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The Spa at Katara Club |W| www.katara.club |E| info@katara.club
Live experiences that reflect a unique & holistic lifestyle at The Spa at Katara Club. At the spa, guests can nourish themself with the pioneering aesthetics and time-tested practices inspired from every corner of the globe, all created to boost the physical and mental wellbeing, with a therapeutic approach that provides care for the body, mind, and spirit, leaving guests feeling rejuvenated, revitalized, and youthful. With a Relaxation area inspired by the Aurora Borealis, with private pods for relaxation, ten single treatment rooms, two Spa Suites, two Hammam Rooms, two sets of thermal recovery suites for male and female including Snow Grottos, Salt Rooms and Saunas. The spa also provides changing rooms with Ice-Baths, Ice-Bucket showers as well as additional Saunas and Steam Rooms. The perfect place to unwind and recover.