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A Hatton-Brown Publication

Co-Publisher: David H. Ramsey Co-Publisher: David (DK) Knight Chief Operating Officer: Dianne C. Sullivan Publishing Office Street Address: 225 Hanrick Street Montgomery, AL 36104-3317 Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2268 Montgomery, AL 36102-2268 Telephone: 334.834.1170 FAX: 334.834.4525

Volume 40 • Number 3 • April 2015 Founded in 1976 • Our 412th Consecutive Issue

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Foot In The Door


Softwood Output Continues Run


Strong Focus On Lumber Drying


Building For A Safe Future


Sawmill Technologies Come Together


IndusTREE Reconditions Pole Kiln


SFPA, SLMA Meet Together

COVER: Northwest Hardwoods at Eugene, Ore. has found an equation for reducing drying times while increasing drying throughput. Story begins on PAGE 8. (Dan Shell photo)

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Dan Shell Managing Editor






ay back 20 years ago I had a hot lead on a hardwood sawmill in Eugene, Ore. Diamond Wood Products actually operated three manufacturing facilities in the state, but the Eugene mill was said to be one of the best hardwood sawmills on the West Coast. I had reached out to a company representative and thought I had a mill visit almost lined up—but then before I could nail down the final arrangements, Weyerhaeuser’s hardwood division swooped in and purchased the company. And there my story sat, for 20 years, behind the Great Wall of W as Weyerhaeuser consolidated Diamond and multiple other hardwood mill acquisitions into Northwest Hardwoods (NWH). Following the 2009-2010 downturn, Weyerhaeuser was refocusing on its core business activities, and NWH was considered not part of the future timberland, softwood forest products and homebuilding product focus. The hardwood lumber division had also seen revenues drop from a high of $398 million in 2006 to $222 million in 2010, according to news reports when the deal to sell to private equity firm American Industrial Partners went down in 2011. At the time of the sale to AIP, Northwest Hardwoods had seven sawmills, four remanufacturing plants and several other facilities in Washington, Oregon, Wisconsin and Michigan, and sales offices with one or two employees as far away as China and Japan. Just last year, AIP sold NWH to Littlejohn & Co., another private equity firm. Business press articles noted that NWH was a premium hardwood lumber producer and broker, with more than 1,600 customers worldwide. And this year, barely two months ago, NWH announced another major acquisition, Industrial Timber & Lumber in Beachwood, Oh. That purchase adds another two sawmills and four concentration yards to NWH’s 12 sawmills and multiple locations. All in all, it’s a major hardwood lumber and panel player with truly global reach. But meanwhile, back in Eugene, the mill had recently completed a kiln efficiency improvement project that was initially tested there and eventually spread to other NWH West Coast mills (see article page 8). The changes in ownership brought in management receptive to publicizing their organization's accomplishments, and I was finally able to arrange an interview and mill tour earlier this year. During my visit, managers touted the value of the company’s employees and their skills and experience as making the difference in successful operations. Anyone can build or buy a sawmill, but it takes highly qualified people to run one successfully. Employees at the NWH Eugene mill are tightly focused on quality, with training sessions to not only get better at what they do in the mill but also to gain a better understanding of how their jobs contribute to product quality and ultimately success. You see signs everywhere when you go on a mill tour, and one I saw at the grading line in Eugene says: “The Next Person To See This Product Is Our Customer!” That the mill is and has been successful for several owners is self-evident. I had heard it was a good mill back in 1995 but didn’t see for myself until 20 years later. But arranging mill visits can be tough—as these things can take TP some time. Contact Rich Donnell, ph: 334-834-1170; fax 334-834-4525; e-mail: TIMBER PROCESSING


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NEWSFEED SOFTWOOD LUMBER SHIPMENTS WERE UP IN 2014 Southern Forest Products Assn. reports that for the fifth consecutive year shipments of southern yellow pine lumber recorded an increase from the previous year. Shipments in 2014 totaled 15.79 billion BF, an increase of 5% over the volume shipped in 2013 (15.03 billion) and 34% above 2009 shipments (11.79 billion). Meanwhile, Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Assn. reports member lumber shipments in 2014 reached the highest level since 2007. Eastern white pine and dimension lumber combined surpassed 853MMBF, compared to 847 million in 2013, which had been the previous high mark since 2007. Dimension lumber from the Northeast is typically grade-stamped with the SPFs designation and dominated by eastern spruce and balsam fir but also includes red pine and jack pine. Smaller quantities of eastern hemlock are also produced by NELMA’s dimension lumber mills. NELMA dimension lumber accounted for 51% of the total shipments last year, or 437.2MMBF, off 1.6% from 2013, while eastern white pine accounted for 49% of the total with an 8year high mark of 415.8MMBF, 3.3% ahead of 2013. Western Wood Products Assn. reported that U.S. lumber production was 31.307 billion BF in 2014, including Western lumber production of 14.062 billion BF, up 4.3% from 2013. Canadian lumber mills produced 24.6 billion BF, the highest annual total since 2007.

NW HARDWOODS BUYS OHIO’S ITL Northwest Hardwoods, based in Tacoma, Wash., announced in late February the acquisition of Industrial Timber & Lumber Co. (ITL) of Beachwood, Ohio. Industrial Timber & Lumber produces more than 200MMBF of hardwood lumber each year and employs more than 400. The company owns two sawmills, four concentration yards and one service center and has operations in Ohio, West Virginia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania. According to T.J. Rosengarth, President and CEO of Northwest Hardwoods, acquiring ITL allows the company to better serve its customers. “The highly respected ITL brand name is the perfect complement to the (Northwest Hardwoods) brand, which has been recognized as the ‘Gold Standard’ for hardwood for nearly 45 years,” 6

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Rosengarth says. Northwest Hardwoods has operations in Canada, China and Japan as well as the U.S. and employed an estimated 1,600 before the ITL acquisition. The company operates 17 manufacturing locations in eight states, including mills, concentration yards, and remanufacturing plants—plus 11 warehousing and distribution points throughout the U.S. Originally an alder lumber operation founded on the West Coast in 1967, Northwest Hardwoods already had mills in key Eastern hardwood states, and the ITL acquisition further extends the company’s national and international reach.

ROYOMARTIN SELLS ROCKY CREEK MILL RoyOMartin has sold its southern yellow pine sawmill in Mexia, Ala. to Georgia-Pacific. The facility employs 110. Terms of the agreement

weren’t disclosed. The Rocky Creek sawmill was constructed in 2001 and acquired by RoyOMartin in 2006. The operation produces dimension lumber, studs, squares/timbers and barn timbers. “Rocky Creek has been an important part of the RoyOMartin family since 2006, and we are confident that Georgia-Pacific will continue to advance the capabilities of that operation,” states Jonathan Martin, chairman and CEO of Martin Companies, L.L.C. “I want to express my sincere thanks to the talented people we have had the pleasure of working with in Alabama, and we wish them the very best in their new opportunity with GP.”

MARTCO TO BUILD OSB FACILITY Martco L.L.C. announced the selection of Corrigan, Texas as the location for a

new oriented strandboard (OSB) facility. Construction is scheduled to begin this summer, with startup anticipated by fall 2017. Corrigan OSB, L.L.C. will complement Martco L.L.C.’s existing wood products manufacturing plants in Oakdale, La. (OSB); and Chopin, La. (plywood). Martco’s commitment to this region reaches beyond its future workforce. Senior Vice President and COO Scott Poole explains, “We look forward to extending our pride and dedication to sustainable forestry practices through additional foresters and loggers. With this expansion, we will continue to be good stewards of our forests, while delivering a full line of wood products across the country and world.” Based in Alexandria, La., Martco L.L.C.’s existing manufacturing facilities employ 1,000. The business owns 570,000 acres of highly productive timberland in Louisiana. Management of this timberland asset has been certified by the Forest Stewardship Council since 2002.

SOUTHERN PINE EXPORTS SOAR Southern pine lumber exports finished 2014 at a record volume of just more than 552MMBF, a jump of 17% above 2013, according to data released by the USDA’s Foreign Agricultural Service. Southern pine lumber exports have more than doubled in the past five years. During 2014, the top three destinations for southern pine exports were China, 107.5 MMBF, up 67%; the Dominican Republic, 77.8MMBF, up 4%; and Mexico, 56.8MMBF, down 4%. Softwood lumber imports to the U.S. finished 2014 with a volume of 12.4 billion BF, up 11% from 2013. Softwood imports from Canada totaled 12 billion BF.



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DRYING By Dan Shell

Key hardwood producer sees significant kiln efficiency improvement at West Coast mills.


Eugene mill saws 65MMBF, dries and finishes more than 80MMBF annually. 8

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EUGENE, Ore. ecent dry end improvements here at Northwest Hardwoods’ sawmill have significantly reduced drying times while boosting dry kiln throughput. The increased dryer production has been accompanied by a boost in product quality at the mill, which operates 11 kilns and also dries and surfaces lumber produced at other Northwest Hardwoods mills in the region. The Eugene mill is one of 12 Northwest Hardwoods sawmill manufacturing operations spread across the U.S., with six mills in Oregon and Washington and mills in six additional states. (And Northwest Hardwoods recently made a big leap in overall size and output after acquiring Industrial Timber & Lumber of Beachwood, Oh., which sells more than 140MMBF annually from multiple locations. See news story this issue on page 6) The hardwood mill in northwest Eugene is one of three in Oregon that made up Diamond Wood Products, which was founded in 1967. Including mills at Coos Bay and Garibaldi, Ore., Diamond Wood Products was sold to Weyerhaeuser in 1995 and consolidated with other Weyerhaeuser acquisitions to become Northwest Hardwoods. Weyerhaeuser upgraded the mill soon after buying it and operated Northwest



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Hardwoods until 2011, when it was sold to private equity group American Industrial Partners (AIP). Last year, AIP sold Northwest Hardwoods to another private equity group, Littlejohn & Co. The Eugene mill produces 65MMBF annually and also dries and surfaces roughly 18MMBF of lumber from the Garibaldi mill. “We are constantly looking for ways to improve our processes and implementing new technologies,” says Jeff Stoddard, NWH Director of Western Operations.

system, personnel have also seen more consistency and less drying degrade. The system was installed in February 2014—the first alder installation for SCS. Johnson notes that “During the calibration process we would do our normal hot checks with a (Wagner) handheld moisture meter and make necessary adjustments.” According to Johnson, the change to the SCS system went smoothly and took

about a month. “The system proved its reliability and we discontinued manual hot checks after 30 days,” Johnson says. "We still do normal moisture sampling for every kiln charge while surfacing the wood in the sander.” The system worked well enough that NWH installed it at all its West Coast mills. “It’s been very reliable and accurate, and it’s exceeded our expectations,” Stoddard says. He notes that “The chal-

KILN BOOST In seeking to improve kiln efficiency, the Eugene mill worked with SCS and its Kiln Scout system, which automates the drying process once a kiln reaches fiber saturation at 25% MC. The system consists of a set of metal plates and an MC detector/transmitter. Placed strategically in the kiln corners and using electric frequency to measure MC across a given number of lumber layers, the system monitors MC and transmits a signal to advance the kiln schedule to the next step as specific time and MC targets are reached. “It eliminates the need for kiln shutdowns during hot checks,” says Roland Johnson, Eugene Mill Manager. “We’ve seen an 8% improvement in kiln time.” Johnson adds that with the Kiln Scout

NWH Dir. of Western Operations Jeff Stoddard, left, Mill Manager Roland Johnson

The mill has seen significant production gains after installing the Kiln Scout in-kiln moisture meter. System includes two probe plates and wireless module, right, which are also visible in kiln at left.


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lenge with the new system was getting NWH’s kiln crews to step back and let a machine do more of the work. We are very quality conscious, and our whole organization is accountable for the products we produce. One of the challenges was letting the new technologies take over portions of our traditional processes and building trust in those new systems.”


Output is mostly grade hardwood lumber, plus pallet stock.


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The Eugene mill’s product line is primarily premium lumber for furniture and cabinets, with about 30% of production going into pallet stock. Production at the mill is roughly 85% alder, 15% maple. Log specs are sawlogs 6 in. and larger, though occasionally smaller logs are purchased to make chips and pallet material. Lengths are from 8-45 ft., with an emphasis on 10 ft. multiples. Maximum diameter is 40 in., but few West Coast hardwood logs get that big. The Eugene mill purchases logs on both scale and weight. Sorts are minimal: alder or maple sawlogs or chip logs. The log yard features a self-contained watering system that’s used from April through September to minimize stain issues. A merchandising line features Nichol-



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son debarker and cutoff saw. Logs are bucked to maximize recovery. “We merchandise the logs to maximize value and recovery,” Johnson says. Logs are cut in 8-10 ft. multiples; there’s also an option to send 20 ft. logs to a set of block saws inside the mill if needed. Inside the mill, logs are directed to three breakdown lines: two Salem carriages with 7 ft. Letson-Burpee doublecut bandmills and a chipping canter with two chipping heads. One headrig handles smaller, high-grade logs, and the other runs all logs larger than 11 in. The canter

handles smaller, low-grade logs and faces the logs on two sides to create a cant. The carriage headrigs feature Inovec scanning and optimization packages, but are only used to make the opening face cut and keep track of the backstand on the log. After the opening face cut, sawyers take over log breakdown, making decisions based on NWH best practices that have been developed over decades to get as much high grade lumber from each log as possible. All logs are taken down to 8 ¾ in. or smaller to accommodate the opening in a USNR

Boards are surfaced with a sander.

gang saw downstream. From the chipping canter, some cants flow to a set of pallet chop saws that cut 40- and 48-in. pallet lengths that are fed to a McGehee gang that cuts pallet shook. The smaller pallet boards flow to their own stacking line with trays and stacker operator. Grade boards flow to a USNR board edger and trimmer and Coe stacker. Packages sit in the green yard for three to five days to oxidize, then are dried with the mill’s 11 American Wood Dryer kilns with the Kiln Scout upgrade. After drying, lumber is moved to a rough dry storage area adjacent the sander line. Boards are batch processed through a Kimwood sander running a 36 grit paper on a 54 in. belt. Boards are then hand-pulled and stacked and readied for shipment.

PEOPLE POWER The Eugene mill employs 150 people in two shifts. “Our people are what make us successful, and I believe we have some of the very best in the industry,” Stoddard says. “For example, the mill’s sawyers all have at least 20 years experience in our mills. We have an ongoing training program as well as a culture of encouraging employee growth through promotion, cross training and new job opportunities.” He adds that succession/vacation planning is important and “We try to be at least three deep at every position.” The overall product quality and employee training effort includes intensive machine center training for specific oper12

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Gang saw dedicated to pallet board production

ators and product awareness classes for all employees. With the headrig sawyers, for example, “We may bring them in on a Saturday and go through every step of how we break down logs and why, then ask for their


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feedback and input,” Stoddard says. He adds that “NWH’s has training sessions outside normal shift operations that apply to every machine center in the mill, with intensive training sessions held at least once annually."

All mill employees also attend product awareness sessions that are aimed at boosting product quality by giving employees more knowledge about how their actions affect customer satisfaction and overall success. “We bring people in from our management and sales departments for presentations ranging from customer end uses to economic and ecological outlooks,” Stoddard says. The Eugene mill’s safety record is also a point of pride for all involved, Johnson says. “We feel that we have a safety culture here that’s second to none, and across our mills we have a recordable incident rate of less than one in 2014,” he adds. “We accomplish this with employee training and awareness founded on our people caring about each other.” Just like boosting product quality and production, “We’re constantly trying to evolve into a better operation, and safety is a big part of that equation,” JohnTP son says.



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COME BACK By Andrew Macklin

Lakeland Mills’ new sawmill following the deadly explosion required tremendous collaboration.


PRINCE GEORGE, BC ebuilding the Lakeland Mills sawmill following the tragedy of April 2012 was clearly not an easy decision for Sinclar Forest Products Ltd. President Greg Stewart. The explosion at the mill left two workers dead and several others seriously injured. The explosion leveled the sawmill, leaving nothing but a piece of charred land where the mill once stood. It took nearly a year of consideration before the formal decision was made in March 2013 that the mill would be rebuilt.

The Stewart and Andersen families have a long history in the sawmill industry in Prince George, and there was a strong business case for constructing a new mill. But it clearly wasn’t as simple as just building a new mill. Stewart and his team realized that they would have to take a new approach to the design, engineering and construction of the mill. Stewart put together a team of mill staff, industry stakeholders and regulatory authorities to design a mill that would set a new standard for safety in the Canadian sawmill industry. The team then met several times to brain-

Group President Greg Stewart

Baghouse collection and air flow


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storm ideas for how to create the safest possible work environment while maintaining mill efficiency. “The design was the result of a collaborative effort by a team of Sinclar and Lakeland staff with the help of experienced sawmill vendors and engineers,” says Operations Manager Bruce McLean. “The safety standard was to meet new expected standards in sawmill safety, including dust management and guarding.” To meet heightened safety standards with the new design, Sinclar consulted with WorkSafeBC, the BC Safety Authority, city of Prince George and the Prince George Fire Dept. both during the design process and prior to opening the mill. They were able to help contribute ideas on what features and equipment to implement to improve the safety of the mill as well. Before the mill itself could be built, there was one additional safety measure that needed to be addressed. Shortly after the fire in 2012, mill officials became aware of a potential methane buildup in the ground beneath the mill. “Methane mitigation is a big part of the project,” says McLean. “The site is an old

Dust collection on Nicholson debarkers

DUST SUPPRESSION AND SAFETY ust suppression is at the heart of the rebuild, which is why Sinclar introD“Allied duced a cutting-edge dust removal system to the mill. Blower provided a solution that would aggressively remove much of the wood dust from all the sources: saws, chipping heads, chippers, transfers, hog and barkers,” says McLean. In addition, three of the six baghouses currently installed, have air returning to the plant to retain heat and keep the buildings from too great a negative pressure. These baghouses have Grecon spark detection and abort gates both before and after the baghouse. Make up roof air fans throughout the building provide positive pressure with airflow from top to bottom. The air permit limits required the use of baghouses as there is seven times the air flow than previously Allied Blower was able to work within NFPA standards, BC Fire Code and Worksafe regulations in order to build a system that would address the demands of dust suppression put forward for the Lakeland mill. According to Allied Blower: “The Lakeland baghouses are designed to remove 99.998% of captured particulate and will meet Worksafe BC regulations for return air. The intent is to remove as much combustible dust as possible while still allowing large heavy particles to be taken away by the residual conveying system. To achieve this balance we implement industry best practices such as point source collection, push pull air mechanics, optimized hood design and conveying velocities, containment and integrated controls systems.” Additional measures were implemented throughout the mill to contain, collect and suppress dust. Operator booths in the new mill were built from floor to ceiling, and process centers built with peaked roofs, so that dust could not collect on hard to reach structures. Horizontal support beams were turned 45 degrees so that dust could not accumulate on the flat surface. Flat beams were equipped with fabricated shedder plates. All of the factors combined provide for very few points anywhere in the mill where any significant amount of dust can collect. Opticom provided a state-of-the-art camera system to track mill operations in the operator booth, and the main floor, including several points with fire extinguishers and additional safety gear. At the height of the mill, Murray Johnson Engineering provided a specially-designed sprinkler system complemented by a Siemens Canada fire alarm system. Also, the roof trusses are glulam, removing opportunities for dust to collect. While an official number was not provided, it is estimated that the dust suppression and safety modifications made throughout the mill added several million TP dollars to the cost of the rebuild. TIMBER PROCESSING


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New mill production capacity is 200MMBF on two shifts.

fluvial area where the Nechako River meets the Fraser River with some old landfill areas, old petroleum from adjacent industrial areas, and organic layers buried. When we became aware of the possibility of methane shortly after the tragedy in 2012, we set up test wells throughout the site that confirmed its presence.” Sinclar recruited HDR Engineering, which designed an extraction system for the sawmill and all other buildings on site. System monitors can be found throughout the new mill, which are tied in to the emergency alarm system.

OPERATIONS The most glaring difference between the former Lakeland Mills sawmill and the current mill is the switch from a pair of sawlines to a single USNR line. Previous annual production capacity for the mill was 225MMBF on three shifts, while the new mill will reach a capacity of 200MMBF on two shifts with the single line. The entire system is currently built for cut-to-length 8 ft. logs fed to the line by a Cat material handler. A Linden Fabricating two-stem step feeder feeds the logs, which are then fed to a pair of Nicholson 22 in. A8 tandem air seal debarkers. “The debarkers were identified as Class II, Div II under the NFPA 499 standard and they were certified in the Nicholson shop by Intertek,” says McLean. “The upgrades were with the electrical components; in addition, a dust collection system designed to minimize dust in and adjacent to the machine.” Officials from Lakeland Mills approached Nicholson to discuss the need for the heightened safety standard, recognizing that the debarkers would be operating in a potentially dusty environment. Nicholson obliged, bringing in a thirdparty contractor to perform the certification work for the electrical components. The installation of the A8 debarkers was the first in Canada for Nicholson, which had previously only sold them to customers in the U.S. It also marked the first time in Canada that Nicholson was installing a system with hydraulic roll control for the feed roll system rather than the pneumatic roll system. The option has been available from Nicholson for several years, but was typically sold to European customers looking for ways to save on power costs. Sinclar has purchased a LogPro log merchandizer that will be added to the line at a later time, allowing the mill to accept nine and 10 ft. log lengths in the future. Before reaching the main sawline, the 18

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logs are scanned by a Metal Detectors Inc. (MDI) system. The logs then enter the main building through the conveyor to the USNR primary breakdown line. The new sawline is a USNR straight 4-sided canting system, featuring two quad arbor saw boxes and a vertical double-arbor


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gang with profiling. The line is built to provide the operator with a high-speed, high production stud mill. The mill required a line that would have three points of contact with the lumber at all points throughout the sawmill to provide better control, reducing the risk of the saws losing control of the logs or the cant. So USNR modified the cutting tools section of the sawline, making the line shorter to accommodate more press rolls and feed rolls. There were a series of other modifications necessary to meet the demands of the new Lakeland Mills, according to Petri Saastamo, Mechanical Engineering Group Lead at USNR. USNR modified the QASB machines to address the needs of the mill, creating a simpler design with a lot less moving mass than standard. The saws now move on the arbors like an edger so instead of moving whole side carriages, they just move the saws and guides. There is no top motor, which reduces the amount of moving mass and makes it faster. The sideboard separators are semi-enclosed to contain sawdust. Boards drop to a belt, then fall to a slat bed chain that provides a soft landing. There is a gap in the conveyors that allows sawdust to fall through while the boards pass over it. This design is contained and prevents sawdust accumulation in this area from spreading out onto the floor and into the air. “We did a lot of work on sawdust and chip containment at the canters and quad arbor sawbox outfeed,” Saastamo says. “We made better hoods over parts of it that were connected with a dust collection system. We also extended the outfeed of the sawboxes, where sideboards fall off. We put belts on it, and shrouded in an area that the sawdust could be contained and removed.” The larger sawmill residues are conveyed from the line to a Brunette SmartVIBE conveyor, which acts as a central collection point for feeding the disc chipper. That includes all larger residues processed at all saw points on the line, as well as the edging system. Sinclar has installed a new transverse edger system to the line. The system was designed by Ron McGehee of Waneshear, who built a system with accurate positioning that saws the lumber while it is stabilized to provide optimum recovery. The system is also built to maximize productivity, with a guaranteed processing rate of 55 bpm, but it expected to be capable of 60 bpm or higher. Sinclar turned to Springer-Microtec for optimization for the transverse edger. Microtec had provided optimization equipment for the sorter stacker upgrade in the old mill, and the success of that installation resulted in Sinclar turning to the company for optimization equipment for the new mill. “We installed two transverse scanners, one producing optimized edging solutions for the new transverse edger and the other controlling the green sorting line,” says Gero Springer, CEO of Springer-Microtec Inc. “These optimization solutions allow Lakeland to realize the maximum productivity of their new investment.“ According to McLean, Springer’s Goldeneye 902 optimization system has “the unique ability to detect moisture content above fiber saturation point (with low level x-rays) as well as below fiber saturation point with standard capacitance sensors.”



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After passing through the edging system, the boards and lumber are sent to a Mill Tech Industries sorter line. Like the previous mill, the new Lakeland Mills sawmill will focus on the production of premium grade 2x4 studs, as well as 2x3 and 2x6 studs, along with 1x3 and 1x4 board stock. The mill will also incorporate some metric sizes in addition to the standard lumber products. The stacks are dried in three Wellons Canada kilns, which are the kilns from the original mill. One or two of the kilns are set to be replaced, as Sinclar transfers equipment from the nearby Winton Global site to other company properties. In addition to the rebuild of the sawmill, money was spent on upgrading parts of the planer mill. Lighting and electrical wiring and circuitry was updated in parts of the planer mill to improve energy efficiency. Planer meters throughout the planer mill, which were previously open, have all been closed to improve safety. Additional investment to help provide dust mitigation and guarding is also forthcoming in the near future. There are also capital expenses planned to improve trimming, stacking and wrapping in the planer mill. There is also room for potential future investment in the sawmill, which has

The mill has room for a second sawline if more production is needed.

been built with enough room for a second sawline should market conditions remain strong and the required fiber is accessible long-term. The sawmill is also built to accommodate a second bin sorter and edger as well. Startup of the new mill began in December, with the planer mill on-line in late January. The new mill has 110 staff for two shifts, versus the 160 staff needed for the three shifts run at the old mill. “We are fortunate to have nearly all employees return and the areas we needed to

hire additional staff were for maintenance and production supervisors,” says McLean. “We are fortunate to be located in Prince George, which does make recruiting less challenging compared to more remote smaller communities.” Now that the safer, more efficient mill is operational, Lakeland officials hope the residents of Prince George can focus on the future of forestry in the region. TP This article originally appeared in the January-February issue of Canadian Forest Industries, and is printed here with permission.



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EDITOR’S NOTE: The following companies are advertising in this issue and also exhibiting at the upcoming Ligna fair, to be held in Hannover, Germany, May 11-15. These companies submitted the following materials, and all statements and claims are attributable to the companies.


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ACTIW LOADPLATE Actiw LoadPlate changes the traditional way of loading complex cargo into standard containers. The equipment pushes any type of products—sawn timber, plywood, veneer products—safely into regular, unmodified containers and trailers by only one push of a button. Products remain undamaged and the cargo space is accurately utilized. No special structures are needed under the cargo. The actual loading of entire container load takes less than five minutes. Today, Actiw LoadPlate has installations in more than 20 countries. LoadPlate operation principle is simple. The product load is lifted, for example Actiw LoadPlate container loading system with a forklift on top of a plastic loading plate that is fixed to the equipment. Height and side adjustment functions ensure that the equipment is aligned with the container. Hydraulic clamps secure the container to the correct position. By one push of a button, the entire product load along with the plate is slid into the container. LoadPlate stopper gate holds the load inside, while the plastic loading plate is automatically pulled out of the container, leaving only the products accurately and undamaged inside. The container is then ready to leave. One of Actiw LoadPlate designs, LoadPlate Multi, is equipped with a transfer car function which allows flexible and efficient loading of multiple containers one after another. With LoadPlate Multi, yard management can be optimized reducing delays in staging. In addition to gains in safety, faster loading and reduced truck turn around times, Actiw LoadPlate also eliminates the risk of damage to products and containers. Fewer people and less machinery are needed in the process. Load forming can be flexibly done beforehand. LoadPlate is perfect for use seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Today, some of the world’s leading lumber companies like Stora Enso, UPM, SCA and Pfeifer are using Actiw LoadPlate in their daily operations. Hall 27, Stand C29

BRUNSON INSTRUMENT Brunson Instrument Co. has been a world leader in geometrical alignment solutions for more than 80 years—serving such industries as timber processing, power generation, aerospace and many more. Brunson manufactures its own alignment equipment and offers a full range of alignment training and technical services. Based in Kansas City, Mo., Brunson manufactures and ships its systems all over the world. Its product line includes a Sawmill Kit that has become the industry leader for sawmill machine center alignments. During the last two years more than 60 sawmills in the U.S., Canada and Europe have implemented Brunson’s solution and are reaping all the benefits of precision alignments. Brunson is proud to include 10 of the top 12 lumber producing companies in North America as its customers. Sawmills that have adopted Brunson’s technology have achieved both a drop in board deviation and up to a 2% increase in recovery. Hall 27, Stand B47 Brunson Instrument machine center alignment


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CHACO CHACO low friction material, a high quality plastic molding compound, was introduced in the ’50s and since then has been continuously improved to hold its superior qualities that make it the leading gliding and guiding material in connection with saw guides for band and circular saws throughout the world. Most important characteristics include: extremely slow wear, low coefficient of friction, temperature rise at blade negligible, self-lubrication, temperature resistance up to 150 °C (302 °F), good compatibility to (diesel) oil, water, ice, as well as to light acids and bases. These and other outstanding features have convinced many of the leading saw manufacturers to equip their machines with CHACO saw guides, guiding elements or pressure guides made from CHACO low friction material. Chaco low friction material for bars and plates There are a great number of potential guiding and friction problems in connection with the movement of heavy machine supports, slip stick effect, missing or insufficient lubrication, external installations exposed to water, heat, frost, etc., which can be solved. The following bars and plates made of the CHACO low friction material are available as semi-manufactured products, and are being used for the manufacturing of tailor-made parts as guiding elements in various executions, such as cubic blocks of any shape, round and square bars, U-pieces, bushings, sleeves, liners, flanges etc. Solid Plates: 365 x 200 x 24 / 31 / 35 / 42 and 51 mm (14.37 x 7.87 x .94/1.22 / 1.38 / 1.65 and 2.01 inch) for the manufacturing of guiding elements and pressure guides. Other sizes are available upon request. Profiled Plate: 365 x 200 x 23.5 mm (14.37 x 7.87 x .94 inch) for the manufacturing of profiled elements with a height of 40 to 85 mm (1.57 to 3.35 in.) as used in ordinary guides. Profiled Bars: 290 x 39 x 17 mm (11.42 x 1.54 x .67 in.) and 365 x 40 to 85 x 23.5 mm (14.37 x 1.57 to 3.35 x .94 in.) for the manufacturing of profiled elements with a height of 39 to 85 mm (1.54 to 3.35 in.) as used in ordinary saw guides. Hall 27, Booth B22

DELTA Delta is presenting the new TPA120 crosscut pack cutting machine refreshed in the design and enhanced in the performance. The new design makes this the perfect crosscut when there is a need to increase the production (high volumes) with the best precision (+/-1mm) and low costing cutting bar and chains. TPA120 is the perfect fit in any production environment. A built-in control panel and with 100 selectable programs on a touch screen display guarantees the correct answer for all cutting solutions. The TPA120 is equipped with a loading roller conveyor and unloading roller conveyor of 5 m long. A waste discharge belt of 6 m, under the machine, ensures the removal of all chips and waste keeping a clean working area. The standard machine cuts: min 600 mm-max 3000 mm. Two high pressure cylinders, driven individually, allow controlling the pack in every production process. The unique DELTA measuring solution is the revolutionDelta crosscut package system ary automatic measuring system that ensures a high precision (+/-1 mm): the pack itself plays the major role. A full set of options like automatic strapping machine and special cutting sizing are available to answer all production requirements. Delta, established in 1995 in Crevalcore, Bologna, Italy, is also building nailing systems for the automated production of wood pallets. Delta’s staff is fully skilled to control the whole process: from the industrial design to the assembly of complex machines and automated lines. Everything is controlled and managed by Delta’s team. The product line consists of a wide range of products: nailing machines on alternate chariot for flexible productions, nailing machines on belt for high volume production as well as a complete range of auxiliary machines and devices to create the desired automation. Hall 13, Stand D18



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DYNALYSE Dynalyse, now celebrating 20 years, was registered in Sweden in 1995. The first product Dynagrade—for lumber grading—was introduced at a trade show in Gothenburg in 1996. Today, there are more than 170 grading systems—Dynagrade and Precigrader—running in more than 10 countries. At the Ligna show Dynalyse is showing the SCSFP systems for moisture monitoring both in kilns (Kiln Scout) and in planer/sorting lines. These excellent systems are new to the European sawmills but are common in North America. The integration of these systems with the Dynagrade and Precigrader enhances the grading output even more. There are also clever feedback functions to give the operation/quality managers better control from the green sorting stage to the finalized dry product. There will also be news around the strength grading prodDynalyse Precigrader versatile grading system ucts Dynagrade and Precigrader, which involves additional models, functions and approvals. Precigrader can do lumber/timber grading in green sorting lines, planer mills, sorting mills, glulam plants etc. There is an optimum solution for each grading position. Dynalyse is dedicated to its task, and is continuously developing current and coming products in the field of lumber quality. Dynalyse has several partners for sales and service—Finnso Bois in France, Limab in Finland and Germany, SCSFP in North America and Suzuko in Japan. Key factors for the success of Dynalyse include: a great team and partners, efficient organization, continuous development, instant customer support, expert knowledge and excellent customers giving great feedback. Hall 27, Stand E53

EWD EWD will display machinery aimed to improve recovery and production for sawmills around the world. On display will be the EW2_1000-17 slanted log carriage and EBB_1800-17 slanted band saw headrig. The individual precision setworks of the carriage headblocks allow automatic optimized alignment of logs and cants, using a 3D carriage scanner. The 17 degree slanted design provides for easy loading and gentle sliding off of the sawn products, making the operation smoother and faster. The EBB_1800 band saw headrig is fitted with the FBS FlyingBandSaw magnetic active saw guide system. The FBS system actively controls the band sawblade, allowing faster cutting and with much higher accuracy. ZE2 log and cant infeed system automates log rotation and optimized cant positioning on second pass processing. Optimized log and cant positioning using the true shape 3D log and cant scan data increases recovery, aligning the log or cant exactly to the optimizer’s requirement for the cut. The new infeed EWD primary breakdown line with top mounted rotation and positioning units allows easy access for maintenance, with components easily exchangeable. FR15_H profiling unit with four independently settable profiling heads are positioned based on the open face 3D cant data, optimizing for independent side board solutions of board thickness and board width left and right side. The possibility of diagonal profiling, allowing rotated board solutions further increases the recovery and puts it on par with an optimized board edger system. The profiling heads installed will feature standard exchangeable knife heads and the new EWD LEUCO P-System heads, allowing run times in excess of two months between knife changes and providing a much better surface quality of the board edges. Hall 27, Stand D53


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HEINOLA Heinola has put significant efforts into research and development of saw lines. Band sawing features a lot of advantages, including minimum waste, maximum yield of high quality sawn timber, low operation costs and high flexibility. Meanwhile band saw lines allow processing huge volumes of timber. Minimum cutting width that is the basis for maximum yield performs the main advantage of band systems, with log diameter having no limits. Heinola technologies are built from module-type machines to meet with customers’ demands. For smaller capacities Heinola developed the merry-go-round saw line, which includes 3D scanner, chipper canter, quad band saw and edger where logs and cants are returned once or more to the sawing unit. For higher capacities there are one pass lines with two or more twin or quad band saw units. As a rule band saw lines are equipped with one to three edging lines to achieve the best possible yield for boards. Band saw annual capacities start from 50,000 m3 up to 1,000,000 m3. Band sawing’s most important issue is keeping the blade without vibration, which is Heinola bandmill technology achieved by servo control to blade tension and also by robust servo controlled blade guides. Heinola uses a patented system for saw vibration attenuation, which ensures high cutting speed and accuracy of sizes. Heinola has developed adjustable upper controls to improve sawing performance of its bandmills. Height adjustment for the controls is done via either a hydraulic or electric servo function. The height adjustment is done automatically on the basis of log data and controlled by a setting automation system. Thanks to the precise height adjustments, sawing speed can be increased by up to 20% and produce better dimensional accuracy. The adjusting carrier on the sturdy round guides can be fitted with bandmills by other manufacturers. Heinola has built machines more robust and also put more servos to machines and feeding conveyors. This has made possible better curve-sawing possibilities and better sawing accuracy when having either straight sawing or curve-sawing with higher speeds. When processing big logs as is common with band saws it is important that machines are robust enough so that logs can be processed as desired. Chipper canters are equipped with big motors with VFDs so that each time the chip size will be perfect, not dependent on speed or season. Hall 27, D15

HILDEBRAND Hildebrand again happily welcomes customers from around the world to its exhibit at Ligna. With customers from South Africa, Australia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, the U.S. and Canada, Hildebrand states it is probably the most international timber dry kiln company in the world. Hildebrand introduced the new GreenKilns in 2011, which were a terrific success. These encompass forklift loaded kilns as well as trolley loaded kilns, hardwood and softwood. “The good thing about the GreenKilns is that they are not more expensive compared to standard kilns but will save a substantial amount of heating energy,” the company states. For those who are not yet familiar with this new energy saving technology, view the video on the Hildebrand web site: In 2013 Hildebrand’s focus was on progressive dry kilns. When Hildebrand installed the first progressive dry kiln in Hildebrand dry kiln systems 1950, the worldwide market demand for progressive dry kilns was not very high. But today the international trend is to have fewer smaller sawmills and more bigger ones especially in the softwood market. Those big softwood sawmills with capacities of more than 40,000 m³ per year are where progressive dry kilns can be the optimal solution depending on species and sizes. See a product movie on this technology under Following the GreenKilns and the progressive dry kilns, the Brunner HIGH VAC vacuum dry kilns are the third important product line in the Brunner Group of companies. They are designed to dry difficult to dry lumber like heavy sections of softwood or special hardwoods. The advantage is that the HIGH VAC kiln is gentler on the lumber but achieves faster drying times. Certainly all Hildebrand Brunner kilns are operated and controlled with its computer control system, THE FOX, and the software, MERLIN. This year Hildebrand is introducing the BRUNNER TURBO TECHNOLOGY. Curious? Hall 13, Stand C66, D67


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INNOVATIV VISION The wood scanner company from Sweden, Innovativ Vision, has gained experience and knowledge from all its years in the wood industry. Its first WoodEye scanner was launched in 1985. The system has developed a lot since the ’80s, but the philosophy is the same: deliver wood optimization in world class. For 30 years, Innovativ Vision has pushed the wood industry forward with innovation, experience and more than 550 installed systems worldwide. “With our launch of WoodEye 5, we have started a new chapter in the industry, a new era of wood scanners,” says Jonas Eklind, CEO of the company. A WoodEye inspects and measures all kinds of defects in wood and delivers right quality, with minimal waste and at high speed. “Our scanners can always be adapted to suit your specific needs and we are a long-term partner with unique experience in the wood industry,” adds Peter PersInnovativ Vision WoodEye scanner son, Director of Sales & Marketing. The company’s goal is clear: to maximize yield, secure the right quality and better profitability for companies in the wood processing industry worldwide. “We will display our latest WoodEye at Ligna, and there will be plenty of news from WoodEye,” says Persson. Hall 12, Stand D45

JARTEK INVEST Jartek Invest is a Finnish family company in the field of sawmill, timber drying kilns and wood thermal modification technologies. The company dates back nearly 60 years and is famous for its upper quality equipment with focus on robust design and long-term durability. Jartek has brought many novelties to the market, and these technology leaps have become industry standards. As a supplier of wood thermal modification technology Jartek is a leader in the industry when number of installations are considered. Furthermore Jartek has a solution to all aspects of operation, including emissions. Thermowood is a protected trade mark and products produced according to this method have an increased dimensional stability and Jartek high capacity dry kilns resistance against weather and decay. The popularity of Thermowood is growing among specifiers who appreciate the luxury appearance of Thermowood. The product range of Jartek Invest Oy for the sawmilling industry covers the whole process from log sorting to packaging lines. The focus is handling individual pieces on a controled manner, as the automation is an elementary part of the offering. The steering and optimization of production lines is discussed and consulted always with the buyer, so that he gets the highest possible benefit of the investment. The real geographical experience is in Scandinavia and Russia where the harsh winter sets severe requirements to the machinery. Jartek has a competitive edge there. Cooperation with the component and machine suppliers is flexible, thus the complete mill design can easily adopt Jartek’s equipment with chosen main machines, scanners, debarkers or byproduct handling. Jartek offers a reliable and fast after sales service, with all of its components readily available on the market. The company has in essence developed the modern technology of controling the temperature and humidity in the kilns itself. This is by far the most advanced and modern way to kiln wood. This technology is gaining ground in industries where progressive kilns have not been used before. All the deliveries are designed on the need of the customer in order to optimize desired capacity, energy efficiency, moisture content or patch size. Individual tailoring secures the optimal investment per meter cubic kilned. Hall 27, Stand B63


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JOESCAN Today’s sawmills require reliable, easy-to-use 3-D scanning, which is why mills around the world rely on JoeScan scanners. Since introducing the JS-20 model in 2002, JoeScan has revolutionized how sawmills use scanners. JoeScan pioneered Ethernet communication for scanners, which is now the industry standard, and led the evolution to higher-density snapshot scanning with 6 in. spacing. The foundation of JoeScan’s products is summed up concisely: simple, accurate, reliable and fast. Every model comes with plug-and-scan Ethernet, built-in durability to deliver accurate data in rough environments, the industry’s leading 5-year warranty and a 10-year support policy. JoeScan’s customers praise JoeScan scanners for their reliability and practical application. “JoeScan scanners are reliable, stable and have a long life. Those qualities, comJoeScan 3-D scanners bined with the practical application and the result to our mill, set their scanners apart from the competition,” says David Richbourg, plant manager at H.W. Culp Lumber Co., Inc. in New London, NC. JoeScan’s JS-25 X-series scanners take up to 850 profile measurements/second, with each profile containing up to 242 data points. The scanners accommodate virtually any scanning need—indoor, outdoor, transverse or lineal. From logs to lumber, JoeScan provides dependable scanning for bucking, carriages, sharp chains, gangs, edgers, planers and more. Visit JoeScan at Ligna to see a JS-25 X-series scanner in action. Hall 27, Stand C53

LIMAB LIMAB, the Swedish manufacturer of laser sensors and measuring systems for the wood market, has announced two major product launches for this year’s Ligna. LIMAB’s non-contact dimensional measuring systems are well known by sawmills, planing mills and the wood industry to optimize the process and improve production yield. At Ligna 2013, LIMAB presented the new BoardProfiler 3D—a scanning system for 2D and 1D sensors in any scanning direction. At Ligna this year LIMAB will showcase its BoardProfiler 3D-L (lineal) scanner. It capabilities include high accuracy scanning for boards up to 600 mm width at the edger; high accuracy scanning for boards up to 600 mm handling up to six sawblades at the rip saw; optimization of any size of board for exact cutting at the crosscut; detection Limab BoardProfiler screen of thickness defects of 0.05 mm after the planer. This product builds on the success of the earlier generation BoardProfiler that is used in 200 sawmills worldwide. LIMAB has used its expertise in sensors to develop a new 2D laser profile sensor that provides a much more accurate and detailed analysis of the board than was previously possible. Defects such as holes, cracks and knots as small as 2 mm² can now be detected. The system measures boards with high accuracy in all production speeds up to rates of 400 boards per minute and is unaffected by board movement or vibrations. The new system will provide a more cost effective solution than can be provided by multipoint or camera based systems. The LogProfiler is LIMAB’s unique system for sorting and optimization of logs that will be shown at Ligna this year. The product was first introduced in mid 2012 and there are now more than 20 systems running successfully in sawmills all over the world. The LogProfiler incorporates innovative new features that move log scanning and sawing optimization to a new level. The system uses a unique secondary scanner before the log turner. This scanner identifies the actual rotational position of the log by matching the surface to the original 3D model. The use of this method means that it doesn’t matter if the logs have rotated on the conveyor. The LogProfiler is the first measurement system available that is able to automate transfer line log rotation without the need for log marking. The system will calculate the optimum log rotation position and provide control signals to the log turning control system. The result is much more accurate log rotation and a higher production yield for the sawmill. The system is easy to install and has a quick payback. Hall 27, Stand E53


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LINCK LINCK, the manufacturer of a broad range of sawmill machinery products, is using Ligna 2015 to introduce a newly developed compact processing center. With this machine four-sided cants can be produced with minimum space required. The components used such as log rotation, log guiding and cutterheads have been tried and tested for years. For the new machine they have been arranged into each other. The utmost compact design allows the application of LINCK technology in areas where it was not possible so far due to space restrictions. New sawmills can be realized with noticeably reduced building length. All established processing methods are of course supported. Whether the logs are to be processed split taper, diagonally aligned or curve sawn is determined through the LINCK process control software. The compact Linck integrated sawing system machine center is implementing the standards with high precision. Through additional units for profiling and sawing a complete production unit is realized with minimum space required. No compromises were made with regard to availability and accessibility. The robust design and the generously rated capacities of the components used guarantee maximum availability and a long service life. Hall 27, Stand D32

LONGATO Visit Longato on the UTMA stand, where you will find many grinding machines and a range of equipment and be able to observe the equipment working: l Fully automatic carbide saw grinder for top & face l CNC grinder for HSS saws l Automatic circular knife grinder l 4 axes tool & cutter grinder l 5 axes tool & cutter grinder l CNC profile grinder l Special magnets for carbide blankets l Knife edges honing devices l Grinding wheels radius profiling devices l Many different CBN & Diamond grinding wheels l Other equipment for professional sharpening services Hall 13, Stand B71

Longato circle saw grinder

MEBOR Since 1982, Mebor has been constantly improving its band sawmills and adding new machines to the range. The Mebor R&D team has developed an entirely new band saw, starting with an entirely new construction, adding improved functions and a new exterior design. The 1300 PLUS band saw is Mebor’s top of the range, designed for highest productivity in horizontal sawing. Among speed improvements, the engineers increased the return speed of the machine and speed of blade positioning. The well-tested V1040 control panel (setworks) with a 10 in. screen includes a new solution to be able to choose sizes more quickly, reach best recovery and save time. Automated hydraulic functions speed up the log maneuvering functions and require less focus from the operator. Mebor automation also prevents operator delays and errors etc.—the result in practice is at least Mebor band saw system 5% higher productivity. Taper control equipment and log positioning for best recovery is achieved by independent lifting rollers. These are installed inside every clamping unit. The machine is using a 180 mm (7 in.) wide blade for single cutting and a 200 mm (8 in.) wide blade for double cutting. The double cutting also comes with automatic board removal system and with two pre-cutters, which clean the log surface in both directions. The blade is powered by a 75 kW (100 HP) main motor. In sawmills every minute is important to keep the production high. To make blade changing faster, Mebor automated the wheel positioning and made blade alignment quicker and simpler. The machine’s new appearance is designed to better express the advanced solutions, strength of construction and speed. Some other new features will be revealed at the first live demonstration at the Ligna exhibition. Stand nr.FG M03/4 36

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METRIGUARD Metriguard announces the installation of a Model 2350 Sonic Lumber Grader (SLG) at Simpson Lumber Co.’s Commencement Bay mill in Tacoma, Wash. Greg McCoy, Dry End Superintendent, knew that machine stress rated (MSR) lumber could be an important product for the mill. McCoy states, “Once we decided to use acoustic technology to produce MSR, we chose Metriguard. They have long been the industry leader and specialize in MSR.” McCoy recognizes that Metriguard personnel are knowledgeable and have a long history in the MSR industry. In fact, one of the first Metriguard MSR installations was at a Simpson mill in the 1970s. The Model 2350 SLG is a result of four decades of experience in acoustics and lumber grading equipment. The Model 2350 SLG is a transverse flow grader that uses proprietary scales to compensate for off-axis loading, improving accuracy and repeatability in the weight measurement. A rugged electro-mechanical hammer, requiring no shop air, strikes the end of each piece of lumber. Metriguard Model 2350 Sonic Lumber Grader at Simpson The resulting acoustic signal is analyzed by software developed and maintained in-house by Metriguard engineers. Piece density and acoustic Lumber, Tacoma, Wash. signal are used to determine the modulus of elasticity (E). In the Tacoma mill, data is handed off to an optical scanner for final MSR grade determination. Remote access capability allows for troubleshooting issues as they arise. McCoy values Metriguard’s input and candor regarding equipment capabilities and has found them to be above-board and honest. He has been impressed with Metriguard’s efforts to ensure proper operation of the system. In short, he knew that Metriguard “would make it right. I can’t say enough about how the guys have responded to questions, issues and concerns. I would definitely recommend Metriguard to others,” McCoy concludes. As with all Metriguard equipment, telephone support, parts, repairs and on-site service are available to the Tacoma mill. Hall 27, D11

MICROTEC At Ligna 2015, Microtec introduces the new Goldeneye 600 MultiSensor Quality Scanner for ripping and edging of wide boards of lumber. “Goldeneye 600 Multi-Sensor Quality Scanner ensures perfect edging and optimized ripping of wide boards in the saw or in the dry mill. Geometric, visual as well as X-ray multi-sensor cameras and sensors determine the true value of boards, including their inner qualities.” says Microtec CEO Federico Giudiceandrea. Moreover, Microtec Goldeneye 600 allows for grading and repairing panels in plywood and veneer mills. The newly developed defect repair solution works for panels of different wood species and different levels of finishing. The position and the size of each defect can be indicated accurately by the Goldeneye 600. Thanks to a very accurate positioning, each defect is routed and/or filled right where it needs to be repaired, resulting in a leveraged resale value. Microtec’s renowned x-ray technology provides a non-invasive and trouble free solution for strength grading boards. All of its Microtec CT Log reconstruction strength grading machines such as the Goldeneye line 300, 500, 700 and Viscan Plus can grade spruce from Northern Europe to the strength class C45 with planed or rough lumber surfaces. Discover all about Microtec’s multi-sensing scanners for quality and strength grading applications. Microtec’s CT Log, the groundbreaking sawmilling solution for virtual grading and sawing, provides continuous, qualitative full 3D stem and log reconstruction. CT Log scans and digitally reconstructs the internal features of logs, allowing the assessment of the optimum cutting solution in real time. For the first time, size and position of wood defects can be accurately described in all three dimensions. Using the internal defects, CT Log evaluates appearance, quality and strength before the breakdown of the log. Sawing and bucking is continuously optimized based on the highest quality and value. Hall 27, Stand D31; Hall 12, Stand B49; Hall 12, Stand F67


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MUDATA MUDATA will introduce its new MOD727 universal electronic setworks at Ligna. The MOD727 setworks is able to control any axis to set in a sawmill. The MOD727 setworks can be used independently by means of a numerical keypad or connected to an industrial touchscreen PC. The industrial touchscreen PC interface allows a user-friendly operation, a remote access for maintenance and training and allows an open access through Modbus Ethernet tcp/ip with any PLC. The MUDATA MOD727 universal setworks is a 2-axis unit. Each unit can be connected to each other by Canbus or/and Modbus network if there are more than two axes to control. Each unit features dedicated inputs (for start-stop and SSI probes, incremental encoders and resolvers, analog joysticks, on/off switches) and outputs (on/off switches, ±10V). Mudata electronic setworks “We put all our 35 years of experience in motion control for sawmilling equipment on this new unit,” says Joe Buatois, MUDATA President. “Our target was to offer a very reliable setworks which can be used on any kind of equipment in a sawmill so that the maintenance manager of the mill, the manufacturer of the equipment and the external service company have only one model of setworks on the shelf for spare part and service.” MUDATA will also present the software updates of its wide range of optimizing softwares for set shaft and linear log carriages, canter lines, scragg mills and end-doggers, standard & optimized edgers, resaws, trimmers and log yards. MUDATA setworks and 2D/3D scanners can be mounted and retrofitted on any brand of sawmilling equipment and offer a very fast ROI. MUDATA is present in Europe, Africa, Australia, New Zealand, South and North American. Hall 27, Stand C45

MÜHLBÖCK Following continuous innovations in the drying kiln segment, in recent years Mühlböck has focused on the further development of the progressive kiln. In addition to first-class engineering and processing, there are new developments in the fields of energy saving, drying quality and operation. With a new kind of heat recovery system, the company has accomplished a milestone with regard to saving thermal energy. “Compared to classical drying kilns, in the progressive dryer the timber is moved through the dryer on transport wagons and thereby exposed to different climatic conditions,” explains Richard Mühlböck. “DeMühlböck progressive kiln at Saldus MR, Saldus, Latvia pending on the timber type, dimensions, initial moisture content and the desired final moisture content, the progressive dryer is designed with different climate zones.” Since the thermal energy consumption is the largest cost factor in timber drying, Mühlböck paid particular attention to this when further developing the progressive kiln. With the new heat recovery type 1003, more than 95% of the energy of waste air is transferred to the fresh feed air. The air warmed in this way is used directly for the drying of a zone. To reduce electrical consumption, Mühlböck uses progressive dryers with the IntelliVent system. The speed of the ventilating fans is constantly adapted to the progress of drying. “This means that despite the nominally higher ventilating fan equipment, depending on the timber type/thickness up to 30% less electrical energy is needed than with conventional channels,” Mühlböck states. Especially for the new progressive kiln, a separate control system was developed on the basis of the latest software by the programmers of Mühlböck. An intuitive structure, and a clear and clearly laid out graphic presentation in connection with the issuing of all the information in clear text form are the most important characteristics. Interfaces with mobile data recording devices ensure the perfect handling of data. In addition to the components already named, other equipment features in the Mühlböck progressive dryer ensure excellent quality and economic drying results. An active, fully automatic air seal ensures the separation off of the free space even with different stack heights. Extensive safety devices guarantee the friction-free and safe operation of the line. “In recent contracts with which Mühlböck was entrusted the convincing engineering was decisive, above all the fact that an extensive range of services was offered in connection with erecting the progressive kiln itself, ” Mühlböck elaborates. In addition to designing and planning the overall project, this covered the design of the foundations, the heating pipelines and distribution, the manufacture of the duct components, the overall assembly and startup and the after-sales care and optimization of the line by a technician from Mühlböck. Satisifed customers that are using this highly efficient progressive kiln include Saldus MR from Lativa and Mayr-Melnhof in Paskov, Czech Republic. Hall 13, Stand C46 40

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REMASAWCO Swedish companies Rema Control and Sawco joined together in 2012 and formed RemaSawco AB to meet the strong competition from larger companies in Sweden and abroad. The product line is now uniform and some interesting R&D is under way. RemaSawco’s product range covers all aspects of wood processing including control of all machinery found in a sawmill. Several trade fairs have been attended since 2012 and now the Ligna Messe in Hannover is around the corner. In the log sorting area, the systems RS-XRay and RS-3D log scanner can now be combined into one powerful unit where the X-ray information and the exact shape of the log reveals the complete log information to be used in refining the log sorting process. There’s a growing interest for this type of equipment in the ongoing process of gaining the upper hand on competitors and minimizing yield losses A new optimizing engine RS-Opt for log sorting and the saw line has been developed and will be available shortly. The system for automatic quality inspection and cut optimization of boards, RSBoardScannerQ, has been further developed and improved into version 2.0. It’s Remasawco scanning been a great success and the success continues. Just recently, one system has been delivered and two more have been sold for delivery this summer. The number of systems in operation are now approaching 20. RemaSawco AB has arranged customer events to promote the system and seeing it in live operation. These events have been well received. The RS-BoardScannerQ system is continuously developing from customer input and from experience. The improvements include delivery of comprehensive rule sets, faster commissioning time and sophisticated simulation functions to name a few. An R&D project is ongoing where the aim is to track objects in the production process, i.e. to connect log individuals to the finished board product. In short, this can be made possible by comparing x-ray results from the log sorting equipment to those of the RS-BoardScannerQ. RemaSawco AB has an international marketing focus, but is prioritizing customers in Scandinavia, the Baltic region, North and South America and Russia. To increase the presence in the North American market, a joint venture has been established with the Canadian company, Raptor Integration Inc. Hall 27, Stand B28

SENNEBOGEN As a German family-owned company, Sennebogen can look back on more than 60 years of experience in the development and construction of special machinery. With the new 735 of the current E-Series, Sennebogen presents the next generation of mobile timber handling machines. With a comprehensive range of machinery, Sennebogen offers the right solution for any job having to do with the logistics of wood processing. In addition to its existing 7-series machines that were designed especially to transport wood to the lumberyard and have demonstrated their proficiency in a host of applications over the years, Sennebogen will be presenting with the 735 a proven pick & carry concept at Ligna 2015. The new Sennebogen 735 has been specially designed for the requirements of mobile timber handling. An articulated boom behind the center of the machine ensures Sennebogen mobile log handler ideal weight distribution. In travel operation, the machine’s center of gravity is always centrally positioned over the slewing ring; as a result, the rear ballast can be significantly reduced in dimensions and weight. The 735 can even be deployed with confidence on demanding terrain, on inclines and on a difficult substrate. The two powerful travel drives with two speed levels accelerate the machine up to 20 km/h. Optimized engine control, the proven EcoMode, and well-designed air control ensure consumption values that are quite respectable. In direct comparison with the predecessor series, a reduction of up to 25% could be achieved. Open-air site (FG), Stand K06/0


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SERRA SERRA is celebrating 25 years at Ligna and showing all its range of machinery from mobile sawmills, stationary sawmills and up to the biggest industrial sawmilling plants with a production of up to 20 cbm/hour. Thy will also show some new equipment such as the Multihead MK-402 and the new sharpener Shark 200. These novelties are immediately available at the market and this shows once more that innovation is the secret to success. The machines that are produced in Germany have a log diameter capacity that goes from 90 cm up to 160 cm and are distributed in more than 72 countries. The main characteristic is the wide sawblade technology (manufactured at SERRA’s sawblades factory) and strong main frames. Each one is manufactured according to the needs of each sawmiller. These sawmills go one step further to being able to cut the hardest woods worldwide like Azobe, Greenheart, Okane, Zapote, Shihuahuaco, Katalox, Kusia, Guapinol, Serra sawmill for big logs Cortez, Machiche, Quebracho Colorado, etc. One thing is that people are always amazed by looking at SERRA machines cutting these kinds of hardwoods and being a common comment of the customers: “We cannot believe our own eyes.” SERRA dealers are continuously trained at the factory and they grant the customer a personalized attention with trained technicians and a stock of spare parts. Open area FGL03/0, Hall 27, Stand D63.

SODERHAMN ERIKSSON Söderhamn Eriksson is well-established on the global market as one of the leaders in the development of sawmill technology. It supplies efficient and reliable machinery and systems that give sawmills worldwide the lowest production cost. Söderhamn Eriksson is displaying the following products at Ligna: l The Catech 4000 TS sets a new standard for high-performance edger optimizers and its capacity of up to 75 boards/min proves that Söderhamn Eriksson is leading the market for edging technology. There are machinery setups for both transverse (TS) and inline (IS) scanning of the boards. These high-tech edger optimizers have been developed to satisfy the need for increased availability in modern saw lines, apart from the fact that edger optimizers give the absolutely highest yield from sideboards. Catech is module-designed for easy adaptation to the Soderhamn Eriksson edger optimization market’s different capacity requirements and sawing patterns. The optimizers are equipped with double-sided highresolution profile scanners and optional automatic grade detection of the upper side of the board to allow full value optimization. The edger optimizer’s board singulator function can be unmanned thanks to integrated systems correcting skewed boards and boards on top of each other. The optimizing system comes with a state-of-the-art, user-friendly interface complete with simulating functions and database for statistics and reports. l The Cambio 800 is the wear-resistant, fast debarker for all log dimensions. Thanks to its high reliability, maintenance-friendly design and low-cost operation, the Cambio 800 is the obvious choice for demanding sawmills all over the world. Triangular feedworks and pneumatic, carbide-tipped tools are just two of the reasons for its first-class, gentle debarking. l CombiCut is the reducer disc that combines two technologies—step chipping and spiral chipping. The disc design gives a very high proportion of accept chips, optimum surface finish, low energy consumption and safe operation at all temperatures. Tool change is faster, as 80-100% of the wood removal is done by the long step knives. When removing much wood, the advantages of smooth spiral chipping are fully utilized. The favorable chipping angles allow for higher feed speeds and smaller log gaps. CombiCut comes with disc centers for pre-, after- or intermediate sawing. Hall 27, Stand C15


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SPRINGER Springer has developed a completely new lug loader concept, E-Feeder, for the lumber industry. Including a number of significant technical innovations, the concept presented at Ligna 2015 contains a unique singulating unit with which the boards are kept fully under control through the entire feeding process, resulting in smooth and gentle manipulation and transport to the connected scanner or trimmer units. “With this new feeder concept we have placed particular focus on the optimization of sawmills producing different dimensions on the same production line. The efficiency of the process is increased substantially with the new E-feeder simultaneously handling all products produced by the sawing line,” explains Gero Springer E-feeder lumber handling Springer, CEO at Springer Microtec North America. The smooth and reliable flow of the boards enables maximum efficiency of the lumber production line. This leads to higher overall performance at lower comparable cycles, which result in lower maintenance costs regarding the overall lumber production. The new feeder unit’s main assets are its high process reliability as well as its careful handling of the lumber products. Board surfaces and edges remain unharmed due to the larger surface area of the clamping arms, which also facilitate a smooth and gentle transfer of the boards to the lug chain. This unit can be used for both construction and visual grade lumber in both softwood and hardwood. The E-feeder is ideally connected to the new generation of Microtec’s Goldeneye 900. This scanner detects all geometric and visual properties relevant to the quality of the board transported in transverse orientation. The new, innovative transport design through the scanner allows scanning of the bottom of the board simultaneously with a chain occlusion width of only 3 mm. The space requirement of the whole system is kept very small; the new Goldeneye 900 can be installed on a single level only, allowing easy integration of the scanner in existing lumber manufacturing plants. The innovative new trimmer, E-Cut 200, was presented at Ligna 2013 and has since proven itself successfully in the sawmill. Combined with the new E-feeder and the Goldeneye 900, the integrated system complies with the highest economic standards and ensures reliable and cost-effective operation. The electrically driven trimmer works without belts, therefore exposing parts to a minimum of wear and tear. Trimmed pieces are handled by the integrated transverse conveyor, which manipulates them directly to the waste conveyor, guaranteeing smooth and jam-free operation. The E-feeder will be displayed along with with Microtec’s Goldeneye 900 and the E-Cut 200 trimmer at this year’s Ligna. The single modules are perfectly geared to each other and can be integrated into all production lines, either separately or as a complete three-module system. The mechanical and electronic interfaces are predefined, guaranteeing perfect integration into the existing sawmill, supplied from one source. Hall 27, Stand D31

STORTI Storti S.p.A. reinforces its role in the woodworking machinery industry as a provider of a wide range of products that can transform logs into nailed pallets ready to be carried. The Canter PGS 350 resaw process has been designed by Storti to produce a flexible sawmill with small space requirement and labor reduction. Canter PGS 350 can run with two cutting configurations: log cutting and log cutting with prism resaw. Using the log cutting configuration, the two chipping heads automatically adjust the cutting width according to the log diameter. The 4/8 sawblades installed on Canter PGS 350 are automatically adjusted too. Final product is: Storti canter system unedged side boards, unedged central prism. Using the resaw configuration the system produces a stock of unedged central prism. The two chipping heads automatically adjust the cutting width according to the prism width in order to produce edged prism. The 4/8 sawblades installed on Canter PGS 350 are automatically adjusted to produce wood beams. To complete a flexible sawmill, Storti is able to supply horizontal and vertical saw (for central prism and side board/prism) with automatic stacking device. l The Flex 50 M, entry level of the Flex range, is the younger sister of the unbeaten Flex 60 M, while maintaining its highest qualities. The new mechanical nailing system with single beam and fixed heads allows nailing of up to 70 strokes per minute, which means 12 decks for Euro pallet per minute. The electronic adjustment system enables fast changeovers to reduce downtimes and then to focus on production. The new software, designed to be easier, allows an intuitive use for all operators. Hall 27, Stand C06 46

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TS MANUFACTURING TS Manufacturing has been designing, building and installing quality systems for the sawmill and lumber handling industries for more than 40 years. TS manufactures a large variety of sawmill equipment for hardwood and softwood mills. Because of this, clients benefit from the enhanced efficiency and reliability inherent in the production line of a single manufacturer. The result is always higher output and higher recovery. TS Manufacturing’s presence is found in every stage of mill production. It manufactures equipment for log handling and merchandising, primary breakdown systems, secondary breakdown systems, grading and lumber sorting and stick placing and stackTS Manufacturing range of sawmill machinery ing. And it builds residual handling equipment: belt, bar and screw conveyors, vibrating conveyors, screening systems, truck loaders and storage bins. All systems can be customized for a new production line, or retrofit into an existing one. TS engineers and installers dedicate themselves to a client’s request for customized equipment and fast installation. The TS unified sales/engineering/fabrication and installation teams— under one roof in their Lindsay, Ontario plant—can produce individual systems or whole production lines on a shorter time line than most competitors. Their clients are up and running sooner, with exceptionally integrated equipment. In addition to Ligna, TS Manufacturing will be exhibiting at the SFPA Expo in Atlanta, Ga. on June 10-12. Hall 27, Stand A30


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USNR USNR offers the broadest range of sawmill and engineered wood equipment found anywhere in the world, manufacturing sawmill machinery, automation technology, and lumber dry kilns as well as veneer lathes, veneer dryers, plywood layup lines and presses. At Ligna, USNR demonstrates industry-leading equipment allowing people to interact with the technology first hand. Attendees can examine the renowned Transverse High Grader solution engine up close. The system can be configured for green and dry applications; in the planer mill for grading dry lumber, or in the sawmill as a BioVision Edger for grading green flitches. This superior system is the product of more than 20 years of experience developing and perfecting advanced defect analysis and classification. Ask USNR about the many features that set THG apart, like DataFusion, strength grading, pith detection, full four-face scanning with just two rows of BioLuma sensors, LED illumination, flat transport design, grade projection, and WinTally integration. USNR’s Transverse High Grader (THG) system on Stand D25. USNR’s High Grader technology is becoming the industry choice. UNSR has expanded the capability of its MyMill Mobile Interface with a revolutionary new application that delivers remote access to your optimizers, in real time. Now you can take it all with you—log scans, optimizer solutions, reports, sensor diagnostics—in the palm of your hand. Mill managers gain unprecedented freedom through mobile interaction with their optimizers. With more than 75 sold, USNR’s popular Multi-Track Fence demonstrates the mechanisms that make it a winner, able to accommodate high speeds with the most precise board positioning available. MillTrak 3D lumber flow control oversees the process, facilitating a smooth continuous flow. More than 100 systems have been sold. Experience a visual tour of USNR’s veneer drying technology and learn what makes it so powerful and unique. Dedicated to product excellence and customer satisfaction, USNR employs hundreds of proud individuals at its facilities in the U.S., Canada and Russia, and through a network of industry professionals in China, Australia, New Zealand and Chile. Hall 27, Stand D25


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ÜSTÜNKARLI Turkey-based USTUNKARLI is proceeding to lead its sector by its new generation quad sawmill and twin sawmill log sawing lines and tandem sawmill with chipping canter sawing line. It has implemented log processing machinery and complete log sawing lines in 40 countries on four continents. USTUNKARLI is building log carriage and sawmill lines and circular blade log edging lines in Russia and Ukraine. Pine, fir, birch, oak, beech and similar trees between 150 mm and 1200 mm diameter are processed and between 10,000 m3 and 40,000 m3/shift annual capacities are achieved. Log carriage and sawmill lines are preferred because the timber workshop managers are not limited with the log diameter and type and product quality class is higher with increased efficiency. By the help of circular blade log edger lines, palm, fir and beech trees are processed between 150 mm and 400 Ustunkarli sawing lines mm diameters and 2.0 m and 6.30 m lengths and between 20,000 m3 and 70,000 m3/shift capacities are achieved. High capacities are achieved in small diameter logs by the successive loading feature. USTUNKARLI offers highly efficient and lower energy cost in its new generation quad sawmill and twin sawmill log sawing lines. The company offers solutions to its customers with three different sawing lines as described above, taking care in district costs, working conditions, processed log type, operator and employee skills. USTUNKARLI operates with a continuous development principle in order to offer its customers a better service. Hall 27, C11


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VALUTEC Two years after hitting the market, Valutec’s new line of progressive kilns has become a hot topic in the sawmill industry. The new lines of kilns, called TC kilns, are based on a patented idea from Valutec. The company will display those solutions and more at at the Ligna fair. “If anyone thinks the sawmill industry is slow to adopt change and new tech, they’re wrong,” says Eric Johansson, marketing manager at Valutec. “The amounts of interest we have seen in our new lines of kilns have been overwhelming. We have increased the options available for the industry and that’s something we’re proud of.” “TC” is the Swedish abbreviation for cross circulation. In the TC kilns, the wood package is fed horizontally through zones in which the air circulates laterally across the channel. This makes it possible to individually regulate the climates in the different zones according to a schedule very close to the ideal schedule for a batch kiln. Niclas Larsson, a veteran in the industry with 16 years of experience of timber drying, operates a TC kiln at SCA Timber in Bollsta, a sawmill that invested in a 10 zone Niclas Larsson, production manager at SCA TC kiln two years ago. It was referred to in Germany’s Holzindustrie magazine as Bolista, in front of 10-zone TC-kiln ”Das Schwedische Monster,” and Larsson is certainly not holding back when he describes the kiln. “In the TC progressive kiln, it’s the timber that sets the limits, not the machine,” Larsson says. ”This is the most impressive piece of equipment I’ve ever seen.” In a year, almost 100,000 m3 of timber is dried in the kiln—mainly 25 mm pine sideboards, but the record-fast drying times and high flexibility have also enabled Bollsta to choose to dry thinner dimensions. Developing new types of units and kiln equipment is nothing new for Valutec, which boasts a full-range offer of kilns, and a history of delivering more than 3000 batch kilns and 1000 progressive kilns to sawmills around the world. “Many models are protected by European patents,” explains Johansson. “We have always had a strong entrepreneurial spirit and a genuine interest in technological and scientific development. That is also a reason why we are taking part in so many research projects and place such an emphasis on research and development in our operations. “At Ligna, we look forward to listening to the needs of the sawmills and drawing from our knowledge and experience to help them evolve. It’s something that everyone at Valutec is looking forward to.” Hall 13, Stand C10


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VOLLMER Vollmer will be demonstrating profound insights into its range of grinding and eroding machines for the sawmill and furniture industry, manual trades and the wood processing industry. The theme is “Leading Precision,” focusing on the specialist fields of rotary tools, circular saws, band and gang saws, as well as services. With a total of seven innovations, Vollmer is building on its market position as a full-scope service provider in the timber industry. Five of the seven new sharpening machines are designed for carbidetipped circular saws. These are the CP 650 and CPF 650, together with the CHP, CHC and CHF presented at the start of 2015, each of which is available in 840 and 1300 versions. All sharpening machines come with the new Vollmer operating concept. This revolves around the use of a multifunction wheel that offers intuitive machine operation. Vollmer range of saw treatment machinery Meeting with the representatives from the sawmill industry at the Ligna fair is always a highlight for Vollmer. Vollmer machines are used in the sharpening rooms of sawmills across the globe, where they assume full responsibility for sharpening band and gang saws. Among other things, Vollmer will be showing its new CAG 200 sharpening machine for gang saws, as well as the CA 210 and CAF 310 sharpening machines or the GPA 200 Stelliting machine. The Vollmer subsidiary Loroch from Mörlenbach rounds off the company’s presence at the Ligna fair with the new EVOLUTION K850-M automatic saw blade sharpening machine which, thanks to four CNC-controlled axes of motion, allows sharpening, retoothing and automatically chamfers HSS/CV circular saw blades. From the field of tool grinding, Vollmer presents its Vgrind 160 grinding machine for grinding solid carbide tools such as drills and milling cutters. Thanks to its two vertically arranged spindles, the Vgrind 160 enables multi-level machining for the first time ever. Vollmer will also be showing the QXD 250 eroding machine for PCD rotary tool manufacture. Combined with the new ExLevel PRO software, this not only allows diamond-tipped drills and milling cutters to be produced precisely, but also to digitally simulate their manufacture in advance. “As a full-scope provider for machining rotary tools, as well as circular and band saws, Ligna is the ideal place for us to present our innovations to representatives of the timber industry,” explains Dr. Stefan Brand, CEO of the Vollmer Group. “Full-scope means that we closely align and coordinate all of our services for financing, training, repairs and maintenance with our range of machines.” Hall 13, Stand A62


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WEINIG Weinig Group will underline its “Technology Offensive 2015” with a range of innovations. The core themes will be resource efficiency, flexibility and networked production. There will also be pioneering product developments in profiling, window manufacturing, cutting/gluing and joint technology segments. Furthermore, Weinig will be demonstrating its expertise as a complete provider of machines and systems for solid wood processing. Weinig will reveal the new Powermat generation. The outstanding feature of the molder is the innovative “Comfort Set” operating concept, which enables largely tool-free setting and significantly reduces setup times. Further benefits of the four-sider include high operating safety and very good accessibility. The new Weinig System Plus connects all processes involved in Weinig block gluing with butt joints preparing the molder for production. The integrated system is composed of the Moulder Master Software, the new Rondamat 1000 tool grinder, tool measurement with OptiControl Digital and PowerCom machine controls. In the Rondamat 985, Weinig is exhibiting a new grinder for straight knives with maximum 720 mm tool length. The Rondamat has a grinding unit with fully automatic controls and integrated radius measurement of the knives. The Weinig Concept business unit specializes in project planning of complete production lines. A current project will be presented and visitors will learn everything about the project from planning to installation of the system. The system solution comprises an innovative production process for central layers. Weinig has patents and patents pending on the “block gluing with butt joints” process. The centerpiece of the system, the ProfiPress C, presses the glued butt-jointed strand without height offset and with perfect alignment in length. The ProfiPress C is designed for special application as a cold press and, thus, requires no energy for glue hardening. The extensive Dimter Line range of crosscut saws from Weinig has been enhanced with a range of improvements. The OptiCut 200 Elite, which will be on the stand as an Inline scanner solution with EasyScan, will enjoy a product re-launch. The proven RipAssist optimization program for automatic width optimization of boards now offers even better performance. In the enhanced “Pro” version, the board width is now automatically measured with trimmed goods. Hall 12, Stand E50


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WINTERSTEIGER Wintersteiger will be presenting its entire product range at Ligna. In addition, the company will be introducing two of its innovations for the first time worldwide. The world’s leading trade fair for the forestry and wood industries provides the right backdrop. Firstly, the new DSB Compact 310 thin-cutting band saw: this machine is Wintersteiger’s offer for getting started with thin-cutting. And secondly the new Banso X-Cut band saw blade that Wintersteiger has developed: the saw blade with blade widths from 27-55 mm convinces with a significantly longer service life in comparison to tooth-tip hardened saw blades and therefore provides an enormous increase in efficiency. As a comprehensive supplier of machines, tools and application expertise, Wintersteiger will be demonstrating its enWintersteiger sawing expertise tire range of service. In the area of timber repair and cosmetics, the team will be presenting the TRC product line with the fully automatic TRC 3000+ and the TRC-M Easy entry model. The thin-cutting band saws will be represented by the DSB Twinhead NG XM and the DSB Singlehead 660. In the area of thin-cutting frame saws, Wintersteiger will be showcasing the DSG Notum. Carbide-tipped and Stellite saw blades, developed and manufactured by Wintersteiger, will be rounding up its exhibit program. The automation specialist VAP, which is a member of the Wintersteiger group, will be providing information about customer-specific system solutions. At the traditional Wintersteiger evening on May 12, the thin-cutting specialist will be presenting all its latest products. In a relaxed atmosphere, the event provides a unique opportunity to exchange experiences with the Wintersteiger team and engage in discussions with professionals from other industries. Wintersteiger, whose headquarters is in Ried im Innkreis, Upper Austria, has 21 major branches, 60 representative offices and delivers to no less than 130 countries worldwide. This takes Wintersteiger’s export quota to around 90%. Hall 12, Stand E48


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MACHINERYROW IndusTREE Pole & Piling Restarts Kiln Operations

Seeking to serve new markets with higher-value products, IndusTREE Pole & Piling in Goodwater, Ala. recently completed a dry kiln recondition and restart project that allows the company to offer premium KD pole products along with its longtime white pole offerings. The newly operational kiln started up in early February and holds up to a 10,000 cu. ft. pole charge. According to IndusTREE President Larry Jones, the dry kiln capability enables the company to offer a higher-value product. “We’re continuing to offer white pole products at the pole and piling plant, but in the future it’s expected that more than half the production there will be kiln-dried,” Jones says. Acquired by IndusTREE in spring 2014, the facility includes two McConnell Industries dry kilns and has handling, bucking and peeling facilities with capacity to manufacture up to 300 poles daily. Working with local contractors and dry kiln system vendors, IndusTREE reconditioned the larger, 85 ft. kiln that best fits its product line, upgrading the system for better operational efficiency. The project included structural repair, seal and coating work and a controls upgrade. To take advantage of current low natural gas prices, the kiln burner was converted to natural gas fuel while retaining the option to switch back to biomass if needed. IndusTREE Pole & Piling is part of IndusTREE’s manufacturing division, which includes facilities in Nixburg, Castleberry and Montevallo, Ala.

Premier Tech Buys Almeida Martins Premier Tech announced the acquisition of Almeida Martins by its Industrial Equipment Group, Premier Tech Chronos. This 10th acquisition within the last 15 years allows Premier Tech Chronos to expand its worldwide presence and reinforces its status as a leader 66

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MACHINERYROW in the packaging equipment industry. Almeida Martins is a Brazilian-based company founded in 1993 and dedicated to helping companies with material handling as well as robotic solutions for packaging and palletizing. Almeida Martins’ advanced technologies and machine capabilities are now used by more than 800 companies in Brazil. The acquisition will considerably improve Premier Tech Chronos’ ability to better serve global accounts in Brazil and reinforces its brand recognition in this strategic market. Visit

Serra Sawmill Is Peru Friendly

SERRA reports it assisted one customer with training on a recently installed SERRA Sawmill Africa XE160 near the Utuquinia River in Peru. The customer saws the hardwood, Shihuahuaco, with diameters of 1.6 m. Serra officials says the machine has such capacity that two edgers and two crosscut saws could not keep up with the SERRA production pace. SERRA also started up a Sawmill Africa XE160 in the city of Pucallpa for a customer who produces pallets for several industries. People were impressed by the accuracy, cutting quality and output of the machine. The company reports it has installed the SERRA Sawmill in 75 countries.

Sweden Sawmill Has Edge With New Bearings By using Timken spherical roller bearing solid-block housed units, the Swedish company Derome Timber AB increased cost efficiency and productivity in one of its sawmills. Derome experienced challenges keeping the chain conveyor up and running at a sawmill in Veddige, on the west coast of Sweden. The conveyor system is part of equipment that rotates the logs for further processing. The heavy logs fall from a height of 50 cm onto the conveyor belt, causing severe shock loads upon impact. 68

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MACHINERYROW The climatic conditions (the machines are outdoors) combined with significant contamination create challenging conditions for the bearings. A competitor’s cast-iron bearing housings withstood these loads for three to four months. By then the housings were damaged or broken and dirt had penetrated into the interior, necessitating replacement of the bearings. Nomo Kullager AB, a Swedish distri-


APRIL 2015

butor of Timken products, recommended Timken spherical roller bearings with solid housings because they stand up to harsh conditions. The housing withstands blows and falls, and the bearings accommodate misalignments of up to ±1.5 degrees. Additionally, the ends of the feet on the housings are machined, which allows the keeper plates to fit tightly to the housing for one-time shaft alignment.

The Timken housed units have now operated for more than two years in the Derome sawmill. “They have performed flawlessly and continue to look very good,” says Viktor Mattsson, a sales representative at Nomo in Gothenburg. Dan Bertilsson, sawmill maintenance manager, notes the significant savings. “For us, more than six times the service life means a considerable advantage. In this way we are able to reduce the repair and replacement time to a minimum and concentrate on other important things.” The company is gradually substituting the Timken assemblies for the units previously in use. These housed units are designed for 40 to 180 mm shafts and are available in various types of housings, depending on the requirements. Users choose between labyrinth seals (Dupont Teflon) and triple lip seals (nitrile or urethane). Milled pedestals, threaded puller bores, black oxide inner rings and numerous locking options for the shafts make it simple to install these units. In addition, optional steel covers protect the roller bearings from the heavy soiling that is typical in many industries.



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ATLARGE SLMA/SFPA Meet In New Orleans Nearly 200 registered attendees convened in New Orleans in March for the 2015 SLMA/SFPA (Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Assn./Southern Forest Products Assn.) Spring Meeting. The three-day agenda included meetings of both boards of directors, as well as industry updates covering pending legislation

plus issues related to health, safety and the environment. A trade expo featured displays from more than two dozen companies offering products and services to the wood industry. The meeting was sponsored by BB&T Insurance Services. The SFPA Board of Directors received staff reports on the progress of Expo 2015, plus updates to publications and websites. Plans for SFPA’s 2015 Annual Meeting in Myrtle Beach, SC were dis-

cussed; this meeting will celebrate the association’s 100th anniversary and recognize past chairmen. Board actions included approval of James Krauseneck of Weyerhaeuser as SFPA Treasurer, replacing Doug Warstler. The agenda also included a wood promotion panel, with presentations from Stephen Lovett of the Softwood Lumber Board, Bob Glowinski of the American Wood Council and Jennifer Cover of WoodWorks. Concluding the meeting, the Southern Pine Council’s team of international consultants summarized activities in key offshore markets. Jerry Hingle provided an overview of southern pine export markets and program success stories following a recordsetting year in 2014. Charles Trevor covered American Softwoods’ actions in Europe, the Middle East and India. Crystal Collier summarized her work in the Caribbean and Costa Rican markets. Fernanda Vale recapped trade shows and other projects under way in Mexico and Panama.

Sitts Succeeds Thompson At Hardwood Federation Hardwood Federation and Columbia Forest Products, Greensboro, NC, has announced that Jim Sitts, Appalachian Timber Manager, has been elected to the Hardwood Federation board of directors, taking the seat vacated by Brad Thompson, CEO of Columbia Forest Products, after eight years of service. The Hardwood Federation includes such groups as the Hardwood Lumber Assn., Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Assn. and National Wood Flooring Assn., among many other associations and individual companies representing the interests of the North American hardwood industry. During Thompson’s tenure the Federation built a unique coalition of industry and environmental groups to add hardwood to the materials covered under the Lacey Act, helping to level the playing field in trade by combating illegal logging. Thompson also spearheaded efforts to include hardwoods in the list of approved products in the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s Bio-Based Procurement Program which will open the doors to U.S. hardwood businesses for government purchasing programs. Sitts is a 45-year veteran of the forest products industry and is a registered forester in the state of North Carolina. 72

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APRIL 2015



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Northern Hardwoods, a leading manufacturer of hardwood lumber, is seeking a Hardwood Lumber Sales Professional for its South Range, MI plant. We are looking for an individual that can have a valuable impact in our business by working with our existing customers and expanding our customer base, both domestic and international. Candidates should have at least 5 years of sales experience, preferably in the hardwood lumber industry but will consider experience in wood products, two years of education post high school and be proficient in Microsoft Office. Understanding of lumber software systems would be a plus. Qualified applicants send resume to 13074








Michael Strickland & Associates, LLC Executive Recruiters Wood Products/Building Materials Industries Mike Strickland 601-529-2157 •


Come join our expanding company. TS Manufacturing is hiring. TS Manufacturing has been designing, building and installing rugged and dependable equipment for the sawmill and lumber handling industries for over 40 years. We need a company Sales Representative, in the American South, to help sell corporate awareness and equipment for the company. This position is available immediately. TS Manufacturing is an equal opportunity employer. Responsibilities • Research, initiate and finalize sales of sawmill and lumber handling equipment, based on specific client needs • Represent TS Manufacturing at trade shows and conferences across the US, independently, or as part of a team • Monitor and provide client support, post-sale, of TS equipment, ensuring it is performing to client expectations Qualifications Desired • Comprehensive knowledge of hardwood and softwood sawmill and planer mill production • Desire to work independently and cooperatively with TS staff to prospect and assist new clients interested in our equipment • Competency with new technology including MS Office, tablets and computers • A valid driver's license and the ability to drive as required, to meet clients or attend shows Interested applicants can submit their resume in absolute confidence to 3781

Lucidyne Technologies is expanding its sales team. The ideal candidate will have strong technical aptitude, experience with the wood product industry, and outstanding oral and written communication skills. Based in Corvallis, Oregon the position requires up to 50% travel time. We are looking for someone who will contribute to our company goals and add to the positive momentum of our team. Apply online at career-opportunities/sales-representative


Lucidyne Technologies is hiring a Control Systems Engineer with the primary responsibility of designing, developing, and implementing lumber sorter control systems that are sold in conjunction with our scanning systems. A degree in Engineering and/or Computer Science, plus experience with ControlLogix PLC programming, networking, and basic electronics skills are required, with a commitment to understanding customers’ needs and providing the functionality to match. Experience with lumber mills and grading a plus. Travel approximately 25%. Apply online at ttp:// company/career-opportunities/controlsystems-engineer


Lucidyne Technologies is seeking a Scanner Specialist who can work with high technology equipment, and our internal teams and our customers. Must have a two year technical degree with an emphasis on electronics, computer science, mechatronics, or networking, good logical sense, outstanding personal and communication skills, and fluency in English. Lumber and quality control a plus. Apply online at career-opportunities/scanner-specialist 298




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WOOD PRODUCTS marketplace NORTH AMERICA ■ United States

■ North Carolina

■ Virginia

Cook Brothers Lumber Co., Inc.

Producing Quality Southern Yellow Pine Since 1939

■ Florida CRACKER SAWMILL CYPRESS AND SYP Sawmill, Drying and MillIng facility Custom Cut to Order Lumber, Cants, Specialty Beams to 44’ We will Mill Log Home logs S4S 6”x6” thru 8”x12” T&G Your wood or ours WE DO WHAT OTHERS CANNOT 20253 N.E. 20th Street Williston, Fl 32690

Manufacturer of Appalachian Hardwood Lumber LEONARD COOK, Sales (828) 524-4857 • cell: (828) 342-0997 residential: (828) 369-7740 P.O. Box 699 • Frankin, NC 28744 NATIONAL HARDWOOD LUMBER ASSOCIATION

(352) 529-2070

Buyers & Wholesalers We produce quality 4/4 - 8/4 Appalachian hardwoods

■ Georgia Beasley Forest Products, Inc. P.O. Box 788 Hazlehurst, GA 31539 Manufactures Kiln-Dried 4/4 Red and White Oak, Poplar, Ash and Cypress Contact: Linwood Truitt Phone (912) 253-9000 / Fax: (912) 375-9541

Pallet components, X-ties, Timbers and Crane Mats Contact: Ray Turner Phone (912) 253-9001 / Fax: (912) 375-9541

■ Indiana

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Sales/Service: 336-746-5419

336-746-6177 (Fax) •

Next closing: July 5, 2015

■ Tennessee



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12-14—American Wood Protection Assn. annual meeting, The Omni Grove Park Inn, Asheville, NC. Call 205-733-4077; visit 23-24—Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Assn. annual convention, Marriott Long Wharf Hotel, Boston, Mass. Call 207829-6901; visit 24-25—Southern Saw Filers’ Education Assn. Convention, Hilton Garden Inn, West Monroe, La. Call 936-254-3161; visit

MAY 11-12—32nd Annual Lumber Quality & Process Control Workshop, New Horizon's Learning Center, Atlanta, Ga. Call 800-678-6311; visit southern-workshops. 11-15—Ligna: World Fair For The Forestry And Wood Industries, Hannover, Germany. Call +49 511 89-0; fax +49 511 8932626; visit 13-14—27th Annual Lumber Quality Leadership Workshop, New Horizon's Learning Center, Atlanta, Ga. Call 800-678-6311; visit 15-16—Northeastern Loggers Assn. annual meeting, Cross Insurance Ctr., Bangor, Maine. Call 315-369-3078; visit

JUNE 10-12—Forest Products Machinery & Equipment Expo, Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, Ga. Call 504-443-4464; visit 16-21—The Vienna International Wood Products/Markets Conference, Expo & Tours, Hotel Savoyen Vienna, Vienna, Austria. Call 604-801-5996; email; visit

JULY 15-19—2015 Southeastern Lumber Manufacturers Assn. annual conference, Waldorf Astoria Hotel, Orlando, Fla. Call 770-6316701; visit 22-25—AWFS Fair 2015, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV. Visit 31-August 2—Georgia Forestry Assn. annual meeting, Jekyll Island Convention Center, Jekyll Island, Ga. Call 478-9928110; visit Listings are submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations with contacts prior to making plans to attend. 78

APRIL 2015




7-9—American Forest Resource Council annual meeting, Skamania Lodge, Stevenson, Wash. Call 503-222-9505; visit





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