 800-667-1264 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Top Wood Jobs LLC: WA 360-263-3371 Union Grove Saw & Knife: NC 704-539-4442 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR MARKETING Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Top Wood Jobs LLC: WA 360-263-3371 METAL PLATING Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 MILLWRIGHT Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 Froedge Machine & Supply Co. Inc.: KY 888-868-5891 Machinery Service Co. Inc.: ME 207-882-6788 Jeff Miller Inc.: IN 574-370-5050 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 PERSONNEL RECRUITING Hunt, Guillot & Associates: LA 318-255-6825 ........................................ Management Recruiters Of Houston-Northeast: TX 281-359-7940 Top Wood Jobs LLC: WA 360-263-3371 PROCESS COMPUTER SIMULATION BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 HALCO Software Systems Ltd.: BC 604-731-9311 Mudata SAS: France +33-450-719634 Optware Solutions LLC: OR 503-645-2390 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR QC TESTING SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500 VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 QUALITY CONTROL SiCam Systems: BC 604-584-7151 Tebulo Industrial Robotics: ON 905-639-7370 REPLACEMENT PARTS Acrowood Corp.: WA 425-258-3555 American Pulverizer Co.: MO 314-781-6100 Autolog Production Management Inc.: QC 450-434-8389 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 Claussen All Mark Ind. Intl. Inc.: FL 800-252-2736 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848 Cyber Tech Inc.: OR 800-621-8754 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400 Endurance Equipment LLC: AL 251-957-2113 Hyster Co.: NC 800-HYSTER-1 Koger Air Corp.: VA 800-368-2096 Linden Fabricating Ltd.: BC 250-561-1181 Muehlboeck Holztrocknungsanlagen GmbH: Austria +43-7753-2296-201 Premier Bandwheel & Equip. Ltd.: BC 604-591-2080 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842 SAWNET: SC 803-424-1794 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 TerraSource Global: IL 855-483-7721 Timber Machine Technologies: OR 503-691-0162 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR VAB, a Timber Automation Co.: QC 418-834-0606 VK North America LLC: WA 877-313-1225 Wellons Inc.: WA 1-800-WELLONS Williams Patent Crusher & Pulverizer Co. Inc.: MO 314-621-3348 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT Microtec Innovating Wood: Italy +39-0472-273-611 Mudata SAS: France +33-450-719634 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Top Wood Jobs LLC: WA 360-263-3371 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR RESOURCE 1. Inventory analysis 2. Management BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 .................................1,2 Simply Computing Int’l. Inc., dba Voice Controlled Solutions: ME 800-903-4122 ............................................................................1



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PRODUCTS/SERVICES/SUPPLIES (Address listings begin on page 62.) SAW MAINTENANCE Acculine Rails: OR 541-760-7173 Alderman’s Saw Shop Inc.: VA 804-333-4895 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Burton Saw & Supply: OR 541-683-3337 California Saw & Knife Works LLC: OR 415-861-0644, 541-900-9122 Oleson Saw Technology: PA 800-256-8259 Premier Bandwheel & Equip. Ltd.: BC 604-591-2080 SAWNET: SC 803-424-1794 Sharp Tool Co. Inc.: MA 800-221-5452 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Vollmer Of America: PA 412-278-0655 Williams & White Equipment: BC 800-293-2268 SHARPENING U.S. Blades: SC 843-673-0110 SOFTWARE AMS Solutions: BC 250-294-7771 Autolog Production Management Inc.: QC 450-434-8389 Automation & Electronics USA: LA 318-548-5138, 318-548-7852 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 HALCO Software Systems Ltd.: BC 604-731-9311 (IBC) International Bar Coding Systems: BC 250-493-3201 Inprove Inc.: ON 833-626-0195 Microtec Innovating Wood: Italy +39-0472-273-611 .............................. Mudata SAS: France +33-450-719634 Muehlboeck Holztrocknungsanlagen GmbH: Austria +43-7753-2296-201 Optware Solutions LLC: OR 503-645-2390 Porter Engineering Ltd.: BC 604-273-1868 Rockwell Automation Inc.: WI 888-382-1583 SCS Forest Products by Finna Sensors: CO 720-963-6500 SiCam Systems: BC 604-584-7151 Siemens Process Industries & Drives: GA 800-241-4453 Simply Computing Int’l. Inc., dba Voice Controlled Solutions: ME 800-903-4122 Stiles Machinery Inc.: MI 616-698-7500 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR STEEL Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287



TOOLS Apex Knives Pvt. Ltd.: India +91-22-2379-1409 California Saw & Knife Works LLC: OR 415-861-0644, 541-900-9122 Caristrap International Inc.: PQ 450-667-4700 Colonial Saw: MA 781-585-4364 Ledinek Engineering d.o.o.: Slovenia +386-2-61300-61 McGregor Packaging: GA 800-362-9332 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 TRAINING Acrowood Corp.: WA 425-258-3555 The Beck Group: OR 503-684-3406 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Brunson Instrument Co.: MO 877-MEASURE Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 CAW-Wiesloch: Germany +49 0 6222 572621 Hyster Co.: NC 800-HYSTER-1 Intertech Inc.: OR 800-248-0988 Muehlboeck Holztrocknungsanlagen GmbH: Austria +43-7753-2296-201 Samuel Packaging Systems Group: BC 604-521-3700, 800-667-1264 SAWNET: SC 803-424-1794 SiCam Systems: BC 604-584-7151 Simonds International: MA 800-426-6226 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 Top Wood Jobs LLC: WA 360-263-3371 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Wagner Meters: OR 800-581-2722 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 TRANSPORTATION Hyster Co.: NC 800-HYSTER-1 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 TURNKEY SAWMILLS Autolog Production Management Inc.: QC 450-434-8389 BID Group of Companies: SC 843-563-7070 Brewco Inc.: KY 800-237-6880 Carbotech: QC 819-362-6317, 800-387-6317 Cleereman Industries Inc.: WI 715-674-2700 Corbilt Group of Companies: BC 250-838-0848

Esterer WD GmbH: Germany +49-8671-5030 Mid South Engineering Co.: AR 501-321-2276 PLCUSA Inc.: FL 888-516-9998 Quality Fabrication & Machine Works Inc.: FL 386-755-0220 ext. 842 Salem Equip Inc., Sub. of Wellons Inc.: OR 503-581-8411 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 TS Manufacturing: ON 705-324-3762 USNR: WA 800-BUY-USNR Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 USED/REBUILT EQUIPMENT Advanced Sawmill Machinery: FL 850-537-5333 American Pulverizer Co.: MO 314-781-6100 Baker Products: MO 800-548-7194 Carter’s Machine & Planer Fabrication: NC 252-240-3543 Cooper Machine Co. Inc.: GA 478-252-5885 Denali Wood Solutions LLC: AR 501-261-2400 Ellison Sales Inc.: OR 888-244-0161 Hyster Co.: NC 800-HYSTER-1 Ben Jones Machinery: GA 800-241-8983 Machinery Sales Co. Inc.: OR 503-285-6691 Machinery Service Co. Inc.: ME 207-882-6788 McDonough Mfg. Co.: WI 715-834-7755 Menominee Saw & Supply Co. Inc.: MI 800-582-0470 Miller Mfg. Inc.: WA 360-335-1236 Premier Bandwheel & Equip. Ltd.: BC 604-591-2080 Progress Industries: AL 205-655-8875 Rotochopper Inc.: MN 320-548-3586 Smith Sawmill Service: TX 936-254-3161, 800-598-6344 Southwest Machine & Supply Inc.: MO 417-781-1222 Springer Maschinenfabrik: Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Springer Microtec Inc.: BC 604-879-4628 U.S. Metal Works Inc.: OR 800-523-5287 Veneer Services: IN 317-346-0711 Wolftek Industries Inc.: BC 250-561-1556 Woodland Parts & Service Inc.: AL 800-726-0188 WAREHOUSING BEP Engineering Services Ltd.: BC 855-575-3322 Combilift Ltd.: NC 877-COMBI-56 Hyster Co.: NC 800-HYSTER-1



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BASIC MACHINERY CO. INC. PO Box 688 Siler City, NC 27344-0688 888-522-7420 Email:

(Special type treatment requested by respective companies. Product listings begin on page 41.)


ARKEMA INC. 900 First Ave. King of Prussia, PA 19406 610-205-7000, 800-225-7788 Fax: 610-205-7913 Email: arkema.usph-general@

ACCULINE RAILS ✧ 4393 Scottdale St. Eugene, OR 97404 541-760-7173 Fax: 971-216-4994 ACROWOOD CORP. PO Box 1028 Everett, WA 98206-1028 425-258-3555 Fax: 425-252-7622 Email:; ACTION EQUIP. CO. INC. 2800 Hayes St. Newberg, OR 97132 503-537-1111 Fax: 503-537-1117 Email: ADVANCED SAWMILL MACHINERY 481 Machinery Cir. Holt, FL 32564-9557 850-537-5333 Fax: 850-537-5411 Email:

AFS ENERGY SYSTEMS PO Box 170 Lemoyne, PA 17043-0170 717-763-0286 Fax: 717-763-1066 Email: Website: Established: 1990 AFS Energy Systems is a leader in renewable energy biomass systems. Based near Harrisburg, PA, AFS provides turnkey de sign/build energy solutions for businesses across North America. Unparalleled experience and a long list of satisfied clients are the result of twenty-seven years of success combined with a passion for quality and service. AFS products include biomass boiler systems, direct fired green sawdust burners, dust collection systems, fuel storage systems, material handling systems, boiler system retrofits, regenerative thermal oxidizers & heat ex changers and engineering services. All systems are fabricated at our facilities in Lemoyne, Pennsylvania and installed by our field installation team. AKHURST MACHINERY INC. 1124 Fir Ave., PMB 104 Blaine, WA 98230 888-265-4826 Fax: 604-540-1780 Email:


PO Box 1205 Warsaw, VA 22572-1205 804-333-4895 Fax: 804-333-5445 Email: Website: Quality, dependability and tradition: all terms associated with Alderman’s Saw Shop Inc. Established in 1971 as a nightly side business in a rented single-car garage for Maynard Alderman and his two sons, it has now become a standard name within the saw repair and manufacturing industry. What makes Alderman’s different from other businesses? Part of their success comes from not only giving the customer what they want, but also maintaining a pickup and delivery service that has grown to eight service vehicles and three full-time drivers. The owners work side-by-side with the employees and are able to keep a hands-on approach to business practices. ALLIED SYSTEMS CO./WAGNER 21433 SW Oregon St. Sherwood, OR 97140 503-825-3306, 800-285-7000 Email: AMANDUS KAHL USA CORP. ✧ 105 Hembree Park Dr., Ste. L Roswell, GA 30076 770-521-1021 Fax: 770-521-1022 Email: AMERICAN CONTEX CORP. 66 E. 83rd St. New York, NY 10028-0882 212-249-2670 Fax: 212-249-2027 Email: American Pulverizer Co. 1319 Macklind Ave. Saint Louis, MO 63110-1433 314-781-6100 Fax: 314-781-9209 Email: American Wood Dryers 15495 SE For-Mor Ct. Clackamas, OR 97015-9080 503-655-1955 Fax: 503-657-1304 Email: AMERICAN WOOD TECHNOLOGY 2133 Lawrenceville-Suwannee Rd., Ste. 12-339 Suwanee, GA 30024-3140 404-520-0239, 877-785-0274 Email: c.staalner@ AMS SOLUTIONS PO Box 471 Enderby, BC V0E 1V0 Canada 250-294-7771 Fax: 877-360-2677 Email: ANDRITZ IGGESUND TOOLS 220 Scarlet Blvd. Oldsmar, FL 34677-3016 813-855-6902 APEX KNIVES PVT. LTD. 132/134 S.V. Patel Rd. Dongri, Mumbai, India +91-22-2379-1409 Email:



ARMSTRONG MFG. CO. ✧ 2700 SE Tacoma St. Portland, OR 97202-8941 503-228-8381 Fax: 503-228-8384 ARROW SPEED CONTROLS 13851 Bridgeport Rd Richmond, BC V6V 1J6 Canada 604-321-4033 Email: ARS AUTOMATION DESIGN INC.✧ 502 Radar Rd., Ste. A Greensboro, NC 27410 336-497-5083


1240 Michèle-Bohec Blainville, QC J7C 5S4 Canada 450-434-8389 Fax: 450-434-8395 Email: Website: Established: 1987 Autolog designs, manufactures, and ensures after-sales service of optimization and control systems for the wood industry. The company has been in operation for over 30 years, employs over 100 professionals, and is present world-wide. They have the ability to make all of their specialized software/hardware or adapt their existing solutions to a variety of suppliers and layouts, quickly and easily. They are flexible and capable of working with many original equipment manufacturers so they can respond to the specific needs of their customers and to meet the growing demands of our industry. AUTOMATION ✧ & ELECTRONICS USA PO Box 38726 Shreveport, LA 71133-8726 318-548-5138, 318-548-7852 Email:

B BAKER PRODUCTS 55480 Highway 21 Ellington, MO 63638-7982 573-663-7711, 800-548-7194 Fax: 573-663-2787 Email:

BARKO HYDRAULICS LLC One Banks Ave. Superior, WI 54880 715-395-6700 Email:

BEP ENG. SERVICES LTD. 5454 192nd St., Unit A Surrey, BC V3S 8E5 Canada 604-575-3322, 855-575-3322 Fax: 604-575-0401 Email: BETTER BUILT DRY KILNS INC. 949 Appleblossom Dr. Villa Hills, KY 41017-3821 859-578-8240 Email: BGR SAWS 2341 Ave. De la Rotonde Levis, QC G6X 2M2 Canada 418-832-2918, 800-363-3523 Fax: 418-832-2910 Email:

ATLAS SYSTEMS LLC 111 N. Vista Rd., Ste. 7-D Spokane Valley, WA 99212-2986 509-535-7775

BANDIT INDUSTRIES INC. 6750 W. Millbrook Rd. Remus, MI 49340-9662 989-561-2270, 800-952-0178 Fax: 989-561-2375

THE BECK GROUP 13500 SW 72nd Ave., Ste. 250 Portland, OR 97223-8013 503-684-3406 Fax: 503-639-0784 Email:


5154 Highway 78 St. Georges, SC 29477 843-563-7070 Fax: 843-563-7452 Email: Website: Established: 1924 BID Group provides its valued customers industry leading solutions by delivering a complete range of innovative equipment, digital technologies, turnkey installations and aftermarket services. Brands powered by BID Group are Comact, PHL, McGehee, Deltech, Miller, Moco and VibraPro. Visit us to learn more about the latest digital solutions like optimization with artificial intelligence and the Oper8 lloT and predictive analytics platform. BIOLUBE INC. PO Box 9732 Fort Wayne, IN 46899-9732 260-414-9633 Email: BIOMASS ENGINEERING & EQUIP. 5851 S. Harding St. Indianapolis, IN 46217 317-522-0864 Fax: 317-346-0811 Email: BISHOP-WISECARVER 2104 Martin Way Pittsburg, CA 94565 925-439-8272 Fax: 925-439-5971 Email: BITCO INSURANCE CO. 3700 Market Square Cir. Davenport, IA 52807 563-232-0241, 800-475-4477 Fax: 844-233-7299 Email:



BM&M SCREENING SOLUTIONS LTD. 5465 Production Blvd. Surrey, BC V3S 8P6 Canada 800-663-0323 Fax: 604-539-1022 Email: BREWCO INC. 607 Front St. Central City, KY 42330-2042 270-754-5847, 800-237-6880 Fax: 270-754-9249 Email: BRIGGS MACHINE & FABRICATION LLC PO Box 2988 Spokane, WA 99220-2988 509-535-0125 Fax: 509-535-0880 Email: BROOKHUIS AMERICA INC. 2133 Lawrenceville Suwanee Rd., Ste. 12-339 Suwanee, GA 30024-2648 770-842-2539, 877-785-0274 Email: BROWN MACHINERY ✧ & SUPPLY INC. 700 S. 3rd st. Arkadelphia, AR 71923 870-246-5019, 800-748-9801 Fax: 870-246-8044 Email: BRUKS ROCKWOOD INC. ✧ 5975 Shiloh Rd., Ste. 109 Alpharetta, GA 30005-1751 770-849-0100 Fax: 770-495-7195 Email:

BRUKS SIWERTELL 5975 Shiloh Rd., Ste. 109 Alpharetta, GA 30005 770-849-0100 Fax: 770-495-7195 Email: Website: Turn to BRUKS Siwertell when your needs include converting solid wood to chips or particles for industrial purposes. Drum chippers for sawmill waste conversion. Disc chippers for round wood processing. Hogs for bark size reduction, or general waste disposal. Hammer mills to re duce chips to sawdust for pellet systems. And all types of screens and conveyors to connect the wood processing equipment to your ultimate process. Are you concerned about chip quality? BRUKS chippers excel at adjustability and flexibility to meet the most stringent quality standards. With safety and support in mind, parts are now stocked in the USA. BRUNETTE MACHINERY CO. INC. 8717-132nd St. Surrey, BC V3W 4P1 Canada 604-522-3977 Fax: 604-522-6806 Email:

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MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS (Special type treatment requested by respective companies. Product listings begin on page 41.) CARISTRAP ✧ INTERNATIONAL INC. 1760 Fortin Blvd. Laval, PQ H7S 1N8 Canada 450-667-4700 Fax: 450-663-1520 Email:

BRUNNER HILDEBRAND LUMBER DRY KILN CO. 7516 Hwy. 70 S., Ste. 170 Nashville, TN 37221 615-469-0745 Fax: 615-662-0369 Email: Website: Established: 1982 Brunner Hildebrand Lumber Dry Kiln Co., based in Nashville TN, offers the most comprehensive range of dry kilns: • Hardwood kilns, forklift and track loaded • Softwood kilns, forklift and track loaded • Continuous kilns • IPPC Heat Treatment kilns • Steaming Chambers • Kiln controls Brunner-Hildebrand has been manufacturing lumber dry kilns worldwide since 1950 and has installed now over 15,000 kilns – all types and sizes. For more information please visit our website: BRUNSON INSTRUMENT CO. 8000 E. 23rd St. Kansas City, MO 64129-1394 877-MEASURE Fax: 816-241-1945 Email:

PO Box 575 Sutherlin, OR 97479 415-861-0644, 541-900-9122 Email: or katrinalines@ Website: and www Established: 1886 CalSaw and Roseburg Saw & Tool build tools intended for the highest achievable cutting efficiency, longevity, and overall quality. We drive value through intentional efforts, our custom design, and precise manufacturing of high-end tools. We are solutions-focused with our goal-oriented partnerships. We work to achieve our partners' established performance criteria, and to always be devoted agents for the industry. CAN AM CHAINS ✧ PO Box 453 Clackamas, OR 97015-0453 503-657-1158 Fax: 503-656-7549 Email:

CARTER’S MACHINE & PLANER FABRICATION 5496 Hwy. 70 W. Morehead City, NC 28557 252-240-3543 Fax: 252-240-3544 Email: CASEY INDUSTRIAL INC. 1400 W 122nd Ave., Ste. 200 Westminster, CO 80234-3440 303-460-1274 Fax: 303-465-5562 Email: CAW-WIESLOCH Ludwig-Wagner-Strasse 9/1 Wiesloch, D-69168 Germany +49 0 6222 572621 Fax: +49 06222 572610 Email: CEMAR ELECTRO 100 Walnut St. Champlain, NY 12919-5335 518-298-3065, 800-298-5273 Fax: 518-298-2927 Email: CERATIZIT S.A. Route de Holzem, 1010 Maler, 8232 Luxembourg +352 31 20 85-1 Fax: +352 31 19 11 Email: CHACO LTD Schneidersmatt 26 Wuennewil, 3184 Switzerland +41-26-497-97-11 Email:


BUNTING PO Box 468 Newton, KS 67114-0468 316-284-2020, 800-835-2526 Email: BURTON SAW & SUPPLY 950 International Way Springfield, OR 97477 541-683-3337 Fax: 541-683-5189 Email:

C CALIBRE EQUIPMENT PO Box 2783 Wellington Mail Centre, 6140 New Zealand +64 21 586 453


2250 St. Jean Plessisville, QC G6L 2Y4 Canada 819-362-6317 800-387-6317 Email: Website: Established: 1988 Carbotech specializes in maximizing production efficiency and high-speed lumber handling for sawmills and planer mills such as: Tilt hoist, lug loader, positioning fence, trimmer, tray and bin sorters, stacker and more. Always working on new ideas and patents, Carbotech is a highly valued partner in the industry, relying on a skilled workforce. Its mission over the past 30 years has focused on these four principles: speed, precision, knowhow and durability. Carbotech relies on several business partners, parts and service distribution centers and mechanical intervention centers to serve its markets around the world. CARDINAL SCALE MFG. CO. 102 E. Daugherty St. Webb City, MO 64870 800-441-4237 Fax: 417-673-2153 Email: CARDINAL/SAWQUIP EQUIP. 7 rue du Cherminot Angliers, QC J0Z 1A0 Canada 450-887-0958 ext. 101 Email:


8795 Grissom Pkwy. Titusville, FL 32780-7904 800-252-2736 Fax: 321-607-5071 Email: Website: Claussen All-Mark has specialized in grade printing equipment for lumber and panel mills since 1978. We have developed the most reliable heavy duty grade printing equipment on the market today. New products such as the laminated beam printer and pallet printers are opening the door for us to provide heavy duty, quality printing equipment to all types of mills. We are dedicated to providing you the benefits of less maintenance, little to no downtime, indestructible equipment and great service. "Build It Heavy and Keep It Simple" G.J. Claussen CLEEREMAN INDUSTRIES INC. 5500 Pine St. Newald, WI 54511-8772 715-674-2700 Fax: 715-674-7002 Email:

CLIMAX METAL PRODUCTS 8141 Tyler Blvd. Mentor, OH 44060 800-542-6552 Fax: 800-860-5553 Email: COLONIAL SAW ✧ PO Box A Kingston, MA 02364-0500 781-585-4364 Fax: 781-585-9375 Email: COMBILIFT LTD. 303 Concord St. Greensboro, NC 27406 336-378-8884, 877-COMBI-56 Email: CON-VEY LLC 526 NE Chestnut Ave. Roseburg, OR 97470 541-672-5506, 800-668-1425 Email: CONCEPTION R.P. INC. ✧ 405 Galilee Ave. Quebec, QC G1P 4M6 Canada 418-871-6016 Fax: 418-871-6292 Email:


Cone Division 3263 Dillon Rd. Thomasville, GA 31757 229-228-9213 Email: Website: Established: 2013 Cone Omega, LLC. Cone Division 3263 Dillon Rd. Thomasville, GA 31757 229-228-9213 Omega Division 2812 S. Cleveland Ave. Russellville, AR 72802 479-967-4423 Email: Website: Established: 2013 Leading the industry in the primary breakdown products and systems, our emphasis is on four sided canter systems and innovative sharp chain systems. Our secondary breakdown equipment offerings complete the total Mill floor package with unique solutions for curve canting and sawing as well as dependable high speed edger systems. We also offer various solutions for materials handling, log merchandising, custom engineering services, and controls, OEM replacement parts and Blue Diamond shavers. CONNEXUS INDUSTRIES 9525 SW Commerce Cir. Wilsonville, OR 97070 800-367-9992 Fax: 503-222-0073 Email: CONTECHEM INC. ✧ PO Box 3255 Portland, OR 97208-3255 503-283-3021 Fax: 503-283-0689 Email: COOPER MACHINE CO. INC. PO Box 550 Wadley, GA 30477-0550 478-252-5885 Fax: 478-252-1866 Email: CORBILT GROUP OF COMPANIES 14 West Poirier Rd. Mara, BC V0E 2K0 Canada 250-838-0848 Email:


PO Box 471 Chattanooga, TN 37401-0471 423-698-0284 Fax: 423-622-3258 Email: Website: Established: 1905 Sawmills around the world are experiencing optimum results with Corley sawmill machinery and Lewis Controls optimization. Backed up by Corley's 113 years of dependable service to the sawmill industry and our subsidiary, Lewis Controls, 45 year tradition of supplying dependable, easy to use optimization and control systems, Corley and Lewis are ready to help you achieve results. With just a single phone call, you can reach the industry's leading single source manufacturer of carriages, optimization systems, carriage drives, bandmills, slabbers and log turners, edgers, gangs, trimmers, custom machinery and controls and turnkey sawmills. CORTEX NORTH AMERICA 1887 SE Milport Rd. Milwaukie, OR 97222 503-781-8833


PO Box 40 Philomath, OR 97370-0040 541-929-2234 Fax: 541-929-2235 Email: Website: Established: 1983 Corvallis Tool Co. (CTC) specializes in designing, engineering, manufacturing and controlling custom industrial machinery for the veneer, plywood, sawmill and engineered wood industries. CTC has delivered innovative design solutions for the wood industry since 1983. With our experienced team of engineers and manufacturing staff, CTC has earned an international reputation for providing quality equipment and customer service. Looking for a custom solution for your production facility, give CTC an opportunity to meet your needs. CTC also offers contract manufacturing of your designs; with over 50,000 square ft. of manufacturing space we can support your machinery needs. CUT TECHNOLOGIES 343 Dawsone Ave. Penticton, BC V2A 3N5 Canada 800-667-7297 Fax: 250-792-8057 Email: CYBER TECH INC. PO Box 23801 Portland, OR 97281-3801 503-620-2285, 800-621-8754 Fax: 503-620-8580 Email:



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MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS (Special type treatment requested by respective companies. Product listings begin on page 41.)

D D02 INDUSTRIAL ✧ 303 8th Ave. Dolbeau-Mistassini, QC G8L 1Z6 Canada 888-276-0554 Email: JOHN DEERE ✧ CONSTRUCTION & FORESTRY PO Box 8806 Moline, IL 61266-8806 800-503-3373 Email: DELMHORST INSTRUMENT CO. 51 Indian Ln. E. Towaco, NJ 07082-1025 973-334-2557 877-DELMHORST (335-6467) Fax: 973-334-2657 Email:

DONALDSON CO. INC. 1400 W. 94th St. Bloomington, MN 55431 952-887-3131, 800-365-1331 Email: DOOSAN INFRACORE ✧ NORTH AMERICA LLC 106 E. 6th St. Des Moines, IA 50309 515-978-3616 Fax: 515-557-2001 DOWN RIVER CROYGENICS WEST 2730 E. Lookout Dr. Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815 208-651-6500 Email:



1818 SE 17th St. Battle Ground, WA 98604-8579 360-254-8688 Fax: 360-254-5435 Email: Website: Established: 1982 Delta Computer Systems de signs and manufactures RMC Motion Controllers from one axis up to 32 axes for servo-hydraulic and servo-motor applications featuring fieldbus communications, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET, PROFIBUS-DP, Modbus, Serial and Digital I/O (25+ protocols). Connect I/O with Mix and Match Transducer modules allowing more than 500 configurations. Use powerful RMCTools software to easily setup, program, tune, and diagnose your applications. DENALI WOOD SOLUTIONS LLC 777 Mid America Blvd., Ste. A Hot Springs National Park, AR 71913 501-261-2400 Fax: 501-261-2404 Email: DIEFFENBACHER USA INC. ✧ 1345 Ridgeland Pkwy. Alpharetta, GA 30004-7731 770-226-6394 Fax: 770-226-6397 DISPOZ-A-BLADE LLC 32 Old Cahoonzie Rd. Sparrowbush, NY 12780 845-858-8092, 800-557-8092 Fax: 845-856-1831 Email:

1060 Chemin Olivier Levis, QC G7A 2M8 Canada 418-831-3333 Fax: 418-831-5684 Email: Website: Established: 1974 DK-SPEC Inc. is a company that designs, manufactures and commercializes tools and specialized equipments intended for the first, second and third transformation of the forest industry. DK-SPEC manufactures its products in a 50,000 square foot, ultramodern factory located in Levis, Canada. ■


PO Box 387 Fairhope, AL 36533-0387 251-957-2113 Fax: 251-957-2119 Email: van@ Endurance Equipment is the leader in Woodyard Technology and Equipment for Sawmills, OSB Facilities, Chipping Operations, Biomass Woodyards and Pulp / Paper Mills. Strong engineering capability coupled with innovation has led to the development and implementation of equipment product lines which routinely set the standards for our competition to follow. Whether it is a high speed, fully optimized stem processing system running at rates of up to 13 stems per minute, a multiple 'Less Lifter' Drum Debarking system processing stems for a high production OSB Facility or a Singulator/Indexer retrofit for an existing area in your mill, En durance Equipment has the ability and experience to provide solutions for your needs. Visit our website at www.enduranceequip ERIEZ 2200 Asbury Rd. Erie, PA 16506-1402 814-835-6000 Fax: 814-838-4960 Email:


ESCO GROUP LLC 3792 Lake Park Dr. Covington, KY 41017-9603 800-446-3726 Fax: 503-778-6360 Email:

EASY-LASER AB PO Box 149 Molndal, SE-431 22 Sweden +46 31 708 63 00 Fax: +46 31 708 63 50 Email:

ESTERER WD GMBH Estererstrasse 12 Altotting, 84503 Germany +49-8671-5030 Fax: +49-8671-503-386 Email:

EBI DRY KILN DUTY MOTORS 2250, 90e Rue Saint-Georges, QC G5Y 7J7 Canada 418-228-5505, 888-228-5505 Fax: 418-228-5630 Email:

EVANS TRAILER ✧ 1050 Pocalla Rd. Sumter, SC 29151 803-968-0678 Fax: 803-778-1256

ELECTRO-SENSORS INC. 6111 Blue Circle Dr. Minnetonka, MN 55343 952-930-0100 Fax: 952-930-0130 Email:



Brodalsvaegen 7 Partille, Sweden +46-31-44-86-32 Email: Website: Established: 1995 Dynalyse is an innovative company specialized in product quality measurements including MSR, density sorting, moisture content and paint coat weight. The regulation-approved MSR systems Dynagrade and Precigrader are installed in more than 180 mills in 10 countries. The optional proof-loader MT250 is also available for these systems. Dynalyse's MSR and weigh systems are offered in North America through SCSFP by Finna Group at Dynalyse distributes the Finna Sensors KilnScout, MC Pro and NIR systems in Europe.


ELLISON SALES INC. PO Box 19327 Portland, OR 97280-0327 503-244-0161, 888-244-0161 Fax: 503-293-0816 Email:

EVERGREEN ENGINEERING INC. 1740 Willow Creek Cir. Eugene, OR 97402 541-484-4771, 888-484-4771 Fax: 541-623-4768 Email:

F FAGUS GRECON INC. 648-A Griffith Rd. Charlotte, NC 28217 704-912-0000 Email: FINEGA GROUP ✧ 83 Boucle de la Ramee Saint Quentin Fallavier, 38070 France +33-0474-944817 Email: FINSCAN INC. 104-1533 Broadway St. Port Coquitlam, BC V3C 6P3 Canada 604-619-0672 FINSCAN OY PO Box 125 Espoo, FI-02201 Finland +358-44-213-6018 Email:

FLAMEX INC. 4365 Federal Dr. Greensboro, NC 27410-8116 336-299-2933 Fax: 336-299-2944 Email: FLEXCO ✧ 2525 Wisconsin Ave. Downers Grove, IL 60515-4241 630-971-0150, 800-541-8028 Fax: 630-971-1180 Email: FLYING DUTCHMAN INC. 6631 Egypt Rd. Smithville, OH 44677-9774 330-669-2297 Fax: 330-669-2892 Email: FORBO SIEGLING LLC 12201 Vanstory Dr. Huntersville, NC 28078-8395 704-948-0800, 800-255-5581 Fax: 704-948-0995 Email:

FORCE CONTROL INDUSTRIES INC. 3660 Dixie Hwy. Fairfield, OH 45014-1105 513-868-0900, 800-869-3244 Fax: 513-868-2105 Email: FORESTRY SUPPLIERS INC. ✧ 205 W. Rankin St. Jackson, MS 39201-6199 800-360-7788 Email: FORTRESS TECHNOLOGY INC. 51 Grand Marshall Dr. Toronto, ON M1B 5N6 Canada 416-754-2898, 888-220-8737 Fax: 416-754-2976 FROEDGE MACHINE ✧ & SUPPLY CO. INC. 317 Radio Station Rd. Tompkinsville, KY 42167 270-487-5891, 888-868-5891 Fax: 270-487-9479 Email:


317 S. Main St. Wadley, GA 30477-3710 478-252-5223, 800-841-5980 Fax: 478-252-1507 Email: Website: Established: 1956 Fulghum Industries has been serving the forest products in dustry since 1956, and continues to do so by providing superior equipment, services, and engineering. Our diverse product lines of log cranes, chippers, drum debarkers, rosserhead debarkers, infeed systems, bark hogs, screens, vibrating conveyors, belt conveyors, chain conveyors, and live decks are used by customers throughout the world. Through the years, our face has changed, but our commitment to quality, customer service, and innovation has remained.

G GALARDY TECHNICAL SERVICES LTD. 23973 McClure Ave. Maple Ridge, BC V2W 0B3 Canada 604-941-8878, 800-941-8878 Fax: 604-942-3916 Email:



GILBERT PRODUCTS INC. 1840 Boul Marcotte Roberval, QC G8H 2P2 Canada 418-275-5041 Fax: 418-275-2624 Email:


17305 E. Euclid Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99216-1743 509-928-5463 Fax: 509-924-5016 Email: Website: Established: 1985 Manufacturers of the patented Variable Pan Geometry Sticker Stacker System. Provides high volume stacking with a single operator. Unique features and simple rugged construction keep your 30 year total cost of ownership at an industry low. Contact Tom Best for more information or personalized quote. GLOBE MACHINE MFG. CO. ✧ PO Box 2274 Tacoma, WA 98401-2274 253-383-2584 Fax: 253-572-9672 Email: GRASCHE USA 240 Performance Dr. SE Hickory, NC 28602 828-322-3253 Email:



505-601 W. Broadway Vancouver, BC V5Z 4C2 Canada 604-731-9311 Fax: 604-872-3849 Email: Website: Established: 1988 HALCO is well known for SAWSIM®, the industry-standard sawmill simulation program for operations planning and mill design studies. Don't spend millions on a capital project without a SAWSIM® study to justify the project and to verify performance after installation. Maximize production? Maximize recovery? Premium products? How about...maximize profit! Our WSO™ system ensures your optimizers are truly optimizing your bottom line. WSO™ determines: 1. The optimum production mix, given current prices, sales mix constraints (including "program" sales) and process bottlenecks; and 2. The mill optimizer parameters to produce this mix. You've got the optimizers, now make sure they're truly optimizing!

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(Special type treatment requested by respective companies. Product listings begin on page 41.) HANCHETT MFG INC. 20000 19 Mile Rd. Big Rapids, MI 49307-1110 231-796-7678, 800-454-7463 Fax: 231-796-4851 Email:


HANSENTEK 4141 Sladeview Crescent, Unit #18 Mississauga, ON L5L 5T1 Canada 905-607-5780 Email: HASHIMOTO DENKI CO LTD 5-1-17, Shinden-cho Takahama-shi, Aichi-ken 444-1301 Japan +81 566 53 6902

HASKO ✧ 114 Industrial Park Dr. Soddy Daisy, TN 37379 423-648-5200 Fax: 423-648-5202 HEAVY MACHINES INC. ✧ 3926 E. Raines Rd. Memphis, TN 38118-6936 901-260-2200 Fax: 901-260-2225 Email: HEM-SORT SLINGS ✧ PO Box 769 Wells, TX 75976-9007 936-867-4801 Fax: 866-702-4802 Email: HERMARY 104-1500 Hartley Ave. Coquitlam, BC V3K 7A1 Canada 604-517-4625 Fax: 604-517-2195 Email: HEWSAW MACHINES INC. 2104 Townline Rd. Abbotsford, BC V2T 6E6 Canada 604-852-7293 Fax: 604-852-7294 Email:

2802 Sydney Rd. Plant City, FL 33566-1173 813-754-1665 800-346-5832 Fax: 888-220-0835 Email: Website: Established: 1985 With over 8,000 systems operational worldwide, HOLTEC is recognized as the world leader in package crosscut technology. First introduced in 1967, HOLTEC Package Crosscut Saws have developed into the most effective and precise method of cutting entire units of lumber or engineered products to precision length in about one minute per cut. From the Transcut® line of economically priced portable saws to the state-of-the-art automated Maximus® system, HOLTEC is the only solution for your crosscutting requirements. HOLTEC system & features video clips are now available to view directly on their website at HUNT, GUILLOT & ASSOCIATES 603 E. Reynolds Dr. Ruston, LA 71270-2822 318-255-6825 Fax: 318-255-8591 Email: S. HUOT INC. ✧ 1000 Rue Raoul-Jobin Quebec City, QC G1N 4N3 Canada 418-681-0291 Fax: 418-681-3742 Email:

HEXION INC. 180 E. Broad St. Columbus, OH 43215 614-986-2497, 888-443-9466 Fax: 877-443-9466 Email:

HURDLE MACHINE WORKS INC. 16195 Highway 57 Moscow, TN 38057-6869 901-877-6251 Fax: 901-877-6260 Email:

HMC CORP. 284 Maple St. Contoocook, NH 03229-3339 603-746-4691 Fax: 603-746-4819 Email:

HURST BOILER & WELDING CO. INC. 100 Boilermaker Ln. Coolidge, GA 31738 229-346-3545, 877-994-8778 Fax: 229-346-3874 Email:

HMT MACHINE TOOLS INC 449 Deanna Ln. Charleston, SC 29492 843-832-4410 Fax: 843-832-4475 HOGUE INDUSTRIES 2961 Ascot Cir. West Linn, OR 97068-0462 503-656-5100 Fax: 503-656-5111 Email:

HYDRA POWER SYSTEMS INC. 5445 NE 122nd Ave. Portland, OR 97230-1092 503-777-3361, 800-777-5047 Fax: 503-775-6447 Email:

HYSTER CO. 1400 Sullivan Dr. Greenville, NC 27834-9007 800-HYSTER-1 Email:

I (IBC) INTERNATIONAL BAR CODING SYSTEMS 1940 Barnes St. Penticton, BC V2A 4C3 Canada 250-493-3201, 800-661-5570 Email: IN STOCK PARTS 4800 Siegenthaler Rd. Fort Smith, AR 72916 479-668-3141 Fax: 479-358-9077 Email:



INDUSTRIAL EQUIP. ✧ MFG. LTD. #109 19433-96th Ave. Surrey, BC V4N 4C4 Canada 604-513-5216 Email:; rotary INDUSTRIAL SCREW CONVEYORS INC. 4133 Conveyor Dr. Burleson, TX 76028-1819 817-641-0691

KANEFUSA USA INC. 621 Dolwick Dr. Erlanger, KY 41018 859-283-1450 Fax: 859-283-5256 Email:

INTERTECH INC. 720 NW Second St., Ste. 101 Corvallis, OR 97330 541-752-8422, 800-248-0988 Email: ✧

ISK BIOCIDES INC. 416 E. Brooks Rd. Memphis, TN 38109-2931 800-238-2523 Fax: 901-344-5388 Email: ITIPACK SYSTEMS ✧ 919 Zelco Dr. Burlington, ON L7L 4Y2 Canada 905-333-3695, 866-999-3695



4510 NE 68th Dr., Unit 124 Vancouver, WA 98661-1261 360-993-0069 Fax: 360-993-0064 Email: Website: Established: 1999 At JoeScan, we make scanners for sawmills. Our only focus is to deliver results for our sawmill partners. We have more than 4,000 scanners installed in sawmills all over the world, and our very first scanners are still running strong, over 16 years later. Since 2002, we've learned what works for sawmills. We keep our solutions simple. We make sure that everything we make can stand up to the rigors of the sawmill environment, day after day, year after year. And we work hard to deliver cost-effective scanning solutions for the sawmill industry. Because we are committed to serving our partners, JoeScans are made for sawmills. If you'd like to become one of our partners, we are ready to prove it to you. JOHNSON & PACE INC 1201 NW Loop 281, Suite 100 Longview, TX 75644 903-753-0663 Fax: 903-753-8803 BEN JONES MACHINERY 6475 Ga. Hwy 85 Waverly Hall, GA 31831 706-324-2604, 800-241-8983 Fax: 706-582-3871 Email:

KALLESOE MACHINERY Bredgade 115 Lem, DK-940 Denmark +45 97 34 15 55 Email: KALMAR USA INC. 415 E. Dundee St. Ottawa, KS 66067 785-242-2200 Email:;

INPROVE INC. 4190 South Service Rd., Ste. 200 Burlington, ON L7L 4X5 Canada 833-626-0195 Email:

INTERWRAP/OWENS CORNING #1 Owens Corning Pkwy. Toledo, OH 43659 678-575-9513, 800-567-9727

KADANT CARMANAH DESIGN Unit 8, 15050-54 A Ave. Surrey, BC V3S 5X7 Canada 604-299-3431 Fax: 604-299-1310 Email:

KDS WINDSOR 234 Industrial Dr. Hendersonville, NC 28739 828-891-8115 Fax: 828-891-5451 Email: KEITH MFG. CO. 401 NW Adler St. Madras, OR 97741-9491 541-475-3802, 800-547-6161 Fax: 541-475-2169 Email: KENNAMETAL STELLITE INC. 471 Dundas St. E. Belleville, ON K8N 1G2 Canada 613-968-3481, 800-267-2886 Fax: 613-966-8269 Email: KEY KNIFE INC. ✧ 19100 SW 125th Ct. Tualatin, OR 97062-7228 503-403-2000 Fax: 503-691-2240 Email: JOHN KING CHAINS LTD. ✧ 6003 Lancaster Bus. Pk., GB Sherburn in Elemet Leeds LS 256NS, United Kingdom +44-01977-681910 KNL HOLDINGS LLC ✧ PO Box 760 Paragould, AR 72451-0760 870-236-7753 Fax: 870-239-2130 Email: KOGER AIR CORP. PO Box 4668 Martinsville, VA 24115 800-368-2096 Fax: 800-554-4040 Email:

LEWIS CONTROLS INC. 260 N. 26th Ave. Cornelius, OR 97113-8505 503-648-9119 Fax: 503-693-1110 Email: LIEBHERR-INTERNATIONAL AG ✧ Frei-Otto-Street 6 Munich, 80797 Germany +49 89 1 20 09 309 Fax: +49 89 120 09 312 LIGNOMAT USA LTD. 14345 NE Morris Ct. Portland, OR 97230-3728 503-257-8957, 800-227-2105 Fax: 503-255-1430 Email: LIMAB Almedalsvagen 15 Goteborg, SE 412 63 Sweden +46-31-58-44-00 Email:


Appenweierer Str. 46 D-Oberkirch, 77704 Germany +49-7802-933-0 Fax: +49-7802-933-100 Email: Website: Established: 1840 LINCK is the largest European manufacturer of sawmill machinery. The range of supply includes log feeding plants, saw lines as well as the corresponding switchand control plants. High-performance and robust technology achieves maximum lumber quality. LINCK offers high-capacity saw lines for production capacities from 20 million BF up to more than 170 million BF round logs per year and shift with minimum production costs. The possibility of processing unsorted logs guarantees high flexibility. Own optimising systems guarantee maximum recovery. Our particular strength is the individual technical consulting and the working out of conclusive solutions.

L L-M EQUIPMENT LTD. 5278-185 A St. Surrey, BC V3S 7A4 Canada 604-576-0088 Fax: 604-576-0089 Email: LDX SOLUTIONS 60 Chastain Center Blvd. NW, Ste. 60 Kennesaw, GA 30144 770-429-5575 Fax: 770-429-5556 Email: LEDINEK ENGINEERING D.O.O. Slivniska Cesta 18 Hoce, SI-2311 Slovenia +386-2-61300-61

LETOURNEAU ✧ TECHNOLOGIES AMERICA INC. 1701 NW Sundial Rd. Troutdale, OR 97060-9532 503-669-1276 Email: christopher.wasson@




9713 Milwaukee Way Prince George, BC V2N 5T3 Canada 250-561-1181 Fax: 250-561-2217 Website: Established: 1969 Improve volume & value, increase production & profit with log handling systems from Linden Fabricating. Products in clude step feeders, quadrant log feeders and log ladders. We can deliver the competitive edge. LINDSAY/LINDEX ✧ 12001 NE 60th Way., Ste. A2 Vancouver, WA 98682-0800 503-331-0783 Fax: 503-335-0075 Email:

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MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS (Special type treatment requested by respective companies. Product listings begin on page 41.) LM EQUIP. CO. INC. PO Box 905 Sandy, OR 97055 503-235-3146, 800-228-0793 Email:

MAGNETIC PRODUCTS INC. 683 Town Center Dr. Highland, MI 48356-2965 248-887-5600 Fax: 248-887-6100 Email:

LMI TECHNOLOGIES INC. ✧ 9200 Glenlyon Pkwy. Burnaby, BC V5J 5J8 Canada 604-636-1011 Fax: 604-516-8368 Email:

MANAGEMENT RECRUITERS ✧ OF HOUSTON-NORTHEAST PO Box 5842 Kingwood, TX 77325 281-359-7940 Email:

LONGATO GRINDING MACHINES & EQUIP. Strada Zara San Prospero 8/1 Suzzara (MN), 46029 Italy +39-329-2361358 Email:

MASON SALES CO. ✧ PO Box 444 Irwinton, GA 31042 478-946-7111 Fax: 478-946-2304 Email:

LONZA WOOD PROTECTION 1200 Bluegrass Lakes Pkwy. Alpharetta, GA 30004 678-624-5800 Email:

MATTHEWS MARKING SYSTEMS 6515 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15206-4482 412-665-2500 Fax: 412-665-2550 Email: MAXI MILL INC. PO Box 823 Albany, OR 97321-0292 541-926-4449 Fax: 541-967-1251


155 SW Madison Ave. Corvallis, OR 97333-4707 541-753-5111 Email: Website: Established: 1985 Lucidyne delivers automated lumber scanning with GradeScan and ChopScan systems. Both systems have Lucidyne’s patented Perceptive Sight® Intelligent Grading. Perceptive sight uses deep learning artificial intelligence to grade lumber, dramatically improving results, with mills reporting above-grade nearing zero. Included with each system is the QCAssist tablet, an innovation in how mill management monitors production and value recovery, and enabling the QC staff to make continuous production improvements. QCAssist, as well as Grade-VU projector system and True-Q lumber tracking system, are only available from Lucidyne. Lucidyne continues to raise the bar for innovative mill solutions, maximizing fiber and value recovery.

MCCONNELL TECHNOLOGIES PO Box 126 Alton, AL 35015-0126 205-836-0396 Email: MCDONOUGH MFG. CO. PO Box 510 Eau Claire, WI 54702-0510 715-834-7755 Fax: 715-834-3968 Email: MCGREGOR PACKAGING 108 E. Ogeechee St. Sylvania, GA 30467 800-362-9332 Email: MEADOWS MILLS INC. ✧ 1352 West D St. North Wilkesboro, NC 28659-3506 336-838-2282, 800-626-2282 Fax: 336-667-6501 Email: MEBOR D.O.O. Cesnjica 48B 4228 Zelezniki, Slovenia +386-4-510-3200 Fax: +386-4-510-3201 Email:

M MAC CHAIN CO. LTD. 1855 Schurman Way Woodland, WA 98674-9598 360-225-6000, 800-663-0072 Fax: 360-225-3400 Email: MACHINERY SALES CO. INC. ✧ 9802 N. Vancouver Way Portland, OR 97217-7556 503-285-6691 Fax: 503-285-0449 Email:


MENOMINEE SAW & SUPPLY CO. INC. PO Box 515 Menominee, MI 49858-0515 906-863-2609, 800-582-0470 Fax: 906-863-1147 Email: MEREEN-JOHNSON LLC 5201 E. River Rd., Ste. 301 Minneapolis, MN 55421 612-529-7791 Fax: 612-529-0120 Email: J.R. MERRITT CONTROLS 55 Sperry Ave. Stratford, CT 06615-7317 203-381-0100, 800-333-5762 Fax: 203-381-0400 Email:

METRIGUARD TECHNOLOGIES INC. 2465 NE Hopkins Ct. Pullman, WA 99163 509-332-7526 Fax: 509-332-0485 Email: MICROTEC INNOVATING WOOD Julius-Durst-Str. 98 Brixen, 39042 Italy +39-0472-273-611 Email: MID SOUTH ✧ ENGINEERING CO. 1658 Malvern Ave. Hot Springs, AR 71901-7138 501-321-2276 Fax: 501-624-4214 MILL POWER INC. 3141 SW High Desert Dr. Prineville, OR 97754 541-447-1100 Fax: 541-447-1101 Email: MILL TECH INDUSTRIES 5061 Auto Rd. SE Salmon Arm, BC V1E 0B1 Canada 250-832-2586 Fax: 250-832-2596 Email: JEFF MILLER INC. ✧ PO Box 3 Shipshewana, IN 46565 574-370-5050 Fax: 260-768-7304 Email:

PO Box 843 Washougal, WA 98671-0843 360-335-1236 Fax: 360-335-1246 Email: Website: Established: 2003 Miller is a leader in the design, manufacture and efficiency of planer equipment and parts, including both new planers and retrofits. The complete Miller product line is designed for highlevel performance with minimal maintenance and downtime in the harshest environments.

MACK MFG. ✧ 7205 Bellingrath Rd. Theodore, AL 36582 251-653-9999 Fax: 251-653-1365 Email:

13156 Long Ln. Mercersburg, PA 17236-9621 717-369-3125 Fax: 717-369-2800 Email: Website: Established: 1966 Log Handling Systems: Debarkers, Log Decks, Log Troughs, Bar Turner, Chain Log Turners, Belt Conveyor with Metal Detector Lumber Handling Systems: Bandsaws, Linebar, Resaw Run-Around, Drop Saw Trimmers, Curved Conveyors, Transfers, Rollcases, Drop Belts, Unscrambler/Waterfall Decks, Grading Stations, Tilt Hoists Waste Handling Systems: Bark/Sawdust Conveyors, Troughing Idler Belt Conveyors, Vibrating Conveyors, Scrap Shear Other: Mat Drilling, Tie Dapper, Sorting & Stacking Mellott has over 50 years of experience designing and manufacturing equipment for the forest industry. We offer a full line of quality log and lumber handling equipment and system designs to provide the best solution for your application.

PO Box 26440 Eugene, OR 97402 541-345-7454 Fax: 541-345-7971 Email: Website: Established: 1965 Well designed and supported Metal Detector Systems are a necessary part of the production process. They are there to protect expensive equipment and prevent costly downtime in the event that damaging metal is present. MDI is a proven leader in the Industry with 55 years of experience in providing Industrial Metal Detection systems. MDI Metal Detectors are designed to work in harsh environments, taking into account such things as variable frequency drives, radio interference, and AC noise; all of which can create big problems for many metal detecting systems. The MDI system is de signed to filter out these effects.


MACHINERY SERVICE CO. INC. 166 W. Alna Rd. Wiscasset, ME 04578-4092 207-882-6788 Fax: 207-882-9616 Email:






MINDA INDUSTRIEANLAGEN GMBH Hans-Boeckler-Strasse 24 Minden, 32423 Germany +49-571-3997-213 Email: Website: Established: 1979

Stiles—Proudly Representing MINDA in U.S. 3965 44th St. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49512 616-698-7500 Email: MINDA SOLUTIONS: Innovaton and Quality. Complete factories for: * Glulam * CLT *Access-Mats Order-based warehouse technology Advanced mechanical handling solutions Master Control of complete production lines. MISSOULA SAWS INC. 212 Commerce St. Missoula, MT 59808-1665 406-721-2580, 800-735-7161 Fax: 406-728-2557 Email: MOISTTECH 6408 Parkland Dr., Ste. 104 Sarasota, FL 34243-3268 941-727-1800 Fax: 941-727-1810 Email: MORBARK LLC 8507 S. Winn Rd. Winn, MI 48896-1000 989-866-2381, 800-831-0042 Fax: 989-866-2280 Email:

MPM ENGINEERING LTD. Unit 200-5465 192 St. Surrey, BC V3S 8E5 Canada 604-574-1397 Fax: 604-574-0627 Email: MTS SENSORS 3001 Sheldon Drive Cary, NC 27513 919-677-0100 Fax: 919-677-2343


450 route du Cret-Gojon Margencel, F-74200 France +33-450-719634 Email: Website: MUDATA manufactures industrial setworks, scanners and develops optimizing softwares for the sawmilling industry for 40 years. With more than 10,000 setworks and more than 600 scanners installed worldwide, MUDATA keeps on offering innovative solutions for log yards, log carriages, end doggers, resaws, transverse and lineal infeed tables, trimmers and tally systems. MUDATA also offers full package solutions with electric servo motors and servo drive and PLC I/O programming. MUDATA distributes incremental, SSI and Ethernet TCP en coders. MUDATA setworks and scanners can be easily installed on new and existing equipment. MUDATA UNIXXX universal setworks offer 5-years warranty and are supported 20 years.

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PEERLESS SAW CO. 4353 Directors Blvd. Groveport, OH 43125-9350 614-836-5790, 800-973-3753 Fax: 800-826-9072 Email:

(Special type treatment requested by respective companies. Product listings begin on page 41.) NYLE DRY KILNS 12 Stevens Rd. Brewer, ME 04412 800-777-6953 Fax: 207-989-1101 Email:

MUEHLBOECK HOLZTROCKNUNGSANLAGEN GMBH Eberschwang 45 A 4906 Eberschwang, Austria +43-7753-2296-201 Fax: +43-7753-2296-9201 Email:


JAMES G. MURPHY INC. ✧ PO Box 82160 Kenmore, WA 98028-0160 425-486-1246 Email:

8717-132nd St. Surrey, BC V3W 4P1 Canada 604-599-9598, 888-298-9877 Fax: 604-599-9509 Email: forestrysales@ Website: Established: 1918 Murray Latta Progressive Machine Inc. designs, distributes, manufactures, repairs and installs a wide variety of equipment related to the Forest industry in Planermill, Sawmill, OSB, Plywood, Veneer and Biomass applications. We also supply various Attachments for Excavators and Wheel Loaders. Proudly serving customers since 1918 with a focus on supplying premier quality equipment and services to help maximize up time, production, profitability and reduce maintenance costs. Murray Latta Progressive Machine Inc. can meet or exceed all of your heavy equipment needs.

N NELSON BROS ENG. ✧ PO Box 128 Trout Lake, WA 98650-0128 888-623-2882 Fax: 888-623-2882 Email: NEWMAN MACHINE CO. INC. 2949 Lees Chapel Rd. Browns Summit, NC 27214-9765 336-273-8261 Fax: 336-273-6939 Email: NICHOLSON MFG. LTD. 9896 Galaran Rd. Sidney, BC V8L 3S6 Canada 250-656-3131 Fax: 250-656-3111 Email: NORTHERN PLASTICS LTD. 5840 Auto Rd. SE Salmon Arm, BC V1E 2X2 Canada 250-832-9452 Fax: 250-832-1885 Email: NORTHWEST MACHINERY SUPPLY CO. LLC 875 NE Chehalem Dr. Newberg, OR 97132-1563 503-880-0975 Email: NOVA DRY KILN LLC 500 Bergman St. Louisville, KY 40203-2617 502-409-4539 Email: ■





THE OIL GEAR CO. 1424 International Dr. Traverse City, MI 49686 231-929-1660

295 Emig Rd. York, PA 17406-9734 800-256-8259 Email: Website: OLESON SPECIFICS: Manufacture, design and maintenance of band & circular saws; specializing in Vari-Pitch & Depth bandsaws, curve sawing and guided circular gang saws; C-N-C controlled filing room equipment; filing room supplies; lubes for band & circular saws; lube systems; mill site production evaluations, filing room equipment—North American distributor for Iseli. OPTICOM TECH 5420 Beckley Rd. Battle Creek, MI 49015 269-966-2900, 800-578-1853 US/Can. Fax: 888-370-5656 Email:

OPTIMIL MACHINERY INC. 8320 River Rd. Delta, BC V4G 1B5 Canada 604-946-6911 Email: Website: Established: 1984 Over the last couple of years Optimil has introduced both side board profilers and a new true balanced cut horizontal arbor saw box . These are aimed at reducing the amount of reman that is commonly found in conventional four sided and two sided canter systems. These allow higher feed speeds with better control to eliminate miss match, that occurs from a similar saw boxes. Optimil's standard designs have grown to incorporate state-of-the-art sawdust and chip containment to promote a cleaner environment and safer workplace. With over 180 extended length log infeeds running, exact placement and presentation of the log to the cutting tools is proven. Now these added value machine modules also have a roll, improving mill flow and profits.


12725 SW Millikan Way, Ste. 300 Beaverton, OR 97005-1687 503-645-2390 Email: Website: Established: 1991 Optware Solutions is the leading provider of linear-programming technology in the forest products industry. We help our clients increase profits through improved procurement, scheduling, product mix and logistics. Optware provides solutions for lumber, plywood, veneer and panels. We also provide conversion return models (RTL and RTS).

P PACE PRODUCTS INC. 4510 W 89th St., Ste. 110 Prairie Village, KS 66207-2292 913-469-5588, 888-389-8203 Fax: 913-469-4067 Email:

PREWITT GROUP 2146 Highland Ave. S. Birmingham, AL 35216 205-317-5515 Email:

PENNSYLVANIA LUMBERMEN’S MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. ✧ 2005 Market St., Ste. 1200 Philadelphia, PA 19103-7008 800-752-1895 Fax: 215-625-9097 PICHE INC. 414 Rue Industrielle Daveluyville, PQ G0Z 1C0 Canada 833-574-4333 Fax: 819-367-2663 Email: PIERCE CONSTRUCTION ✧ PO Box 485 Petal, MS 39465-0485 601-544-1321 Fax: 601-544-3371 Email: PIPER’S SAW SHOP INC. PO Box 30 Central City, KY 42330-0030 270-754-4616, 800-845-6075 Fax: 270-754-2500 Email:

109 Hubbard St. Belmont, NC 28012 704-825-4965 800-211-9468 Fax: 704-825-4969 Email: Website: Established: 1997 Pantron Automation, Inc. is the provider of high-powered photoelectric sensors that are designed to work in harsh environments including areas with heavy dust, contaminates or wash down. With sensing ranges up to 230 feet and wide opening angles, Pantron eyes are easy to align and simple to use. The new ISM series photoelectric systems from Pantron offer never-before-seen features and a new LCD interface! Setup, monitor and change the settings of the photoelectric system in real time from a computer. Built-in diagnostics and alignment tools are standard. PATZ CORP. PO Box 7 Pound, WI 54161-0007 920-897-2251 Fax: 920-897-4312 Email: PAW-TAW-JOHN SERVICES 18125 N. Ramsey Rd. Rathdrum, ID 83858-8288 208-687-1478 Fax: 208-687-4148 Email: B.H. PAYNE & CO INC. PO Box 90608 East Point, GA 30364-0608 404-761-8711, 800-752-0627 Fax: 404-761-5398 Email: ✧

POLE MILL OPTIMIZER LLC PO Box 508 Perkinston, MS 39573 228-669-7786

PRINZ GMBH & CO KG KETTENSAGETECHNIK Ofenlochstrabe 23 A-3382 Loosdorf, Austria 855-467-7469 Email:

PROGRESS ENGINEERING 66 Scribner Hill Rd. Manchester, ME 04351 207-623-0110 Fax: 207-623-0111 Email: PROGRESS INDUSTRIES PO Box 29 Trussville, AL 35173-0029 205-655-8875 Fax: 205-655-8884 Email:


PLCUSA INC. 22813 Calico Jack Cir. Summerland Key, FL 33042 312-543-6049, 888-516-9998 Fax: 866-921-1188 Email:


PCS VACDRY USA 1854 Dutch Hollow Rd. Jersey Shore, PA 17740-6902 570-995-1118 Email:

PENINSULAR CYLINDER CO. 27650 Groesbeck Hwy. Roseville, MI 48066 586-775-7211, 800-526-7968 Fax: 586-775-4545 Email:

PREMIER BANDWHEEL & EQUIP. LTD. 12845 261A St. Maple Ridge, BC V2W 0J2 Canada 604-591-2080 Fax: 604-591-2080 Email:

PORTER ENGINEERING LTD. 6520 Fraserwood Pl. Richmond, BC V6W 1J3 Canada 604-273-1868 Fax: 604-273-6635

2940 Jacob Rd. Duncan, BC V9L 6W4 Canada 800-665-5405 Email: Website: Established: 1993 Promac Group is a leading manufacturer of saw splines for edgers and gangs. We also manufacture saw guides and knurled rolls. With the acquisition of Rockwell Industries, Promac can also offer log turning and log singulating systems as well as feed chain and sharp chain components.



PO Box 507 Leeds, AL 35094-0010 205-640-5181 Fax: 205-640-1147 Email: Website: Established: 1964 Key Contact: Bob Smith Precision Husky Corp. has been a world class manufacturer of forest products equipment since 1964. The Precision Div. manufactures a complete line of wood waste and whole tree chippers, rosserhead debarkers, vibrating conveyors, chip screens, knife grinders, mobile flail debarkers, whole tree chippers and combination units. Precision supplies complete chip mills and bark/mulch processing systems. The Husky Div. manufactures five sizes of knuckleboom loaders. ProGrind™ Tub grinders are built in ten models from 100 HP to 1,200 HP. ProGrind™ horizontal grinders are built in six models from 500 HP1,200 HP.



QUALITY FABRICATION & MACHINE WORKS INC. 3631 E. US Highway 90 Lake City, FL 32055-1436 386-755-0220 ext. 842 Fax: 386-752-2458 Email:

R RAPTOR INTEGRATION INC. ✧ PO Box 1128 Salmon Arm, BC V1E 4P3 Canada 250-253-4201

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MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS (Special type treatment requested by respective companies. Product listings begin on page 41.) ROW ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT INC. PO Box 2812 Toledo, OH 43606-0812 419-248-4479, 800-248-4479 Fax: 419-244-8887 Email:


RAWLINGS MANUFACTURING INC. 1780 Idaho St. Missoula, MT 59801 406-728-6182 866-762-937 Fax: 406-728-7957 Email: judi@ Website: Established: 1977 For over 40 years, Rawlings has a proven track record in some of the toughest wood grinding applications that exist. We assist our customers with every aspect of designing, manufacturing and supporting a complete materials processing system. We offer a complete line of stationary, portable, diesel or electric powered vertical & horizontal grinders in a full range of sizes and models. With the wide variety of options, you’ve got the flexibility to customize the perfect wood recovery system for your particular needs and budget.

REA JET 7307 Young Dr. Walton Hills, OH 44146 440-232-0555 Email: Website: The wood industry, and even more specifically the lumber industry, requires printing systems that are reliable and can provide high quality, legible markings. REA JET provides consistent and flexible prints for any wood products that will stand the test of time and hold up in the harshest environments. REA JET High Resolution printers are being used more and more in lumber mills today to replace messy stamps and roller wheels. The flexible and reliable technology delivers high resolution, legible lumber grading and allows for the printing of 2D codes and large logos. REA JET’s product range in cludes large character ink jet printers, high resolution ink jet printers, laser systems, spray mark systems and labeling systems.

340 Deming Way Summerville, SC 29483 843-900-9494 Fax: 843-871-1895 Email: Website: Real Performance Machinery, LLC is an original equipment manufacturer focused on the primary and secondary breakdown processing areas of sawmills. RPM is comprised of industry leading experts in project management, engineering design, manufacturing, automation, customer service and support. Our product development teams design our equipment to provide solutions to existing issues. Through industry collaboration and expertise, we design our machinery to decrease downtime, lower maintenance cost and provide a higher ROI for our customers. We design, build and service the most technologically advanced machinery in the industry. Our goal is not to build more, but to passionately build the best! REDWOOD PLASTICS CORP. 165 Andrew Dr. Stockbridge, GA 30281-7378 800-345-7099 Fax: 770-389-7360 Email: bchristensen@ ENRST REINER GMBH & CO. KG Baumannstrasse 16 Furtwagen, 78120 Germany +49 7723 657 0 Email: REITER TECHNICAL SERVICES 2426 Airport Rd. Hot Springs, AR 71913 501-538-3038

REMA SAWCO Snickaregatan40 Linkoping, SE-58226 Sweden +46-155-55950 Email:

RENHOLMEN AB Box 10 Byske, SE-93424 Sweden +46 912 40800 Email: bernt-ove.andersson@ RESCH & 3 GMBH Blumauer Strassee 17 Blumau-South Tyrol, I-39053 Italy +39-0471-353-137 Email: ROCKWELL AUTOMATION INC. 1201 S. Second St. Milwaukee, WI 53204-2496 414-382-2000, 888-382-1583 Fax: 414-382-4444 Email: webmaster@ ROTOCHOPPER INC. ✧ 217 West St. Saint Martin, MN 56376 320-548-3586 Fax: 320-548-3372 Email:



RUF BRIQUETTING SYSTEMS ✧ 771 Sugar Ln. Elyria, OH 44035 440-779-2747 Fax: 440-328-4626 Email:

S SALEM EQUIP INC., SUB. OF WELLONS INC. PO Box 1030 Sherwood, OR 97140-1030 503-581-8411 Fax: 503-581-8951 Email:


2278 192nd St. Surrey, BC V3Z 0N2 Canada 604-521-3700 800-667-1264 Email: Website: Established: 1855 Samuel Coding and Labeling Div. is the industry leader in custom and off the shelf solutions for the wood products industry. Samuel Coding & Labeling Systems for wood products include ink jet grade mark systems, ink jet printers for marketing information, ink jet stencil machines for sawmills and planer mills, automatic board bar coding for retail sales, automatic package tag systems to print labels and staple them to finished packages, and product tracking by integrating printers and scanners for 2D bar codes. We provide a full system solution with design, fabrication, installation and ongoing sup port.



SAMUEL PACKAGING SYSTEMS GROUP Unit 109, 2278 192nd St. Surrey, BC V3Z 0N2 Canada 604-521-3700, 800-667-1264 Fax: 905-279-8016 Email: Website: Established: 1855 Samuel Packaging Systems Group (Samuel PSG), part of the family of Samuel companies, is a leader in the design, manufacturing and distribution of packaging, unitizing and product identification solutions. Our experienced mechanical and electrical engineering staff take customers' requirements from initial concept to advanced CAD engineering. Samuel PSG offers inhouse machining, fabrication, assembly and testing; we also provide training, technical support and field services to ensure customer production lines keep moving. Samuel PSG is committed to providing our customers with innovative, high quality and cost-effective packaging systems, supplies and solutions.

4101 W. 126th St. Alsip, IL 60803-1901 708-597-7090 Fax: 708-597-0313 Email: Website: www.scientificdust Established: 1981 Since 1981, Scientific Dust Collectors® has offered something different. Our specialty is to apply the best Dust Collection Equipment for your requirements, and then custom design the unit to meet your individual needs. Our Patented Nozzle Cleaning technology, combined with a designed high side inlet/drop out section, allows us to provide you the most efficient and cost effective Dust Collectors on the market today. Who else will offer you a FOUR YEAR filter life guarantee in writing?! We are also able to assist with meeting your combustible dust requirements (NFPA). SDC Product Line: Baghouse, Cartridge, Cyclone, BinVent, Filter Receivers & Accessories. SCS FOREST PRODUCTS BY FINNA SENSORS 1165 S. Pennsylvania St., Ste. 100 Denver, CO 80210 720-963-6500

SAW ADD LLC 10211 Mullen Rd. SE Olympia, WA 98513-9300 360-459-9163 Email: Website: Established: 2014 Saw-ADD for Bandsaws and Round Saws detects excessive forces that will steer a cut into deviation. Through the PLC, Saw-ADD preemptively and proportionally slows the feed speeds to allow for immediate corrective action. The result is a higher grade of lumber at a higher average feed speed with no saw wrecks. Saw-ADD provides increased production, higher lumber grade, reduced saw consumption and no saw wrecks. Saw-ADD is maintenance free by integrating the force measurement into bandsaw lower guide block holders, outperforming any top guide system. On round saws the force is measured outside of the sawbox through the arbor. SAW CONTROL SYSTEMS ✧ PO Box 470 Kooskia, ID 83539-0470 208-691-1732 Fax: 208-926-0995 Email: SAWNET PO Box 278 Camden, SC 29021-0278 803-424-1794 Email: SCHRADER REAL ESTATE & AUCTION CO INC. PO Box 508 Columbia City, IN 46725 260-244-7606



SECHOIR MEC DRY KILN INC. 105 Archibald Campbell Victoriaville, PQ G6T 2W1 Canada 819-751-2294 Fax: 819-751-2296 Email: SELECT SAWMILL CO. 5889 County Rd. 17 Plantagenet, ON K0B 1L0 Canada 613-673-1267, 866-724-7600 Fax: 613-673-2854 Email: SELLICK EQUIPMENT LTD. PO Box 312547 Detroit, MI 48231-2547 519-738-2255, 877-735-5425 Fax: 519-738-3477 Email: SENNEBOGEN LLC 1957 Sennebogen Trail Stanley, NC 28164-7773 704-347-4910 Email: SERING SAWMILL MACH. CO. 22703 NE 216th Ave. Battle Ground, WA 98604-5014 360-687-2667 Fax: 360-687-2917 Email: office@ SERRA MASCHINENBAU GMBH Bahnhofstrasse 83 Rimsting, D-83253 Germany +49-8051-96400-16 Email: SHARP TOOL CO. INC. 7 Bonazzoli Ave. Hudson, MA 01749-2849 978-568-9292, 800-221-5452 Fax: 978-568-9497 Email:

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MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS (Special type treatment requested by respective companies. Product listings begin on page 41.) SICAM SYSTEMS 116-7350 72 St. Delta, BC V4G 1H9 Canada 604-584-7151 Fax: 604-200-0132 Email: SIEMENS PROCESS ✧ INDUSTRIES & DRIVES 100 Technology Dr. Alpharetta, GA 30005-3900 770-740-3000, 800-241-4453 Fax: 678-297-8316 Email: SIGNODE CORP. ✧ 3650 W. Lake Ave. Glenview, IL 60026-1279 800-323-2464 Fax: 847-657-5323 SII DRY KILNS 207 Cedar Lane Dr. Lexington, NC 27292-5711 336-357-7146

SIMONDS INTERNATIONAL PO Box 600 Fitchburg, MA 01420-0005 978-424-0100, 800-426-6226 Fax: 978-424-2212 Email: SIMPLY COMPUTING INT’L INC., DBA VOICE CONTROLLED SOLUTIONS PO Box 149 Saco, ME 04072-0149 207-415-4231, 800-903-4122 Fax: 845-230-7626 Email:

GREG F. SMITH CO. 4707 SW Maplewood Dr. Portland , OR 97219 971-865-2981 Email: Website: The Greg F. Smith Company’s Gmachine™ brand of edgers and gangs meet the needs of hardwood and softwood lumber manufacturers in a variety of sawing applications. Precision engineering and decades of experience go into each machine. All Gmachine’s™ are customized to fit each application and use industry standard components, with detailed documentation of each machine so mill owners and maintenance staff are able to simplify maintenance. Gmachine™ designs are available for many applications including, lineal and transverse feed, curve sawing, chipping designs, combination board and cant machines, as well as more specialized applications. For sales inquiries contact:

STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS NW ✧ 11200 SW Allen Blvd., Ste. #200 Beaverton, OR 97005 503-924-4434 Fax: 503-924-4435


181 County Rd. 4763 Timpson, TX 75975 936-254-3161 800-598-6344 Fax: 936-254-3975 Email: Website: Established: 1990 Other location: 940 Aero Dr. Shreveport, LA 71107 318-227-1695 Smith Sawmill Service has proudly served the wood industry with quality products and service designed to meet the everchaging needs of sawmills, chip mills, paper mills and pallet manufacturers. Family owned and operated since 1990, our courteous and knowledgeable staff has over 200 years of combined sawmill experience. With over 20,000 feet of manufacturing space and two locations to better serve you, we are fully equipped to supply your company with parts, tools, equipment and quality service you depend on. Call today for all your sawmill needs. SMITHCO MFG. INC. 7911 NE 33rd Dr., Ste. 130 Portland, OR 97211-1966 503-295-6590 Fax: 503-295-6822 Email:


SWEED MACHINERY INC. PO Box 228 Gold Hill, OR 97525-0228 541-855-1512, 866-507-3660 Fax: 541-855-1165 Email:

T TAIHEI MACHINERY ✧ WORKS LTD. 955-8 Miyamae, Irukade-Shinden Komaki City, Aichi Prefecture, 485-0084 Japan +81 568 73 6421 Email: TANGUAY MACHINERY 625 Route de Aeroport Roberval, QC G8H 2M9 Canada 418-251-3152, 800-463-9856 Fax: 418-275-3376 Email: TAYLOR MACHINE WORKS INC. 3690 N. Church Ave. Louisville, MS 39339-2033 662-773-3421 Email: TEBULO INDUSTRIAL ROBOTICS 70 Lancing Dr. Hamilton, ON L8W 3A1 Canada 905-639-7370 Email: TECH ROLL INC. PO Box 959 Blaine, WA 98231-0959 360-371-4321, 888-946-3929 Email:

SONICAIRE 3831 Kimwell Dr. Winston Salem, NC 27103 336-712-2437 Email: SOUTHWEST MACHINE & SUPPLY INC. PO Box 1804 Joplin, MO 64802-1804 417-781-1222 Fax: 417-781-7634 Email: SPRINGER MASCHINENFABRIK Hans-Springer-Strasse 2 9360 Friesach, Austria +43-4268-2581-0 Email:

SPRINGER MICROTEC INC. 1847 W. Broadway, Ste. 203 Vancouver, BC V6J 1Y6 Canada 604-879-4628 Email: STENNER LTD. Unit 18, Hartnoll Bus. Centre, Tiverton Devon, EX16 4NG United Kingdom +44-0-1884-255700 Email: STILES MACHINERY INC. 3965 44th St. SE Grand Rapids, MI 49512-3982 616-698-7500 Email: STORTI S.P.A. Via F. Dioli 11 Motta Baluffi CR, 26045 Italy +39-0375-968311 Fax: +39-0375-968310 Email:


STRINGER INDUSTRIES INC. PO Box 450 Tylertown, MS 39667-0450 601-876-3376 Fax: 601-876-2143 Email:


1 Freedom Dr. Belleville, IL 62226 855-483-7721 Email: Website: Established: 1876 TerraSource Global is a world leader in material processing and handling solutions. Our longstanding equipment brand, Jeffrey Rader, is renowned in forestproducts markets for performance and durability. We are proud to have over 10,000 machines installed at pulp and paper facilities around the world. We are an innovation leader for chip and bark sizing, classifying and handling machines, supported by in-house engineering and application expertise customers rely on to improve plant productivity and output. With TerraSource, our customers get more than a broad array of the best equipment; they get a true business partner. Visit to learn more.


54 Morton Ave. E. Brantford, ON N3R 7J7 Canada 519-753-2000 Fax: 519-753-8272 Email: Tigercat specializes in the design and manufacture of tree harvesting systems and specialized machines for severe duty off road applications. Tigercat forestry systems deliver processed wood to roadside at the lowest cost per tonne.

TEREX DEUTSCHLAND ✧ GMBH Industriestrasse 3 Bad Schonborn, 76669 Germany +49-0-7253-84-0

TITAN TRAILERS ✧ 1129 Hwy. #3 Delhi, ON N4B 2W6 Canada 519-688-4826 Fax: 519-688-6453 Email: TMS 301 Johnson Ave. N. Talladega, AL 35160-2488 256-480-5060, 800-887-4027 Email:


400 Aviation Plz. Hot Springs National Park, AR 71913 501-623-0065 800-286-7803 Email: Website: Timber Automation provides engineered equipment, control systems, optimization technology and turnkey construction services for woodyards and saw mills that maximize yield, increase up-time and reduce production costs. Timber Automation began first as Hi-Tech Engineering in the early 90s and continued more recently as Baxley-LogPro from the mid-2000s. In 2017, the company formed Timber Automation, combining Baxley Equipment, LogPro and newly-formed Timber Automation Construction. In 2018 VAB Solutions joined Timber Automation as its newest division focused on optimization and controls.




PO Box 4 La Center, WA 98629-0004 360-263-3371 Fax: 866-527-5285 Email: Website: Established: 2008 Top Wood Jobs, LLC supplies recruiting, staffing and consulting services for the wood products industries for full or part time assignments. As a Search Firm, Top Wood Jobs can provide experienced industrial plant staffing, engineering, construction and equipment supplier personnel for Biomass Energy, Flooring, OSB, OSL, MDF, CLT, Particleboard, Hardboard, Laminating, Plywood, Lumber, LVL, I-Joist, WPC, and Wood Pellets and other wood related Building Materials. We can help you with your immediate staffing needs for those hard to locate candidates or for your projects no matter how large or small the project may be. Human Resource for Human Resources. TRI STATE AUCTION & REALTY LLC PO Box 329 Sweetwater, TN 37874 865-376-7009, 800-334-4395 Fax: 865-376-9103 Email:


1456 Center Park Dr. Charlotte, NC 28217-2909 704-357-9393 Fax: 704-357-9373 Email: Website: Established: 1975 Telco Sensors has been supplying high-performance photoelectric sensors for the harshest, most demanding applications in the wood products industry for over 30 years. Our products include single and multi-channel photoelectric sensor systems, and industrial light curtains with discrete and analog outputs for presence detection, measuring and sorting applications. All Telco products are designed and built around 5 core values: water resistance, extreme penetration power, resistance to shock and vibration, easy alignment and immunity to sunlight. All Telco products carry a full 3-year warranty.

TIMBER MACHINE TECHNOLOGIES 19555 SW 129th Ave. Tualatin, OR 97062-8076 503-691-0162 Fax: 503-691-1892 Email:

TRI-TECH MACHINE LTD. 23 67th St. Delta, BC V4L 1L5 Canada 604-524-4711 Fax: 604-524-2372 Email: TS MANUFACTURING ✧ 2 Fleetwood Rd. Lindsay, ON K9V 6H4 Canada 705-324-3762 Fax: 705-324-6482 Email:

U U-C COATINGS PO Box 1066 Buffalo, NY 14215-6066 716-833-9366, 888-363-2628 Fax: 716-833-0120 Email:

U. S. BLADES 2205 Enterprise Dr., Ste. A Florence, SC 29501-1115 843-673-0110 Fax: 843-673-0440 Email: U. S. METAL WORKS INC. 36370 Industrial Way Sandy, OR 97055-7377 800-523-5287 Fax: 503-668-5562

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ULTRA AIR SYSTEMS ✧ PO Box 682987 Franklin, TN 37068 615-647-6110 Fax: 615-671-3545 UNION GROVE SAW & KNIFE PO Box 160 Union Grove, NC 28689 704-539-4442 Email: UNITEMP DRY KILNS LLC PO Box 706 Hope, AR 71802-0706 870-777-2375

UNIVERSAL GRINDING INC. 1062 1064 Butterworth SW Grand Rapids, MI 49504 616-222-0000 Email:


PO Box 310 Woodland, WA 98674-0300 800-BUY-USNR Fax: 360-225-8017 Email: Website: Established: 1897 From small upgrades to stateof-the-art greenfield mill complexes, USNR’s capacity to deliver turn-key projects dramatically increased with the 2017 acquisition of Mid-South Engineering. This new cohesive force im proves project execution, reducing time, cost, and risk, and delivering a superior integrated turn-key system. Customers can draw from the widest range of design solutions in the global wood processing arena, including Söderhamn Eriksson prod-

MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS ucts. Whether you produce dimensional lumber, plywood, panels, finger-jointed components, or engineered wood products, USNR has a solution that’s right for you. By merging product lines, technologies, service, and support operations, customers can access an even broader range of locally-supported solutions to best achieve their goals. Committed to superior customer service, USNR offers 24/7 support and training worldwide.

V VAB, A TIMBER AUTOMATION CO. 4685 Pascaline Rd. Levis, QC G6W 0L9 Canada 418-834-0606 Fax: 418-834-0645 Email: jean-sebastien.pelletier@ VALUTEC AB Box 709 931 27 Skellefte, Sweden +46-910-879-50

(Special type treatment requested by respective companies. Product listings begin on page 41.)


3924 Oxford Street Port Coquitlam , BC V3B 4E8 Canada 778-868-3695 Fax: +46 0910 879 57 Website: Valutec is the world's biggest supplier of parallel flow continuous kilns. Over 4,500 kilns have been sold during our long history. Valutec's latest success is the first delivery of 2 x TC type continuous kilns to North America. The fact that we now have a plant in operation in North America is a big step forward for us. References are important and the TC continuous kiln is unique in terms of capacity, flexibility and quality. In addition, it is much easier to get customers to visit another state than a completely different continent, says Robert Larsson. VECOPLAN MIDWEST LLC 4005 Earnings Way New Albany, IN 47150 812-923-4992 Fax: 812-923-4994 Email: VENEER SERVICES 5851 S. Harding St. Indianapolis, IN 46217 317-346-0711 Fax: 317-346-0811 Email:

VIKING ENGINEERING & DEVELOPMENT 5750 Main St. NE Fridley, MN 55432-5400 763-571-2400, 800-328-2403 Fax: 763-571-7379 Email:


3808 Sullivan Rd., Bldg. 15, Ste. C Spokane Valley, WA 45040-9216 877-313-1225 Website: Valon Kone is a well-established Finnish company who specializes in the development and production of high-speed ring debarkers and butt-reducing equipment. Our customers are located worldwide ranging from panel mills to high speed sawmills. VK offers a solution for all debarking requirements. VK’s design philosophy focuses on safe operation, robust construction, high speed production, maximum uptime and excellent debarking quality. VK North America, located in Spokane, Washington, covers the U.S. and Canadian market and offers full capital sales and aftermarket support.


115 Enterprise Dr. Pittsburgh, PA 15275 412-278-0655 Fax: 412-278-0520 Email: Website: Established: 1909 VOLLMER offers the most comprehensive range of machines for sharpening saw blades and tools used in the saw mill industry. • Sharpening machines for saw blades used in the sawmill industry • Stellite-tipping machines for circular saw blades Our machines meet the very highest standards of precision, convenience and service life. We create all the right conditions to help further improve economy for our customers with a range of innovative solutions. VOLLMER Technology & Service is supported by the industry’s leading team of Service Engineers available to our customers throughout North America.



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MACHINERY MANUFACTURERS/SUPPLIERS (Special type treatment requested by respective companies. Product listings begin on page 41.)

W WAGNER METERS 326 Pine Grove Rd. Rogue River, OR 97537-9627 541-582-0541, 800-581-2722 Fax: 541-582-4138 Email: WEBSTER INDUSTRIES INC. 325 Hall St. Tiffin, OH 44883 419-447-8232 Fax: 419-448-1618 Email: WECHSLER ENGINEERING 114 New St. Ste I-I Decatur, GA 30031 404-370-0991 Email:

WEINIG GROUP Weinigstrassee 2/4 Tabuerbischofshelm, 97941 Germany +49-0-211-717065

WELLONS INC. 2525 W. Firestone Ln. Vancouver, WA 98660-1182 360-750-3500, 1-800-WELLONS Fax: 360-750-3400 Email:




PO Box 2067 Lebanon, OR 97355-0986 541-451-6677 Fax: 541-451-6681 Email: Website: Established: 1987 West Coast Industrial Systems is proud of the nationwide reputation we have built for quality systems and service. Manufactured products offered include logmerch, transfers, grading stations, unscramblers, feed tables, conveyors, sorter conversions, tray sorters, package handling equipment and paper wrap stations. Our in-house manufacturing facility can handle projects large and small. With a machine shop that boasts equipment from high speed CNC mills to a high capacity precision planer mill for providing high quality precision parts to our fabrication shop. We work closely with customers to identify everyday challenges and provide solutions quickly and efficiently. Supplying the equipment needs of the wood products industry: •Engineering •Detailing •Fabrication •Machining •Field Installation

WEST SALEM MACHINERY 665 Murlark Ave. NW Salem, OR 97304-3893 503-364-2213, 800-722-3530 Fax: 503-364-1398 Email: WESTCOAST CYLINDERS INC., ROYAL CYLINDERS DIV. 225 Edworthy Way New Westminster, BC V3L 5G4 Canada 604-527-1120, 877-637-6925 Fax: 604-527-1170 Email: WESTMILL INDUSTRIES LTD. 3063-275 A St. Aldergrove, BC V4W 3L4 Canada 604-607-7010 Fax: 604-607-7099 Email: WICKER MACHINE CO. INC. PO Box 338 Hollandale, MS 38748-0338 662-827-5434, 800-748-9476 Fax: 662-827-7800 Email: robert@ WILLIAMS & WHITE EQUIPMENT 6307 Laurel St. Burnaby, BC V5B 3B3 Canada 604-293-2268, 800-293-2268 Fax: 604-294-8354 Email: WILLIAMS PATENT CRUSHER & PULVERIZER CO. INC. 2701 N. Broadway Saint Louis, MO 63102-1509 314-621-3348 Fax: 314-436-2639 Email:

WINTERSTEIGER AG ✧ Dimmelstrasse 9 A-4910 Ried, Austria +43 77752 919 306 Fax: +49 7752 919 44306 WOLFTEK INDUSTRIES INC. 4944 Continental Way Prince George, BC V2N 5S5 Canada 250-561-1556 Fax: 250-561-0235 Email: WOOD-MIZER SAWMILL & WOOD PROCESSING EQUIP. 8180 W. 10th St. Indianapolis, IN 46214-2430 317-271-1542, 800-553-0182 Fax: 317-273-1011 Email: WOODLAND PARTS & SERVICE INC. PO Box 261 Talladega, AL 35161-0261 256-362-5097, 800-726-0188 Fax: 256-362-9111 Email: WOODTECH MEASUREMENT SOLUTIONS ✧ PO Box 68993 Portland, OR 97268-0993 503-720-2361 Email:

Y YATES AMERICAN MACHINE CO. 2880 Kennedy Dr. Beloit, WI 53511-3933 1-800-PLANERS Fax: 608-364-0481 Email:





Unit 1, 20172 113 B Ave. Maple Ridge, BC V2X 0Y9 Canada 604-881-2203 877-544-9832 Fax: 604-881-2208 Email: Website: Z-Tec Automation Systems specializes in state of the art printing, monitoring, inventory tracking, and vision systems. Each product combines the latest technology with custom software and rugged system design and is aimed at helping dramatically increase operational efficiency in a range of industrial settings. Z-Tec’s integration of quality, reliability, and 24/7/365 support maximizes your profits and provides the peace of mind you need to focus solely on your business. Please contact us for information on our exciting products, and to learn how a custom Z-Tec solution can work for you.

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Machinery Manufacturers/Sawmills/Trade Associations!

Are You Listed Correctly? Timber Processing presents its comprehensive listing of machinery manufacturers and trade associations. We have made every effort to ensure that information in the Lumbermen’s Buying Guide is as up-to-date as possible; however, mistakes and omissions are inevitable in such an undertaking. Please take a few minutes now to ensure that your company is listed correctly in next year’s edition. Simply fill out the form below and mail it to us. Company Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State: ___________________________________________________________Zip: ________________________________ Phone: (

) _____________________________________________ Fax: (

) ____________________________________

Email: __________________________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE CHECK ONE: ❒ Machinery Mfr./Supplies/Services ❒ Trade Associations ❒ Other Submitted By: _________________________________________ P.O. Box 2419 • Montgomery, AL 36102-2419 ATTENTION: RHONDA THOMAS


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TRADE ASSOCIATIONS AMERICAN FOREST RESOURCE COUNCIL 700 NE Multnomah, Ste. 320 Portland, OR 97232 503-222-9505 Fax: 503-222-3255 Email: Website: September 16-18, 2020 Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, WA.

AMERICAN WOOD PROTECTION ASSN. PO Box 361784 Birmingham, AL 35236-1784 205-733-4077 Fax: 205-733-4075 Website: C. McCown, exec. vp Sept. 20-24, 2020 Hotel Eldorado, Santa Fe, NM

AMERICAN LUMBER STANDARD COMMITTEE 7470 New Technology Way, #F Frederick, MD 21703 301-972-1700 Fax: 301-540-8004 Email: Website: D. Kretschmann, pres. November 6, 2020 Tucson, AZ

APPALACHIAN HARDWOOD MANUFACTURERS INC PO Box 427 High Point, NC 27261-0427 336-885-8315 Fax: 336-886-8865 Email: Website: T. Inman, pres. February 24-28, 2021 TBD, FL.

ARKANSAS FORESTRY ASSN. 1213 W. 4th St. Little Rock, AR 72201-1905 501-374-2441 Fax: 501-374-6413 Website: M. Braswell, exec. vp ARKANSAS TIMBER PRODUCERS ASSN. 2311 Biscayne Dr., Ste. 206 Little Rock, AR 72227-3393 501-224-2232 Fax: 501-224-9625 Email: Website: L. Boccarossa, exec. dir. Aug 13-14, 20 Hot Springs Convention Ctr., Hot Springs, AR.

FLORIDA FORESTRY ASSN. PO Box 1696 Tallahassee, FL 32302-1696 800-222-5646 Email: Website: A. Shelby, exec. vp. FOREST RESOURCES ✧ ASSN. 1901 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Ste. 303 Washington, DC 20006-3459 202-296-3937 Fax: 202-296-0562 Website: D. Hawkinson, pres. GEORGIA FORESTRY ASSN. PO Box 1217 Forsyth, GA 31029-1217 478-992-8110 Email: Website: A. Villegas, pres./ceo; E. Bentley, exec. dir.

GREAT LAKES TIMBER PROFESSIONALS ASSN. PO Box 1278 Rhinelander, WI 54501-1278 715-282-5828 Fax: 715-282-4941 Email: Website: H. Schienebeck September 10-12, 2020 UP State Fairgrounds, Escanaba, MI. HARDWOOD MANUFACTURERS ASSN. 665 Rodi Rd., Ste. 305 Pittsburgh, PA 15235-4566 412-244-0440 Fax: 412-244-9090 Website: or L Jovanovich, exec. vp. August 19-21, 2020 JW Marriott, Nashville, TN. INDIANA HARDWOOD LUMBERMEN’S ASSN. (IHLA) 12574 Promise Creek Ln., Ste. 100 Fishers, IN 46038 317-288-0008 Fax: 317-288-0009 Email: Website: R. Moistner, exec. dir. February 8-10, 2021 Indianapolis Marriott Downtown, Indianapolis, IN. INT’L. WOOD PRODUCTS ASSN. (IWPA) 4214 King St. Alexandria, VA 22302-1555 703-820-6696 Fax: 703-820-8550 Email: Website: C. Squires, exec. dir.; J. O’Donnell, dir, gov’t. & public affairs; M. Saenz, mgr., membership/mktg./oper. April 14-16, 2021 Omni Champions Gate Resort, Orlando, FL. INTERMOUNTAIN FOREST ASSN. 2218 Jackson Blvd., Ste. 10 Rapid City, SD 57702-3452 605-341-0875 Fax: 605-341-8651 Email: Website: B. Wudtke, Exec. Dir. December, 2020 Denver, CO.





KENTUCKY FOREST INDUSTRIES ASSN. 106 Progress Dr. Frankfort, KY 40601-8695 502-695-3979 Fax: 502-695-8343 Email: Website: R. Bauer, exec. dir. August 25 - 27, 2020 Brown Hotel, Louisville, KY LOUISIANA FORESTRY ASSN. PO Box 5067 Alexandria, LA 71307-5067 318-443-2558 Fax: 318-443-1713 Email: Website: C.A. Vandersteen, exec. dir. August 24-26, 2021 Golden Nugget, Lake Charles, LA. MID AMERICA LUMBERMENS ASSN. 701 Decatur Ave., Ste. 105 Golden Valley, MN 55427 Email: Website: C. Nuernberg, exec. vp MISSISSIPPI FORESTRY ASSN. 620 N. State St., Ste. 201 Jackson, MS 39202-3398 601-354-4936 Fax: 601-354-4937 Email: Website: T. Ratcliff, exec. vp.

NATIONAL HARDWOOD LUMBER ASSN. PO Box 34518 Memphis, TN 38184-0518 901-377-1818 Email: Website: L. Christie, exec. dir.

NEW ENGLAND KILN DRYING ASSN. Suny Esf Wood Products Syracuse, NY 13210 315-470-6832 Email: Website: W. Smith, exec. sec.

NORTH CAROLINA FORESTRY ASSN. 1600 Glenwood Ave., Ste. I Raleigh, NC 27608-2355 919-834-3943 Fax: 919-832-6188 Email: Website: A. Harper, office mgr. October 7-9, 2020 Biltmore, Asheville, NC. NORTHEASTERN LOGGERS ASSN. PO Box 69 Old Forge, NY 13420-0069 315-369-3078 Fax: 315-369-3736 Email: Website: J. Phaneuf, exec. dir. October 16-17, 2020 Champlain Valley Expo, Essex Junction, VT.

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NORTHEASTERN LUMBER MFGRS ASSN. PO Box 87A Cumberland, ME 04021-0087 207-829-6901 Fax: 207-829-4293 Email: Website: J. Easterling, pres..; M. Pomeroy, dir. of inspection svcs. NORTHWESTERN LUMBER ASSN. 701 Decatur Ave., Ste. 105 Golden Valley, MN 55427 763-544-6822, 888-544-6822 Fax: 763595-4060 Email: Website: C. Nuernberg, pres. January 21-22, 2021 Expo North, St. Cloud, MN. OHIO FORESTRY ASSN. INC. 507 Main St., Ste. 200 Zanesville, OH 43701 888-388-7337 Fax: 740-297-4153 Email: Website: B Perkins, exec. dir.; G Fleming, event mgr. Oct. 2-4, 2020 Paul Bunyan Show, Guernsey Co. Fairgrounds, Cambridge, OH

SOUTHEASTERN DRY KILN CLUB Campus Box 8003 Raleigh, NC 27695-8003 919-515-5581 Email: Website: www.research.cnr.ncsu P. Mitchell, F. Laleicke SOUTHERN FOREST PRODUCTS ASSN. 6660 Riverside Dr., Ste. 212 Metairie, LA 70003-3200 504-443-4464 Fax: 504-443-6612 Email: Website: T. Kessler, exec. dir. SOUTHERN OREGON TIMBER INDUSTRIES ASSN. PO Box 310 Medford, OR 97501-0021 541-773-5329 Fax: 541-773-3663 Email: K. Cummings, pres.; D. Schott, exec. vp

TEXAS FORESTRY ASSN. PO Box 1488 Lufkin, TX 75902-1488 936-632-8733 Fax: 936-632-9461 Email: Website: R. Hughes, exec. dir Oct. 28-30, 2020 Texarkana Convention Center/Hilton Garden Inn, Texarkana, TX

PENNSYLVANIA FOREST PRODUCTS ASSN. 301 Chestnut St., Ste. 102 Harrisburg, PA 17101-2755 717-901-0420 Email: Website: B. Rider, exec dir. September 15, 2020 Wyndham Garden State College, Boalsburg, PA

TIMBER PRODUCTS MANUFACTURERS ASSN. 951 E. Third Ave. Spokane, WA 99202-2287 509-535-4646 Fax: 509-534-6106 Email: Website: S Linton, chmn.; A. Molenda, pres.

RENEWABLE RESOURCE ASSOCIATES INC. 860 Johnson Ferry Rd., Ste. 140-194 Atlanta, GA 30342-1435 770-330-9416 Fax: 678-325-7330 Email: L. Sibert, pres.

WEST VIRGINIA FORESTRY ASSN. 2008 Quarrier St. Charleston, WV 25311 681-265-5019 Email: Website: Eric Carlson, exec. dir.

TRADE ASSOCIATIONS WESTERN HARDWOOD ASSN. PO Box 1095 Camas, WA 98607-0095 360-835-1600 Email: Website: D Sweitzer WESTERN WOOD PRODUCTS ASSN. 1500 SW 1st Ave., Ste. 870 Portland, OR 97201-5861 503-224-3930 Fax: 503-224-3935 Email: Website: J. Barbee, pres.

WOOD COMPONENT MFGRS. ASSN. PO Box 662 Lindstrom, MN 55045-0662 651-332-6332 Email: Website: A. Snell, exec. dir. ✧

SOUTHERN PINE INSPECTION BUREAU PO Box 10915 Pensacola, FL 32524-0915 850-434-2611 Fax: 850-434-2611 Email: Website:

PACIFIC LUMBER INSPECTION BUREAU 909 S. 336th St., Ste. 203 Federal Way, WA 98003-7394 253-835-3344 Fax: 253-835-3371 Email: Website: J. Fantozzi, pres. June 28-29, 2021 Coeur d’Alene, ID

RAILWAY TIE ASSN 115 Commerce Dr., Ste. C Fayetteville, GA 30214-7335 770-460-5553 Fax: 770-460-5573 Email: Website: J. Gauntt, exec. dir.; D. Corallo, admin. Oct 19-22, 2020 Hyatt Regency Coconut Point, Bonita Springs, FL

WALNUT COUNCIL 1007 N. 725 W. West Lafayette, IN 47906-9431 765-583-3501 Fax: 765-583-3512 Email: Website: B. Hammitt, pres.; L. Jackson, exec. dir. TBD (July 2021)

VDMA Lyoner Strasse 18 Frankfurt, 60528 Germany +49-696-603-1819 Email: Website: VIRGINIA FOREST PRODUCTS ASSN. PO Box 160 Sandston, VA 23150-0160 804-737-5625 Website: L. Moseley exec. dir.; S. Seward, dir. of gov’t. relations September 18-20, 2020 Virginia Beach Hilton Oceanfront, Virginia Beach, VA.





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MACHINERYROW 32 ➤ into the decision. “We liked that the number 7 represents completeness and perfection,” Larecy says. “Seven is also associated with intuition and wisdom, and we wanted 7robotics to represent those characteristics as a company.” Larecy adds that “the Con-Vey Holdings brands strive for perfection in all we do, and put a high value on collaborating with our customers. We know our team of experienced engineers will offer the best



solutions in robotics and automation to new and existing customers.” As 7robotics launches, a small team of Con-Vey employees will be working on the new automation projects. With the support of skilled mechanical and electrical engineers from Con-Vey and a solid partnership with ABB Robotics, Larecy believes the startup of 7robotics is a sure success. “The launch of 7robotics is guaranteed

to be a smooth transition because we already have the experience and knowledge. Just like Con-Vey has benefitted the wood products industry over the last 70 years, we know 7robotics will benefit other industries as well.” Visit

Forbes Is Sole Owner Of Brunette Machinery Brunette Machinery Co. Inc. announced that Kirk Forbes has concluded the purchase of shares from his business partners and is now the sole owner of Brunette, which is celebrating more than 75 years as a leader in supplying quality equipment to the forestry industry. This move brings the company back to its family roots. Forbes continues as President and CEO as he leads the company into the next era with the directive to strengthen Brunette’s position as a market leader for machinery in the North American forestry products and biomass industries. “We are in a great position to capitalize on our growth potential both organically, and through strategic acquisitions and partnerships,” Forbes says. Brunette is well known for its expertise in debarkers, hogs, and chippers. Recently, Brunette has developed new wood processing machinery such as the Retract-to-Load (RTL) Log Singulator, BioSizer high speed grinder, SmartVIBE conveyor, Whole Log Micro Chipper, and Veneer Chipper.



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Hampton Lumber Awards $250,000 To Students The Hampton Lumber Scholarship Program, which is managed by Scholarship America, announced the awarding of $250,000 to 38 students (from $2,500$7,500 each) from employee families for the 2020-2021 academic year. These awards will further their education at a college, university or technical school. While Hampton already offers tuition reimbursement for employees, this scholarship program is a way to extend educational opportunities to employee families. This latest round of awards went to students in Willamina, Tillamook, Warrenton, Banks and Portland, Ore.; and Morton, Randle and Darrington, Wash.; and Burns Lake and Richmond, BC. The start of the application period begins in February of each year. Visit

Oregon Salamander Lives With Logging Following a seven-year study of 88 timber tracts across Oregon’s western Cascade Range, researchers have concluded no “discernable difference” in populations and occupancy of a rare salamander on recently harvested stands compared to stands older than 50 years. The project, which ran from 20132019, was a collaboration of Oregon State University, Weyerhaeuser, Port Blakely Tree Farms, Bureau of Land Management and the Oregon Dept. of Forestry, and the findings were published in the journal Forest Ecology and Management. Found only on the west slope of the



Cascade Range, the Oregon slender salamander is considered “sensitive” by state wildlife officials, and other groups have petitioned for its listing under the Endangered Species Act. It lives primarily underground or burrowed into decaying woody material and is found on both older age class tracts and timber plantations. Researchers did note that a more commonly found salamander was negatively affected by timber harvest, and recommended that landowners leave more moisture-holding wood on the ground after logging to provide habitat for both species.

Vecoplan Enhances Marketing, Service Vecoplan LLC has hired a new marketing department head and has named a new director over its parts and service operation. Kirsti Nelson has been hired as Director of Marketing & Communications to lead the department into new and increased market concentration. She brings to Vecoplan more than 15 years of experience in industrial manufacturing industries including paper, furniture, recycling and waste. She has served in both marketing and sales roles for American businesses and German-owned companies with U.S. operations. Nelson earned an MBA in marketing and operations from Vanderbilt University, and holds a public relations professional certificate from the University of Virginia. Vecoplan’s after-market department has new leadership with the promotion of Mike Wilhoit to Parts & Service Director. Wilhoit has worked for the com-

pany for 17 years, serving in the production and engineering departments, also holding for a time the position of VP Operations. “Mike’s energy, loyalty and commitment to Vecoplan’s success is a vital asset to our company,” says COO Len Beusse. Also within the parts and service department, Phillip Thompson has been named Vecoplan’s 2020 Employee of the Year. Thompson has been with Vecoplan more than 12 years. He began his tenure in 2006 doing quality control and delivery for mobile shredding trucks, then moved to the parts and service department. As part of his award as employee of the year, Vecoplan has given Thompson an all-expense paid trip.

Conservation Group Buys Maine Tract The Conservation Fund has purchased 15,408 acres of Maine woodland from Chadbourne Tree Farms LLC in Oxford County. The primarily white pine tract was assembled by the Chadbourne family over 150 years and includes the site of what is considered the first sawmill in America at South Berwick. Conservation and officials said the acquisition is intended to protect the forest from development, expand drinking water protection for the Portland area and improve recreational access, while continuing sustainable forestry operations and related jobs. In 2014, Chadbourne Tree Farms received the Austin H. Wilkins Forest Stewardship Award, which recognizes people or organizations that stand above their peers to further forestry, forests or forestland conservation in Maine.



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SFPA Announces 2019 Safety Leaders

Southern Forest Products Assn.’s 2019 Sawmill Safety program included participation by 52 mills, recording nearly 18 million employee hours. Awards were scheduled to be presented in March at the SLMA & SFPA Annual Spring Meeting in New Orleans, but the meeting had to be canceled due to COVID-19 and awards are being shipped to the winners. All of the 2019 winners had zero reported incidences of occupational illnesses or injury. Division I, less than 50MMBF: Ray White Lumber Company, Sparkman, Ark. (second time recipient—previously awarded in 2015); Weyerhaeuser Company, Zwolle, La. (fifth consecutive award) Division II, 51-150MMBF: West Fraser, Opelika, Ala.; West Fraser, Whitehouse, Fla. Division III, greater than 150MMBF: Weyerhaeuser Company, Philadelphia, Miss. (second time recipient—previously awarded in 2010); Weyerhaeuser Company, Dodson, La. (second consecutive award); Weyerhaeuser Company, Millport, Ala. (sixth consecutive award—first-time recipient in Division III.

Wood ID Lab Moves To Oregon State Thanks to a five-year, $4 million federal grant from the Forest Service International Programs Office, the Wood Identification and Screening Center (WISC) is moving to Oregon State University, where it will join the College of Forestry. WISC was established three years ago to combat the illegal timber trade by using wood samples and their unique chemical signatures to identify the origin and species of wood in lumber, furniture and even musical instruments. According to WISC Director Beth Lebow, illegal logging is the third most profitable transnational crime and costs the U.S. timber industry up to $1 billion annually. The WISC lab uses specialized mass spectrometry to analyze the chemical signatures in toothpick-sized wood samples. Cross-referencing the signature with others in its database, WISC can determine a product’s genus and species within seconds. To date, WISC has collected 16,000 chemical signatures from 1,100 wood species.


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Pallet components, X-ties, Timbers and Crane Mats Contact: Ray Turner Phone (912) 253-9001 / Fax: (912) 375-9541


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MAINEVENTS JULY 27-30—American Forestry Conference Virtual Event. Call 478-992-8110; visit

12-13—Virginia Forestry Assn. Virtual 2020 Forestry Summit, Call 804-278-8733; visit 25-27—Kentucky Forest Industries Assn. annual meeting, Brown Hotel, Louisville, Ky. Call 502-695-3979; visit

SEPTEMBER 1-3—Florida Forestry Assn. annual meeting, Omni Amelia Island Plantation Resort, Amelia Island, Fla. Call 850-222-5646; visit

OCTOBER 16-17—Loggers’ Expo, Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, Vt. Call 315-369-3078; visit

MARCH 2021 24-26—Hardwood Manufacturers Association's National Conference and Expo, Austin, Tex. Call 412-244-0440; visit

APRIL 2021 6-8—American Forest Resource Council annual meeting, Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Wash. Call 503-222-9505; visit 15—OptiSaw West, Four Points Sheraton Kelowna Airport, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada. Visit 16-18—Forst Live, Exhibition Center, Offenburg, Germany. Visit

MAY 2021 TBD—Expo Richmond 2021, Richmond Raceway Complex, Richmond, Va. Call 804-737-5625; visit

JUNE 2021 19-22—Assn. of Consulting Foresters of America annual conference, TBD, Eugene, Ore. Call 703-548-0990; visit

AUGUST 2021 11-13—Forest Products Machinery & Equipment Expo, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Ga. Call 504-443-4464; visit Listings are submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations with contacts prior to making plans to attend. ■







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PG.NO. 73 2 73 33 19 81 13 67 61 22 60 78 8 76 37 16 87 36 28 83 31 24 88 75 23 59 83 77 43 49 65 73,81 3 38 57 32 31 7 81 71 6 30 82 25 27 51 77 29 39 77 73 10 16 12,18 29 17 69 27 55 80 9,79 26 11

PH.NO. 850.537.5333 813.855.6902 336.316.1204 450.434.8389 843.563.7070 800.663.0323 800.686.6679 615.469.0745 +64 21 586 453 800.387.6317 819.949.2281 715.674.2700 541.672.5506 229.228.9213 423.698.0284 541.929.2234 479.219.5171 800.365.1331 +46 31 708 63 00 800.841.5980 971.865.2981 418.275.5041 800.346.5832 901.877.6251 800.238.2523 800.426.3008 360.993.0069 903.753.0663 +41 26 913 3111 +46 31 58 44 00 936.676.4958 250.561.1181 678.627.2000 715.834.7755 +386 4 510 3200 717.369.3125 541.345.7454 +39 0 472 273 611 501.321.2276 +43 7753 2296 0 888.623.2882 800.256.8259 800.578.1853 604.946.6911 800.211.9468 833.574.4333 800.845.6075 228.669.7786 205.640.5181 604.591.2080 207.623.0110 205.655.8875 866.762.9327 800.323.4424 613.673.1267 704.347.4910 801.550.4878 503.924.4434 800.253.0111 716.833.9366 800.289.8767 336.793.5143 541.451.6677

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