Urban Design Portfolio 2022

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Wanna know how my year has been as an Urban Designer? Well, then I’ll share with you...


recap of projects in my 2022 Urban Design...


...as a Junior Urban Designer in Indonesia.

Hey There! :))


• Urban Designer + Planner

• Urban Planning Graduate

• GREENSHIP Associate ahmad.hazzmi@gmail.com +62 8111296962 linkedin.com/in/ahmadhazmi

Let’s connect! instagram.com/hazmifariz/

I graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Malaya, Malaysia, in September 2021. With 15 months of professional experience in the urban planning and design consulting industry, I have experienced a wide range of professional projects, from public space to township master planning. I have proven my consistent ability to achieve project objectives and maintain a high standard of deliverables expected for my role.

As a self-driven individual, I also have the ability to work in a collaborative multi-disciplinary environment. I am a passionate urbanist with a great ambition to create sustainable and livable cities built around humanity.

I aspire to pursue a career as an urban designer in which I can leverage my passion, knowledge, and skills to achieve higher quality projects with greater impacts on creating sustainable cities for the communities and the future generations.

So, let’s get to know me! “Out of sight, out of mind”
What are showcased here? Urban Design Guideline 01 Ladi Industrial Area, Batam Recreational Park Master Plan 02 Kalianget Destination, Wonosobo Industry Master Plan Visualisation 03 New Priok Eestern Access, DKI Jakarta School Master Plan Visualisation 04 Sembalun School, East Nusa Tenggara p.04 p.14 p.18 p.20 Disclaimer: All plans, illustrations and diagrams are created by me unless stated otherwise.

Urban Design Guideline

Ladi Industrial Area, Location : Ladi Island, Batam Type : Professional Company : Shirvano Consulting Work Type : Collaborative Work

Software Used : AutoCAD, SketchUp, Adobe Illustrator & InDesign


Ladi Industrial Area is strategically located at the center of Riau Archipelago Province, and precisely in the south of Bulan Island. The area is a part of the development program in the Draft Master Plan of Batam-Bintan-Karimun Area Development and is also included in the National Strategic Area.

Ladi Industrial Area has a total area of ± 3000 ha, consisting of 476 ha of land and 2,523 ha of sea. According to the Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW) of Batam City, this area is currently zoned as a Limited Production Forest area which functions as a forest area and is dominated by mangrove forests. Based on the macro, meso, and micro context analysis, Ladi Island is directed to become an industrial area, such as a waste industry and supporting industries. Therefore, Ladi Industrial Island is envisioned to become an Integrated, Green, and Smart Industrial Estate equipped with sustainable waste treatment facilities.

Bulan Island Combol Island Citlim Island

Ladi Island

Batam Island

Main Ladi Island

Bulan Island Land Reclamation plan

Selat Nenek Island

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Tropical & Climate Responsive Design

PU2.12B PP1

PU2.12G PP1


Provide Breezeway and greenway for cross vetilation between buildings.

PU2.12B PP3

Consider the buildings’ height, mass, and distance in between that allow sunlight access to each building and to open spaces.

Trees with a higher canopy are placed closer to the building to direct the wind towards the building’s ventilation.

PU2.12G PP2

Minimize the impermeable surface areas and maximize the green and permeable surface areas on-site for better water infiltration and reduce the heat gain in buildings.

PU2.12E PP3

Add building’s shading elements, such as verandahs, pergolas, and trees, to reduce heat from solar radiation exposure on the building walls and openings,and improve the building’s indoor thermal comfort.

Building Architecture, Form & Orientation Guideline
Verandah Pergola Tree
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Building Architecture, Form & Orientation Guideline

Human Oriented Design

PU2.12C PP1

PU2.12C PP2

PU2.12C PP3

PU2.12C PP4a

Position the buildings’ front lines parallel for a continous facades along the street edge and creating the interaction between neighbouring buildings.

Form an easily identifiable building entrance on the facade.

A podium with active frontages to avoid the gigantic impression.

Active frontage to revive public activities in pedestrian realms,.


PU2.12C PP4b

Position parking areas behind or beside the building which active frontages are maintained to avoid parking domination along the street and provide direct pedestrian access.

PU2.12I PP1

Ramp as an example of universal design.

Pedestrian access.

Private motorized vehicles access.

Logistic vehicles access.

Separate the site access between logistic vehicles, private vehicles and pedestrians to ensure safety. Building access for pedestrian is placed closer and oriented towards the street and is directly connected to the pedestrian walkway.

Office Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 6

View Maximizing Design

PU2.12D PP2

No development or structures shall block the public access to natural features and green area.

PU2.12D PP1

The building facade is mainly oriented towards natural features. Shall it not be practicable, any side of building facing natural or green features is designed opened, such as the implementation of double frontage building.

PU2.12D PP1

Consider the view access between buildings to maintain privacy, such as:

a. Offsett the balconies or windows to establish better privacy between buildings.

b. Use trees as view-barriers.

PU2.12D PP5

The open public spaces and pedestrian realms surrounding the development must be directly visible from the nearest buildings as a mean for passive surveillance to maintain public safety.

Such as providing balconies and windows oriented towards public open spaces outside the building as a passive surveillance design approach.

Building Architecture, Form & Orientation Guideline
Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 7

Landmark & Skyline Guideline

Roundabout Landmark Guideline

PU2.13B PP1

Landmark is designed in a appropriate dimension that is visible from any road directions and distinctive from it’s surrounding background.

PU2.13B PP4

Implement green buffers on the setback edge facing the landmark to the buildings that can potentially disturb the landmark’s visual and those which may need better privacy.

PU2.13B PP2

The facade design of the public-use building at the corner site must have an entrance and not blend into the landmark’s visual, while the front setback areas must provide free-viewing space for the landmark.

PU2.13B PP3

Maintain active frontage at the junction edge in a commercial building to provide direct access for pedestrians and the liveliness of the pedestrian realms.

PU2.13B PP5

The public open space at the roundabout junction is designed to provide a direct view of the roundabout landmark from the public open space.

Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 8

Landmark & Skyline Guideline

Bridge Landmark and Skyline Guideline

This guideline aims to create the bridge connecting the Ladi Island and Selat Nenek Island on the south as a landmark that can become the main icon to improve the image quality of the area which is also in harmony with the overall skyline of the surrounding development.

PU2.13C PP1

The Bridge is designed with an iconic and visually appealing design that can become one of the main icons of the Ladi Island Industrial Estate.

PU2.13C PP2

The facade of the vertical housing building along the landmark axis facing the bridge landmark is designed with unique characters to create a visual attraction as a welcoming impression to the road users coming from the main Ladi Island direction.

PU2.13C PP3

The intensity of buildings that can form a skyline that is in harmony with the landmark and provide a direct view of the unique facade from the bridge point and a direct view of the bridge landmark from the buildings.

Vertical Housing Building Building Facade Selat Nenek Island
Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 9
Main Ladi Island

Site Planning Guideline

Vertical Residential Area

Site Boundary


Distance Between Building Min. 3 Meters Active Frontage Potential Commercial Corridor

Setback From Road Boundary: (1/2 x ROW) + (1/2 x No. Floors)

Side and Rear Yard Setback Min. 4 Meters Street Right of Way (ROW)


Vertical residential buildings facing roadways with a potential as a commercial or business street corridor can implement the mixed-use concept to the building uses;

Mixed use in vertical housing facing commercial corridor

The front setback spaces is encoruaged for open public spaces to complement the building’s active frontage.




Active Frontage Commercial

Street ROW Setback

Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 10

District A - Guideline Implementation

Design Directives, Land Use Plan, and Sub-Block Division

District Character

As the main entrance to the Ladi Island Industrial Estate, the development of District A is designed with the Green Gateway character in mind, which is expected to reflect an industrial area based on green and sustainable development.

The district is divided into 7 blocks which comprises a total of 14 sub-blocks.

Total Area: 95.6 ha

PDPR4.1 WTP PDPR4.1 Water Body PU2.4 Green Area PU2.4 Arterial Road PDPU3.1A Secondary Road PDPU3.1B Legend Codes

Residential PDPR4.2

PDPR4.3 Public

Industry PDPR4.1 Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 11

District Location 0 100 300 1000 meter N
PDPR4.4 Power

Urban Design Guideline Framework Plan

Legend Codes

Green networks and setbacks PU2.12H PP3

Continuous building frontage PU2.12C PP1

Office mixed use PDPR4.3 AD1

Building podium PU2.12C PP1

Residential mixed use PDPR4.2 AD2

Building podium PU2.12C PP1

Active frontage PU2.12C PP4 PU2.12H PP4

Orientation to nature PU2.12D PP1

Buffer screening for privacy PU2.12D PP4

Legend Codes

Building setback line PU2.12H PP1

No parking on setback area PU2.12H PP4

Gateway landmark PU2.13A PP1

Roundabout landmark PU2.13B PP1

Interactive site corner facade PU2.13B PP2

Facade facing landmark PU2.13B PP2

Green buffer at roundabout PU2.13B PP4

Bus pool station provision PDPU3.3

Bus stop provision route A PDPU3.6

Bus stop provision route B PDPU3.6

Pelican crossing provision PDPU3.6 PP7

Transition private - public PDPR4.5A

Transition public - public PDPR4.5B

Transition industry - industry PDPR4.5C

District A - Guideline Implementation
Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 12
0 N 100 300 500 meter

District A - Guideline Implementation

3D Simulation Plan

The 3D diagram illustrates the guideline implementation into the future development of the district that is in harmony with its character as a Green Gateway.

Mixed Use Residential
Water Treatment Plant Public Facilities Commercial
Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 13

Recreational Park Master Plan

Kalianget Destination, Location : Wonosobo Regency Type : Professional Company : Shirvano Consulting Work Type : Collaborative Work

Software Used : AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator


Kalianget Recreation Park becomes the Tourist Attraction (DTW) development priority in Kalianget District Tourism Destinations (DPK), Wonosobo, for its strategic location by the main route to the Dieng National Tourism Strategic Area, and the Kejajar-Garung Regency Strategic Tourism Area. Besides, the site is also within a 3 km radius of the city center of Wonosobo. Therefore, Kalianget Recreation Park is highly potential to become a recreational destination for both local residents as well as visitors or tourists.

The vision of Kalianget Recreational Park is to become “The New Urban Rest Stop” in Wonosobo and in Central Java Provinces. It is where tourists and local visitors can relax in a lush green park, enjoy the natural hot springs, and maintain a healthy lifestyle through the provision of sports facilities for all ages.

Kalianget Recreational Park To Dieng To Yogyakarta To Banjarnegara Wonosobo City Kalianget Recreational Park Jl KH
Abdurrahman Wahid Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 14
To Dieng To
Wonosobo City

Design Concept


The One-Stop Design concept aims to make Kalianget Tourism Recreation Park a one-stop tourist destination in the Borobudur-Dieng national tourism corridor that offers a variety of recreational activities and local products, where tourists can stop for a while and stimulates the community’s economy.

This concept also primarily aims to create a recreational center for the residents of Wonosbo Regency which will improve the quality of people’s lives through the provision of complete recreational and sports facilities that can be easily accessed and enjoyed by various groups of visitors.

Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 15

Various Recreational Activities

Creating various attractions for tourism activities as well as for the recreational needs of the communities.

Extensive Green Areas

Preserving more green areas as water catchment areas and planting areas that is in line with the branding of Wonosobo Regency.

Convenient Accessibility Form Follows Contours

Site accessibility, pedestrian mobility and vehicle circulation that ensure the safety and comfort of all users.

Design that follows natural forms and maximizes the natural landscape views offered within and surrounding site area.

Storyline Experience Generating Economy

Circulation of experiences that is in harmony with each element in the area, which also provides great last impression.

A co-synergized diversity of economic activities with an excellent management system.

Design Principles
Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 16
Master Plan 1. Main Gate Entrance 2. Park Entrance 3. New Car Parking Area 4. New Motorbike Parking Area 5. Parking Area 6. Supporting Parking Facilities 7. Office Building and TIC 8. Food Court 9. Ticket Counter 10. Open Hot Springs Area 11. Locker and Changing Room Facilities 12. Swimming Pool 13. Kungkum Park 14. Recreational Park 15. Multifunctional Field 16. Forest Walk 17. Amphitheater 18. Outdoor Fitness 19. Skate Park & Wall Climbing 20. Prayer Room (Mushalla) 21. Football Field 22. Cycling Track 23. Jogging Track 24. Waste Disposal Facilities 25. Arboretum 25. Rooftop Cafe & Co-Working Space 25. Children Playing Area & Pool Side Foodcourt 25. Reflexology Walking Track Legend N Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 17

Industry Master Plan Visualisation

New Priok Eastern Access (NPEA)

Location : DKI Jakarta

Type : Professional Company : Shirvano Consulting

Work Type : Collaborative Work

Software Used : AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop


Owned by PT. Kawasan Berikat Nusantara (BKN), the site area is situated at a strategic location in North Jakarta that is well connected with Jakarta Outer Ring Road Toll (JORR), and within proximity from Tanjung Priok Port.

According to the Detailed Spatial Plan (RDTR), the land use of the site is categorised as an industrial area. Based on the Draft Regional Spatial Plan 2022 (RTRW), the development of the site area is directed towards large and medium-scale industrial and warehouse development that is environmentally friendly and is also aimed to become a goods logistics distribution centre to support Tanjung Priok Port.

Therefore, the proposed master plan envisions the site area as a new World Class Logistic Hub that is highly adaptive to development and environmental requirement changes, is well connected to ease logistic mobility, and is fully integrated with the surrounding development.

JakartaOuter Ringroad

Jakarta Tanjung Priok Port Jakarta Bay
Java Province
Bay Jl.MarundaMakmur Jl. Sarang Bango
Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 18
Master Plan Legend 1. Ramp On-off NPEA 2. Container Depot 3. E-Commerce Warehouse 4. Medium-Large Size Warehouse 5. Bizhome 6. Cold Storage 7. Multifunctional Building 8. Mid-Rise Housing Area 9. Public Facilities and Mosque 10. Utilities - Wasterwater Treatment Plant and Waste Treatment 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 6 7 8 9 11 5 4 4 4 4 7 7 5 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 5 10 7 NPEA Toll Development Plan Jalan Marunda JORR II Toll Development Plan 0 N 100 meter 250 500 1000 1 Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 19

School Master Plan Visualisation

Sembalun School Institution,

Location : East Lombok Regency Type : Professional Company : Shirvano Consulting Work Type : Collaborative Work

Software Used : AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop & Illustrator


The site is situated in Sembalun District, East Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province. In a regional context, the location of the site is relatively accessible from settlement areas, in which the closest and the farthest are within 1.6 km and 6 km, consecutively.

The site has a total area of 2.71 ha. It is surrounded by a ridge of various contours and the existing condition indicates an empty open land that is covered by rocky soil and plants.

The project is owned by the Rumah Peneleh Foundation which has been dedicated to the sociocultural development to achieve a religious, just, prosperous, and independent community. Therefore the project aims to create an educational institution with an environment that can support conducive learnings where students can enrich their religious, cultural, and socio-economical knowledge.

Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 20
To Jl. Sembalun Lawang Site Location
Land Forest Mount Rinjani East Lombok Regency Kecamatan Sembalun To Pinggabaya To Bayan Site Location

Learning Through Religion And Sociocultural Values

Educational institution where ones can learn knowledge and skills by strengthening the religious quality and enriching and preserving local cultural and socio-economic values.

Development Concept
Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 21

Integrated Circulation

The main circulation provides access to all zones in the development site area which connects to the major pedestrian way and is continously linked to each building.

Religious Orientation

The development is oriented toward a centralized mosque and is placed at a high elevation in the area, thus, to become the main landmark of the development.

Centralized Walkability

Aim to create learning focus environment that is safe and healthy by reducing the motorized vehicle activities within the main educational areas which are primarily connected and accessible by foot.

Learning Focused Zoning

Zoning that can create environment that can promote calm, safe, comfortable and conducive learning and living experience..

Design Principles
Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 22

The design layout describes the wisdom philosophy of the rice paddy plant as analogised as follows:

Housing Education Mosque Supporting Facilities Public Facilities

The more rice paddy plant grows with ripening grains, the more it bows down.

When rice paddy is all grown up and full of rice grains it bends its head low, hence, as we get better education we should be humble and submit ourselves to God.

Therefore, inspired by the wisdom of the rice paddy plant’s life, the idea of the spatial form’s concept is oriented towards the mosque, which reflects the life of an educated, societal and cultured community, so as to improve the religious quality of the community.

Design Philosophy
“Semaking Berisi, Semakin Menunduk”
Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 23
Master Plan Legend 1. Entrance Gate 2. Security Post 3. Commercial 4. Clinic 5. Parking Area 6. Hall 7. Performance Space 8. Management Office 9. Workshop and Research Building 10. Nusantara Plaza 11. Students Dormitory 12. Mosque 13. Chancellor House 14. Teachers and Staffs Dormitory 15. Garden 16. Tapak Tilas (Walking Trail) 17. Farm and Waste Treatment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0 N meter 5 15 45 Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi 24

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Visit my Issuu Profile for Past Projects! https://issuu.com/hazmifariz Connect with me on LindkedIn for Future Projects! linkedin.com/in/ahmadhazmi



Plan and Design Cities For People, Thank
Cheers, Ahmad Fariz Al Hazmi

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